¿7 SENATE. No. 1.

C m u m m v\\ ewUAv o f M.assacVvuse,tts.

T r e a s u r y O f f ic e , J an. 7, 1829. Gentlemen,—I have the honor to lay beiore the Honorable Legislature the following Report, con­ taining a statement of the actual Receipts and Ex­ penditures of the Treasury, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day oi December, 1828 ; with an exhibit of the state of the Treasury on the first day of January, instant ; and also a statement of the expenses attaching to this office, during the year 1828. The subsequent statement, commen­ cing at page 8, contains a detailed account of the Annual Expenditures for Salary Officers, Agricul­ tural Societies, and Pensioners, with the sums paid to Commissioners, Agents, &c. &c. ; and also an exhibit cf the sums realized from Bank 'faxes, Auction Duties, and other sources of Revenue lor the past year. I have the honor to be, with great respect, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, JOSEPH SC WALL, Treasurer.

To the Honorable the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Repiesentatives. 2

An Account of the Expenditures from and the Re­ ceipts into the Treasury of the Commonwealth of , from the 1 st day of January to the last of December, 1828. EXPENDITURES. On Warrants and Rolls of different years, for the support of Govern­ ment, and incidental charges relating thereto, including the pay of Repre­ sentatives, for their attendance at the General Court, S i46,063 43 Oil Rolls of the Committee on Ac­ counts for different years, 70,888 53 To County Treasurers, for balances of their accounts, 26,355 95 On account of the Principal and Inter­ est of the 5 per cent. Funded Debt, 293 08 On Appropriations for the Adjutant and Acting Quarter Master Gene­ ral’s Department, 4,687 To Agricultural Societies, 5,438 84 For the support and instruction of Deaf and Dumb persons in the Asylum at Hartford, 6,227 79

Amount carried forward, ,$259,954 62 3

Amount brought forward, $ 259,954 62 Wounded Soldiers, $137, Pensioners 1 »-43 33, 1,380 33 The Medical Institution in Berkshire County, 1,000 Commissioners for settling the affairs of Massachusetts and Maine, princi­ pally for Surveying, 951 37 Interest on Money repaid to Banks, 2,425 74 Miscellanies particularised on pages 20 to 27, 42,056 97

8307,769 03 Principal of money repaid to Banks, 140,000

$447,769 03

Memoranda. Amount of Expenditures, exclusive of money repaid to Banks, $307,769 03 Amount of Receipts, exclusive of mon­ ey borrowed of Banks, ,240,028 32

Excess of Expenditures in 1828, $67,742 71

Amount borrowed of Banks since Jan­ uary 1st, 1828, $210,000 Amount repaid to Banks since Jan­ uary 1st, 1828, 140,000

Amount remaining unpaid Jan. 1st, 1829, $70,000 4

RECEIPTS. On Arrearages of State Tax, 38 95 Amount of the Bank Tax, 190,427 20 Duties on Sales at Auction, payable in 60 days from the last of May, and November, 34,297 65 On account of the Principal and Inter­ est of Notes and Bonds due the Commonwealth, 9,221 51 On account of Lands in Maine, sold by the Agents, 2,724 60 Of County Treasurers, for balances of their accounts, 761 58 Of the Attorney General, amount of fees received bv him, 217 Of the Solicitor General, amount of fees received by him, 131 12 Miscellanies, particularized on pages 34 and 35, 2,206 71

$ 240,026 32 Money borrowed of Banks, per differ­ ent Resolves of the General Court, 210,000

8450,026 32 Memorandum. Cash in the Treasury, January 1st, 1828, (morning) 20,466 73 Amount of Receipts in 1828, including money borrowed of Banks, 450,026 32

Amount carried fonvard, $470,493 05 5

«Amount brought forward, $470,493 05 Amount of Expenditures in 1828, in­ cluding money repaid to Banks, 447,769 03

Amount of Cash in the Treasury, Jan­ uary 1st, 1829, (morning) $22,724 02 6


Slate of the Treasury, January 1 st, 1829.

