P E N N S Y L V A N I A W I L D L I F E Riparian Buffers for Wildlife

■ Recharges groundwater. iparian buffers protect Benefits of Riparian Buffers A riparian buffer prevents by inter- Riparian buffers offer many benefits for from moving too quickly over the land R before it can filter into the soil and cepting and pollution from wildlife, but they also improve water quality for humans. In general, the wider recharge groundwater supplies. This also agricultural fields, residential lawns, and more diversely planted the buffer, the helps to control flooding as well as main- roadways, and other sources. This more likely it is to yield positive benefits. tain adequate flow during dry times. improves for aquatic wildlife A riparian buffer: ■ Provides better habitat for fish. while providing food, cover, water, Fish depend on a good aquatic habitat, and breeding areas for many other ■ Traps sediment. Runoff from agricultural fields, lawns, and and a without a riparian buffer is kinds of wildlife. roads is deposited in the buffer rather than not likely to support good fish popula- Riparian have been being allowed to enter the water. tions. Resident fish such as trout, as well severely damaged or removed for and shrubs along a stream help to as migratory fish like the American shad, many human uses, including agri- keep moving water from eroding the bank, depend on the quality of each “link” in the stream system. A poor or nonexistent culture, timber harvesting, develop- further reducing sedimentation rates. riparian buffer can affect fish both directly ment, and recreation. Losing these ■ Traps nutrients and . and indirectly. Too much fine sediment buffers has negatively affected Excessive amounts of , fertil- caused by and runoff can be wildlife habitat and water quality izers, and animal wastes from farms, especially damaging to fish by clogging throughout the state. lawns, and roadways can seriously disrupt their gills and smothering spawning sites for both fish and aquatic insects. A lack If you own agricultural fields that an aquatic system. Fertilizers that make a lawn green and lush and make corn grow of trees along the can cause border a wide , a cabin near a also encourage high levels of plants and higher water temperatures, which may large , or even a small stream algae in a stream, which depletes oxygen ultimately deplete oxygen in your backyard, you can improve levels. A good riparian buffer can remove levels in the water. water quality and wildlife habitat by up to 80 percent of excessive nutrient creating a riparian buffer. Restoring inputs. and maintaining riparian buffers may take time, money, and effort, but plenty of assistance is available to help you through the process. This Trout Illustration by John Sidelinger fact sheet provides the information you will need to create an effective riparian buffer for wildlife while pro- tecting water quality for everyone. 2

