Average Dally Circulation For the Month of Octoher, 1941

The Weather Forecaet o f U. 8. Wanther Burann 6,96.3

Memter of the Audit . Inerenalng elemBnean and warm- Bnrean of ClrealaMon* nr tonight: Wedaeeday clondy and

i l p r a l h w-armer, turning ooldw In late afternoon or at night. Manchester -A City of Village Charm


Guiana Bauxite Mines to Be Guarded by United States Ramspeck Is Told

Russian Forces Push

To Draw New Bill

On Defense Rows 62 Miles in Advance;

Measure to Be Based on

Roosevelt’s R e c o m - ] War Planes ^

niendutions for Cool-' Output Half Patrols Raid France ing Off Periods and i Foray Under Gjver of Compulsory Arbitra- j Way to Goal Darkness oi Peace Terms t ^*"^****^”* c o u n t e r - a *- tion; Speed Is Urged. Norman .ly coa On Extreme SouUi- Washington, Nov. 25.— (/P) Pfodurtion Less Than .1 Query Called With Only One Casual — The House I.abor Commit- 10 Per Cent Below eaHtern Front in Some ty; British Say Ger­ tee instructed Repre.sentative s . v * As Too Soon Sectors West o f Rog> Ramspeck (D „ Ga.). one of ^^h^dule Set Year A go; mans W ill Not Gel In- tov; Big Push, Said its meniber.s, today to prepare Fxpect to -Attain Mark formation They Seek Churchill Tell, Com. by Friday a new lull to con­ To Have Begun Few O leil on Raid. Member ‘?iol to trol defen.se strikes ijased on New York, Nov. 25.—(/P)—Mill Days Ago, Continuea. President Roosevelt’s recom­ tary aircraft production has hit London, Nov. 25.— (/P)__ A Count Chickens Before mendations for cooling off pe­ the halfway mark toward.-! Presi­ , Nov. 25.—(/P)—< riods and compulsory arbitration. small British patrol made a They Are Hatched." dent Roosevelt’s original goal of Russian forces on the ex­ Following the president's sugges­ .90.000 planes a year, Aviation foray under coVer of dark- tions made last night at a White treme southeastern front Magazine said tod.-iy. ne8s Sunday night on the bondon. Nov. 25.—(A9-Prime House conference with 11 House “Output now is leas than 10 per have advanced in some sec­ Normandy coast of occupied Minister Churchill today caution­ members and Federal officials, cent i)elow the production sched­ Ramspeck himself made the rec­ France and withdrew with ed .a House of Commons member tors west of Rostov as much ; ules set up h year ago and defense 8s 100 kilometers (approxi­ ommendation for quick action and authorities expect the program only one casualty, the British who raised the question of peace

said later his proposals woulil call will bo up to schedule by the end Mini.stry o f Information an­ mately 62 miles) in a power­ for this procedure: terms ’’not to count your chickens of the year," the publication add­ Surinam river In Dutch Guiana, o,. me n nounced today. The British before they are hatched." ful counter-assault against ed. the northern coa.st of South America May Be Compulsion said the Germans, who reported He made his remark to Geoffrey the Germans, the government Successive steps of collective Order* Reach New High the action first, were tr>-ing to L. Mander, Liberal, who had in­ newspaper ‘ Izvestta stated today. bargaining under exl.sting laws, Defense orders held by aircraft, "elicit information which will be sisted that Churchill "make clear The advance still is continuing, conciliation, mediation "and pos­ manufacturers have shot up to a withheld." to the enemy;- that any peace set- the paper said. Izvestla did not sibly a fourth step of cotvpulsory new high of 18,343.000,000 an In­ I Report .Patrol Repulsed ttement must include return of state clearly the date of the ad­ crease of 1400,000,000 during the arbitration." ! The Germans said the patrol machinery removed from occupied vance, but it Indicated that It oc­ At the same time, Speaker Itay- month despite record high deliver­ countries and reconstruction of ies, Aviation said. Big Tank Battle Begins to Die; had been "repulse

Jndge Gives Gamblers | Violelit Storm applicants for the post of medical Cedars Dozen Arrests Low Interest Returns Manchester's Cookie H ill Rafte Adopted director of the system, the same Hoboes Advisetl A Real S ligh t Tip 25 SHOPPING DAYS St. Bridget’s Cemetery number seeking to be named ac­ libcal Christmas Seals Hits Montana tuary and alX applicants for the Ifew Canaan. Nov. Officers to Christmas Panama Reply Immortalized in Poem On Insuranee position of aeerctary, but made no To Aid Defcnge Town Court Judge Hleronimus " Boost Insuranee Rate appointments. Are Now In the Mails A. Herold gave five drtendants A b o G I V E Association% Is Formed In a horse betting dase today Wind and Snow Isolate James H, Devlin of 91 Wethers­ • I aee eao*i hollow, the knolls that Loa Angelas, Nov. 30—m -J»te. Joseph LutRN(B Named U.S.lkftnMSavings Third Vice President As­ Held Moving Factor in field Avenue, Hartford, a fortner Savings Bank System Is what he termed "a stralght- follow Fall from Auto Davla, W n g'of the hoboes, aajra ThankBglvinf dat«, they are In the Action Taken to Provide additional fill is needed. Ha M. C. A. Eight Towns; Death resident »f Manchester, and es­ Edncatibnal Q ub Cam* Op.” Grand Tall Cedar at serts He Is Constitu­ rw L iiu u lu r r u v i n t : cema- Increase of Premiums K The woodland streams with pale Virtually Heady to Go there la no reason why a hobo metla a week earlier. Just aa people "Buy United States defense BONDS and pecially of the "Cookie Hill " sec­ lacy ferns. an Chrlitmaa conacloua a week tery put In a good condition. W ll« Attributed to Gale. mulgn $larts Out a stamps," he said. “ Uncle Sam's tional Head of Nation. Perpetual Care; Ex- Coming on New Life S c h e d u le tion of the North I5nd, in the vi­ I'm keeping, the while, in this Into O|ierution Jan. 1. j Iiijuricg Fatal can’t find a Job and fit into the earlier, ao the volunteer workers Annual Meeting. \ STAMPS . A ll a ■ 1 . Ilani 1’. Qulsli, Rbbert J. CaiUpbsU, tbe bookie and-you can't loae." cinity of Tolland Turnpike and heart each smile. nat|op{UL.defehse.' from the Educational club hope the pect AU Available Plots Jr., miss Elizabeth Phclan, Mlaa Policies Soon. Helena, Mont., Nov. 2&—— Mrs. townapeople will be ‘Chrlstmaa* Officers for the ensuing yeki:,^ Madeline Smlthu Thomas F. Mori- violent wind and snow storm Herald an oi-iginal poem of remi­ the turns. and clothes," commentod Davla, alleged proprietor of the gam­ posTomcaw —A dosen arrests formed an an­ Soon to Be Sold. \ 9:00-10:00 Second shift, iTcrea- Connecticut Mutual .Savings Bank I Nellie S. Slauenwhite, 41, of Vear; Those in Charge Seal Ooneeloue.' Early payment for were elected and future activities arty, Mrs. William Smith and Ry Paul Ommer'and John Bre-kiry ^lon group, gym. whipped through central and niscence harking back to the days who arrived by train as a p a y lw the seals found In the envelopes bling eatabllahment, Edward u -« swer of tha Adotfo Da La Quardia James O'Leary, were others who of his childhcHxJ In Manchester. Life Insurance System, createtl by Bloomfield died at Str— Francis passenger. "Only tramps MnS Anderson. 1100, and assessed were planned iat the annual meet­ New York, Nov. 25--New life 10:()0-12:(KJ m (Xi.iy lui Women'sw. gym and northwestern Montana laM night The dark Boggle Stowe we fished hospital yesterday of injuries suf­ Mrs. Oeorge H. WaddaH of Por­ will hearten the workers, and save ing of Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedara, govammant today to a declaration With tbe expectation that St. spoke in faVor of a plan to tm- badminton, gym. Mr, Devlin who will be remem­ ' long ago the 1941 !.<>gislatiire, was virtual­ sweet perfume bums who don’t time, energy and money. the other defendants tS each as prove the cemeteiy insurance may cost you more in Mulating eight towns and stalling bered by some of the oldsters In fered last TTiiirsday when she re­ want to work are dolnr that tO> ter street, chairman of the commit­ of Lebianon, held last nlgkt In the of Anlbai Rios that ha waa the Brldgafe cemetery, ’ opened In 1:00-3:0e Third shift, recreation 400 automobiles between Great Like a thing that had life, is ly ready toed many huh- : BOsh, Mrs. Charles H. Johnson and to aerva." lots for sale, steps were taken lost form the organization. The oftl- manding today, the life companies wind storm, which had an aver­ in one of the country's leading provisions, medical .standards ami Police said Slauenwhlte told Walter Wilkinson, Senior Deputy night to form a St. Bridget's Cem­ 6:30-9:.30 Men and Women, ^ How We splashed-dog paw- dreds of letters of appeal to the Mrs. Marguerite O. Campbell. 11 The capital of tha UttIa republic cera were , elected. Tha meeting who buy only gilt-edged securiUes showers age velocity of nearly ."iO miles an anthologies, should first be print­ stroke — at it's shore. j a juvenile insrirance progmm. j them that his wife fell to the pave, Berlin, Nov. 25.— (/P>—Oen. Hsl- Grand Tall; Robert McLoughlln, etery Association to perpetuate hour and gusts up to 80 miles. I To date 13 instilui^-- have ment when the door of the car townspeople yesterday, together' anyone has been overlooked, or Select Pupils Junior Deputy Grand Tall; Joseph was calm. gave the officers and committee are experiencing a lower rate of 6:30-7:30 Badminton ed in the Evening Herald, and thus miith Wllberg, 61, of the GennSN Finals Begun the care of the cemetery where Rotary snow plows freed the .aiuldenly opened as they were driv­ with a supply of the little seals, there are new people In town who Canade, secretary; William M. An­ Riot waa third vloa praaldant In full power to go ahead and use letiirn on investment. | 7:30-10:00 Co-recreatlonsl spe- offcTH it to Thomas Ferguson, I The bridge, spood is bare. The trustees of the sy.alem pofltal. clerk, Elnar Holboell, a store and Dewey-Rlchman's, and Guardis and others who charged Elected to offtcca of the associa­ “ and committee that followed around 10 per cent over pre.sent Club, gym. An amateur radio operator said had fHx-m.s printed in 14 antholo­ Like one with a heart that grief George H. Waddell, Judge Ray­ Told to *Heed Lessons’ tion last night were Thomaa F. i , meeting here yesterday, approved pane, who was sorting stacks of ater by Girl Scouts. Three Children to Enjoy Arlap with Fasclat aympathiea. aftei*- the open meeting It waa de­ : levels, effective about next Jan. 1. 'fl:.’i0 Bowling league, all alleya. he received a report from the gies besides newspafs'rs and other I tore a;)art .MnfNfWMWnfflfWMMiKMWMWMMWWWWSK, mond R. Bowers. Moriarty. president; William J perodicals. I a rale .sehedule which, though not Christmas cards and packages one O f Training Buttle. - Neutral observara In this UttIa cided to take off a list of all of the One large Insurance company an­ forest service radio that a large j Gone to search for it’s loved I .vet made public, was announced Benefits at the North The newly named officers 'wlU Shea, vice president; Miss Made­ The poem follows: DecemlMr night In x903 at the be Installed at tbe next regular nation bordering tha Panama ca­ 700 who own lota. Thla will be nounced such Increases last week. store was -burning In Corvallis ' one soipewhcre. , as slightly lower for p< i.snns up to line Smith, secretary; Rev. James while the town lay In darknes.i. "CfMikle llin” poatofflce In C » )enhagen. Then an meeting of the Forest. with Army In the Carollnaa. nal saw UtUa poaaiblUty for reali­ furnished to each member of the Apply Only to New Pollrles ! .’lo years of age tjian the prevailing Spencer Moseley End Center. P. Timmins, treasurer. Also elec­ The increases will apply, of power and communications lines We may never know who christ­ nn iratlon came to him. "Why Plans for the annual Ladles' Nov. 25—(ffl—Ordered to "a* zation o f Rloa’ hopes, expressed committee and an effort will be Our old meeting place, the head- . rates in New York and .slightly I CHRISTMAS BAZAAR not,” he asked ulmself, ‘‘harness last night In CaU, Colombia. ted to serve with this board of o f­ made to contact those who own course, only to new policies writ­ A & P Workers down. ened you so. gates and race: The Manchester Improvement Night program to be held Dec. 0, sault” faults In the "same vigor ficers were 12 other residents of ten. Even legend dws not disclose I higher than those rates for per- the Christmas spirit In a more were made at the business session Clalma to Be Soooeesor lota to Bccurc funds for the work. Communications-were ciit be­ It waa there we all started to I! sons 'over 35. New Yale Leader Association donated ten dollars Manchester, not all members of Premiums on the policies you al­ tween Kallspell, Hamilton and why. practical way and fight the dread last night. Fred Knofla was named ouB fashion as you do your oppon The next meeting will be held on III roam. . 1 Contract provisions snd medi- for three memberships In the Y. Rios clalma tbe presidency by St. Bridget's parish, but from S t ready have will b« exactly the Army Paid towns in the Flathead valley. Unsung, without fsme. we'll keep disease? Wl.y not place an extra chairman and Mark Hewitt and 8. ent,” 300,000 soldiers began today the second Monday In Januaqr. In fancy just now wc'r# back there '; cal standards follow, in general, M. C. A. abou. ten days ago and right of succession, the first two James's parish also aa there arc same as they are today. you the same somehow, ! I South Methodist Church ■tamp ori every Yuletlde package Raymond Smith were named bis the finale of the Army maneuvers The Chinook, a v/arm south wind New Haven, Conn., Nov. 25— UF) this donation waa earmarked for vice presidents having resigned to many burled In the cemetery that Here’s the picture behind the an­ following sub-zero cold, boosted Cookie Hill in our hearts 'till those in use by existing life insur­ or-message ?” Sold first in Den­ assistants. The Forest also began In the Carollnaa. Kids again like we were when ance companies, mark In 1904, the idea was adopted —Spencei D. Moseley of Highland three children attending the make way for De La Quardia— a have relatives now living In 8t. ticipated rise In premium rates on Store Employes in Serv- temperatures 51 degrees In three we die. at home. Eighth District Schools. The mem­ tormulatlng plans for Its annual Lieut. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, cabinet selection— after the coup. James's parish. This committee Is new insurance: Life companies, ,by hours at Missoula. .Six .Mobths .Minimum ,\go In thlB country in 1907. and spread Park, 111., a juuldr who played New Year's Eve dance. These will chief of staff of general headquar­ Dance to Raise iee Gel 20 l*er Cent of \ THURSDAY, DEC. A center almost every minute of all berships to the Y were to be se­ Rios, who never resigned bis third composed of WtUlam P. Qulsh. law and general policy, buy only Aside from los.s to power nml Much more than a place of beauty A few living now who dwell on The trustees decided that insur- i by leaps and bounds through the be announced at a later date. ters, told the men of the First of fal.>s football games this fall lected by Principal Thomas Bent­ vice presidency, was serving a* Robert J. Campbell, Jr , Miss Helen top grade securities for Invest­ commiiiiication lines, damage ap­ and grace your brow ance could be Issued to indivliiiial.s efforts of the Notional Tuberculo. Following tbe business of the Army and the opposing Fourth Soldiers’ Funds Former Salaries. I I Spon.Kored By “Women’s Society of Christian Service” ■Is Association. with a broken Jaw. will captain ley. Panama's minister to Peru at tbe Mailoney, Mrs. Elizabeth Phelan, ment. More than $5,000,000,000 or peared light. You were home with a heart Once have felt you held all life from the age of six months up- i Yesterday afternoon the Selec­ evening Detective Sergeant Joseph Army corps to ‘‘heed the lessonk" time. He made the declaration at' Oeorge H. Bryan, James O'Leary, in excess of 20 per cent of their and a soul. could be. ward and .set $100 as the maximum A Week Elarller tbe 191^ eleven. Prentice gave an Interesting talk New York, Nov. 2.5—More than j j limith8 Selling: tions were made by Principal of tbe training battle of last week CaU while en route from Lima. Mrs. WllUam Smith, Daniel J. Sul­ admitted assets today are Invcal- Where friends whom we knew No matter how far from you we amount that could be obtained for The postal employees watch for The new leader, chosen yester­ on the work of the FBI, outlining j Bentley. The exercises are scheduled to With 11 of Rios' frllnda already livan, Mrs. Frank T. Rawaon, Mrs. Hartford, Nov. 25— (/P)—To eo In United States government se­ 2,600 employes of the Great A t­ wqre par* of us too: now are a six-months-old child. The juvenile ’ the first Chrlstmaa seals decorat­ day to succeed left end Alan Bar- the program of studies at tbe I HOME COOKED FOOD — CANDY — JEWELRY ing envelopes an! packages, anJ thoiemy of Portland, Ore., Is the Yesterday afternoon the selec­ end by next Monday but the sim­ under arrest on charges of "pre­ John Dwj-er, Mrs. George H. W il­ raise a Christmas cheer fund for curities, upon which the average lantic A Paoifir Tea Company now Joys and sorrows were shared None Will have more affection insurance scale then mounts at the tions were made by Principal school In Washington. An oyster ulated warfare— with one side paring to undertake a movement Overnight News by the whole. this year on account of the early son of George C. Moseley who liams and Miss Nellie Jamroga. Connecticut soldiers in training yield in only aroiimk 2 per cent. in military and naval service are for thee. rate of $100 a year to the age of I FANCY WORK Bentley who today sent the fol­ stew supper waa served for which preponderantly mechanized and of a subversive character," Ante- Patrick Tuohey First Burled Because o f the premiums good 10 when a maximum of $1,000 will played end for Yale In 1914, '15, camps, a big* "Salute to the receiving compensation from the Of Connecticut lowing letter to President Edward .Mrs. William Bray catered. the other twice as strong but slow­ nor Qulnzada, former deputy of It Is Interesting to note that In bonds command In the open mar­ There, friend.ships and health emi Be gladsome their hearts my wish be is.sucd. Children o f 15 may ob­ j Tea Served in the Afternoon Cafeteria Supper and '16 winning a place on Wal­ Troops" ball will be held Saturday, ter Camp's All-Ameiican eleven F. Morlarly of the association. er and loaded with anti-tank the United Ubersl party, was the list of officers elected at the ket, yields op the type of top­ ■company at the rate pf $700',000 a By Associated Press btxlled our wealth. thus imparts. tain $2,000 insurance December 13, at the State Armory. year in additior to their regular In uls semor year. The letter follows: weapons—might develop so rapid­ picked up by Canal Zone police in meeting laat night, Ml.ss Madeline flight Issues the life companies In­ People laughed, toiled and play­ Thanks for each kindly thought The trustees interviewed five Singing by The Cecilian Club in the Evening R U - A W A H C ? PrinrlpaTs Letter ly that It will be cut short by um The ball, featuring the top­ government pay, John A. Hart­ ed when they'd meet. ' The 22-year-old Captain elect connection with' the case upon a Smith, secretary. Is a grand­ vest In arc around the lowest levels Hartford—The Public Utilities of me, too. Edward F. Moriarty, plres. request of Panama authorities last daughter of the first person bur­ flight orchestras of Bunny Berl- In history. Hence, the companies ford. president, reported today. Each groom took his bride to eyer Old hill, may Joy wing like song­ : NMMaaaaaniaaaswiMaaiisasaaaaaniaiwwM takes over at a time when the Dutch Guiana gan and Loula Prima, It to be held "For more than a year, despite Commission yesterday set Dec. 2 abide: status of Yale football la far dif­ President, Man-hester Improve­ Can Stop Armored Forcea night. led In the cemetery and Mrs. W il­ reason, higher premium rates on birds in spring ment Association, under the sponsorship of Colt's the increasing number of em­ an the date for a hearing on the Love’s beauty cresting, life was ferent than In his fathePs day. Last week's six-day exercise Panama's relations with tbe liam Smith, one of the committee. new policies written seem prudent Iietltion of Highway Commissioner To the hearts seeking solace Manchester, Conn. United SUtea would appear to be Is a granddaughter of the name Industrial Union, Local 270, Unit­ ployes entering service, we have replete. from you. The Ell eleven having Just com­ Has One Field i produced the "most complete and from the business standpoint, at William J. Cox for approval of- a My Dear Mr. Moriarty: unaffected by any turn In the sit­ man. The first record of a burial ed Electrical, Radio and Machine least until bond yields Improve. found It possible to continue sup­ pleted the second successive sea­ In, response to your permission ------j Informing armored action seen In Workers of America, In coopera­ plementing the compensation they bridge to be built over the New son In, which It won only one of uation, observers said. In the cemetery la that of Patrick Importance Indicated Hearts of gold possessed by those God’s beauteous will exemnlified to select three children from the t r . f I f I the United States thus far" and tion with the State Defense Coun­ receive In performance of their Haven Railroad tracks In Groton neverrwvV'Ar stressedatrAaaA/4 ' _s;it * eight games. l i a r t l o r c l t i n p i n p e r l ip - j denion.'itraled that anti-tank units Tuohey, who was hurlel In the The importance of Investment The propo.sed structure Is needed, still. DoThis North End schools for free mem­ cil. patriotic duty." Mr. Hartford’s an­ Nor with marques light acclaim­ However, both Moseley and bis cemetery In 1830. Previous to that tncome In keeping premium rates the commissioner said, in connec­ There to live and let live in his berships to the "Y”. these mem­ sc*ril>PH C^OlinlrV W Army has organized In the Invitations to attend the hall nouncement said. "The plan which ed because love coach, fiplke Nelson, appeared un­ htriups v^uuuiry vy n r r r | months can "stop armored time Catholics were buried In reasonable Is indicated In the fol­ tion with the approaches to the berships donateu by the Improve­ last six months can Hartford or Rockville. without charge are being mailed lowing figures: The not premium makes these payments possible is Each act in their play waa part With faith in a place eternal in dismayed at the prospects for 1942 ment Assocldtloi., we have se­ Is Take Over. forces cheaply and efficiently,' Keep Up Drive being reronsidered each quarter new highway bridge over the of the day; when Yale meets Dehlgh, Pennsyl­ U. S. to Father Tlniinlns Speaks to 500 Connecticut troops who will on an ordinary life insurance Thames river. grace; lected the following. Gen. McNair said. The meeting was attended by be In Hartford at the Ume on fur­ policy for a man 35 years old. as­ year for revision to meet chang­ Free from ego one sates with A divine Cookie Hill up above. vania Navy, Dartmouth, Browm, ing conditions of the emergency." Hartford—Although the 1939 If^ C h ild From the Robertson school we He spoke yesterday at a cri­ lough. An equal number of hoa- suming a 3 per cent investment in­ applause. Come'l. Princeton and Harvard In Hartford, Nov. 25.—OP.—When about 70, the nurnocr from St. legislature passed a law forbidding - James H- Devlin. nsve chosen Melvin Bldwell of 80 tique attended by about 1,000 high For Red Cross terest return tfi the insurance com­ Paid .Monthly that oraer. Army planes go to Dutch Guiana Bridget's and St. Jamca'a parish tosses will be Invited. the use of the words "credit union" North School street, a pupil of officers while the men were mov­ being about equally divided. Fath- With his distinctive music, Loula pany on the policyholders’ money, The military compensation plan Besides Bartholemy, Moseley's as part of formal U. S,. protection In the title of any commercial.cor­ the sixth grade, and In the Hol­ ing Into new positions,. .er Timmins explained the reason is $18.99 per $1,000 of Insurance, provides A A P employes In ser­ Village Gramfiiar school. Plain- A GIFT CERTIFICATE PtUCAN HAS squad will miss the services of of that bau.xlte-produclng countrj-, Prime will present the vocallat. vice with 20 per cent of their sal­ quently experienced trouble In Has a Cold lister schi ol Charles Grzyb of 37 Just as In last week's, maneuver Merchants and Business poration, Attorney General Francis field. to bo supervising principal t m . o r TMt liREATtST APPt- three nien who played virtually all they will find exactly one suitable ! for the meeting When he first Lily Ann Carol. ■ according to American experience lighting the oven of the gas stove. FOR A CHARMING .Mill street amd Robert Tedford of the half-as-large Fourth Corps had came to Manchester, aa parish tables. This contrasts with a net ary m monthly installments. All PallottI nilcd yesterday that the of Center district schools In this ReBett Misery With •fwi* or ANV eiRO->T ma» of oveiv game this year, backs land field. Elliot A. Haller, of 352 [ Concerns Are Being Frank O'Connell, chairman of qualified fiill time and part time Oven jets were open, but unlit, 21 Bond street, both pupils of the two armored divisions and an ex­ priest, he bccam- interested In the preipium of J29.40 that would have state could not force the Security town. « U M MMOWN 1b CON8UMI lib Hovey Seymour and "fed Harrison Laurel street) a young Hartford the dance committee, said today employes working more than 30 and Credit Union. Inc., of Bridge­ when her body was found. Improved Vicks Treatment WEtOHT IM rtSH OAILM Hollister e ghtT. grade. perimental motorized division as improvement of the cemetery. He that It waa expected at least 7,00(k to be charged If Insurance ■ com­ PERMANENT and tackle Frank Kemp. Besides These pupils were selected on engineer who probed the airfield Canvassed Today. hours a week were made eligible port to change the name It has New Haven -Today waa election possibilities of Dutch Guiana sev­ the driving power for two slower had Intended to place It on a aelf Connecticut defense wrorkera would panies had all their money in cash, day in New Haven’s Fifth Ward ’This Improved treatment actually these, Jock Thom^fson, Jack Ma­ the basts of scholarship, school Infantry divisions. However, the supporting plan, hut had not been with no return coming in on port­ for compensation not to exceed used for 17 years beeause the con­ makes Vicks VapoRub give even Ton consume a great deal of Fuel eral months ago, said today. attend the affair. $100 a month. In addition, the where, on Nov. 4, the voters were ■Ema aE$M.TS tmn evu aaotEi ' WAVE gee and Pat Westfeldt, who saw citizenship, and benefits derived First Army was strengthened by Edgar Clarke, chairman, and able to do so The cost of taking folio investment. cern "has acquired In its name a ■ad Range Oil during the winter. much service at end, tackle and by the child. Th» teachers of the The runways the planes will use' Richard Carpenter are canvassing "One purpose of the ball," ba company assumed payment of property right of which It cannot unable to decide whether they An ideal solution to on that field will be surfaced with an equalization of medium bomb­ ear# of the cemetery had run "into explained, "Is to bring about a bet­ In other words, were it not for S o o t h i n g ACTS 2 WA'TS AT ONCX to Why not save and stUI use high gimrd respectively, and Moseley's Hollister and Robertson schools the merchants and business places premiums on the group insurance be divested without its consent." wanted Samuel Simons, Democrat, bring relief... FENETaaTU to upper gift giving, that will a type he recommended after ers. the red" from $1^ to »200 a year. ter realization of the vlU l rola investment income, life compan­ policies held by the men. or Bennett Muffs, Republican, for quality Oils by purchasing your tubatltute at center. Ted Turner, wish to thank the Improvement Umpires decisions ruled that here today in the finale of the an­ The time had ai-rivecl when some­ ies would have to charge the 35- Waterbury— The Rev. Miss R E L I E F / ^ breathing passages with soothing surely appeal to men IWel OU at VAN’S SERVICE STA­ are all seniors. Association fqi giving us the op- studjing the situation and after nual Red Cross Membership Roll that the armed forces are playing The company's first quarter re­ Mlgnon A. Barrett, active In the alderman, giving each candidate medicinal vapors . . . niMUIATES who find it so difficult the Fourth Corps lost a total of thing had to be done about the fu­ year-old man $10.4 i more per $1,- CHAPPED chest and back surfaces like a TION? There's always plenty of lortunlty tp-' select these pupils. samples of soil he had sent back to Call. Supplies and other materials In the defense of the nation." port on the plan's operation show­ founding of the Union church In 615 votes. The 1939 election In the to select a gift for a his laboratories In this country had j 983 tanks— 118 more than were In ture care of The cemetery, he said. 000 of insurance on an ordinary warming poultice . . . And wpaas parking space. May we serve Welcomes Protection 3olng this has necome a custom of the. campaign organizations ed payments totaling $98,183, In­ Watervlije and its pastor for 21 same ward also ended In a tie. HANDS loved one. Stop in to­ been put through exhaustive tests, j Its two dlv Isums--to sntl-tank de- There arc about 7fi0 ploU sold In life policy than he now pays. EM HOMS to ease coughs, relieve you? which yrfe think Is beginning to have been given to the following cluding insurance, to 1,730 men; years until her retirement in 1931, muscular soreness or tightness, day for yours — then Haller, one of three brothers ! fenaes of the First Army. Tanka the cemetery, but of this number A net premium, by the way. Is New Britain Mrs. Nellie An­ AND MINOR ASS'' Batavia, N. E. I.. Nov. 25—(yPi exert .in Influence on children's Industrial concerns so that officials the second quarter totaled $150,- died yesterday atJl.er home here, derson Hiiltqulst, 81, was found and bring real comfort. give a sigh of relief. AND MORE who make up Haller Associates. i put out of action automatically tully 75 per cen’ were to people Two Auto Drivers premium before expenses such as 340 fpt 2,616 men. Additional In­ SKIN —Netherlands East Indies news behpV-ior. were reinstated at midnight dally. of tlttse companies will conduct a who no longer a^* connected with agency and home office operating Windsor -To replace William M, dead In the gas-filled kitchen of To get this Improved treatment papers today welcomed protection Ver>’ truly yours. Inc., Is In charge of the Hartford canvna for the Red Cross within ductions and enlistments increased Farris who has been named super­ IRRITATIONS office pf the company at 410 Asy­ Organizing New Center the pariah and in mony cases they coets. These expenses, of course, her home last night and Dr. Clif­ . . . simply massage VapoRub for of the Dutch Guiana bauxite mines Thomas Bentley, Principal. their owii establishments: Held for Court ^ s e figures until at the present intendent of schools In Deep River, ton M. Cooley, acting medical ex­ I minutes o n b a c k as well aa lum stteet. Haller Associates spe­ Significantly, 91 per cent of the are no longer residents of the town are Incorporated in the gross pre­ ITlme more than 2,600 former erfi- V M n ^STATION by United States troops as new losses were credited to anti-tank Southern New England Tele- the Windsor Board of Education aminer who gave a verdict of ac­ throat and chest, then tpretd cialize In engineering teats and or the state. mium you pay as a policyholder, ploycs are receiving compensation G o - C o thick layer on chest and cover Harriett’s Beauty Salon 4 ?/ HARTFORD ROAD PHONE ibbb proof of the Increasing collsbora. artillery; only one pei cent to ihone Company, Municipal bulld- The land, the records show, was so If you arc 35. you naturaliy last night appointetl Principal cidental death, said he teamed Harriett Horan, Prop. surveys for ariallon companies. ng. Burr Nurseries, Case Broth­ at the rate of $700,000 a year. S o o t f f t tha Skin/ with warmed cloth. Try It! VTCKS tlon between The Netherlands and bombing. To train the special purchased for e cemetery about Following a collision at the cen­ must pay a premium someWhat Kenneth A, Cameron of Central that the aged woman had fre­ TAPORUB —the Improved Way. the United States Auto Inspection At present the company has 22 ers, Folding Boxes, Inc., Lydall Paid UIrrrIly Or A t Home 129 CENTER STREET TELEPHONE 6824 men in South America, Central anti-tank units the Army Is or- 1854, the same time the land was ter at 7:55 a m. today George M. larger than the base net oP^18.99 Foulds Company. Rogers Paper per $1,000. Instead of paying additional America, and In Africa. ganlzlng a "tar.K destroyer train­ bought for the flrsl^ church In Snail, truck driver of 22 Flower compensation lo a lump sum, the Ends on Dec. 6 ing and firing center," General Manufacturing Company. Tober Manchester. The prsperty was street was held by police for op­ Little Effect OiirSalee A Seaplane Base Baseball Company, and the Kage company believed that monthly , Haller flew to Paramaribo, capi­ McNair disclosed. It will be es­ never a good site for^a cemetery erating a vehicle with defective Life Insurance underwriters here payments would be of more prac- | Whin your child ho* tablished soon at an undisclosed Company. and aa the tlm-s went rslong that brakes. A truck driven by the ac­ said they believed■pa InIncreases in Mahieu's tal of Dutch Guiana, last January. It waa reported today that the ttcal value to the employes."' Mr. A C0U6HIM6* tpsll The automobile Inspection lane The only commercial base in the location. . fact became more apparent. It la cused rammed Into a car operated premium rates new policies Hartford said. "This was done in 183 Spruce Street that has been operating on Leon­ Among the ,'aulta General Mc­ employes of the Ellis Cloak Com­ not now poBslb'v to buy a^ltlonal by Joseph Racky of Rockxllle. It will have little over-all effect on PE»TUSSIH’S.4(jft country was a seaplane base neqr pany have contributed over $100. the hope that the payments would ard street here will close on Sat­ an inadequate airfield outside the Nair listed for immediate correc­ Ismd. The time la not too far dis­ waa reported that the foot brake the trend of insurance sales. better enable the men in service to urday, December 6. The lane Is tion were: This sum. In accordance with a tant when the .-emeterv w^l be oa the Snail vehicle failed to hold. "Whenever premium rates are Money In Your Pocket And wfirki so wtlli j capital. Haller went there to con­ company principle, has been meet responaibilities Incurred In MONTH END SALE! open every dav from 8 a. m. to 5 Road Jamming of motor col­ filled up. An organization, such aa Charged with failing to halt at raised, they are usually announced private life.” In —su es s 1^ sult with Pan-American engineers matched by the company, It was p. m. except Sundays. umns that would make them vul­ he proposed could go on for yei^s a stop sign George Abbood of in advance, and we get an extra Some of the men have elected as to the best field location In the nerable to air and ground attack. stated. Mission The fall Inspection period will country. to come; Burial In the future Mooaup will appear In towm court bulge In business from people buy­ to accept their check directly, Sliced Pineapple, end on January 17. Permanent Blackout orders are ignored too Captains and leaders of teams would have to be made In S tomorrow mom'ng He was halted ing additional protection at once An air and ground survey Indi­ are requested to make a 'fieport*not while others have directed the ThaVs What Rainbow^s lanes are located at Hartford, Wa- often. James's cemetery where there Is McKee and Center atreeU. to escape the increases," said one 20-oz. ckn ...... cated, Haller said, that the Para­ later than Thursday night at Red company to pay relatives or de­ 15c terbury. New Haven, Bridgeport, Observation planes fly too low ■till ample room and where pro­ undenvriter. "A fter the higher pendents. In many instances, Mr, maribo field was the only location and “missions frequently were Croaa Headquartara, House A Hale and Stamford. visions were already made to take rates become effective, there fol­ Hartford reported, the check from BETTER STOCK In the entire country. Then he stated In too general terms for building. Main street The drive lows usually a short-lived slowing Hot Cherry 1 took ground tests and Pan-Ameri­ care of the dead after the few re­ the company is twice the amount effective execution by inexper­ will close on Saturday night. maining lota have been sold In S t of the pace of incoming new busi­ MEANS MORE can began to build two 6,000-fopt NOW of the man’s base acrvlee pay. P e i ^ r s qt. j a r . . I ienced aviators." Bridget's cemetery. ness which often Just about equals runways to make the field suit­ Radio communication was not PLAYING the pre-rate-riae bulge. Then the able for hea%-y commercial and It U the desire of Father Tim­ used well; one Intelligence com­ mins to have an organization course of insuiTnce sales returns CASH & CARRY Services Potato Salad, FOR SALE military aviation. The field Is on pany lnterce,jted more than 1,000 Rhodes’ Orchestra to Its normal, steady groove." 14^1 MONEY a broad savannah. The rest of the formed that wrould not only at­ Serbian Red Band l/i-lb. j a r ...... messages both hostile siid friendly. IPMAYBETNEUSTI Bxecutlves say studies show country Is Jungle, even its cities tempt to clean up the cemetery SIX ROOM HOUSE He commended supply functions To Play for Grange and have It looking ^ood for Me­ KISHMI ttet bMtar that around 6 per cent of gross in­ Mean To You are Just Jungle clearings, he said. aa "excellent" and complimented come In all salary and wage classe.s Reportetl Smashed Delicious Located near school and bus Haller said he found the Dutch morial Day, but to put men to the men on th^lr "spirit and en­ work In the place, and carry on goes Into life Insurance, and the Carrots^ Peas, line. Ownqr leaving town. extremely pro-American. "They thusiasm." general belief la that this percent­ teach English In schools and 1 am Jim Rhodes Orchestra, a TollanJ from year to year. Such money aa Berlin, Nov. 2S.~(JP)~ The Our lower operating costs enable u4 to dp 3 caqa ...... might be raised by contacting age will remain little changed a f­ break-up of a band of alleged Ser- your laundry 25c sure they will be quite happy -to muaical ensemble, which has furn­ ter the turn of the year. PRICE $4,200 see the United States help protec.t ished the music for the last two former lot owners could go Into a bian-Communista In a five-hour fund for this purpose. Even If dirt TaxaUoo Big QueaUoo and dry cleaning at 30% less than you usually pay I Rtumford their valuable bauxite. Of course, Miss Mary Kelly country dances of Bolton Orange, battle In which 150 Serbs were, Small Down Payment. has been engaged b j the Home to be used In filling In at the ceme­ The big question mark In the In­ killed and 900 taken prisoner wai Baking Powder, some of the Dutch roads are paved surance picture, of course, is taxa­ Balance On Monthly Basis. with bauxite. But that was be­ Economics committee of the tery wfit aecured tor nothing the reported today by DNB in a dis­ Drop your bumlle at your convenience. Is Given Shower coat o f transportation would be tion. Individual Federal income Ei.' 12-oz. can. . . . . 20c fore the officials knew that bauxite Grange to play for the third dance patch quoting the Belgrade news of the aeries tomorrow evening at high. To Scrape the roads In the tax payments will be aubaUntlally paper Obnova. CALL 3620 ore Is a chief source of aluminum." larger next March 15 than thla This Monomy is joined with the highest quality After spending several weeks In Miss Mary Af«>e Kelly who U to 8:15 In the Community ball at Bol­ cemetery each year cost $7.50 an Volunteer mtllUamen of Rudnik. La Tquraine ' past March because of the in­ M Dutch Guiana, Haller made similar be married tomorrow morning to ton Center. hour, he said. It said, were the victora In ad­ service.. .for at the RAINBOW we launder every­ offee, 1-lb. tin Jamea M. Griffin of Henry atreet Aa In tha case of tbe former Others Speak creases 'voted In the 1941 revenue ministering what was called the surveys In Brazil before returning law. And. already there la talk of thing with IVORY SOAP and so-carefully that, all to the United States Hi April. waa honored with another mlscel- socials, round dances and square Others who spoke laat night In­ greatest defeat yet suffered b> laneoui ehowe# laat evening at the seta will be on the program, with a cluded ^udge William J. Shea. Mr. still higher taxes when Congress such bands. shirts laundered hy us exclusively are guaranteed a Specially Ivory Snow, 1 0 # » ------.Shea spoke from the legal point, frames Its next revenue bill. Tax home of her alaUr, Mr^. David member of the orcheatrs to an­ A t the end o f the battle, the dis­ full year’s wear. Shirts, beautifully finished, re­ 2 small size pkgs. 1 7 C City Bosses v Kerr, of 9 Short street. About fifty nounce the old-fuahlohed dances. l i would not be possible, he said. rates may be boosted, not alone to patch said. ISO Serbs lay dead on with famoli* Holiday Fun ,w ' frienda of the bride-elect attended Refreshments wUI be on sale and to lower the land, but In many raise revenue for the defense pro­ the field, 600 were captured with turned unbuttoned— no pins. and Bhowared her with gifts. Mrs. Keeney Hutchlnaon, chairman gram, but also to siphon off part weapons In their bands and 300 FLORENCE Octagon Cleanser, Seen Going A mock marrlaga ereatod much of tba Home Economics committee, of the rising national income and mqre surrendered on ..learning of '4 7 tr 2 cans fo r...... amuaement. Mloa Olga Kwaab was and Mrs. Georgs Shedd will aerve thus act as an anti-inflation brake the death of their leader, LConid •V T-.-c*';. .. agalnaf rising prices. Some people range (^ontliraed From Paga One) tbe bride, Mrs. Emsst Robinson at the ticket booth and Mrs. Fever TODAY Pleakovitch. ^gaaaii^giM ii(|^ o it 'll: the bridegroom and Mrs. WUllam Calhoun and other members of the AND may have to scrimp to dig up Obnova said the city of Kut-- French’s WED. money for both Insurance and Un-- achivo had been cleansed of alleg­ IB U RN ERS qanized throughout th e , United Burke tba clergyman. committee in the kitchen. CIRCLE cle Sam. Bilrd Seed, States to seek improvament In A buffet luncheon was served ■OBitr ed Communists after a two-hour T ------Social security, by the way. Rainbow package .. local govemmenU by thbhpstess who wras aasisted by SITPER GIANT SHOW! P m t T O N skirmish during which 63 were Men’s Suits 10c M rs Arttaur Kelly. helped rather than hurt life Insur- killed, 20 were woundei^and 20 Apathy Prineipal Tool Women Working NANCT ance sales totals when It became vvv.n *'v''v. “Theso groups are active and I Miss Kelly and Mr. Griffin will K I i I Y others were captured. DRY CLEANING FLORENCE de luxe dual-oven Hartley’s Orange be married tomorrow morplng at \law. With the Federal deductions Sponged and don't think they will ever let the IDMON8 <■ ■ 1 Ifarmalade, O C nine o'clock in St. James's church. As Machinists om wagaa and salaries of tbe so­ old bosses come back,” he said. O'SRI IN cial security tax for retirement “th e COMBINATION RANGE EOR OIL AND GAS I'lb. j a r ...... Ton can’t potalbly expect to get "The only thing I am afraid of Is MABBY beimfita, many individuals became Pressed While that as our mi|mtclpal governments Measles Cases Perfect Dry Cleaning” ■WESE a good price for ■tock that has riol Flynn-f'C'l MncMurra C A R I T insurance conscious for the first become more and more efficient Two Missing Ehick Springfield, Maas., Nov. 28.— VPt IPSRE French’s , been poorly ted. Bayers are tlme\and took out policies with Men’s Plain Suits, You Wait too shrewd nowadays; the oon- Let us make yon look public tends to forget all about —womaa worked on machlniata — PLUS — annuity provlaiona. Insurance un- Virtually Double Uostard, them. That apathy U the principal P L U S ! “ H E L L O SU C K E R " snmlng pnbllo Is a lot smarter. your best for the holidays. Hunters Located Jobs today at tba Springfield Arm GLORIA darwrltors aay. Scores of people Topcoats, Overcoats. THERE'S value paclied -into this range! It’j 16c size ja r tool o f the grasping politician, oty, bora* of tba Oaraad rifla, for SWANSON reasoned that policies with annu­ 11c QoaUty meats are in demand. It’s not only a woman’s ’ PLUS! Seketed Shorts! ) Hartford, Nov. 25.— ijp)— The the most beautiful Combination you’ve ever People will pay the price If your who Is working all the time-to get tbe first Urns alnoa tba World War. ADOI.PHE ity features, augmenting social se­ number of meaalea cases in Con­ Ladies* Plain Dresses Nabant, Mass.. Nov. ■tock Is np to staadsTd. Start heritage, it’s her duty to bis hand on tha treasury.’’ Fourteen wort la tba tnlUal M ENJO r In curity income, .would assure com­ necticut baa virtually doubled, the seen. Sturdy, too—built to give you yean of Wayne Allen, chief edmlnlatrsp sought throughmout the night In group whieb want to work yaatar- 2 for $1.19 B. R. Molasses, with good feed — Moon’s. keep hersejf beautiful. fortable living after 65. State Health Department reported or Coats. wonderful seraice. ^ to« 0«. Uva officer of populoua Loa Ante- •ub-freeslngalng iaitemperature, two day to naat a ohortaga of akUled “FATHER TAKES today. largest can ... duck huntare. mtaalhg In a 14-foot 22c So make -your appoint* lea county In California, declared tabor; plant offtetala onnouBood. A W IF E " The weekly- morbidity reported Tbere’s d ou ble cook in g convenience for dory, ware located today about It'a up to the men antruated with Mora WlU b* amployad when a Hated 65 caaea for tha week end­ LARSEN’S ment now for Your Holiday four mllaa off abnre. tS fa m S M IP you—both oil and gas. The dual oven is heat- Salads Tea Balls, eclantlile management of titles to clvU oarvloa Uat la prepotad. THURS. - FRI. AND SAT. Editor of Ulster ing Nov. 22, against 32 the preced­ FEED SERVICE Permanent! prove their oAn worth. The Ooaat Ouard etatlao here ing Week. *d by either oil, or gas, or both at once. 'package of 9 ..... was noUfied By Qravae light that 88 Depot Sqnare Phoae 840S "If you get a good city manager BxcMod by Both SIdaa Whooping cough cases totaled PRICED FROM end a eeuneU that wlU back him tba man- Swan Udn. 48, o f Mid- BOB HOPE Newspaper Dies There’s extra comfort, too—steady heat for dlaburo^ and Joseph MUler, 45. of tn “Nothing But 'Th* T nith" 73. as compared with 54 the pre­ your kitchen and adjoining rooms. With the up, you'll hava such a good munici­ S e a t t le UPt —Blmer Carlberg im a w ii»5 o vious week, scarlet fever, 20. pal government no machine will be Ravers — were headed toward sboaa hla examination for Jury PLUS...**Target For Tonight" .Belfast, Northern Ireland. Nov. against 82; and lobar pneumonia Florence Water Coil, you can have a constant up able to overthrew It," be remark­ ■bore A Ceoat Ouard crew wrent ■orvloa oa tbe biopportune time to 26.—(45-vWilliam Copeland Trim­ 15, against 18. out to maat them. supply of hot water. $3.98 ed. e x p o t^ hie tbeorlea on man’a ble. 90. editor of H ie Impartial Re­ There one Reported case of OPEN Tha men are attending the In- veracity. "A it men are Uara," eaid porter for 66 years, died today at typhoid fever. In Bridgeport, and See this Range today! It’s easy to have one temetlopal a t y Managara’ Aseo- Voting Oa UnlooB Enniskillen. ’ Shampoo and Finger Wave Carlberg, "In court" Re was ex­ no reported caaea of diphtheria. 24 HOURS clatlon convention. cused promptly by the lawyers for Eldest In a family of 26, he waa in your own kitchen. There’s a model here to 75c, Hartford, Nov, 28.—OR—Em* both Bides. IROVEN PIGTUR the first president (1917) of The fit your needs and pocketbpok. R A N G E b IM OaSoa U t a ... PatlMit Seeks Diinaar Foread To Vlao namoa ployea o f tha Royal Typfwriter THEATRE Hortford Irish Newspaper Owners' Asso­ raiaee C ryatallte Company were -qotlng to i^ on a Wlaa Snepwided Seateooe ciation, A N D F U E L R a iM OU. YVie gaOMt. Middletown, Nov. 25.— Tba simple Late Shows Only 10:48 P . M. fought more libel suits than any t h ^ home in night elothaa laat tbe National lAbor Itelatlona quasUon: "Weren’t you Touni a t Middletown petloned other Irish Joumallst. He was serv­ the Superior Court for a writ of LAUMDE^m D IA L 8500 night whan fire dastroyad tha twro- Bosrda once. Judge?" won a euapandei ed IS writs in one week. Apprmdmataiy 4,700 amployaa ■antenoe for M Raamuoeen. Raa- habeas corpus, seeking release HARMSON STq, MAHCP^TER. Beauty Shoppe stoiy farm roaldanoa in tha W a y A t 61 Trimble recruited a body from the state hospital where he were eUglbla to vote en their pref­ muaoen axplaiiuNl to Judge rraftk W€ M coiiT ^en tly located on Harrison mouth district, four mllaa from of cavalry known aa the Enjoia- la a patient, . and was granted a Plenty of Parking Space. Benson's B. Moss ha w«8 auying n o d night SIS URNTBR 869 Main Street haro. ) * erence for the United Blaetrlesl. kinen horse to fight for Ulster bearing today by Judge Robert U ri»\blocks from the ahoppinff « r n u 1 H Damagt was astlmatod at Radio and BUehlne Woricere to hie girl when a cep left a ticket agalns^bome rule. ^ Open 7 A . M. to 8 P. M. AT BROAD R . Muiyer. center, one bloek^ front East Center Street. — 711-Ylt MAIN rTM II BROS. P m )N E j058 S5.0U0. partially covered by ln«ur. Amertea. CIO: the Independent for perkinf two hours in Satardayst 7 A . M. io 4 P. M. 4 anee. R ey il UBlont ■X, .


