Spook [New Species] You are a spook, a frightful spirit of mischief and danger. You are the that goes bump in the night, the kind of creature invoked in tales to frighten children into behaving properly. You are fear given form, the embodiment of man's terror of the dark and unknown.

Or so goes the reputation of your kind, at any rate. Certainly, there are no small number of spooks who really are as dreadful as the stories say, malicious sorts who delight in cruel, even deadly pranks. But just as many are merely tricksters, mischievous to be sure, but ultimately harmless. However, whether in the form of sadistic glee or merely harmless tomfoolery, all spooks delight in frightening others, and this is something they're quite good at.

No two spooks look quite alike; in fact, most spooks possess a natural glamer that allows them to readily change their appearance in fairly drastic fashion – an ability that they use extensively in their mischief. The natural form of most spooks is usually fairly unsettling, falling just enough off from the norm to make other species feel ill at ease if it isn't outright monstrous. However, some spooks are preternaturally beautiful, using their wiles to lure unwary victims into embarassing pranks...or worse.

Common Personality Traits: Wily, mischievous, Spook Culture and Weapons spiteful, alluring, bizarre, cruel Spooks are a fairly heterogeneous lot, varying considerably Common Physical Traits: Glowing pupils, grotesque in culture and temperament. Their societies run the gamut features, unsettling grin, spindly limbs, gleeful cackle from loosely-connected networks of essentially solitary Example Names: Old Red-Eyes, Finger-Gnawer, loners to elaborately organized feudal courts and Snatcher, , Babau, Gryla everything in between, and the details of how these various Splinter Race Feats: Faerie-Lamp Court (will-o'-the- spook societies conduct themselves are likewise quite diverse. The one true constant is that all spooks love toying wisp), Headless Court (), Keening Court (), with people, playing pranks and generally messing with Nightmare Court (alp), Watery Court (). Unless you select others' heads. Even the more reserved and outwardly one of these, you are a "bogeyman". mature or serious spooks still get a giddy rush out of making others unsettled. Spook pranks are sometimes Type: Medium biped fey with a Reach of 1. Your maximum cruel, dangerous, or even lethal, but although it is these wounds equal your Constitution score. [0 pts] that tend to most shape the general perception of the species, the majority of spooks are fairly harmless.

 Attributes: +2 to Wis or Cha [2.5 pts] Spooks typically have a number of peculiar rules,  Base speed: 30 ft. [0 pts] compulsions, and/or phobias that cause them to behave  Darkvision II: You ignore the effects of dim, faint, and oddly by the standards of other species. The specifics no light. [1.5 pts] generally vary by the individual, though there are some  Glamer: You ignore Species and Size penalties to common ones typically found among certain kinds of Disguise checks. [0.5 pts] spooks (for instance, dullahan often have an irrational  Glint of Madness: You gain the Glint of Madness feat. aversion to gold), and sometimes the idiosyncracies of a [3 pts] spook ruler may become embedded in the laws or taboos of his community. One well-known quirk widely believed  Light Sleeper: Sleeping is never considered a Terminal to be universal to all spooks is that a spook is honor-bound Situation for you. [0.5 pts] to leave a victim be if he turns his clothes inside-out.  Reviled: The Dispositions of non-spooks decrease by 10. However, this may well be itself nothing more than [-1 pt] another spook prank, the comedy of a person walking around with inside-out clothes satisfying the spook's desire for mischief just as well as whatever he already had planned. Rogue Template Spooks generally dislike direct combat, preferring guerilla tactics and psychological warfare to break the opponent's resolve. They generally prefer small, easily concealed Spook (+5 XP): weapons, though some are known to instead favor the Benefit: The NPC's Type changes to Fey and he largest, most intimidating weapons they can reasonably gains the Darkvision II and Feat (Glint of Madness) NPC wield. Spook weapons are designed to look eerie or qualities. menacing, and are often made with additional customizations (such as the hook, lure, or trip qualities) to facilitate tricky, dirty fighting.

Species Feats

Faerie-Lamp Court Mischievous will-o'-the-wisps use mysterious lights to lead travelers astray in darkened forests and marshes. Prerequisites: Spook, level 1 only Benefit: You gain beguiling and may cast Dancing Lights as a natural spell (see Fantasy Craft p. 234) at will. However, your Strength score decreases by 2.