A riparian buffer helps to supply organic like the alder flycatcher are likely to ■ Buffer width materials (leaves and woody debris), be found only near with a thick While wildlife use may be your primary which provide food for aquatic inverte- understory of shrubs, whereas the pileated consideration, hydrology, prior land brates (and these, in turn, provide food woodpecker can be found in nearly any use, slope of the land, and desired water for wildlife). A buffer serves as the basis type of mature riparian , as long as quality benefits are a few of the many for a more diverse structural habitat large trees are available for nest cavities. considerations in determining zone and for all aquatic life. As a stream system’s Amphibians like the eastern hellbender total buffer width. For example, a small quality declines, fish like catfish and carp, and mudpuppy, which require water stream with minimal inputs from adjacent more tolerant of poor conditions, begin throughout their life cycles, need clear, may require only a small Zone 1 increasing, and those less tolerant, such as fast-moving streams with snags and an to improve aquatic habitat, while a larger trout, begin to decline. abundance of aquatic insects for food. water body with intense adjacent land use might require larger areas of each of ■ Improves habitat for other wildlife. Along ponds and , bullfrogs, green Zones 1–3 to provide water protection A good riparian buffer provides food, frogs, cricket frogs, and American toads and wildlife habitat. If you live near a lake shelter, water, and breeding sites for birds, lay their eggs in the shallow waters or pond, you may simply be able to leave mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. and then use upland riparian areas for the area adjacent to the water unmowed Which species will be found in riparian foraging and shelter. The wood turtle or planted with wildflowers, especially if largely depends on the type and overwinters in smaller headwater streams fertilizers or pesticides are not used. In size of the water source (wetland, river, but uses adjacent riparian areas to forage areas with excess sedimentation problems, stream, lake, or pond), as well as the and breed, and the northern watersnake you may want to consider planting more habitat within the riparian buffer (diver- forages for food along stream edges. of your total buffer in grasses (Zone 3), sity of species, availability of nest and which help to hold the soil. perch sites, frequency of flooding, etc.). For example, some smaller mammals such A total width of 25–50 feet from the as the eastern cottontail, white-footed Planning Your Riparian stream’s edge is usually the minimum sug- mouse, and meadow vole may be found in Buffer gested as an effective buffer for bank sta- any riparian buffer as long as some cover bilization and water quality control, but When planning your buffer, it is best to is available. Other mammals, like the most wildlife require wider buffer widths. work with someone who is familiar with mink, look for expanses of riparian forest As the size of the buffer increases, the riparian restoration. This person can help with scattered down trees, which provide benefits for both wildlife and water qual- you consider all that is necessary to make shelter near streams and ponds. ity increase. Providing a very small buffer the best decisions given your land, time, (less than 25 feet) may not be very useful and money constraints. for wildlife, but it would still have some water quality benefits. Small mammals A riparian buffer is usually conceptualized generally require 20–30 feet of buffer, as consisting of three zones. Each zone’s while amphibians can require anywhere basic design and function, along with its from 10 feet to 300 feet. Birds that prefer possible wildlife benefits, are shown in edge habitat use almost any size of buffer, the diagram on the opposite page. Zone but many more area-sensitive species need 1 begins at the water’s edge, and Zones 2 at least a 100- to 300-foot riparian buffer. and 3 move inland. Each zone has a dif- If you have only a small area of land to ferent mixture of trees, shrubs, or grasses; Belted put into a riparian buffer, consider plant- kingfisher the composition and the width of each ing species such as fruit-bearing shrubs or depends on the size of the water body, the trees that will afford the most benefits for intensity of upstream land use, the wild- wildlife. life benefits desired, and other factors. ■ Current adjacent land uses In addition to wildlife needs, many other The recommended minimum buffer width factors influence buffer design. Some depends on the adjacent land use. For of the more practical considerations in example, is the land adjacent to the water deciding how to create a riparian buffer agricultural, a residence, or in commercial are as follows: use? If it is agricultural, does the farmer

Illustration by Jeffery Mathison Illustration by Jeffery use best management practices, or are 3

WATER ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 Illustration by Jeffery Mathison Illustration by Jeffery

