ARTICLE OPEN Variational consistent histories as a hybrid algorithm for foundations

Andrew Arrasmith 1,2, Lukasz Cincio1, Andrew T. Sornborger3, Wojciech H. Zurek1 & Patrick J. Coles1

Although quantum computers are predicted to have many commercial applications, less attention has been given to their potential for resolving foundational issues in quantum . Here we focus on quantum computers’ utility for the Consistent Histories

1234567890():,; formalism, which has previously been employed to study , quantum paradoxes, and the quantum-to-classical transition. We present a variational hybrid quantum-classical algorithm for finding consistent histories, which should revitalize interest in this formalism by allowing classically impossible calculations to be performed. In our algorithm, the quantum computer evaluates the decoherence functional (with exponential speedup in both the number of and the number of times in the history) and a classical optimizer adjusts the history parameters to improve consistency. We implement our algo- rithm on a cloud quantum computer to find consistent histories for a in a magnetic field and on a simulator to observe the emergence of classicality for a chiral molecule.

1 Theoretical Division, MS 213, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. 2 Department of Physics, University of California Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA. 3 Information Sciences, MS 256, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.J.C. (email: [email protected])


he foundations of (QM) have been history could be the photon passed through one slit in the first Tdebated for the past century1,2, including topics such as grating, another slit in the second, and so on. Clearly, we find the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) paradox, hidden- interference between such histories unless there is some sense in variable theories, Bell’s Theorem, Born’s rule, and the role of which the photon’s path has been recorded. As there is inter- measurements in QM. This also includes the quantum-to- ference, we cannot add the of the different histories classical transition, i.e., the emergence of classical behavior classically and expect to correctly predict where the photon (objectivity, irreversibility, lack of interference, etc.) from quan- strikes the screen. tum laws3–5. The CH framework provides tools for determining when a The Consistent Histories (CH) formalism was introduced by family (i.e., a set that sums to the multi-time identity ) of α Griffiths6, Omnès7, Gell-Mann, and Hartle to address some histories F¼fYg exhibits interference, which is not always (though not all) of the aforementioned issues8. One inventor obvious. In this framework, one defines the so-called class considered CH to be “the Copenhagen interpretation done operator right”6, as it resolves some of the paradoxes of QM by enforcing α α α α C ¼ P k ðt ÞP kÀ1 ðt Þ ¼ P 1 ðt Þ; ð2Þ strict rules for logical reasoning with quantum systems. In this k k kÀ1 kÀ1 1 1 ’ formalism, the Copenhagen interpretation s focus on measure- which is the time-ordered product of the projection operators ments as the origin of probabilities is replaced by probabilities for (now in the and hence explicitly time α sequences of events (histories) to occur, and hence by avoiding dependent) in history Y . If the system is initially described by measurements it avoids the . The sets of a ρ, the degree of interference or overlap between α α′ histories whose probabilities are additive (as the histories do not histories Y and Y is interfere with each other) are considered to be consistent and are ÀÁ α α′ thus the only ones able to be reasoned about in terms of classical Dðα; α′Þ¼Tr C ρ C y : ð3Þ and logic7. Regardless of one’s opinion of the philosophical interpretation This quantity is called the decoherence functional. The (on which this paper is agnostic), this computational framework consistency condition for a family of histories F is then has proven useful in applications such as attempting to solve the ReðDðα; α′ÞÞ ¼ 0; 8α≠α′: ð4Þ cosmological measure