Due from the Commonwealth. On Warrants on the Treasury Files, 89,395 44 On Rolls of the Committee on Ac­ counts, 1,823 92 On Senate and Representatives Rolls, 419 02 On account of the 5 per cent. Public Debt and Interest, 305 76 Due to Banks for money borrowed for the purpose of paying the ordinary demands on the Treasury, 70,000

$81,944 14

Due to the Commonwealth. On Bonds and Notes given for Lands sold, &c. deposited in the Treasury Office previous to 1st January, 1829, 37,696 82 A Certificate of 30 Shares in the Glou­ cester Canal Corporation, 1,500 Cash on hand January 1st, 1829,(morn­ ing) 22,724 02

$61,920 84 Treasury Office, Jan. 1st, 1829. JOSEPH SEWALL, Treasurer. AX ACCOUNT From 1st January to 31st December, 1828, “ Specifying the amount of Salary and allowance made to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth, the number of Clerks by him employed, their names, the periods of service, and the amount allowed them, and all the expenses attaching to the Treasury Office.”

Amount of Palan No. of l allowed Clerk’s Names. Periods of service. Am’t allow’d them. All the expenses attaching to the Treasury Office. the Treasurer. Clerks.

Treasurer’s Salary, #2,000 #2,000 2 Joseph Foster, 1 year. #1,200 First Clerk’s,...... 1,200 John I. Linzee, 1 year. 900 Second “ ...... 900 o o Printing and Stationary for the Office, as per Rolls of the Committee on Accounts, 54 67

#4,154 67

T reasury O ffice, January 1st, 1829. JOSEPH SE WALL, Treasurer. 8

Annual Expenditures for Salary Officers, Agricul­ tural Societies, and Pensioners, of the Common­ wealth of Massachusetts ; together cnith an ac­ count of the sums paid from the Treasury to Commissioners, Agents, Wounded Soldiers, and County Treasurers, for balances of their Ac­ counts ; and other incidental objects, from the first day of January to the last of December, 1828. His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor and Commander in Chief, per annum, payable quarterly, 3,666 66 His Honor Thomas L.Winthrop, Lieutenant Governor, per an­ num, payable quarterly, 533 33 Edward D. Bangs, Esm. Secreta­ ry, per annum, ps|jable quar­ terly, 2,000 Joseph Sewall, Esq. Treasurer, per annum, payable quarterly, 2,000 W m. H. Sumner, Esq. Adjutant and Acting Quarter Master General, per annum, payable quarterly, 1.500 Hon. Isaac Parker, Chief Jus­ tice S. J. Court, per annum, payable quarterly, 3.500 Amount carried forward, $13,199 99 9

Amount brought forward, $13,199 99 Hon. Samuel Putnam, Justice S. J. Court, per annum, pay­ able quarterly, 3.000 Hon. Samuel S. Wilde, Justice S. J. Court, per annum, pay­ able quarterly, 3.000 Hon. , Justice S. J. Court, per annum, pay­ able quarterly, 3.000 Hon. , Chief Jus­ tice Court Common Pleas, per annum, payable quarterly, 2,100 Hon. , Justice Court C. Pleas, per annum, payable quarterly, 1,800 Hon. John M. Williams Justice Court C. Pleas, per annum, payable quarterly, 1,800 Hon. David Cummins, Justice Court C. Pleas, per annum, payable quarterly, 1,800 Hon. Peter O. Thacher, Judge of the Municipal Court, per annum, payable quarterly, 750 Hon. Perez Morton, Attorney General, per annum, payable quarterly, 2.000

