Recently died Parish Contacts The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Please pray for the eternal repose of the Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels tel: (029) 20 230 492 following: Parishes of St. Mary’s and Holy Family Keyston Rd, Fairwater CF5 3NP Kings Rd, Canton CF11 9BX Mrs Frances Brierley (known as Chris) R.I.P. new email address is: [email protected] -The Funeral Mass will be celebrated at Holy Canon Peter Collins 22nd-29th November 2020 Feast of Christ the King Cycle A Family Church on Wednesday 25th November at e-mail: [email protected] Fr Nick Williams Holy Family Masses 11.00am. Our Lord Christ, King of the Universe e-mail: [email protected] (Last Sunday of the Liturgical Year) Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Rev. Fr J. Walsh R.I.P. – The Funeral Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon King of the Universe (22nd November) Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop George e-mail: [email protected] 34:11-12, 15-17. 6pm Vigil Mass People of the Parish Stack at St Mary of the Angels on Friday 27th tel (029) 2021 2651 Following the death of , the Lord entrusted his Chosen 11am Ambrose & Nora O’Shea November at 12.30pm. Website: People to the leadership of Joshua and then to a succession of Wednesday leaders known as Judges. This system of governance endured for 11am Funeral Mass for Mrs Frances Brierley (‘Chris’)

Mrs Patricia Actie R.I.P. – We await confirma- Bank details for standing orders, which are directly linked over three hundred years but God’s people clamoured for the to the respective parish accounts are as follows: Sunday: First Sunday of Advent (29th November) tion of the funeral arrangements. establishment of a monarchy, reflecting the norms in other na- 6pm Vigil Mass Amalia Pegoraro Account name: Archdiocese of Cardiff tions. God resisted but then relented and Saul was appointed as 11am Fr Dewi Davies Eternal rest grant unto them O Sort code: 20-18-23 (for both) King. He was succeeded by who, despite his substantial failings, became the architype of kingship. A decline was set in Lord and let perpetual light shine St Mary’s Acc No: 03285375 St Mary’s Masses Holy Family Acc No: 63656861 motion with the mistakes of , David’s son. The King- upon them. May they rest in dom was split in two, the northern kingdom of Israel and the peace. Amen. St Mary’s SVP contact number 07731847622. Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ, southern kingdom of Juda. Some kings proved to be worthy but King of the Universe (22nd November) most did not. These kings were meant to be ‘shepherds’ of the Parish Safeguarding Reps 10am Eileen Geary flock entrusted to their care but as a result of their failure the Pray for the Sick Mrs Ellery Hennessy (Holy Family) 12pm James Noel Skinner Mr Jack Meggitt-Phillips (St Mary of the Angels) Lord himself promises to come as a shepherd into the midst of his people. “The Lord says this: I am going to look after my 6pm Intentions for the Thomas Family Holy Family: David Rogers, Catherine Driscoll, Kay & Primary Headteachers: Paul Parris, Sheila Ferriter, Bernard Perry, Collette flock myself and keep all of it in view. … I shall look for the lost Monday of Wk 34 in Ordinary Time (23rd Nov.) Holy Family Griffin, Vivian Miller, Valentine, Brian Webster, Henry one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make the 9.30am Holy Souls Fernandez, Hanna Marenghi, Mary Bodman, Susanna, Mrs Louise Mills Tel: 20565354 weak strong.” These expectations would find fulfilment in 12.15pm Mario Azzopardi Martin, Gary Sutton, Chris Collins, Louise Macpherson. St. Mary’s Christ, the Shepherd King, the Servant King, the Divine King of Tuesday: St Andrew Dung-Lac and Miss Claire Russell Tel: 2022 5680 the Universe. Companions, Martyrs (24th Nov.) St Mary’s: Fr Christopher Delaney, Bethan Williams, 9.30am Mike Cox Secondary Headteachers: Psalm 22. Jean Allen, Madison Lane, John & Marian Lamb, Jean Corpus Christi 12.15pm Lucie Jones Hayman, Nadasiri Ifada, Cecily Hughes, James Church, The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Mr Patrick Brunnock Tel: 20761893 7-8pm Adoration & Benediction Anthony Jackson, Margaret Griffiths, Tom Hopkins, I Corinthians 15:20-26, 28. Wednesday of Wk 34 in Ordinary Time (25th Nov.) Joanne Coakley, Helen Ward, Doreen Utley, Carina Mary Immaculate The whole of Creation is transformed by Christ. From the first 9.30am Intentions of the Holy Father Foster, Maria Sullivan, Thomas Hyde (now living in Mr Huw Powell Tel: 2059 3465 to the last day, all is captured by the re-creation wrought by the 12.15pm NO MASS, FUNERAL AT HOLY FAMILY Canada), Ivan Sadka, Mary D’Alpa, Richard Watson, St David’s 6th Form College Thursday of Wk 34 in Ordinary Time (26th Nov.) Mr Mark Leighfield Tel: 20498555 redemption that is established through the life, death, resurrec- Robert Partridge. tion and ascension of Christ. All worldly sovereignty, authority 9.30am Holy Souls and power will come to an end. At the end of time the whole of 12.15pm Edward Best creation will be made subject to the universal sovereignty of 5.00pm Funeral Reception for Fr Ambrose Walsh Christ who will then present all things to his Father. 7-8pm Adoration & Benediction Important Message from the Catholic Education Service Friday of Wk 34 in Ordinary Time (27th Nov.) Matthew 25:31-46. “The Curriculum and Assessment () Bill currently progressing through the Senedd will have a 9.30am Kathleen & Owen Daley In this extract from Matthew’s Gospel Jesus is clearly depicted as 12.30pm Funeral Mass for Fr Ambrose Walsh detrimental impact on Catholic schools and Catholic families across Wales. This Bill seeks to end one whose identity and authority is well beyond Jewish expecta- Saturday of Wk 34 in Ordinary Time (28th Nov.) the rights of parents to withdraw their children from Relationship and Sex Education and tions of the expected Messiah. “When the Son of Man comes in 12.15pm Catherine Kemp Religious Education. This is a vital right for parents, especially Catholic parents who can’t send their his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on Sunday: First Sunday of Advent (29th November) children to a Catholic school, as it ensures these sensitive subjects can be delivered in line with Church his throne of glory. All the nations will be assembled before him 10am Stan & Frances Trigg and he will separate men one from another as the shepherd sep- teaching. 12pm People of the Parish arates sheep from goats.” Jesus, the Son of Man, will himself 6pm Margaret Driscoll We are asking that people write to their Members of the Senedd to ask them to halt these changes. If assume the role of judge. Jesus is not merely a representative of you visit the website link below it will produce a template letter for your MSs. All you need to do is God but he is God made Man. The Father’s own authority is Angelus and Prayer During the Day live-streamed type in your name, address and email and click submit. entrusted to Christ, his Son. Christ will judge according to the at 12pm daily. Evening Prayer live-streamed at 7pm daily except Sundays. principles and values of the Kingdom which he proclaimed in the Beatitudes. “I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to Tuesday & Thursday 7-8pm Adoration & Bene- We need MSs to know how serious an issue this is for the Catholic community, so please take part in one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it diction (including Evening Prayer). this campaign and share this with friends and family.” to me.” Confessions 10-11am Saturdays (South side-gate)