ffiAiNVHES’t ^ EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1941 PAGE FIV B Ellington \ M m Kelly Amazed News From Manchester’s Neighbors O. F . Berr Daily Radio Programs TM m -g . Reekvine Eastern Stoaard Tim* At Gambling. Miss Edna L. Klbbe of New When it Comen to Denh» You Cam York, daughter of the late E. B. will hold a ruramsge sale at the Bolton. Mr. 'and Mrs. Klngaley Klbbe of thla town has presented Chicago Mayor Will Not ChooHe from Over 75 Models church from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. on Carpenter drove to WUton and To Resume Grand Opeta Rockville Wedneaday. Mrs. E. H. Metcalf Is Bolton Mrs. Blrdsall accompanied them to Tolland the Hall Memorial Library with a Disclose Testimony Be­ copy of the ‘Treasury of Ameri­ In charge of the donations'for the Mrs. Clyde Marshall Bolton. Mrs. Jolw a. Steele V/ Lewto H. tawpniM affair. Mrs: Ellen Brown, of Hartford, can Prints,” edited by Thomas Over Air on Saturday fore Grand Jury. V6, itoelivllla Pbona 4052 la the gueat of her slater, Mra. 1178-2 BoekvtUa Harry Munro, of Andover road. Craven. The gift cpnUina a col- lection of 20 repixHluctlona of fam­ New York, Noy. 25W(P)—Broad­ Blue; 10:45 CBS; 11:00 MBS; 12:- Chicago, Nov. 26.—(S’)—Mayor ^ KEMEMBEK, fhar« U NO tai on furnltur# «nd you can tfitt The Zoning Board of Appeals of Recent gueata at the homa of Mrs. Louise Price and Mra. Edward J. Kelly, head of the na­ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson ous paintings and sculpture issued casts from the Metropolitan Opera 00 NBC-CBS. buy furnituro on Bud9tf T»rm» up to I I monthi of Flinl-Bfueo'i. Columbia the town.of Bolton will hold a pub­ Fred Abora, of Ellington, ware by the State Art PubUshers of the stage are to be resumed on the Talks—CBS 10:15 Leon Hender­ tion's aecond city for the past Girl Injured of Bolton Center Included Mr. and . son on "Business Cooperation for lic bearing on Wednesday at 7:30 Mra. Denver Potts of Wethersfield guests Monday o t Mr. and Mrs. NBC-Blue network Saturday after­ eight years, learned some thlng^ Weecott Rice p. m. in the Community Hall, Bol­ The Red Cross membership drive Defense; " NBC-Red 11:15 I. M. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauaola John H. Steele. noon for the eleventh season. TTie from a Cook county grand jury By State Car 575-12, WllUmantlc DI\isloB ton Center, on the application of and three children of Newington. closes on December 1, and any Ornburn on "Union Label and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Corneliuaon Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock wishing to join and have not been series will .consist of 16 weekly Xtrika Buying." about gambling conditions In the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wesaell the Young People’s Society meet­ matinees. ' ' . “The Ehrery Member Canvass for for a certificate of approval of the of Hartford were Sunday dinner contacted to date may do so by NBC-Red- V :30 Burhf and Al­ metropolis which he described as Is funds for the Columbia Congrega­ location for a gasoline filling sta­ ing waa a worship service on "The calling CTaptain Jean Arens or any The broadcast opener Is Verdi’s len; 8:30 Horace Heldt; 6:30 Fil^ Rockville Resident guests at the home of Mr. and (Jhurch.” The group discussion of the following committee, Ida "La Travlata,” the cast to Include ber McGee; 10 Bob Hopej 10:30 amazing. tional church opened Sunday, No­ tion at the former Sheldon prop­ Mrs. Thomas Bentley of Bolton Jarmila Novotna Czech aoprano; The mayor, who accepted the Struck As She Crosses vember 23. This campaign, which erty on Route 44. waa led by Mrs. Ernest O’Neal, Bancroft, Eva Beasley. Mildred Red Skelton. Center. Plana were made for Christmas McKnight, or Rose Oark. The Lawrence TIbbett, and Jan Peerce. CBS—8 Misaing Heirs; 8:80 Bob jury's Invitation to testify, was lie- is an annual event. Is expected to All persons interested in this ap­ The station lineup Is to total 181, fore the Investigating group for East Main Street. contact approximately 90 families. plication may appear at this hear­ season activitiea. captain welcomes the call and will Bums; 9 We The People; 9:30 Re­ Wednesday at 8 p. m. the Fel­ see that you are properly enrolled. and beginning December 8 a short­ port to the Nation. two hours yesterday but he would HHEI¥ IT TOMES TO The following pco'ple arc partici­ ing. This is the flrat hearing to be wave relay t> Latln-Amerlca Is to not disclose his testimony. He said, Rockville. Nov. 25.—(Special) — pating: Clayton E. Hunt, B. Wel- held by the newly appointed Board lowship of Prayer meeting will be The next meeUng of the Friend­ NBC-Blue — 7 Easy Ace*; g Miaa Jean Flllp, 24, of 83 Ham­ Stafford Springs held at the paraonitge. All Inter­ ship class will be held Monday, be added. Milton Crou continues Treasury Hour; 9 Famous Jury however, that "I can tell you some ton Porter, Henry B. Hutchins, of Appeals. Keeney Hutchinson is as announter. mond street, was struck by a Allan C. Robinson, Raymond E. chairman of the ^ a r d and Mar­ ested are Invited. December 1. at the home of Mrs. Trials; 9:30 NBC Symphony, Leo­ of the things told me opened my State Highway Department auto­ Joho O. Netto Leland Sloan of Maple avenue. In connection with the opera pold Stokowski llnale. eyes and amazed me." OVER 100 STYLES, COVERS AXR COLORS Lyman, ^ewton B. Smith, Albert garet H.' Rich Is secretary. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock pickups. NBC-Blue also Is resum­ mobile being operated by Stanley E. Lyiftkn, Chaunccy M. Squler, Red Cross Sewing 472. SUBord there will be tryouts for the This Is the last meeting of the MBS—8:30 Ned Jordon, drama; C'alla DIstriet C^aptalns C Amidon, 31, of CHieatnut Hill, Christmas play "No Room In the year. A feature will be the ex­ ing at 10:16 Thursday night the 9:30 Songs of Marching Men; 10:- And. Kelly added, If what he Mason A. Nuhfer, Kenneth Tripp, The Bolton Center Red Cross Metropolitan Opera Guild, which 16 Gene Krupa uand. was told by the grand Jury was FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE . . . M3.05 to *120 Lebanon, late yesterday afternoon Aubrey Winter, Philip H. laham. Sewing group will meet in the As the annual roll call of the Hotel.” All Interested are asked changing of gifts. la the center of the city. Wedneaday evening Past Lec­ prevues the coining performance. true, "somebody In the police de Horace Little, Luther Buell, and Community Hall on Wednesday at Stafford Chapter. American Red to meet In the church. What to expect Wednesday: The At the Rock\ille City hospital Hubert P. Collins. .10 a. m. for an al day sewing meet­ turers’ Night win be observed at partment Is going to get hell from Cross nears its quota of 81500, Cards received from Leon Ellington Grange. Program la In As he did once before under sim­ war— the commissioner.” He later con Where Mias Flllp was removed In The Trl-Oounty Union Thank.s- ing. Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson Chorches state he la In medical ilar circumstances, Lionel Barry­ Morning; 8:00 NBC CBS; 8:45 the hospital ambulance, it waa re­ givlng service wa.s held at St. asks all who have odda and ends local residents are attracted to the charge of all past lecturers and ferred with the police commission display of knitted and sewn gar­ training at Camp Lee, Virginia, the refreshment committee chair­ more will take his brother John's NBC-Red; 8:55 NBC-Blue; 9:00 er, James P. Allman and the latter ported that she Suffered lacera­ Peter’s Episcopal church In He­ 'of yaim to bring them on Wednes­ with a small number of college place In the Rudy Vallec broad­ CBS; 10:00 MBS; 10:15 NBC-Blue; • Big, Detp, Loungy Chairs • Groeoful Borrol Choirs tions and bruises of the forehead bron Sunday evening. The Very day. Donations of yarn may be left ments made here by members of man is Mrs. A. D. Cordtsen. announced that all district cap the- chapter production corps, boys. Mrs. Donald Wallace and Infant cast l^ursdav night via NBC-Red. 11:00 MBS; 12:00 MBS. talus were summoned to appear and knees, but was resting com- Rev. Arthur F. McKer.ny, Dean of in the Library or may be brought Miss Margerie Miller wbo has John is in a Hullywoo'. hospital, Afternoon; 1:45 NBC; 2:00 • 6pen Arm Pull-Up Chairs • Smorf Button-Bock Chairs fo^bly. Christ Church Cathedral in Hart­ to the sewing meeting. which are on exhibit In the old son; Robert Spaulding, returned to before-, him today. poslofflce show window in the been confined to her room for their home on Maple street. Satur­ suffering from influenza.. .With­ MBS; 3:00 MBS; 3:55 CBS MBS; Allman said that If gambling Miss Flllp told the police she ford officiated. This Is the first Society to Sleet some time with Inflammatory in a short time after hir return to 4:45 CBS MBS; 4:55 NBC-Blue; • "Sloopy Hollow” Choirs • Soft Pillow-Bock Chairs was crossing Ekist Main street by The Women’s Society for Chris­ I'onon block on East Main atreet. day, from the Rockville City hos­ places were being operated. "It 1s time since joining the Tri-County Arranged against a white back­ rheumatism, la now able to leave pital. the United States, Ed Murrow, 8:00 CBS MBS; 6:25 NBC-Red; with no oi^nsent of mine. If it Is the traffic light, walking on the Union that St. Peter’s church has tian Service of the Quarryville her room which will be pleasing CBS chief in London, was on the 6:45 CBS NBC-Blue. • 18fh Contury Wing Chairs • Ladies' Loungo Chairs crosswalk. Mr. Amidon said he Methodist church will meet at the drop bearing the Red Croaa in- with the consent of the captains .50 hart an opportunity to be the en­ •signa, the dl.splay includes, socks, news to her friends. ■ air aa the guest, together with NBC-Red—12:30 Nellie Revllle I'want to find out about It.” ^ d stopped for the traffic light tertaining church. homo of Mrs. .larkson L. Butler in William L. Shlrer, of a mid-after­ interviews Margaret Spealu; 2" East Hartford on Wednesday eve­ mlitens, afghans, shirts, dresses A. Esten Clough and Harold The grand ju.ry is Investigating and had started again, passing the At a regular meeting on Wert- and other Items representing the noon news'’ for women broadcast. Light of lhe.V\orId; 8:30 Stella reports that handbooks for horse light and was entering Fast .Main nesday evening Columbia Grange ning at 8 p. m. Clough visited Burt Hallock, a pa­ Wapping Murrow plana to spend at least Unger on Movies. CBS—3:15 News sUeet and the fir.st he knew there Invited to Wapping achievements of local workers with tient In the Boston hospital, Fri­ six months in this country. Bob race betting am) other gambling An authentic Flint-Bruce reproduction with a careful will confer the first and second de­ yarn, needle and thread during the day. for Women; 4:30 (NBC-Blue 4:45) places are being operated with po was an.vthlng unusual was when grees On the following cla.ss of l.’i Members of Bolton Orange have Mrs. W. W. Grant Trout Is handling the. London post Army Maneiiveis; 5:45 Ben Ber- eye to period details. Note its four claw-and-ball received an invititlion to neighbor past twelve months. Three quotas Miss Alvina Woebomurka spent lice knowledge by a .syndicate con­ he saw the girl's coat at the front candidates: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice of work were accepted by the local 7394, Manebesta* .. .The Amei'ican Radio Relay nle. NBC-BIue -i2:30 Farm and trolled by former Capone gang feet; its serpentine interior; itt lecret drawers; it* of the auto. Police Captain Peter r.,oonard. Mr. and Mts. Horace with Wapping Grange this eve­ the holiday and week-end at the League, orgai.izatlon of amateur Home Hour: 2:30 Into the Light; ning al 8 p. m. Wapping Grange production corps during 1941 and home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. station owners, announces the members. ’’butterfly" drawer pulls and "keyhole etcutcheons"; J. Dowgewlcr Is investigating and Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fletch­ 2895 sewn and knitted garments Wapping Grange No. 30. will 4 Club Matinee MBS -2:30 Re­ Kelly Pledges Aid Is seeking an eyewltne.ss to the er. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans, .Mr. meet.s In the Wapping Community Edward Woebomurka. Miss publication of its nineteenth "Ra­ liable Jubilee Four: 5:15 Shatter iti automatic lid supports. Mahogany and gumwood. Hail. Bolton will furnish part of were shipped during that period to Wochomurka is taking teacher hold Its regular meeting this eve­ The mayor said he had pledged accident. am' Mrs. Harold Llmbacher, Mr. the Red Cross export depot at New dio Amateur's Handbook." Parker Circus. . .Short Waves: hla aid to the grand jury and to Birth and Mrs. Edrlc Pcttingill, Mynin the entertainment. training at New Britain. ning. There Is a change In the pro­ RNE Moscow 8:45 News; HAT4 Ubrary Notes York. Tuning tonight. The war:—7:00 State’s Attorney Thomas J. Court­ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cook Berkowltz, Le.stcr Bamikow, and The local corps with 44 knitters Mr. and Mrs. McClure, of Hart­ gram. Instead of the first and aec­ Budapest 8 Folks Songs; GSG ney. his opponent Jn the 1939 may­ i t Other Flint-Rmce Drop-1.Ill Denka to 070 of Tolland arc the parents of a Reginald Lewis. It is expected that The Library will be open on ford, formerly of Tolland, were ond degree, aa printed In the pro­ MBS; 7:15 NBC-Red; 7:30 MBS; GSD Londm 9 Headline News and ' Roqulorly $85 . . . you tov* $15.21, Wednc.sda.v from 2:30 to 5:30 and nine regular sewers, received 8:00 MBS, 8:15 MBS; 8:55 CBS; oralty primary Slectlon. Courtney son bom Sunday night at the there will also be several members 254 pounds of knitting yam and Sunday guests at the home of Mr. grams, It will be "Neighbors’ Views; TGWA Gautemala 10:15 waa present during Kelly's meet­ Gorgooul In oppooranco. magnllieant In ★ Flint-Rrore Flat-top Denk* 019.73 to 9115 Rockville City hospital. of Somers Grange present to take p m. for the convenience of every­ and Mra Emery Clough and at­ Night. 9:15 MBS: 10:00 MBS; 10:30 NBC- Opera "La Boheme." comfort! Soft plump ipringdown taaf one. Mrs. Thomas Bentley will act 5028 yards of material. There are ing with the grand jury. Funerals the degrees at the same time. three church groups in Stafford, tended services at the Tollanrt East Central Pomona Grange, Kelly aald that "from what cuiKlon (ganuino goota down and i ( SerretarF Desks frow 944.50 ta 9175 The funeral of John Kalina of A wedding of Interest to friends as librarian In the absence of Miss Federated church Sunday. No. 3. will hold its next meeting faathars with coil cora) , . . tooia. puffy iT%.l Adelc Loomis who is visiting her who sew and knit In addition to the learned I believe there will come ’ 6 9 . 7 5 AS Brooklyn street who died Sun­ of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shokleton homemaking class at Stafford High Rev. and Mrs. Leon Austin, of Wednesday, December 3. at 10:30 much benefit to the city through pillow baeV bata ii smartly trlmmad day at the Rockyille City hospi- of West Hartford i.s that of their sister in Cromwell. North Coventry, were attendants a. m. with Tolland Grange, an all­ wTic WDRC with cord fringa. Choica of covart. •5V. Borrowers of the Bolton Library school, working under the direction Kilocycles eradication of the so-called gam . tal will be held on Wednesday at daughter. Verna, to Wallace H. of the Miss Barbara Street. Wom­ at the Federated church services day meeting. There will be a bling syndicate. . . . The grand 8:30 a. ni. at the Luther A. White Thrall, J r, on Sunday. November are reminded that books that have Sunday morning. Christmas program, with a debate. been kept two \veeks may be re­ en in Staffordville made a large Tuesday, Nov. 25 Tueaday, Nov. 25 jury haa done . a great service Funeral Home and at 9 a. m. at 23. Mrs. Shekleton wa.s Miss Jose­ share of the layeta, each consisting Miss Wilson, of Syracuse, N. Y., "Resolved. That children should be which should result in stopping Ct. Joseph's church. Rev. Sigls- phine Kneeland of Pine street, Co­ newed for on additional two weeks taught to believe In Santa Claus." P. M. P. M. by calling Mrs. Bentley or Miss of 28 articles and the women at was a holiday and week-end guest 3:00—Against The Storm. 3 ;00—Studio Matinee, WDRC En­ certain elements which might mund Woronlecki, pastor of the lumbia. thj Hazardville have contributed a of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyt Hayden The Ladles’ Aid Society of the spread their power beyond gam­ Word has been received of the lyiomls or by calling at the Li­ Wlndsorvllle Methodlat church, 3:15—Ma Perkins. semble. church, will officiate. Burial will brary. Those who keep books over generous part of the fourth quota. and daughter Emily Hayden. 3:30- Guiding Light 3:30—Sing Along. bling to other business. . . . They |. be In St. Bernard's cemetery. The birth of a daughter, Doris Ann, on The hospital aid rooms at the Schools reopened yesterday will' serve a baked corned beef are doing a fine Job In trying to October 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. John the two weeks’ period without re­ hash supper on 'Thursday evening, 3:45—Vic and Sadc. 3:45 -News. funeral home will be open Tue.sday newing them in the above manner nurses' home of the Johnaon Me­ morning In town after the holiday 4:00—Backstage Wife. 3:55—War Commefitary. clean the city. Bight. Rising of Suffield. Mr. Rising is a morial hospital have been open for recess. December 4, from 6 to 8. There 4:15—Stella Dallas. "From now on the mayor, the The funeral of James C. Wright, resident of Columbia, and Mrs. will be subject to the fine of five sewing and knitting work every will also be a sale of fancy arti­ 4:00—Ad Uner. cents per week for each book. Mlaa Janet Anderson, a student cles. 4:30—Lorenzo Jones. 4:30—Army Maneuvers. state's attorney, and the grand 56, of Ellington, who died Sunday Rising taught at the Old Hop Riv­ Wednesday for nearly a year, and at Mt. Holyoke College, was a 4:45—Young Wldder Brown. jury will work toward that end - er School for four years. .Grange Danre nave been open on Wednesday and Edward CJurtin, son of Mr. and 4:45—Ad Liner. I night at the Rockville City hospi­ The Home Economics Commit­ gueat at the home of her parents 5:00—When A Girl Marries. 5:00—Mary Marlin. to keep gambling down to a minl- :■ \ X tal will be held on Wednesday aft­ Miss Ida Holbrookl formerly of Mondays since June. The rooms during the college receaS. Mrs. John Curtin, of Main street. 5:15—Portia Eacea Life. "mum and to keep the big hand­ Ckilumbla, and now of Manchester, tee of Bolton Grange is sponsoring are open to the general public for South Windsor, who la a student 5:15—The Goldbergs. ernoon at two o’clock at the El­ a dance to be held Wednesday eve­ The annual thank offering 5:30—We, The Abbotts. 5:30—The O’Neills. books from doing any business." lington Congregational church waa a visitor in town last Satur­ such work. meeting and silver tea sponsored at Holy Cross CJoIlege. was home 5:45—Elscorta and Betty. day- ning in the Community Hall. Music Enrollment of pupils In the for the Thanksgiving rece.'-s. 5:45—Ben Beraie. with Rev. Thcoelore F Darrah ot- for the modern and old-fa.shloned by the Union Missionary Society 5:55—Stand By America. 6:00—News. Weather. ^ flctatlng. Burial will be in thC El­ Junior Red Cross la being conduct­ George Bancroft, son of Mra. G. 6:00—News and Weather. dances will he furnished by the of the Tolland Federated church, H. Bancroft la at hta home from 6:0.5—Hedda Hopper's Hollywood lington Center cemetery. members of Jim Rhodes's Orches­ ed In the local public schools under will be held In the church Wednea­ 6:15—Strictly Sports. Thailand Re8cr\e8 Ragulady $65 . . . you »ava $15.2S. the direction of the teachers. Mrs. Cornell University, where he is s 6:20—Frazier Hunt, New*. An authantic Chippandata wing chair Machine Bead.v tra of Vernon. Mrs. Peter Calhoun day afternoon at 2:45 o’clock. freshman. 6:30—Professor Andre Schenker. 6:25—Rhythmelodles. Registrar of Votcra Henry Andover and Mrs. Arthur Pinney will be In William Bisaonnette la general Mias Harriet Chue, of China, will 6:45—Lowell Thomas. • . thota who know thair furnitura will chairman of thla division. The The second session of the East 6:45—The World Today. Called for Duly racog:tIza it at a Connacticut vartion. Rchmidt stated Monday that he charge of the refreshments. speak In costume on the subject, 7j00—Fred Waring’s Orcheatra. 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. bad attached to the voting ma­ 5Irs. .Maxwell Hutehlnson Junior Red Cross is an authorized Hartford Air Raid Warden School, 7:15—News of the World. Solid mahogany lags and 'itrafc.hart- Surprise Anniversary division of the Ajnerican Red "Chinese Women and Madame In which South Windsor residents 7:15—Lanny Ross. chine in the hall at the Memorial 157-4, WllUmantlc Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Chase Chlang Kai-Shek." All women In 7:30—George Burns and Grade 7:30—Helen Mencken. "Second Bangkok, Thallkfid, Nov. 24 - building the names of the camli- Cross. The Stafford Chapter Is are Invited to join, will be held In Allen. of South Bolton were pleasantly now one of the 31 In the state the. community ajg welcome. the library of the Elast Hartford Husband." (Delayed)—<>Pi- -Some classes of dates for the city election on Dec. The P. T. A. will sponsor a bingo surprised on their sixth wedding 8:00—Johnny Presents. 8:00—Are You a Missing Heir. 5. As the machines were used for which embraces junior member­ high school at 7:30 tonight. More 8:30—Musical 'I'reaaure Chest Thai reaerviata have been called at the Town Hall Friday evening, anniversary last Saturday when ship. The meeting of the executive than 70 persons have signed up for 9:0O—Battle of the Sexes. 8:30—Bob Burns, Arkansas Trav­ the first time at the town election November 28th at 8 o’clock for friends and neighbors dropped in eler. for duty, :t was announced offi­ ^ 2 9 ^ and are also on trial for the city committee of the Stafford chapter, the courses, but a larger attend­ 9:30—Fibber M'-Gee and Molly. the benefit of the hot sct\poI at their home. Howard C. Chase. scheduled for Thursday evening, [North Coventry ance from South Windsor is ex­ 10:00—Bob Hope. 8:55—Elmer Davis, Newa cially tonight. E'ull details were election, they have been on display lunches to be served in the near Jr., and Miss Betty Chase were wU be postponed on* day to Fri­ pected. 9:00—We, the People. not given immediately. in the center. Registrar Schmidt future. host and hostess for the occasion. 10:30—Red Skelton and Company. 9:30—HI, Neighbor. A cliallenge to aggressors was urges all wbo desire to do so, to day evening the 28th. It will be Rev. John J. Barbour occupied 11:00—News and Weather. Mrs.. Eleanor Rose celebrated Guests Included: Mr. smd Mrs. held at 8 o'clock at the PubUc 11:15—String Ensemble. 10:00—Glenn Miller’s Orchestra. Issued by the Bangkok radio; examine the mjichine in advance her 82nd birthday recently at the Leonard Ducharme of Ellington, Health Center. The roll call now the pulpit of the Second Congrega­ 11:30—Polish Orchestra. 10:15—Public Affairs. "Come on, we shall be prepared Beautiful quarter-matched striped walnut vanears, of the election next week. home of her daughter. Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ducharme of tional church Sunday. Hla Scrip­ 10:30—Juan Arvlzu, Songs. to take you. being conducted will close Sunday South Coventry 12:00—Wsr New’s. Roy Shield’s finished with a mirror-lik* polish. Genuine aroma- City Court Pinney: Her otlier daughter and Lee, Mass., Mrs. D. K. Bird.sall of the 30th. ture lesson waa Second Corinthians Orchestra. 10:45—Music to Read By. "We will, however, pursue strict Douglaa Bolles, 38, of Park husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilton, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Car­ 11:00—Newa, Weather. neutrality regardless of how It Is 2:12 verse. His theme waa "The Tomorrow’s Program locked red cedar interior. Plenty of others you can Place; waa fined $10 and costs of Perey, of Long Hilt, ' joined the penter, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley The Wen'M club will hold Its A. M. 11:0.5—Sports Roundup. adjudged by others until we are 8957 with $4 of the costa being celebration wlih relatives and Carpenter, Mrs. Myron Lee and Thorn in the Flesh ”. The flowers monthly meeting In the Congrega­ 6:00—Reveille with Doye O’Dell 11:15—Guy Lombardo's Orcheatra. forced to abandon that policy and choose, all with Lane's insuranc* policy protecting remitted in the Rockville City friends from East Windsor, Rock­ Miss Allison Lee all of Bolton. were a basket of mixed chryaan- tional church vestry tomorrow eve­ and Agricultural News. 11:30—Benny Goodman’s Orch. take up arms In self-defense,” the , you against loss by moths. Court on Monday by Judge John ville and until recently having lAdiea’ Benevolent Willington themuma given In memory of ning at 8 o’clock. The Rev. Henry 7:00—Morning Watch. 12:00— U n tO D Wells, News. - commentator aald. chronic ailment lii one leg, necessi­ The Ladies’ Beqgvolent Society Charles Schell by Mrs. Annie Schell He reported that If Thailand .N, Keeney. He waa arrested Sun­ Miss Jeaals H. Cbureli E. Robinson of Putnam will show 8:00—News anq Weather. Tomorrow’s Program day by Patrolmen Arthur Francis tating her using a crutch. of the Bolton Congregational and children. moving pictures. Refreshments 8:15—rEluropeaii News Roundup. A. M. were forced to fight she might ex­ •6 97 Otker Cedar Ckeata 934.50 ta 940.75 and Merrill Cedor and was found Twenty-three relatives and church will meet at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Barbour were will be served. Members are re- 8:30—Radio B a^ar. 6:00—Sleepy Slim Sefenade. pect assistance from friendly pow­ guilty In court of intoxication. friends were Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Alexander Bunce Thursday at Dr. and Mra. Horace B. Sloat entertained at the home of Mr. qiie.sted to bring a friend. 8:55—WTlC'a Program Parade. ■7:00—News, Weather. ers and would welcome it. At the Jacob Schweitzer guests at the home of State Fi­ 2 p. m. Mrs. Walter Elliott will be spent ri.ankagivlng In Waterbury, and Mra. John Kingsbury to en­ Mra. Irene Smith has presented 9:()P—Playhouse. 7:10—ShopperF Special, Music, same time an appeal was issued to Jacob Schfeltser, 84, died at his nance Commissioner Lewis W. co-hostesa of the meeting. having dinner at the Elton Hotej able them to attend Christian En­ the Congregational church with an 9:15—Fooc News. Time. Japan, Britain and the Uqited borne 1 Rheel street, late last Phelps and Mrs Phelps. Mr. and Court Case* with their daughter and son-in- deavor service In the evening to organ mirror In memory of her 9:30—News Reporters, 7:30—Robart FTogram. States to endeavor to keep the Bight following a shoi;t illness. He Mrs. Roger Rose and two children, Two cases were heard by Trial law, Mr and Mra. Ernest Hunt, meet the young people. Mlaa Clara husband, the late William J. Smith 9:45—As The Twig ls'\Bent 7:40—Bond Program; war from the Pacific. waa bom October 18. 1857, in Ger­ of Watertown, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Justice George O. Rose at the Trial Milton and Donald Sloat and their Vlsny waa the leader. of WllUmantlc, who served as or­ 10:00—Bess Johnson. 7:55—News, Weather. (Thailand i.cs between Japan­ many the son of Jacob and Bar­ r>- Fitzgerald and family, of New Justice Court last evening in the friend Edwarii Noraworthy of A short business meeting of the ganist in this church for the 14 10:15—Bachelor’s Children, 8:00—The World Today. ese-occupied French" IndcsChlna A BIgtstow Fervak Bog bara Schweitzer and came to this York. Mr. and Mrs. George O. Community Hall. The first case Montreal, Canaida, a member ot Chrlatian Ehideavor society waa years pribr to his death on Nov. 10:30—Help Mate. 8:15—Morning Salute. and British territory, Burma and Rose and three children, of Bol­ was that of Antone, F. Alves, of the British Inspection Commis­ held al,ter the meeting. 'The so­ 27. 1940. ' 8:20—Shoppers' Special, Music, Malaya. A Manila dispatch last country and to Rockville 64 years ton, were among the guests pres­ 10:45—Road of Ufe. Pats Beauty on the Floor ago. He waa employed at the 57 Hawthorne street, Hartford, sion. ciety voted to sponsor the White Mr. and Mrs. John Ciim.mlak and 11:00—Mary Marlin. Time. Friday said some quarters in Indo- Another Shipment of ent. whu appeared on a reckless driv­ Miss Helen Hutchinson, of Bris­ (^rlstmaa Tree to be held the Sun­ two ehlldren, with Mrs. (jummlska* 8f8(0—Newa. Weather. Ckina held tha*. a Japanese cam* Springville Mill for 42 years, re­ Mrs. Ida Pinney spent the holi­ day preceding cairlstmas. It will 11:18—Pepper Yoimg’t Famll^ tiring 12 years ago. He was a ing charge aa the result of a three- tol, spent the week-end at the nephew, Arnold Wren, returned 11:30—The Story of Bud Bartoit, 8:35-i-Shopper8’ Special. ^ paign against Thailand waa only days with her son Frank Pinney car accident near Gowdy’s Filling summer home of her slater, Mrs. also carry on the caroling aa In the yesterday from a visit with her a question of time.) I. member of the First Lutheran and his family of Hartford. They past year. I 11:45—David Harum. 9:00—Press News. Those Tomlinson Chairs church. He leaves his wife, Kath- Station on Sunday evening. Marvin Edgerton on Willington parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. 12:00—Gene anrt Glenn. 9:15—School of the Air of the lor YFABS TO COMB! were gucsta In Plainvllle for Alves pleaded guilty and waa Hill and closed It for the winter. The officers for the coming year Wren In Ltsboiy Center, Maine. P. M. V Americas. artne Brca-n Schweitzer, three Thanksgiving Day dinner. for the Christian Endeavor socie­ daughters, Mrs. C^inrad Apel of fined $25 and costa. The young people of the Hill The Rev. and Mra. James A. 12:15—Xiuncheoiialrea. 9:45—Stories America Loves. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Pinney en­ The aecond case Involved a vio­ section held a meeting Sunday ty are: . President, John Kings­ Dailey have been entertaining 12:30—Weathe Man. 10 :()OJ—Betty Crocker. Anti"Fasci8t at Same Sale Savings!. Manchester, Mrs. Artlnir Scheets- tertained Mrs. Pinneya’ slater and lation of the rules of the road bury, Jr.; vice president. Donald Mrs. Daley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 12:35^Day Dreama. e and Mrs. Oscar Kloter of Rock- husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest evening at tne church. Mlaa Alta Oowdy: secretary, Nancy Robert- 10:15—Myrt and Marge. vUle, one son, John Schweitzer of charge with the specific charge' Moore was leader with the topic, Samuel L. Borton of Audubon, 12:45—SIngin* Sam. 10:30VStepfi>olh**'- Group Formed Percy, and grandson, Glenn Grla- being failure to reduce speed at aon; treasurer, Lester Hill; prayer KoguUrly $7f . . . you m v 9 |IS .2 S . I 'Rockvttte, two grand children, two "The Son of Man la Lord Of the Penn.; also Miss Frances D. Fogg 1:00—News, weather. 10:45—IVoman of (fourage. W* stir ^ fb* fown s fsw wesk* back, with on* wold, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Larabee an Intersection. The charge was Sabbath.” meeting committee, Hubert Ed­ Cuitom d*cor«for d»- r alsters. Mrs. Walter Bernhard of and" daughter, Beverly, of Rock­ and Mrs. William Hiint of Wooda- 1:15—The Uttle Show. ll:Ci0-Treat 'Tima with Buddy of fha biggest chair purchasas in our entire 50 year* brought against Paul E. Repp of mondson, Anna Gleaecke and Mrs. town, N. J., for a few days. l;3(^Marjotle Mills. •igntd. A luiuriousty loft ipriftfdown |:,ib>CkviUe. Mrs. Frank Kleindlenst ville, Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney Wilbur V. Newby of the Hart- L*on Austin; social committee, Clark. Hartford, Nov. 25—(A5—An antl- . . . a factory disposal of sample chairs at clearanc* of East Windsor over the recent Slmonds avenue, Collinsville, who tord Seminary, part time aasiatant Frederick Lee, son of Mr. and 2:00—How To Enter A Contest l": 15—The-Man I Married. Faaclat organization was formed cushion (gnnulno goes# down end of Hartford, one brother, John, of pleaded guilty and waa fined $5 Clara Vlany, June Loomis, Clara and Win. savings. A last shipment has just arrived . . . same fuithtrt with coil eoro). Soff fuBod holiday. to the pastor will alternate with Smith, Christopher Glenney; music Mra Jesse Lee of Ripley Hill is 11:30—Bright Horizons. .Broad Brook. Funeral arrange- and costa- 2:15—Medley THme. 11:45—Aunt Jenny’s Stories. here last night at a stormy meet­ quality chairs, sam* savingtl bocL Solid mohogony corvod clow- |w tnanta are Incomplete, but It will The first edition of the local Dr. Hoi ace B. Sloat In holding committee, Mrs. Ernest Gowdy, employed as an Instructor at the school newspaper is out. It has The arresting officer In both service* at the two churches. Mr. plant of the Billings and Spencer 2:30—Scattergood Balnea. 12:00 noon—Kkte Smith Speaks. ing In the Italian American Home ond-boH foot ofkd moldings; brott ■ : probably be held Thursday after­ cases waa Daniel McKenzie of the Newby took for hla subject Sun­ Ruth Vinton, Lawrence ^bertson; Oo„ In MaKford. 2:45^Medical Talk. 12:15—Big Sister. noil trim . noon, with Rev. K. Otto KlctU, been called, 'The Silver Streak." flower committee. Clara Smith. at which a heckler Interrupted a r The editor la Stephen Blrmlng- Ck)lche8ter Rarracka. Renato Coq- day morning at the WllUngton Thomas Young of the U. S. 2:55—Newa. 12:30—Romance Of Helen Trent. opeakcr with ahouta of "Viva Mua- pastor of the First Lutheran Cbhl prosecuted. Helen Gleaecke, Barbara Rotert- 12:45—Our Gal Sunday: [ church, officiating, hath, with Bleaiior Carlson as his Hill church. "The Defenae of Man Bon; look out committee, Phyllis .Marines stationed at North Caro­ •aollnl!" assistant. Miss Carlson and Betty First Aid Conrae Soul." The paator preached at lina, la spending a week's fur­ 1:00—Newa. Wahthfr. The new aaaoclatlon will be a u .. Court of Common Pleas Officer Josepb J. Clark, radio Memorial church, theme, "Man." Gowdy, Ruth Vinton, Edna Ole- lough at the home of Mr. and Mra. 1:05—Main Street, Hartford. P Ibers will be a session of the Lou Van Deusen are the printers. aecke. Vultee to Buy branch of the Giuseppe Mazzinl So­ All three rooms have contributed dispatcher of the Colchester bar­ Sunday evening Mr. Newby con­ On Friday evening, Nov. 28, at Herman H. LeDojrt, 1:16—Woman In Whltf. ciety, named for the famed 19th IrVtdland County Court of Common racks, waa instructor at the Flrat ducted a seiprice for young people Victor Snyder of Greenfield. 1:30—The Right to Happlnass. ^;; Plens held on Wednesday, Novem- sections to the newspaper, the 8 o'clock, “Ye Old Social Club" will centry Italian liberal. ^:aiGIFTS UNDER HS at Flint-Braee’s, upper room giving an exceUent Aid Course held. Monday evening in South Willington. present a Variety Show at the Maas., was a week-end gueat at the Controlling Share 1:46—Ufe’ Can Be Beautiful. The meetings, held under the I fcar 25 In this city. At the session at the home of Mr. and-Mrs Fred Mrs - EnUabeth Griggs of Chap­ home of Mra Ina P. Beebe. 2:00—Young Dfr Malone. - th e . action of Dr. George 8. written picture of their trip on Church Communi^ House for the watchful eyes of uniformed police Armistice Day and a map for the Johnson. Sixteen members were lin Was a week-end gueat of hfcr benefit of the American Red Croaa. Mr. and Mra. Charlea G. Chris­ 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Glri Interne. and two detectivea, was attended f^Brookea of this city will be heard cover, showing where they went present and studied and discussed daughter, Mra. Bert Whitman and tie of Springfield, Maos., were Sun­ Los Angeles, Nov. 25—OP)—Vul- 2:30—Fletcher Wiley. by a poUtlcally-mixed audience of Picked from All Over the Store ^dlgainat the American Automobile The Coventry Fragment society tee Aircraft Inc., of suburban drawn by Alton Lathrop. The In­ wounds, fractures and artificial Mr. Whitman. Her son David will meet Wednes^y at the day viaitora In town. 2:45—Kate Hopkins, Angel of about 100 persona which beard a •vlttsurance Company. This case is respiration. The next meeting will brought her here. Mr. and Mra- John Allen have Downey v'jtually has completed Mercy. termediate grades gave an ex- Church Community Houae for an aitangementa to puicliase a con­ pasaionate denunciation o< Paaclam vtba result of injuries received by ce.llent slant of their studies of be held next Monday at the same Choir rehearsal wllj be held at all day meeting. Everyone Is'aak- issued invitations to the marriage by Alberto Cianca, Italian liberal O All mahogany coffee tablet with glau trey topi...... $9.95 Brookes last winter when he place, same time. the Hill church Friday evening of their daughter, Mias Sara B. trolling Intel eat in Consolidated China with a picture . drawn by ed to bring lunch. Coffee will be Aircraft Corps, of San Diego,' a editor whose home waa burned and struck by on automobile. Marilyn Crowley to IHaatrate the Bolton Briefs and in South WlUlngton Wednea­ served. Allen, to Allan Lathrop Rose, son whose presses were wrecked by O 300 Other choices in tables, $6.98 to $98, mahogany or maplel Church Rsiaar costumes. A Thanksgiving turkey Mr. and Mrs. Russell Merrill and day evening New interest is of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton L. Rose, on reliable authority in the aviation New Air Service Muaaolini's followera In 1926. son Peter, of Fitchburg. Maas., The following gueata were at the industry aald to(lay. Tba annual parish bazaar of the was the contribution of Marjorie shown in the choirs and new mem- home of Mr. and Mra. Henry I. Saturday, December 13 at' 4 About 20 of the audience signed up 9 New decorated chine base table lamps with thedes .. $4.95 Lutheran church will be held were week-end guests of Mr. and bera have joined. o’clock in the Flrat, Congregational Talk of such a -tranaaction has Heinz to the art work of the pa­ Barnes for Thanksgiving ' Day: been heard In fliiancial circles Is Link to Dakar xrith the society. Wednesday, November 26. In per. From the primary room Rog­ Mrs. Arthur Merrill of South Bol­ Friday Dr. and Mrs. Horace B. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Schell and church. • 200 Other choicet in lovely lamps of every type, $4.95-$3l9.75 aftertioon there will be a food er Parks gave a fine art illustra­ ton. Sloat entertalced at dinner hla here and In Wazliington for weeks. dau^ter, Shirley, of WUllmantlc; One authority said Vultee was pre­ also fancy articles, ChrUt- tion of the work that room is do­ Mr. and Mra. Loula D. Eaton sister. Mrs. Glenn E. Wilson of Mlaa Roealie Smith, of Luka,'OkIa- • Large size pull-up arm chairs, clew-and-baH feet?...... $12.95 I cards, snd so on. puring the spent the Thanksgiving week-end 1942 Seen Dedolve Tear pared to take over the huge Con­ Vichy, Unoccupied France, Nov. ing. The little pager la a fine way East Granby and her son Gerard homa; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I. Ben­ solidated plant Dec. 1. 25—(fl>>—Dakar, Senegal capital. Is Soldier on LeaveI ‘og an entertainment will be to get all tlfe gleanings on the ac- In Long Island. and hla friend Francis Havens of ton and son, Kendall, of Natick, linked with m ^n French African • Mahogany finish smokers with magazine compartmentt $10.95 ntad by the Luther League, ti\^ty of the three rooms and Mr. and Mrs. John ’nmbrall of Rockland, Maine. Both boys were London, Nov.-35 — UP) — Dr. Want to put your horn* in good shape for Clarke road, spent the Thanksgiv­ Maos.; Mlaa Doris Spears, of New Eduard Benea, president of the ports southivsrd along, the Atlan­ ^ Admitted to Bar i' luncheon will also be. served. since the money obtained from the on a orief furlough from Fort Hsmpehlra snd Florida; also Mr. tic coast by a new passenger and the holidays . . . and for years to 'cento? Military Whist aale of It U used to Improve the ing week-end with the parents of Monmouth. Red Bank, N. J. proviatonal Czech government said Mother and Child OTHIR 5PECIAL CHRI5TMA5 CIPT YALUI$: * 5 8 * snd Mra. Gilbert Wlttmaim and today "1943 is the decisive year of freight air service stopping at M .9 5 Pick out a now.f^rvak rug for a gift to the irTbe Cood Will Club of St. rooms or other educational advan­ Mra. Timbrall, Mr. and Mrs. Next Sunday U to be observed family. Omakry, Abidjan, Cotonou, Ina- B’a Parish will hold a MiUUry tages, mure piedple ahculd be In­ CTharlea R. Woolfort of Nutley, as the "Sunday of Sacrifice." for tba war and t expect the war can­ Victims in Blaze Hartford, Nov. 25—UP)— It pro­ • Kneehole desks with B^drewers, mahogany or ^elnut.. $29.75 9*12 whole family. Wida choica of now cw Mrs. Ralph Benton and Mias not last much longer." He made hla laye and Mlamey, It waa^nnotme-. bably won’t mean a thing to the It this evening at 8:8(X. o’clock terested in It. Purchases may be N. J. giving tc war victims and our Doris Spesrs left Friday morning ed today. to H.9S ordinatod dosigns and colors. 1 tha parish rooms. Prises will ba secured from any of the pupils or Pupils of the North School are men in service. It Is ijsksd that for a motor trip to Florida. statement In opening the second sergeant, but Private John D. • A l mahogany 4-drawer Oovemor Winthrop dads___ $49.7$ sponaoring a magazine subscrip­ session of the Czechoslovak State Marlboro. ijUas.. Nov. 35—UP)— Most of the route la over the sea' Brennan, Jr., of Etaat Hartford, has the teachers. - , the offei-lng be pht In an envelope Mra. ‘ Ruth nenCh sntertalned to avoid crossing British colonies Dessert Card Partv Maxwell Hutchinson Jr„ la. em­ tion campaign the proceeds from marked where It la to go. Mr. snd Mra. RuaasU W e lg ^ of Council. After droppbiig nar aeven-vesr old a new title. • High-back mdhair leunga < ^ *r...... 539.7$ •1 Otker Bxl3*e -fIddlS •lOD.M which, will used to pay for the daug.htar info her husband’a arms vUeh sltarnata with French. The . It’s Attorney Brennan now. The A naw,typ* blanket . . . 25% wool. 50% rayon and 25% %a Rockville Emblem Club ployed at the Singer Seufing Ma­ Mr. and Mra. Merrill WUsoo and Rocky HIU snd Everett L s th ^ of line will use Sikorsky 8-48 amphi­ chine Company of Manchester. He paint on the interior of their from a second-iffory window, Mrs. soldier, on leave from tha Fifth cotton. Actually warmer than an alt-wool blanket *{ tho • Mahogany and gum 30-inch bookpata, adiustablashalvM $17.9$ 1 bold a public deasert card children Norman and Donald ot Hsndtester for Tbankagivlng. To Maet PaBali GaaamI Henry Bouigeois, 37. went back bian planes. on Wedneaday afternoon at la atUl under the care of Dr. Wil­ achoot; WllKogton Hplloar epent Thanks­ Mr. and Mrs. Mlehssl Fontana Armored Division,' Fort Knox, Ky„ liam Conkm of Mancbeater for hta Thanksgiving gueata of Mr. and info a smoke-flUed bedroom today same SIM and waighti Washes beautifully, with l*« shrink- Home starting at two giving Day with Mr. and Mra. apsnt the holiday week-snd vaca­ T ^eran, Iran, Nov. 35— UP) — waa admitted to the Connecticut ★ ★ ★ aboul^er. Mrs. Charles Sumner Included: lih. Olln Wilson at Windham. tion at Weaterty, R. L to death with another daughter, Former PnpilM bijnoi bar in Superior Court bera yeater- ^ * than al-wool bUnkat. Chok* of color*. Al wool In addltfcm to tba usual The farmera in the valley hav­ Pramler Geo. Wiadyalaw .Sikoraki, Joanne, 4. AmmivjerBmr^ Yomw^ \ ive bridge, tbera will be and Mra. HoHia Cloyea and daugh­ A public sale of land Saturday Mr. and Mn. Donald Oshring premtar of the emigre Pmlsh gov­ iay. Blankats start at $7.95. ing property damage from the ter Ruth, of East Hartford, and at the town hall in Tolland for Firemen found her oa the floor London, Nov. 38— (/P) 'tr^o ''U A graduate of Trinity College In tables Mrs. Oladys Cannon last break In the Bolton dam' wlU spent Sunday xrith Mrs. Oebrinra ernment. was expected to arrive with Uttl* Jtanoa’s body elaqied Doyle, Irish former heavywalTht In charge. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Behtlw of tanee oot paid for'aororal yeara mutlfsr In Bristol. tomorrow to meet Gen.' Wlad^alaw 1938, Brennan received hts law de- hold a meeting tonight at the hall Bolton. - Included 190 acres of Bdward De- In her anno. p u r is t and atiiger, was reported ’ grea from the Hartford Oifilegc • Your Choice of 3 % A YS TO TAYI for further |nana for re-imburq^ Next Sunday, Rev. Benton Oas- Andera, commander-ln-chlef of tha The name* of her husband, 38, today to have been injured serious­ Mrs. D. K. Blrdsall, of WUton, Wolfe and ISO acres of Michael keU from the Hartford Theologtoal Polish troop* ftghUng with the ' It Law last June. Ha took tha bar of tba Ladlsa meat. All interested are urged W Oonn., is the gueet of her daugh­ and Rita, were on the danger list ly in the cheat sn-l head when hU ixamlnstloo shortly before ha was tba UnlOB cl|iurcb ahd Steve Boiko o t WeM WUUng- Seminary will occupy the pulpit aa Ruaeiaha. Ihey wjU go togethar to St Marlboro hospital. Cause o( the MORE ©IFT VALOK: WasUh. k- Is attend thla meeUpc. ter, Mrs. Mai^ Carpenter of South too. a candidate. Kuibyaliay^ car struck a Uuntmoat during “ Iraftad on Jun* 80, and learned be, • Evtaliig Appolntnoats, DIol 2-32S^ tire was undsformlnsd, aarty-mornihg bhekont. 4 - - had paatad white at Fort Knox, but seeks, haepMs, bedspreads, cassfariats, Haavar FLINT-BRUCE " t o coma bposa before Spealsl CieSMrs, cuHsIst, draper'ia^ Ird ftsir. W Truwfa l Sf,, Horfford. C#m ., • Wo RofmNi RorUiig Lot • - — ——w—S.; ww- — ,1 I, ■ .1 — «a .. /

