
goodbye^ - Whole lot of nothing Honored a/fete : Host of law enforcement officers^ bli^fidld"t reGeive-awarcis-for-artwork dignitaries and friends mourn loss Judith Blitzer laments during 1995 Artists' Reception, of prosecutor, Page B1. Mayor Forman's record, Page 6. Page B4.

•#&. Springfield Leadei "Your Best Source For Community Information"

A WOHRMJt COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SPRINQFIELD, N.J., VOL66 N0.51—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS Community Holmes, Zucker lead Update RUOCCO local GOP campaign As the 1995 campaigns forTown- the attorney to the Library board of^ / ship Committee, critcr the final weeks, trustees and the Rent Leveling Board, a4acpa^^ | Voter registration the Republican candidates have and served as township attorney in "Hhe 'deadline for registering to announced the selection of their cam- 1975 vale in the November general BLITZER paign managers. : ."••'.' He was also named Man of the election is Oct. 10..To register, Candidates William Ruocco and Year at Temple Sha'arcy Shalom ~ _ Administrator '; VOTE REPUBLICAN N0V 7th. LINE B Judith piitzer said Township "We arc proud lo have two indivi- Helen Keywprth at-the . Committeewoman JoAnn Holmes and duals of such high character running Municipal Building. To register Pit forbyComm 7b elect Ruocco I antw,mm Berber, rftai, 35 Rose Ave SpnngMd. N j 070B1 former Municipal Judge Leonard B. our election effort this year Their by tmajl, ciffl '912-2200 and • Zucker will share the rcspoasibilitics standing within our community Is request .a irnail registration, appli- ,of directing: the campaign; > .; without question and their voices will cation. '• •'• .. , ' ..•"•' '. •' ' : The election wilil be held Nov. 7, be (ward during this election," Blitzer To write in a specific election, • "Commitleewoman JoAnn Holmes said a mater roust.ihe registered; at. ' • and Judge Lenny .Zucker are two of "When we announced our candida- leant 29 days in advance. Those Springfield's most recognized and cy several months ago, we assured the wihp Ihave :not voted in four, prominent citizens, who have given of residents of Springfield that their consecutive years or-haye '".: ' .; i IhciriselycS for. (heir community," needs will come first," Ruocco added changed their name or residence ; Blitzer said. "We arc honored to have "Those who would use Springfield's irojrqgiRlen ; ;. '"'.'•. • them servo as oiii" campaign managers government for their own personal for the election in Springfield." agenda will become a thing of the past : : Free mulch'•; • • ,•• ^. r." "JoAnn has built her reputation as a once we arc elected to (he Township Committee." Krnm Jflohday to 'Friday fighter in what she believes in' and her Republican candidates for Township Committee William Ruocco and Judith Biitzerjoin The appointment of Holmes came ihotweon 8 a.m. and 3 p,m,, leaf deep'concern for the needs of every Township Committeewoman JoAnn Holmes and former Municipal Judge Leonard Zuck- within a week of her endorsement of mulch will ihc available to ^_: resident of Springfield," Ruocco said. . er in front of their campaign billboard on Mountain Avenue. Holmes and Zucker were the Republican ticket She couldn't be township residents at the Munic- "She has served our community with . named co-managers of the Republicans' campaigns this week. reached for comment on the matter, ipal pool. Proof of residency is distinction; free of any concerns to but in a prepared statement, both cam- required, and each participant advance a" personal agenda. JoAnn's paign managers said they have been !TnUHt Ihrinn '» JfTintninpr ri-rnrfl nf n p.m., and Tues- strides under the leadership of Gov. its existence,)." , dnyK, JiridiiyK und Saturdays Christie Whitman and the Republican The lax iillows the stale govern- .'from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Legislature." he.'added. "Out. we, all ment to collecijncinoy on telecommu- know that more work needs.lo be Donated hooks should not be nications services, such as interstate done. We must prepare; for New Illuil in :thi! book dupoait drop. calls, international calls oiKllntrastato Jersey's future, calls. Its elimination has been esti- class'. . ';' ."Republicans have succeeded in mated (b save taxpayers approximate- uniting taxes by nearly $2 billion for ly $234 million. The tax, which was ailie tlniiiu Ctiunty 'Utilities working famjlios in ouc.stale ant) JiBVe „ . putt, of-flav. Jim. Elorio's $18-'billion Authority will hold a eoursc iin made our state government smaller, tax package, originally was a 1 pcr- back-yurd composting on Oct. leaiier und n^re efficient," he added. _csnL!»X!-il..W.«S'i«'|ilSe. unemployment." State Wrestling Championship; the 1995 Regional Wrestling Championship and the es by $1.2 billion and\cllininated the 1995 Nationar Wrestling Championship. Joining him are Township Committee Ruymlrulion coulA $1(1. Cull O'Toole praised Whitman and the Yellow Pages advertising lax for. Lugulalure.for delivering a 30 percent members Roy Hirschfeld, Marcla Forrrtan, JoAnn Holmes, Gregory Clarke and Her- (MOB) 3H24WO0. • \ small businesses," .he added. "This bert Slote. niiddle-cluss tux cut and providing See O'TOOLE, Page 2

• •*• .,._ ._.. .„_ • 5fe:f!iMii \ •A. feilTOiwii^^.^i'.^ -.:^.i.A^:.:,;;;;;iA:,^r PAGE 2 — THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1995 — SPRINGFIELD LEADER NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1995 — PAGE 3

INSIDE Assemblymen introduce bill Opening day excitement Scout still •••^^•^•^•^^' '' Civic calendar - THE to fund historic preservation een Center Springfield Leader Assembly members Richard H. Bagger and Maureen Ogden, both R-Unlonv Ike Chic Calembc. rnqpand by i&c SpringfirU leader and the Mout - have introduced legislation that would allocate millions of dollars for historic IThe %iirgfiriUl IEBOII (Dmttor ik. a tibdlft. ••>•*' E*». k»i« «ff Socd and comity government meetings. Editorials preservation projects throughout northern New Jersey, ~ The measure is part of a two-bill packagc.thal would award $10, i million in Hy Columns, letters historic preservation matching grants from the New Jersey.Historic Trust to Obituaries 17 fund 36 projects across the state. '^t Elizabethtowh- "New Jersey is more than a pathway between New York and Pennsylvania;1 Scout. _ __ ^ Ufastyla - _ 17- : one ot at said Bagger. "Our slate has a rich and unique heritage. Turn off any road and •many nrcQurromtjrus Uhaf rrnuit fhc icnrrrritaurS ttnfiir Itaaday ,' ' . Sports 18 _ypu^can.find a Colonial village fromjhe 1700s, a 19th-centujy^Gothic,stylc ,. m The Unoa Co By B«Tgii-mifl Higa School Board of Education will cathedral or one of the original farrrts that led to New Jersey's nickname the 1 County news B1 mtelmAcVkmfoi Arthur L. Jobniion Ecginnal High School in Clark at Garden Slate. • ?J0 pa. ".'.<. •. , ••..,.,. ; :;^.,_'. • • - ..-".' :..^_;:__J__ Entertainment B4 "New Jersey is full of'historical treasures that must be preserved. Our legisla- •ihelMoaConnif Ad»i«aiyipouncfl on Aging will meet at 1:30p.m. Classified B15 tion .will continue to do just that," he said. at Elizahcthtnwn Plaza in Elizabeth. —Bagger said-the grants are the first to be awarded underithe-lWZ-Grceri' 'videos, Iboarii jgwww, • rjmrnt amtWaaa Advisory CmraruBsion on Alcoholism and Real estate B17 Acres, Clean Waters, Farmland and Historic lVcscrvalion Bond Act, which Beharti imallirtgfi thaws msujltBiJ im liirrrumm*. the ftm. (prmra &3Bpjm.iinithc Administration Building at Eli- Automotive: B19 allocated $25 million in matching. funds for preservation projects. l4dfiITiil "This legislation will provide money to vital historical projects such as -with igHmcs. .anil a juu! DiKahled Resident Transporta- Masker's Barn at Fcltville Village in Berkeley I Icighiu," Bagger said "Felivri- -, - Courier ctai. p How to reach us: HBB AiSnaaf Boaod w2D meet M 7 30 p.m in the Adrmnistrauon Build- l.e, erected in1845, originally produced colorful marbclizcd paper used for the New kindergarteners Rebecca Strickland and Jlllian other IhnuidhdUl lilcras ito axmniliuc ime j|nb Our offices are located at 1291 ang * BSnfcennOTwn POua an Ehrahrth Stuyvesant Avenue, Union, N.J. end covers of books before, it became a summer resort called Glcnsidc" Scalici stop to catch their breath during the exclte- Anyone whining tto rhd|p BWhar ntrfluthiiti ttfae3&Bn>Chmet.u«i wuiilit lake •> Wednesday 07083. We are open from 9 One of Uic original Adirondack-style buildings. Masker's Bam, dales back to ment of their very first day of school. contribute imnnoy. rmqy ccdll rhrrn act 3O7B77D5C • The Sprangjkid Planmqg Board will meet at 7 p m on the second a.m, to 5 p.m. eyery weekday. '• 1885 and was used as a carriage house for summer visitors, said Bagger The Call us at one of. the telephone floor off *e Mrrmnynfl WitiliHnm at 100 Mountain Ave numbers listed below. $426,834 grant will fund the rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the building to contipuc to provide space for educational programs and public State allows municipalities • Ttae lAnmn Cmnnry Emmnmnental Health Advisory Board will meet Voice Mail: Presidents past and present of Springfield B'nai B'rith gather following thejr" recent lectures. . Firefighters local to hold M 7.45 pjn. m mhe Aflmmintarborj Building at Elizabethtown Plaza in Our main phone number, installation ceremony. New President Ira Epstein; past co-Presidents Joseph "By voting for the 1992 Bond Act, the ciU7cns of New Jersey overwhelming- 908-686-7700 Is equipped with a to save land from development • Tte itaDoCoumty Human Scrwoee Advisory Council will meet at 9 Tenenbaum and Herb Ross; past President of Northern N.J. Council Irwin Levee ly supported historical preservation project1!," said Bagger "And these projects vo|ce mall system to better : and District 3 President Robert Brandt display the commemorative plaques pre-' fund-raiser golf outing us- In dtac Aatennaanatran Btuildiqg At Elizahclhtown Plaza in Elizabeth. serve our customers: During our will maintain the history and beauty that we have enjoyed so we can share them A measure that will permit municipalities lo exclude certain land designated • The (Aram County Taaxugiortalion Advisory Board will meet at 8 sented to Tenenbaum and Ross. > The ^pTingfuiUl IHnrc IQqpntmvmf k ffimrman' i VUraafl Bmevofisic Aanca- regular business hours you will with future generations lo come." for open space from consideration for affordable housing development was fum. urn i&e Aiftmnrmtratiom Building Jl Elizabcthlown Plaza in Elizabeth tion ILocal 57 us ^pongrrtrng « SunilroiHorr gjrin trnamnoiti am Knr ftj j£ the almost always have a reception- The New Jersey I listoric Trust was careful lo promote the preservation of the signed into law by Gov Christine Todd Whitman recently Oct9 ist answer your call: During the Ttiu/?>fiiiiY| state's hlsioric'rcsburccs by encouraging cooperative efforts bciwcen public" 1 he-legislation was sponsored by Assemblyman Richard H Bagger, R-22, •• The Spmngfidia Iio»ouiiu|i Gconmitloc Will meet in executive session evening or when the office Is U.~S rigjiimi[nTruiiiB».*«mriie dtac* subscriptions In.Union. County ' . impacted all New Jersey residenis," included testifying before the Essex, Oct 11 I iirschfiSld said O'Toole has. "no ities may exclude certain lands from consideration for affordable housing deve- lor free Mo itho iparentR hurts, many tee in 19-9.2; /.' • .;' ••'.'•••.' ;'/•.''.; .'•''.. 1 maonnjiMi Birflflmg at Elizjihothltwn iPlmra in Elizabeth College and out-ol-slato sub; - shouldn't simultaneously hold slate, designated on the municipal master plan loumamcntimny dn*n d( Qicnuinfl^t^KflrjioT^iifuzi XLAaiiamiitn ufcUanteiEixxr P** scriptlons are available. You citizens living oh fixed iricomest anil county, municipal and private Od U < Crime In New Jersey ; 1 he Assembly has amended the bill to exclude land dedicated for purposes of golfers on u (first icnnK.'lTmtl sunwatl rhnsH. , may subscribe by phone by call- middle class residents who could Use, positions. < , '•'••.",.:. ' •' , '•' •TheMnuntaBandeZtrainglBoard willjnect at 8 p m in Borough Hall .: Because stale office requires com- conservation, park lands or open space and owned by a nonprofit, (ax-cxcmpl Additionally, urea IhuBine&csimayviilwrrnmicfpiiierrw igaraaaig *. Imrfc m a. Ing 1-908-686-7700 and asking: • the savings Irani, this cut for other l 1 Out 17 for Iheclrculallorr department:"— mitment to. tnore than local isstjes, O'Toole, a graduate of Scion Hall ' orgam/Jlion from being designated as vacant land by COAII, when dqlermin- Ice at n cost rif& l *tfl ^pnniiiin. will ttuwr ^.»uin witrh tttonr uampany"'* same v.purposes." '•' ;'•;•• • •••-.., , • •. • Tbe Jtauttamiaillr Bnmu^h Count.il will meet at 8 p m in Borough Rease'allow. at 'least two weeks University and Scton Hall Law displuyedut'lhelluile (Trilue IBi!mncaKc*>o.uh.il^rgiirnJfti!3iripjllicuatac&.K.i.i3ittvwm ulFirrU%murmidtirntHirtnj{it-ui--oceaiKi' Mastercard, or VISA:; • "'"..'.' , percent iax.1 Thai: was quite an Including crime control. The candi- •Mumiamd Building ill 100 Mountain Ave. to his Assembly position. , test This itruok us ihoinpiUnnnioiHrw ithe Ullnmrnjitmi ffin «nil Caici. Cawrtr* increase," O'Tpolc continued. "It's date said he supports such anti- Od. 1* News. Homsjj ' •'•'. criminal measures as Megan^s Law, Seniors citizens help fund drive dcalerehip/Dllkchmiin 1F<( -not like the telephone is a luxury any-. lie is alifclong. Cedar Grove resi- *"**JBfc SpmrigSeibl DeXrilqpmonl Review Commission will meet at 7 News release's of general Inter- tlic "three strikes and you're cm" sen- In addition, ulhuolfen: ..more.".The telephone is the primary dent and has been an active member of Volunteer First Aid Squad gun. mil i!ir the Municipal Building at 100 Mountain Ave. est must be. In our office by Fri- tencing law and strict requirements ling green pnvilugcK, ulhilffDllrnuruih.ithcuHic^ij «^iiit(>£aOvnrt!aiiJic tirwiaotuii day at noon to be considered form of communication irt our socib- on its Planning Board, Zoning Board, ThcltoicmCrauniyConRumer Affaire Advisory BoarU will meet at for earning parole. ' On Sept II, volunteer Springfield «.cnior cili7cn<> affixed labels to and to Ihc lookcrJhur und u [jiiwhmirmnmeill uHuitaftU imiagi'iinc for publication the lollowing ,ty, and without it residents would be Rent Leveling and Control Board, and on ithe AdmmiiittHtinn Building at Elr/abclhtown Plaza in stuffed approximately 7,000 envelopes for the annual First Aid fund To obtain iipoiiHinihip nrn!(lintnuiramumiiimrrrmnuin,aalE JPS^SSjL week. Pictures must be black cuI.ciff from rriiiny of their, friends and "Law-abiding citizens, have the Little League Baseball and football and white glossy-prints.. For..'. :. right to feel safe and secure in their ; drive at the Sarah Bailey Civic Center live iFire IDqpartment ui ttlic Ihuiik wrT ilhc^Nhmmnid] ffiuilfing: • family meirifiers. My gpal is to see organiy.aiioris. ' ' -.;j:_ ..:. 1 further; Information or to report a The following senior ; participated; Millie Gucnthcr, Mary Chapleski, • The d-Tnirai Cnanty Community Development Block Grant and local neighborhoods and communi- : breaking hews story please call this tax rcjwalcd as soon as possible." He got his start in community scr- Irving VoKt. Bea VORI, Helen Skuva. Gene Folcy. Kitty nnrl Ri-ny Si-nr- Bcwciin^OitnmuttBe»Milliineet al7 30TI m in the ArlmimEirMmn -1-90B 686 7700 ond ook lor Iho MP.K." hff arlft^ff. "Wf miKf rnnliniu* — Continuing Opdeh's work- • vice In 19H5 us a vulumecr flreflgln lcs, Anita Ward, Carmcllj Ropuano, Art and Lillian Buchrcr, Pal Reilly, Boaid of Cducafion rcte« iutmj; si Ehnrlwthtown ffttaza an {Elizabeth news department. O'Toole said,preserving the envi- passing lough new anti-crime laws and legal mentor to students in Irving- Clare Mllak, Anila FranTcsc, Mary Ryhicwic/, Eleanor Potilo, Ruth The'UnioniCouiitylfojglnndllEIiflhiuiliiKUBnnrfloff EfluEBunch Oct 23 ronment is also one 6f his legislative that take violent predators off the Letters to the editor: ton, Cedar Grove and Verona. Lang, Kathryn Gardclla, Theresa Drclicr, Freida Ilaggcrty, Josephine the schedule >nr iltR tfrret irauoliijps nff itlBTiraSHPIflf. i > Bhr SpmngficiUI TowuihipCcuiimitiee will meet in executive session priorities, adding that he "will attempt streets and put them behind bars The Leader provides an open Zcnl7, Joe Lartg, Helen Winkelholz, Angic Scalera and Llbby The next meetings ore wdluiUilutt iTnr — M 7 JMJp.ro. «m ithe second ffloor.af ithr Municipal Building at 100 Moun- forum for opinions and wel- . to fill Assemblywoman Waureeh where they belong."- • < lie has served as a legislative aide comes letters to the editor. Let- 1 O'Toolcsuid he favors proposals lo to Assemblyman John Kelly, R-3(i, Fil/simmons • Monday al 77.30 rpim iinlthclllbrar,vml toSurrIL Untn»rrcE Ogden's shoes' as a "pre-eminent « The WniOTo Cnumty Air TiafEc Noise Advisory Board will xneit at 7 ters shouldJbe: typeddojuble^ study New Jersey's current system of and as a congressional intern lo for- 'I he seniors amved at 9 a m and stayed until 4pm, when they com- School m =ther it is working or no.. O'Toole is married to Bethany Jar- tion For longer submissions,'Be. We should not have a revolving door vis O'Toole. our Guest Is an occasional col- first .state'park, adding-that Essex 'is DOUG'S HAIR SALON | umn for readers on the Editorial the.only county 'without a state park. criminal justice system thai puts crim- O'Toole summarized his : inals back on the streets before they page.. Letters and Be bur Guest As Hie chief of staff to Essex Coun- announcement, saying "we must 1 columns must be In our office have served their lime." focus our efforts on keeping New by 9 a.m. Monday to be consid- ty Executive James'Treffinger and as Specializing In ered for publication that week. . •a three-term mayor of Cedar Grove, Jersey affordable lo all. We must pro- '.' Pre-empting his critics • Halrshaplng> Pormanenl Waves • Hllilies • Cuslom Coloring They,are subject.to editing for • O'Toole has occupied a vantage point • . • !• Duringan interview with a reponer tect our senior citizens and provide for length and, clarity. ,. ; ' ',,.'. Ptiolo By Jay llochberg : from.which lo observe the state's from this newspaper curlier Ibis year, our children. Wk-Ins Always Welcome FREE CONSULATATIONS handling of tho-Hilltop area, ••• ., Police Officer'Steven Stbckl is joined by his wife To place a display ad: D'Toole said he has: no intention- -In order for New Jersey lo remain 275 Morris Ave. Hair Products Display advertising for placement "1'yc traveled to Trenton a number , either of keeping his Essex County viable, we must begin to prepare for and children following his being promoted to 10% OFF With This Ad Only in the,general news section of •;'.• of limes.16 personally lobby the gov- post or seeking re-election in Cedar our future." he added.' "During tliis sergeant by. the Township Committee and Chief of Springfield the Leader mustbe 'In'our'office ernor's staff; DEP Commissioner Grove if elected lo the General campaign and as District 21's next Police William Chisholm. Ca For Y by Monday at 5 p.m. lor Oni \ -*7Q AOAA " our Appointment publication that week. Advertising Slunn; and numerous legislators, .Assembly. , : • -. . . assemblyman, I intend to do just that." • l*"ij OlO-tWi Hours Tuna -Fcl 9 30-7 30 Sat 9 00-5 00 •lor placement-.ln.the-.-B section., must be In our office by'Mbnday at noon. An advertising rep- ." C.lh Aiinn.il resentative will gladly assist you. In preparing your message. Please' call 1-908-686-7700 for The Union townslilpiCliamJBer of Commerce an appointment: Ask for the dis-' FEATHERBED LANE play advertising,department. •ci\iifiqiic PKI!S1;NIS Tl I! I AI3IJLOUS Stuyvesant To place a classified ad: SCHOOL The' Leader has .a large, well1 • HAIRCUTTING read classified advertising seo- ! Quality Hui«* \n.•.• Mastercard. ^'classified,, fep^' • \i MMII sir. iik'sn ". . resentative will gladly assist you '•Ill' ilMlcri . itmi lljr in preparing your message. ciim.irv r.jriim ; -. IUU shn'n Please stop by our office during'1 regular business hours or call _0PEN MON. thru SAT 1-800-564-8911. Monday to Fri- 16S4 STUYVGSANT AVF., UNION day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: To place a public notice: Public Notices are notices which • are required by. stale law to be ' printed In local weekly or dally "Arts & Brafe Rugs newspapers. The Leader'meets all Now Jersey State Statutes . BARBARA A. FARIA- THOMAS FARIA- regarding public notice advertis- Dlrcclor of Administration.- BA Director ..of Education1 BAln •'. Introductory Sale i ing Public notices must be in In Elementary Education State Elementary Education, MA In our office by Tuesday at noon for publication :that week. II you, •Certi;Peaf.-fi[. .Hor.fl..-6f..Jrlcn.iine Administration Supervision. have any questions please call MET-RpPpLITAN State Cert. Early Childhood; state Ceititifed Guidance. 908-6B6-7700 and ask lor the ' public notice advertising Approved by NJ Dept. of Education A department. • - • . : ' CUTLERV; INC. "Have You Heard''' & "You Belong to Me Certified Facility,and an Educational & Facsimile Transmission: Creative Environment •'...•• The Leader Is equipped to accept your, ads, releases, etc. U^"* 'rp fi^]^ tfl by FAX. Our FAX lines are • < NURSERY SCHOOL SUMMER DAY open 24 hburs a day. For In. cc«i|uncilcii':'WiUi Union's '^SUii Cchiiuro t '^ classified please dial Proudly announces the opening Ages 2 1/2-6 Half& CAMP 35 Kraior RjjaA. Summin, Sj <«*)) 277 1-201-763-2557. For all other of their New Location At: Ages 3-11 FUU Day transmissions please dial Si'iitlttg Is limited • onter your tkkrts enrlyl It's Doo-Wop Dowi 1-908-686-41.69. 649 Morris Turnpike Sessions with TheDuprecs - Postmaster Please Note: r " SpringfleldT' f ORDER- TUCKETS - The SPRINGFIELD \ (201)467-4222 at llurttctt Middle School ' LEADER(USPS 512-720) Is . • Call 908-688-277,7 and use your credit card KTNDERGARTEN 2 POOLS published weekly by WorraH Nomo thru 6th grade Full Day SWIM Community.Naws.paper.6, Inc.,.. GOME IN & Si . (Visa or Mastercard) or fux this fprm 1291 Sluyvesarit Avenue, Union, Phone: ^. Sessions INSTRUCTION N.J,, 07083. Mall subscriptions OUR BEAUTIFUL : . to Chamber offlce508-u^8-0338 AddrossL •$££;00~peryear In Union r Q VISA QMASTERCAnD $1,999 County, SO cents per copy, ASSORTMENT or mall with check or money order to: Extended hours Available • Ht)t Lunches non-rdlundable. Second class • Credit Card I: ______. postage paid at Union, N.J. and OF FINE .$1*299 additional mailing office. 355 Chestnut Street, Union, NJ 07083 Exp. Dale; _j_ • Foreign language • AM & PM Snacks ^POSTMASTER: Send address CUTIERY ;- changes^ the SPRINGFIELD $15 Adults - $10 childrerujnder 12' available. LEADER, P.O. Box 3109, Union. AND V AnoUtcrtAih\etcs In Action in Union" Event IU.J. ,070B3. , KITCjBENWARE 801 Featherbed Ln. • Clark • 388-7063


news Philanthropy thanks _4,5,6« • WORRAU NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 199S_—_PAG^ 5

Engineer class available Doing lunch IPhe $ gum.. can be obtained by calling (908) effects of smoking lohacco^andtohac- co company marketing strategics will LAUNDRY EVENT 382-4216 REBATES • he discussed. The meeting will be held Oct.. 28 at Bassano sponsors bill for youth services IHhc (Crilimtfuni (Pan-aiic Atawnammi noon iri the Community Presbyterian jl •ftrWWcrnf % j-rvinj; young no hope. Local officials can identify a Buffet scheduled •of fllnicin W;'" need of new lights. i^uueculc juiaioc w,sanni. In Addition, or 233-4576 Tnny (Gjfjlin Buna."" ami! gmnteB QJbc given. "Rather than having a state Due to the tree's growth, additional ibc ik-immrBKiiiDf wnild develop, ;thc old-time tttiilum Saw-iite.—t ra kmoi daw . agency or higher authority dictate decorative lights are.needed to qovcr .•V Hiiotets. ME $n*, wUtb . tn-sir is. sen-Kcncr cat dbeob *bo> cm what programs are heeded and will be its branches. Tlic Tree Committee g Ui~*Bzti tw n -Trrvcraios ieir ^iwcnilcc. and -review more successful, by being 'in the plans to replace the present lights with _ Back to normal admitted Ifrcc. mi ranminr mr» und cciBUng fflnv trenches' as they say, these youth When You Purchase Your... miniature nulbs, which is expected to p £vcrycinc in* iirruliail u u^t -*nfrrnriy -prcxcriixiji. no ideicmtune their counselors can truly touch the lives of The Springfield Public Library hai be less expensive than the bulbs used iFnr tiokot iinTnroimim-. oaill tbunllk- the young; people who need them resunicd regular operating hours Tlic in past years. '.'••• ; • DiKiinn. itibbot nihiirrwntnim, atl most." library will be open from 10 a.m to 9 • To donate, money fbr. the. new -%% Smi-M-jnr tthif. "praccss down to p m on Monday;, Wednesday1; and 35^-172(1. Mite B$irinrf! JU 3t5S-M*ii, m5ser lights, send a check, payable to Lewis •• Cibr inciD Scitc'L authemucs can This hill is part of a five-bill pack- WhMtkK)! I hurvdjys, and from 10 am to 5 p.m Tnny 'Qlwom ^l 3«SJfil|ff(7,, jjr^ ding WttE nun oiitSr dealtw -ffijinreeac hefeme a jirvcnile has APPLIANCES Strohmcycr, to.390 Creek Bed Rd. in age, S-220S. S-2208, S-22O9."S-221O, on Tuesday., Fridays and Saiurdays Chiurmun enmcHhcd im ithc juvenile HOW TO MAKE A HOME RUN Mountainside. • . . . . bun will] Etc' S-2211, comprising the governor's iDirccicir Wlibr (Oumimn an 2KIUtMl{l tueaoe tjidnm that tthrar j-pjiean; lo he initiative on juvenile justice reform SUPER CAPACITY PLUS 2 Everything Including THE'SOLD IDOK' KDHLER AUTOMATIC WASHED And When You Purchase Your.. "THE KITCHEN SINK" Consignment Shop I *LSR7233DQ'«LER7848DQ Any WHIRtpOOt DRYER |-Whtrlpoolsrfiatlr8rKTtc»ren " bing" Fixtures & SUER CAPACITY ELECTRIC DRYER Accessories AUTOMATIC WASHER WITH 7 AUTOMATIC CYCLES

IW WHITE-ON-WIHITE $TYLING • Electronic DRY-MISER® Control Takes The HOW TO MAKE'A HOME RUN. : T Guesswork Out 01 Drying ' ' f TtAptcimatic Cyeiel""' ^X^ ~ "TT~"" ; Wjliirlpooi' : • Wide Opening Hamper Door for Easy SUPER CAPACITY PLUS 2 ••••2"feh/Spin Speeds '• ;• • r ^ Loading/Unloading MODEL "LSR7233DO AUTOMATIC WASHER Beauty anripracltcalltv •-• Xtra Roll Action™ Agitator Promotes - • Extra-Large Top-Mounted Lint Screen Is 23DO , that enduro Kohlpf hlichen sinks ore crafted In a wide voriory ol colors Irorrt'. .Rollover To Get Clothes Glean ; : Easy to Clean 27" SUER CAPACITY PLUS AUTOMATIC WASHER , . durqble.onorriolj-d casl iron 'Choose Irom single. , • . .double, or triple bosin models'Ophonol cutting boards and orris Ave • Springfield •MAGICCLEAN®Seircieariihg Lint Filter • Available in Gas Model #LGR7848DQ • 7 Automatic Cycles • 2 Wash/Spin Speeds • Xtra Roll Action™ Agitator Promotes Rollover To wire Boskels'olso available. Trim with,o quality Kohler Iducel and vou (201)3 . •' • ' howo a complete lood preparation area lor your Kitchen — by KOHLEfi (201)^79-3040 . ..Never Needs Manual Cleaning at $50 Premium Get Clothes Clean • MAGIC CLEAN® Self-Cleaning Lint Filter Never Needs Manual Cleaning Maims: TmsdaytthwSaturday 10:30 am -. 4;30 pm.-. ;.•'.. Visit Our Beautiful Designer Showroom : • White on White Styling «White On White Styling •' • Showroom sales suDiect'o 3°i sales tatf " •• ••• '..'.:"" LAWRENCE KANTOR SUPPLY .i.69-Scotland Road;prange, N.J. (1/2 block South of Route 280) '•: O \ F R L O O K I TA #"* LJ I AREAS LARGEST SELECTION .HOURS: Open.Mon. • Fri. 7:30am-5prn • Sat, 9-1 •20.1-676-2766. H1 l/AUnl OF HITACHI New and Exciting things are Hustle'95 At JACOBSON'S IN STOCK FOR happen ing k Sunday October 22,1995 LOW LOW PRICED NOW!* IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' ' •.-.-. at •• •• ' '.:.., ' Annual Race, Fun Run NOttMA'S••SALON; 'f '. • • • '• • . ,-• V '•,- i'- _, MODEL H27UX5B ' FREE INSTALLATION OF TELEVISION PURCHASED GaptionViSKKiSa BRING US YOUR BEST HITACHI DEAL FROM TOPS • PC RICHARDS • THE WIZ AND WE'LL GLADLY BEAT THIER OFFER ON ANY HITACHI ITEM WE CARRY! 27 ULTRAVISION PIP ULtFiAVlSION UitfilDUJiCK Irivaf Tube • 650-Lino Honiofllal Bosolulion . t Hiumynotcd GuniuS Romolo with Cutsar Control * Volocily Scan Modutdtion- • P\P wiih Quick Froozo«Easy Graphic Gwcfo OSP • 3-D Suiround Sound Snl a ii 171 II j Mi Him r n • Favonlo Ciiannoi Foatum > to Watt S.S S.AutliftSystQBl'.S-.VHS > 3 Video. Audio Inputs It Fionl/2 Roar) Vanablo Audio Output • ^culptuiod Cabmot It it v tj n i n v (I urn staff!! FEATURING: "•• 60-INCH vntp.F'bnl-nmng Spoakore • . ' • • • • • . . •': *• One <£' Five Mile Run:. .[' PROJECTION TV 55-INCH • One & Three Mile ' ,, t™ T ^^^IT'OFFER^ PROJECTION TV .' Fitness Walk,-' \ ..•'•' ULTRAVISION • 1000-Lmo Honjoninf Resolution ' ' . »750'Lino Horizontal Rosolulion . •: . >; • A•%••': ANY I • Djsc Jockey .'•••. •.••'•:,. •••'••••• • Ni»w HDTV Lens- Syslom with Urge D^moler Gun ' >• '•• •UiiMDiackHfln.ContQsiScicc" • , , • •'Ultra ViowAi' ; "•,••• ' , •• . ' • \3 OFF SERVICE J ' «MfKJiC FOCUS1 ' ' ' ' . ' '• Comb Filler • . \ • Refreshments' ' If <•!.,••••...• '• Uitu Viow AI •'•.'. • Pura Grobn Uns Fillers ' '•••-, T»'Diaii\r3Tiii5t6inb Filler1 '• • . ' ' ' ,,' I "Jeirtii Events, ' .-.••--.----.--:-•. • Volwly Scim Modulation ". . ' • • . • •' ,' • Spoakor MiilriX'SurrQuiitl Sound .'• . • Puro RfttJ A Gioen Lone F^O'S' . ' : • ' .. 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Bank/miking lot • Now Slim CilOiliO! win Oplion.ll ^60PS UllraShiOlfl •Now Cabinet withOplionalS55PSUllraShiold 20 ULTRABLACK SPECIALS -Cholesterol '' ."•'.' ': HI-CONTRAST COLOR TV -BJoxnl Pressure ; , • CaptioriVisionil CaptionVisioni";""" UllraBLACK Hmh.ConlrasI Tubo • 400-Lino Horizontal Ro5oiulion '• Cnrtcun In Oie l4ll from $399 UOilliUSSEVIW • Coiiib Filler • Illumunalbd Slim Goriius Romolo with Cursor Conlrol ' - Li Incase ' • Oiull-in Surround Sound • MTS Broadcast Sleroo TV/Monilor , • • "2 for 1" Panama Canal'Cruises - Body Fat Analysis • One week Miiwali Irom S9'I3 with Potato SiiHadl •<&; F>O««L • Senior cruise rates from S423 - •Community-Agency Displays • LOCATIONS TO

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PAGE 6 - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 19$5 - SPRINGFIELD LEADER Residents filmed on location forwar

one lo pour, cold B.centennial Committee member. History W Success should be water on the various peace efforts FRIENDS IN HIGH Tom Ernst and John Cottage asked™ going on in the various hot spots AS I PLACES — This billboard, -Identify^^ people in the film. jwas •around the world.~r ; '" . ^c'»-^Snizc fiverc.idenu.md measured, praised located on the eastbound My saoaad itary Jtqgms with the -. ir*£ood that the warring sides in ««n with which I was familiar. and •,_.. See it n n sldei of Morris Avenue M sSnawiiBig *>f MtD^mioiujlb'* all these sensitive battle areas are at X!??. .y .i° .jGounty Regional High-School B|oard of Sawing wood in the first ,part.oiithe MUlbum^ between CaldweirrPlace • {jmtdtetaneUe. The MfOfflUCTflgh"* leaa willing loT SiraowlT and talk; Education is far from voting on the future of the academic s Arthur H. Lennox, civil ft iraalmuui iw«i lunnKujgnlaaHle aB •'"^ "^"^ but what will come out of these dis- By Norman Raqscher and Mountain Avenue, J H llfiL . May. «tu> fiwofl art 09 Rose "1 town surveyor. Bothlbe the wiUkotiujp tttie mujjs off a atnaOl / " ^ ' ranking oXcJistrict:studenisrbut\yhen thattirnecorncs.we replaces a sign advertising mtsiBi cussions is a moot point. " hope ir will keep "thef system in place. an adult-oriented business. -awailihi, viMlfiffliTTii *nj» nritai. • ' ' There arc tons of grudges, scores possibility, they blow each oiher That billboard was shown .} across a lawn. Later his wife appeared to *e w ttnr Ilownr mail off to settle, outright hate, animosity, away with bombs and mortar fire. The matter was a topic of discussion during the meeting IRo»c.'A'vcmic,rnpm-Mwiin»ii»ltaiiiiui:"" The chaps in Bosnia is a bloody . of the board on Sept. 19, when parents offered their opin- In this space in the Sept. 14 and a lady friend are chatting as ffioril hostility and belligerence and bad edition of the Springfield Lennox reads a letter, apparently from " -" - ••' • " ~ ' dram. blood among all, that is going to . reminder that a group of nations ions to board members. cannot group dozens of ethnically, $100,000 bi-weekly Leader, prompting Town- . someone in the military service. .'•«l,fbiBB.; make whatever peace hard to In setting goals for students,^school districts, all too ship Gomrnitteeworrtan ••• . A scene showing the Honor Roll an T.wtnnwmiauiu.aiui]igNiiiB 'HHIHHIff!. accept among the many factions" religious and nationalistic different often fail to maintain a competitive environment. JoAnn Holmes to complain the lawn of the Municipal Building TFhe tfidUl foraUySunsf affiSRe"tnTaHr". . mmim ... „—^llaillFWMiiiBchaije'Krf involved. . --pcbpiesnogelrir and tell' (hem: includes Lennox arid Harry G: Nulph MillbimiBwltimOhunfe. - -tteoiMMM fc»-_^^ ™^ "Live together. Be nice together." Academic rank in high schools, in addition to serving as a to the advertising company. faKu .swung tOe ddtige vftumthtdtvff fa- Such a peace could possibly of Hillside Avenue. A gold star its «oaoridkMilBdh1iisIli8maiintUtt^^ »—— The Serbs are different-from the gauge college admissions officers can cite, gives students Within 24 hours, the bill- ta «e pift&awl.iKs «K « wiadh, work if the bomb throwers,,the ter- being affixed along side of the name •curronitldUgJhnnriflrmatmyanUlCrilUni- Bosnians and the Bosnians are dif- board had been taken tuimnnioiqpniinciamuiinTyatu'UUflim- tne^y*mxmiaemK^mja*a »™«»>«™«tf**irTer, A«Bine«han rorists and (he outright murderers targets they can reach. 1-800-CM1-VLY of Howard Lott, a wartime casualty. innM *O» ;U. h«]ltl-.L_^ i ... ' ' ferent from Ihc Croats, and all are : down, and on Sept. 18 this «in'St iinlMillhirm.^HPHmnliya»nn. inff«uiiiiiflr:gjril amiIbnr* in : are kept from carrying out,their What is ironic about this particular debate is the back- Loll was Ihe son of Milton Lott, a l > m different from each other and 1 one had been put up. In a 'Videos SMS. W5SSJrift resentment, Jealousy and hatred ground of those students who want the system abolished: >S»ey National Bank letter to Holmes, the presi- Slept at .tiay.' ' '•. :• '•. • ••,•.•..' in 1936. -created iin ithc Bate MEMs, «• mrt " woufliLJHte to -»— •— • still rule the day. This war is a They are Governor Livingston students and are among the dent,of the advertising firm 'Once ai-bomb goes off in a w . Ifhe, remnant of World War. I. nil- Ji'AN'k WAT lVOi*KS apologized, saying he'd The Rev. Dr. George Armstrong m Ibe crowded shopping outdoor market, best students in the regional district. Their complaint is. ijnt .. .._,„ Think of the thousands, perhaps been unaware of the sign's . Liggett is seen preaching from 'the or a prominent politician is assassi- the failure of the ranking system to distinguish the varying wan lintorUlea itn )hc dk x ILjcpt ,. aaser Saatey* ,. We wonder'how the hundreds of than 15 minutes. Slalions at Mountain ' ler was puzzling. Springfield hasncv: Where's been wholesale rape, tor- , . supply company does not have a rail thousands of young refugees who, dents that striving for excellence is of no importance. Avenue and Orchard Strccl/Shunpikc er had a movio-housc, the nearest ifidld imdn Btid woman iin Uhe anrmoil SlcBUurmra. .'•...••'••'.'••.''• :...'•'•• ': ture, women; seeing their children siding, then Ihc material has to he off- All of the present land use jaws are have been forced out of their homes' Would the system of letter grades be next for disposal? Road would serve areas that cannot being two in Summit, the Roth-Strand :fnrccs.U!hc«cctinnirirttlicti]rm,Hirinw- ; (QtHn]Mnflf}rK.»tlfc.B5nBt.Ilr«c»i.io*n •murdered and their husbands led driving force to produce positive loaded lo truck at a Irans-Shippiiig written lo provide for automobiles. conveniently access these points by ling Bob IFlonc. tlorry (Cirilmum, IBrnj; "->w »ucn un image KlirfiiposKinn.unil.urignriniltlic s:»iW oaih»» '•mKlri line, and tibtwc wonUU Ihhc SCWOSCW T much has gone oon'before'than before rlhatt to A short freight train, or a passenger , ...... uuuui me Give till it hurts transit that conveniently accesses • many doctors. Service on the Rahway Valley could ' hearts of friends and neighbors. ... t&ac me mam m tflac „ Besentatiom. think that way would be naive and your place of work is a''positive real train will not lake up any mqrc time : 7-7 )«c *e jeqpfle me . imlddle-iEast, where Arabs arid Jews By now, most township residents have received the The lime riding on (lie trains can be provide a service that would maintain unrealistic. • estate selling point —r. ask residents of crossing a street than thai taken by a To many, it just doesn't seem right thai we^cannntlf|na.a^wByltrlInnaod£^il)J' ... Umiii have been at each others' throats used to read a newspaper or maga- or enhance property values and pro- coexist with deer, who silently appear with grace jirUI Iheauryilw fflfrnflnigwriH" "" niJiltng-frpm' the J/plunteerJPirst-Aid Squad soliciting Summit, Short Hills, Upper Monlclair traffic light change. As far as hazard- gincc 1948 when Israel was found- zine, or if you use headphones and are vide a healthier, less '.resource-/ shouting and waving my arms in anger to -chase ilhcm inUt iflf iriw ^nriian.^ much needed donations. We ask everyone who can give and residents of Springfield who live ous material transport, llnio would be ed and for centuries before that? Norman Rauscher, « former , considerate of your fellow passengers, -intensive, lifestyle. Il could also per- mon'ey to'do so in. the same manner the squad responds to near the Short Hills train station. belter spent worrying about Ihc trucks Other times, I describe my nei^Kborhood'toifriCndsiintthci'Uy,;ani!f«wHlSiuac' Even today when Israel and; the" newspaper publisher In Summit, to listen to music. You could even use mit the downtown area to develop into._ lo Ihc presence of decrwith acertain pride, iprpving^lhat O'lliwo wlluue mHUnc Is a frequent columnist for Wor- emergencies.".—-immediately. . . ••••; Summit has a vibrant downtown driving around town'filled with gaso- Palestinians arc talking peace, there yodr laptop computer to work on busi- a pleasant pedestrian-based Village of rall Community Newspapers, shopping area which again would be a line and other flammable and hazard- are those who arc so opposed to that The Volunteer First Aid Squad needs privaie funding in ness projects: Compare this lo a mixed use, including residential, pro- more likely transit destination for citi- ous materials than railroads, which order to "fnaih'tain and Upgrade its equipment regularly. 30-ininutc drive lei work which is 60 fessional service, shops,- restaurants zens-of Springfield. Springfield's have an enviable safely record, The township supplies a lot of money, but just as'.the minutes a day of wasted time. and cniejtainincnt.: downtown area could use some sprue-, The railroad right-of-way is 75 feet Why /5j» jfc^ CTION, LOWEST PRICES • Contrary to what many may think, squad needs private citizens to staff its positions, it too • ing up and a rail-passenger station on wide In most places, leaving more there arc businesses along Ihc Rah- mHr*Sup*rCoipon needs financial contributions from the private' sector to one end of il and Ihe bus service at the room for fences and buffer vegetation way Valley thai would like rail ser- Richard Cornell Is a resident of Bod 30 Pack : oilier, combined with some judicious where required, to prevent remain operational..•/ . ' , ;. . vice restored. They are primarily in Springfield and the chulrmun of the zoning ..changes that would favor the trespassing.;' ':• ••••; ,. . .v I Bud Light, Goors Extra Gold The residents and merchants _ of Uie Township of the fields of building-material supply Union County Chamber of Comr pedestrian over Ihc car, could be Ihe Passenger.'and'limited, local freight ! or Rolling Rock M Keg SpringfiekTlcnow. from.cxpenenccThow to display, gener^ and plastic molding. Tlic plastic .thai mcrcc's Trpfflc and Trunspnrtution service on, tho Rahway Valley could • Committee. $ 00 osity, foster community spirit and reward important work. : 3 OFF Windowi, Doon, * Moral ., - >w Donating money, however much,: to the Volunteer First '&fIM« Coors Regular or Light Aid Squad may hurtthe wallet a little now, but that money :M '^J (B» St. George Ave., Rahway, CVS Shopping Ctr : After 6 years, Formah hasn't changed, a bit WmdduJkmm,Tne ^^ 908^81-6776 • FAX: 908-381-8' W Keg it Beer Ball ^ soon may translate into eased pain for someone in town — , Thre1 hrce years ago, almost to Ihc dayday,, —-—— —•:—' . . . - •••.-. . •' ; •• : ^ ..•''• Ku}ht Windows at the Ri^kt Price! Is this tlic typcof person you want r-—/< r on •.Sept, 24,;.1992, I wrole. a letter, nxire credit than Forman does, «nd we maybe yourself. •".• '.• ••••'•;'' •'. .""•'•• ,• ; ••'• lo represent you on Ihe Township Use Coupon forListe d which was published in the Spring- Be ©ur remain confident thai ihc voters will Committee. Is this a decent, honest field Leader, and I want lo remind return credibility lo our Township person? , •.'".'.'• • '• •' " . ' Casement Bays Harroline Bays every taxpayer and voter about it. Guest Committee by restoring two-party A legacy Let's begin: . '•.-. : Marcia Forman demanded Brqce government. That Is Ihe only way to 30-C14-20 $791 • "It was nice lo see thar incumbent Bergen be rewarded with Ihe townsip deliver the open government Marcia ; 30^442-18w $838 Union County lost one of its true leaders this week with BV Judith Blltzer 5M.0"X>'.2" ' . • ; the death of County Prosecutor Andrew Ruotolo Jr. Deinocral Marcia Iwman is bragging attorney position because he was the Forman claims lo be part of. i :r.(i.r,/8".'K4'i(iii/tf' '..-.• . about what she hasn't done. Forman . local Democratic Parly chairman. She The people know what's best for 45-3442-18w $918 Ruotolb operated one of the finest county law enforce- ; decide Ihe future of their community once tried to have her sister-in-law 45-C14-20 $848 Piris HelstefBtM'fe says thai her commiiniiy service is Springfield, and we bel'lcve the voters, •fi';« ii/«">X.4'tO.il/4".: •' •'•'. T" , ment offices in the state, and it's one government leaders what's important. If it was such, a,' by choosing new reprcscntilivcs. elected lo-the Township Committee," will remove Marcia Forman from and j;esidcnts_alike should.be proud to call theirs. • wonderful qualification,.' lluin... why Marcia Forman was .our deputy and When thcjvo'lcrs rejectedjhiil.jdca, office oh Nov. 7, because Springfield 45-CP24-20 $988 30-4442-18w $938 Although many knew Ruotolo suffered, from cancer, hasn't she done a single thing during mayor m 1993, mayor in 1994 and Format! jammed her onto Ihc Library needs a very large breath pf fresh, his deathnasTweekTcame as a surprise to those who knew , her pasl tliree years oil the Township' 1995, What has, she accomplished Board of Trustees. clean air. •..-.. 30-CP24-20 $921 .'Committee to save our taxpayers even over the last three years or the lust six '. . Is that the open government For- ®$mp« •*« him. He wirs'•' on the "rebbiJnd from fiis' illness, many years that lowered taxes by "one thin niari keeps talking about? • -• io".\4'y" ' • . ' • •.•••'. "•: one .'thin dime?" - ' Judith Dlllzcr Is u Repuhlicim thought, and his attitude, spirit and energy until his ."dime?" Re-electing Marcia Forman Today, after six years of:Marcia."' My running-male Bill Ruocco and I cundldute for Township Casement Bows rcmaming"days" gave, us hope tfiiit he would be with us ' for another tliree years would be Hie Forman on Ihe Township Committee, ' give the people of Springfield much Committee. •-•.'•.• longer. we challenge her to tell the voters same as doubling your taxes. Can CN33 $591 1 what she has done io save "evcIT one anyone afford nine years of Marcia r.'2,i:i/iti"X:i' i 15/10" He may "have lost' his battle-to cancer, but Ruotolo's. Forman and her additional' rhetoric? death should nptsignify losing the war he has been fight- thin dime in taxes?" Taxes, we might add, are al ari all-time high and o'ul of . ,Canahyoiie4iffpjd,l|iree tnore^ears C34 $704 ing since being appointed prosecutor in 1991. That war control in Springfield in I'JOS: of Fornian and Sidle running Spring- field? Three rriore years of inaction by was against crime.and drugs. . •.'•.• • • • I said of Garcia Forman' in 1992, v our Township Committee On issues ...-.•• C44 $938 fflat»Tnr*w i Ruotolo leaves behind a legacy for good jaw enforce- ''Forniflii also says she's running W^iWBaBfc I H' I I/a" X 4' I l'/2" ment in this county. Assistant Attorney General Edward because whe wants lo. finish what • l l r c . •W»l*'fc'cvi«a«»tiur.|i«w>.i.ss^.iiailia»in«u««-[i sum • 1 she's done nothing, absolutely Wind, cronyism, higher taxes, projects To''the'Editor . .• C45 $1050 tot in the wake of Ruotolo's death, and he has large shoes 1 Crown Royal $9QM nothing. It's no..wo,iidur-Kho-waniJrlo-^ silflng around collecting dust. ' .J^^-^p^^ . •«' I 1/2" xn 1 ;I/H" p?" *^ to fill. We hope Neafsey curries On Ruotolo's'legacy. and iNOUSTniES, INC. '»r Itay & Iliiw WIDIIOWH run again' to complete what she's pTiliig continues some of the programs started by the late prose- . 'doing.' After all, if she's,been doing issue to liil our community was the 31, in the Be Our Guest column, . V 1 culor. Ruotolo wa.Tpn the right"track with making Union nothing, she can't possibly know tiiiled allcnijil In leadership when it I am Dr. Stanley Newman, D.V.M, I have been a resident m Springfield for Your Expert Source for ALL Anderse County u"safer place to live; We encourage his successor . when she's '..finished!" ." came lo replacing alr-condilioning al 30 years. Last November I was asked to serve as a voluntcen member of tiie. Springfield Doard of 'Health. My credentials to serve include 35 years of veter- : to stay on that track. We have had six years of pure the library. The issues agalnsl Marcia SWiZHi-.T'UBl unimaginable rhetoric and pure balo- Forman arc many and each as terrible inary medical practice, a bachelor of science degree from Rutgers University, a ^it ^l^*.#'iiffi|^iHii i ney from Marcia Forman and enough as ihe next. I've given you a brief master's in nutrition and a doclorale in veterinary medicine from Michigan W is enough, • , review of the 1992 model Marciu For- Slate. I am a licensed N.JI. veterinarian, sanitarian, meat Inspector, and animal mat). As, Ihe campaign progresses, I conlrol officer. I was employed as sanitarian for Ihe Boards of I Icallh ol'Tewks- • 1" Low "E" Inaubted SafeW Gbui) • Heavy Duty Bmnitd RlUnd Springfield Leader David Worrall • However, also contained in mf will expose other stateinents of empty.— bury, Clinton and the Township of Union, us well as Ihe slate of New Jersey Aluminum Fr.ime» Wood Curi with Finishing Return • Screw Iniludsd .Publisher.' letter lo the editor of Sept. 24, 1992 is rhetoric and broken promises Forman lXW4WXoTiuWTor~Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, and Rabl on Vented Units • WejthertJght Butyl Glass ~ * Published Weekly Since 1929 • • •' —thc~fpllowing:—"Murcttt I'orman dh^ wt .... _,., - ..~, vr^iilliough I am a registered Republican, Skylights Raymond Worrall already has proven \\cr lack of ability. — i—i— — "j ev Miircia Forman will say or do what- because Of my credentials! Additionally; I was ..'appointed long' before Arlejie' -22" X 28" Fixed Exocutivo Editor Even current Mayor Phil Kurnos, the Newman became a: candidate for Township Committee, ' Published By • ; : ' • ever is necessary to get rc-clecled. Roof Window Republican turned Democrat, said The slur, in your article staling that Arlene is running in order, lo boost my Worrall Community Newspaporsj Inc. Tom Cqnnvan The difference between Hie Porman/ llial Forman "conlribules nothing, s.hc veterinary practice Is utterly false and quite ludicrous as the practice was sold In 1291 Stuyvesant Avenua Editor in Chiol Newman ticket and tins. Ruocco/ -.Union, N.J. 07083, ,-• .-, •; brings milhinglo Hie table.^\.. May. I publicly advise you to retract those statements. •...••'• ... ••'• Dlilzer team, is honc.sly. : • , . • • ' • Chris Gattp The fact is, Marcia Forman hits had After we go on record as being Il seems to me that you pud your. Republican candidates have a propensity Talkto a Window i Door Professions At Any of fl» (908) 6867700 ' Rpgionnl Editor six years to do something substantive _ agiiiiiKt Slop & Shop, Pormjin and' , and need to insult the volunteers who serve Springfield. Additionally, you insult .'• ' , ' t •. in help Springfield. She hasn't, tyhy Newman woke up and followed. the professionalism of veterinary medicine and those of us who have dedicated Union, NJ Showroom ©Worrall Community Nawapapsi't, Inc. Jay Hochberg give her another three years to do On affordable housing. Planning our lives to Ihe Welfare of animals and public health. 2575 Rt 22 West 1995 All Right. R.,.rvSd ' :„ Managing Editor 1 'more-of nothing. Board n>einber Marcia Porman voted ' This November, I will be voting Democratic and I hope oilier Republicans ; Articles, pictures and advorllsomonts heroin aro Iho •.V.'-,.....*-.- -- - (908)810-9333 --"Tl'MHIe these sialements three years to approve our unfair Fair Share Plan, will too,, • ..';'. . . ,,: ; ."'• . exclusive property of Worrall Community NoWspnp- ; Peter Worrall enj, Inc and any republication or broadcast wltfiout ago, and Marcia Formiui now has and voted again as mayor to make il ; '•.'•'• '15f. Stanley'Newman Call 1-800-SS0S707 forO&er O written Dermisilon Is prohibited. Advertising Director been doing nothing in Office for sU law. Now that she is running, she is . » Phil... Upper Darby, Qwl(«rtown,|W.rniln«t«,ari»t«il IU«ifl .: '•' '• • ,•••.•••'" .',•'." ." • •' member, • Brooklyn,, StaUn liland, Eait Norlhport, Jericho, ftrmhiHC years. I was oti target in 1992( and^lolling everyone who'll still listen that > ,'• ' Springfield Board of Health again I am today; now the voters must ( she now is against affordable housing. Editor's notet According to voting records, Stunley Newman is u registered Democrat. ' -J?AGE-fi student update -—-PAGE 9 Oak Knoll student Kent Plqbe senior chosen The names of approximately 1.500 Semi-finalists in the 1996 National Achievemenl Scholarship Program were announced: named AP Scholar Kent Place School student Jeanelte Ponder was among those honored. Hiluum ttagju. ai sanmr «t Oik: Knoll janior year. Therefore. Lcgi his one. ' These schplastically able, black Americans are high school seniors who Sdhwll afl ((hr EBlrih Otftfi. bat ban motvor in wbicb 19 praaMy earn will continue in the competilio.n for Achievement Scholarship awards to be amber Advanced Placement Scholar offered next spring. The Achievement Program is an annual, privately

