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Landmarq: "Turbulence - Live Relea Search Date Search Music Review in Poland" (2005) Archives Home Page- Daily U News/P 0-9 A B C D E F Label - Metal Mind G H I J K L M Reviewed Progre N O P Q R S T by: Jeffery K. Matheus Rock U V W X Y Z Genre: Prog Rock AOR & Review Archives Rock Country: England 1 | 2 | 3 Progre Language: English Metal Music Length: Links: 1:50 Minutes Release Missing Piece Date: April 25, 2006 Metal-Nose Flower Label: Paradox Prog-Nose Metal Mind Jason's Dutch Flower Progressive Paradox ProgressiveWorld Band Members: Tracy Hitchings- vocals Dave Wagstaffe- Drums Eric's R Proggnois Flower Proglands Uwe D'Rose- guitars Steve Gee-Bass Paradox Angela' Prog Archives Steve Leigh keyboards Musea Music David Gi Island Syn-phonic Mail Order Track 1.)-Entertaining Angels 5.)-Walking On Dead So The Dea Laser's Edge Listing: Eggshells Tangen Metal- Nose 2.)- Calm before the 6.)- Landslide Storm The Qu Kinesis B. Part 1. Strange but 7.)-Timeline Prog - 4 - You Beautiful Jadis-Ph Jason B Prog Pulsion Part 2. Spiderman 8.)-Mountains Of Anglia "3"- W Spanish Prog Jadis-Ph 9/7/2006 Movie Reviews, DVDivas Your link to popular movie review, dvd and dvd movies. DVDS Page 2 of 6

Page--PRPM Part 3. From the Abyss 9.)-Lighthouse Shadow Room-V Prog-Resiste 3.)-Prayer Bonus video tracks: Rush-(R Giant Progweed 4.)-Thunderstruck .) 1.)-Between Sleeping and Dreaming Izz-My Garden Shed (Recorded Live at The Soft Ma Whitchurch Festival Hairless Heart Floating 2000) Live Sonic Cathedral 2.)-Killing Fields Yes-Tso Arlequins (Recorded in Uden, Holland 1993) Steve W Prog Rock Ring Shadow 3.)-Dancing on Stones - Sea Of Why am I Standing Neal Mo Tranquility 4.)-Janison Edge - James L Rock Report Services of Mary Goode Elemen Persuas AOR Dream (Recorded at ProgFarm Zone Festival Holland) Canvas Penumb ProgNaut 5.)-Janison Edge - Beneath the Boy RPWL- ProgressiveEars (Recorded at ProgFarm Throug GhostLand Festival Holland) Jason's Formed in 1989, one could say that Landmarq were It Bites- Ladies Of Metal The Review late-comers to the "2nd generation prog revival" London ZNR Records headed by bands like , Pendragon, IQ, and Spock's Pallas. And while I enjoy Landmarq's early material, Progressor Glutton I must admit that it wasn't until lead vocalist Tracy Punishm Gnosis Hitchings joined (in 1998) that they really knocked me off my feet, becoming one of my all-time favorite Arena-P Other Links bands. Ghost Bathtub of Magent Adventures The first album with Tracy, "Science of Pallas-R Dragon's Links Coincidence", still rates as a personal favorite 8 years later, as do the 2 subsequent live releases culled from Kaipa- Unger's Prog that tour. And although they have continued to be a Mindre World popular live act in Europe, the last several years have Dream T probably seemed like something of a dry spell for Budokan Landmarq fans in the USA, with no new music to David G sink our teeth into, and no chances to catch the band An Islan German Web in concert...Luckily, all that has just changed!... Review Ring RPWL- Prog.Web Recorded in November, 2005, at the Wynspiaski Throug Theater in Krawotice, Poland, "Turbulence" is Axiom Of Choice Landmarq's first ever concert DVD. It also provides ELP-Be New Horizons the first taste that many fans will get of music from Beginni the band's forthcoming studio album (their first since Steve H G.E.P.R. "Science".) Spectru Colossus Fish-Bo There is, in fact, over AN HOUR of all new music to Percept 9/7/2006 Movie Reviews, DVDivas Your link to popular movie review, dvd and dvd movies. DVDS Page 3 of 6