Amount carried forward, 832,449 99 2 10

Jtmount brought forward, %32,449 99 Hon. Daniel Davis, Solicitor General, per annum, payable quarterly, 2,000 Octavius Pickering, Esq. Re­ porter of Decisions in the S. J. Court, payable annually, 1,000 Judges of Probate, salaries per annum, payable quarterly, viz. Joseph Hall, Suffolk County, 1,000 Daniel A. White, Essex do. 700 S. P. P. Fay, Middlesex do. 800 Nathaniel Paine, Worcester do. 600 Wilkes Wood, Plymouth do. 400 Hodijah Bayiies Bristol do. 425 Nymphas Marston, Barnstable do. 300 George Athern Dukes do. 60 Isaac Coffin, Nantucket do. 120 Wm. P. Walker, Berkshire do. 450 Edward H. Robbins, Norfolk do. 500 John Hooker, Hampden do. 280 Samuel Hincklej-, Hampshire do. 280 Richard E. Newcomb, Franklin do. 280—6,195 Registers of Probate, salaries per annum, payable quar­ terly, viz. John H p5nI. Suffolk County, 2,000 Nathaniel Lord, Jr. E*«©x do. 1,500 Isaac Fiske, Middlesex do. 3,500

Amount carried forward, $41,544 99 11

Amount brought forward, 841,644 99 Theophilus Wheeler, Worces­ ter County, $1,100 Beza Hayward, Plymouth do. 750 D. G. W. Cobh, Bristol do. 700 Abner Davis, Barnstable do. 500 Cornelius Marchapt, Dukes do. 100 Timothy Hussy, Nantucket do. 150 Samuel Haven, Norfolk do. 700 Henry W. Bishop, Berkshire do. 600 Oliver B. Morris, Hampden do. 460 Samuel F. Ly man, Hampshire do. 460 Elijah Alvord, Franklin do. 460 — 10,980 Rev. Wm. Jenks, chaplain of the Senate, annually, 60 Rev. George Ripley, chaplain of the House of Representatives, 60 Rev. James Walker, preacher of the Election Sermon, 1828, 50 170 JSamuel Austin, chief clerk in the Secretary’s Office, payable quar­ terly, 1,200 Edward McLane, clerk in do. payable quarterly, 900 —2,100 Extra clerks employed in the Sec­ retary’s Office, January Session, viz. Edward Stow, $178 25 A. J. Holden, 20

Amount carried forward, $54,894 99 12 Amount brought forward, 854,894 99 W. Ilobart, 811 50 Solomon Hopkins, 120 C. W. Lovett, 195 75 Henry Taylor, 39 50 G. YV. Glascott, 11 50-576 50 Extra clerks in the Secretary’s Office, June Session, viz. Edward Stow, 843 25 Solomon Hopkins, 14 50 C. YV. Lovett, 41 69 Henry Taylor, 7 19—106 63—683 13 Joseph Foster, first clerk in the Treasurer’s Office, 1,200 John I. Linzee, second clerk in the Treasurer’s Office, 900 —2,100 Fitch Hall, first clerk in the Ad­ jutant General’s Office, 1,200 William Tufts, clerk in the Ad- jutants General’s Office, 628 Henry Sheafe, military store keeper, ^*02,628 Paul Willard, clerk of the Sen­ ate, January Session, 8676 do. do. June, 128 —804 YV. P. Gragg, assistant clerk of the Senate, January session, S432 do. do. June session, 96 —528 Amount carried forward, 860,306 12 13 Amount brought forward, SCO,306 12 Pelham W. Warren, clerk of the House of Representatives, of January Session, $820 do. do. June Session, 160 —980 —2,312 Jacob Kuhn, for his services as Messenger to the General Court, and for taking care of the Adjutant General’s Office, and the Land Office, L000 Jonathan D. Robbins, for his services as Messenger to the Governor and Council, and for his attendance on the Secre­ tary’s Office, 863 50 John V. Low, assistant mes­ senger to the Governor and Council, January ses­ sion, $146 June session, 32 — 178 Thomas Aves, for the services of himself and assistants as watchmen in the State House day and night, and for his attendance on the Treasurer’s Office, 915 Committee on Accounts Janua­ ry Session, viz. Josiah Robbins, $48, B. C. Per-