problem9,10, understanding quantum 11 If and only if this condition holds do we say that Dðα; αÞ is the jumps , and evaluating the arrival time for particles at a detec- α tor12–14. One of the main reasons that this framework has probability for history Y . For computational convenience, we not received more attention and use is that carrying out will instead work with a stronger condition28: the calculations for non-trivial cases (e.g., discrete systems of Dðα; α′Þ¼0; 8α≠α′; ð5Þ appreciable size or continuous systems that do not admit approximate descriptions by exactly solvable path integrals) can As we are presenting a numerical algorithm, it will also be be difficult11,15. Although numerical approaches have been useful to consider approximate consistency, where we merely attempted16,17, they require exponentially scaling resources as insist that the interference is small in the following sense: either the number of times considered or the system size grows. α; α′ 2 ε2 α; α α′; α′ ; α≠α′; This makes classical numerical approaches unusable for any but jDð Þj  Dð ÞDð Þ 8 ð6Þ the simplest cases. which guarantees that probability sum rules for F are satisfied With the impending arrival of the first noisy intermediate-scale ε30 18 fi within an error of . quantum computers , the eld of variational hybrid quantum- To study consistency arising purely from decoherence (i.e., classical algorithms (VHQCAs), which make the most of short records in the environment), researchers have proposed quantum circuits combined with classical optimizers, has been a functional that instead takes a over E, which is taking off. VHQCAs have now been demonstrated for a myriad of (a subsystem of) the environment31,32: tasks ranging from factoring to finding ground states, among ÀÁ 19–26 α; α′ αρ α′y : others . The VHQCA framework potentially brings the Dptð Þ¼TrE C C ð7Þ practical applications of quantum computers years closer to fi fruition. With this modi cation, the consistency condition is Here we present a scalable VHQCA for the CH formalism. Our D ðα; α′Þ¼0; 8α≠α′; ð8Þ algorithm achieves an exponential speedup over classical methods pt both in terms of the system size and the number of times con- where 0 is the zero matrix. Instead of only signifying the lack of sidered. It will allow exploration beyond toy models, such as the interference, partial-trace consistency singles out whether or not quantum-to-classical transition in mesoscopic quantum systems. the records of the histories in the environment interfere. It is We implement this algorithm on IBM’s superconducting noteworthy that the full-trace condition of Eq. (5) is satisfied quantum processor and obtain results in good agreement with when this partial-trace consistency is satisfied, but the converse theoretical expectations, suggesting that useful implementations does not hold31. of our algorithm may be feasible on near-term quantum devices. With this formalism in hand, we can now see why classical numerical schemes for CH have faced difficulty. For example, Results consider histories of a collection of n spin-1/2 particles for k time Consistent histories background. In the CH framework27–29,a steps, depicted in Fig. 1. The number of histories is 2nk and hence α history Y is a sequence of properties (i.e., projectors onto the there are ~22nk decoherence functional elements. Furthermore, … α; α′ appropriate subspaces) at a succession of times t1 < t2 < < tk, evaluating each decoherence functional element Dð Þ requires α α α α the equivalent of a Hamiltonian simulation of the system, i.e., the 1 ; 2 ; ¼ ; k ; n n Y ¼ðP1 P2 Pk Þ ð1Þ multiplication of 2 ×2 matrices. This means modern clusters α would take centuries to evaluate the consistency of a family of j where Pj is chosen from a set Pj of projectors that sum to the histories with k = 2 time steps and n = 10 spins. Given this identity at time tj. For example, for a photon passing through a limitation, we can see why, for the most part, only toy models sequence of gratings and then striking a screen, a have been analyzed in this framework thus far.