Faerie-Lamp Liege Behind the Curtain: A will-o'-the-wisp's ghostly form is difficult to spot, and like a it Species feat design point values floats over treacherous terrain that their victims may find considerably more Faerie-Lamp Court: 2.5 pts hazardous.  Beguiling: 2 pts Prerequisite: Faerie-Lamp Court  Dancing Lights at will: 1.5 pts  -2 Str: -1 pt Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus with Blend checks and flight 20 ft., though you may rise no higher than 20 ft. above the ground. Faerie-Lamp Liege: 3 pts  +4 Blend: 1.5 pts  Levitate 20 ft: 1.5 pts Headless Court The fearsome dullahan lack the shapechanging knack of other spooks, but Headless Court: 2 pts instead possess the peculiar ability to remove their own head.  Headless: 1 pt Prerequisite: Spook, level 1 only  Does not breathe: 1.5 pts Benefit: Your head may be separated from your body without any harm to  New BSM pair: 0 pts you. You or another character with your permission may remove your head with a  Lose glamer: -0.5 pts

Handle Item action, and opponents can remove your head by a successful Disarm Headless Liege: 3.5 pts or Prestidigitation attempt as if it were an object carried or worn on your person.  Dread: 1.5 pts When your head is separated from your body, you see and hear from your head,  Pronouncement of Doom: 2 pts and your body by itself is considered blind and deaf unless within sight of the head. Your head can speak normally when separate from your body, but otherwise is Keening Court: 2.5 pts  Dreadful Wail: 2.5 pts considered paralyzed. Even when separated, your head and body share the same pools for all resources, including actions, vitality & wounds, spell points, Edge, etc. Keening Liege: 3 pts Additionally, you do not need to breathe, and when taking the Basic Skill  Wail of the Banshee: 2 pts Mastery feat you gain a new skill pair you may choose: Headless Horseman  Portent of Mortality: 1 pt (Intimidate & Ride). However, you lose glamer. Nightmare Court: 2.5 pts  Always have actors’ props: 0.5 pts Headless Liege  Squeeze I: 1 pt Dullahan are feared as heralds of death, able to bring about a mortal's end  Exotic natural attack damage: 1 pt solely by proclaiming that it be so. Nightmare Liege: 2.5 pts Prerequisite: Headless Court  +2 Grapple: 0.5 pts Benefit: Each time an opponent attacks you and misses, the opponent  +2 Sneak: 1 pt suffers 2 stress damage. Additionally, you gain a trick:  Double lighting bonus: 1 pt Pronouncement of Doom (Threaten trick): If the target is a standard character with a lower Wis score than yours, he immediately fails Spook Blood: 2.5 pts his Damage Save (damage isn't rolled). You may use this trick a number  +1 to higher of 2 stats: 1 pt  Darkvision I: 1 pt of times per combat equal to the number of Species feats you have.  Glamer: 0.5 pts  Buy feats as Spook: 0 pts Keening Court  Reduce attribute for extra feat: 0 pts The mournful sing a wailing funeral dirge that brings to mind the Watery Court: 2.5 pts imminence of one's own mortality.  Aquatic II: 1.5 pts Prerequisite: Spook, level 1 only  Swim 40 ft: 1.5 pts Benefit: As a full action you may unleash a dreadful wail. All enemies up  +5 Blend in aquatic: 0.5 pts to one size category larger than you able to hear you must make a Will save (DC  -10 ft land speed: -1 pt 10 + the number of Species feats you have + your Charisma modifier) or suffer 2d6 + your Cha modifier stress damage. The DC of this save increases by +4 for Watery Liege: 2.5 pts  Beguiling: 2 pts enemies able to see and hear you as you wail. You may use this ability a number  Always have actor’s props: 0.5 pts of times per scene equal to your starting action dice.

Keening Liege It is said that the banshee possesses the power of foresight, able to see the moment of a person's death. Prerequisite: Keening Court Benefit: You gain two tricks: Wail of the Banshee (Dreadful Wail trick): Select one target that can be affected by your wail. If that target is a standard character and fails his Will save, he immediately fails his Damage Save (damage isn't rolled). You may use this trick a number of times per combat equal to the number of Species feats you have. Portent of Mortality (Anticipate trick): Your threat range with attacks against the target also increases by 2 for one round. You may use this trick a number of times per combat equal to the number of Species feats you have.

Nightmare Court The nocturnal alps pin down sleeping victims with crushing weight to cause nightmares, and use their exceptional mastery of glamers to take the form of what their victim fears most. Prerequisite: Spook, level 1 only Benefit: You are always considered to have actor's props, and you gain a Squeeze I natural attack dealing stress damage instead of lethal.

Nightmare Liege An alp is like a shadow in the night, easily slipping unnoticed in the dark to seize upon sleeping victims. Prerequisite: Nightmare Court Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus with Grapple and Sneak checks, and gain double the normal bonus to Blend and Sneak checks from faint or no light.