F A rtE S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, l241 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1941 PAGE SEVEN r preaervation o t American de- Jt actually' arlaes, only wa will 4UittrIr»ftrr Hunting Season cracy should come first. Wa ^ v a tha fleat, tha tanks, the SERIAL STORY Laud E fforts ate Impatient with those who are plafias, tha trained men to solve Know Your Own Town, Baby Every 14 Seconds Damage Done Huge Christmas Business lonritis 9fralft unwilling to make their contribu­ it; we ^ust win for them the For Hospital PUBLISHKD BT THB / tion to this cause. bases froln which they can oper­ LADY BY REQUEST Is 1941 Pace of Stork To Consulate h b r a l d p r i n t i n o C O , a t e . That is when we look at the ate effectively and victoriously. Air Warden Class Told Is in Making This Season It BlaMlI Btr«*t BY HELEN R. WOODWARD coevRiOK.. leat, ManehMUr. Conn, j problem from a distance, decree­ NSA aeavicB. in&. Work of Woman’s Aux* THOMAS PGROUSON By Boy a . Blanck ,a family tends to keep a man out French Police InveMti- Oonaral Manasrr ing what the "other fellow" ought The Duke Survived Students Instructed to Chicago, Nov. 25.—0P)-^Spur-, ha Mid, becauM priCM Founded Oetobar L‘ l l t l Ilia Story; “1 doa’t Uke It,” says' iliary Praised; A|>|»eal Waihlngton, Nov. 25—(P)— of the draft. There to also a to do. “You know anyone else after you Census Bureau officials say the gqte Saigon Rlui^t at red by the jingle of national de­ 12.5 per cant lovrtr (or ' The Duke of Windsor is safely .Mr. Tucker,, farmer father of Observe All Danger R e c r e a t io n natural urge to produce offspring items than in 1928. Ha a a tta u M : Publlahed G«art Bodnlng Bxetot We are not quite ao wonderful beautiful, red-headad Diana, when would be like twilight after a For Dunce Support. United 8Utc-s IS experiencing the before being shot to pieces." ' Airiericaii OiTire. fense dollars, a $2,400,000,000 na­ Snndaya and HoltdayA Bnitrtd ai back in Bermuda, blissfully—4ui- lovely auna^t.” greatest boom in baby production that the total amount ot maretaaito • tha Poat Offlet at Manehaattr. when it comes to realizing that the oomee home to tell him that Points in the Sections Notwlthstanuing the sensational tional Christmas shopping splurge dlse to be sold (MU bs ftlnwot Conn., aa Second Ctaaa Mall Matter. aware of the trouble his Ami^can She waa touched and the quick Center Item s since 1921. upswing in the birth rate, it. like we ourselves are a working part famous Stephen Cart, writer and Mrs. Alfred B. Sundquiat of Saigon, French In to see what the other fellow ought from her job In n law offl(« In, can't tell you Just yet." teristlca of their towns In order! ® Provisional estimates, show that- Really Going Down ly entitled to the ,nae or republloa- "Institute of Surgical Hospital "You’re in love with someone thst«k.» they*h-, mmay .v plannl.n »nr»h«nrt«rtlforehanded!/ J 1 ’ Flylbg EsglCS ba.sketball ments of the work of the auxiliary approx‘ mately 2,500,000 babies "Because there is a temporary the blaat. These estimates were com pil^ shelves will be seen In many Un lion or all newa diapaiehea credited to do than we are to recognize •.he dty after resisting advances period, E. 8 for the institution. At the request (The explosion waa anno\ince«I o f home fumtohinga, appsreto aad ! to It or not otherwiaa oradlted In News," from her employer, Richard else?" tor action In any emergency, Mrs. will b4 bom this year to a popu­ boom lu the birth rate, people in a survey of the nation's v V ’e- our own responsibility. 7- 8, American Lithuanian Cltl of the dance committee, Mrs. David Monday by U. 8. aullioritles in stile and retail trade during the ^ c e goqda, WitoOn said. Dalivsry thia paper and alao tha local nawa For the "experiment" the "In­ Thorpe, to eerioi^y considering | “No—It's not that.’’ J. F. Thornton of vVhlte Plains, N lation of approximately 132 mil­ will tell you the birth rate to go­ ouhllaned herein. Yet the truth is that the suc­ ‘Then you cpn't atop me from sen's Club basketball period, E. 8 M. (Caldwell, chairman, names of lion person-s That represents Washington. la.st 12 years prepared under the schedules for some items are avar> All righta or rapubltcation or stitute" somehow found fifty men the offer beoanee Stephen has told Y.., laat night addressed the uec- ing up, and you will read all about hoping.” 8- 9. Hamilton 8tandard Prop, those who heartily endoise the about 187 babies for every 10,000 (The 'Tokyo radio. In a broadcast direction of Percy Wilson, tor sgin^xfour weeks , later than 6 apeclal diapaiehea herein are alao cess or failure of American de­ her that the woman he loves to ond class aeulon of the Manches­ auxiliary appear below. the soaring birth rate. reaerved who, like Windsor, do not wear Later Joey Cowan, the.boy who ter Air Raid Precautions Commit­ basketball period. E. 8. persons this year. "The birth rate Is not going up. heard by NBC, said iti comment on of Chleago's Merchantise Mart. year agq. ,' mocracy is up to all of us, just married to another man, and be­ Accompanying the list is a note hats, and fifty who did. First, it cause she does not want to leave helped In the store, canre in to tee's warden school. About 500 7-8, Women’s plunge period, E. 8 In 1937 the birth rate waa 171 "It is going steadily down. the bombing that "there are cer­ I Shelves Well Stocked "Even though shortagas ar« an­ Pull aervice client ot N. E. A. as much as It Is up to President relieve Bill and he walked home 7- 9, Night school sewln," classea,from Mrs. Sundquist. as follows: tain antl-Japane.ae elenicnl.s which I With preparations complete for ticipated in almost every line of Service Inc. subjected them to a thorough dis­ the city, return to the farm, again turned out for this meeting, babies to every 10,000 persons. In "It has been declining since Roosevelt or to John L. Lewisi We with Diana, stayed for supper. Mrs. Thornton noted that it to E. 8. 'At the present time the women 1938 It was 176, and in 1940, 179. 1800." are quite active in French Indo- I the flood of buying already under merchandise, this does not msna infection. Then it had them stroll haps marry Bill Jackson whom 8- 10, Bowling alleys reserved forof Manchester are being called Publiahera itepraaentativea. Tho can make it fail, too. she does not love, Stephen to They played (Jhlneae checkers not enough to absorb instruction Both the World War and the On this point. Dr. 'Virgil D. CThlna. The bombing wa.i one of I '.vay in the name of Santa Claus, that there wUI ^ those that nni$t. Jullua Methewa Spaclal Agency— ten blocks in New York City. Then v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Tucker until P. Emond's group. E. 8. present defense boom are partial­ the attempts of such elements to men handlser.a were reported by go without preseiHs,'! be said. “ It* New Tork, Chicago. Dotr^t and The way for us to make it coming down to meet her family given in classes, but that mental Reed, acting director of the Cen.'»U8 Boaion. late. note should be taken by the vari­ 8-10, Bowling alleys reserved for ly rcspons.bie for the latest up­ Bureau, says: *■ break up peace negotiations now j Mart officials to be ready with doea mean that the epeclflc gift it pounced on them all and started the next day, Diana already hav­ Middle Turnpike League, W. 8. strong Is to support those Institu­ ing met his stepmother, Ellen Once moru in her featehbed ous section wardens of all possible swing in the birth rate, says Dr, “Then are periodic fluctuation.s, being carried on in Wa.shington ' ■■5helves .and display rooms well desired may nut be in the retail* MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF looking for bacteria and germs. nest with on>y her noee exposed Wednesday between the United Plates and .ia- ' .storked despite priorities and ma- CIRCUI-ATIONS tions of American democracy t'urt. That night Mr. Tucker, lto‘ ahelters or places which might Philip M Hauser, the census bu- but the trend Is constantly down­ er's stock but an ample supply Of And the great scientific discovery to the cold air, Diana drifted off rove of great use In time of need. 6-9, Junior bovs game room riau's asstoUnt chief statistician paii.") I terial shortages. Considering the similar gift Itema will bds aval^ which are operating on the plus lening to Stephen’s broadcast, ex­ open, E. 8 and W. 8. ward. Temporarily, yea. we are The Herald Printing Company. is that those who went without presses again his admiration for to sleep thinking, ‘Tomorrow Ikewlse danger areas should be for population. seelrig un increased birth rate. But Chief Kecrrlary Bnilaed I increased flow of dollars, merchan- able." \ Inc., aaaumea no rinanc|al reaponal- side of American life. Stephen’s coming.” t 6-8:49, Junior boys plunge peri \ diaers do not expect higher costs btllty tor typographical errnre ap- hats collected five times as many the man. ^ recognized that th y may be avoid­ "The large crop of babies bom this is only a ripple on a vastly Mis.s Caroline Jacobs, chief sec­ The less said about what we ed or watcjed In disaster. od, E. 8. after the boys got back from the retary of the consulate, waa work­ j of gnod.s, taxes, restrictions on Called To Army Duty earing in advertlaemenia . In tha bacteria as those who went cov­ Stephen Meets The Family 6-7, Wildcats basketball period. receding tide—a recession that is tlancheater Evening Herald. did for the U. S. O. when it held Chapter VII She awoke nervous and excited, Was Trained in London World War. have now )>ecume old world wide. ^ ing in the consulate offices when installment buying and shortages ered. accomplished her packing be­ The speaker bad training in E. 8. enough to have babies of their the blast occurred but wa.s unin­ I of some materials to stem the New Haven. Nov. 25.—(JV - A its drive here the better. On Tuesday afternoon Diana 6- 7, Small gym open for hand To Htop A t'150 Million " Tuesday, November 25 It is just an accident, of course, walked down to Bill Jackson's fore going dev/n to breakfast. Her London as an air raid precautions own," Dr. Hauser says. "The momentum of our popula­ jured except for briilsea and shock j trade volume. Pharo Gagge, research aaaistant in The less said about the response mother and father seemed excited, ball, El 8. Wilson said the survey showed that all this .great scientific re­ store at the cross-roads. Her worker and gave first hand infor­ "And they are having them.” tion growth may carry us forward The explosioi) occurred at 8:45 biophysics at Yale has been a ^ ed , On Two Fronts to the annual appeal of the Y. M. mother had gone off to a mis­ too. They did not entertain such mation on her experiences. _ 7-^ Small gym open for boxing. Other Reasons Advanced to 150 million or more in the next p. m , blowing out walls and de­ that although holiday business to duty as s captain in the Air C. A. the better. search was undertaken shortly sionary meeting at the church and a distinguished guest every day. The location of such thlnga aa B . 8 . Before the last war the birth two generations, about 1980,— stroying steel filing cabinets. will be the largest on record, It Corps of the U. 8. Army, the Unt* There is supreme danger, today, after the Duke spent a few hat- she had become so bored with her John stayed at home from school fire hydrants and communica-ion 7- 8, Beginners swimming class rate rose rapidly. While the boys but, unless factors change, growth A. preliminary investigation in­ will not keep pace with the year's verslty announced today. He baa Now we in Manche.ster are be­ < 3 with his father's consent. "You’ll for women, E. 8. on each of the active military le.ss days in New York. He is ap­ own company that she could points should be spotted, she said, were away. It declined. But a year will stop and a slorw recession dicated the explosive had been average Increase of 18.9 per cent left to conduct research M tbs ing asked to enroll in another stand it no longer. probably leam more listening to and "campaigns" should be quue 7:30-10, Bowling alleys reserved after they got back, the marriage probably set In." placed in a corridor near double in retail trade so far because there aeromedical unit of the Air (Jetpa fronts of this war. Strangely parently none the worse for it, Stephen Curt.” Mr. Tucker said. well planned before any need for Mr. Palmer's group, E. 8. great organization which is a vi­ // The coid weathe. had continued and birth rates were the highest Population authorities aay the doors fronting on the main cons;;- waa an unusual spurt' in Christ­ at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, enough, the greatest cause for ap- but the hat men. obviously, can't And about 10:30 Stephen’s big arlaes in order that the smoothest 7-10, Bowling alleys re.served for in the history of the United States. late offices which are on the sec­ mas sales last year aa first effects brant, po.sitlve, working symbol and the Inacadam road was full mens' senior league, W. 8. birth rate always reacts to eco­ where he will study problenw o f . prehension does not come from understand how he escaped with of icy spots There was not as shining coupe swung up the drive­ emergency work can be accom­ “There are other reasons, also, nomic conditions. ond floor of a building hou.«lng of­ of the defense program were felt. heating and ventUatlon in air­ of the best that la in American way. Diana welcomed him at the the Moscow front, where the his good health. But however much snow as in town, only the plish^. for the present boom," he adds. "The bottom, of the depression fices and private apartments. Lower Than 1929 Price* planes. democracy-the American Red fence comers and ditches sho./ing door of the dining-sitting room. Major Herbert D. Gallaudet, During the depres.slon, there The increa.se in dollar-volume of Nazis arc in the midst of another baffled they, and their quickly was hit in 1932, but the birth rate Cross. patches of white. She covered the He was like someone from an­ head of the Connecticut air raid Montiero Is Held were fewer marriages and babies. decline was not noticeable until Australia 1s closer to Canada business will not fully reflect the The English sparrow to not a all>out, savage offensive which mobilized scientific research, may '•CS) three-quarters of a mile quickly, other world, yet perfectly at home warden schools explained In con­ But when the defense boom got 1933,’.’ says Dr. Hauser. t-han to England by direct line. huge amount of goods to be sold, true sparrow. Let's do better, this time. with her father and mother, talk­ ^aeems to have gained them a few be by his miraculous escape, they reflecting that ahe had not lost siderable detail the uses to which under way, people who had been Similarly, he adds w-e had a ing Interestedly with young John. those now studying may put their On Draft Charge more miles toward their prize, but stand ready to sell batk to all her love of walking. A bus‘ passed holding back began marrying and boom in 1937. but the Increased her, and someone Waved. Diana Once again she felt tha lifting tfaimng aa air raid wardens. He having babies. birth rate did not show up until from the Libyan front, where it is Ditlicult Task Begun Americans who want to be safe. quality of hia vitality, the breath­ said it is thought necessary lo thought, with a mounting excite Mrs. Alfred B. Sundquist "Boom psychology always booms 1938. when deliveries contracted the British who are on the offen- ment, that tomorrow Stephen lessness aa of running, trying to train a state corps of warderji Hartford, Nov. 25.—(>P>—Domin­ baby productlonf Dr. Hauser says. Bauxite may be the excuse, but keep up with hia rapler-Uke epn- for nine months or . a year earlier give. Curt would come down this very numbering at least 18,000. go J. Montiero, 24-year-old former upon to render extraordinary com­ The selective service also help­ began tc arrive." the sending of American troops to ^ I / / road. ve.-satlon. Sne waa pleased with Depends on Wardens professional boxer In Vermont and The Russian armies have re­ munity services. The American ed to increase marriages and At tne bottom of the depression Surinam la first and foremost the Bill greeted her effusively, her father's quick answers, bis On the personal action of the Connecticut, faced today a charge Red Cross, the British War Relict births. solid opinions: saw that Stephen in 1932 the birth rate was 174 for peatedly given demonstration of delicate beginning of the great­ "Well, this is an honor. Take the wardens much of the public secur­ of violating the Selective Service and similar organizations require "People's emotions are disturb­ every 10.000 population but a year Connecticut waa impressed with the older ity depends in time of stress, he RE-UPHOLSTER their gbillty to absorb the first chair by the fire.” act by failing to keep his Brattle an unusual amount of time and ef­ ed." says Dr. Hauser. "There to a est military task faced by this with the town clerka frozen out. man. She could always depend on later it dropped to 168. Now It He puttered about making her said, and he asked all students to bo^>, Vt., draft board notified of fort. All of us. however are willing desire to keep out of war. Having stands at 189. SMALL DEPOSIT shock of a new German attack, country—that of getting in a po­ It la becoming increasingly dif­ her father. train themaelves to think quickly hto whereabouts. 3-Piece Living Room Suite ficult to live by fees alone. comfortable, hanging up'her coat tc go "all out" for defense. then alow it down, and finally sition to extend our military pro­ Y ankee and hat. Diana laughed. "I Drifts of their conversation and clearly and to be possessed of Arrested by FBI agents in this ^Meet Regularly and Often and came to her os she helped her /training and facta which would MacDonald’s 7 Point Feature '-.^rlng it to stalemate. The Ger­ By A. H. O. Man About Manhattan haven’t come to stay a week, you city where he has been employed "There to a community service received from the following local tection to South America if Hitler mother prepare luncheon, or “din­ make them valuable to the cobIt for the past nine months by a states that thousands of dollars Includes: mans, In their new attack on Mos­ know. Bill." rendered by over one hundred clergymen: Rev: James Stuart have keen earned and contributed 1. 'Strip your furniture to the ever becomes free to operate By George Tucker "Now that I’ve got you here I ner," as the Tuckers still called munlty. newspaper distributor, Montiero v.omen which has none of the cow, 4iave penetrated deeper than The State Supreme Court has it. A healthy, substantial meal, A third speaker waa Mrs. Neill of St. Mary's Episcopal for linens and equipment. that frame. against this hemisphere. HEALTH AND DIET won't be letting you go soon." was ordered held under $2,000 bond patriotic appeal of the defense Church, Rev. Dr. Watson Woodruff ever—31 miles Is their own latest unanimously held that the issuing well cooked and appetising Eleanor G. Rlghj^ head of the for removal to Vefmont yesterday more than 50,000 surgical dress­ 3. Rebuilds with new springs and One base, like Iceland, backed ADVICE New York, Nov. 25—Earl M.» New York, and in any other state She glanced about at the or­ work. Throughout the year, every of the Center Congregational ings have been made, and believes filling added. claim—and Russian apokesmen of certificates o t title is "the prac­ Thacker is in town, clamoring for 1 you can name." Stephen Curt ate as if he enjoyed women’s motor transport corps by U. 8. Commissioner William J, year, these women meet regularly up by other bases on Newfound­ derly shelves. There was a little It thoroughly, won her mother's who explained the duties of her church. Rev. William J. ^ h n of that the townspeople should once 8. Re-covers with homeepon. statehood for Hawaii. Honolulu's And with that he hurried off to Wholean. to make surgical dressings, and to St. James’s church and Rabbi freely admit that Moscow Is In the land and on the continent Itself, tice of law." under the terms of Fomlahed by the McCoy of everything in Bill’s atore. A high regard by hia compliments group In evacuating refuge^ from more respond to the call for funds 4. Reslalns the woodwork. best known citizen wants Hawaii Waahington to see what he could "general" store, it was called. raise the money necessary to buy Berthold Woythaler o f Temple by purchasing tickets for the 3. 'Sagless-proof construction. greatest dangefr it has yet faced. can guard the northern passages the law the lawyers of Connecti­ Health Bervlea to become' the 49th state, and no do. of her cooking. threatened points. In the event of linens and items which may add to BETTER COVERS PRICED cut sneaked through the 1933 Canned goods, produce, hams, dry Yet there was nothing strained, an air raid on such a population Beth Sholom. dance. $: Free estimates and deliveries. Nonetheless, here the Russian of this hemisphere, and - guard fooling about it. He has is argu­ • • • goods, thread, fishing tackle, the patients' comfort at the Man­ C. Elmore Watkins directs at- General Manager Jay E. Rand of PROPORTIONATELY LOW .session of the General A.ssembly. ments and he ia not backward no appearance of striving for afi- center os New York, or on Connec­ Bridgeport Brass 7. Easy terms. armies again seem to be holding thenV so well thiu Hitler la never .Addreas oommunlcatlona to The I know of no actor who consist­ overalls—the people of the coun­ chester Memorial Hospital. Surely teutlon to the auxiliary which was the Orford Soap Company strongly That decision, coupled with the Herald, Attention McCoy about presenting them. Over a ently wins the accolades earned by justments to bis surroundings in ticut cities closer to Manchester, their efforts are worthy* of com­ WE CARRY O l'R OWN .ACCOUNTS together while they play the game fact that the lawyers won by the tryside could buy almost.anything his manner. Easy, charming, dto- large numbers of refugees might formed soon after the hospital was endorses the auxiliary and like Don’t wait until the last mlntjte to have your furniture re-upbolstered likely to attempt Vhem.' Health Servtoa chilled, non-alcoholic beverage wa­ Maurice Evans. His current "Mac­ Declares Dividend munity support and encourage­ opened, and which has been a toward another stalemate. And governor's veto after they had they needed here. Bill was on tlngiiished. Diana glowed with have to be aent to the outlying groups in their effort to make up for Christmas. Send it In m>W’ to assure complete satisfaction. But protecting South Ameri<*a, ter at the Lexington he outlined beth" impressed the critics aa "the excellent storekeeper — genial, ment." “veritable fairy God-Mother to its dc.lclts—hospitals can never be If there is .stalemate here, once had to yield passage of the "town these points: pride In him and the thought that areas for safety, in England, Mrs. Vera B. Sundquist. Have Our Repretentative Call At Your Home, Or best ever presented In New York." friendly, talkative. They all liked Rigby said, such dispersal methods superintendenta ever since. Not self-supporting aa the needy must a long, vast coastline which, lor clerk's bill" in the last legislative Milk (a) “We pay Federal taxes— In other seasonsfT his Hamlet. they were at least frienda. “Liked Bridgeport, Nov. 25,—()P)—Di­ Town Treasurer-George H. Wa-I- Qqly has this group of devoted .again, it will, once again, be Ger­ se.ssion, leaves the town clerks of him. He waa one of them. And each other on sight," Stephen had have prevented nearly as many be cared for. , /VISIT OUR THIRD FLOOR SHOWROOM thousands of miles, Is nearer to more Income tSx than 17 other Richard and Henry* scored just as Diana knew that the business was rectors of The Bridgeport Bra.ts dell believes "the citizens of Man­ women kept the linen repaired and The service clubs of the town man defeat. Connecticut holding the bag. while Milk is unique in that it is the states In the Union, yet we have said. She’d treasure that, no mat­ casualties os had been anticipated. Company have declared a quarter­ chester should support the coming Africa and to Europe than it Is to solidly. In the modem theater his slowly but surely making him ter what their future relationship Control of Traffic replaced, but whenever special are represented by endorsements The shoe is on the other foot in the lawyers have, temporarily at only material of which we may no vote In the policies of our Gov­ name amounts almost to a sure ly dividend of $1,375 per share on Hospital Auxiliary dance, as their equipment has been needed they the United States, is an assign­ truly say that it is prepared by wealthy. might become. In the transportation of refugees from President Emri Stidham of Libya. Here the British began least, tucked another little mon ernment. certificate of success. I can think the preferred stock, and k divi­ annual contribution to on organiza­ have never failed to respond with the Exchange club and E. M. Bush, ment of a different order. Unle.ss opoly safely away. Nature for the sole purpose of be­ (2) "We will have to bear the Aa she sat by the fire, she After the ineal her father said, care roust be taken to avoid traf­ dend of 25 cents a sl^are on the tion dally contributing its re­ MacDonald Upholstery Co. their offensive after long prepara­ of only two other playera in the watched the customers come and fic jama or delays and for thia rea­ the necessary cash. A contribution president of the Rotary club. we have Substantial and frequent l^ls is symptonutie of a ing used aa a food. It is the one brunt of any war that comes to the theater who can match this talent “Would you like to go out to the no-par common stock. Both divi­ sources to help suffering human­ of any kind toward the work of the tion at the end of which they con- general trend; aa there come to food Intended for the nourishment go. She knew most of them and tarn with roe. Mr. Curt? I'd like son a well organised motor traas- 983 Main Si.. Hartford (.American Industrial Bldg.) Room 302A Call 2-4127 bases along this coast line. Hitler Pacific, yet we have no men to for generating enthusiasm among dends are payable Dec, 31 to stock­ ity." Auxiliary, does double duty. It Oi\-en Raid InstrucGons aidered themselves equal to the be more and more lawyers. Bud of the young, and serves this pur­ guarantee us adequate representa­ they all called greetings to her. for you to see the new calf." And port aervice la deemed a necessity. holders of record Dec. 16. The gist of Dr. D.C.Y. Moore's Is going to have all the geographi­ professional drama goers, and they They were Interested to know Diana knew that they would dis­ Thia service works closely with helps the hospital and alao ex­ Axis in the ail important factor les.« and less of a living per pose so well that a univarsfiH I tion in Washington. are women—Helen Hayea and The action waa taken at a meet- endorsement is practically the presses appreciation for the fine Hong Kong, NOv. 25.—(>P)—De­ cal advantages If he chooses to; capita, the profession must in stitute for it has yet to be fo'und. (c) “ We have the greatest sugar why she was home, when she cuss the marriage In her father's local housing and feeding groups same as Mr. Waddell's. He calls Of equipment. Here the world Is Lynn Fontanne. Ing yesterday at which Herman work of the groups." tailed instructions Issued today self protection reach out and When you come right down to it, and pineapple business in America • • • waa going back. "It’s not curios­ stronghold. . who "take delivery" of refugees W. Steinkraus, vice president and attention to the substantial sum lAey. that nay be. neceseery will go gaaa a main thing to raBtember to that fers to the fact thst this dtootder ships and cargo are made while the mails are not used, any suspi­ arith W. H. PtUlllps, la rOahawa, . Lieutenant Von Qargankrauoa, as- The AAanchester Electric Division law eeaBalag them to» thatttoit ere. are getting a real food, and the tttak ladMdual% Bad Mo- down the more awlftly. Certainly, affects the great actatic nerve. the boats still are far from the cions should be discussed irith the Ontario, when the blaat tot loore.i caped tost night from aa Intara* SQUMENE & FLAGG, Inc. Seldr Hot a law conSalag law. meal should ba planned aecording- entrances to the canal. local Better . Business Bureau, ment camp naar this town, 86 •* amko BBcef oBB in we are after neither territoty aor yera to the praettea o t law "What was that?” PhUUps bro’:e Henry Kohnr & Sons, Inc, 634 CENTER STREET ly. IteadeiB who are intereated mre Rtehard Dtoner produced a veg^ R. M. B., BrownsviUe, Taxaa— Chamber of Commerce, Red Cross, in. Tueksr didn’t know uatll bs mitoo oast of Toronto. "Tha a a ei^ CHESTER I OEMfinKnocr fOBMOOBVAMV domination.^ But there to a mill- wobM. we are afraM, mot even Invited to aend for s copy of .Dr. etable croan between a tomato and, The defense glider training pro­ social agencieo, or potles. waa dtocovarMi whan guards Your Dodfft and Plnaonth ... get aa far as a goveraoite veto. kxAsd down from hto sfftos on tbs 890 MAIN ST. * HARTFORD (731 tayy problem to be fYsnk McGOy’s srtlcle entitled a sweat bell pepper: it to called a gram still to being held up In 22nd floor of Vm (jraak lartldtag lound the wires ,dtoturt>ad In a and Tnid( Headquarters. w For ifilk.” JuM' address pper toatoto. M. U D .f Moarovto, Calif.—TIm sad aaw tbs dtinM ibU aiatto*. „tfoubla jaaca around tho .caBjpk 7T. -. .K. \ - '