•••***«': . . •• • ' . .-•• .financed competition for some-800 Achievement Scholarship awards,- Approiiimnlrly 11' peiccnl of worth nearly S3 million, that are supported by some 140 corporate organi- Attuunaoil n EnmunticEnmunticnsn . America's gratiiuiinf seniore. hjt'c zations, company foundations, higher education institutions, and the prog- ttajjw tannKjiha t tttc iUf Scbote nun's own funds. , •••'."•.'. 1 •^••^1 one 6r meve AP Eumu&xtscmfi. /taumil tty, oinnjfiferinj ttttsr ac m Only abooi 12 penxm of ifac more ; Nearly 100,000 black students; entered the 1996 Achievement Program •SJT ETajninuIKnnt. wittfc gEKfcx than 501.000 fljufcms who tack AP by requesting consideration when'they' took the 1994 Preliminary/SAT/ "iittmr'JrltihTDgt x EjumuuiiMs in \iiy 1995 perforancd National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Semifinal- wmurt, ttta wuntil mcoginzet bee m a saflkxxuh luph level 10 mcnl i0s are designated in geographic regions/and they arc the highest-scoring juihmvamrai is. off tfir endl oC her program entrants in the stales (hat make up each region : . ; •• ; ; I " "** .' . ... .--.- To he considered for Achievemenl Scholarship awards, Scnufinalists Oak Knoll seniors, from left, Jennifer JWlriKanma, Sena Students semi-finalists must advance to the Finalist level of the competition. To become a Finalist, Bonamo and Flavia Lega, have ibfeen (ngmsd seipi- a Scmifinalist must fulfill additional requirements (hat include having a . finalists in the 1996 National Merit Schdlarsrtip (BH^- record of high academic performance throughout high school, being ram. They are among the top one-Jhalf dffl (peiogrt t arff in scholarship program endorsed and recommended by the school principal, and earning SAT I New Jersey's eligible seniors. ' scores that confirm the earlier PSAT/NMSQT performance : i,,,--1M11...f •inp'niimw ffiT *fp|ip' 125^000-' iaacai iuJ ciMdi JB wdl a* jiantici- In additi6n, information is provided about the student's activities, con . liijjjh suUuail-sirouis: wikr JOB Semi£~ panuu jujij leadership in «d»»oS and mhunons to the school and community, and educational plans and goals in nul|i«s im lihr 4Sttm Bbnamll Meat COTimrnmiy icwiijct -is jimt-jdod in a detailed scholarship application the Semi finalist and a school official Oak Knoll students ate must complete TUte tiriUmung; SUmmifc ihc. JctiriJcdj sdstSldnJDU^ KMvlicstidrj wanr jpMam ttltr tftromr ihc ScimfinaluS and Jim ofliciuil «f Ibe in national semi-finais beb sdoiwl'.inma convene. '...' .. About 1,200 Semi-finalists arc expected to become I malists, and all Twin Pack Bed Pillows -DnSUrmratiHl(dhSd)poII—Janet Achievement Scholarship winners will be chosen from the Finalist group •• Jennifer McKfcnna of Summit, AJwin °$0 jncrccnl of the Semolina!-. .activities;. Sho- Ilius .[plnyoU- luV ILatwm ^.imanni MHIUC AU«ai Sfcn» Award recipients will be the candidates judged to have the greatest polcn Simi'Boniiino of Chatham arklFlo- BIS ire cij>ccic»! M heorane fini3isu,:' " >^ • French horn :i'or illic <©uk Khftilf Hrlim Wfhlit antl Worn W tial for academic success in college, based on their abilities, skills, and via I,cja of Berkeley Heights, imi Jill Moil Sd»to3iip »irmcr» will' . . Instrumental IRrngrnm,uml lluw Jinn DniittiU, KhwIJlSdhxrii— ttt accomplishments seniors at Oak Knoll School of the mm HIliMim D-cgaj* anill Jlauiufta. ' performed at CBrnbgic Bliill with ifc.*atta4coti. Meaii: Sciicdar ' Three types of scholarships arc offered in each year's Achievement 9 lloly Child in Summit, have been the New Deiroy WnUih !Syn)rlhimy. Poly fiberfill pillows with named semi-finalists in the 1096 iienatccs sill Se the Rniditl candi- Program. Every Finalist is considered for one of 400 National Achieve cotton/poly covet Hypoallergenic and National Merit Scholarship. Prog- Bonamo in jplunniii£ tin [purmic a ^TO^arauai™—•«.• . ilate*. jffl%e«i.«o haw- lite.: gfleatcd. inenl $2,000 scholarships awarded on a regional representation basis ram. This honor places them in the degree in rthe «oionops. ,f)tie iw itlnr machine washable Std , queen or king REGIS 1?HIIJBIN daughier 'nf drihn >und Suanmic lop.one-half of 1 percent of New. •.•••• ;••••••:••- -SUNDAY, ••.- ; Bbnurno .of lOhuflium. ' ITflustr.tiriHNrTrninlljjUaliTnagtyinng *juiiiv juaa aocCBi^lisSranejal' — SHEAR SOPHISTICATION now have the opportunity, to earn. i : & 4 Chairs .w..o'f the 6,'JOO Merit Scholarships Scholar und.honorKBUiduiH^ui.'.wull . tlii oinntinTfl'*TnT'ffltt cmngt^tiaai 6x ' wiiitwiiui reaund to gcaiiicy, race ottmic " Full Service Hair Salon For Men & Women £PEE Xarinon Body n he awarded. nationaljy in the as vicc.preuidoni'df.llioruiluHs/.'Slie . •uhiniiwut£it,,>wtnrharNmriSOSminkin. ••-•••'•» Haircutting • Artistic Hair Coloring • yyaxing Towel To 1st 500 :pring. •• .';.• .,' V- .. : ' ' •• ,:• was named a'Conniilly "Sulifilur liiv. the eighth ;gradc, .un Ihomir lulliiiih tiiifhiMii'temilrncwr^jning:!. ' . . •• Hilites/LQwIites • Tahning>^.Manigures=gediGure&-— C-ustomerS On An outstanding student, McKcn- , she has -carried ithroujih j|ll: tfniir WHtftT rn; ai [rrewaKrftt'ffihawaalL doc- Friday^jSept, 29tii^ .. ^lniiliriifii^ir^irraitinnwitascsciioIjB-- If you're tJght for space, this is the ii Is a member of the Concert '<: years of .high Imhodl. ILiuxiuc ,m .u Retail Center Skin & Body 'lioir «nd' the Oak Knoll:'Swim' • memher at .'the 'Concert Clluiir .ahtl . ^lljpuiutMituw^sBiirgoiieilllntaliofli: table for \ou The table folds down and raEE;6,pG;.Libbey . '»»() imil.g«niUarti saiamm o^anz^ - r~~JZ " — ^—"™™ •;Sdbastian • \ '•!-.• ••' Products For Men Croscill Sheet Sets With •uim She -is an" "honors' arid "."an:ii inKlrumcnlnl aacimijiunml.' at •Neooriis . the chairs stow away Becchwood frame Stemware Set To mcniher of :{hc field llmokcy ituim- tiniiw'jirdl unmtutUin* fc publfclv h^*-NMSC* ^•ra fonds »tf mdcr- Mont Source The Purchase Of Any A'dvanced Placcnient student, and -TBfinnying ssmSSSEnSSlss: **** • ""* sop**™* «f to"-**, and; •Raul Mitchell in natural or black The 2nd 500 he is a published author.She is and nianager ofilhelhuiikethiillltcum.- Croscill Comforter Set 'in Hinmlliii11 fin iliiiniil.'jimnliiiuiilir i gnuas ftm • •Gram WEBB Shampoo/Conditioner iiieresled'in pursuing a future in As a junior,-.(ihe'iKcoreiijirjpottuul i Sheet Sets - Guaranteed To Fit Customers (Dn . inetics and physical therapy. She 800(in thcmiithjportiiiii ofillirXAfKrj tiiir illiLse- >«uiitoiK jrall to cncranagc •Baidcjb Basics Friday, Sept. 29th ! Men's NITE Every Wed an uccompliHhnieiti.. whmh ihiis r1SW.Ti...ih .rl|;ttttiriaiBtic«n»iTr»Hi«T3H •BIQLAGE Reg 50% off is the daughter of Waller and Con-., \A3taai 4 company ( 11 .earned iher • irecouiillimi Ihy . [tltrH Twin set 34 99 17.49 stance, MeKeiina 'pf Summit. lliiiiiii-t, im Jrtimrr 5D0M)pni8Ci]t&Style AmericaniHigh SoiiiK.ilWnm^ssrP Full set 59.39 29.99 nohtU110-iK-iin-hnnnr-c_uti»zLuii-Ji«J oBl'_jJjjBQ_ (2O1) 379-3898 »5,UU0 phoppmo; u^,,, mm simuill...ilie:piUllh.|Oi))UrKUc.UltUtl)tC. Morris Ave Queen set 69 99 34.99 has served as president of both the in the sciences uhd .'miilltenmiux;. Springfield "Ring set 89 99 44.99 •..HW'lpjimiurw'- SWBCaiiiiiBll' Comforter Sets science and Spanish clubs. She is a She is the daughter lif Wurin :unil Tab Top Window Panels l're(|uent participant, in ..volunteer .Buutriz Ixgas cif BurktilpylHoighlK. •KiiMlunilij:' Twin set 129.99 Chef Pat Piccolo of Full set 199.99 Settebello II Caffe fe loiwsci; .'of. 9 wiuc; g3juiB(.Tr. tLiTjcauaziflawia. t*o;t some Queen set 229,99 Cooks In Our ^g^ !a Dldler L. Peron, M.D. 82" x 84" ** $Wbe'jmfni!ta$ far »«i3cqt* orcmnj- King set 279.99 SHS alumni Ulf and Gregory J. Fleming, M.D. Demonstration wBKtok Valance 29.99 100% Cotton in 7 great cojors SETTE LO Summit Scniori. High School is Kitchen; ^ C. Harris Publishing-Co, ilnc^.jtstlii;'. are pleased to announce the opening of their sending out a call for. help to all its' Pole Jop 59.99 Valance 82" \ 14", 14 99 each Richard Bradley, 3;i3pbo«Bii ifroto and laser surgery for snoring 9:30AM-Noon ' lux. Mn Richard Bradley at the school needs your:|iii|p. [Frfoy;!!!^ ciL. inseing' FajnuifliUita 'aa.ifekc* ^iiU jtttcmd the '*! 99 each : Sun., Oct. 1st 1 99 l-VilKt-2.18-8332, .. "' V ."".-.. .'• looking for lists 'and updates flf ?aut._ »#'• • ;\iaititip.tijtii.* .••'••filBJinciioj Jlhpilr Medical Rrls Center of Ouerlook Hospital Rath renl names unid addressps ifrtini (ill,: 33 Ouerlook Road, Suite 411, Summit, N J 07981 l:00PM-4:00PM •'••I'pdales may also be rnailed. to ; 2/9* c|ass years tui:lhut.usmiany aiunuii.m- _ .•iliiij; *ATI'. il *airow tttiu! czirarraii'flV • "• • -.SIMSC: +•&&• jmnciraioe itbe.' Jl'996', (9B8) 522-1961 9 Wrap up a great \alue on these 'Suminit Senior High School, Bernard li j; Choose from a vaneu ir possible wiirhe lisleil in'tlie dirtajrorv. -^Ui^iil^awiten^a(W(B J'lM»*F^^ SdMiteitup mecipicirti: bcKiD generously sized 30'"x 52 towels Join Park Kerr, ilDrnuuux fGltl*cn.nnaj»irruiTt. infuirrrGi'-.' aaiog mow April... . ' . . '• ol prints Photo stor- age box and negatne in ten solid colors or two stupes The King Of Salsa, ; r—'.«ai^-^.M(.ytOK».w stoiagc bo\ hold 1000 Hand, 2 for 7.99, 4.99 ea.; as he COOKS up Wash, 2 for 5.99, 3.99 ea. r v v photos and negatives A 20 page Southwest specialties; HEALTH CARE PLANNER • HEALTH C'JJ " •<• - - - • photo album holds 80 pictures "-ANNERI HE ALT! FREE GIFT Fri., Sept. 29th, *IE PLANNER 1 ^ IMIll ' l:00PM-5:00PM CMMren & Adolescents Sat., Sept. 30th, Overlook Health Courses H^tl 2:00PM-6:00PM

••;.:' SHAPEPOWM ••-.•• "•;•'• '' October\2,9,16 &V3-~-~:~~~ .." •*"W neniivmyH i in i .rWrnm:.1| tin \ttwiii.i; ^y]^t!2i!lE.wv:. aii.Vj'aii.iwi';P.Viji/'.iiiB.tf.' tmu in nHi>/pt{n haikln hftsiyit: l iaiisymrxdf^a'iUiniwa,mtii'!:iiii, and nctirin ihr bull) .Congestive Heart Failure Series Unlcls otlienvise noted, all progratm requireipri^nusisttiitiini,'.1<'!«58isra;»8l tv*\xiiwmai liuhnikul'ft-tpmuuuui{t ulw aviiikbk-fu krstajiHii{ji'ttUjt //i:/';( Up"' timi lirinrrr ftxyn ut-the jmyittt itist ot black limsh with . mill ilmr limiiliatiff withthf.tiecfaiv'y niiiitiliituiiiiinii ilut, fXfhin\ IIU (Mil - pan & 3-pc mixing bowl set & salad plates, soup/cereal bowl and mug, . mill iiiriliniiwinrhilffiijimniiliji• ui in fullest. muted cloud shade : ; plus two bonus seiving bowls OcUibn INcrJS •'. 7:]-5'-y:.5(lni; | i.v SfiiliStninrCiii/eMSffli Sold.sepaiateh,49 99 'Optimul H'M: S25 _. . . :...,. . I'ediatric Crit '• • '.•• ".(id- J.llllllr.M. l-ci- SMI. .TV,.JIJ.n,i Hi. s OumNding /i ,>!„'• ..li&U-JMUmt M'MtUU M'tihuil J^\t'l'i:i,)l' MniilllltltlUI October 21 , ; :,' . •fn Seniors tVrttmj! NanriJiaBi Coumsdluija; and. Ct>ping Witli Astlinla- ;.•./. . W&agja:CcwutreJ • •' '••.; ior Adults aivd Children (ages 4 & up) ' Vriii,;,;iii.:*l«kmi>iMiij aaaa iy.ait.ii' Jiturutmd JMrtiuan Senior Aerobic Class' i- I"'•J"\: h-x Vw.•'(.'Kvrj,,,,i .Hntp:;.,: IVm'kJmfi/itwiilfimiiii'm im tin (iiihf nf iMi-iwpact aeniliii,; on-jy.ing davws; I2:(l|l rASvu ik Mm tmtduiim mid Ik' latest tnatmriin. , •. I2;5O-1:SSI'M; eicrv Tiies., immtlih ta- S|5. . : .•'•• «:00AM-|:()»I-M " . A^fel^ QfHuiar'22 . • ,S|K,)ki;iM liiviill N'utniiin. Ml) IVili.iinc/l'iiliuonnlngiv^ • • - October IS fcasffsas^ssiiii'i*" -r'' •. . ;|m.'l'Miiiulli-1siiii',"MI)/Alli-'rnisl;M.ii'k Ziniiiwrnuii,1 ; - V V 187 Millburn Ave.:NexrTo .iUJ/1'uliii'iiiiiluiasu I'mny |.)nnncnli.\fg. l-oe: SK) \\VM I>IV )HnVHHI>] m e #«md^feivdice^, H'-f.\'.\'V'IJ * ;Vlsa, AmcriahHxpmss • :^^^^^ And -'DisctwerV ' :/ /^«s£tiii§. .. 5,6*

Jazz heritage •: generation in a way that is relative to their perspective," he added. *•* ana peoplem} the'news. Night Light is sponsoring the Rivera. 4.5.6. - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS -THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 - PAGE 11 of No Return festival. Proceeds will go tq the homeless Local man plans show "These are the finest Christian program of the Exchange Club and to bands from (he New Jersey area. the domestic violence program of Mountainside resident .Donald Delaware and Virginia," said John WomanSpacc, which provides resi- Wagner is producer of "River of No Edgar Calcrson, the church's leaching, dential shelter, for battered women Return," at which eight major bands pastor. __ .. .• "and children; group counseling and "wlfl perform inari^allKlay feifival of . 'Calcrson is executive director of support; an advocacy program to aid alternative Christian music, at Prince- Night Light, a monthly event that women through the court system; and Ion Alliance Church, 43 IS U.S. Route "utilizes, the latest multimedia, music workshops that focus on personal One, Monmoulh Junction on Oct. 7 and methodology, including videos, skills such as communication, self- from 1 • 10-11-pJII.L_ ~_ ... drama andTComedyrtn: anrcfforC ro~" esteem" alid~job" search preparation - The bands include Dodavahu, effectively communicate the gospel of The Exchange Club works with Maybe Tomorrow, Gholi Hook. Christ to people in their late teens, 20s Immclcss families temporarily shcl- Agape, Serro Hour, Red Letter Print, and early 30s, the Generation X age • tered along Route 1. Alternator and Sunday Night, and the group," he said. . host bands. Culture Dogs',* and the Tickets arc $10 in advance, $12 at "The event readies beyond the con- gate. For information, call the church _:Night-Ught-band.'--- --• —- fines of tradition to prcsaii' Godlo a at (609) 799-9000. Hxl. 2030.; Mascot"memories Photo By J.y IfcxtiWrf Bass player Vincenzo Bucci, also known as Vinnie Burke, leads his jazz trio through a number during the Mountainside Heritage Day weekend celebration ear- lier this month. Bucci, a Springfield resident, has been a regular in the' jazz scene for decades, playing on recordings by Billie Holiday, among others. Springfield Library automates circulation 1 Continuing effort ; to update the will be announced at a later elate, staff facilities of the public library, Jhe 1 visit the library to fill out a new member : will be available to assist library card application and receive a computerization of the circulation patrons as needed •system was completed recently new card Patrons will be unable to In the future, patrons will be able to circulate library materials without the Bar-code labels have been affixed Tcscrvc materials using computers, new card. to all library material':, and patron1: look up their own records and call and search for materials from home. The new library

.... •••.• .-• . " •..'-•• ..••';:'1 '•' '...•.'•'• •••'•. ••••'.• •'••' :.'•••• •.'• '••..•• '".•' Courioy of p*«rfleld School Deerfield School fifth-graders display their-classes' mascots, Stacy Vlachkis, in GOP leaders to honor Maureen Ogden Mrs. Lubash's class, has Penta Panda. Frank Mazzeo, from Mrs. Meissner's.class, holds Moosner the cow. And Kailey Wheaton, of Mrs. Unchester's class, shows off • Retiring Assemblywoman Mau- Teachers Pet Bear. The mascots accompany students home on weekends, vaca- reen Ogden, R-Union, of Short Hills Ogden is a former mayor of Mill- bum and a Township Committee Jim Fulcomcr, Rosclle Mayor Joe tions and class trips,: and accounts of the rnascots' exploits will be recorded in , will be honored by area Republicans Safaryn, and Cranford attorney Nick diaries.;.- j^. .'••'••..•..' •:•:••; '''^'."':.>." •,'••':. .--•--;—:•'--'• .; .'' :''w'~:^- '•. •• .•• '''": ••:•-.••' ' ••• ••• • during tins year's Republican Conv_ member, She aliened Millburn Giuditta —mitlccTairSiiutcTSunday from 4 10 _schools_and Koitl-Placc-SchooMrr to.7 p m. at the home of Kelly and Jim Summit She is a graduate of Smith Co-chairing the Fall Salute arc Bet- Hatfield. 215 Oak Ridge Avc College and holds graduate degrees sy Anderson of Rotary Drive, and from Rutgers and Columbia universi- Lcnorc Ford of Oak Ridge Avenue In recognition of Ogdcn's outstand- ties She lus been associated with the Assisting them will he Summit's can- "ON A SCALE FROM ZERO TO 10, NINE' IS TOO LOW A NUMBER ing service and dedication to helping 1 : Ford Foundation and the Foreign Pol- didates for office this fall — Waller TO DESCRIBE THE WONDERS W^^^ ^'-^"'-'-^'"' the City of Summit, and its residents, icy Association She and her husband Long, running for mayor; Eric"* Mayor Jane! Whitman will proclaim especially In this Robert have three sons and two grand- Munoz, candidate for council at large, *VrN.-.Book-by;.- •'•••".- Ocl 1 as Assemblywoman Maureen dazzling, breathless, ARTHUR KOPIT Ogden Day. children Their son Henry K a candi- and Ward candidates Bill Rosen and date for Summit Common Council Henry Ogden Wildly funny produc- J/Iuslc & Lyrics by Ogden was elected 10 her first term *-..••(* iwriirr MSiVUi. from Ward II in this fall's general tlon.,llovedlt". MAURVYESTON in 1981 and re-elected six times since election on Nov 7 A donation of $35 per person is Ogden serves as chairman Of the requested of attendees Proceeds will^ — The Trenton Times , Adaptation from Italian by . Also saluting Ogden at the Fall go toward financing the operations of i : MAfllOFRATTI "•.•-••- Assembly's Committee on Environ- "A wonderful cast, great mental Quality, and a member of the Salute will be her Assembly partner, the Republican City Committee for NOW thru OCTOBER 15 music and sumptuous Policy and Rules Committee She has Assemblyman Monroe Lustbadcr, the next year. Checks should be sent also of Short Hills, Cedar Grove May- sets will leave you on LIMITED played a formative role in legislation to City Committee Treasurer Donald ENGAGEMENT! for historic preservation, the arts, the or Kevin O'loolc, who is running for Anderson, 189 Blackburn Road, Sum- cloud Wne'S : environment, women's issues, arid Ogdpn's seat, Acting Union County mil, 07901. For further information, —The New York Dally News SEE IT NOW! .-•' Clerk Paul O'Kecfc of Plainficld, preventing drug abuse She contact Mrs Anderson at 273-5113, : Tonight & Sheriff candidate Peter Novargic of or Mrs. Ford at 273-9277 There will '•mother theatre In ihe announced her retirement from office . Tomorrow at 8 PM this past spring Clark, Freeholder candidates Railway be refreshments of wine and hors state has the resources Councilman and former Freeholder d'ocuvrcs to create such many Saturday & Sunday splendoredeffects," • : at 3 PM & 8 PM '*•'• -.-r^ fhei New. York Times And Make Your "There's no doubt Reservations for the atxMKTllne'isaW' F. M. Kirby Carriage — Worrall Publications THE TONY AWARD-WINNING MUSICAL! House Restaurant ...... ^jy^^y^^jjiyiygiyyyi^^yji -' att Paper MilMilll " A HOT NUMBER!" CALL 201-376 4343 « VISA & Mastercard BfJOOKSIDE oNlVE r J=^??Zi^'nt"'l+^t^nty w> S GROUPS: CALL MiLLBuhN,to 07041 (^PAPER MILI^ PLAYHOUSE ) 201-379-3636, ext; 2433 A Popar Mill g«tWull^tcta«iw(«lo»«<')«»iJPPorl ol IhsNewjBrMy Slats Council MW ""' " At Unreal Prices • .' ~-—-'• -rigp ; on th» ArH/Oaportmonl of State«nd Iho NaWonal Endownwnl for lh« Arl» A new designer consignment boutique staff of board-certified physicians who specialists our Emergency Ropm is for discerning shoppers. srdservices nail certainty-put you more'' ate specially trained in emergency ing :the•toornminlty\-Stfmr capable of providing an even higher ? confident care And with the addition of physi- level of care for children. Duet features a collection of never-worn or 've Made Shopping. For T.op Designer Show, cians who are pediatnc emergency Plus, if your emergency should hardly-worn designer fashions.., Donna Easy...Very, Very Easy! !' :io'.pmvidingtthelkie3iiimlhwittttnit*s Karan/Armani,.Chanel, Anne Klein, St. John require a stay with'us or outpatient s^^StSir and more - at spectacular savings up to 90% n&w'Emergency fFRoam: • A NEW STAFF OF BOARD-CERTIFIED PHYSfCIANS care, you can rely on the. renowned ,-„«»,AVAILAfilLltY OF BOARCHCERTJFJED PEDIATRIC services available from the Saint EMERGENCY CARE PHYSICIANS Barnabas Health Care System. _ You '11 love.thefabuious clothing, accessories ; .important^;r^/£ /^^SiMCciALIZEO EMERGENCY CARE Actually, we hope you'll never have to and shoes at Duet., .and the personal Women's ;r semce_thatonly-DueLcanoftet ••----;-^U^- •:.';:.' •••.V." •••. FOR PEDI ATRIC CASES ' • '. , "" visit ourpewly renovated Emergency yer \. • NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT '•' ' Roomy But if you (to, you'll understand So, for those of youwho love to wear ,"...... -: '•-. • A; AND TECHNOLOGIES :_,-,,..,^.:: •justhowmuch we care about our com- the most famous designer fashions but timed.urgent mead ,-„..;•• .-ffiSSSIONAL. ENLARGED TREATMENT SPACE •munity. Union Hospital—reaching never wanted to.pay the price, come to - TIME-SAVING, STREAMUNED PATIENT SERVICES , out to help our neighbors. - IMMEDIATE ASSESSMENT OF ILLNESS OR INJURY • For. more information, please call __ Duet.. .because thJill^ to respond switify BY TRAINED. NURSE tUST ~our Emergency^Services Department •impraved:sen/toesilist94IH>8re »Miauak^^ RENOWNED' SERVICES OF af (908) 851-7088. Great Shoes! Great BagsI II TOE SWNT PARHMBAS HEALTH CARE SYSTEM

Where the Finest Fashions are found, Again! 325 Rt. 10 East, East Hanover (201)560-0301 (Diagonally Across From Daffy's - Former Locution o 201-535^1133 Opetr. Moii.TUni V it. 10-6, Iittirs, 1/ Initiate) 10-9, Still. 12-5 79 Smith Livingston Avenue'• Livingston An jffifialr of tfir ISomt Barnabas Health Care System Store Hours: Aton-Sat 10-6pm •.Thurs\io-^pm 4,5.6 •

news clips SPRINGRELDJ^ADEB ^jrHyRSDAY, SEPTEMBERJM. 1995 — PAGE US __^ 'wheelcnaiFToiir School work Alumni fooflbd siro will] he —BBBssadaH bier- regiaranon U'nM icquiioJ Uiit year. bird seed form by calling or-stopping School and Summii tradition. The the community learn and improve Gov. Christine Whitman recently wheelchairs can range from $3,000 to tection they rightfully deserve." The Summii IRvrtbiH .Aflnrnni «ttonnfl ' .W. Ree»«-Reed. 273-8787. Sugar Plum Shop, featuring over 25 upon their first aid skills. All classes signed into law a bUl sponsored by $13,000. Under this piece of legisla- Speaking on behalf of the United Association ^gain |jra*eflK Ubtur unique shops for collecting, decorat- are taught by trained, certified CPR Assemblyman Alan AugusUne, R- tion, failure to correct a problem enti- Cerebral Palsy Association of New wcddy loci M Khe Summit 531 SfihB S&mngfieUil Ate. A S5 Seed drive-through Perennial color ing, and gift giving, will be held in the irutructors, and are held at Overlook. Union, which would protect disabled tles the consumer to a replacement or ' Jersey, Arthur Ball, director of Advo- pers Xootbdll tioani as "Summii 1 Kent Place School Field House, Sun- The schedule includes: Heartsaver "consumers from inclining the costs of Stripes, dots, splashes and ream a full cash refund. The time has come cacy, equated the legislation with the Canfinals picter sunflower seeds as. —day-and'Monday, Ocl." 22 arid 23, (Adult) CPR. Oct. 10, 7 to 10 p.m., repeatedly repairing defective motor- "edgei "are among Ibe "Variegated to extend consumer protection laws to new car lemon law in. that it places with* EridnyBiBi SSBjian.«m ;x;Hlhfc icwnn is from 10.a.m. lo 5 p.m. , ; - - • which will provide ihslructions on ized wheelchairs. those reliant on motorized wheel- strict limits pn_howjpngjbe; wheel- toe evening grosbeaks, Tnutle is a f*v»-' * Perennials" Kent Russell will bring lo TV-36. Admission is $5 for-adults and how to perform CPR on adults; CPR chain and associated devices. chair is out of service before a con- nle of house (inches, goldfinches and the Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Sum- the legislation. A-460, requires children are free. Get an early start on for the Healthcare Provider, a com- sumer can request a replacement. pine siskins while downy woodpeck- mit this Saturday, from his private -motorized-wheelchair ^manufacturers .._. John DclCoJie. associate executive donlGil 'Owren,winaguiewifeSTOi holiday shopping' and enjoy a deli- plele coDfse;'wiII rijCOctrnS and Oct. "This law reflects an understanding of ers and ebjekadees choose suc£ collection and his wholesale garden to offer at least a one-year express" director of the Eastern Paralyzed Vet- ous week's game with thenil tjnottuill cious lunch or snack in the Sugar 17 from 7 to 10 p.m.; CPR for the erans Association, said that "the the importance of power wheelchairs The pubhc may help feed ihe birds business in Bucks County. Pa. He will warranty on any motorized wheclch- coach Ray VloCrann 'Spooid) «mor- Reelucfinic Plum Cafe. .'••• .:...,.•-.-: — Hcallcare Provider, a renewal course, • Motorized Wheelchair Lemon Law- -to those who use them not limply for of winter by ordering seed by Oct. 9 «l show how to add color and interest to iar, wheelchair accessory or motor- views wiihjilaycrs, .coaches, iari«.aiSl Kent Place School is located at 42 will be offered Oct. 18 from 7 to 10 will benefit many New Jersey resi- convenience but for getting to work or aimpeoiive prices offered in the the garden with or without flowers. ized scooter. ' alumni will he 'featured, -as well«; a by. tte Regional Norwood Ave. For more information, p.m.; and Pedjatric CPR will behelcL dents with disabilities who rely, on even for getting out of bed each day. annual Bird Seed Saving* Day fund- The workshop, from n_a-m_lo4£30_ preview of upconunf (games - TeHll9d8) 273-0900^^ ' ~^~. on Oct. 18 and Oct. 25 from 7 to 10 "Disabled people dependent on these devices for independence.' On behalf of UCPA/NJ, I wish to raswg sale benefiting ibe Sominil p-nv'is $30; S25 members. "We are delighted to he IhaaL urn ins. Sbninsfiiidm aoiii P^rrhcWv' Beginning its second century as a p.m. on both nights. niotbrized wheelchairs -deserve pro- Motorized wheelchairs can be as express our sincere thanks to Assemb- Kanne Club, in Auduhoa Society Register in advance for all work- TV-16 for our necond •sonwin.'*' soii leader in women's education, Kent Every class requires pre- • tection from paying.the costly repairs expensive as cars and, prior to this lyman Augustine for the sensitivity he cbaptcr. and Ibe Reeves-Reed shops by calling 2734)787 or slopping On Sumraft, ittir oilniir wilt be held Place School is New Jersey's.largest registration. To register,-orr for more- Owren "The frticw ^ jiqpijlartry limit at the office-of the Reeves-Reed., a for poorly-constructed • equipment* or legislation, often came with no mean- has demonstrated to those with disa- year demanded wi ireituni trriw* nonscclarian ' College preparatory information, call (908) 522-2365. wheelchairs with mechanical prob- ingful warranties. This legislation will hilitics when he Introduced this bill in i(be Summit Santa Dnve-ibrouch pickup service will naiional and state historic site located season." school for girls. • lems," Augustine said. "Motorized . pro vide these consumers wiuYthe pro- the Assernbly," " (Qtoamc fox. be available Saturday. Ocl. 21. from 9 at 165 Hobart Ave., near Route 24. IBItpttiiUW is. nnntmil tu senior ciii- a.iri. IP 3 p-m. *i me Reeves-Reed. 165 Editorial deadlines Adoptive workshop aoin;, gamjfle watt dhnmc or iitbilitatr Hoban Ave-. Summit, near Roue 24. Sugar Plum Shop CPR classes Following are deadlines for news: An adoptive jiarontt workshop^<1U ing (AiiiDfflBS; amfi mumiarntfJ ejnpUjyV ' . Unclaimed bird seed will be soU after The Kent Place School Parents Overlook Hosptial is offering a Church, club and social -Friday noon. Disposal Day set for Saturday he held "Wcdnewiity nfiiiHiniH^ M Pne- ' To order before Oct. 9. request a the Sugar Plum Shop, a Kent Place October in ah ongoing effort to help Sports - Monday noon. chemicals, corrosives and cleaners, Letters to the Editor, - Monday 9 a.m. Waste Disposal day of 1995 held in ever, prc-registratipn with the UCUA pesticides and herbicides, caustics, Scotch Plains produced a total of 630 . in necessary. Tlie event is open to solvents, thinners, aerosol cans, St. James School sttTdents Attila Vigilante and Altay Vigilante give new meaning to vehicles, whose drivers brought their Union County residents and public asphalt sealer, tire extinguishers, school work, as they help move furniture in their classroom in preparation for the Commerce breakfast series returns foreign language for younger students household chemical waste! for proper only. Proof of residency is required.; flammable liquids and solids, auto- first day of school. .disposal.. ...' .;'•'•?. ..';•. : . .'.'". .•' , ftiblic and private Onion County With school back in session: and expand its program to a single tor of SKILL and a foreign language motive products, batteries, propane "A View ipram nhc Wt]j\,' tlhe is, thtr ate making news headlines every There arc two remaining disposal schools also will be able (9 dispose of yinArfo eager to learn, this might be 20-week session that will start the first teacher at Summit High School, stu- tanks, unbroken fluorescent bulbs; Suhurhnn 'Chamhcre idf 'Cammonje : days set for the fall. The next event their lab wastes at these events. In . day. 'r--'^-....V'-.iV-''' './ '- •' ibe ideal lime to begin the study of a week of October and run through dies show (hat the best time to begin, thermostats and mercury switches. Pnday Breakfast Kcnes icnmrntnac~ Ttht ^ will be held on Saturday from 8 a.m. order id participate, schools must con- Only materials in their original con- Rcsen^tjons arc roqueaod in ; ftmeign Unguage. :''.•. ' :'. March, following the Summit Board study of a second language is at an tomorrow at 7'45 ajra aitthciiBranil qjj muaiwwns witfin to 2 p.m. at! the Municipal Building tact the Union 'County. Utilities advance iW the "Issues at Brcak- The. SnnmriV School District. »s • of Education calendar. ; . , early age when children are also deve- tainers will be accepted. . Summii Hotel IThc «vsrtt us i)pnn- >rif mene tnnni S82 ihHirar. - : 1 parking lot at City Hall Plaza. ' Authority at least two Weeks prior lo • .fast" /.'series. 'Call, the Suburban again offering SKILL, an after-school The cost of the program is $180. loping their own native language sored by Summii Bunk BfartuncOyi tagta wufl] present an the event for.more information and Unidentified materials, explosives, . Chambers of Commerce at jrograra ifor students in grades one . . SKILL teachers use various grammar structure. Youngsters are The final event for the year will be, Constituent Service Elizabeth 'Randall Multi-Core'Hoalih. open to anyone who wniilii fliir )ht inuiUhi] itn t&c Damcipiintt Registration, is recomrhenaed. For for Iho pyrchasa 01 a now sireat sweeper" ' ply with the Now Jersey Prevailing Wage percent (10%) or groalor Intorost In th e; sonnets and pressure on "getting passion for the possible excites the and a now truck mourned aerial llfi lor ihe . Act (Chapter ISO of the Laws of 1983, ns caso of parinorshlpi ' ',' ,' lo participate in nhis mioImEK further information, call (908V Doparlmenl of Public Works of ihe Town- Blhc-Kimonrojwinibitth Your abilities can cam extra in- 1 amended) and thai,award Will not be mado 1 ahead" dial. We have forgotten how very essence of who we arc and all . ship of' Sprlno'lold, Union Couhly, Now No'b'ld may bo withdrawn for sixty (60) program (QDX lUisiUbi Cnmnu BSO) 273-3058. '..•• ..•'•••',•. ••.::-.,:'. lo apy bidder whom, the Commissioner of come: Advcnise them with a clissi- manhood can be a sacred path/ How that we come into contact with. Joreoy.Wlll be received at.Iho TOWNSHIP Labor and Industry does not'certify. . days afler tho opening of bids. A Contract The screening will>oniiHiRlidf tuyfl- OF SPRINGFIELD, Englneorlng Annex, 20 Bids shall be submitted on tho form a,pro- • will be awarded to the lowost responsible caUmg I-S0O-56H9U. North Trlvoll'Auonuo, SprlnoflDld, Now vlded, In the manner designated therein bidder or alt proposals wlllbe rojoclod wllh- Jnrsey oh Thursday, October .13, 1995 'al and required by the Specifications. They In sixty (60) days after Iho opening of bids. 10:00 AM prevailing lime. :, ' triuit b* •noloasd In ssalad •rWalopoo, Tho Mayor and Township Commllteo of ,' . The conirocl • ganorally. consists of Ihe baaring th« nsms «nd addrosi, of th« supply of Iho following:1 ' • bidder and the name of the prof act on reserves tho right jc b, j > Ohe(1) nowslreet sweeper having a the outslda, Bddre»e«d to the Mayor and unbnlnncod.blds, anjdJo_wj\lY,Q^ny.ln|or-: —throe-wriool~conflgurflntorr;t)ell xonveypr, Township Committee. TOWNSHIP OF. malliy.In any. bldT:,_ „..—. .-,—...- -. 3.5 cubic yard front hfflh' dumping hoppor, SPRINaFIELD, UNION, COUNTY, NEW ; ,.• . , Molon Koyworth hydrostatic transmission, andrlghlsldp gut- JERSEY, and muat be accompanied bv a • ''• Township Clork ^•lof-bfoom-wlUfvarlabla down piubbuiu mn- cuftlimu enaok, 6aahler'« check, or bid 2 pgn r '• ~ . Irgllod. from cnb. In accordance wlih the bond In the form provided of not '••• (Foe: $30.50) form of proposal, contract and specifica- than 10% of tha amount of the bid. Said Soplombor 23, 1095 tions' popnrod by Iho Engineering Depart- check or bid bond may not be less than mont of tho Township of Springfield. 5500 nor shall It ba more than $20,000 > Ono (1) now truck mounted arolal lilt for and mu*t be accompanied by * Consent TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD . use In trod coro operation. Tha l|fl shall of Surety atatemenl.In the forrr) provided . COUNTY OF UNION,. N.J. have n rnaxlmum working height of hot less ' from a surety Company stating that the TAKE NOTICE, that there will bo a Sp limn sixty (60) tent and shall haven llfeilme • surety Company will provide.me bidder cial Meeting of the Township,Committee, ...Worranty..iin.all structural compdnonts and ; with a bond for 100% of Ihe Contract y Monday, October 9 1005, nt 7;3p p.m. In r.hnl| bo doslgnod In accordance with ANSI ' amount In' the event mat the Contract It , tho Plnnning Bonrd Ropm.Munlclpal Build- AQ2,2-1990 Standards for Volilcloo awarded to tho bidder. A^ Non-Collusion . Ing. The purpose of the mealing to discuss Mountod Etoyallng and Rotating Aerial a pefsonnol mailor and workshop sessllon. 'Arfldavll and a Record of Rocon^ Contract HELEN E. KEVWORTH . Devices; ' • i • ' •. • .•.;•.:-;• ~ - Awards must also accompany the proposal " Spoclficatlons have boon filod In the'•on Iho forms provided. ' , Township Clork olllco ol iho Clark of Iho TOWNSHIP OP Bidders ore required to comply with iho U2B39 The Springfield Leador, . SPntNGFIELD and may bo Purchased by requirements of R.L. 1975 Chnptor 127 for Sopiombor 20, 1005 (Fee: $4.50)

mnNANCE- ^mQQOWTO$203W0:WrmAsurm:'AS5%DowH For New Jersey Assembly in the 21st District CALDWELL • CEDAR GROVE • ESSEX FELLS • KtfilLWORTH • LIVINGSTON « MILJLBaRN ••;.••••• •'••.'•• Rate subject to possible : NORTH CALDWELL • ROSELAND • ROSELLE PARK • SPRIMOFIELD • SUMMIT- ONION • VERONA 1Q/30'ARM; '.... 30.Year Term.. 1 . _, ; ooe-tlme.increase after 10 years MAXIMUM ••;. MONTHLY •••.•.'•.BATE... ;' VOTE REPUBLICAN ON NOVEMBER 7 APR , .LOAN • . P&l PER $1,000 ' • 'CAPS '•'.'• LUtTBAoenln.rRAmpANrjgcajR.,cAwrM(]MineAs.u;Monn#ifi.DAve Sureiauw ofwweujbraeaA Leoe'MiDWe«oANrtCAwr*(o*JTnwsroB»ceD»« anavt no*r orr\ctpou*ion M* \cttn ano 7.500% 7:580% $500,000 : $7.00' NEXT WEEffS ISSUE . . ' . . .••. • •• . • Converts to-1 -Year ARM in 5'years alter 5 1 ARM .30 Year Term.. which rate may increase or decrease annually SUBSCRIBING TO MAXIMUM MONTHLY H tN |*M W* 'Hit ••• RATE ' ; •."' APR. . LOAN P&l PER $1,000 CAPS ••'..• THE SPRINGFIELD LEADER Professional Directory

-•• •.•;- •••••• • •' ' . -. • • •"• •- •-•••*•'•'• ••:.•-. ••'•."• ••••• .•••••••• . •.-•••• '".•y*.:,\ .2% annual/ 6.750% 7.550% $500,000 •..•y',$6.,49 ..-•. LETS YOU" KEEP UP WITH ALL & 5% lifetijte Accountants ; Midwives .'•<""••'•.... " • . ••..• •. ' Converts' to1 -Year ARM ln-3 years alter Couto, De Franco & Mqgone, CPA's The Birth Center At The Beth ; 3/1 ARM •.. ; 30 Yeat.Term.^,.... wliich raie,'may.iticreasoor:docroasoannually- Individual Income Tax Preparation lo-hosp|tal Irpo standing. Comprehensive . ^ Tax planning and'consulting ••.•;••.':".:•'. .. . Womons' Hodlth Care administered by '••', '•.'"' ' i : : MAXIMUM •':• MONTHLY:^. Non-Filer Asslslanco RATE APti '•• LOAN cortiliod nurs6-midwlvos. . • . ' .' ] . ' ! P&l PER $1,000 '"• CAPS Parsopal financial planning Newark Both Israel Medical Center • ' ' • . ' COMFORT OF YOUR HOME Small business accounting & lax preparation 201 Lyons Avenue, Newark . • Froo consultation by appointmont , . . . .. • 2% annual 926-2484 . :'.. . • . • •• • .' . . ; . j 6.500% 7.680%. $50.0,000 $6.33 f5 Village Plaza,' South Orango—201-378-3300 & 5% lifetime -,•••••; ATIESSTHAN ; Attorneys Psychologist : v II 43CEimPERWEEK, 1YEAR ARM ... . •' . ••-'•, ' , .\ '•••.•' '•.. . MAXIMUM MONTHLY Kenneth Parker; Esq. Sharon Boyd-Jackson, Ph.D. RATE . APR LOAN A SUBSCRIPTION TO — Simple Will - $50.00; Roal Estate • (Buyer) S^25-$695, P&l PER $1,000 CAPS ' (Seller) $300-$500, Uncontoslod Divorco • $250.00; Ljconsod Psychologist ' . • • •• ,.• Separation Agreomonl-(Simple) $200.00 2816 Morris Avenue, Union . .'. • 2% annual THE SPRINGFIELD-LEADER Bankruptcy - (Individual) $250.00; ThQfnpy group for women 6f color 5.750% 7.850% $500,000; ;••• $5.84 . Incorporation • $100.00 ...... • • . •. . • . .,' .Bogins Soptomber 30, 1995 for 10 weeks & 5% lifetime Plus Filing Foes and Dlsbursomonts, , v. . Saturdays • 12Noon-1:30p,m. -'••'• ; IS ONE OF THE Free Initial Consultation 008-353-2107 Pruo Initial Consultation •.. 1908-688-7979 Rates and APR (Annual Percontan.0 Rntol'as of 9/20/95 aro lor orio-lo-lour-lamily owner occupiod homos and are sub|ocl to. change without'-notice!'ft 20% down paymoht is roquirod on. loHno jo $300,000: A —— 25% down payment is roquirod on loans .from $300,000 to $500,000. Down payments ol loss than 20% BEST BARGAINS AROUND. !New principal begins lit Bwdnietot Board OKs Sony's Ai Saini Micluiel's Mcdiall will b« accapled with pnvato moflrjaoo insurance on loans lo a maximum o| $203,000. P SI represents Chiropractors Secretaria^Se^vlce" principal and interest payments on tho loan. . • • ' . Cen ler we tifttir proven Dr< Stephen Levine, Dr. Jean V. Nichols Lillian M. 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Office projoots . . • 'relieve.not only,your houri ; '•••: 1800252siB : :^^j 2 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION $39.00 If not, we will loll you too, 711 Fairlleld Ave,, Kenilwo.rth ; ' 15 Village Plaza, South Orango 9Q8-245-4474 . •, .condition Inn 'also -thr - •*• • 201-761-0022 unxiet;'that poei ulnnf; wtili.'heart'.tutfjer -' taut 1 YEAR SENIOR CITIZEN SUBSCRIPTION $17.00_ Saint Michael's or ^il .c*frl Kiicri L -Dent-aHmplarnts^T- Eye Care Services —- 1 new cardiac fucilin . und vw 5N11 iiwil 7S. stWr Golden 2j^EAR^^0R-Cffi^ hospitals to,perform chem. We're INVESTORS Marshall - Troast Optician P.A. Dr. John F. Crowley Providing for all your Eyeglass end Hearing Aid needs. , level ol carcbeciiuscobeamsc off rhcexpartcnc:c:unrhc expoci d commu- • thfe^tu.-m%«warr^ fe.Tnin* iTltmrmuniftWn u«- n Biuce A. Troost Optician/Hearing Aid Dispenser. ' Board Corlillod Specialist NJ License #452 , . our doctors and nurses receive SAVINGS BANK Also Troats TMJ, Wisdom Tooth, Looions, Hospital Cora Oml-Moxlllolnclnl Surgery Eye Exams/Contacts - Stephen W. Pardridge O.D. ; SUBSCRIBE TQDAYl 32 Bay Avenue, -,_ . •— Independent Doctor of Optometry . ; Bloomfiold, NJ 07003 460 Franklin "Street;'Bloomfield, NJ " SHNGKI. HLmm (201) 743-9300 NJ Permit «2B82 743-6590 - Call to make appointment today. CCIUU NliCK H.oi>*a, VI andWiim 'M 'HO U(M U'.' IOMS HIVCH . UI.M i j TOLL FREE Gastroenterology iCf ul SliO|H),i>g C«it|,», Moulu 2 Dentists Saint Michael's Medical Center Institute For Digestive Health Inc. Paul L. Dlonne, D.M.D. Anand M. Gupta, M.D. \ 'JA.-tlijU' lUiU'll|; I.U.dlH)!! Family Cosniollo Implant and . • Prevention and tronlment o! all digestive diseases, Restorative Dentistry: peptic ulcor, gastritis, abdominal pain, heartburn, 127 Pine Street, Suite 0 chronlo dlarrhoa, Irritable bowel, rectal bleeding, Montclalr, NJ 07042 hopntills, gallstories pnnoreatitis, colorootal cahoot Saturday/ 744-0170 or 744-3064 , Evohlng HtB. 736-2901, 588 Eagle Rock Wo»t-OranfHvN J. WORBAtt-NEWSPAPEBS «,S,6«~