Amount carried forward, $65,574 f 14 Amount brought forward, $65,574 62 kins, 840, W. Palfrey, Jr. $48, William Ellis, $52, John Keyes, $52, $240 Committee on Accounts June Session, viz. lobert Rantoul, $8, B. C. Per­ kins, $8, Elihu Hoyt, $8, Caleb Rice, $8, John Keyes, $4, $86 —276 The Berkshire Medical Institution, 1,000 The Treasurer of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, at Hartford, for the support and tuition of sundry pupils, 6,227 79 \ppropriations for the Adjutant and Acting Quarter Master General’s Department, per different Resolves of the General Court, 4,637 Commissioners on the separation of Maine from Massachusetts, viz. taniol Rose, 850 83, Silas Hol­ man, $63 33, B. J. Porter, $42 50, Ruel Williams, 845, George Bliss, 874 16, Charles Turner, $57 50, $333 32 imes L. Child, Secretary to the Commissioners, 48 05 iseph Norris, agreeably to an Order drawn in his favor by Amount carried forward, $77,765 41 I 13 Amount brought forward, $77,765 41 the above named Commission­ ers, dated Nov. 6, 1827, being one moietv of the sum therein certified to be due to him, in part of an appropriation by an Act of June 20th, 1826, 570 —951 37 Jacob Kuhn, $400 to purchase fuel for the Government, and $386, to reimburse him, for money advanced to John H. Wheeler, for labor done on the the State House, omitted in the last pay roll, per Resolve of the 12th January, 1828, 786 Do. to purchase fuel, &c. for the Government, per Resolve of the 11th June, 1828, 1,000 — 1,786 Edward D. Bangs, Secretary, to pay Post Master, in Boston, the postage of public letters, 210 20 Do. the postage of sundry letters to and from Worcester, 43 63 Do. to pay for carriages for the use of the Governor and Coun- , cil, 69 92 Do. to pay for the services of con­ stables on public days, 46 Do. to pay for the services of

Amount carried forward, $80,502 78 16

Amount brought forward, $00,502 78 Organist and Sexton, of the Old South Church, &c. 30 Do. to pay for Metcalf’s Digest of Laws, for the Governor and Council, 2 Do. the expense of preparing doc­ uments to accompany the Gov­ ernor’s Message, at the opening of the winter Session, 1828, 20 09 Do. to pay for copies of papers re­ specting the North Eastern Boundary Line, requested by the Secretary of State, of the United States. 46 Do. to pay for extra writing in his Department, 5 75—473 59 Pensioners, per annum, viz David Thompson, 96 James Daniels, 100 Eben. Brown, 48 James Pomroy, 60 Anna Stow, 50 Peter Carey, 60 Wm. Prescott, 90 Eben. Calioon, 60 Moses Stone, 48 Georsre Baker, 40 Andrew Mace, 144 Amount carried forward, $80,976 37 17 Amount brought forward, ¡5580,976 37 Win. Jennings, 75 Peter Jowder, 50 John T. Stone, 20 Jonathan Young, 50 Eben. Kentfield, 33 33 Crocker Wilder, 60 Levi Holt, 20 Luther Little, 30 Israel Morgan, 50 Martin Wheelock, 40 A. C. W. Fanning, 60 —1,284 33 Ephriam Robbins, “ allowed by a Resolve of the 1!t'l February, 1828, as a gratuity fnr his ser­ vices in the revolutionary war,” 50 Daniel Herring, “ allowed by a Resolve of 12th March, 1828, to pay expenses incurred by rea­ son of a w7ound received by him, when on military duty,” 67 Agt¿cultural Societies, per an. viz. Massachusetts, 600 Worcester, 600 Plymouth, 467 43 Berkshire, 520 Essex, 527 80 Bristol, 293 60

Amount carried forward, $82,397 70 3 * 18 Amount brought forward, 882,397 70 Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin, 600 Middlesex Husbandmen and Man­ ufacturers, 600 —4,208 83 Balances paid to County Treasu­ rers, viz. Wm. Mackay, Suffolk County, 8,136 65 Wm. F. Wade, Essex “ 4,649 30 John Keyes, Middlesex “ 1,992 47 Sam’l Allen, Worcester “ 1,405 62 John Bullard, Norfolk “ 1,761 78 llossetter Cotton, Plymouth “ 1,650 53 Wm. Jernegan, Dukes “ 35 98 Peleg S. Folger, Nantucket “ 332 27 James L. Hodges, Bristol “ 4,118 61 Edward Pynchon, Hampden “ 739 84 Daniel Stebbins, Hampshire “ 635 90 Hooker Leavitt, Franklin “ 148 60 Joseph Tucker, Berkshire “ 748 40