ZONE 1 ZONE 2 Some salamander species place their eggs on wet logs or rocks. Purpose Purpose • Fallen trees can provide dens or • To provide bank stabilization as • This zone is usually a managed for- shelter for some mammals. well as shade and organic inputs est or mixed forest shrubland. The • Bats roost in large standing cavities. for the stream system. here helps to absorb excess nutrients such as What to plant ZONE 3 • Larger trees and shrubs are typically and phosphorus, preventing them planted in this zone to increase from entering the water. This zone Purpose stability; they should be species that also helps slow runoff and allows it • Planted as grassland or a mix of tolerate wet conditions. to recharge the groundwater supply. grasses and wildflowers. In resi- dential areas, gardens or compost Potential wildlife benefits What to plant • A diverse array of native trees and piles can be established here. In • Shades water to keep temperatures agricultural areas, this zone can be cooler for fish. shrubs. • Can also be used for economic important for slowing runoff and • Organic inputs from trees provide trapping sediment. food for aquatic insects, which in benefit (limited timber harvest, nuts, turn provide food for fish, amphib- mushrooms, etc.). What to plant ians, and birds. Potential wildlife benefits • Native grasses, wildflowers, or gar- • Branches falling into the stream can • Travel corridor for wildlife. dens if being used near agricultural provide structure as well as hiding • Migrating birds find insects and or residential areas. places for small fish and insects. fruits on shrubs and trees during • Can also be planted in shrubs or • Bats forage for insects near water. stopovers. trees where there is not high sedi- • The belted kingfisher uses over- • Deer, birds, and other wildlife use ment runoff. hanging branches to forage for fish. evergreen shrubs and trees as winter Potential wildlife benefits • Wood ducks use cavities or nest cover. • Hummingbirds use certain wild- boxes along larger streams for • Native shrubs and small trees like flower species for nectar. nesting. American holly, inkberry, persim- • Butterflies and moths use certain • Trees like the river birch are hosts mon, and gray dogwood provide fruit wildflower species for nectar and as for butterflies like the tiger for many wildlife species throughout host breeding plants. swallowtail. the year. Larger trees like red oak • Large areas of grassy habitat can supply acorns for mammals and attract breeding grassland birds. waterfowl during the fall. • Nest boxes can be used to attract • Amphibians use seasonal pools of bluebirds and tree swallows. water within low spots for breeding. 4 there heavy inflows of excess fertilizer, ■ Current condition of the stream and ■ Technical and financial assistance animal waste, or pesticides into the stream bank Many programs for both farmers and resi- water? Agricultural land that contributes A Stream Visual Assessment (see dential landowners can provide monetary heavy loads of sediment and other pollut- “Sources of Assistance and Additional assistance, technical advice, and labor for ants requires a larger buffer than a single Information”) can help you determine a riparian buffer project. In addition, many residence where no chemical pesticides or the overall condition of your stream. If local organizations can furnish volunteers fertilizers are used. the stream bank is very eroded or the to help replant riparian areas. Before stream has been channelized, additional starting any project, check with these ■ Creating corridors work may be needed before the riparian sources and your county extension office A riparian buffer is more valuable to wild- areas can be replanted. This will likely and county conservation district office to life if it is connected to similar habitat incur additional costs, and professional make sure the project is appropriate for areas. A small patch of riparian forest will assistance may be necessary. existing zoning regulations. not attract the same diversity of wildlife as one made larger by being connected ■ Existing soil conditions to additional habitat of the same type. The pH of the soil in your riparian buffer Connectivity is especially important for and its composition will determine what Enhancing Wildlife Habitat some amphibians, which move to upland types of plants to use. In addition, well- and Water Quality habitats after the breeding season and drained soils absorb runoff more quickly, Once you have assessed current condi- avoid crossing dry, open areas. requiring a smaller buffer width, while tions on your land, it is time to figure poorly drained soils require a wider buffer. out your goals for the wildlife that may ■ Slope of the land be using your buffer. You might only be Where the riparian area has a very steep ■ Need for other economic benefits interested in improving stream quality for slope leading to the water, a wider buffer Some landowners use riparian buffers for better fishing, to provide habitat for frogs is necessary to slow runoff traveling over supplemental economic benefits as well. and toads, or just to provide habitat for as the land to the water. Planting more of the Limited timber harvesting can be allowed many wildlife species as you can. While total buffer in grasses rather than trees or in Zone 2, as long as some standing snags it would be hard to create a buffer with a shrubs can help to spread and slow runoff, are left for nesting and perching sites. particular species in mind, there are many allowing it greater infiltration into soil. Other crops you can grow and harvest things you can do to improve the overall include black cherry (specialty wood), quality of your riparian buffer. exotic mushrooms (e.g., shiitake), or herbal plants (e.g., ginseng). Illustration by Jeffery Mathison Illustration by Jeffery 5