reunions — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 — PAGE 15 *•**._«. t ^fS-.P^TH [Passing out Our Lady of L'ourdct Grammar . Roschill Place, Irvinglon 07111. whereabouts of former classmates at the Holiday Inn in Cartcrei."Anyone obtained by writing to Reunions «Wnfr wdte issue ' School will hold a reunion of gradu- Central High School, Class of on Nov. 24. More information can be should contact the reunion committee, who was not notified or those inter- Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box 150, ates, faculty and former students to 1965, is planning its 30th anniversary j)btaincd by writing jo: Reunion Time, 35 S. Sailor's Quay Dr.. Brick 08723. ested in attending should contact Dor- Englishlown, N.J.. 07726. or by call- commemorate the 70ih anniversary of reunion for Nov. 10 and 11. Interested 1350'Campus Park way, "WairD7724; , The 65.000-member New Jersey Tenants Organization has announced its Wccquahlc High School; Class of is Mazur Cryan at (908) 381-6384 or ing (908) 780-8364. the school on Oct. 21 from 7:30 p.m. classmates should send their address or call (800) 22-CLASS. > endorsement* for the Nov. 7 General Election. 1946, will have its 50th reunion on Michael Pileggi at (908) 862-2497 for Wcstfleld High School, Class of --.• to 12:30 a.m. Prepaid reservalions ar-e and telephone numbers to Class Hillside High School, Class of According to NJTO President Michelle Rupar, "Allthe eSaSsed candidates, May 19, 1996, For more information, more information. 1965, is planning a 30-ycar reunion $15 per person. $25 per couplc.Witli Reunion Committee; c/o Mary E. 1975, is planning a 20-year-reunion both Democrats and Republicans, share the belief that a municipality mutt call (908) 255-8453. Hillside High School, Class of on Nov. 25. More information can be payment, inoludc maiden name and Thomsponi.P.O. Box 22264; Newark on Nov. 24. More information canbe decide whether and what kind of rent control it needs to serve Its own citizens, Union High School. Class of 1970, 1960, will have a reunion on Oct. 14 obtained by writing to Reunions Ran Anfccnity, year of graduation or attendance. 07101. obtained by writing to: Reunion Time, arid that the state should not interfere in that decision. All of these candidates . is planning its 25th reunion for Nov. at the Westwood in Garwood. For Unlimited Inc., P;O. Box 150, acnajini Ibr Rout Send reservations or requests for . Central High School, Newark. 1350 Campus Parkway, Wall'07724; are deeply concerned about vacancy de-control as a threat to tenants which 24 at the Grand Summit Hotel, Sum- further information, contact Linda F.nglishtown, N;J., 07726, pr by call- information to Our.Lady.of.Lourdcs_ _Class of 19.7.5. is planning its 20th _;.6r call (800) 22-CLASS encourages landlord harassment."^ ,~ -. -•••••--- - . ' •--—- mit. Interested-alumni shon|dxontacT"~Arolzky l.leb, 48 Garden Oval, ing (908) 780-8364. T School Reunion Committee, 100 Val- class reunion. For further information, Linden High School, Class of ., The NJTO has endorsed 33 candidates for Assembly seats throughout the Kathleen Sogalc Beach, 979 Arncl Springfield 07081-1822, WestHcId High School, Class of ley Way, West Orange 07052, or call contact David Gregory, 12 Marshall 1960, is! planning a 35-year reunion ilate. and one candidate for Senate in a special election In District 5. The NJTO Ave., Union 07083. St. Cusimir"s Elementary School, 1985, is planning a 10-ycar reunion (201) 325-0555. Si., Irvinglon 07111; (201) 39&3046. on Oct. 6. More information can I be "alaThas endorsed Hudson County Executive Robert Janiszewsld for re- Hillside High School, Class of Classof 1956, is looking for fellow on Nov. 24. More informatiqn can he The Arts High School. Class of Nutlcy High School, Classes of obtained by-writing to: Reunion Time, election. . , ' • . 1966, is planning a 30lh reunion for classmates. Alumni or anyone who obtained by writing; (o Reunions 1975, will have its -20-year reunion on W62--68 lo-Pasta- Night at Arnie's 1350 Campus Parkway, Wall 07724; —^rhe-NJTO wpports and urges electionT)f the^ following candidates: District October 1996. Names; addresses and has information about them, should Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box 150, Nov. 25, 7 p.m. to 2 aim, at the Nc\v: Tavern and Restaurant in Jersey City or call (800) 22-CLASS. 20, Neil M. Cohen and Joseph Suliga, Democrats'for Assembly; District 21, telephone numbers of former class- call (201) 635-5844; or write: Ron Englishtown, N.J-;, 07726, or by call- ark Airport Marriott Hotel. Alumn. or on Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m. Cost is-$25 Linden High School, Class of Roy Hirechfield; a Democrat for Assembly. ; •:• males can be sent to Jerry Eben,26 Kiilian, P.O. Box91. Chatham07928. ing (908) 780-8364. anyone knowing the whereabouts of per person. Call (201) 667-66|0, 1970, is planning a 25-year reunion Walker Road,'West Orange 07052; or Union High School, Class of 1955,, NJTO First Vice President Matt Shapiro says lhc candidates were judged on former. classmates, should contact • (201) 235-1996 or (2&1) 284-1032. Wcstflcld High School, Class pf on Nov. 18. More information can'he call (201) 325-1710. is having its 40tli reunion Nov. 25 at 7 their poiitionsand on their commitmenl to vital tenant issues such as rent con- AIIS '75 Reunion,Committee, P.O. Roscllc Park High School, Class 1986, is planning a 10-year reunion obtained by writing to: Reunion Time, Rosclle Park Hjgh School. Class the Galloping Hill Caterers in Union. trol, displacement, the tenant lax rebate, vacancy decontrol and eviction protec- Box 1310, Summit 07902-1310. of 1960, is planning its 35th reunion. on Nov. 29, 1996. More information 1350 Campus Parkway, Wall 07724; of 1945, is having its 50th reunion on Send addresses of class members to tion. "In addition," Shapiro said, "past and present voting records/local activi- Alumni or anyone knowing of other can be obtained by writing Ip Reun- or call (800) 22-CLASS. Summit High School, Class of Oct. 28 at the Westwoo,d in Garwopd. • • Elaine Pawlowski Wcismantel, UHS ties and recommendations by affilialcsjvere strongly considered." ' : interested classmates should contact ions Unlimited lnc;r P.O. Box 150, ' "Tenant leaders throughout the state will now be notifying tenants in their •1965, willjvold its reunion on Oct. 21. Contact John M. Cutincllo at (908) Class of "55 Reunion Committee, Scotch Plolns-Fanwood IHlgh More information can he obtained by cither Blaine Whitmeycr at (908) Engljshtown, N.J-, 07726, or by call- School, Scotch Plains, Class of 11970, buildings and towns of the endorsements," said Rupir. "There will be literature 830-5439. \ 2149 Tyler St., Union 07083-5269. ptti bor, cac .ISriffiwiro writing to: Reunion Time, 1350 Cam- 272-6073 or Ellen Kline at (908)'• : : ing (908) 780-8364. is planning a 25-year reunion on'Oct. drops and phone banks. We will do everything possible to maximize our ability Barrlngcr High School, Class of Union High School, Class of 1986, mussLtamiiiiiantn^kmc,•smvmi aaandl pus Parkway. Wall 07724; or. call • 245-0580. . Cranfnrd High School, Class of 14. More information can be obtained to elect pro-tenant candidates.V 7 1960, is having its 35lh reunion on is planning a 10-ycar reunion on Nov. 1975, is planning a'20-year reunion (800) 22-CLASS. East Orange High School. Class by writing to: Reunion Time, 1350 Nov. 25 at the Fairmounl, Route 23, 29, 19%. More information can be on Oct. 7. More information can bo Union High School. Class of 1956,: of 1970, isjiianning its 25th reunion Campus Parkway, Wall 07724; or call Little Falls. Alumni or anyone know- obtained by writing to Reunions obtained by writing to: Reunion Time, ilo Uce?p-taiD fSirw will have its 45thtpUteJrtan«7' -^r~ TiuBper thelp their teacher by collecting books from Hillside High School, Class of School,. Berkeley Heights, Class of. :-.• Kean College of New Jersey will be hosting an Urban Education Conference money order to E.6. High Class of High School, Class of 1975, will have of 1955, is planning a 40th reunion for. Wcst\vpod, Garwood, at 6 p.m. ftlorc storage irpom and passing them out to their fel- 1 1970, is planning a 25-ycar reunion ,jJ|l,tft||-LJ^.In ' - ' ' .•••••• on Oct. 6 in_the college's Downs Hall. Teachers, administrators, guidance 198S, will have its '10-year reunion on 1970 — Reunion Commillec, P.O. November. Names, addresses and information can he obtained.by call- its 20th reunion on Oct. 7. The even- on Oct. 7. More information can be counselors and school personnel are encouraged to attend. ,-*6cr 281 Alumni,- or anyone knowing Box'.1152, East Orangd: 0701,7/ : : telephone 'numbers of former ciass- , ing-Tern at 925-8227 or Jennifer at „ ing will begin With a 6:30 pi.ni.Mass. obtained by writing to: Reunion Time; ' Participants will Icani about the; four elements for success in urban schools. the whereabouts of former classmates, Orange High School, Class of mates can he sent to Phyllis Vasla'•'•' 486-7644, 7 . in the high school gym. Following the 1350 Campus Parkway, Wall ,07724; SIOEKBI aaV They include: developing accelerated curricula; building student self-esteem; •.hoi Id contact Dawn Mayo-Moore, . 1955, will celebrate its 40th reunion at Kunz,: 577, Centre Si,, Niitley, N.J, St. Vincent's! Academy, Newark,- Mass, a cocktail parly and buffet will or call (800) 22-CLASS, ID the a involving parents as partners; and increasing'.Ihe number of minority'"teachers. (908) 953-8553;. 6 Rosehill Place, the Hanover Manor on Oct. 14 at 7 07110. 7 •'..; . •••-: 7; . :';.. , Class of 1945, is planning a 50th reun- be at the Clinton Manor in Springield. Gov. Livingston Regional High , «B«aiiic. lint nattcs, part cdf Literacy Vo I u ntee rs The conference also will make the community aware of model programs that Irvinglon. 07111.' •' 7 '•'•' .. ' •'.''. p.m. All friends of the class and "50s For furtherinformation, call UCHS at • Union Iligh School, Class pf 1975, ion. Those interested caii write Jo ' are available in urban school districts. School, Berkeley Heights, CJuss of * ccontrdl/nver tttrc H?on .MHHHoitfif.; ttta- alumni arc invited |o attend. Contact (908) 889-1600;. ••''•• ''••'/' isplapninga 20-year, reunion on Nov.' Reunion, Committee, care of 563 Hillside High School, Class of 1965, is planning..a.30-ycar reunion: ; Registration will begin at 8 a.m. Pre-registralion is encouraged. The confer- s Lcnorc Conrpy, 10 Anna' Terrace, ' 25.More .information can be obtained Essex Avc., B-2, A-6B,Spring Lakc to start 1981, will'hayc its 15 year reunion in ."'• Linden High School, pass of on Nov. 25, More Information can be iddriv^ encewill begin at 9 a.m., with keynote speaker larry Leverett of the New.Com- Whippany 07981. by writing to ' Reunions Unlimited Heights. N.J.,' 07762: .' • July 1996.on board the Spirit of New, 1945, is'haviiig its SOthyear reunion. obtained Hy'.writing to: Reunion Time, , literary "Vniuntcers of America-Union County has announced the kick-off of munity Corporation...He will address attendees on the "Pedagogy of Poverty';" Clifford J.' Scott High School, Alumni or anyone who knows one . Inci, P.O. Box 15.0, i-iiLjlishtown, N.J,, Livingston 'High School; Class of'- Jcrwy cruise ship, Alumni, or anyone '1350 Campus Purkway.'Wali ,07724; SrateMor :«nat mlhon'lhe iil« annual Ifund-raiBing drive. ,<•... •::'•; ''• •.' '•'•; V- . ' -• •.''••' ' , '. There will be four morning presentations beginning at lp: 15 ajirt They ./ Class of 1945, will celebrate its 50lh should call (908) 474-8460, days, or 07726, or by calling (908) 780-8364; 1986, is planning a- 10-year reunion. : knowing (hi; whereabouts of fprmer ; or call (800); 22-CLASS;. ...': Karon IPaa«kcanr(i. treasurer of LVA-UC. announced (he drive during a include the following:-— --- • ~ ;•••—.••"••' reunion on Oct., 22 at the Afton (908) 396-9424, evenings. J V , \Vcstfield High School, Class of More information can he obtained hy classmates, should contact Dawn Gov. Livingston Regional High ; imocling>of;thr'ScotchPlains-Fanwood Lions Club where she .Uso spoke on the • Curriculum Development— conducted by Linda Hopson, Kean College's restaurant, FlprhaVn Park, at 4:30 p.m. -19.45ris:piiinnlng--a-56:ycarTeTmi"oiT writing 10 Reunions Unlimited Inc.,; ~" Mayo-Moore, : (908) ' 953-8553; 6 .. Linden High Schoolr-Clasir-of— Scliooi--Bcrkclcy-HcightsrClasTr'6r lliUiracy inecdB of tlnion County Department 6f Instruction, Curriculum and Administration. Alumni or .anyone knowing the On Sept. 30, More information can he P.tp; Box 150, Englishlown, N.J.,. ;• .105.0, will have its reunion on Oct. 21 1975, is,planning a 20-year reunion 07726, or by calling (908) 780-83fv4/ According!to IVA-UC. more than 80,000 people in Union County are unable • Family Involvement — conducted by Amanda Jacobs, assistant diroctor of itbcxr rne^h^mK .Snrpvng; 11x1 ctte .TrntrHi ffimots. . .. -. /..',-''. ' ; ':':' itnucad. .write nrnpeak English well enough lo function effectively in sociely. i-special s . •••••.• miteniing imoie nhan 400 individuals in tlnion County. •••-.''';'•'• . • Minority Teacher —conducted by Maria del Carmen Rodriguez and Dinnc MLy/JMllCijiroyiiles a vital service in Union County by increasing the literacy ' jCing/rpmihc College PathwayVPrOjcct'TEACH and Department of Special"" ~ -' •iof fits work Iforcei" IPaordecamp said. "Students arc provided tutoring services Education and Individualized Services. Ifjiscinf Charge jby trained' volunteer tutors. The annual fund-raising drive will The conference's aflcmopn sessions will demonstrate model programs avail- CARPETING CERAMIC TILE ^ ihd|p ipnwidc mnney lo continue this vital service to county residents." •• able Ln the urban schools. Representatives from various school districts will be AAAAAAA-ZANTig KAMA - iftaarilccanjfKgto unniiunced thai trTc organization is screening individuals to available to speak aboutlhesepfbgfams. Among the model prpgrams repre- BOIIRHT DiedficliStrelec •«erw: ion line JBoartl of Directors. "Il jfj "f «••»! ji—--*—-'- "-'-- " • senled include—— : Projec. .m-^ti ^i-cciAccel,. Newari-ncwarikr .NrnnnSrhn^PiTtrirtl Ilitlrlrf; SphnnSchrnll Plnnnii.iPlnnnlini; M.mM.ui- - -Air Conditioner CONSTRUCTION aRemenl Team; Paiersnn Piiu c#-k««i r>:. .-!..-><> ««>• - ••- Dining room!;, bpdrooms; inf civic-minded individuals who understand the needs of litera- agement Team: Paterson City School District 28; Wiiificld Scott Community- •Additions. pTs : 1 vounr General Repairs >jg(>'" slhe.'Bud.' . ;•'.•• .. . ' ••:• ''."".;'. '. ... " .-•. School Partnerships: Elizabeth School District: and Kean Collego: School of oriental rugs, paintings,: •Renovations, •Kitchens CARPET REPAIR SPECIALIST Illusnrtei^ollnyiJiTiiiiiJKjTOKiBpnprai.'riciajtBKt.iLj -HigriiiEcteil iranni.ithiil urc Working? ••Kitchens • Bathrooms . .Anyonelintcrcanul in volunteering foir LVA-UC should contact the LVA-UC! Education; Pathways and Project Teach. . • ••••sterling, porcelain 7 EXCLUSIVE- •Windows •Basements ' POVVER STRETCHING itroughutt* HKCcUituifkintttnirciK.iif ivitnn:'i«i!JiLinfi,ifcul wclbuwcsnuilc'Hiuih.imictrtir,. •Siding ' •Sheetrock . • Foyers • Fireplaces, • (aftioeiin iLintlen .at 925-;7755. Donalionsmay be mailed to Liieracy Volunteers Admission for the Urban Education Conference is $20 per person and is open IfNotCaU figures, crystal, bid and •'• VOLVO DEALER .•Family': •'-.. «Re|)alrs •-|h«tallallon'- Remnants '. , - - • Stairs • Now Padding iaf.Ainotica-irjnion'Cduney. 925 North Wood Ave.. Linden, N.J. 07036. Checks to the general public. For more information, contact Conference Coordinator Fred's A/C & Heating. interesting jlepis etc. ., 3?6 UomtiS iVl SUMMII Rooms ...'.:• , "•Roofing " •" •Spaekling !hini.ial.!iSX6777.(M);.t' •' • .f • •. • Shop at Home Sorvloa Remodeling & Repairs "S°=i-. sthmJld Iheanadc ipayahle ID .LVA-UC. V : •: '-•-/•: Diane King of the college's Special Education and Individualized Services 201-736-1450 : No Job Too Small •Painting ...:»Qecks ' ; 908-272-2244 (908)273-4200 '•Flood Work "Department at (908)^27-2327; . !::,./ •' : : 201-690-0207 (Beeper) Kully Insured FREE ESTlSlATES «UTHORI2ED ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS Same Day Sorvea on All Brands CLASSIC ANtlQUES FACTORY SERVICE All Work Ouaranlwd LONG TEEM LEASING 908-i273-7368 (201)998-4883 CALL 233-1515 FOR FREE ESTIMATE 908-353-0328 CLEAN-UP COMPUTERS ADDITIONS" DECKS MIKE PRENDEVILLE i : (908) 245-5280 You've experienced a lot. DISPOSAL Computer Problems? "Improve Your Homo MELO CONTRACTORS 201-635-8815 :W& Offer Complete SOLUl with Gil" ;•••:;•• •••/•:-::: You've seen a lot. •:"•• I . • ••";:- Attics, - Sassmsnls - •. . ' Hardware - Software ' Garages Clsattd Now experience the best D Configuration Decks Conslniction Debris Removod D Design 3 Installation , Basement! Mini Roll oil,Dun^slire .' /. 3 E-Mail ' checking account you've ever seen; ..'•• '•" y Networking ...'• CJ Training We will beat any D Programming 'FAST. FAIR . RELIABLE legitimate competitor'*: price •:' Propony Liconsed. From Oosi^'n lo Completion •AKCConsulting, lnc.(800) 298-9000 For All Your (onstriiotioik \oods (908) 964-8364 FURNITURE. REPAIR GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE GUHERS/LEADERS BestYeanr Checking HANDYMAN FURNITURE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Does Your House Need a Face-Lift? j£ GUTTERS-LEADERS GUTTERS & fflCKMAlV 911 ; • ^UNDERGROUND DRAINS • •• .:••• v.- ' ^ Call .'.-.•• - •' BVWDBIGSiimODSWG, WC. •Wood and laminate Q. Thoroughly cleaned LEADERS •Ad4Mons -Wfridoms UJ 4 lluihod Frank's Painting & Handyman Service •Kltclwns -Tiling Slillng • Screen KIKOTII •Restorations/Touch Ups ^AVERAGE •Cleaned & Flushed '.-•Baths'- '•' .-RoojUxg HiMinnu . HiKini Aihlllloi). • ' Windows . Kllclii'ii & llulh •Repairs . • •Docks •••. -Sidhxg DlMtrs Bant •Furniture assembly 8 HOUSE •Leaf Screens Installed SPECIALIST pustom Carpentry OFFICE - RESIDENTIAL a $35.00 - $40.00 •Installations 241-3849 AIL HOME IMPROVEMENTS FURNITURE RETAILERS IScturcs/Rttfewnav AixilUbl If you're at leqst 62 years of age, Investors Savings 908-233-4414 ' CALL GLENN FREE SHOP-AT'HOME ESTIMATES ~KELTOM SERVICES Interior, Exterior, Repairs HOME 908-687-6046 MARK HEISE 228-4965 Windows, Glass, Carpentry ooa-ees-2929 Bank has something special for you, a checking account . Pre'e Estimates:. . 1 800-7HOUSES Fully Insured Firix-Estlmutea: CRAPTBRS llhhiun aft. Stomach's Inc. MASONRY MODEL TRAINS MOVING that is truly extraordinary. Maintain a minimum balance of PAINTING PAINTING PAVING just $50 in your 'account and you'll get these benefits: WANTED MOVING TRIPLE V -FULLY ,, FREE GUITAR EXCELLENT PAINTING FUUV, FREE ALLTRAINS! ..••&'••••' INSURED , ESTIMATES LIGHT Pamting INSURED ESTIMATES ALLIGATOR'S CONTRACTORS Lionel & other INSTRUCTION .• High interest earned on every dollar in your account. TRUCKING InUrTor lit.rlor model trains, any •Itock •Bluos «Pop Plastering PAVING • No charge for the checks you write. Mason Coitractiii£ Wo'll move Furoluiro; ••Country •Fliifierstyle INTERIOR/EXTERIOR age, condition or Interior ». Exterior ^ -.•-.•.•••••-Y Applliincos. Housohold Horns POWER WASIH • Driveways •; . Itepm™ Tile Work amount. In cnriiolod- van 6' Iruck, By half hour or hour 25 Years experience Raildantlal • No charge for your personalized checks. """Fi'ee/Estimates GUTTERS House • I'arklnR Luts •SMlCoiiliiiu I Pay fop Dollar!' courlooiis& curolul. Ronson- First Lesson Free )rk raloa & fully Insured, HANDYMAN SERVICE . Painting WEIL BEAT ANY PRICE • No fee for American Express Travelers Cheques. 20 plus years experience CALL ROB LENNY TUFAND REASONABLE RATES FREE IJSTIMATIJS uify matt Urn ikMkwtt'mtie'i&eimctiiiidIjfrom • No fee for money orders, 908-271-5124 467-6598 PHONE 20-1-923-1962 Steve Rozamkl All Work Guimiiueed 908-964^6916 Llc,-No, P.M0053Q... 908-755-43^3 (908)273-6025 BEEP908-891-8867. 908-486-6455 ;. 1-800-977-1112 • The option of having an Investors^ MAC card, the card PETSiniNG mum 'iSttn SHntftni,..]PUijp.'. It^por.-Siiliniil IFaculty vi'yfSy, ' WINDSHIELDS FLOOR COVERING that's totally free no matter where'or'when you use it. 4 RAWS SHEET ROCK Free Estimates Fully Iniured BAYSIDE POOLS INC. IFoundiitlim LINDLAW TREE CAHJB COMPANY, INC; WINDSHIELD CRACKED lh\ 'the »;eB.ult? PET SITTING SPECIALISTS! Openings #Closings HANNON'S If you're of eligible age and already have a checking account at Investors, W< ,StMUn>dL.ra|M_Mnt To MnUt T0EE'& SHRUB CA1V2 Save Hundreds of please advise the Investors' office at which you bank, we II be pleased to and Dog Walking Mnlor Wah Onrfnnwl «nM Sudi Ail FLOOR COVERING 1 Dom.fi • AddMoM • Mh.MShMbTKli :. FREE ESTIMATES ••Prunlnfi ., •Cabling dollars by. NOT ^ .tiofflnimmiitaratMiitlhane. HmIfyat convert your account to Best Years Checking Care For Your Pets •km Down Walb t C>llngi. No tub too •Planting , •Stum ; Grinding • WAREHOUSE CENTER nuUtetobto : Call , ; replacing it! . .WhileYour Away • Wt Do H All No iutKonfrKtonl •Removals ' -Spraying; ' move • Ell. »7J_0ur »nd Mar K Ih. Ana Accepted by NJDMV 1119 Springfield Rd. - Uni6n • ^ In Your Horhe • Imwwl' Fr» EttfcnatM Frank , •Fertilization , ' • ' •••. Repairs made at your Carpet • Tile • Linoleum Bonded & Insured KENILWORTHDRYWALL RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL location by appointment • •Mill Ends • Wood Tile " IS VEAKSEXHE1UEJVCB_ WIND.SHIELD-WELD Window Treatments • Wallpaper 908*232-5239- Servicing •Contractors«Decor/Hnr,* - Mechanics ! GUTTEftS/LEADERS _(908) 686-6333 I^TVESTOilS W^ KENMEISE SAVINGS RANK 201-661-1648 HOUt OFUCE Gutleis/Uadsrs Cleaned 8 Flushed- Advertise Your Bu SMHINOFIELD • 493 Eoulti Liv.fiotlon A ' ' CLAHK From $35.00 fHEEfKXD 3?1 Eatt NwlhfmWHoj 1?3 Mountain Av*mja' Ao*ip*>u Hood • Inbound Ralnplpes Unclogged t-ONO BRANCH •. • • Mouninn and Moni» Avtiiuiflt HILLSIDE. 169 BfOMUay SPRING LAKE HEIOHT8 .... .COLIS.NCCK --• Gutters/Screens Installed *^34 MO Ba» 1^7 NAVESINK IRVINOTON Hrgh^ay 36 ftnd V»H«y TOMSRIVEn: • Call 1-8OO • • OliAL ' 67* Fl*che< Blvk). Bay Plain* Minor Repairs-Insured' PLAINFI6LD, Aw,.u^, PO u, j^i UNION1 9'7'Oro yiLJVwsjiit Awnus' (Deadline I Sh ento/. -MAC yB

•••-:•; ;--:--•*r:r: ::' .-' ;• :: :. 1* I'-f^iHjgfi"^':-- 7-

p if " X^'i" '*i •"' '''J''i ' '•" I9S5 - K*9vnit helps iff seizure fi+~WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, SGPIBMBEB an; was — vaca ir Eyeglass recycling drive oeaine-from Veaas^ " Scheider wed attracts celebrity talent — K^9Handlers' from the Search and pects were taken into custody and Lynn Catherine Lalora. daughter of Mr, and Mnr. Jack F, Lalora of Moun- obituaries Rescue Unit were instrumental in the . transported to the Federal .Courthouse - talnside, was married recently lo Glenn Roy Scheider, the son ofMr. and Mrs., confiscation of 24 kilos of cocaine, it in Newark, pending arraignment and Glenn C. Scheider of Long Valley and formerly of Springfield. anil jurnnuwai. is. tailing omramurf lack die jnnney in' ftc .facto mr «f TOCydfa^ smce carousel at Terminal C, America West able to detect Ihc presence of narco- Best man was JeHYey Bnggs, friend of Ihe groom Serving as ushers were zabeth six years ago Stephen Locrotando, brother-in-law of ihc groom. Gary Btnenslock, David Sal- |: Airlme,-in Newark-airport tics. The handlers who work as one Surviving are three-daDgnters.Mar- Rrrthtofli mips a fammcr iMunBm anff- sido, John Wioland. Donald Rlnaldo, Geza Eckcrt and John Apicelljjriends^f •«cs. .-jemkjft, ahter. •mattcbes. dental Sheriff's Officer Brian Way with the dog pick up on the dog's indi- ilyn Freeland, Linda Tmnaand Nancy Khe IbiBiBanoc Wnmon off Nfc«' Jhratj the groom. -The ring-bearer was Stephen Locrotando, nephew of the groom, ' goU nd'baricg nk. Pmcuas meu3 responded with K-9 Talco, an 8-ycar- cations and are able to alcrl the DEA Buschlco; two sons, Kenneth and Bar- jntft ji nnenihor uff Qr-KixAK.' a I After a honeymoon trip to Sandals Dunns River in Jamaica, the couple will is sold Bo A nfc&iertH* fymiS tfhc qld German sl^ppard He obwrved officers that narcotics are present." ry Sr, a sinter, Manon Iiwm, I* dlob m ulllr ttrrt••'Sflns.i Bfirilltic reside in Flanders. wo pieces of luggage on the carousel This method of law enforcement grandchildren and IS great- •Ne pbaic fcam** 'arc laded by WJH- assigned to flight 1748,fromUs Vcg- and drug interdiction is not new The grandchildren. aid' 9B Greek foods, music and fun for children and adults rhayr __as.,Rusin placed the bags on Iho floor expertise of Ihc handler and the ability Florence U. itichael toeiound during the weekend at the Holy Trinity Greek 10'feel apart and K9 Falco sniffed Amelia Todd swaod ferae," assured of the dog has been tested many limes IRlaFBnoeM SSKlhiinT WH <™ Uranffi Orthodox Church Festival in Westfield. both bags and gave a positive indica- "Amelia Todd. 7«. of Holland' in the courts. The courts found that the dioJ Sqpi D* an Union Braipi-i'l tion for both suitcases Township, formerly of Springfield, use of specially trained dogs is not a Bam ra Nc«uo)fc. Mn. Mdhicil .'-, - While the DEA agents were pro- died Sept 22 in Hunlerdon Medica] CaciM *rctax violation of the constitutional rights Irvsd im Unum Sioir 95 yam Slhron-* i mu*si curing a search warrant, l»o suspects Center, Flemington; iftfc and dawU he 1801111 JOT New Eye* of Ihc defendant. •mombor crif &c B&CHJOJ' Alhin Sivn-i-v Yajaira Sanchez, 29, and Vivian Rod- Born in Newark. Mrs Todd Jived jn Church to hold Greek When asked to put a street value on df Si fcluibad * Obinih inl i*ir irrf- •'»" Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox building, small shops will offer items covered 24 kilos of a controlled grandchildren and a greal-grandchfld infesting our playgrounds, parks and Marylou and Charles Monroe Gillikin ffiratei(O^ unil BEITM JUT Church will bold its annual Greek such as imported Greek olive oil and dangerous substance The (wo sus tosiirtrau* ttiut! itteas 3itt nnllBcns., of schoolyards where our children play Anita Curtiss jgnmildhHlflron jn 'I t, t jtru K FcBUval this weekend. The festival coffee, books, CDs. "gold,: silver, anil It is unfortunate, that narcotic traffick- features homemade Greek food and :' costume jewelry, women's and child- Anila Curtisfi, 89, of Mountainside ing has become a business All I can jpaKtrieK, live Greek-music; and Greek ren's apparel, and toys. Zottl and Gillikin wed died Sept 21 in her home Task Force on Aging say is that if anyone is foolish enough ou FREE Information! education from Kcan College's Graduate School of Education She is pursuing Surviving are her husband of "64 . AflHffiijae, Psyciiafflriic • iCftiittreadh, and enter the four digit employed as a family counselor in northern Virginia Esther Jcnnc, nine grandchildren and 1 .%lUnuiloinn wilHtt«rse-owaflfirftow- ' ithefeiltivjBd, costumed dancers -will Westfield;Festival-hours will be 11 where Lines nre only sep.it lied by selection number below , Following a one-week, honeymoon in San Diego and Las Vegas, the couple 13 grcal-grandchildren )^ itlu.; ijrtiijrtaii. TTmr -icjmiMj anil,' •;;.~t!UttB Cranoiy perform and teach ethnic Greek a.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and Satur- lines, or on ,i pn\.u<.ty mami imul settled in Dcthcsda, Md 1 Lynn Catherine and Glenn Roy Scheider 59D0 iln- treat. " . '.•'. . . •. HP ifc>BO£{£it' dances.. ; - ' ••' - • -. "' ' ', .'.' :' day, and noon to 7 p.m. on Sunday. road RELIGION 590H A "village squjre'."'set Up on'-the1-.. Donation is $1 and children under 12 • '•Slow down lo 10 miles pir houf :: Blood drives are scheduled death notices S9D2 [rB2iiii«or'«ifi t(i»t Miiaioor Asm RaratL *^Vl churbh grounds will offer children's enter free. For more information, call on a dual highvuj, if jou IIR on the Announcement policy 3220 Bible Verse For The Day •59D3 OoSt «n>. iK-'luted Stalcc Otapantn^nl gurnet and crafts. Inside the church the church al (908) 233-8533. other side of i sifuj isl md or raised Couples arc encouraged lo send their engagement and wedding announce The following blood drives have been scheduled for the Mountainside area CURTISS-AnIUM ol Mountains!* W««1or 5904 Wis Punarafl © ^median menls to the lifestyle editor Announcement should be typed, doubled spaced through the Wcslficld/Mountainsidc Chapter of the American Red Cross in 64 years lo Lawrence M mother o> Dun 1 School buses arc equipped with Cull l:veryiluy! or legibly handwritten and no longer thiin one page All announcements should cooperation with New Jersey Blood Services Curtiss ol Frankln Likes and Arrhgr Cutibt and Anta Mays both ol Namtoem NC sWerot wifti ©nicm yellow, or amber, and red flashing luvc a daytime phone number for vcrfication or if questions arise On Oc|, H, Ihe Blood Mobile will be at Presbyterian Church on Mountain m ** Your Community t Btu r Charles Mom) arid Esther Jenne- both of So Attention churches, social clubs lights The >cllow,or amber, lighls go Information requested for engagements arc parents names, high school name Avenue in Wcslfield from 8am lo 1^ 30 ^p m " EvtEnafiipm tctf l^uicrp oh. before Ihc bus stop1., and Ihe rul and lown. college name, town and_degicc._nnmc of cniploycr4nd lown-where Tliiuugli Ihe Aiikillcarrkeu iross and Ne Jersey Blood Services, any ornndmolher ol 13 A MemoHal servtae will be . !Tlui;in£WKpjrte£encourages congregations, temples, social and civic brgani- Infosource Salurday October 7 1895 2 DO pm al the iCllIixrl Bnittsi.' am ffiaiuil -mil- Sams: ;.. .Gmnty to j zationirio inform the editors about scheduled cVcnts and activities. Releases lighls go on when n has slopped 84 HOUH VOICE IHFOBM«nQM »?RVICE located, job title and the dale of mamagc replacement of needed blood is replaced al no charge to ihe recipient Tor f urth Community Presbyterian Church Mountain- \ IMIillc Srr.kt ul side Contrfcutlons lo Ihe church Airanne- I T"lili' mil' Timiwi'i ' iTmiMiiiiii' imiiiiinii ~ i _1 -DDTrT*aepi.nd on ihese lighls il jou cr information and referral for these and other services provided through the shouldibc.'tvpedt^iouMe-*fip^'**^,"""rt |"^iHft" ^fl^Mif iii'iirf" !' wlw»rf n irprfsrn- WORRAIXCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Information requested for weddings are parents names, dale of wedding, menls by GRAY FUNERAL HOME 318 East itative may 'be reached during the day. Send information tbiLifcstylo-Ediiorr --""^driving behind i school bus The) where die wedding took place, who officiated, who atlended tlie bnde and Westfield Red Cross and New Jersey Blood Services, call 232-7090 Broad SI WesHleW "" "Box ,3109. Union, N.J. 07083.'.. .. may be malftmciioning groom, high school namo and town, college name, town and degree, name of employer and town where located, job title and where the couple honeymooned and will reside When sending a picture with the announcement, a check for $10 is required Calderone School of Music LETTHEBIBLISPEII Black, and while or clear color pictures arc acceptable Pictures of the couple Certified Teachers / Established 1975 sitting or standing togcllwr are pcrfcrrcd Pictures of one person (.landing and 1 Pet. 4:11 Piano, Organ, Accordion, Keyboard, the other sealed present design problems, so if possible, side by side is belter 'Established by Christ, T For-more information call 686-7700. Voice, Woodwinds, Brass, >\ v L*I . H*rT V|"tr 11 »|«TiVl < (••* T>7 - •J^frfir t3a i I y services- , LUTHERAN •. 9:(K) A M Nurery a\adible (Jtirii^ Worship Mikil I wrjoiii Mduiine WtiLihy Niifitry •.'(•yui.- Ifj A M . T.i,< (' M (tf.ai Kunwr During, Communion i« ser\ed ihc HrM Sundiy ofcuh Vlliml for 1/ 1 mil 4 yr olilt IMIIIKIK 6uitar, Drum, Strings, Harp ' Undenominational in Nature ~ X: ttntiauiip. loutiuilc ' iftufyJIcf?' IBlHlr -Unity'.' .ilii' siiiimu'i. Vu'ninp fccrvii't'.* nl'^iii^el. During (.•HACK .l.li'l'IIICIU.N 'tilURfll ANP mnnlh All ire wUiome •^,i hsjj for mlfliiipail inrtinniiliili y\v-t ,SJ . •( i istnuiuiirv >iuUJ 'jim^imc. HXUQUC. llii' Miiimitir. .I'tvimtj! M'rvji'O,'; n( 7:|.< P.M. ..sX'IIO<)I.S ::22 Viiiixii3i|.Roj!il, I'niOn, .Rev,.-. i ill rimnh>Oliiii OSS TlrU Sirviiip Cliiinh and Lessons for the Learning Disabled 'No Creed But The Bible C'liuu'h lift1 lii'iit nt '.yiiiiimiiiilir*. Sumlny, H;?0 Donald I.. Dr'anil. I'.mor. (OIW)'68AO985. Fnui- '*"flii"M'lflNliii fi'ilnu'sliiii On U'cUne,1- Wi f ' and Mckoniuiuioiigrcgallon of OinMim« who SIIIIIIi> ( ImuliSih ml ( mif.l i|| ]gi-'.9(K) for Ages 2-7 Hftliri^uiKiD *.v«ium iftit ill if fvViiiiij:,*. idk-r K:H0|'.M,, or- mn'ar-tv scf- - jiadiLr togeilier to \*c ciM.ourit;ed in (hi. fan!) -nil sniiili) IIMIIIIMI Uurthi|i Sirutc 10,1^ serving 700 young men from We Urge Our EnanrisTo ilTitvesitiapB '."vifuv.. iim 'Tiil(iui(|_«iHi!y yri'up \i\cctk-. S|Mef- IIOI.YcKOSS I.L'lltliKAN-C'IlUlicil639 slrcnglhtn in hope, and empowtad in Iw hnvt nil uiili iiin^rv I ILiliiiis fliiil ML |irn\i(Ltl ll>nill itKVlv tl'tt*. vL'rniid Tik*sil;iy I'vanii)^ of;, Moiini.-im.AVi'... Spnni'iu-lil.- (2(M) 379.4525, and fmliful followers of Jejiu Ould cve and 101 Icommuniiies in 8 counties 281 MAIN ST. MILLBURN The Truth That They May Be /t I'WT.i, !iiti|ii|i, iiiul.nur-Di'y Sfmn/lVuip niccU I'.wor iivl K. Viivs • "Our Family 'iiiviiiu' Your,: <>|>|Ui|l|lllllK'. lUI paMlllkl LTUUIII HlUKIjll . nursery ore avalhhlc following Ihe pul of our ttnnln|i ( hic-iiiii LIICIL inui )UIII!I i.r. mil ruiim^hlp 467-4688 • iiii Hil'itrnuiiinii (.iiiiLrniiitj: <»W NC'^V yoiilll ' wiiii.lloly Comiimihiiii. .Suinlay>. >:(Kla.ni; nnil yiMin^ihllilren Iloly Communion will IK uk Welcome lii45 a in. willi Sniiil.iy .s'lhoiil 'dlirilip exit Sim liji ClinicIISLIUUII MUIIIIII ttorOlip For classes in Livingston area call 887 340b iimiip. iitiiM.'ry ,u:litui|, vunuiicr.jl.iy c'nni|v,'cniv . hrakd ui iho first Sundny of tvcr> monih If Ml I' a in [ iiiiinlinii'ii lirtl Mind iv i'f iuli mitl inn \|VL''I;II |)'iit}>iiiiii<> HI '2l*H-467*06A6. Sv'rviio. Nurwry i'aiv i« proviilaliliifiiiy Wot- you hive am i|ik^lni|^ inurcsl of iniLirnt THE CHURCH OF CHRIST nl' I llll I Ilk'. IIIIUMIILIII SIILILI) MWI.II l xliip..sVrvii'ev,Clii'i'>iian Nur^'ry SL-IIIIOI, ICicl.s* Oilui-'luHiis.Minnli'ty ilitu'niui:Ml;i\ ).(«lA'.M ple.ni. till ilk putor Rci Jiff Mukiy il MLMIH ul i II II in nlli il | (Id pill I ulhi. (Matt 16 18, Eph 5 23 Worn lie 16 Cdl tl KS -' jiUMip.M.. 1'ii.d.iy,;');t(u.-^ ui |> M ; ^niinuT '•; -KoimViiii .v.idp in V'Vi-ry ollu-rTutuiay, Youlli 2IU-W, 1695 Fi'liomliitt. 7:1)1.1 p. in i'Vi-ry nilur Tucwl.iy, Muiim (uniip- tniWi iik<.ih> nfi kliniiHiih Mltlburn Umll Suites ihiurs,' (iiCKi A M'.-2:Mh P M Kiil.l.i Abu -! . ' 1 II'HI I'111 klllnkliKli M iniMnl IIIIL Vuhir iiiiil Kiilihi lsr,n'l L: Turiin, HincriHix • Woiik'M's Dihii. Simly 'Hiurwlays, 9:,10 n-nu.. SALON PERFECTION 1933 Vmuxhmll Hornd, Vauxhmll, *-» -Ut (In .Ii uli ill mill II ) HI i in lill,«iihl|.l) i) Ailnli Climr 7-^11 pin. TuoMlays.'Mdllttrs' MORAVIAN Jnl Mm In c( mil im.nlh ii l| id nil Sunday 10 AM Bible Study 11 AV Woprtilp Semtfoe, Miirniii|i-Oui Mnii'.iry 9:15 a.in. 'lliurwlaysi , 8 PM Evening Service Wednn.d.y 7-3DIP.M BWleSlinlV 1 IIATn.lMIU.I. COMMUNITY MORA- (lion iwn I1iiir-.iln II Sim pin Jr MILII OFFERS GOOD WITH (*D ONLY Mi'n'j niyaLila -' 7:.i() a-in. firM Solurdny, l.llu«Lhip M mil In II n I IU . I! nil niixilli 1 VIAN CHURCH 777 Lilnriy Aumn. UMIOII ALL COUPONS EXPIRE 10/31/05 ' Nj.tlUi,MHli.' .^."J'Ait ' 'Viiltlli •'r»viiiii*i* 'MiiiivilayK. "I'aa'iiis', N'iylu CHM", il 7 in p m (miiiriii ui ii (. I IU nu> I rnh> JEWISH-REFORM Siixdl firout' MMIIVIIIOS S'|H*-'iol scrvk'cs ftiiil. 6! loai-inuy sctw\ to ho ininiHini'i-'il Fty hirilier School 9 15 i Iu Suwi.e of Wockllip 1010 II ! h p III Ul*\ ll{lliC \ flinil. PtU \r I" tHnn OFmrtrF i $•« f\OO OFF • iiifwnlaiiiiii. pk'.iw call (2(11) .1.79-4525, , a.m. (sur^ry |womkd I irM Sundiy iiiry- luuNin i'itr.sn\ iruuN CIIUKCII PERMorDODVWAVE IIEMI'LE KUA'A.RIiV .SHALOM 78 S. imimli IJkiu^lnp Hour alUr WorOup IViya WOMENS r 1 :tuniwr'.fillttfimiii.in t:»j S)imii!(iclO— A-vunui^-,Spr.iii(:ficl(l,' (201) SiUm KKIIIOI Huiueiioi Avuiui Union War 1 3 r C»I'O '".l ViM -' .Suin'i.c •niiilj* '"ikf'i'iitt!" 'firf/- L'i lii^irti., Group every WidnctiLiy 7 ('Hip in Dihli smdv Sunday, October 1, 1995 HAIHUUHAIRCUTI aHAMKUU/ULUSHAMPOO/BLOW-DRW LIH'Y j I" *! *° w^L.w«.yj.^. t».^> • . jm-SJM.. Jisihua Goldsleiu. V.M\t, Aiiiy IIOI.Y ritiMTV i.i."it|EitAN ciimtcii OiipTiiilUnialiSdiiwI SuinLi>( u III (Ml AM every \Vednc«la> 7 1(1 p m WOUKII ! irnuni. 1 ^. ^k. .^h. .^^ ticxic I (S. M ^v ^^ mt _ I ; illl 1'iiL-kirr Aw.. 1'iiiiiii 6SK.II714. Slovnli Nursery C-UL. during nil tcrikL . Hul> Coin MENS $ Mi: i.'! *'.,ii'i • tti'-' iifift'j.tw 'liUfWf'-^lfllz *Ii,-ll, iTii-JiA' ^uuitlljl.'Cuilltir. Uwt Dnlloii. Hilucaliiwl Dirtv- meel first I ueulay 7 ill p m mil Urn Uiur'd iy 2 -5 p m Chryt-uithi. r(t HAIRCUT 19.95 ; hum Moowlii lViMiifeiu^VnipIc Slia'arcy Sha- liiit!hOi Worship 11 u() a.in. Ciiinrinmiorron nffcr opiHuiiiniiid for piHoml t ^Ui •m'l no.oo 1/2 hour Facial mum Sivieiy secoml I rldiy of moulli H 00 p in (li.^t.lopinL.111 for ilnldft.ii youili mil ,iilult« SMAMPOO/BLOW-DRY ' Includos Cloansing Massapo_&_AMa_5k_| lulti ii.s .a -Kufctrrn cixii:rc£UMoi> ji(niiatcd u-itji.. . -fir.si• ;iiicl ilnnl SnniLiy-oi'-wory iilnnth " - .'(exciptJiii JuI.AAup) I or more Inform i Family Fun You Cant Afford to Miss! IIK' tlmun Qf AniericuJi IloKrcw Coji^i'iiaiiorLS \U hiii. llirco dillitrcn s chmrs mil in adull r lion nil ihe Church Oifne i CIIIIILLI ClHnr Our IVrshylin in Wnincn vc CHDLiRBN sHAlRCUf 0 v-me. ..I-.,•!!);•.- ,.'ii,u li'L'ALlC) .Sliilblmt .worship, enc-liaiit-td hy vtit- Join Us for a Great Season w/tt Ul Your ftnwie AMM mm™ clinir, IvpnMui I-ruby i-vcmiii:i ;il H .10 diMdiil nun Inuiiley Cliunh ic n L.rtmui( itj^rL^n 120 Northheld Avenue FALL CHILDREN'S MUSICALS SERIES lion of clirlny |vo|ilc I (f uitnrni inon ihtiul If If AW if(i|liwi;d hy worsjiip ol Id .1(1 AN) • WOltl) OF (JKACI-: I'HI.I.OWSIIII' MIM :Kulii!iitu* w;hiuil cla.«tfj. ii'icct' nil S;iiunf.iy Cllltisl-C'ilUKCII, 561 Spriiitlteld Avc. U|voiiung cvoiig ,uul programs. |ili,iw uill i|\p Wesl Orange, N. J- .07052 265 Mountain Ave * Springfield SATURDAY & SUNDAY PERFORMANCES AT M Sunluiii. KJ («J(IK) 27.1-5549: I3r- tiiarlos T._ •SXIliliS, INC., YMCA, (W Maple Slreet, 'aiurehornciiidHfi-ltniti Dr, Drallm l.ui-klinfr, ; i i •miiruiliiy. U* yratjes K-?i \\n Tiit'Mlay uiul (201)325-6632 Oct. 1 & 8 • Theatteworte USA New; IB A 19 - • l i:r^.ui(I. • KIII.II. Syn'ior MiiiisU'r; U'ayik- Drailford, Minis- ' F.xa'ulive Mcctin|[ KIHUII - .ird Floor...Sumuiiti Minisior. , • ' • : - ' 'nuiKdny uHenuunis for 4.7. 'OJHI Tuc.ulay 1 I'vuiiiiiyj. for,|KMl hurAial mii/.viili MUJOIIIS. I're- irr uiMiiMi AliluHihh alliliak-il willi die Sunilay Service. HMO am. A Noil- 201-376-6870 u.'liiHil..cla|t.sii.s urc ovniluhlc \f>t cliilrirci) o^ ^uu'riniii UapliM C'lnirtltos, t'SA,• mul Ihe - Dvnoiulnalioiiid IVIIowship which adlieres in BABAR5 BIRTHDAY THE LECENP I "liili7!! (TKIKII of C'liriM.-our inontlvrs come Hie (iraiv ami Uithk'i'USiii'.w of Jesus ChriM! ROMAN CATHOLIC 1 1 2 ••'. .'llirmi|ili i Ilic Temple lias ilu- \u|ip»n «f iu ' Babars birthday bash is filled AC DC/AC ttll I )i • M ». fin'r. ** i' ! lV(!"Cii(!.-'v*!^f'Ji^'^'Jlir.- • • ' *••* *"->'*- CAT ~"&J-* , •. .-iioin -vanoii.'.-H-liyioDs'hiickiiroiiiids, Siniday I'aMiir Jdlm N. Ilo[:aii. For more iill'ornialioii .uuiiw SisrcrluKiU. UUUhVrlu««l, aiul Voulh : with unusual events yf rC«W Plw vrvav III am. liilain,.2 child c.irc: Smuliiy - call ('JUKI 245.Mi5li. Vlsilors are welcome •• TIIK I'AKISII COMMUNITY -O|J'. ST. . CirtU||i A wide ruil£L' ol |ir(t|;raill.v iliL'linK- Adull JAMliX 45 Siiulli S|irini:nL'ld Avenue. Spring- • i 1 -•>i'lMMirA(!i*^- Jr. MIIIII. IIIIIII-I |:)5. Sr. IMi:li ASSOCIATKD 1IIIII.I-: STOllUNTS, meel- -.i.-, in,: ir;.'ti'tr-|i.y;-:.^.IT" 'iU|:'1yrJilli.t; i'"^J.lJ- , ,«;!I|J|!J \'itO.\\\ •"•"+ '(.'I.'J;UIU(( MurUl .1 UtlMIl ' :b(IUL-iiln>ii. Siicinl Action, Inu'rlaiili Otnrcadi, fielil,-New Jcrsiiy 07niii|w. IViitulii'iilly, ilK' lllumiiia- My Suniloy l:'30 |ilii-Sennoii/l'opicnl Slimy, S.u \M\-2M\ p.m.. Wrtkday Maws: 7:iw & $5,000 Photo Contest! K:IMI'a-li>' ' ' ioiV|vrliirin iliamuu'iiliiiiilio wursliip wrvicc. .1:011 pin • Ilihk) Simly/Toplcal Study. Sunday •^ ^ Your\ our Community's{.ttmmumtys Best,uest. WONDERLAND School avadalMe lor children. For more iu|or . - u;li:i.!.'- 'tluniiutiur iim:L, ^'anoiis I'oiiiiiiuniiy . ouircticli projuams : Visit our Pumpkin' Join Alice and her Mends iMvliuli- lljliii.u l,>r lluiii.inily: tiriil^ca(Friday: fi.F'2.1: . • • •' ST. ril|-:RFj:A«CllllUCrrMI wiiiiiiiiiiliin AW.,' Keililwivlll. 272-.I-M4, UL'V. JO, |-|I S. Infosource •braiun-lillod.trip,-, , ...... JEMJSJJ'.- TRADITIONAL W r nililii liv'il mils jo Ni'w Yolk Oiy houwless); patch iindget liili-rlnilli jlio-piiahiy Noiwofk; Inner Ciiy. lU'jt'rowiL-/, I'aMnr, Sunday MILVWS: Snt. 5:30 24:HOUR VOICE J^^B^TioNjEFivicE. - •••:CONSERVATIVE' -.: New, 4 & 5 • Thealrdworks USA i ' 'MOVNTAINKinK-'CIIAI'liL. IIH» S|»uce pni, Sun. 7:30 • am; Minnulous Drive. MiuiuiiiiiK-iilf. 2..12O45". llt-.f-iffllwy. 1 j.Hcll wiilli Hit!-UliMcll Syaiiio^tii- of Anti-riL-a. llaiisi. I'.iMor, WI-:F.KI.YA(TIVITIIiS:SI'N. Mtii.il"Novciin fiillnwinii 7:30 pin Miiss. ST. - . Mau-Vliall .Kuail, UJIII ' I'laiir Sircui. Pnuui. • JI lUI! I'l-KI'irRiRAI. NOVIjNA • Wi'ibiM- ;f.bV oijV national _ . By THE ALL-NEW 7 METHODIST DAY 9:45 AM • Niimliiy School lor all ni:es' ..(>? :V UaiitUI (iollaiiKiii. C'anttV. Da\ul I-|:(m-AM .-MOKNINO WOKSIIII' .-.-.willi Dr. - il.iys, 12-Niwii anil 7:30 pm. IWly Hour for vi»'- •;l;ick-O'-I:anteiTi MERLIN MACK 5H0W Waldohalpsaimnd'dmaxwr , rullliund.ll'ii.'.sllltilll, <'UII|!IL-IMIUHI Ilrlli Sli;ilitm llajiii. N'urM'ry i* provided iW ICThiW-m filiont. iuul Kik'L'i.il uili'iuioa'i.'Share Ills [vitu'L-r-- Ihe jays at teaming i.valiiUriliiilL'd'rrtKliliinial ('ou^vviiiiv;1 Syiia-. 1 Telephone :—This magician is lull ol t'tll'AI. CDL'ItCII 211 Ilillon Avenue .2-y'eiir-oliK. C'liilil(eii'» Churches for 2-ye.ir- lul iiilcri-o.^iiiiis. [:ii|Uii- l)|iily s'ur^-icL'A • Mnii ^ 'iiiurs t<4S contest. Any- Vaushall."IW-I2H2. Sunday Cliuuli Si'tmol nliK lhroii(!li ihinl isradc. (>Mt I'M IJveninr. Ser- . wizardry and wonder AM Tui»:.'-WVd •'« Fn v.iiiANf tiv'il hull-1 Dec 9 & in-VatfictHtuaicai IHhsatf 'J.Kia in'. C'liiirrli'Wni>.ln|< 10:45a.m. Wednes- vice (FjiM and third ,Suiul.iy» Care Croups , NOT!-!: All oopy clmn^eN inu.sl lie iii.-iile in- dny.<. mid Suudiiy iiioriiinii Vr\ ILO • H .in A.M body can win! ; iti>- I'r.iver .Vlceiiiiji-iV: Dihlc Sluily 1W pin- ine'cil. MONDAY 7:iio I'M - Junlofnnd Senior u'rilln^ anil rei.YiVLNl.hy Wurrall Comniuiuty ~~Nov. fTS12 • Gingerbread Players Slialili.il Syrviuc.'- - Frid.iv • b.lu I'M ; Salurday, liy\ fiinilH'in A I-'nhlur-IWuir.' Ihull V>>lli|l Crolljvv WliDNUSDAY: 7:0(1 I'M Neu-ipniiers Nol.aler llvui I2:|WINuiii,Fridays ".15 AM. 'Ilk' -in'* L-n-auvi- F.lcnii'i'il.vy - MID-WI:I;K .sT.liVICF. • Family Niiilu tlihle prior In ilk! following weokVjiju!!' ' Just-cauve-you r- HtllMfW- 'SL'IUUII .IIILVI.S Suildays M:3(l AM.> - MID-WI:I;K .sT.liVICF. • Family Niiilu tlihle VIL UIIMMIL: uutii ppi^t!U)ililillili: 'fuf III! lljiw h D ll niklln Srvi Dide I'leajiO address ehftnyes in: THEdlN«RBREAPBOY 'i;:lHi Nuon . • '.'; • ' ' fOMMl'MlY L'NITICl) p .Study with Dr. llailj! nuikllan Servicice Drij;iide ' ' .Wi;iiJ*;i,W .'ttfUiU.t.'N •'tMUllUtlltli: •KUlUJll.V.t.'.VtJ CIILHCII OIAIIIUI Sued * liw (Irani Ave. STOCKADli fur Iwy-'. in. third ihrouurouuh sixth Divotliy O. .punipkin and send Thg Gingerbread Boy embarks A spirited holiday musical-tor all 1 : Kou-lli- Park. Uev Kanfy S. Belsky, Pasior. i!riiile|INHI;lIsil|'ION HIltCIII«S l'r«sriiiint s T — -WiMII. c»inniuiiily~Ni!*- 7:45.I'M I'rayer ' 1291 'Siuyve*an< Avo. a photoi It's that »vvcnut, lliiimi. 6K7-2I2M Miycr Kuduiiaii, P.O. Dox 3 Id'J Wiir»llip\si'ivitv»: 'J:(«l ,* 1 • :€H1 A-M- illour meeiiim; Chuir, Ueheiirwil. . "' '. A SPECIAL EVENT ' " ••-' Kulihi HHUI Sullowiu. Caiilnr. tisllur AVIILM. .. •' Union, N.I. (I7(1H3 easy! i'liuiaie-iViiKolU'd. hmnor-free Snncluary. Friday, Nov. 24, at 11 A.M. & 2 RM."- Theatreworks HU&A illadiu'uili CiiiUft*iM:lii:(, J'diiuipal .(Inlani null C'ldld Care• ovullnlile M eai'li Wor- ruul.ofiUiiiiiii:^ airadiiioiiikl Coas^r- ship wrviic) Adull nihk> Sluilyi l(l:WI A.M. PRESBYTERIAN _ TURN lillf ll 1 ••Cnisiiler. (j>>i.r.(C llllil«u .& Jr-lIltli-Youll* CONNKCircD'i' 1'AltMS, 1'IIK.SHVTK- BABES INTOYLAND ihillii JILIJII 'Kuluull ullll ,|m)- Ifnility SuruiciJ* HJIVI'M, .SaiunUy lli:i*Mi A"M, ColTec S Fellowship Time: IO:(KI everyone TO Gome -along (or a trip through 1he ''Forest-Of N6 raatorn", -UiiKi AM'Muuluili 5,-Jti I'M Sunday Tallis ami ItlAS CIIUUCII I-M-I7.10, Siuyvesani Ave, A:M C'IIUICII School (N'urwry • I2lli Graifc): anil.Klf22il'luoii. .Suiiuneru'heduleJuiu25io ' Tcllllui 0:{Ki XM Ki!li|ii"U> Ncluxti willi n IUII - .1 IKK) A.M. .United MclliodUt Ynuili Fellow, Your talkinfl 'Sept. ,1 Sunday.wwihipal,10:15 a.m. Child unit iHiiuii||>ul Cirwto "tinef lli'nui|>li Si".t-n slllp (Cniile» 6^12): 4:(KI.I',M.,Sniicluiify Qiolr PAGEB2 vqre |ioviili'il durhi|! Ihe Worship Service.. We GOOD SEATS STILL iiiadi.SiiiilliwJ-J.O.Ml »VM ami Mwiilny« « (Sf. Hlfilt Yuuili * Adulti): Weaii«dny« ol House of about? »:wliu»diiy» - a-5.311 I'M I'rimcc .Ctou for HM P.M. Prayer Plume: (008) 245T2I«9- All - have an Adull Chancel Clioir. Souiul..System For Details .Ci«iito»:Oi»; mid Two, Sundays . !)-lli:.1ll,AM: ^re wilcomel "''••:••. , . • , • lor Ilk' heariut impaired Coffee Hour Follows AUull !tbliRsw'iC!la.Uix< luJliiilnn:' iu mul Uai the Service Ample paiklng. Presbyterian ' Worship Mictvuli Itftifpuruiiiiii • UiurMl.iyj - h-III I'M KENILWOKTir COMMUNITY UNITKD Women Circles meel Monilily.' Dihle Sluily ,(iroup meets 1st ami ?id Mundayn al 7:.KI p.m. BROOKSIDE DRIVE, NIIIIBURM, Keiiier IHiili^VeeHiSflAUfwv^Mf'.f i . Imii|ili- btuJl jpi.Hu.ui.v pruiiram.Miiid i METJUODfiT CIIUHCH 455 DiHilevurd, This 'Ilk' i.lviiii! llooin • A'Sii|iport Group for.lhosD ;fM< "V«ulli 'Ciroii|i> CWade* Si iKeiillwoiUi,.,Rev! Linda Del Sardo, Pailw. jnding has been matte possible injiflr.t-hy-thy Now Jwy tO . 7:MI ilWf - IPmyw Wwrirtf uuul 1 copiuu. willi ayed persnus^ iikViV4dilliur*id(iy TwdUe Ulir uUii'lituc'a ^crs iu-'i aiimili office 276-1956. PKKinnge 276-2322.: -ilheAils/Peparlmenl o( Stale and the Nalnral Endowment 1onhe Arts -of Ihc moiilfi. Full |ViH!iaiii ofScoiiliiiji pro- Weekend UBROW mill 'M A.M.. Sunday SCIKUII

•• •-• .••-.-- \-'

'l|JU|lWWrMWIilJHlllMliBM J

.^-(^A, .