A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff, registered charity No 242380 FEASTS OF THE WEEK FR AMBROSE WALSH R.I.P. Tuesday 24th November – Memoria: St Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions, Martyrs It is with sadness that I announce the death of Fr James Ambrose Walsh. He died in the On the 19th June 1988, John Paul II canonised Marie Curie Hospice, Holme Tower, Penarth on the morning of 12th November. It was only 117 persons who were martyred for the faith in Vietnam two months ago that he received the diagnosis of a terminal condition. Fr Ambrose was a son from 1723 to 1861. Groups of these martyrs had been be- of St Mary of the Angels Parish, being born into a loving family with there eventually being atified at different times – 1900, 1906, 1909 and 1951. 96 seven other brothers and sisters. were Vietnamese, 11 were Spanish members of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) and 10 were members of the Fr Ambrose thrived at St Illtyd’s Grammar School. He explored a career in the dramatic arts Paris based Foreign Mission Society. 8 were Spanish and and at one time contemplated a monastic vocation with the Benedictines. He would eventually French , 50 were priests (13 European and 37 Viet- be accepted by the Archdiocese of Cardiff for seminary formation, being sent to the Pontifi- namese) and 59 lay people of every state in life. The faith cal and Royal English College, Valladolid, Spain. His love of Spain endured throughout his had reached Vietnam in the sixteenth century. Persecution life. was perpetrated from soon after the arrival of the Gospel and there would be sporadic outbreaks until 1866. Excruciating cruelty was employed. Limbs were sev- He was ordained to the priesthood in 1966. He served as a curate before being appointed as ered , joint by joint, before decapitation. The Martyrs of Vietnam are referenced under the lead name Secretary to the then Archbishop, the Most Reverend John A Murphy. Many Altar Servers of St Andrew Dung-Lac. He was born to a poor family in 1785. His parents, though pagan, sent their across the Archdiocese, including myself, will well remember Fr Ambrose apparently ‘gliding’ son to a Catholic catechist for instruction. Following his own baptism, Andrew became a catechist across the sanctuary in his role as Master of Ceremonies whenever the Arch- was himself. Ten years later he was ordained to the priesthood on the 15th March 1823. He worked in sev- undertaking a parish visitation. eral parishes before his first arrest for being a Christian. Lay members of his congregation purchased his freedom. He moved location and disguised his identity by changing his name from Dung to Lac. Fr Ambrose served for many years as Chair of the Archdiocesan Liturgy Commission. He He was arrested once again on the 10th November 1839 in company Fr Peter Thi, another Vietnamese was appointed as Parish Priest of Our Lady, Queen of the Universe, in Llanishen - the parish priest. A ransom was paid a second time and both priests were set free, though their freedom was to be that would be re-named Christ the King. Fr Ambrose was the ‘architect’ of the project to short-lived. They were soon re-arrested and both were taken to Hanoi. Fr Andrew and Fr Peter were build the new church, the former church becoming the parish hall. He served in Swansea, beheaded on the 21st December 1839. when the city lay within the Archdiocese. He was particularly happy at St Benedict’s in Sketty.

NOVEMBER – THE MONTH OF REMEMBRANCE – When the diocesan boundaries were altered in 1987, Fr Ambrose came back east and was PRAYERS FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED appointed first to St David’s, Pontnewydd (Cwmbran) and then to St Dyfig’s, Treforest (Pontypridd). He was appointed to the Metropolitan Cathedral Chapter of Canons, but As November commences with the of All and the Commemoration of All the resigned on a point of principle during the difficulties being faced at the time of the Faithful Departed, the entire month is traditionally dedicated to the offering of prayers for the dead. Millennium. We should offer prayers daily for the faithful departed throughout the year, but at this time we recog- nise the opportunity to focus our attention on the connectivity between the Church in Heaven, in It was soon after this that ill-health forced his retirement from parish ministry. Fr Ambrose Purgatory and on Earth. continued to contribute to the life of the Archdiocese through various pastoral engagements, seminars on spirituality and liturgical formation. He wrote two books and penned a string of Psalm 130 articles. He played a significant role in preparations for the Papal Visit in 1982 and for the Pastoral Congress in 1995. He maintained lifelong friendships with many of his Vallisoletan Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, Lord hear my voice! O let your ears be attentive to the voice colleagues and exerted a great influence on many of his fellow priests. We give thanks for his of my pleading. If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? But with you is priestly service to the Archdiocese as we entrust him now to God’s great mercy and we pray found forgiveness: for this we revere you. My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word. My for the comforting of his family and friends in the midst of their grief. May he rest in peace soul is longing for the Lord more than watchmen for daybreak. Let the watchman count on daybreak and rise in glory. Amen. and Israel on the Lord. Because with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption; Israel in- deed he will redeem from all its iniquity. I am obviously aware that very many people, near and far, would have wished to attend Fr

V. Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. Ambrose's funeral. However, I need to remind everyone of the restrictions that are still opera- tive regarding funerals: 30 persons remains the maximum number who can attend. R. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Fr Ambrose’s family is, as you know, extensive and not all members will be able to attend. The Reception of the Body and Vigil of Prayer, together with the Funeral Mass, will be accessible V. May they rest in peace – and rise in glory. through the livestream. Archbishop Stack will be celebrant at the Funeral Mass.

