Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Prostaglandin Effects On
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Gut 1995; 36: 657-663 657 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and prostaglandin effects on pepsinogen secretion by dispersed human peptic cells Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.36.5.657 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from A I Lanas, J Nerin, F Esteva, R Saiinz Abstract It is widely accepted that non-steroidal anti- The effects of aspirin and ibuprofen on inflammatory drug (NSAID) use is associated pepsinogen secretion were studied in with a high prevalence of gastroduodenal isolated human peptic cells prepared from injury.1 It is also recognised that the presence endoscopically obtained biopsy specimens of acid and pepsin enhances the potential after collagenase digestion, mechanical damaging effect of these drugsl 2 and, there- disruption, and percoli gradient centrifu- fore, anti-secretory therapy is commonly gation. Pharmacological concentrations prescribed to treat or prevent damage induced of aspirin and ibuprofen (10-8-10-4 M), by NSAIDs.3 The pathogenic mechanisms of potentiated histamine (10-6-10-4 M) and NSAID induced gastroduodenal damage forskolin (10-5 M) stimulated pepsinogen remains unclear,l 2 although different mech- secretion without affecting basal secre- anisms, most of them related to prostaglandin tion, acetylcholine (10-6 M) stimulated inhibition, have been proposed.2 4 pepsinogen secretion or cell vitality. Aspirin and other non-salicylate NSAIDs Augmentation of secretagogue stimulated have been reported to increase or potentiate pepsinogen secretion was dependent on histamine stimulated acid secretion in vivo5 6 extracellular calcium because potentia- and in vitro in different animal models,7-11 tion was abolished by calcium depletion of suggesting that enhanced gastric acid secretion the medium. Cimetidine inhibited the could play a part in the pathogenesis ofNSAID potentiation effect on histamine but not induced gastroduodenal mucosal damage. The on forskolin stimulated pepsinogen secre- mechanisms of NSAID stimulated acid secre- tion, thus suggesting that this augmenta- tion have been extensively explored by Levine tion was independent of histamine H2 et al 7-9 in an in vitro rabbit parietal cell model, receptors. Of interest, potentiation was suggesting that NSAID induced acid secretion also independent of endogenous prosta- is regulated by the presence of calcium and the glandin inhibition because exogenous inhibition of prostaglandins. addition of prostaglandin E2 and D2 Although available information provides on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. increased both basal and acetylcholine sufficient evidence that intramucosal activa- stimulated pepsinogen secretion in a tion of acid proteases, mainly pepsinogens, dose dependent way, but they did not plays an important part in peptic diseases of modify histamine or histamine plus the upper gastrointestinal tract,'2 there are aspirin or ibuprofen stimulated pepsino- almost no data on the potential effects of gen secretion. In conclusion, aspirin NSAIDs on pepsinogen secretion by the and ibuprofen potentiate secretagogue stomach. In this study we have examined in Service of stimulated pepsinogen secretion by vitro the effects of two widely and more com- Gastroenterology, dispersed human peptic celis and this monly used NSAIDs (aspirin and ibuprofen) Universitario, might be an additional mechanism of on pepsinogen secretion by dispersed human Zaragoza, Spain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug peptic cells obtained from endoscopic biopsy A I Lanas J Nerin (NSAID) induced gastric injury.M This specimens. F Esteva potentiation effect is regulated by calcium, R Sainz independent of endogenous prostaglandin Correspondence to: inhibition and seems to act on pepsinogen Methods Dr A I Lanas, Servicio de secretion at a post-receptor site. Aparato Digestivo, Hospital. Clinico Universitario, 50009 (GutGul93657631995; 36: 657-663) Chemicals Zaragoza, Spain. Chemicals were obtained from the following Accepted for publication Keywords: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sources: bovine serum albumin (fraction V), 16 August 1994 pepsinogen, prostaglandins. acetylcholine, histamine, cimetidine, aspirin, ibuprofen, forskolin, HEPES, percoll, crys- Effects ofaspirin and ibuprofen on basalpepsinogen secretionfrom dispersed human peptic cells talline porcine pepsinogen, soybean trypsin inhibitor, ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid Agent Number 10-4 M 10-6 M 10-8 M (EGTA), and glucose from Sigma Chemical Aspirin 6 -0.05 (0.56)% +0-66 (0.72)% +0 68 (0 70)% (St Louis, MO). Collagenase (type IV) from Ibuprofen 6 +0-14 (0 20)% +0.01 (0 25)% -0 55 (0.27)% Worthington Biochemical (Freeholdd, NJ); Pepsinogen released into the medium was expressed as percentage (%) of the total pepsinogen bovine haemoglobin from Gibco Diagnostics initially present in cells and secretory responses to stimuli were calculated in the output per unit and and D2 time with basal output subtracted. Basal secretion in these experiments was 5.79 (0.58)% of (Madison, WI), prostaglandin E2 total/30 min. Data expressed as mean (SEM). from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA). 