OTAmriTESTBR BVENTNO HKRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1941 PACE NINS aiAXMUHJSSTEK EVEPONG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, NOVE^iBER 25, 1941 »AGB EIGHT I Urges Federal ter asking that parking^ be re­ willing to furnish further addi­ S tators Lraiid Sending Bus Load of Lightning Add 4 Spare stricted to one side of Furnell row tional capital or make eddlUonal They^ll Arbitrate Mine Dispute I or that It be made ^ one wsy MANY NEVER >01d Newspaper loans to the institution, so a dis­ Asks for Test S50,000 Given Stimspn Says School Rolls? Farm Housing j .street. Chief Gordofi favored the continuance of the paper wa.i To Test Out Power Lines Police Here latter. The m atterVill be studied found to be the only alternative. Army to Dutch Guiana , by Commissioner'Rogers aiid Chief SUSPECT CAUSE Is Suspended On Dual Johs ! Gordon. “I know Bridgeport today is To Connecticut Finns’ Troops Show 11 Less ------—— prosperous. I also know there is a Covernmont Siibkidized Minneapolis, Nov. 25.—In a bus<^$25,000 each, need protection to I The Board/avored a plan to re­ G eneral D isposition to ***‘ them," and senator Cumey Board AppointH Siipcr- strict parkkig on the srjuth side OFUACKACNES great shortage of help and I feel Program u h which used to haul passengers, | prevent lightning from cutting off T h b OM Trsatm am t p)—The icy of trying to occupy the earth." lay by Cal Ward, regional farm last night prlmarllv to name ad­ . hours c.ars Intending to turn south 1 pofaKMMKM m attS f to Tlmea-Star, afternoon dally found- appointed by the board of direc­ nor Hurley today received in be­ were Issued through Brig. Gen. xecurlly director, as a partial cure and power systems snd equlp- Power Company ia setting up for etuM msggi'ot order to "clear the air” before dred in the town of Manbheater, dispatch of a protective force of ditional men to the .Manchester at the Center can take the inside ptoiRS, U« point. MO ad in 1790 aa the Republican tors, who have appointed A. S. half of the state *50,000 left by Alexander D. Surles, Army chief tor de'enae dislocations in farm mentixThe purpose Is to find 'hut the university of an island in the Legislators are elected next Hall how sturdy such equipment must pollce supernumerary list, aevi^il 8ahe and go through without be­ tint ut Smell Van Benthuysen, former treasurer the late Edward N. Carrington of today mailed to the state secre­ United States troops to" Dutch s ta te i. .Mississippi River here. The scien- Msdoekts nnd i, m Farmer, carries on its first page has been requested of the chair­ of ptiblU relations, who said that be to stand up under the thund^V- other matters were iliscussed. 'The ing held at the (Center, as la often ^ of tlie New York World, in active Naugatuck and West Haven for numerous Inquiries had prompted tary showed a total of 4,211 chil­ Guiana won much commendation Testifying before the House Monty potootM wHh *^***»*f today an announcement that pub­ men of the two major political the development of the Nauga­ Sale of Seals atorms ol the northwest. V ' ""t biislnc.sa before ,he meeting the ca.se The change, it is expect­ •omotimoa allows thoro ' lication was being suspended as of charge of the work. them . dren between the Hgea of four and in the Senate today, and the gen­ Corriinittee Investigating definao IV, rT * protection. , nt was the cons.derxtlon o^ ed, 'will help in the flow of the with your kVipoys or bf parties In this state. tuck state forest., migration. Ward proposed the The work is conducted by Pro­ Don’t woiti Ask yooi today. The proposal come.s from Rep. The inqulrioa were made, Surlea 16 y ears in the tow n. T his Is 11 eral disposition was to link the fessors J. .M Bryant and Morris Jnt itXn thTt" application of Joseph .M traffic during rush hours and If it , Mr. Carrington, who ran a gen­ said, after Hull had dlscusaed Fin­ government own farm buildings PiUs, ussd suodeasfoily by n . “Confronting a difficult and un­ Edwin O. Smith, of Mansfield, In­ less than was shown a year ago move with the critical status of •Newman of the Minnesota electri­ house Xect » 0 » ""Pernumerarv ap- works out ns expected it may rsors. Th«y slvo boppy w U I eral store in Naugatuck for many land’s part in the war and the ad- Is Endorsed and collect rent for them directly hoiise protect it from lightning Is , pomtment. He had mdde appUca- 15 miks Of ki«iooy taoao rag l S g certain future, the Times-Star re­ Peace Terms dependent Republican, in identical years prior to his retirement, left and Is the first time in 10 years Franco-Amerlcan relations. ^ cal research laboratory. not true He can demonstrate with m ean that the parking of cars will ! mlnis(ratlon had made it clear from the tenant. tlon in August, but had not been he restricted In the area all day. | wMts from youf blood. Oot Dooa'S l v B b luctantly has decided to end with letters to Democratic Chairman this sum in his will "for purchas­ that the decrease has been under Several Senators, speaking of The lightning bus promises to a 6,500-volt charge that llghtnihg that in its opinion the Finns the Dutch colony’s rich bauxite "S uch a program could Imme­ I called before the Board After this issue today its long and hon­ Johrt T. McCarthy and Republican Members of the .special board, appointed by Pre.sldent Roosevelt to ing land for park purposes adjoin­ 100 children. President SiibHcribes to he of .special uaefiilnesa because of will skip from trees to a house. orable career as an Independent Query Called •should cease aggressive warfare mines, said that Pre.sldent Roose­ diately’ make many more farm 1 talk in g w ith .Mr O 'B rien the "I"here are 1 ,ir,.'),(KI0 milch cows j Chairman J. Kenneth Bradley. arbitrate union shop issue in the captive mine.s of the .steel Indu.stry. ing to, or to be ii.sed in connection Of the 4.211 children between units availHble and could largely the federal government’s rural One troublesome rural llghtniilg Connecticut newspaper," the an­ against Russia. velt obviously intended to fore­ eleclriflratlon program. For the : Board voted to name four men to on the farms of Illinois alone. 1 Read Herald Advs* "So far as I can ascertain, there are pictured above. Left to right; John L. U-wis, United Mine with, a state forest or park in and th e age* of four and 16, a s of Canipaign as VituI to pay foi Itself by reduction In rural problem, blown-out fuses, la the nouncement said. As Too Soon Stimson referred to the "laud­ stall any threat to this vital sup­ first time, many farmers are get­ the list. This was done after Chief has been no judicial determination Workers pre.sldent, representing miners; Dr. John R. Steelman, chief around the section of Naugatuck S eptem ber 9 1941 th ere w ere and urban relief lOads, ” he said. object of special research. Hun­ The newspaper is owned by the able ambition of the Finnish na­ ply source which furnishes more National Hlbalth. ting electricity over power lines. Samuel G. Gordon had told the concerning dual job holding under of Labor Department’s conciliation '.service, the public’.s repre.senta- known as Beacon* Falls. ” tion to recover ground lost to the 3,592 In public s.-hools; 346 in "Thr government would require dreds of farmers are being asked .Times-Star Company of which H. the constitution.’’ Representative private schools, with St. James’s than 60 per cent of the bauxite ore These lines, being ifi the country, to forward their blown-out fua’es members of the commission that (Continued from Page One) tive; and Benjamin Fairlc.ss, head of U. S. Stool, representing the Governor Hurley, paying tri­ Rus.sians in the last war between certain .easing cnnces.alons which of the eight men who were at S. Talmadgc is the president and Smith’s letter state.s. "Of course, school sbowlng over 325 of this required by this country’s rapidly i Woshlngtoii. Nov. 24— President are said to be hit rather often by to the university to be studied in steel companies. bute to Mr. Carrington’s ’’gener­ these iihtions," but he said that would lend themselves to per- present on the supernumerary ll.',t .employs 150 persons in all depart­ the matter can be liandicd by leg­ osity and foresight,’’ has turncil number, and five in Institutions. expanding aluminum industry. | Roosevelt toc'aj eidorsed the 35th lightning. the search for a more aatlafactory not po.ssihle to make a just peace. regardless of that ambition now Dakar Oocupatlon Feared maneney and wor'd greatly allevi­ three were not of any value to him m ents. islation if public opinion should in­ the money over to the State Park Of the 4,211 there were 268 found Tranaformer.s. which rost up to rural fuse. 2.000,000 Oppose War "it is evident that the Finns are Although none claimed to have annual (,'hriiitmas Seal Campaign ate tepaiit migration." as they were working at such Ja m es L. McGovern, chairm an duce legislators to forego some and FCTTeHt C8ftimlS.s^h. He said He not attending any school at all. "I have always been opposed to employers or inteirupting service ! |» I ■ '^1' xl I now being used by the Germans to confidential information, some of the Gonnecticut Tuberculosis Would Curb 'Land Hogs” hours that they could not report of the Connecticut circuit of the of their present privileges. That hoped the commission would use war." he said, "and thi.s opposition with con.sequenl damage to public 1 ikiHUfelltrC Iv IS 1 OKI further the German efforts to de­ Of those not attending schools well-informed legislators thought Fed»ral legialation to curb what when called upon. Aasociated Pre.ss, is editor and suggests planks for future party this money not only to expand Association as a vital part of na­ Withrow o< cnintOD, whose spe­ Howard 1. Comstock is managing is shared by at least 2,000,000 peo­ interest." | feat the Russian forre.s in the of any hind 258 were found to be that Mr. Roosevelt may have act­ tional health he termed "land hoga” also was Those Named platform s. .Naugatuck fore.st but to develop below the school age as insisted cialty u melon raising, and Sher­ editor. ple in this country. I believe it my A strike of 2,500 AFL freight Leningrad-Lake Onega theater. ed from concern lest Germany oc­ The campaign, which opened recommended by Ward, who sug­ To Hold Parley Thoee named last night were; "But it would seem that public "fo DyIIW NcW Bill its recreational facilities for Nau­ on in Manchester and 10 were out •> wood W. Prout of Lubec, Me„ Name la Purchased duty to stand against all wars handlers in Chicago went into its j cupy Dakar, France’s strategic today was termed by President gested " limit he set on the amount Joseph ,M. O’B rien. 28. six feet one Interest would be served if ju d i­ gatuck valley people and other of school with doctors’ certificates specialist in such cold weather whatever archbishops and bishops a second day, with the volume of i /"k— lA , f ______T> „ ba.se on the western hump of Afri­ Roosevelt "a valuable and far- of land any one operator ran farm inch tall and weighing 210 pounds, ' George C. Waldn, editor-in-chief cial decision were obtained now In residents of the state. American Supplies because of illness or other vegetable crops at peas and spin­ m ay say. truck-hauled freight reduced to j v.rll S ali­ ca. and then try later to move in­ reaching tradition" in the antl- in a given type of agriculture. On Vegetables of 427 Highland street. George ,.M of the Bridgeport Post and Tele­ "I can take no notice of church a teat case. This could be a friend­ Naugatuck forest, acquireil in m ents. ' Large operators are consolidat­ ach, will consider the production gram, announced that the name about one-fourth normal, and with ! Aid Free French to French Guiana, which borders Tuber'-ulosls fight. (Cleveland, 27, five feet 11 Inche.s leaders who declare themselvfs ly action, w'ith costa minimized, merchandise piling up on loading | large part by gifts from the This is the final check of chll- ing farnrs and "crowding families end of the vegetable business in ^and publication rights of the Washington. Nov, 25 — (Ah — the Dutch colony In the northeast The President's endorsement: tall and weighing 186 pounds and against war as opposed to the designed to clear the air before platform.s. The. strikers want (Contihard from Page One) Whittemore family of Naugatuck. dred in the town of Manchester as from land that would supply them their talks. Imes-Star had been acquired by United Stales military supplies.'it coast of South America. "With the approach of the Growers to Hear Con living at 150 North Elm street: teachings of Christ but who also election of members of the Gener­ their hourly wages increa.sed from ] rnn.si.sts of m ore th an 2..500 acres required by law to be turned In by Senator HIM (D-Alal. the ma­ with a satisfactory living into a William R Scully. 31. six feet tall hie papers. oil and Compulsory arbitration was officially said today, have Cflirisfinas Staaon, my mind turns preach in favor of this war." al Assembly of 1943." .55 cents to 75 cents. It was un­ on both skle-s of S ta le H ighw ay 8. December 1. Arthur H. Illing, .su­ jority whip expressed the opinion to on<- of our most valuable and situation wherr- their sources of sinners View in Bridge­ and weighing 175 pound.s and re­ “however.' said Waldo, "we do when strike calls threaten dcfcn.s< the main route through Naiign- been going to the Free French Five Republican congre-ssmen The veteran Mansfield legislator derstood the employer.s were perintendent of schools, has made that the president sent armed far-re-Hlilng traditions, the Chrlst- livelihood art viry meager at Two Trainnien siding at 92 Doane street and Em­ not Contemplate any use of them." production. tiuk valley. Although mainly in forces in Ncrth Africa for about best,” ne said. The suspension leaves the after­ from United States watched Com­ asks "cooperation ” of the two ready to make an offer to the the check on all of the children. A forces to Dutch Giilsna ’because ms.s Seal which supports the fight port on Dec. 9 and 10. mett T. Roberts, 24. five feet eight mons debate from distinguished chairmen in this move to separate Time for (ymgeeM, to ,\et the town of Beacon Falls, it cuts three months, under an informal few years ago It might have been W alter *W. Wilcox of Iowa State inches tall and w eighing 160 noon Post and the Morning Tele- union tfalay. j arrangement with the British. we know that there I.s a projecte.! I against tuberculosis. jram , jointly owned by the Post strangers’ gallery. They were the three branches of government. .\giw to Return to Work The scope of the legisl.ition and through adjoining townships, in possib'p to ’’fake’ the number of conference between Hitler and I "For 35 years the appearance of College told the committee that Storrs, Nov. 25—The consumer Die in Wreck pounds and living a t 29 (Cook Ftichard P. Gale and Melvin J. leront vcais, it has become more This statement followed an­ even without further consolida­ company, as the only daily news­ Executive, Judicial, and Legisla­ Another Chicago strike, which details of the bill apparently were school children, securing. large Petaln regardlnx the French I the snail tubeicinosls .Seal on the viewpoint on vege’iables, what va­ street. All are married They are .Maas of Minnesota, William S. Hill tive, an i.ssiic raised by R epresen­ acce.ssihle to the public by creation nouncement by the Free French state grantsi as wa.s done in tion. approximately one half of tp buy their own clothes and take papers here. held lip w ork y esterd ay on S2,- left strictly up to the lawmaker.s. colonial possessions, which include I flood ol holiday niall has proved rieties lh4 housewife wants, and p Forge Com pany I Ala.ska Jiin . . . Toj(>'s foreign policy and added A Senate committee was told tration board. hou.se lots on the Autumn Heights the bauxite mines and simultane­ tlon of dividend rates; and 3. sion Company and the A and P author of about 50 novels and no decrease in the population of growth of the fine retail establish­ at I^nsing. Mich . Hied .‘^uit foi I Alleghany that “the Japanese people now the Navy approved of legislation $100,000 damages against Local No ('onm iittm ents .Made tract, builder William F. .lohn.son ously served notice last night that Destroy U-Boat Licensing of newspaper enter­ food stores, will discuss the con­ many screen plays. Manchester, but no additional men ments of the city. Its news col­ to let the g'jvemment take over appears ready to start another I Allied Uhem . . . she would not be neutral if any prises. t sumer viewpoint, also, and mer-i Pittsburgh -George J. Camp­ umns have been kept always hon­ are rea'ly to start marching at the , 724 of the ( ’K) U’nited A utom obilf Martin said a variety of pro- Local Stocks were named. It was arranged to word of command." defense plants held up by labor .small development. 1 Am Can ...... other American nation becarhe in­ chandlsing methods to meet con­ bell, 69. prominent attorney and have three men on duty during est and complete, so that readers Workers, accusing the union of :io.s,als cam e up fo r di.scus.sion, but [ Am Home Prod Premier Tojo told the associa­ disputes. f violating ternus of a month-old volved In the war. O ttaw a, Nov 25— (JF) —Two sumer desires. widely known authority on news­ .Sunday morning hours to do traf­ of the Times-Star have come to th at nfi co m m ittm en ts w ere maortunt ('onfrrrnee Held Mouse, called a meeting of the , several lluirios occurring earlier in I’hoenix ...... 87% 89% Benilix ...... , complete Vichy surrender to Nazi oon’ctte Moosejaw fired a single and tUc sale of frozen foods. I.UtolS million dollars a year Many of the spokesman said 400 Industries man.ifactures forgings and cast­ collaboration would be Interpreted round. of 250,000 person.s. day his recent visiu with Winston men and women on the staff and An important cabinet conference committee today determined, she \ the month, acrording to reliable T ravelers ...... 380 400 Both StI ...... Dr Floyd L Winters, expert on Churchill in London had been a TtoKIrla were affected. ings for airplanes and tanks. Sol­ .said, to g et "som e kind of a bill’' diaries. The depth of the first Beth Stl 7 I’f aa constituting such a threat. The head of the new organization in the composing room and press was reported to have been held Public 1 tllltlea vegetable varieties and seed pro­ great disappointment because his Woa* Drto|i« For an hour and a half, the rep­ diers removed a number of need­ ro.id^- by the w eek-end. snowfall was four inclics in Man- Borden ...... Veiled Rcfnlnder to Vk-hy is the Rev. Mich, Tomlta, chairman room, have beer, connected With under the premier this afternoon, resentatives of the carriers and Conn Lt. and Pew . 34 37 AryanlzaUon Law Extended duction. for the Associated Seed little country was denied domin­ 666 roncli Drops ed eastings from the plant last There was another veiled re­ of the (JhrUtion Church of Japan the Times-Star for long periods of with General Suzuki and other inr- On the other side of the rapitol. ehester. The storm was general in Conn. Pow ...... 32 34 Can- P ac ...... Growers. New Haven, W. A. ion status. T r r “Ilnb-Sfr-Tlaai’’—a W oederfel the railway unions conferred with .Saturday. .New E ngland and snow fell to a Cerro De P .... minder to Vichy in the publication Japanese Catholics formed their M■l■ie■t time and have found in it an un­ portant officials attending. (This a .Senate Judiciary Sub-C«hnmit- Hartford Gas . ., 24 27 Vichy, Unoccupied France, Nov. Mr. Riiusevelt. Mead, and Interest­ Michigan's Gov. Murray D Van depth of ten inches and more in the C hes * QJi .... of President Roosevelt’s letter association last May failing livelihood. Only the stock­ meeting apparently was concerned tee called Jame.s V. Forrestal, un­ Hartford El. Lt. . 49% 51'... 25—(A5—A government decree to­ e-vet ed government offlclaLs. Then, at Wag'incr delaiie'l .50 stale troop- northern part of New England. Cflirysler .... yesterday specifically authorizing holders have drawn no sustenance with dome.stic problem.s. i the chief executive’s, suggestion, dersecretary of the .Navy, to rive .S. N. E. Tel. Co. . 149 154 day extended thi French Aryanlv from the enterprise. There have ers to stand guard at the .Moiiiil I his views on a bill by Senator Con Unit, Ilium. Shs. . . 97 101 Col Carbon .... lease-lend aid to the Free French Celebrate Golden Weddings The renewal in Berlin of the the management and union dele­ forces. If FVance decides to oast zatlon law to Algeria. The govern­ been no dividends paid on any anti-comintern pact, of which Ja- Clemens (Mich.i pottery company i nally i D-Tex i to permit the gov- Mrs. H;irr.ett Horan of Har­ W estern Mn-is. . . 19% 21'., Col Gas * El . . gation retired to the cabinet riiom. riets Be.nity Salon entertiineil the her lot with the Axis in the com­ ment also ann.iunced the “Aryan- Kansas City Nov. 25—(4?— class of the stock for more than [lan and Germany were the original after seven persons were Injureil emment to take over and oricrate In d u strial (jomi Inv Tr . . . ixatlon" of all sections of the Bloch ■There, M ead said, th ey w ere "con­ membcr.s of her staff at dinner ing conversations, it was pointed James E. Neville and L. H. Ne> fifteen years past. The earnings •signitories five years ago. wss in a picket lino fight. A CIO union ! dcfen.se plants when production is Acme W i r e ...... 18% 20' . ComI Solv .... Aviation Works, whose manage­ sidering a matter that developed last night. Besides being a general Cons E dis ..... out, bases In Dutch Guiana could vine, brothers, and their wives have been deleted to improvement celebrated by a banquet at which as a result of our hearings. called a strike Sunday, charging j halted by labor trouble Am. Hardware . . . 21 23 ment already ha-J been turned over of the newspaper for the benefit that five of their number had been get-together the occasion also Cons Oil ...... effectively support a Free French celebrated golden wedding anni­ Japane.se Foreign Office officials "W’h a t decision they m ight ■Strlke Cause of Delay Arrow H & H cm. . 33 35 move on French Guiana. to Gentiles. _ versaries yesteiday. of Its readers, and to wages and dismissed without sufficient rea­ served as a blrthd y party for Al­ Billings & Spencer 2% C ont Can ...... and military officers were hosts to make, what direction it will take. Forrestal told a Senate Sub­ bina Kaskey. 3»* Diicuielng the dispatch of troope ■alaries for the benefit of all German and Italian represents son. Both the CIO group and an Bri.stol B rass ...... 40 43 C om Prod .... ^Ueiness ,n Bridgeport. 1 can’t tell you." the senator re­ committee today that last -win­ Del L * Wn . . . to Dutch Guiana, Senator Hill told lives. marked to reporters. ’The presi­ independent union claim a majori­ Colt’s Pat. Fire ... . 73 76 .Staff Is Thanked te r ’s AIlLs C halm ers strik e w as At the meeting of Campbell Douglas Aire . . reportera be considered the preal- A similar function was held In dent asked the two groups to go ty of the 1.000 employes. being felt In current delays of E agle L o c k ...... 9 11 dent'e move “iQost wise and time­ “Our thanks go to all members Hsinking. capital of Japan’s pro­ Council, hold last night, the com­ Fafnlr Bearings .. . 127 137 Du P ont ...... the devoteu itaff, in even,' de- out by themselves and go over from two to six months In the con­ mittee arrtmgirig for the party to Eastman Kod . ly ” because "no nation can defend of tege empire. Manchukuo. what was said." Hart and Oioley . . 128 . 138 JMirtment. Their disappointment is struction of a number of destroy­ be heW tomorrow evening for Rev. Elec Auto-L . . . Itself today unless it has a suffi­ A government statement said Not Really Definite Propoaal ers and cruisers. Hendcy Mach., cm. • 7>i 9% cient supply of bauxite which It ■bared; as also is the hope and the renewal of the pact and inclu­ Chile's Head, Frederick Clark, .nade a report. A Land'rs Fr A C)k . 19 21 Gen E l e c ...... P'or 76 flays last winter, For­ roast beef supper will be served, can turn Into alrplahes; •■pectation that the intense pres­ sion of additional adherents was H* aaid there was not really New Brit. M. com. 4 0 'i 42% Gen Foods .... ent business activity ot this city definite proposal for k comproml.se restal said, a “fraudulent and ad­ by the house committee of which Gen M ot ...... Caa’t Afford to Take CUmeee "a cau.se for profound congratula- ( lertla. Dies mittedly Illegal strike” held up North and Judd .. . 35 37 “It may not be long before Hit- A SOLID FOUNOATIO Will make it not too difficult for tion.s” before the group, since there had Deputy Grand Knight Frank Quish Peck. Stow WII 6% 8>2 Heckcr Prod ,. W-i . production of' certain propulsion i.s the chairman. The dinner will St «r win try to get the use of them to find other work to do. It been principally a recapitulation Russell Mfg. Co. .. . 17>', 19'^ Hudson Mot ... m achinery. be served at 8 o’clock and follow­ French Guiana for all practical YOUR FAMILY'S FI ^ T U R I |{ ia comforting, where there is not of suggestions previously made and (Continued from Page One) Scoville ...... 24 26 In t H a r v ...... 4 5 Vi much other consolation to real- As a result, he told the commit­ ing this there will be an entertain­ pi.rposes. Hitler is trying to get IT W ONT BE Trading Power a "general exploration of all phases Silex C o t ...... 10 12 In t N ick ...... 255, Dining Csr Wmitst . i n that the suspension of'' this of the controversy.” tee, hulls of a num ber of ve.s.scls ment given. H was evident that the Int T * T .; ...... 2 control of the French colonial poa- JmtTft WiJltsms newapaper would certainly have during hi^.three years as president were ready while, needed machin­ do., p fd ...... 28 M ^ons everywhere., and- we cer­ Negotiations, continued over the former chapiain will Ik- well re ­ Stanley Works ... 41 Johns - Man ...... 57 Ts cauaM far greater distre.ss a few of Chile. ery wa.s not. ceived at the gathering tomorrow ■13 ’ tainly can't afford to Uka chan'es Put ill Again week-end, apparently had produced Torrlngton ...... 24% 26% Kennecott . . . i ...... 35>', LONG NOW! .yeara ago than it will now. And it little progress, and A. F. Whitney, Elected Chile’s 36th president Oould Have Taken Plant night. L eh Val R R ...... 3 H that he win interfere with bur You c*n buil^ a stronff structorc of protection for year family on the solid li good to remember, too, that the Veeder - Root .... . 50 !<3 barite suppliea in this hemi­ president of the Brotherhood of Oct. 25, 1938, as a candidate of ', He expressed the opinion that Ugg A My B ...... 68 Times-Star weathered those years (Continued from Psg« One) the Radical party, he regarded William Harrison, of 20 Proctor New York B anks K sphere. ' Railroad Trainmen said the union the Navy could have taken over Bank of N. Y ...... 315 Lockheed Aire ...... 2 8 'i of ;depression, so dangerous to the himseli' as .a true democrat and on road, today entered the Hartford 335 Senator Nye (R.. N. D.) ex­ foundation of our trust serricc. Trust funds ailow wide iatitude in was about ready to suggest to the the Allis Chalmers plant and re­ Bafikers Trust . . . . 48 50 Loew ’s ...... 38*i - tothvldual and to the enterprise, months unless Congress passed chief executive that the govern­ one occasion vetoed out of prin­ hospital where he is tO' undergo an pressed dissatisfaction that “the price control legislation. He stored production on the third day Central Hanover .. . 85 87 L orillard ...... 15 and kept its stream flowing ment “take over control of the rail- ciple a bill outlawing the Com­ operation. M ont W ard ...... 304i Showing over ths horizon to main­ Brotherhood of Railway Clerks; A. "We have no time to wa.ste," he Gerald 5fcCourt. for the past With British Guiana so close, how- as ’’tainted with a foreign ideolo­ As an ex-school master and M anhattan' ...... 14 16 N or Am Co ...... 11 ta in a newspaper such as this is Johnston, president of the Brother­ told the committee. "We can­ four and one-half years, Manches­ ever, it is difficult to understand gy" and protested against "turn­ former professor of economics and Manufact. Tr...... 3 3 'i 35% P a c k ard ...... 2 S In a competitive situation like hood of ^Locomotive Engineers; not. aa in normal and unemer- ter correspondent of the Hartford why the Britleh did not make the . ’-ours. Rather than plunge, with all ing him loose with the power he law at the University of Chile, he N. Y. T rust ...... -. 82 85% Param Plct ...... 16?i occupation." ynRjpp will have under this act." John J.’Pelley. president of the As­ said he considered governing gent times, sit and wait for the Courant, will leave here at the end Penn R R ...... 21% GET '^’ our staff, Ihto such uncertain sociation of American Railroads; composition of differences between of this week and return to his Public National . 29 31 Caa See Notklag Wrong ■ ,~,ttmea again, it Serves them and Steagall retorted that Hender­ syonymous with teaching and Title Guarantee .. 3 4 Phelps Dodge ...... \ . .. 2 7 '’* R. V. Fletcher, vice president and employer and labor by any method home In New Britain as a repre­ P hil P e t ...... ; . . 44'4 Senator Van Nuya (D., Ind.), the ***Ue4 ^•vatyone elM better to cease pub- son had shown a "full grasp of his dedicated much of his president U. S. Trust ...... 1300 1350 I who has opposed ' administration duties and responsibilities of his general counsel for .he association; effort to reducing CTiliean illiter- that rests solely upon a test of sentative of the Courant in that Pub Sve NJ ...... 14 <4 IBMtlon now, while other work is city. foreign policy meaoures as vigor­ SET task" during the long hearing i be­ SoIiuJor General O ^lea Fahy; aey—placed in one official survey strength. France tried that and R adio ...... 3% tiful. It has been a hard dec!- fell. Gerald McCourt came to Man­ ously aa Nye has, said he could on to make but it seem s,^tter fore the committee. “His diddy Joaeph Eaatman. lA ^U tc Com­ at 70 percent. .R eading ...... 14 merce Commlasion chairman; "The country faces actual and chester four years ago last March see nothing wrong with the Pres- 'nadee it ot our own wiU now was a Methodist prtacher.r he Belief that other American re­ R em R and ...... 10 >4 I Ident's decision. to have it, perhaps, forced added. "He came up the hard way David J. L«wis, chairman ot the publics, particularly the United potential dangers. It has ene­ as the local representative of the Curb Stocks Republic S tl ...... lt% Men’s anti Boys* ^ Afg out of humble ctrcumitancea." National Railway Mediation mies who believe with scorn and paper. He has proved In that time “He la moving only within the , * 0*2/ us a t a- time to come when no States, should help Clhlle bjr "cut Rey Tob B ..; ...... 25% western hemisphere, and there can Water Repellent i® th a t Job. will be a s well placed as to- Gore, however, deacribed the ^ard; and Senator Mead (D„ N. tural understanding” and "eco- contempt that our democratic a good fellow to meet, willing to Ark Nat Gas A ... Safeway S irs ...... 43% help out another in the same game no objection to hemisphere de- BASS for ch an g e. committee’s bill "as more infla­ noniic aid" rather than by processes will fall In the stress of Asd Gas and El ,A S ears R o e b ...... 65% tionary than deflationary," argu­ To Hold First Meeting action. We must not let our and has proved that he can keep Amn Superpow ... I fenae," Van l^|n( declared. "We-hope that, when the fa c t of “speeches and mesrages of good­ Shell U n ...... 15% Expressing approval of the SKI BOOTS POPLIN newspaper’s end has passed ing that by placm'g a ceiling, over John K. Steelman, head of will" was another of his foremost internal bickerings prove them what every newspaperman must ats Sve Pfd ...... Socony - V ac ...... 9% some producta, it would encourage c o rre c t.” preserve, a secret. He has made move, Chairman' Connolly (D THE dimmer memory, its ISl yeara the Federal conciliation aervlcc, concerns. El Bond and Sh ... Sou P ac ...... 12% 16.95 to $12.95 many friends and few enemies, Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Rela­ Tro/fl D isa stch m coctinuoiu service to the com- hoarding and apeculation on their announced that an arbitration Besides the (Communists. Cltlle’s Ford Ltd ...... S ou th R y * ------17 JACKETS substitutes. t which is a rather nnrd thing for a Niag H u d ...... tione Committee added that It- HsroUSh00h*n ty w ill be remembered. It is ^ rd appointed by President Nazis also gave him trouble. Af­ S td B r a n d s ...... 4% mtght be necessary for this coun­ Out of that situation, he argued, ^ s e v e lt would hold its first meet- Lavish With Other’s Money. man to do, w ho^ reporting what Pennroad ...... S td G as A E l ...... % SKI PANTS great record, one which few ter Aguirre had felicitate Adolf try to occupy French' Guiana and tr newspapers can match. But the position of the administrator inff in New 'York tomorrow in its he sees and hears. He is to be Uni Gas ...... S td OU Cal ...... 24',4 $4.95to$8.95 Hitler on the German May Day Chicago—(/P)—Two gunmen who succeeded in Manchester by the I Martinique. French Island pooaaa- things must come to an end would "not be unlike a flea on a effort to settle the union Shop issue celebration this year 32 members Uni Lt and Pow A S td o n N 3 ...... 44% $5.95 to $8.95 hot stove." held up a South Side tavern were present correspondent in Windsor. olon In the Orlbbeon, “if the SmaU — Medium MANCHESTER '.f. In the £apUve c6al mine dispute. toy, Witt- sadness, the. Times* of the pro-Naxl Vangiiafdist or­ T ex (C o m p an y ...... 45% ’ Vichy government continues to U fa W f ' says goodbye." The president received a report a jovial and entertaining couple Aake $S5,M0 Domsgee Timken Roll B ...... 40<4 and L o i^ . Firs At His Oini House ganisation were arrested and ac­ and lavioh with other - people'll To Get More Redo ■uccumb to Nazi Influeneea." -An announcement to the 190 yesterday from a fact-finding cused ol plotting against the gov- Hartford, Nov. 25—(S?—Trial In .Transamerica .1 ...... 4% In Natural — Fawn board which was appointed to look money and liquor. They robb^ the Hartford, Nov. 25—»—Meysr a suit for $2o,000 damages was be­ Senator Austin (R, Vt) the os- pioyes by H. 8. Talmadge, em irent and its leader was sent U n C arbide ...... 72 ilatsnt minority leader, sold be ap­ t of the 'nmes-Btar, Inc., _^Bolse. Idaho— (S? —"Okay . . . Into fi diapute between AFL Team- barte-nder and four guests of $51.- Schwolsky, acting manageir of the gun before Superior Oiurt Judge U nion P ac ...... 70 and Ptjwder. fo r a time Into an-lnaane asylum. 55 and then ordered the bartender proved heartily of the Dutch Gui­ ■g the suggestksi, eaid, «re, you say,. .Two—Oh—Eight ■ters and AFL Railway Qerka veterana' administration at New­ Alfred C. Baldwin and a jury to­ U n it A l r c ...... S“ "'» North Eighteenth," drawled Walt In Augwt, Aguirre's government to put in tbeir automobile a quan­ ington, announced today that his ana moTs; Sonator Ballsy (iv TRUST GO. the increased costs at oper- oyai^TaprMenUUon of 292 , em­ fieiaed anna and munitions and ar- day. The plaintiff, La?vrence A. U n it C o r p ...... r - :6 Johnson,, mschsnioally. liie fire ployes of Rsilv/ays Express tity of beer, wldskey and wine. appUcation for 19 more beds at the WlUiams. West Hartford, aslu this N- C.) soaertod tkM “They (Dutch INENSI 4M outiook ot ike tvysstor leate still other allege Naala. Unit Gas Imp Guiana) ore on ymr side o f the - ifMdPU depsrtncat wss giving out the in- Agency. Inc., in Detroit The Before leaving, one of the gun­ facility bad beefi approved. amount for injuries be allegedly U S Rubber. V.. Member Foderal Dapoffit las. Corp. so IKsy felt formatloo. When the . reporter Tet a month later 31 antl-Nasl men entertained with a dance; the ' Hr. Schwolsky said Immediate ocean and we hsvf a right to pro- s&sssfiss! ttgnU aa this boeird declagad that unlona ■noyid demonatratorai were am ste for vfeceived Noi^. 27, 1939, when '-be U S S teel ...<. jumped out of hie chair and M b - c o ld e r tbemaelTea obUgsUd to second served drinks to threryoge. orrongemenu would be made to feJ into aii elevator pit at .a ware­ to r UMi Md his hsL It was his own bouss protesting OeiWan;y s 'reprlssl ^r-fTlMn they banded $1 to sn 'tf the W sst Union settle JurtadietiocialJurtsdieUotisl dismiraadiqiutM add the - b ^ to the N ew ington house mslntslned in New Britolq West_____ El___ * Mfg .flwibs’d cslM shout. rests o f aavsiel (CUIeans in Eu- customers to)wnt mis tliiy( only cs^oclty^ The 19 oew b eds ~ Rttbodt sptaroUlBC ■t ------' - rfAGfi TES 91Ai^v^ri£jo 1 cjxv jc

