By Robert G. Luedke

DISCUSSION nant younger or older unit of the region in order to maintain geologic, petrologic, and tectonic continuity. Areas in eastern This map is the third of a series showing the distribution, Arizona and western New Mexico (Luedke, 1993) and southwest­ composition, and age of early and middle Cenozoic volcanic ern Utah (Luedke, in press) necessitated such unit assignments. centers in the western conterminous United States. The maps are Perhaps of significance is the fact that no rocks with ages in the designed primarily as a data base of igneous systems, a major youngest time interval (Miocene) occur in the region encompassed geologic environment known to promote and host mineral depos­ by this map except for a minette dike (22 Ma) in the Wind River its_. The data shown provide the basic information necessary for basin about 40 km northwest of Lander, Wyo. Local extrusive derivative studies such as the development of geologic concepts to masses of dominantly mafic composition and radiometric ages of identify and assess igneous-related mineral deposits and(or) min­ 16-17 Ma crop out in western Idaho, but these rocks are related to eralized systems. In addition, this map series shows the temporal and a part of the extensive volcanic fields in neighboring Oregon and spatial relationships of early and middle Cenozoic igneous and Washington and were included on the late Cenozoic maps rocks and their geochemical and age associations, at a single (Luedke and Smith, 1982, 1983, and 1984). A specific rock unit or common scale, within the many different igneous centers in the volcanic field may have some ages that appear inconsistent with western states. This map series can also be used as a base for the majority of ages shown, e.g., the Absaroka Range in north­ studies of volcanology, volcanotectonics, and the general geology western Wyoming where the dominant time interval (Eocene) was of volcanic and related rocks. Original sources were consulted assigned. The few younger ages shown are for intrusives within the wherever possible in construction of these maps, but in areas of Absaroka field and probably reflect slightly younger intrusive meager data I interpreted the general composition and age of the activity or localized mineralization and alteration. All known ages igneous rocks. This procedure was necessary in order to resolve for a specific unit within the 58-16 Ma time frame are shown. internal problems and to maintain a standard treatment for mean­ Some Laramide magmatic and tectonic events that started in ingful comparison of data throughout the map series. the Late Cretaceous or Paleocene continued into middle Eocene In this map series the early and middle Cenozoic time frame time (Mutschler and others, 1987), or served as precursors to extends from about 58 Ma to 16 Ma; 16 Ma is the maximum age similar events later in the Cenozoic. In regions mostly south of the cutoff for a published map series designed as a guide for the area included in this map, volcanism and associated intrusions evaluation of igneous-related geothermal resources (for the com­ commenced in the very latest Eocene following a quiescence of parable Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and western South Dakota volcanic activity in late Eocene time. This igneous activity contin­ region, see Luedke and Smith, 1983). Within this early aryd middle ued on a major scale through the Oligocene, into the Miocene, to Cenozoic time frame, the ages of the volcanic rocks are arbitrarily the onset of late Cenozoic volcanism and associated extensional divided into three time increments: 58--37 Ma, 37-24 Ma, and tectonism characteristic of the Basin and Range province but also 24-16 Ma. The ages of 58, 37, and 24 Ma, respectively, represent reflected in bordering regions (Christiansen and Lipman, 1972; the approximate Paleocene-Eocene, Eocene-Oligocene, and Lipman and others, 1972; Christiansen, 1989). Because of the Oligocene-Miocene boundaries (Berggren and others, 1985). extraordinary amount of new geological, geochemical, geophysi­ Igneous rocks of the early and middle Cenozoic time frame cal, and geochronological data released during the last two are principally related to volcanotectonic activity occurring within decades, reanalysis of Laramide and post-Laramide volcanotec­ this time span. This map, however, comprising the northern tonic events is justified. Keith and Wilt (1986) have done such a Rockies is dominated by rock masses of early Cenozoic age, and synthesis of Laramide events principally in Arizona and environs, by units of sub-volcanic or intrusive rather than volcanic origin, and Mutschler and others (1987) similarly studied the effects of late particularly in Idaho. In comparison, the maps encompassing the Mesozoic and Cenozoic magmatism in Colorado and environs. middle and southern Rockies (Luedke, 1993 and in press) show a In order to show some continuity to earlier magmatic activity, larger percentage of volcanic rocks progressively southward and a few areas of igneous rocks are outlined that are related to known are more inclusive and representative of early and middle Ceno­ Laramide magmatic or tectonic belts within the Rocky Mountain zoic times. Most volcanic rock units shown on the maps generally Cordillera, for instance those having ages spanning the 58 Ma limit fit well within the selected time intervals. Locally, a few rock units for this map series. These mostly pre-58 Ma plutonic complexes of that are at or within about a million years of a time boundary stocks, laccoliths, sills, and dikes, and the volcanic Adel Mountains, (particularly the 24-Ma boundary) were included with the domi- are located predominantly in the alkalic (high-potassium) igneous province of central Montana east of the