H.S. Football This Weekend ..«.-.: -J: Qov- LLvjn^sjQrjjitJmmaculata, 7:00 Saturday: Dayton at Newark Central, 1:00 7f4OB Somes Regional does well m opener against WOHHAU-COMMUNffY NEWSPAPERS U NT Y N Bulldogs showpdiseJriW^-sefoaelc from wc Minw tin ic«nauir fjurr- w. Aipjanc^ Rmrttnto Jr. Jamall Williams. 'tally, ill' vwchripiiiiip tin Hit titrtituaa- Whale die prnjAc driyse wi0] forefront in his life. competitive. Dayton led 7-6 Into in the j Finney compleicd a 10 yiird:touch- Illumes."' , : . • . . On Monday afternoon, the 42-ycar- third i|iianer before Hillside, scored down pass to Williariis hue' iivthctthirti, l old Ruotolo was laid to rest al Fair- the game's fiii.il two touchdowns.' g — -^— ••• innrK'Tiiii'll'l i *4llllifll'lil quarter to give Hillside the lend 'for view Cemetery, not far from his "1 Ihink we played well against a1 ilnst ->wci>k -anti -ili'icr jjinny; ttn waSO •• imnff^A jjj CO110- •'•'•.."He had a. lot of poise 'back ihore," And, of course, there was Mary, his AndreW K. Ruotolo Jr. held a 7-0 lead at the half. The Bull- . : 'But. .20 .lit HJiHcdllr Hirfk, W3R •f's tap bw tmifciixiotndid «iflBoor Sn Rysca'vagp said. "He .got hii n fow . ; wife, who played a pivotal role in her dogs moved I'rom.iheir own,35,inlo ,iC)m. -3JS IRoJidlLc. I1KK) • :,'.-;• afhe Soar yeas be bud linen jirosecu- times and came right-back lip.*'. .'. husband's life,not 'only mothering/his admirably, and that was followed by a Hillside .tenilorj: .behind a ,39-yimi •Nov'.-4;(fitHtml IIiT(illk,'2(ltf)J tas. Ka Jomne- at jircwooinnr was Sophomore running: backs 'Mike three children in happier times, but reading from ihe~]3ook: of Rcvclaiibns pass Ironr sophoniore (lua'rlerhack "Nov. liO.'iit ."Wlmniillu, ,77;l?[i '.'V. cf^j 'ftp^ii toe ^com" by. Peter Webb. In accordance, with Chonko and Paul Testa combined Tor-. 1 standing stpm alongside him right up Mark Armcnio to sopliomore tight ... .JJov. 3 .lit llmniiunihuu, gibe treajpoca ictf Ucmocrals the ceremony's theme, (he church's ..61 yards, Chotikn.rushing for 32 and' 1 Until death. : 1 ftjH ithc end Kevin' ;•Hoparv..•;•'.. ). •• '••'.'• .'•••'••' ;/ :: IRaonrti: (ti-il -""--'•"i' • -;•' • chorus sang "All I Ask of Yj>ii ij: to. Testa for 2°:' .'• ' ,'•.••-..••'•' : That message was sounded,over '•' Armento finislied the drive by scor- : Remember , Me of Loving Youi" , Ryscavagc said thai the.two.inside., and over again during Monday,mom- ing oh'a nine-yard r.ni. Junior Jtinetl. My ituoniatimn viitb Kuntcdo was sonicthirig which, according ;,lo linebackers, juniors' Jason-'fiirsclMer ing's ceremony at St. Hclbn's Roman Fennes kicked the extr.i-point, • friends, fiuololo wanted to be sure his Pallbearers carrya casketcontainingUnion County Prosecutor Andrew Ruotolo, who 'and Jerry Sommii, anil'Clionko.in ilu' Catholic Church in Wcslficld. "We recovered a fumble ftp the.' jLlewcl. fammeifflfthem e irnatanott, I died Sept. 21 .through the^^ doors of St. Helen's Roman Catholic Church in Westfield prior secondary played well,on .(lufunxc'.. 1)0 family knew; •.'• '• -•',''.,. ;.;., : : lp^ii^|^^(f]TPy^ iirtyf^r^ *CO '11X111X3 tfaC Hundreds, :of ..law enforcement 'toMonday morning'sceremony/ Walking behindthe casketrare,front, center, Ruotolo's Hudson, who is affiliated with the daughter, Lyndsay; behind her is his other .daughter, dayne, who are followed by his mw> T^ .and canned ,a officers, lihcliid'in's.police chiefs from Center for Hopc'Hospicc in tihdcri, each of tho municipalities in Union wife, Mary, and son, Andrew. ' 1 spoke of Jesus Christ and how he I bad tailed Ihis 'Dfflaoc itwo years County and members of the Essex - attempted to create an awareness in ago Jji ifcdlcw iup •am li tJtnry 1 :hud 'Union Auip Theft Task: Force, waited :•' his followers: Hudson said that the Jnoen WTtitinf; jihnm the dcuth nf outside the church; for the arrival of one benchmark tha( slood out in Ruo- 1 IpiiWrw Ohnorikct. ^ femmar icoundil- the caskcl containing Ruololo so they tolo was his "awareness of what was Dayton Regional High School sophomore quarterback Mark Armenlo scored the .Ejulh WOOOBS in Rnuellc Pjrpk-wfho •wnrlc- dould greet the county's "top cop" . aroitn(l him."Hudsonsaid.thal:awiire-\ ..dogs; only touchdown on.g 10-yard run.in.his-team's season-opening i 9-7 loss at, home cd tinr .ihic fffccwocutnr>: iQffipc. with a salute and assortment of flags. ; n Qt ness Was evident when ho foltghl to . to. (Hillside- lasf'Saturday In Mountain Valley. Conference-Mountain Division arth tibo ujiieid ••yft'^f Ihoior; .-Utruck .'by Among those 'who visited Ruoto- create the new Child Advocacy Ccn- Springfield's Meibfel Field. • ~ ' . •• ' • • ~ ~ ,.Avenue in • to s closed coll in al Higginsand Bon-. tcr in tlizabeih to help abused child- . .. ," : "•nor, Echo - Lake Funeral Home in -'rcri, when trie ' Essex-Union; Auto As her Iheiw, Siuctlcild wus «nnic- Wcstfield during tho weekcrid were Theft Tisk Force was formed, and •aac 1 'uuintctf itortitU: itci tthciul (Ihron- former Coy. Jim FJorio, statt At;or-. . when.he pushed.for thc-lmplemeiiia- Goy. Livingston grid tearrt ta. Kit j-cminfck, I ifcill, «wc itmjior- ney General Deborah Porilz and Rep. tion of strong laws to' protect senior. (tant tun niy srtoiry. Wihon I irenched Bob Franks, ,Rr7.-Thc_casket was citizens. ; •• ;•- ••-;•;--;•:--• . - :.; Hnnnicm the acOophnac, I cnylttiocd •transported to • trie church for Mon- Ruofolb, Who had a strong desire Io scores late to jjostvictory tfl pffljwisc ictf tthe icalll, ifind >nbly . day's service. ,. . excel as both an; attorney and a, law uwnitric hirtnr J nteifliwid I 'iiid inpl Ruotolo's family watched as pall- enforcement professional, told Hud-: have ihe countj'"* nc\p Hay/ unfcircc- hciircrs carried the . coffin - into the son thai the importance of those High-scoring;Highlanders top North plain. 41-39 jneuiii ittfiSDorxm itbc -cuhur end. 'tint u church, which, although large, still things dwindled when the prosecutor man, smaranc »(hc> icurod a .grout did not provide enough scats to .-.'• niiiv.nVnGovcm'cir-Llvinglor i I..:.;...... n 'Rej^ionjil' •. '.. .«-..-s ,lO'J..':'' 5 lyip•••'•'•h schoo. l •"•"•foot• - • • • • ' v. .'•'•• • , •'..••';• ' • , ;, •>.' was diagnosed willntancer in March." A-»h j&ttaB jm «at)r)le>yoe .erf Ihin." riccommodatd the standing-room-only Hall sciison-tipcnor could be referred to iis the "Shootout in G;ib'e Jlaria belted a bases-loade.il triple in. the seventh to "He said, 'The only thing-of impor- inhere «:a* iifilonde • tfeir .a [few crowd on hand to, say goodbye to Berkeley Heights."' •''••.'• , • drive in the winning rims for LA Law in its triumph-over tance to me now is lobe with my wffc, Wesi Orange. •.,..• . ". • mcrenom* Iholcirr IRuiatnlo. IhiK voice Ruptolo. As they -..watched outside .. • .The Highlanders rallied from'a 10-poinl foiirih-i'iuuricr Mary, and my family,'" said Hudson. ftiHilv icpudidiciE, H^r^ if Ihc . under cloudy, gray skies, his wife arid . ik'l'ial by scoring the game's final two lotichilowtis oh 'Members of jlie Springfield te.mi that participated in the During his homily, Hudson noted : : iomnM wtnite hit irnmuittt .and (fux •children were met by the Rcv^ Charles nune |n a thrilling -41-3° victory over Mountain .Valley, tournament included Hob D Arceca. John' ilemer, Dill that ho was reminded of a child he Saw.. itfaom tto Bpc.lSe .coilld mot put Ihc -..Hudson, who offered rwbrds of." .••Ci'literencv'-.Vloimiain Division foe 'Noflli 'Phiinficicl. . •Nicholls, Dick Ryan; John Scanlon, Sheldon Ziegcr, Fred . during A trip to Poinl-'PlciSanL .the . «nnudi-,nin jmd w'ut inert, ufru'id ilo encouragement, before following the 'C'liiyenipr Livingston trailed-39-29.before Tim Pierson Ziloiner, llank, Lalowicz, llaria. Malkb, Scafpilto anil face of the child, wlio was riding on a, : : .m^imirf 'nlhiff 1^ tUtwtlQl'HtOOCi. . ' ' ;..ciiKke| into the church., .;•..• , ctirousei, was "lit up"ahd the youth • .••i^Vivil oftan eight-yard nin und Mike•Tr.oinbeua found the Vespasiano; ; •',' /.'• ;' ••,•' ; • •' ' • • •" .. • o;u! /oiie Tioni 10 yards away. • .•..'• Dityton' lti'f>loiiiil boys' soccer tciitn Jt v.:us wn lumHibc ilhe .cither itimcK 1 Among thoso intending the church was in "a world of fantasy," snid Hiicl- Ihadjhfecoin toiraimpunv- Dtlc: joined service were Union County Freehol- s(»n, who noted thai hi;" knowlhc*rid'e Trnnilu'tia scored thrcp touchdowns fnnhe Highlanders defoiitod by host Johnson Uojjloniil ' WiraraiUI •JNe^tjiujmri; Cine .Sunduy ders. FnmkLehra'rtd. Henry Kurz as . .ii'.-i teammate Paul PeiracCoro.two, on rims, of 17 and 21' ..The Dayton Regional-High School boys' soccer team would sooiiOnd and ihe child, would : 4jStannocui itwoi •yaan ugo und jriurti- well us former Essex County Execu- .have lo gel off, even though he would v . ....:• . • .•. began the week with a record of 0-2-1. Dayton was healen • -. \Vhiie Governor Livingston was putting points on the by Johnson 2-0 last week in Clark. . ^fiulnd iiii a Hiiiitin (Gcumty iRcuindt- tive Nicholas Amato and Essex Co.un-. not want to...... •• '. . .lii>.:;:d,•'this., u'eekend's Opponent — . Iinmaculata — -•• • Diiyton's•-.• varsiiy roster includes Yoni Hershon, :aWc ijpcinKCTced (by ''this ty Sheriff Armando Fontoura. Hudson said the same look was in 1 Jonathan Santos, Jimothy Kaulfers, Jaines Lelinhoff, •. The service op'cricd with a prayer the eyes of Ruotolo when hc.first inct • vv.:,::n'l generate any afl'ense. Immaciilaia was blanked at : Members of the Elizabeth Honor Guard display arms as a hearse carrying the body of h!u!'.i' In. Johnson Regional .23-0 last Saturday night. Witold Szkulnick. Robert Bieljeski, Femamlo .Mitchtido, ttlte KuqjMiee >gif the Kcuindltuhlc wus 'by Ruotolo's daughter, Lyndsay, who the ailing prosecutor, who had reacted maintained her composure quite deceased Prosecutor Andrew Ruotolo arrives at the front doors of St.. Helen's Roman Gournor Livingston plays, at Inimaculata tomorrow David Weiss, Thijs Van Beck, Keya IX'nna.VTIionias its loaovane P.nicm County"s itcip See IT, Page B3 Catholic Churbh. • ^7 •i!i^!i:;ii7 " ' ' Kubjczjosh-DianianlrJiinics Porter. Louie Leziini..Robert gnnranlBcnl llcaitorK aintl :uutiv.iHtJi Hiesi iij sclu'diilo: pel.-'7 at Roselle, 1:00; Oct. Mat Turner ami Stan. Zlotsky. " •,.- • null iWe itlumi CKjUuin to ithcir ccin- r>.t\ii>n'.'-l:O(>; Oct. 21 Manvil|e, 1:00; Oct. 2S Newark Daylon'S'giris' teiinis team stood al 2-4 and girls' soccer iahiiEnu Kimi: ^nf line jirciHlemi; ifac- : .... Cc:::t.iJ.—l-:()il; Nov. 4 Johnson. 2:00; Nov. n.nouiuT •ill 0:.i.al. sJiU-'llv-piiHing of-the'wecki-'-— : " ; ;t«he iooiuntj?, aniil .(tnme icif ithc Prosecutdr loses battle to cancer at the age of 42 Celebrity golf und 'tennis tournament yt to ipwucctme Khe .oibntaoIeK !lu, Brook, 1:00; Nov. 23 at. Hillside, )0:30. .'•'..•' .. ._ Union County Prosocutor Andrew -- officer in the county and thofu-fet-cVCthofU-fet- r ^—'-:^—-—— Xprln^rii'ld's LA Law sr.ip game despite a 6-for-6 performance'al th'e plate by Ed mtmiil iheMUle iGov. Him IRlcmio.iduring "He was a great person," said First ty, directing a countywide 'protocol' Scbcxil, He then attended Amherst New Jersey, located in Orange! The event will be held on — Michael J. Lapolla when he was diagnosed with cancer of !a>>c«i ^icitriiitonue .un lilie uusuult Assistim! Prosecutor Michael J. for rape victims and the establishment College, where he graduated with Monday at Ihe Crestmont Country Club in West. Orunge. wtagwiiMi Ihiiri. 5n ilhe IftaiKecruloT's ihc esophagus. Ho began monthly . LA Law readied the title game by defeating Roma .Sav- Lapollu. "He was JI fine prosecutor. of a satellite 'office in the City of First Assistant Prosecutor honors In 19^4 before receiving his The tourney is open to the public and will include men's QfiEici: Uhut 'day 'W.ure Nvmiipus llcinds chemolhorapy treatments at ihe in^-, of Ocean County 14-12 in the quarterfinals and West He was a wonderful friend." 1'luinfieid. law degree from Fordhum University ami-women's lH-bole golf outings, tennis matches, a lunc- iif unuiuii wtitplunK — \weujions Ihe Sloan-Kiillering Cuncer Treatinent Law School in 197$. Orange S-7'in the semis.' '••'"•'... ! ; Since his appointment by the gov- Ilo will perhaps best bo known, heon,'a cocktail reception and an awards dinnpri' uiinulted Ihe iluured. '"'''. begin the healing process while pro- Center In New York and kept working • .!<>• ,Scar|Mttn drove in the winning iam in tho sixth inning ernor to a five-yeilr lorm, Ruololo had though, for directing the creation of Ho joined (he U.S. Attorney's For additional information and reservations, call Jane viding evidence to prosecute physical full time ul the office. .inJ V'espasiano had sj\ consecutive hils for LA Law in its I3e.Jiliio>itltt>ujJlil.Hfitlu!iohildrqnvuf. in four short years implemented a Ihe Union County Child Advocacy Office in 1981, working in the crimi- Or soxual abusers. '•.'••'• : His cancer came as a shock -to win ov'er R'oiiia Savings. • '.•• •••• • Kussler, the Center's Director of. Development, al ihe ueiunhyand lhad ithuir iliutil iinter- j numlier of initiatives such as an unti- nal division and handling a number of Center, where child abuse victims Ruololo was able lo make friends, family and colleagues 201-672-5800. Sue SimwilMW.,'}'^ IB'3'-] hius unit, mandatory annual in-service high-profile cases including the conw to i "safe huvun" inside a ^impjc!j|ij.ihc.-uclmii)istrallpii of the because he was a big believer in fli- training for every law enfprcoment February, 1984. high-tech smuggling refurbished home In Blizabelii lo office IVy a series of changes, with an ness, running in nuniy events lo raise is a good de^^fliouta Sec RUOTOLO, Pago D3 . VVe don't look at you as one customer. We look at you as three customers. We see you as the buyer. And as tlte satisfied customer who tells his friends. And as the repeat purchaser who buys from us again and again. WedpraUpltease one of you without pleasing all three. • '. • .;••'•' ' • : . ''I '.'• Sincel93p We offer a professional team as standard equipment. An extremelWgipjfldejigeable-se^Jee^^ MieJcicce-dibJfi-technicians^who-ll-know you^ndyoTjTcaT^ereon^llyT" A Tradition In New-Jers^Wi So when you see us for, a new car or van you'll feel a "good deal" better...and avoid the highway hassle> WINNER SERVICi PBOFK8I0NJU AWAHD u 9 STRAIGHT YEARS!! TakingYou IntoThe21st Century' WINNHSITiUIQtUlin '. •!••• '- 9 STRAIGHT YEAftSK Wfflth\ " CHRYSlfI JUVillD fOt EXCOUNCE Mtlhl it-ffiffS-BEBIZ IRADES STRAIGHT YEARSH ra Pricingln . Directly ucross '91190K . ' from new. 93300SO •88 635 CSI municipal building. Of The Most Popular Chrysler'Plymouth Itock & Availabl ~ 517 Springfield Ave.. Summit, NJ 908-273-4343 Atilhori/.i'il Mercedes-Benz. (908) 351-3131 B2 — THUgSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1995 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 — B3 ft will be family Ruotolo misses most 'Taste fT TntrraroffBUiMtrfb''Vc&»«c3t ties* tow ID die." said MdU. -He Boa hit — tnrimn ClnrnDr Kras Assaanc fto- wiih death, bill be mm his with life." • , toI ^f/u^ ^^oitjjiSs :.j .' MrflaaariRuoioto.rMhcrihmsee- to assist icg his fife as oonuqg to a crashing. •''• Union County's finest chefs will offer samples of (heir specialties during Iher; hall, saw il far how ""ridf* i» was. Hit Third Annual 'Taste'.of the Towns" benefit sponsored by_t|jc_Ro|ary Club jof 7 tally ambition bocamc lo be. wiiiSx fais business . Elizabeth and the Union County Cfiambcr' of Commerce. 'Taste of Ihe Towns'lIT' will be held on Oct. |6 frpmj;to |) p.m. al.lhe A woricthpp to teach small busi - vbo' "*ft*^ lo <3CTQCZ. ins Panlagis Renaissance Restaurant in Scotch Plains, and will benefit area charit- ness owners how lo bid oir govern- —HIM!! IDRswioflo'sduUdgcn. *"** no Bble organizations including Ihe rotary and chamber scholarship funds. More ment contracts will be sponsored bj •ipciKan awsy jnxn IBSC^CS during than 30 of the county's finest reslouranls, bakeries andiwinc.mcrchanls-wi|l the Union County Economic Deve- a Ibq,. ttn«.-:«iai Bfadtabh loss m»^|i Aftoer afllicriaqg nadBvidua] participate, v • ~ ' ~~- ", • ' , .,' •,•'''•'•, lopment Corporation and Ihe.Union •pmiKWfc*. |Q' eacb of sfac dhSJdron, County Chamber of Commerce-on Among the rcstauranlsjind other vendors to be represented arc the following: L^»1U said be «»t trying to imjjinc • 24 HOUR VOICE INFORMATION SERVICE Oct.' 5. .-. '.••' • ' ' •,: •••.•• III Amid, Ahrre's Coffee Roastcry, D.G. Fields Restaurant, the Baxter Group, *ina buMuu would be' lite for their ' Bella Palermo Pastry Shop, Bindi Cakes & Desserts, Cafe Rcpclti/ LapoUa.sud be- qWn^jht worc 'lhnrbj Ihe iwntill) «ny, "I lKc The workshop, "Selling to a!, Hemingways, Cathay 22, Civile Ristoranteliallano.DiCdsrnb'f Restaurants & ioncs3foulk>vc and odUng umii) tlhom."" [ be. a cross between Cape Cod vels of Govcmmenl," will pro- Italian Deli, Fedway Associates, Garden Restaurant, Giovanna's, I louse of Sea- A Public Service Of WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Hudson Hold utinnilccs tihry sHuuiUI and Wesafidkl aymj innrifanfo activities vide small business owners with a grams, Hunt Club Grill, L'Affaire 22, Liantonio's, Madrid Restaurant, Man- tmiufhiiucwaaiillirbaifiincne. amilir . lake Roniothing withilhom'MlhnnUhm'. sods ss goflf sod wsraisinrfin^g s Farolcs, Shiki Japanese vices. Topics will include where to Steak House, Souffle's, Twining's Tea, Union County Vo-Tech School, Varda get information abciut contracts and Chocolatier and Winbow, Inc. nubopntracts, how to.submit a bid, < os 686-9898 i'This is truly a community event which brings everyone together for great «nd what to do if you have succumbs to deadly disease problems. .. '...',,.. food and a great cause," said Kathleen Dunn, president of the Rotary Club of 1 I'hzabeth. "I believe 'Taste of the Towns III' will be long remembered for its ; —.—.ft. ^.•iiiuMT'miriinruUt. : fine sampling of gourmet delights and wines, and for the benefit it will bring to from iny phone... i ffnr SOfini vfiicfis with, a net Kkfaad JL IhcfKS Anrrian bm erf ..The workshop will be held al Ihe IHclloft.nn/l'«/(rikciliin[rniMaiic[irai0- worthy causes wilhin Union County. The previous two events completely sold uwi pnipsoL . . '.'. BuabcUitown Gas headquarters in (ticcifor«cvorUI yruOTthdfmr JinoUliijf out, and resulted in many satisfied customers as well as over SI5,000 raided for He •; dcvdapBa Ibc <-facet' Mherty Hall Center;. 1085 Morris lo iCRtatilish ihiK 'tiwrijlaw' [rmmtinc iin key Charitable organizations in our community." "MountainHific. Stgudiillizirig' iin unitni-. Avc, Union. Registration is 1 Cinntjr and. penorally handled Jhe ; Press the 4 digit code for the ihalanacniulllIKi"""' '" "n""-—"-"- " required.. There is a fee of $25 per Many participating restaurants also will offer free coupons for 10 percent off form ithc ifirm >tS INldlla nnil (fiuntriln Gctf jMy Goal of'. A bois oriole' person. To register, Call the Union a future meal at iheir establishments. . .with atlonuy Humes INldlla iin lHHC7v- B.New County Chamber of Commerce and prayers (908) 352-0900. . ^ • • Tickets for Ihe event are priced at S30 each and arc available by mailing a information you want to hear... IHCVWBS 38^w|honIhetto*ithcinathirir ' check payable to 'Taste of the Towns" at E.O. Box 971, nii7abeih, NJ 07207. mmitafl£iBns.Sc«KiIliKlIcanviieos anc '8oa% cm to May and Biar diad- • •officc.aBiriroiimutnrifffiniriinriinnuifljf. For ticket information call (908) 355-9622. ten — bfoc, Andrew and Lyndtay," 3uvtnilc Jlow linRucB wtnt 4 [raiynr tf(giriMB:.»afl B^BS aqjics... . •. conccrn'arihiii.lfnrlRuritriloHiaitvaillfnr gnnflaaoanc Jtiftni B, StumAtr. nearly IJO ;.ycars lhd|pin ITALIAN FEAST OF ^j Enter another selection! •youth ion ithc DuvoniU: ( i ,riHiaranMnriti, B*W(! ftrhadinr-- ~ mmittcciinlhifilhhmcitivwnittrWoiih m fally«*ie ^ ST. MICHAEL ^ (Up to 5 choices per call) lii; ;IHc WUB udhBitrnurj iTiir «J(jiiii 6fnBi»Bfl-jin-!HUS. . -••.- •'• ••..•• a, Saw ifiiM' IH'E , p . 'yqars. '••..' y '• :: • . :;- ; ••"•• The Archangel arc .aotae mtnator at a caonBe v€ tmr -stnp sorviiocs ftnr i^b^ While Ihifi Him irtfawnras mni)nm«({i- 1 In Union Center • Stuyvesant Avenue nilionR ifillR Bcvunil ipiijtMi, IRiinidln tit in M|,^,II ^tiwBHtnww anid sfceaf tfaisiilies. Widely ^creiiileil Ifnr Ihic oaffmtj: itii Ihiijr • A Jarge>croi«d«rfccuratydignhi(rics • create ithc lEHKcx-nDlriinn Autn. Ultuiti ami tarn nUm rmmii rafBcers, many.' " "San Qennaroiype Jeast" Taiik IForoc. .ftifloridHlyitJwojyiatfK, tthc ofilbemnaRat^it to.Hcacx, toy Dbe prose- Information ifl>r HnS .[Dlictnai Onus Star toeJii «toe- task force irif .23 ipdlioc mfficnrf jmti ; eanar'sMiiuiiing zemtmis. «atBes«ed Hhe ember 30,1995 <£ Sunday October 1,1995 • lDhHtnst .' Ca,tefrgasfe,^-;~-- lo gd( linviilutid with ignmimn: 1478 Wholesale Distributors 3604 Cancer 3105 AL Baseball Scores • .2204 Florida/Disney world '• Italian foods 5904 The Funeral Director -• 3353 Special Promotions THE DUPREE'S 1479 Family Owned • 3605 Leo school children und lihiw illtomithn. Zeppolei _ at .' • • . •" Businesses y 3606 Virgo SCHEDULES/LINES WEATHER dryjKdOiiio Homemade 3607 Libra REAL ESTATE ' DINING OUT niling.il'ifc, Special Desserts Burnet '::r'BANKING •'•,/•• •':':•[.•: 3608 Scorpio •3,121... NHL. '.'. -...• ..,-.. •':'• !L,aw Tn Outdoor Cafe's Middle School l .1800 Atlantic City. 3609 Sagittarius 3355 Leisure/Casual ' . 3122 NL Baseball County. look grail utriilut APPRAISALS 1801 Boston Sponsored By: Auditorium 3610 Capricorn 3356 . Banquet Catering 3123 AL Baseball R' llcadanilijp. IHlit iiBjHlaae 1625 Home Equity 18Q2 New York City 3 PM , .1.626 ', Checking Accounts 3611 Pisces 3357 Contljiental Cuisine ; • 3124 •' NFL : ;mont, in addition iin ithnac \W/|IP thufl 1570 Real Estate Appraisals • 3358 Lounge/Pub ' 1803 Philadelphia worked for'himduririgUla'IluKllfiuir SEPT. 29-30-OCT. 1 1627 Savings Accounts. .] 1571 Why dp you need. DAILY UPDATES For Information '3359; Outdoor Cale- years, wciuld Ihe njijlit t|n aicintinuc. 1628 Financing A Car V, LAW . •'•/• •':. • '.••: • an appraisal?, • Call the his legacy und-uiiiliiim; u»> lay ltd SECfiUCaS, N) Chamber of 1629; Business Banking ••' ' 3130 . NBA', "••".• V" ,.••".•• WEDDING! 1572; Who makes appraisals? make llniimCduiily.nKidil' Commerce ,1220 Personal Injury 1573 Valuation Process :• SENIORS 3131 NHL DOWLfiNDS EXPOSITION CENTER •. PLANNING : •&£% ive — (for loverycmc. : SO8-B88-2777 BOOK REVIEWS 1221 Family Law 1574 Appraisal Report ' 3j 32 'NL Baseball ••. : ..••• .• •••• • • ''-i-w-r ;••'. Hc'rnon M« ad•.' .1204 Sticker Prices •"- • 1250 Money Market Fund D vAll baautMly ndiqV 2007 ' Who Pays.For What MOVIE REVIEWS 5300 Ingredients 1205 • Sales Agreement , . 1251. Slocks- : IITISUSIUAVWRV • , ' (Traditional) 51,50. QuickTips '.'• . 5301 .-.Method^ '..j • '• 1206 Ordering A New Car 1252 Playing the Market John Jtaceo.'ScEupMHtoiiuil. line Sunday Through Friday 2008 Who Pays FqrW.hat;' , '5151: Makeup PorAging • • ,'. 3200. Menu of Movies ' Desserts •>'.'1,207 : Rebates •'•,•"• , .1253 Purposb of Investments ; ;91 J Van Burop.W. BEllii:*N^ 5302 Ingredionts . 1208 Warranties •••'••" 1254' 'Choosing*Stockbroker ^ (Modern) .""ii; ':.'.?',.• 5152 Medication ' •" , • !Off North Avc.'OnfililoiJk'W.'.uliui. ;1*; '5303. Method, . '•.'•• 1209. Financing .-•',. . 2669 '•.-'ParGhts'lnvoivehfionts •'•.. ..••••.'.'. And Your.Skio- • • MOVIE THEATERS Butiincufc Hiiurw: ,. '5153 ' Makeup Shell Lilo ' Microwave 1210 Owner Satisfaction , . TELEVISION BRIDAL ATTIRE 8 um-5 ipm Mnn. itn BF*rii: 5154 Facfal Massago ' . 5304 Ingredients' • 3175 New Park Cinema 1 5305: Method •: ••'.-• •;; - SOAP OPERAS NETWORK TV TONIGHT 2010' ( Woddirig Gown Buying Tips • CASH HEALTH Quick Meals 2011 . Mothers'Attire All Day Saturday $18.50 cash NATIONAL NEWS 5306 , Ihgrodients DAYTIME ' 3226 ABC • . 2012 Unique Drossing Options 5307. Mdthods. . ... 3227 CBS ' •' . •:••• . 2013 I Bridesmaids'Gowns DENTAL DAILY UPDATES 20.14 1 Ronting Tuxedos , * Side Dish 3250 All My. Children. . '322"8 FOX . .:. 5308 . Ingredionts 3251.' Loving '3229' NBC New Direct Non-Combo Casino Service 5120- Painless Dentistry 1600 Story Menu WEDDING STATIONERY 5309 'Method .... • ' 3252. Days of Our Livos 3230 Tonight's. Movies 512.1:. Dental Implants 125 Broad Street 3253 Tho Young 3231 TV Talk Show Previow 2015 What Is A ... . ;,; from Elizabeth, Roselle & Linden •5122. Cosmetic Dentistry Low Calorie NEGOTIATING Wodding Announcement? ' NJ 07201 512*3 Family Dentistry 5310 Ingrodlonts & The Restless • 2016 What Is A • 5124 Prevention,. THE JOB OFFER 5311 Method • 3254 TheBold. , CABLE TONIGHT & The Beautiful , Wodding Invitation? Convenient Neighborhood Pick-Up Locations 1410 Salary , 3255 As the World Turns 3232 Bost Bets for Kids 2017- Invitation Assombly INSURANCE Tffhe rtJlanagBrnantEff HEBSH fdmn^ I p ALWAYS Via A Luxury Late Model Motorcoach .1411 Porks & Benolits ' • RECYCLING •3256 Another World 3233 TV Sports'Highlights And Moiling • . • m 1412 Rejection, 3257 One Life to Live 3234 PBS Tonight CFCS MMMGEHBIT CO . 5160 Basic Health Coverage PROCEDURES PRE-WEDDING PARTIES _ . you. can loom from il J?258_ ^General Hospital ;-,• - '923,5 ..' Stations- A • L - •--—• ••- iron**' i uji>*uijx kijiJA YXEB»S- M 5161 ,: Major Medical Plans 1413: Rolorortcos 3259 Guiding Light . 3236 StationsM-2 •' , 2018 .Tho Bridal .Shower . ... -.\v 5162 Dental Insurance 5200 Reduce & Rouso 1414 Giving Your 3238 TV Nows Makor Preview 2019 Bacholor Partios . • 5163 Disability Insurance 5201 Buying Recycled Products AMER1-CAN . ; Employer Notico, ••'• EVENING 2020 ThoRohoarsalDinnor. )SaDJJiftfi'C3se!3SjSffifnm . ' - Win the 5164' HMO's' ••'•• .'•••'•- ': 5202 Community Involvomont TOWN-SPONSORED : 5203' At School ail Stettinm M\am\ to'FRrilire & FF«e Headtparters PET SAFETY 3260 The X-Fjles EVENTS LINE $£. PODIATRY "5204 At Work ^ • 3261 ER;. ... WHERE TO LOOK TOURS 3262 Picket Fences • • • 511,0 . Diabetes 2400 First Aid 1808 Union Township FORA JOB . ffiUII Bfexater liaariteunte • - 2401 Air Travel . RELIGION ; ^pv 3263 NYpp Blue For Reservations 5111 Ingrown Toonails 3264 Nprthera Exposure.. .•': 2402 Poison & Chemicals ... . TIMES 1400 Classifieds . fBrihppiftp to ataeWBRSH TOWER? •". ", ' '2403 Ticks '•• 3220: Bibld'Verso ',~'~r 3265 Sisters and Information ' 5113 Bunions For Tho Dny 3266 1401 Classillpds Plus !5 Offering i'instant Mtacpe fitecognition'. " -2404—l%as-r- — TEMPERATURE-— liorrWantod7ds • 5114" Hammer Toes 3267. Melrose Place " Bidtnayn WtenlrB«teiK( j IPennStatiior) Caii _1403 v... Placemont Sorvices 1000 Current Time 14Q4' \ Non-Tradilional if'iWotiBie'" & Temperature \Searches 201 -867-7754 ,art«V««« oocL* A T V01CC jnfP?%^OclMce where callers get-free-information from the-selmions ^ (908V686-9898 and entering a 4 digit W for the selection they want to hear (up to S choices per call). Calls riotKtiLi Football Cash your local calling^ea. Out of area calls will be billed as long distance by your telephone company. Inio.*,^ r HUM THE PAST W r Ne Giveaway fSao^I f f C^JW^ wspapers, Inc. For information on how to become an Infosourceadvert^ a BALLY'S KgA.QgQSt selection #8025 or contact Erik Kent at (908) 686-770Q ext. 311. •••>-•• Complete details available at the Promotions Booth

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Vjfi^i^5l>:%'» ?l£3^^teji^ •'-'aj^.^. .L^u_L.J_d */*••

- WOBRALL NEWSPAPERS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ^. ^ WOBRALL NEWSPAPERS -THURSDAY. SEP^MBER ^.^ „ Young actor lives life M normals - Bv Bta Smith '—•^—— : ^_1_^_^ ..-.-.. -- ••• .:•:•;.•.-• - ...'-.••;'• .-•.,-.••, .-.•-,-. . -...,,....,. "-^ way Ihrqugh mclodius -misadventures. .TThiii iis an- ^ and Sullivan favorite. . W* tbm Smii& •' One of ihc most unaffected young Barbara. Clativsicuic./ • J*aid. aciors ever to perform do iho sia£c at iKcJUiiuit Davis; l'r.;on Center nTTt's 1 ine Paper Mill Playhouse. Milibum. is - . TThrw ficKtnail- cm of the late- Bar- ifncftcc J905 Anna*" BCxcuyciwin im ptays a 9-ycar-old child in the role of «SfSr.2r£ *^r^^^^ 27-28 -, NO. fru.-i G.rajvsjc^ici. .'•' ,• Young Guido in "Nine," is nuking his. l'; r.L^-'-'-te JUa-«A8li!)S»it'.Aai" The senes concludes ,n rolltcktng fasrnon m Apnl as The Ptra.es of Pen J J •-•Ctai^wpic oi' the ArUMs . tovcnih appearance in a Paper Mill 'Gallery :m: Ithr tOnum Djiftrarj- k.'d.-jruk.T. Comniixv• »crc Ljara production; '. . .'•'.. • Individual tickets arc available now for cnrh /if ,\, Su.ilcltTxlX. • • .^ri.^ ,..,; Cocirjr oral Ja.-ct Wheeler. The. - lie came by ihc other afternoon Folk art show scheduled r Box Office Cal, ,hc box ofk ?S^S p^.-^; on/ifec1 Grccs Conunilwi:. '• unrr 'rwn lies lUulumui TUndbKur wiih his warm, friendly, and also wL'r. Pule! JKJ Pmciinik 4s eo- unaffected mother. Gail. Fasano, to" for Meaddwiands center The Nalion's~Lcading Folk Art & DOUBLE DRAGON :fni :hnr-"A Stwill HbTi-utph irttr fftirk:''' I'Mlk'ahoui life OT^ihCjStagc, off the, ihc nation will offer folk art and craft ii:L--k Puu;ii Cohen, R::J "TJcaf- — Crafts Show continues its 1995 Now ""iaagcrTSTscHooi and at home items, all displayed and sold in bcauli-; ^ . ^_ Italian Restaurant . .*s*-isp 1 nets,. Jason E::r:ef. IVk' Fried. Jersey shows schedule at Ihe Mca- |' for '"Rrcr^rhinr. " 1 ~l like being on the sufic," Malth- fill 3-sidcd country room setting io,- war ipw; A':t.l:i>r.v Giorsiino; Goct:ir.g..Bar-.. dpwlands Exposition Center at Har- ou SJiJ shyly. "And playing the inner booths. -.'•' ••.-'"'"•• CASUAL DINING IN AN ELEGANT ATMOSPHERE OCCASIONS h,rx cfr.^g>.'-ioc1. H-Noi Fred mon Meadow in Sccaucus, Friday, child. Cm having fun. I like every- . The phenomenal success of Coun- Every Friday & Saturday Evening in September R5,.-ccfc. CoCirtu Ln.-J«rji. Phvllis Saturday and Sunday. •Momciraiil,IPorft.. 'I'toiax Jnul tftir-1. KM3V in the show, mainly the little try Folk An Shows, Inc. generated the M^nju.so.- trvi-i. •Rosenberg... ..-.-', Admission is $6 Friday from.5 to 9 ^ ENTERTAINER 1* •'hoys who arc on stage.with me." creation of Long Publicalions, ^i^^-Sehor. forbiek. Donna p.m. and SS Saturday and Sunday "sEnicd .fcTOjillHTViwraip iloir-ihs..- "And the adults have been very publishers of the popular monthly Visco:.Chcr> 'A.-3: VVisscrntiij, J, jrir-c«ii!UHii ^Hrfc tLtiju'iri 'R<*erl Jphanson. the director; Paul monihly Yippy-yi-Yca Magazine. ^l~J, ??. whom were "resemej uiih 4* Counterparts, Paul.Schoeffler, right, plays Guido Contini, and Matthew Fasano is seen is welcome lo ailcnd Friday for early iCcnicr Xiitiemul IBliroL. . '.'•"•••'.•• • . .'SJhocfflcr;; who plays the adult For more information on cither CbUn- . a country medley with-everybody doing Achy BreakyHeart • as Young Guidp, with mernbers 6f thecast In the Tony-Award wianing-musical, 'Nine,' •buying privileges. .'-.» .:.,'•.,-' TEL: (908) 688-5770 OR 6SS-59S0 iThclP.UKihUKC.A«i;irKl-«-.ttmtrff JK; Guido..anil ill the rest of the cast" iy,Folk Art Shows or Long Publica-, , "•":. . •••-.,-. Limited Seating — Please Reserve Early • " • " whigh will continue at the Paper Mill Playhouse, Millblirn, through Oct. 15. V Since Colonini-limes, Aliicricans iind :pht)icipri(pb»'wiI!-lk-.|pV-Sti)'nt>. "We siarWd .with-.rehearsals of lionii, write io 8393 East .Holly Rqad, '.diXriTOiit •roimirj.-fui'l -i ^.oiixra"}. ^.sbljvej' on ihc-- \Wii.-n I «'as ') ycurs (jlcl, I il'.yiml hedidii, wilh no singing,-.no. . havo valued quality and jradilioiu •Na^irti/Aag: 17." Matthew 'said'., olhcr lilllo roles; In ' Wizurd of Oii1 I Holly, Ml 48442; or call .(810) wi.:s oU:xV:;:eT>Jj:siv*,3v there. was jusi first (jelling into'acting. 1 was . Couiilry Folk Art Shows, Inc. carries : urortiicl' :thr :ic™'in>.'h(p:' "jnJ ivc rehearsed until, opening .. acting' and no. dancing lessons." 634-4151, ".• .; . - ..'.' - .-' ••'.'••• '.'/-• '^r.c^x-TnjSJS W-ph Sc'hwjr/ in the third grade ihcn.'-'.,. .;• 'played a soldier in Emerald' Cily, n • on thesp values and traditions of qiial- •G'ijKlyKiWj.r/ r.'-ght, I cjughi on prcjty quick. Paul is :. ..WhileM;ltl|icw was auditioning for. oiJ^^to^'ur-phiMogrtpher.' uho. •".'• "l-)c rarely makes nrisl,ikos,",'nieii- poppy and;li moiikcy. Ircally had a ; ity, handcraricd folk art, indicative of flni'miilE.-will !hc. 1 .ihe 'Nuicrackcr,' he got Ihrccshows 1 : tcjjiy nice. It's easy, to coordihale, 1 Junc^ .^c' . Fesavj V)f the- ..t.ioned his miiihcr. ".When Mauhew. great linie, ;. . ' . . - . the best craftsmanship, materials and rv con; : : ; : ; '•. .after-.that al the Paper Mill..•'.. Cne«:'ioni:":«!. ^'aec for his "Gjl- "ujih'hirii."- .' '*' -.-•'. '.• ,.-' . ! '•U'JS 3 years old. my eldest, daughter;' "•Robert,- our director, he's' really ' techniques. From humble beginnings, ., Itli;: juilK*' .jpirao'U-iur litiz -fry* "The only school play that ihe boy 1 ••: "The boy has miuralialcnl.".added :: Karen; was abpiil -7 anil slicxlanceil iii nice,' declared Matthew. "Ho called . ; Country Folk Art Shows, Inci has . 1 TIKE OUT SfeMJgl iiivHiiiicHwcirily. rainipcitro Hoir- ictir^ . appeared, in was "I'inocchio." "I play- •jus rai>lhcr. "He has never taken an the New Jersey Ballul Co. in llie 'Nul- inc back.for Ihe shows. He's/a.vcry developed a following' of artisi)ns PRIVATE PARTY Lt't; Miilurnill iru-.iiril* ' imiituiinil ;—;:Cng or singing lesson in his life." - ed Jiniiny Cricket ill.St. Cloud School -.-JCI::<:XBcsL'-.iii-ShLwi.fdr"Szzr.Trail I craclccr. I used lo lake Kiatilicwovcrj', good actor. He can go iron) his star- • from across 'the nation and Canada 1 ; in West Oraiige .when I was 11," ROOM ' : Young Faxano. a very serious boy; time 1 brought her, nnii liL'-vvoiild see. ling role -as Jesus .lev nn old .man in- . cagor lo participate in Ihdsc prcsli- : Klallhew. recalled. "I tried out Tor Ihc rc;.'." :tj!:s- loved it. And when lie was 7years old, -. scvmclhini;." .. -•' '-,'•.••; i V •.• •.'. •.'•'.,•.'• ; iedandIhand-solcclcd for their, work- ihiirrpofiicm ctf :ihc IHc«tM(! ™ Ifte.; 1 •'.after, atidili.ontiig,. they picked, me to 1 649 CHESTNUT STREET, UNION WEEKEND 1 i ; ri '*Jc**''.'.»ii',,- ^ • ArtjS^-" Rcccpiio'n, he said-,- *1 -don't want HI Avatch Ihis •nil in'someone's role ill 'Jesus Christ, i' tafe-home entrees, specialty coffee^;:giff baskets;: ' .Grc\cn;; .fTirjiril;.-. iflrikiihiJt. .v'JUcaacV N--v> Year's. ETC shows, one in T9S2 Miildle School' in West Orimgc, 908-686-9875 • 964-8696 LUNCHEON Scri'.w ;!*•;;:• s.iic,."!':^; ji^Jii Jos^c lhai anymore. I wain to he in iL* So,',they Supcisiar.' Then 1 was called for. Folk Art is forever gaining in popu- MiiKU-Wiiri, lAiilmu-.'iialiw. ^'^^a£tU^ JSJ iw.in ]9*°-3.".rfeexplained that."]. according .lo his nioihcr, -lias-,regular': gave him a role in live 'NHTcr.'ickcr.' .. ••Wi/ar'cl or OA'" . '.''-•'•':';. '••'.'• , lariiy.^To meei the demand for acccs-:, & DINNER cskm, 'iTlit-.:iui!4iiM.".ipii:iol iCajMiiiir. ^-..vvi 1 .became an actor, because' ii's . school days/and hours with Iho c^ccp-. LOW FAT GOURMET FOOD ^ FESTIVAL; P^gc'B5 When lio, was having thii .audition, he •••'.' Then- came "Phantom,"- "Oliver!" sorics and collcciibles. froni •wiil l.l.iiiuo'do.lliircbcing.orisiagc.• •:. : lion of .Thursdays, when Ihe- play- . Every Thursday ^J—^-— ^ — • COUPON «-—— — — -^ —• had', memorized, rlie dancing jusl hi and now — "Nino." In 'Oliver!' I Appalachian-siyle baskets to whimsi- • l:i Tiii." he, sniijed charmingly,, "I ;•• hpuso has'a 2 p.m., matinee. "On those watching ihc stcnes. He rcnicnibered • played iliii "chimney sweeper, and. cal whirligigs, inore.lhari 150'of the THE FABULOUS 46 YEARS . Seo VOUNG,. Page B12 ". best, top quality artisans/exhibitors in In Homer show "JULIAN" TmuNior FREE SANDWICH The Man of Many Voices Murder comedy Music of Marsalis is coming to Kean •Singer •Guitarist •Entertainer Italian cjoocl Snlureiny 8< Surto on exhibit •Kicking off Kcan. College's pillu'r- Festival Show Band,'Marsalis has excelled in Customer must present this coupon puremayhem • (il Aris Scries ij! Branford Marsalis •every inu'sical endeavor.. In this per- ° at ••w|ic) will bring his unique musical winners "7"hc Musical Conicily'Miirdcrs .Torniance, lip leads his lO-piecc band 'Fri. & Sat> American 1 style lo.ihetollege's VVilkins Theatre Tel. 908-686-4446 • Fax 908-686-0564. . ..Swilthtng.OunmolK. .li:i;i«;iiihtti.::i:i of 1040" .by: John Bishop is- pure in an evening of saxophone playing gain awards Vlh LxcMng | We accept Mastercard Visa & Discover ™" • til' lttndK:iippK.bri*n4{<'urJTiTji(i': jm'nmrsa. Sunday al 8-p,in.r '.' . iind extraordinary, sound that will mayhem. Walls move,.people dis '(Continued from Page B4) • by liny B omurr*T7MitfSjHS-i,' wQ. • The progrnni, lillt'd "Riickshol keep ihe audience in 'motion, ' • TED ippcar'-iiiul ihe chai'acters are, sel work.. Too -many, people aren't Cuisine '.•••'. IK' the .nc>.t i!ln>w:iit;:tiir'li't'MliilirTUi! j.efonc)uc. reaturing BranfordMarsa- •'-. KOCONNELLA JiMii who we ihink they are. Ii's not Singlc.ticket prices for the general"!, naliire-oiicnlcd. Hopefully, niy 1 • ' Gull^fN' in,lhc!llriitUi:T'.u^lii:IL,[,hr.ipi.:r:; Iis," is. a musical advontiire thai runs i .musical, Inn'an 6utragcous co public are S.l.V.racully/si'nfT/nlumni/.' work will mate ninri- prnpli- i*W:irc DELIVERY (MIN$IIL —-.—Frrbjiui-'.! -r'nri; mi .Wicirnk.jjtw.'iiuc. ilw_BiUlUILfi:om-dancciiall-n'—~ ••• ' slj^onj-irrntiKicnhcomcTljrlflilN- '•L'nipr cili/«..ii* GQ, Him .snidenls id. of .'.ihc finer. things..inJifQ, ^wliicli. 4| .Preservation Ilall Band. This Marsalis cdiDKaSB».W';irilit( -ikaucliijonrcjMcie with a Nazi spy, l-or more information, contact the box in'cidonlnlly, was the title of iny dis- Chicken • Veal" •Ma* Seaioo fcir. hi.K iinwiii'l: .in :l:u' IFW;L;.V.U: .;t:: ciiir- project blends diverse elements'and is office til'(00K). 527-2.137. .. Join In The Fun i.siage door masher and a hou play at ihe Festival on the Creen, GRAND .: CiRMiti. .In 'KlKs. •lie.Ti;;;:-:-v:i:l ;iiir..!Lii* with; a life of its own. '.'^ .'.yet another example of Marsalis'' EVERY SUNDAY KARAOKE > : : 'Finer Thingsin.Lifc.'" ., '-- Mlf Wiih "QifS" premise ,'in .'mind 4ini(|U(. -and-visioniir)"-T;\*presslKir "Vpirr iibililics einFcani extra \n- With Ted O'Connell W)ieihcr as.a. solo.artisj^louring , Schwarz said that he was"in Ihc Direcior JcilinCorxcli anilj\ssisia, .conic. Advertise Jlicin Nviili a classi- 1 "wiTh siting or' leading The . tonight . proposs of starling a new' business ••• •^^j^^w'H^iv^i^'jiiwrtxecoocsrsaiTCffiniitjitav.^.':!'- '' Director Linda Bchtle Corrcll, bol fied ad by calling 1-800-564-891 ], with niy brother, John,'called urul thtK wii:}^ :rnr.\rt :b:i:ii if WinficUI. have assembled i Northeast Murblc and Giimiic in ' included .in; t:iiit!j..j:i:(mjjt.vifli£ip£n iisi: alcmed and,versatile, cast for ill. Union. 1'nv.also douig iiiy.phuU); 'lind;|Uri(:d.L'\hibli)..il:|.i4.',[lilfMtn|tl,-'"n!ltf Oct,14 opcning-JlTWcsifield Com WORRALL COMMUNITY gniphy on ihe side, ill's called •WQEBALt COMiyiUNIJY NEVVSP^ 'Family," wn± iscla;:u-;i :r'\ .-.^n'li.'tu.'ini inuijiiy Players, 1000 North Av Nature, for Interiors in Unioii. aiid Vision .'Mugii^inr.j'cti' ;in;;liH:i;iii irn ,irn West; in Wcstfield. . .-:'•• h t 1 1 .ii's -all weather-nature \±§\ Union Leader, Kenilworth Leader, Roselle Park Leader, Summit Observer; •,'-»-fc" i ;'~T''fv >';*'i'lif>—^TT'lirfTYfTr"i;nBL'' '*''*"''"' ') .''u'"' V' 1 il 1 ; 1 NEWSPAPERS ' •Mriiclf.yidlud ,!"!Biiil;li!if ,fhi' ffiuani !l jir Pr6ducer Marjurie, Braverstock, photography." ' .. .-'. . ; Filliuk'- iFarrniix>K.*' jjrlti. ,:purrrnrr!T^ Urr.^i layed-by Dorcpy Winanl of Jersey Iflf I Springfield Leader, Mountainside Jgcho, Elizabeth Gazette, Roselle . ALLYOUC^ 1 [ r bunun ortuiMLO Mon - Sett • purl orviinoiisjicrrniikuilvutiliiiii'.KHii;; iiy;i;ind Director Ken IX-LaMaiz . Schacfcr, in liis welcome and P ) Spectator, Rahway Progress, Clark Eagle, Hillside Leader, Linden Leader ihclut'linj: l!u' 'Cirr.imir (Htirtltiril.Cyiit layed.'b'y'' Gordon. Wdneri.of'Eil. inliodiiciipns, announced that "the F^'3.50,0'4.65 EAT SPECIAL tmd.'Anii.T'ciiiiviil ii'Cniih:'.^!Tnu:'''''"li!v ' AV^jr.eidjy 'Jifpm . 7 io 9 p.m. The mwAlichael' Kelly, played hyTiln • Clark Eagle, Hillside Leader, . Malauiul and Township Ailmini- n=i_"?§Tc58V"688-5678 • iu.jr..at :aWi-;: 1 Efeabelh Gazette, Summit Obsoryer... '.•. ; stralqr Lou Giacona, ..who, was. Tho Louisiana Bistro, located on .• I'^L.^iv.c;l hiK 'hii^ti^icir o. ii:i;-' in: ; ;:-'-.'!ji i*. inviicd... • •... .,' • •'. McGoycrn of Roscllf Park., is look- 1 1975 MORRIS AVE UNION (ACROSS FROM TOWNMACL)) Morris Avenue 'in ' Springfield mn • T:ii c*.hj'bil u'jjl cwiunuc 'llti'oujjli Tor Nazi spies.' . . ." responsible for; a lot of the history CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OFF BT. 22 '•' __ ._" ~ •tlc'lJi'CL'.'-rrdrti Ihc iliiii.vur.si:\ a! ;C':i:'- all for details (908) 686-7700 seems like a lypicill resialirant from 1 NJV. :10. It COT be viewed.duiiug. Show dates arc Oci. 1-), 20, 21, iiv ihis town,, and with his wife, AND OS. PARKWAY EXIT 141 -— ^>^ :K:C:UCUI fin;i Iii. . .r:utJ;u:: .ci! .:\uc irv W Becomo a regular advertiser and be tho outside. Once you go in.howcv-' '.r:^ry hours Mi.mdii'>'.. 'Wednesdiiy ' 28. and. Nov. 3 and 4, all at. X MET Spotlighted In a review Gloria, helped lo establish-Hie Fes- 1 f • tlt-piuc frcirT] ihv 'Li!ii\'[:r>ii:y;i: 'Ma::.'...: er, you know -you are in for a treat, \tm. UuiH.. ilmlai(titm*l ti\'Siil: llumlo Iipai'Sufiflaii' I'1:(M)IUKKI laIWU 1 s:-4ThuTixliiy' imm.9 a.m. .10 'J p.m.; m., in:tho tlieali'r. Tickets for 512 tival on llie Green.". •;.'•':.•;• • -. chusuils, ^s-.w'i.ul.-itj.'^itmi'.nnr.ni'iii';;; - ••'• Once you are in, you' will he 1 1 Tii.-'-Jay and Fridjiy, "ili.m. to 6 p.ini, available, ai Rorclcn Realty and Call For Detail '.'• m ,lhc .fiil't . .ui'W.'-H'onibi.' iiv -::i:t:i- i: •'. Patel, in her introduction of, the greeted'with' a friendly smile and jr.'Jtm Siiurdiiy frc>m 9 a.m. to 5-p.m..' Town Bookstore in Wcslfield. FLORENCE^fNAZ (Ext, 335) reslival , comniiltee, said that I shown to your table, The tables are "eveiylhing you see here was decoratd with a candle, which, generated by tlio members or ihis together wilh the.music playing in WN7MISS THE committee. ;T/hc: festival is a- very l-tlio background-^lind' Ihc~eth Ave». 10 at the Lcs Malainut Gallery. inform our readers about dining | | Creole, Roasted Duckling in a brail- To compliiTionl your meal, I sug- Linden - 908-862-0020 opportunities In the area. ' Op&ri 7'Days



4' I .-';',< *., -' :V.tLi.'. v?-T.-.'.'ijal^l^BJIELJA,.w^^L^^IBSSiw-yraMSi7,*iftMi?j|/ffiiaaL^Jx^^aj^iI.^^/a^;i:-i'J? B6 ^THOBSTOYrgEPTEMBER-28. fSST^ Forward Fromr0tts-Day Forward

West Orange's Manor is ideal for events Atrium is perfect Registry offers home improvement aifts Classic elegance, imperial gardens, ceed lo dinner in one of several pri- period antique and elegant (able set- Announcement policy vate dining rooms. The Manor can for all parties t toe wedding guests lo go into -Couples are encouraged to send their engagement and wcddint lings all designed to create a royal assist with arrangements for cocktail gwaB baaing, gjj^ Over thcycars, The Atrium Country Club has enjoyed continued succcus and any Rome Depot .and select the gifts wedding for every couple celebrating musiL, dance hand, floral arrange announcements to the lifestyle editor Announcement, should be typed loud praise for the elegant and gracious weddings. Bar/But Mi(7vuhs. anniver- Thane ugnti IE ymn caihnetB. me registered by the couple." . the most memorable day of their lives inents and photography. doubled spaced or legibly handwnt.en and no longer than ,,ne page A.I sary parties and business receptions it produces ^Sniff The registry operates in a similar announcements should have a daytime phone (timber for verfica.ii.n or The Manor is a composite of 18th At the heart of The Manor's hospi- Union ini Sani Outgo ase those essential ilerns they did riot Depot power look table '•twi, -safes, securi- With accomnxidations for url to 1,000 guests, 1 he Atnum Country Club will ;1 for weddings at Pantagis 'fftafljilr wlh» wr muvuig; intu new receive, as. gifts. ''••• .'....•'.•.' ''..'..•.'/.• '.. ty system, shower massage, door bell Old world tradition abounds in an niake your affair an unsurpassed celebration Foi rtloic information, contact the llirrmc».n«a.anrllJokuig Interior Design Items wallcover- chime, answering machine, tele- Old world tradition abounds in .n perfec~,rf^t. — al*a>_• s with a persona^ l ' So forget me basic wedding gifts of atmosphere of classic renaissance banquet manager at 609 Eagle Rock Ave , West Oi .inge, Or cull (201) 731 -7900 . ings, miru-blinds, area rugs, paint and touch tlortpniBdcillaniliiHftllH d Th sdver ptuiers and toaflcrt — brides , phone, toiling fans, fire place cqiilp- decor. Gue,«U arrive and are.escorted closet organi7ia-s rncnl and lighting fixture; Food, which is prepared by master up Winding staircases to roorris rich culinary experts using only the finest with wood'inlays; silver candclabras, Jdrckr's mers ingredients, has made Panlngis ••..' elegant marblo floors, stained glass \13S Springfield Road, Union, NJ. 07083 Renaissance a renowned catering REPLICA, INC. MARIRICK TUXEDOS ! : ceilings and wall (6'cciling windows establishment A five-hour open bar is FORMAL WEAR • KENT AND SALE C §S overlooking the W^tchung Florist & FruiT Baskets offered, a seven course dinner, cock- WEDDING PACKAGES TAILORED mountains. . ".'.,.. . ANNOUNCEMENTS •FLYERS RECEIVE TWO OR THREE tail hour with hot dialing dishes, plal- : • Paiitagis Renaissance can accom- TO MEET EVERYONE'S BUDGET Our 16th Year In Roselle Park jpraMMS • tAST-MWUTE PflEPARATIDNS Jers, an espresso cart, homemade • I/JO of our BillnwnTcr fire Ifcun • Chunpignc Tout FREE TUXEDOS, PLUS $20.00 1 modate intimate affairs of 35 to events ....,.••••••••••••• .Fo^ ..• wedding cake, and flaming jubilee HOMEMADE CHOCOLATES of 350 guests. This is where wedding • Rn I loon of Open Bv (Includes Cocklul lloir)* Ones of Unco Colon /Vedding Specials OFF FOR EACH MEMBER OF All rooms are expertly decorated to • lUi D Ooivm wvcj Buffs! nd Hiita Style* Fttih Honl Coiopeta dreams come true. 'Hie staff from pro- SHOWER & WEDDING FAVORS accommodate any uish the host may • U» of PriviB Rum for BniW Poty ' • Silra Cwilibn Includes . ' '. ^ ^QUAUTy../ THE WEDDING PARTY. WE fessional planner, Tmaltrcp, captain 1 -Bride Bouquet (with Roses) have. Oilier amenities include bcauti- oa Bndil Tibk CARRY THE LATEST STYLES, and white glove service team are pro- 1 -"Maid Of Honor Bouquet ..DEPEMbABllJTY Favors For All Occasions flllly rlrrrrated rri'lttj—mt—i fri ilH'L"l- DALLROOM K)R \VEnD|N(; 4 BANQUETS MUD SKATlNfil purcu to help plan and make the day •a-BridejrMairi-BOuqueF -L-fc PAM^eS—DRANDM^eSDRANDGG ingi and private cocktail hours, and REHEARSAL DINNKR,~I)R1DAL SHOWERS,' •0W-7IME e Jtvoses . . PICNIC GROVE AVAILABLE ^ ' 2-Mothers Corsages there is ample parking for all guests. erBputpnnleres '•••'.• •".-': INCLUDING PIERRE CARDIN, Pantagis Renaissance is located to We would ba proud lo servo you on this special occasion.'For more SERVICE information or lo schedule an.appo^ilrriert please:callour banquet olfice Throw Away Bouquet CHRISTIAN DIOR. ETC. Studio opens Route 22. Interested parlies should 289-3068 125 East Broad Street j call (908) 322r7726 for more 93ELMORAAVE. information, (908) 688-1421. 121 Chestnut St. Roselle Park 245-630f ,. S?,IESnB«lD.STH£ET ELIZABETH, NJ. Emilia A Paula ELIZABETH " invitation site Hours Won. Tues. Wed 9;mi-Gpm • Ttuirs A In tinm-fipm • Si.it [J;n 1 BLffldC mm Rft STATION •FBEE PARKING MANAGERS Westfield • 908-232-19041 1 . The, Cicmiiii Studio^ a graphic •' (908)527-6269 (201)991-4464

design and advcrtisiiigfirrnjujaucj|.inp--. \ Montclair, has opened its Invitation «*a*»W! v Station, a division of Gemini specia- ', lizing in wedding packages and acccs-"'.' lanning sbrics and Social, announcements for' "T Decorated By Noted all: occasions. • •: ... • '.••''"•.' Wedding Artist "Joseph Dawley' Located .at 87; Park St., Gemini's . PARTY HANMING??? Hours Tues -Fri 5 to 10pm Invitation Station will be celebrating iays Spm-11pm, Sundays 4pm-9pm Your Community's Best Imacuii.1 it's your Special (lay, ' .! .'•..;•• its grand .opening during, the first ' i Up • sy Daisy Florist 28 North Avenue, W. Cranford •'. week (if ^Oslo.berwitli 10 percent dis; '~| (Ample Parking Behind Rest.uirant) You're iit'th'0 party Tlie day has been a whirl. ', Wedding Flowersand Arrangements coiinls. on all .wedding, packages before yoij.kniw it. Its.tlme for your dance, And • .:. (908) 276-5749 ordered. ' • , „ 'Book your wedding with us and receive a Free suddenly lime stands still. ' . . ; : THE FINEST IN .: If Bride's Throwaway with a complete order DANCING DJ'S . The Invitation Showroom is open ' J 2415 Vauxhall Rd. • Union As your sjicclal jjuests are.enjoylng their time. You NORTHERN ITALIAN CUI are,corifld|ini lhat'DANCING DJ's can make your Outrageous ^ Mondays'liirough;.Fridays from 8:30 908^8J86 unr DIMRQ nnaoAT a.m. to.5'n.ia l;or more information, Call 686-9898 party a .night -that.you never forget. Performed by the Entertainment trtlrinl artist, not a band trylnu to Imllati1 II, TonunAr4-snf call 746-3063. '.'•.. And Enter A Four Digit Selection Number Below Spec/a/ ^ Voti will remember this moment forever. : . " •Disc Jockey's COUPLBTB 1 O • Party Host's DINNER 25% OFF GIOFFISSPRINGFIELD Tlie rijjhl music can transforni any party Into an Balloon Staffers ' • Unique EBEE Information! 24 Hours A Day! event your friends and family will sll|f-be. talking • Party Planner's • • Packaging Ideas FAVORS & about years Troth now. Dailclni! DJ rail pnnide you ' Party Favors • • * 3 Stars! 1853 Morris Ave. • Union TYPES OF WEDDINGS PRE-WEDDING PARTIES THE BRIDAL PARTY with perfect nluslc on yoilr.Spi'cial day: because we INVITATIONS lustomlze It,.according to vour taste. •' • ••. 'KaroakeVJS BANQUET ROOM UP Robert, Edward A. Carol Merten SQfJO Theme Weddings With This Ail Only 2018 The Bridal Shower • Dancing Dancer's TO 75 PERSONS . 4th Generation Florist •'•' 2001 Small Budget Weddings 2038 Divorced Parents Call any of our Party Planners to find out how- 2019 Bachelor Parlies Dancing DJ's can help plan your party^ •_. WcddinfjK. Showers. Hrhfiirsnl Dinners /. Most Major Credit CanisAccepUd 2002 .-Remarriages :, : 2039 Attendant Gift Ideas •Band's Plus All Your Spcciiil Ot-cnsions' i Mona Leesa Collection 72020 The Rehearsal Dinner 2040 Who Escorts The"Br7de? 201-407-9199 ENGAGEMENT 2041 Selecting Your WEDDING GIFTS firidafShoweR GUIDELINES Honor Attendants Exp 12-31-95 AND ETIQUETTE Call Now WEDDING cl rs 2003 Announcements frrty fcvor pack 2021' Kinds Qf Registries •.'.'. ENTERTAINMENT (800) 669-3123 2004 Telling The Families 2022 Money Gifts ' •lththliAd IS1 2005 The Engagement Party 2023 The Importance 2006 Unique Proposal Ideas 2042 The Wedding "D.J " of Registering 2043 Special Wedding 2024 Writing Thank-You Notes WEDDING COSTS Entertainment 2025 'Preservingthe Gown 2044 Traditional Bridal Hltual 2026 Changing Names 2007 Who Pays For.What BRIDAL SHOWERS . (traditional) EARLY PREPARATIONS UBER1MAN0R 2008 Who Pays For.What Corner of liberty A Horyord Avo. • Hillside ~ ' (Modem) " 2045 Bridal. Shower Ga 2027 The "Little Attendants" 2046 Bridal Shower Etiq 2009 Parent's Involvements 2028 The Wedding Cake 2047 VVhp's Invited?. ,. . 2029 Hiring A Band ,;~' BRIDAL ATTIRE 2048; Bridal Shower Thom For The Day You'll Always HONEYMOON PLANNING £oi 0 Wedding Gown Buying Tips RECEPTION Remember!! ARRANGEMENTS Our Personalized Service & Care Will 2011 Mother's Attire. 2030 Honeymoon 2012 Unique Dressing Options Saving Tips make Your Wedding Reception Special D 2013 Bridesmaids'Gowns 2031 Adventurous 2049 The Wedding Toast 2014 Renting Tuxedos Honeymoons 2050 Money Saving Footy Ideas •CHAMPAGNE TOAST 2051 Selectlno The Perfeht Srts •FULL 5-COURSE MEAL yoons 2052~ThTRecelvlng Llnel 2033 Domestic Honeymoons •INCLUpEeWEDpING CAKE THE CEREMONY •4HBOPENBAE 2015 What Is A Wedding WEDDING GUESTS Announcement? •flOBAL CENTERPIECES 2016 What Is A Wedding 2034 How To "Cut Back" 2053 The Marriage License •CAPACITY TO 200 .whereold! world toulun.n.thui.kt, md Invitation? -™v .2054. Remarriage Ceremonies imm 2035 No Children Allowed Newly Enlarged and exquUUely decoratedl 2017 Invitation Assembly 2036 Out of Town Guests 2055 Kinds of Ceremonies ' Bxpcrlenccd weddlntj planners at L'Affalrc have helped thotliiands of couples And Mailing 2037 The Guest List 2056 The Wedding Rehearsal plan classic weddings since 1974. Because seeing Is believing, you simply 2057 Wedding Programs . must see our new tastefully decorated rooms, designed to accommodate up to 500 guests. At L'afialre you'll find everything you're hoping for and more .•;.• ^Unbelievably affordable price,; Jntowura* la a 24'liourvolre liifamiuilon tenter wlwn for a lot less than you may thlnkl " fitrk and Mountain Avenues (jjiisi t.ir Rome 22) Scotch Plains, NJ (908) 322-7726 PER 'PERSON

