order to all (ertlon bosses to buy their H Miller Marks &Ksmpnf from 0ld COMMERCIAL. T1.C NMMAH NAILROAD ft goods from J. fl. Brown, tbe groc er. well. . I Ilsnrlck s UaTanitiKi from wiiiiama Iushdat Eysafn. Jn i OIMr-- ra on. . TATF PKMS RKTICW. i Thirteen llnnrd -- Iron ttmttta 1 ravis. In wholrssle and Jobbing ilnot Dallas Works' Klllml-I- he s Wsrrer,) from Usneral trade and lnelj.r Pilau Belton rmlrely fonanmeU by Hunt v Jlliemeome from wlllwmioo. Tbe following paragraph from tha presenlml Ibt usual avoraR despite Irnm Whiu Bbloldi i ); from Guadalupe, involve a question, the settlemen Ilia IntrnNo beat prevailing Movements Fire-T- he float FrUhlful CaanialtJ Journal Cross; from Burnet, ma'1-urd- er ptraonal Occurred lu lh Kepabllo. Howard vs of which we leave to the Journal therein were chilly on account, 1 bat User Berry v WaihtuheUai from Erath. buyers being Uvr Io numbers. At tbis writing 27. City of Mexico ad from Palo Pinto. named: PHBLAN & CO New York. Jute Warren v Warrens the hi at aad d ouih ooi.vnues, but the clonus addi- vs Walton; from Saba. dally I'-- " vices of the 20ib, tiy. The following BrackleobBrg Bo Tha n.Wfl.tnn .fnurnal In it of and otber slgoa indicate the posalblllty Brown; from ban Saba, v touching tho accident Baker, et nl vs tbe 18ih init.. ask in large typ, ....:wr a let up by weatber cleik. A cold on Ross tional faoUare learned Joneij from Ban Saba. to of the The Red Shop Avenue, Dallas, Texas. Morale railway temporary bridge WingQold 'yt are we drifting?" We didn't have time ware was ie,.orte't movlngsoatbWHrd a week on the Hudson vs Mortij from Burleson. and o hastily ran our eyes Brnps and Iron Castings, Engine Repairs, MachiDe 'Job Work, Black- over the chasm at Malpaison, jeceiitly read the article, aso, wbtn Hie ibtinion eitr rbllM iltgreeg at al vs Clutk; from Navarro, 101 Tbe Morales railway was washed Moan et down the column, wnen wuat auouiu (ss baa not struok north Texas smith Work., Jioilor Making and repairing, Shoet Iron Work, Smoke opened. v Barrlt; from Bull. word "hell" in fuLoulK, butlt away. A train carrying threa battalions of Burnett our gd.J but the little Stacks, Spark ArreBtors, etc Anything in the BOILEK, ENGINE of v Wilson; from Robertson. type. Bach is a caption as yet. infantry plunged down the abyss. One Jone eauaily prominent satisfaction et al v Barnard; from McLnnan. m - MACHINE line we guarantee with our work. hundred and ninety five privrtos and thirteen Flint to a u Daren ariicio, ou io w- ajotion. Connelly vs Hammond; from Robertson. or tne ouiue vuiu very consid And dont you forget the RED SHOP when you want a good and officers were killed. cludo that tbe loretnan To day's receipts wero liberal, va Similoe; from Falls. the editor aniline, .ana - Chicago. June 27 A special dispatch Hall k. bnna aihara is ering t tie aeaiou, soma forty or fifty uaUa cheap job. P. O. Box 338. vs Burleson and the Brazoa Bridge proceeded to sta e the fact with- wuu from the GUy of Mexico, sajs the accident Pitts Just quietly baring been brought la. The market none Its horrors Co; from Braaos. out argument. however. Pncus remain at Malpaison los of from McLwaoan. comparlttvely dull, COTTON GINS receipt of fuller and inure ac Ross vs Hogau; tho ques unchanged: REPAIRED through the from Robertson- - The Brenham Banner discusses past the dis- Garrison vs Grant; 8S Mr. W. who has twenty-fiv- e curate advices. For some time Bank; from Falls. assessments, and condemns the Ordinary By J Elliott, had years oxperioneo at tbe been svrr-p-t by Gains vs the National tion of tax (JooU ordinary 7. trict where it occurred has vs National Bank business, and guarantees satisf ction. No charges for drayage from deopt 1li... tha nrntka into tOrrmtS BDQ City ot Galveston First presont system, that is tha modus operandi Low middling . Galveston; from Galveston. Miadlli g H many fcnile field-- J he bridge of law. We have no suggestions to W PHELAIM& CO. laying waste Galveston, Houston & San Antonio rail- of the OoodMlddllnn !. .1 ih. noint mentioned, al- - thl : a Middling WX way company vs Butler; from Harris. make, but we would like to know If rlr to be unsafe, was still ;n mo Fair - ESTRAY ED. though known Galveston, Houston & Ban Antonio rail- renders his property for assessment as ... etc.A.. tmin. bearine a battalion ot man (By Telegraph.) - KUDU MH .. ' ' way company vs Fulde'j from Harris. readily W. 11 ,(jieui, ot u ay a before Joaiiue J. K. .iinmnixfl iu nasBsee. lne result of $10,000 value when it would NltW VOhJt. jywwone bay Ball. Hutchiugs & Co vs Stratton ex rel; Blewltt, bono, ab in H hands was a crash. As the underminod supports bring $20,008 in cash, which amount he sun York. June !i8. 