On the History of Leeds Before the Norman Conquest, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., Etc., of London
Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on October 1, 2021 r- fGEdLOG!CAL SOC:ETY ! OF LOriDO'^L PEOCEEDINGS GEOLOGICAL AND POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY ®i tfje W.t<ai EiKms of ^zx\<^\xz, AT THE SIXTY-FIFTH MEETING, HELD IN THE GYMNASIUM HALL, HUDDERSFIELD, ON THUKSDAY, JUNE 16TH, 1864, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK AT NOON. FREDERICK ROBERT JONES, Esq., in the Chair. The Rev. G. Lloyd, of Thurstonland; John Freeman, Esq., Huddersfield; and Benjamin Crowther, Esq., Wake field ; were elected members. The Chairman then called upon the Rev. W. C. LUKIS, F.S.A., to read a Paper ON THE HISTORY OF LEEDS BEFORE THE NORMAN CONQUEST, BY THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ., M.A., F.R.S., ETC., OF LONDON. The science of history is perhaps the highest of all the sciences, inasmuch as its object is to make us acquainted with man in the exercise of his most divine faculties, whether for good or for evil, with the progress of his mental culture, in a word, with the development of his destiny ; it prepares him for the future by the knowledge of the past. Moreover, man seems to have a natural tendency to the study of history, he seeks with eagerness to trace the revolutions of peoples and kingdoms which are known to him, he is anxious to become acquainted with the history of his own country, and, r F Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on October 1, 2021 360 to restrict still more the field of inquiry, who is there who is not curious to learn something of those who have inhabited in former times the place in which he was bom, or in which he lives, and of the events in which they were engaged ? It was for this reason that, when asked to read a paper before the Geological and Polytechnic Society, I chose for my subject the early history of Leeds and of the district surrounding it, Leeds has, during the whole known historic period, been a place of considerable importance.
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