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Remainder of Applications PDF 1 MB Planning Committee: 05/08/2020 12.1 Application Reference: VAR/2020/37 Applicant: Mr. Richard Parry Description: Cais o dan Adran 73 i ddiwygio amod (01) o caniatad cynllunio rhif 19C845J/VAR (Lleoli clwb a siop dros dro) ar gyfer adnewyddu y caniatad am 5 mlynedd pellach yn / Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (01) of planning permission reference 19C845J/VAR (siting of temporary club and shop) to renew the planning application for a further 5 years at Site Address: Clubroom and Club Shop, Cae Annar Leisure Centre, Kingsland Road, Holyhead Report of Head of Regulation and Economic Development Service (Gwen Jones) Recommendation: Caniatáu / Permit Reason for Reporting to Committee The application is presented to the Planning Committee as the land is owned by the Isle of Anglesey County Council. Proposal and Site The application is a Section 73 application for variation of condition (01) of planning permission reference 19C845J/VAR (siting of temporary club and shop) to renew the planning application for a further 5 years at Holyhead Hotspur, Kingsland Road, Holyhead. Key Issues The key issue is whether the development complies with relevant policies of the Joint Local Development Plan, whether the application has an impact upon the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and adjacent residential properties. Policies Joint Local Development Plan Policy PCYFF 2: Development Criteria Policy AMG 1: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plans Policy ISA 2: Community Facilities Response to Consultation and Publicity Consultee Response Cynghorydd Dafydd Rhys Thomas No response at the time of writing the report. Cynghorydd John Arwel Roberts Support application. Cynghorydd Trefor Lloyd Hughes No response at the time of writing the report Cyngor Tref Caergybi / Holyhead Town Council No response at the time of writing the report. Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales Comments Ymgynghorydd Tirwedd / Landscape Advisor Comments Priffyrdd a Trafnidiaeth / Highways and No comments Transportation Adain Eiddo / Property Section Comments The proposal has been advertised through the distribution of personal letters of notification to the occupiers of neighbouring properties. The latest date for the receipt of any representation was the 23/07/2020. At the time of writing this report, no letter of representation had been received at the department. Relevant Planning History 19C845 - Siting of a spectators shelter at The New Oval, Holyhead Leisure Centre, Holyhead. Approved - 04/03/2004 19C845A - Change of use of land for the siting of a pre-fabricated building to be used as a clubhouse at Holyhead Leisure Centre, Holyhead. Approved 27/07/2006 19C845B - Construction of a physio room under the spectators stand to The Oval, Holyhead Leisure Centre, Holyhead. Approved 14/04/2008 19C845C - Retention of alterations and extensions to Clubhouse, The Oval, Holyhead Leisure Centre, Holyhead. Approved 16/01/2009 19C845D - Application to erect a covered standing spectator area at Holyhead Leisure Centre, Kingsland, Holyhead. Approved 08/04/2010 19C845E - Application for the variation of condition (01) on planning permission 19C845A to allow for an extension to the period for the siting of the clubhouse at The Oval, Holyhead Leisure Centre, Kingsland, Holyhead. Approved 16/08/2011 19C845F - Application for the variation of condition (01) on planning permission 19C845C to allow for an extension to the period for retaining the extensions to the clubhouse at The Oval, Holyhead Leisure Centre, Kingsland, Holyhead. Approved 16/08/2011 19C845G - Retrospective application for the retention of the extension to the clubhouse at Holyhead Hotspurs Clubhouse, Holyhead Approved 22/01/2013 19C845H - Full application for the siting of a portacabin on the site for use as a football club merchandise shop at Holyhead Hotspurs Clubhouse, Holyhead Approved 04/08/2015 19C845J/VAR – Renewal of planning application 19C845e so as to extend the permission for a further 5 years at Holyhead Hotspurs, Holyhead – 7/6/16 - Approved Main Planning Considerations The proposal is for the extension for the siting of the existing porta cabin approved under planning reference 19C845J/VAR for a further 5 years. Under the existing planning permission the existing porta cabin will have to be removed by 31/07/2021. The existing porta cabin is located within the existing football club which is secured by a high security fence. Policy Consideration Policy ISA2: Community Facilities aims to protect existing community facilities and encourage the development of new facilities where appropriate. Local leisure and community facilities are important to the health, social, educational, linguistic and cultural needs of the plan area, as well as its economic well- being. Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Policy AMG1 states that proposals within or affecting the setting and/or significant views into and out of the AONB must, where appropriate, have regard to the AONB’s Management Plan. The proposed building is within the AONB at the edge of countryside/agricultural land. The building is located between a number of other club buildings near the leisure centre. It is a low flat roofed building is painted/clad in a blue, similar to some of the other external finishes on site. While visible from the leisure centre carpark, it is not visible, or of lower visibility from AONB summer road views than the adjacent buildings and lighting columns. Given the restricted visibility, the proposal would not affect natural beauty, AONB features or special qualities related to landscape. This is a functional rather than aesthetic building where the strong colours which identify the building increase visibility. Given the nature and location of the structure alternative materials or landscaping are not possible. Policies would encourage colours that better integrate into the rural context; however, the colour of the building matches the football club’s official colour. Affect on nearby Residential Properties It is not considered that the application will have a negative impact upon the amenities of adjacent residential properties due to the distance away from nearby residential properties. It is considered that the development complies with the requirement of Policy PCYFF2. Conclusion The club and shop is required in order that the Holyhead Hotspurs Football Club can continue. The club has many young people attending which receive healthy recreation and the existing infrastructure is essential for the continuation of the club. It is considered that the application complies with Policy ISA2 of the Joint Local Development Plan where community facilities are encouraged. The application site is located within the AONB; however, it is not considered that the proposal will have any impact upon the AONB. It is not considered that the proposal has any negative impact upon the amenity of adjacent residential properties. Recommendation (01)The building hereby approved shall be removed from the land by the 05/08/2025 and the land reinstated to its former condition by the 30/09/2021. Reason: The local planning authority have granted permission for a temporary period only as they wish to re-consider the position on the 05/08/2025 in the light of circumstances prevailing at that date. (02) The development permitted by this consent shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the plan(s) submitted, except as required under the conditions imposed under planning application reference VAR/2020/37. · Location Plan & Block Plan – 1862-A3-01 · Existing Elevations – 1862-A3-02 · Existing Floorplans – 1862-A3-03 · Existing Floorplan and Elevations – 1862-A3-04 Reason: For the avoidance of doubt In addition the Head of Service be authorised to add to, remove or amend/vary any condition(s) before the issuing of the planning permission, providing that such changes do not affect the nature or go to the heart of the permission/development. Application Reference: VAR/2020/24 12.2 Applicant: Horizon Nuclear Power Wylfa Limited Description: Cais Adran 73 i amrywio amod (01) (Terfyn Amser) o gais 27C106E/FR/ECON (Cais llawn i wella’r briffordd gyfredol (yr A5025) rhwng y gyffordd ar yr A5 i’r dwyrain o’r Fali i’r Gyffordd wrth y Ffordd Fynediad i’r Orsaf Bwer arfaethedig mewn wyth o leoliadau ar wahân ynghyd ag ailadeiladu a lledu’r pafin presennol a’r gorffenwaith ar yr arwynebedd mewn mannau, gweithredu compownd adeiladu dros dro gan gynnwys cyfleuster dros dro ar gyfer ailgylchu pafinau, creu dau bwll teneuo a mynedfa ar gyfer cynnal a chadw, creu llwybrau beicio a gwyro rhai eraill am gyfnod dros dro, creu cyfleusterau parcio eraill yn sgil colli cilfan ynghyd â gwaith cysylltiedig arall gan gynnwys draenio, trin ffiniau, plannu, gosod arwyddion newydd a marciau ar hyd yr) er mwyn ymestyn cyfnod gweithredu’r datblygiad am dair blynedd arall (hyd at 13 Gorffennaf 2023) ar hyd yr / Section 73 application to vary condition (01) of application 27C106E/FR/ECON (Full application for improvements to the existing highway (A5025) between A5 East of Valley Junction to the proposed Power Station Access Road Junction at eight separate locations together with reconstruction and localised widening of existing pavement and surface dressing, temporary construction compound including temporary pavement recycling facility, creation of 2 attenuation ponds and maintenance access, creation/temporary diversion of cycle routes, creation of alternative parking facilities to mitigate loss of lay by together with other associated
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