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The Yearbook Staffreally didn't know who to dedicate this 1988 Chieftain to, but we did know that we wanted the book to be special, because we feel that Narrowsburg School is a special place. It offers · its students, K - 12, the unique experience of growing and learning all together. Thiscreates a special bond and feeling of school pride that isn't found in big, impersonal schools. Narrowsburg is just that - a small, "person" school - a place where everyone from the littlest kindergartner to the biggest , , senipr can share good times and bad, helping each other along the way. To show the willingness of upperclassmen to help younger students, the Yearbook Staffasked the;, juniors and seniors what advice they'd give, based on their own experiences, to upcoming classes to: make their last years at NCS more fulfilling. Some of the responses were: Set a goal, work hard to attain it, and then celebrate your achievement. You deserve to have some fun. Put everything you've got into everything you do. Always give 110%. That way, no matter what the ,., "score" is at the end, in your heart you know you've won. Don't waste what's there for the taking. Learn and participate in all you can - sports, music, art, drama, clubs - Narrowsburg is small enough to give you the opportunity to try a little of everything. You may not always be the star, but you 'II still be an important part. Have confidence in yourselfand you can do almost anything. ,,<ii One of the best parts of school is the people around you. NCS is special in that everyone knows"\ everyone else and cares about them and our school. In this Yearbook, we tried to show this caring and togetherness. Enjoy!! CONTENTS Page 2 Theme Page 4 Faculty Page 7 Grades Page 19 High School Page 27 Seniors Page 47 Activities Page 55 Sports Page 69 Theme Page 70 Ads Page 81 Seniors Page 84 Theme This page brought to you COMPLIMENTS OF PECK'S MARKETS Callicoon Livingston Manor Narrowsburg GROWING UP ... ,., Best Wishes from Kathy's Beauty Salon ALL TOGETHER Compliments of Leonard E. Rolston FACULTY Mr. Wolfe Mrs. Ravitz Mr. McCammon English English English Mr. Bea Mrs. Feagles Mrs. Luben Spanish Mathematics Mathematics Mr. Scheuren Mr. Breutsch Ms. Buhrmaster Science Computers and Science Home Economics Mrs. Jaggie Mr. Zapf Mr. Dodds Social Studies Social Studies Business 4 FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION d Mrs. Auditori Mr. Layman Mr. Billard Music Art Industrial Arts I Mrs. Farber Mr. Kelly Mrs. Bliss Special Ed. Special Ed. Physical Ed. and Health Mr. Elco Physical Ed. and Driver Ed. Mr. Nonnemacher Mr. Kilker Guidance Counselor Superintendent rnmnliments of the Midtown Cafe 5 STAFF Mrs. King Mrs. Weber Mrs. Bodine Administrative Secretary Guidance Secretary Bookkeeper Mrs. Schneider Mrs. Kraack Custodians Cashier Reading Assistant Mrs. Prendergast, Mrs. Knecht • Kitchen Sta.ff: Mrs. Buddenhagen, Mrs. Ferranti Bus Drivers: Mr. Bradley, Mr. Tyler Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Kelly Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Bernard Missing - Mr. Christon Congratulations Class of '88 Compliments of Stranahan s Store 6 TODAY'S EXPECTATIONS OUR LAST "FIRST DAY" First Row: William Berger, Josephe Morris, Charles Ivaro, Brian Heinle, Nicholas Noble; Second Row: Thomas Schaefj Joshua Johansen, Steven Kaiser, Nathaniel Berger, Way Kenyon, Alien Rosado, Kenny Emeigh, Ryan Washburn, Ry McCaskill, John Gardner, Aaron Rovitz, Charles KuE Matthew Nordenhold, David Yewchuck. Third Row: Wan. Janowski, Te rri Meyer, Andrea Gilbert, Jacki Gabriel, Carol: ) Rembish, Joanie Lander, Kim Nober, Veronica Scheun 4 Charles Michael and Thomas Joseph � ) ' This sure beats Physics! MaryAnne Jackson and Glenn Klug Compliments of Grund Construction, Bob and Ed Grund 8 fVJUHHUW'.