NEW-HARMONY, (IND.) Januaryfebruary 1, 2020 2016
VOLUME NUMBER 2 5 Published Every Month “IF WE CANNOT RECONCILE ALL OPINIONS, LET US ENDEAVOR TO UNITE ALL HEARTS.” NEW-HARMONY, (IND.) JanuaryFebruary 1, 2020 2016 DR. DAVIDBRIDGE L. RICE, TALE! OBITUARY willAfer start military with theservice, plan thathe taughtreceived in thethe Conferenceit’s former Alumniglory as Award,a public Rotary thorough- Civic By DanEXCEPTS Barton, FROM Publisher smallestpublic schools allocation of Wallace, of State Indiana, money. while Us- he Award,fare, but Boy have Scout been Distinguished disappointed Citizen time THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN ingpursued the old advanced rule, “putting degrees theat Purdue. least first,” Awardand time and again a Sagamore by the timidityof the Wabashof our Our Harmony Way Bridge was 85 INDIANA RELEASE! we Beforebegin joiningwith the the UniversityHarmony ofWay Southern Pe- conferredelected officials by Indiana and their Governor inability Robert to do years young on December 26, 2015. No destrianIndiana, BridgeDr. Rice Project. was on the faculty and D.what Orr. Roy An Clippinger Evansville andnative, his OrrExecutive signed celebration, no fireworks, no happy Dr. David L. Rice, 90, founding and frst served Jim asSpann, director owner of research of the atNew Ball Har- State intoCommittee law the didbill increating 1930 whenthe University they built of Harmonists dancing in the street. Bear- president of the University of Southern monyUniversity Soap in Company Muncie, Indiana.and current While presi- on Southernthe Harmony Indiana Way on Bridge.April 16, You 1985. can bet ing silent witness to the passage of time Indiana, died at 7:10 p.m. (EST) Wednesday, dentfaculty of leave the fromNew BallHarmony State, he Business was vice thatIn $550,000recognition dollars of washis Universitya lot of in our fair town, it stands in mute testi- January 15, 2020 in York, Pennsylvania.
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