DAILY PRESS. ■———PORTLAND t'ab f ————.———.———i——.^——ι^———i^—* Library THREE CENTS. APRIL 30, 1886. ΗΒΚ&ΛΜϊΒΕΕΙ PRICE ESTABLISHED JUNE S3, 1862-VOL. 23. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING,

1 .. I — -.λλ»« I nTHPP η a wv.» * »uv· THE LABOR t?UfcSTIOPi. peneiice snowing taat uc« vunuiu KPIiCIAI, NOTICES. E»lICATIOI*AI» MiS€EEl,AflfEOCS. THE METHODISTS. cess with him. AT PHILADELPHIA*. 12 3 4 Β β 7 8 9 Afternoon Session. POBTDAWDS, 3 ; HAltTFOKDS, 2. Innings Maine Σ Sixty-Second Session of the A Ceneral Demand for an An audience of about 100<> people witnessed Athletics 001231100—8 AND CLASS- DIAMONDS Eight- J. B. Mason. Est]., of Mechanic Falls, president 0— 8 METAPHYSICAL. INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH home between Metropolitans 00000030 We make a specialty ol Conference at Hour was called the second game on tlie grounds Bridgton. Day. of the State Bee Keepers' Association, AT CINCINNATI. — OR — the Hartiords the Eastern league) and and the following address cover- strong (of ICAL STUDIES WATCHESΣ upon presented and Innings 1 2 3 4 5 to the Press.] of bee the Portlands yesterday afternoon, they American and Foreign manufacture. [Special ing his experience and ideas keeping: St. Louis 4 2 2 1 0—0 MENT AL H EALING Given to the subscriber, Maine Conference ol An Editor of a Labor Journal Se- were well for from all standpoints it was private pupils by Biiidgton, April 29.—The HOW TO MAKE repaid, Cincinnati» 0 0 0 0 4—4 J Ε W ELR.Y ! tlie Methodist Cliureh commenced Its Denounces Strikers. IlKKKEEPINp^pAY. the most brilliant game ever played on the rain. I shall visit Portland about May 22(1, to give a Episcopal verely Some twenty five years since wffi fa posses- Game stopped by course of lessons or of Latest and most Tasty Designs. on the of the home in Mental Healing ; any lady J. W. COLCORD, sixty-second annual session in the Methodist sion of a small pamphlet on beeS called Beekeep- grounds. Heavy hitting part AT. HALTlMOltE. wlio would gentleman like to learn a profession OTHER GEMS church here IJenrj ing in a Nutshell, and I think it was correctly club, and sharp fielding ou the part of both 1 2 3456789 which will enable them to earn a handsome com- FINE MAINE TOURMALINES AND Episcopal yeaterdav, Bishop further quick Innings 7 BOYD STREET. Five Strikers Arrested, named, as it did not treat on the subject would do well to learn the au TV. Warren, D. The preliminary Charged the ma- ulnes followed in rapid succession throughout 22102006 1—14 pensation jHu24 and D., presiding. than to describe a particular lilve and Baltimore» Watches, Clocks Jewelry a I at nine The visitors their 01620100 υ— 9 meeting in the evening was of a social character With Inciting Riot. nipulation of it. The hive was patented and the Innings. presented Brooklyn» SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALING. repaired in the most thorough manner at reasona- make as conducted E. Martin. once procured the hive with right to very best team and their friends reported they NOTES. A can a ble prices, first-class workmen. by at the metaphysician easily procure practice by many as I wanted, which was seven, for Louisville and Kansas which will be entirely satisfactory to him as re- This morning at 8 o'clock Rev. ■€. W. Bradlef it was were going to "wipe the ground" with the Port- The Pittsburg gamo at GOODS Censured for close of the first season I satisfied myself at Kansas were gards as their cures are miraculous. MILITARY and SOCIETY A Railroad Company But the at times fail Chicago league game City remuneration, preached the annual missionary sermon, selecting not rightly constructed, and so changed for the lands. closest calculations City Mental is easily learnt students can by rain. Healing ; my world.' Not Their Men a National which was another of the tall and ûuch was the case prevented of after as Ills text Matt, xiil, 38: "The field is the Giving Hearing. lilve, yesterday. The Brocktous defeated the Providences In practice this method healing successfully hives, and no and I the of proved better, dropped The Portlands were first at the bat and 7 to 1. being taught by me; only persons of good moral Tlio sermon was an able effort, full thought business for some twelve when I again they Providence yesterday A Good Record J. A. MERRILL &C0., JEWELERS. years, the will play In Belfast are as students. For informa- it if started in with a vim. a clean hit; Goodwin, Colby pitcher, cltaracter accepted and listened to with much interest. Third Avenue cars took up determined to make beekeeping pay Galligan got as and New Yohk, April 20.—The as soon as the term closes. tion regards formation of classes terms, 239 OTIDDI.S STREET. the New possible. I hat! fondness for bees, especiallv for a to Melstcr who it college Mr. Bradlee is to be transferred to beeau to run at 7.15 a. m. today. At 10 a. in. 03 Kearns popped up fly caught lias been engaged to coach the address I)., Postoffice. ap29sn2w» A. honey, and from this time left no stone unturned Harry Oxley For Ihe year ending April 1. Be- J. A. Merrili.. Keith. at Roches cars had started out from Sixty-fifth street. Six- and made a double play, be- nine. Hampshire Conference and stationed that would me ou the sub- catching Ualligan Maine state College _ apl3 eodly for work were received by giv· any knowledge the Bowdolns beat the Tufts' Col- tween one hundred and two hun- and Mr. Bass from that is to be trans ty-eight applications ject. I subscribed fer tue American bee journal, tween first and second; "Our Bob" hit for two Wednesday ter, place the today from different cities and towns team 17 to 4. The Bowdolns played a good in company Gleanings in Bee Culture. I knew I had sruck a Hatfield went out on a foul to first. lege dred have ferred to Maine and take Mr. Bradlee's place and 25 new drivers were hired. The policé say bases, but fly but fonr scattering errors being surgical operations THE PORTLAND DAILï bonanza, for when a man is determined to obtain Hertford», Johnson hit to and was game throughout, PRESS, will de all they can to stop he boycotting on For the right credited to them. l>avl» pitched aud kept his op- at the Free Hos- Augusta. they knowledge upon any subject just give him access out in attempting to make second ; the DR. Ε. Β. been performed the road. II. M- Thompson, the accountant oi thrown down to two hits. REED. Published the 10 the to the standard on that and he out. ponents every day (Sundays excepted) by At o'clock the Bishop opened rfgulai writings subject two men went the railroad commissioners, arrived from Albany next has a base ball association with the i'orWomen supported by the and can soon know all that is known or unknown Slieffler hit stole Bangor pital PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, session with a brief but inspiring addreste, last He came to the offices of the Third In the second inning safely, officers: President. D. A. Koblnson ; night. about the business. I procured Longtreet's scored on single ; the next following IHurdock Liquid Food Co., Boston, the "And ai'e we Avenue this morning and began his in- second and Keilly's Directors, 1). A. Koblnson, C. K. Field, M.J. Me. the'congregatlon raised song, Company work and Cook's manual, and all other works went out in one. two three order. Luf- At 97 Exchange Street, Portland, About noon it was reported that 90 three men Koact, J. F. and G. M. Woodcock. MEDICAL EtOOMS without fhe loss of a single patient, etc. vestigations. that I could get, and read myself full of bee Shoch eacli hit aud scored, Boyd yet alive," cars were running on the Third Avenue road, IS bery and safely was hit in the eye while practicing be- Terms—Eight Dollars a Year. To mail sub- called the theory. I went to see all my friends and ac- throw to first to cut off Doyle, letting Spence and all restored to usefulness. The conference roll was then tyy on the I25tli Street road and seven on the Cable Kearns' wild fore the game and so badly hurt he 592 CONGRESS ME. scribers. Seveu Dollars a Year, if paid in advance. quaintances that kept bees, but as none of them come went out on a foul fly tu yesterday, PORTLAND, of last and 7 5 members road. Shoch home; Kreig was unable to O'Rourke was substituted ST^ Rateb of Advertising—One inch ol space Secretary year, refond knew of scientific bee culture I was hit to O'Kourke and was out at first, play. 29.—The of the railroad anything Keilly; Mack and it will be seen he a great game. Dr. Beed treats all chronic diseases that flesh is the length of column, or twelve liues nonpareil ed. When the names of A. Sanderson, I. lord Albany, April report compelled to rely on my books and papers, mak- then made a pretty double play played of Third Avenue and Cavanagli The Hartford* (after having hard mck in at- to all cases that are given as Incurable constitutes a commissioners in the matter the careful selection of the methods that seemed steal home. This heir ; up "square." E. A. B. Lovtwell and S. \V. Hutclrtrfsoi ing catching Duyle in tryiugto to "brush the Down East chart,") J FOOD WAS GIVEN BEFORE AND AFTER THE 75 cents per Simons, railroad in New York is made public tonight. It most of and the great visitors, and for tile tempting away bT the allopathic and homoeopathic physicians. LIQUID $1.50 per square, dally, first week; approved practiced by ended the run for The then to Provi- con- were called there was silence, for these workers a Commis- mane of getting play to-day In Newburyport. and go will take their case to treat aud cure them. 1 find week after; three insertions or $1.00, consists of majority report signed by bee wiio reports large remainder of the were able to obtain OPERATIONS. less, a king, annually game they dence where the Eastern league series four-fifths of the cases given to die can other day after first week, 50 cents. have "entered into their rest." sioners Kernan aaid Rogers, and minority report of and had noney to sell by the ton. they open about up tinuing every After yields noney only three hits. 1 at a distance three Insertions or less, 75 cents; Commissioner O'Dongell. stating I studied their and endeavored to take les- score till the Saturday. be cured. Examination by letter, Half square, Officers were elected as follows : signed by ways The home team failed to again Is with the New and w week after. that the board has no authority to settle the con I found it was essential to and Manager Hpence negotiating with their full name and place of residence With hat we have been and arc doing one week, $1.00 ; 50 cents per sons of them. very seventh inning, when with Cavanagta In C. Andrews. but can determine whether the com- from I to re- Yorks, to play here some time Jitue. one 2-cent aud $2.00. Examination at the we shall be able, in our new Free Mom ta I Special Notices, one-third additional. Secretary—Geo. troversy only study the sources which expected Hickman's base on Calls, and stamp pi S. Foss. re- O'Kourke's hits, are now corner and "Auction Assistant Secretary—Herbert have violated its charter, the office $1, and consultation free. that we building of Hunt- Under head of "Amusements" pany majority ceive my supplies. some splendid base running they got two runs,and and week three inser- Financial Secretary—F. C. Rogers. says the conclusion is that no such violatior For several I have made careful memo- Prohibition the Red Men. ». tu. lo 1» ington Avenue Camden street, to per- Sales," $2.00 per square per ; port years here kept the game. Among Offti'·· Honrs-i> p.m. aplOsntf Statistical Secretary—Thomas F. Jones. It however censures the action all the they through form in the Surgical half of the Hospital, tions or less, $1.50. lias taken place. randa of the time of blooming of plants, For the first five Innings Hickman and Beilly Some time the recommendation of C. Assistant Secretaries—YV. F. Marshall and C, the in not and the ago upon of those representing company giving trees, and flowers on which bees forage, were the Portlands' battery, then the former fear- F. 1'arsons. men on their instead oi of and A. agent of the Penobscot Indians, THE MAINE STATE PRESS, the a hearing grievances length of time they last, and amount noney ing lie would lame himself up too much (as he has Bailey, Esq., Insurance. ordered the committees notice that the company would give the the bees obtain from each, which enables of Governor Robie one of at Tlie Conference usual posting polin not fully recovered from an attack malaria) appointed Joseph Nicolar, Published every Thursday Morning, $2.50 men no satisfaction. The report also what the 500 list of chairmcn discharged me to know with reasonable certainty retired from the box and went into right field, most members ot a if in advance. S2.00 a year. and the following is the Association for or the intelligent and prominent year ; paid blames the Empire Protective bees are doing, or can do, according to the state the rest of the same and Advertisements inserted in the ''Maine State F.Allen. dissatis- Cavanagh pitching the tribe as constable for the enforcement W. D. LITTLE & Public Worship—C. dering a general tie up. It advises the of the weather and the prevailing forage, either first. Both were special €0., annually. a circulation in every bee. Wheelock covering pitchers Operations Press" (which bas large Stewards- S. F. Wet her fied railroad employes to call on the board of rail or Had I never studied the team of the law. Since the the most for first in- present prospective. very effective anil Keilly and the whole sup liquor appointment of the State) for $1.00 per square Education-E. M. Smith. road commissioners in case of a disagreement been in con- 31 EXCHANGE STREET, part subject of bee forage, I should have them ever seen on the Is- for each subse W. Bashford. atic ported finely. effective temperance work sertion, and 50 cents per square Methodist Literature—J. with their employers before ordering a strike tinual doubt and uncertainty. 1 bought an ex- in 1S43» Munger. Old Town has been done. time a E2«tnl>!iebc committee. awe to tftc law regarding encouraging money 3b·. 3 0 O 0 9 1 0 honey with a capital of $1000 than average farm- β particulars. The class did not withdraw from Dew Point 30.1 42.9 38.3 44.4 claims on the conference cf ,37.1 General Conference Class Workers to be Thrown Out o1 ers 011 five times that amount, taking the seasons Kreig, '«8.9 04.0 55.0 68.4 194.2 C 3« οΟ «Ο Ο 8 Λ3 1 college exercises on Wednesday, but on Friday, Infants who r more four times Question glass works today factor; so and at which so few make money, owing was no to Indefi- drops dt many, pelled and hence there "change of Murdock's Liquid Food, anil you will lind Mean daily bar...29.989 Maximum ther -.59.5 by Presiding Elder Pottle. The name; closed down indefinitely on account of wage to their lack of proper attention to the subject. Innings 1 23456789 daily reported em- nite and no result whatever or will be restored Mean ther. 50.6 Minimum ther—36.5 ferences between the Arm and some of their suspension," "brought that their lost needed vitality daily of the pastors were called, and their character: Mr. Mason was kept upon Ills feet a long time Portlands Ο 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 Ο— 3 to them in less than Mean d'w Max. vel. wind.... 11 S 0\er 300 men will be out of employment aooui Dy menus 01 me expeiiea siuuenis. thirty days. daily pt.41.5 ployes. — -Ο 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 0 and administrations passed favorable review. of importance, and from Hartfords...... New Not a case of Cholera Infantum known where Mean daily hum..72.9 Total preeip answering questions The took no ami ac- Advocates Strikes Wheelock. First'base faculty "hasty Injudicious styles, Murdock's Liquid Food has been used, nor a deatli The Portland District was then called, aud rep Labor Denouncing answers which are given below much useful in- Two base hits—Kearas, on balls—Portlands, 2. First base on eirors—■ tion," and hence had no "concessions" to m ake, from Cholera Infantum where it has been pre- as in a of work resented by Presiding Elder Jones verj Chicago. April 29.—A large meeting formation was gained. 3. Wild scribed a from Stork Yard! Portlands, 3 ; Hart'fords pltches-Gll- and made no "conditions of peace." by physician. and ingmen and laborers the Union from the hives 1. (April 20, 1886, 10.00 P. M.) flourishing condition, spiritually temporally houi Bees should not be fed outside ; more 2: Cavanagh, 1. Passed balls—Mack, was keld last evening to ratify the eight 3. Stolen The class acknowledged that they bad acted The often asked—how does Murdock's taken at the same moment of time The work and character of each preacher passet Geo artificial remove two frames of comb Letton bases-Portlands, 5: Hartlords, New Goods. question Observations movement. The meeting was addressed by swarming, a ana an Shocli. Struck out hastily and under misapprehension, iu Food compare with other Foods and Ton- at all stations. the of Labor ο bases -Gallican, Liquid without criticism. N. Sceets, editor of Knights organ from the comb chamber, one containing the 8. t>y_HiîÇ*Double honest and way signified their wish to re- ics? We refer to the State of Foods for oi man 1 by Cavanagh, 3; by Gilinore, mauly Inspector "■* — J1-~ *u" T^.niwirt 1 ♦!><-» P/nvfiirniifla o/f who took occasion to give his views 188G. JThermo'ter Wina Chicago, and the same in a new hive, placing and Thomas Shoch and Thomas, sume their usual relations. While the faculty ill his annual report for a that astonished some of liis queen, place plays—Meister strikes in manner O'Kourke to Wheelock. have been Justified in instant expulsion of > to meet oil Friday, at 8 a. in. hearers. He declared strikes to be foolish, n< the new hive on the old stand, and removing the Wheelock to O'Rmirke, might > BO journed Time—lh. 55m. every member, it was felt that the class would how list the cause of the strikers will raise a Umpire—J. Qulnn. 5 S.S gn £ [To tlie Associated Press.] matter migb old hive to a new stand. The old hive correct their attitude if a little time was given for BROWN, J2 rfO Ptj: and said were weapons which no work 6. ® a Place ol 29.—Yesterday's preliminary be, they new It would he better, however, to in- DARTM0UTH9, 7 ; BOWDOINS, reflection and consultation. The event showed Bats'►1 ο 5· ! la Bkidgton, April could use without barm to himself queen. « ingman doing of the first of the Dartmouth» that this feeling was well grounded and the oriel of the Methodist Conference i: be avoided above all troduce a fertile queen at once; dividing should At the close inning Tlic Shoe Dealer. Observation. proceedings They were to things commotion has subsided without causing any ill- classes There had never been a strike where when hive is about and Bowdoins game in Hanover, Ν. II., yesterday II this place comprised the examination of yet be done only at the time the feeling on either side. E. W. H. Murdock's Food..14.10 1.07 16.45 ''.42 the strikers made a of every for the home team. Liquid was led Rev permanent gain to or the combs well filled with an easy victory was predicted University, April 29. Not 54.87 52.16 23.74 In the evening a prayer meeting by demanded. The ridiculed th< ready swarm, Colby Liebig's any. Λ thing they speaker But and few errors Se Maine Valentine's do. 28.07 22.02 11.09 Q E. Martin. This meeting attracted a multitude ο action of the two hundred furniture workers or brood; colonies when queenless produce only good batting by do. 2".13 47.10 3.30 the north who had out after on made the contest close. The Dartmouths Johnston's worshippers, and whs a good meeting. On tin side, gone receiving drive brood. The prçmiums honey at State boys An Important Change. do. 50.13 00.50 19.24 asked because some men it The score: Delacre's New London 20.99 4G —6 S Clear and veteran everything they and local fairs should be awarded upon the merits made no errors outside the battery. were two aged clergymen are favored. At The of the American Murdock's Food contains 14.10 cent, 47 ol Ε platform Cincinnati not similarly preseni general superintendent Liquid per Boston, Mass| 30.01 Cloudy who made some talk should be tin of the exhibition, the neatness of style and con- DARTMOUTHS. LADIES' of all the other foods do not contain 44 Ν ( 'le >r Rev. W. F. Partington, good the sole aim of the working classes Company will probably soon enlarge the albumen Me 30.03! Express ; 1'lastport. x4| of the l>\ venience and in handling. AB. B. BH. TB. PO. A. E. Common food does not contain over oue per 30.17 28 —3 Ε Fair and Juhu Allen, who was introduc establishment eiglitrhour system—not safety eastern of which Mr. K. W. Carr of Ban any. Ml. Wash't'n c'aijipineetinjs but committees of cool liules A Β C in beekeeping is the best for the Aiken d 4 1 1 1 1 H 1 division, Fine Goods re- cent, that is available. 