10:07 . m. Futures liliih, branded on left ahouidcr H. Oooflartc and cars were hurled from Brazoria. aiuiiaiI nillMt. ioho horse aoont 14 years old, about u 2 we away, the engine would not take, and th swears to bis It f no chasm. Bcarcoly jSne.r... 8911 banda hlgb, branded V on lel'c shoul.1, r. cine hftadlone down the hi Sau Antoulo. doe he commit per July . 04 i year ol.i a irrel Value of nil $. 0. magnitude of the dwaau.t assessment of $10,000, 11 clt. the Special to Herald. AuiusV.... oBial07 WUaly e rtays J. apparent, when a new horr r was the jury or not! Tbe Banner ays: September ,luX?3lll"'I J.C. btfore A i.lu(lay, become Antonij. 27. Micheal Schote e ii7 cy mure. Dor 10 years old, brand. d Ii. B -- nana, a K.a June i iX.iur lu nm jj j ha f..mht corhruiainc s- athe'lght thigh, leg i. , i T2 . aI.Y mAfl tnunrl Tha fault nnar lie In the system of asses- TrsdoMark T rlalit defurmedin train, was .a consignment of an "nzin mr MM qe pasteiu Joluii value $10.fe nurt of the oia umium' j ing taxes, the county assessor simply lists a alcohol. This took Are and the coustquent drowned in the river lie naa oeeu R. A. Salaestr&ya b foro T B Onrns, J. P. ana me man w inuo lrou-gra- y contributed to tbe Iobs oi ma. mj,8iug since jesteraay morning. i man s property allows I0 3S10 3 a uark mare pony, VJ'i hands high, explosion ana his own value on it. and if the assessor con- - Marcn?f:.v. v. v:.v.v::.. years old, no marks or who bad escaped unit jured at once wag aa Industrious, contented old man, . 7nrd brands) value Those aiitnr. it rnaiionable he accepts the" owners April ww $1A to the rescue of their jt js gupposed that while walking by the .., steady. estrays BDnlid themselves yaluatioo, law requiring the owner to tii.m irntnri-- nnlet and John Warner before J It. Blewett, comrades, but it was tiver he fell In and was drowned. He leaves the ' U02U8C KB W J. ., oue roan home, 15 hands higb, 8 er9 unfortunate. ( mnA IVli tne is iua auu Jul f I...' .U ...! l .hllJnn nranil limn. mabflnRtn lhat valuation jS"t .V.J...... V... 11011 yparaold. braudod XI on Imt ataoul r; ed formerly of Kansas City, raoonnahlo Riittin man return their prop Auauit ...... U OOall 07 at $61). One bay stud horse Vtii hands It w S. Hovdan. AND SPERMATORRHEA. high, 4 years old, brand, uno artrt at itu full VHlllation. While Other lU:t0 a. m. Spota opened quiet. d u on laft is now known that thirteen oincors anu DOw barueeper as ino vnpyor """y to ll.ditu rr H1nfllr.a nnlfit. A valuable Discovery and New Departure In Med thou dtr, tnd bridled Ih a f on left llilgh; Report endeavor to get their assessment down the OS hundred and ninety-tw- o privates were either Bh0t by his wife Suoday afternoon. Jiine ..T...... 11 02911 leal Science, an entirely New and positively effective aiprlacd at 8H One sorrrl ge ding. 4 years tne aaaeaaur lH Kemedy Tor the spoedy and permanent Cure of Semi- 14. l l.nin i Kn tVia full rAuatt.d tn death, while v.. it thai hn attacked her while intoxicated, very lowest ngure tney iuidk JulV ..'...... U 01(911 Id , hands lgb, brani'ed on leftshoul-e- r JklllOU v. 1 nal Emissions Impotency by the only true VJ .U9 was and as they are require! to swear V 1 1 0.1 -- 1 OS and and tbua r on lift thigh; iiuppralerd at 930, A (it, fkc.i an.tninnrl hurts Of A niOTO O? 16 . K..ih.. 1nifA Thn nhontini? will take A way, viz; Direct Application tothe principal Baat taking to it, the assessor has very little discretion in .,,?",nber 1' B1U w ot the Dlsoase, acting by Absorption, and exerting R. M.C mb estrays before: George Roberta was entirely Anna with a Colt' Pistol, the ball Ejao-ulato- serious character. The train A way OawTl ...... 