, NJ (17(W2» g()K-

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m—TretfORSSAY;, SEPTTEMBER 2fC 1985 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS .9's fury Chorale picks Parrish WORRALL NEWSPAPERS — THURSDAY, SHfTOMBBU Zffl,1W& — B& inspiration to direct performance Clifford Parrish has been named music degree from Westminster Choir for painter music director for The Essex Chorale, College and he received his undergra- ' and will direct the chorale during Us .riir bin; the duate degree from Jacksonville next public performance Dec. 2 at 7 University. •:il • miiufciniml?" on:'the ciiyV p.m. at Si. John's Evangelical Luthe- 1 artist ran Church, Summit. Thc7Esscx Chorale",'""TonHed"' Iri 1991, is a non-profit choral ensemble 1 Parrish has been the organist-music i:^^'-^''': itu rriiMimcti in: a. solo "director for Stanley. Gongrcgalional seeking to.broadcn-lhe enjoyment of Church U.C.C. in Chatham Tor,Ihe choral music among its members and pasl 20years. He is the founding mus- the community. Il performs a varioty 3f?^JHii,:' Ililii's!: s^iiiih)' arc oil: ic director of Pro Nobis Chamber Sin- of classical and contemporary music, 1 «ii • • itiu1. .• Bitrlidium gers and is Iho current assislanl- having sacred and secular themes that - -conductor and: accompanist" ofllio _ iiro suited to small vocal groups. Tho •uQwer*kuMtt3ij^ Uv.'V irqjijidl..:-"Cathedral.""- ' University Chorus . ai Rulgcrs- chorale, is preparing for the Christmas Knowing how to mow lawn season al which lime, in addition to its Nurserymen offer tips in gardening :»..'h>»u.. in: lltu wav thai: New _NjnvarkLI^prcy|ously.has_c<)nd.liclcd, J Dec, 2 concert, it will perform a varie- Do you need lo climb a ladder lto prune iho irecs in vrtnyour hnmhome, i««^,,landscape.o? u,. . . ^^ -^«ui.-.™a.3 for Raritan Valley Community C6I can make a big difference BB When buying plants in containers, avnidi|li(>sc-wlthirnoi«ith:ii.tra^uirHlliiK ty of charily concerts for uroa retiro- If you enjoy.working on your PI jy it sufe and call a professional instead recommends the American Associa tsi«UiH.;.':ifir-t!u«i:.rai:".iJry! ' lege; Florida Community Cojlegc al. ly designed mulching mower, you out of the drain holes at iho bottom ofilhp;po|.miesc|illani'iJat&'.'tTiui|Ii>nunil"- monl and nursing homes, hospitals lawn and take pride in its appear- lion of Nurserymen. This way, you'll not only benefit from hcoVthy trees you'll : Jacksonville, Fin., and Bernards High encournge a healthy, deep root avoid the risk.of injury. :,.,•• and need a bigger container, c'xplaW the AmcrieanAsscHjiaiioniilflfjinKoiiymBn. v and rehabilitation ccnlcrs.The chbra|p, ance, you aren't alone. More than i of! ai School in Bcriiardsvllle. His direction system,. - •'••'• • . You're less likely io find root'hound plants,1 orwi,ioroi>vari Wednesday ovenings ai St.. John's ty. Why do so many people spend a "lean." And overlap your mowing ,•.;:•:. ,>„,.,.; ••.'•I&- Direction, "Stcpl Magnolias," "Work- paths two to four inches. barkj composted leaves, buckwheat, cocoa hulls, salt hay or pine needles', and your front door, use plants, flowers, shnibs:und!trcc(;!(n-Bre.iic.«itnirm3s«ajriic • :iw.-i:iis. loir their ... . . ing," Kncl "The Fantasticks" for a-Evangelical. Lutheran Church, time working in their yards' A Ihey can be found at your local retail gardon center. landscape. Screen your patio from.your!noi]jhbor'K!irash'C.inslhyiin.!}!!li provide a soft play area for child- cr, possible, turn the mower on a lo your garden of landscape, says tho AAN. These; include fircfiies, ground bee- outside.'-your bedril erosion. lEicli'-yejtr.miprcilhahiilTnEuhiH- S;'it-'cnts Lcagiie. N.Y.. under Daniel dyed billboards Trinity Church, a • « ir you want to cetobrdto ah old-fashioned Christinas and benefit the c'rivi- : : which, runs from -Route 287 |o' New inspire .' . Keep your mower's cutting blade • •-.', lion, tons of lopsoil erodes from croplands -iicross ilicciiunrry.Triicooxicnswfe.. „,, DiLkcrion. ' .-'.'.' ' ' • lux en in ihc heights and a Fifth ; fonment at Iho same time, purchase, and later plant, a iive'Chrisimas tree: After Brunswick. • ! " . . ' And believe it or not it is easy sharp. A dull blade can shred your '•root systems of trees and plants-hold soil.in;placc,'C're;iiinglhBjlUlti>irffU1iainU \ Briiigewalcr resident, McGinlcy Avenue merge of taxi aficr taxi in a enjoying ys and sorrow^ being green By following a few grass, turning it brown and provid- •wildlife, and ultimately, healthier :pcoplc.' . ' ' -..!.: -.-'."'. !:a s uv nis funnel of skyscrapers Titled "Run- luwn or garden, recommends thoAmerican Association of Nurserymen If you (iiitcirof the:; • * • !? vn - Ml"! )"£* >" numerous.: on.Qcli 7. from'5 lo 7 p.nv. and.cph^ ;••." The joys and ionrowslhat friends share is central to "I See My Bbi.ics," the simple mowing techniques, you ing,' entrance ways for .disease •M"itiie. area-juried il»*s including'a group rang Meiers." ihc view "Jiow: that not ; don't havo on appropriate place to plant the tree, call a localirco planting group ••'."•'.•."Do good gnrdchcers gr6,w'oiily;pcrfccl. nowra,!fniiw;anthv?^LaHlO(?? liinies weekdays. 9:30 a.m. to S:30 iiew play prcmlcring this month at Playwrights Theatre of;Ncw Jersey. will encourage a beautiful, healthy 'organisms. '."/. .- . .; '-.-••'.•; J..I.L.-.-—exhibit: al;,lhe Carrier'Foundation. .-;.- one taxi i<; unoccupied, not one is or check with your retail garden 'center to find somcono who does. Luckily, Ihc answer's rioMn fact; this myllvof lbe;p»r'fca,g:irUeiiicanlteu(avin'-, ' . nli;* i:stti!i:!i~if: p.m.. Saturdays to 4/p.m. ai -'Swain- lawn lhal you can enjoy year aficr .. Mow on the high side of the lighted on lop .'.'•: Set in a, rclircmcni community, the play focuses on four people w|io arc start- oiwncntally damaging, Cjtutioii.vllic American .As;ir ;it.;!nrti:>uni:!'ih'i year ' recdmmchded''mowing-height for. ...,..• Looking fora^career c'hango?Consider ihb opporiiinilipsin 'horticulture.''' Ails' :..''•.In thisexhibu al SWaih's. his painl- Also jn ihc sHbw arc his images of field. For more infori'naiiiin call (008) ' ing over — building new relationships in their new surroundings— arid still When people seek blemish-free .vegetables anlltperfecllyiformcllini'wjins.iljiqy . First, follow the one third rule, your variety of_grass. For cool sea- There's a wealth of interesting and meaningful roles you can play wholhcr i ihc old fem' terminal and dc«aicd ; : trj'ing to figure out..whnt's'.worthwhile in life. ••••/. ( ..- .-.may use too-many fertilizers and .pesticides. iEvunWor\c,i|lloymi!jyiusc rmo'"'"^'^ •• ijCli'|f[liings~ihrtilu;ilSvRiT*^ • --Kean College tp host ba ; --il- then cut ititop low—..this is called , excepti .for, St, AugUsiinc•. grass. According tothcAmcrican-Associalioinir^^ : . ... ••..,•-....•..••••••.•..,••..-. ,•.-.-- ».-.,, : %M: .r ~ - - •. .lucky, we'll nil-face; it."..'- -.-.'.• ' ••;•''••' .' ..'•.•.•"'.-•'' •'--.' .'. '••<.•':';'. •'-.•'"••• •'./,' • year l it 1 ,-q build-up and disease. By.following . • niiildI your, backyard compost .heap wiih leaves-grass clippings, plants Miiniioc. Rhonda Allen Muimv by and.scJtp-Kuji Weil's "Thrcopcn-. : your liqino and your yard...and it's, , an "hcirloom'-'.gardon, suggests Iho Amerlc.in'Assoaiiiiin itrNurscTiymon.fHah1-:. .,-..,•••-— ~-".^» ™.u .mum), v.' •".'" >v 'v ivun wen s IfLrcopcn- • -... Niiirch 2, March 23 aiul April 20. All S.iiurdays.at 2 j'.in. and Sundays at 3 p^m. Tickets are?S17 for oycnin'g pcrfor- ijie onc-lliird rule or Using a special-.' loflovor vcgo.tablcs and other.organic.material, advises.ihe American Associn- ' ny Opera" ad G Blhi >asy: -..••• , ,'• •• .: '•.•.",' ': ••'••• •; • '• Rii'&aiary. Sabovick-6lcich.,Mclis!d: ny Opera.': and George Balanchinc's performances are'nt S p.m. For single maiiccs and SI 5 for -matinees,, and can,be.ordered by culling. Ihc. theatre box :.' imn or Nlirscrymcn. Make.sure you don't: include diseased or infested plants .loom gardens consist of plants, flowers .and'vegeialilesitliai'WcrcipQpulaVincii^' .'; ," "nihr ip rn llrjturc* raral«' seen. • ShimJe^worthShulile^worth. JJjrne jrncss W'asW'ashingiqh n in d : ; .,-.-•— ..Faniasic;"'.• created. for-'Nfc'w' .-'performance orreries tickets,,call the. •'•office at (201) 514*1940..Playwrights Tlicalrc-is'.•located nt 33 Green Village; years ago: Ask,Ihe experts at your local.g.irden ccHter;l'or!l^jiflr i()mtp'lar(KUhat '. 'W(!P(W irrulluilinrpnj;: -ViiijqitiE-iiaaitirSfirbntii S&feraUa'-}';a ''• Vc>uY^ir - QmOtng GupGu'(>..- Sew lhjsthis; Season.is- nils or. meat, sgriips..' . • .... •' •..-.• ., " .. . • •. ', VoA'CJiy Ballet in 19,68,.is Uio i'pi- •: Kean '. College' box ,.riffle*. ,(90,S) Roiicl in1 .MiulisoiV....'',' ..' -^ ' .' ./. ' :.' • • :' .: , , grow well in your'area. '.-•.••'.••• •• •• •'.-•'• ' ..•. . • '|'.-,u.V''«*ilichV....,—.'.-.-.i^.ki. .the-cbi '..io <-:...«..,3. c,.v.i:^.Saycliev, . ••_•-.n-i-a :Bokhoii ;lrained lojfle-.of nco-caissicai elegance and. :-"527>233.7. •' ,: \' •'• ': .-. •'. "••-;.-" '•'. •rMJpi'Hfilini- >iUs:n:ih!iil a.* "Ui liiinLi: for. young ir.jn who appeared several ••' " Manhiiiiau-based plhywright Chen, bom.in Shanghai, China, and'raiscd'near romance.. • ;',,' ,'.','..•' ..-•',.: •'•• '' . Funding-for New: Jersey, Ballet's., Unique device tliitUKjph.'"'.TTJkii- ttuspi (!il»'.lhir,'«agir' trmes with shf ctxTi'pany. at ihc end of • , Philadelphia,,rcColvcd a 1992-National Endowment, for the' Arls Fellowship'in . The Oct. 14 program is pan ofNcw performance .sc.hcdu.lo is niado possi- Jus; year.-.and Cht] Han. who trained al. .Playwriting and an Edward Albcc.Foundation Writing Fellowship.••Slid.also, Jersty.jBa'llct's Saturday Night Sub- ble in part by supporl from.llie New makes cleanirig * .11 chumn; to' ihe Seoul 'Insiiiuic Of ihc Arts. Han won a 1989 New York Foundation for the Aris Fellowship in Play writing and a •scrjp'tion, Scries at Kcan' College Jersey State- Council, on the.-Arts'/'' Mhint'.: .-was1 a •JoJoisi Wiih ihe Korean Nalion- residency at- Ihe Blue 'Mountain Center, Now York, .in-1987. ' , •. ... ,_^^ .. ';' ••-•" - •"'«•« ""n me Korean jwajipn- Saturday Night .' Subscriptions , .Dcpaitment. of State, and'by'genorotw gutters a snap. M : 1 l OTBinv..':^^t(^^'^!l5S ^^r'ei.and;^.:j)r.ui!:ipi]:dancer ^iih;. ' intliidt- five pcr.ronnanccs for $68 — ,— "I :See My 'Bqn'es ''"ls'".;U; fI'- ; 'grinned'pnlcnis on a unique gutter and ll: ', ' ' add-on .system — ihc Gutter flclmct. - ':.- Ilomcowwrs cannot simply.ignorp • gtilicrs, stuffed full of leaves, pino . needles nti'd. twigs'.' In the spring, ;lie XI-IT?** UK J WB- * • _ nutters become full,of seed.pods that . • form n pasty mat to blixik the down- i'—n. J-iyBJ.LKH'iiiiier orscul offscreeiis llial- , may be installed over the top of • .gimers. '••... .'. -. • . .', -If the - hpniL'owntjr fails to clean put- . • the gtili'c.r, water runs ovej1 'Ixii'li the . front and-back of the gutter, causing Cultivars can make garden choice easier . -: the fascia' board, to rot, damaging What Are plttntSv and, leaking into basements ;.:.: V:i:,r.jrca;.i llVil : INTERSTATE HARDWOOD LUMBER COMPANY ,t~~.y,- •- •• ••-. • .: ^--- - •••• • , - . • • ••.-«i*- ." l^etl. for the traits- 'aild crawl s'])aces. .„ ... ; ._„••_ -.tliuii 'iiu'i'a'ri;. :ili!i:ik!- .K!r.ji,Lv«t.wr.;er •.. .;r -_ir .•^vcmjy.frjgranlflpu'ci-ina,' you'ie sec'king is.'lhe best way tpijci' You Doing To Gleaning ihe gutter generally 1 : : WE ACCEPT Prices Good :(!• .•i:u:l:vars; "{ • ^•-•-•.u:^r- ifcji of-'piiik'-or'.blue. . lhc\ reralK yoli'want. ' .',- "' ' .'. .'.' . involves at least twq.-|ri|js up and Save Water? • " down the ladder, often a dangerous iiuaranteed Through 1OfflS5 1 f . ami im|)leasanl experience,. . ;ycun :(UiL'Sli:)U. .1 ir 1:1 Li: ouiL". >'-.irrT; • •'..To Increase.: Working from'the roof,, which can ii^: im:l:;pl:ni:.'.si'.i;u!ti.'«i TH •Pressures Save \.'.MURAi(r:.-:. • ,-.;•-• ••-;•:;••.; .Y ,:.• • 58 Years Serving Ihe ... bo awkward and risky,, results in a" OUR 49 YEAR! 50% on your A fresh coat of Muralo paint is a ' ' .substantially shorter shingle life. And . next water bill! great way to brighten up your home. Professional and Homeowner SAME FAMIT ^ SAME LOCAJION • SAME RBJABLE SERVICE •'. the bad news us the -overflowing and • Thousands of Sensational Colorsl BfCoNRD0 - Be COMHXIABLE freezing continues, even when Iho Help the ecology jjjjjje eisd sa'yinjl.. • Luxurious Loiig-Lastlng Finishesl :: giiller.s are only partially filled. The . 39.Gallon Extra Large " J/Q£ . 50% on your, wttar and sewage • Easy Applicattop and Clean-up! Fall Crass only effective .solution lies in prevent- BASEBOARD billing monthly. Guanuiteed to save An Qut*tanclliT(< Glorit ing'debris from entering the gutter. on Jaeger Uitirriber •. -*• • Alt CONDITIONING " Valuel ' Deluxe. Seed Mix you money and wMai-vjriiie^lented Homeowners report that Gutter >oiffei$ FUEL (ML-SA1ES& SERVICE ncms arc twt s^ anywhere else' • Helmet covers keep the gutters cleaii Cuts water use In hattUnilJce other Fall mm -AaW0«I»»«BYOUKOVWJTKHN)CiANS . season after season even in areas ' filmmick pnxlucts, our products - - 3Lb, : •"••" 79 . where pine needles, leaves and soed- Fertilizer Bag ' ;V .', , increase wster!flow while ua^Dg onlj ; 1 DELfVERV! • polls are severe." , ' '.•!.' (H3)... ,..-... :,..;..... « 351-O313 . halfme^w^lodplt^^iiWe , .nushinsNoi^tnpoolnyoui'eyea, - 8SO Flora St. Elizabeth, NOT O72O1 . Unlike the various.screen and louv- er/M : cred devices, Gutter Helmet is made win cm m-ffm tfTWBBI P&y 9O8-353-5661 Fair JUSH % • of iinpeiA'ious aluminum that allows Shower I l3lj)»'M'', ;•; • »19,d8Eiicli 5,000 Sq. Ft. (Gsssm toss Toilet nappotii'^ ' 1^83 Kuch rain water into Ihe gutter trough.' '15Lt>'.. 30 heavy-duty Irak-proof Faucet Aerator^' M.95 Each Bag trash bags on easy tear-off Debris landing on it falls over the side (IMS) , | | . or is blown iiw;ly by the wind. For sun*end slwdc. OurCirculaH Fall is nature's time to'socd. . ...i',._-_.-.Tesi!i.sjitj|iJ(iiiiig' ihtf.hedviost rain-.,, You'll find a'lf-yoijtnieedtte^gHi i Ml • ...-:.JJl!!?. .PJ5iJcricnccci_jii_fc!orth.- America, ' 15,000 Sq. Ft. (OKw your home:readyfer'wiiriter. those on the Gii If Coast, havedemon- 20,000 Sq. Ft, . HAMMOKSFlOOfiCOVEBIMG SEPTEMBER SALE 30" Poly slniied' that -the Gutter Helniel enn , te--v--.--v..,_.! . ^FREE INSTALLATION acconimoilale flows ofei|iial and gre- 1 VINYL FLOORS . iiiL'i inagni'ttuk*. . Easy lawn ' 1i5(.r5;i1..;.'1'1"'>" ..'• i HOLIDAY ? WALL-TO-WALL CARPET ~ To.'salisfy skeptics, Ihe developers • ARMSISONO • MOWHAWK Spread EASYSPRlAb Rake • MANNINGION • CONGOLEUM have <|evised a simple "sink tlenion- Builds root systems and keeps 1 •• • TARKETl -.KENJIU ',- siiaior'j for use under, llie faucet ihii lawns dsrise and green right i ^ m^^fi -yyy^* • •• L«, & ELEGANCE SALE nil mil vmnrLooas •':•'• up to Ilic end of the season! i-ver your budget, LAURA'S can help,.'. ' -. ARMSTRONG NO-WAX VINYL Ullllllt kitchen.sink. The ability of the device Lawn Lime S13.49sy Gianular. i ARMSTRONG STABSTEP SOLARIAN lo convey large quantities of water »'it-h-i'\-Lr.ything from.cusipm draperies to.Fancy ! 99>y. •51?,99iy Deluxe •10 Ib, bag. icn . ARMSTRONG VISIONS SOLARIAN ' - •S24W around Ih'enoso is uvidcnl, •'• i Kip ireutrdentsi blinds and shades. -Plus • • • • '•. • f. '.' ' ,,, ,".•••; ARMSTRONG PESIGNER II SOLARIAN y •S33..99iy. The installation1 [s^ liaidly seen on MANNINGTON SILVERADO . S2l-.99ly •S1.9.Wiy . Fall Fertilizer . the house. According to homeowners, I . MANNLNGTON GOLD CLASSIC 536 99,,, .•$32.99(y. ightvveight rake, features 30 ••^'•li'fei COMGOLEUM HILITE S2i 9« ,'520.99iy visitors,fail to notice the Gutter Hel- PlLisvyced control. tines and-'18"hardwood. TARKETT BRITE IMAGE OFF* •SI8.99sy met installations. 15,000 Sq. Ft. handle .*I«MI COMMERCIAL TILE 12 V 12 51.29il Custom Draperies and Bedding '..' UNPERLAYMENT PLYWOOD In-most installations, only"~ilie JI.Sl;09iU l ; T.Pabffc'ifcLabor '•' • NO LIMIT ON QUANTITIES 'ALL COLOtlS ANO PATTERNS AVAILADLE """n().si>"~|.s~v|,slbl&•' nn]n Sct I I 123«__.8 Valle. .. y RdT\^. I i . 1 i — c*n«r -.. . ' . -. HEOLUBVALUJ SAUMice wsro. niodificati()n of existing gutters, n J 2322 Morris Ave. 133 Main St Neshanic Station Stirling Vannote Lumber Pleated Shades • Ductte Shades COUUERCULOLEFIN Laval Loop MniAwV IMMly • ut!m \ Union (Behind Foodtown) MM SAXONY Wf»H WADRANrV 118 09,, • tin Mlv _Anicrican, Melaj IV(>ducis, a divi- HI JNJ 411 Arnold Avenue luiln. Aiuli Tup. Annie Tup & Unusual Slmpcd Blindi)., \ •:•••• Hi Madison, NJ fiSL w--* DUKMrSrAINMASTIRPkjihllXnU B3 Mt» 1ISM.V sion of Masco Corporation which Daily 7:30 AM - 5 PM . Pt Pleasant Beach, ht;. wibii-miul Iw plunl l>y IIWMW lor . Daily 7:30 AM-6'PM StAIMRESmiHwySlumyPluili • fxmt HJMlJ mauiifactuies Gutter Helmets, gives a Thursday 7:30 AM-8 PM ' Daily 7:30AM- 6 PM • Daily 7:30 AM-6PM ly ||«A».vlcirCliiuUMl*:lluiuki.liil«li"iy • •• Saturday 8 AM • 5 PM Hi 08748 yUalMoCiiuhS written warranty, Instates the sysliim Saturday8AM -3PM Saturday 8 AM -5PM Thursday 7:30 AM-7 PM Daily 7 AM'-5 PM ' Expert'.to&tyM&Biaii AvaBatOe ' STAINREUASE 70 0Z. llidc 1 lluvktl Sunday 9 AM • 2 PM ; WBSiy UtMty is guafantcedto keep your guiler free Sunday CLOSED • • Sunday 9 AM - 2 PM Saturday 8 AM - 5 PM. - Saturday 7:30 AM - Noon Road -Union LAURA'S flowing or your money bock.' Phone: Sunday 9 AM - 2 PM ' Sunday Closed , •' : 1T5TI DON ANTONELLI Phone: Phone INTERIOR DESIGNS •• New Jersey residents no longer 908-369-5511 Phone: Phone: ' • '• : ,'• ' : •• ••'•• ' ••'••• 'r'. • .. • l.^i 908-647-1239 f9O8) 686^333 3J0-A Springfield Ave. • Summit • (908) 277-3331 908-686-0070 201-377-1000 BOVAt IINOUOM i RUG CO, SHOP AT HOME SMVICI have.to.worry about getting on the 908-899-9663 t'^V"': *OHci c»pnci H/liW All tnuil be pntenlcd ul lime iff |iua-|iW ^ Ho.. How S.1,1 B.ody for In, Muuii Uhtwtt Coll IS) 074U 904 41 J?. U lln roof to clean gutters. For a free esti- mate ami demonstration, call Preci- Not responsible for typographical^, We reserve'the right to' limit quantities. Merchandise may differ from illustration sion Aluminum-at (908) 490-0814, B10 - THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1995 _ WORRALL NEWSPAPERS Union woman exhibits Arts and ctaHs ____ ^ahrealtyheadquarters at park during weekend WORRALL NEWSPA'PERg — THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER _8, 1806 --B11 C..<••... D...J..~ ' . . - • _ • . • . Susan Pudcr, an award-winning ualki along the shore renew m> -'•' '• ;^Th° 10ih.annual.,Spring iFine'tons ramhitstcacitaaBomni tin photographer, will be exhibiting her il Landscapes, gardens ind more and Crafts Show at fapmahegan Iftaik aiiUltiim, •*_ wanes. Hone axuttlte*. work, in both color and monotone, at recently, Victorian architecture ne show will.take place oniihis AvoekonH •mich as mijjf., MMJUlnnafngiK ifimwst, the Burgdorff Realtors Corporate great sources of inspirition for m> in Cranford, across from'Union'Coun-' d Headquarters in Murray "Hill from work Nature and historical place -ty College. -.-.. -.•.„->.''•'.•. .-; ••''-, Oct. 9 through Nov. 17. play a- major role in what I photo This .show will feature imorc 'than. Pudcr. who resides in Union, has- graph I attempt to capture the spirit of ..' 140 juried, profcssipnaKartis|s,iphou>- titled her show 'Victorian-Visions: each place in my photogr rplnc graphers and "craftspeople idispleying RsiUwgj «tefl»»w*ffimrrraft«rHr|B . Styles and Environs.' She'jjas shown images. I warlt to share what I am • and selling their harjd-cnii'usU >wqii. im jjowdliiy •wuljjlttill off fWbiu* wn!l her work in solo exhibits throughout experiencing and hope tli-li some of •The .show, is co-sponsored I !>}; Ui\b Un rbi. % cllwnmffiTttte New Jersey and in New York City, the spirit Is conveyed to the viewer Union County BoardofiCliosTsri IFree- w tcxiurcllinc,unllij _jind has won_numcrous_owards .in Perhaps ihe> will gain "some new holdcts,'thcynjon.CoumyiDiyJsi'bnibf -.mi.muuiwlhcir •.^fVMomr.rjfo'fottrssr•gWMomr-yifaUr!!/ *t)lwfahr photography at art fairs around the iniight when viewing an ordnnr> Parks and\.RccrbaJion .nnii iRosc- 'Ibrnu^lit,ttij- Her" ojliilh'in^ be in sight area. Her works arc among the pcrma- Squared: Productions, .Inc. •• m—*'•—»--•••• '••••--• room or a landscape In thai wa> they lhe : the most accurate cornparisonSf xpisva- ^-ncnt collections of The Union'Center 4jj ;£bie '" will sec the need IO preserve md pro Local .oxhibiiors )\Who Jfosiiic ifti* aifc'purifiers.. CAt>R-'ra(ihgs ar:c*indc- Sommer to give speech on nutrition National Bank, the Township of lect our remaining natural md historic UnionCounty and thcirarcn dfipjjpjSr-; .here «rc .pcndcnliy .tested for, vcrifi(siii6n .of- Union Municipal Building, and in treasures." ' tiso.arc as follows: iKdtliy^Scafamij,-; perfbroiaijce cjaims; The ratirtgs ,'arc; New York stale. . , ' . - food, Cranford; Kathlcon'CruisCari/ For this exhibit. Pudcr chose i»o whcBcfi.'MndBiliQl ifio£ JUT _UUQ< Axuujfil. printed;'on*: th'o.'Eiox of many of tjic! Dr KimSommer will speikon Osteoporosis Nutrition Pudcr is employed as a systems pnci(ces' Applied Kinesiology JI the Berkeley Heights places that she frcqucnll) visits — H graphics, Elizabeth: iRocio If-lorvflpaJ, 'leading' branqs -of 'iir puijfiers. The und txcrclse during lhe Oct S meeting of [he Colonia consultant at The Equitable Life ;Smm^priri^-minxu&iicfi'&icwavm- .',can -do for}iny/ever is avoid bcirtg, ; Chnopratic Center Cape May, and Mohonk Mounhin dolls/soft, Linden,;anil. Arlcnc lliustcr,' cYminnj* un irjuniaurcc'* higher IHpCAbR rarirfg«,Ui'e.boilcr ihq hrineh of the American Association of University Assurance Society in New York City. Thc AAUW is a nilional orgini/mon of women and House in New York Noi only arc •fiber-bears, Union. - . / ' • . '','h iIltii «. men who nro gradu lies of four year colleges II is devoted they fibulous places to photograph, • :-...-_AU appllcanls.urc jiiclge/l'oni'oriBi-; ltio, JWB ^cwrdiijfito l)|riderjiiili the dADR to the promotion of equity, education, self development Center for Visual Arts, the Wcstfield but thoir environ'; ire so special and nallty, crpativity, qiralltyjof'WoTkanil HE'UwairmqunntitTuiffiirfrttf**- iicorc (niiicalcs how much clean air'nn md positive societ.il change Art Association, Walchurig Arts Cen- soul renewing that I find myself gtfn'craN show, appeal hcljorc 'bpjnjj. - Sonirncr a gr idu He of New York Cluropraiic College, mis, n luHullc tntiv. lilcsym Illkr it air.'pflrificT. aciually 'dslivprs' in real . ler, New Jersey Photography Forum dijwn back over and ovi.r again' selected -to participaio.,.nthis ^yairf\s.,, Prospective members ire invited Io illend :»(/prld^i;ond»ibris:.»:'-.:r:Ll-,'-;.;- -.-'•.-'. .:.'>..'. . ajul Mjllbiim Camera Club. Pudcr'.has : exhibitors iucluctelc^tlla^workot-Ani^ Cape Ma> is a National Historic jrtfuii1 ttmnllutk •' lakon photography-classes and sqmi- : '•••'. Consumers, a(sp:iihouldibp^aw.are of, Lmdnnrk town and is ihc mtion s -Pitkoncn .of-Lebiinon, -aiitl jtjwdlp^'/, iunif)ia. nnil lumwuill fltbiTO, ..'iiarswiih'somc of.the country's lcad' ncw.fiifcrmaieriaIs;.sucH as 3M's Fil-, p eldest seashore resort The Victori in 'EllenRoschbcrg-of'Edison.OritlWirgi-'''' ipdllt/siVvWirrmullln. itTins. j»iJ ing' nallirb photographers. '• rnia Sassanian -of1 :-Washingi'onT iBiG.' '_ in his been beautiful!) preserved in 1 m .' " Wider works primarily ' jn.color, . • " Faxhion-orioutei^ ipxhlblio'r .' .•toftaiv' • capture, more- and ? nl|ijr .p'tirliclcs; the historic district with gmgcrbrc-ul ri 'fiihriot. nte.JUmintmitlr i lam .....,, ou.iuui.-rncy atso may become" ! producing Clbacliromcs, or as-known ; •^ while"allowing more ' air 'to pass. uiinmcd cotnt.es and slitely nnn • Pilkoncn first experienced.ihar Tiuure • llioniloil loiltn lhniu>>iati «hr(tB» nil •"•'morc^rSft/vc lojrruanissucli as por- today, lifoclirpmcs. which is a unique . jhrough llicrcby' "scrtibbiiig-': Ihciair sions Addiliontll) Cape May is . irade-ai.lheago/tf'S, usingilier.grnnU-', irtch iwiilllh ifiiu .ullttrtjwtwt)^ ""** ,.. futnpR,'...aprpiiol -sprays and pigarettc color .print,!.'material for. producing world renowned JS a mccca for bird mother's- l(X)-year old iloom. •']::'.'••• 1 !l ; 'n.)oi^.ljiincs.;]H-i)icr;.3M-s''.HItrcio'ljl'; lOi is. Uwaufli) ke:-."- ' /• ; ;. i /'.',--'. • ' •''• . • WHETHER YOU KNOW YOUR ..;..ter rjiutcrial.-cieahs.Uip air 100 percent . pluiiographs:dlrcctly-'fr6m trahsparcri-"- int^riiUon and wildlife preserves, •Weathtered,' oneof the photographs oh display"at / "Toxlile as a profcssibnihaslbiwri.n: * i- ;A good, wijy.itj clcaf.-tjie air ,wiHlin JAwmuc TTrraiifrml anil ;rmiS- iu; fcsw'.anihnrii. jhoh • fjiSilcrthail older ;fjltcr tcchh(jlpgies ci.es. This technology has become trie ./•'complete with s-md dunes and quiet Burgdorff Realtors;Corporate Headquarters in Murray . 'nniurul choice for me," SaidiPKkohcn, / ;• :yt).ur'|i(irnc is"Wjih; »n «if purifier/Air 1 y world.'standard of excellence (brow./ be iches Hill, was taken by-Susan Puder - She graduated with -honors ifrom tthc , piiriricfli jfOrnoyc many of this fnlcro- i stich n.rHEPA---hi^hcfficipnpy par^ siaiidinj;'stability and brill'iancc of Stan lPay»5wmy tin ^'jJ^ 1 : CHOIJSTEROL LEVEL OR NOT, School of Ii)dustriiilj\rls-andlMnnlli- ' . ticulaic air-v- filter^ ypl typically is Mohonk Mount un House is iKo a rounded by a 20,000-acro natural area -«i}ii*. iinwnri) tii:cipic jiiinicleji'frtlni the air that cause color. She' also, has. recently .added' ' .'. Pudcr says, "These two places | ; wnrlh mill r .' ijiiicb-less pkpensiv*, "'rjrircio' filterSi Ninon il Hislonc Landnnrk and is crafts in.Hoinola,Fiiil;and,.rnnJorinE i'i, (aj,16rpic- Irt^icirpifis.' '••pscd, •torrccilyy in the Shhwangunk Mountains: Tho nrtltj!<>iiU,>lbnii : cxcinplify brtth Vipiorjan. architecture : black -and white prints to her body of handWeilving. "My •-designs: aTC-", '.Hiitiy^'ipr.ti'vi'il^ j -;Warid:,of,, rc|icf '.ftjf-' • catvoyen,capture'extremely sma|l'parr 1 one of the few re-miming lOih Ccn Victorian character of ihc house has 'Wfl oinnf)prh))lTuIUI A I'-'work/L-'...-- ':'..'.'.-...• : /':>..-;iC .;„•,'-_, .and- wonderful nature preserves. But 1 1 YOU^TKNOWENOUGH. tury moimlim re-sorts m thcOatskill inspired' by the cdlors hnd.'formsjj'sec •"' .''.itllarn'u.ji'urlcreti;.-'.''-'' : .'•:*;.'••,• V.". '/'. ;iicle' s like.. viruses -'•', "nd'. bacteria,'!.- An avid outdoors person and cnvir- been p'rescrvcip throughout,! with i|icre arc also wonderful contrasts -—•' isiiroc !iH ilca The Mountain House is a tur 1 _ in'nature," said Pllkoncri in tloscrlbiHg.. ' of;-'Huriipr: Fan . according to Dr. Joiih-ZJiangi; teohni- beautifully , carved Woodwork, trado- inounlains and seashore, past.aiid prc- : orinK'niiilisi; Piidcr slated-'.'I lovoiho rtlcd seven storv architcclur il delight her .work!' She designs andihaiul-sowK ••• "cal, specialist at'3M. . ' :. '•: , outdoors;"hiking1.iiiminlain trails mid niatk gazebos, period furnishings, and . sent, each with unique1 designs, wild1 10 Tin Ho^ipim mini nrsstimc situ itcd on L ike Molionk It is sur 1 hilts and vests usjng her orlgimi'lipa!- more uiilin-ni.fmin a,ill o-dO-son^circScarch '.':', ..T'hc.yiS. Food -and. D'ni'g;Adml- Have a cholesterofscreening test performed, and learn more. rockers:lining widp voranduhs. life, flora and sense of beinc.". • 1 tenis. She ulxo weaves Shawls anil d74 -52*17 ftjpn^irJycancr.^ •... •nistrmip^-lisJs.ccrtairi air purifiers afi r urihonilail .Tihere nrcmaiiy braiids^if, ixur>,pUri . -cTiisi? T.^dcficat-.-dcvicQs. That' means -. s imd'Jlj'^f bbff .:db?'tpr;prcs'cribed'air.'clcanp'rs miiy'.b'e It could save put life!' '' 11. "Ills i|i)j)p;ria'pt-.lp;gcl'.'i;.; i,Toiriibupill)lip.-.i"by."'.,iti1supinpe/.co.mpa--: . Iftwo i.ilhai' wiltj;lc,an,the, air"thbr-;" .'•.nics.^topcndirig'on Coverage.'.':.-,•-,:.'.- : ".• Open:365;'days'aycar;:'."'-': :j > .-/••'' '-. 'outJljly..',; The ohly wayjti. kfj'p\v thc' V :For. mqr^iiiiformuiion iitoul Hunter, '• III 1 nit! h izaripiis l^y •lppoiiitiviOnt'.- inn.'lihe JtitL olTcclivunciiS of the. various brjjrids- ili"; - ro'oinr air puriiricrR,. • call (-800). •' ^Oiid'iy'r^rid;^,H;3n:;'Uin-io^f.\x\. . (includingchicken pox). ••'.'• ' no cpniparp their Clean Air Delivery .•y.7i'-3267,F6r.alisTor'CADR -ratings KIUDK.V ' ' '!'•/•/.'':••'..:;.';. .,' .; . •from--. the: Association "of .rlom'e: ••;• Cardiovascular and weight • Saturday - '^aini.• to;5p.ni/ j;.*/".';-'/' ( ai :w, • 3'hc' Federal Trade.'Cdmmission. Appliance Manufiicturcis, send a self-.'. luul »thii .A-ssociatioh of 'H.oipb 1 control counseling.. • •• ' .'.' d'-fioililuni >CUTI'-W!LE1. .a'Cf addressed!, stiu'nped 'envelope. to: ' : : A|ij)|iaut:cfManufapiurors both rccog-.. .Siind;y.iMid hoiitiiys - 9 a-iii; to I p.ni' ni iciuiKC'itfiwiqntfena'. • AH AM, 20 North AvVc'kcr,"' .Chicago,' - -.Aorausnnc .-nine the. 'Clean Air Delivery... Rate as 1 r 1 : uliioi Ihdluniot.ai viituuigc i 'III 1)0606..-. -'.-•;..;• --;-T. / , -'".-.- '. ,' * Credit eard*acc.e~ptert.-_-__.X Health & Fitness : * Tft-atnieiitof rotitiiic illnesses-r'V "•] ies, wiys buHd coriTidence 1 foi'tlie-entire tiimijy... i - . Hair growth takes place in-the roots — follicles —where hcallhy cells divide. • Medigre participant 1 • mid multiply, pushing flic hair strands outward,'. '• :••-....' • '•-.. •;."•. InHiiieduite trciitnient.fbr ;uimoir|g lihc i Cornell Hall gains commission's blessina • iUnforiunatoly, some Ireatmeriis for cancer inhibit the growth pfjibnlthy hair • At Doctors on Duty no appointment ConGomen lI I Hall Nursing _iand RRv.uibiliiaiio. nbih.alion CcnlcrCenter . n 17170-bcd0 bed, nonon-profitn profit, Tonglone - II ,11 A I , ,„, T ™ r ..... r ** prcilif- • niihor emergencies. .-•rin care facility and transitional care.Unit,.has been accredited by die Joint Hall Administrator Teresa Edelslein. "Evcrj'onc at this,facility works hard culls. Feelings'— especially positive feelings—- phiy.a-vital role-in (he rcstora- les. 1 is nccessatybut appomtnUnts are available. Cotitniissjon on Accrcdiialionof Healthcare Organizations. Tlic Joint Commis- ever)''duy io provide the best possible health care lo'our residents and pa|iciits." :licin >of licahh. The way you think and.feel about yoursclfeach1 day often begins.-. ' Shirley Cubildo.-.yicb president of nursing liome and transitional care operas u^imiiy sion-is the nation's oldest and largest accrediting body. .-jbtftii u. IS «iilti luolong in the mirror. Hair accessories and wigs can become an Important'; lions of .the Si.. Barnabas Health .Care •'System, said receiving' accreditation illc. ffli)p>uniirti||: ;i|pcitl vuihiuli- ; Cornell Hall Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is an Jffiliate of the St. Bar- 'pmffiafwtto'Aultiidljyciu.me,iillui!iiu-,.lhul- '. iispua -afporspnal uppdarartcc... ' '• ','."• ,.'.'••''•.•••:•'...•-.'•.•;.'•.. ,;''..,"'•'," ; "sends a rensswingrmessage tci carcgivcrs of elderly loved ones (hat Cornell . ililorizon Wigs and Beauty Supplies, 705 Jersey Avo.-, Elizabeth,' specializes - nabas Health Care System. Located withiii Cornell.Hall-is GareLine Transition- ik^i ~r;il Health Care Services, a 25-bcd subacule unit. • Hall Nursing and Rehabilitation's dedicated to providing top-qualiiy care to its. in. wigs :and;Hair pieces for chemptlicrapy palients'.For. a free consultalioivca').... ^i^.-'^l_ii(h^ii_t resident's and. that CarcLino Transilional Hcallh.Carc Services is prepared to : Formed in 1951, the Joint Commission is dedicated to improving the quality ,:Iilciki:c ,al (90S). 354.9096.; — .'' .'".''..-' " ," -.•'/•' '' '. . •'• "'.'••'•" •of the-hation's health care through voluntary accreditation. The Joint Commis- _serve-sub.acute paiienis.'.'CurcLinciiuIesigncd fur patienLs-who have complpted.." •• sioh's on-site survey of'Cornell Hall Nursing and Rehabilitation Center tho acute phase of hospitaliz,a(ion; but .who still require medical und/or rehabil- : 1 : : occurred in'May. . .. , ' .-;••••'. ..'...' itative care before-reluming home. 1 ^;pii . mmunltys ©est :;'-j:;^^. vQv ^^r. .TOirr TO EEELBETTER/ "Receiving Accrcdiliilionis a significant achievement', one that recognizes •"Bul'we'ro not going to rest on our laurels," Cabildosaid. "This is a wonder -' TONIGHT'S 30' ptlnautu «r .ATcuiriicitni;' Ihu-vc "exemplary performance by Cornell Hall Nursing and .Rehabilitation Center," ful. incentive -to.-continue to improve <>ur scn'ices." MOVIES .ito iCHUtrtiuibil "lljixc railllicm' said Dr. Dennis S..Q.1 Lear)', president of the. Joint Comiujs'sion.' "The organiza- • Cornell Hall/CarcLitic is staffed by a team of health care professionals who ETOSOURCE i «.';ictt lluut Ihouitmip.'Clf.iiJllui'' Selection 3230 tion should be con'imemled for its comiivitmcnt to providing quality, care to the provide. around. |he.-clock ntirsing'and personali/'eil care. A variety of social and 9p8/964« a'crcaiioiial programs, iiiid activities are.offered daily to,residents,a,nd.patients. people in its ..community,".-...... ,••'/. •';. • ..:.•.':•- 2624 Morris Avenue •.'..Cornell HaH'Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, is one of four nursing and "We arp extretiicly' pleased to have achieved this designation,", said Cornell, rohabililativc facilities affiliated with the Si, Barnabas Health .Carp System. Union, NJ 07083

• •'-.- : .'' '' '••. '•'- . •... .--. •"••-•••. •' •'' - -r- :' . • • ' '.' Bollwage honored by cancer society EAR PIERCING CLINIC ..- .'Die New Jersey Division, Union County Unit of the American Cancer Sbcie-" • Private Offices iy, mi (Xi. 27 will celebrate the.25lh Anniversary ofihc Crimson Ball at 7 p.m. > Complete Follow-up Care . 1 CHIROPRACTIC Asspf iates, P.A. ;u Ihc Hilton, at'Short. .Hills. ,.' . . /• •'•.- ••'. -. . ...--. •24 Hour Answering Service This hlack-tie affair will be held in honor of Elizabeth Mayor J. Christian • fcecommended by Physicians FOR BETTER HEM T'H linlUvaiieiuul lhe Suburban News for their ongoing commitmcnl and dedication • Sterile • Painless • Safe Supports October as .ID pa^iams. iiv caiicor.research, education und -patient-services. All.'proceeds-" ' Centered « Corrective Re-Piercing .will go loward, ihe.fight.against cancer. -. . • ',' '•••.•,"• /•„,•' KQT Inronm.tUon or Appninlmopt Gull jinniversary , •' .Anyone1 iniercsied should call (908) 354-7373.. . ••' ••: • ' ..-; National Breast Cancer _____ ' 13HtH tfCI IQW— The Anicrican Cancer Society is the nnlipnwidc, comniuniiy-biiscd.volun- 908-382-6470 908-964-3999 i.ny liealih organization dedicated to eliminat.ihg cancer as a major health prob- M8 Rt 27 Riihway 385 Clu smut St Union fc»L.r\in^ Ilic Pliv+?WI*5 • If >ou Have an onhtilie-lik ITe ainjtiio REAWYn Awareness Month is mmmnns? '•••™«MW^»«_____»»__|__^^^^^M^^^^^__.______l ' • -'/' ' I ' . ' ,".•',',' i ' •! •' ' ' "' ' '-. ' IvJli-by.pivwnting cancer, saving lives from enncer, und diminishing suffering >nccd.'thr, |oinbm,ty rctuni^iiMiToriiiiii luiirinui. n't not ftcnnii! aity orthnibelterK, nuyliUk t \nyodu n ihojilo 1 mud l ' u fmm.'canci.'r. -through research, educationjmd patient..service,_.'_._, ^ ..- xnl) thti ytii\ nifty ^*uf^S,Wl-*i'iibuJtmw.i-"—— And out if it really ii flnhfitu •' l Sale "Ko'oiii- wwili; tinc«. from thc Gretk Early detection through mammography may JUST 30 MINUTES CHANGLD TIIHIR LIVES. flnhiuh' (JiuhiW4ltrt'lifltii.),llnnitmiii!i)j. Hiiidi for infl-mmadot prevent the need for drastic surgery & may 'In oihcruordt, ^correct lliL\coiuiiiionin|ul luirrilullv avi lini iu«'|i Arihr|nt.rcfcfi it) infiam • More lhan 4,000 muldistorntofl ••-•'.'"• . . : ; sa successful ngual Maybe you've been tak ingnicdtcaiion for join! •,' - •••'. ••• ;••• ^ - T ^yourlife;,4^ surgeries perforated on>c not cemnj: relict It's jjali * Or maybe you're retmi Io date •ilio ihc fact itut you!!* tiMntrrdU oi'lifiici'lioiiltd . -«-i.-. For the sake of your loved ones k takiita nwrdiuatibii f DROP IN AND S-SETUS OIL- rcu of yuurlik' tromihiMtt'iiivw \ ' • • Safe hosplul llui if an cxamiuaii T A K E 1" H E T I m E % OFF environment Immediate, Family & affected jotiu*. w^ not inflaiiiDicd. ihr rvohkn may (>c thai ihc |ouu n, noi iunctiu-niii^ Io get your annual marnmograph^; • Same day ^Care Occupational nnmully When you receive tjie (reiini*H( yoi surgery - return home Entire inventory after several hours Station Medical. Center y says that women shbuld have their ; • Improve your r StLT iMACll Were Here When JUST WALK IN 9Phy between the ages of 35-40 You Need. Us! »^e^c^ctf40to50 women should have a mammbgra- • Sic wlut your No Appointment Necessary FAST EFFECTIVE PA.HN RELIEF c tB Every Brand new nose will look .'•ft **?* * *°^° Vears. From age 50 on women should have Primary Care v a ; like prior to surgery X-RAYS & LONG TERM RESULTS y. • ;;^,- . ;.-•'•.•: !"n>arjwnography every year. •• •• |..••-•••,••'•.' - Minor Emergencies Every Item • Mm with many Preventive Health Care LAB ON SITE ollurs who have Company Health Services Wrist/Hand Rain -BieS$t Imaging Center of UriipK had IMS.I1 vurgLry Every Department » Worker fe Compensation Headache Low Back Rain Park Imaging Associates, RA TWINLABS < KAL • SOLGAR . SYNERGY • Most major • Drug Testing VITAMINS « MINERALS • AMINO ACIDS •~*r?- I •Work Injury SCHIFE__NOW LFUTUREBIOTICS . KWAI— tniunnce pis • Physic—LEX-ms/ConsUltlng •Auto .Accidents 1441-44S Chestnut Street. Union DI^T-AIDSTTFOOD SUPPLEMENTS! V accepted NATURE5WAY • NATURE'S HERBS+JAS INSURANCE- HYLANDS* BOIRONTVlTbL* WEIDER ' SPECIALTYITEMS •SPORTS NUTRITION IMMUNIZATIONS PLANS FREE UNIVERSAL . CYBERGENICS « ATLETIKA HERBS/OLANDULARS « HOMEOPATHICS ACCEPTED " MET-RX + BLACKMORES • CAMOCARE BEAUTY AIDS .FIRST AID • PETCARE EXAM & REXALL • COSMETICS . BOOKS/TAPES OPEN EVERYDAY 8am - 10pm JASON • DESERT ESSENCE • BARBARA Consultatlor HEALTH VALLEY . ARROWHEAD • HAIN SNACKS > BEVERAGES .-CONDIMENTS INCLUDING WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS $t85:Value Unit REFRIGERATED S, FROZEN FQQDS p"5 CENTHR FOR NASAL SURGERY taJhniDlanB iBoatdiCerflfred JRadlolog Convenient Locations • Reasonable Peed Insurance Accepted *• B*c_w Op-mad by iMort llnaurance Carriers A, R. BERGAMO, M.D, IPIBECTOR '' - _ • • V^-oJL mil 2JU~5HERMA N A VENVE(nexi to MounhtinsltU Hospital) GIEN RIDGE, NEW JEKSEYJI7028 201 467-CARE Salem Chiropractic . um 925-CftRE I- LiAlEp Wf.r.ii AMERICAN HospirW IN ROME, (2S73) -^SFSI'-fc m 97TLJ |l i'^' (2273) 1042 Salem Road • Union I ,'STAN, PARiyiAN.MD' Mon & Thurs 1O-6; Tues, Wed"& Fri 1 O-4 2 0 1.748.,, « 0 0 . 3 4 5 . N () S i; RICHARD BEZOZO, MD ' " 90 ROUTE 22 WEST SPRINGFIELD 128 WEST ST QEOftOES AVE LINDEN (908) 687-6868 THE VITAMIN FACTORY 2O1 RT. 22, HILLSIDE. NJ O72O5 (2O1) 926-2946