R. Amen. CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS ACTS OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION A Prayer by St . The parents of those children who are awaiting the celebration of their First Confession will My Jesus, I believe that You are truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, be contacted by me during the coming week to establish a specific day and time when their and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, child can celebrate the sacrament. come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as being already there and unite myself wholly to

You. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. St Mary of the Angels. A Prayer by St . First Confessions will be celebrated on Saturday 28th November: Morning Session from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with You … give me warmth, delight and quickness in thinking Afternoon Session from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. upon You. And give me Your grace to long for Your holy sacraments, and specially to rejoice in the presence of Your blessed Body, Sweet Saviour Christ, in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Holy Family.

First Confessions will be celebrated on Saturday 5th December: PRAYER OF SORROW / ACT OF CONTRITION Morning Session from to 12.00pm. Wash me from my guilt and cleanse me of my sin. I acknowledge my offence; my sin is before me Afternoon Session from to 4.00pm. always. Psalm 50:4-5.

Other dates will be available are necessary. Father, I have sinned against you and am not worthy to be called your son. Be merciful to me, a sinner. Luke 15:18; 18:13. The catechetical material that was distributed to assist parents in the preparation of their chil- My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I dren provides an excellent framework of engagement. The core ingredients are clear. The have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do pen- most critical element in sacramental preparation is the integrity of faith demonstrated by par- ance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died ents within the ‘domestic church’ of the home and its connectivity with the parish communi- for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. ty, above all through consistent participation in the Sacrifice of the Mass. O my God, because you are so good, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you, and with the help The children will be invited to celebrate their First Holy Communion during the Sunday of your grace I will not sin again. Masses throughout January. LET US DAILY OPEN OUR HEARTS IN CONTRITION TO ALMIGHTY GOD AND REMIND OURSELVES HOW ESSENTIAL IT IS TO GRANT MERCY IF WE EVER EXPECT It has been most unfortunate that our children have experienced so much disruption over the TO RECEIVE MERCY. past year. Let us support them with our prayers in their approach to the sacraments over the coming weeks. PRAYER FOR WALES BOOKING SYSTEM FOR PLACES AT THE CHRISTMAS MASSES O Almighty God, who in your infinite goodness have sent your only-begotten Son into this world to Please book a place at one of the Christmas Masses that will be celebrated in both parishes. The open once more the gates of heaven, and to teach us how to know, love and serve you, have mercy on stewards will take your name and telephone number after Mass today. The schedule of Masses will your people who dwell in Wales. Grant to them the precious gift of faith, and unite them in the one true Church founded by your divine Son: that, acknowledging her authority and obeying her voice, they be as follows: may serve you, love you, and worship you as you desire in this world, and obtain for themselves ever- *** Thursday 24th December – Christmas Eve. lasting happiness in the world to come. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 6.00pm Vigil Mass at St Mary’s. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for Wales. 6.00pm Vigil Mass at Holy Family. Saint David, pray for Wales. 9.00pm Night Mass at St Mary’s. *** Friday 25th December – Christmas Day. Saint Winefride, pray for Wales. 10.00am Mass at St Mary’s. SCHOOLS NEWS 10.00am Mass at Holy Family. Applications for Secondary Schools Admissions for September 2021 opened on 28th September 12.00pm Mass at St Mary’s. and close on 23rd November, Offer Day being 1st March 2021. 12.00pm Mass at Holy Family. Applications for Primary Schools Admissions for Reception Class for September 2021 open on *** The Mass schedule for Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th will be as normal. 16th November and close on 11th January 2021, Offer Day being 16th April 2021. FINANCE & PROPERTY **DANGER OF A REDUCTION TO THE 0.7% OF G.D.P. COMMITMENT REGARDING INTERNATIONAL AID** Parish Offertory Collection at St Mary’s amounted to £ 524.08 The Government recently placed responsibility for international aid under the jurisdiction of the St Mary’s Standing Orders per week amount to £ 600.00 Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Previously there was a separate Government Department with its own Secretary of State. This may, or may not, have been a sound decision. For the last ten years, Parish Offertory Collection at Holy Family amounted to £ 420.97 the United Kingdom has embraced the target set by the United Nations regarding the proportion of