smaabtd befora Moscow with SOO tions lor th« luUur* - world’* Repairman Eacapen | in excess of the Biltish, however, MANCHfcSTEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2H, 1941 PAGB BLETBir peace. . . . they said. men killed. Court Duties Aa Ladder Shatters Keyes Bitter rH. S. Students White-garbed irregrulars operat­ “ No Place In New Order” Wounded soldiers. including Potter’s Skill "4—Bolshevism, as a new ex­ nbme Germans, began to arrive in ing in the Volokolamsk sector 65 An odd accident,.which near­ miles northwest of Moscow—only pression of the ancient Russian In Attacking Cairo from the Libyan front'. To Hold Party Police Topic imperialism, and Oommunlam, as a ly resulted in injury to an elec­ Many were brought back by air ‘ Shown Here a short distance behind the Nazi tric company re^rman oc­ spearhead which thrust to Klin— political and social manifestation ambulances.. of Jewi.sh intrigues, have no place curred this morning at the cen­ There has been no announcement raided a stalled ammunition train, ter. A light truck, with a lad­ W ar Powers Minnesotans Golden Gophers Top Ranking Grid Combine Loral School to Hear in the new jvorld’s order. of the progress of the left arm of F«rewell to the Outdoor killed 42 Germans, blew up a tank der rigged to the body, was Mothers' Club Sees In* ?nd gilded away on skis, Moscow "5—The Atlantic .(Roosevelt- the big British pincer since the Sports to Be Given; . From Judge J o Ii i i h o i i Churchill I meeting proclaimed the backed up so that the repair­ (ContInoMi from P a(e One) - Axis acknowledged .lt had drtvert ^ teresting Exhibit at the authorities announced. man could fix a large street A t the same time the Soviet On Giving Evidence. hegemony of the Anglo-Saxon race at least ak far as 200 miles from Noted Coach to Speak. and Russian BoLdbevlsm over a light. The man finished his ence as director of the Com­ the Giarabub area. '. Center Oiiirch House. Army newspaper Red Star praised work and had just descended, it ’ Rec Juniors w i * CJx ' • i r British tanks newly-arrived on the disarmed world. admi,nistered by mandos, Sir Roger said,. he was This column, said to be headed Holy Cross In Bad ‘Going—^Going- By Man was stated, .when the ladder A grand farewell party for the The second session of the Man­ Jews. The Berlin meeting claims "frustrated In every, worthwhile for the Gulf of Slrte to cut off Harry W. Austin, of Old Lyme, Oerman-Russian front for their was shattered from its base in­ chester police school will be held the world is free for all and the offensive action" he "tried to un­ the coastal exit to western Libya, a potter of 30 years’ experience Form Basket ^111 17 S traigh t outdoor sports, program of the- “ moblilty, powerful steel armor to the street. No explanation and great firing capacity," imply­ tomorroiA' afternoon and tomorrow world's roads belong to those who dertake. appeared, have encountered and unusual ability, interested a Hanchoster High School will be work. No supremacy. Justice, could be given for the break­ large audience of the members of •X held Friday evening at the High ing that these would help to check night. The night men will attend age. “Unfortunately,’’ he said, "the little opposition in its sweep Shape for Saturday the mechanized forces in the van­ the session's tomorrow afternoon bread, right and progress for all prime minister was handicapped across the desert. the Manclieater Mothers club last Ball League School auditorium, according to night with a demonstration of the To Dominate nations." an. announcement made this after­ guard of the German assault col­ and the day men and the spare not only by the same kind of ma­ umns. men tomorrow night. The school chinery that Whitehall enforced use of the potter’s wheel and spe­ noon. Dan Jesse, coach’ of the cimens ol his craftmanahip. The dlale Unlveralty—and could it be Rus.slan crews quickly mastered will be in charge of Detective- Sej- in the last war, but now with an Indian Troops Boston College FavorecL Trinity football team will be the lecture-demoiistration was In the ~lllinoi;>'.’ -Is making welcoming All RegifilratioiiA .Mu9t Associate^ PrcM Poll principal speaker of the evening. the Diesel-motored machines the geant Joseph Prentice, but he will British Patrol About Town apparently evfen greater force, a gestiirca to'ward one of Denny Capture Augila parish hall of Center church, Mr. To Take Big Game on B p Made Before Nov. Team Ratings A program of moving plcture.s. newspaper said. not start his instructions until a constitutional power. London, Nov. 25 (JPi Official Austin and his wheel, together .Myer.s' bright young aides and is l^rman^s Squad' ('onfident of Ability later date in the duties of a police­ “ Shall ..\lways Be Too Late” awarding of letters in football, Raids France I Company No. 3 of the South announcement that a column of with a varied and catlorful display Saturday; (>ui*uderH ofiering a sibstantial increase, 28; Plan to Play FirPl The standing of the team* (first- Wav/Out in Front; soccer, cross country, cheer lead­ ( Russian reports to I»ndon said man. Tomoirow the gatheiing ! M-ynchester fir' department was ■ “ Until the staff system Is thor­ Indian troops had captured Au­ of his finished work, glazed and lipproxi.'nuleiy .50 per cent, in the plate votes in parentheses, point* will be addressed by Judge Ray­ Face Terrible Odd's ers and band will make up the the Red Army was confident of I called on a still alarm ai 12:50 this oughly overhauled." he said, "We gila in the Gialo oasis area of unglazcd, deco-ated and plain aalary department , . Another Game December .'trrl. fig'lred on 1II-9-S-7-6-. etc basis i Oqiy Two Eastemerfl entertainment for the gathering. its ability to hold the Moscow de­ mond A. Johnson, for 16 years (Continued From Page One) afternoon to extinguish a grass .shall always be too late in every­ Libya led to' hopes in London to­ were on the stage where all could In Getting Team in Univer.'ity also has manifested First Ten The boys will be allowed to ask fenses until the German attack Judge of the town court of Man­ fire at 32 Princeton street. thing we undertake." see his deft manipulations of red wIlllnjDi'Ss to tender the same Minn»*ota IB5i 1,124 ^ First Ten; Duke chester. Tomorrow the men wijl day of early word that the col­ Twenty-two Junior m»mb*r* any girl to attend the affair and was exhausted, ns previous thrusts i -Sion in spite of tierce resistance of Prior to Sir Roger's attack the umn had reached the Gulf of Slrte clay into articles of real beauty. Shape for (lonlesl. gentleman Its neaJ coaching port­ Texas A and M, I2i ... 922 lie instructed in the pre.sentation I British destroj’ers escorting the have signed up to piny in the ll'est the cheer leaders and girls in the in that area have been. All committee chairmen of the •Ministry of Information dl.sclorwd at El Agheila, high water mark of An Ancient Art folio • Ani.. If wor.st comes to Duke n.5) 912 / Holds Third Place. (Observers said they believed of evidence, the way to act in court rand will al.so be allowed the I ton\ov. it said. I American Legion auxiliary are re­ that a small British patrol had last spring'.* British offensive. Mr. Austin said the art .of pot­ worst, a pro team Is ready to sign Side Rec junior bask'-tball Icagu*- j .Notre Dame i2i •Soviet divisions in the area of Ros­ raid the necessary court firocedure . Kefirrenee To l-aitding .Vtteinpl By Steve O’l>oary privilei'e of asking a boy friend. quested to send in their reports in made a foray to the Normandy At El Agheila the British would tery making is one of great an­ the same citizen to a I'oachlng which iX'lll open within th” next i D'iqu” *n” . . By BtU Boat 1 tov, where street fighting wa.s re­ riiey will also lie told what is evi­ I rhe communique's only refer- coast of Occupied France Sunday Boatoii, Nov. 25 -1/45—Two such Dancing will follow the program time for the County meeting. No­ cut the highway linking Axis tiquity: that objects in baked contract whenever he wants It. A week or two . .Michigan New York. Nov. 25.—t>P)—Min­ and refreshments will be serveel. ported still in progress yesterday, dence and what 1s hot and how a ' ence to the attempted landing wa.s vember 30. night and returned with only one Olay were made by the Egyptians expert squad liispirers lu, Denny sample ot the rugged honesty of ■ MiHsoun ' l l . . were withdrawing slowly to the court reacts to statements made armies around Tobruk with their Notice ha.* hern po.“t”ri th'- nesota's Golden Gophers, unbeaten Is Famous S|ieaker in the following paragraph: casualty: Berlin's high command western supply bases. more than 4,000 years ago. He ex­ Myejrs and Joe Sneeketski prob­ the pa. ty in question is that he . Foixiha rri .south bank of the Don liver and by police. I "The British attempted -to ef- said the British were repulsed *1th Those who have been privileged Temple Chapter, Order of the Informed source.* said the col­ hibited a sketch made in Egypt, ably need no as-n.^tance trom this hasn’t made any move to use biilletui Iroard that all member* ' .N'Tlh-vcetcrn and iintird —and unbeatable, stnce reorganizing to guard against a ■ ..V group of guards employed at I feet a landing on the French Cban- heavy lo.sses. to hear Dan Jease speak before Eastern Star, will hold its regular umn's progres.s Iwyond the oasis showing the pojter at his wheel, department in getting their Bos­ These oners as a blackjack In bet­ desiring to play in the league muet j Texa...... ’ h,eir .Iiler, out of a poseible 1,160. mony Hi the reichschnifcellory, Sir Roger replied that he was "re­ stroying Axis tank forces was a Holy Cross e.i-vin . . Joe needs game.” during the past season The tor iii-ar Rostov during the wei.k- sailing in a convoy off the British attended the dinner and meeting marks with '■occasional shafts of Integrity, . . Schofield, Andy Anderson. Phil ' ami German For ign .Minister Joa- ferring to matters in Whitehall and not finished and that fighting was only to recall to hie .acnlors that l.’conn Star, Shows With one more poll to go. Min­ affair will start at 7:30 o'clock end, till' bureau said the Rii.ssian I coast and sank a British motor- 'o f the executive board held last wit that kept the audience laugh­ they have Just tills one' remaining Sheridan, Jack Brennan. How-^rd chim Van [tihbsatrop read a tele­ not to action in the field. •still "very confused." nesota appears a good , bet to re­ aharp. Air Force destroyed two regiment- I boat in the English Channel. ' evening at the Methodist parson­ ing. He brough with him a quan­ chsjrce tin jii. k up a cherished til- Flavell, Donald Warren. ClacCnc" Heels ■ to Big Puck tain it* 1940 No. 1 ranking whan gram from Foreign Minister Dr I "Secret and swift decision, siir-. Declaring an unofficial report tity of ■ the pulverized red clay, of infantry and a cavalry platoon Port installations on the Briti.sh age in Moosup. with Mrs. Charles umph over their ancient rival Turf (sos.sip For Haugh, Warren Waldo, Albert tbe final vote* are counted next . Tsnmin-Yee of the .lapanese-spon- prise and speedy action are essen­ from Cairo that 15,000 prisoners ' mixed with water to the consis­ on the .siiiithern and southwestern ! .southcnsl coa.st also were bombed, ; Johnson as hostess. The new presi- One Boston senior. Henry Woro- Gardner. John Osbourne,, Keevln III Nati.onal Collegiate. week.. ' sored Nanking regime of China tials of success in the present war, " already had been taken "may be tency of thick Cream, called "silt." fronts Fridnv it wii-s added I dent, Mi.ss Olive Sylvester of Put- nlcz. was a sophomore when Bill Fallon. Ray Zemanek, Edliard Mr The Gophers' only serious rivals Red ForecK ^lake i that his government had also he said. "This has been brilliant­ an overstatement," he" said the At the outset of his talk he poured Track Followers I nri'm, succeeded Mrs. Earl Story ly Illustrated in our campaigns in OsmansKi led nLs last great eleven Conn. Horace Cordy, DOnald Ken­ Charley Robbins, another Wig- sre two more of the country’s four i Joined I of .Norwich, formerly of this town. battle was not the type in which a small amount iqjo a plaster of I Press Hails Gathering Africa, but you will not get It while paris mold, and at the close of the into Fenway I’urU to slaughter nedy and Bob Connora. ren-trained runr.er, representing major all-winning teams—Tsxas Fiiiploves to Get ' Others who attended were Mrs. a large number of prl.soners was the Eagles 29-7 , . . Henry had to East Siders.fleadv 62-Mile Advance Plan.s Conipleteil The Berlin press haded thi’ you arc dependent for deci.sion and program he removed the molds By rhe Associated Press Connecticut University, stepped A. and M.. which atlU must protset Homer Waltz of Rockville and captured. leave school for s year and missed Horse racing make* Us final The Rec Junior basketball that record against Texas In gathering as a demonstration of .Mrs. Harold Holhouse of Daniel­ action on the cumbrous machinery and disclosed a small beanpot. The into national prominence yester­ j continental solidarity against Mos­ All Fxtra B of Whitehall, " remainder of the clay hi broke In- the following football season but Eastern stop pf the present season leagues will get,under way during Thursday's cUmoefle Southwest (Continued From Page One) j F O l ’ ( < lllll* < * ll S lip p C ^ I * 011118 son. " the flrat week In December it wa« day when ne placed third m the cow, laindon and Washington. Relieved F'lve Weeks Ago I to lumps by dashing it on a board he too* an active part In the 7-0 at Charles Tovm. with an 18-day Conference engagement and triumph the Sugar Bowlers eked oropram getting under yvay on announced today at the Rec. It is 4th annual National Collegiate against Waablnglon State Decaas* out in a number nf .motors," tin- The now membi'rs Joined Ger­ . The Manchester Woman’s Re­ Keyes dis< loseil that he W'as re­ and rupidly cutting it by means of many anocem- di'structive powers winch, directly ; bonus orevioiLsly granted in Sep- liismissal." he said, "was that I adding handles after the, article ner sat last Saturday and watched to .Mcnd their nniinnlt are H- G. rraediate League will be for The Aggies, given only two first- ■submitted, and new officers elect­ Mi.ss Evelyn Ruth Manning, them trundle off no le.i:' than Bodv. ell, c M Fcltner. J. V. Stew­ een the age* of 16-18. versity who crossed the finish line "The oneniv is sustainihp enor­ ! her A. in the pari.sh hou.se. , or indirectly, siifport Bolshevism" j lenibcr for the 4..500 enijiloyes of ed for the coming year. Tea will was too old to lead shock,- was removed from the hbrizontal place votea to Duke’s IS. got 41 'nuirsday being the evening the , . . . . ,.4^0ps, (j.nijjhfer of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur eight oi thp Cru-saders In that art, John Bosley, J Bowes Bond. Teams wishing to enter tha In 30 minutes, 32.3 seconds. rotra for second and 40 for third mous lo^es The 16th Tank Divi- The cer< mony took place in Am­ Pratt and Whitney dlvLsion in be served. but the command of such a W e e Manning of 655 North Main street, wheel. Every object was greeted bii.sine.s.s h/mses are open, the sup- bassadors' iiall of tile rtianeeliory. with hand-rlapi>ing as the potter Temple disaster. Danny .Shea, Tom Lewis, the four league must furnish their eligibil­ Robbins finished behind the sec­ In accumulating 922 points. Duka ■ion . . x^^ha.s been almost com* West Hartford. does not necessarily mean leading ond place winner, Oliver Hunter , per ronimittoe under the diro(;tion Foreign .Minister Ramon Ser­ Biicklaml. and Edward E. Glanert, displayed it. ami proceed«^ to There's no better man than that t'hri.stnias brothers and others. ity list to Johnny Hcdlund at the was only 10 points behind in third plrtely sm^u d Tlie Chn.stinas and Scptembci I it into action. son of Mr. ami Mrs. Edmund Gla­ of Notre Dame. Izvcstia also, niontioned defeat. 1 t»f Mrs Anna Wailo, will bo pre­ rano .Slim r Ol Spain and Vice honu.s togethei will amount to 10 Axis Vi ipes Out I "This is a young man's war, amj lump it again for another shaped same Jot in bringing a team ii|i There's activity already In the / East Side Rec on or bef re Nov place. Notre Dame, unbeaten but • pared to serve tlui.se who desire Premier .Mihiid Antonesru of Ru­ nert, of 43 Whiting road. East bowi or vase. for one game But right now it Jockey quarters where Ralph Mc- 28. The rules and regulation* gov­ Cono. Place* Third tied by Army, also retained th* Imported vestirdaN’, (*f the V'ikmp ; per cent addiltonal conijiensation I my object was to give youth it.s Aided by R< bin* third piste division of the SS, iKIUe niark- I an early supper soon after .*> mania were am.mg the repre.sen- Hartford, were married Saturday, Mr. Austin kept up a running looks a* though he'll need a minor : Uuln I* putting Jockey Sammy erning the league are posted in the fourth position it was voted a I on total earnings received during chance." November, 22, at 2:30 p, m,. at the broke down after hi* only race win. the Univers.ty of Connecticut Shirt) troofis and the IPth Alpine j o'clock. The scheduloi! sup[>er hour tatives here for the occasion. the second six months of 1941. ! British Brigade Keves is 69. description of the art and facts iii miracle, at least, to patch up a raliiir.bo through rigorous exerxerv boys’ game room at the East Side w-eek ago the Irish got twro votes i Trinity Lutheran church in Hart­ ci.scs in hopes of cutting the vet­ this year but Smith had thought harrier* team p.aced third in th* Infantry cfjrp.*^. I.s .''i:30 Mrs Jame.s Kilpatrick will Will Cnnsiili Each <)ther '. riiLs one bonus, to be paid togeth­ regard to it as he worked. He Starting lineup In the few day.* he ICavak II Out Legion HoMs Rec. for first and 778 points, on a basis he in charge of the diping room It was [jjiiivrded that "the con­ ford. ha* remaining. If seems ns Uiougli eran rider .* weight to 114I potpounds ' ' Kayak was i?6mlng along nicely It 1* expected that the Inter­ national standings, ahead of Rhode Russian planes rnofiebatitii: in er, will amount to approximately (Continued From Page One) was fOTmerly connected with a of 10 for first, nine for second, and waitrea.sea. tracting poWers will consult with The ceremony was performed by the Eagle .seniors will make it a Buwlc'.s final week includeid e ^ two I *** bowed that tendon. mediate League will play on Wed­ Island State, which w-aa favored eight for third, etc, the hip Soviet drive alreaaVN have I $6,50,000 It will be paid by check pottery where clay puts for plants to take the- tear, prize. The re­ destroyed more than r»0 Axis'-air­ Mrs. Margaret Sargent and Mrs. each other concerning further ro- Great Tank Battle the Rev. Herman Mackerisan, who were made A skilled potter, work­ sweep, what with their superior major stakes. The $5,000I .W. P. V f I D liL .l\clCC I When Seabiacuit staged his nesday nights, and the Junior Unbesten and untied Duqussn* ' which will be mailed to employes the small Italian garrison at Glalo ii.sed the double ring service. Burch Memorial, a Bixy furlong ” ] great comeback and won the 1940 Tirst Place sults of the UConn team follow*; craft an 1 . inflicted ’ c onsidera^' William (Yawforii will preside at operation beiior expiration of the homes on Friday, Dec. 20. ing 10 hours a day could mold be­ talent getting a welcome rest last League will operate on Thursday moved up a notch to flfeb. chrag- the ran'ly table, liprona, Mrs Irv- five-year period Th,‘ pact was oasis in the southern Cirenaican Chrysanthemums and palms deco- Saturday. But, if it's humanly sprint for all ages, is ddeketed for .handicap . he had Kayak . to protect nights. William Tribou 13th; Wm. Hub­ losses" on mf)tori7.e«l infantry. I 'I’he Christmas bonus culminates desert was resi.stlng "pressure Bt'piiis to Die tween 900 and 1000 pots, whereas bard. 16th: Bob Bowen. 4!rd; Bill Ing places with MIclUgan.., TSs li^g Wickham; fancy work. Mr.s originally -sigiiei. by German 'and ratel front Kc*l .son is arranging for ticket distri­ 1936 ment-Pond company will have re- (Continued From Page One) jo'i'than when they were made by lost ditch to achieve that rare dis­ ^^'in Santa Anita 'Cap ue» Falit Pace on Alievs and also in the final Westsra Ooa- rtie extension was said to have I which arc thrusting toward it. Miss Barbara Lillian Manning, tor while such Juveniles as Clip have beaten hls.atablemste. bm* wsa a lons'atently fine run Star, the Army i;euspaper. .said bution lolvcd over $2,.500,000 in the form hand. tinction. Sports Roundup ference standings, considerably lieen decided upon by the reiire- The hich command yesterday ■sister of the bride was maid of Clop, Automaton and Solar Star Bettered Right Now. ner, taking part In Coach Pete Soviet troup.s had broken into the of wa.’ c increase.” and extra com- a)viut half of whom were German, ' ] The Potter's Wheel The Eagles, hy the way. may Downing Wethersfield. Wigren a cross-country and track out-distanced^ the Buckeye* lij ths .sentalives "m realization that the acknowledged the fall of a small honor, and the bridesmaids were looe one of their coaching staff also are eligible. aouthwestern pari of Tikhvin, llu pen-satlon. Italian garrison north of Glalo had been taken around Tobruk and Th'e potter's wheel has been By Hugh Fliliertoa, Jr. teams in his specialty, the mile. poll, which gave Ohio Stats only miles oast of In ning rad when' agreement for defen.se against the an additional 1.000 in the frontier Mi.ss Shirley C. Moeller, of Main celebrated In song and story sine* before many more days . . . A The $10,000 Bryan and O'Hara Los Angeles. ,\'ov. 25~UP— 71 point* and 1.5th place. oasis, reporting it was overpower­ , .5iemorlal is for ’ hree years and Inti'retate Loop The Legion bowlers took three Charley was over-shadowed to atreet fi^htintj wa.«» in proKre.s.s, Hospital Notes activities of the Communist In­ area. street. East Hartford, and Miss prehistoric times. Shakespeare, ITie rest of the first 10 consist­ ed after a tenacious defense j up and will be contested over the PoBBlbillty of SeahtscuiV* all-time more games last night at the ex­ New Y'ork, Nov. 25— J*—Now some extent by the stellar per Tikhvin i.s "sn the l>»ntngrail MorrLson. 88 .Main street: Mrs The Italians said the British taken iti firing lest the clay objects ter's Cap, with '-the Santa Anita loop in the country to do so, the a three string total of 408. The stead. Anothej report is that tlie New York U. on Saturday. ' front,, said that ai coriling to In­ Hungary and .Manchiikuo "dating i and Frederick Cranston of this heavy attack by Nazi tanka and The bride who was given in mar­ be vitrified and turn out a bladk threat* to Whlrlaway'a bid for the .Mary .1. Hunt, 109 High .street town and Jo.sephine Sutherland of Iroo'is in the northern de.sert had Derby: Starctor. The HoU.vwood Clss* B Circuit yesterday pasaed scores: Browns may peddle Chet Laabs Mld-WeofhDomlnata* complete figures tlie Germans lost from Nov 2C>, 1941." by German infantry rushed to the riage by her father, wore a gown mass of glass. At tbe close of his money vlnnlng championship. Vic­ While the Middle West domi­ Birth: Today, a daughter to Mr Hartford. failed to make contact with the of white dutchess satin, Princess Derby winner: DlspOee. with the a rule at its annual meeting mak­ Manchester to the Senators . . . Most compli­ S.OOO In one sector alone. Article 2 stated countries invited scene in trucks. talk he answered numerous ques­ tory In the wxirld’j richest horse A. Wilkie . . nates the race with five tashia .ind Mr.s. la-onald Ander.son. .59 I Pemiits long-besieged Tobruk garrison. style, with a full skirt terminating Flamingo Stakea-title: Pirate, who ing it compulsory for the clubs to 128 137 143—408 cated utory says the Hhll* are RusHiiins Hold'Initiative Prospeet street to Join in the pact by Germany The South Africans were heav­ tions. ^ c e March 7 would put Whirl* E. Ballsaper 119 98 112— 329 among the first 10, three major Italy and Japan ns the three origi­ I Permit for the erection of a British attempts to force a way ily oiitnumbered, the British said, in a long train. Her full length ROCHORfl walked off with the California past the 'Biscuit's $437,730 record. provide helmets for the players. ready to send Bobby Bragan to He atlded that the Russian fon - Musical Program Disiharged trslny; Miss Ger­ two car $400 garage at 174 Flor­ out of the Tobruk fort were report­ Derby and he rolls, the Arkansas F. White . .. 113 121 155—389 the Giants.providing a dicker can football circultB are not repressnt- es were holding the initiative in nal contractors are .jujeposed to j but they fought "with magnificent veil was draped from a crown of Mrs. Wallace Payne of the pro­ "W e can t force th*;Mayers to aldine Smith. 698 .Middle Turnpike ence street has been granted to ed repiiksed by the Italians, with "fkifopm fapeati/s" derby winner. Howard wac prepplng Kayak II F. Ceninl . . 108 128 112—348 be arranged to get them Claude ed—the Southeastern Oonfsrsnes, fighting on the River "T " and inform the German fteich as to courage until Briti.sh armored orange bloasdms and she carried a gram committee introduced Mr. to stop Warren Wright’s sUr and wear them,” declared \ArOvtir H. east; Arthur Gelder. Rockville. Florence Cleveland. 12 British tanks destroyed and K. Wilkie .. 108 1(U 104—313 Corbitt, Jack Graham. Head which makes Its best showing wUh Spoke of ‘ now lines recaptured their intentions, whercuptm Ger­ I /forces put In a counter-attack bouquet of white bridal roses. Austin, and also presented Russell protect that murk. Second place la Ehlers. of Baltimore. w lW w S re­ William I'arke. 31 North Elq^i I John Reggetts will enclose a three planes shot down. Jorkey John Harrell received a and A l Sberer, Brooklyn's best Vanderbilt In l2th place; the from the CJei man.s" 'on the south­ many will notify other jiarties which eventually drove off the The maid of honor was attired Wilson, violinist, who was accom­ worth only $20,000. Whlrly al- elected president, secretsiy and street. Mrs. k'l'iaik Galia.s and in­ porch at 10,5 Hemlock street for The Italian Savona division, bat­ painful bniioed right ankle when Total ...... 