10 8.19IUSI itsspecliio intiuence on the Seminal VeBicles, one bay mare, U)i high, 5 apall-in- g through the tha tn atiar fnirflr And batter would ...... Gland, haid ytaraold, information of the in tbe right hand, passing "ov mt-e- 1010(31011 Ducts. Prostate and Urethra. Tha 2o on consumed. When effect of all of Remedy la with no pain or incon- branded right shoulder Oneb y horse shoulder. be for the assessor to make a list the tue the attended U calamity reached this oity the erj hand and arm and through the baliao.ouu venience, and does not interfere with tha ordinary U bands high, yearauld, star In f roheid, touI sals in unit than tn have a bjard of asses Hpots dull; sales 600. ab- citement was unbounded. Crowds thronged The wound is not considered fatal. " )2:0t p. ni pursuits of life; It is quickly dissolved and booh atrlpe on nose, branded N F on left ahoul 'er. Do-Wi- a vnlnati on it. where Dropi ij. .it. t.i VntiirAa burtlv ateady. sorbed, producing an immediate soothing and restor- unegruy mare. 13 high, U anxiously awaiting partic- has been issued sending tho mn tn i.nt jn and organiza- bands yvursold, all news centen An order - ...... 1101'102 ative ellect upon the eexual and nervous branded UK on shoulder. black county eriy owners are uistansinu wuu vua '"- ...1..... It) tions wrecked from bo If abuse and excesses, stoppiaff telt We the history ot tha republic murder case back to DeWilt - . .. C r",v lOtlOJl e high, 7 email wh ulars. Never in munt ...m nuijA Lna rionLL. nnnHai tho drain from the system, restoring the mind to hor Ohan is yearH o'd, te casualty been chrnicle.i, trial. than .hnn ni lu AuVsV.'.'.'. memory, removing ftpeck In foiehead. bran did O on left ehou rier has so frightful a for whose finding should health and sound the Dimness is feared still fur- George Henderson, guilty of thtft, was a board of equalization, H.u rubor ISSf.SSS? of Bight, Nervous Debility, Confusion of Ideas, uuUHiae. une roan nirse, Ii cars and its occurrence it nm Aversion to Society, etc., etc., and the appearance oM,i,Ap- - y peni- hofl.nl w h no fault to find with the Ouiober handn high, branded AC on loft shoulder. railroad en- to three years ia the Hi 1 09 old, age usually accompanying ther prejudice the people agiinst sentenced N oem ber...... 0 0 of prematuro this praisea at iw, as assessors, most of whom discharge their du 1 trouble, and restoring perfect tiexuol Vigor, where terprise. However, "Lns Griogo," the tentiary. t bar 10. 0910 years. treat- Huei-e- nes ana ; mo sdu9ui it has been dormant for This mode of E. B. tstrovs before T. B. Owens. term al outside barbaria s.can ome A cutting affray took place nt Macedonian nonestiy inunruuy it is Jan.aiy lYZTuS. ment has stood the test in very Severn cases, aad is P., a darn norrel horse pony, b' th bind natives property owner pro- J. feet city. last MgLt uboi: 12 o'clock, that is at fault. If evorv now a pronounced success. Drugs are too mucb white, blaze In face. 14 veara for no share of tho blame in this colored church many wit--i hands h'ch.tt in in M nn hia nmnnrti at K fnlr And enuit MoS?ff:.. scribed in these troubles, and, as can bear bramiKil L Dou between J. 0 Colt and A. Wti'ieton, i..a 'oi107 BS to, with but little if any permanent good. There od l'f' thouidcr, harness and cause April ob- Ulalins which the latter cut the former in the region able valuation there should be no just is no Nonsense about this Preparation. Practical saddle niarKHj yauienu. The Freucta and American servation enables us to positively guarantee that it D. C s'rays George with a penkuiio. Washington lor complaint; 2 :15 p. w .Spots cloned quiet but steady jsales give During the eight years that Brltan f before Roberta Coinmlsslou. of the heart will satisfaction. ons light bay horsj, II yeara old, 14 hinds was arrested and is now in jail. Tbe wound is it has boon in general use, we have thousands of testi- Washington, June 27. The Fronch and The man who will not fight for bis own t'la n m Vntnrea closed dull but steady. monials as to lie value, and it Is now conceded by tha hlg, blaze face, both htnd feet white, 1 yet s not seriou. Is June.'..... WtWOllOO Medical rofestfton to be tbe most rational means brDU9i 4 on lait enoaiuer ana va on right American claims commission have rendered i, limner nn the Helotes. no man at all. The Mineola Monitor discovered of reaching and curing this very prevalent valae825. t (inbin July lu trouble, Is well known to be the cause of untold llilh; : I . A mhinh is com. that i ' i nuu .