658 Lanas, Nein, Esteva, Sdinz 69 patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal a HIS endoscopy (45 men and 15 women). The 0E 4.0F HIS 104 + NSAID HIS + ASA mean (SEM) age of this population was 39.11 (0 3.5%,-,W F ii (1-59) (18-61). In 20 of these patients the 1- * HIS+ IBU endoscopy was normal, 18 had an active Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.36.5.657 on 1 May 1995. Downloaded from Qto 3.0 i duodenal ulcer, 14 a healed duodenal ulcer, i nine a hiatal hernia, six oesophagitis, five 0 2.5 duodenitis, five antritis, and two a gastric 1 ulcer. Most of them (55 of 69) were or had 0 2.0 ez recently been receiving H2 receptor antago- 0 nists, and the rest were receiving antacids or 1.5 were free of any treatment. Helicobacter pylori c status in the corpus of the stomach was not 1.0 CD determined, but it was in the antrum (CLO C test) in 43 of 69 patients (positive in 40). The 0.5 ._ study was approved by the Institutional Review c Board and written informed consent was -44-8 -4 -6 -4- -4 -6 obtained from all patients. Molar concentration Figure 1: Effects ofdifferent concentrations ofboth aspirin (ASA) and ibuprofen (IBU) on two different concentrations of histamine (HIS) stimulated pepsinogen secretion from Cell isolation dispersed human peptic cells. Basal secretion in these experiments was 4-86 (0.57) % of The method used to isolate peptic cells had total/30 min. n=4-7. *p<0 05 with respect to histamine stimulated secretion, tp<0 05 with respect to basal secretion. been previously described elsewhere.'3 In brief, eight to 10 endoscopically obtained gastric biopsy specimens (jumbo forceps) from Unless otherwise stated, the standard Ringer the oxintic area were transported in Ringer's solution contained 82.2 mM NaCl, 4.0 mM solution that had been gassed with 95% 02 KCl, 1.8 mM CaCl2, 0.8 mM MgCl2, 0.8 and 5°/O CO2. The specimens then received NaSO4, 17.8 mM NaHCO3, 0-8 mM a 20 minute digestion in 0.1% collagenase NaH2PO4, 11.5 mM glucose, and 0-2% bovine solution with 0.2% trypsin inhibitor in a serum albumin. The medium was equilibrated shaking water bath at 370C. This initial colla- with 95% 02-5% C02 and pH was adjusted to genase solution was discarded and replaced 7-25. Call low medium contained 0.1 mM and digestion continued for 45 more minutes. CaCl2 and no MgCl2, and Ca free medium The cells and glands were collected by contained no CaCl2 or MgCl2. centrifugation, resuspended in Ringer's solu- tion without calcium and magnesium, and subjected to repetitive pipetting for several Biopsy specimens minutes. The cells were filtered through 100 Gastric biopsy specimens were obtained from ,um Teflon mesh and resuspended in Ringer's solution containing calcium and magnesium. The cells were then taken up in 1 ml of U Ca' Ringer's solution and layered onto 2 ml 50/O on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. D (v/v) percoll containing isotonic HEPES Ca' free medium buffered Ringer's solution, which contained 82.2 mM NaCl, 4 mM KC1, 1.8 mM CaCl2, 0.8 mM MgCl2, 19.4 mM HEPES, 11.5 mM 6 * glucose, and 02% bovine serum albumin. The cells were then centrifuged at 14 000 g for 20 E minutes at 4°C (Eppendorf Centrifuge, Model 0 5412). After this centrifugation the bottom of InCo CoCD, the gradient containing mainly red blood cells cc was discarded, and the remaining cells were 4 washed and layered again onto a 2 ml 33% 0 CCo (v/v) containing isotonic HEPES buffered Ringer's solution. After another centrifugation 3 at 14000 g for 10 minutes, the top of the .._J, 0 gradient containing mainly the parietal cells 0cJ was discarded and a clearly different layer a) 2 at the bottom contained the chief cells. The isolated chief cells were greater than 90/o ._ pure by microscopy (haematoxylin and eosin 0.a) .7n0 staining procedure and periodic acid schiff CL reaction), and >90%/O viable by trypan blue exclusion and >89% by flow cytometry (Epics o Elite, Coulter, Hialeah Fl, USA) using the FK FK + ASA FK + fluorochromes, rhodamine 123 and propidium Figure 2: Effects ofboth aspirin (ASA) (10-6 M) and ibuprofen (IBU) (i0-4 M) on iodide to measure live and dead cells respec- forskolin (FK) (10-5 M) stimulated pepsinogen secretion from dispersed human peptic tively.'4 15 The pepsinogen content of this cells. Removal ofextracellular calcium from the medium suppressed the potentiation effect of was 100 times than the both drugs on forskolin stimulated pepsinogen secretion. Basal secretion in these experiments layer higher pepsinogen was 3.40 (0.29) % oftotalJ30 min. n= 4-5. *p< 0. 05 with respect to forskolin. obtained from the top layer containing mainly Non-steroidal anti-inflammatoty drugs and prostaglandin effects on pepsinogen secretion by dispersed human peptic cells 659 * Ringer's solution and counted (haemato- * cytometer).