FOUR KEY PILLARS Increase accessibility Embed disability Develop and maintain Enhance education, for people with inclusion across relationships with training and 1 disabilities. 2 all areas of the 3 key stakeholders. 4 awareness. business. Foreword

Australian Football has the capacity to bring people and communities together like few others. Our game is inclusive, safe and fun – it can and should be enjoyed by everyone and AFL NSW/ACT is committed to making it accessible at every level. This Disability Action Plan has been created to ensure that we are providing genuine opportunities for people with disabilities to enjoy all aspects of Australian Rules Football and share in its possibilities across NSW and ACT. Anyone who has had the privilege of attending the AFL’s National Inclusion Carnival understands that sharing the vast possibilities of this great game with everyone is not simply an option, it is an imperative. At AFL NSW/ACT we are privileged to work with passionate clubs, volunteers and players who care deeply about our game. As an organisation, we are committed to working with all of our key stakeholders to make this game more inclusive for people with disabilities. Embedding the Disability Action Plan will take patience, time and consideration from all parties and stakeholders involved in our game. We must work hard together to increase accessibility for all people with disabilities who want to be involved in our game and share in its great and vast possibilities. We will work across all areas of our organisation and ensure that the necessary training, education and awareness is enhanced across our network through our trusted stakeholders. I look forward to working with you all as we put our Disability Action Plan into practice.

Yours in football, Sam Graham CEO AFL NSW/ACT Objective One: Increase accessibility for people with disabilities

Major Initiative Key Action Measurable Outcome Responsibility Time Frame

Develop AFL Disability • Identify 4-8 junior clubs in Sydney to deliver • Minimum 4 Sydney-based clubs committed Sydney Harbour 2019 Junior Competition inclusion competition • 1 Gala day per club delivered (AFL ran) Department • Host Gala days with each club’s involvement to promote • 6-week competition delivered the 6-week Disability Junior Competition • Deliver 6-week competition for junior age players with an intellectual disability

Deliver the AFL NSW/ACT Rams • Manage AFL NSW/ACT Inclusion team • Team of 16 attend the carnival Community Football 2019 Inclusion team • Maintain 2019 budget at increased 2018 levels • Sponsorship/funding received Support Manager • Secure government and/or commercial support for the AFL NSW/ACT team

Host 2019 AFL National Inclusion • Submit and tender to host 2019 AFL National Inclusion • Securing hosting rights Community Football 2019 Carnival in Sydney Carnival at Blacktown International Sportspark • Secure support from Blacktown City Council and Executive • Secure commercial and government support for the • Secure $50,000 in government support and/or Department 2019 Inclusion Carnival sponsorship to host the event • Form Working Party to support the delivery of the carnival • Establish Inclusion Carnival Local Organising Committee

Deliver integrated school programs • Align integrated classes to current program • Conduct school programs at 4 interested schools Participation Manager 2020 delivery within schools within designated regions • Promote disability strategy to ambassador networks to raise awareness around club disability programs

Integrate special schools into • Host regional specific non-competitive trials • Special schools attend skill session as part of Participation Manager 2020 Paul Kelly Cup • Invite Sydney Special Schools to 2019 Paul Kelly Cup to regional days in 2019 and Schools and participate in an exhibition match • Host an exhibition match in 2019 Paul Kelly Cup Universities Manager • Minimum 4 special schools committed to 2020 Paul Kelly Cup

Ensure Compliance with Australian • Understand and incorporate Australian Accessibility • AAS questions included in Sports Facility Auditor Facilities Department 2020 Accessibility Standards Standards (AAS) into facilities planning • Understand how many community football facilities • Lobby National AFL Facilities and Project Manager to align with AAS incorporate base-level disability standards into Sports • Community facility plans align with AAS Facility Audit • Guidelines developed and communicated • Establish guidelines for clubs to consider when planning to all clubs in NSW/ACT facility upgrades Objective Two: Embed disability inclusion across all areas of the business

Major Initiative Key Action Measurable Outcome Responsibility Time Frame

Ensure disability inclusion is captured • Incorporate into Business Strategy planning process • Captured in the business-wide key priorities Executive Team 2019 in the organisational-wide priorities

Ensure disability inclusion • Disability-related priority included in each department priorities • Captured in the department and/or regional Executive Team and 2019 is captured in the key priorities Regional Managers department priorities

Establish disability inclusion • Confirm KPI relevant to each department with respective • KPIs in place for each department Executive Team and 2021 related KPIs Executive Team member Regional Managers • KPI to be implemented in partnership with respective manager