30.02! 40 X2 Ε Cloudy as a friend, striking, by appointing stylish Spring jast Portland, Me! ed by Chairman Martin, youtliful headed men to talk the matter over in a friendi; beginner, while Cook's Manual is the best publica- gor is the efficient superintendent. It will be It contains less organic matter than common X. Y 30.0(»i 52 U Clm Cloudy in Bee Albany, of 91 who had attended 360 camp with the bosses. William tileasou was tht tion for general uses. Hoot's "Gleanings î on ceived. and common food contains the other 29.97 47 —14 NE Clear hero years, spirit extended to Include Portsmouth the Eastern food, 16.85; New York... is a useful Extreme cold 4 2 1 0 0 1 as to the number?" li< next He also warned the men againsi Culture" publication. Scruton, cf f § |.} | °g a from 22.02 to 00.50 per cent. Va. 29.79 50 —1 NE Cloudy meetings ; "Am ight, speaker. Railroad and Dover on the Boston and Maine, French Kid, French Goat, Dongo preparations Norfolk, the lead of the wooden-headed fellows weather will granulate honey. Granulation is a It contains 0.42 of ash, which is indigestible 29.94 48 —12 NE Clear asked, turning to the aged minister. following Philadelphia. who were so fond of strikes, and toll test of honey. Bees should never be fed Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο Ο with all of the White Mountain business and American Kid. matter. The others contain from 3.30 to 23.74 29.80 54 Ε Cloudy "Yes," replied the veteran, "that's just tin ordering good Viannifr'4 together Washington.. them could more exercisin; while honey, unies- upon extracted lioney. soon as Is cent. 29.78 07 W Clear number; 3ti0." they always gain by storing as far as Fabyau's. As the change per Atlanta, Ga.. only sense. It would be of advantage to the bee keepers of 1 5 ■ η alcoholic extract» 1.9?. The other 00 -6 Ν Mr. Allen as as ever. In hi: judgment and common ?e,css:::::::::: made two route agents will be required for the prep- Charleston... 29.80 Cloudy appeared vigorous a uniform hive and the audi the State if they would adopt McCarthy, 2b 3 g division Instead of one as at Mr. Horace arations are all TONICS, as they contain from Jacksonville. 29.70 76 x5 W Clear quaint manner he amused and delighted Demanc ^0 ^0 _0 J5 J) present. He The Chicago Iron Molders frame. ues of now at Augusta, will be 2· .13 to 56.13 per cent. Savannah,Ou 29.78 60 —1 NE Clear ence, creating laughter and applause. prayei Hay Bangor, agent brethren in theii Hours. were made Dr. Kev. Mr. Totals 35 7 ~8 13 27 21 5 route anil to that part These facts snow why Murdock's Liquid Food New Orleans 29.87 73 x2 W Faii- with great fervor, aud that the Eight liemarks by Getchell, appointed agent assigned through. BOWDOIN». of the division west of Waterville, while Mr. Β. I. GENTS' excels all other foods and in making Ο 29.72 63 -9| NW Cloudy would stop when they got circular letter, and Mr. Stewart upon various topics. preparations Cincinnati, prayers Chicago, April 29,—A signet Herring route new bloud and1 ( the of disease. 02 —0 W Clear There were beside a number of prayer: PO. Weeks of Bangor, the present agent, will cleansing system 29.84! large order of the Iron Molders'Union," has beei It was voted to invite the various AB. R. BH. TB. A. E. Memphis..... 04 Ε and and the coiigrega "By organizations attend to the duties of that office east of Water- Pittsburg— 29.71 x2 Cloudy exhortations singing by received a of the iron manufacturer: Dearth, cf 5 1 1 1 Ο Ο 0 NE by majority of in the State to meet with this asso- ville. Custom made Jersey Shoes. Buffalo, N.Y. 29.88 51 -5 Cloudy tlon. in this city, including foundries, machine shop: beekeepers Moulton, 3b 4 12 2 10 0 29.75 —6 NE Clear This at 8 o'clock, an excellent mis at Lewiston in .1 S 9 Ο Ο and 1'ain is the of a nerve for healthy blood, Cleveland.... 50j morning, aud iron works of every description employing ciation at its annual meeting Sep- Fusbor, lb 4 Ο Gents' line Bals., Congress prayer 29.81 51 —6 NE Clear sermon was by lier. C. W Ο 11 2 aud 011 it our life depends. Murdock's Liquid Detroit slonary preacned over 25 men. It has caused quite a flurry in tin tember. Wilson, ρ 4 1 2 Mr. Perkins, of Pullman, 111., whose son was 29.94 49 S l'air Bradlee. His was; "The Responsibility Ο J 1 » Button. Food will make new blooo faster than all foods or Oswego —31 subject establishments affected, and the managers o: of Soûle, c 8 Ο Ο bitten last Saturday by a dog, lias started his par- 29.97 45 xl Ε Clear of the Church for the Conversion of the World" The meeting adjourned, subject to the call 3 0 0 0 known. A tablespuonful four times Alpena,Mich some of the larger concerns are debating verj Talbot, If 4 1 1 ty for Paris. The second party left for New York preparations Ills. 29.78 50 —4 VV l.t Bain text: Matthew xlv :38. committee. 4 Ο Ο 3 1 a will make 10 new blood monthly, Chicago, tiie question of closing down for a time the executive Coffin, 2b... ft last The patients will be Policeman John day pounds 41 xl NE Clear o'clock the conference was earnestly r night. and the contains 24 to 28 Dulutli. Minn 30.03 Ai 9.30 organizet The circular states that on aud after May 1 the L&rrabee, rf 4 1 2 5 Λ Ο Ο Casslnbeek, Charles O'G'onnell and John Kllngt. system pounds. 45 VV to order Warren. Thi Marquette... 30.01 x3 Ν Fair and called by Bishop hours of labor shall be eight per day, except ii Davis, HOW EASY IT IS RENEWED tin _ SHOWING Milwaukee. 29.79 —0 Ν Cloudy "Aie We Yet Alive?" was sung by Cats and Cats. _4 _1 2 _ DISEASED. 44| hymn, cases of emergency, and then all overtime shal AM) HOW NECESSARY WHEN St. Mo 29.77 5o —15 W Lt Hafn The roll was called by Secretary C 12 17 24 17 8 Louis, congregation. be paid at the rate of double the usual wages. N( A. of in Ivanlioe Totals 3B PERSONAL AND PECULIAR. 2 9.9 J 53 x2 Clm Clear C. and was to b; Capt. D. Carter Belfast, ship St. Paul,Minn George Andrews, responded one shall be compelled to work over elgh 1 23456789 were absent was troubled with rats Innings Omaha, Neb. 29.95 42 x3 Ν VV Lt Kain seventy-two. There thirty-seven hours unless at the double rates. The men at San Francisco, recently 42 Ε the are:Aaroi Bismarck, Da 30.17 o| Clear Those deceased during past year in the Iron H. A. Streeter'i on board his and for a the owner's son Dartmouths 4 Globe Works, ship, joke ï η η St. 30.15 —1 NW Sanderson, B. Lovewell, Isaac Lord Bowdoln» Ο 12021000—S i I ? ru «β Here are a few of Mr. Conkling's pictur- MURDOCH FOOD Boston. Vincent.. 39| Cloudy Alpheus iron works, Clark, ltaffen & o., Etna Iron Works advertisement In a LIQUID* CO., Xll SE Cleat- W. E. W. Simons. inserted the following city SM&Wlf Denver 30.02 53i Eleazer Hutchinson, Excelsior Iron Works and M. Benner & Co. havt Earned runs—Dartmouths, 3; Bowdoins, 2. esque phrases used in his recent address up- BROWN, aplO 45 xl3 SE Clear Andrews was re-elected correspond 30.05 C. Cheyenne— George all demanded the eight hour day, and, in most in paper: Home runs -Quackenbos Larrabee. Three-base 29.80 73! S Clear with to appoint his as on the Broadway affair : '"The testimony of El i!aso o| ing secretary, permission stances, ten hours' pay. A mejnber of the firm ο "Cats. Boys, I want cats! Gentleman and lady Talbot. Passed balls—Soule, 1, 41 x7 NW Fred C. and Herbert A. Fos: hit·—Dillon, Yankton 30.00! Cloudy sistants. Rogers Benner & Co. said that in auticlpatioi cats, cats and little cats. Ten cents a cat. Johnson, 3. Wild 1. First base the witnesses, whose eloquent flashes of si- F. F. Jones was elected statis yesterday big pitches—Wilson, Deadwood... were appointed. of the short movement they had lately beer Any kind of a cat will do so long as it is a cat. onballs^Bowdoiusfl. First base on errors- 421 tlcal with W. F. Marshall and C. F day lence." "Crusaders of the sepulchre of the Congress St., B. A. Kinney, secretary, making a slight advance hi prices, but found it Maltese cat, tortoise shell cat, black cat, yellow Bo wdoins, 2; Dartmouths, 0. Struck out-by A. Parsons as assistants. eacli case that in Louisville. Indian or any other kind of a cat. Bring cats to ship 5. Double and State's faith." "Sovereignty's· sleep- Private, Signal Corps, u. S. administered to one huudre< competitors cat, Aiken, 7; Wilson, plays—Aiken good The sacrament was and St. Louis underbid them, and it wn Ivanhoe, at coal bunkers, and get your ten cents a Chandler, Dillon and Chandler. Time—2h. 15m. sword of "A fricassee of and apolis ing repeal." SIGN OF GOLD BOOT. thirty-seven. therefore useless to suppose that any advance ii head." frauds." "Less than a pebble at the Dr. Allen, chairman of the committee on ap I OPENING OF THE LEAGUE—NATIONALS, PHIL. weight prices was going to overcome the difficulty. Next there was a of 0; of a 'ΓΚΙ,ΕΡΙΙΟ.Μ! 502. eodtf DASTARDLY WORK. a listof standing committees morning procession boys bottom beggar's grave." aprlO poiutments, reported was found that although the demand for eigh ADELPHIAS, 3. as who were elected. The re for that each a cat. As the the same last year, hours waô almost unanimous among the iroi heading ship, bearing Boycotting reealls the circumstance that of the treasurer was received and the Confer were of The season of the National to port moulders, not one of the firms interested hat advertisement specified there all kinds championship league after the d'etat the Another Unsuccessful Attempt enee then to the twentieth question coup Republican deputies proceeded taken any decided stand as to whether thej cats. came the with sacks was in Washington and never "Has tiie character of each been exam Boys up gang plank opened yesterday Wreck a Maine Central Train. preacher would or would not concede the demand or sliu proposed to boycott Napoleon III. In one the feline con- before such an gathered in that to ined ?" firms seen could not over their shoulders, depositing assembly city Rev. Dr down. Each of the give an; of their conferences a deputy suggested that The Augusta district was reported by definite answer regarding their probable action tents, and demanding the ten cents. Captain witness a base ball game as that which tested the 20.—Another was Pottle Portland district Kev. W. S. Jones trade and commerce isolate the "Let Gardiner, April attempt ; by but said in a hesitating sort of way that whatevei fled the over cars and to of the Capitol grounds. The score : despot. Lewiston district to be to-morrow. Carter ship, turning boys capacity last to wreck the 11 o'clock Pullman reported the of the others did they would do. not the baker nor the brewer made night Iu the afternoon occurred the anniversaries ο majority the mate. Xne mate, seeing that the ship's ex- NATIONALS. bake, brew, train at Farnnngdale, about one mile east of this Aid and Home Missionary AB. A. B. nor the butcher the Freedman's Society Labor Notes. chequer was becoming exhausted, shut down on R. BH. TB. PO. nor the carpenter build, slay, were oh the witli a very flue address by Bishop War Hines. cf 5 «ι 1 1 Ο Ο 1 staypn. SJx large sleepers piled Society, 29.—It is declared that th< the cat market. At last accounts Capt. Carter for a ; then the dictator will be ren, who reviewed the cause which led to the for Chicago, April Carroll, If 4 1 1 2 1 Ο Ο fortnight track, and were struck by the locomotive. The handlers on all the strike will was his of cats and was about to matlon of these two societies ; gave a statement o: freight Chicago gc training colony lb 5 1 1 1 7 0 0 starved out." Such was the programme. It war on the rodents. Baker, cow catcher was demolished, and the much of which was iron out on a strike Friday night unless the railroad: open ship's « completely their present condition, Knowies, 2b 4 1 Ο 3 2 1 be when a thrown and concede eight hours as a day's work with the oit was about tij adopted country dep- MATHIÂS, train had a very narrow escape from being personal observation, gave pathetic pictures Crane, rt 5 1 3 3 2 0 0 of for ten hours' work. rose iu a corner of the and Then the of the Preacher's Aid Society rate pay c 4 1 l uty apartment from the rails. This is the second time within a meeting THE STATE. Gilligan, was held. Officers were elected as follows : Force, ss f> ο ι ιiiio ο suggested, to complete the isolation that no- week that an attempt has been made at this place President—E. Martin. Gladman. 3b 5 1 1 3 3 Ο Ο eat for a The programme FIRE RECORD. body fortnight. 90 the last few Vice President—C. E. Bisbee. 4 Ο Ο 0 0 J was Exchange St., ARE STILL TRIUMPHANT. to wreck night trains, and during Shaw, ρ abandoned. Secretary—I. Luce. ANDHOSCOGGIN COUNTY. no less than six attempts have been made. If the current story be true, Bismarck hat years Treasurer—C. J. Clarke. Mr. John Petteugill of North Auburn captured Totals 41 ~β 9 13 27 16 4 returned from New For fifteen years, tliey liave trained in are becoming A Mass., Shoe Factory Has steadily The citizens in the vicinity greatly Managers—Geo. W. llavis, Samuel Patterson Natick, a 26ya in the above been cheered the of a flat- just and with sales have turtle weighing pounds, bog PHILADELPHIAS. greatly by receipt of Im- favor, constantly increasing exercised. It is that immediate and decid- J. it. Ooimell. Lake Auburn, Monday afternoon. It took the York with a fine lot become the most corset the hoped Burning. AB. R. BH. TB. PO. A. E. letter from a fair Parisienne, who popular throughout Auditor—J. B. Oonnell. united of two men to the turtle. tering United States. ed measures will be taken the proper authori- strength capture German, French and by an interesting and graphic lecture wa: Andrews, cf 4 1 2 4 1 1 0 writes in affectionate terms, asking news of ported Tlie (i is warranted to wear twice as ts at To-night HANCOCK COUNTY. If 4 1 1 4 5 0 1 quality lotia ties to prevent a reeurrence of the attemp delivered Rev. J. Gerrish on "The war as I Wood, much Corsets. We have introduced by Boston, April 29.—(Midnight.) Hayes his and that she is too Cloth, bought as ordinary lately saw it." This is from the Ellsworth American : "Deer Mulvey, 3b 4 υ Ο Ο 3 1 2 health, explaining English witli Extra train wrecking. soldier Travis' shoe factory in Natick is burning. or the G and It—//grades Long Waist, Isle has a Democrat more generous than the Fotrarty. rf J 1 Ο ο 1 Ο Ο to hate him for the events of below the market we can furnish them when LATER. young 1870, price and preferred. average this year. Having been appointed F'arrar, lb 3 0 1 1 7 0 0 awards from all the World's MAINE. ο and too sensible to refuse the admiration due their real value, and is wil- Highest great SESSION Sovth Framingham, 29 —The fire a he refused to be commissioned on Farrell, 2b 3 Ο Ο 0 2 2 The last medal received is for First XLIXtli CONGRESS—FIRST April postmaster, Fairs. Decree Travis's shoe factory at Natick the fac learning that the present incumbent needed the Irwïu, ss 3 0 1 112 2 to his genius. The Chancellor to to his customers from the late held at New destroyed appears ling give of Merit, Exposition The Sumter street Hotel is now burning an< income and was feeling badly to lose It. Please McGurre,c 3 Ο Ο Ο 7 1 Ο have sent her an autograph reply, thanking Orleans. Lincoln Bar Association. tory. of his several other buildings are threatened. The tota tell the above to the marines and not to the sail- Casey, ρ 3 Ο Ο Ο Ο 4 4 his for her solicitude the benefit purchase. While scores of have been found worth- SENATE. pretty correspondent patents [Special to the Press.] damage exceeds $50,000. ors." and that his rheumatism is Mr. who at less, the principles of the Glove-Fitting have Washington, April 29. Totals 30 ~3 1 27 11 9 regretting giving Leveen, presides April 20.—The members of the ΓΟ him a bad time of it. This should encour- proved invaluable. Wiscassbt, The office bill was taken up 1 2 3 4 5 <» 7 8 9 is an artist post appropriation Harbor for the season are Charles H. Dorr and Innings the cutting table, Retailers are authorized to refund money, if, Lincoln Bar Association held their annual meet- aud Mr. Beck to Mr. Frye. Mr. Beck oc age other autograph hunters. replied FOREIGN. of Boston ; Mr. T. B. MusgraYe and fami- Nationals Ο 2 Ο Ο Ο Ο 3 Ο 1— 6 to on examination, these Corsets do not prove as el£Ction of officers for the the with considerable inter family, and most error and allows no garment ing for the ensuing cupied floor, though ot New York ; and Charles How, who 300 ο 00000— 3 The common serious in the F«rsnlc CTerynhero. for three hours and a half. ly, occupies Philadelphias represented. in their library at the court bouse this after- ruution, rooms at the Belmont. Edward Pendleton, of|Ciu- leave the establishment that year Mr. Hale then addressed the Senate on tin Earned runs—Nationals, 3; Philadelphias, 2. North about Florida is the assumption that is to arrive soon, and already Catalogue free ou implication. noon. The report of the treasurer was accepted, amendment which appropriates $800,000 to pa; Affairs In Creece. cinnati, expected of half the is not business has taken a start. with the loss orange crop, the perfectly satisfactory. were elected: for the of the United States mails ti quite Three base hits—Andrews and Glad- and the following officers carrying Athens, April 29.—The Greek minister of wa Gilligan. once South America, China ant Mr. Jesse I'eabody, of Thomaston, fish warden, lnau. Passed 1 ; 1. state is robbed of its chief product and reve- Leave your measure at THOMSON, LANGDON & CO., New York. President—Hon. Central and Australia, lias resigned. His resignation is due to the fac balls—McGurre, Gilligan, eod3mnrm Henry lngalls. at the rate of one dollar a mile for eacl witn two other men from Hurricane Island, cap- First base on balls—Casey, 4; Shaw, 2. First so marl 2 & Vioo President—Wm. H. Hilton. Japan, that he did not approve of the action taken by hi [ nue. We of the North naturally associate and I to get you up outward sized their boat near the steamer's wharf at Car- base on errors—Nationals, 3; Phlladelphias, 1. guarantee and Treasurer—George B. Sawyer. trip. during his absence at the front. Th< Secretary At 5 o'clock, Mr. Hale still having the floor, tin colleagues ver's Harbor, one day last week, and came near Struck 8; 4. Florida with oranges and early vegetables the best suit of clothes for on Finance—Chas. lt. P. have the ac Ion of their repre out—by Shaw, by Casey, Umpire- Committee Weeks, motion of Mr. went into exeeu powers approved food for tlis lobsters which the warden Time—2 hours. THE BEST H. Hilbon. Senate, on Butler, sentatives at Athens in an ultimata furnishing Connelly. that we are, as a rule, ignorant of the fact Cloth sold Partridge and Wm. an llou presenting to Mr. the least money. live session. Tlie doors were re-opened to the Greek is endeavoriug protect. I'eabody captured The vice president and Chas. Weeks then government. short lobsters at and 2ου at Vinal- DETKIOITS, 9; ST. LOUIS, 2. that oranges are only a very inconsiderable the yard at manufacturers' SPRING president, later aud the Senate adjourned. 