Dining Entertainment Guide
Dining EntErtainmEnt& guiDE 1 GOURMET GOURMETGOURMET GOURMET YOURYOURCREATIVE WAY,WAY, ALL ALLALL DAY. DAY.DAY.YOUR WAY, ALL DAY. YOURLOCAL WAY, CUISINE ALL DAY. Surrounded by Little Rock’s beautiful Surrounded by Little Rock’s beautiful •SurroundedSurroundedCityscape. byby Little Rock’sRock’s beautifulbeautiful Surrounded by Little Rock’s beautiful Cityscape. Cityscape.Cityscape. Cityscape. Fresh Fish, hand-cut, aged Angus Beef & •FreshFreshhouse-madeFresh Fish,Fish, hand-cut,hand-cut, Specialties. agedagedaged Angus AngusAngus BeefBeef Beef && & Fresh Fish, hand-cut, aged Angus Beef & house-madehouse-made Specialties.Specialties. house-madehouse-madeOpen continuously Specialties. from lunch through house-made Specialties. •OpenOpenOpendinner, continuouslycontinuously Monday through fromfromfrom Saturday. lunch lunchlunch throughthrough through Open continuously from lunch through dinner,dinner, MondayMonday throughthrough Saturday.Saturday. dinner,Creativelydinner, MondayMonday prepared through entrees, Saturday.Saturday. small plates &dinner, Monday through Saturday. •CreativelyCreativelyhand-craftedCreatively preparedprepared cocktails. entrees,entrees,entrees, small smallsmall platesplates plates &Creatively & prepared entrees, small plates & &hand-crafted hand-crafted cocktails. cocktails. hand-craftedhand-craftedThe place to see,cocktails. be seen & explore the hand-crafted cocktails. ThetrueThe placeflavorplace toofto see,Littlesee, be beRock. seenseen && exploreexplore thethe •TheThe placeplace to see, be seenseen && exploreexplore
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