a a B e –iHΔt (, H)

e –iHΔt b While F is not consistent:

–iHΔt t e


† Δ † Δ  S   –iH t 1,2   –iH t 2,3 B1( ) B1( ) e B2( ) B2( ) e –iHΔt e 〉 A1 ⎪0 SA A A ⎪0〉 2 

P1 P2

–iHΔt e ⎪00〉 t ⎪00〉 + ⎪01〉 k Fig. 1 An illustration of the branching of histories for time steps. A one- ⎪00〉 + + spin (n = 1) and two-spin (n = 2) system, respectively, shown in a, b, have ⎪10〉 S A1A2 k 2k k = k = ⎪10〉 + 2 and 2 different histories. Here, 3ina and 2inb ⎪11〉 S A1A2 A A Hybrid algorithm for finding consistent histories. We refer to S 1 2 A Full SA Partial our VHQCA as Variational Consistent Histories (VCH), see QCtrace or QC trace Fig. 2. VCH takes as its inputs a physical model (i.e., an initial A cost SA cost state ρ and a Hamiltonian H) and some ansatz for the types of projectors to consider. It outputs the following: (1) a family F of c e histories that is (approximately) full and/or partial-trace con-  sistent in the form of projection operators prepared on a quan- {p( )} F α 1 † 1 ⎪0〉 X B P tum computer, (2) the probabilities of the most likely histories Y A1 1 1  ε   in F, and (3) a bound on the consistency parameter . ⎪0〉 X 2 B † P 2 y A A2 d 2 2 VCH involves a parameter optimization loop, where a  quantum computer evaluates a cost function that quantifies the family’s inconsistency, while a classical optimizer adjusts the family (i.e., varies the projector parameters) to reduce the cost. Classical optimizers for VHQCAs are actively being investigated26,33 and one is free to choose the classical optimizer 00 01 10 11 on an empirical basis. Fig. 2 Flowchart for VCH. The goal of VCH is to take a physical model To compute the cost, it is noteworthy that the elements of the (a) and output an approximately consistent family F of histories (e), their decoherence functional form a positive semi-definite matrix with associated probabilities {p(α)} (c), and a measure ε of how consistent F is trace one. In VCH, we exploit this property to encode D (d). This is accomplished via a parameter optimization loop (b), which is a in a σA, whose matrix elements are hybrid quantum-classical computation. Here the classical computer adjusts α σA α′ α; α′ h j j i¼Dð Þ. Step b of Fig. 2 shows a B θ B θ σA the projector parameters (contained in the gates { j( )}, where j( ) that prepares (see Supplementary Note 2 for more details). P ρ ⊗ 〉〈 diagonalizes the j projectors) and a quantum computer returns the cost. It is This circuit transforms an initial state |0 0| on systems SA, th noteworthy that Pj denotes the set of Schrodinger-picture projectors at the j where S simulates the physical system of interest and A is an time. The optimal parameters are then used to compute the probabilities of ancilla system, into a state σSA whose marginal is σA. For the full- the most likely histories in F (c) and to prepare the projectors for any history trace consistency, we introduce a global measure of the (in) X X fi σA in F (e, where is the Pauli- operator). Although the quantum circuits are consistency that quanti es how far is from being diagonal, depicted for a one-qubit system, the Supplementary Note 1 discusses the which serves as our cost function: X generalizations to multi-qubit systems, non-trivial environment E, coarse- : α; α′ 2 σA; A σA ; grained histories, and branch-dependent histories C ¼ jjDð Þ ¼ DHSð Z ð ÞÞ ð9Þ α≠α′ – A σA where DHS is the Hilbert Schmidt distance and Z ð Þ is the dephased (all off-diagonal elements set to zero) version of σA. 2 : y kkM HS ¼ TrðM MÞ. In the Methods section, we present This quantity goes to zero if and only if F is consistent. For the quantum circuits that compute these cost functions from two partial-trace case, we arrive at a similar cost function but with σA copies of σA or σSA. Derivations of the second equalities in Eqs replaced by σSA: (9)and(10) can be found in Supplementary Note 3. We remark

X 2 ÀÁÀÁ that alternative cost functions may be useful, e.g., to penalize : α; α′ σSA; A σSA : Cpt ¼ Dptð Þ ¼ DHS Z ð10Þ HS families F with high entropy (see Methods) or to obtain a α≠α′ larger cost gradient by employing local instead of global Here, the notation ZAðσSAÞ indicates that the dephasing (see ref. 26). operation only acts on system A and the absolute squares of The parameter optimization loop results in an approximately Eq. (9) have been generalized to Hilbert–Schmidt norms, consistent family, F, of histories, where the consistency parameter


ε is upper bounded in terms of the final cost (see Methods). In Step a Cost landscape (simulator) c in Fig. 2, we then generate the probabilities for the most likely 0.28 histories by repeatedly preparing σA and measuring in the standard 3 basis, where the measurement frequencies give the probabilities (an alternative circuit that reads out any one of the exponentially many 2 elements Dðα; α′Þ is introduced in Supplementary Note 4). Step e shows how one prepares the set of projection operators for any 0.24 given history in F. These projectors can then be characterized with 1 an efficient number of observables (i.e., avoiding full state tomography) to learn important information about the histories. 2