175 Hurricane, by were appointed a committee to purchase books. haven. The home club opened the National League se- part of the products of her industry. The No for cut- HOUSE. KENNEBEC COUNTY. prices. charge Hon. Henry Ingalls is the oldest active member GENERAL NEWS. ries in St. Louis with the Détroits. The cotton is worth thrice the MEDICINE. hour Mr. Davis of Massachu Λ male at the Insane yesterday, crop orange crop ; Ill the morning patient Hospital escaped lumber is ting. Never ft Us to relievo and Want of of the association. and in Burnham Wednes- score: the product double the orange Languor to- on of the committee on commerce Tuesday night appeared setts, behalf 1 DETROITS. the corn doubles the which few at this season. An The firms of D. & J. Sadlier anil J. 13. Rollani day, where, it was reported, he committed a crime crop ; crop orange crop, tality, escape impover- A Probable Murder in Bangor. of a called up the hill providing for appointment & Sons, book dealers of Montreal, have eaeli en some sort. At last accounts he had not been IB. A. and the other fruits, and flsh ished condition of the blood is the prime cause of the of AB. R. TB. PO. E. vegetables Bangor, 20.—The children of James of three to Hit tered an action against tlie Toronto Mail for $20. cf a 2 3 3 4 Ο Ο trade is in excess of the trade trouble, and the use of this reliable purifier early in April commission persons investigate captured. Haillon, largely orange found his dead 000 damages for stating that customs official 1 OXFOBD COUNTY. Brouthers, lb 5 Ο 1 1 13 Ο Ο with the best * should not be omitted. Take now and Buckley Prentiss of this city, body truth of the discovery of specific cause! orange product.—Col. McClure /I// Spring Vegetine alleged had seized goods in their stores. 5 1 1 1 3 3 Ο It is in Bears have been troubling Koxbury farmers, Richardson, 2b in Philadelphia Press. you successfully counteract the effects of Malaria behind his barn Tuesday evening. thought of fever, of preventing that disease by 1 4 1 Ο Ο yellow Col. Ezra J. Trull, commander of the Ancien lately, and Mr. Penley and Mr. D. F. Hoberts have Thompson, ri 5 2 upon the system. Humors of a Cancerous or he was murdered his wife, had 0 When the railroad was first that by as'they ocnlation and to obtain all the information possi and Honorable Artillery company of Boston, diei each lost sheep. Kowe, ss 5 1 2 3 4 0 opened fjom Scrofulous nature are most troublesome now, and aooui me suie νι λ from an attack of White, 3b 5 1 2 2 1 2 Ο quarreled uuriiig me uay pan ble as to the cause and prevention of that disease yesterday morning paralysis PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Waterville to Danville thirty-six or thirty- (^/(^ÂticayX no other remedy has such power to eradicate them. He was also colonel of the Fifth regiment ο Bennett, c 4 1 3 5 5 2 1 of oxen. The House went into committee of the wholi a on Star- seven Mr. \V. C. Pitman of Ban- Should the blood impurity develop an Eruption of State militia of Massachusetts. The deceasci Isaac Lobley, brakeman Conductor Baldwin, ρ 2 1 1 2 Ο 3 Ο years ago, while Mr. Davis the purpose and pro the Skin, nothing will so effectually remove it as explained was 44 of rett's train, was severely injured while shackling if 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 was a Pardoned the President. who was one ο years age. Manning, gor conductor of the first train one Vegetine. There is no diseased condition of the sys- by visions of the bill. Mr. Caldwell, cars at Wednesday. The cars came the commit Wytopitlock tem eauspd by an impure state of the blood that is not ■Washington, April 29.—The President has the opponents of the bill, while before together in such a manner as to catch him above Totals 38 9 14 21 27 14 1 rainy morning. He started at Waterville, benefited by its use. As a tonic for convalescents, tee on commerce presented his objections to tin the and lam him No bones were brok- pardoned W. II. Guodell, master of the schooner MAINE APICULTURALISTS. hips badly. ST. LOUIS. and on at North Belgrade, a ladies in delicate health aud old people it is of a committee. anu he will soon recover. arriving of ill aupolntmeut en unsurpassed. Gov. liobic of Maine, who was convicted The House afterward discussed the river ant AB. R. IB. TB. PO. A. E. not flag, run There is a good demand for ship carpenters in flag station, seeing any and sentenced to harbor bill but without any aclioi Glasscock, ss 4 ο ο Ο 3 ο Ο treatment of his crew pay $300 appropriation The of Their Associatior I and Brewer at present, says the Whig. the station. Just an the train had the House Meeting Bangor 2l> 4 0 0 0 4 10 1 by for four mouths. adjourned. if men are at or learn- Dunlap, A1VERAN0 and he-imprisoned Few, any, young working ft 3 Ο Ο ο ο ο υ the red was run out for some Yesterday, the trade and workmen grow fewer every Zery, passed flag ing good MeKiuuon, lb 3 l 1 1 11 ο 2 90 EXCHANCE ST., SOULE S Lost Overboard and Drowned. year. passengers to get on. Mr. Pitman ATTACKED BY NÎOONSHINF.RS. Denny, 3b 3 1 1 4 Ο 2 Ο stopped [ PILLS)bîLIOUS ,Jas. A of the Maine I office In Wed- his tram and asked Mr. Richardson, liocKL.vNi), April 23.—Schooner Buyce. special meeting Apiculturn At the American Express Bangor Sweeny, ρ 3 ο 1 1 Ο 2 ο Stephen HAM. PiLLS the amount of in the settle- the station he did not display OPPOSITE PORTLAND SAVINGS Duncan, master, reports she lost overboard Society commenced yesterday morning in tli nesday money paid Dolan, c 3 0 0 0 4 4 2 agent, why eodlm Jr., ment the of the losers of on the Richardson mar30 Core Headache, Sldeache, Coated Tongrno, ι enricsseo Mountaineers Arminganc wer of claims freight Cahill, rf 3 Ο Ο Ο 3 2 1 the flag before. Mr. replied, and Hitter Taste in the m· util. oil ape Ann, Tuesday, a German sailor named Common Council room. Representatives and Katahdln was deter- Constipation, steamers Cambridge Qulun. cl 3 Ο Ο Ο 2 2 Ο "Be you a-goin' to run your train in rainy known. 25 cts. ; 6 boxes, vessel ov- U. S. Officers. from Falmoutli far arc The best Liver KeRrnlator John liaker of New York. The passed Defying present Brunswick, Durham, mined. The Cambridge losses thus $661.72 weather? I didn't think you would." tl.oa By all Druggist* and byalulL Kev. C and tiie Katahdin's losses foot up $732.36. At er him. lie caught the log line hut beuame ex- Mechanic Falls, Deeriug and Portland. Totals 29 2 3 6 27 22 Ο St 30 Hanover Boston. esent there are three and two The bill for the enlargement of the White Geo. Pierce Co., St., of the only Cambridge the hausted before he could be pulled in. Memphis, Tenn., April 20.—Coffee and Grund; M. Herring of Brunswick, president societ) claims These amount to Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MAGIC S atahdin outstanding. House proposes to duplicate the present FM W&wlylsIor4thpnrm counties in Tennessee are In an uproar of excite made an opening address describing the succesf only about fifty dollars, and will be settled as soou Détroits Ο 2211012— Î1 mho the new structure ful who be in bee cul as the company and claimants can agree on St. Louis Ο 0 0 0 0 0 2 Ο— 2 building, and connect and LOSS OF THE RACER. nient over an attack on United States Deput: apiary and should engaged .the terms. old means of a broad corridor. The CAUTION ! ! Marshal I'urdon at .Manchester 011 Monday. J ture. Earned runs—St. Louis, 2; Detroit, β. Home the by The Democratic State committee has issued the Denny. Two base hits—Kowe House has been * of rode into Manchester, sui Andrew J. Chase of was electe runs—Thompson, White occupied — band Moonshiners Deeriug call for the State convention, to bo held at Baldwin. Three base hit—Bennett. present STARCH,— MADE BY Another of the Trial of Captain Bangor Passed balls Day house and to kil [ secretary pro tem. at 10 a. to nominate a candidate for 2. Wild 1800. As it was in 1792 it has Cerrior. rounded Purdon's attempted June 2, m., —Dolan, pitch—Sweeney. First base on since begun and to transact other business. 51 1. CO. him. They wounded him, but he shot down flvt I Mr. John M. Stewart of Falmoutli, commence governor balls—Sweeney, Baldwin, Struck out—By quite a respectable antiquity for a pnblic MAGIC STARCH &nra. COUNTY. Baldwin, 4; by Sweeney, 2. Double play—Denny, of Eel Spruce of them in the He is now in a critical con keeping bees some fourteen years ago. His firs PISCATAQUIS of the United States. The pa. Graj's Syrnp * 20.—Tiie trial of Capt. Jeffrey fight. Duulap and Dolan. Umpire—Tom Fratt. building site for PHILADELPHIA, FOR Boston, April but it is that he will recover. 1 came a swarr The ice in the lakes is ready to break up. dition, thought experience by securing wandering nearly the is south of the Hoarseness, Loss of Gerrior, on the charge of barratry, was resumed wounded moonshiner named Clark, who was lef It is very soft and in none of tne lakes is it sale NEWYORKS, 4; BOSTONS, 3. duplicate immediately Coughs, Colds. Consumption. that alighted upon the gate post of his yard fen c The bill not the and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. in the United States Circuit Court. at Purdon's house for dead, is still alive. Thi for a man to cross. The Moosehead people think present building. may pass Voice, this morning while in Portland. He made a su< The league season was other four wounded men were carried to the 11101111 living quite that boats will be able to run from Greenville to championship formally present Congress, but there is evident need BEST does not seem to be much interest taken AND There ii so this FINEST TRADE MARK NOTICE. taius by the moonshiners, and are now secreted cess of the business while in Portland and ha ! Kineo by Saturday or Sunday. If will be opened in New York city, in a game at the polo of enlarging the President's mansion, as ex- THE H OR1B. in the triai, only a small number of spectators be- a cave 111 Cumberland range. Thirty of the luoun the earliest that the ice has been known to leave offices have crowded the Il¥ " Syrup of Red again entered upon bee culture. grounds, yesterday, between the New York and ecutive Presidential This is to intimate that the words, the have banded to them the lakes for a number of years. " which is day. Judge Carpen- taineers together protect into half a dozen rooms can our Trade Mark, iug present throughout am Mr. Warren Harmon of lias bee Boston clubs. The attendance was 11,946. Eleven family thay call Spruce Gum constitute and and are the officers. State, revenue i Deering kept COUNTY. NO COOKING to law both at Ottawa came into court after 10 o'cloek and defying SOME1UET their own. NEEDS duly secured according or ter shortly officers are the country for tli some six the old fashioned box hivt had to be before the contest was beautiful Gloss and Stiffness. Anv infringing the same, county scouring years, using from inning» played Producing a rich, Washington. person will of Ida Williams was con- ensue when Should the railroad go Pittsfleld through which is also registered, the cross-examination band, and a conflict will the; He is in a The sco re : The variously related story of how Gen. imitating the wrapper notice. bloody very much Interested bee culture Hartiand to Moosehead I.ake, a lead mine that is decided. rnn be con.- be forthwith, and without further United States District Stearns meet. It is feared at Manchester that an atteinp in«ro.liirrd prosecuted the man- tinued. Attorney lie lias hard luck bee: known to exist near Moose St. will Butler charged the government for a ryNo Starch jet Ν. one offering for sale, not being be made to rescue the wouudei i though had wintering his Pond, Albans, BOSTON'S. $50 the ITI A€*IC/· B.—Any colds the examination of wit- will forcibly the Anson with an article for coughs and bearing takes notes throughout of men ha » very likely be worked, says Advocate. pared ufacturer, the moonshiner, and a strong posse good Mr. I. N. Dyer of South Durham has bee PO. A. E. hand-organ and monkey, purchased while ho Two above Trade is liable with kept AB. IS IB. TB. do the Work of the Mark, equally while Mr. conducts the examination beeu to him. four years, old fashioned box hives at fin WALDO COUNTY. ο ο One Package will manufacturer. nesses, Alniy organized guard using If 5 ο ι l 3 was at New is told llieeaeeso far lias proved and afterwards the He los Hornung, Orleans, truly for the first Starch. for the government, Langstroth hive. Belfast is strongly talking of a public park. If s» Γ) Ο Ο Ο 2 1 Ο l'oniids of Ordinary 25 cts. which accounts for the fact Sutton, time in a (See Trade Mark Act of 1868.) Pricc very uninteresting, only three colonies out of fifteen during the pas it is built the new library building and the soldiers' Wise, 2b 5 0 2 3 1 2 0 Washington letter to the Cleveland that so few arc present. MISSIONARIES IN DANCER. left on the summer stands. II in 1 0 Sold under of manufacturers. spectators winter, although monument will be placed it. Daily, c 5 1 0 0 6 Leader, which the tale in own guarantee WATSON & CO., secures all the stored in gives Butler's KERRY, honey naturally surplu The session of the East Maine Con- Morrill, lb 4 1 1 1 13 1 Ο boxes and feeds white for thirty-ninth : It was the hottest of cam- Wholesale Druggists, Montreal, sugar syrup wintering will be held at Kadbourn, ρ 6 0 1 3 0 8 1 language time my A Proper Protest. He finds the business and ference Winterport, commencing 3 Ο Ο CÛUSENS & TOMLINSON, The Chinese at thi ι very interesting profi of Johnston, cf 5 1 2 5 paign about Baltimore. The were Sole Proprietors of the above Trade Mark. Getting Angry able. Thursday, May 6th, Bishop Henry|W. Warren, 2 0 2 rebels very Albany, Ν. Y., April 2i>.—A call, signed by Poor man, rf 4 Ο Ο 0 : Elisba of lias been some fou Denver, Colorado, presiding. 0 and I no inside news WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents, Factory: Rouses Point. Wholesale Warehouse H. A. Barnum of New York. MaJ. Gen. if Treatment of Their Countrymen. Higgins Deering Nash, 3b 4 10 14 1 close-mouthed, could get Gen. in the bee but ei A Belfast who has the 220 State Street, Boston. of Albany, and Capt. Bailey of Batavia, years culture, from lack of gentleman given subject of the of the rebels. One I saw a PORTLAND, MB. Treadwell has not 11 much attention says that seals more doings day dim issued for a mass meeting at Capital perience succeeded satisfactorily, but destroy Totals 42 4 7 13 31 17 4 apr24 lias been tends to the business until salmon than are caught in all the weirs in Penob- great crowd round a man with a eoitlstor4thp at 8 m., to protest against the ovation today's as pursue experienc gathering janll l'ark. p. Pittsburg, l'a., April 29.—During gives perfection. scot Bay. He paying a bounty on the NEW YORKS. to Jefferson Davis at Montgomery, Ala., S( suggests who had a very large monkey. given of the Women's Foreign Missionary Freedom of Portland, commence of seals and thus exterminate them. AB. R. IB. Til. hand-organ, WM. and the disloyal sentiments uttered. sembly Nash, Esq., scalps PO. A. E. BEST, yesterday, Gen. the sec the business four years ago by a wande; that the Com- cf G 1 2 3 3 Ο 1 As I drew nearer I noticed that the man — the call issued Barnum, now in session here, Miss Thome, securing The Belfast Journal notes Cunard O'liourke. DEALER IN — In response to by ciety, to the number of Ingcolony that alighted upon a pile of boards i have extended thanks to the Ful- lb 5 0 1 1 10 o 0 like a Smpuo/ Grand men and citizens and treasurer, read a letter which she liai [ J pany steamship Connor, playing the organ looked very much Army retary his yard. He lias used the hive an II the c 5 2 2 2 7 VEGETABLES, GROCERIES AND CANNED met in the Assembly Chamber tonight, to Tli Langstroth da and her captain for services rendered at Ewlng, 1 (J sol- MEATS, liiïJtUiï 2000 received from missionaries in Japan, has had both native and Italian strains of bee; If 5 0 1 1 smart Irishman whom I had among my Lg against the utterances of Jefferson Davis just j· sinking of the Oregon, but have not recognized Gillispie, 2 0 0 GOODS. MEATS A SPECIALTY. Positively Cur «y? bsrpT protest and to for the General Assembly. 1 t He finds bee culture an interesting and e the services of tne Belfast schooner Fannie A. rf 5 0 0 0 1 0 C went back to my in his at Montgomery yesterday, letter is intended profltabl Oorgan, diers. I said nothing, but Little Β Lb. speech the of things i pastime. Ksterbrook, 2b 5 0 3 4 3 0 denounce the resurrection of Davis from ob- relates to the present condition (jorham. 1 1 the Irishman, WOODFORD'S CORNER, ME. had the absolute necessity c [ George Sampson of Pcrtland has had the nath 5 0 headquarters and, calling up Tbcy sîso r^!icveDis-to livion to which the and patriotic people China, and sets forth IN OENE11AL. Welch, ρ 1119] loyal ( f strains of bees the Kidder frame hive. H 0 S3 5 I NO. 3703. ln:.73 sroin jïj-spoptsiaj him. Patriotic speeches were made by strong treaty stipulations for the protection using The outlook for the lumber business this year is Ward, 2 3 3 0 0 I in whom I had perfect confidence, gave TELEPHONE [carter's consigned i lias been troubled with the bee moth. 2b δ Ο 4 tiou tu>d Senators Rallies the "The Chinese outrages Gerhardt, 3 6 1 ί <«ooil* Delivered Free. Indicée Toe# Gen. Barnum, Speaker Husted, missionaries. very poor by lumber manufacturers, and told liim to go and buy Λ Allen and others. "have caused tli 3 Andrew J. Chase of Deering lias been pronounced him some money apl3d Hearty Ealing. Assemblyman Van America," the letter continued, engage and few of them are more than enough to ÎéTTLE per-J and Smith, ar 3 in the culture five or six and considers t doing Total so. He itct remedy for greatest indignation 111 China, and if they years the local demand. No contracts are ex- 46 5 16 19 33 18 ί I out the musician. He did bought New 1880 model Koyal Dizzi-J what the resu t one of the most industries. He winte supply Mail, Naupcn, Drowsi-I continued it is impossible to tell important New York and I'hiladel- 2 3 4 6 and the musi- ISall Head,—new ιιγλ5, on this season from Innings—1 5 7 8 9 10 11 the the monkey, witli Grip-Fast IVER Bun' T.'u î.rî in thel From. will be. is aware of lier powei ed, the summer stands, twenty-four colonie pecteu One tirm lias hand-organ, De- new, Jeff Davis Again Heard China becoming and few from Boston. Kiin,—no cement,—new if there Is n< t last winter. He secured sufficient hone phia, very New New Yorks..O Ο 2 1 Ο ο ο ο 0 1 1— £ and SOOfor them. Dressed Month, Coated TougneJ and that she will use it aggravated surplus had three very large contracts for ! cian's clothes, paid Handle Bar,—new PILLS. 29.—Great crowds last to all the already Bostons Ο a He tachable i ϋ in the Side, &cX Montgomery, Ala., April much doubt. year pay expense attending buslnei on account of the 20000001 1 0—4 ; I sent him out as spy. trav- u canceled stagaa- in these, .Shield. Wheelmen invited of the corner-stone and an increase of 115 York delivery Dust ν the at the laying secured per cent, to h and revUÎKte Bow-§! gathered today tion in building operations by the unset- Runs earned—Bostons, New Yorks, 3. Home eled all the surrounding country gave examine at my store. 7lu Devotional exer- stock. He finds that both the an 1 produced 2; to •;v;l .< "vei>t Coneti-S of the Confederate monument. Health. Langstroth and other manufacturers say run—Johnston. Bast's stolen—Ward, 2. Two· information· This of the year. In great de Kev. Mr. Andrews of the Ex-President Arthur's Kidder hives be used. !| tied labor situation, me some very valuable Wheel cises were conducted by may successfully Hone received from New York are so low base hits— Ger- few old and Pilee. Tne en the reverend gentle- be I that the offers Wise. O'Rourke, Ksterbrook, information was worth thousands of dollars mand.—A pattern l!i>y. pation Methodist Episcopal church, Washington, April 29.