26,355 95 Add amount of Court Fees credited in the above named acc’nts, 7,086 45 Also, amount of Court Fees, credited in County Treasurer’s Accounts, by whom balances were paid ------Amount carried forward, 886,606 53 19

Amount brought forward, 86,606 53 into the State Trea­ sury, 631 50-7,717 95 Amount of Licenses credited in the above named accounts, 6,625 16 Also, amount of Licen­ ces credited in coun­ ty Treasurer’s ac­ counts, by whom balances were paid into the State Trea­ sury, 1,001 88-7,627 04

41,700 94 Deduct for balances received of the following County Treasurers, viz : William Jernegan, Duke’s County, 83 94 Joseph Tucker, Berk­ shire County, 235 38 Efcenz’r Bacon, Barn­ stable County, 301 88 Hooker Leavitt,Frank lin County, 140 38 —761 58 -40,939 36 Nathaniel P. Russell, Treasurer of the Bunker Hill Monument Amount carried forward. $i 27,345 89 20

Amount brought forward, % 127,545 89 Association, in part of an ap­ propriation made by a Re­ solve of March 2d, 1827, 3,000 Nahum Mitchell and Samuel M. McKay, Commissioneis, and James F. Baldwin, Engineer, for surveying a rout for a Rail Road westward from Boston, per Resolve of 14th June, 1827, 3,344 70 Commissioners on’Internal Im­ provements, balances of their accounts audited and allowed by the Governor and Council, viz : Josiah J. Fiske, 439 90, Willard Phillips, 339 50, Jas. Hayward, 851 31, 1,630 71 The last named Commissioners, per Warrant of 12th June, 1828, to enable them to pur­ sue the object of their Com­ mission; they to be account­ able for the same, 1,000 Nathan Hale, Treasurer of the Board of Internal Improve­ ments, Appropriations made by certain Acts and Resolves

Amount carried Jorward, % 127,545 89 21 \

Amount brought forward. 8127,545 89 of the General Court, 9,186 51 James F. Baldwin, “for his ser­ vices and expenses in making plans and surveys for a Rail­ road from Connecticut River to Albany, as per his account exhibited 14th April, 1828,” 468 79 Elijah H. Mills, a Commission­ er on the subject of the line between this State and Con­ necticut, per Resolve of Jan­ uary 25th, 1828, 297 22 Benjamin F. Varnum, “ for his services and expenses in erecting: Stone Monuments on the boundary line between Massachusetts and N. Hamp­ shire, per Resolve of 12th March, 1828,” 268 80 Annual appropriation for the Library of the General Court, per Act of 3d of March, 1826, 300 Allowed Geo. W. Coffin, for 2 years service as Librarian, per Resolve of 12th March, 1828, 100—400

Amount carried forward, $ 127,545 89 22

Amount brought forward, % 127,545 89 Edward D. Bangs, Secretary, to pay for 350 copies of the 4th Vol. of Pickering’s Term Re­ ports, per Resolve of June 8, 1822, 962 50 Ditto to pay for 675 copies of the late edition of the Gen­ eral Laws, per Resolve of 12th March, 1828, 600 30 Pelham W.Warren, Clerk of the House of Representatives for 346 days services in prepar­ ing Indexes to the Journals of the House, by authority of a Resolve of June 10th,1828, 1,384 William H. Sumner, Adjutant and Acting Quarter Master General, to defray the expen­ ses of the Executive Celebra­ tion of American Indepen­ dence, July 4th, 1828, per Resolve of March 1st, 1826, 558 Stephen White, one of the Com­ missioners on the subject of the State Prison, per Resolve of 16th June, 1827, 100 Witnesses before the Commis-