� llV:Sl'lHlfflONS OUR FIRST "FIRSTDAY" <\nn Christ, Bernadette Jungblut, Jeanette Kappler. Fourth w: Katrina Janowski, Melanie Hector, Kimberly Weyandt, risa Reuber, Allison Earl, Amanda Gill, Bessie Bernstein, �na Kearns, Danielle McConnell, Adrienne Hurd, Amanda rce, Christina McGee, Sarah Sojonas, Tracy Swendson. Fifth v: JeffRausch, Sean Kilker, Jon Crocitto, Tom Mackiel, Rob 1da/1, Mike Larkin, Will Falk, Dan Barnes, James Zaccari, e Lilholt, Chris Christon, Rob Case. Katrina St. Clair and Wanda Marie Kenny Emeigh and Jon Crocitto Hey, I'm pretty good at this! Congratulations Seniors: Bucky and Linda Schaefer 9 KJNU.1:JiuAKl clV Front Row: Josephe Morris, Steven Kaiser, Kimberly Weyandt, Marisa Reuber, Melanie Hector, Katrina Janowski, Matthew Nordenhold, Amanda Gill. Back Row: Aaron Rovitz, William Berger, Kenny Emeigh, Ryan McCaskill, Wayne Kenyon, David Yewchuck, ThomasSchaeffer, Charles lvarone, Mrs.Ropke. Absent: Mary Ann Jackson. Front Row: Sarah Sajonas, Bessie Bernstein, Tracy Swendsen, Deena Kearns, Christina McGee, Adrienne Hurd, Amanda Pierce, Danielle McConnell, Allison Earl. Back Row: Mrs. Paparella, Charles Kuen, Joshua Johansen, Alien Rosado, Nathaniel Berger, John Gardner, Ryan Washburn, Nicholas Noble, Brian Heinle. Absent: Dennis Gobel. 10 FIRST GRADE Leftto Right: Scott Hopke, Chris Parker, John Lahey, Padriac McCarthy, Keith Krabel, Angela Buddenhagen, Tracy Cox, Heidi Maas, Corey Maree, Adrianna Crocitto, Mrs. Krauss, Roy Jay, Melanna Barnes, Allison Garbe, David Pollack, Susan McGarth, Caitlin Daly, Olivia Fulton, Alicia Smith, Veronica Meyer. Absent: Melonie Wingert. :St;l;u1vu unf-lv.c ... I\J J-e (\[):fer r, 1 ) � 0 � � � s � � IJ\,1, C, fl ' / � ,{ J ) t'� · ·U l . 1/ll "'" J < ,I\Q) I ('I\"")' � � :s... �--\ -+1 C � First Row: Megan Hawker, Caitlin Bernstein, Jennifer Schaeffer, Kasey Weber, Matthew Daub, ,--c �- Michael Rinaldi, Jennifer Mesnard. Second Row: Daniel O'Brien, Robert Michell, James Curreri, a Michael Maas, Christine Ort. Thi:-d Row: Clarence Reeves, Lee Mosher, Alan Washburn, Glenn . 4) Swendsen, Jennifer Hector. Absent: Anthony Kaiser, John Tenbus. ...::3"' _CL ,); ::) � 1\ CJ;tlm --· ':s \<.'ds- �i -1 .� � I' �� ')� !/ � -· \.-� ::s �� � ;tr . I. _,,,- 1?{::/l ')(' � G�- .,,./- , ' g:,:::s X � Q,. 'I � '-+ � �.�� - ·, ,, �-: ... ,,,, D- f ... l c� ,: / I }tp � Af\thonY,.=ra V \�t .1. i .1. nu.1. U.11/i.Ut:, These are the cub scouts - doing their Give me strength!! good deed of the day. Leftto Right: Samantha Washburn, Peggy McCarthy, Darrin Ort, Todd Jay, Tiffany Powell, Sue Grund, Elvin Vidal, Zachary Hofer, Holly Gopel, Tory Lahey, Ms. Scheuren, Clarice Gardner, Christopher Valenti, HaroldShaw, Robert Gilbert, Bryon Powell, Luke Ropke, Richard Wolfe. On slide: Nicole Gill, Tara Lingle, Janeen Fuchs, Julie McGee, David Casey. nJJany will live in a white house in Cochecton. Bryon will have a natural wood house in Cochecton, Samantha will live in a sky mucley pink house with purple Todd wants a yellow house in Cochecton Center. polka-dots. David will live in a white house with money painted on it in Nicki will live in a white house in Beaver Brook. Pittsburgh. Harold will have a white and brown house in Death Valley. Where will you live? Richard will live in a blue house with white trim. <) �#�,..