Explore resourcing needs and • Map out initiative and resourcing required to deliver • Relationships formed with potential partners Executive Team 2021 potential funding opportunities high-quality programs • Obtain necessary funding to support resourcing needs • Identify potential funding partners (government/not for profit/corporate) Objective Three: Establish and maintain relationships with key stakeholders

Major Initiative Key Action Measurable Outcome Responsibility Time Frame

Build relationships with local • Connect and build relationships with local and • Invite relevant state/local minister to an Inclusion State Manager – 2019 and state government state government departments with focus on Minister Working Party meeting Government, Diversity for Sport and Minister for Disability • Minister for disability/Minister for Sport to be invited and Infrastructure • Build a contact list of interested government parties to attend AFL NSW/ACT Inclusion Rams event and other disability inclusion events • Host one corporate functions for disability stakeholders per annum • Offer 2 AFL Grand Final tickets to Minister for Disability

Develop and enhance partnerships • Identify key disability contact within each club • Establish meeting framework with each club Sydney Harbour and 2019 with the and • Understand the current and future role of the AFL clubs • Partner on club-led initiatives Western Sydney GWS GIANTS in the disability inclusion space • Gain club support on AFL-led initiatives Regional Managers • Continue and enhance support for AFL NSW/ACT Inclusion Rams team

Identify relevant media opportunities • Establish key media moments for relevant activities • Engage in media which have an active interest State Manager 2019 • Set up key point contact with relevant media which have within the sport/disability sphere – Media and an interest in relevant activities • Create meaningful stories on activities in local, Communication regional and national media • Set up formal media partner for Inclusion Carnival if possible

Drive development of a national • Present AFL NSW/ACT Disability Action Plan • Development of National Disability Action Plan Community Football 2019 Disability Action Plan at National Diversity Planning Day • Alignment to AFL NSW/ACT Disability Action Plan Department • Provide input into development of National Disability Action Plan

Identify and engage integrated • Establish a list of special schools & integrated classes • Regular communication channels established Participation Manager 2020 schools network throughout NSW/ACT • Development staff to contact identified schools

Identify and align with Disability • Audit of DSO/DSSOs in NSW and ACT • Invite relevant one DS0/DSSO to attend Inclusion State Manager – 2021 Services Organisations (DSO)/ • Establish disability partners Working Party meeting Government, Diversity Disability State Service • Establish relationships with DSO/DSSOs • Funding/support secured for Inclusion Carnival and Infrastructure Organisations (DSSO) • Identify shared initiatives team for 2 years and Community • Establish minimum of one shared initiative Football Support Manager

Develop and enhance relationships • Identify list of relevant organisations • Establish MOU with one Disability Employment Agency Human Resource 2021 with disability employment agencies • Meet with disability employment agencies Manager • Agree on objectives for possible partnership Objective Four: Increase education, training and awareness

Major Initiative Key Action Measurable Outcome Responsibility Time Frame

Develop and deliver disability • Deliver disability inclusion session during • Disability Inclusion Training delivered to 60% of Community Football 2019 education to community leagues 2019 Education Roadshow NSW/ACT clubs Support Manager and clubs • Promote All Play Football website • 2 x social media posts per year about the • Increase awareness of the benefits of disability inclusion All Play Football website • All Play Football resources promoted in the Beyond the Boundary newsletter 4 times during the season

Create promotional materials for • Create generic flyer for clubs to promote club • Generic Flyer distributed to all clubs with an Brand Coordinator 2019 new disability competitions/ disability program inclusion program programs/products • Identify clubs on for those who offer • Relevant clubs are identified as Disability Inclusive a disability program programs on

Establish an annual Disability • Introduce Disability Ambassador award into the • 1 state winner awarded the Disability Ambassador Community Football 2019 Volunteer/Ambassador Award Community Football Volunteer Awards program of the Year Support Manager

Deliver disability education and • Keynote speaker at All Staff conference • Identify guest speaker to present at a state conference Human Resource 2019 training sessions to staff • ‘Lunch and Learn’ Disability session • 1 ‘Lunch and Learn’ session (annually) Manager • Deliver specific education to development staff • 1 education session to program staff (annually)

Provide community football • Celebrate case studies • 2 social media posts celebrating disability inclusion Umpire Development 2021 volunteer positions for individuals • Create and promote club umpire opportunities in the community club space Manager with disabilities • Publicise volunteer opportunities on social media, • 10% increase in people with disabilities volunteering websites, newsletters at club level (Annual volunteer survey) • 4 umpires with disabilities appointed