—Rev. Dr. Leonart naturally gathered should forced into surplu base a dose. 4 Pt Vcg-Ji of the that no are made to them. In fact there hardt. Three-base hits—Radbourne. First and al Mails at rcdueed prices. Only one pill man the ex-I'resident church In Waal boxes while the broad chambers should be we II replies to the United States government, you rents. •j'jrf.LOoJ also introducing pastor of Ht. John's (Episcopal) to be so little in lumber maoufae- on balls— Bostons, 1. First base on errors— Bos- etable. Price 25 as Davis rose and Arthur attendit :, filled with for winter appears money see it paid the United State» V.::K Confederacy. The scene Ington, D. C which ex-I'resident white sugar eyrup food. are 2 2. struck can thus why L. General was t turing this year that the manufacturers quite tons, ; New Yorks, ont—Bostons, ts, SAILEY, CARTER MEDICINEC the hand of his old Attorney left last for New York, summoned by teli Dr. s. P. (Jetchell of Portland who has Kei I to pay 8W for a hand-organ and a monkey. Βοία by all Drimifitl^. grasped night I disposed to shut down thelrlmllls. New York, t). Umpire—Curry. !M1 Middle Street. very affecting. graph to the bedside of Mr. Arthur. bees for eight years, gave a very interesting e: dlwteodtf&w2w apr3 ΠΙβΟΕΙΙΛΝΕΟΙΙβ. mWBUulKEOIII. AMUSEMENTS· the free conduct of adults is restricted in FURNITURE. THE ΡΚΕΘ8. certain cases is to limit the full use and bene- fit of labor-saving machinery, and thus to. PORTLAND THEATRE. 30. FRIDAY MORMÎÎG, APRIL lengthen the necessary hours of work of the One Monday, 26. Matinees mass of the PIANOS, ORGANS, Week-Commencing April great people. We do not read anonymous letters and commun- Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30. οt the writer are A. Atkinson address Β. and c&tious. The name CURRENT COMMENT. νου all κΙηεπβΕκ vs. □ all cases indispensable, not necessarily (or pub- lication but as a guarantee of good laltli. The originator» of lirwt-eln»» Comic Opera WOUNDED IN THE HOUSE OF HIS at the We cannot undertake to return or preserve AGAIN & CO'S ORGANS, People'» Price» of A«lmia»ion, communications that are not used. FRIENDS. ΙΟ ANI> SO CENTS. Manchester Union. Reserved Seats ΙΟ eents extra. We must confess that the message of Presi- A REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION dent Cleveland on the labor question is the BOYS' ■ For sale at Theatre, FRIDAY, April 23d· first document that he PIANOS. AAA attend our Perform· disappointing public IA People WILL BE HELD IN SPECIALS ORGANS, anccM week. has ever written. llfjVvv every SEVENTH ANNUAL TOUR. CITY HALL, LEWISTON, CAPE BRETON ANSWERS CAPE ANN. Advocatc. For Tliis Week. Sydney The offered to this Wednesday, June 9, 1886, at 11 o'clock a. m., We mean toprotect our fisheries or smash the greatest opportunity yet universe into its original elements. Canada is Suits! to PIANOS and ORGANS at DENNETT II iULTON'O for Tumble a and For the of candidate purchase purpose nominating a peace loving and law abiding nation when MORNING publie Governor to be at the September elec- MOIDAY Rough supported let alone, but when aroused she is ter- that W 0 tion, and transacting any other business tliat may simply priees defy competition. COMIC come before it. rible. The United States Senate having re- properly — TO — offer as drive a lot the stock in this of Tnc basis of representation will be as follows: fused to act on President Cleveland's recom- We to-day special large We earry largest city OPERA COMPANY. Each city, town and plantation will be entitled to mendation to a commission to discuss these all wool Suits for Boys 4 to 14 years cast appoint of such STAMDAISD MAKES as 40 PEOPLE 40 one delegate, and for each seventy-five votes the with the Canadian government, Governor in 1884 question at tlie low of for the Republican candidate for nothing remains but for our blue nose breth- of age pri OUR OWN ORCHESTRA ANO BRASS BAND. an additional and for a fraction of forty delegate, ren to range themselves the shore and "HENRY F. MILLER & votes in excess of votes, an addition- along SATURDAY NIGHT. SONS," seventy-five stones at Yankee fisherman who BKPBRTOIBB. al delegate. pelt every The State Committee will be in session in the dares to look at a fish in Canadian waters. "CIIAS. M. STIEFF," Monday, THE MASCOT. o'clock on the Reception Room of the Hall at nine A MATTER OF BREAD TO THE SAILORS. APRIL 26 TO Mil 1. PER SUIT. Tuesday, GIROFLE GIROFLA. of the Convention, for the purpose of re- $3.00 Lace morning Boston Transcript. "NEW ENGLAND," Wednesday, Queen's Handkerchief. ceiving the credentials of delegates. CHIMES OF NORMANDY. All electors of Maine who are in favor of main- to a Nova member of Thursday, According Scotian are tlie best we liave been ■ will in re- These bargains THE MIKADO. taining a Protective Tariff; who join Parliament, the fishermen among his con- "BRADBURY," Friday, the now made In a Demo- to offer for a while, and will be of- OLIVETTE. sisting attempt being stituents threaten to remove to the United able long Saturday, cratic House of to injure many ForCash or Lib- "GILBERT & Representatives States unless to on board at the above until all are sold. CO.," Wed. Matinee, Pirates of I'enzance. of tile leadine: industrial interests of Maine ; who permitted ship fered price American vessels. The may Sat. Matinee, THE MIKADO. are lu favor of elevating and dignifying human la- fishery question Our stock of BOYS' and CHILDREN'S bor by securing to the laborer his just reward ; be a matter of diplomacy to the government And to make way for our Spring Stock will who demand freedom of suffrage throughout the at Ottawa, but to the sailors of the maritime eral Credit. CLOTHIN G is larger than usual at this sea- NEW COSTUMEsTTrOI'ERTIES, Ac. and an honest counting of the ballots ; bread. There out at a for cash or aiir-M dot republic it is a matter of daily arc low. close them great bargain measures for the encour- provinces son and the prices uncommonly who uphold all judicious is room in this for all the Nova Sco- of American who believe country Be sure and agement shipbuilding; tians who desire to come. Properly fanned, on installments. call before in an honest and responsible civil service and in the the maritime provinces may ROSWORTH RELIEF CORPS NO. I an economical administration of the Government; discontent of and we will be made the back-fire to burn out Ottawa Cor. Pearl and Middle Streets. ! purchasing elsewhere, guar- who approve the Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic and the promotion of the cause of Temperance, hostility to the United States. antee to save you money. are without to cordially invited, regard past polit- STILL ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. ical differences, to unite with the Republicans in & Portland Carnival! Y. Tribune. Asli Chamber Boston the selection of to this Ν. Seta, complete. $18, $20, $25, $28, Co., delegates Convention. Clothing May Day Per order State Committee. Commis- $30, $35, $38, $40 to $50. AT Republican The evidence given before Wreck best Italian JOSEPH M Walnut Chamber Sets, complete, II. AN LEY, Chairman. 011 the Oregon disaster proves WILLIS II. sioner Kothery Tops. $40, $45, $48, $55, $60 and up to $250. CITY WING, Secretary. in shipbuilding have not Chamber Sets best Ital- 255 MIDDLE IDE. HALL, Augusta, Me., April 16, 188C. that improvements Solid Cherry complete, STREET, PORTLAND, reached their limit. Capt. Cottier testified ian Marble Tops, $40, $45, $50, $75 and up to M AY DAY AFTERNOON AND ETE W. to one significant fact : that the steamer was $160. , Chamber best Italian I.. Musical Director. fhnnil- of not a vessel to respond to the helm, Solid Mahogany Sets, - Frank Collin», Senator Jones Florida wants to come quick and Imitation Ma- ler'N that "she would run for two or three Marble Tops, $05 upward. WARE, Manager. Orchewlrn. back from his Detroit but is and $28 and upward. W.S.C. expedition, when at full speed before she hogany, New The Juvenile Operetta, entitled lengths going Pine Chamber $10, $18 and $20. afraid the Senators will at him. If Sets, complete, laugh would begin to answer her lielni." this are all set on the England Organ Company, These chamber Sets up largest MAY MORNING! is true the Oregon would run a quarter of a and lightest floors in this country. We warrant written Win. H. Putnam : Music com- At Atlanta the colored men voted solidly mile before her rudder would have any ef- them clean, perfect well made goods. Enormous No. 16 FREE STREET, PORTLAND, ME. Operetta by eod3t Frank L. Collins : Chorus of 120 voices in favor of but in Richmond fect and so slow steering a craft is assortment to select from. Take elevator to third apr2G posed by prohibition, upon her, from the Public Schools ; Pianist, Miss Alice 8. one to come within a mile or floor. they voted solidly against it, and in both a dangerous Hudson. The Drama, two of on the ocean. cases their vote was the deciding factor. SILVER LINING. FlNANCIAl,. Flat $1.50 written by Fred Adams. The Drama, Congressman Collins concedes that the Springs $1.00, $125, TRUE bankruptcy bill is dead. The two- PHILOSOPHY; virtually Woven Wire 5.00 FOR A MAN'S DRESS SOIT City Oirl. on » Vncnlion in the Country." thirds to ensure its consideration Springs 3.00, 4.00, $9 M. Nlckerson,solo selection; Maud Haw- necessary Harry J. B. BROWN & kins. selection. Ten Beautiful Tableaux. cannot secured. The canvass of the SONS, reading be adults 16 cents, children 10 No Come and see the regular, warranted pure, una- Matinee, cents; House shows that its friends lack 20 votes. reserved seats. adults 25 cents;children dulterated Busbnell Spring Bed ; this is the most H.J. BAILEY & Evening, CO., 15 cents. Reserved seats (evening) 35 cents, at popular Spring Med in the market, but owing to The call for the Democratic State Conven- the hitherto high cost lias not been sold Stockbrldge's. ap20dlw largely. SUCCESSOR* TO BANKERS, We shall offer them now for this week at $5.75. tion just issued by Chairman Brown is ad- Don't forget to look at the Best & Bushnell Spring THE dressed to "all the electors of the State who Ho. 218 Middle Street. Bed. CITY HALL, MONDAY, MAY 3. are in sympathy with the principles of true BAILEY & GO. Democracy." Chairman Brown ought to MARRETT, " Fair and Dramatic Entertainment ''afina «'lin*· '" ·η»ηκ(· Κι» "tfiio ΤΊηηίΛΛΜΛΤΓ Sterling and Continental Exchange Mattresses, ell Sizes, Kinds and under the auspices of the Ladies' Association ο bought and sold at most favorable rates. the New Church. Some of the features of the fair The London World applies with great will be Kate Greenaway 5 o'clock Tea,Flower and and Commercial Letter» of Mutua Union Wall Gentlemen's Travelling force to the 1'arnellites the old proverb about Carpetings, Papers, Draperies, Candy Booths, Gipsey Tent, Table, Credit Issued, available in all the Prin- Qualities, at Rnck Bottom Prices. also many articles of use. Refreshments in Re- chickens before they are hatched. Window Hall. Adminnion Afternoon Free. counting cipal CitieM of Europe. Laee Curtains, ception It is gravely asserted that the entire minis- Securities and Sold* Investment lloiight LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Shades, &e., Set very successful and entertaining play In 3 acts try to be formed on the establishment of the janSl eodtf Irish Parliament has already been named with Mr. Parnell, of course, as premier, or OF MAINE. We are prepared to offer tlie best stock of the SHAKESPEARE WATER CURE. WOODBURY & We rather President of the Irish council. This HOULTOI, above named goods ever shown in this city. MUSIC BY CBANDLEB. OBttANIZED IN 1848, to sell them as low as the lowest.' is a piece of slate-making that will make Parlor guarantee will do Suits! Ε Ticket· it] Kocrved Meal· Before selections purchasers eu.; 33 IS Δ making venini; Americans envious. well to examine our styles and get our prices. We et». For sale at Stockbridge's ou and after Tues- This have selected our day, April 27. ap20,27,28,29.myl&3 The decision arrived at by the British BANKERS Now is the Time, HOME COfflPAMY, Board of Trade in to the dis- PORTLANDTHEATRE. regard Oregon Week. which has had thirty-six years' experience. aster has by no means set the matter at rest. BECOBO 18 Two and May 4 and 5. It has stirred up the Scotch nautical experts, Cor. Middle and Street. Nights—Tuesday Wednesday, Exchange Please remember, because next week the price JT8 who now advance the Daniel Frobmaii's In Bal- altogether "plausible may be higher. with special reference to the prevailing colors of Exquisite Company, view that the steamship ran into the stern of Plush Parlor Suits, $39, $42, $45, $47.50, $50, Death losses paid, $8,361,920.47 each. It is desirable to have asco's Comedy Drama, $60, $65 and up to $250. the for $55, ■ schooner, that the hitherto inexplicable Choice Securities, suitable Hair Cloth Parlor Suits, $35, $40, $45 and up to Endowments paid, 3,374,402.90 hole above the water line was caused by the $75. Surrendered policies, ■ 5,647,970.22 Savings Banks and Trust These suits all consist of Sofa Lounge, Gents' schooner's counter, and that the rudder made Chair, Ladies' Patent Kocker and four Parlor Dividends, 4,268,862.35 CARPETS and WILL PAPERS the second hole through which the water Funds on hand. Chairs. Come eerly and you will secure better at- constantly A TOTAL PAYMENT to know. Our jau 13 eodtf tention. Harmonize as the public well rushed. This opinion, supported by a logical Our line of Lounges, Easy Chairs and Rockers, SHOWINGPolicy-holders of nearly argument seems entitled to consideration. Rattan Chairs, &c., is complete, and prices this May Blossom, week shall rule very low. millions of dol- The more the matter is looked at the more Tift Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Twenty-twolars, equal to ΤΠΕ FISHERMAN'S BRIDE, general becomes the opinion that the chief Seven per cent. First Mortgage Coupon HUNS RE D THOUSAND DOL- anxiety of the Wreck commissioners was to and for each of Department — with — year Carpet Bonde, SIXLARS, paid policy-holders is with shield the Cunard company from liability to the company'» existence. complete the passengers for their inconvenience and THE AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. ASSETS ARE @0,110,347.13, while GEORGIA less. CARPET its Liabilities are only 93,413,410.74. CAYVAN, Debenture ITS Six Per Cent Bonds, New Designs end Colorings. Mr. Davis is probably right in characteriz- — AND — Τ HAS THEREFORE A SURPLUS of BENJ. MAGINLEY' according to the Massa- in the ing the extraordinary honors paid to him in Γ Nearly 8400,000 We have ihclargest and best stock State, SEVEN PER CENT. GUARANTEED MORTGAGES, chusetts standard, and of over S700,000 by and invite the inspection of the public to the same. and otliers of the Original Cast, and Scenery from as not to him the New York standard. our and be- Montgomery paid personally, — — Be sure and look at stock get prices the Madison Square Theatre. FOB BALK BY DEPARTMENT. but to the cause of which he was once the fore purchasing elsewhere. UNION MUTUAL, recognizing its mu- head and is now the chief martyr. Davis WILLIAM H. EMERY, THEtuality, is the most liberal company in its Seats 75 and 50 cents : Gallery 35 cents. Sale ol Come and see the fer in all with its seats commences May 1. ap29td is not and there is Middle Hie. bargains yourselves, dealings policy-holders. Saturday, personally attractive, 188 Street, Portland, Wool, Cotton and Wool, Tapestry Brussels, Body little in his character to love or admire. Brussels, Velvets, &c. We believe no liner line POLICY CONTRACT is plain and and of it. Paid in Stock of cadi chance for The Long Short He is not of the stuff of which Capital can be found in New England. Selected with ITSdefinite in all its terms and no heroes lower Company, $500,000.00. great care, guaranteed as first quality and misconception. WALL PAPER DEPARTMENT. some in are made. His career as President of the marl 2 eodtf than the lowest In price. Is that we are DAILY disposing of Big Bargains GRAND CONCERT POLICIES ARE — — Southern Confederacy redounded neither to We are now exhibiting the best line of AT ITS INCO NTESTAKLE Clothing for GENTLEMEN, YOUNG MEN and BOYS. Our his own credit nor to the glory of his coun- Ι* Ο Κ Γ JL Α Λ D After three years for any cause except fraud. try. He lacked most of the essential quali- and Decorations PAYS DEATH CLAIMS, WITHOUT Room Papers Ceiling ST. LAWRENCE ST. CHURCH, ties of a great leader, and his own blunders DISCOUNT, immediately as soon as the IT been shown in this city for years. This are complete and satisfactory, and without that have Wednesday Evening, !Uay 5, contributed to the overthrow of the govern- proofs in all the best designs that have WORSTED SUITS STOVES is line complete CORKSCREW or of BROWN number days. waiting 60, 00, any We make a —BY THE— ment which he undertook to build up. He been produced this season. specialty all its branches, l'lans ana TRUST COMPANY ISSUES POLICIES on nil of first class work in in either Sack or Four Button was selfish to the last --AND approved in men's Cutaway degree, and never for- estimates given at short notice. We have a large sizes, SCHUBERT QUARTETTE and LADIES' ORCHESTRA ITplans. and Bronze Also the got to look out for himself first. He was a variety of Gilt Papers. Frock at is the same that sold last season for —ASSISTED BY— First National Bank stock of common papers in the State. $9.00 too. It is to understand Bnilding. ADVANTAGES of thin Company are largest coward, easy how a of sea- Home of the Beat Talent of our city. THEAGE. EXPERIENCE, STRONG FINAN- $15, in quality. We bought lot the goods this the South can revere the names of Lee and CIAL CONDITION, LARGE SURPLUS, EQUIT- We our prices as low and and conser- guarantee in our own and now offer Doors open at 7, concert to begin at 8 o'clock. Jackson, for they were both brave men, who and Railroad and ABLE ATTRACTIVE PLANS, son, made them workshops City, County Bonds, vative management. as the lowest. Admission, Adults 25c. Children 15c. Tickets for voluntarily made great sacrifices for the RANGES. them to the at (ale at store of Granville Staples and at the door. other First-Class Securities. public dtd caus· they espoused. But how it can shout Call or send to any Agency Office for a circular ap30 We shall continue to sell Ranges at our reducea of its plane. itself hoarse over Davis, who never made prices, and take a quarter of the amount down CARPET DËPARTJIEÏT. aud the balance the week or month. Come aud <9 liûy sacrifice which he was not to ON DEPOSITS. by LESS THAN WHOLESALE. compelled INTEREST ALLOWED see what we and remember that JOHN K. De President. eodtf have, please you WITT, AXMINSTEK. Fn trUah is the theo- jelO run no risk in from as we HENRY D. make, inexplicable except upon buying us, guarantee SMITH, Secretary, MuguKiiK and every stove to be a baker and all right in every ARTHUR L. RATES. Ass't Secretary. are more than usual in MEN'S ry that they look upon him simply as the WILTON, American. We showing styles ^ ΟΠΝΓ13 S ! particular. THOMAS A. FOSTER, M. D., Medical Director. VELVET TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 11. representative of a cause which is still dear JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, Counsel. BUSINESS SUITS at $10, $12 and $15. Lowell $8, to them. Os 4s Bath 6s St 4s English, This being the case, the fact that Kockland & Hartford lines of Flannel Gold.,6s Maine Central..7s & 6s Bigelow, We are now some fine Boys' Davis was with tremendous enthuti- No. Pacific JAMES BODY BRUSSELS, opening Lecture the REV. HENRY WARD greeted — SÎNKINSON, Bromley by Ansen 4s P. & Ο. Κ. Κ 6s Higgins, and STAR Shirt asm all his route to is Worcester, Homers Blouses at 75c, f 1, $1.25 $1.50. Boys' along Montgomery SHADES MANAGER FOR CITY AGENCY. not calculated to sen- WINDOW- inai'26 eodtf Smiths not star. produce very pleasant at 75c 25c, ARETAS SHURTLEFF, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS Roxbury, Waist 50c, an27 dtf operation. So also do railroads. There then ing Store, 827 Washington St., Boston. I have in warerooms and for sale, the best se- novl2 d6m lected stock of marble in the state for cemetery N. B.