Amount carried forward, Si 27,545 89 23 Amount brought forward, $127,545 89 sioners on the subject of the State Prison, H 61 Thomas Harris, Warden of the State Prison—Per Resolve of 8th March, 1828, “ it being amount of deficit on settle­ ment of the accounts of the prison on 30th Sept. 1827, the said Warden to be accounta­ ble for the same,” 6,392 56 Thomas Harris, Warden of State Prison—Per Resolve of 11th June, 1828, “ for the purpose of erecting a new Prison, as authorised by law,” 10,000 Francis Lawrence, “ for, and on account of an injury sustain­ ed by him while employed as an Overseer in the Stone de­ partment of the State Prison, allowed by Resolve of 1st March, 1828, 100 S. M. Newhall, L. Tarbell, Jr. A. Adams, J. Loring, and W. D. Smith, for prosecuting to conviction one Varney Pow­ ers a Counterfeiter, 120

Amount carried forward, $127,545 89 24 Amount brought forward, S i27,545 89 Lara Crane, for prosecuting to conviction one C. W. Spaul­ ding, a counterfeiter, 40 Solomon Towne, allowed by a Resolve of 18th Feb’ry, 1828, “ in consideration of certain proceedings had in the prose­ cution of one Samuel Messer, by the said Towne, 47 Zenas Holbrook, “ for extra ex­ penses in procuring testimony in behalf of the Common­ wealth in a criminal prosecu­ tion, per Resolve of 23d March, 1828,” 54 James Pierce, a Constable of Boston,” for his services and expenses, as an Agent ap­ pointed by the Governor of this Commonwealth to re­ ceive from the Executive of the State of New York, one John Reed, a fugitive from Justice, and bringing him into this Commonwealth,” 85 36 The following named persons, “ for trouble, cost and expen-

Amount carried forward, S i27,545 89 25 Amount brought forward, 8127,545 89 ses in making defence against suit brought by one Jos. S. Borland; allowed by a Resolve of 5th February, 1828,” viz : Lemuel Edmister, $350 76, Levi Dean, $345 75, Obed Myrick, Lot Strange, Thos. Tripp, John Haskins, Seth Howland and Wm. Stro- bridge, $13 97 ea. is 883 82, 780 33 James Appleton, “ for his time and expenses in procuring tes­ timony respecting the claim of this Commonwealth on the United States ”—Per Resolve of 19th January, 1828, 62 64 John Whitney, Treasurer of Hancock for the destruction of a grown Wolf, allowed in conformity to an Act passed February 21, 1783 13 33 Committee appointed to investi­ gate certain Pauper accounts of the Town of Tyringham, viz: Peter Briggs, $25 50. Lester Filley, 75 78 and Ed­ ward Stevens, $16—Per Re-

Amount carried forward, 127,545 89 4 26

*Amount brought forward $127,545 89 solve of 29th February, 1828, 117 28 Thomas Stedman,—Per Resolve of 11th June, 1828, “ for his services and expenses in pro­ curing testimony relative to the conduct of the Selectmen of Tyringham respecting cer­ tain Paupers,” 12 84 Thomas B. Wyman, “ as equita­ ble compensation for the care and maintainance of Ann Red- burg, widow of John N. Red- burg, part of the proceeds of said John N. Redburg’s Es­ tate ”■—Per Resolve of Maich 8th, 1828, 800 John Oliver, keeper of Rains- ford’s Island, $60 for wood, and $10 18 for his salary from 9th October to 31st Decem­ ber, 1827,—Per Resolve of 28th February, 1828, 70 18 Expenses attending the last sick­ ness of Selden Spencer, Esq. late member of House of Rep­ resentatives from the Town of Hinsdale,—Per Resolve of

