
Jenni Burt, Cathy Lloyd, John Campbell, Martin Roland and Gary Abel

Variations in GP–patient communication by ethnicity, age, and gender: evidence from a national primary care patient survey

INTRODUCTION experience from minority ethnic groups Systematic variations in experience of health compared with counterparts Abstract care in relation to ethnicity, age, gender, in the same practices.8 Background health, and socioeconomic status are well To consider what actions are required Doctor–patient communication is a key driver of documented.1–6 In 2014, NHS to ensure high-quality care for all, first a overall satisfaction with primary care. Patients reiterated concerns about variations in the more nuanced understanding is required of from minority ethnic backgrounds consistently report more negative experiences of doctor– quality of primary care for disadvantaged how patient characteristics might interact patient communication. However, it is currently groups, reminding us that ‘People have a with one another in evaluations of care. unknown whether these ethnic differences are right to high quality services, irrespective of For example, it would be useful to know concentrated in one gender or in particular age who they are, their social status, where they whether reports of poorer GP–patient groups. live, or what needs they have’.7 communication are consistent across Aim The need for action on variations in care responders within a particular ethnic To determine how reported GP–patient is supported by responses to the English group, or whether there are variations communication varies between patients from different ethnic groups, stratified by age and GP Patient Survey (GPPS). Analyses based according to age. It would also be helpful to gender. on the 2009 GPPS found that minority know where the largest gaps in experience ethnic patients (particularly those from lie. Interactions between age and ethnicity Design and setting Analysis of data from the English GP Patient South Asian and Chinese backgrounds), have been identified for patient reports of Survey from 2012–2013 and 2013–2014, patients with poor self-rated health, and the number of GP consultations that take including 1 599 801 responders. younger patients reported more negative place before hospital referral for cancer.10 8 Method experiences of care. A particular concern is To explore whether such interactions exist A composite score was created for doctor– variation in doctor–patient communication, for other aspects of patient experience, patient communication from five survey items a major driver of overall satisfaction with 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 GPPS data were concerned with interpersonal aspects of care. care.9 analysed to determine how reported GP– Mixed-effect linear regression models were used to estimate age- and gender-specific In the 2009 GPPS analysis, half of the patient communication varies between differences between white British patients and overall difference between South Asian patients from different ethnic groups by patients of the same age and gender from each and white patients in reported doctor– age and gender. other ethnic group. patient communication was attributed to Results the concentration of South Asian patients METHOD There was strong evidence (P<0.001 for age by in practices who did less well overall, The GPPS is sent annually to around gender by ethnicity three-way interaction term) receiving lower scores from all patients 2.7 million patients in England who are that the effect of ethnicity on reported GP– patient communication varied by both age and registered with them, including white registered with a general practice for at gender. The difference in scores between white British patients. However, the remaining least 6 months. Full details of the survey and British and other responders on doctor–patient difference reflected less positive reported methodology are published elsewhere.11–13 communication items was largest for older, female Pakistani and Bangladeshi responders, and for younger responders who described J Burt, PhD, senior research associate; Address for correspondence their ethnicity as ‘Any other white’. M Roland, FRCGP, FRCP, FMedSci, professor Jenni Burt, Primary Care Unit, Department of Conclusion of health services research; G Abel, PhD, senior Public Health and Primary Care, University of The identification of groups with particularly research associate statistician, Primary Care Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Box 113 marked differences in experience of GP–patient Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge communication — older, female, Asian patients Care, University of Cambridge School of Clinical CB2 0SR, UK. and younger ‘Any other white’ patients — Medicine, Cambridge. C Lloyd, PhD, professor of E-mail: [email protected] underlines the need for a renewed focus on health studies, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Submitted: 7 May 2015; Editor’s response: 1 June quality of care for these groups. The Open University, Milton Keynes. J Campbell, 2015; final acceptance: 22 June 2015. MD, FRCGP, professor of general practice and Keywords ©British Journal of General Practice primary care, University of Collaboration communication; healthcare disparities; This is the full-length article (published online minority groups; physician–patient relations; for Academic Primary Care, University of Exeter 6 Nov 2015) of an abridged version published in primary health care. Medical School, Exeter. print. Cite this article as: Br J Gen Pract 2015; DOI: 10.3399/bjgp15X687637