—A good line of Picture Mouldings con- of ■JZÙ are the great multitude of to erect Carpctlngs Any Description. A employments that purposes. Parties intending memorials stantly on hand Frames furnished at low prices. fctt&T-L officers of the their loved ones cannot fail to them- UNITED Thanks for the law can never reach, or Co please Job-work done as heretofore. past Portland, March 29,188G. mar30-dlm end Graceful- selves both in to and know the 7st. A Hect, Close-fitting regard price workmanship STATES favors. anything about, people who work at my establishment, marSldlm* J. P. BPEAH. at home, such as seamstresses, washerwom- shaped Shoe. HOTEL. SPECIAL EXHIBITION AND SAIE OF 2d. No torture. at DIRIGO ROOFI1VCÎ t'OMPA IVY en, carpenters, blacksmiths, in short, every- breaking-in Easy TEMPLE between Federal and Sts. 43 ST., Congress Builders should as to the Roofing FINE WATER COLORS body who is his own employer. The first, and always and handsome. Investigate only snug B. A. Atkinson Material manufactured by the Dlrigo Roofing —BY— STEPHEN trades that could be reached are those where WILSON, Co. It is tidy in appearance ; durable with proper F. K. HI. YORK, BERRY, ALL THESE DESIDERATA SHE CAN FIND IN IOO RCHIV, OF NEW H. F THOMPSON. SPECIALIST, care for half a century. The roofing for fe*« numbers of workers are — large collected to- AT — The celebrated "J. & T. Cousins' New Treats complicated Dis- coHtu Delivered without freight charge arul for the purpose of machin- Ν. 15.—I hare no Call and see in Maine with railroad or steamboat fflïirvUl, gether attending ag«nte* eases ami those made at any point Scckj Job (ga\d what are is most valuable ever CYRUS F. DAVIS' such as cotton and woolen York Shoes, of all kinds and materials, in you buying. chronic connections. It the rooting ery, mills, rolling d2m by malpractice. Just the thine for cottages. No. 37 Plum Street, Sl Co. aprl9 No cure no for invented for the price. boot and shoe and the 14 widths and 10 shapes of toes and heels. pay, only Address Co., Fine Art 610 Congress St. mills, factories, medicine. Send for circular. Dirigo Roofing Rooms, eouu apr2Geod3m marl 2 These number not more than one in they will not will not at the heel; for Steej> Falls, Me. nuv Tin: like. rip; slip Proposals Dredging. CousuUation ae«l Examination free will not Engineer a*· ten of the people of the United States who wrinkle, and are the perfection United States Office, ( from 9a. m. JanlBdtf Me.. 10,18SG. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ! their hands. As to these Mr. At- of achievement ISAAC C. ATKINSON, Portland, April ( COLUMBIA BYC1CLES ! work with in the shoemaker's art. PROPOSALS, in will be re- duplicate, Citizens' mutual Relief Society. Best Gum Teeth, *10 per set. NEW MODEL kinson with his usual penetration : If ceived at this office until 12 o'clock lioon on The best in the world. The " RANGE, says, — SEALED Best Plain — WITH ITS Look on Sole» for Name and Address of the 1st day of May, 1880, for dredging in Portland IHE regular monthly meeting will be held at and "Light the advocates of an eight-hour law should "Expert," "Standard" " 5\ Manager. Harbor, Maine. Τ_m_ Reception Hall, City Building, FRIDAY Roadster." New Improvements. Resetting at o'clocG. The Gas free of REFLEX get it passed, the first efforts of the same J. & T. Persons desiring to make proposals for the EVENING, April 30th, 7Va pro- and prices reduced. New ma- Filling at moderate prices. charge PATENT CRATE. COÛSÎNS, to to the to the and the or more teeth. Work warranted. to find dredging are requested apply undersign- posed amendments By-Laws report chines this year, including a La- for two — BOLD ONLY I»Y — men who had promoted it would be to see whether or NEW YORK, STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9. ed, at Ins office, 453 Va Congress street, for speci- of committee appointed not a dies' Light Tricycle, and the Col- out how to work overtime to the best advan- fications, the requisite blanks, and such further satisfactory settlement can be made with the late umbia •'Safety" Bicycle. TE5SJNEY & information as may be desired conoerning the secretary, wl'l nodoubtinduce a large attendance E. B.&F. wTlOCKWOOD, DUNHAM, tage in order to gain a better subsistence. A. KLIN H. LAMSON, 201 MIDDLE STREET M. G. PALMER, Agent for Portland. same. JARED SMITH, VRAN J. ROLLINS. C. 30a"Ceag;res· 91., cor. Brown. eodSm 12 EXCHANGE ST., ME. ELECTRIC LIGHTS ON THREE FLOORS. * apr28 dec 14 PORTLAND, The logical result of all such acts by which sepl4 eodtfnrmcM ,20 «« apl0,12,13,14,29&30 Major of Engineers. ai)29cK» Secretary. apl3 Mead lot Catalogne, Free, d&wtf eovRJin MTEA.IJEBM. Booms TO LET. RAILROAD*. ΤΟ Ι<ΕΤ· OTieeœtXAIVEOtJH. Ε. V. & 1% Memoranda. STEAMBOAT CO. Tenn.. LET-Α su'te of rooms unfur- HARPSH ELL do roref 3ya of which arrived at Mel- new cottage of nine rooms pleasant THE PRESS. Ship City Brooklyn, LET-A nice at 827 CONGRESS ST. May be 145 4 from Burrard Inlet, a Peak's modérât' TO nished, Fort Wavne bourne Mch experienced all furnished, at Island; of 4 and 7 p. in. 27-1 20% 16 05 and rud- TO ST. 20-1 seen between the hours EXCURSIONS STEAMER CORDON Kansas & Texas hurricane In lat 19 S, ion W, split No. 114 OXFOBD 26 terms. Address &c. — Portland, dally FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 30. Houston & Texas der, stove bulwarks, I..ET—A front room, furnished, up one — TO will leave Custom House Wharf, 89V4 tenement at 49 Green St after March 29, 1880 Lone island LET-Α good Ex flight, excellent bath loom accommodations. Sundays excepted, on and ICS C. WOODMAN, 105y» TO two and Great Chebeague Metropolitan El Fishermen. Enquire ofj. This is a large room for gentlemen or at 2 P. M., for Long, Little TO 28-1 good Island, Returning, WIT AND WISDOM. Hannibal & St. Jo Spoken—April 21, lat 43 34. Ion CO 45, sell An- change St. gentleman and wife; will be let with or without Islands, Harpswelf and Ofr's do preferred with 400 cod seven at 100 leave Orr's Island for Portland and Intermediate nie Sargent, of Portland, qtls ; summer a nice Piano. En board. For further particulars, enquire at 9.15 Mobiles Ohio iXVi LET-For the St. Block.) 27-1 at 6.45 A. M. Arrive at Portland 142 days on. ST., 28-1 PARK STREET, (Park Return landings to WINTER and on board A Very Successful Case—First Lawyer—"All. Morris & Essex TOquire at 116 A. M. For freight or passage apply 105 a nice Bridgton LONG. how did come out In that case you Richmond & Danville Boston. If you want quiet mh20dtf CAPT. J. L. Dobkins, you Domestic Ports. nice tenement, seven rooms, ga LET-In —during— were when I went out?" Oregon Nav :07'/4 LET-A 2GG St room when you come to Boston, for a daj or just beginning SAN FRANCISCO — Old 21st. Palmyra, G. SAWYER, Middle TO It was a div 114 Vi ship and Sebago. on or address, MHS. 8 Coal. Second Lawyer—"Gloriously. perfect Kansas lsts, Den sld TO 26-1 week, call MORTON, Ocean Tickets and a sensation full of Jlinot, Queenstown, (and 22d.) South End, off Shawmut Avenue at succeis ; created great ; papers Sid Whitmore, Queenstown. llriggs Place, First Second Cabin, Intermediate and lots of out of it. I think it was 28th. ship Berlin, No Mass. 1-4 Cabin, it ; got advertising New York Mining Stocks. BRUNSWICK—Cld 19th, sells Georgie L Drake 1ET—The 1st of May, part of house 242, Boston, M. E. CONFERENCE. Steerage tickets by fast and best steamers; the the making of my future/' containing rooms Iu- [By Telegraph.] Parris, and Marv A Hall, French, Danen. 108 Braekett St., eightigii Gunard, White Star, Gnion, Anchor, National. "Good! Glad to hear it, old fellow. I knew you TO .—j M„iin attached:attju-liPil;died terterm:term Ham- are BUCKSVILLE—Sld 28tli, sch Nellie Treat,Dow and friiit garden ; LODT AN» FOIN». U.K. man, State, Ked Star, North German Lloyd, had the stuff in the way, what did NEW YOEK,April 29,1886.—The|following âhio large yard on the be PORTLAND A· OIMEIMIK! to — THE you; and,by — Amsterdam, and Italian line® stocks to-day: West Indies. ®21.· OXFORD ST. (Turban) lone, Yum Yum, Coal, Nova Scotia,Coarse and Culm, Patent Fuel, The Kev. Wm. Stout, Ont., states; 20 50 BEST THING KSCfflS TO over SWEET- ce* and continues to and inelud- Wiarton, do preferred Sld J Smith. Ilall, Baltimore. 30 others are the best. Done by April 27, all for immediate shipment, for sale by J. L. 19 00 27th, sell Maggie with three bench Street. Tickets for return passage "After being ineffectually treated by seventeen Homestake Sld sch J Manchester Mattliews, L Ε Τ—Joiner's shop good Ladies' liât Presser, 544 Congress >ng May 1. good KARITI1CR» 2'J Exrhun^r Nl. ap24tf 7 50 28th, llaynes, and circular saw. In SIR, 20-1 to 1880. different doctors for Scrofula and blood diseases, Silver Klner Portland. WASHING™ BLEACHING TOes, mortise machine I?lay 5, Bodie 1 25 Κ. I'. LEIGHTON, 288 Conimercia I was BALTIMORE-Ar 28th, sell Normandy, Wy- of Α. for cured by Burdock Blood Bitters." Write Con. Cal. & Va 1 5G KGÏ OS WATER. quire 4tf best Kid High Button Boot MAIL S. S. CO. man, Washington. IN HARD OB SOFT, GOLD street. than Fare for Round Trip, from PACIFIC him for I have ever seen for $1.50 ; better proof. PHILADELPHIA—Ar 27th, sells Hattie Du il. end SOAP AMAZ- FOITND—Theladies SAVES I.AEOIf, TIME LET. Don't class this with com- Portland and California Stocks. Poland. Galveston; Wm Τ Donnell, Basse», and 31. C. M. ASSOCIATION—TO usually sold for $2.50. Westbrook, Mining INGLY, and £!7cs universal satisfaction. It is true, or I should "Johnny," said Mr. McSwilligen to ids youthful Thos Ν Stone, McDonald, Boston. floor of Mechanics cornel mon shoe advertisements. To California, "I (By Telegraph.) rich or 3hotild bo w i< hout It- second Bidding 541 St. son and heir last night. ain sorry to hear from Cld sch Charlie & Willie. West, Savannah. So family, poor Casco Sts. tw< not say so. M. CJ. PALMER, Congress . SAN FRANCISCO, 29. 1886.—The follow- 27th, imitations of Congress and comprising 24-1 $ 2 Ο Ο your mother that you have been a very bad boy." Apr Cld sells Β W Morse, Reed, and Oscar C Sold by all Grocers. HEW AJlEot TIIE with modern conveniences are official of stocks 28tli, suites of ante-rooms Johnny his head, and his father continued. ing closing quotations mining to mislead. PEAItLIHK is the Dress- Japan, China,« hung Schmidt, Bacon. Portland. Well designed suitable for Dentists, Doctors, Lawyers, ONE FARE FROM ALL OTHER STATIONS "You got into a fight with Jimmy Jones and lie to-day: from Caibarien. MM) good accomino Zealand and Australia. Below, brig Gipsy Queen, 3NI.V SAFE labor-saving compound, makers or other parties desiring WANTE». Sandwich Islands, Niw tore coat and blacked Con. Cal. & Va 1*4 sells Η Τ witl CHA8. II. G. T. A. on yonr your eye." NEW YORK—Al· 28th, Townsend, boars the ibove and name of also a moderate sized nail, together ap2Cdlw FOYE, sail from New York for Aspiiiwall his nose. Always symbol, dations ; Steamers "Well, I guess I nearly broke So he Bodie Coil 114 St Charles E, Rockland; Gen on the first floor for transcien Smith, John, NB; JAMES PYK.B. NEW YORK. the Library Hall PER the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month, carrying didn't have all the fun," protested Johnny. Hale & Norcross 2V2 Howard, ; Reuo.Colbetli Machlas; Ann of M. A. BLANCHARD, 97 Emery —GENERAL AGENTS, $25 the above nanieu Newport use. Inquire 50 cents on and freight for all "I must you for such conduct," contin- Ε Portland ; Anna Elizabeth, Rockland. 71 Salem St.; AM WANTEDweek and expenses, or ''iisseugers punish Kranz, St.; JOHN B. THOKNDIKE, salary & WORCESTER LINE. ued Mr. McSwilligen, as he took r.long strap down Boston Produce Market. Ar 29th, ship Manuel Llaguua, Smalley, Liver- 2*β Spring St.,orof Fit AN H the dollar, to wholesale my goods. A rare chance. PORTLAND ports. connect for San Kra·- BltOSE G1DDINGS, with Wllli- .-«.earner of 10th does not from the nail. to- ; Havlllah, Coombs, Havana; sch Mary 39 Casco St. apr22d2w Address F. M. WEAVER, stamp, Francisco regular- BOSTON,April 20.1886,-The following are brig I. BRETT. Supt., 20-4 ••isco. Steamers sail from San "But, father," replied Johnny, "before you ËoolDoeglass, Lewis, St Pierre. mantie, Conn. Sandwich Islands. New : & Rochester It. It. tor Japan, China and strike lets see if we can't arbitrate this difficulty." day's quotations of Provisions, &e. Passed the Gate 28th, sells Standard, and Ham. To Let. Portland ly reduction in rates tenement or unfurnished Zealand and Australia, (ireat Johnny was let off that time. cut 13 00®13 25 : short cuts 13 00 burg, from Hoboken for Boston; Georgietta, from $20. Pork—Long rooms for Address to San Francisco. Cabin Steerage 13 50 13 50ffil4 backs 12 50;lean for Saco. tenements; Nos. 23, 25 aud 27 Pari WANTED-Smalllight housekeeping. TRAINS. further ;backs 00; light Philadelphia This Office. 20-1 ARRANGEMENT-DF For Passage, S»lliug Lists and ends 13 25: at 25; STONINGTON-r Sld 28th, sch Magee, all In first-class order: rent $14 pel TENEMENT, Freight, General 00®13 pork tongues S13®13 Mary, 11IIREEstreet; • to or address the Tain from and too extra at 9 50 New for Portsmouth. at office of ROLLINS & ADAMS On and after Monday, April lï*. Information, apply indigestion, dyspepsia, hearty prime mess at $12%0®12 50; prime (from York) month. Inquire a bright, active young Eastern new at Web- Passenger Trains will Leave Agents. relieved at once one of Carter's 00; mess, old, at 10 75®11 00; do NEW HAVEN—Ar 27th, schs No. 22 Exchange street. apriodtf some a eating is by taking ®$10 speedwell, girl who has had experience as ^^wîlNNe, Λ «A TI* Sr CO., Western prime mess pork 10 75. Richmond ; Abbie C Stubbs. Pendleton, from WANTED-Waitress; Portland: Ε. Α. Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't Si2 00; 75@11 ster, waitress, at 74 SPRING ST. 29-1 Ayer Junction. Lard at 6Vii@e%c +> th 111 tierces ;7@7Vic in 10 Norfolk; Ellen, Clark, Calais. For Worcester, Clinton, 113 Nlntr Ntrrrt, C.r. Broad Ml·, Boulon. Lady BUSINESS CHANCEd. and Kppiug at 7..ΊΟ dtf forget this. lb pails ;7iA@7Vic in 5-ib pails; 7Vi@7a/ic in 3-lb PROVIDENCE—Ar 28th, sells Will Butinan, err".nd girl immediately, at Nashua, Windham fcb8 pails. I.arrabee, Searsport; City of Ellsworth, Bousey, 35 St. 29-1 a. m. ana 1.05 p. m. WANTED-AnMISS FLOOD'S, peering Concord, anu points North "Aie you a customs officer?" Hams at 10V4@ll%c t»lb, according to size and Ellsworth. PERSONS wishing to sell their hotels For rrianchester, sir." cure : smoked shoulders 7@7Vic ; pressed hams Sld echs Milliken, Hoboken ; II L aud houses, drug, clothing public to know that McCobb at I.OS p. m. "Yes, 28th, Victory. ALLboarding lodging Alfred, Water- ALLAN LINE. "Well, I had a little package sent over to me by He. Curtis, Hodgkins, New YorK. millinery, gents' furnishing stores and Lord can furnish them with the choic- For Rochester, Springrale, dry goods, WANTED—The River, 7.3© a. m., 1.03 the steamer Oregon—lust a little valueless pack- Dressed hogs, city, 6@@y«c ρ lb ; country 5Ya ; NEWPORT —Ar 27th, sch Sedona, Bawley, markets, dining looms and varietj est creamery and dairy butter. Fine cheese and horo and Saco 1880. groceries, at tf.iJO ■*»· 1885. Winter Arrangement!!. worth more than $10. Has it come in live hogs 4%®Bc. Red fin Rockland for New of kind. We make busiues: at BUTTER STORE, 41 Free m. and p. _ age, not Calais; Jacket, Arey, stores or business any fresh country eggs p. iraixed) O.iiO and Butter—New Tork extra fresh made We have the best means 4-orham at 7.ÎIO a. m., 1.03, yet?" creamery York. chances a specialty also. St. 28-2^ For Liverpool anal Portland Nerrirr. haven't heard that the nc miual : do extra firsts 22@23e ; do firsts 20®21 ; sch 1) Κ Taiuter, New Y'ork. them and make no charges unies; at 6.Î10 p. m. "Why. man, you Oregon Sld 27th. Aroy, of disposing of (mixed) West* do imitation creamery, extra, at do extra BEDFORD—Sld sch Webster Ber- are tc reliable and experenced sales- For Saccarappa, Cumberland ills, From From Portland was sunk?" 19®20c; NEW 27th, we sell. Our terms easy. People wishing at 7..'10 Liverpooll «tkaMFR"ΚΑΜΚΚ. I I must firsts at 17@18c ; do fresh extra at 17c ; do New York. means will be aided li woman In a fancy goods store. Address hrook «Iunction and Woodford's via Halifax. I via Halifax. "No, was she? By George! go right up factory nard. Harsliall, buy not having sufficient WANTE»—A 6.ÛO and S for that There were extra firsts at 15ffllGc;do common old 27th, sch Elva Ε Call or write MAINEREAI etc. X. H. Press Office. 28-1 and lO.OO a. m., J .05, 3 ·0, and put in a bill package. lots6@10c; VINEYAKD-HAVEN-Ar naneiallv if wished. stating experience THURSDAY, THURSDAY, of diamonds In it." Vermont new milk dairyl extra 22c ; do extra at Philadelphia for Boston; Geo BUSINESS AGENCY, 46 Exchange MJ 30 p. ui. Î5 $12,000 worth Petteiigill, Dodge, ESTATE and (mixed) n. m. Mch. 4 Peruvian. Mch. firsts Portland for New York. 29-1 PAINTER WANTED-Ap- Forest % venue 10 00 20®21c. Nevinger, Merrill, St. For (Deering) " 11 POLYNESIAN. April 1 once at F. DOVEY'S, No. 71 Port- m. •4* Cheese—Northern extra liailVaC; do good to Sld 28tli. sch A Κ Woodward, Providence; JC ply at J. 3 OOand 6.20 p. 44 CARRIAGE 28-1 at 26 Parisian. 15 rheumatism for a choice at lower td York for do SALE-45 rooms all fur laud street. 1.05 m. train from Portland connects ·' Suffering intensely with week, 9y2@loyac; grades according Harraden, New Boston; iZampa, FOB _ The p. 8 Sardinian. 29 nice will ; Moosac Tunnel Route foi April re- Western, lot» V»c higher. for do ; A Bowlby, Rondout for do ; King Rove, nislied with piano, pay Junct. with ·· 6 1 tried Atlilophoros. The first dose gave great quality; job HOTEL· complete customers. Keeping 21 Ayer foi 15 Peruvian. May Eggs—Neai by at 14c; Eastern extra at 13yaC; Port Johnson for Portsmouth; Freddie Eaton, net of $200 month, very low rent, onlj the West, and at Uuion Depot, Worcester, three doses cured me. I not hav- profit cows. I am to furnish pure milk and all rail, Cabin lief and entirely New York and Vermont extra 13>/i@13VSiC: Wes- do for Saco; Mattie Holmes, Amboy for for furniture and good will,unusual chance WANTED—Milkprepared New York via Norwich Line Passenger accommodations unequalled. Aylward, S3,300 one cow's milk for Inlants and in- N. EC. R. R. ing had the slightest touch of the disease since. tern choice at 12Vic. Bangor; Ella M Hawes, Amboy for Halloweli; down, balance easy. MAINE REAL ES to mv patrons; via Springfield, also with Ν. Y. & $60 to $80; intermediate, $30; steerage, $20. part valids a milk delivered at Peak's Is- Heans—Choice small Ν Y hand picked peal 55® Helen Mar, Gardiner for Philadelphia; City of TATE and BUSINESS AGENCY, 45 Exchange specialty ; ("Steamer Route") for Philadelphia. For passage a|>pljr to H. & A. ALLAN, General George Bray, Orange, Conn. land summer months without extra charge Maryland and and C. P. 1 60 busli ; choice New York larira hand picked Ellsworth, from Ellsworth for Providence. Street. 