. \ B12 — THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1995 — WORRALt NEWSPAPERS CROSSWORD PUZZLE Plainfietd Symphony Presley to perform for elder teachers 2B. 199S —B13 opens toiL:76fh time •Marcus Presley, a 13-year-old ••^^^i^i^i^l^IB^^ll^___l_ composer ami jazz pianist, willpPr - Aficr cclcbraling iu..75lh anniver-—4ony-Anislcr'dam, Berlin and New form during the Union County sary season,'.ihe.Plainfield Symphony York, under the auspices of the Retired. Education Association's CRAFT AKIES - Mareli 21/\-prill 3 .is about-io launch iis76th season. On FLEA MARKET meeting on OcL 10 at 11a.m. at VHWC3Off 3»S«f« Padcrcwski Foundation. She has con- ' A ncw-loiirul L>lostMle^>. with :i liinilK SATURDAY L Aff , Rome 22, Mountainside. An icjii*|pciiv«mj; yimr ^«|K -and inusic.il uorlil Her musical reviews, EVENT: Fall Craft Show. The concert will be performed in EVENT: Big Indoor Floo Market JI 11 a m , including talks by Michael gel busy anil it rii'ay Iwyp In lilkr pri Dun't vrfl' ywr^dl «Jbic«t x bead dm. wecik, Viu'U he School Now Jcrscy-Rei.rcd Education buililmg \iiih outstanding acoustic's" uislmiis" IVcscnlly, Tamman is a PRICE: Admission Free. Craftor'a tables : J vigh salute the orchestra 374-9377. _EUElitt-Hol(day-era1t-St»W ~ Street" from 1989-91, and has change will give you Muiu'lliiniu: mi Major" The third selection will feature be held it the home of David Mason PRICE: Great Buysl Clothes, records, South Orange, New Jersey be a new ii|tpnrlnnily v.-altin^. • hpusewares, etc. Pete" and on television commercials. weeil. Iwaoj. «Nf jntcmhnp JI jwnh- £iicy .iriisi Sandra Tnmman, as-sol— The doiuiiim mil he. S40, Rcserva" PRICE: Vendors wanted Ca]l_Steve, 201-762-8687; He last appeared on "Good Morning : mir 'tibenc. yuan fJbuiuM hrroyc'. out, plojmg necthoven's Piano Con- ORGANIZATION: Redeemer Lutheran lions ma\ he mule through the sym- Church. ORGANIZATION: Temple Sharey Tefilo America" with Wynston Marsahs, A p«wi liu»r turn -tn, tn*j»rmrc*i wrtif cuio 5 m Eb, "Emperor" plion) offiie (')O.S) 5ft I-5140 Israel, South Orange CM-ES ACROSS • •: ; CLUES DOWN k:..'. ..:•,'. V and he was fcuturcd on Channel 7 "Vnn mnv 4H'i miwntJiinn^iUJ"'1^ itrnn j • ' * ' . • . ' i ••,-.. •', ,' • - Tjiiiman is a graduate or the Man- 1 ickots for the concert a're available :inr m irwmrn; trip nccJ ydnr. C \CL\\C [ I. Gvcrgjirmenis -: , '- news for his piano virtuosity. Among will be bnring Ki|nciihcr! l)nn:i nm-' hur/hnii \dMit -^iirr mnrti -u- -in Airun RUMMAGE SALE 4rt/ '. . ••-.••. • •, '• •••.• • :•;' I I'lh • . 2- Military; d ionise •, li.iu.m'School of Music, and holds a at the div'r or in i) be reserved What's Going On l» a paid drectoty of Ins accomplishment!., he developed . .eraslinal.e.whenit umicK iiijiiiinniiir. tjcnn on >VHIM ^lwj«rJlk *MMift4rtli M THURSDAY AND FRIDAY events for non-profit organizations. It - Fcb IWMan* 20 . •' .V Hcib^, San. FraViciw:o columnist masici s degree from JilliaoJ Upon ihiough tin sunphony office and performed a in//. Appreciation lain work |iiojf.cl. Deiidlines will nm wnrk wflhufril vmn IIKIMIII m mnft 4. Hurt ihc feelings Of / „ OCTOBEH 5 and 6, 1995 is pre-paid. and costsjust $20.00 (for 2 g(i away,! A family member w'j|| |mv(. wt-C-^ rrinttk lonp Irrni urhrn 'wiH. 4xc no&Scd m J nvrmumric recciMiiu Ihc lot prize m tho 1975 Cost for Imnds is S10, general Education program for middle school 1 , v^Pasin in the fpmi of slender tubes EVENT; Rummage Sale weeks) for Essex County or Union -. «rtiU\u i\ ,pitihlunK '< h ItJ war yrat&nej in, • ; Padcrcttski iTouiidation competition, County and just $30 00 for both Your YI n (}.'.Fiddler!crabk •' ••.'•'•• iidmission is SI?, and sentor/sludciu students J ill ]rfo* she h.is enicrgul as tone of the out- PLACE: First Congregational Christian notice must bo In our Maplewood 'CA1MCKR - June 22/JUIV22 . Pit' .7.'.tieach'objectives . ' , Y S10 Church, 1240 Clinton Avenue (comer ol Tin |»1 tic ' . R.'S.irCHMtV •••'.'. ." • ;. •'",••»• siiiulinB pianists or her generation office (463 Valley Street) by 4;30 P.M. .'rying to S(|iiecze tin, iniiiiy'ilnnL.t.' v Por mnic iiiliuni moil (all the sym- CIVIC Square), Irvington, NJ The meeting is open to .ill retired Pr sie a 1 : : Mm teal e« «p««. *ii-*n on Monday for publication the follow- . inion.i. iilreii(jy;busy, KCIICMII.1I- - wlii-' Q.I-nr^r boa of iropiciU" :•••/'•''.' ' .' Tamilian, made her solo debut in Lon- 1 l? y- 3-year-old, composer and jazz Invr^K in liillr cn'ripiT-r* phony oflin al (')OS) S6I-5M0 TIME: Thursday 11AM-6PM, Friday, ing Thursday. Advertisement may NJEA members' who reside or work in sf Wl erform duri '•. ..-( .. ' Sninh Airtcrica - '' >'. , ; -. ';,:; ir ; " P "9 the Union County Retired .make thecriiliTven ernWnor. IRolux On*" iniiHSi a CL^UVT nup 1(1 Obck in>pita|;Amcrricnn cuckoo 9AM-1PM; Rain or shine. For Information also be placed at 170 Scotland Road, Union County. YiMitliin'lliiwctiii.u.-klenlilctiiucil \ns plan! oi iltc iinnK \ \c - H flnjmi-pame object • v call 201-373-6883. Orange, 266 Liberty St, Bloomfieldor taucation Association's meeting at L'Affaire. la»k«-iv pm „•„,. week' pnii'i .nujk,. 1291 Stuyvesont Ave, Union fo( . . Wv Motiihofr•"••'. <". .: v; 1 uisuinpnnns when ii-oiinL-v-i.V ||U- 1 u\»ti\ ORGANIZATION: Alpha Class and more information call 763-9411. ;' ?(i' 1,-aipr btindlc hoi'ind fwirarisport ''.• Tnno Circle .iieimns i|l a Invcil (iiicTliBie eiiuidhi- «1 Mprtiai Iiil- tvti* c I irn . ', O; Oiimtri'; •, •; • .' . " •• ;."' Arts ninrc inviilvcil ihan ynn rrallzr '. '-N/iimgc • • '•*'• :'•'.• '• '• .. .;• Teen arts tour coming to Exxon | of ulfjt oi iptf"i ••', „ -5: ilnvjnp no life •. . •, . ; : ..• , • .. Exxon CorpordlionCnrrtnrihnn, loctcIrv^ifHd a.iD.^it Park. r i i n , ,. _ *^ •;'. •''.'. *2<), riMnpnters.nnd .i^^lttinted , ' •'; •••. field Middle School; New Provi- ('.yen il ynt;i iiiti'iilintis lire JMHKI. yoi" M.»npcr<*n J and Brunswick avenues in Linden, Ironbound Bank, Newark, Mac '•.'•' " • .v.ifiwnie/u'iih i (»mmnn fitofnpc V. Calendar dence, Sully Kim, New Providence l)p|p.:iiuiy not he uHi'*Ly ;;••:.' ' :/ ,•/;•. . [ ,': ' ." -.Y 1 ter will present its. Annual Members' October Tcchnici-Quasar, Secaucus, PSEAG, . And over I then, be jm (liplniniitic ,11^ ••Mountainside library ihiionoV of "artist Harry ppvlin.'lX'vljiv'Avill'givc'a . the E.isl Coast ait scene. He is well Tyrone Randolph, Pjalnllcld High possible. 'Wccic'ciitl fihuis iniiv In . i 1,1 SyMrnic.doi'tiincs theories • »•' ••< The exhibit consists of 21 pieces of • Cranford. Schering-Plough, Kcnil- * can- : : .talk basal on "Tcliirig'.our Stories."The Jibrajry.i^locjiled at Con.siitutipjv '.'Juried Art Exhibition at the iRonco. ft'licit ;it lliL'JjIfl IlinilMC, •:.':,. ^'•Rchfi«;,.!., ... ;"-;;'"'. ': •.;.-'. •"'..-•• ' know n for Mb paintings and pnpls and School; Rahway, David Loza, Rah- worth, Suburban Cablcvision, Union, 1 . of, JIU : i; ; art selected from the 5(X) VJS-IMI art > I tirntk (f rriKh) • • •• ?« specified 1 County Teen Arts Festival held m Bank, Chatham, Tuscan Dairy Farms I ""MOU*- t^IJ Ling oii di.splay.through Oct. 6 at th6 Vaughn Eanics-Oames Howe Tine Arts • : bum, froni Oct.. 25 llifough. Dec. 10. consists of graduation from Newark and Bill .Drahosi Union County ...'. :•--. iotn-hlrird imliyiditnlly • '.>'.. , M.irch at Union County College. Inc, Union, Union Center National • •'',. J?' Prifinite oNntnrtl fioin flnwct*-'.""-'1.' G^alk-ry ai.Kean' Coiloge,' Unioru .Ttie-. exhibit, featuring 'sculpture, is.-, for the artists, guests 'and the public. Arts High School and Newark School .'Voc^lional'-Tcchnical School; Spring- THE UNION COUNW B©HBO m Gwnsew fmamtBBB, frIH E OMSKM 1 1 1 Bank, Union; United Jersey Bank, 34 'N'.iiiiMp !CipiCtlT ' ; , . ' ' *' described as addrcs.sing "itseif to nature; in the wide sense of thti word,, Gallery .hours arc one hour before of Fine and Iiuluslri.il Arts "Students who participate in Teen 1 •"'.'. 45 ,Ruii\:ini:in ciiy .'.-.' ., .- ncld, Michael Henrichs, F.M. Gaudi- Hackcnsack; Wcissglass Charitable PARKS & RECREATION «NH> ROSE Souiimpt Rnonfc • ail performances-, during intermission Arts Programs le.im much more lh.ui 1 * . 4fi,'.'Fabric'woven.fiom jicinl'.ind'cnmcl ahd 4o.the shifting, often fleeting relationship .we .have- to cverj'lhing.in. The artist has work m numerous ncer. Middle School; Summit, Siho Tnist, Elizabeth, Westfield Sheet .",'iniij"Fridays from nopn to 3 p.m..The the technique of their .irt," Union . '.'.•.'• •Haif "' ;" '.„'"• '• '•• ' ,•;':'.:,'• '•'" . \ '.thai'context.."'.'' •• •'';•;' -'!:• '..'•'" ' ••.'•".••.•'.'•••.•• "':'•' ..'•.•"•"••;':"•' corporate and private collections such Slioni Suminil Middle School and Metal Works Inc , Kcnilworth; Alton County Freeholder Linda-Lee Kelly, .. ' .' J)7.'W.iierpt^of laiirt'oiii' ' " •• *•,,; ••• ;,;. '',••' r The exhibit maybe' viewcil' bel*ecn. Monday, and TJiursday .fronl.-lfl_ ;(>)iening reception and awards prcsetl- as the tlascbail H.ill of Fame, Football Gladys ting, Oak Knoll School; burg Piano House, Eh/abclh, Bergen ','••••'*. 4^, Jndiiin iCftton ,- ._..*••-....._„:..:.. i r liaison to tile Cultnr.it 1AA 5. Sch'ino' |100-l;asl,Jcrscy,5l...)El;i*aftcih;.lhrouBh;.Oci'. ;15;'; PerfonJii.iiibcs' wiir_ho'.- ('J(IS) 154-2470 Keith Washington, Centennial High lion, and Leisure Arts Center, •!•-• -Ml. ;;j SUf -;2S Slu rCMmr iri/AliMd-11^-LrUw-Vfi, CHIS 20, Relied The exhibiting students ,ire as fol- Springfield ...'«,.-1-«t » -\SH~5J,SBA •'. • 45..Si>»-i| 47SOI 49-Ran SO, C'nk Sl.Ara- Board of Chosen Freeholders, Arnal- Tlvc ICiMg's LaiiicnVCtifrecliotiKeWiiidcbui at live Clark' Aliiancb • Mother Scion Regional High School. grant from the New Jersey Stale Like To Let Every One Know. 'n-n'tilMl -fimml • A ,...m^^-—m_^_ Cnmford, bcimic Johnson, Cnmford g^ cpattmum ol Ldnotion, Union wjll be ihc iiuisic of Jim Brcwkier.'Shanii) Lycw arid, friends. For infor-. Place Your Notice In High School; James Doly, Hillside. field; Barnes, ami Noble, Springfield; County Schools and other private : : •nialion call (y(K)3S8-1272.,!.; •• \v" '" •' • . • , ' Avenue Middle School; Elizabeth, BayWay Refining Company, Linden; sources Vbuhg actor not letting • :' •' ''.'••.'••'••' , Siindny, Oct. I..-.-:. .• • • ''""•' '-. What's Going On Melinda Solo, Benedictine Academy; ••'Bell'.. Atlantic-New Jersey, Union; For Information about the Union • A cultural art series, title '.'.Buckshot Lcfoiigue'-^fcaiurii'Vg.IJrahrord.* John Paul Gorgoroso, T.C. Rcilly Brouncll-Kramer-Wa|dorf-Kuno County Teens Arts Program, contact Marsalis" will bclicl.d al tt.p.-m.. ill Wilkins Tliealerfor the Poiformiiig Whtit't doing On is a paid directory of events for non-profit orgaimzations It is Middle School; Chung-Yu. Hsich, Insurance Agency, Union; Ciba; Ihe Office of Cultural and Heritage NOMAHEGAN PARK success g& tphishead PFlE-PAID and costs Just $20 00 (for 2 weeks) in Essex County or Union County Gcigy, Summit;. Exxon Chemical ''-Fas'anci,' ha.s' lived all of his life in' Arisi-KcKn College, Union; Featured will bo'a iriusic.il advcniure' thai "Hillside High School; L'in'dch, Mohi- Affairs, 24-52 Rahway Avc, Eli- 'S'ii&t-J from 'Pige' BJ). •' 1 and just $30 00 for both Counties Your notice must be in one of our Offices by Company, Linden;1..Haannnnri and West Orange. The family has • lived ' runs il)c ganuu from clancchall reggae ,,lo .Prescrv'ii'lion Iliill jazz. , 4 30PM on Monday for publication the following Thursday Offices our located ka Sincrdcl, Linden, Middle,School;. zabeth, NJ, (908) 558-2550 TTD .J GJ:!••Pawajri. ••^C.IMITS; Reimer Corporation, Springfield; SPRINGFIELD AVE., CRANFORD . there about 1.9 years. In ;addilion to. . -'.•• AdiuiSsionisSlS'fiir the public,itiul SO rpralunVnrarjd.seniorcitlzciis. at 463 Valley St, Maplewood 170 Scotland Rd Orange 266 Liberty St, Mountainside, ChrissySouder, Deer-, users call (800) 85,2-7899 ; : : i: Bloornlield or 1291 Stuyvesanl Ave, Union, :> t;irLvr. jn:crfcrc u.jth 'his For more Inronnaiion' call; (OOS) ' 52.7i23.S7. ,: ••--^-•r ^ — — Karen. 17, he has a sister, Lynn. ; : : ; c . ' -." ' :•'': ;.\ •';; Sarurdm, Oct. 7 ,:. , • "• ''• '•' AIT fir CRAFTS "They are both proud 'of hjin jiisi as ; NAME Phone 50-75% OFF OFFICE FURNITURE • Thc.Uiiioniligh Sclxxil Murching Farmers will.hold theirfith Annual1 Lehga his parents' arc,." .said Gail Fasano. ADDRESS CONFERENCE TABLES, DESKS, CHAIRS. Milirliiug Farmer Festival al 6 p.m. al-Hany Cook^-Mo'morial Field, ";.'•- c^: i:cjj «rjich! A's.'. He-belongs . And what about his.friends and • 2369N1oiris Avc, Unipn.?Coiripci.il;wi will include'ma^chlng:baiids froni CITY WORKSTATIONS, BOOK CASES. :o HAP.,-«h:«:h jneatis High'Apiiiuic ZIP Weslficld Art Associationinember, . school'-cn'miis? ., ' ].'[.- 'various high schools from around the state.; Tickets arc S6 fcir adults and Pr.v-";-—'.-iii'for,'thic gificd ^nd ; Open Mon.-Fn -9 to 4,30 left Stained ^L>ss 1 ESSEX __ UNION Sheila .Lctiga of Union will have her. ;': "JN'OI many know that I'm in a show $4 Tor MudcnlS ''•iihil seniors. •• ' • ... •'•. • '• .'• .':.••.-•'• • COMBO. •50,000 Sq. Ft; of New, Used/ J-lL-r.u-,:. JJc hav-onc prjicd J.tlayr it'* ., photographs on exhibit in the Spanish Sat -9-3 boat with inlaid cut v -'•...•"; •"•••/ : '/' .','-.'.••. Suiidaj;,• Qct.j••':".•'.'.... '•'•;..;:•••. ;.•'•,'• V.: • Factory Closeouts ai thf' Paper-'Mill." suid Mallhcw. Write your ad in spaces below and mail to: Tavern in Mountainside. All phoio- smnes created "Sunic ;.kids • pay - more aiu'iition ; : • riuah's Cli.iidfen.'s HQur.wiri'feiiiiire."Tlie Little 1'rincc*- from 1 to 3 Next Day Delivery - ••Jiffcjcni" jirojKis,"-' said WORRALL NEWSPAPERS ' griiphs are for sale. Anyone interested Kccausc I'm an actor. But my''good j>.ni. ai Wilkins Then lor for the. Performing. Afls,.K.can College, Utiifjn. ' : "Mosi.of ihc iiine IgcJ my-. ( P.O. Box 156, Maplewood, NJ 07040 ••'should inquire at the site of the "^ ^ 201 -926r9394 friends don'tTcally.iJlk" about it very. Aclmisiibn is S5.' For more informaiiotr call ( JOS)-527-2337.- ''• • exhibit. •:.,.' • • • ••'•'• • , - ' -•' : ^400 Wlnans Ave., Hillside ' mbcli.'They.are, very low key about "• ' '•• '"';' " ' •: '• • ;Thursdiij',\Oct. 12 ."'••••; ' ' .'•"•.' •/'-• DATE 19 eare • A cultural -arts series. "Tango X 2," will be held atR:p.m. ai'llic- Awurd-winning mtist, Len'ga, is il." •'• '.• '. ..-.•• ' ';• • '-, .• • .'.; ' • .: ItSiinwn, altered and -• president of ihe Cnlnl'ord Camera . Directly•across from Exit'54, Route 78 East -,.- 'HI'NJ joods-ludcni." insured his;'- Wilkins Thealer.-foeIhe Performing Arts, Kbiin Collegt, U.nio.n.'A Ilicalri-- IdecDcitedvaseby . Miiuliew dots suicly Uic ])iaiio with ; ; •C|ub and a member.of the New. Jersey. 1 .~o:;-.w":,'- He—kno«.'<-:y;]Kvt>!.-comes cal lotir. will. Uac'c. the history of ihis- dance -form; •: v '•• ;r;-: ;r"; ; ii private tutor in Livingston, accord1 • " PhcMogTaplr'TTiiTuh of Watchnrtg. |KC :.•::»!.- . •• .••• ., . •••;• •••• -,-: .;• Admission is S 1.3' for the public, and SO, for alitnini and senior«iii,zens; Pay All Your Bills Here! in^ to his'mother.•"At)'' '" school,'.' BogiiiningSept. 14, Channel'35 will • Da."jaj"i ihe youngsjer'' get tiicd For more information calL (90S) -527.2337. . " : '.•':.'• . v. , s.'nci.Matliiett',' ''I play tiie. tronibonc in feature photographs of tho Camera •' iiU-r-cighl pcrform.anccs aucck -'—. • :. • '•'.'..- •I'rlday, Oct. 20 . ':'••••••:.•..•.••. the band.'''The yoiingstcr'also niakes Club on the .show "Almost: Alive?' .\VeiJ]iiisJjj': :o Sui'idjy nJghis'and . • Melinda Mendel, ji.plaslic"ariisl, pool mid actress,.brings gen art ORGANIZATION time-.ii home to play with his beloved . INTERNATIONAL TOBACCO .Tr.iirsJaV;.. Sjuurdjy'and 'Sunday' experience to wall relief and sculpliire to The-Jacob Trapppallcfy of. the ' puppy, a Bicl)on Frisc "Hername is. PUBLIC NOTICE WF Uliilarian Church, 4 Waldron Ayci-Siminui. The exhibit will.be featured • Hannah, and I got her at. the end of NOTICE OF' PUBLIC' AUCTION fn'i'.gciiircd of- itic s.hou-," he- through Dec. 1. lv.-i.wccn 9'a:m..,and 3 p.m. weekdays, iiivcl Sundays '.from PURSUANT TO OS S0.1.0A-1 .. ., SHOP : •.•April'. 1'vc.iilways wanted a dog. And 10 a.m.. to noon.; For' information call .(90S) 277-6933. • •'..-• - Unllod Artiorlcnn IJon A Rocovory Corp SEPT;30-OCI; 1] ..•cicjaim^d-.'^j like ' will soil Iho (ollowlhg nutati to hlnhonl blddor '.I;' love animals.'.' .•'•'.'' . nubjoct to any lions; 15%. BUyER PREM X181 Elizabeth Avenue, ' . Cnoh pr Cnchlor Chock; nny poroons Intor- 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. •RAIN ; : ODIOd ph (305 9.17-7022. : . ••.\tx: -KCl nornc^ that's -when FREE • PARK ACROSS WXt •.. Wlilii .willMatlhew do when.he . SAUE DATE OOTOdEPl 20, 1005 1112:00 '. Elizabeth, NJ. p.m., M21 OnkTroo Rd..'loolln, NJ 00030 . STREET AT UNION CTY LOT 1128 1006 Morcodos 2 dr uln«: "Biil. he's • r WDBCA-15O1GA21'I'I77_ ". i ->: -.m.-bL-i .by II-;- --fir-probiibly -be~in--acior,:^-he ,.' • Uonor: M & O Aulo, . - ctirhu'sed.wiih a-twinkle in Ins eye. 7^ jttbolh, N.J. . . S!^ (*? ' approx. 2 milt's to Springfield Ave. Left onto Springfield Ave. ;!!ark-i' SALE DATE OCTOBER 27, 1005nl 2:00 Union County Court House) '.t-ii-jijuiwiu'jy hom.'ihc .ibcaic-r.'-- -..••Qr'maybf.cycna prorcssUniul: If you would like everyone to join in the celebration at your child's pm. M21 OnkTroo Rd.. Inoljn,.N.J. 00030 ' on the left. Park free across the street at Union (lountyCDllepi. .Slii'.iicu., ion ;uf- BoKinj .CaU. - player'" • •••'. ' • '••• , ..-.' _-..LOT 1100 10fl7.Ponllnc 1 dr vln»: birthday, just clip out the coupon below and send uslyour child's IaSilCflanioo ..UJt FALL SHOW DATES: •'.",'. Uonor: AA Aulo Body, .100 Trlrllly PI., Ell- • Oct. 14-15 Fine Art k Crafts at the Falrgrpunds, photo along.with,the Information requested and we will print It as inbolh, N.J.. . '• . LICENSED AND PONDED • (908) 558-7303 Middlesex Cty. Fairgrounds, East Brunswick near the big day as;possible. Photos, must be received two weeks AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS • • U270S Worrall Comrnunliy Now&pJtporc, • Oct-21-22 N| Fine Art k Craft Experience, Fast, Effective, Affordable prior to publication. Only children-12 and under.$re eligible. Sopl. 20, Ocl. 5, 190b. (Fodo: $2'l,50) South Mountain Arena, 660 Northfield Avc., West Orange Enclose a2x 3" or larger phojb (blacks white [sjbest. but we'll fake color shots)'with your,child'sTarrtexi'n.the barik. Relatives or .their CHERNEYDANCESTUDIO parents must put return address on the back of the picture. Fill out Find someone new with Connections. speak Spanish, the -following form.' Clip and Mali to: . ,-• • , ••••-..'.;. Our 39th Year •'•" BIRTHDAY PARTY • • ,, Whether you're Iboking for a new sports partner FREE OFFER! trench or Italian W6rrall ..Community Newspapers Inc- . " ^fnencLcfcr liT.e^long cdrtipaniorv'the alhnevv 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue, P.O. Box 3109 ; " Connections is, the best way to meet! Call- • Union, N.J. 07083 / ; . - .- JEPTEMBER 29 & JO & OCTOBER 1 by december If you have any:questions, please call 686-7700 1-800-382-1746 S to place your. FREE-qOMA/prd ad ___ W _ _._ ___^__-_^__. ______y FOOD! FRIDAY & SATURDAV for 199 sorl/daughter of ' • It's all autornatedand simple. You don't have to Roasonablo ratos • Family Discounts 11 am -11 pm Arquirt- baik' skills in your iiev.laniiua/ie or advance yciur'-KXlsilnjj skills I. , speak to anyone. One phone call will set up SHOPPING! (llrat and last names) iUNDAY MsiiGer AB m OJV of i)ur tt*^Inhini-or -wtennndiait- groups. ' . ' . .,..'. your FREE voice greeting and FREE printed ad fifcii pne*- ri I address Np Roglslrollon or Insuranco Fooa ' FAMILY FUN! 12 noon - 7 pm bkd :V"- •-..', ' ,- •"».|Jrai'n iiraciical f.|)(-iikini; skills.. which will;run for at least 4 weeks in the paper. ' •——Alfinstr • \aiiv.t-.riiif ill .instructors.' TDSyflmetelephone number •, Be ready to writo-down-your-mailbornamber— will celebrate his/her', birthday on and access code when_yQitcall._. ut p,nn,n. - all major *Wplrtlv I...... • • ... .:._^._(£i?i-.„..,._....•'..ZTr • Retrieve 'your message? FREE onco a week at HOLY TRINITY CREEK ORTHobox CHURCH Regular and Intensive English N..,«P inu * 444-6400 i I•.. '•••,•'. , (or,the return of your child's photo. 24 hours a day » TouchTpne & Rotary Phohes. 18 orolder O 2 BLOCKS FROM EXIT 13gA OFF THE GSP 81 uunutloii, Children under 12 fre ».. . • •• LlleM«mbarOITheD«no4Eduoalor«OIAmoi!oo "•.' . •• Tent and dawni open ul B p •¥¥¥¥>f¥*