Amount carried forward, $127,545 89 27

Jlmounl brought forward, $127,545 89 March 4th, 1828, 90 Rev. Ward Cotton, member of r the House of Representatives l .T ,' ¡<. > from JBojdston, in compensa­ tion for detention by sickness twenty three days after the rising of the Legislature, a- greeably to the provisions of an Act of 23d February, 1827, 46 Witnesses before the Commit­ tee for investigating the af­ fairs of Amherst College, 5 56 Gilbert and Sons discount on 'ic Uncurrent money sold—Per Resolve of 17th January, 1828, 6 75-42,056 97 Amount paid for Interest, and on different Instalments of y the 5 per cent Funded Debt, 293 08 Interest on money borrowed of Banks, per Resolve of 11th January, 1828, and repaid, 2,241 02 Interest on money borrowed of Banks, per Resolve of 9th June, 1828, and repaid, 184 72-2,425 74 Amount of pay roll of Electors of President and Vice Presi­ dent, December, 1828, 216

Amount carried forward, $172,537 68 28

Amount brought forward, $172,537 68 Amount of Council Rolls in 1828, 2,947 Amount of Senate Rolls, January Session, 5,834 Amount of Senate Rolls, June Session, 1,586—7,420 Amount of Representa­ tive’s Roll, January Session, 46,276 Amount of Representa­ tive’s Roll, June Session, 13,234-59,510 —69,877 Rolls of the Committee on Ac­ counts, January Session, 45,897 71 Rolls of the Committee on Ac­ counts, June Session, 24,363 52-70,261 23

$312,675 91 Principal of Money borrowed per Resolve of January 11th, 1828, and repaid, 130,000 Principal of Money borrowed per Resolve of June 9th, 1828, and repaid, 10,000—140,000

$452,675 91 29

Receipts from Bank Taxes, Auction Duties, JVotes and Bonds, Retailer's Licences, CWri TVes, In­ terest on Deposites, and other incidental sources, from the 1st January to 31 si December, 1828. Amount received for the Tax on Banks, payable on the first Mondays of April and October, viz :

BANKS. Atlantic, Boston, 1,319 American, U 7,041 Boston, U 9,000 Columbian, u 5,000 City, a 10,000 Commonwealth, 4 1 5,000 Eagle, u 5,000 Globe, « 10,000 Man. and Mec. 7,500 Massachusetts, (( 8,000 New-England, « 10,000 North, u 5,034 State, u 18,000 Suffolk, u 7,500 Union, u 8,000

Amount carried forward, $ 116,395 84 30 Amount brought forward, % 116,395 84 BANKS. Washington, Boston, 5,COO Franklin, It 8 82 Asiatic, Salem, 3,244 45 Commercial, tt 3,000 Exchange, tt 3,000 Merchants, tt 4,000 Mercantile, tt 2,000 Salem, tt 2,500 Agricultural, Pittsfield, 1,000 Andover, Andover, 1,000 Barnstable, Yarmouth, 1,000 Bedford Cora. JNew-Bedford, 2,500 Merchants, tt 1,750 Beverly, Beverly, 1,000 Blackstone, Uxbridge, 1,000 Bunker-Hill, Charlestown, 1,500 Brighton, Brighton, 10 42 Cambridge, Cambridge, 1,500 Danvers, Danvers, 1,200 Dedham, Dedham, 1,0 QO Falmouth, Falmouth, 1,000 Fall River, Troy, 1,859 Franklin, Greenfield, 1,000 Farmers, Belchertown, 1,000 Gloucester, Gloucester, 1,200 Hamps. Man. Ware, 1,000 Amount carried forward, % 160,668! 53 31

Amount brought forward, $ 160,668 53 BANKS. Hampshire, Northampton, 1,000 Hampden, Westfield, 1,(100 Housatonic, Stockbridge, 1,000 Leicester, Leicester, 1,000 Lowell, Lowell, 83 Lynn Meehan. Lynn, 1,000 Man. and Mec. Nantucket, 1,000 Pacific, 66 2,000 Phoenix, 66 2,000 Marblehead, Marblehead, 1,200 Mechanics, Newb’yport, 2,000 Newburyport, 66 2,100 Mendon, Mendon, 1,000 Merrimack, Haverhill, 1,500 Mill bury, Mill bury, 1,000 Bank of Norfolk,Roxbury, 2,000 Oxford Bank, Oxford, 1,000 Pawtucket, Seekonk, 1,000 Plymouth, Plymouth, 1,000 Springfield, Springfield, 1,500 Sunderland, Sunderland, 1,000 Taunton, Taunton, 1,375 Worcester, Worcester, 2,000- -190,427 20 Fees of the Court of Common Pleas, credited in the several County Treasurer’s Accounts, viz :