576 585 626 1787 quat'tet of tarmbqjids, in exchange Pacific Coast Conference, with ern bank of the River "N" (per­ ".Memluu'sliip is effective from (he German tanks with heavy losses.” In bouffant American Beauty rose panied by Mra David Bennett at rekdv la In training at Santa treasurer. "But we are going to do fant' daughter, 125 N School $6.5. tling to keep its position on thei hia mount In yesterday's sixth race . Wethersfield for Danny Litw'hl.er . . . Ted Wil- Oregon State Its leader In ITtb haps the Nevai. when- fighting date of receipt by the Reich t>f The communique said New Zea­ silk skirt with matching velvet fit­ Anita for the winter meeting everything to encourage them." street. Warrantee* Saltim front, held against the obV tbe piano. He played with fine ex- at Bowie, the fractious Five-O- Menser ...... 114 98 90—302 itkms tells friends be doesn't place, and tbe East's “ Ivy Isagua,” ■'•does not abate d.ty or night ” notification of intention to Join." land forces, supported by British ted bodice and matching bonnet. pressiuna Chopin's Nocturne. openiniTPec. 31. Two players In the league vhrre Lydiard ...... 110 116 90—316 Forest McrkmaM, 9. of 245 N The following persons have pur- slaught of fre.sh British division)) Her bouquet was of Talisman Elghl, I eared up m-the stall while blame the sports wTiters for pick­ with Navy in 11th place. Each at Fighting i>et\veen German and the article stated. ^ tanka, are continuing their ad­ Kretsler's ‘Fair Rosamond" and injured last year \fhen hit by Hilliard ...... 118 110 117-345 “ eae has a chance to improve its Main street, was treated at the rchaaed I.inmnre drive property ru.shed up from the cast, the cont- roses. t ie field WHS awaiting the atari. Kayak bqwed a tendon in his ing Joe DlMoggio as tbe most Russian forces persisted overnight bos(ittal .shortly after noon today Article 3 said each of the three- vance toward Tobruk. one or two other selections, all of There was a nine-minute delay right foreleg\over the weekend pitched rails, Lyle Judy, of Tren­ Williams ...... 120 108 121—349 standing this Saturday, when Van­ langnnge texts of the protocol, from the■ Manrhester corporation: munlqiie said. Capture 2,CKM Prisoners The bridesmaids were attired In valuable player because "he did a on all fronts, the Soviet Informa­ for a larcration of the forchcail James F. Barry et al: Leo J. Gouin which were well] received. while Ken Robertson was. sent for but senousueaSW the Injury was ton, and Andy Anderson, of Rafferty ...... 104 118 103—325 derbilt. beaten only by Tulana, Tlie high command said Italian The British forces besieged at bouffant blue silk skirts, royal Hagerstown. Mr. man-slged job." . . . He adds he tion .BJureau said in a communique caused by a missile, probably a written in Germ.an. Italian and et al and Albert J. Sheffield et*al. The business session followed to replace Harrell. Five-O-Elght, not (Jlscmaed uhtll last night. meets Tennessee; Oregon Stats losses in men, armored vehicles Tobruk rushed from their trenches blue velvet fitted bodices and will make 'em pick Williams next broadcast by the Mo.Hcf>\v radio. riH-k thrown by another boy. He Ja|inna.se. wa.s considered as the Property on Ashworth street the program, with Miss Ella a .51 to 1 shot, finished fourth. Smith said OiarleA S. Howard The 1942 season will open April Total 566 550 521 16^7 plsys Oregon, with vlctoiy proh-: icricinnl. The protocol Js effective and material on the various de.sert and captured over 2.000 prisoners, matching bonnets. Their bouquets 29 and close Labor Day, Sept. 7. seasem A Russian unit tiperalmv on the was .discharged after treatment.,. has been conveyed to John and fronts were heavy, as were those Washburn, the president In charge. would retire his star to stud al hlSt ably meaning a trip to th* Rosa southern front wa.s roj>orted to the day of signing. It .said that of which about half are German, ■were of yellow roges. Reports of the officers, were sub­ A schedule providing for 126 Evelyn C. Yavinsky by Marion of the British. The mother of the bride wore a WllUts. Calif, Rsnclj. ^ Odd*—And Home Ends Bowl,'and Navy, topped only ky have destroyed 33 German tanks. "the high contracting parties will Stevens. the communique continued. mitted and of tho membership Del roi l Recalls games will be drawn up later The Notre Dame, tackles Arm y tn the The Italians reported 31 British Over 1,000 prisoners already powder blue gown with royal blue That leavna Howafd onlv Mio- Gridiron Briefs Henry Armstrong is in town, 168 trucks an»l numennis other notify each other, In due time prior Six lots on the Autumn Heights planes were r.hot down or destroj- committee, Mra. Hayden Gris­ team finishing first wUl be declared annual service spectacle at Phila­ to the expiration of the five-year have been taken In the frontier accessories, and the bridegroom's lOBd and Porter s Cap to ‘ protect looking fat and prosperous, to see vehicles, gtins ami rnine-ihrowers. tract have been conveyed to Wil­ ed on the ground in various sectors wold, chairman, who proposed champion with the four first di- Charles RobMna delphia. e.\ten.sion of the pact concernin,; area "and mliny more are coming mother wore a wine velvet dress Kilrea from (laps their stablemate’s record against Mike lacoba auout getting a few K4*|Mirt liHi>rovenM'iit . Quotations liam F Johnson by Daniel J. and of the Mediterranean front yester­ nearly 20 new members this fall, vlalon clubs again participating In For Football Fan/s the further character of their co­ in,” the report said. with matching accessories. Both awlsby-talled Whirlawray. Both an Shau^hneasy playoff. fights for bis lightweight, . Yllke mile run, usually finishing one- ■t Reporting some improvement of Elizabt'th C. Donovan. _ day. a number of whom were Introduc­ The former kaiser, Wllhslm XX, operation." In the .southern sector of the mothers wore gardenia corsages. alaappomted this year. Della of Los Angeles . . . Jack two in this event. Boviet positions m the areas of If we are going to get this de­ Warrantee In East Africa, the British ed and welcomed at last night's John Warden, of Harrisburg, of Germany, before ths World Volokolam.^k and Mozhai-sk To .StaiMl Together desert, the British said troops of A large reception followed the R.v The -\.ssociated Press Of course there will be other Dunn, 3rd a Princeton under- Showed Promise fense program done in time, By warrantee deed recorded at "made contact" with outlying Ital­ meeting Among the matters of was re-named vice president. The War, held the post o f colimal' In northwest and west "f the capital. Emphatic dotermlnation to the Fifth Indian division have cap­ ceremony at the home of the Nine of the clubs in the 10-tenm strong contestants In the 8th nin- By The Auociatsd Press gradtists, is getting hia training Robbins began to show hia true then the men who know how to the office of the town clerk prop­ ian positions around the city of business attended to was the vote eight teams in the league are' every European army except that correspondent of the (V*mmuni.‘*t ■stand together against Commu­ tured Augila. hear Gialo oasis. bride’s parents for friends and rel­ Amerlran Hockey League are nlng of the ’(Jap. but much had Oxford, Miss.— The University for a future job os boos of the strength at Storrs when ss a mem­ do the job must put on the old erty on Griswold street ha.S been Gondar in Ethiopia while British to donate $25 to the local Red HaiTlBburg, RMding. Lancaster: of France. newspaper Prav»la aasc.rted Ger­ nism was the keynpte of speeches "Tank casualties have been atives. about to give Detroit of the Na­ been expected of the big black Baltimore baseball Orioles by ber of the State Frosh team he overalls and hair shirts and really ronveyeil to Grace F. Hendrick by plane* and artillery bombarded the Cross drive. tional League a vote of thanks. and Allentown, Pa : WUmlngton. of MlaaissippTs trip to Holy Cross man pincer tactics hatl failed after by Bulgaria's Foreign Minister heavy on both sides but owing to' ■When leaving for an unan­ Mrs. J. G. Echmaiisln and Mra. Kayak. In four yearn Kayak an­ playing in the outfield for the galloped all over the'NE college get at it. Edith K, Orenon. fortress,, the Italians said. nounced honeymoon trip, the bride Indianapolis already has given up Del.: Hagerstown, Md . Trenton. in Msasschusett* Is a nice junket oppoaiUon. nine days of bottle. Ivan Poimv, Denmark's Foreign the nature of the fighting it is aa Chester Robinson of tbe hostess nexed 14 victories, placed eight N. J.. and Bridgeport. Conn. Tigers and working. out oa the The situation on Moscow .sectors — I’resUlent ('harles F.. Wilson of ■Minister Eric Scavenius, Finland's yet Impossiblfi to estimate What Wore a beige coat, black dreiis, and Kenny Kilrea, the leading adorer In timea and ran third once. He went but .two players have found, it ex- club's rood secretary during sum­ Later, os a member of the tk-nenil Motors <'»r|>oratlon. I’ lant Biidl.v Damaged committee served assorted home the American loop. and. hopes no The aggregate league attend­ peniRve. Lsst year while oq the *■8# reported by rravda: Foreign Mifiister Ftolf Johan W it­ British Steam Roller actual losses have been Inflicted or acCjfSsories. On their return they made cookies and coffee. The buf­ unplaced only three times In 26 mer vocaCora . . . Scouts from varaity track and croao-country further contributions are In or­ ance Inl 1941 waa 487.000, an in- HoI> CroBB trip A rt -Goodwin. OJe teams he won several dual college IQIn—Germans succeeded in ting. Rumania's Vice-Premier sustained.” the communique said. wili make their home on Pine fet tables were attractive with starts. lit I93t'.^he won $170,875 seven, pro football clubs wstebed -My feeling wa.s one of envy that Rochester. N. H.. Nov. “25.—i,Pi street, In East Hartford. der ertase of 27.000 over tbe unofficial Miss end, hod hia name called at Bud Schwenk of Washington y runs and .consistently placed close pushing.back the Riis.sians in "ox- Mihail Antonesru. .'Slovakia's Pre­ The plant of The Studley Box Reported Jammed Maintain .Air Soperiority garnet snapdragons, white chry- and his total was $212,905. He figures of 1940. ■cesdlngty violent'* engagements. people' have eggs and tom.atoes Berlin, Nov. 2i-r-(JP)—The Brit­ ' The R. A. F. has maintained air The bride gave her maid of hon-, The parent ^ed Wing club, an­ bank night and mlsoed getting pitch his psisos in on* gsme and to the top in every meet he enter­ to throw about, lii England, these mier Bela Ttika and Croatia's For­ and Lumber Co., engaged In plan­ ssnthsmima and candlesi Volokotamfik - Rpssian.s mam- ish steam-roller In Libya has been superiority continuously, bombing or imd bridesmaids, gold chains chored in sixth place at present, 8125. This year Dave Whitaker, four came bock for a second, look ed. He was honored by receiving are very .segree, ^ eign Minister Lorkovic. ing wood for mills doing defense theii^lbkP.M and launched jammed and the German com- German forces and concentrations and prosseq, and the bridegroom’s recalled the star yesterday and guard, was In Worcester when hia . . . A l>ubuaue (la.) bowllng teom the captaincy of the Ueonn bar­ —laird Iluiifax, British aiiilmssa- Foreign Minister Galeazzo (,'iano work, was badly damaged today by brokeup the Caps’ offensive ma­ aome counter-iutacks, although of Italy declared volunteer.s from, ' mander there, Gen. Erwin Rom­ of mechanical transport and in- gifts to his best man and ushers name Was called at the .some the­ has Its shirts lettered “ cb-mps.“ riers lost spring. j dor, after Detroit women wel- fire. Ira G. .Studley, head of the were billfolds. The bride’s gift to Draftees Appeal chine. a fcorlng combination that ater. The amount,'t-ll25. ‘Hiey’U fill In the blank after the Robbins victory was considered .PIGSKIN PUUN th«y retired to bletter defense-, posi- various countrie.s engaged pn the company, estimated the loss be­ mel, is now throwing into'-action fheting casualties by lOw-flying Moriarty Brothet^ Trim eoiiierl him with eggs and his reserve forces, the commentary the flower girl was a chain and permitted only two defeats in the season . . Norment Quarles boa today all the .nore remarkable due tlona in some fighting zones. vegetables. eastern front "give a glowing ex­ tween $75000 and flOO.OOO. fighter attacka the report said. first 13 games. Mozhaisk—Russians beat off a ample of steadily growing Euro­ Dlenst Aus Duetschland /leclared Officials said 119 Axis airplanes locket. To sFDR Denied Bouidef, Cblo__ Since the Colo­ retired from fighting and is prac­ to the fact that - he waa pitted number of attacks, stopped a today. had been destroyed frorti the be­ The bride was formerly em­ A t his leaving. Kilrea had 21 rado football team 1* nlckramed ticing cblropodv in bis home loxyn against tbe cream of nmners of With the consr-ut and enthnsi- pean moral unity In the new H re Wrw'ks Warehounr points, six more than Teammate flanking' movement and inflicted The German high command .n ginning of the offensive until mid­ ployed in the cravat department, West Side Dairy 3 to 1 tha Buffaloes, students thought at HendersonvUlu, N. C. the nation, and competing after a nsni of the British people, the order." ,Adam Brown who U second in Wie heavy losses with artillery fire. its regular daily communique said night Sunday, 51 of them in aerial in Cheney Brothers, and the bride­ Hartford. Nov. 25.—^OP)—A de­ they bed a smell mosoqt when long train ride from Hailford to democratic coitntry of Great Brit­ Japan's Minister Liesit. Gen. Camden, N. J., Nov. 25.—(/45— league. And a third Cap player, Xaioyarosavets and Naro Ko^ Hiroshi O'shinia declared that dur­ only that bitter fighting continued combat and 68 on the ground. groom is employed aa a machinist cision was announced today on the some well-wishers gave them a Today’s Guest Star Cost Lihiatng. ain, with a free pre.ss and free A three-alarm fire, fought by al­ Joe <3ar\'eth, is tied with a trio of Shcr-t cortonil 104—316 mlnak—.The Germans broke a lull ing the war In CTiina the. anti- on all fronts in North Africa. British communiques showed .44 at the tTatt and Whitney Aircraft first draft appeal in Connecticut w o ^ 'Trueman and hia West Side ' (Jbanda baby nlson. “ But he’s so wild we Ken Alyta. Weterbury (Conn.) Robbins la a - senior and will I’ arliament, lias achieved a totali­ most the entire Camden J ire de­ plant In East Hartford. to be carried to- President Roose­ Providence stars for third. ----- 177 can’t get within 20 feet of him.” Republicsn; "Tbe Texas A. end M. graduate from, the University of A ellin g the Russian lines. Comintern pact "fully proved its partment. wrecked the furniture It reported also that north of British planes lost in the .same 3 to 1 ArkivvA^kivy tarianism not far short of Ger- Sidi BaranI a large British warship velt. The appeal la denied. That scoring punch has shoved 111—354 a cheerleader complained. An old­ schsdiUe this fail looks like a piste Connecticut next June. mar.y. worth to Japan." warehouse of Adams A Company period. the Caps ahead of all rivola and ivhtle the Ptoheer Parachute Com­ Zwdek . had been hit by an aerial torpedo. The Axis plane losses were said The case waa that of Charles T. ' p ly took a similar foil out of th* 130—332 er and more gentle buffalo was of alphabet soup, with Texas A. '—A. Bexerly ^xter, nteiuber of Official commentator* denied at Kalghn avenue and L ^ u st they lead the Western Division by Hsberen R ed Troop* Challenge No details were given, to include 36 Stukas, 16 Messer- 2.500 More Cars Hindis of Huntington turiipike, ollbro* team in a surprising up* 94— 94 borroweo from tbe Denver Zoo. and I . N . Y. U.. T. C. U. and Farlianient. that the meeting of statesmen — street today. leaving five Negro three polnta over the' Cleveland representing nations within the German military circles said the schmitta and seven troop carriers. Nichols, employed in advertising set last night in the West Side 8. M. U. having been vanquished Citizen’s Club Major Nazi Drive families homeless. primary, British objective was to production at the General EUectrlc Barons, last year’s playoff cham­ Rec league. 535 487. 525 1547 Athena, Oa.— Among his other, to rate. No truth to the report Kuibyshev, Russia, Nov. 25 —(A Axis, allied with the-Axls or oc­ The long-besieged garrison at Due for Testing pions. The role Roosevelt covets is not break through the German and plant in Bridgeport. L95 Sllbroa got away to a flying Pioneer Parachute Co. (.8) accomplishments on the gridiron, that the players sre on'W PA how­ — Soviet troops challenged a major that of war Icailer but that cupied by Axis troops—was the Tobruk was said to have fought l<.s Cleveland hopes to close the UghtcT Plane* (Yaah Italian troops besieging Tobruk. way to a point within four miles of Hindis, last April, was placed sU rt ra Arkivy rolled 148 to help Blanchard ... 87 i l l 98—294 add this to Frankie Sinkwieb’a ever." Plays Tonight ; German drive today from shorten- of peacemaker. I believe he be- beginning of a peace offensive.' margin tonight by playing Spring- M. Msaaaro .. 106 Fail To Achieve Aim Imperial forces advancing from the Approximately. 2,500 automo­ in Class lA . as available for Im­ The siemesl yeii rus your hand them to the first game but then 113—.321 feats— be made' a. aubsUtute out ed defenae Unea northwest of Mos­ lievea himself destined to be the field in the only scheduled gome Runde ...... 102 Norfolk, Va., Nov. 25—(A5— Dienst asserted they had failed east and south. biles have yet to pass through the mediate military service, by Local over IK* luniriouf lurleee af ana withered under the Parachute 119—311 of the University of (Seorgla foot­ Football cow while skiing guerrillas were maker of a democratic peace. I and that Kilrea’a absence wtU M u rp h y...... 101 Mobilization Agf^inst Two Grumman fighter planes to achieve this aim within the first “Like Gigantic Dog Fight” Motor Vehicle Department’s test­ Board 25C in Stratford. He had barrage in the next two chuckers 96—292 ball captain, Heywrard Allen. The Orange Bowl promoters al­ : .Mld to be striking over the snow —Anne O'llare McA'ormIrk, the af Umm Roclero tspoeeti, your weaken the Cspe enough to permit A. Maoearo .. 124 The Citizens Club basketball crashed in flight near Suffolk, Va.. three days and now would find Of the fighting along thia coast­ ing lane on Leonard street accord­ claimed deferment on the ground .to give the ”umbrella men" a well 118—35:; ready have sold tickets to buyers » t the invaders’ rear. New York Times. Communism Seen today and the pilots of each railed silnd lOyt ’’QuolHy". Tho soft them to overtake- Indianapolis team will play a practice gaihe at IIIS H aiOVES that General Rommel had formed al area, a British spokesmhn aaid ing to figures released this morn­ o f dependency. shortly. earned 3 to 1 match. The Mossaro Tulsa. Okla.— Feeahman Foot­ in 36 states end expect to do bet­ th* East Side R^reation Center The gravity of' Moscow's posl- Rome. Nov. .25.—(Jp)— Fascist out safely, according to informa­ ^ reserve instead of putting the ing by (Jhlef Inspector Montague brothers and Ralph Runde were 520 608 542 1570 ball players at Tulsa University 1 it was “ like a gigantic dog fight While be was seeking reclaaslfl- losluro of Rockoro — liko Hi lilky At the same time that Kilrea ter . . , '(Joacnes Andy Kerr and this evening at 7 o’clock, meeting You wonY •asi « m m rtm t ,|loa was acknowledged, Honesty is the cement of society. circles described the Berlin anti- tion received at, the Norfolk Na­ bulk of his power in the front White. A toU l of 4700 cars of all cation by the local board, ha mar­ the key men In the Pioneer vic­ i and the Oklahoma Aggtea will t Ruaaiana eatlmated the Germans with enormous swirling masses of strength, ligMsoii end wormih — was promoted to the major league Babe HoUngberry s.houId pay the Hartford Machine Screw team. —The Bev. Frank M. Sheldon of Comintern meeting today as a val A ir Station. The pilots were lines. descriptions had taken the teats ried. tory. Weat Side Dslr} (1) meet in a post-season gam* even Jw d msaaed fiOO.oHoo men for the Milwaukee. men and machines in the dust by Detroit, tbe Boston Bruins te- plenty o$ attention to making This is the first game of e sea­ mere maKvIina plgakia mobilization bf Europe's most vig­ Liqut. (JG) Charles E. Lake and The first German dispatches li the rtiuH of e porfoct blond of Moriarty Broa. proceeded to Martin 98—308 though thair varsity braUiersn _ nit—one of a series of drives around Rezegh . . . up to noon today. Eventually. Hlndle’s petition for called Robert (Red) Homlll of points after touebdowms in their son for the lO^B and they are de­ orous forces for defense of the Ensign Robert BedUllon, both of from the front said that in the Bir Basing the figure of 2,500 more reciaaslflcatlo|i waa turned doam make short work of-the West Side Helm . 103—290 haven't been good enough to at­ in n central front offensive begun “ It is a very bitter battle, and etpece, lesib'i wool and niohoir, Herahey. Hamlll was the seventh East-West game preparations. termined to start th* hoop sessoo glavafln)fiaf)ara fills laaiaib ' There are no maladjusted chil­ continent against Bolshevism. - the air station. They were on a El Gobi sector British armored col­ against the same number which by a Fairfield county appeal board, Dairy with Suchy and Oloon lead­ Prentice 94— 287 tract auoh Interest. The yearlings Oct. — which has reached a point both sides are putting everything Yae MS wear dhii 'Rockoro (on best scorer in the lesjfiie. Kerr says hia (Jolgate team 'wros with a vlctofjr. 2 dren—only maladjusted parents. Five points were stressed by training hop but were not flying umns-from the Giarabub okais and into It. took the test last April, of 8,(X>0 ing the pdek but the Grade A dis­ Hansen 118— 315 will meet han December 6 with thin 50 miles of the capital. and he carried the case to tbo just two polnta awray from a Manager Stanley Backua stated It’s a mNSCN — a lyM —Dr. Fellz M. Adams, superintrn- Italian political sources: in formation. . SIdl Omar raced headlong into can. Inspector White said that he SMsihi of (ho yoor. Como Is — tributors with Sherwood Trueman Trueman 119— 332tbe receipt* .going to a soldiers’ (The German high command al- “This show means a great deal president, under a provision of the Cooney Welland, coach of the U g h ly ' successful season and this morning that oil players ore deat. Eastern Oklahoma Hospi­ “ Iv^'nie new order of the world A x il defenae positions, then were expected there would be about 300 nnd Pete Hansen doing the bulk fund. ■ far has claimed a penetration to tal. for German prestige^ and they are Selective Service Act, making-this pvt ana an todoyl Thors oro Herahey Bears, professes to be Babe’s Washington State Boys art expected to be ready not later will be explicitly anti-Bolshevik. To Make Early Delivery cut to pieces by artillery shells and fighting very hsuri." \ go through today to reach tbe 6,- tbe final appeal. of the work rmlUsd to win the lost 508 489 ftSO 1527 M th in 31 miles of Moscow la an- .■V —a___ amazed at the brand of hockey only twro points awmy' from tra thM 6:45 end a short bualnsaa “ 2—After the military danger the bomba of ^ v e bombers. British obaervera’ read the signs 000 mark. Next week wlU be the Ool. Ernest L. Averill. ata^ dl-. aiedoh fat svory sios, in rich sow fr m e and thereby prevent s. shut­ Moriarty Bros. (8) Baton Rouge, La— AB during clng the fall a t flotnetach* U w* are dragged into war con­ served up Inv th* American Leo* Rose Bowl . . . Dick Harlow calls mssUng will be held prior to the o f Bolshevism is eliminated from New York, Nov. 25— UP) —The With the impetus of the attack of battle with cauUoiu opUmlam.' laat time that local motorista may sbodM fer every ( m U. out Werner ...... 103 108—211 blgb school BarMa Upkis and Pan i, -a factory town o< 6JMH) trary to the wlU of lll,pw,000 rector of Selective aervice, today gue. large Vera UUlsr “probably th* game. Baturas on the dgnea tick­ tbe by "victorious battle, there Aiherican Locomotive Co. an­ broken, the German writers sold, They polnted-out that the (3ennana take tbe InapecUon here and after, Wodneadsy evening schedule Tierney ...... 104 ----- 207 Kastman were rivals, Bsrnla being — flat yaws TOOAV. on the Moscow-Liaaingrad American ciUzana, the war should received a decision from General "There's some real hockey on most ramorkabls athlete Tvs ever ets are also requested for tonight will remain the liquidation of Bol- nounced today it would make the Axis troopa formed Into attack were fighting tenaciously and that December 6, it will be necessary to Lswla B. Herabey, national direc­ promises many flreworiu as the Mahoney .,... — ------97 a lineman for Fortier High In b* called by one name—the Roose­ dlaplay,” saya Welland, “and you hod.” . . Vara plaited end and and the new suits will also be abevik ferments spread over Eki- early delivery to the U. S. A'fmy formationa and advanced through' the British still were far from the go to either Hartford or Rock­ Sira Tavern and Pngonl’a Chappell . . . . . 93 89—182 New Orleana and Kastman for te Goarde Wimahad velt War. tor of Selective Service, actinc bave,to keep going oU the time.” guard as well as tackle and all in gfven out w>pe- Ordnance Department of the first Pjlee 6f tiuming, crumpled planes, announced xhjycUve of destroying ville. ITie lane ta open from 8 In under authbrity of the prestdentrl West Bids* conjo togstbsr for the Suchy ...... U S 111 — -280 Warren Easton In ths sems c ^ . OM gone . . John Kimbrough Naal ta.ttalion of Klite Guards —The Bev. 3qhn'a . O’Brien, Nofre "3—Ards policy, tends to create first Urns aad.ttaa American medium tank with a and damaged tanks to m eet' the every Axis tank in Afribh. the m omlnf until five o-idock In l^ e daciaion reaffirmed Diat o f . * ■■ A FeUsh Ameri' Haefs ...... 98 9Sr>196 All during const* fl>*y bavs bara (a doa to play. hl» last football dactared Jfflcialiy to bav* baca OnilBS Unlveraltv nrofcaaer. tba apirituq) and moral tounda- f i * ( ONoUl. fw ira rly wttta th* econ s n Club best to bot- Th* "Maw Dawn" rose, a fraalr caat^teel hull. . - , BritiMu . The Axis kisssa are believed far t^e afternoon. ■ ^ e Stratford local bpar^^ '8 Olson '...... — ' 106—2|M tesmm'ataa and they doe* tbalr fame for tha N. Y. Ameriesas 7 '' Montreal Canodlsns, hoi gon* to tie up L*«' powsr. Vorrick ...... — $4—187 of nature, was the first plant pat­ help out Qhiaff Johnson’s W asUng. earaers Saturday as co-oaptahM at nsre Sunday and rsflort Moaday ented unrar th* plant patent act. 7 78$ Main Strcft Ton’ s L ion s:' /Bottnsky; .. tbs LouislaBa Unlvsraiw sIstsb in Co his movls company th HoQy- It waa found _fiewtag growing among a ± \ , iO-iTB/l J1T18M i$6 IBM the omraal- gams with ’nlsns. VWaod- — : . - _ , grovp of 3rah n m ro**royis. J-\. V