Holy Family Standing Orders per week amount to £ 250.00 our national wealth directed to international aid. There are signs that the Government is contemplat- ing a reduction in our commitment from 0.7% to 0.5% of G.D.P. Our country is suffering the effects WHY NOT GIFT-AID ALL YOUR PARISH DONATIONS? of the pandemic and there are economic as well as health consequences for our own citizens, how- ever, we should consider how much more of an impact is being experienced in poorer countries as compared to our own. A vast number of charitable agencies, including CAFOD, have written to the 2021 EDITION OF THE ARCHDIOCESAN AND PROVINCIAL Government in advance of the forthcoming spending review to ask for a continuing commitment to DIRECTORY AND YEARBOOK the 0.7% target. I ask for your prayers that this commitment be kept in place as national policy. Copies of the 2021 Directory and Yearbook are now on sale for £3.00. Every Catholic A NOTE FROM DEACON MAURICE home should have a copy! 1) I am hoping to raise money to help those in need in our community over the winter months. The fund will be used for such things as food parcels, Christmas hampers, children’s toys and food vouchers. We RED MISSION BOXES are also looking into the possibility of starting a temporary food bank based at St Mary’s to comple- ment that which is already in operation through Phil and Helen Smith (‘Feeding Fairwater’) at Holy St Mary’s Would all holders of red Mission boxes please count and bag the contents of your boxes, Family. If you are willing and able to contribute to this fund please contact me on 07747038274 or writing your name, parish and the total amount on a slip of paper in the bag. These can then be email: [email protected] or contact either Canon Peter/Fr Nick. returned to church after Mass or delivered directly to the Priory. Many thanks for your assistance. 2) If you can donate food items (Tinned meals, soup, vegetables, chopped tomatoes and/or cereals, long Holy Family Rrom Phil Smith: Box holders can either bring the boxes, or ideally the counted contents life milk, biscuits, crisps, squash etc) please contact us as above or Phil Smith on 07929966298 or bring to Mass on Saturday or Sunday up until Christmas, or contact me on 07305571513 or 02920306210 along to St Mary’s priory. With many thanks for your ongoing generosity in these troubled times. God email [email protected] and I will collect them from their homes, keeping a safe distance and bless you all and keep safe and patient. following Covid guidelines. Anyone who wishes to become a box holder should contact me. If any one should wish to make a one off donation it would be gratefully received. A NEW RESIDENT AT THE PRIORY - REVEREND FATHER DWAYNE BEDNAR

Material from CAFOD I was recently asked by the Archbishop to provide accommodation for Fr Dwayne, who is currently assisting Canon William at St Teilo’s in Whitchurch and Our Lady of Lourdes in Gabalfa. Canon Isaac is curr- Copies of the ‘World Gifts’ Catalogue are available. The catalogue describes the ently anticipating major surgery. Fr Dwayne was born in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., the youngest of four chil- opportunities for donations to CAFOD to assist with the following categories: dren. His grandparents were Polish immigrants. His sisters are identical twins: Judy has four children and Joyce has six. His brother, Jerry, is also a priest and is currently Vice-Rector of St Mary’s Seminary in Cleve- Gifts relating to Education and Skills Training Gifts to help in Emergencies land. Fr Dwayne first read economics at the University of Notre Dame. Following graduation, he went to Gifts of Water Gifts for Health Gifts for Growing a Future Cracow in Poland to undertake a course to improve his Polish language skills. In 1986 he was accepted for seminary formation and was a student at the Catholic University of Lublin. Since ordination he has worked in Gifts for Climate Heroes Gifts for Animal Lovers Lviv (Ukraine), back in his home city of Cleveland and at Westminster Cathedral in London. Most recently he has served in St Anthony’s Parish in Lublin. He is currently working on a book of reflections based on the MORE STEWARDS REQUIRED Cycle of Sunday Readings. We are delighted to welcome Fr Dwayne into the Priory Community for the next few months. Our cohort of stewards at both churches have all been true stalwarts in their service to our parish commu- nities over recent months. Inevitably, our established pattern of operation is going to remain the norm for the foreseeable future. The contribution of our stewards is critical to enabling access to the celebration of Mass and the other sacraments. We must expand the number of stewards to alleviate the pressure on those who are currently active.


The necessary training can now be undertaken on-line, though we will provide on-site training for those who cannot access the internet. Could new volunteers please contact Fr Nicholas or myself for details.