29-1 during Baltimore, Washington, and the South, Passenger Agents, 80 State St. Boston ; J. P. Falmouth, Me. P. O. Address, East the We-it. P. do 1 40 01 45 ; small Vermont hand picked pea at Also sld, sch Elva Ε Pettingill. HALL, with Boston & Albany R. R. for WALDRON, 40 Exchange St.; T. McGOWAN, Fruit am Peering, Me. apr27-4 made at Westbrook Junc- st.. or for or to n. & "And how are 1 70®1 75 CHATHAM—Passed by 28th,'brigCliasDennis; Close connection 422 Congress passage freight yezfalin' to-day.Mr. O'Rafferty?" of and E\- *fet»i7K-CONFECTIONEB1i,route connected Central R.R. and 1 India Portland. mil- Baldwins, at S1®1 25 ; schs Oliver S Barrett, Β C French, Sarah & Ellen, Tlic Standard Purity SJ» jU 4 fj Cigar Store, paper tion with through trains of Maine A. ALLAN, Agents, No. St., "I niver felt so poorly in my life. If I nad Apples—Massachusetts for a oue of the people of Portland and vicin- dtf Maine Baldwins 1 50; at: $1 75; No 1 New Ellen M Guider, (bound east.) cclleuce. neat tidy store, good place lady, at Grand Trunk Portland, with through nov28 lions it's ivery cint of it that I'd give to be a ricli fancy little monev, WANTED—Theity to know that MRS.WESLEY JOHN- Transfer, York State apples 1 25; No 2 apples 50®75c. BUSTON—Ar 28th, sells Daniel Webster, Clark, best chances on our fist for gooc' trains of Grand Trunk Railway. man." and Healthfulness all REAL ESTATE am SON, the celebrated Medical and Business Clair- South $20 ; $21 : liliick Endorsed for its Purity by stock on baud. MAINE Tickets to all points West and "I'm wid ye, Mr. O'Kafferty. If I owned the Hay—Choice prime hay fancy $20 50® Weehawken; Eugenie,Strout, Millbridge; examined It. 29 1 late of Boston, has taken rooms at Mrs. Through LI NE. choice Eastern line Deer Isle; Danl Chemists and Physicians who have BUSINESS AGENCY, 45 Exchange St. voyant, 8. H. H ELLEN.Ticket Agent, Port DOM IΝ ION whole wurld, I'd be will in' ter give it away for a fair to choice $17®S19; $15 Warrior, Babbiddge, Webster, Farrell's. 58 Free street, and will give sittings may be had of fair to do at to ordi Polly, Perry, Rockland. "I this a chemical land & at foot of Preble Street. little piece of land an' a cabin that I could call my @817; good $14®$15; poor Candage, Bangor; have given powder tltorough canvass for oui Ladies 50 cts. ; Gents 75 cts. 27-1 Rochester Depot sch Portland. to of full entire- daily. at ARRANGEMENTS-1885-6 own." nary $13α$14: Kast|swale S10®$11. Kye straw, Cld 29th, Lulu, Leighton, examination and Una it be weight, am ♦Does not stop Woodford's. 1885-6-W1STER new book "Some noted princes, authors choice, 21 50®22 00; oat straw $10@S11 V> ton. Ar 29th, schs Abbie Dunn. Fuller, Philadelphia ; free from Alum, Ammonia, Lime and the Phos- AOENTSaWANTED—To to know that we send aplodtf J. W. ly of our a real bonanza endorsee PETERS^SuDt. Potatoes—Aroostook rose 70c; do Hebron 70c; R F Hart. Harding, do; Pavilion, Norwood, Hobo- and to be an absolutely pure bread-raising statesmen time," Patent Roof Brackets Women with colorless faces, wliofeel weak phates, on or address GEO. M WANTED—CarpentersCadwell's Adjustable MAIL SERVICE. pale, Me Hebrons and Rose at Me Star of the Da- to be recommended for press and public. Call no nail •LIVERPOOL ROM Central, 63®65c ; ken; Emily, Gasper, Surry; West, preparation every way by Hotel. 29-1 on trial to responsible parties. Recollect and discouraged, will receive both mental and No 2 do L D Reniick, D. BARNES, Merchants' Exchange Burbank seedlings at G3@G5c; 55®60c; vis, Bristol; Remlck, Ellsworth; wholesomeness and efliciency." holes, no danger, they can be adjusted to any & SAGO RIVER R. R. Ν Y do at do J Β Stlnson, BRIDGTON Hot wee· and Portland, bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which Hebrons 55c; rose 55®60c; prolif Harvester, Roberts, Vlualnaven; RICHARD C. STANLEY, A. M. I'll. D. pitch. Come and see tnem at KING & DEXTKR'S, Sailing Liverpool ics 55c. Deer Sarah Hill, Robilison, Camden are made for the nerves and Stinsoii, Isle; Bates AGENTS WANTED. Portland Me. apr27-4 and Halifax. blood, complexion. Cld sells A 1' Emerson, Thompson, for St Professor Chemistry and Geology, College Comuienciiig Oct. 5, 1885. via.Morille 29th, to '83. NB Martha Shulee, NS. State Assayer of Maine from '75 and for which A. M. P. M. Cattle Market. John. ; Nickels, Perry, anil gold silver, DATES s Chicago Port with oar Amateur Photo outfit, or in & O. R. K.) 0.0(1 3.00 gAinwta the way how did you like the SALEM—Ar 28th, schs Enterprise. Dow, IPCIITC ro'n ,!lonr>' highest cash prices will be paid, taken Leave Portland (P. "By Augeline, By Telegraph.J On- ALL GROCERS I Ο coilectine family pictures to enlarge. Special WANTED—Old " 10.35 4.45 Johnson; Senator Grimes, Warr. FORSALE BY RUCK New York. for silverware, etc., Bridgton Junction dog show?" Hoboken; nrmclly offer. Copying Co., 881 Caual St., exchange watches, jewelry, KIM. CHICAGO. 29,1886—Cattle—Receipts 5,- ward, do for Vineyard-Haven; William marlO Wday Empire NATIONAL LOAN OFFICE. 496 arrive 11.35 5.45 STEAM P„^„, "Oh, Albert, wasn't it lovely? Thero was one April Lowell, eod3m etc., at the Bridgton. 3.20 Liverpool j [ 000: shipments 1800; steadier; steers at Η Hancock for East Kingston. mar3 27-1 Leave Bridgton 7.55 dog that had such a human face." shipping Archer, Congress street. S. Schryver, Prop. Saknia Kth 4 2036 75 stackers and teeders at 2 75®4 85 Ar 28th, sen from Portland, arrive 10.40 5.55 18th Mardi I April. "Indeed?" Did it look anything like me?" ; ; GLOUCESTER— Mentor, 22d and mixed 2 00i»4 Texan» "Ronklanrî for New York. boarders for the summer; \V. F. PERRY, Sunt. 1st April ι Oregon April, "Not a bit. It had too much countenance." The cowsThuIls 10; through FOB SALE. fith corn fed at 4 15@4 75. Ar 20th, sells Castillian, from Sullivan lor Mew location pleasant and healthy. Address J. A. BENNETT, Ιί. T. Α. 15th April | ToltpNTO May. young mau felt for his hat. WANTED—Lady dtl Hogs—Receipts 20,500; shipments 6,000: the York; Hannibal, Salein for Bangor; G A Pierce, MRS. E. G. POWELL, Box 58, Cumberland Cen- oct5 BBINTOL HKBVICB. 271 market is lower; roucli and mixed at 3 50®4 10; Boston far Machias; David Brown, do for Deer SALE—Desirable house, No. Sprlnj tre, Maine. apr27-4 For Aronmomli Poch (Pirecl). packing and shipping at 3 85®4 20; light 3 50@ Isle. street, contains 12 good rooms, bath room FOB cast off Clothing Falls and Buekfield Railroad 4 15 ; skips 2 60@3 25. NEWBURYPOllT-Sld 27tli. sch Herbert E, modern convenience, good cellar, good drainage buy 81,000 Romford STEAMERS. financial and commercial 400 market Cannot be ïisîïde medi- with fruit trees all cash price paid ; call Avonmouth Port'l'and Sheep—Receipts 1800; shipments ; Herrick, Bangor. by furnace, good sunny yard, piazza, WANTED—Toof kinds. Highest 1 [ Κ Glover shown calling or or MR. S. 97 Middle stronger; natives 4 00®4 75. PORTSMOUTH—Ar 27tli. sclis Bertlia on horse car line. Will be by address immediately, LEVY, Winter in Effect Oct. 12,1885. 20th March I Montreal |about 6th April Ira Ε or of 40 St. 29-1 St.. Portland. Me. 27-1 Arrangement, PORTLAND WHOLESALE MARKET. Spear, and Silas McLoon, Morrill, Kondout; cines, the skill phy- N. S. GARDINER, No. Exchange 3d April 1 Ontario I 20th April Howard, Kockland for Marbleliead ; John via Grand Trunk Railway 1880. Domestic Markets. Wight. vest makers can Connections rOUTLAND, April 29, Bracewell, Munroe, New York for Dover; Eliza ones round back but lit pant and Mechanic Falls Junction Kau*« of l'AMimfce but the old SALE—A phaeton, at at FEED. Mixed train leaves show a further decline : was [By Telegraph.] for Odel). Wade, Bel- sicians; find steady work, good prices, a. in and $150 Sugars granulated Ann, Jameson, Amboy do; tie used; clean and good. RUFUS CUSH WANTED—Coat, a. arrives at Buckileld at 11.45 Cabin $50 and $80. Return..$60 YOKK. 29. 1886.—Flour market— for New- FOB S. SOUl.K'S, Merchant Tailor, Freeport, Me. 27-1 10.45 m., at and Extra C C«/sc. NEW April fast tor Boston ; Princeton. Gray. Calais 88 Winter St. 29-2 1.10 m. Lntermediate$30 ..Return $60 quoted to-day 7%c Oranges 2091 bbls and 6870 Delia can be and MAN, and Canton at p. rates Receipts 11.518 bms;exports Pavillion, Sliute, Penobscot fordo; strengthened leaves Falls Junction $20 .. Return at lowest ana Lemons are firm, last sales in Boston be- decided second hand tents about 13 Passenger train Mechanic Steerage very sacks, dull and heavy, but prices without linds. Benner, Calais for Rockport. il secuiiu lianu r» uuu vw« 3.60 and Can « Ëort; ÎSAlilû l/Ul'ap, bv witli and one 8 10. Address 3.10 p. πι., arrives in BucHeld at For freight $1 to $2 box chanire ; sales 10,000 bbls. 8Id sells Ned Ρ Walker, Dobbin, for New the use of order. at 544 Vu CON WANTED-Good17, Hy by & œ ing ψ higher. 28th, hy ΓΟΚstove lu good Apply 45 St. 27-2 ton at 4.25 p. m. OTfagdyAtocE Flour quotations—No 2 at 2 25®3 10; preserved 28-1 BINDEiîY, Exchange 9.10 Foot of India Street. The following are to-day's closing quotations o{ superfine York. GRESS ST., Returning trains leave Canton at 4.15 and dec8dtf Western and State at 2 60®3 35 : common to good BANGOR—Cld 28tli, sclis Henry Ρ Mason, Per- Portland and Bos 3 WANTED—By a first-class a. for Lewiston, Flour. Gram. Provisions, &c. : extra Western and State at 3 25(ffi3 65 ; good .to Baltimore. MALB—Residence in Gorliam Village m., connecting cy, male cook, does not use liquor or tobacco anil ton. Flour. Oram. choice do at 3 70®6 25 ; common to choice White of 2Va story house, with shed ant SITUATION train ai I^ORconsisting can furnish the best of reference. Inquire 228 '/j connections daily with passenger and Mixed wheat Western extra at 5 00® 6 10 ; fancy do at Ports. connected, all in 17 acre: Stage Superfine High Corn.50@51 Foreian stable perfect repair: MIDDLE Room 1, upstair». 2C-1 West Minot for Hebron Academy; at Buckfield for tow 50 at 5 15@6 25; common to good extra Ohio at 3 25 of 300 trees and variety small fruits ST., City, grades.3 25(^3 Corn, bag lots....53@54 At Mch 24, Geo Skollield, Hall, land, orchard Chase's Mills and Turner; at Can lots. ..51 common to choice extra St Louisjat 3125® Slianghae ship Address Box 111, Gor West Sumner, Μοιιΐ X and @52 line or Falls Spring Meal, bag ®5J00; from New York, ar 22d. good soil, sc&nery. wanting lumber any for Dixfield, Mexico and Rumford ; riiiiadeipiiia 5 25 Minnesota extra to it 27-1 ton Peru, XX Spring..5 00@5 25 Oats, car lots.·..44^45 ; patent good prime Ar at Mch 17, barques Escort, Wat- nam, Me. kind of freight moved to any part of the * *— -o Turin α Patent 4 00; choice to double extra do at 6 15® Hong Kong WANTED—Parties" DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. Spring Oats, bag lots—45@4G 75^5 erh use. ana Fred Ρ Litchfield, Bartlett, New- Biaci bay please call at 63 COMMERCIAL ST. 26-1 L. L. LINCOLN. Supt. Wheats 25 Cotton Seed. 5J20, Including 990 bbls city mill extra at 4 60@ ι ο κ salb—one octëdtf 00@β castle. NSW ; 22d, ship Josephus, Rogers, do. oui Mich, Car lots..23 00 4 65:500 bbls fine do 2 25®3 10; 600 bbls su- Walnut Bedstead and French Dresser: to do straight 00@24 At Hong Kong Mob 22d, siiips John Currier, Furniture Blacl capable girl general From BOSTON every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. roller 5 50 do .24 00 at 2 60&3 40; 800 bbTs extra No 2 at 3 25 set ; one single pine set ; one No. 55 25@5 bag.. 00^25 perfine Blethen, for San Francisco; Carondelet, Stetson ; painted pine WANTED—Ahousework ; good wages. Apply at GUAM) TRIM RAILWAY OF mm t'icar do—5 00 ^5 25 Sack'dBr'n 65 ; 3100 bhls winter wheat extra at 3 25@ Walnut Hat Tree ; one large Easy Chair; one Sofa 26-1 (n.,1 C F Sargent,Atliertou; Great Admiral,Thompson; ATLANTIC ST. TUESDAY and FRIDAY Stone 00 car lots.. ] 7 00 5 25; 3500 bbls Minnesota extra at 3 25®5 20. CONGRESS STREET. 27-1 From PHILADELPHIA every ground.4 75@6 00@10 McNear, Frost, Granite State. Fritz, une ; barques 736 TIME. St Louis st'gt do bag... 19 00&20 00 Southern Hour quiet; common to fair extras 26@ I'BOPBIETOBS— Having CHANGE OF From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 Ν Gibson, Bailey, for New York ; Escort. Water- low, a Barnes' foot powei HOTEL· roller 5 50@5 75 Middlings. 18 00(&23 00 3J60; good to choice do at 3 05@5 35. Rye Flour SALE—Very of twenty-five (25) years, I offer m. From Tine Street Wdarf, 1650 liouse, lor Newcastle, NSW; Colorado. Wyman, saw. C. B. THURSTON, 35 Mill TOexperence p. ciear do — 5 50 lo 00 at 3 45. Wheal—Receipts circular of tak- Oct. I'i, ISSJ, at 10 a. m. 25@5 bag lots,20 00@24 steady 25i§3 for New York; Edwin Kidder, Griffin, for Port- FOR 27-1 my services as clerk or assistant, capable On and nfwr MONDAY, Philadelphia, Winter Wheat ProviHionai. bush; exports 91,64# bush; spot lots shade low- b*jH!Q St to out of will ran ne follow» t Insurance one-half the rate o( land, Ο ; Fred Ρ l.itclifield, Bartlett, from New- ing full charge. No objection going trains Patents 5 Pork- er and less active; sales 70,000 on spot; No 3 Red 19 Free vessel. 75@6 001 NSW ; Richd Parsons, Tliorudike, une. and belonging the state. Address, M. G. W., street, DEPARTURES. itou salliug FUh. Backs ...14 50 No 2 Red at 91Vbbl. Chestlna and Alice, for street. 2G-3 OFFICE and less active; Western steam Redman, Dixon, Dyer, 105 Vi Exchange TICKET Maine 3 50@4 501 Devoe's Brilliant 13 change spot part North of Hatteras; sells who wants hie Boston to THURSDAY, 5 10 6 20 refined at 6 40 for Continent ; 6 75 tor S. A. Syra, PettengiU, disg; gentleman Liverpool Every Cape Cod... 50^)6 501 Ligonia. ; to LET—House andstabli or cleansed to and Foot of India Street. — Florence Leiand, Adams; Mima Belle, Thompson, SALE OR WANTED—Everyold overcoat or suit repaired 35 Exchange St., Depot — AND FROM Pea Beans... 1 Gu^l 751 Silver White 9 IJnucr declining ; State at 16@24c; Western 12 by C. 1) to to Gertrude L Trundy, 1) vis; John Κ Souther. Hel- FORNo. 27 Green St., formerly occupied look like new, at a reasonable price, go Medium — 1 751 Centennial 10 ; Elgin Creamery 23,α24(·. Cheese steady ; 1886. al 60{gil @23c ano. and Nellie J Dinsniore. Parker, for North of Small. Possession eiven May 1, Enquir< W. GROSSTUCK, 266 Middle St. 17 2 RATE Pfew York erery ΜΛΤΓΚΟΙΥ, calling German mdl 75 KaieiiiM. State at Western 7:â.9c. FKED TICKETS SOLD AT REDUCED 65^1 J 7@10Va ; for on or address C. D. SMALL, Cornish Cork llarbor Hatteras; Norena, Chase, Portland; Clytie, premises — QueroelowB Yellow Eyes.l 40al G5i Muscatel 2 25 a 3 25 Freights steady. Me. 20-1 person owning a piano to TO Irish London 2 Laughton. uisg. ; exclu- Potatoes...50@GO1 Lay'r 7Ô&3 15 CHICAGO, April 29. 1880.—Flour is quiet; Ar at Matanzas Apl 22, barque Skobeleff, Tuck- WANTED—Everyknow that all instruments under my Detroit, Chicago, mihtauk STEERAGE PASSAGE AT LOW RATES. ♦St Potatoes 00 13 4 0· -a. M tLE —Choice lots of land on Congres: clean inside, rendering Canada^ @4 DnduraLay. &13Vh Winter Wheat 4 40®4 75; Wisconsin at er. Norfolk; sell EC Allen True, McLHUghlin, PAINTS. sive care will be kept Cincinnati, St. Louix. Omaha, Sagi- Bermu Onious2 50(a2 75 Y'alencia 7 LIQUID Sherman and St. Join mollis. J. THURSDAY. @10 Vz 4 65; Michigan at 4T>0@4 75; soft Spring Wheat St Thomas; 23d, barque Jose Ε Moore, Carlisle, f^ORCumberland, Grove, them less liable to become damaged by naw, St. Paul, Salt Lake City, These are in strictly first-class Pliaeton and Har O. ad- 27 Turkeys 17 of the commendations it has received in all cases of Dyspepsia, about two acres land good STEAMSHIP CO., high the worst and most aggravated access to term of Service. tion fruit trees of the city ; Resumption — Eastern Railroad 6s 126 CAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. of the world. It contains essence of Beef, and all other derangements ; ; easy — FOR SAILING parts Kidney Complainte, 01 F. V re- Iron and Calisaya, which are dis- the Stomach and Bowels. easy. For further particulars enquire Steamer CITY OF KICHtlOND will FROM FOR Coca, Quinine» of or ο in Crown It will instantly revive the most melancholy and CHASE. Union Mutual Building, Portland, service on the route between Portland and New York Stock and Money Market Sardinian Portland....Liverpool ...Apl 2!) solved pure genuine Spanish Imperial feeble, 1G-: sume CALAIS, ST. JOHN M. B., HALIFAX, N. S. drooping and restore the weak, MHS. JEROME OSGOOD, on the premises. on Friday, March 12tli, leaving Port- EASTPORT, St Germain New York Havre Apl 29 Sherry.'* spirits, and Machiasport — — nervous, and sickly to health, strength, vigor. every AND ALL F ARTS OF fBy Telegraph.] New 29 Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervous, who, from land at 11 p. m., aud leaving Machiasport Republic York..Liverpool....Apl Persons 8AI,E—Kare an old establlshei un on «-all or afflicted with Nightly Dissipation.— chance, WOLFE'S at 4 a. making one per week Wew Brunswick, Nora Votin, Prince Erf- Malarious evil in., trip NEW VORK, April 29, 1886.—Money Hammonia New York..Hamburg—Apl 29 Dyspeptic, Bilious, too much over night, feel the on thor Monday dissipating cigar and tobacco store, situated a two week will be nnIOVX p. and Record 2.32»/4 ; 2.28Vt. Klevated covered tliat the Extract of Celery Seeil and the for Exeter, Haverhill, Lawrence Manhattan Smith, via LENGTHfeet 6 inches, draft of waler aft 5 feet, rer, Gov. Morrill is a choice black, with star in face Steamship Sardinian, (Br) Liverpool Extract of German Chamomile Flowers combined low 8.40 a. m., 12.30, 3.30 p. ill. Michigan Central VS Halifax—11 & A Allan. ward 2 feet; engine 8x10, for cither high or -XV ΧΝ3ΊΟΙΛ 1SOW 3HX Lowell, 6.16, stands 16 hands high, and weighs 1150 lbs wan Minn. & St. Louis 1°.. in the form of Pills, is the most wonderful nervine keel condenser Koehe.ter, Farmisgton and Alton Baj 44·/8 Sch Grecian Parrsboro, NS— pressure ; locomotive boiler, and foaled May 7, 1875, bred by A. I. Allen, Hebron, Bend, Leightoh, in the world and invariably cures R. STANLEY & ■J3H3y 3XVI03W a. 3.30 m., Manchenwr do Ol'Cf master. SON, Importers, steam pump, inspirator, etc. ; all machinery it 8.40 ill., 12.30, p. sire Knox Morrill son of Morrill 103% Concord Newmarket Junction) 0.15 a. m. Me., Wlnthrop MissouriPacific Annie Τ Mai Kennebec, to load ΠradnclM*, Λπνοιιπ Headache, Neu- first rate order. Will seat about 40 passengers ssnanoux πνι (via Gen. Ivnox), Gov. M. dam imported « Bailey, son, Sic!< ME. -l\i G3Aio in. (dam by by New Jersey Central *°,/? Sc.l', NO. 410 FORE ST., PORTLAND, has four-bladed "screw," and will steam from 11 3.30 p. in. ; via Lawrence, 8.40 a. ^4% for Philadelphia—ltyan & Kelsey. ralgia, NervoiiMiifNN, ΝΙ<><ί>Ι«'ν*π<'νμ, m. connects witli Aiinfield, 2d, dam 8. T. B., Morgan desce*. Ami- Northern Pacific 14 hour. For further information CJNV 'HUUV1VO •The 8.40 a. m. and 12.30 p. Sell Mary Elizabeth, Duntou, for Bootlibay—1> l'araljnï», Ml. Vitus' Onncr, for tne to knots per -ΗΟΝΟΉ3 tUe 12.30 field was selected by the special agent of the N. ao 57% Also General Managers for New England A. DeLASKI, Kail Lines to points West and South; 106 Choate. address, 3HOS 'VIU3H1 New York. 8. Government and was from to Northwestern nervous troubles, as they act upon Celebrated 174 Mass. 'XVOTJHX with Sound Lines for _ brought England 135 and all directly aprl9eodlm High St., Boston, Portland 8,46 a. N. 8. where he was purchased by Col. T. S. Lang Northwestern preferred Va nervous as a nerve food and exciter of Parlor Cars on trains leaving FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. the system -Hdia 'dnoM o 'sanoo at 8.30 a. in. and and brought to Maine to our stock or New York Central 101 Ve are invaluable to all nervous m. and 12.30 p. m., and Boston improve nerve matter. They DESIRABLE REAL· ESTATE FOR SALE niares ; he was bred in and was New York. & St. Louis 6 SACO, April 24—Ar, sells Geo Ε l'rescott, Tru" as a SUMMIT MINERAL SPRING WATER, ÏOJ HO OIUX 1.00 ni. breeding England Chicago people, and Dr. Benson's reputation special- 'SHOnOO p. a successful the Goodword and do pref 12 worthy, Philadelphia; J M Morales. Hatch, Port' of nervous diseases at once NUNDAY TRAIN» runner, winning ice ist ill the treatment FBOM HARKIMOIV. MAINE. of the estate of the late Lemue 'ua Newmarket and second in the Eng. Derby. Ohio Central 1>4 land, to load for Philadelphia. standard. Sold bv all druggists, part -O3103.SVWOH1 4.15 m. ; arrive 5.30,8.46 p.m. stakes, S S gives them a high situated on Commercial, near Indii lor Hoaton 1.00, p. Gov. Morrill's size, color, disposition, bot- Ohio & Miss 22 Ckl, sch Davis, Philadelphia. on of a THATDyer S J. I., style, or sent to any address receipt price—50c street, about 10,000 feet of land aui ii'S3inVI33dS DIVISION. tom and with to transmit Ont. & Western 16% 29-Cld, sch Tiara, Chatto, for for Office 154 X. Howard containing EASTERN speed together power CAMDEN, April box. or 6 boxes $2.50. GERMAN ASTHMA the tliereon ; location desirable for store: these to his makes him a Oreeon Transcon 28»4 apr8d6mnrmcTh C4JRK, buildings HVATV Ηοκίοη at 2.00 and t9.00 a. in., tl.00 ana good qualities offspring, Portland. St., Baltimore. fiifttmitly relieve* the or a business. Also lots on Tur "A3NMONId For desirable horse to breed to. Pacific Mail 53 manufacturing ill. Returning Leave Boulon at 7.30 Launch—The large three masted schooner lu mont violent attack·» Emerson aud Cumberland Bts., aud the East Ml te.OOp. He will make the season of 1880 at Presumpscot Panama 98 comfort· lier, 'AHWVJ UDO SU3C1 a. 111. and 12.30 and 7.00 m. For of & Donnel., Bath, is to be and Insures and terms ο aud 0.00 p. Palace the yard Deeriiig era Promenade. For particulars a. 1.00 and ' Maine. Pullman 133 170 ASTHMA aleop. Used by| Blddeford at 2.00 and 9.00 ill., β.00 Park, Deerlng, 1st. She is ft 35 ft AUG. P. SVH 3NIOI launched May long, wide, storagbT- thus the disease direct, relat- sale enquire of FULLEK, -NOM 035ΙΉ0Μ at lieadinir 20% measures 811 owned inhalation, reaching m. For Portnmouth and Newburyport 17 ft deep, and tons, gross ; es the facilitates free \ Ι Β SET C api'24d2m 432 Fore Street. p. 00 Kook Island ft.. .125 for Flour, Fish, spasm, f Ο -a3lM 3 HI 'IVOU HX 3 Ή Ο S 2.00 and 9.00 a. m., 1.00 and 6.00 p. m. For TERMS» $25 at Bath. First-class storage expectoration, and EFFECTS w lit W St Louis Si San Fran 18 mostly the Boet 9.00a.ill.and 0.00 p.m. ForMnlew note at time of Cotton and otlier merchandise in the where all other remedies fail. A trial eontlnee· v SAog Amenbury for the season, cash or approved do 39 of It* and neTer-faillDg enect. joasynosvM nu at 2.00 aud 9.00 a. in., 1.00 and β.