1 British Journal of General Practice, Online First 2015 poor’, as well as ‘Doesn’t apply’ (which was How this fits in classified as an uninformative response option). A composite score was created for Patients from minority ethnic groups all responders who provided three or more report more negative experiences of informative responses by linear rescaling primary care, including doctor–patient communication, than their white British of the responses between 0 and 100, and counterparts. This analysis of GP Patient taking the mean of all sub-items answered. Survey data reveals that the effect Patient-reported age group, gender, and of ethnicity on reported GP–patient ethnicity were taken directly from survey communication varies by age and responses. Further, health-related quality gender. Older, female, Asian patients and of life was measured using responses to younger ‘Any other white’ patients have five questions that make up the EuroQol particularly marked negative experiences EQ-5D-3L descriptive system.14,15 The Index of GP–patient communication compared with white British patients. The practice of Multiple Deprivation, an area-based of patient-centred medicine, awareness measure of socioeconomic status based of the challenges in cross-cultural on the patient’s residential postcode, was consultations, and system-level initiatives also available.16 For analysis, this was split to better support disadvantaged groups into five groups based on national quintiles. are all important in addressing these A mixed-effect linear regression inequalities of care. model was used with the GP–patient communication score as the outcome. The model included age, gender, ethnicity, To increase the number of responses for EQ-5D, and deprivation as fixed effects, and small ethnic groups in the analysis, data a random effect for practice (to account for were combined from 2 years of the survey the fact that certain patient groups cluster in (2012–2013 and 2013–2014). As no patient practices that may perform better or worse receives the survey in two consecutive overall). All possible two-way interactions years, there is no risk of double counting. between age, gender, and ethnicity, as well A measure of reported GP–patient as the three-way interaction between them communication was constructed from five were included in the model to allow the sub-items following the stem ‘Last time you effect of ethnicity to vary between different age and gender groups. Wald tests of the saw or spoke to a GP from your GP surgery, interaction terms were used to assess how good was that GP at each of the evidence supporting this variation. The following?’. These were: ‘Giving you enough models were then used to estimate age- time’, ‘Listening to you’, ‘Explaining tests and gender-specific differences between and treatments’, ‘Involving you in decisions white British patients and patients of the about your care’, and ‘Treating you with care same age and gender from each of the Figure 1. Age composition of responders according and concern’. Each had a 5-point Likert other ethnic groups. All analyses were to self-reported ethnicity. scale response from ‘Very good’ to ‘Very carried out using Stata (version 13.1).

RESULTS White British Across 2012–2013 and 2013–2014, GPPS received 1 874 589 responses, an overall Gypsy or Irish Traveller response rate of 35%. Of these, 1 599 801 Any other White background (85%) had complete data for all items in Years White and black Caribbean the analysis. The numbers of responders in 18–24 White and black African each ethnicity group are shown in Table 1. White and Asian 25–34 The largest group of responders were white Any other Mixed background 35–44 British (n = 1 323 621, 82.7%): there were Indian 45–54 at least 1800 responders in all but one Pakistani 55–64 group. Figure 1 shows the age composition Bangladeshi 65–74 of each group. White British and white Chinese 75–84 Irish responders tended to be older than Any other Asian background ≥85 those from other ethnic groups, and are African dominated by those aged ≥55 years. For Caribbean nearly all other ethnicities most responders Any other black background were aged ≤45 years. Consequently, there Arab were very few responses in the oldest age Any other ethnic group groups for a number of ethnicities (Table 1). % From the regression model (adjusting 0 20 40 60 80 100 for deprivation, EQ-5D, and practice), there

British Journal of General Practice, Online First 2015 2 negative differences indicate responders Table 1. Ethnicity make-up of sample for all ages and those aged reported worse experience than their white ≥85 years British counterparts (that is, of the same All ages ≥85 years age and gender). The Asian and white (non- Ethnicity n % n % British) responses are highlighted as the White British 1 323 621 82.7 49 891 93.1 ethnic groups where the largest differences Irish 16 330 1.0 662 1.2 are seen. Gypsy or Irish Traveller 401 0.0 6 0.0 Differences in reported experience of Any other white 71 105 4.4 1386 2.6 GP–patient communication between Asian Mixed/multiple ethnic White and black Caribbean 3413 0.2 26 0.1 groups and the white British group were groups White and black African 1865 0.1 4 0.0 largest for older responders (≥55 years). White and Asian 3171 0.2 18 0.0 This differential effect of ethnicity was Any other mixed 3340 0.2 15 0.0 particularly marked in Bangladeshi Asian/Asian British Indian 38 705 2.4 425 0.8 responders, and for females (Figure 2). Pakistani 20 729 1.3 143 0.3 For example, the difference in reported Bangladeshi 6699 0.4 23 0.0 experience scores between a white 7986 0.5 66 0.1 75–84-year-old female and a Bangladeshi Any other Asian 19 812 1.2 105 0.2 female of the same age was –8.23 points Black/African/Caribbean/ African 21 131 1.3 24 0.0 on a 0–100 scale (95% confidence interval Black British Caribbean 13 715 0.9 275 0.5 [CI] = –12.76 to –3.69). However, for Indian, Any other black 6061 0.4 52 0.1 Pakistani, and Bangladeshi groups, Other ethnic group Arab 2786 0.2 16 0.0 the differences in younger age groups compared with white British responders Other 38 931 2.4 458 0.9 were fairly small. For example, the Total 1 599 801 100.0 53 595 100.0 difference in reported experience score between a white British 35–44-year-old female and a Pakistani female of the same was strong evidence (P<0.001 for age by age was –2.72 points (95% CI = –3.42 to gender by ethnicity three-way interaction –2.02) (Figure 2). For Chinese responders, term) that the effect of ethnicity on reported substantial negative differences compared GP–patient communication varied by with white British counterparts were seen both age and gender (further details are across all age groups. available from the authors on request). In contrast to Asian responders, This variation is illustrated in Figure 2, for ‘Any other white’ responders, the