(,,.,1wu. nnair.n . about sixteen miles west of tho city, reports standing by Mineola in away that Auirust.. 10 wiu.2 misery io so many, and upon whom quacks prey with D. A. Enbanks estiavs before J. R. Blewet an ujiercsnug impw Uw.w, (1 their useless nostrums and big fees. The Remedy one dark bay hnre, almnt years old, anon . a or more n pa w. mendable, and says of that place: 10 1, (enough, may serve as a precedent in dozen ur. l"iau Is put upin neat boxes.of threo sizes. No. Hj-- nanus nigu une Day Btaiiion auout ' woods from peril November...... to last a month,) S3 ; No. 8, (sufficient to effect a per- years on r auo anaicgoua casts slill pending before the Am not theaa more free manent euro, unless la severe cases,) $5; No. 3. o.u, orauuen a A A leit u, will amount to between three and four ? Ueoember 13 hand. hUh. One bay mare about 14 has than the fretted cour Books in the run-- 19 (lasting over three months, will atop emissions and commiesion. The decision wag made in the dollars, which include a large, Jauuary .'"J,.. restore vigor In the worst cases,) 87. Kent b mail, hlch. branded J on I'f . Bbiulder. star : thousand nine brooks: sermons in stooog. and good In 1 case of Mrs. Henrietta bevy, widow Of February 0 i0.;' sealed, In plain wrappers. Full IRECTJONb fox f irehead and brande d II II on right should. ring iwivoi , everything. would not change." Mineola 10 using1 will accompany EACH BOX. Values BO, Jacob Levy, late of the firm of lsaao Levy (.deaths last week in this city and I March. io healed nemcriptiv Mamph- - Eiehteen language the world's 46,000. D. Brnwder estrays b'fore A. B. Lanlert rarl-to-, adopts this beautiful of Haiea A nuUtiniral liumtrutivn J. & Co., of Alexandria, Rpides four y. Consolidated net receipts 11,887. i one dark brown mare, about 9 ytats old, 14K cotton ereatest bard, in regard to her advantages as Testimony, trhich ivill ctttHnce 1 La claimant, for compensation for A large delegation of New Orleans excur- .. . n)L!i. . .1 . Expoita to Grout Brltalu 7,ol. (Henl Hkrpticul that they ran be I bunaa lilKb, lelT lore knre tuiarge:', tmau military a railroad center, wane ovnor vowub ore none. to perfect tnailutoC,and fit-- white spot in forfhead. Ore dark roan mars alleged to have been taken by the sionists arrived yesterday. rail- Fraooe f States, in April, spending their millions in subsidies for -i Continent 14U9. tho ttutiea of tife.mante uotfj ab nt M years old, ViV hands high, br ir ded on authorities of the Uniled Mrs Barah A Adams, one of the earliest empty nune. atfvcteU. hold OXJLY by Ihelef' should. r thus: 4, ankle bnblnd States, Sen- oads and machine shops, and getting Obanuel rlfht 1863. Counsel for the United ettlersoftbis county.diol yesterlay after exer- Btouk 378 675 HARRIS REMEDY CO. MTU CHEMISTS. eniargea. une ligoi iron gray coit, ouspnug baubles, Mineola grows apace, with no ISiO. ator Boutwell, maintained that because Mrs. a long illness. She leave children and NKV ORLEANS. . Market and 8th Sts. oi same mure, oue year old. Valu( Siras-bu-- of her own. Three trunk broad gauges CO. St.LOUI8.Mo. Levy her children were born in i-. tion GOLD A STOCK TKLEGUAPH aid grandchildren to muurnlo9. are already at her dor, and the Kinsas & Oommnrcial Nevra Department, J ai.d-..- reside in Strasburg, New Orleans, A'sice, ll Mrs. Marenaud; is here from Gulf Short Lice is sure to come New Orleans, June 28. tpots opened llrmi vhith is 'n territory ceded by claiming her child, five pears old, now in mLLllln. UlUi arflaa-2Al- BRUENOS AYRES treaty because there is business here for January'...?.. 9 8SH987 OR, BUTTS' to Gurraany by the Newman, a frail woman. r, ITT France posessiou of Annie her. which will be a sufficient induce ft u DISH 1871, a.il there being no the child was loft Treat all Chronic Diseases, and enjoys e nation- of Through extreme poverty is said tbe Gould reputation through curing of complicated oases. HIDE POIISON ber-ee- lf ment And now it tbat al the allegation that Mr Lsyy ever availed in of Annie Walton, then a va- "una. 10 8.1 tho charge ..nHin.ia mm.haa the TCtitt Texas 8il0 INDISCRETtONorEXPQSURE of the treaty of secession, authorizing riety performer, now Annie Newman, now a Djuuivani July...... 10 (!. 