οο in foal can be re- pref FROM MERCHANTS' X5ICXIANGE. Warehouse re- skeptical lmme**'"' I had suf- U. S. iisxpress Notice to Mariners. Water. Nebraska. NO J JO avo Street. â» a & i I & Pacific 7 Mineral F. C. FESTNEK, Omaha, XNflOOOV £k mm m fered for 15 years, Wabash, St. Louis Office of Light House Inspector, i Ilirigo d2\v I). J. FLANDERS, Gen. P. & T. A. Il I do 1584 Iced water ruine Dirigb water im apr!7 U3XHOnva AW and safely ; no pain or pref First District, } digestion; and AH3A SVM JAS. Γ. FUKBIÎK, Gen'l Manager. was cured easily, quickly 63% refreshing VAPOR nor harmless Western Union proves is palatable, VEGETABLE dtl kiiife opera Telegraph Portland, Me. April 29, 1886. ) it; always risk; neither ligature; & 36 Delivered cool and refreshing for 3>iVT Jauô Olve me your address, if Alton Terre Haute Notice is that the buoys in the healthful. daily, A pleasantand perfectly harmless anaesthetic A HEALTHY PLACE. •λ 'Ν 'OVdOHVÎM tion and complete relief. hereby given Our cans will keep the how 1 obtained safe do pref Kennebec and Back rivers have been replaced for from the spring. improved the painless extraction of teeth. you suffer, and I will tell you Boston Air 97 36 to 48 use of cans free Lots for sale on Ctrea mwr be found on file at 0«ot In on 21.>fn Ρ'τΠ™<ΙρΙι·Μ« Line ι he summer season. water cool from nours; Cottage ΤΡΤΤΓ C T> A T>T?T> Ι7ϊ S*"**» and speedy relief. Burlington & Cedar Rapids 65 water per gallon 10 cents. DR. C. W!. TALBOT, X XXX Ο Χ A X Xj XV P. Rowell & Co.'i Newspaper F. A. C., Lock Box 1082, By order of the L. II. Board, Island. advert Address, Canada .Southern 37y« «Inaction of Free mid PUid«lle Streets*, Chcbeague Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street), ^FUere lag Lewlston, Me. O. A. Batchkllek, RUNDLETT BROS., Proprietors, inarG dOmoa be made îjt It IN J5 Jffw YOliû· Ν. W.AYE5*Rn«- cur autho-'zed went* aprûMW&Flm* Canton U. S. N., inarll lnii\l Muturduy, nt Httror mid Carriage Moore scene in the chateau. Mr. as the bailli question In this city, April 25. by lîev. Mr. Daniels, B. Specialties—Owen. .uvim I..W1 ο Messrs. Thurston and Night J 11I|/IHIIH..', Shaw, Colby. GENTS' SOX. tion ot the finest and most costly blood remedies, Bangor, April 2S. encoring him as usual. His entrances and exits Cornet Duet By Keichardt. All above are trimmed and have a Wednesday, from this good ©lie Bottle is equal lo of Penobscot liailroad vs. James point were timid, and made with a per- Mrs. Bent antl Miss Reynolds. Hamburg SARSAPARILLA eight an> Company Page. His scene where Vocal Solo oilier blood medicine in the mar- An adjustment was effected between the parties, ceptibly faltering step. great Selected. of and any ladies who nave It is sold by all Druggists lor gl.OO; 0 bottles for is killed was with force, Mrs. Bartlett. proportion large sizes, and the case was this morning withdrawn from Koderigo played great Me ket. and he was called before the curtain. He Piano Solo Venetian now $5.00. ΛΚΑ WARREN, Proprietor, Bangor, the jury and entered neither party. warmly Regatta. been for sufficient sizes can be ac- In Dr. hands it cured thousands of seemed to have recovered but in the last Miss Philbrook. waiting Flower's has N. Wilson and Davis & Bailey, forpltff. again, my27 eodlylstor4thpcF cases of Barker, Vose & Barker, for deft. act lie weakened once more, and his closing scene Reading Selected commodated at a was weak. bargain. Willis M. Fogg vs. Edwin O. Stinson. An ac- extremely With his hands tied behind Mr. V. R. Foss. his his condition was too Vocal Solo Children's small size Drawers 15 cents. tioD of assumpsit. The plaintiff claimed to recov back, painfully apparent Open thy Lattice. MILLETT & LITTLE to even the observer. er the sum of $163.79. alleged to liave been over- ordinary Mr». Morrison. CANCERS. Male Trio This is a lot of for which there is an paid to the defendant on a contract for hauling NOTES. Selected. goods increasing to the Messrs. Shaw, Thurston and Tumors, Scrofula, and other terrible blood troub logs Passadumkeag stream in the spring of The contest of amateur in Music Colby. 1 ftfii» fr«r thf» nluîntilF fni· 1 £ prize singers demand and our prices are only about half value. les that had been pronounced absolutely incura- Hall, Boston, next Tuesday evening promises Offer Auction Laces! ble the most eminent It is un- W. C. Clark, for pltfï. F. Saturday Morning, by physicians. many novelties. Two sackbutters, sackbutting Ceorge Shepley Corps. Ladies' made Cotton Drawers 25 cents. the OF ΗΙ.ΟΟΡ PC. Λ. W. Weatherbee, for deft. up questionably with their sackbuts, will enter into a spirited con- A subordinate corps of the Woman's State KIFIISKM," with uo riral or equal in erad- Charles B. Abbott vs. Josiali C. Re- — — Towle, appel- test. Λ performer upon the psaltery will appear, Ladies' made Corset Covers 25 cents. AT all of disease from the lant. An action to recover the stun of for lief was at last up icating germs blood, $20 and one duet Sackbut and will be Corps organized Gray Wednesday 50 dozen Gents' Sliaw Knit llalf the certain by Psaltery Hose, cleanMinif and Mofleniu^ «thin :md freight upon merchandise shipped from The and evening. The corps is auxiliary to Post G. A. Boston to the given—a genuine novelty. pipes "higli- 78, Ladies' made up Corset Covers 2 for 25 cents- defendant, at Bangor, in June,1885, will also be introduced. One the sounding cymbals" R. The name and number Is George F. 2 for 25 or 13 cents by schooner Delaware, of which vessel the of the features of the contest will be the Shepley, pairs ecnts, is grand No. 39. The plaintiff owner. On trial. -trial of skill between Signors Gusieppe Domiani following are the list of officers: Barker, Yose & Barker, for plaintiff. and Fabrio Mardo, both Italian organists. President—Mrs. Ε. H. Starbird. per pair. TURNER BROS.' F. H. Appleton, for deft. Vice President—Mrs. Albert Colley. Chaplain—Mrs. Martha Marr. Try it and you will lind it so immeasurably su- PERSONAL. to other that will never LINCOLN COUNTY S- J. COURT. Secretary—Miss Laura Thompson. These goods are slightly imper- RINES BROTHERS. perior preparations you (lit any other blood remedy. It is purely Treasurer—Miss Marcia W. Andrews. caused in ap3Û from the great sale in Slew York. accept vege- (Reported for the Press.) Conductor—Miss Anna fect, manufacturing, table, and is beyond all question the most Dr. I. E. Kimball, who lias been out of town for Dolley. but Guard—Miss Sadie Van Buskirk. will not injure the wear. Reg- a few days for a rest, lias returned. Past ular would be at 25 BEFORE JUDGE FOSTER. President—Mrs. Matthew Morrill. goods cheap Wool Laees 2 cents and Wm. H. Hobbs, formerly with W. F. Phillips & cents per yard upward. 29. per pair. made Wiscasbet, April returned from Florida. Hand Flouncing $1.50 ; former Perfect Spring Medicine Actions of Assumpsit.—Wm. B. Pike and other Co., yesterday Real Estate Transfers. We shall not limit the quantity administrators of Edwin L. late of Waldo- Mr. Arthur L. Farnsworth lias been to customer. price $6.00. Pike, appointed The following transfers of real estate in the any are ever made. A GIFT—Remember we will mail vs. H. Cause of action: The above the most remarkable bar- boro, Augustus Flynn. by Collector Anderson a weigher and ganger at have been Sale will commence at 8 o'clock. you a copy of our valuable Family Formula Book, fst E. L·. county recorded at the Registry of we have eTer seen in laces. note, $25; note, $7.84; Pike, endorser; of gains home treatment of common ailments and the Custom House in place Major H. A. Sliorey. Deeds : containing note, Joint several, $50. ;E. L. Pike, bearer : 1 case of Wide Seersuckers β 1-4 with remedies, and a number of val- Mr. A. J. connected with the Stripe simple great account for money advanced. $10. Wm. B. pike Reagan, formerly Portland—W. R. and Alice R. Jolmson to Caro- cents. uable formula and receipts. Give name of this and al., administrators, vs. Geo. L. Marshall ; note returned home from line J. land. and Treble House, Florida yes- Dyer, $1 other consideration. 1 case of Mikado 50 sold paper when you send. Address Apriljlst, 1879. Wm. B. Pike and al., ad- W. to Suiting's cents; $53, terday. He is greatly improved in health, and Gray—John Grant Thomas L. May, land. ministrators, vs. Arthur Trowbridge; note $3 \ $12. elsewhere for 02 1-2; exceedingly Nov. lOtb, 1881. Judgment on default. Rubber during the coming summer will be connected with Westbrook—Isaac P. Quimby to John J. Skil- Sale of GENTS' WHITE SHIRTS will stylish. FLOWER MEDICINE Clothing Company vs. Borland. Continued for de- the Mt. Kiueo House. llngs et al., land. 8448. COMPANY, fault. Charles Fisher for pltff; R. K. Sewall for Yarmouth—Giles Governor Kobie, Goriiam; John Ware, Water- Loring to William N. Rich- be continued same 1763 Washington St., dft. ards, pew in meeting house. $50. day. Freeman H. Davis vs. Mary A. Davis, real ac- ville; C. E. Woodman and C.E.Davis, Boston; IfOMTOPf, tion. The case was to the at 3.45 given jury p. C. W. Fislier, Bath ; President G. C. Lord and of and Domestic aprlC lstor4thpeodtf m., and a verdict returned at C.20 in favor of the Plymouth Sunday School. Opening Imported General Manager J. T. Furber of the Boston & we have laid out sev- plaintiff. Nothing was allowed for improvements. At a meeting of the Plymouth Sunday School For Friday and Saturday This case is replete with Intricate of law Maine railroad were among the at the points guests held Wednesday evening, April 28th. it was voted eral as follows : a difficulty the jury found hard to overcome. Hil- specialties, and Jackets tor La- Falmouth Hotel last night. to donate the balance of Wraps ton and Huston, lor pltff ; Gilbert and Fislier for its funds amounting to Double Hemstitched Prof. M. B. Gilbert is a season in New Fifty dozen Ladies' riain White Linen dft. spending $43.85 to the West Congregational church to- at 121-2 cents. York, comparing methods and studying in the ward MILLETT Handkerchiefs, unlaundried, and for that & Misses Children. church. An LITTLE. purchasing pews ad- ap3Q (13t dies, SUPERIOR COURT. line of his profession, and the people of Portland Linen Hemstitched Handker- journed meeting will be held Wednesday eve- Fifty dozen Men's unlaundried may expect the latest approved at the BEFORE JUDE BOSXEY. stylée ning, May 5th, at the house of Β. M. Edwards, CITY OF PORTLAND. chiefs at 25 cents each. of another season. Mr. Gilbert contem- and Low Prices. Thursday.—William F. Knowles vs. Samuel opening 116 Free to take action in Beautiful Styles street, cegard to dis- Mayor's Office, April 29,1886. German Lisle Gloves in nice fitting, heavy quality, just right G. Lane and the Bernstein Electric LiL'ht Compa- plates giving a very elaborate exhibition at the this school. Centemeri Kids just received for Easter. banding To the Honorable Board of for 25 cents. ny, trustee. This is an action on several notes, close of his next season. llarbor Com· present use, Silesias 8 cents. Cambrics 4 cents. in all to about iniNfcioners. amounting $1500. The defendant, Lace at $1.90 as as are Funeral services over the remains of T. E. A Successful Fair. New lot Nottingham Curtains, very handsome, well the plaintiff, residents of Boston. Dear Sirs—In view of the contemplated changes NEW COODS The plaintiff undertakes to give this court juris- Stuart were held yesterday forenoon at the resi- The First Free and on the North side of the per window. Baptist society closed their very improvements city, — AT — diction of the case attaching shares of I as in behalf of the that by fifty dence of Mrs. Thompson, sister of the deceased, successful in Y. M. C. A. last city yon will establish 15 reduced to 8 cents per stock 111 the Bernstein Electric Manufac- fair, Hall, evening, the Line" Imitation Madras, patterns, yard. in ! Light on following "Harbor on that side of the Every Department Brackett street. The services were conducted Bargains turing Company, a corporation organized under with an entertainment consisting of solos by Mrs. city and have the same duly confirmed by Legis- New Drapery Department up stairs. the laws of Maine. the Hev. Mr. who made by Blanchard, appropriate Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Bowdoin and Mr. Mr. lative action so far as it may be found necessary The defendant filed a In Colby, plea abatement, alleg- remarks. The First Parish clioir sang two selec- and fix the same. HOMSTED'S. Jones at the CHANIBERIM ing that the shares of stock so attached are not presiding organ. Mr. V. Richard tions with fine effect, and the officers of Portland Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly side his property, and never were ; that they were Foss read two selections and was twice encored. line of Deerlng's Byidge. distant two hundred purchased with trust of which he is of Masons conducted the Masonic burial feet Wp shall receive on funds, trustee, Ledge It is said the gross receipts of the fair are about (200) Northwesterly at angles from the 488 & 490 and one Josie E. is the trust right King cestui que ; that service. The body was taken to Evergreen Ceme Northwesterly side line of the Marginal Way; although the stock stands in his name on the $500. for interment. thence running Northeasterly and Northerly, on a MORNING books of the company, it was mistake tery line with said side line TUESDAY through Patents Cranted. paralwl of said way, and that the word "trustee" was omitted. distant two hundred feet and some new and beautiiul designs in The The Back (200) Northwesterly plaintiff joined issue upon this plea, hear- Bay. The following patents have recently been Easterly therefrom, to a point four hundreu and ing was had and decision reserved. eighty (480) feet from the A. At its last regular meeting, the City Council granted to Maine inventors: Northerly Southerly C. True for pltff. point of the curve on which the said passes voted to transmit a memorial to the of N. G. Way H. R. Virgin and Geo. J. Tufts, for deft. Secretary French, Norway, valise &c. around Sandy Point and crosses A. A. Washington Velvets, War, through Hon. Thomas B. Keed, asking for Hawley, lvennebunk, making felt foot street; thence on a curve to Eastword with a Fancy wear. radius of nine hundred to be used as trimmings and to combine with MUNICIPAL COURT. government aid in dredging a ship channel in the G. W. thirty-fivo (935) feet, to Manson, West Buxton, spring motor. the Southerly abutment of Tukey's Bridge. Back Bay. The matter was laid before the Secre- H. A. Robinson, Foxcroft, tricycle. This line has been determined Mr. BEFORE JUDGE GOULD. S. N. by Goodwin, SILK OR WOOLEN COODS. tary by Mr. Reed, and Major Smith of the United Silver, Auburn, belt catcher and support. the City Civil Engineer, in conference with Thursday.—Patrick John and J. P. stove Maj. These are scarce and desirable. Fay, Williams, Walgren, Orono, polish. J. A. U. S. and a of the DONT SWEAR goods very Michael States Engineer Corps, has been directed to pre- Smith, Engineers, plan McDonough. Intoxication. Each 15 line this. In the proposed accompanies days county jail. pare an estimate of the cost of the work. An Old Time Lecture. When hurt try something better for William Rush. second offence. Very respestfullv yours. you yourself; Intoxication; City Civil Engineer Goodwin lias drawn a (Signed) CHAS. J. Great American Specific. NEW CREAM WOOL GOODS Sixty days in the county jail. plan Henry Ward Beecher, the veteran lecturer, has CHAPMAN, Mayor. pains—Baker's which lias been submitted to the Harbor Commis- to a"y ίιι Peraian Ca«huiereM, Canvrnt not lectured here for a number of In 'is lia^le *^appen ι*° Chevron*, years. old the above application it is ordered that a oi>e at time. A mis- BRIEF JOTTINGS. sioners, asking them, as will be seen by the adver- any Cloth, EteminrM and Canael'« Hair. Mercantile course times he was the ON hearing be appointed for May 8th next, at t causes a a great drawing o'clock A Ν step sprain; Prices from SO cte. to $1.00 per yard. tisement in another column, to establish a line p. in., at the office of the City Engineer, IN sudden fall wrenches a card of season. of COME the The sale tickets at Stock- I WISH YOU WOULD when all interested be and it 200 feet beyond the line of the Marginal Way, parties may heard, shoulder; a quick move The Weber Club has been engaged to sing Me- was and the is further ordered that a notice of the above Sliirrcd Salines, bridge's yesterday good, prospect is ap- AT MY near a fire overturns a Seersuckers, and parallel with it, as laid out in 1872, as a be AND LOOK ACCIDENT morial Night at City Hall. that there will be a crowded house. All who de- plication, together with this our order thereon kettle of hot water and some one is scalded ; a Scotch Gingliams mid Em- limit to which be for this publication in two of the The sewer committee are preparing to put ven- piers may extended, sire seats should given by daily papers sudden change in the atmosphere brings on tooth- broidered good call early. in Portland for seven at least Cliainbrays tilators in the scheme includes a system of piers 200 feet long, published days prev- ache, neuralgia or rheumatism. For all such and ill sewers throughout the city. ious to the hearing. great Variety. extending from the Marginal Way to the edge of for many other household troubles of greater or Seaside Lodge, No. 25, I. O. G. T., of Ferry SUBURBAN NEWS. .JACOB McLELLAN. ) Harbor BARGAINS IN WRITING PAPER BY THE POUND less importance, BAKEE'8 Cirent Americnu the channel. This line Is needed to make the Village, Initiated G2 new members CHARLES MERRILL,! Commi»· Specific is a Wednesday C. H. sioners. remedy. work done by the government secure against en- FARLEY, ) This is to certify that Illlf ■ V|| A ||V evening. 8ACC.UÏA1TA. Portland, Books, croachments individuals. The cliarmel April 29,1886. apr30dtd Photograph Albums, Scrap caught my foot and fell full Ml I I Η11 11 CH1BERUÎI The music committee of the Free Street Church by ship The store on Main HOISTED, millinery street formerly oc- force striking the edge of a IIII I ΠΙΙΙΙ I for which Major Smith has made estimates, is Sheriff's Sale. Hair are contemplating a change In the hymn books cupied by Mrs. Hawks, lately purchased and re. Box Stationery, Brushes, tub with my nose, break- No. 451 Congress Street. 