0 Let us discuss the scaling of VCH. With the potential 0.20 exceptions of the Hamiltonian evolution and the projection operators, the complexity of our quantum circuits (i.e., the gate –1 count, circuit depth, and total number of required qubits) scales linearly with both the system size n and the number of times k considered. The complexity of Hamiltonian evolution to some –2 0.16 accuracy is problem dependent, but we typically expect polynomial scaling in n for physical systems with properties like translational symmetry34. On the other hand, we consider the –3 circuit depth for preparing the history projectors to be a –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 refinement parameter. One can begin with a short-depth ansatz 1 0.12 for the projectors and incrementally increase the depth to refine b Cost landscape (ibmqx5) the ansatz, potentially improving the approximate consistency. 3 We therefore expect the overall scaling of our quantum circuits to be polynomial in n and k for the anticipated use cases of VCH. 0.08 The complexity of minimizing our non-convex cost function is 2 unknown, which is typical for VHQCAs. As classical methods for fi nding consistent families also involve optimizing over some 1 parameterization for the projectors, classical methods also need to deal with this optimization complexity issue. 0.04

2 0 Although the number of required repetitions of the probability readout step can scale inefficiently in n and k for certain families of histories, we assume that minimizing the cost outputs a family F for which the probability readout step is efficient (see Methods –1 for elaboration on this point). 0.00 This scaling behavior means that for systems that can be –2 tractably simulated on a quantum computer and whose properties of interest are simple to implement, we achieve an exponential speedup and reduction in the needed resources as compared with –3 –0.04 classical approaches to this problem. –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3


Experimental implementations. Spin in a magnetic field.We Fig. 3 Consistency of three-time histories for a spin-1/2 particle in a now present an experimental demonstration of VCH on a cloud magnetic field, with initial state ρ = | + 〉〈 + |. The full-trace cost landscape, quantum computer. See the Supplementary Note 5 for further C(ϕ1, ϕ2), is plotted as a function of the azimuths, ϕ1 and ϕ2, of the first and details on this implementation. We examine the two time his- second projection bases, which we constrained to the xy plane of the Bloch tories of a spin-1/2 particle in a magnetic field B^z, whose sphere. The point (0, 0) corresponds to both projections being along the x = − γ σ Hamiltonian is H B z. The histories we consider have a axis. Consistency is expected everywhere along certain vertical lines (ϕ1 = Δ ρ = + 〉〈 + + nπ time step t betweenpffiffiffi the initial state (chosen to be | |, 2 rad), as they correspond to histories where the initial state is one of with jþi ¼ 1= 2ðj0iþj1iÞ) and first projector, as well as the projectors after the first time step, so there are no branches to interfere ϕ = ϕ + + between the first and second projector, chosen so that γBΔt = in the second time step. In addition, some slope-one lines ( 2 1 (2 2rad. In addition, we only consider projectors onto the xy plane of nπ)rad) should be consistent, as they correspond to histories where the the Bloch sphere, parameterized by their azimuth. For this model, second projectors are the same as the first after time evolution, so no Fig. 3 shows the landscape of the cost in (9) for the ibmqx5 interference occurs in the second time step. Indeed, one can see valleys in quantum processor35 as well as a simulator whose precision was the cost landscapes for these vertical and slope-one lines, when the cost is limited by imposing the same finite statistics as were collected quantified on a simulator a and on the ibmqx5 quantum computer b.Itis with the quantum processor. Several minima found by running noteworthy that negative cost values are possible due to finite statistics. VCH on ibmqx5 are superimposed on the landscape (all points The white “x” symbols in b mark some of the non-unique minima that the found below a noise threshold were considered to be equally valid VCH algorithm found minima). As these minima correspond reasonably well to theo- retically consistent families, this represents a successful proof-of- 〉 〉 principle implementation of VCH. level system where the right |R and left |L chirality states are described as jRi=jLi ¼ jþi=jÀi ¼ p1ffiffi ðÞj0i ± j1i 37. A chiral mole- Chiral molecule. To highlight applications that will be possible 2 on future hardware, we now turn to a simulated use of VCH cule in isolation would tunnel between |R〉 and |L〉, but we to observe the quantum-to-classical transition for a chiral consider the molecule to be in a gas, where collisions with other molecule36,37. The chiral molecule has been modeled as a two molecules convey information about the molecule’s chirality to its


a b c d ⎪z〉 0.4574 ⎪z〉 0.5000 ⎪z〉 0.1880 ⎪z〉 0.2102

0.4002 0.4375 0.1645 0.1839

0.3430 0.3750 0.1410 0.1576 ⎪y〉 ⎪y〉 ⎪y〉 ⎪y〉 ⎪x〉 0.2859 ⎪x〉 0.3125 ⎪x〉 0.1175 ⎪x〉 0.1313