Rocky Mountain front. em United States. I. Early and Middle Cenozoic: Royal The volcanic rocks, and associated contemporaneous plutonic Society [London] Philosophical Transactions, ser. A, v. 271, rocks, have been classified using a non-genetic system into five no. 1213,p. 217-248. major types based primarily upon their known or inferred silica­ Luedke, R. G., 1993, Map showing distribution, composition, and content: age of early and middle Cenozoic volcanic centers in Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ 1. Feldspathoidal basalts including Less than 46 laneous Investigations Series Map 1-2291-A, 16 p. ---(in press), Map showing distribution, composition, and age basanite, tephrite, and other rare percent Si02 alkalic rocks of early and middle Cenozoic volcanic centers in Colorado and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investiga­ 2. Basalt, including trachybasalt and 46-54 tions Series Map 1-2291-B, 13 p. hawaiite percent Si0 2 Luedke, R. G., and Smith, R. L., 1982, Map showing distribution, 3. Andesite, including trachyandesite 54-62 per­ composition, and age of late Cenozoic volcanic centers in and phonolite cent Si02 Oregon and Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscella­ 4. Dacite, including rhyodacite, quartz 62-70 per­ neous Investigations Series Map 1-1091-D. ---1983, Map showing distribution, composition, and age of latite, and trachyte cent Si02 late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Idaho, , 5. Rhyolite More than 70 west-central South Dakota, and northwestern Wyoming: U.S. percent Si0 2 Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map This simplistic rock classification, not desirable for detailed volca­ 1-1091-E. nological purposes, emphasizes the dominant rock type within a ---1984, Map showing distribution, composition, and ageof given region, although in any specific area several rock types may late Cenozoic volcanic centers in the western conterminous be intermixed. This rock classification is the same as that used on United States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investi­ the map of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks (Luedke and Smith, gations Series Map 1-1523. 1983), thereby permitting easy comparison. Mutschler, F. E., Larson, E. E., and Bruce, R. M., 1987 (1988), Laramide and younger magmatism in Colorado-New petro­ Isotopically determined age data are referenced to the first or logic and tectonic variations on old themes: Colorado School original source where possible. Potassium-argon ages have been of Mines Quarterly, v. 82, no. 4, p. 1-47. recalculated where necessary using the conversion tables of Dal­ Steiger, R. H., and Jager, E., 1977, Subcommission on geochro­ rymple (1979) prepared for the decay constants and isotopic nology-Convention on the use of decay constants in geo­ abundances adopted by the lUGS Subcommission on Geochro­ and cosmochronology: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, nology (Steiger and Jager, 1977). Multiple ages at a given locality are shown when cartographically possible. Some areas, for exam­ v. 36, no. 3, p. 359-362. ple, in the Challis, Great Falls, and Lewistown 1o by 2o quadrangles (fig. 1) have had more age determinations made than can be shown, and an arbitrary selection was made. SOURCE REFERENCES Cited references for geologic, age, and chemical information are [Keyed to figure 2] indicated in figure 2. Several important general references are cited separately at the end and are not numbered chronologically. 1. Aadland, R. K., and Bennett, E. H., 1979, Geologic map of the Sandpoint quadrangle, Idaho and Washington: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Geologic Map REFERENCES CITED Series, scale 1:250,000. Berggren, W. A, Kent, D. V., Flynn, J. J., and Van Couvering, J. 2. Alt, David, and Hyndman, D. W., 1980, Preliminary A, 1985, Cenozoic geochronology: ·Geological Society of geologic map of the Dillon 1 o x 2o quadrangle, Mon­ America Bulletin, v. 96, no. 1, p. 1407-1418. tana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open­ Christiansen, R. L., 1989, Volcanism associated with post­ File Report 52. Laramide tectonic extension in the western U.S.: New Mexico 3. Alverson, D. C., 1965, Geology and hydrology of the Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Bulletin 131, p. 51. Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana: U.S. Geo­ Christiansen, R. L., and Lipman, P. W., 1972, Cenozoic volcanism logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 1576-F, 59 p. and plate-tectonic evolution of the western United States. II. 4. Anderson, A L., 1956, Geology and mineral resources of Late Cenozoic: Royal Society [London] Philosophical Trans­ the Salmon quadrangle, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho actions, ser. A, v. 271, .no. 1213, p. 249-284. Bureau of Mines and Geology Pamphlet No. 106, Dalrymple, G. B., 1979, Critical table for conversion of K-Ar ages 102 p. from old to new constants: Geology, v. 7, no. 11, p. 558-560. 5. ---1957, Geology and mineral resources of the Keith, S. B., and Wilt, J. C., 1986, Laramide orogeny in Arizona Baker quadrangle, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho and adjacent regions-a strato-tectonic synthesis, in Beatty, Bureau of Mines and Geology Pamphlet No. 112, Barbara, and Wilkinson, P. A K., eds., Frontiers in geology 71 p. and ore deposits of Arizona and the southwest: Arizona 6. ---1959, Geology and mineral resources of the Geological Society Digest, v. 16, p. 502-554. North Fork quadrangle, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho Lipman, P. W., Prostka, H. J., and Christiansen, R. L., 1972, Bureau of Mines and Geology Pamphlet No. 118, Cenozoic volcanism and plate-tectonic evolution of the west- 92 p.