10 87 . by road running from Sabine Pass to Beau 10 "7110 W ecllous of the blood, skin or bonus, treated with suo IN PASTE. Fronch subjects to make a declaration resident of the lowest brothel in the city. Auuuat oess, without using Mercury or l'oiwnous Medicines. This preparation, wheu properly anplled, Is mont ai.d projected northward to Mineola, sune va ruvases of worms competent authority of their purpose to The mother was anxious to save her child Wooer YfillNr. MFN woo are ring iron, loerueci n,i uravunt of the whore it will form connection with the trui.k Ootooer VltL ggnitwaiwssnahwad of a diseiue tlmt unlit. It. 111. In tUdua and SLlns change their domicile to the territory of shame; in aftiri fnrbn.lnp8 or mnrrlarw, prniADently enrpd. from a life of linn. ..f tha ftAiilft avafniii. Tt Mr. November 'K J. tim. r. . III .,l..aa nntli...... flta.t...... nil f! A -W France, she is excluded from the provisions Otceuioer 9 7oia 9 (7 S."w"h.nT nil CUIVMJIO liifi.. has pelected Sabine Pass as bis Gulf hiitau-Hdv- . iT n ?EGZ ttdiiulne Illderolaon are aura commistion Gould uuiua 1.1 uin rtnll f and invit omtaiulng the of the treaty, under which this 6rMi!TlcuiiuUuon prtdtred, winch ii FRBB : Vnlvcatou. t and Mineola as the radiating point in January..'...... to be amwcrvd pitienU doairinf treat pea is organised. Counsol further maintained that utlet td. Litt of quttttioni br Special to tbe Herald. there is something in the Pebruary. SS.' Stent ) tiled fn W iny JdreM on piillcittrn. presont the interior. Tbat Iluptur aliould tenr! Ihelrannrett, this commision should ascertain the 27. O'Brien, la niiiitunni.H extent az.d March .WllMiiO i Cireoat) alTertni' tnm TRADE MARK. Galveston, June James lutta rannvt hv the 1 lo tlielr It U not a truie, JJ r$ nationality of the heirs of defendant, and if June 10 Klttl' adwsif. f f ft O & Fltzwilliams, Character of railroad buildings and switch ,10 87(fllOp jt. i lime bookkeeper for Cannon my DU, ULT1&, lit bortU (lh U LouU, Mo i. r found hat they were not at the J 0:1 Ud POTtU- - Sunday, and feoling unwell, yards now under contract in this city. Tho ,10 W all 'Dlreo.' ! j i .1.1 by own acts came up town Aua"si rf to, either their nH IDA - 10 30 ee In n..lV. t he died in a short tijio. n ,in n.iunffAP nflnni win Hrvcn i mber Wl' en. at mi'" - nativity, reiurned borne where . Hrtla 9WI ' ii.ii- i o ana iuu imsntof their rep u! building h i.r :i :i.? ii ninnniiiil in hava ltd frojn and finest railroad in the ;'. 78 1 B 7W 12aud - I l - .1 ' oi';: :: . . n,.ih . 9 I ...ii i.o Oideia tfc uissed. xne decision . .Ml r. a. t t,aja.-i!.v- . lbtT.... lobuX'S. while over heated. freight bwtue is of i - , 9 778 9 81' ; M 1 .1 J U. . i',. ..,..,... , nr.. .Ian the demuv-tU4mki- iceater i. ' t" uer by mall w;' 1' .TlI'l,' M -- -- Bapied Banner while the switch yai vui uHn: et cloaed Quiet, ; . f . l in t'.o lUui-J- .".'srtruis rf'ihmrTTrTSsfu7aS nearly a : a'" in . - tAa.VE8TON. LIZIR eight tracks ) ; pre-.i.t.- -.i overcome by beat ofTTKCBaiito n, 4 w.arnl)Mob "".o.i'.N t.'iH republic, was -- ()ai'-:to- 2 KecelptS BS. f Flinch - ! o June BMj S was conveyed to Ai- an aTJakk'rai 34 tu '.he tommission Sa'urday strwt at noon today ard w. .im .i.i closed quiet; uiiud lun 10S; sales NaDnfacin.i .ivnilat, Piatt ki :nAlB la Maf-4i.f- t aa an Imt rritnt miir t bv New York. &:5.M-i- ; :.l.-p- United rnsidenro. sr that the we t t LOTT18. Ar 'i;.ir Bay Mills, of the cotton exchange, iold at the railroad authorities, cuo the irf ST. ".iitM Stern at Alexandria ti-- - ' closed quiet) u,.14, y, east ri bi- c' 'uiS, Jane tn in fioutellel auction on account J. J. Lwwis & Co., a laree body of land iust receipts shlpmenla 96 OPEN FOR THE SEASON. withheld certain deposition the railroads, v' In 'i n .ndli"g Mi flrtt car load of new Texas wheat been reserved bv the 781 care, vtbich is pending btfore the commis- tbe the salts stuck graded number - 8 and was for saie at any price. Upon tl ..uund LAA V UtA W CHAMOMILE. sioner, and affirming i jiproper motives of his It . a ... in.lf M r'nt t by Raymersboffdr near future will oenoio. a mammoiu ainoie Liverpool, jam r, v; ,.! proceeding wa granted purchased J. Ir-l- snppLsd;T'JT.ro g action. A stay ot in which Gould's huge iron bow m.t.rate,enq ilry HUGHES SPRINGS fur an for tbe Texas Star Flour mill at a dollar erected, 4 aalea 8," luturt a dull and time given the American counsel 6 a.d a M a1A.'n sn.1 