American robin There are only general guidelines as , ponds, and lakes and roost under- to which species will use a buffer of a neath the peeling bark of larger, dying trees. certain width, and much variation can exist within a particular group of animals. ■ Provide food for wildlife. For example, the pileated woodpecker Providing a natural food source is one of and the scarlet tanager are likely to be the best ways to attract wildlife to your found only in large expanses of forested riparian buffer. Squirrels, turkeys, ducks, Illustration by Jeffery Mathison Illustration by Jeffery riparian habitat (greater than 500 feet and deer take advantage of the acorns total width), whereas the hairy wood- from oak trees. Both birds and mammals pecker and red-eyed vireo may be found find shrubs that produce berries, such as in somewhat smaller forested buffers (150 holly, dogwood, and viburnum (there are feet total width). The northern cardinal, ■ Provide food for aquatic insects. many varieties). A good riparian buffer brown thrasher, and northern mocking- As leaves and branches from a riparian also serves as a stopover site for migratory will use even the smallest areas of buffer fall into a stream, they eventually birds, which use even small patches of shrubby riparian habitat since they prefer become food for aquatic invertebrates riparian habitat to find food (insects on transitional zones. As a general rule, (insects). These are, in turn, an important trees and fruit produced by shrubs) and the wider the buffer, the more species food source for fish and other wildlife. water during migration. it supports. The same holds true for Some evidence suggests that providing mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. such insects with native vegetation rather ■ Provide winter cover. than exotic plants helps to create a more Resident mammals and birds use small No matter how large a riparian buffer you abundant and diverse aquatic community. areas of dense, coniferous trees such as can provide, keep in mind the following eastern hemlock or white pine for shelter to improve the design of your buffer so ■ Add structure to water. from winds and harsh weather in winter. that you attract the greatest diversity of The branches and other woody debris wildlife: that fall into a stream from a riparian ■ Install nesting or roost boxes. zone afford structure as well as refuge Many species use artificial nest boxes ■ Control excess sediment in water. and hunting spots for fish. Some aquatic because they mimic natural cavities. An increase in fine sediment owing turtles use logs and other woody debris as Boxes placed near grassy areas and to a poor or nonexistent buffer can be “sunning” spots. open fields (they can be near a forested extremely detrimental for fish and aquatic edge) attract both bluebirds and tree insect populations. As you increase the size ■ Increase structural diversity on land. swallows. If placed within or near a of your riparian buffer, the more opportu- A riparian buffer that has a mix of native forested setting, boxes are more likely to nities there are for runoff to be intercepted vegetation is more likely to attract a attract birds such as the tufted titmouse. by trees, grasses, and shrubs, and the greater diversity of wildlife. Therefore, Larger nest boxes situated within more benefits generally increase as the total size a buffer planted only with pine trees mature wooded areas can attract the of the buffer increases (up to around 100 will benefit a few species, but one that great-crested flycatcher. Wood ducks, feet). Where sedimentation is a problem, combines native tree and shrub species typically found along rivers at least 600 a greater portion of the total buffer may with a border of native grasses or wild- feet wide, nest in large cavities along the need to be planted in grass, which will flowers will attract a greater assortment river’s edge. Installing appropriate cavity more effectively slow and trap sediment. of wildlife. See “Planting Your Riparian boxes in large trees along a river or lake Buffer” (below) for more details. encourages use by this waterfowl species. ■ Keep water temperatures cool. Large, flood-tolerant trees like willow or ■ Retain large, standing, dead trees Bats are one of the best wildlife species black birch if planted along your stream (snags). to have near your farm or home because bank help to shade the water, keeping Primary cavity-nesting birds (those making they help control insect pests. To attract water temperatures cool. Cooler water their own cavities), such as the downy, roosting bats to your riparian buffer, place temperatures also help to discourage fila- hairy, and red-bellied woodpeckers, use bat boxes in sunny locations near the mentous algae growth, which can deplete snags as nesting sites. Secondary cavity- water. There are fairly specific require- oxygen levels and encourage the growth nesting birds (those using cavities already ments for the construction and placement of parasitic bacteria. The stream will created), like the bluebird, tufted titmouse, of bat houses, and organizations such as likely need to be completely shaded to be and great-crested flycatcher, may eventually Bat Conservation International Inc. (see effective in providing habitat for fish like use these sites. Also, many bats prefer to below) have more information on this trout that prefer cooler waters. feed on insects in riparian areas on or near and other topics related to bats. 6

Wood duck bank, choose species that will completely shade the stream when they reach full height. Where deer browsing or beaver activity is a problem, use plants known to be less palatable to deer and beaver, or fencing may be needed. Illustrations by John Sidelinger ■ Reducing effects on soil Avoid using heavy equipment to plant trees or shrubs, especially near the stream bank; this causes soil compaction and erosion.