300 feet wide, and gives a depth at low water of Cumberland ss. ing the flesh away from <11 v. used by the congregation. modelled by Mr. Elias Clark of Biddeford, is apr27 not less than 12 feet. on execution and will be sold by public Tooth Soaps, the cartilage, making itl AN OATH Mr. Arthur M. Sawyer has been reappointed as It Is a Une finished Brushes, completed. building, outside TAKENauction on the eighteenth day of May, 188G, necessary for the doctor to take several stitches of the for the Prevention of In black walnut at 10 o'clock in the to it in f used Baker's agent Society Cruelty Guards. cherry, and gold, with plate glass forenoon, at the Sheriff's Of- Books for Memorandum Blocks keep place, very freely Montgomery in all the title and interest Picture Children, Great American X have not had any to Animals. windows. The inside is fitted up In and fice, Portland, right, Specific. About three a benefit enter- good style, which Annie W. of in soreness resulting from the blow, and no discolor- Rev. L. H. Hallock will conduct tho Bible class years ago grand with Thompson, Cape Elizabeth, Pocket Books. supplied eight chandeliers for lighting. said has or had on the nineteenth of and ation of the flesh, and but little swelling. tainment was given by this popular company for County, day Every- at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this afternoon at 4.30 Mrs. S. B. Woodbury, milliner, lias taken pos- August, 1879, at one o'clock and five minutes in body should have a bottle for instant use for the St. Elizabeth's Orphan Asylum and a very the that the time of the attach- Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Toothache, &c. o'clock. session of Mr. A. L. Hawks' new store on Main afternoon, being handsome sum was the result attained. On ment on the original writ, in action of Hiram T. AT 5 AND 1 A BUNCH. WM. M. DOW, Porla.vd, Me. Tke Confectioners' Association will hold a State street, which is also finished in and black 1 LARGE LOT OF ENVELOPES CENTS State of Maine. 1 Thursday evening, May 20th, at City Hall, the cherry Plumnier, of Falmouth, verfcus Aunie W. Thomp- convention in this city during the second week In walnut, with nlate class windows. The interior son, et al., both of Cape Elizabeth, in said Cum- County of Cumberland, i Guards will once more tender to this most Win. M. and The will be at the Preble House- worthy berland County, returnable at the Septeniberterm, Personally appeared Dow. affirmed NOVELTIES May. meetings finish and furnishings are of modern style. and charitable institution their second benefit. A. D 1879, of our Superior Court in and for said that the above statement by him signed is true, —IX— Special attention Is called to the meeting of ftlie Mr. John Schwartz's new building is nearly Cumberlaud in the following described before me, LEWIS 1!. SMITH, Notary Public. That the hall will be crowded goes without say- County, Citizen's Mutual Relief Society this evening. See completed. It is finished in like style with the real estate situated in Cape Elizabeth, in said Bnkcr'a tirent Auterirn· Specific is a The intends giving a first class advertisement. ing. company others mentioned. County, and bounded and described as follows, to clean and purely vegetable preparation, free from Gciils' Heck Wear, entertainment, consisting of a band concert, wit: Beginning at the corner of E. street; thence 515 ingredients. It does not simply numb FRANK B. eoatt injurious In the Court, Mr. J. F. is and Municipal Boston, Wednesday, Spear making changes improve- by said E. street one hundred and apr30 CLARK, and afford but acts as a. CONGRESS.ST. the musical and literary concert. The boys are drill- northeasterly pain temporary relief, Dress and W. S. Trefetken of this city, charged with bring- ments in his store. He exhibits a beautiful caila fifteen feet and six inches to land of Barnes; counter irritant ami dra ws out the it Driving will as fine an exhibition of pain. Try ing finely and give thence northwesterly by said Barnes' land seven- and see. It is sold for ing to shorter than the law al- lily, the largest ever seen in this village. His Gloves, the manual of arms as lias been ever given by any ty-three feet more or less to land of Williams ; f~ ■ ΓΤ\/ By ill dealers, and was held in for the Court. windows are made attractive a lows, $1,500 Superior very by profusion thence southwesterly by said Williams' laud one PlP Ι Y that if our πθ ΓΠβΙΤΙΟΘΓ company in New England. The young ladies of flowers and of works of remedy At the regular monthly meeting of the Society specimens art. hundred feet more or less to the Ocean House does not fulfill all our claims Fancy Percale and will have of the hall where Mr. Charles Freeman is the charge reception sup- laying foundation Road ; thence said road one hun- BEATING as on the we of Miss Annie N. F. southeasterly by CARPET printed label, Art, Wednesday evening, for a two will be served in from G un- story dwelling house, "on the flat," 24x dred and feet more or less to E. Street be- refund at White of Brunswick and Mr. John C. Small of this per antiquarian style thirty ; CENTS .will your money Shirts, King 30 feet, ell 16x26 feet. Adjoining Mr. Freeman's the same premises to Annie W. TECHNIGON" once. This insures til the "wee sma' hours." The entire ing conveyed you satisfaction. programme lot two other will be erected this sum- city were elected to membership. dwellings Thompson by Margaret A. Hamilton, by warran- Collars, Cult's and will be shortly. Every member of the mer. deed Steamship Sardinian, Captain Smith, of the published ty dated February 25tli, A. D. 1876, and re- is to bo at the next The Warren school house, reconstructed from corded in Cumberland of Deeds NOTICE. MAURICE BAKER & CO., Allan sailed at company requested armory County Registry Proprietors, Hosiery, Line, '2.Si) yesterday afternoon, the remnants after the fire last fall, is finished Book 429, page 7. A perfect GYMNASIUM for Fin- Mondav evening, when final arrangements will be outside. There are but few in PORTLAND, MAIMl. 9 1G intermediate and 27 changes the Dated at the All Piano — — taking cabin, steerage orig- Portland, sixteenth day of April, tiers, Hands and Wrists. mar29 AT made. inal style of architecture. The inside is new A. D. lstor-ithpcodtf passengers. 1886. E.N. JORDAN, Students should use it. A great work throughout. The room of the intermediate anr30dlawF3w Denutv Sheriff. Captain Hilyard, of the steamer State of Maine, Harry T. Walker. school is finished in white wood, cherry trim- aid to ARTISTS in perfecting In to from liis to mings and black walnut doors. It is furnished There is no article in η household that their trying jump vessel the wharf, in Mr. Harry T. Walker, manager of Tucker technique. NO. 7 MARKET SQUARE. with 56 seats and 28 of which are of PARTIES SEEKING — missed his and fell desks, new, :ollects more dirt than a Car- References: Herman Kotzscli- NON-ARSENICAL Boston, Wednesday, footing House, died ill this alter the latest The unhealthy Printing city yesterday, pattern. primary department is use Into the a severe >et. After a lias been in for W. H. S. B. Mills, dock, receiving scalp wound. a two weeks illness. Mr. Walker was about 32 furnished with 76 seats and desks, all of the im- Carpet inar, Sherwood, Free Street Church will celebrate its proved style. Blackboards of soapstone ioine time, sweeping takes off only a Win. Mason. Baptist years of age, and leaves a widow and tliree clii1" finish, INSURANCE very smooth and durable, cover three sides of the the dust and and the rest semi-centennial some time In.'tlie autumn, proba- >art of dirt, dreu. He acquired a part of his trade from the walls of both rooms. The work on the in etroug companies at fair rates with prompt I.0. HAYES & CO. and has building settles down into the libre. No ordinary apG dtf bly in September, appointed a committee Tucker Printing House, and then went to Long lias been under the supervision of Mr. John and Equitable settlement of losses should call ou in the and is leating will remove it. Hand beating to take the matter charge. Ν. where he completed his knowledge Knight, contractor, well done. The Island, Y., citizens and scholars have a house which s and the common healing At a meeting of the directors of the Maine they ineffective, of the craft. Then he returned to Portland and well be a SAMUEL may proud of. It will be satisfaction to WARREN nachine bnt little better. Our Central Kailroad Company, held in this SPARROW & CO., process THURSTON, city yes- for a time was with A. .Jones on Middle the to know that proper facilities for George taxpayers ,10 EXCHANGE ST. nethod is a and effective one, afternoon, it was voted to build the road's extinguishing fire have been provided, in case of ap30d7t-4tlip thorough CE!*. AGENT. terday street. Later lie returned to the Printing House md the heated steam as and at exposure. super applied new machine shops repair shops Water- and was foreman there until the death of Mr. Maine Commercial Mr. S. E. McLellau has disposed of his house Travellers. >y our process will effectually relieve vllle. Kimball when he became manager and so contin- and erected a fine cottage on the old Gorliani important meeting of the Maine Commer- lie Carpets of all thereby ilie horse of John a short distance from the impurities, No. 3 Free Street Portland. Yesterday forenoon Holly- ued until his death. Mr. Walker was a road, village. An cial Travellers Association will lie liekl on Ma- Block, good J. iromoting health and comfort. on H. Chandler, Esq., has purchased land of 1, at Thatcher Post fell!) dtf are now the took fright Spring street and was his Saturday Evening, May Hall, injurious properties. We wood, grocer, workmen and much liked by many friends. Mr. John anil will soon erect a chine and attachments and in Knight large corner o£ Congress and Elm Sts. Meeting to com- patented our ! Stock of Buttons where lie Dress to Centre was receiving SpiiiiR ran down Spring street, He was a member of the Typographical Union, dwelling house thereon. mence at 7.45. J. H. DOW, President. iperation at sou the cold weather are PAPER HANGINGS, to which we stopped. Mr. Hollywood's and another and the Citizens Itelief. Despite tillers of the soil api'30 d2t and Bros,'Â1 Table Ware. plowing and in seed. There are no Rogers wisli to call attention. man were thrown from the The putting spots your young wagon. suow m DOLLAR RE \VA Dress of remaining the woods near the village. RD-Lost between The "Iffunroe Ingrain Ladies about to purchase former was bruised on his arm but the latter was Sons of Veterans. Mav flowers are becoming the Natural Booms and Kendall & (Cart- plenty. ONE History a Buttons of the latest can see not much hurt. The Portland Sons of Veterans entei 'ained vis- Mr. John Turner will soon dispose of his boot Whitney's, a morocco covered memorandum book, ridge) Papers specialty. styles and shoe business here and locate in Portlanu. valuable to owner, A. W. Nichols. Above re- >ur a members of the order from Sac. :,ik', i'.idde- only stock at glance. iting K. ward will be paid for its return to W. D. JON ES, FOSTER'S Charities. size new Dress and Cloak The Associated ford last evening. Guilford Camp. ,o. r-i, of CUMBERLAND MILLS. 70 Middle street. 30 1 &c. SHORT Large The sale of the Associated Charities will con- Saco and Francis G. Warren Cam;·. No. 2it, of Mr. Charles Bancroft, truckman at the paper KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, LORING, Buttons a SALE—Clear wheat for poultry at §1.40 specialty. eve- to the number of η tinue two days longer, closing on Saturday Biddeford, fifty, arrived the mills, had the fore linger of his left hand badly FORper 100 lbs ; also ground heel scraps, crushed FOREST (ITY DYE HOUSE Dress (ioods and t'loakings ning. 8 o'clock train and were escorted to G. A. It. jammed between two heavy frames of paper, oyster shells, poultry bone, etc ; a liberal discount I am offering special inducements in Rogers & & natched to parties wishing to sell again; all kinds of as one will con- i correctly. State grain — — Bros.' Λ 1 Table be HARMON, Many of the most desirable articles remain un- Hall by the Maine Fife, Drum and Bugle Wednesday. He will be disabled for a few AND Ware, every ground at short notice. C. B. DALTON & CO., me a that are tlie and No. where vinced by giving call, my prices No. 474 Last year's Buttons cheap. sold and any one desiring night shirts dresses and Corps Shepley Camp, 4, plates weeks. 27 Preble St., Portland. Me. 30-1 lowest. Congress Street. feb25 eod3m dozen last 2ôc to 35c underclothing for women or children, bedding, were laid for eighty persons. After the supper, Twelve covered box cars have been put on the 250 year's SALE—100 dozen 20 cent Shaw* seam- "OUR OWN" will benefit which consisted of baked etc., the visitors Carpet Beating Rooms, Buttons at 5 cents dozen. &c., a most worthy charity by calling beans, tramway for transporting paper from the mills to FORless hose at only 11 cents a pair. $800.00 In ]loak per with Drum and purchasing. were entertained music by the Ftfe, the station in wet weather. The cars were man- presents to be given away in 1886 to customers Also a full line of "my own" manufacture, which 000 dozen Dress Buttons 5 to 19 worth of CEILING The ladies engaged in this charity would call and Bugle Corps; singing by Messrs. Fagin, ufactured at the Portland Company's works. purchasing 50 cénts goods, and guessing ίο. 13 Preble St., Opp. Preble. House. for style, quality and finish lias few equals and no dozen. nearest the number of the watch, to be given superior in the world. I ■ents lier attention to the that not be Judge, Morse and McMann; bugle solo by Mr. Mr. Tufts, who was the water fact, though they may injured by falling away that month. 30-2 beaten at all seasons of the able to compete with work done at "starvation" Wliitcomb; recitation by Mr. Brewer, and a pic- pipes, last week, is slowly recovering but is con- Carpets live agent In every county to ear aud in all kinds of weather. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., DECORATIONS. prices, this that colo solo Master John Barrett. The visiting house. they offer is better made, of bet- by fined to his WANTE»—Ahandle the weaver treadle; it fits all ma- apr20 i!2w and ter on the Pullman train. on no Cleansed, Repaired materials and is worth much more in wear. camps returned home Mr. Ε. H. Hale, who also received injuries on chines and sells its merits ; bonus ; no com- petition. J. L. CHAPIN, 30 Free St., Portland. Warranted, They pay the needy women more for the work on the foot from the same cause, is able to get about MES on 30-1 established BROTHERS. at the one garment than is paid in larger cities for four. Trotting at Presumpscot Park. crutches. newly prices. Office ap20 U2t The Ladies' Mission Band an entertain- man to work on a one House, and Store lleMiratioiis formed Portland gave farm; ÎLASTING POWDER. An association has been among ment and picnic supper at Cumberland Hall last WANTED—Athat is capable of doing any kind of farm The how to and Sole in tills vicinity, for Du ront's Black Primary Cadets, who are interested in horse trotting, called evening. There was a large number present and work ; he must knoiv drive the care of agent A ■ people and Sporting) and the well SPECIALTY. The and the asso- it was made a success. The proceeds go towards horses. Apply to 38 PLUM STltEET. 30-1 Owder, (Blasting ^fraternity Primary Cadets will give at City the Portland Trotting Association, nown A. M. a new WENTWORTH, Hall next It building chapel. agents for the Citv Wednesday evening a reception, exhi- ciation has entered the National Association. Mr. John S. Simmons of Gorham entered a of Portland and to sell useful ST. bition, drill and ball. The of at Pre- before WANTED—Experiencedvicinity, "ATLAS POWDER," 509 CONGRESS prize Light Infantry, Is proposed to have two days trotting complaint Judge Shaw, Monday, against household articles, li. eodtf We are prepared to make esti- I William of the same in- MeLELLAN, Deering on the market. apl5 Mechanic Blues, Montgomery Guards and and Gth of next, Wallace, town, alleging tie best liigli explosive Furnished Prints! Port- Park on the 5th July Centre, Pleasant St. 30-1 ndigo mates sumpscot toxication and assault. On lie was con- and at bottom prices. on all hinds of above work. land Cadets will take part in the hearing any quantity, exercises. when the leading horses of Maine and very likely victed of assault and fined $5 and cost. The RENT—Store and basement No. 2Π9 AImo (Jin» nutl Finbing Tnrklr. We have competent workmen Chandler's Band will give a concert from 8 to 0 some of the best Massachusetts trotters will par- charge of intoxication was not substantiated and FORMiddle St; good location for a tea store or The entertainment concludes he was discharged. books and stationery. BENJ. 48»'., Ex- and would advise all contemplat- o'clock. with a ticipate in the races. It is also proposed to have SHAW, Mr. Ansel Stevens lias purchased a tract of St. 30-1 TT ■ b-« concert and ball under the of change GSr· L. to call ear- I promenade auspices a weekly meet at Presumpscot Park, during the land from I.. S. Hooper of Portland on Main ing work of this kind IILLETT LITTLE. WALE—Twelve acres land in & the four military companies, Chandler's orchestra summer for horses owned in Portland. street, extending back to land belonging to S. 1). Deering, 221 Middle Street. rush of bus- season, FORnear Ocean St. ; ean be at a bargain ly, before the Spring the music. The Warren & Co., near the old Haskell place. It is bought furnishing Fraternity Primary This, it is thought, will give horse owners an if applied for soon. BENJ. SHAW, 48!/2 Ex- apr26 eodtf a line site for erecting a dwelling house. iness commences. Cadets deserve a good benefit and should have a to to and change St. 30-1 opportunity show horses they wish sell, The receipts for sale of passenger tickets over Ve offer to-day one case Indîço crowded house. also afford equal opportunity to buyers. the Portland and Rochester road during the past SALE—A valuable «oat with two kids to TO CONTRACTORS. month have been unusually large. Mr. Clark, the FORbe sold cheap. Inquire on board BARK Bine all new at ill three weeks. One week's PROPOSALS for Prints, styles, W. C, T. u. Y. M. C. A. agent, collected $250 WOODSIDE, Smith's Wharf. 30-1 rfÎALED furnishing material amounted to «90. Travel over the road 3 and labor required in the erection of a shoe Photograph of will in receipts ΓΙ10 LET-House No. 84 Lincoln St. For « 14 cents Miss Henrietta Moore, Ohio, speak The regular monthly meeting of the Portland is K. par- ictorv at Maine, for Κ. B. Mailett, Esq., OPPOSITE EALMOUTH HOTEL. per yard. daily increasing. X to J. S. KNOWLES, No. 9 Freeport, LORING. SHORT & HARMON. afternoon, at 3 Men's Christian titulars, apply •ill he received until May. 1. 188G. Plans and Chestnut street church, Sunday Young Association occurs next WEST FALMOUTH. Oxford St. 30-1 feb2C 6od3w pecillcations may be examined at the ofllce of the o'clock, and .in the evening, at 7.30, in Congress Monday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, on which occa- Coroner lloukl of Portland caused Yesterday —Solid men of Portland to call a: rchitects, where all necessary information will he Call and examine our new of the \T|7"ANTED style WIESBADEN TABLE SAI < !:. square church. Miss Mcore is one most sion, in addition to the business of the meeting, the body of Miss Eva Field, whose sudden death τ τ the sale of Associated Charities, where will Iven. The right is reserved to reject any and all and Colored Portraits be. FA8SETT & Crayon The most delicious iu tlavor; appetizing in ef- eloquent advocates In the ranks of the W. C. T. there will be a very interesting entertainment, last occasioned some excitement, be found night shirts of extra size. 301 ids. TOMPSON, Architects, elsewhere. Monday night 1)3 Me. fore sitting Aim to ami by liberal use enables to eat U. to be and a mortem examination Exchange St., Portland, fect; Dyspeptics The public ere cordially invited to be present consisting of vocal and instrumental music and exhumed, post ANTED—A second girl. Apply 147 STATE Prices moderate. meats and liearty food without results. I will be made by City Physician Smith of Portland. April 17,188C. aplUdtd please. Injurious HILL£ ΓΤ & LITTLE. at the meetings. readings. w STREET. 30-1 aprl4 eodtl For sale by all grocers. aprieeodsin ap28 dSt