2 7. --1961, Geology and mineral resources of the Bulletin de Ia Societe Geologique de France, serie 8, t. Lemhi quadrangle, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho V, no. 3, p. 627-637. [Ar-Arl Bureau of Mines and Geology Pamphlet No. 124, 23. Bennett. E. H., 1977, Reconnaissance geology and geo­ 111 p. chemistry of the Blackbird Mountain-Panther Creek **8. Armstrong, R. L., 1974, Geochronometry of the Eocene region, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines volcanic-plutonic episode in Idaho:. Northwest Geol­ and Geology Pamphlet No. 167, 107 p. ogy, v. 3, p. 1-15. [K-Ar, Rb-Srl *24. --1980, Reconnaissance geology and geochemistry **9. --1975, The geochronometry of Idaho: lsochron/ of the Trinity Mountain-Steel Mountain area, Elmore West, no. 14, p. 1-50. [K-Ar, Pb-al County, Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology **10. ---1976, The geochronom~try of Idaho: lsochron­ Technical Report 80-11, 56 p. [K-Arl /West, no. 15, p. 1-34. [K-Arl **25. Bennett, E. H., and Knowles, C. R., 1985, Tertiary plu­ **11. Armstrong, R. L., Harakal, J~ E., and Hollister, V. F., tons and related rocks, in central Idaho, in Mcintyre, 1982, Eocene mineralization at Mount Tolman D. H., ed., Symposium on the geology and mineral (Keller), Washington, and· Silver Dyke, Montana: deposits of the Challis 1 o x 2o quadrangle, Idaho: Isochron/West, no. 33, p. 9:.10. [K-Arl U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1658, p. 81-95. [Cl **12. Armstrong, R. L., Hollister, V. F., and Harakal, J. E., 26. Berg, R. B., 1973, Geology of southernmost Ravalli 1979, K-Ar dates for mineralization in the White County, Montana: Northwest Geology, v. 2, part C, p. Cloud- Cannivan porphyry molybdenum belt in Idaho 1-5. and Montana-A reply: Economic Geology, v. 74, no. 27. Berg, R. B., and Robocker, J. E., 1984a, Reconnaissance 3, p. 699-700. [K-Arl geologic map of the Monarch quadrangle: Montana 13. Armstrong, R. L., Smith, J. ~.,Jr., Covington, H. 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3 **37. Buie, B. F., 1941, Igneous rocks of the Highwood Moun­ **51. Dahy, J. P., 1991, Geology and igneous rocks of the tains, Montana. Part III. Dikes and related intrusives: Yogo sapphire deposit, in Baker, D. W., and Berg, R. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 52, no. 11, B., eds., Guidebook of the central Montana alkalic p. 1753- 1808. [C] province: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology **38. Burgess, C. H., 1941, Igneous rocks of the Highwood Special Publication 100, p. 45-54. [C] Mountains, Montana. Part IV. The stocks: Geological **52. Daniel, Faith, and Berg, R. B., 1981, Radiometric dates Society of America Bulletin, v. 52, no. 11, p. 1809- of rocks in Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and 1828. [C] Geology Bulletin no. 114, 136 p. [K-Ar, FT] 39. Calvert, W. R., 1917, Geology of the upper Stillwater *53. Darton, N. 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8 *180. Lyons, J. B., 1944, Igneous rocks of the northern Big **194. Marvin, R. F., Hearn, B. C., Jr., Mehnert, H. H., Naeser, Belt Range, Montana: Geological Society of America C. W., Zartman, R. E., and Lindsay, D. A., 1980, Late Bulletin, v. 55, no. 4, p. 445-472. [C] Cretaceous-Paleocene-Eocene igneous activity in 181. Malde, H. E., Powers, H. A., and Marshall, C. H., 1963, north-central Montana: Isochron/West, no. 29, p. Reconnaissance geologic map of west-central Snake 5-25. [K-Arl River Plain, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Miscella­ 195. Matson, R. E., 1960, Petrography and petrology of neous Geologic Investigations Map I-373. Smoky Butte intrusives, Garfield County, Montana: 182. Mann, J. A., 1960, Geology of part of the Gravelly Range U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 594, area, Montana, in Campau, D. E., and Anisgard, H. 74p. W., eds., West Yellowstone-earthquake area: Billings **196. McDowell, R. 