, x , , MANCHESTERER E V ^ NNG ( HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TX'ESDAY, NO^T^^TBER 25. ISn lOETW ELVB MANCHESTER EVBNINGi HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNM. i UKSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1941 PAGE.THIRTBEI' RED RYDER Careful, Sister BY FRED HARMAN __ ibu -wiNK-UM PR&mr T Wi WflE 71 Sense and Nonsense \ ^ W 'HHne, SO>»fJ,8tlOiiJC31 TriiNKiT, 1 / 'I'EAH- W . '>3 ®8n j o eiuItj^Lrm E i U f? Think It Over God helps those who help them­ Mr. Jones—5Vhat are we to havip selves. Let’s work for America— for dinner? II all that we u y When and only when the nation Mrs. Jones—Sponge cake, ,de>.r In a single day which gives us work and liberty I sponged the eggs from,Mrs. With never i word left out, Is safe, then wdll be time to think Holmes, the flour from M,pa Brown, Lost and Found 1 Automobilea for Sale Articles for Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 5\'cre printed each night if ourselves. 4nd the milk from Mipr. Smith. Dairymen Will Artie Shaw (eOiniiig In clear black and white, _ ^_____ LOST—SUNDAY on Main street 1936 CHEVROLET SEDA.N. 1939 FOR SALE—MEN'S REBLTLT FOR SALE 9 PIECE dining 5\OMAN WITH 10 year old boy. No Sub Seen 'Twoiild prove queer rending no In selling, the power of an Idea Jerry—I'll b^fyou think twice or in St. James's church, rim nose Pontiac sedan. 1937 De.soto sedan. and relasted shoes. Better than room set. In excell4;nt condition. would like room with kitchen To llartfoi’fl Stasie doubt. depends upon the way it Is used. before leaving .that wife of yours glasMS. Telephone .1333. Reward. 1936 Ford sedan, 1935 Chevrolet new cheap shoes. See them. Sam Can be seen at 19 Behton street. privileges. References. Phone Get Increase It Is not so much the Idea as It Is alone in the eVenl\igs. fm sedan, 1635 Plymouth sedan, 1936 Yulyes, 701 Main. 5600. By Survivors Ano then Just suppose. the follow-through that counts. H a rry-^ ’ll say! \Flrst I have to Dodge sedan. Cole Motors- 4164. Ere our eyes we would close. GLE.NWOOD F. STOVE, Lynn nil iMachinery and Tools 52 think u^'an .excuse' for going out. Announcements The management of the .State We must read the whole record Young Actor (proudly to bis and then a reason ^-hy ahe can't burner, 2 72 hen Arndt laying FORD. 1937 CONV. coupe, rumble Apartments, Flats, IVlilk l*ro(liir(*rN lu Ku- Theater In Hartford, announced through! .athen—I’ve got a part at last come with me. \ WANTED — SNOW PLOW to seat, excellent condition, rea.son- • ages. 175 WoiMlIand street. Tel. JUST ARRIVED NEW shipment Torplore for PrtMliit’t iotiay that it ha.s secured Artie And wouldn't wc try now, Clctracs arc every inch a nitions Magazine of who has been marrlitd 20 years. Secretary — A genUeman has P, Store, 717 Main street. ter. Sliaw and hie distinguished rqdlo A great deal less talking to do? tractor. Dublin'Tractor Company. Next IVlontli. Father— Splendid! That's a sl,aTt just called, sir. He wishes you FOR RENT— FIVE rooms, steam and recording orchestra for an ex­ Ri^nben Janies. anyway. Maybe It won't be long tell him the secret of yitur success WItX. CARE FOR ONE or t^ Fuel and Feed 49-A WtUlmantle. And I more than think OUT OUR WAY children dally In my home. 28 heat, 69 Hamlin street. clusive New England appearance. before they’ll give you a speaking in business. \ BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDI.NG HOUSE WITH Auto Accessories— Tires ti Hartford, Nov. 25 iTi—Con­ Mr. Shaw and his orchestra will That many » kink MAJOR HOOFLB Horton Road. FOR SALE— FIREPLACE and New 5:nrk, Nov. 25.—(Ah —A part. Magnate—Just a mlnite. Tell Wanted— To Buy 58 necticut's milk producers will re­ appear at Hartford's State The­ Would be smoother Ir life's tangled me—Is he a journalist or a detec- DON'T WORI5V , I ’LL TAKE \ f T h e r e i s n t a NEED WHITE W ALL TIRE.S? stove length wood. Apply Edward hOR RENT FOUR room fiat, in­ torpedo from an unseen subma­ thread. t h e MLJ-o R t o l d I'M AFRAID THAT We have over 300 in slock, all ceive more money beginning next ater for a limited four days en­ Grievances. Never waste your Uve? GOOD CAKE OP ’E M'i; . I___ ’LL y cGOING / ID W EENIE. c a k e h a v ,,' VAV I L SEE YOU, ^ .1. Holl. Tel. Manchester 5117 or W ANTED TO BUY child's medi­ quire Vime, 147 Birch street rine zipped through the frigid If half that we say US h e d r e t u r n P u t s t h e f r o s t Personals 3 sizes. Brunner's. 80 Oakland St. month for noss One. or fluid, milk gagement starling thi.s Thursday. Lime trying to get'even with others WAVE ’EM SO FULL CP CA'k E, AS SOON WAMBUROER OR UNCLE AN\0SjCROUCHED 5118. um sized tricycle and metal ex­ Novemlwr 27. and eoiitlmting In one single day IN T'V.E ” 0 GET waters west of, Iceland ■.early on for fancied allglits or real griev­ Gene Cooper, a steel clerk In a WEENIES, CANDV, HAM, LEAVE MIV P ie c e c f c a n d y ON A LITTLE; UNDER THE -. SAWS FILED & GUMMED, any FOR SALE—YELLOW GLOBE Priced right. Arthur A, Knofla. old Mexican tune, "FrenesI" was survivors, arrived here yesterday 11 kind. General grinding seniee. turnips 60c bii. Buckland ceme­ A T n iA C n V E DOUBLE room, in 875 Main street. Tel. 5440 or an in.stantaneous suece.ss and .Mr. on a ft. "S. Navy transport. A recruit reported .sick and cotii- Manchester Capitf>l Grinding (?o., 531 Lvdall tery -sign. South Windsor, name new home. Convenient to Air­ .5938. plained to the medical officer that Shaw had done the seemingly im- On Ihit.v In Engine Koiiin ’ ____ bi Evening Herald street. Tel. 7958. on barn. H. Warren Case. craft. Call 6759. |M).i.sil)ie. On duty In the engine nsmt at he couldn’t, cat. The M. O. first It is that .same musical entour­ the time, the chief petty officer inspected fils teeth nnd tongue, ClassiUed Advertisement* PIANO TUNING and repairing. Lots for Sale age th.it wl|I make It bow to New said he felt the Impact of a toi^ then his throat nnd tonsils. Find­ Player pianos a specialty. John Household Goods 51 FOR RENT ROOM at 43 Wads Count Rli avernf* words lo a Un« worth street. England thfiater audiences when pedo striking forward on the ship ing nothing wrong, he proded the tnittals, ntimbsrt and shbrsvlsMoni Cockerham, '-’8 Bigelow street. IA)T FOR .>4ALE -.52x338, Indian Artie Shaw appears in person as "Tliere were two explosions - lad In the stom.ach and back and •Rcb count Rs • word and compound Dial 4219. 3 KOO.M —DRKA.M O UTFIT com- firive. I>)i XI. Price rea.sonahle. il.S, talented leailei and clarinetist one sounded like the magazine. Al- asked him If he had any pain at words SB two words Mltilmum cost plctfly furni.shcd Including coin- Call Rockville ;tllh .-ift.r 6 p ni all. !• pries of three lines. WANTED TO TUNE, i.j.air and lioarders Wanted 5‘J-A par exeellance this Thursday. Fri. togethiT theri* wen* eight men in i: I'lnalion laiige. priced at $395. day. Snuirday and Sunday. Recruit— No. sir Lins rates per ds> for translsnt regulate your piano or player LOTS FOR SALE on north siile of both .seclion.s of the enginn •ds. Small down payment—18 months BOARD AND ROOM reatricled Among the oiiLstanding musical’ room. . . . Doctor— Well, I can't find any­ miw i piano. Tel, Manchester 5052. East Center street oppo.site the M s e tir s M I IT. It3 f to pay balance. See Albert's. So. neighborhood. All conveniences personalities In the new greater "I went topside and found th« thing wrong. Henv do you feel /<«- —/tv.' Cash C b srfs Main street, Waterbury. private family. Call 3533. parks at junction of East Cen­ yourself 7 • Cooascutlvs Days...I 7 ots| f ots ter and Porter streets. H I. Tay­ than ever A:*tie Shaw orchestra whole forward part of the ship, tn- Ptii . . ly'.... *' _ t ConsscuHva Days... • otsjU eta are "Hot Lfps” Page, trumpeter cluding the bridge, completely de- Recruit—Oh. fine, sir Day ...... )n ctalll els Help Wanled— Femjile 35 IF 5’OIT NFED A space heater lor. 143 So. Main street Phone hoy now at big savings nosing 6762 extra,onlinary; Jack Ji-nny. famed miillshejl and carried away. " Doctor — Well; wh.v on earth A ll orders for trref^ulnr inaertions .swing tinnilione specialist; I’nula can’t you eat ? 'tU be eharsed at tha one time rstie. GIRL OK YUUNi; WOMAN in- out all Florence and Aetna heal­ Bergstre.ssf tile nii.ltitiide, kno\\n .is tlie cent vi.sil of the Duke and Dtieh- The Inadvertent rmilaslon of in­ Herald. FOR .SAI.E GLE.NWOOD ^ .siied liy former Govf-riior Cro.Hs. The incica.se in the first ease correct publication of advertising range cream and white. $15. Tele­ and read sever.n qiiotatlon.s. Tile miiarle of the leaves ami fisiies. amoi;nt.s to approximately ihiee- e.^ of Wiii'lsor to the tTnited 151 ill Slalc ten, iwi rr au mviet ixc t. tTiftTrrB^w: will be rectifled only by cancellation EXPEHIENt’ KI) GIRL wanted, to phone 34,54 Rev. George. M. .Milne, pastor of Owing to unpleasant weatlier there qiiarters of a Cent a quail and in -Slates '.va.s cnticized in the House _r • f the charge made for the service live in. excellent home and salary. the Hebro: and Gilead Congrega­ wa.s a sniallei attendance than iis- area three to aixnit onc-hulf a of Commons by Labonte Alexan­ ‘ No, not service stripes, sir— 1 Icnned against a freshlv ftndered. Telephone 52i»2 FOR SALE—3 PIECE living room ual, thougl\ several visitors from der Sloan today, who asked: 'Vo Answer <^ll -Alt advartieemenis must oonform tional churches the Re\', Elmer cent. painted picket fence.” .!• etyle, copy and typography with .set. electric refrigerator, gas Thlenes, pastor of the .Marlbor­ Columbia wen- present. Lewis W, Withhold CsiniiiH'nt "Is the underseeretary aware of Post-War Treaties May regulations enforced by the publlan- stove and radio. Call after 5 ough Congreg'ational church, the Phelp.s was kept awnv bv a hard Repio-senlatives of both pro­ the bitter comment being made in Boston, Nov. 25.—(A5—A quota -•ra and they reserve the right to EXTRA SALKS LADIES wanted o’clock. Tcl 4521. cold. Mrs. Phel|. was also unable United .States newspapers regard- edit. revUe or reject any copy con- Rev. Wallace Canney, pastor of ducer and dealer organizations of 2,297 white and 22 Negro regis­ Change Danzig Status, FUNNY BUSINESS at ome. Apply F'ladin's. tlie Westchester Congregatioital to offiriate .st the organ and lier 'ng Ihi.s vusit,, more especially with •Idered objeotlonable. FOR SALE GLENWOOD kitch­ wilhhe... lomment on the new o i­ trants Is asked in the First Corps " I T It slightly more than two years CLOSING MOURS^Clasained ada ehureh. and the Rev. H R Keen, place was taken by .Miss Clarissa lier last night, but the latter tes­ regard to the' ostentatious display Ht)lTSEKEE!'KK WANTED. Ap­ en range, with oil burner. 429 L. Pendleton. (New England) Area's 21st selec­ ^ ago that Adolf Hiller Issued a to be published same day must be rector of St. Peters, assisted iii tified at last week's hearings that of jewelry and finery at a period tive service call, announced last received by !1 o'clock noon Satur- ply 94 Spruce street, between 5-7 Oakland street. The Rev. George M .Milne has when people of thLs country are proclamation which incorporated fUyg 10:30. p. m. or teleplnuie 7340. the service. Between 80 and 100 any increa.se in the price to pro- night. Examinations will be con­ were present, as estimated. A entirely recov*-n*d /from Ins re­ dui er.s undoubtedly would moan strictly rationed, and if so will he ducted between Dec. 15 and 18 and the former Free City of Danzig Telephone Your Want Ads FOR -SALE — BLACK kitchen into the Third Reich to mark the W ANTED WO.MAN TO care tor rtiiige. complete with oil hurner. large rlioir led congregational cent attack, of lufliienza and is higher retail prices. make rcpre.sentatloBs to the prime those qualifying will report at city's tenth change of sovereignty Ads are acceptid o w r ttie td e - 2 children days, while mot tier TiS<'iihone 5917. singing. Hymns were appropriate hack again in the iiamess at his Hnmiicfberg li.sled mounting nilni.ster to liave this gentleman Fort Devens between Jan, 15 WASH IU S bs 9bene at the .CHAUGU iiaTi:: given lo the Thanksgiving season. Eve­ two ehtinhe.M, He preaelu-d a and hi.s wife recalled? " in 800 yean. Maybe You’ll Be Sorry, Wash •bOTe as a oonve.nelnce to adver- works No hou.scwork. Tel lalMir co.sts. a labor shortage, dlt- nnd 21. BY ROY CRANE tlaera. bat the CASH itATKS will be nings hymns were also sung. Mr.s. Thanksgiving .s.-rmon .Sunday at ticiilty r r inability to obtain equip­ G M Hall un lersccretarj'’*'for The qiiota.s: MassHehiis(_ls for winter charity. ~ \IN O R K I'M POIM' 1 r tCxchang. .... ft The admlnlstri^or added that WA.NTED .M E C H A N I (' A L visits wheiVui the miKsl. There are years ago. and lived in the Gray- first time, Germany absorbed the Aato Acc.asoric.—Tire...... ft 35 aeres in the Tow’nsend lot. The ville Section. Sh»’ is tile widow of producers were not receiving Aato R.palrinc—raintlns .... 1 ilraftHmcn on power station pip­ hinterland but left the city more the late Adelbert Tefft. a Civil enough money to assure the stale Ante S e b o o li...... i -a ing and electrical work, also tract was Wqueathed to ' the or lesi free. But in the second 'ABtoB—Ship By Truck ...... ft church many years ago. It has War veteran. She has many an adequate milk supply, and said: Polish partition In 1793, Germany ALLEY OOP structural and mechanical engi­ "A t no time since the advent of Succor b y AntOB—For (U r...... ft never bcfh used for any practical friends in Hebron. absorb^ the city at well. V. T. HAMLIN OarBSa.—S.rvlc—Siora*. lu neers. Loentton. Southern Now purpose and th hurricane of 1938 The Hebron Community I-adies milk control, in fact for no period M otorcycl.a— Bicyci.a ...... l l England, Answer Box 125, The during which statistics for a large Napoleon restored Danzig to destroyed a good deal of valuable Sewing Club for Defense Emer­ a n d t h i n g s OO G O r i g h t ,_Wanl.d Auto.—Motorcycl.a ... II Hcraltl. giving ace, , experience part of the market are available, free city status (or the seventh . WHICH « BXPLANamON e n o u g h f o r t h e SBalBaM.BBd PmlcaBloBal B.r.lcra timber. Mr. Strong will use it for gency are holding their regular change. In 1814 it was returned b a d l y f o r THE PORCBS sraarTLiMG a r r iv a l o f a b r b a t h l c s s Buain.aa Service. OfTcred ...... II and availability. meeting tiwlay at the Congrega­ has SO large a proportion'of the 11-15 O F t h e CR OVV'N J .... hunting purposes. to Germany and remained a part COURIER a t THE RESIDENCE O FTh c k iim g I BouMbold Service. Offered ....II-A The two young sons of Mr. and tional Chapel They meet once in milk delivered by wholesale Ball.dlnK—Coniraetlnc ...... 14 of the German empire until World Mrs. Grinton I. Will, Brian R. and two weeks at pn'sent. producers being sold as Class FtoHat.—Nur.erl'es ...... l| Help Wanted— 5fale or War treaties made it Poland's out­ “I can’t describe niysjniploms. Doc. but I feel like the Fnn.r^ Director...... i f David, of Yonkers, N. were The regulai Wednesday evening “One, or fluid mjlk. This in­ B.atlns—Plumblna—Hooflns .. 11 Female 37 baptized at the Lebanon Congre- First Aid class will be In session dicates a market shortage of seri­ let to the sea. tliird head from the top of that totem pole looks I’" iB .uranc...... 11 ous proportions. Emergency sup­ IfUlIntry—Ureeemaklna ...... II gatibnal church Sunday, thejr this week ns usual. Both the Wed­ WANTED TOBACXX) workers. uncle. Rev. Howard C, Cliampi, nesday and th- Friday clasaes plies of milk have been brought lloTins—Trucking—.Storas* 10 nAsortors. slzeis and tiers. '.Shop Fubllo Paa.enger Lerytca ...... lO-A pastor, performing, tite ceremony. have .somewhat dwindled in at- In from 'sources inspected only TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX .ntlna—PapartUB opening Monday, November 24th. The ■Wilis spent Tlianksgiving and teildance, either owing to lack of from cream shipments during the (asalonal Sarvicta Meyer Mendelsohn, Inc., Bijck- the week-end with Mrs, Will's par­ interest or perhaps because the months of Oetdber and Novem­ KtpKapalrlni ...... land. F/ TAUorIns—OyatnB-CUablnc ents, Mr. ami Mrs. E. G. Lord, re­ course has shown Itself to be ber." f allal Oboda and Servlca ... .WANTED —EXPERIE.NCED to- turning Jhome Sunday night. suffer than expected and to re­ W I L B B R T !!" Vaatad—Bualnaaa Srrvica Misa Marjorie Martin, who haa quire close attention and study. Edacaflnaal baceo sorter, Gus Schaller 352 Nine Animals Caaraaa and cianea 17 WofMlIsnd street. apent the past tveek with her ■Thpre may also be other reasons, , |M*ata Inatruetlona ...... I I mother. Mre. T. D. Martin. Is re­ such as illness or other pressing ^ O m Ibb ...... II-A maining a fe\ days longer bejfgre social activities. The course is Die in Blaze V JSM ldar—Dramatic ...... i i Situations W’anted— returning to her duties as libtsr- one o f genuine Interest and is well /'•2s' T. lAltfdu. Eywaatad—Inatruetlona ...... N worth while. The standbys who FlBaactal Female 38 ian 'ot the Dalton, Maas., Public A •ada—Stocki—MortKaata- II Library. She- is somewhat under stick to attendance are sure to be FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND$' Stlnaaa OpArortunltlaa ...... I I the weather from the results of a rewarded at the end. The Friday Cincinnati, Nov. 25.-^A5— Fire Surprise! Surprise! BY MERRILL QLOSSER iOBay to Loan ,.i ...... l| REFINED. CAPABLE woman in thirties desires place as house­ sprained ankle. afternoon class, accorHing to O f­ In the Cincinnati zoo's “ African Balp and Sltaalloaa' veldt" resulted in the suffocation :«tp Wanted—Femala ...... l l keeper or hou.scworker. Phone Mrs. Jennie Lord Schuppan and ficer Browne, the instructor, is By Mrs. Anne Cabot Use Ui« dainty, small sized let- M iLUE , MDU'RE _lri| w s y KNOUEH Tb of nine animals last flight. LootoNa YpuNora h e c to r , SCB WHO'S IAW--MAW 7-.:i BEEN - O :alf Wantad— Mala ...... II Manchester 3640. daughter. Miss Jean, of Asbtiry quite a little in advance of Wed­ What size letter do you need ? i “"Kerie. handker- AT THE door / .jtM sm aa Wantad ...... le-A w Park, N. J., was a visitor here nesday's I'lhss. This is due to the Eight rlajid. largest of ante­ BVBRy DAY / TIME okim'^ for v a h for. y § m • • »*■ -J u* t. i *1.1 _ft ^ chief* or m monoframa on your •JUST NEVER SetMS , S -Jnlp Wanted—Mala or Female 17 EXPERIENCED C E R TIF IE D Friday at the home of her cousins, fact that the Friday class has a lopes, and a fbmale ostrich choked It a right hcre^in thJa aaaortment or cotton blouack. : teaBta Wanted ...... 1 7 - a to death in black smoke from a I c*r:h uF'fe'lOy/ ‘fUnatlana Wanted—Female ... il Katherine Gibbs graduate wishes Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lord, also call­ half hour longer session, also one of graceful script monogram let- ! Having a set oi good monogram ing on other relatives and friends. or two of-the sessions have been hay fire in the ■ building where c .Staatlona Wanted—Male .... II secretarial position. Write Box ters! [letters on hand sometimes gives Cwploymant Apenciea ...... ao C. Herald. A good many years ago Mrs. omitted in the other class. There they were housed for the nighL Four sizes are included—a set of j you an opportunity to turn a very U «o Pleali— PelB—i:Peallry»— Schuppan, then Miss Jennie Lord, will be other omissions or post­ The cause of the blaze was not de­ 4-inch letters; a act of 2 1-2 inch | plain gift into a personalized piece vohirlea Pnya ' BIMa—Peta ...... 41 was a teacher In the Txtrd Di.strtct ponements of Wednestlay's class, termined. letters; a set of 1 1-4 Inch high . that has a touch of lovely hant}- ' Liva 8to«k— Vthiclaa ...... 41 Poultry and Supplies 43 School, now- closed and moved on­ at Christmas and New Yearn. letters and lastly a complete set of work on it. ^^HoaltiT and Sunpllaa ...... 41 to private property. Mrs. Schup­ Friday's class may also take a Htlll Nnitable- tiny ones which are 1-2 Inch high. : To obtain transfera for 4 sets -.IFBatod — Fata— Poultry— Stock 44 FOR SALE—BROILERS, pullets pan found many changes in the short vacation at the tame Ume. Embroider your best towels and of monogram letters (Pattern No. ii). For Sal^—Mlaeellaaeooa and coops. 2.56 Autumn street. w tialoa F or Salt ...... 41 S07H town since the ds5’s when she There have been no revolution­ dinner napkins. Use the sm art,;5258) tand 10 cents in Coin, Your ata aad Acotaaorlaa ...... 4ft Phone 7541. taught school here. The New York Phllhamionic- ary changes made in the coal- large sized letters for this. The'] Name 'and address and the Pat- attlUns H atarlalt ...... 47 Squared off with rows o f ric rac David Porter son of Mr. and Symphony Orchestra is the oldest biimlng stove since a few years second size is fine for luncheon t tern Number to Anne Cabot, The oiidt — Watebea^—Jewelry 41 which run down from each ahoLE HAVE OeCN OF MINE FROM WAV UP THCRL - - I K «N9«J,w1UMN9 UF niazcN rHcc? our WHY UIALKING all OVER H e ! 1V4EN YOU AND U^’RE GOING TO GO PLACES 'TH» «Hif VWITT HU«T aa .Wlthoat Board ...... u . I I shows you how easy it is to make WHY - UtC NCVtR jSAWA . HAHAl WHAT SHOULD?^ YOUNGSTERS COME ALONG AND AND SEC TNINM ! MIND WSr.SOY; / AS'uON* a * IWf RANIS fora Wantad ...... II.A this dress from our simpllfled pat­ aNOUMAN/n'Mirr Tmjuo! HELP ME GET MySELF TOGEIHeill ' Board—Raaorta ftO tern. • i. -ItMtaaiuU ...... *1 -Hoowa 'Board ...... -Jl Pattern No. 8074 La In sizaa 32 to ■ ataM F a r Baart ARl'UUR A. 46. Bize 34 requirea 4S yards 35- aata. Flata, Tanamaate U inch material, 2 yarda ric rac. UoeatioBa. tar Baal .. ** For this attractive pattern, send 'g fl#Bt a • •• • • a • • • ••• ab KMOFLA r ITpr HiBt «odaa*B«*»* of 15c In coin, your name, addfeiaa, Beaaaa For tUat ...«• at For pattern number and a ^ to TTie to Boat .....a SS Mancbeater Evening Herald, To­ day’s Pattent Service 106 7th ,Av- Bt BaUdlog tat Bate m INSURANCE ehtie. New York, N..Y. I9» PmpartF\(or Prop«rt9r\ror Balam m .aa, ‘ tor Vqla ..aa* Ask Yoar Neighboi'I Seeking more ideas for.CTtrist- ••#*«**••■**#* mas searinf ? You'U flad them in ■g flgl# a* * a a • • a a aFV**' n s i our rasbloa Book, a complete di­ Par BbIp aaaBVV**** rectory eC our new patUnu for the • ••V wiater'^iMason. Pattern, IQp Pattern Book. ISc One PatUm>and Pattern Book Read Herald Ad vs. orderM tonttaer 25c.