�- ,$-�o,, ,..��,; .. .. \/1, .. \,� ,,,�,;. .. ,,,� �� •11- -� o,l' .s,"o� "' "'4, � "-t< � �o,t,' o �e, �.; � •e,' 0 e, ,/'A 0 � �o � .. a-,. -\\ -.,f <'',1"b� "'<:s>.... �-;... �" -�.. ,,,� 0,:,. .S,'' Ae, -.I "(I' o c..r>"'o " <-,� o� .;:�. "'-:. r>"'"' .s, .... -.ii 0� �y � � .... � e, 0 )I. o � "'o,.. �� ·,//, <!I\� � <:,, "' .;:o ·$:. 'fl e,if' o� ,.,. o .9 e, .s,' 0 e, & ,..., :;> �-' ,,., r> o.;: 4 � i:..._. �'l 11,· ._� ;f i:.,. ,,,,,_ • .s,�--,,· � ,,- i:..,.,. <-,,; o'i:?- � •�o 11,0 .(!, >..X'o ,; ,.. 0 ·,o o � ,; 0i .s,� e, o✓,?- � '"·if, � "''t>'"' <el' _,.-s.. ��- ,:."I,, ,(,, .,_(f-' e, '-';, r>· 0,:,. � "'-,I 'I: .S,� OO O <o,' lj,.,. 4, ,SJ :o'O�0 "o, ' � i_,'l:J �.9.J � 0� � i:.,..6.,.. o <' o o ,: lf.e, e, ,SJ e', o • � o<� .s,�, . 0 ..,� ,$' -�;;) -� -" .. q, fl i,'-.. ,� o,., "'-11 \/1, J� -.1 A.0 .... 7.i, 0� r!'�· .... v�X' .. 'IP�� CLIMBING Hlut1 w11n JJJL Thefourth graders tell us who they admire: Mary- the rescue workers who saved the life of Jessica Mc Clure, a baby who Jell in a well. Todd- Ronald Reagan,for standing by America through rough times. Isaac- Nelson Mandela, for influencing black people to help themselves in a nonviolent way. Derin- Michael J. Fox for the great movies he made. Jessica- Christa McAul/ife, because she was going to share what she had learned in space with people all around the country. Melanie- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., because he fought for civil rights. Michael- Johnny Carson, because he is very funny. Jenny- Lou Gehrig, because he was a great baseball player. Adele- Duke Ellington, because he was a good jazz song writ- er. Traci- Burt Reynolds, because he is very, very funny in his movies. Must be something in her food! Jenny James- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., because he fought for civil rights. First Row: Jessica O'Brien, Jennifer Hawker, Jennifer James, Debra Falk, Carrie Pierce, Julianna Noble, Catherin Fahenstock. Second Row: Mrs. Spall, Christa Washburn, Karen Emeigh, Colleen O'Brien, Lacey Kraack, Melanie Jay, Traci Kuen, Jessica Tenbus. Third Row: Abigail Eisenbach, Adele Berger, Isaac Ross, William McCarthy, Robert Meyer, Donald Merring, Todd Cox. Fourth Row: Ralph Rundle, Michael Walter, Derin Kraack. Absent: Mary Rundle. Bobby- Dick Butkus, because he always hit hard and played , fantastic middle linebacker. Ralph- Hulk Hogan, because he doesn't wrestle "dirty". Cathy- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., because he fought for civ rights for black people. Lacey- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., for fightingnonviolently I help black people get their rights. Christa- Jon Bon Jovi, because of his songs, especially "Livir on a Prayer". Abby- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., because he stood up Ji civil rights and helped his people. Debra- Benjamin Franklin, because he discovered electricil Karen- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., because he fought for bla, peoples' civil rights. Carrie- Stevie Wonder, because he is able to play the pia and other instruments even though he is blind. 14 Compliments of the Knapp Family E G I R G A H D T E H Front Row L to R: Mark Smith, Richie Diaz, Trevor Cox, Alfred Smith.