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9 **210. Miller, R. N., 1973, Production history of the Butte dis­ Aeromagnetic survey, by D. L. Peterson: U.S. Geo­ trict and geologic function, past and present: Society logical Survey Bulletin 1447, 101 p. of Economic Geologists Guidebook, Butte Field Meet­ **226. Norman, M.D., and Leeman, W. P., 1990, Open-system ing (Aug. 18-21), p. F1-F10. [K-Ar] magmatic evolution of andesites and basalts from the **211. Mitchell, R. H., and Bergman, S. C., 1991, Petrology of Salmon Creek volcanics, southwestern Idaho: Chem­ lamproites: New York, Plenum Press, 447 p. [K-Ar] ical Geology, v. 81, no. 3, p. 167-189. [C] **212. Mitchell, R. H., Platt, R. G., and Downey, M., 1987, **227. Norman, M.D., and Mertzman, S. A, 1991, Petrogenesis Petrology of lamproites from Smoky Butte, Montana: of Challis volcanics from central and southwestern Journal of Petrology, v. 28, no. 4, p. 645-677. [C] Idaho-Trace element and Pb isotopic evidence: 213. Mitchell, V. E., and Bennett, E. 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10 **242. Percious, J. K., Damon, P. E., and Olson, H. J., 1967, 256. --1979b, Geologic map of the Hailey quadrangle, Radiometric dating of Idaho batholith porphyries, in Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Geologic Damon, P. E. and Associates, 1967, Correlation and Map Series, scale 1:250,000. chronology of ore deposits and volcanic rocks-An­ 257. --1979c, Geologic map of the Hamilton quadran­ nual progress report C00-689-76, Contract AT(11-1)- gle, Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Geo­ 689, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission: Geochronol­ logic Map Series, scale 1:250,000. ogy Laboratories, University of Arizona, Tucson, 258. --1979d, Geologic map of the Idaho Falls quadran­ Appendix AX, 6 p. [K-Ar] gle, Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Geo­ 243. Pierce, W. 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11 274. Ross, C. P., Andrews, D. A., and Witkind, I. J., 1955, 289. Schmidt, R. G., 1977, Geologic map of the Craig quad­ Geologic map of Montana: U.S. Geological Survey, rangle, Lewis and Clark and Cascade Counties, Mon­ scale 1:500,000. tana: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle **275. Rostad, 0. H., 1978, K-Ar dates for mineralization in the Map GQ-1411. White Cloud-Cannivan porphyry molybdenum belt of *290. --1978, Rocks and mineral resources of the Wolf Idaho and Montana-A discussion: Economic Geol­ Creek area, Lewis and Clark and Cascade Counties, ogy, v. 73, no. 7, p. 1366- 1368. [K-Ar] Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1441, 91 p. **276. Rouse, J. T., Hess, H. H., Foote, Freeman, Vhay, J. S., [K-Ar; C] and Wilson, K. P., 1937, Petrology, structure, and **291. Schmidt, R. G., Pecora, W. T., and Hearn B. 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12 303. Skipp, Betty, and Peterson, A. D., 1965, Geologic map 318. Stoll, W. C., and Armstrong, F. C., 1958, Optical calcite of the Maudlow quadrangle, southwestern Montana: deposits in Park and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Inves­ U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1042-M, p. 431-479. tigations Map 1-452. 319. Tanner, J. J., 1949, Geology of the Castle Mountain *304. Smedes, H. W., 1966, Geology and igneous petrology of area, Montana: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Prin­ the northern Elkhorn Mountains, Jefferson and ceton University, Princeton, 153 p. Broadwater Counties, Montana: U.S. Geological Sur­ *320. Tappe, John, 1966, The chemistry, petrology, and struc­ vey Professional Paper 510, 116 p. 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