A unique model of social microfinance in


■ 19.2 millionMyanmar inhabitants rd ■ 183 out of 189 Philippinescountries* Senegal Burkina Faso ■ 38% unemployment rate Guinea To g o Sierra Leone ■ 44% of the population living on less than €2 a day *Human Development Index Source:

Outlying villages and districts that Social microfinance for the most lack infrastructure vulnerable It is very difficult to access education, In 2015, Entrepreneurs du Monde Pabré employment, banking and social set up a social microfinance offer services, water and electricity in rural for marginalised people and those in areas and in the areas that surround extreme poverty who have very limited Tanghin - Dassouri Ouagadougou, where the population access to classic microfinance services. Diébougou is growing at a spectacular rate. Young Offering tailored services (training, people and women are the first to suffer savings, microloans), the team supports from extreme hardship, making entre- micro-entrepreneurs until they are able preneurship a necessity for them. So, to permanently improve their living overnight, they set up a retail activity, conditions. MILLENNIUM GOALS a small restaurant, a smallholding or a sewing workshop, but they need support to develop their businesses and make them sustainable. METHODOLOGY SUPPORT

Solange OUEDRAOGO I’ve opened my own restaurant and I’m very proud of it!

It was difficult to begin with: I only sold rice, A complete support package Supported growth outside my house. YIKRI granted me an initial The micro-entrepreneurs form groups As with all the programmes it sets loan of 80,000 CFA Francs (€121) to buy rice to gain access to individual savings up and incubates, Entrepreneurs du at wholesale prices, attiéké*, onions and oil. Little accounts and loans tailored to the Monde is supporting YIKRI to become by little I bought other ingredients, prepared needs of their business. These loans independent on all fronts. more dishes, bought pans, tables, chairs, and are advanced without requesting of a YIKRI already achieved 62% operational finally I built this room for my restaurant. guarantee or any security. Once or twice sustainability by the end of 2018 but it The training on how to diversify helped me a month, the micro-entrepreneurs take is now in a growth phase with a pressing a lot: at first I only sold rice and gradually I part in a training session on a subject need for finance. added other dishes, desserts and drinks ... linked to business (accounting, sales, Entrepreneurs du Monde is supporting stock management, etc) or family life the new locally incorporated MFI to I work long hours and finish every day (preventing sickness, domestic violence, help it to achieve its social and economic at midnight. It’s tiring but profitable: I civil rights, etc). In each branch there is objectives. have enough for my family to live on and also a social worker who helps anyone in every day I save a small amount too! need to resolve any temporary problems. * Ivorian dish based on cassava • Edited on 28 June 2019 energy assoonthey gettheirloan. energy agricultural loanandtherefore beginsaving (improved cookstove, gas, solarlights)totheir can also tie the purchase equipment of energy repayments beginningafter harvest. Growers to different production cycles, notably loanswith YIKRI hasputinplaceagriculturalloanstailored Tailored loans take climatechangeinto account. techniques thatrespect theenvironment and The ideaistooptimiseyieldsusingagricultural and organises individual field-based support. YIKRI gives itsbeneficiariescrop calendars Individual support give growers theoretical training. been created. “Field schools”are organisedto 9 sustainableagriculture trainingmoduleshave of Entrepreneurs duMonde’s trainingadvisor, the farmerswiththeirchoices. With thesupport agronomic technicianhasbeenrecruited tohelp guarantee thecountry’s food security. An rural areas, thegrowers tobetterserve who YIKRI now has7branches, ofwhich3are in and agricultural training Local support SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE S FOCUS  OCIAL MICROFINANCE SUPPORTING SUPPORTED BY YIKRIARE FEMALE OF THE MICRO-ENTREPRENEURS

 85% •

PARTNERS OUTLOOK HIGHLIGHTS KEY FIGURES 2 1 move towards independence. remotely, whichwillalsohelptheteam to France, willcontinue in this role coordinator,country who has returned Entrepreneurs duMonde’s BurkinaFaso first healthmicro-insurance policies. its services. It will begin offering its continuing toimprove thequalityof towards financial viability in 2020, whilst YIKRI willproceed withgrowth Autonomy well underway socio-economic integration. leavers tohelp themwiththeir prison It hasalsobegunsupporting areas. out of7branches, ofwhich3are inrural Ouagadougou suburbs. Itnow operates therefore openedanextrabranchinthe ever-increasing demand. The teamhas the poorest populations, YIKRI isfacing are targetedat Because theseservices Strong growth on 31/12 over 1 year Objectifs 2019

CONTACTS 2018 2017 Director > Head of Social Microfinance unit > > Burkina Faso coordinator [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

beneficiaries 26,000 19,170 11,809 No. of

1 No. ofloans

granted 19,800 18,629 10,862 1 Average loan amount € 221 € 218 € 218 € 175 1 onwards. fromuse this much-needed 2019 service has beensetup, sothatbeneficiariescan An ATIA healthmicro-insurance scheme to achieve them. determine whatneedstobeputinplace workshop to set 3 year goals and The teamalsoorganisedastrategic implement appropriate risk management. ADA missionhasbeenundertaken to Manager hasjoinedtheteamandan To consolidate growth, a new Operations improvementService cycle. training andloansadapted totheharvest Also, with ADA, itwilloffer farmers kits. to facilitatethepurchase ofmoney-saving business creation loans, loans and energy and gas stoves. YIKRI will offer small very provides accesstosolar-powered lamps businesses, and NAFA NAANA, which creators small which supports ofvery Entrepreneurs du Monde: EMERGENCE, with two otherprogrammes created by YIKRI willstrengthen itspartnerships Intelligent partnerships Outstanding € 884,823 € 884,823 M€ 2,8 M€ 1,8 loans 2 ON THE WEB > > > Accumulated € 274,145

YIKRI Témoignages K€ 925 K€ savings 529 2 Operationally sustainable 60 % 62% 34% MORE ABOUT 2 employees No. of 98 69 54 2