■ Use native plant species. can create a much more effective buffer ■ Fencing Native wildlife and native plants belong in a shorter time. Many organizations are On agricultural lands, livestock entering together. In particular, many butterflies willing to donate time, money, seedlings, a stream area can seriously disrupt water and moths use certain native tree species and expertise toward your project. If you quality as well as harm the stream bank. as host plants. Other insects use wild- decide to add vegetation to your buffer, Stream bank fencing can be used along a flowers planted in a riparian buffer as a you can plant trees, shrubs, grasses, and riparian buffer to help keep livestock from nectar source. Beneficial insects such as other herbaceous perennials to enhance walking near and through a stream, thus dragonflies are also attracted to buffers. diversity and add benefits for wildlife. preventing , bank erosion, The amount of preparation your site and excess sedimentation. Fencing ■ Leave hollow logs or brush piles. will need depends on prior land use, also allows vegetation to regrow in the Many small mammals use downed hollow the stream bank’s condition, and other protected areas, further helping to trap logs or brush piles for cover or nesting factors. Below are some things you will sediment and pollutants and minimize sites. Amphibians also use these struc- want to consider as you prepare and plant erosion. It is recommended that fencing be tures as cover. Snakes use large rocks as your buffer zone: placed a minimum of 25 feet from the edge den sites and take cover under large brush of the stream bank. Fencing around newly piles or logs. ■ Soil type planted saplings or seedlings can help to Although many plants thrive in a wide lessen damage caused by deer or beaver. ■ Maintain stream bank integrity. variety of soil types, some species do not Weasels, otters, and muskrats use burrows do well in soils of a certain pH, moisture, within a stream bank as den sites, and or texture. Test the soil at various loca- rough-winged swallows and belted tions within your buffer to get the most Maintaining Your Buffer kingfishers excavate nest tunnels within accurate assessment of which plants you Your riparian buffer should be monitored stream banks. Trampling by livestock and will need throughout your buffer. and maintained regularly at first, and lack of vegetation along a stream bank then periodically as the buffer becomes increase erosion and limit the availability ■ Hardiness zones established. Routine maintenance may be of this type of habitat. Pennsylvania has three hardiness zones necessary, depending on weather condi- (5–7), so make sure that the plants you tions and other factors. Some things to choose will tolerate your particular location. consider are the following: Planting Your Riparian Buffer ■ Choice of plantings ■ Water Consider native plants that are avail- While you can leave your riparian buffer During the first growing season, newly able from local growers and nurseries, alone and allow it to regrow naturally, planted trees and shrubs need water at and avoid invasive species. Think about without additional preparation or plant- least once a week until they become plants that offer the most benefit as food, ings a good buffer is likely to take much established. Newly planted vegetation cover, and nesting sites, and include a longer to establish. In addition, many should also be inspected after heavy rains mix of deciduous and evergreen species people find that without assistance their to make sure that they are not damaged. riparian habitat gets overtaken with (see table on page 7). If possible, plant species that are tolerant of full sun first exotic species such as multiflora rose or ■ Weed control and save understory or shade plants until honeysuckle. Although a buffer with Weed control may be necessary for the after the first plantings have become only minimal vegetation is still much first few years as trees and shrubs become established. For areas near the stream better than bare soil, some extra effort established. Organic mulches such as 7 leaf humus, wood chips (avoid redwood Some native trees, shrubs, and perennial herbaceous plants that you can or cedar; they can be toxic to some plant in a riparian buffer. See “Sources of Assistance” for more information. types of plant seedlings), pine mulch, or A plant guide or nursery can provide information on hardiness zones, mature shredded bark help to retain moisture height, and other considerations. and limit weeds in a newly planted buffer. Site moisture Light Mechanical methods of weed control are Species preferences* preferences Wildlife benefits preferable to using herbicides, which are Trees likely to enter the water. American holly W S to SH Fruit Black cherry M to D S to PS Fruit ■ Mowing Black willow W S Host plant for butterflies Zone 3 may need to be mowed periodi- Common hackberry W to D S Fruit cally to keep it as a grassy-herbaceous Eastern hemlock W SH Winter shelter patch and prevent it from becoming Eastern white pine M to D S to SH Seeds, winter cover overgrown with shrubs. Avoid mowing Green ash and white ash W to M S to SH Seeds from April to July when birds may be Persimmon W to D S to PS Fruit nesting there. Red maple W to M S to SH Flowers, buds, leaves, and seeds Red oak M to D S to PS Acorns River birch W S to SH Catkins, foliage, host plant for butterflies Looking Ahead White oak M to D S to SH Acorns While many different species will “find” Willow oak W to M S to PS Acorns your riparian buffer immediately after it Shrubs has been planted, others will not use your American cranberrybush W S to SH Fruit buffer until it has a chance to mature, American holly W S to PS Fruit, winter cover which may take several years to several Black chokeberry W to D S to S Fruit decades. As your riparian buffer ages, the Flowering dogwood M to D S to PS Fruit plant communities and habitat within Grey (swamp or red- it also change and become attractive panicle) dogwood W to D S to PS Fruit, twigs, leaves to different wildlife. Whatever type Highbush blueberry W S to PS Fruit of riparian buffer you create, you have Inkberry W to M S to SH Fruit contributed a valuable resource for both Mapleleaf viburnum W to D M to S Foliage, twigs, fruit people and wildlife. Mountain laurel W S to S Foliage, twigs, winter shelter Nannyberry W to D S to PS Fruit Northern bayberry M to D S to PS Fruit Silky dogwood W to M S to PS Fruit Sources of Assistance and Spicebush W to M PS to SH Fruit, nectar, host plant for Additional Information butterflies Winterberry W to M S to S Fruit

