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THE PRICE 5c ELSEWHERE 10c MANHATTAN HEIGHTS Dedicated To Informing The Negro Citizens Of Lubbock TIMES VOLUME II THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 , LUBBOCK, TEXAS NUMBER 31 Eastern Little League All Stars Time to Be Heard It would appear after Gov. John Connally's speech on state-wide television last week that Lose Second Tahoka Outing some of the "New Frontiermen" have developed The Eastern Little Lea- a small amount of insight in the last two years. gue All-Stars scored ano- won lost pct Gov. Connally has really " split the blanket", ther victory in the Little Dodgers 11 3 .785 so to speak, with his friend in Washington, the League Totunament at Grays 10 3 .766 Honorable L.B.J. Last Sunday the Governor ex- Tahoka, by downing the Barrons 8 4 .667 plained his position in a wire story from Flordia Southwest Little League Indians 6 7 .461 stating that he took his Civil Rights stand as the All-Stars 5-1. Monarchs 4 8 .334 Governor of Texas, while Mr. Johnson was on the On their next appear- Giants 1 12 .078 other side of the fence as Vice-President of the ance they were defeated ers..let us all continue to our young athletes. United States. by the Tahoka Little Lea- to support them next ye- Here is the final sta- The thing that is most appalling to us here in gue All-Stars 6-3. In the aL This little league pro- ndings of the Eastern Lit- Lubbock is the fact that the District Director of record books a defeat is c4ram is very essential tle League. the NAACP for Texas has been quoted as saying recorded, but the spec- that the Governor could not possibly believe his tators who saw the con- (NAACP) people would believe in or endorse the test said they went down Receives AKA Scholarship Governor's stand. fighting like ch - mps. The Lubbock Chapter This statement by an official of the NAACP These little fellows of Alpha Kappa Alpha So- poses several questions that should be answered, should be patted on the rority announced this NAe- here in Lubbock as well as everywher across the back for the magnificant ek that it has extended nation. job they have done to re- its educational program Number one, if the present proposed Civil present the Eastern Lit- to include a $200 scho- Rights Bill is passed and made into a law--and tle League. Without the larship to be awarded to if the Negro citizen of the United States is ever aid of their qualified ma- Miss Helen Jean Young, fully integrated--and if the fully integrated, EN- nager, Mr. Jackie Clark, a 1962 graduate of Dun- TIRE Negro population of the United States ever and coach, Mr. Charles bar Jr-Sr High School. rises to a position of responsibility and prestige-- Sedberry, all of this co- Helen is a sophomore how can they expect to keep anything they may uld not be attained. at Paul Quinn College at have personally acquired for themselves, ie . pro- As citizens, parents, Waco, Texas . Seh is an perty, valuables, good jobs, if they have given sisters, brothers and fr- English major, and a mi- away the same personal freedoms the President iends of our little leagu- nor in Spanish. This fall has asked the entire U . S . population to lay down she plans to return to now. Remember, no matter how terrible the present Urban Renewal Paul Quinn to continue plight of the Negro today--without freedom there her study. Miss Helen Young could not even be a June 19th whereby a complete Report Made She is a member of reading, writing short race celebrates the Emanciapiation Proclamation . Urban Renewal in Lub- the Modern Dance Gro- stories, dancing, and pl- We have found that in talking to the Negro bock began with concern up Spanish Clul and the laying cards. Citizens of West Texas that they have a sort of about the housing condi- Dykettes. This year "borne up" feeling about today's attacks on seg- tions of minority groups. she plans to go out for Miss Young is very regation. They feel as though they are riding a In 1954 City officials set one of the school's chee- grateful to the AKA's for crest where all the evils imposed upon them for up a Manhattan Heights rleaders Her hobbies are Continued on Page 2 so many years will soon be cured--but everyone realizes that you may eventually fall off of a crest addition to the city, the and declaring that the ci- first Negro residential and when you