66 Books in 52 Weeks (A Book-by-Book Overview of the )

Summary & Structure

One-page summaries of every book of the Bible can be purchased and downloaded in PDF form at this web address. https://teachsundayschool.com/i/bibleblueprints/

Key Verse We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. :6

Prophets and Books of Prophecy Deuteronomy 18:20-22

The job of a prophet was to ______and ______the truth.

Background of Isaiah Name means “the salvation of Jehovah”

Married with at least two sons :3; 8:3

Prophesied in the southern kingdom (Judea)

Likely killed by Manasseh Hebrews 11:37-39

Facts About the Multiple Author Theory (false)

The Great Isaiah Scroll

Theme: ______and ______.

Outline of Isaiah The Lord’s Judgment (Chapters 1-39) God’s Judgment of and (-12) Isaiah 1:2-4; Isaiah 1:7-9; :10-12; Isiah 2:1-5; Isaiah 7:14

God’s Judgment on Surrounding Nations (Isaiah 13-23) (Isaiah 13-14) (-16) Damascus () Cush, Upper Region () (-20) Babylon, , and Arabia () Valley of Vision, ()

God’s Message of Devastation, Praise, & Deliverance (-27) Isaiah 24:1-3; :1-3; :1-4

God’s Declaration of Woe to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Nations (-39) :1-3; :1-2; :1-10

The Lord’s Redemption (Chapters 40-66) God is Pictured as a Comforter/Helper (-41) Isaiah 40:1-5

God is Pictured as a Servant (-54) Isaiah 42:1-4; Isaiah 53:1-12

God is Pictured as a Forgiving Father (-66) :1-3


Predictive prophecy is one of proof that the Bible is the ______.

God exhibits ______and ______simultaneously.