Books Herbaceous perennials Verry, E. S., J. W. Hornbeck, and C. A. Bee-balm M to D S to PS Nectar Dolloff. Riparian Management in Forests Black-eyed susan M S to SH Nectar, host plant Blue lobelia W to M S to SH Nectar of the Continental Eastern United States. Cardinal flower W to M S to SH Nectar 2001. Gives detailed information on the Christmas fern M PS to SH Shade specific habitat needs and uses of wildlife Joe-pye weed W to M S to PS Attracts butterflies, beneficial along riparian zones in the eastern United insects States. Although geared toward forest New England aster M S to PS Nectar, seeds managers, it still provides useful informa- Partridgeberry M to D PS to SH Berries tion for all landowners. Solomon’s seal M S to S Berries Swamp milkweed W to M S to PS Nectar, host plant Websites Species to avoid: multiflora rose, mile-a-minute, purple loosestrife, autumn olive, Japanese barberry, Connecticut River Watershed Norway maple, Japanese knotweed Provides a useful 10-part fact sheet series, *W=wet, M=moderate, D=dry, S=sun, PS=partial sun, SH=shade “Riparian Buffers for the Connecticut 8

River,” and details many aspects of your property. www.batcon.org is a voluntary program for agricultural riparian buffers for residential and agricul- landowners. The program involves state- tural landowners. Call 603-826-4800 Financial Assistance, Technical Advice, federal partnerships that focus on high for reprints. and Volunteer Help priority environmental concerns. www.crjc.org/riparianbuffers.htm U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Sources of Native Plant Information, Pennsylvania Department of Program Seeds, and Seedlings Provides financial and technical assis- Natural Lands Trust Pennsylvania’s Stream Releaf Program tance for habitat restoration on private This organization has a useful guide to As part of the Chesapeake Bay Program, lands. Eligible land must be set aside for native Pennsylvania trees and shrubs as the state has committed to help restore at least 10 years. partners.fws.gov well as their site preferences and wildlife riparian buffers on Pennsylvania water- value. www.natlands.org ways. The program publishes a handbook U.S. Department of / containing lists of resources that can help NRCS/Farm Service Agency Wildlife Habitat Council you in planning your buffer and places to Website has information on all the Provides on-demand webinars on topics look for money and technical advice. programs listed below. Or contact your including implementing a riparian buffer www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/ county USDA service center office for zone. www.wildlifehc.org/knowledge- watermgt/wc/subjects/streamreleaf/ more information. www.fsa.usda.gov/ center/conservation-academy default.htm programs-and-services/conservation- programs/index Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources Conservation Conservation and Natural Resources Service Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Publishes a brochure, “Landscaping with Stream Visual Assessment Protocol Offers annual rental, incentive, and Native Plants,” which lists some plants This protocol helps landowners to assess maintenance payments for certain native to Pennsylvania and their site pref- visually the condition of their streams. activities, including establishing ripar- erences. Also available on website. www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_ ian buffers on croplands or marginal www.dcnr.state.pa.us/foresty/plants/ DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1044776.pdf pasturelands. index.htm

Bat Conservation International, Inc. Conservation Reserve Enhancement Pennsylvania Native Plant Society Provides help on constructing bat houses Program (CREP) Website lists native plant sources in the and information on how to attract bats to An offspring of the CRP, the CREP state. www.panativeplantsociety.org

extension.psu.edu Authors Jennifer A. DeCecco, former Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research and extension programs are funded in part by Pennsyl- wildlife extension assistant, vania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. and Margaret C. Brittingham, Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by Penn State Extension is professor of wildlife resources implied. This publication is available in alternative media on request. Acknowledgment Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment Partial funding for this fact opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, sheet was provided by Penn- gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status. sylvania’s Wild Resource Produced by Ag Communications and Marketing Conservation Fund. © The Pennsylvania State University 2016

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