TOVIO In ell CBflf a bushel. will find shelter, and tbe smoke uising from n rxpor. Soot rroel-'i- mfrniim communicate with 0 borne and fifteen cent ealrri aDJulatl and L)HH-pMa- . opportunity to shops tbis m ...... A , fiih nmatllla ltlW. mlallDB Of InHlgeitloil snd Wescot was drowned whilo bath- the great o ntral machine of f iv'h " r T is. to warrant the Angelo niuo. $-- Ttxas, miles West of to ascertain if there reaion or rauroaas. an win cliua Jun delivery i. - .bnuorsea vj tan puBiuiaua. Hortbeaat alleged withholding of the depos ing lu Blind bayou, near M.iddlegger' lake mighty combination i . on Line improper be tbe result of favoritism to Mineola, Jiiueaud July .5 For tale by U druggieU, and at wholesale by JelTeraou, tho East Sunday, whore be was attending tbe picnic of not Jul- - and augu.t 6 tilioni. tbe oiff-re-nt Bed Kler Railroad. tbe SpanUb bentvolent association. Tbe but the actual Lecestittes of Aug si auu pumir - y for- roads centering hera. Marshall and Pale I HaiiUmlM-rendO-i e Tunuocnu CECPaCE & CO cit:reus committee iobr OXtf-i- Texaa Aiexiuau may hold tnese advantages a niuo woue Uclobar and November liiumiuuiii Oilier Coiucla Discovered. mally tendered to the tine p. m-.- Sales ot Aniai lean 6,200. THE COMPANY AKNOUUCE THAT cometdif-covere- are transitory and must so. t Macon, Ga., June 27. A large d railway thaamount aubsoribed o far, reach longer, but they Galveston. and Dallas road is will be Mineola's gain. the north- ing $08,000, upon condition that tba What tbeirloss Pruda.ee. Tbis Delightful Watering Tlace about dark lait Light in Laredo Mineola is immensely content with ber future shall be completed from Receipts by eountry wagon were light to DOLBY SPA west, abcut sixty degrees above tbe horizon. to Galveston wiihln two year prospects. and Summer Kesort course is downward to tbe horizon, 2 de day. . Its time. It is exceedingly doubtful whether county, is soon to have a JB wetlward. Decatur, in Wise Batter Is scarce "and lu giod demand, gr.e the Palmer-Sulliv- an combination will accept NEW HOTEL. WILL BE OPENED JUNEJST. FROM DARTMOUTH. railroad and we ere glad of It. Tbe trade oaiiu being readily pald.for a choice article W FAtlRIEB, Proprietor. AKOTHKBOXaiBSIRVID this amount. J. the Acoramotiai on 01 Dover, N. li Jute 27 Observation Bur.day originated In tbe of section is immense, and conrtanlly v.a. fnrr.irnr. naar hark a. line borM and all FOR many addltlona .nd improTniente A fire mornirg that au ply and quoUd at 10 Wat-rro- o loiallnla- - II ran taken at Darmouth observatory last night M. Ciastor of West Eggs aie In limited 'iruolianwnieiiu over aeaxon. o moinlwr. residence of Rt 'V. increasing; and while Dallas is naturally its caara ol at'imaeb. llvrr. Uuwe a SI oeja.tid -, iat daily and tralna: bow that a comet moving to a polM colored, situated on O li M centa. Muw ror oy auw rout- ko a'aRlrm mll wt Tabernacle cburch, objective print, this railroad connection will i.l.dilrr cbi p'r'a. learath. Uolel Ilia cuitma uin ia... approiimaticg 6 degrees from lne poletter, Twenty-eight- h potatoes are In moderate supply liwdnl with thabvM: rraannable. Goto . 1., 1. 1 f,. the corner of Hew Irhh inea a .... .1 a .Una. it about 8 degree a day. At give increased facilities for it. Furthermore Choice are q ioud a I'.k In Trai,.-- l o ilnenial olvl Ion. Tel 4 or notion beirg street and avenue L It rapidiy with a good demand. t L. nla Texas nildat enornioue tallla eolia culmination it waa approximating r.pide ra lnad. or Baaeett, ted, la the - . its lower rpread from the church to four tbe coal fialda up there will then be thron ai Ml fu. anahal. IUllruad. Addraa J w IrOD Ore. WHO ovauurii p.iTa...