Briefing March 11.P65
No to Eggsploitation: The Case Against Payments for Egg Donation March 2011 Summary This briefing makes the case against HFEA proposals to increase compensation payments for egg donors. We argue that increasing payments above current levels will create financial incentives to donate. This would violate the international consensus against the commercialisation of human tissue, which has always governed blood and tissue donation in Britain. In particular, it is against the spirit of the EU Tissues and Cells Directive. It will create a form of exploitation (‘eggsploitation’), in which poor women and students with large debts will be induced to take significant health risks, and inevitably, some will be harmed, as has happened in Eastern Europe over the last ten years. We show that the risks of egg donation are greater than the HFEA acknowledges, and that there is a lack of adequate monitoring of the most well known risk, Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. The HFEA has argued that increasing compensation would help to overcome the shortage of donors in Britain. However, there are many problems with this argument. Firstly, it is wrong to change ethical rules in order to achieve pragmatic goals, and we question why the supply of eggs should be expected to meet the demand. Secondly, only IVF clinic staff and the HFEA support the idea; there is no call for increased compensation from donors, parents and the public at large, and donor-conceived people are strongly opposed to the idea, because they do not want their ‘donor parent’ to have been motivated by financial gain. Thirdly, there is no evidence that increasing compensation will actually succeed in increasing the number of altruistic donors: evidence from Spain, whose approach the HFEA wants to copy, suggests that most donors there are motivated by financial gain.
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