\ illtuu^rBtrr Eurning Hrralb

X _ Emergency Doctors used to hold up the track* which Iron Girders formerly led to a side track, con­ About Town Getting Ready Manchester^ necting wlfh the freight yard*. Dr. A. B. Moran and Dr. Date Book Thi.s wa* abolished some years ago HALE'S SELF SERVE Mortimer Moriarty are the Are Removed and since the Bon Ami haa In­ General Welfare Center No. 41 physicians of the ''Manchester For Christmas stalled a side track to its own The Original In New England! will meet thia evening at eight Medtcal association who will Tonlfht freight sheds, the tracks had been o’clock at the School Street Recre­ respond! to emergency calls to­ Dinner, 'VFW Auxiliary at Man­ taken up. The old siding was used ation Center. morrow afternoon. North End Improvers to chester Green Home, at 6:30. ■- RailroafPs Art Starts Re> to unload coal, principally for the AND HEALTH MARKET Tomorrow ports About the Hil­ Edward Griswold coal yards, and Burton ""d . Pearl of Main etreet Have Service of Expert Army and Navy Club smoker at later for unloading oil to A large haa returned after a trip to New The Emblem Club will have a Decorators This Year. clubhouse. liard Street Underpass. tank storage plant. Just where the York a ty . public dessert-bridge tomorrow Reception for Rev. Frederick girders were going no one In auth­ afternoon at two o'clock at the Clark, K. of C. Home. ority could state. It required about Wed. Morning Specials Workman In the employ of tha A general rehearsal of the Lut- Elks home in Rockville. Mrs. A committee of five member* of Friday, Nov. *8 two hours to remove them. nia play will be held tonight at James H. McVeigh is the only the Manchester Improvement As­ Annual dance of Memorial Hos­ New York, New Haven A Hart­ iS c H . Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. seven o'clock in Pulaski hall. The Manchester member on the com- sociation went to East Hartford pital Auxiliary, Hotel Bond. Hart­ ford Railroad removed two big final rehearsal is scheduled for AUCE COFBAN I mittee. last night t)>. make final arrange­ ford. heavy iron girders from the bridge (Known As Queen Alice) Hale’s Red Bag Sunday afternoon at two o’clock, Concert, Odd Fellows district over HilllarU street ye.sterday af­ and the presentation for seven ments with Raymond Dunn for .SPIBITU.AL MRDIL'.M I Mary Bushnell Cheney auxiliary, lo- tomorrow. setting of lights and trees for the Fair" at Second Congregational and supper, Wedne.sday afternoon North End. and evening. December 3. church. DON’ T BE Marmalade 2-Lb. Jar 25c A meeting of Scoutmasters in The committee attending the Thursday. Dec. 4 the Manchester district will be meeting last night was composed Annual .sale and play pf Ever DISAPPOINTED held Thursday evening of this Teachers and officers of Eman­ BEFORE YOU BUY ANY Del .Monte uel Lutheran church school will of Jan Zapadka. Matt Merz. Erling Ready Circle, King's Daughters, SELECT .A NEW RADIO NOW week at 7:30 in St. Mary .s parish I..arson, Frank Nackowskl and Directors' room. W'hlton Library. KIND OF INSURANCE house. meet this evening at 7i80 with FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Mias Eleanor Berggren. 9R Walker John Robertson. Christmas Sale and Supper, CALL 6637 Prunes 2-Lb. Box 21c A canvass of North End mer­ A meeting of the Mothers’ Cir­ street, Ladies's Guild. St. Mary’s, • Largest Selection of Radio- chants and business men will be South Methodist W. S. C. S. BENJAMIN CHENEY Phonographs In Manchester. cle of the Imrmaculatc Conception made within a few days to secure 9.53 Main St. Hale Bldg. will be held tomorrow evening Group-H of Center church wom­ Christmas Fair, • CONSOLES en, Mrs. Richard Symington lead-, funds with which to pay for the Saturday, Dec, 6 Tokay Grapes 3 u,,. 2^c with Mrs. Bernard Fogarty of 111 Christmas display. Ridge street. er. will have a wiirk meeting this Ladles' Night, Tall Cedars of • TABLE .MODELS evening at 7:30 at the church. Lebanon, Ma.sonlc Temple. •PORTABLES Wednesda.v, Dec. I'O The Mothers’ Circle of St. Ge­ G. O. P. Women Annual Christmas Sale and • RECORII PLAYERS rard will meet tomorrow evening Gafeteria, North Methodist W. S. RANGE McIntosh Apples 5 i,b.. at the home of Mrs. Chester E. Plan Luncheon C. S. ------Featuring: ------Morgan, 376 Woodland street. Sunday, Dee, 21 and Philco — Zenith ;— Sparton G>iintry Dance Concert, Handel's "Messiah,’’ 130 Sewing for British War Relief voice? with Manchester Civic or­ Motorola — Emerson WED., NOV. 26, 8:15 P. M. will be carried on tomorrow from Mrs. W. H. Phelps, vice chair­ chestra assisting. High school hall. Admiral. 10:30 a. m.. on at Center church man of Bloomfield and Mrs. T. J. Traditional candlelight service, FUEL OIL HEALTH MARKET house, under the direction of Mrs. South Methodist church. BOLTON CENTER HALL Cox. troa.surer, are arranging a .S14.9.'> to .52115 Edna Case Parker. Easy Terms! Good Senire! Bolton Grange Home Luncheon meeting in Bloomfield Wednesday Morning Specials

Economics Committee. Staff .Scrge.ant Herman O, A. for the board of the Hartford First Aid Class Gorens. son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel County Republican Women's A.s- L. T. Wood Co. 51 Blssell Street JIM RHODES ORCH. Gorens, of 14 Victoria road, now aociation on Tuesday, December assistant Sergeant Major of the 9 at one o'clock. Guests of honor Starts Tomorrow PHONE 4406 Lb. 60th Coast Artillery (AP) U. S. will include Mrs. R. N. Gray, presi­ tii-iii aais fTBiM Sirloin Steak 35c Admission 45c, Tax Incl. Regular ’ Army. Camp Hulen, dent and Mrs. George Patterson, Texas, spent the past week-end campaign manager, both of the A first aid cljiss will be organ­ here with his family. Sgt. Gorens. Woman’s Republican Club of Hart­ ized tomorrow night in the State Lb. who was m.arried in July, is now ford, and Mrs. E. B. Kitfleld. vice Luxury Loaf 29c making his home at Polaclous. chaifman of Hartford who will, re­ Trade .School under the auspices

Texas, where he expects to return port on the recent campaign and of the Manchester Red Cross and | silver I.ane

.sometime Thursday. election. St. James's Parish. William Buy Your New Range and Mrs. C..A. Goodrich, 91 Robert .Sacherek of 12 Cottage street. I f is expected that wh|!n full re­ road. Mrs. Naham Cutler, 65 Ridge, Lbs. Red Cross First Aid In.stnictor, Sauerkraut . 3 25c turns on the current old age tax road, Mrs. George Borst, Cam­ has been placed in charge of the i Fuel Oil enumeration are made, the .total bridge street, and Mrs. H. B. De- cla.s.s. Persons desiring to enroll i for Manchester will stand at 17,- Wolf, 46 Phelps road are all mem­ in the class will l>e welcomed. 325. The names so far obtained are bers of this board. The courses will continue , The being compiled for use of the reg­ through ten weeks, with a .session ; DODGE or istrars of voters as well ns for the each Wedne.sday night from 7 to W. G. Glenhey old age tax collector. 9 p. m. ' Interest Is High First aid teaches the Immediate j Co. The weekly setback tournament Tomorrow Night! emergency care given a victim of Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supiilles, will be held tonight at the Red In Card Toiirnev an accident until a doctor arrivc.s, |

Paint Men's Social club. All plavers are explains how to bandage, take PLYMOUTH

tM No. Main .SI. Tel. 4148 requested to be present at eight care of wounds, sunstroke, ex- | o’clock .sharp. $ . Hose Co. Jrs.. leading the Set­ haustion, aid to drowning persons j

back Tournament at the North and common emergencies in the 1 and home. First aid is al.so import­ N ow ! End. are primed to defend first

place honors this evening at Fire ant in safety and accident pre- i Af­ vention programs. | W 'p THRIFTY WEDNESDAY ME.AT SPECIALS! Department headquarters with a have plenty of all models in stock fairly comfbrtable lead over the of tha Pinehurst Closes At Noon Wednesday. rest of the league by 47 points. for immediate delivery. * *^ls team ousted Merz's Barbers SHORT RIBS Pinehurst Freshly Ground frnm the top ning last week. The 22c lb. Barbers are tied for second place LIBERAL ALLOWANCE! EASY TERMS! Round Steak, lb. 39c with St; Bridget's team and the Corn HuSkers behind them in third Your Present Car May Be Taken As Full RIB SOUP MEAT RIB CORNED BEEF . . . lb. 12'ic spot. Down Payment! I N P R IZ E S lo c ID. SALT SPARE RIBS ...... lb. 15c Interest ls''riinnlng high in the tournament and each week finds FREE GAME FOR THE SOUP SHANKS Dial the playing of tti^ clubs better $25 MONTHLY PRIZE 10c-15c-20c lb. FOWL lb. 29c than the preceding Mating. The 32.10 first six teams are fajrly well Clean, Comfortable Cars! SOUMENE & FLAGG, Inc. bunched and the lower briteket Is Courtrou* Service At All Times! a bit slower getting started; , The 634 CENTER STREET M.\NCHE,STER GOLD MEDAL FLOUR games will start at 8:15 sharp. I — $10 FREE GAME that « Your Dodffe and Plymouth Dealer

24i-lb. sack $1.15 C IT Y T A X I and Truck fleadnuarters. 26 Reg. Games for $4.00 Orders

DENNIS MURPHY. Prop. 4— $ 4 .0 0 Door Prizes Seedless MONROE PEAS CECILIAN CLUB ALL FOR 25c norids ' HALL WOOD TOMATOES^ Table.s and Chairs for Everyone! 2 for 2.‘lc $1.20 dozen of the O RAN G ES

Sliced or Whole— Blue Label SOUTH METHODIST frllARANTEED CHURCH $50.00 SWEEPSTAKE 33c doz. I.«Bt Week the Hweepstake Amounted Potatoes, 2 cans 19c FIVE REASONS WHY Will Hold Their To S75.00

On the Pea and Tomato Special ab»»ve, you may or­ Reffular Rehearsal

der 6 Pea.s and 6 Tomatoes to get the special dozen price PLENTY OF PARKING SP.ACE! TONIGHT AT 7:00 P. .M. of $1.20.

This Potato is a new Blue I.abel product.. .try a In.stead of the Usual couple of cans. ^ 7:30 ST. JAMES’ SCHOOL HALL Just in . . GENl lNE KENYOVS RHODE ISL.\ND Park Street JOHNNY CAKE .MEAL.. (Jrist .Mill Yellow and M’hite Doors Open.Al ^ R. Playing Starts At 8:00. Com .Meal. .Whole Wheat Flour, New Rye and Gra-._

ham Flour in 5-pound bags. Dr. Jack.stin's Cereal .Meal. ’ Another shipment of the Gnipe-Nut.s’ new Wheat Meal Z_ Modern, Old Fashion which Kate Smith is talking about on the radio every

noon. It sells for 15c with a generous sample package. DANCE


2 pkgs. for 25c 2 pkgs. fot 29c Every Thursday Night Admission 44c, Incl. Tax. that Music by THE BARNSTORMERS

Hank Post. Prompter.




SKATES le weather man says

All Kinds. Specializing in **01d Man Winter is on his


Satisfact|,on Guaranteed!

You’ll want a fuel that re­

J-4MES Rv FOLEY sponds quickly and bums

65 .MaUier^tieet steadily. Fill your bin with Telephone 5841

Old Company’s Anthracite. COAL IS BEST

You’ll be ready to meet There's real heating comfort waiting'for yo^u when you fill your car checked by our mechanics t winter’s bitter blasts in Have your bin with quality Lehigh Valley cciaL You’ll have no fear comfort. Do You Need — PHONE of cold winter months — you’ll be prepared. You and your the same machine as that used by the State a family will enjoy M^ady, even heat all winter long at half the

• ALCOHOL cost of other types fueL Why. not call us up today and ask ^OLkth " ^ o n a iA * / — ■ — put in shape l^fore you take it through tihe.

• PRESTONE for a few tons of quality Lehigh V’alley coal — the kind that doesn’t make smoke or sooL It’s the easy, economical way to State testing Une. • BATTERIES $145

solve your heating problems. ETC. G. L w m is & SON, Inc.

STOP AT Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint

2 MAIN ST. TEL. 5125 MANCHESTER Manchester Motor Sales, Inc.


812 80 Oakland St. TeL 5191 CENTER STREET OPEN U|JTIL MIDNIGHT! Advertue jua The Herald— It Pays