Sililday Nationj Ocfober 31, 2004 • Lifestyle • on the Stage Against
Sililday NationJ Ocfober 31, 2004 • LifeSTYLE • ~ On the stage against HIV scourge By ANTHONY NJAGI good, the scripts were wanting. They said Ben Ngugi. The play, The Runaway, is about there was room for improvement before next a murder suspect who organises the elimina- s the HIV/Aids scourge wreaks hav- year's event. tion of witnesses. However, as with all the A oc, theatre is increasingly becoming In Nyandarua District, a school with no best-laid plans, something gives way. one of the most effective weapons history of successs in the Kenya National Script writer Sarah Achieng, acted as the against this fatal threat to mankind. This is Drama Festival, is determined to put the dis- murderer. Mary Maina was the prosecution what must have inspired Kiambu District trict back on the national map. It is Karima witness who gets murdered, while Christine Cultural Officer Cecily Githinji to mobilise Girls School, deep in the Aberdare ranges. Muckemi played the witness's daughter, who 18 theatre groups to hold an HIV/Aids Last weekend, the school hosted its first will go to any lengths to unveil the murderer. Awareness Drama Festival at Kiambu Social drama day, staging plays, verses, dances, and The students also presented a thrilling Hall last weekend. oral narratives. The Karima emergence is the dance on corruption titled, Ungumania. Also brainchild of the Principal, Mrs Catherine thrown in was a Luo cultural dance, Akinyi. The festival couldn't have come at a better time, as the district ranks second in Central Irungu, a former award-winning producer All in all, it was an educative and entertain- Province in HIV prevalence.
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