Amount carried forward, $190,427 20 32

Amount brought forward, % 190,427 20 Suffolk County, 1,635 60 Essex “ 424 10 Middlesex “ 1,318 CO W orcester“ 946 50 Norfolk “ 491 95 Plymouth “ 375 20 Barnstable “ 105 80 Dukes “ 17 20 Nantucket “ 67 30 Bristol “ 669 70 Hampden “ 490 Hampshire “ 472 80 Franklin “ 298 40 Berkshire “ 404 80 Amount received for Licenses to Retailers, as per the several CountyTreasurer’sAccounts,viz. Suffolk County, 2,071 08 Essex “ 1,508 80 Middlesex “ 1,021 68 Worcester “ 27 72 Nor fork “ 316 80 Plymouth “ 439 56 Barnstable “ 506 88 Dukes “ 99 Nantucket “ 27 72 Bristol “ 526 68 Hampden “ 356 40 Hampshire “ 328 72 Amount carried forward, $ 198,145 15 33

Amount brought forward, 8198,145 15 Franklin County, 285 12 Berkhsire “ 110 88—7,627 04 Amount received for Duties on Sales at Auction, payable in sixty days from the last of May and November, 34,297 65 Amount received on arrearages of State Taxes, 38 95 On account of the principal and inter­ est on Notes and Bonds due the Commonwealth, mostly for Eastern Lands sold since May, 1823, 9,221 51 Of Joseph Sewall, and George W. Coffin, agents, on account of the Eastern Lands, sold by them, 2,724 60 Of the Attorney General, amount of Fees received by him, 217 Of the Solicitor General, amount of Fees received by him, 131 12 —348 12 Amount of Fees received by the Judges of the S. J. Court, ac­ counted for and settled in the Secretary’s Office, and there deducted from the quarters salary of each, which became due on the first of January, 1828, 1,054 20 Amount of Fees received by the Sec­ retary of the Commonwealth, de-

Jlmount carried forward, $253,457 22 5 34 Amount, brought forward, #253,457 22 ducted from the four last quarters of his salary, that have been paid from the Treasury, 277 91 Received in part of the sale of the Estate of the late John N. Redburg, in Charlestown, 1,131 84 Of Charles Tufts, keeper of the Powder Magazines, in Cam­ bridge and on Pine Island, on account of Fees received by him, 200 Of the Adjutant and Acting Quarter Master General, on account of Military Stores sold, 193 45 Of Wm. Bliss, Judge Advocate of the 4th Division of Massa­ chusetts Militia, for a fine paid by Captain Wm. Cooly, in pursuance of the Judgment of the Court Martial, whereof Colonel Harvey Chapin, was President, 115 50 The amount unexpended of a Grant, made to John Coffin, agent for building a House for Public Worship, &c. at Gay

Amount carried forward, $253,735 13 35 Amount brought forward, #253,735 13 Head, per Resolve of 10th March, 1827, 3 92 For thirteen pieces of silver coin, bad or deficient weight, sold per Resolve of 17th Jan­ uary, 1828, 2 Premium on Specie sold, 1 02 Postage on the Treasurer’s pri­ vate letters, 13 Postage of a letter, which had been charged the Common­ wealth, 50 Interest on money deposited in the City Bank, 545 48 —2,206 71 255,941 84 Money borrowed of certain Banks, per Resolve of Janua­ ry 11th, 1828, 130,000 Money borrowed of certain Banks, per Resolve of June 9th, 1828, 80,000-210.000 00 .#465,941 84