0.2287 0.2500 0.0940 0.1051 ⎪z〉 ⎪z〉 ⎪z〉 ⎪z〉 0.1715 0.1875 0.0705 0.0788

0.1143 0.1250 0.0470 0.0525

⎪x〉 〉 〉 〉 0.0572 ⎪x 0.0625 ⎪x 0.0235 ⎪x 0.0263 ⎪y〉 ⎪y〉 ⎪y〉 ⎪y〉 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Fig. 4 The cost landscape for stationary histories of the chiral molecule. As the projectors in these stationary histories are always along a single axis, we plot the cost on points where this axis would intersect the surface of the Bloch sphere. The bottom row of spheres are the same as the top, but rotated for additional perspective. Panels a, b show the full and partial-trace cost functions, respectively, for the case where the environment interactions are negligible (θz = 5 rad, θx = 0.01 rad) and thus we find that the energy eigenbasis (z axis) is the only consistent stationary family as all others will branch as they evolve. In contrast, c, d are the full and partial-trace cost functions, respectively, for the case where the environment interactions dominate (θz = 0.01 rad, θx = 5 rad). One can see in c, d a significant difference between the full and partial-trace costs for the y axis, meaning that this family of histories is consistent but not classical. In this regime, we also see that the chirality basis (the x axis) is a local minimum for both cost functions and thus is approximately consistent and classical. For this chirality basis family, there is a ~0.01% chance that the molecule will change chirality during the evolution, showing that the quantum-to-classical transition leaves this system in a stabilized chiral state environment. This information transfer is modeled by a rotation nature of the transition. Applying VCH to the study of histories by angle θx about the x axis of an environment qubit, controlled of spin systems would clarify this point by showing the scale and on the system’s chirality, and for simplicity we suppose such abruptness with which the diffusive behavior emerges. As spin collisions are evenly spaced at five points in time (see the diffusion has been observed for systems as small as Supplementary Note 5 for further details). We then consider ~30,000 spins46, we estimate that between ~102 and ~103 qubits simple families of stationary histories37, where the projector set would allow us to study this transition. For more details about corresponds to the same basis at all five times (just after a this application, see the Supplementary Note 6. collision occurs). Letting θz be the precession angle due to In the protein-folding community there are currently two main tunneling in the time between collisions, we can then explore the schools of thought on how proteins fold. The first is that proteins competition between decoherence and tunneling. Figure 4 shows fold along well-determined pathways with discrete folding units our results for this model. Notably, we observe the transition (foldons)47, whereas the second is that there should be a funnel in from a quantum regime, where the chirality is not consistent, to a the energy landscape of folding configurations, causing the system classical regime, where the chirality is both consistent and stable to explore a wide range of configurations before settling into the over time. final state48. The deterministic pathways of the foldon model are favored by NMR experiments, raising the question of whether Discussion these views can be reconciled47. By providing the means to study We expect VCH to revitalize interest in the CH approach to QM the dynamic emergence of classical paths, i.e., the quantum-to- by increasing its practical utility. Making it possible to apply the classical transition for proteins, VCH could resolve this dis- tools and concepts of to a wide array of crepancy. For this purpose, we estimate that between ~103 and physical situations, as VCH will, is an important step for our ~104 qubits will be needed. See the Supplementary Note 6 for understanding of the physical world. Specifically by providing an more details on this application and resource estimate. exponential speedup and reduction in resources over classical Finally, our work highlights the synergy of two distinct fields, methods, VCH will provide a way to study phenomena including quantum foundations and quantum computational algorithms, the quantum-to-classical transition31,32,38, dynamics of quantum and hopefully will inspire further research into their intersection. phase transitions39, quantum biological processes40, conforma- tional changes41, and many other complex phenomena that so far Methods have been computationally intractable. In addition, VCH could be Evaluation of the cost. Figure 5 shows the circuits for computing the full-trace 42 cost (partial-trace cost) from two copies of σA (σSA). It is noteworthy that both applied to study quantum algorithms themselves . In order to costs can be written as a difference of purities: highlight such potential applications and examine their resource requirements, we now focus on two of them: the emergence of C ¼ TrððσAÞ2ÞÀTrðZAðσAÞ2Þ ð11Þ classical diffusive dynamics in quantum spin systems and the σSA 2 A σSA 2 : appearance of defined pathways in protein folding. Cpt ¼ Trðð Þ ÞÀTrðZ ð Þ Þ ð12Þ In the context of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experi- ments, it has long been known that systems with many spins obey The Tr((σA)2) and Tr((σSA)2) terms are computed via the Swap Test, with a a classical diffusion equation while smaller spin systems undergo depth-two circuit and classical post-processing that scales linearly in the number of qubits49,50. A similar but even simpler circuit, called the Diagonalized Inner Rabi oscillations. Despite the long history of spin diffusion stu- 26 A σA 2 43–45 Product (DIP) Test , calculates the TrðZ ð Þ Þ term with a depth-one circuit dies , there is still no derivation of the transition from and no post-processing. Finally, the TrðZAðσSAÞ2Þ term is evaluated with the quantum oscillations to classical diffusion that can predict the Partial-DIP Test26, a depth-two circuit that is a hybridization of the Swap Test and size of the system where we should find that transition, or the the DIP Test.


