Tuesday, 25 October 2005

PRESENT: Councillor C Lill (Chair); Councillor Matthews , and County Councillor Gonzalez

S. Silver NBC L. Ambrose NBC F. McGown NBC S. Dickinson Care and Repair J. Harvey NCC

And five members of the public; (L. Costello, I and H Veitch)

1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillors Larratt, Hill, Hope, J Lill, County Councillor Houghston-Roberts and Ms Chapman, Ms Lightburn and Messrs Patrick and Ryan.

2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15 JUNE 2005 The minutes of the meeting of Partnership held on 15 June 2005 were agreed.

3. MATTERS ARISING (A) TESCO ROUNDABOUT. J Harvey reported that Contractors were moving on site to move the cables and it was hoped that the improvement scheme would be completed before Christmas. He also commented that a new traffic light phasing scheme was to be introduced at the junction in recognition of the difficulties for traffic trying to exit onto the roundabout from Tescos. It was also noted that there was a lack of space to effect a major improvement scheme to the Roundabout.

(B) PHONE MASTS. L Ambrose commented that she had provided information to the Planning Committee and any further information would be circulated with the minutes.

(C) CYCLEWAYS. It was noted that incidents should be reported to STREET DOCTOR and that cycleways and underpasses were cleaned on a weekly basis, shopping areas three times a week and once a week in residential areas. J Harvey commented because they were prone to vandalism the County Council had a policy of not installing highway mirrors as per the suggestion at the last meeting.

(D) WHEELIE-BINS. It was noted that there were no further plans at present to introduce more wheelie-bins onto the Camp Hill Estate than those already distributed.

Area Partnership 6 (East Hunsbury, Nene Valley & West Hunsbury) Minutes - Tuesday, 25 October 2005

(E) DAMAGE TO STREET SIGN. It was noted that damaged or missing street signs should be reported to the Street Doctor Service via:

The NCC website at or by email via [email protected] or by telephone 0845 601113 or by letter to the Street Doctor Sustainable Transport, NCC, Riverside House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX.

Damaged or missing street name plates should be reported to NBC on 01604 838323.

(F) CAMP HILL CCTV. J Harvey reported that CCTV had not been provided as there had been no funding available for it.

(G) LADYBRIDGE DRIVE – TRAFFIC CALMING. J Harvey reported that Atkins were looking at options for schemes.

4. CARE AND REPAIR Sue Dickinson on behalf of Care and Repair made a presentation on the work of this Home Improvement Agency. Sue Dickinson was thanked for her presentation.

AGREED: That a presentation of Home Safety issues by Care & Repair be made to the 8 February 2006 meeting of the Partnership.

5. LOCAL ISSUES - GENERAL DISCUSSION A. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. In answer to a question Councillor C Lill confirmed that approximately eight years previously proposals had been put forward to develop Station but this had been turned down by the Strategic Railway Authority. J Harvey reported that the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation (WNDC) had invited all the participating authorities to make funding bids for projects. One such project was to redevelop Castle Station which Silverlink were looking to make a major investment in over the next few years. This would include the integration of bus services. He also referred to the “Getting Northampton to Work” initiative due to commence in June by 2006; one scheme being a redesign of the Black Lion Hill junction which would include much improved bus stops adjacent to Castle Station.

The Strategic Railway Authority would lead the redevelopment of Castle Station but this would be likely to take place in a few years time. The Black Lion Hill project would help to put the infrastructure into place for the station scheme. He also commented that it would not be feasible to have buses actually entering and exiting the station itself.

It was also noted that Kettering and Wellingborough would be taking their share of extra housing but the development of those areas was part of a different development corporation area known as The North Northamptonshire Development Corporation.

Area Partnership 6 (East Hunsbury, Nene Valley & West Hunsbury) Minutes - Tuesday, 25 October 2005 It was also noted that the corridor for the Bedford Branch Line had been protected through Ransome Road and the Power Station site and that the larger industrial units on Brackmills had land available to connect to the Branch line if it were reinstated.

S Silver commented that the WNDC were very much aware that adequate infrastructure was needed to support the new housing growth of the Town.

Councillor C Lill commented that at a recent meeting with Northampton General Hospital it had been announced that they were to consider a £300 million expansion/development programme over the next 10 years in anticipation of the extra housing being provided. He also commented that in Devon facilities, broadly similar to the Old Cottage Hospitals, had been provided to relieve the pressure on the General Hospital at Exeter. Perhaps this sort of approach should be considered here.

(B) WOOTTON PRIMARY SCHOOL – SAFER ROUTES TO SCHOOLS. In response to a question J Harvey commented that questions over the materials to be used on the roundabout should be directed to Helen Howard at NCC ON 01604 236236 It was queried whether thermo plastic was an appropriate material for a roundabout that would be within conservation area.

J Harvey reported on a 24 hour traffic survey in part of Wootton High Street which had showed average traffic speed of 25 to 30 mph and traffic volumes which as might be expected, showed a peak in the morning rush hour and a longer and slightly lower peak during the evening. This survey had not highlighted any particular issue and on this occasion had not captured any excessive speed.

County Councillor Gonzalez queried whether a similar survey could be conducted on Butts Road near the Pub. J Harvey commented that there were a number of options that could be explored depending on whether a visible and educational presence was required such as speed monitors with a happy or sad face depending on the speed of the approaching vehicle or speed cameras or a traffic count. The latter option was relatively expensive costing in the region of £400 - £500.

(C) A45 TO JUNCTION 15. L Costello commented that stretches of the dual carriage way had no side protection and as a result of a recent accident a car had landed on the parallel highway close to houses.

It was noted that this road had been originally constructed in the 1960’s and had not been materially updated since. J Harvey reported that responsibility for this stretch of road now lay with the Highways Authority and the comments raised would be passed onto them. A query was also made in respect of the proposed footbridge from High Street to the Petrol Station and the possibility of whether funding for this had been taken account of through a Section 106 Agreement.

AGREED: That J Harvey investigate the status of the footbridge scheme.

6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (A) FIREWORKS. Councillor C Lill commented that the Police were taking a particular interest in fireworks nuisance this year and that any incidents should be reported to them.

(B) ROADS AT EAST HUNSBURY. Comment was made that the roads around East Hunsbury were generally looking much cleaner and Councillor C Lill commented that litter pickers were working their way through

Area Partnership 6 (East Hunsbury, Nene Valley & West Hunsbury) Minutes - Tuesday, 25 October 2005 the area every week.

7. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS The dates of future meetings of the Partnership were confirmed as being 14 December 2005, 8 February, 18 April and 21 June 2006.

The meeting concluded at 20.15 hours.


Area Partnership 6 (East Hunsbury, Nene Valley & West Hunsbury) Minutes - Tuesday, 25 October 2005