do, you may be so deeply entrench- ty would exercise its ur- ed in the mire you have lost all the headway you sub-division to be ap- ban renewla powers thr- August Graduate proved by FHA for loan had prior to climbing on the crest. At the same ough an Urban Renewal time in talking to the citizens, we have deter- insurance, in an attempt Agency, and (3) appoint- Hattie Mae Gipson, to give deserving Negro- mined that no Negro is ready and willing, from ed a board of nine mem- daughter of Mr. & Mrs. the top of the crest, to give up his personal free- es the opportunity for de- bers to govern the new- Mannie Williams of 23- cent homes in a decent doms; the right to exclude people from his home, ly formed agency. 07 Ash Street, will re- his business, and his automobile; the right to work neighborhood. The Urban Renewal Ag- ceive her Bachelor of Sc- Improved lots were as he sees fit, for whom he pleases, and when ency was organized, and ience Degree from Bis- he wishes to work. sold for the cost of wa- attention was turned to hop College at Dallas, ter, sewer, and paving. For these reasons, from talking to Negroes the Negro residential Texa s on Augilst 6th. She from around West Texas, we pose our question to Approximately 100 sing- section of town because is a major in Elemenfary le-family lots were de- the director of the NAACP that we had earlier men- of the iminence of the Education. veloped from 1954 thro- tioned. When the Direc- construction of Dunbar ugh 1958. tor of the NAACP a sid the Jr-Sr High School, a fac- Voter List low After the passage of Governor could not be ility which could not be It was revealed last the Texas Urban Renewal speaking for his people, ignored as it would pro- week by a Texas U.S. Law in July of 1957, a whom did he mean? Did vide most of the local- Congressman woh wants he mean the people em- public hearing was held ity's share of federally by the City Officials to to remain anonymous , ployed by the NAACP, the financed urban renewal that according to a study Directors of the NAACP, determine if the City's project. Two areas were usage of the newly auth- made in Washington on or did he mean as he so set up for projects. A 35 orized urabn renewal po- Negro voting revealed implied the complete Ne- acre area called Corona- that in Texas there are gro population of the st- wers would be submitted do (triangular) and the to a vote of the tax pay- 22 counties of 254 in wh- ate of Texas? As far as surrounding 370 acres ich less than 15 per cent anyone man being able to ing citizens. The elec- called Yellowhouse. Pl- of voting - age Negroes speak for the entire Ne- tion was held on Novem- anning funds were ap- are registered. This stu- gro population of Texas, ber 25, 1957, and carried proved and planning was dy was made for all sou- we must disagree with 8 to 1. That asme day, completed March 24, 19- thern states. him. Even in one area as the night after the retur- 58 for the 35 acre Coro- The 19th district is small in Texas as West ns were in (1) the City nado Project. On May 26 , is the wife of Cur- Texas, around Lubbock, Texas we find many peo- Commission canvassed 1958, a contract was ms- tis Gipson, basketball has the highest number ple who cannotassociate the vote, (2) passed a re- de with the Federal Gov- coach and teacher at Du- of counties with fewer themselves with the NA- solution declaring that ernment to carry out the nbar Jr-Sr High School, than 15 per cent •ITegroes PCP on even a few issues a slum and blight exist- 35 acre project. In June and the mother of two ch- on the voting lists. Of much less all issues. For ed in the city of Lubbock Continued on Page 3 Continued on Page 2 Continued on Page 4 Continued on Page 4 PAGE 2 THE MANHATTAN HEIGHTS TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 week with her sister; Mrs SUMMER GRADUATE... "Around the Hub City" Jennie V. Johnsorof 2613 Cedar Street. She is the ildren, a daughter Bren- MANHATTAN HEIGHTS By T. J. Patterson wife of Rev. J. M. Sthith, da Denise, age 10 and TIMES The first anniversary pastor of the Long Ave- a sixth grade studnet at of Rev. and Mrs. W.W. nue Baptist Church of Ft . W.S. Thompson Elemen- NormanL. Williamson Editor, Publisher tary School of Dallas; OFFICE Wyatt climaxed on last Worth. She is the Aunt of 2413 19th Street Lubbock, Texas Phone SH 4-2681 Sunday at the Lyons Bap- Mr.