;:v-::, ^^.f.•:;CT'^RlM| •<.••

Jj ', '. •_ . ••-'i ••:'.-• ••'-

BT4-—- UNION COUNTYWIDt CLASSIFIED — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEH 28, 1995 — B1S WOMEN .SEEKING MEN ss yam-jit % I AM WAITING... . Tnr piu/a. Bfie 55 tie SO 21 yearbld, attractive black female I try Hurt: iBC» ^ttDV7 very hard not lo let my disatt'l'fy get in the way ol enjoying my lifo B&hovb in earning a good education. Looking for" . an att«iGJive.-5tfto(e--whitfi or-Hispanic male.* ago 20 to 25. who is curing and. sincere, lor friendship, possible relation- ship Very sensitive, shy cuing and sin.- core BOX 12574 . " . ENJOY THESE THINGS? Pretty, single 'white• tom.no .IQP 30 WHAT A WAY TO MEET? .BUD anrwm tsyes. it IST,GirN(rnAL dorical dutifls, small ol- -secure about who she is. BOX 12685 l g flood arft 54-*—wilH rod fiiiif nfid'.broivn'oycs'. SOMETHING IN COMMON? sary, looWng lor soil molraied, rosponsiblo, Maplewood. Ploosent surroundings, Divorgi- lico, hours to suit, Lohigh Avonuo. Union. Call imtile iff.^nou itun laooh tthe courteous salesperson lor busy retail docorai- fied and Interesting work. Call 201-763-B347.- Q0B-6iQ-i?i2. .l.onvo mossago.. , Enjoy: dining out, -movies, bioadway 20 year old. 5'4", 135 pound black fo- VVANTITTOLAST!!! . tale ©QK 113^7 WANTED mg chain. Full/ pan lime positions available! shores, travol, hockpy_ games. worK'HQ malo..I am a single mom.-Loo!*Jng'fora 38 year old, single white male, 5'8" anc PART T'ME- Unique aliorschool program in YOUR AD could appoar horo for as -litdo as r 1 INDEX Good salary, commissions, bonofils. Call Jac- ouirolc.TobkiritfTor «Vi inirniatii tnend-, Iripnd who is smart, attractive, irkes hav-, 1 : woigh about 175 pounds, lama'roman 49 PEOPLE Neodod to Lose'weight or earn $ gule al 908-964-3369 lor Inlervlew...... Mapleyvood/ South Orange Books adull loadors ,$i4.0o pr>r wook. .Call for. moro dotails. Our ihip with an honest sincere, coring, in- ing fun. tv. movios, the park,'etc- II you ir]tisE-!ae':a .vnung teny-sh. -cutfi, • lie. caring porson looking for a long term 1-HELP WANTED . monoy $,100% all nalural herbal products. for Soplembor thru June positions, A^aiiablo in' fnondly Cias&ifiod Doportmor/il would be happy • loliigont, sin()io. whito nuii\ age 28 to. nro22fn25... lot's talk soon. BOX 15501 relationship with that one special (e- aflscmatt^'Goy'nialEiiflp Maptewood and South Orange. Work 2:45 or • 16 hp'p you, Cnll 1-fl00-55d-BQi1. - "'.. 1 1 Docior fecommended. 908.686-6102, Joanne. DENTAL ASSISTANT lull lime, busy orthodon- '35 .• e ; 200 pounds'nius'. Please. d'orVi . ss:. "B8^ioimtlB.iprdteasion- WANT AMERICAN MALE ' male. Smokers are okay. BOX 12523 2-ANNOUNCEMENTS ,' Ho ollico, Dental experience/ x-ray liconso a 3:15 until 6pm daily, following school calendar. eiill il.yoi* arc cJiyorrort; h.we Kids or an- WAITRESSEXCELLENT'tips, Doli King Un' 38 year old. hispanic. female; Have rod LIFE OF THE PARTV ' ADDRESS'ENVELOPES.Part lime ol home. must'. Call boiweon ioam-i2pm. Monday- Must be reliable, organized and onjoy working .alcoholic DOX-1G07P .' • '-.' . ' 3-MISCELLANEOLJS $200/ day. Enclose sell addressed stomped rFrlday only, Z01-376-713.r. . . ; with olemenlary/middle school apod children. don. Tuosd.iy,Thursday, Friday: 4-flpm, S.Un- .hair and light brown oyos. Enjoy danc- Self employed business professional day: 1?-Bpm. ftOB.-0?5-300Q, DISCREET MGETTNGS ing, movios and laughing. Sooking ovolopo. DopartmoriM3,P.O.7153 Richmond, Inleroat in cralis, sports, music or oanconblus. age',46. t am attractive, tit,5'10"' and • 4-PETS ...... •••.•-. •"•".•.•: •':•.'• "•• •;: •' Vil-Qlnlo. 23221. .-. ;.'.- - '. ' " • " DRIVER,.EXPERIENCED In'home luol oil ExcoHeniopportunity 'or rocroalionOf olofnorv Attractive, sltm blacd tomato, ago 25, 57" iimoncan male ago 37 to 50. who is tall, Waitor/Waiross . weigh 190 pounds. Wqrk out regularly dolivorios. Musi hove CDL Class B ondorso- lary education mafor or Dorson with to.ichinn nr and weigh 120 pound* Smoking a very truthlul. honest and good humorod. 1 Enpy the outdoors, goll, lenriis,'travel in *mmenk ittahnfs nnd innnd ^-INSTRUCTIONS AFRICAN AMERICAN msnulaclu'rer ol clean- menls. HN. Call 8a.m.-5p.m; O0B-B6g-272fl. scouting skill?. Must havo own transportation. good lookup ^h(tt>,maio who is dnan- BOX 1417.? '•••.' • . .."' OB«S otc, Let's talk sometime if any. of thi ing products .needs.salespersons nationwide, Hourly salary.; ba'fibd on oVporionco., Call. [ • daily MAbJo 'II you want to have exciting interests you! BOX 12526 6-SERVICES OFFERED .Excollent commissions, No.territorial limita- DRIVER. FOR Springing- basod limpjsino fun f READY TO DATE AGAIN 7Q1'762-O183 of Sond rpsumo to: A'torschoo' i - ' ol's'OPttot)tfihnr BOX 12818 tions; For. Inlortnallon package, call • sorvico. Pail lime, lull lime available.' IvWst It's WILD! Attractive, warm, sensitive fomalo Hav/o BRIGHTEN UP MY LIFE Program, t24Dunno|i Road, Mfiplowood, N J. 1 mate >£ . 7-BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITIES know area airporls.'Abstraci arid roloroncos ' SPECIAL LITTLE LADY lonp. dark hair and brown oyos.' lam 910.282.336o ,24 hour/ dny. Loave name, Looking (or an intef-raclal relationship, msti.iiTiid I'tat&sWBs Sflohmg.flCGHy:*ttittfs;mule odrtross nnd lolophono number. ; • : •; requirod.20t.376.0623, . ••.•••.."'•• '. ' It's BUSY! ! Vory lonely, smgin; 43 year old Christian kind and considerate.'Love travel, mov- ••V"8-RENTAL/ - ' •,-,••'" • ./*:,/ . :;\ ' ''•'•: am a 39 year old.'S'fl". splld built, drug nf (ijtrsfTmp HCTI 'toj^ "B fts 35 ftnr tRnnruftiioni ihamHuti .'•(omale -She'would like to find a. very' ies and romantic'dmnors. Lopkmg lorn PART TIME; or full timo dxporioncod T'owor •. free, non smoking, social drinker, clear ^ [ rtctnewtttirBTOJilHiCito.rlojiiBt : ; : ANSWER PHONES $9.00/ hour. Pan tlmo/ lull It's FUN! 1 •olinious relalionship Looking tor Sorno- maiure iiiap. in.his 30's. who is capable cut man. Have a good humor. Nevei . i , 9 REAL ESTATE : ' • '•' •• "•' ..' '.' , Designer,"a[s6 Drivor (or Fldwors By Aicha^ . ifme, . No experience Local hiring. 1 ono to truly lovo .ind |nlk too, BOX 12369 of loving ll.'you think. Wo should got to marnodi vory outgoing and consider DRiVERS/MESSENGERS ! Morfla Avtfnuo.-'Union. Cnll 0Q0-964-6166, . • COU.PCT SOME. COOL CASH MOW B09-A7A-6545. Iniornnlional long dlstanco call. : *'i»a'ph other,, call! BOX 10956 ate. Enjoy movies, dining out, the out' lO-AUTOMOTIVE 1 •••• - .."fon-THE HOLIIMVS AS A DO YOU LOVE GOD? ., . Full or Part lime,'Musi have O«vn vehicle.. ' : PART TIMS- Nood oxira monoy? Pi*Tt\'-; Union Af'oa, Monday thru Thursday, • Hiilside Leader •Rosclle Park Leader ,4prn-0:00prti, .Spanish/ English and English pGhdpnt.-gQin^in Iho beach,.and mov- ,28 ye»ir:t}id,;tomajf'.' /l'fl'.'oduoalod.'ai- interested in getting together and talk Prelertong hair, tjiil srton**' h,m :is'ii plnyeri'iiiuf inlorp"hitdnui Nnri.Bmok- .••.., Men, W6mon Rol'Voos ".' " sponking. Calf Angio,;Mpnday,'thru Thursday, lev t iim fun, and seeking another up tractivo and alhlutic Looking .for. a quy. mg... call mo!.BOX 12700 i . • . Age and race unimportant BOX 16035 01, nnn (Jnnkf r anri i Linden Leader • Ralnvay Prcigrcsss . ." •'•'• .•:•. •$$$ Eam.dxira $$$ • -.. • .'•'•• ' PAR TTIME Tolomarkotor. Works from homo Id, - HOULIHAN'S 1 1 ipm-50m." ••.''•'•'• • - • ••. ' MUsl hove CDL wuh pnsspngor ondorsomoni. .obtain loads loopqfinfj, aiding, window con/ l.?00 Morris Turnpiko. , • -- br-ai person to' go out'with. SOX 12396 for friendship.anp'lnn. POX'i3B87 • SLEEPLESS IN N.J. SP.END TIME TOGETHER y nt» Suinm|t Observer • Elizabeth Gazette .'•'••:{• Call.Oispaichor 201-824:6200 • • 'factor. . Wo will prt'/'or oach load, Writo T.SS..' : . '"• ' Sriorl Hills, Nj .'•...-' Single while rrialo. ago 34..^njbythe 5'2', 137.pound, h.'iririsiimc '^i v •'•/••• 908-851r9640 : : •- S)NGLE FEMALE ,':';".. NEVERMARRIED FEMALE, • : botwoon Bani'lpm.;•" . ' ,. P.O.. Box 161,. Moniclair. NJ, 07042', Fax: . ••-..• . (20.1) 378-10B8 ••-,•' -' ': shoro, movies; dining,, bowling, quiet 'bladk male, ago 20 Looking'liua WI-MIHH wtuj is!triii;l , Ttju ijKumil.itiUKjk 'temate ,3S yom'old Oivort;('d Iqnialo I amhprd- Vory. prolty n^vpr fnnrntHi/ single |Ow- h\ :rru .201-7113-0860, •• - . "' .. ; ••• ;' nod MpD '" ' ish lemale.; iigc.p^.S?" 126 pounds times, olc, Seeking that precious, sin- panion; age-21 andoviv. VJjni sp ;; ASSEMDLE AHTS.Cfalisrloysnowolryiwodd DRIVERS:'SOLO and loams loams, $2,000 working; caring and honost.No deppn-. 1 dontS: Like music, dancin(). movios fthd • with a 'slender build I am fit and exer- gle white female, age 26 to 33, with ooo.tp spend, time vynh -RHVO riiiosn . 'm*lr*mtr rmiitainj. sthittt jthfipping -nnri ',-: 20 words 'or"1ess.';;, iv.;v.$r4.od per iioms, typing, sowinQ, computor work trom sigh oh. Top ibarris oarn $103,000+. Major PART-TIME Cnrpon'tof, Handyman. Must hauo' similar interests. Possiblolong term ro h tftin\*& iftttnif. Hnun ilW $1,000 WdEKtY STUFFING onl/olppos^al. Ih'e beach, Soekirig a singlo White male. cise regularly Don'! ^inoko; c]rmk QMJSO' matter. BOX 16061 »• •• • ' ''- lUIKE'PL'AYING'lSPCJRTS. v homo in your sparo limo. Grenl pay. Froc bonofirs, ,motpl arid doadhond. pay, Driving own. tools and tmhsportatinh. .Slohdy Work.' , homo.:For*info sbnd SASElo P,O'. BOX4820, ,'atK; 30 lo 40. with similar- inlarostfi. . drugs;: Enjoy-sp^rti/rnu^lr hi king1, out- lationship!.; BOX 12704 . • '. '• ' 27 you'', old .{I'll ns 'iinuntl mrilt; k ©Ol tSTSS Additional JO words or ICJJS .,...$4.00 per ihscrlipn , doinils eJill.1-B00-G3S.B0d7, 24 hours, (ron);' school Qra'ris' wolcomo. Cbyonani Transport' 1 , Wnto T.S.S..'-1\6.~ Box 161. Montdair, NJ • ; LETS CHAT i 1 ' Clillon, -NJ 070.15. .,..'•',•• .• . Wahl somoone'lof-a long lorrri relation- doors, comody. o\i Looking tor a',never 1 •' Work v»ith corn|3i!(i n.-l.tkcnni'kiU ''uiit . 000-4-11.4394. Sludonio call 800-338-6428. • .07042, Pax: 20)-7fl3-0rifi6. Call 201 •7fl3-0B70.- - .VARIED INTERESTS??? 31 year old, college prnriiMit i am.hnn-, display Rale's...... $22,00 per cpliiniii inch • v ' ATTENTION:. EXPEntENCEp Truck Drivors .rnamod, pfOfosiSionhi|v,infi iH'nt- ' LpOkinri' l(if'.,( [iiiiilr ni'tin'rfiunvtju't.i'lj' i | and .npplicntJon,inlofmalion call 2.19-769'-830j glKirDniood. No pxpori'onco ndcossary. Call 7 Drown hair and green oyos. Vory easy spend quality iime wi/h. for mo cost t^ 1 ™-, !:>iwe6- '..inr:ii 23 year.'Oid Idmnlo locking (or/a" tail mgromanco,'BOX 12079. • •: •nijilp'whn is nii;c ami \h\u jjniici mnruti BlindBox Nuniber ..;.,$]2.0Q |)cr.inserUon._.:—. - lO.poo. milofi/manih,Company dhvors: newer oxl, NJ^,17, OAM-QPM, Sunday- Friday. going and like having a lot of lun. Enjoy my life, Want peace and 'hiinminy d,'iyrJ,'.1.504.641-7778, Q»l.' 484.4,H-39,'• , ' dark and Mandiiome black male iigo 20 POX 14H,'i{i .'•; ' • • oquipmonl.-Compot'.livo pny/. bonoliis. Call: sports, movios, animals. Working out. BOX 16068 . . '.-•,: ,^tiipmirilun.iilomnn ' Now Applo Linos .1-800.843-8308 or. . RECEPTIONIST • \o 25' Want somoono who likes party- . " SEARCHING..., .»''.' ! Vyilh: full.size van, for ovornlghl . $1000. WEEKLY STUFFING onvplopos your 1 'otc;'Looking for a lomale with varied OLDER WOMAN •WANTED . •JaiuTtr (ijjmminff ttw 'tiaup . a ptiiid itime • mg. dancing and having (un. If you havo, Soarching tor asmgle whur? 'ni.iio: ;\<)0 BLACK FEMALE WANTED •i-B0.0'O43-3384.Mndison, SD. Monday: Fi-i- ;newspaper deliveries once a woek to •••••..••' •-'. ANDCASHtER ,; : ,• locaiiori. Easy work; oxfcollon't pay, part tlmo/. ; ihtorosls, torfun . possiblo long term ro- 1 a flrp.it sense of hi'jmof.s'.'grvd mo a call 19 tb'24, who is 57" to G Wani SOMIO- Siri[}lo \vlill*i .nijUi! .HflV :!H,'l''rciwri-tuii • -Vit.tT.-'.i3C* rtirttts . • • '• •••'• • "; •• ' : •.d,iy;'B-Sp.rn. Conjral;CarM)rl. . ?.i" ' , •Long ostnblishbd, roripoctori auto donliir sp'okn . lull ilmo.' Workers.noodod now; Frop dotails. lationship.-BOX 12773 6'I 200 pound, fiipglo whito'•mnlo arji> • :;•;,: :'. - ESSEX COUNTY ,; -. :;^v; local post offices and stores; • • somptirnoKoori.. BOX .12417 •'',-. ono who onjoys-having fun. hanrjinf) oiii •iirirl 'nyftfi. 6 ami woirjt; 'i(if) iijuund; . '"' :UJItETmHS a'dloasnni, roEppnGiblfi porson to handlo our sond SASE:P.O, Box SOO-KT. Lima, PS 19037. • 40. Have brown hair, blue. oyoii" and.a : arid movios. I am:5!5' with brown hnir 1 Look ir){)_f i)r 1111 iJtdiiiwn'n'i.jrvliir.ii tvi> ; AUTOMOTIVE CAREERS NO COLLECTIONS. NO SUNDAY busyphonos and do light Hnla onlry. Musi bo - • "' ANYTIME, ANYWHERE,;..; ,-" LEVEL HEADED PERSON short beard. Soekinp.a 'srtky, fiinglt r News-Record- of.Mapicwriod & ^oiil,h Orange a^doyos. IIyou arothis JVPOof-porstuv' 46' year ,b|d. 5E}*malo with1 daTk han black female who is interested in a lung., 'cmii'l r«iiitinn«hlp. Wot'inti; hii^j.^ijiltn PAPERS. '.;. •„• .'•.;••• • •'. ;.'courteous wilh oxcoptiohal -phono mannor,. WHEN REPLYING • i8>ypaf:0ld_.:singlo white'((tmalo,5'5*- ihon'l am Iho ono lor you' BOX: 10522.. fBitf''' '''' ' 1 Only-thoso with at, least 2 yoar6 oxporionco 1 term'relationships Ago lirtimportnn't Eiv -..- • ' '• NO EXPEIllENCEl REQUIRED / and weigh't.io pounds, tirown hjin.nn'd- and' oy.oBT.I arn attractive, siricore,,ra man tic and haidworkmg. Enjoy nature joy. sports, music, wookond inpii, stay-1 West Drange Ghfpniclc • East. Orange Record I-ARN $.io,ooo * BONUS DEMO . nood apply. Gpnd pny nnd a groat working eyes So6kihf],i handsbrno pinto who is WtLb YOU SETTLE DOWN, .•••"••• Call Mark Cornwell: . ' onvi^onmont, Plotiso contact Jo Ann at'•'• hiking, olc Looking for a slim, petite Ing-home and much-more. ; SOX, 161.12 7)iyprct'jd i^ tirAI/rilPLANS, 1ST YEAR AND MORE ' tun to be with and likes to do'just ahoul.' 3-1 y.oar old; sintjlo fpmnlo soekinn, n OrangeTranscrip.tr The Glen Ridge.Paper - 201-763-4567. .-.,.. UNION COUNTY 1 Ipm'alo.'ib possibly share the rost of my .3(5'. Voiy i.iimdsnmc tJuu oC'ivi'd -AUTO SALES POSITIONS AVAILABLE 905-686-7700, ext. 305. anyihiiVri .. BOX 12425 . ' • suigio .malo. ago 30 lo -to Want somo-' GOOD-HEARTED MAN life wilh BOX 12427 ..-..- vmtnr)'d.uj[)rni>r;.' 5>iin»' .iinrJ AvntK- .NOW. TRAIN FOM A GREAT CAREER '• • "•10-Voms ol CusioniQr' Soryico CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER ono who is intnlligont, outgoing,"enjoys' 39 yea''old black professional-.ibactwr.. • • . . TRUELY LOVE MEM 1 S(ti»kit)[) .ijiihiM ;i'lull, imii; .'itinni' i Niitley Journal • Belleville Post .-; DRIVEfl- YOUR qxpo'ionco Is worlh moro than dancing and movies .!>•)" and (jp, weigh LETS TALK SOME MORE 5~9', 230 pounds'. Seeking a full tipumd ; ' .ploaso addross.Gnvolopo to; Looking lew a.born af)a'in"chnsliao agt) cnrrtHt .[jar!, wnn i;; warm iiittum!l\ INTERVIEWING 800-294-7884 .• ovorlOTR'r(iofol-..$600+/wookavorn(jol 2500- ,150 pounds Niitinrifllitv'not'importanl. White female bolwoon ?.S 10 45" Enjoy tho 1 -•"••>. ESSEX ; : Handsorpp. caring, romantic, singlo •milosrwtiQk,. (ogiilai' Homo ilmo, nbw oquip-, 40 to 46. This'man must really lovo God BOX 10655 . ' . . ' .-. • •" . • Inttknif] hii. . Pratni. oti: . l\Q\ "iK wci put JJOSLIS lirsl ih everything he whito prplossional malo Sooking a sm- beach," working out,'.movies,''or srxjndinrj :• mont and top noich bonolils; Burlinglon Motor' SPORTS CAR 1 n quiet night al hpmo tjOX 16M7 "2101 MtHb'tirn Avontio •'. Mqplowood dops Want a st'rioiisrota I ions hip with ' B'81' BLONDE1-. v ile black femalo up to 45. who resides in The Intlepcndbnt Press ot Blooinficld AUTOMOTIVE POSITIONS Capers 1-flOO-JOIN-BMC. EOE. . ' : ' BOXNUMBFR- ; :SSO« county or surrounding aroa.' Must sonioono vvho is honest, matimv fun-•• nQlo- Jewish' prolf!S!;lonal business COULD YOU BE HER? Rec^'P'DONr&i :hl)H growing .Chiropractic , rtjoy groat conversation, pampenng find . whin nuHi-1 -fiT- • iiHic vvo'iin icoiui-'ua*- • • *• •. --— —- — -•• -•>•- SALES. OFFJnF m i«tiMFg woman, arjo 55. Like arts, sports, tr'avol, Singlo (ilack male, ago 22.. 1 am hand- WTS ANO SERVICE MANAGERS ' pHi'co nooriod. Must h'avo' typing, nod. light quibt, romantic ovdnings. Possible 1 — CLASSIFIED RATES: busy ffnd hocnc office Rbquiros oxportito..with P.O. Box 158 AvorkinriDUi. running, otc. BOX 11076 , Rny somo and into all typ"o<; nl miimr rnm- ,; .m%r .w^u 'is. 'aiiliicilHtd., iittnititu/o, ((on; 'AI.I. .NEW CAR OEALHRSHIP POSITIONS -bookktfopinfl skills and'likn to work with pooplo. . ••• ONE OF AKIND... "~" hninfjful rfll.itinn.sh.lP 1?^7fr 1 word procossiho nnd strong oroanizhtional putors. pholography,.pooiry, ntc Lbok- •: INTERVIEWING NOW • 'Expo'ionco pro.lorrod, but will tram.''Good —•-^n-^ottvhoriH tiniimind.-S '1 . UiVC)iiji/j*~ L-AW bNUJHfbMbNI OAL ^jj^^gil-iiUTjjrimjj' iBQfc ttflpfiO 20 words or less..,...;:..$14.00 per insertion •'BK'IIS. Elrcollonl bonolits) Writo Box 93, Worrall Maplewood, NJ ^ ing for-ffiondship; hopefully loading to • bonucOs. Apply in porson, Mondays, Wodno3- iowish Ipmalrj, ;n my- lato -10'f. Mav'o Single, liphi .ski/inotf le'mnlc. ago 45 FIT YOUR DESCRIPTION. Nowspopors. P.O. Box 150. Maplowood, NJ. moro... BOX 16140 , : Additional 10 wards or less .....$4.00 per insertion 800-294-7884, days or FridoyG, flnm-ipmof 3pm.7pm at blondo' hair and groon oyos So'okihg Looking lor honi»sty and Inohdship first Employod; single black male sookmg'u .... FRIEND5^WflNTSD 070^0,. - -;.• •:•,•' - ; -• . , .. • WILDLIFE/ CONSEnVATION Job! , Gnmo' ' GbChiHl j wardoris,6ocuriiy,'mninV0niinco.otc.Nooxpor- -. tulMlmont BOX 152Q3 , , ' . .tiv'a relfXionstiip VVaMl.a warm, caring, singlo lomalo ago 38 to 44 Race unim- I Lnokuifj ti}i Iht.'iiiit. H[)i' IJO'tn tiO Display Rates...... ,.$27.00 per column- Inch p ENjqy MANY THINGS - : AUTO PRO ~ kind-hearted man lo-pQnd With,,Entoy portnnl, Want someono who is looking , sonitioiic in thi>'Union 'Monli, linil • FULLTIME/Part Timo.Sioro'ollloo, lolophono- tan Road, Clark. Ionco nocossnry;.No^ hirinrj. For"inlormatibn FUN TIMES ••'•' ""^ for tho'same thing I ;im looking for .-a Singlo whllo mnloi opo 3G. C! ;in(! vvoipn toll 219-7940010 'oiii. 7046, Oam-IOpnv 7 lung wolk&; movios tJancing, plays, In- j 'coiinly ;in?it Liit'r, t.ilK ^n'o ; Contract Rales Available •:'-.': ^_ _ _ _ EXPERIENCE A. MUST • .-* contact, corpputor entry, oxcolfont oppo'tuniiy. SALES '•''".• Cule.'1B..yoar nlcf-5?" fiilt.(i(iurfcf fo-' ono-'oH'Ono. long term rolalionship •1-75 pounds: Havo nazol nyo;; iinti. doys, • ' . - ' . '. •• -, t 10nI 0nvn : t ;; f "$300 SIGN UP BONUS -Call Siovo: 90B--ia6.ai81, . •niiilo Socking a'malo botweon ifl \o ;?1 ''l '^ '- ' -' '' ' >. olc: .BOX.11729 BOX 12798 . ..,,,.. blondo hair. SooKirij) .1 black or hisnniv. ! TM'MOVINGBODN.. ^ Blind Box Number ...;,$T2.00'per ihseitloii ic (pmnlo. who iikoVi.ta Iravolt havihn 1 Loading Mazda'VW 'rionionhi^ . seoks solf-. lojy vffilu nnviih BOX 16051 •'» • ROMANTIC AT HEAFTT -fls yonr. old. -JVC'.'-'Mn.niimiiJ GAL/ GUY Friday, barl-r-itirne.Lindbn. aroa. AT&T; MCI -.-..v; '$35,000 YE All INCOME' polnnlinl". Roadinrj LOVE TO GET TOGETHER lun, sportinr) ovonls. QIC BOX 1G30JI : siunfil Asiiun Indian .mylfj Um>hinr]'liji.,.i ;t : moiiviilod, 'Cnihustntiticsnlps-oriontod pooplo • books, Toll Iroo 1-000-000-0770, ox|. R5139 lor ; . l "am a wngiij whito'lomaln.tikn dancing.; .' 'tiini T'iijt ^yji; :-Ht:.vn-A-.,£ux.toll,> • ' . ',. • • • • • ' ' 1 movios, travoi.-Ctindlolight dinners, otc: GOOD HEAHTED.MAN knowlodgo holplul, sprno bpokkooplng. Call I .Looking lor somopni. yi ho is .fi non two. Looking for somdono for a Iriorid- mepnio polofit'nL nnd dorrio p!nn.:f?)oasa apply SoOking-ii MQM smoking; singlq-whilo .40 yoar old, pfoloiisional black male . ' ii [jo 26'ID 31 for 'fniMKiiihip and loiif'i . .,.,.-.Hi-id:!: -timuiiip'-d. u .isuiiBJoim' amy '..•,_,_.- ,. ' ,'• ' . .«. • 908-486-1533. ; siiuik(»r and tins chnslian valijes Hope; Ship'or'. long lasting rolalionship. Want 1 n t r ( CLASSIFIED COMBINATION RATES in porson Monday-Friday<9finv5pm.. . . • inaio vvho onjoys lilo and is looking /of a Sooking a lull llgurod, Kinplp* lomalo lorm r(.>lalion;;h!|j E-niov HJiuiinrj -muf»ii; ' :tittm iiutumnm AtJun^ntntAam w< •^. O! w .ii riimiii;i;»iii fff 'JWunt.a:mm :••'•••• • S9/Houf - "' ' . .)• to hoar from you,soon 0O_X'lt5O7;i'-' somoono with thb samo intbrosls. En- M 1 : •10 Yoars Customor Son/ico GOVERNMENT JOBSI' Now hiring for all long term relationship. BOX 13490 Race doGsn'i mattor.. it's in yoijr hoan ••'..'; EMPLOYMENT.WANTED joy walks in tho park; sports, candlolight . Ad appears in all 22 newspapers louols. For information call 1-800-201-06.1.9 pin. ••'•'••• Training Program • '.. .• lhal countd En|oy Iho shoro. tho city, "••••' ESSEX SPORTS CARS I ... 'SHY GUY WANTED ,"-T CERTlPlED NURSING.Asslsmni,.15 yoarrj- NOTHING SERIOUS dlnnors, olc Kids are okay BOX 16223 roller skanng, bowimrj! olc. No hoacJ .'riii iwirtr ft .2:int;]iniicinnti|p.. 26 words or less...;.;$20.00.per insertion .2101, MiHbum Avonuo -.' ';•.'' Maplowood', 3820 (Fee)i, - ' , . No-Experience Necessary"' Blondo with blue oyos booking'n binglo' !VtO'. good loi»kiri[) {iui|)li? Oirperienco with reforbneos to caro lor oldqrl/ or | ing a nuilo over ?.] who'iJvlniollirjcrii, narnos. Warn somoono ano SO to 45. wh'to malo vyith brown hair and liliio FRIENDS FIRST Lkth h' AVON • GUARD WANTED for Rosolio, Froo Public , •' .- CAREER •••'• .. infirmod, Includog liflhl housokooplng and er-' ! shy and clo;i'ri;ut No-kids or'drutj us- BbX-12194 -••:••. " ; Additional JO words or less....$6.00 per inscrtldn ; oyos. Want somoono iiflfci t9lo ?S who 23 yoar old singlo wfiilo mafo, S'9"t 105' 'otc -Louknip 'tin it .'i i'i mi;ji|»ryH..-Jjmwir Work your own hours (or Tun and Profit. To soil Library. Monday- Friday. jj.&qoPM.'Cnli Mrs. •;.' '•••/ OPPORTUNITIES. / rands. 908-062-0527, . pounds Enjoy mbvies ond ari.tookmg luro. kid.'; sJi^iTtji'ra.' a|t*Hii!inf. iind nuwipjpii CHson. 9O8-245-5809,' ; • ... . is Iiitoroslod in a pood time BOX .135^1 ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN plf; v.'huo fimiiiiV) IF- . .display Rai.cs. $42.00 per column'Inch • in-any fifon, C.VI Toll Ewo 1-800-662-2292. ;i frinndship and possibly moro with an cariiif) si , :.vnii1ti,-iii,1, uunifihiiitg tindHun. lliH ; CERTIFIED NURSING Assistant, sooks ppsl- !• , MOTHER OF ONE '^^ Tall, slim, smoking whito malo, l.tk>liow : SERIOUS? CALL MEt honost arid sincoro lomalo. BOX 12365 I ;" ji£P'ti:'jl^ijiriiHawftv jtiinwf. 'sifrJtHiiii •-.-•...... Contract Rates Avallabic • . ..HAROLD IVES Trucking, hiring drivers. Froo, "." ' "' "CALL NOW; \ ' '"''.''.. lion' caring far oldurly/ children. Very flexible . I Looking fo/ n un(tio 6' divorced black in. onp-on-ono rolalioh^hip. I am ,MM- C" wh'o i Attractive, divorced female, ago 65 . ..-drit/otirainlngi! you qualify. Sludents wGlcomo." Pull or p.ir| tirrio. Exporioncod, Roferoncog. j m,nU>. agfi''3fi'lb -\5 who is a-,nnn smok- ,' HERE'S MR. GOOD GUY COIO- honost, hardwptking and not into ,HC»"tiJUril' 1 ;". 201-893-0355 extension 97. Seeking rospoctfui i^iin Religion siy. .igiPac :HK1H3 .... " .- -STAND OUT ', Exporionco pay .up-.lo.28 c.ontspor miio. Own Iransporlntirjn, ?01.67<-230l, * 'of and san,'i.' d'inkor. luni «'i mo|hor of Smglo..21 yo.ar old male: Socking •in- bar scoops Looking lor ;i'single-white Excollont benolils, ~" ~ doosri't maltor. Cull mo if yoii think' you ; • '• -ono Want somoono wilh clHistni*i-val- .dioir'. with whom to bo fnondt; with. Ho lomalo. for a sonouf- rblalionsihip, pos SECnETARY, PART-TIME. Profo'mional and CHRISTIAN LADY' is sooking homo c'oanlng fit the. bill-BOX 13679 D Door, your nri nood n li'ji'o.moro ntronlioo? You . >'b(y. loading to marnap'o, BOX .12326 1 : ; HELP WANTED: Earn up to $500 por wook friendly, with PC ovporionco.'Good working • :• uofi.BQX' 16055 ' . - would tike to start a friendship and pos-. '"^ •tttiof'. mil .iimjjte. 'illrm .wtitid miiilfi. ' om croat Ad-In'Pfict by. using..la'gor typo. ' < r : position. .OOa-245.0360. 0.10 AmBlo>ddm"/tv-.- . . ARE YOU INTERESTED? sibly rnor'tf, Ho'.hnS1 many diverse and -.?/'; ;-:;-. DEADLINES • / , '^['^ : ., assembling producis at homo, No oxporioncrj: onvironmOni nnd conir)onB~/ition**Sonn rbriunio' • • onuo. All wolcomo to call, for Rosello, Union ,'... ' , , FRIENDSHIP WANTED: • 1 Attractive,, potito, slohdor widow Born oxcitinQ mioroats that ho wp'uld. like'to -GO TO COLLEGE iw U ty Information 1-504-646-1700 Dopl. NJ 20*15. 10 Cybornosourrioc Corporation, 1101 Drifilol nnd Lindon...... • FfjH lipured; attractive femjilo, -ago 3'9. 21 yoar old. main, t*nioy biking, fishmfj Rond,,Mountainsido, NJ 07002. All: Porsonnol. and educated in Italy. Looking for.a sirv sh.ifp with tho right lady, BQX ,12376 • 1 ;W : f iK 1 1 z '•Business Direct6iy4"p;i'n. Thursday , ; IVouin like to moot a black, malo. ago ' mumping,' boating,, .clubbing, dancing • ARE ', • ctifwtrnwiH-w .V;,ar ^'^n^iniv' v") "'' *- ^ ' '- ^* '"•• V - '•*'•< '•"*' 'twanh, 'mull .uncl HERBALLIFE,INDEPENDENT Dislntiutor. For, •Or call 008-785-3000. ' ' ' core, honost, woll odiicatod proidsstpn-- 1 t i:i! r; f ll •37- ID 4?. for. 'friendship..' Liko spoils, \ ARE YOUOUTGOING7 • ". aartying, otc II you would liko to gyt Sinrjlo whm>malt' ayi1 l]f*.(,' a';t; v.»-:iv ' rii:)unr|).v.in. tMH'nu,;,iM••-.I'l: "^"-» ••n^'5 '"'^""^ '. ' " ' ' itHinnimont 'frwrttt-. •'Display vSpace'reservation 5 p.m. Friday , ' 12 Point • - producis or business opportunity. Call Francis; 1 nl malo ago 60 to 70, who liko-tinjoyiHg 1 jEUROPA DOMESTICS,i-_ •; riipyios ;ind slow "music BOX 16155., lifo, movies, Atlantic city, dining oul • 38year.old. whiio. malo 5*8' wilh a solid lociothor., call UOX 14536 \ nOO.poundt I jim Mt'iiUisnnH.- [jiiuij i:u r O08m6Bi6g2hi ' ' f) TELEMARKETERS ; 1 • build. Non smokor. social drinkor and Ad eopy 12 Noon Monday _,. .i ; v i " "" SETTLING DOWN • dancing and more BOX 13927 ' niorod and onsy l [)<*' alonrj wit" f,Hr-i< ; riou50koop6rs,.nannioa', dldorly caro. Llyo in drug-lroo I am ,i collogb graduato • ' '• IS'THtS YOU? HOME TYPISTS noodod. Also PC/ word pi'o-. |,5'-r. fif'prolty. ^roon-oyod blondo, Singlo p'rolessiHniil[malo looking hn that n'O n 'tJf)xy.'!i[ii()l(' hiiiil.nur imihiii; r>m , -.'..^L£ir9(GO"niQQEnHMBR.'. .- 14 Point cessor usors. $40,000/ yonf incomo.poiont.il, M'Mjn'.ufii 1 yoar tixpqnonco'. . "• ouc out. App!ic*in|s thoroughly ncroonod, baki . MAYBE YOU'RE THE ONE ~T Hiiva a fantastic porsonaliiy and .good 1 . In Column 3 p.m. Tuesday .long lorm r.t)jijiiiJfi;;)ii(.\ t^iavln rv "' i(jr .; r.iin-'t(' * '$10'por hour »-convnissian. hurst aroa,' ' •' • • , '. " i Roady • lo settle down.. Looking for 5*8'- lull ligUrod,'smoking (ertialo. Mom- "sonso ol humor Enjoy outdoors, dining ipftciiil so.mc'Oi\b who likoti dining '. Toll Iroo t.800-008-9778, ox|. T-6139 lor 'down ihi? (oi]ii .Enjtiv f)unii DWI •"*('- !5"ii|]\vHjnim. .iinii.itruuftl.'unmuilh. : : [ somoono who cohsidors thamsolves a or of two. Looking .for. somoono who can oul, parks, historic placos. movies, otc. Jancing. ihp shore, ntc I am honusli' details; • . ' • - 5:30.10..0.30 pm .•'.•• i 908-493-3939 ; V rospoctful nntl tiustworthy. Work out 'Ui*- (i -• Ti^sr Consumor Morlnnrjo . | 7 to a 10, in oHdppartmonit;,.. Just liko lovo my kids', plliy with thpiti and laugh Lpoki^g' lor a fernaio ago 2fl.to 43, tor : 1:T lt10 B and slay m gooft<.hnpo.'-Wiint-somoon« • ___ • ' •..' "'' "t-'ii> n-.,wi. ,i[» :•:::• •.:'»-- -f , •• .h,ii ; lit tho litlle things ' Enjoy, cookiny iinrl Konilworlh • • • Companionship inohdship and possible 18 Point wookly clipping coupons ol homol Chocks EUROPEAN WOMAN to cloan your homo • catering to.'my '"an, bomg homo, gomrj long torm. ptirnvinoni rolniionship who is honnst'iina has-clasis'M ydu.oro, , • LOOKING 4 TRUE LOVE • • Cail Tony fiQfl,?oa fi?00 • ' ARE YOU HUSKY BUjLT? lcJokmg fpr, roiiijince,. a^oction nnd mailbd wobklyi Applicaiion, sotid .long r.oif- spotless. Exporioncod. Trusrworlhy with rofor- out, Otc Waill i-.cirriC'Ono 35 lo 48, vv'io is •6'U' .IB yoai.olll man- n,,;i- i),\i., I-, 1 5'5" bninotto ago 20. Looking lor a w.hltb Race Ljnimp6rt'.int QOX 12411 . " Monday.through FViday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. V addrossod, stamp'od onvolopo: Natonni Cnu oncos. Own trnnsportntion. Call 201-097-2065. matilre, good Humored -tt: i,;f TELEMARKETERS male, ago in tD 2'i.- who likos movios. •• J^.MVJ; ins i21'":nua*t!l«niuU/ '5J«(tkmj) (i 1 pon Network, 831 Roncon Sirool. Suito 33fl, ,You havo lo (pr altoctignnio and spclntii-'' FIT THIS DESCRIPTION • GOOD MORALS? workinil iinrl lom.mnr. SMt.-'iiij ,t . i j.tv wrmi< niali •\i: •.'::•-•. „• ;• arwr.:!. >=]• ituaaif •Kmimc f(;ir 'rriotidiiHirj. •' .24 Point •EXPERIENCED MOUSE clonnor homo or .bowling and having lun. If ypu arc look> p 1 .^v.: "';- Additional Phone Hours ,• .. . E>t.5tO,'Nowton,Maino 03150, ' WORK AT HOME . .noons Jiisl loi il, happoo, if |ho chomitv 5'1O". 10? jiouhd mato. ago 23 Havo ri bolievinrj. old' lashion Christian lllMllt.' It'm.llr. lo.possihi^ ;if..m- tlti i . .t;i[iti liJfMJI-IJI'Ot aoartniont. noforoncos. Own transportotibn. ing for something ROMOUS.. calH BOX IIJIUII i.'ijr.MMr. ..ij , Arirt impact .by.us'ng laiflO' typo ••.nsk our : ;lry'sright_. who knbws?! BOX 13963 brown hair .ancJ. blue oyos. Looking* for tjonlleniiin mniy.ios, Lookinn ID nlPHl. olmy lilo mill BOX 1.17K7 • I NEED'someono to loam my bumnofls. Must M0-005-05t-t. . • . . ' 1G3G0 :: '" ' • - ' somoona io lauflh with ,'md. havo lun with. Cliissifuid RoproSontntivb"for tho typo you Em up to $500'wook Sollinfl IOHQ c|irftnnco ovor dovolop .'i lrii;.'nci;,hip through dating and, Monday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. •Tuesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.: have loadoshlp nbil.ity; strong dosiro for abovo j : BLUE-EYED BLONDE . . TRADITIONAL VALUES.. , .. T Wont somoono a'tjo 20 to 30 .Givo mo a - -itiv, 151, Illllillull itllllOK '(Hmalll .'wou'd liko 'or. your nH. .«•••••• . tho prioHQ. Paid (wopkly. Monthly bon.jg. Call' EXPERIENCED POLISH Womnn Is looking lor 1 ovonlually niiirry a bibjo rioliovlng:' avornoo income.' Androa: 201.238-1200, Vo.ry prbtiy. ''t .Inm, smfjlo.whito femnlc. J •Snigli'. wnitr. m)iii' ••!(), f ,ii':ir,:'i;i 1 19 yoar old, attraclivo, single whito to- J • MlKyou^woFi'l rogiet il BOX 12420 young Uioy wiin good morals, ago 30 ii^ •fin .* i-iEiuu&iic.ittHinaiitiwi'.vuitti.ii For. lovy'cost poop'o-td-poopto' advori'sinfl got housoclonninrj po|il|ion: noqd.roloroncon and - ago 43" En|o\ old m'ovios, (irto dining. pourids v.ilh brown liai/ai'tl IMK, KVI;:. malo. Sooking a good looking''while ; . •->' liimrii.. 11=,«-;i.i,i.,i • • ,,r>. pi.i.t,....,-....; -ak • Sini-itur- -lliMk -Uimuk. -ii •miay -clltltib- into tho Classified ParjoaCiiN i-flOO-Sfi-t-flOn,.; .LINGERIE CONSULTANT, Undorcovor wenr, 1-800-842-1409 „:... ;.:.. " dwn tmnsportalion. Call 201-3/3-4062. 45 BOX 1S799 '• . . . . • HandsoniCi Wlthiii (jui'ld !;r.'n;f " i;< ,r,i, GAINFULLY EMPLOYEDH- .. >1: l Mako fantastic monoy in your Gporo limo. Full male, QQO 18 to' 23- If you know how to nior SooVing n ;;oxy ;>in|]lr. i:l,u:>' li- ',..,,," "'"' ""' •'"'-•••' " ••••- • r'iMn'x..ir- non Miiokinrj.. divorced, 4G ybar diet tovoi-hondod. vogotaritm. ' WILL BE R6AL HAPPY nCAUTIPUL MODELS noodnd for gliimpur' training, 201.676-0314. Trout yoursolf to aomo-, EXPERIENCED F'OUISH woman is looking'lor • have fun.,, call! BOX 14134 nialolo'.a lungi(frmTi?iaiiun.ii;i|- nr jiu .while" prolcssion.ii age 47 plus,' who ^ialo, 5'8" wilh diirk, hair and oyos I LgonMi'ic-.-ilrttT mco 'ISbciiildnilkor n phoioofiiDhy. Enporioncoo plus but dot noc^s- . thing spocial. -•..-- •• ' '•-••'.-• "j TELEMARKETERS ~~ •housedonning job. Rolorohcos nnd Irbnspor- iriago E;ii|oy Now Vork ninv^.-:, ti;fn f • . ENJOYABLE.TIMES •fillip iHiiievf's in.shiinhg and canuyir* iim'•'altriVciivo;. Bincoro, romantic and who is. very inio lannly Like hiinginrj Otli snry. can 301-7G2 -ooio,". .-IMMKOIATI- OPHNINGS: Wo 'no'wl 75 toio- IQtion. 201-352-03.12. drivo, wliokonrl IMP;, and'iiuio! IVJI.'IT!|II Atricnn'aniorican lornalo; aga'GB G'5' •Want someoni.i'fo's u monotjamouii ro- 'hrmlworkinrj Enjoy hiking, nature and and baWr«i cocwoi and cako II you.aro MEDICAL ASSISTANT wa.niod lor oodial.ric m;KMotors' for our IllQoriilioid c''*>n'i tixcollont. 1 iilhuriiii BOX i:v/[lf, • . ... • • HOUSd CLEANING, Responsible .woman and woigh .115 pounds. Looking lor an •moro Looking.|of a slim, polilo fomnle nloroslod plu.iso mspond. BOX 13M3 763-9411 CARPENTEIVS HELPER. Immod'iaioopbnino. olfico- Exporionco a must Part rrrp, iricluHmg phono VQiC0 find.triirisoortillion. il nuisi lor Ihir, alrican ampnean malo 'ago .'29 to 'A?, to poM.i|?ly ihar'e tho rost of my lifo Must havo rattablo trnngpoi'tfll'on. valid NJ" ovgry Saturday. Call 201-762.3035 botwoon •tomp to pofm job. Thm.cn'tior niovo nl'orr, n lookmo lor oMicos nnd. housori to clonn. Havo . • HAVE A BIT HEART "^ " CLEANOUTMALE '" 1 who is.niitturo. drug*froo. oniploytifJ iiiici A U A BLUE JEAN GAL7 • duvor's lictinso. Caij 201-740-0333. , 9am and 3pm, ' .. training profjMro/boriunoc and pofffi r.alii'ios rotoroncos and cnr. Call 201-374-2305; 1 .Wlnio mull;.'in my lain 3Ds -w ,'n'i nol oynrwoight- Prolor u muscular build .40'^t'tir old single whllo fomnlo I yin a 35 yoar old. blur- loan man lopking lor a weinh iilinin'lUh.'iliD prji'inn... tii;-i,t up to .SOJiour. .' .- ; • HOUSEKEEPERS, NANNIES, niirsds aldos (Injoy music, reading, dirimp, out. walks eriuGjiod (irofossiuniii Fiill ligurod wilh: • VERY CUTE! bluo |oiin gal Wan! :iomoono turvlnv-- CLASSIFIED POLICIES 1 •-in, vrrrlt niirtli.- CARPET SHAMPOOER^ Fbctis Miiiingomont ••'--• mg hciirt. but. iiVt?K|')oni-'nci;'d' ,Ji yodf old malt '.with brown hair and' ing. romnniic iimi l.iriuly omintatod^ on- nlarnod and no not tiitvo clliluri'ii Pgm nvaiinblo. Live m/ out. Women all nntionnlitlos. in Iho piuk, niusoums. olc BOX " irtlii '.iru,, fij/'ti MEDICAL OFFICE MANAGER (QOB) 931-0553 l^H , Enjoy ivioEt,- music, dininf) oul. • olc. 'eyes 5'1O' and weigh 100 pounds. ytj dining ui;i ujuniry music, movioft, liniokor. social dnnkor ami rliug-'mi, All .classified advertising is payable in advance. $350 Weekly Liconsott/ bondo.d.Aurora Afioncy, G40'Brond- Vory ntllgoino, considorait.';tn nliinr; 'iin ':•""('" • l.tl.M5ujiw 'Td w.fy, Lonrj D'ancli. 90d.J22-3.1lin,. CALL ME SOMETIME Seeking a man who \a will'.ng'ici-tiikti-the Looking fur an oldor woman-ago 35 lo tc Lot s talk soon 0OX i 5724 : Looking for tako.'charpt) parson lor full timo" - /TELEPHONE CALLERS Single bi-racial -(hmtite. -Ago 43 Likn lime' in a lib a loving, docpnt loachor 5fj Lot's talk boon., .BOX 12*12 9 und vory liknabli? [.ooknifj (tjr ui:mp,ii,' We accept Visa and MasterCard. You may also mail Fi'loon Full Timo positions Evpnndmg busi- Living5ton doctor's olfico. Pormanont position. swimming, dancing, movtos • and rootl- BOX 1M14 '. • • ARE YOU WILD AND FUN lonsliip lhai nuiihi Kiiiii ID ,I Part, (mm lo roauii'voluriloors lor Trio Artiorl- nosfi noods holp fast' No onoorionco nocos- variable hours. Must hnyo computor aktlig, ing. Sooking u man ago 40 lo 45 lo!:, LET'S TALK SOON* ™~. No aro.bolh 2G your old wlnlo prolos- porrnanont r,?lnlioli:ihip Wanl your, ad with payment (check or money order) to us. can Ho.iri Association. Tnonriiy "si'ioko I'oo 1 ii.'iry., wo train Car noodorl, must |H> noill in • sic slim, sihgio while"maio.' ago' 28.. «nal malos Enjoy po/iimg. ouliioon; ago GO to .it; who i; , upi.-n hour.:; : medical olfico oxpononconnd pooplo skills • sltirt. out as friends and SOP whi'ifh.-ip., MEN SEEKING WOMEN »ppdara'ico. Dilingual holpluf. Miilbum olfico. WookHciy ovon.rqs nnd' aonn* pens from Ihoro , BOX 15996 Love iravol. music and tho uuldoors I am ind going oul ai mp.ni Lookmg'for Iwn tivntipd. BOX '.1.107.'! ••..or eome into one of our offices to place your ad. . nocessary. Compotilivo'salary, nnd honofns. wookond.hours: $$ pniddu'inQ irirningi'ploiise MANY INTERESTS... canng. sincoto arid honor.l BOX 12432 «ild. lun womon ago ia to.33 who waul PlooBQ call, 201-004-3333 , • call, loi'ivo (I'osrifino.t NO MAilOR HANG.UPB... Call! HEY GUVS... ,Si'if|lo whilo malo, ago 40 6' and weigh o bo Iroatocl good II you liko lo hawo ' WANT SPECIAL WOMAN 1 Offices where dds can be placed in person: MEDICALSECnETAnY-nocoptiom t. Gxpor- IiQvir*ridingmotorcy-closaridMI^ diiys 1 giuo us a call BOX'10745 ' .Looking lor a spontaiujoij': irni 201-376-1366 ^00•pounds. I eirii hancftionn:- good bu- • '•Looking for i\ womnn who wantf. lo.do 908-688-0 84 ioncod, full timo, knowiono CPT- Coding, lomalo Ago and r.ii:i,' iiiiim|'jnrtt • Hate cloud'y days and bi/iny .;iiur.i- [.(.>!;•, hu>i(idp-rind easy lo (jet.'ilofigwiifi Lo'A,-, ' something'wilh hor lilo I am nftnlncan.. . SOMETHING SPECIAL •. Wlnll is iniportanl it. VIHI havi: ni< pro tiookkoopmg. 6chodulinn..Cnll XQ talk soon BOX 1G002' J' . mg tof'iin nitraciu'C'* hispanic'ir'Uii'iir 'or ' : TlifU'D Of wor«inn.;l 0^5 ioli? Neutl lo bo amonciin malo.'ago 27 Wan! somoono 9 yoar old, mnlo.' En|oy sport;;, tlanc- 1 lorn oxprttssing you' loijlinii:, a[ln -'":':"": ' ESSEX COUNTY " ;/• • j- .'• CASHIEIllKlG' C.USTOWEri Sorvico lor Party indooondonl?, NoDdloniilkeS'/OO 10 $1.000 or • , STILL SINGLE a long.lorm rbliitionship Enjoy lonrj ago 27 to 35, who bn|o'ys jr.^/, art, sing- i<), dming out and cuddlmji It you arp 1 1 ; : a::: iiw! )m MODELS WANTED lor TV ond national nynga- Radisson Hotel niiijiir han(i'iip:i UOX 14.IS? ,«uk;; :^7'"Tu •n."'- "" ' ;r"!:"' ' " " ""^^ ,i'.c,r: "Goods siO'O Sttoking seaconal holp lor.long : dnvos dining oul, ihovic-j. sporis imi- ing, long ridos in tho country, otc • If ypu . m , zinoa. Male, lomalo, chiidron. AH lypos/'h'l . moro, workin[j- toes ttiari -10 .hours Cnll 30 yoor old, atlra'ctive, pHite hiu'iolii? in lionust girl ago 10 lo SO, rjivo mi; a l pstablishod retailor'. Friondly qtmosphorp. Holh sic. romahlit; t'vonintjf. al hunio r-tc ' would like lo know me. call1 BOX 16013 all and lots marl soniolhing suocial , PRACTICING CATHpLIC !' l i*'i' - "'• ••"'• • ';•'' "«'^'W:".-ill.:I'la'iiiinipuiirannhiii .- ••; 463 Valley Street. : ; . [; 5»2O8, No oxporionco nftCOssa'y.Tor mlorma- with brown oyoti Gnosn not lo nian^ full linio/ part t.mo'availablo, Call Tho Papor l-aOO-'175'e7.1S lor lroo'riOt.'\ils.'(Feo| 0OX1257O; ,•'•.-. • - ONE SPECIAL FEMATET^ ": iQX 12170": ' ... . ' , • • • ' fi'7' Mfj pound-liiwi.'i m,inti:r! T-»'-,. "tui'iinj; ;tin', Hint;ti,i;j , '.w/imi' lion call 1-800-211-2000 (I'oo). Newaric Airport •" and hrtvo do dop^ndf-nh •f;'iipy nuiny , tm ""•••• MaplevvoocC N.J. Pod'ar; SOI.376-3305- ' . . ' ' ' • .. things LooVicig- for u t;iii (^)rk- hand- 30 yoiir old. singlo while malo. SB 1.2' smoHingililhan I iirri ti priidic:n[K",!".'i inACTOR TPAimn Orivora C S M E«prO5Fj, , "CALL ME SOMETIME^ " C rv ltJ f OL tiURNER Sorvico Porr.pn.EKpQ>ioncod in •. 1 aitili!lir.', luW and hardwoiknig 'iDnuin 1 somo, educated.' financiailv 'soci/re, iTall, dnlployixl. tdvorcocf while malt L^o nnd woiph about 173 pounds Havo •' • .' ' *LL • ' . ' vi'M, ' i i;" " '' CMIl DCAHE. Livo in. noRponsitilo and onthu- ' Inc. noodti OTH I'.icior irciiior ririvoifi-nnd OOa. , nico person Ido'ktng 'tin It it - .-..JIIII n • • •• '• , • " • • homo hoatinn Oil' FuK timo. Bonodts.' Call • good humorod! sihglc wh\io chnstkin ^ lone) walks around Iho hunch stoc* rniii- brown hair and bUJO oyos-1 am a roman- 10' 113(1 pound smrjlo wliilo. mall^ siafit.c porson noodod lo caro for activo. arid (rolfl nr, VA; Oil, NC'.'.NJ nnd WV • Cnll go 32 Looking lor Mirrioono who looks individual Waul Minmnn*, (lunn tin.": : -MiK.;i.i: ?;:•.„, .. , Ba'.m>5p.m. 00Q-flfi2'2726.' 126 Frontage Road. male, ngo 35 tp 42.'l-ignr ^J^lo^^fJF^, j|i-- kol'-i, lloii'mi.1 runts romantit: t.H'tiimrjs, etc • tic and oaring por son Jookinrj for ,a long J alort throo yoar old in.tjppor Wyoming..aroa, , o«t. ifl 1 1 he way I wiini ho; loiook Give ino a. hDiit:St.i:unip.ii.:.iiinal*.•i.i..nsii*i rnir..u piw.vu:;.- 'ywrrr~\" '^.'.''iinpi'jj'Tij^-II'tiijrijniiiK-'tiiti ; i7O Scotland Roael ' . •'••'-. social "dnnkors okny VVip.M 'iwnooiu in f Sooking :;omt.'pne. 40,plub who it; shm .leim..relationship-with thai ono sipooml UDjtuinu. | Maplowpod. Drivo/'B licertsonndaf^ity lodrivo.- :,1li'AnrJ'niiiy'lic'wci will mil Ipnolhor ago ?-\ to 311 Would like u stngi. w It' "i '.-:. AVifi;- ( n.i:.'viihi »rr ii UITMIJ*' -UI ., Newark* NJ, Ihe Union.Ur.Es^oxxo-i'iiy yiOX Mir/o-'j nnd n noff smoKor BOX U!7(j!) ' li.'malo Smokots aro okay BOX 10021 sticU-shlft nocossary. Non-smokor. Priorpxpor- 1OX 14750 • cliHSltan li.'mal)' HOX U'Dtit' ••••••.•'•• •••' Orange, N.J. ionco and local roforoncos roqu'rod. Call* • "^N'- -:l.:-?' ,'UL'-..tl • ! PART TIME JOBS 1 201-3780338'o'uenings. ., WiirrulU.'mnmiinlO NVm|)«|MTsiissmnfMmlliit)llli> fiirilii-iuiin'Di'.nl.iirri'iiliiA iiutiiv \H \'UHWJ u.l.irllscni.iils; null s,ulUl.ilillll> I.AK ••xil >l>.l> uilli'lh. iiiU.'.-lUtr ,,f. i.r ivsm.iulinl I,,. MUI, > M UiitC. UiirnilH •KHiiuiiiilv Nt;u The following positions are available:' it (Iti'iits iiuipiiroprhilt'. All iul>tr(ii.t isHUM IT< il,v uniiU'n.wllV.uUll'-liC CIVILIAN DISPATCHER FOR STUDENTS ' \HT mliiutt'. An invnitiv } iniimlc call |iISU f>.V>7.-Nt's|Miiiilfiils «ill \war. (Hisimul th-M BOROUGH OF ROSELL6 PARK 1 nurilclU'rtlwrvuiKl mi- uhlr III li'iitr II uliiY mull mrMliir. Ciiiiiii'i'(liu» Is lirimulll I" >im In Wnrrull ( ilillhlnilll) \,.>ii|i,i|Km.i,u Uberty Street •Immediate Openings »EMeelleHt Earning* for bright, agrgresslvoTJCopto i> ((UfsilAm ulwml Hit MI tin. POLICE DEPARTMENT; 'i»M.'«iliwdi»illiniuj|li4indiii ; •5 or 4 Hours Per Day "transportation Purnlshod ""•TJellperson/Van Drivers ••'•:••-; ; Bloomflfld, N.J; ••-• :';•"; . Full-linio shili work includmrj wookonds, holi- yrBncycnDorTtrrtrwitTrantyy —(iiu Omiia-liinh.nl.t.ill I-«I«M«:-I746 in raoulyour Itaynitv gKcunf. tie rcuil.v In wrin.-cl.mii uuii niiiilliiiv .Ae||untnimilH: We miuko every effort to avoUl nilslalci'N liuyour \ Iho Qoiouoh CliiilCs ollico, 110 East Wasifiold Mr.Mumon .(llnGRlllttd advuittlHumiiril. nluaxe chuck your ad catli time II \ Avonuo, Rosollo Park, will bo accoptod thru . P.O. Box 4 jFiiday, Octobor 20. 11)05, Midland Park. New Jenev 07452 . Assistant Food ll\ ;ill iiuioimiied mul Miuplo, You Jnii'i hayc ici_<|Viik \» iinymy.. O|ic photic vvill sOls lip jm'ir \-IIILV {MeeliiiyMiiihriui piima Uppeurn, olimlld an mrrm- oc.our. please nollfy the classified Allei lislciiint In tin' Minplf inM'rUL'linii'.eiilei Ihe niiiilhov iiuinlwi nlllii'jiK.yi.n wjm |,, •COLLECTION REPRESENTATIVES. Com-' iidrYouradWlllappiSii I'm iiiH'asi-1 ut't'U,. . ' , , ' U (lt;purtni«iit uilthln hi'uiin (luys (if publication. Worrall Coniiminlly cast, a loador* in (he tolocommunicaiions indus- please send me more Infofmation: and Beverage Manager ninilonilv • '.-.• •-...- •. •' '— '""'' r" lh|''Wl '• •*'' "'satniy^ Record uuir \iiiw jira'iinp h\ iniilniL'hlon Wfdn^ilii) liii >iiur uil in ;ip|v;ir in nevi vuvks alihnn ol C'IHIIUVIKIIIS. ti, line, «lmll npl liiMllalile for eirors or oi'iilsslons In try Is seoking 4 part timo collections reps with good phono mannor for our now collections j NariM. 1 1 1 l :loi which II nmy he respoiiHlhle, beyond the' Apply in person Vou mil) |)U'i'iiii ud in one ol HIM ilaiiiip Ciilo^diiL '. HI uln sivni . p.irtni.-r<./(rKOHIS Ciilc-^div: ' . \'iiiril.llL-iii il (iivx'li|i|.'ullh lilt'(JiniiL'L-linn'.iiil.mil lhi;,|)L'iknM twlliliil Ilii; iMa'lin^ • . ••..-'- 1 . doparlmeniat our Union location. Experience c:i)Ht (if mil.uulHPK' '' (H!i"-(ple(l hy Hi'in In whlcli cnor or oinlsslons in collections'and CRT a plus. Paid holidays.. or fax Resume When avordiiif your jjreelint. lememher lo JJIU- ;i L-nni|ileie ili'Miipiion ol WHIIMJII iiml die ij|ie ol peiMin uiul relalioiisliip'niii .Voice (ireeliniis me udileil lo the «sluine\en ^J htiurs So>mi tjn linmv llnw^li Ik ''un. ui\>n\,,- •• '.' 1 Working schodule, Spm-Dpm, Mondays uuciUrud. Wi: ian :iicil be ihukl IIHIIIL' for fulluii', lor any cause, to 'I. ". , V '• |! | through Fridays and Saturdays 8:30am to Wv'k; A diorouiih.,lionesl (jreelinj: Mill prixluce ihe IWM resulh. '.•..' ConiiL-clionsiKl.'.dppeiii in flit iii'.w.«p.i|)er • . ' •' -. ' •' -,'• ..•''• .. ' ' ~. ~ •'•""•r ' ?.'t'Wi-' Dp Code- -Phone ilnanrt uii art. WurraJI Community NeivHpopnrH, Inc. reserves the 5;30pm.. Froo cable vervicei (within Comcast 201-690-5090 1 ^ oil can lylrii'vc.your MICSUHMS lice ol.chur^e-once .1 week, Vou, may reirieu ' ines*;|(!es nioiv 1 h.in oiicc u week bycullim.' ihe :r({|ht:toirtt|flrit,.tp«lHe or reClaHHlfy nny ndvortlHement at ahy (line, aroa). Please send resume or apply at Com- i ' ••••.•'. Listen lo (ireetiiifi ol'|>eo|)le lhal interest >nn II vim like.'le.tNi- M>UI it-ntmlvf fWm IK-IUMI V i|i-i'L,..,,'..' . " I School Attending Cnide level NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE WXI nuinber. Tliere is 11 cluirjie of SI ,'W.pi'f niiiiiiie. ' ' ' ' ' . : cast, 800 Rahway Avonuo, Union, NJ 07083, Ihcy'vall in.• ' '-.. ' •";..•;• ".. •"•.'••• ' ', ;.'' ' ' ' X-. . • ' ,; ••''"'' ':':"«e ESrmaiM, Call Frank, 908-*f 7-0160. ••P6+-669 5514.'- "" --.— '—*•• " painted, gel it dono rightl Ouality matorials and ' prootino, Retaining walls, inlrjrlocking p.ivors. Hillside. PM 00177 workmanship. Free estimates. 908-525-6564, , HANNON'S .Local & Long IF YOU 3'f IOOK np ',->.• hp «,ek0CPC'S. hOJSO- .• COMPUTER, TANDY tOOO SX.prinler,.nuho. -J_UNION..25a9JACKSON.-Avenue (oil Burnet) ' Ceramic tile. Saa-686-e360. Fully Insurod. Froe u Rosotle Park. •• -• FLOOR COVERING LANDSCAPING "" Estimates. !r .• ' Distance Mpvinp i " . TILE .. • • ; cioa^cT.. nan"itt*;.( rc^'M'-ions, coo-ts. c,vo !or ganydQsk,i9"colorTV.VCR,Nontake(M3visJ ' Saturday September 30th, Bam-3pm. Raindate AIR CONDITIONING sot for 12, picluros, lamps, eic, 903-688-0116. Sunday. Furniture, household Items, accesso- WAREHOUSE CENTER CALL 908*68-7768 . IS YOUR Air Conditioner Working? II not call DRIVEWAYS. SEAL Coal Today. Avoid the. 1119 SprlngMd Rd.« Union CONSTPUCTIVE CONTRACTING- J, Ro- . CCRAMC T)LE Insa'l.lar; New tiles, rapairs. ' ries, coining, etc, . , ' mano. Sidewalks. RR Tie Walls, landscaping. RICCIARDI & SON KIND, LOVING cri"; Ti.po.ni.ib'o lady scoks DAYBED. WHITE iron brass, Complelo with Fred's A/C And Hoaling at 201-736-1450 or high cost of repaving your drrvoway. Froe Carp«t • Tile • Linoleum SCHAEFER MOVING- Reliable. Very low i^rbutrno.rarmodelrng;claanrng.No;obioot)ig two ortho mallrossos and pop-up trundle: UNION, 5/0 SALEM Road. Saturday, Septem- 201U0O-0207 (boopor); Samoday service on Estimntos. Can Tom, 908-647-1269. . Mill Ends • Wood Tllo . Cement Repair.. Fencing. Snow Plowing. GENERAL CONTRACTING ralos. Same ratos 7- days. 2 hour minimum. Composibon or'smailt. Ids Halt. UaprcmdH cards acbeptecT pnfiiti" as hciTT 'v,i v ado' nurso's ado Ic Decks. Driveway Sealing. 908-6BB-0549. f.'ck c'pf'y. ,S 1.1:0 . cc-'iifiod" References. Unusod.ln box. Cost" $800. Soil $325. ber 30th. 10a.m.-3p.m. Girl's 8 piece white all brands. •^ Window Tfeatments • Wallpaper .*- Residential Commercial . Insured. Free Estimates. License iPMOOSfV Valley Street Joe ltecnt. H-BOO-750-6822. ' PATERNO PAVING Anvtimo. 90,8-964-1216; Taa-^??. ., • ; •••."•• . • 201-779-8795. . . . ' . ; lea" bedroom ser. den furniture, lamps, pio- ..;. Servicing •Contractors , DBSCOLO TILE CONTRACTORS —turesrdishosT-dothosrtoysT tiousshold' ollice JDS. HEATING S Cooliprj'<3as>6il."Sorvic8 'Drlvawayi - Parking Lots • Decorators • Mochanics FULLY INSURED POLISH ACltNCV he Spoci.i!i?'ng'jn elderly HOSPITAL BED. eloctrically operated, excel- chairs, miscellaneous. No. early birds, • and ^nsmiialion. 24 Hour Emergency Service. . 'Coat Sealino Est. 1928 . 908-$8S-6333 EJS LANDSCAPING Concrete ' Aaphall Res' of NnaHRM ann. sicv c.'i'O H^ufcfkoopofs, O.Tyhouso- lent condition. $850- il now $3200.- . Fully Cortifiod. Air Condilioning Technician,' •'Conaolo Sldowalk . Lot Clearing • Pavers • Dacqutlva Dry Walla PAINTING •.'••• EiaWshed 193S - UNION- 758 COLONIAL Arms Road Friday Grass Cutting - Cloan-ups . 90r3-025?pB4. F'eo Estimates. Fully Insured . ..'All Typo Qutbings , Thaichlng '-' Ro-Seodlng RR Tie Walla Belgium.Block . HOUSE SALE. 58 Follswodd DHve.-Ltym09tonr SoptomborWihy Saturday, September 30th •'.. ' -Paving Blocks ' FURNITURE REFINISHING/ BORIS RASKIN- Painting. Exterior/ ''Interior. Kildiwnm, bathrooms. .Rapaini, Gouting, Saturday and'Sunday; 8orTi.4pm.:Di'ectionB: 10am-4pm. Furniture; dishes, household Always taklno on Now Customers Power washing. Handyman service. iRpMon- Td« neora. Tub Endlovumm, Shewftrsialls Mount Ploasant to Greenwood to Fellswood. FREE. ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED - RESTORATION. . 1.ADV r\i-<'nr; (nf a c'oaning job. itoms, clothing, records and more. CARPENTRY Ray Rlcclardi able Rates. Best Rolerenoes. Fully iniurad. 762-0303 Free Estimates Fully Insured J % Furniture, lamps, micro-wave, refrfgerator, 908-245-6162 908-241-3827 908-686-0495 vi>- n( ,"f-"c-t 5 CV"i fanspo'talion. FURNITURE 911. Furnllgro Repairs. Wood 201-378-5986 freo esiimatofl. 201-564-9293. ' olecironis, corripuiors, now dishes, rugs, loys.'. UNION: 869 MIDLAND Boulevard (oil Morris and laminate. Mobile unit oh-sito ropalr. Fumi-' No job top small' or too large cloihos, ping-pong tables rind;much more. • Avonuo, cornor Moird Drugs). Sunday Oclooor FERDINANDI FAMILY Paintino.Extonor/Inter- CAPRI turo assembly. Olfice-Rosidontial. Fgrniture Froo ^ ' • • Esllmnlos R LAZARICK MASONRY. Dopondablo Sor- ROOFING 1st. Monday 2nd, 9am-6pm. Furniture, house- DRIVING SERVICE Retailors! O0B.6B7-604B. ior. Gutters. Rooling. Leaders. :Over.20.yaarfi- M KITCHEN ISLAND, oak. 6. chairs, $750: vice. Sidewalks, Steps. Curbs. Patios. Decks. 90^696-5550 r; '.-i- r.i-i* r' rrv> cv • • ["^pononcoc, with Wd items, toys, schogljupRlies, lish tank; Sorving Union County." 9OB-964.73S9. IRea- BtBWAST ROOHMGCO. Schwinn exercise- biUe $50.- -. •--—^... dblhing. appliances. linens, draperies every- CONSTRUCTION Handy'Holpofs Sorvico. |lyou can't do It, may.bo HOLLYWOOD ' Gutters. Ceramic; Tile, Painting. Carpentry. . sonablo ratos. Froe Estimates. !' -r'r'H-rur.-l.'vc-. .n Pr o^:.'PPP:P6P-?530f ' BESCENTJU. «hO COtatCRCJU. thing, etc. . • • ; V ' '• '• we can. Doctors, vots, airports. Drop-oil', pick: Ronovations. Clean ups and rornovals. Baso- LEATHER CRAFT lools. stamps, paints and Generaf Contragtor GARAGE DOORS ~~~ mTPAU sajir^ n sn »ar cr*s ane i a y P.O BOX 3695, Utiion, NJ .iVCW-fj'i OOKrfjc; >o< hp;;s;p o^ office clean- •'• up. Minor housohold choros, dolivoi packogos monts. Attics. Yards. Small. Demolition, GREGORY 2ALTSSHTEIN Palmer: Extorior;.. i r matorlals. Asking $300 or best d'lor. Call LANDSCAPING 908-680.0230. Froe Etllmatos. Insurod, ' ' :"Z C*Xr : ;i"i-D?::a: ELECTRJCIANS DESIGN t Mater Oeoi Cares .CHILD CARE' profitable campground rentals. 13' x 9' to 13' x 008-964-6916. • . - UNION HOUSE Sale, rain or shine, Sega CD "4H ELECTRIC Company." Insurod, Bonded. EXOTIC GARDENS & j '. HOUSE PAINTING TREE EXPERTS rango mum will givo 15'.and,6' porch. Kits $4,995 and up!-Free" plus gamos, Universal gym, beautiful wall Unit FREE'ESTIMATES . 1 GUHERS/LEAPERS ""*"" 1 liloroluro. Call 7.17-656-1810.. . • ; . . . FULLV INSURED Rosldonlial/' Commercial, Quailty work dono INTERIOR AND EXTERIOB nniiiWiitjrr IW .ib.." ciiir/wa . lovinp';carot;«iucational .loys chairs, boy's biko, sloroo. armoiro, patio set'- MOVING/STORAGE BtmE TREE STOGEHV CO. i i ; 1 wilh.prldo. 908-351-3796. Uconso l»1?278. GUTTERS/ LEADERS cleaned and llushod.. POND INSTALLATION • iiic tr ™' ,.' «i!oi. Rpaac^ahip, ratos. Early drop- ontoriainmont unit, ond lablos, much miscella- Fully Insured • »TO|iTnliiririM!3iir, la MOVING. MUST bo sold by 'SniurdflV'.' TVs, • From $35.00. Inground ralnplpes unclogged. ESTABLISHED 1922 ti"s/ C^. ar(iK froi—'• 2V« to 5 years'. Call. 1 ATLAS VAN LINES. Local/ worldwide movers. neous, Friday Soptombor 29|h. Saturday Sop- DEE-EN ELECTRIC- Liconso O13303, Gultor-Suitors1/' scroons"lnstallod• '—"-J. Mino•''•r- topulrs' ' " In' - TREE REMOVAL . Free Estimates mxrnm COKTRACTOR ?r--?rfl.3g3fi. ,. ' • . • ' • . ' sofas, dining room, girl's bikes, electric oxo/v lembor 30lh; 9AM-6PM: No early'blrds 1041 FLORIDA specialists. Agont UNIVERSITY Van Camfiair IT * jp* n ^ TREE 8 STUMP REMOVAL ciso mnchlnos.; Any' ronsonablo 'olfor'. 201-676-2966 Rosidontial/ Commercial. Violation Romovals, s,urodi . Ken Molse, 20,1-661-1648. ' •' Linos. 908-276-2070. 3<10iA Tromloy Point ; Woolloy Avenuo (oil Vauxhall Road or Morris 908-186-35}0.,Evoranps, 71,B;084.8164. Wir- FREE ESTIMATES STEVE RQZANSKI Pal -ccfirg r PRUNING \K A r>i:y Sn:.n O'.inpo hemo with lots pi love, • P08-697-3943. : '.' ••• • W» Now Accept All Major Credit-Carda Road, Linden; PC00102. • AVOnUO);' . '. ' • • . • •. Srn-^ies. •e-tK) tslrcS r ing lor light, "hbat and pdwrjr. GUHERS-LEADERS 908-686-54S5 ': !;,"Ti.j!;i.*^ i n^ri nul.ci^g Park like- grounds.", Boo) nsBec-=rs 1 ira—e-arte TREE SURGERY IN Ri't.-tion.iiiic1 rfi!r« Ta:'y.drop-blfs, loto pick-' MOVING SALE. Saturday. September 30th, DIEDWCH STRELEC- Additions. Repairs. Re- UNDERGROUND DRAINS UNION HUGE salo, 741 Suburban Road- DON'S ECONOMY AU mat* ALL ITS BRANCHES 1 1 lOamT^lpm. Furniture, housohold, -records, novations.. Kitchons, Windows. Basem'onts. 908-686-1838 • '.jpii Cnur'f Iro^'tU'WOOks. For moro inlor- ' Soptombor 30th. 9am-5pm. Electric guitars HIS & HER ; Thoroughly cloanod. llushod, '•••: KETIS PAINTING CID . Onion ^'.ic-a-brac. 3 ploce floworodlnbric living room • Family rooms. Roots. No Job TooSmall. Fully LINDEN LANDSCAPING I™; soasonai clean. : desk, labric; crnlt suppllbs, Christmas decora- ropalrod, roplacod, MOVING AND STORAGE • • • Sinco 19BB '• ' . - •" 90B-9M-93SB sot-.with glass topped colfoo and end tables.. . tions, housowares, dothos, shoes, books mini .Insured. O0S-?73-736a. • . ,' ; ' ': v ELECTRIC COMPANY > Ups. Rosidontial, COmmOrcial. Lawn Malntq- : •:•;•••::• 201-372-5343 . Hunk bods with'dosk, book case, drossor. dryer, froo2or,.miscellaneous items more No AVERAGE HOUSE $35-$40 nance. Landsoapo.Doslgn.Turl Program. Acr- Tho' Rocommondod Movor, Our 30th year. LmoJlaw Tree Care Company, Inc •••••••'. ••:••-. J.O'Ei'DOMAN. •-.;•- ". All debris baggod from nbovo. . ' .atlng &. Powor. Soodlng. Sod. Soed. •Evtorior/lnlorior . . "Ouollty Work 20 i-731 -0BB2,90 Miioh'oll Sirool.'VVosl Oango , ' early, birds.. •,'•'.'. • - . • ' .:•• ,'.'..• •• •''.,• PC;OQOI9, 751 Lohlgh Avonuo", Union, . . STOP LEAKS! l-e* and S"na Care co rhor f Unbeatable Rate Policy • 9OB-BS2-5935. Froo Esiirnotos. Fully Insurod. .'Fully Insurod • ' ;. 'Free EfltrmnlqB t ' ° RoHinson).- •..•"'- .'••" ''•• •'••'•'• ••'.' ' •' 908-686-3824 • . 'All Roofs and Gutto(s Ropqlrod f*'-nr>c. PlaTr^s fleTioi'a s Toml 7at on Ca UNION. Saptombor 30th, 9arri,4ptn 97g Floyd •Commercial .•.-; • : Residential .-,;••.. 'Power Washing: • . nl^5 Slj-na 5 ndig Spraying Troe fst PIANO. BABY Grand, Rrondwood.Excollont • : • •,.:. M3fk Melse,. 201-228-4965 ' VICTOR LANDSCAPING. Wo do Gnrdon' CQnd'liOn. $2800. Cnll 2Q1-763-3792. •Torraco (oil Morrjs Avonu«).,HoUsehold Items •:: DECKS •;••••• Any SI7O :dock. only $24SiOD . O1MK BUILDEHS, INC. "•Jnfrs Fjly ltl ( ) : Cloan-upa, Trimming,.Gross Cutting and All' 908-687-0035 908-688-MOVE • ALTERATIONS/REPArBS Industrial, GUTTERS/ LEADERS. Cloanod and Flushod. . •"'."• Bring your dock back to Illo .'• . H£ SIDTMT lAL/CCrfJIfX RClAt"" ; dothino, fumiiuro, bric-a-brac, etc,'. •, • .:': Concrolo Work. Call Victor,. 908-355-1465 or q^te (DBWDMgiUiBi • PIANO. MANUFACTURED by Hardmnn Tock ^KITCHENS : _ ,: .ATTICS Ropairs; Loaf Scroons Installod. Installation. boooor: 908-965-8400. . ••.'.•• : • (Mnimur* Bl/it 3OD aquaro tnol) 15 Years Eisoronoo p 201-535-9069 .. ;: '* Company •o(Now-Y6/K,"blficK755"i(i 7*. $500r 000-233-4414. Koltom Sorvicos. .. ; MOVINQ/LIQHT TRUCKING •ilEB WWey StraSH Frnt X 1 ndlaw 1 •BATHROOMS, .BASEMENTS ' , OV PAINTING. Intorior/ EKtorior..Ppwor WnBh. ' fDOpr/ATHY n.! loci- church in Union will YARD SALE Call 0Q8-687-9166. , . . ' Gutt'Jrp. HnnriyrnnniSqrvico. RonnonnhlO' •ni.f-!r.'. ;"o;it' in ^prc of tnsri Tornqltoappoinl' ' ; • 'REMODELED . RICH BLINDT JR; 1 Wo'H rnovo. Furnlturo,. Applinncos^ Housohpld. 908-233-3491 HILLSIDE,. THREE Family Sato. 3(50 Princeton • HEALTH &'FITNESS' . .MASONRY . ~~"', Ratos:, Call 201-923-19,62. B.oop,,,' •innnr'Ol/W'swr,IRnCnri IBrntl. prflfnB7v SUN QUEST WOLFF tanning . bods., No'job too small, or..loo largo. .' Itonis in cirpbiod vnn or truck. Courteous and " J Electrical Contractor • 908 BO1-8867, Fully Insurod.'Froo 'Eritimntos... Avonuo,; Saturday,, Soptombor. goth . : .'Wnri,;'iTuos..)«/«tl"* Jtf5W*l(( Commorcinl/. homo bnits from 5199. Buylnc- •;••• '.• • .-.''- •_ Lie No. 9006^. ••.'. •;••.'• • . COV.INO-GONSTRUCTiON- -Spoclalizlnn in' cnrplul. Roasonnblo ratos nnd lully. insurod.. ibry dlrofcl and savo. Call today. Free new color . 8:3parn-3pm.Toys.'gamos, bikes,clothes' and' .KAMA. CONSThuCTION- GbnoraJ. Roprtirs. 20/20 WITHOUT GlassosI Sato, rnpldi.nonr, ' All Typos of Masonryi Stops, drivoways, sidow- ' .. ^TnurHdny-tiiirJ inrno WOOD STACK ' surgical, pormanont rostoralipn in 6-0 wooks. ,'••• • CALL,ROB •••• '. • . '..-••. ••-•• ENTERTAINMENT •' . caialog. V6QQ:462'9i97.* •. '. , ', lois more ' '...'• '•..'• • ... '• Siding. St'OOtfOCk:'Roofing. Spack'ling. Paint- alks, poyoVs, patios,.llroplacos, bolfllum blpck, PAINTING & " . • :t>y TREE SERVICE ing. Docks. .Additions: and Alterations, •RESIDENTIAL • \ Airlino pilot .dpvolppod, doctor approvod. Froe , 201-467-6598 , LOCJU. TREE COtJIPAtjy, KENILWOHTH. PORCH Salo. 214. North 15th Fr.60 ostimotos. Fully insurod. .908-289-2QB7. fiPCSBIS PD^finns! Sch'os, Dm'y Horoscope, 20.t-95B--.liB3 • ".-.' • •'•' • '.'' -" .'"• .•'•. : Inlormntlpn by) mail: 1 -800-'ii22-.7320, oxt: 224; • ."::••' .:.• •LIc.-'rPiM.OO'sao. '..' PLASTERING : : 1 •COMMERCIAL. . ,: (5325) ALL TYPES TWEE WORK ' Sn;i:.i:-ihr SacRr, • •ili>0-375- J7OO, oxl.6589, : TELEPHONE NUMBER .. Street, Sopiomber28th, 29th. 3bth,0am-6pm. ' 1-406-9B1-5570. Fax: 1.406-061-5577. Satis; .'SENIOfl CITBEJJ DISCOUNT 5: 9"'.:ni- -• n.,ir f.Ur,:t>( '8yo.vs- P'ocn'l Co. Clolhmg; books, rooords, toyi, lurnlture, oxo'r- (action Quarantood.. • .. . . •*:, . 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE 908-687-4444. For Sale : •INDUSTRIAL , •. . ,. •MJEDWTrprt t E SERVICE ' ••', P.".; ?rJ-"Jrc.-;9i6Mb'!n35P.Avq.nuo. Phoo- ciso. GQUipment, jadios. lolephonos, tools . CARPETING RUBB1SHI RBMOVAL «INSTJRED »fflEE.»0OD CHIPS, : Best offer moro. Somothing Iprovorylhing... Froobies loo' NO JOB TOO SMALL FREE ESTIMATES ,• . Don Antohelll : HQME IMPROVEMENTS I . : CALL: LENNY FUFAWO .;;/ • ^10-276-5752:' :. '• \ •'.' WHAT TILIf ,cpc-<- ttv.'nwo start? Call Call 908-687^-4444 , • LINDEN, 2100 Summit Torraco (Sunnysido) IDKE-PRENDEVILLEDEV E : ' ,*OPr.flf'flflOP (' >! 31"Ti hlof,ojrco is. a 24 -Saturday. Sopte'mb6r:.3q,_9:30am-4pm, Rairi- ::ROYAL LINOLEUM & RUG CO. Prices That Wpn't Shock You! ; ^08-273-6025 ' -^./: ii C.K v:K"v'i.^f5-'r'U!'Orvsorv'cb. CaN& arc DISPOSADISPOS L TYPESETTIMG,. . ,' TRUCK CAf. Englo cap (whuo nluminuni) 20" date Ociobor 1. Multi family sale. '..;-.. Famous Brand, Carppts AL PASCAVAGE & SONJS. • :»,•(• i* w.;*'r ycyr ioc.ii c.i'iinfi a'Oa. '. • hi[)h, 7.6^^long. 60"wido offof.n Toyota. Tmiod • UNION.847 HOI3SON Street, oil West Chest- . Arm strong - Mohawk- Arrillco ... •. . • •' SIANI.KVS PAINTING, 'Interior/ Extonor 2OT-S154S15 COMPUtERIZED .glass, sliding i)(nss on'sicfos with scroops. Roat . ; Manhlnglon - CongoloUm -Torkott :' /••'}') ,908-688-1853: 0 . *~C t-liSc'dftT CAMCE O.EARED door with {jas, props & lock. Excdllont condition nut, Saturday, Sopiomber 30lh, 9-3. (Ralndato ADDITIONS BATHROOMS pivntinrj, pnporhanglnfj, jihobjropk, 'spnckjinp.,' Optobor 7ih); Clothing (now and used), shoes, •FREE INSTALLATION, • Havo Floor Sizes ' sniiill. ciirponlry, nlo lnr,tfijlntipn, nddnionc. COOS-SUIT CM KSKtS G£'JOV£D TTPiSETTIItfG $250.00. Call-P0806«'i'455 •"- ' • .' Fully' Insured • , • • • KITCHENS BASEMENTS .•-•,:.•• PERSONALS, books, household, miscollanoburj. No earlv Ready For FREE ESTIMATE. Shop at homo, Anioric'in-Europitiinoxporionco. InBUrod. Pr«o HUM RJL CFF CUWTSJcRS ATTICS r Cainera irVo«-k y.roi" Oli' ArfECI. IDNATE, rinancVl ,. NEVV STORE fiQturns.,,SI 00- pound; tisodl . birds. ,...... -:• .' :. • ; DECKS •','Pslimiilos. P01-373-9M6. : , ., , ,. •'!-.••• MIST FAtO-BELJ*3L£ : Pi CTt^ V OCPSSED J l' y cioiiios-conininrir, 27c-'poundricod-tna;. 2-1 VISA 908-^64'4127 • MC ^SPURR ELECTRIC; - ; Veloxes ,hottlos. $6.00:candio5,10c; mh'ti cioiii'i !t>r Vinci ovoryopppf- WANTED TO BUY:: ,./• . . New and Alteration Work . ALL REMODELING v Negatives t,. Di>borah: Slpvon 10c; F,*porl/ Do™osttc .DopiiriniQnt,. RICK'S CARPET TECHNICS Sp0fcta!i;?in(]..in rocossod liQhlingand s'orvlco PAVING .'••••.. •,. AAAAAAA-Z ANTIOUES i . .• •• CARPET REPAIR-SPECIALIST .•chaPO'^g; r>moko doioctqrs, yftrd'nnd'-sbciJrity'. 1 Maple Composition • I'tl^'^p.• rt'iornl'onfi; -nnd.now dovolopmonis..1- ALLIGATOR'S PAVING SOCIALISTS : ' WHIRLPOOl: GAS riryar.onty.e bionifts.'old. -. BOUGHT ••', •••:• '/'•:• POWER STRB-TCHING -•..•/ : Free Estimates;, Fully, Insured : A TRUE PSYCHIC ;'•• Liconso "Niinibor 72flfl. ,f ully Insljrod.' . •'• . .- p 463 Valley S! '"Mi'Jsi .BOll. S175 or bosi.oMor; 201>736-48^3. Dinirrg Rooms. Bodrooms.' Orlonlal Rugs, ' Inutnllat'on/ Romniints' Stairs/ Now Paddmo Dnvow iys/ Flop-lira.' Parking lot / So il Continrj : •• . • No' Jot) Too •Small. • ' 1 tr;i D wn cot ''ice rai-' "z *"*• sr *~*rzy .' MRS: RHONDA Paintings, Slorling, Pprcolin.Flguros, Crystal. •Shop at Homo Sorvico' Flood Work . Sell Your Home We II Boat Any Prloo UJU i irwif rji-ir vaa s-^r- as Do—&% Maplewood Old arid-Interesting .l|'bms, Etc. '- .Over 40 Voa'S Eyporioncp , • 908-563-0398 1-800-870-0398 ; 201r372r4282 V •; Froo Estimate Jfrrr - n lie a'qsS-a >S 1 : W&ar' dt TJ('«VS floCOrd BldQ, I'p'i'tr'a'! vpefi-of ,Rnart."(;5 a^ti Adylco.' lean ••; •-? . • GARAGE SALE . : • All Work Gunranlood All Work Guarantood 1 f : 908-272-7216 ion.; Tu«v.W£.tl. i.fn '9AMI in; iv-ii he-'? ynJ w'^-c 'ci:"i(' S' havo ln tcti. • ALWAYS AT Your Sorvico Inc, -Homo Soivlco •ELIZABETH: .020 STANTON {oMJoMh--AY-- .Call 233:1515 FOR FREE ESTIMATE .. 'ThLjrsday and Dthor- limes kMiif'-sHeti in.Union' r.-"!CP" '1969. •-12*3' St'jy-.-, r SpociaKr.ts". Quality Inlorior/ oxtorior paintinfj. •onuo). •$ati,Jfriiiy, Soptombcr 30Ih, 0a,m.'-fip.m/ - -CLASSIC ANTIQUES ; , FENCING ; IN UNION COUNTY CLASSIHEDS ' cy appointment •Vff.a'"''-Aw'">in:,'UHit]'', N.I -POP 606--9fi85. .- Orivoway soaling.Guttorcloaning, Troo sorvico 1-800-977-1112 Doco bedroon), ablfi-oncJ cHhirs;• rfinhoghny""" arid gonoral ropairs. Satisfaction ouarantood. CANDIDA VE.AST. air..wi>. Ffoc.pro*f;Er.'onni (nblOG, HUc^on 601, rofr!Qor,i!qr..playor puino, AALTEWS ANTIQUES CARfrEt CLEANING COMMUNITV FENCE ExporiOnce tho dilloronco, gall todayl 762-0303 sowing pi.ic'iino. compij|or..(olding'biko __Tys, -1:1-1,'.' p;:>pra-" C!tni'c;i!!y proven, highly-sue: ; _ '' . .• ,; .Eatabljah'*dj]Si4 , , ...... RICHARD G; McGEGHAN "WHOLESALE PRICES IN- 900-3HS-ni63. • . •••"••-, '•'.:•' ' ' CALL 1-000-564-0911 r'.p'fiiocol'octipn', c>ior.r. Etof'oo, Ch'rlsiniiis itoms, PLUMBING 1 n.'UlJrally., • ."'mtc^bnwafO , niow'o'r, toys, c'ot'ios, bnq.a'bvaa •' ;• STALLED" ; DOES YOUR HOUSE . WINDOW SHADES : WANTED I'LUMHINU ! untinng. Mutilnr Plum- wy ' .TD'O. ••'••'•• ..'• ••' Residential* Commercial . OT"'.pii";H-iV Df'fin lO.hoa'l Antiquos: now, WnnH rhaln I InL nnj Rune Hn. rOPMCf YOUR CLASSIFIED AD hor. Hosidoniiiil, Commrtrcinl. .lotitimg. Attorn- CUSTOM WltOD'OW.n'.iBaimenli. Mini Blinds, 1 uarpois & Moors > NEED A FACE-LIFT? -"-.— ' • nr.r nco.in-.i .HILLblUI: lib WUJL*HUt;h M'nco. ^mu'day, brae, coiloctiblos.'hoasohold itornsi Cpmploto'. pairs. Clearing. Removal. .'liorlG. "No joh.loo HmillL" • Plunihing lici Wood Binds. Vnncai'Blipda', PldatBd ,Shali«s. • •Shampoo .-'••. _ •' '. ' •_ : ^•Stripped : . oV partial liquidation of estates. Complete 1 »3nfi7. Cltl 90B-» of • .cn^KKiis. floqa cond !.on. No KodaV.vPo.'aro-.d. Thoir-na). Sntufdny, Sunday; S6ptonibo/.30!'\ movio. House calls cao -bo arrangpd .••.'.' CALL:. 201-761-5427 ; 908-964-6356 • 908-241:3849... ; . •• Octohor is!. lOn^-'ipm. rufn'Juro.. oxo'cif.o. •' 0pe06!766- ' ' HOUSECLEANER oqujpnioni", housoho'd iuims fnd much,. rmjcM , ^xperloncod - Good roforoncos . dASH FOR VD_- '(.cpros LPs. -'.5s or CBs. Ca'l For the Bosl In Homo Improvement" mo'o.' AH pncod to soil qu>;ck'y.' . . Own Iransportalion . FINANCING ""• C. Infocoj.rco is a24 90B-2--.5-1-17C.'. ' ' . P. PAPIC CONSTRUCTION, INC. o'iiaion sorvico. Calls . • - Call anytlrno - " : LINDEN 2507 DoWmToffnco. Sniurday, Sop- FREE DEBT.consolidation. Immodiato roliof. •in •••i- w;";o' q! ca'linp n:t