Spook Blood Half-spooks possess their parent's knack for disguises and affinity for the dark. Prerequisite: Non-Spook Folk, level 1 only Benefit: The higher of your Wisdom or Charisma scores increases by 1, you gain Darkvision I, you may ignore Species and Size penalties to Disguise, and you may select Species feats as if you were a Spook. Special: You may have only 1 "Blood" feat. When you gain this feat you may reduce any of your attributes by 2 to gain an additional Species feat with the requirement "Level 1 only".

Watery Court Children are often warned not to play by the water's edge, lest they be snatched up and drowned by malevolent nixies. Prerequisite: Spook, level 1 only Benefit: You gain Aquatic II, a swim speed of 40 ft, and a +5 gear bonus to Blend checks in aquatic terrain. However, your base land speed decreases by 10 ft.

Watery Liege Some nixies use their glamers to take on breathtakingly alluring forms to entice the weak-willed. Prerequisite: Watery Court Benefit: You are always considered to have actors' props, and you gain beguiling.

Weapon & Armor Upgrades Table: Armor Upgrades Name DR Effect DP ACP Spd Disguise Const Comp Wt Era Cost Craftsmanship Spook -- Reduce ACP by 2 for -- * -- +4 -- +2 -- Primitive +50% Blend & Sneak checks Table: Weapon Upgrades Name Effect Const Comp Wt Era Cost Craftsmanship Spook +2 gear bonus with Intimidate -- +5 -- Primitive +100%

Armor Upgrade Descriptions Spook: Spooks prefer armor that won’t get in the way of their mischief.

Weapon Upgrade Descriptions Spook: Spook weapons are unsettling to behold, designed with a sinister flair reflective of their makers’ love of the eerie and macabre.

Legendary Spook (Master Class)

Whether merely mischievous or outright malevolent, all spooks relish the thrill of scaring others. You have refined that affinity to a true art form, mastering the art of instilling fear and turning that fear to your advantage. You are the one people tell chilling tales about in hushed tones around the campfire at night, the one whose mere name is enough to send shivers running down a hearer's spine. You are terror incarnate, man's fears made manifest.

Depending on your campaign, a Legendary Spook could be...

 The enigmatic being about which stories are told to frighten children.  A shadowy vigilante striking terror into the hearts of the wicked.  A deadly warrior feared as the dread reaper of the battlefield.  A sadistic criminal who delights in tormenting others.  A mischievous prankster with a childish love of seeing others get spooked.

Party Role: Specialist/Combatant. You are an expert in the methods of instilling fear and leveraging that fear to your advantage, a useful skill for subduing opponents both on and off the battlefield.

Class Features Prerequisites: Spook, Intimidate 10+ ranks, Heroic Renown 1+, Black Cat, any Covert feat Class Skills: Blend, Disguise, Intimidate, Notice, Resolve, Sense Motive, Sneak, Tactics Continuity: At level 1, choose 2 skills that are class skills for any of your other classes. Those become Legendary Revenant class skills for you. Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier per level Vitality: 9 + Con modifier per level

Table: Legendary Spook Level BAB Fort Ref Will Def Init Lifestyle Legend Abilities 1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +1 +0 +1 Spook Epitome, Menacing Threat 2 +1 +0 +2 +2 +3 +1 +0 +2 Fear Itself I 3 +2 +1 +2 +2 +3 +2 +1 +3 What Goes Bump in the Night 4 +3 +1 +2 +2 +4 +2 +1 +3 Fear Itself II, Living Legend 5 +3 +1 +3 +3 +5 +3 +1 +4 Dread Lord of Nightmares

Spook Epitome: You display many of the most renowned traits of your kind. At Level 1, you gain 1 additional Species feat. With GM permission, this feat may possess the “Level 1 only” prerequisite. If you do not qualify for any Species feats when you gain this ability, you instead gain 1 Basic Combat feat.

Menacing Threat: At Level 1, you gain menacing threat.

Fear Itself: Blinded by terror, your foes are prone to making catastrophic mistakes. At Level 2, the error ranges of opponents affected by your Black Cat feat increase by an additional 1 for each grade of shaken that opponent has when he makes the check. At Level 4, whenever an opponent is knocked out by stress damage you inflict, you gain a bonus d6 action die. You may gain a maximum number of these action dice each scene equal to your Heroic Renown, and they are lost at the end of the scene if unused.

What Goes Bump in the Night: At Level 3, you gain the horror type (see FC page 227). If you already have that type, you may gain a rank of Heroic Renown instead.

Living Legend: At Level 4, your starting action dice increase by 1.

Dread Lord of Nightmares: At Level 5, whenever you deal stress damage to an opponent, you may choose to cause that opponent to become frightened of you for 1 round unless he makes a Will save (DC 10 + your Class Level + your Heroic Renown).