- ."o digres from tbe hor ion. As by negroes. are rKK'r.u. Tha huoltnn aud flhln I ear tei neighboring cottages, occupied open, and Dallas will shortly need a deal of Laia .r.s are very aearas aad high, and VOoy ra jriaa watr. kt 0 .teeo through nioe-iic-h g'as the building were ail totally destroyed and bow.ini defined, Tbe fuel. Tbe DoCitur Tribune quoted at I7.I9 9 LTO VtablV and :;,idld wa tery clearly this kind of - -- comet nothir g of much value wa aaved except tbe Orange are so aoaree aa to be hardly quot- a WAKTED to sell Pr alley, tilo. and well armogrdr..bath booaa., on oca side fading away was road: T7".T'T,CJ beiEg circular aid church orgin. Cole's daughter, Lula, says of tbis aaKlaa With ail n1. nmu.ia n.. v ZlT. Von arrnrrd for th. ataana, imperceptibly on the other. U'bind the hands badly kill, 1. .iJht dnuhla To . attloa, band severely burned, and he bad his rha atiaatiiin (a at laat sett'ed. Wheat Is In llaht receipt and quoted at 93 smth.. .anl . ill II Mnnit trim was a dark spot. Tba comet Tbe ..aa moorr. All raliroa'ia id in. r r nucleus there burned in making his escape. work Oflfliel 01 VaiI al"V 131 S'aae-- Ad1rrair.Chsrt'irriDuniooa to Oprlr.ca. concealed an It is not d( finitely known what day eae of ana txcnirloa llck.H the itself passed over and residence was a sheet Is To. r.rae.1' Kelw, of Cble'go, further star, making beautiful pator's will be commenced, but it knowa tbat .. a.aa arm or la m artlolo rtrfnrrnne: Former igntsta. '.Tot eighth msnitude of flsmee wben tbe fire was discovered, others have contracted with liw.li tntornualloa addreaa, Is Jay Gould and , we - ...... the oigbk Tbe comet leas than a minute was $3,000; insured ... i-- . i auo w...... Tberhurch valued at tbe m rt ot tne company to in- ...mi.. oa orannni aprii Ti,a ef are tn width atd about a minute and a 700. Tbe buildirg was the oldest "f?I"T. 'ZJT. .. Mi a. of . rtorKinot iicsei' kik for $2 froa Fort Worth to tbe Caaad aa l.lWm,ajaaa. . . . . hubi ..mill. a v . . .1 in length. " road oleralor hiuii r. nl brand May . 18.-- Ba Caaa Coony. Texas. half eelifloe in tbe city; bsving been b asnla and trade, . 1 ... church river by the 1st day ot January, 1864. Io ablpira and Birrrha. U lullleia' n .7 . knnL.U. nr kin Dili b.T io 1841 for tbe Frerbyterienf, who build nana rat.a-- d L. On. dnr built order to do this it will be aeceerarv to auootaiiooe eull-o- i from their meabar .ia J1 nonarciwl years since to the colored peo- aeca-- ba- - 4 yrar. a d, bTaad'd A WaSTED. Preab:e, sold It a few to Decatur in ample time to haul eff this wheat grneiogatatra tbe lalra. and bmi .orbmw.. nam,... lafnr. and --- - Aaa HLondon, June 27. AdUpatchto Renter' I ple bo removed it from nineteenth Tbe management of rale naMpi it..." j- - we btiarlprd H'ork Dorso rear's crop of cotton. r"------" that will rwevwy or dallTery, HOBFSt Caeer . . . i . - . tarera ef rvewere aaa maUa led "HrU-LLr.Wl- company reports the probability of cburch street. agreea om nw at. m hkimlepe-- o l - Addreaa, I. telegram jk rUmnfcell allorneva for Wi- - tbe road Dare nra Brudax-ti- e.paclty hy too their wu nurr..j ,rt.r-.rnx- r tba first day of January tiy toe ooaeJueKiiaa of - revolution In Bulgaria, should the assembly T...n graded to Decatur by aetata, aaiamed T OR STOLEN- A b.y bora. a ti.mi in tha recent Ubsucceesful libel ult penple bere have signed arnnntfl Wnrrt. ED a'ot eoneent to Prince Alexaader'a condition. and A. H. Bele inat tbe Botes tbe oioerameunwaai., at kaed frora STK ol.l.S aa.d. blh, biancrdUna acalnst Wheeler A Rhode will be taroed over to tbe payers, fhie 1. m. ma the lafniiatu,a .hod la front. rwr. "JJ St Co.' have filed a motion for a new trial. the inahralanlU V. n i mumm looks like bu'inwa, end we bow venture tbat ihere la la ba a Tety snarkrd falling oB la atl rtrav(r. ranrn hltrrr. - Cewrt aelBlBB. remark tbe road will be here before tbe f ltall... artk'rai raiirnan. " 1 .- ' that , - i tha larrj.t at ommlaalon.n M peel to tk Uerald. .- twenty .L rj am la af at mat tbt Wartk. subscriber are ready to pay the Wliaa. ...i.. 1 ennnty, plaaa, sped Anatia. June 25.- -, The suDrsme court be rrt k. wrailiaaad lTillrte ela laerra eoirt of Miiahell Tatas, Special to the Uerald. thousand dollars. eMeabala-- e aaat Will ba Con- - ia ia a greet wie.aare. boer. aaaitnaa bid. racrlfv for th. eo. fore aijourniog, affirmei .he case of 27. principal aa-- ia aome tbe aider fori Worth. Jane TM There 1 teeming!' a bigrer qaeatioa to by a rednee ki 1 atrarloa ef a Coan Houae aa4 jail lor tbt a fcslaDu&Ferpsoi -, otser Doaa a t, u- irom mmu wuu; , i toWn K(Pt back door pea ail A autre. Mitebeil soaaiy. ti i I vvu" uelr Texas Involved in the suit of the Texas hi goad demaa4. at O to B eeate. af nil Wi.UA th mntina tor a fwh.rin ia Cora la amart relnel anr aad ... i. . . aiA I dav veaterdar. against the Soutbera Pacific to pre- qalet aad aaekaegei. Taa Man, tb. rirbtle ne cases tn n.i m . Pacific OaU are an erarr