: '•Christmas lighJS,.children, wbmon'.and mon's" monihly paymbnts 30-50%. Eliminate interest. ,, •' .' • " :rJOVENA • ' ."'-. .. :'• MAX • WElKJSTEIN SONS, INC. For a I'rco •Esfrnato Call Polo •' Slop, collodion callors, flostoro credit. NCCS, clolhmg, Avon.poffumos, childro^s toys, rqw\ HONEST WEIGHTS-BEST-PRICES.- -W.HITB GLOVE,Too Cjcanino SorviCL'..Com: nbi-'brofit. 1-800-955-0.11Z, , •'• -••• 308-688-9131 pi!j 1 1 i; !'-i' 'S;i":oc Hcn-'i of, Jccus'bo 'adof'od,' 'ingmachine, fiomolh'irigforovoryonii!Rpbariy morcial, rosidonlial, ca'pots, yvindpwa. Pu'ly. ; ? tit uiu iXr< ran I RJbin •••3i« unafor S65, 000 ori July 11 : • Always Buying.Scrap Metals : : 3 .' i'--'it*vi:d-.'Dnfl p-f-r.cv'c'd throughout the" birds. • •• - • , . , • ' ". •••••;•• insUrod/ bondod. Tmo of>tinia!orj. Hoasonablo ,'•• .';. 908-964-4974 ... ' .'Piitriciu' .'Nfrr/.i'iinlki wiilil ;prc)jiBfi.v ,n'i 'I- in — Ji i[ 3li) Wilder Sr- io M .U. ' ' ?.' *ort a^cf in'i''vt-':.Mos! SncoO How of 2426 Morris Ave. (near Burnet) Union . rtilos. 000-1151 r2i 35 .'• ..-•.. 1 LINDEN, 432 'BIRCHWOOD Road. Saturday, . "Sorvlrig Union County lor.20 Yoara ' l)M:;a3«h«HKmHrmmRt««.'(Witfi'cr1T1 ; -L..; ;>';ivt;r;-!; 5| jt;go,.wo^or q) mir/idon,- , . Qa.'y B-5'Sa'.j'aay; 8-iJ- , •• • DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS r B:30a.rn,-4p.niVSunday.-B.300.m.-2p.m.'Child: ' -YOUR AD sou'd lippoii'-iwit'lof. os-'liii'io as-'- • Ronald 3. ind AruiW,asiit'C. Simone i.j I5;-r. Sii;niJJao.'' 'C'lpff''ol'tho hopol^Bs,'- Von's c'oihos'fDo/'&y, picturos, toys, housohold,' .S, caiponlry,painting,wall- wo'oil :for SnlliiHd.O .on il.ul.y 2U- v • '.••• 908-686-823ff/SlnCF:" $14.00 por wooit, Call fp' mo'o'riotnils Ojr A riFAorn'SERVICE OF IMI Nh \y 't,i «-!; '••,.'. • .' • '"•• • " • paponnfi, plastormn. loadon;. QUiirjrs,. win- icjd propciiy si 310 JfJTiTSon Avc, f nduli ctptHos. •booAs, lawn.chai's; .piny.pon.- ' Iriondly classilx'd dopfi'tr'ont would bo tfappy ,. Real estate . transactions are ii v ' "HTI 0 c;i>' io 9 ciqys and your intention . dows, .doorr,,*roOliri[). AIIOKporlfy dqno. No job Carlos,A. and Maria T; Miirais sold Rahuiay •'..•i- pTi"iPC. 'P'pffiISO;n'i,jblic«iiibn. LINDEN, ESTATE Sa'o: 230' Livingston Ro.iri 10 help.'you.''Cll'l 1-.nOC-56.'.-'8O11 •• Ibo small. Froo osS'tiiiiios Fully inuurod. Ploaso recorded in the office of Die county Elizabeth IO. Cinjlcs Dchmcr fen- S346.0CK) on . call Pqg-.3M-.1n70... • ..:',... '••-' •• • .property at 'J Sitllor Court to Hurvitf c 1 (oft Dc.Witt.Tprfacc^. Snturdoy, Soptombor 30, clerk. Worrall Newspapers publishes lulv 2-i. .:•';;"',••'•••. , .WtC WRS".. T'aiy.. t pivQ-.u ' typii'S p! 1 r Sii.urtr" anitrCoumy ol" Union SJJM ,>9ani-4pni:-.Rn-n o^&Minti.-Fu'nuuro; curta'ns7" COMPUTER SERVICES '"'•'• 1 T, Ojeda for SI"5,000 on July 21.. i KT'^u.'fJfjc-n Ei-!;wfjrf, n^d'holp? Don't siil- 1 .'MANDYMAN POWEHWASIIINGIiy.John. Ro- PJJJ] J-..tVi«dpeJsl;3* s6ld-i>ropbrtv -ul kiicpoh. nonvi, loos., nid .mow ' • ••••.• an abbreviated version of all transac- Stmilcy ahd Hn'iilin Milk sold prop- • IKorwinl ilil. HI ,.:,;ii-c.ci 't./! UKDi-'cri'd roadtng,. regularly. BTS nioval ol dirt' nulrjow.. Homos, docks, Gldow- . Dennis and Palli Y. Chieffo scild 307 lt*^j (hold Av«^ lo'Joscph' SuivJco C OCv-ow 515.00. For appointment call COMPUTER PROBLEMS? tions recorded in the!2 UnionCounty erly ill K2(i-ff Jackson A vs., to Anio- noli! i))i'i)|iu(ty .al .SSS.lBiiilly ILum-Tii. V- 119 nUTGKRS Sueoi. (o« ••'Olkr,. Also, llfjril carponlry,' coilinrjB, llooro, property at 215-J7 Kliollt'y Ave., to inf €>irj:'..itic S65;7CM>cn July 6. ftrr;S.132.W0.on July 24. '.. •' .. r.-F'"r-"-r-73 • ' •• •• . '.Sprinpdold.Avenue}, Ra'n' sh no, this Fridny' Hardware-Software doors, y/indowfi, r,.hoo|rock. Roasonobly municipalities the newspapers cover. • nib '.Felipe .for S'JO.CKlO-.pn "July 1'J. ; 1 .'Sle-VBii-.A. .'Kuhuiiniluiij: ilor ST4liH(Bi- . Sntj'floy. Qam-Bpm, Mcrpwnvo. doublo ovon, • ConfiflUrat'On/ Dos'fjn/ Inslo'lalon/ . . . chonp . Sinail johs wtilr.omod. John: 4fi11721 PeiTy.Gros!i i,rorSl'5f),po6()ri.JUly24. mn.O:iiiu^ Sho^tlT iolil piuifcily " • • Gajcutn Sidanj ctil. sold properly at . ADQPT- A- STUAY Day- Sj"cay O:iohf 's!. Tim ii\formation is provided'by TRW CeoiitM. riyaiis sold property ill ; cb'feo. tntiios,'1 c'othor.,' t'lisco-'n^t'Ojc.' Norworking/ PfOpraninimo' (i-Matl/ Traminfj/ on iluly :ia. •'' ;:; • ! , ; 1 LOSt & FOUND . 1 M™i'''pm. Vn'lfiy Vf\;2V!2 M n.jm Avcr'jo,'' ll WlmniMi'.S«v.. n> Reel Fsmiitcc 614 lljrriu«n Si.. Hi K Mimicry Salct- 24 Hour Servlco • I IIZ'S HACKI All ArourW Handyman. Gatorinrj to Properly^ Data, a Fort Lamlerdalc,, 3()S 'South Ilond- St., io Russell : ' MAPLEVVOOD 8 BnOApVIEW.-multi.fnmtV: Wi ,Pasy Hqjs'o Iho Physically Challonfiod. or .Cldorly. Call is filed in the .coui\ly. clerk's office. E);IT-,'•'.pni, ' .•".'. •'••.'...• . '. • . •. Ti23 Clitjhvotid St., to Joyce-Malloi-y ' S2K7i(|(K) ,(in JiiJy• .?!1'.'" ' ' • ' Grentse'ociiDn.Opc-r Soblc-^'oc" 30 & Ocl^nor property at 75fi,Koep St., to •K.ubiinn fir® • $w}$KVJSi''c«. J.uiHy LV Rai.ou.vti for SJ4CMM6) on July 26. UnSCELLANEOUS) , kiicnbn sot, qjaltty odds aid -onds. •' • "thegHomeowners Contractor" dn' Tlifiy tange ifom Wjll [jpcuialioiit to paily ..Vincent M. fierielsoii sold property S'JS,(X)() on July 21; . ... PET/CAT SITTING ... • Additions 8. Allocations •••eionn' pop'COG-?92.9.,.Froo Einmafos/ Fully ' .Andrew Polls for.S»0,0(K) on July 1K. njlliunW'KICiiirSffiifE • .t-i3.NEWSPAPE.nS.REACHING over 1.B rrVJ-.l titutV JIpOL-divpl^vt and mute, llns Hj-().iue •Insurod.'' > ' '. " tit'4 Tliopias Drive to Ronald llliike Anloinelle Adase sold properly at Roselle Mow Constfuclion . -F»o norito'.'iio l '' TW'ndo color uuiitftjoob hat countiy ilnnuinhpinet lor Mary G. Wh'iichrcacl sold .property ' :liliirvi>y .'for S6:\i(KI('l KIII 'lliiU. 3U. :, tiiui; Jljil,,-:».'Riuiseii 'G.5liick for ..1B(pif>|i>clf, ciiinplele willi Mfp-liy-itcji (tiiettioiifi for SI9S,(X)0 on July M. , '•• 316-IK South St., lo Miguel Mimo/. : m SCAN- Now Jorsoy'6 S!iiiow>do.C!nr5-Wid no ' ^a .! r-'o !o AO'k Fiao Cnto *v yos ools Docks.& Pavors . Kitchon A Rar MIKH D'ANDOEA- Ail I lomo Improvomonls. 30 '•••. ANTIQUES ..lnd siiop()inu lisn uMl [he supplitis vuu'lt ncul al 427. pi'VVltt St,,. to' Miiriii G. ^Vil|iimillil..AtUiiiiK:Mil(llprtjnur,, A'l Work'Guaraniood. r •ATLANilOUE CITY",. 1200 d(fnV'-ia"vq.-.i»s' 1.10 Meadow Uoiul to Sicplicn S. •Cieorge Pyonin sold properly at Mahnriij for Si 13,000 .on July 21. ' iCiiiijui Ntll .p A»oMtnii• cs'al «»2ui 6(35 31iuriion Ai'c, JO AlfariKO Jrink- inn T:J:.(*£!;».r->; cx:t.';w'ao^'".:.T' fluro :c-t. ';o"i Dnoo'G. Inc . clnriOifioou in .10i-7G3-9-'.vi h'f a' I." 908r245-5280 tdiiDii ;it your- Ifjcil cr^ll t.tuit 008-241-3013. Ko'hilworih Froo F.sliniotots. "• 1 Wll-lrt Manic Ave.. to' Alfredu O, :for- Si)7,K(K) .on Hilly 3t.:-•:""• 'liiiirai.ici75U''ilindt!i*i"Ay'«...goNice- •••'• r.iEiICE. A|(a''!ic C'-y Cti'ivc^t';)*". Ci- ::^'. no floia.is. . • •..,.' Cimbolic for 5265,000 on'July 26/ Joseph and' Susanna Chili sold. ?.a'.*'^Uv'. Sc-;»!t'"ibur 30. ''Oil r'.-Sy "" -S-i- •" OUALITY . • Reynolds, for SI35.000 on July 2\. property ul 419 McKlnley St., io Luis RAMWAY 15 FAMII.V Snlo. .1193 Mad-soi H :' PECKS Frederick P. Wray Jr. ettix. sold • Poiia Bopiomber 30:n,: OAM-lPM.. liowlis : B#i«l chick tor- " i! KHPWH5 Cnlry IMpor JO 00 FLOORS & pVo|iorly in 4K [llllereJit lii'lve. lo '• vGi'!'f.'1'nvOilinfl1So'cc6(l ToamVSomolhir.g'fq' DECKS UNLIMITED »'. j MttM rntlcrn DtfA. '" 11? piitie caialuo . llffi HOME. IMPROVEMENTS •Micliii'crPi'mpinli lor $260,500 on . . FLEA MARKET • ovo'yqn(> . ' • INSTRUCTIONS 10% J'O. rioj( 3313 . .' (t'iclun»B TO wi«(J*itiH(ig y»rt.Huyt,"CA fiMdfl . and tundicialt |iH>|ecis* July 28. i-ILC-!"- INDOOR O.Jooor rii-a M.r-.i-l f ..'SPRINGFIELD. Bf)4 SOUTH SDri.in'e:d.Av,- SPECIAL SPRING DISCOUNT Wo install corariiic tilos, carpot and vinyl.- r . . Indoor and outdoor painllng." ', . n;i\, Odldtny .V Sa"" «p ". S: \t-tf> s'>IT' onuo. Unil »19. Siiturdn/' Sunday,.SepiOn-uor #1 Treated Lumber and Cedar Decks ROSE&YOLTURO ^':"/ri ?:r ^o.m B-D;IC Sl-tX''. 3C!n,.Oo:ohor 1 Gt. 0l\.m -2p.nl. CoiMiig, h;cy- '• CLASSICAL PIANO Lo^oit ny.Mo'ioi S V . ' Drop ceilings, bathroom and • . r bw" -K l.ilni'.i, c.' na-.i-:, ' S'j 'o- Cos. jjarnos." toyc, bunnbods, d.nin.fj /qom, • (nO.'M M. StufliOii w;!*i Jor-s Nypnii'C.,M- P«- io Year Guarantee/ Fully Insured basomont roniodoling. 'ijT'ld'o. P'Cturps, odds and oncis. Cash ory. Sno't HPUG aroa. Ypjr -homo o' nn • * REALTORS ***** I'lVYO-U-i ' . 1 908-276-8377 2Ot-Oi2-O4ao. - ; '.••.•'' • • FMEE ESTIMATES FULLY INBUnEI) FMNTT'L"i.'IKr."S IMt'u-.Ti-. ,C-,./:" . AV.-'r,"'|'Q fust moved BUYING OR SELLING IN MLLLSIDK? ] A\"C-i.i<-. [ 7h0v": S.i;.,'CHV. 5(D',:•'••:>•• 3 SPRINGFIELD, -w EVEFtGnEENAvonuo (off GUITAR iNSTnUCTION. Floci 05 Poo "IMPROVE- YOUR Homo with Gil." Docks, 1 DC-f i PO.. ' nasornonto. Wo wi'l boat any logtiimaiocompo- J'.JT: ^:i"' A' ; "y;;(.u'-rc: !!•"'! Mt'isut) . Sooiomtitlf .30m, Ocionor 1st; Co^'.'y, ri"5(irsrylo. %?A' CALL ROSE & VbLTURO fn( r i l 1 ' i 90(J0ni:03Gl ' 201-761-0102 i0a"v«ipni. Fu tn o,flnd 'f Oi*Su* 0'fl,''!rfp?gl • 7o:ichiif-W'tM 2.0 pi^o yc-a pt,-';O' "CO • Now • .•':- - .•in?;;.—- YOUR HILLSIDE REAL ESTATE EXPERTS fOti^ nccepl.no si^aonta, |- if.61 i O U 51)'• SPniNGFICLD- Sep'iombor 30m"\na Oc:obef' ; O00-755-4383. • . - MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE . ISl 3 l.imity Ca O,.1l»? HilWlt'D'" Avonuo Antiques. Lonox. fyrnujro. applifi^coo, U:,(JVI- MUSIC LESSONS I can help OCB-3qt-00S4.- '•'• -• - - 5'w. dDMrunRii'r.p'LiKt rwi'm ,'SiOn plus •mof'ii! .. '. - -' •-• • - ••-,-.-' • isb- S^vfi Sriv:- Cw~;- * "sines 185" :J t PIANO, ORGAN, acco'O'O'v lessors ••" yo'.r ieorrting your Way around town Or . HOD'.JG housohoid iioms; D'ic-ii-brnc ana ry^c'i homo by Vic Zigmnni, MA 39 yea's t-ipor- what to seo and do. Or who lo ask.- I'O'ioc: 1 j''v w:i"ji'"!t.r A uc yj'C-:i r. i.. o • V mo'o. AH p'icod to coi1. Line onco, 008:862-607(1. „ , . , SINGER REAL ESTATE inc. va.;- p;i"H!. 1'i- f./' ';l^.;liO f-C'C'.3'"-!V. "NO, EARLY BIRDS" , As your WELCOME WAGON Co^pDrowso -yoij m.iy f nfl iioniolhi^g youjusi Hostess I can simplify the business. AS? D[T.\ ;i:-(H"-" CO" "ODOC! C \ Tho muput loll c*|n't i:^° Wl|noul' • •'. ... • '• • '• ol pelting sallied Help VQU-booin-to—| shows-tho-county— "enjoy your new town good shop- J UNION. 1321 W6ortrullPiacf(bf'Gn!iopnDn.ii. Roadl.'SatU'diiy Soptombo' 30tn,-Oam-flpfn, distribution ol pinp local nltrnclions. community opporluniiy; 1 ram. ot E^mo. HbuflDhoid itontfl, lu'niukjr«.-twm•" dallies and wecktlos The( bodt, T(jac/ooi' rooi :apo, guitar, clolhmg; In Iho NJPA And my .basket Is lull pi useful IM'T^ "-' k'lcionwnro, linens, otc. ' • , SCAN program gilts to ploaso your lamily PERFECT UNION i395 WINSLOW Avonuo, Sniurrtay." Take a break Irom unpacking ifllchr ' St30^04 ll f and call me, f| GIFT and s._No oa y HILLSIDE* NEWUSTINGl iuliiMcilliiu- Cillimlul an .UUIluufUl !torj((t.-l. '-WuudartU Adi/erll»or»l Your 25-word classtfiod; nd ($11--- •v Then we send it to 89 ll Hilnii'iliiK. UtlK'ii i lti wiutiilii4'.fliKrjpiuw-.1iiifKt(^. m^oiil. . -'' SellYour por additional word) (or only $279.00, roachos Good condition Colonial in great family nelghorhood ofTent 3 BRs, 2 full baths, VR, Antique UNION. 1GH5 ANDREW Siroot (aft Sluyvosant participating dailies and tv>(i, household uoms, • Call nowl You won't regret it. 1-800-564*8911 8PRINQFIEI.D...... 487-0132 tooit, h^c-a-brac. p-cnia mblo, cu'd table and ', (908)351-7000 | , ;• •'• pririedirom $50 00 • ' ch'iiirs. gti'doninp loois.lytc. No.oiirly birds.' 199S ~ COUNTYWinF

W. Real UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 - B19 transactions BUSINESS ? (JTOCE TO) UEIT IRVINGTON.ONEibedfDom.tbiUemerLtBiUin- rnont.'Furnlshsd/'Unfumishod.iCtoae'tQUrsns- • FB.OOMFCL0. OPEN House. Sanrday. Sun- \cOPPORTUNITIES poriattan. school, 'Mon-smoker. ;>WaIiabte Uto- oay. i apm-tom Musi swl 10 HOOT Charming UPPER BUCKS Osunty. Pennsylvania. Vaca- Autom (Continued from I'.ijc B17) lobor 1,,$47S' mpnth. 'One mbntti taefcurtiy. Vaconan war wrap around porch, 4/5 bed- tion weekend cabin. Good value for secure, Utilities Included; 'Call .2O1-*t£*3Mffi4. 'tawe owma., 2- bams, new hddierv iw»eajiorj room, peacefol wooded setting. Maintained with $4 BILLION DOLLAR Company looking lor ' ,. ins for Sli.1,500 on, July 21. • • ' mossago. _, • '.. oammiarf cOToiieri,hwtftideoV,amsiied toa. pride. Move-jn condition. 1 master bedroom, 2 . distributors, new calling card product. No cost _Rc£ina Fliin:igan_so!(Lprppcriy al Great rw^Wjoinood., Si89_9CO. Sun Really. bit bedmoms..,iVl baths, kitchen, dining, long distance calling. Low lniros|meni socurod . .LINDEN; ^2nd iFt OORr-7^IS&flrDpm5;1"^WTB femlly raomrifene, fireplace, screened porch. by 7 times inventory. $100 K poiontial realistic ' 1 427 Aldenc Uoiidio Angel Alvarado room, dining TDom, teot-in >klichon, Vwn^tioi, furnished. *<5.000. 215-536-9251 or drsl yoar, No! M.L.M. 305B47-3635, OKI, 10 CfiESTWOOO- (ADULTS 58»). 7^00 tames. 215-536-OS92. •-•' a of . for SIOX.OOO on July .27. INVSCAN. IH33P5), • . ... dryer htx>kup,'No pots, 5700 iDiUsaJtilittos '1 MJ sr/e*. S30.0O0-Si30.0O0. 7 duWousn: month security.'Call .B0B^ggg.34aB,,: . •:.•-. automobiles ;SM0 icm iMidxiu. ihppping. mnspona- , CAREEFV.INVESTMENT. Bo your own boss, MAPL0WOOD, T^Oibo'dmom.'BBajmi.itoor. Son, Swcimrt wdea I^BOfMai-SSOO Mean— FREE Information! Rosolle Park . ' • Novus windshlold repair franchiso. 2500 opera- Excollont location.'Reforenc8fiT6quirnri.3{lKD .aur (Many Assodalres. Reatem. PO. Bo< O, lions worldwide. Home based. Dynamic, grow- plus milltios. 'Coll 9pB'B75«gi45; ' ' .'r. t, J8C RoMB S3O. WOWirig, Hi 08JS9. Richard and Nlarj! Soio sold prop- ing industry, Low overhead. 8 days'factory ' MIL'LBURN. ONEbedroom.^B^T>IU53aajr«v^ . training, .Field support...Financing available. GOUERNMEMT: FORECLOSED rnm tor Available now.• CbnvenJom tncBt(on.*"Air fhDni, erly ai 621 Chestnut St.? 1.6 Pedro Roger Triylar 800-328-1117. . • ( "oarmas on S1.00. Dstnouara a*. RepoX. ^686^9898 ; , hoi water, parking, laundry. C90fi 27SNHi7tL BEWs. R5IC. RTC. IRS. Your area. loll *ee , IVrc/ for Sl.15,000 on July. 20. , and enter a four digit NEED MORE money? Want lo holp olhors? As 6-9pm.••'.'. •' .: '•••" •' . - ' •'...; V800-88S-9778 ant H-S539 tor CUrrenl , 1 Ann M. Cnllaiian sold property at a BeautiControl Skin Carp and Imago Consul- ' "'tetngs. •'••..'. . '•; ' •''• •• '. selection number below tani you can do both I Part timo and full timo NUTLEY. 1 BEDROOM, 'renoutitBri.' Wi»W onal i^ barns formal \ Siilas Tor SI50,000 on Aiig: 1. . S APPRAISALS DIES. MEN'S,' LARGE SIZES. INFANT/. Security..Rooronces/Saj crrintg ttKsmJrt«ngrocm eaj initac**n tenoed OlV WEAL PRETEEN,' PETITE.. DANCEWEAR/ ' "' °' ' 201'992-05D4. y&a 2cargarace Ony Si37jOO0'WJ« see AEROBIC, MATERNrTY, OR ACCESSORIES 1570 Real Estate Appraisals 7 • r- Springfield • . . ; STORE. OVER 2000. NAME BRANDS., UNIOfO- EFFICIENCV,- iplue $25,900 TO $37,900. INVENTORY, TRAIN- ELD 1571 Why do you need ING. FIXTURES. GRAND OPENING. ETC.' Wesley K. and. "Sarah .-Kf Biirion •vaftoi' rental. 'For. .partjeatars p- 'OftII >m«l mrttitt* miuatfswti 'Hwtairti 49,' tjfw^i tth rt ^Vwti FT«n H ft Ces^axha *\Vaocsioe* area. * beorayro 2 5 1572 Who makes appraisals? sold properly ai 315 Norlhvlew Ter- fi1Z'-8B8-8555. . . • owr 2 ear gatape ««ial an new TOOI and race lo Howard Fcilcr for S285.000 UNION, four modem'rooms,'Tvwj't0mHy/nBnr ST^ Extras galore Hove nn co^dlion 1573 Valuation Process shoppino, transportotian. 5775 ."plus aitillifns. S2B9 3000 EvsnrngE s SSti Hef Sums on July IX, .. ' . • .... . '; ... ••••• iV, monjhs security "Anilbii 1574 Appraisal Report 1 6677SB3 '• •': • Matvii. W. Schwordj: sotfl-property-" ' ALTUAN ai'343 Mounlaln Ave., 10 Israel Con- , UNION IMMACULATE. nowlyrentwiKari .TJnri ••3©i-37i£a3a3:; SELLING THE HOME floor of iwo family nonr Urwort DonS7fi .grcsation for SI00,000,op July. 10...-: RENTAL •U7DCM. aEAN. oOck caoe W*i n aocqrity. Cnll aftorBprri gOB5 cdfittrn'tnw.ait'fT aeciaams, T terttt. ;lwiog rocirn wo p&oe 1300 Attracting A Buyer Samuel: and -Jiiyrte Tuchmari sold Ittirtt «it frtwrillni^; •nTiunr)B«^am Chrysler's premiiirrt sedan, the LHS Sedan, is aimed at buyers seeking innovative automo- ana' mutrf more • jl^it.ing S135.PO0. 1301 Determining properly at 552 Ash wood Koiid to "AM real estate advertised, herein Is. living room, Mltchtfn.'No pats.'5750ATTajnths>luB -iHr83**ewngs '' : tive design and practical luxury features blended with a high level of trend setting design; Offered with all the amenities expected in a large sedan, the Chrysler Cirrus became the A Selling Price subject to the Federal Fair Mbuslhg Act, Commercial pirisincc Company . for' : ' ''• . interibr*comfort, pertprmarice and fuel efficiency—rand.attractively.priced in the losc'ury car behchrnark design andvalue (ejader- in a class dominated by Japanese brands.in tiarms of which makoB.lt illegal'lo adveHlse any' 1302 The Open House .rau3ltgSS'.Wgi!! SME .'.. •^segment.1 •" '••••:''Y'-.;1.•'•... ':'!;•'• '•."•:.••:'.. •>-;;.;-:.-.'::,.'! ••. ':./v'-.':"': • '''•''•••"• •••'•'" ' '••"•:••' •'" -;' '$430,000.on July 17.' ' '•':•'. ..; prelerehca, llrnltatlon; or discrimination, . VAILSnURG-'STUDIO nporimont'nBar^jimlic. ; NEWfLY USTED V salep and image. The Cirrus has snagged many major automobile awards from national iransponation.. 'Non-Bntoker ;prolornni. '(Cglr 1303 Cleaning For(The Sale based on race, color, religion,'sex, handi* i'M.: i-ltr: Sinn" Wm>o»rfli'i 3-J! S«SiODra norw won 2 lull tains. •. n; -Sam : magazines, its market appeal, is expanded for 199$ with a 2;4 llte'r, engine^ ; cap, lamlllal .sialus, or .national iorigln, or: • 30i-4i6.6B43-nnd Innvo moasage: ., ;•.,: : t/Kll j^/i .yiai^fjltifi^ini. ttarciww?tS 'toots '.en loweiy st«i call d! 1304 First Impressions ; • '•-'..••••':\'/-~ •'•'.'• •'Summit •'"'••',-•';"'•.'. Irilentloh to make any :such .prelerohoe, . D-mp'im' 'Ov.'Mf'' it' tn••in.-nn' n'-ftifjiicwin• llrnltatlon, or. discrimination. . ,,'. ' .. •WEST •'ORANGE', ^"nwnw.-.'i iwtifnp ;Oli*Tr*l!rr...v.i •6'"'lli^ C^l »lt1iiy, •3C*,2r7.39SB. . pancy. Ron; reduction in1 ; 'Kenneth J. Schneider ciux sold "We. will not knowlngjy accept, any ad- nnnce work. Bi-lmpunl (SuuniBn*nnoHBn)rt»(p- ALTUAN Call 'Ioilnv! vertising for real estate which Is In violation .301-3W-SQ9S'.' properly at/10 lYrtiwood Rond .16 .of the law. All persons are hereby Informod . • 2p.m...or 8D'!m,-9D.~' ~ 1 '.WEST CBAMGE - selt'ins.-pies,tJiSllrP>U£ •M35IT5iR.Di5iDA.Pon panacea Marino IDS. :ham 'Pa'ricnte f • hwashor. corilrii-.hoii:-n'; wn^Kir rj'vnr'hnb^- the industry standard in style, interior room, safety and value. T 1 1 1 ,TThis ilorJnjjly '.inaint«lned home Don'iitii K. Lsrnj-rofil for $160,000 on IRV]tJG 'Ofi .fe'i F100MS, end floor., two' up, will' to Wfl ' Cirui ; o ' S'ftW. [)li'^'"rj Orpit! fcattuTs IJvinfi Room wilh Fireplace, July 14. • ' '••',; •/',..• . la'-ni'y. Si,K monin plus "own: oil heal, I'.'I ncio''bnrhoorl f •?CC Clf gOfl-flr.-'.-.'.MH.'' • mp^iis :, • MjLLDURN pR'ICE.-'flSO sounn.- '.-.:•' ••••smiii privato hijiio'r^n Kt/l.'iWirf:v ^i1,-! u:;si'iii'ir.n' (''C-n^v c;)r.'-''.v-a oopnMnioni wpu!o bo nappy 1 tc nc-1^ yev C.'i1: VRQ0-rifiJ-89M" D'olossionti' c"-r.n Cni Pi'.'.-lii':. .!?'" M s like th^ &hed e^rything up a notctu NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE RATES Lender, City, Phone !: 30YRFIXED;: 15 YB RIXED; . •.";.OTHER -'. FEE .il'RATE PTS APRBATE PTS APR RATE PTS APR As Rieky Robertson American Fed Mtg,Bound Brook Boo-7B7-2»ot too;i7,oo aloo 7.30 16.63 2^so 7.03 7.so a.DO 7.BI IB •American Savings Bk.Bloomfld ZOI-748-3800 350JI7.63 2 50 7.89 [7.t3 2.50 7.54 ia.7b oioro B.70 S s ay s o f t h e brand -Bankeri Savings, Perth Amboy ;OOB-.«42-^IOO 35o||7.63 2.75 7.9117.is 2.75 7.5B;4.so 3:oo 7;s2*

Capital Funding, Parsippany »oo-5B2-a7od. 0JJ7.88 0:0b .7.88 7.so 0:00 y.so |5.75 ;t.0D'6.uB/A "93 Aciia Integra GS new Saturns,"What s "92 Ford Taurus 0»» fatal UHrjpCw. .' .W Font Escort : 'SIOmyK-Haor Slue. 3 dr. hatch. -1 cyl. aulo.. P/S/B, Ma'uvi; 4 df.. 4 cyl. auto.. P/S/B/W Columbia SavinjgsBkSLA.Lindn aoo-062-4080 3oo;|7.3B 3.00 7.72'7.25 3.00 7.ss .7.25 1.00 7 ,.BD G Qieen. 4 dr.. .8 cyl.-auto.. IvsWW/Lfcs. Red metallic. 6 cyl. auto, P/S/- BlueA*Me.2dr,8cyl.aijio,P/&B I A/C. llnl alass.rr. del/., rr. wiper. A/C, llnl glass, fr. delr.. Int! wipers.' /Lks/MI, A/C. tint gUss,«: deit,, int. B/W/lkiA/C. tint glass, n. "•• VIN(NGI58B72.. " • ' ' cruise. 34,936 mi. VIN/M8I96756 VHUUF127852 •,•.'• •' VINWJO0O03.. ..••:. Corestates Mortgage Services BOO-OOO-3BBS 2So,i7.i3 3.00 7.5b 6.63 3.00 7.20 6.00 t'.ob B..7.A.A $5995 $13,995 $14,495 have more passenger First Fidelity Bank 300-435-7332 375 ;7.25 3.00 7.58 16.75 3.00 7,26 s.ts 3.00 a.24 A ytt laser RS "94 Chevy eamaroZ-28 •94 Chevy LuntaaAPV *93 Chevy AsJro van Exi First Savings Bank SLA, Edison 003-225-4450 350:8.00 0.00 8.007.38 o.oo 7.38 7.00 O:OD 7.B0 c •93 Geo Metro Teal blue. 3 dr, hatch, 4 cVI- 5-spU, • Dark green, t-lop. 8 cyl, auto., lad- P/S*W/lks.' A/C, llnl glass, (f;-delr..- . It- B'een. £ cvl. 4Wo.j P/S/aW- Extended: taji msuic. 6 cyl iuo ;White. 4fjr.. 3 cyl. auto...P/S/B. A7C. warr,:P/S/B/W/lks, «c, |inTrjliss"ji" room. The ex!eridr is lks/Sl.. A/C. tint glass, ii.delf.. Int. Genesis Mtge Svcs,E.Brunswick OOB-257-5700 375|7.25 3.06 7.56;6.75 3.00 7.23 S.so 3.00 B.UB A llnl glass, rr. dull., AWFM. 4,0,540 Int. wipers, AM/FM slereo cass, lilt, P/S/B, A/C. lint glass', m. *ip»i. telr.. Int. wipweriAM/FM stereo -wipwers, MMU stereo cass. I* ' mlVINPJ7611j; •;• cfuisrtrsuniool. 39,607 ml.—.•••'• .•••7cass'.,lih,criiise.'24,3l5tni.;.". AMTM stereo cass. 41.675 mi. Gentry Mortgage, Inc . 806^287 ~ 0034 3507.75 t. bo 7.85 7.2s 1.00 7.41 :5.2s t. ooa. 33 A. .:, VllrtNf145B73.' . ' cruise. 40.333 mi. VWRI104462.' 1 WN

Kentwood Financial Services 800-353-8808 (50(7.63 0.00 7.63 7.25 6.00 7.25 N/P N/P N/P "92 Fort Tempo ^3 Jeep Cherokee •94ChevyCaraller • ^92 Cadillac Ektoado' •92GMCSafari Even the seatbelts Red metallic. 4 dr.. 4 cyl.'aulo, Green.selecu-lrax tad.wrr.4 Lehigh Savings Bank SLA,Union00B-0B6-0003 3507.50 2.00 7.77 erfia 3.00-7.46 !6.75 2.00 7.20 E Red. lid wan.. 4 dr., 4 cyl. aulo., Pearl whiuj, 2-dr.i 8 cyl. aulo,, Gray, extended body, 1 tass, 6 cyl. P/S/B. A/C, tint glass, rr.dclr.! int. *,6cyt.auto. P*aw.lks/Ant. VS/a/lks, A/C. lint rjlass. rr. delr.. ml VS/FW«/Lks/SI/Anl,,'A(C, llnl glass, rr. auto, FVSIBrWLte. A/C. lint Jlass. ml: wipers. AM/FM, .biickdl (Is. 38,271 A/C. lint rjUssir. deli tnt wp«rs Midlantic Bank, N.A. BOO-274-0703 ,N/p.7.38 2.75 7.67 |6.63 '3.00 7.13'4.63 3.00 B. 16 A , wlpets; AM/FM slereo cass,, lilt: delr., int. wipers, AM/FM slereo cass:, wiotrs. AMffM stereo ciss.. lilt • • ml. yiN#NK1d903)'. , • AMTU stereo cass. M.' cruse. criino: 20,547 ml..VIN/H72BOOOO, lilt, cruise, 50.454 mi' VIN*NJ620588. cciitea. 56,739 ml. WWNB5334O7. adjust more easily. f> Morgan Carlton'Fihl.Ridgewood BOO-562-87IO o:7.ts 2.88 7.34 i6,63 2.B8 6.84 '3.60 2.BB 4.3c A 17 Ml mi. MNIPt602O46 $9795 $18,495 $13,995 - $16,495 Natwost Home Mortgage.•••• 8oo-BB8-676t 3757 ."25 3.00 7.56 6.8B 3.00 7.38 5.00 ?.so N/P A Admittedly, there ; •91 Bulck Road Master Wagon •.' .''V':.i3''v.j-,:.' •92 Dodge Dynasty U "94 Range Rover County Now Century Mtge, E.Brunswick OOB-3OO-48OO 370;7;25 3.00 7.56 I6.75 3.00 7.05 s.25 ago •LS2.&. •93 Chevy S-10 Blazer ,LJ. bTuo, 4 dr.t^cvl^-aurp. — .Gray,!«t!n,f.ilil,,]jts,18cyUulo,, Green. 4 dr.6 cyl. auto.P/SB/W/Uis: Green, Un lealWf ml, 4 d/ € cyl. ' $T^' /S/flW/lkAffi;dl:lfl t ^B/Wlks/SVAnl.,AWW slereo •91O Premier Mortgage, Union OOB-«87-2OOO 375-6.88 3,00 N/p J6.63 3.00 N/P ;5.50 0.00 N/P A 1i A/C.tml glass.n. defr, rr.\iiper. int. auto,,P/SawlkiSl/'Ant. W. tlnl are ^a" f e w t h ing s !i'••'-'•;•'' wipois, AW'fM stereo cass, lilt.' .cass,lill. cruise, 53.486 ml.' wipers. AM/FM slereo cass, lilt. gliss. rr. delr.. int. mtpers, AUFU Provident Savings Bank • Boo-448-77as 350:7:2s 3.00 7.56 '6.75 3.007.22 N/P N/C N/P cruiso. 42.297 ml VIN/NDWJ02 VINU1W4DI963: cruise.74,085 nil. VWP2I24S59 slereo cass. Ml. moon rool. nuse 37.387 mi. yill{RAS40989, PulsoS.ayiogsBank.South River O0B-2S7-2400 35b'7.so 0.00 7.50 7.00 0,00 7.00 5.75 i,oDli!"!a Ai $7995 $10,995 $7485 $14^95 ,995 that we di'dn t change-: They're still a pleasure Rahway Savings Institution OOB-SSS-ISOO 32Sa B.13 0.00 8,t3j.7.38 0.00 7.38 N/P N/P N/P I! •92 Chevy umlna •92BUicklBSabreCustDm| Sourco.Ono Mtgo Svcs.Crnfrd. BOO-B7O -4es7 300 6.SO S.OQ 6.65: N/P N/P N/P 7.25 0.00 7.31 II. bins, 4d(i6.cyl, auto., P/S/U. Silver, 4 df, 6 Cyl. auto, to own and, from all reports, still real fun to A/C, tint rj lass. if. delr.-lnt. wipers, P/s/B/Mks/St, A/C.tint glass, If.: ! 4 CAMS WAI GET YOU Union Center Nat'l Bank, Union ooB-eaa-osoo 35oi;7.3a 2.63 7.65, ;6.63 3.25 7.15 7.25 0.00 7.2s j AM/FM. 51.374 ml.VIN*NI1O2I62. loir, ml. wipers, AM/fM slereo cass, I :iuiie.49.6(18mi:VimNH42l188,l United Jersey Bk.RidgefieldPk BOO-O32-OBH 32517.25 3.00 7.56J6.75 3.00 7.24, is. 75 i.so 7.B5.M $7995 $11,495 drive. Oh, and Valley National Bank, Wayne 800-522-4100 45o':7.75 0.00 7.8i'!j7.25 o.bp 7.35 7.C5 o;oo 7.73 Q.I •92 Me* Road Master Wagon See Multi and enter to win a "92 Mercuy Topaz GS West EsSOX Bank, FSB , 201 -575-70B0 375c 7.75 0.50 7.8Qij7.25 0.50 7.33;j7.38 0.50 7.BB G • " Gray, 8 cyl. aulo, • • • . our cupholders. Oaih blue. 4 dr., G cyl. aulo.. P/S/Q. 'S/aW/Lks/SI/Anl,- A/C. lint glass, rr. I '95 Geo Metro with your donation of W.F.S. Mortgago.Warren ', 00B-534-1004 017.75 0.00 7.7s!i7.38 0.00 7.38'is.63 0.00 N/P .A AC tint rjlass. iMlelr,, ml, wipeis, delr. ml, wipers, AM/fM slereo cass,,. four or more cans of food to the UrVFM:.ZO.737.mt. VINf NBOipiSiL] 1485M i«INNWH63 Community Food&ank of New Jersey! $7995 $13,995 'lixAiiiljiirlyipsUiiuMMtliLi 1996 SatunrSLI dlnJ oil Suliinii'l- of K/-l: f l-i p *\ "a are one feature uv Ayv i^ii new have to IIM. ilhmifacltirer',* Stii/i/eMerf S [dy e Q L n e S d UlC) (P)Con.l,LO.n(O,S0Y,B*..My(R),.lT,,n.Buy.,. Con. ,s,Hom. Eq i, ,T,HMFA Now pn0 Of Tri-state'S Larsest-Vblurae Discount €hevy/Geo Dealers! T(h 1 1 f7Of'l R't'ttl Mce'-bicluiit.t; telaiUr pre/Himlion niii) T Y fb I J./oO '""'•'/""•'""•""•7''-v' /"•<•''."•.>/"';"'•"»"' •nait- too. Hope to 7 flUftmlly homos', •""" '• '. • •'.:,' » ' -•- Lvr^.J-fl'..,WJ .. required Hjuipitie.nl at'OHlimnl. kadi retail ' •-•• - ••Jr- • F^H .P.R.Conl.oH.hd.r.toc.lculai.dAnnu .„, MINIM-UM 45-60 DAY RATE LOCK Jticility b re.t/ioiU'iRe lor ,ielliiit) il,i own ivltiiii/ price, which may differ fivin r Qg| R«ta» im aupplM by Ih. Undoi u>d ar fc.dtapkyinfl Worm.bon^POW coo (be price Mi/^leihiLv.Ql^ Saturn L\ujnitloii, J oQQ VOU SOOn

CHEVROLET-GEO SATURN OF UNION Coop«,«tl>MMort|).B.In«o,m^o0- A»B|BM,n«~t«~d. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SATURN RETAILER 2675 ROUTE 22 W.f (JNION 908-686-280^ 2675 VOm 22 WEST; UNION 1-908686-2810 . Prtce(s) 4rx:lude(s) all coats to bo paid by consumer, except for licensing, registration and taxes. A DII i I-KI.AT KIND of COMPANY. A DIFKURKNT KIWD of CAR.

-•• i, ri-

r^ J :,_ AUTO FOB SALE AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE . 1991.ACURA LEGEND. Low mileage. 37.000 AUTO FOR SALE miles' CD, phone, loalher, air conditioner, moon -19O3-MA2OA MIATA, 5 spoed. AM'FM cas- 1993 SATURN' SLi, 40K miles, power AUTO-WANTED roof. Mint; Original owner. Firm $16,500. softoCD, air, rollbar, fiberglass boot, 14.600 ' windows' doors, anti-lock brakes, Excellent 1987 VOLKSWAGON FOX Wagon 5 speed, sir 20i -762- 7274. miles. M.nt. $14,000 negotiable, 201-379-7595 condition. Wairanloed 10 75K. $11 000 or boil conditioned, new paint, tires, battery, needs day/ evening. _. work, $1200 or best oiler. Call.201-377-.06Q3- WE BUY:.CARS_ •-AUTOSPE'C«r:T221.00lor"To wijeks prepaid. • 19fl3 VOLVO 240 SEDAN. Mmf, factory main- 1992- 190 MERCEDES fully loaded,' 30,000 1 AUTO ACCESSORIES Gall Classified for details. 800-561-8911.,891 . , SEIZED CARS from. $175. Porsche's, Cadil- tained, alrconditioning, AM'FM cassette. Many miles. Asking $18.500 lirm. Call 908-686-5438. r Any model, Any year lacs. Chovys.OMWs, Corvettes, also Jeops 4 • upg Bd6s: heated seats, alloy wheels, snow TRUCK CAP Light silvor fiberglass wuh lift-up 1989 BMW 5351, .4 door, automatic, fully • whool drives. Your area. Toll free roar dpor and side windows- oil of Nfissan loaded, sun roof. Excellent condition. Musi soil. 1984 MERCEDES. 280-S. large body, gor- • tires. $14,900. 201-564-7583, For Top $$$ goous red. sun roof, gas. 131.000 milos. Runs .. 1-800.808-9778 Ext. A-5139 for current Pick-up. FIIB 76% " bod. $200/ best olfor, Cnll $14,000 or beit oiler. Call 908-686-6673. listings. • • . . 90B?3?:7185, botwoon 10am-8pm. .woll. Musi sell. $7,400. Nogoilable. 1992 VOLVO 960 WAGON, oxcollont condl- 201-926-1700 1985 CADILLAC SEVIILLC ROADSTER. 201-763-2316. , tion, now tires, brakes, tune-up, dealer serv- SUBARU WAGON 1988. A wheel drive, air 69,000 miles, new. alrconditioning, brakes,. conditioning, 6tnndnrd, power windows, a/m-f/ iced, white with leather Interior, 36K . $18,000, water pump, radiator.. Excellent condition,. -1985 MERCURY COUGAR. 2 door, blue, fully AUTO DEALERS -m.cassotu). 98,000 milos. Some rust. Runs 908-273-81M. . '... . ,'. . $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ — $2.7O0/ Call 908-351-7802. • '. ^Joadcd,isuniooL-aiarm-6y6iem, 81,000 milos. • Good condition. $2.300. Call 908-687-6522, .. gront Asking $1,500. 201-731-9589. Leave a SMYTHE VOLVO mossnno. . • 1078 CADILLAC'ELDORADO BIARRITZ. AUTO PARTS/REPAIR For Your Junk Car EXCLUSIVE . • 64.00-.0 milos, now carpot.and.mats, Mochanl: 1985 NISSAN STANZA. Airconditioning, all 24 Hour Service. Cali: ' cally sound. Beaulllul condition. $3,000. Call . power^ AM-FMstproocassotte. Original pwnor. '.1085 TOYOTA SUPRA. Automatic, alrcoridl- M/OLVO DEALER •_•. .'908-351.7802. • , , • ... -. ; 100,000 rnilos.' E_Kcello.ni condition. Coll - Honing, o!ivm. AM' FM stereo cassette, alumi-- : K&M COLLISION INC. ._'.. 326 Morris Avonue ,Summit --0OB-688-3760'.'"" , ' num whools, now tiros, biJckot seats. 82 000 Complete body repair. Custom Colors and. 1971 CARGO VAN, now brakes, now tiros, vory mifos. $-(.500. 20W62-1OO7. ' • Painting. FrameStralghtonino with laser accu- ~ 908^688-7420 1993 NISSAN MAXIMA, black, spori package,- (908L 273-4200 ; nico-conditioni -$1800 or-bost'olfor, Call' racy.. All makes_and_rnodakT- foreign and -: " 908-289-7268. . oxcdllont condition", garnge kopt, air- - d0rVi'6sli'c."Moderii Palntlnrj and Baking Equip- AUTHORIZED conditioning, mnnual transmission, AM'FM 1909'TOYOTA TERCEL. Automatic 2-door FACTORY SERVICE '..Cils'sotfD, 45K. $15,000. Call 669-5937. ; bluo, nl.-irm, nirconditionlng, AM'FM radio,' ment. Free Estimates. Towing Available. 1046 1991 CHEVY CAMARO Convertible- bright. 80.000 milos. runs' woll. cloan intorior,$3000/ Eost Elizabeth Avenue, Linden. M-F 8am-5pm.._- . red,: all-powor, Z-28 orJiions, whoeis, disc, LONG TERM LEASING no(|Qliahlc.'Call 201.669-1008. ' ' . alarm, •39,000k, Raro • car.' Mint, garagod. 1983. OLPSMOBILE'98 LIMOUSINE. 45" Salurdayr8am-1prTiiAsk for Stevon. , . $15.000, 908-241-8044, • strotch. Every possible option including VCR, 1 908-925-5550 moQnroof.:. Estatb car.- Novor.' usod commor- 1004. TOYOTA TERCEL Hatchback. Stick , 83.000 milos. Now transmission and battery' —t963CHEVY. CORVETTE SlTrigtSyTJonvonJ;' cmlly. .$3.950, Call 201-763-1001.' ' . ..' WINDSHIELD CRACKED? Save hundreds ol |l REBUBLT AMFM cissfitto. Air conditlonlno $1 500 dollars by not replacing III Accepted by NJ • I • bio. 327-350 ongine, 4-spood transmission, 201-762.-1423. u .»i.oyu. red/ black, white top. Excellent shape. Driyor, 1982 OLDSMOBILE DELTA B8 Brougham.'. DMV. Repairs made at your location by ap- ll $20,000, negotiable, 908-688-8020. Ono owner, garago kopt, oxcollent condition, polntpient.. Windshield Weld: 201-992-0955. II TRANSMISSION loadod, 86,000 milos. $2,000 or best oiler. Call 19B6 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLI, 72K auto- mntic. powpr windows/ locks, sunrool JVC 1.985 CHEVY MONTE Carlo.' V-6. bluo. powor 908-607.7302. , . . . • storoo-cassoiiil, alloy rimsi charcoal 'orov rr : : windows, auiso control, oir-cbnditionor, 81,000 V 1977 OLDSMOBILE REGENCY 98. Excellent. -. $3000. 201-762-5976. : • ° ' AUTO WANTED :~~ " milos. Vory clean, funs good. $2,100. nogoli- 1 , able. 908-686-9036. j . • ' running: Evbrythlng works. All power, stored, ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH air, Groat lookorl One owner',. Impeccably 1901 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Carat. 70,000 nvlos. aulomnlic, black, sun roof, loaded 1983. COUPE DEVILLE ono owner, vory cloan 'mnlnl.ii.ndd. $15OQ, 201-748-9647. For All 4 Whoel Drlv«s I In/ out, garago kopt. 88k milos. Now yoguo tiros, Irrimnculain condition. $7,500; Cali custom spoke wheels,' all otocjnc. Asking 1987 PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE. iightbTu'o,'4 " CARS/TRUCKS »ncrVANS \. ' $2750. Call.201-375-2299 alter. 7pm or door, automatic, AM'FM enssotte, air- '1990 VOLKSWAGEN CABRIOLET converti- 201-344 i931. , .'•• : •conditioning. Asking $2100!: Call W6, atjtomntic, air, storoo cassette, rod/1 white •'•• g0V7:1':61?7^ •' '• ' ' : FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS; ' ! ' 1984 DODGE 0MN/..4 door, automatic, powor ' roof, oxcoNoni. condition, 70k miles. Askino ' 'stooring, fllrconoVtiqninfj, AM'FM radio. Runs '1(189 PONTIACiGRAND PRIX.'. AN, powor, $10,500. .908-316^018? ftllor 4pm.. ' ', . ' won! Mflny now parts. Asking $850. Call airconditionihg. AM'FM stereo cassetiG, Clean, .1069 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE, not ' 1-800-953-9328 - ! • '' 908-862-7932. - ,.••'"••" oxcollont condition, low miloa'no. Now Micho- running, complolO; good for parts, $400. Call. Im's: Asking.S5.500, P01-503-0406- • " '. • 1983O0DGE Ram Van, OS.OOO.milos. $i;bob or best offer.- Coll aftor 5'pm, 908-273-7368. .1.091 SAAB 000 TURBO-' Loathor Iritorlor,' moon roof, cassette; automatic, midnight blue; .YOUR AD.could ap'poar rioro'for as little.as .ALL AREAS, Essoil,• Union County. Doad DREAM MACHINES . look fo 514,00 por wook, Call tar moro details Our 53,000 milos, (movod to N.Y.C.). . 1 '1960-1970 Junks, $20 • $100. Lnlo modol | ovod . Inondly classiliod department would be h'abov a Parting' ad or call Classified a 908-333-2993.. ..', " : [•:'...-• 'disabled cars,^trucks. $100 - $1,000. $ paid II at 800-564-8911. to holp you. Call,1.B00-564-89n ' • cash. 7 days. Pickodup; Bob:'201-256-2893: •' ' YOUR AD could appear hero for'as lltilo a> $14.00 perweek.' Call for: more details. Our FREE Information! ALL ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE friendly classified department would be happy, to holo vou. Call 1'800-564.8911.' '• . • ' CALL MAJOR OVERHAUL Kit & LABOR. .1986 FORD LTD whgon.: V.6.'3.8 ongino, (BOB) 686-9898 HARD PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED. powor brnkos, sloonrig windows, air, am'fm. REMANUFACTUREO Cloan, 'good condition, $1900. Bost blfor. and enter a four digit Clulchcs S Standard Transmissions 201-JJ0-3419. •••- •••'•' ; • • •'• •• selection number below' We Also Do All Types 01 1978.FORD THUNDERBIRD' r-KC.ollo.nl run- ENGINES ning condition. 103,000 milos. now paint, tiros, Automatic foreign Transmissions SIC; Interior liko.pow. $1500. Call 'a'toMpm,'• SHOPPING 0.08-336-181S'. ,- ;. •-• . ' :'. .'..•'•..••.•• ••• i 6 Months Unlimited Mileage I' HOfJDA PRELUDE'.1988. Rod with charcoal FOR A CAR intorior. Powor. stooring, powor brakos, air . I TRANSMISSIONRANSMISSIONS I conditioning, moon rool. 65,000 milos; S6995. 1200 Call-20.1-564-6470.'.'."•' ' • '' ' •• Fuel Efficiency ONLY 1201 I TUNE UP 1991.HYUNDAI EXCEL',.Excolloni condition- How Much To Spend 2-door hatchback, 5-spood. 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