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To continue improving the 2013.2 and 2013.2.1 versions of CalEEMod released in July and September 2013, the modified ROG running loss equation for on-road vehicles was corrected to match emission factors. Thus, CalEEMod version 2013.2.2 has been released to ensure the most accurate emissions calculations replacing the recent version 2013.2.1. The list of revisions (PDF, 209kb) to 2013.2, 2013.2.1, and 2013.2.2 is also available. Please ensure the following system requirements are installed.

CalEEMod was programmed using SQL Compact Edition in conjunction with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Downloading CalEEMod requires the following system requirements:

Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7 Operating System Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or higher Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 90 Mb hard drive space available

If the computer does not have Microsoft.Net framework 4.0 or higher, it is available free from Microsoft on the Microsoft website. To install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2, click here.

Be sure to “uninstall” any previous versions of the model. The latest version, CalEEMod 2013.2.2, can be downloaded from the following two installation files:

CalEEMod.2013.2.2 (MSI, 106MB) Setup (EXE, 418kb)

Download both files onto computer and locate. Click the setup.exe file and it will walk you through the installation (of the .msi file). The model can be found as an icon on the desktop and in the Start, Programs menu. In some cases, network “firewalls” may prevent successful downloading of the model. Therefore, for some computers, especially those on an intranet or other type of network system, be sure to have appropriate User privileges activated and the proper system requirements.

Archive: previous CalEEMod v. 2011.1.1 modeling files