PORTABLE STORAGE ONE Portable Storage One Cover by Tracy Nusser Portable Storage One Editorial (3) Imperfect Recollections by ALJO SVOBODA (6) Warning: here be sercon Sort of Like Tolkien by DALE NELSON (13) Musings of an Unliterary Man by WILLIAM BREIDING (30) The Pivot Point by JOHN FUGAZZI (44) Blue by JANET K. MILLER (50) Not a Good Day to Die by VINCENT MCHARDY (57) LOC$ (62) The Gorgon of Poses by G. SUTTON BREIDING (68) Edited by William Breiding. Available in hard copy for the usual: letters of comment, trade, contributions of writing and visuals, or, if hard-pressed, five bucks. It is also available at the world’s largest online retailer, and, eventually, may be hung at eFanzine.com; also available as a .pdf upon request from:
[email protected] Please send letters of comment and submissions of all kinds to:
[email protected]. Hard copy trades: street address was on your mailing envelope, barring that use
[email protected] for further enquiry. Artists this issue: Grant Canfield (2), G. Sutton Breiding (w/ help from Niven & Farmer) (3), Jim Shull (5), William Breiding (30, 31, 35, 40, 42, 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 70), Dale Nelson (43, 67), Frank Vacanti (44), Janet K. Miller (50). All others fair use internet capture. Entire contents © 2019 William M. Breiding. All rights revert to contributors upon publication. Crow’s Caw William Breiding Although my fannish origins began in the trufan camp, and as a neofan I reveled in faannish hijinks, I’ve always been a closet sercon fan. I started collecting sf criticism fairly early on (Blish, Knight, etc.) but kept it stashed away in secret spots as though it were porn.