Nrfn Stobertisemtirt*. Meto frbcrtttrmmu;. hour*. Darin* the leet year of hie term I Railroafes *ni Stramfioats. BTJSX3STE3SS BUSINESS MEN Sdt9 mb Sktirfres. m governor, hie health began to fail. In the month of Jnlv of that year, 1829, he delivered an oration at the ceremony of Central Railroad. CONSUMPTION. MASON A HAMLIN ENOCH LINCOLN. laying the corner stone of the capitol at Professional Cards I have a positive remedy for the above disease; bv flDClHC •** cirtaiblt bist, having been n tta use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of decreed at Great World’s In the October he —And othar* in want of— UnOMu every Indue Augusta. following Time. have been cured. Indeed, so strong trial Competition for Sixteen Years; no other Amrr. Tie Poet toremor of Maine. Change of -OF- long standing was again called to Augusta to deliver an Is mv faith In its efficacy, that I will sent TWO BOT- icria organs haring been found equal at any Also TREA- cheapest. address at the establishment of the Cony TLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE Style in*; oc aves; sufficient com. His Fohttnate Life and Melancholy Oa and alter SCSDAY. OCTOBER 15th, 1882, TISE on this disease, to any sufferer. Give Express pass and power, with best quality, for popular sacred Female was his last Academy. This pub- rain* will I rave August*— AUGUSTA AND HALLO WELL. and P. O. address. and secular music in schoolsor lumilies.atonlv (SB. Death. lic performance. I find in the Yankee For Portland and Boston at 6.00,10.0G, A. H., ant DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 1S1 Pearl St.. New York. One Hundred other styles at (to, (AT, (06. (76, (in 10.55 P. M. deck'd A w4w (106, (114 to (500 and up. The larger stales are and Boston Gazette—John Seal's and A. Literary For Portland Lewiston, 6.00, 10.00, M.; trholly unriralal by ana other organs. Also for Enoch Lincoln came of and an account 2.45 and 1055 P.M. distinguished paper—so full interesting AUGUSTA. GOOD JOB easy payments. New Illustrated Catalogue free. For Rockland, 6.00 and 10.00 A. M. FRUITING, He was one of a of ot his last hoars that I venture to intro- The MASON k HAMLIN Obuan lineage. family gov- For lu.00 A. M. asp Piabo Levi Farmington, Co., 154 Treinout street, 46 ernors. His father. Lincoln, served duce it here: Far Bath,4.00, 10 00 A. M., 2.45 P. M. (10.54 mviiiEffn Boston; Hast llth Street (Inlon Square,) New York; 14i> Walu.-h in Jefferson's cabinet as a P. M. «#©ck« or Rnud# attorney general ‘-He left Portland with belief that be outurtDys.) _ Paying yielding Avenue, Chicago. For Haiervllie 2215, 8.47 A. M.; and 4.12 P-M.; CERT Per auuuui, and over, of tbe United States, was lieutenant should not return. said so and ■ —Will do veil to leaTe their order* at the— TIC Hi PER dec5f(w4w gov- He repeated on 8.00 Saturdays. BOWDITCH, WEBSTER A CO. ernor of in 1807 and 1808, as he on the floor of his room and Apothecaries. it, stood For Skowneran, Belfast, Dexter, Bangor Store. Under Cony Howe. 2.25 A. 4.12 P.M. City Drag WELL SECURED, and on the decease of Governor Sullivan, to and with a Vanceboro, M., obtain full with satisfactory refer preparing go, playin* piece Mgn: Pullman Trams each way every night, ban may particulars, in December of the latter he dis- of which he had suffered to Webater * Co-. voces and testimoulab, by addressing H. BLAIS- paper drop included. BOWDITCH, __ year, :ays Fiat 4' St., Boston. Mass. the duties of chiet twice -I am DRUGGISTS, DKLL, Ag’t., Congress charged magistrate without perceiving it- very Gardiner Accommodation Train. Honae. Mention this decJ7d Aw4w that time till the City Drag Store. Under Cony paper. from following May. weak,’ said he, ‘my strength is leaving— ACCCUTX TO GaKVCSXK. His elder brother, Levi Lincoln, Jr.,—six I do not expeet to return.’ This was ut- A M. P.M. P.M CITY Drag More, JOURNAL JOB OFFICE. years his senior—an eminent lawyer and tered with and tiie *aguflla, iv., 8.25 2.00 5^ BOWDITCH, WEBSTER k CO.. striking solemnity, fallowed, lvn tU33 2.C8 5.27 Under Cony House. statesman, was in 1825 selected both never from the by impression will depart ardiner, ar., 8.50 2.25 55S the in Massachusetts as political parties recollection of those who heard it. On Gi£l)lVU TO AUGUSTA, DRrGGIflT* and Apothecaries. BOWDITCH, WEBSTER k i'O., their candidate for governor of the State, his arrival at whither he had 7.45 1.00 4.<5 decStJkurtw Augusta, ardiner. It., City Drug Store. Csd».f Cony House. and vfcas elected with great unanimity by gone to deliver an address before the ‘lailowell, It^ 8.C2 LU 5.H 5-10 **iC Office Geo. r. the people. In 18:14 he was elected repre- children of the Cony Female Academy— Plain and Faney Cakes and [I^^ThU 1DVERTISERS by addressing Kuwell or H A Cti., 10 Spruce St., New York, can ham the sentative in three terms. two or that he FREIGHT TRAINS. crackers. Wedding cake a specialty. Plain Congress, serving he mentioned three times BAKERY. exact cost of any proposed line ot ADVEU TISING For Portland and 8.45 and 12.28 P. M. ornamental frosting done to order. Enoch Lincoln, the snbject of this had come to die and when his way, i. American Newspapers, •(-loo-paue Pam- there; For Vaoceboro and way, 12.45 and 4.40 P. M AUGUSTA Educated and practical growers now assent to our was BAKERY._ pit lei, ’i5r. sketch, bom in Worcester, Massachu- friends about him, and remind- Dae lrom Boston and way, 12.82 and 4.30 P. M motto That the farther North *eo«li» are gathered aud Goods the earlier their prodact will be.” dec5t*w4w December 1788. lie was fw from Vanceboro and way, 8.-5 and 12.05 1*. 11 stationery Faney crown setts, 28. the ed him of the state of his health, and and Periodicals. We offer this year a full line of Standard Through tickets to California and ail points south BOOHS, Newspaper* Potatoes, fourth son of I>evi Lincoln. the him to he said in his J. F. PIERCE, Water St-I true to name, grown on dry upland; Scotch Fyfe and Entering begged forliear, ana went rnny be had of E. H. H alker, ticket agent. Blue Stem Wheat; White Russian Oats; Etami'es Cab- sophomore class of in mild, firm way, -It is my duly. After- Augusta, the only office Belling via all rcutes and Good and Workmen, bage, said to beone week earlier than Early York; our checking baggage free of expense. Branch Clot king House,—Rats Competent North Star Yellow Dent Corn still takes the lead, and 180fi, he subsequently received the wards he alluded to his mother, an extra- fodder is to any; of onion seed, tomatoes, degree brn'l «nDt. Furnishing Goods, Rubber Coats, Umbrella*. for equal FA TM»T THHi n, BOSTON? Ac.. Ac., a full line and large of Master of Arts from Bowdoin woman, who had ‘left him' sud- Valise*, e.c. E. G. STOKER, 132 Water St. carrots, pea*. cropWall PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. college, ordinary F. E BOOTH «T, Gen.l Pass, an T’k’t Ag’t. 18kS growth on our own farina. n lid Rice for duck studied law with his brother at on hand for or Fall sowing. The Ve1. HI KTCALF, imv.| Economical liuir Worcester, and was there admitted to the evident from his more than Binding behavior.even BOOKfactory. Grower* Importers Jobber, f*t. Puul, .Uiuu. l> bar in 1811. lie in Salem, his that her sudden death Pamphlet, Book and Job Binding began practice by language, Maine Co., de