Next, consider histories in F . As we do not have enough information to a Tr((A)2) Tr(Z A(A)2) c differentiate these histories, we advocate combining the elements of F into a single A A γ c 1 1 coarse-grained history Y . β fi δ2 γ; γ = β; β A A Let Y be the least likely history in F c. Then de ning ¼Dð Þ Dð Þ,we fi σA Ak Ak can make use of the positive semi-de nite property of to write: jDðγ; βÞj2 Dðγ; γÞDðβ; βÞ¼δ2Dðβ; βÞ2: ð17Þ A A H 1 1 β As Y is the least likely history in F c, this expression then lets us bound the A A error on the probability sum rule (giving a weaker approximate consistency γ α A A 30 H k k condition ) between Y and any Y 2Fc as: jDðγ; αÞj  δDðα; αÞ ð Þ δ γ; γ α; α : 18 b Tr((SA)2) Tr(Z A(SA)2)  ðDð ÞþDð ÞÞ S S It is then possible to characterize the approximate consistency of the histories of ε δ A F pairwise with α,α' and . Alternatively, to give an upper bound on the overall 1 A1 SA SA consistency ε, we take the greatest of these pairwise bounds:

Ak A k ε  maxðfεα;α′g ∪ fδgÞ: ð19Þ S H H S For those applications where we are working with the partial-trace consistency, A1 A the notion of approximate consistency is somewhat more obscured. In order to SA H 1 SA generate probabilities and bound ε, we therefore recommend evaluating the full- A H k Ak trace cost function at the minimum found with the partial-trace cost. This approach is helpful, as any partial-trace consistent family will also be full-trace Fig. 5 Circuits for computing the cost functions. Panel a shows the circuits consistent and the partial-trace consistency does not directly allow one to discuss C probabilities in the same way. Taking this approach allows us to then directly for the full-trace cost function and b shows the circuit for the partial-trace utilize the approximate consistency framework above. cost Cpt Data Availability Precision of probability readout. One does not know a priori how many histories The data used to create the figures in this article are available upon request. Requests will be characterized in the probability readout step (Fig. 2c). Due to statistical should be sent to the corresponding author. noise, the probability of histories with greater probability will be determined with greater relative precision than those with lesser probability. Hence, it is reasonable ε to set a precision (or statistical noise) threshold, . Let Nreadout be the number of Received: 4 February 2019 Accepted: 12 July 2019 α repetitions of the probabilityffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi readout circuit. Then, histories Y whose bitstring α p =ε occurs with frequency fα< Nreadout max should be ignored, as their probabilities α = p( ) fα/Nreadout were not characterized with the desired precision. 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