Figure 2. Age and gender-specific differences, with which shows the age- and gender-specific ethnic disparities in reported GP–patient 95% confidence intervals, in reported GP–patient adjusted differences between white British communication were largest for younger communication scores (0–100 scale) between white responders and responders of the same responders (<55 years). For example, the British patients and responders in Asian and white age and gender from all Asian sub-groups difference in reported experience score ethnic groups. and white (non-British) ethnic groups: between a white British 35–44-year-old female and an ‘Any other white’ female of the same age was –5.30 points (95% CI = –5.66 to –4.95). Again, these differences were larger for females than males. For Irish compared with white British responders there were few disparities; small negative differences for younger (<45 years) responders and small positive differences for older (≥45 years) responders. For ethnic groups not shown in Figure 2 (further details on age and gender-specific differences are available from the authors on request), few differences were found in reported experience at all ages for African, Caribbean, and other black responders. The ability to detect differences for mixed ethnic groups was limited: CIs are generally large, reflecting the smaller sample sizes. However, there were more substantial (and statistically significant) negative differences for other Asian females (at all ages), and for white and Asian females (particularly at older ages).

3 British Journal of General Practice, Online First 2015 DISCUSSION Comparison with existing literature Summary Previous analyses have identified variations This analysis of GPPS data has shown in patient experience in relation to ethnic that the effect of ethnicity on reported group, age, and gender, and have found GP-communication varies by age and an interaction between ethnicity and age gender. In comparison with white British for cancer referrals.8,10,19 The authors responders of the same age and gender, believe this study is the first to consider the poorer experience scores for GP–patient interactions between all three factors to communication are particularly marked in explore their impact on reported GP–patient older, female, Asian patients, and in younger communication. The analyses highlight ‘Any other white’ patients. two groups of particular concern: older, female, Asian patients and younger ‘Any Strengths and limitations other white’ patients. These groups reflect GPPS data are derived from a large, distinctly different profiles and patterns of randomly selected sample designed to be migration to the UK: however, patients from representative of patients registered with these groups may face similar barriers, a practice in England.11,12 While inclusion of including poor language proficiency, over 1.5 million patients enables precise lack of acculturation, and provider-side measurements of overall experience, the discrimination. ability to derive precise estimates in relation Language is only one part of to age is limited in the smallest ethnic groups communication, but an important one. (such as Arab, and Gypsy and ). Language-discordance occurs when a Response rates to the GPPS are low: doctor and patient do not share the same for the years analysed these were 35% language. The proportion of those who and 34%, respectively. Recent syntheses cannot speak English well or at all varies suggest response rates are not a strong widely between and within ethnic groups: indicator of non-response bias in surveys 16.2% of Bangladeshi census responders, that use probability sampling.17 If present, 15.2% of Chinese, 12.2% of ‘Any other non-response bias is more likely to affect white’, and 11.1% of Pakistani patients fall absolute scores than the relative scores into this category.20 Older Bangladeshi and presented here. For non-response bias Pakistani females may be prevented from to be driving the findings, the association acquiring English proficiency through family between experience and the likelihood obligations, or cultural and community of responding to a survey would need to expectations.21 The ‘Any other white’ group be differential between ethnic groups, contains a large proportion of Polish-born favouring responses from patients from responders, including a younger, less minority ethnic backgrounds with negative established population whose employment experiences but not white British patients and social interactions may make it difficult with negative experiences. This seems to develop English proficiency.22–25 A number unlikely. Non-response bias is more likely of studies have suggested that language to attenuate differences due to difficulties discordance in clinical encounters may accessing those with low English language negatively impact on quality of care.26–29 proficiency. While the GPPS is offered Challenges in communicating in language- in 13 additional languages, in the years discordant consultations can lead to analysed only 0.2% of patients completed particularly strong tensions between ‘ideal’ the questionnaire in a language other standards of communication and what is than English (most being Polish). If survey ‘good enough’.30 responders are more proficient in English, Acculturation is concerned with the this may underestimate the communication modification of attitudes or behaviours as difficulties experienced by certain minority people come into contact with a culture ethnic groups, as those with the greatest other than their own: although its definition communication difficulties will be excluded and scope are contested, it is frequently from the study sample. used to explain inequalities in health Finally, as no objective measure of GP– care.31 Levels of acculturation may lead to patient communication exists for these data, variations in perceptions and expectations the analysis is not able to provide insight of providers and care, and ability to navigate into whether reported experience varies as the healthcare system, impacting on a result of differences in actual experience reported experience.32 Previous analysis or differences in reports of experience as a of patient experience in US primary care result of variations in expectations or survey for Hispanic patients found no relationship response tendencies: for this, experimental between acculturation levels and patient approaches are required.18 reports of provider communication,

