Robert Tuck, of Hampton, N. Ii
muck ~enenlogn. ROBERT TUCK, OF HAMPTON, N. II. AND lllS DESCENDANTS. BY JOSEPH no,v. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR PRIVATE DlSTRIBUTJON. PRESS 01" DAVID CLAPP &, SON. 1 8 7 7. PREFACE. THE lineage of all the Tuck families, whose statis tics arc more or less fully given in this book, may be fraeed back to ROBERT Tu01r, who settled at "\Vinna cm1net, now Hampton, N. H., in the Autumn of 1638. Of bis two sons, Ellwitrd only, who nppoars to have been the younger, emigrutecl with his -parents, and lived in Hampton; and it is the genealogy of his de scendants, only, tl1at is here given. Eel ward Tuck married and had two sons, the first dying in chil<l hoocl. John, born about the time of his father's death, livecl to mature age, married, and reared a family. Hence, Robert,1 Eclwnrd2 and J ohn,3 each in his own generation, was the sole male rcprcscntatiYc of the family, and a progenitor of a1l the families of goncrations succeeding his own. In consiclerntion of the last named fn:ct, it was · thought proper, in forming n plan of this work, that more space and more minuteness of detail should Le allowed in relntion to these three r<:presentative 111011 PREF.A.CE • . and their affairs, than would be judicious in regard to any in private life, from whom only a part of later g·lillPl'atiorn; had i.;p1·tmg-. 'l'hc bulk of the facts connectcc.l with those early generations has been, by careful aml patient examina tion, culled fi·om ancient records, wills, cleecls nml · other old writings, to which I have hnd access.
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