of (be Caamlaaronnrs cr Jobnaon, Wor""! ' twenty cars or reus are lying oa la aad aaebaaied. b'da. r.f MannJactnriDg Co. Crane va ritoae. iron and AHout vent H from pawirg through its forfeited Bay qale vw USttL. C. C C. M. C. am Culloaa, from KoaUgue. the T. A P. tracks awaitirg shipment wast. la qalet aad at Uaaaaae. aaiir.n th vt ear- - land grant hi Ns Mexico tbaa appears oa flour Sri ftnioanw, tVnatf , Tbe following raeea were then take trader The charter of tbe new aoulfa weatera B.I. tka Vmt. Worth A Em Grande. I face. We will not a rw discuss the matter, riajaa.ri4 adriaemeBtapd tranafirred to Tyler: a a.aa aacautsea 7 glnaf ; from Johnano. bii hM arat to Aartia. There is Ulk cf tbe folio leg from the Greecville Herald tMllrjf TICK. Crane ri eyeral but Bar. we tern road, and rt rs Cbatidler; fmns EUif. another aa idea of the situatloa i Tort w a. . CT-n- a a... T. k T CtW - arltl... I'.uibirf teteatioa to eDOourage rill give It a . ar-- r.,".,.-- v. JFIf , t- et al vs Pioe et al; from have expresaed their w nt im TaoBpsoa One of the met Importat.t taHs knowa J Cotton No eaa be obtained yet. blear . f I Ira, . o'elnrk ' Lamar. it rerUolar lb- - country wee neg-if- i re- ftt t n P. Uv!d;L of AUatta, and aa ia legal anrals o' iMna bu.d-- T tOTTO.1 Milwee BlacV; froia Tarrant Mexico. Tbe Teras ..J HaaUn. H l"f th.lr.a fLaMtR. ti Tt Central ofSnuJial the coming cottoa exposition, cently at ran'a Fn 5ew vnajanrrri.l apoa all fwlala Canai'a I ui Thaaaw. ai b tot te Caisebell Hmutoti in ef Paiiflc railmad comraey sued out aa t liu.ta, rr lor ricxr a an, kaal.'a liaa, tb. Irgal avileaa - ti from E0a. been here for aerertl days oa a .visit to A a lltlWl railway irpary: he tba Sotntera Pactfli rtorltna tS . l; from Cook bio Mr Bub Maddox. a mdixIi a wybew, eH-r- acrnas Oi))On old reepecJed till-- from building exter.atoa FrarMix SbaC. v Wateov; from Parker. Oo1ot-- 1 Grffen, aa and is i, a.. ..a ', Presses Mtir-- (sle tbe land grant of tbe form la Pew lf--f VI f'om Cooke. m of vi rrin, nieo rwwy vi o.iH. a'hrr Uaa oar, Loru.g D'toc; roll bad a receivtr appoirod the S P--a .iiT. tt. ' TBATI aTvLR. cJet k aad sheriff of Lvear .r.n.i..a waa V.nHeA TeaierdMr. His ro aad tr IrMi l.ar. I'etrraa r the la-- re peraca f Jodee Jewrmh, . Ifaka vrsro followed to the cave fcy a the li 1 c.il.rs...... a . aplVra a laT snarn. n"tt fef iMiu I lH'la". ectitv. kaa aaauanaA rnrtrol rf tfcai road. Ttit MT)r.a fciaa vk ah-- l 7 fro Tar- - e iDnnoTae of sorrowing rtlatives and 14 . a !. I""''", al Ti t al; qu.ru ra .is t ba r-ist- roUot tt Rbitaoa . ta bMWeea Jav Goold ar.d Host-- SniaM ..... na I. ri r-t- tetiw . j. a eoxitert aaai rwira. bti Vs kt ICi tit irl rant. a a. "T'- -l ! f""r1 imj an .la, a. for tretor, tbe two greet railroad ot tbe ao . Errs-?:-- ". et al vs Bjwer, eJmr; Mr 8. F. Bith rd eta left Tetevday r,w- - Tviet. tca et C'ark frm be forward to w-- ra av fcraaoa, D!l. ard the retult will k akJ alo-rar- -ta ajmu II tlti A T C railroad compaBj fcaw tt al; a vert's to Diiin. ncd wiJ etop whh Batptat tbe ,r H i:t tr. by poVho. is re d Ibat Mart -- aax t with trtertet the It r T rw-- Vy J. awt t O trrra irrtxwm Mr ard Kia B Twer. Jay G(Ui step ral a4 iprltt phckix conoii ginsi D Tempietoa las retarred tiet,V)rtof iatakrttkn ot-- T1aaaaaaUiS-all- a alark va H et a': fma Trari. Hob Jba cn mitr tVaT M lo ce liox'.H gwt to a k-- a from rSwtrop. frrm Anthi. to m acfx Want fkaa rrrr hefort ' ter ti briil1 ... r. m i . t By this tsetser!)ntbe Trxa v J .bceetal; froo Hayes. ll. tMlvsrwit M thka annua mt ttx yew. FrWa raac. aa IlnHaetaJ lie hnmt-raea- " mm T- - aid perfect tifetatbe -- a a a a a aar. ar. raea not ftd to erpear at Aoatia, Partita o ; T ft a M. ar t. - - nwt mrm a. Lthm et al ncbou'e; lae wb eaa v p,.Wm: at. I ab-a- r a u ' fra -. re Uie etete. r H..ta kaaa). rna-- aj ' rVT- aa wrtceeeee la the lad fraul frael -- rn rcl Ce w M'lirte; f'otn Jnit K. itnpo-eb- le i4a. IUit (VntaVa dooe eraerwire, i be e ai. ai r it fij ktfisr.l ka. "' - 1 Rat at afafl tBBVakv V-- C- -e IW-W- : froa M iliiamaon. u .1 a- - ra'T m4rr- W. at Bends, of the erirpyieUe Texas PacCe wiiia the time U,t. la im v Rcrrrr tecdnit SS SO. Heap are WaJaetal Boiitd; frrta Traii. alioatd by law, f.bnrary aexk tu M jf'j at aw'taal Jaorra rs Babert; trvm Wood. Texas A Tecftv - few days,! A.