British Journal of General Practice, Online First 2015 4 although there was an association with other the study of such interactions has been aspects of patient experience.32 However, termed intersectionality.38 the measurement of acculturation through commonly-used language proficiency Implications for research and practice scales has been criticised for failing to The identification of those with particularly capture its multidimensional nature.33 marked differences in experience of GP– Further, a focus on lack of acculturation patient communication — older, female, as a driver of disparities may mask other Asian patients and younger ‘Any other causal factors, including poverty, the white’ patients — underlines the need for social construction of ethnic identities, and a renewed focus on these groups. For inequities in treatment.34 Nevertheless, practitioners, the acknowledgement the broad concept of acculturation may that certain patients may experience be a useful reminder that age, gender, greater challenges in communicating and ethnicity groupings could vary in their is an important first step. Likewise, an understanding and navigation of primary awareness of the particular difficulties and care for reasons that are additional to those frustrations encountered on both sides in of language barriers. cross-cultural consultations is important. Concerns about institutionally-ingrained Empathy, curiosity, and respect are crucial variations in attitudes to patients on the to engaging with the dynamics which basis of ethnicity have led to a rise in can arise from difference.39 Caring for cultural-competency training.35,36 These diverse patient populations is an immense approaches have been criticised for placing challenge: drawing on the principles emphasis on patient characteristics as the of person-centred medicine is a useful Funding drivers of variations in care, rather than framework through which to approach 40 This work was funded by the National on provider- and system-level factors, this task. For patients, for example those Institute for Health Research Programme including the potential for stereotyping of, or with limited English language proficiency, 37 Grants for Applied Research (NIHR PGfAR) bias towards, particular groups. However, effective support for communication in Programme (RP-PG-0608-10050). The this analysis shows that any provider- the form of professional interpreters is 41 views expressed are those of the authors or system-side factors do not occur in important. However, system-level as well and not necessarily those of the NHS, the reaction to ethnicity alone, but in response as patient-targeted initiatives to improve to the inter-relationship between ethnicity, health literacy are also key, yet inevitably NIHR, or the Department of Health. gender, and age. It is the combination of require further resources.42 Finally, for Ethical approval these factors which may identify groups with researchers wishing to identify the drivers The Central Office for Research Ethics particular needs, such as those patients of these observed variations in care, further Committee advised that the survey does with the lowest levels of English proficiency. understanding is needed of expectations, not require formal medical research ethical We therefore need to focus not just on reporting, and experiences of care in approval, but it adheres to the Market differences between groups but also on these groups. The authors are currently Research Society code of ethics. differences within them, considering how undertaking experimental work with white ethnicity, gender, age, and other categories British and Pakistani communities to Provenance of social identity interact with each other to determine in more detail where the key Freely submitted; externally peer reviewed. create different experiences and outcomes: issues lie. Competing interests The authors have declared no competing interests. Open access This article is Open Access: CC BY 3.0 license ( licenses/by/3.0/). Acknowledgements Thanks to past and present members of the Improve team, including in particular Yoryos Lyratzopoulos, Marc Elliott, and Faraz Ahmed, for their contributions to this work stream on minority ethnic groups’ experiences of care. The authors thank the Improve Advisory Group for their input and support throughout this study. Discuss this article Contribute and read comments about this article:

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