Progressive be found here - obviously a big chunk of the new Blackm Magazine album!...So, how does the new stuff stack Castle & Progressive up???...After several listens over the last week or so, Dvd Newsletter I must say that, not only does the new material NOT Peter G disappoint, but it is some of the freshest, most Growin E-Prog compelling, most creative new prog-rock that I have Peter G Zoltan's listened to in several years! While the last year or so DVD Progressive has seen some fine new prog releases from Pendragon, Jadis, Pallas, The Syn, etc., in my Camel-C Prog Radio. Net opinion, this new Landmarq material beats them all! Age-DV (others are free to disagree, so no hate mail please.) Genesis What we have here is five creative musicians at the Walk -L top of their game. Not only are they masterful in their individual talents, but they gel incredibly well Who- as a cohesive musical unit. Quadro Magella The writing, arranging, playing, lyrics - it's all top Sympho notch! The current line-up consists of Hitchings (lead Misanth

vocals), Steve Gee (5 string bass), Dave Wagstaffe Tomas B (drums), Uwe D'Rose (guitar), and new member Mike Varty (keyboards). Varty should already be Flower known to neo-prog fans for his previous work with & Eve Shadowland, Credo, & Janison Edge. And while this Jim Gil is his first recorded work with Landmarq, he fits in Escape

so well that it seems like he's always been there! Kino-Cu Floor Here is a quick run down of what to expect from the set-list: Nick M Hexame "Entertaining Angels" (a great opening number, A Place with a majestic guitar/keyboard theme that leads into Queue-G a melodic, memorable verse/chorus), Review Roine S "Calm Before the Storm" (a dark, ominous prog epic Voodoo in 3 parts - featuring some fierce instrumental Review fireworks, unusual chord changes, and a more Pallas-D 'theatrical' vocal performance from Tracy), Men-2 D

IQ-Live "Prayer" (a gorgeous piano-based ballad highlighted by powerful singing and a bit of 'lead bass' from Dvd "85

Steve Gee), Pallas-L London "Thunderstruck" (epic prog with more twists and Karnata turns than a good mystery novel! The tricky unison Flame O riff and elegiac 'climax' section are awe-inspiring. I also love the brief 'jazzy' section where Tracy does K2-Boo her best 'sexy chanteuse' routine!), Dead Proto-K "Walking On Eggshells" (a dreamy piece of art-pop, Wait Of 9/7/2006 Movie Reviews, DVDivas Your link to popular movie review, dvd and dvd movies. DVDS Page 4 of 6

with some intricate guitar/keys/bass interplay and a Pendrag sensitive vocal), "Landslide" (an all-instrumental Neal Mo workout taken from the "Infinity Parade" CD. This is a superior version, with some nimble-fingered Red San soloing from Varty and an extended drum solo from Van De Wagstaffe), Generat Roine S "Timeline" (an upbeat, melodious rocker with Voodoo positive lyrics), "Mountains of Anglia" (a bristling Review prog-rocker with echoey guitars, infectious melodies, and a breathtaking climax), and finally, Roine S Voodoo

Review "Lighthouse" (taken from the "Science of Coincidence" CD, this makes for a thunderous Quidam

encore piece, and nicely sums up everything that's Kaipa-K great about this band!) After giving this DVD some repeated viewings, I must say one thing really stands Kino-Pi out. Tangen The Qu

Tracy Hitchings shows that, without a doubt, she Riversid posesses one of the most dynamic and distinctive Life Syn voices in all of . Not only does she Magrat NAIL every note (she does have a day-job as a licensed voice teacher, after all!), but her Pendrag performances are full of nuance, originality, and Last-DV

above all else, feeling! Tracy also has an engaging, Frames

charismatic presence on stage, like she was born for Absence this whole 'front person' role (she's also quite lovely Empath to look at...but I digress : ) John Ha Checkin Bassist Steve Gee also impresses. While many rock London bassists just seem like background players, Gee has a prominent role within Landmarq's music, and is one Circus M of the only bass players I've heard with a difinitive The 1st sound of his own... Geoff D Shadow As for the technical aspects??? Reflecti

Wetton/ The filming, camera work, and video quality on this Icon DVD are among the best I have seen, featuring great views of the whole stage, and (when appropriate) Saga-Ne some tight close-ups of fingers flying across Syn-Syn instruments. Jon And The 5.1 audio mix is full-bodied, crystal clear, and Of The sounds particularly great through headphones! Porcupi (There is also the option of an standard stereo mix.) Deadwi The Wa The special features are pretty good, too. I especially Progland was 9/7/2006 Movie Reviews, DVDivas Your link to popular movie review, dvd and dvd movies. DVDS Page 5 of 6

founded by John enjoyed the 30 minute interview with Hitchings, Gee, Dream Gabbard in 2005. and Wagstaffe...Thanks to Metal Mind Productions Train O It's purpose has for bringing this and other quality prog DVD's to the Magella been to provide USA (I understand that a new Pendragon DVD will Impossi you, the music be filming in Poland soon.) Some of us might never community with have had a chance to see these great bands otherwise. Ayreon- the latest music Equatio and dvd reviews. Bravo! Flower It will continue to Back to Index Review Page | & Eve be your link to Vinyl K the most popular Trip music reviews in the progressive Asia-Sil world. Yes-Hou House O Marillio Anorak Big Elf- John W Of Faith John W Underw Martin Classica Grand S of Time Rush-V 9/7/2006 Movie Reviews, DVDivas Your link to popular movie review, dvd and dvd movies. DVDS Page 6 of 6

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