June 9, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12179 THE 20TH ANNUAL 116TH STREET received an honorable discharge. He joined , NY and parts of Queens. These FESTIVAL AND ITS ORGANIZERS his brothers in a lifetime career as a prominent businesses include Darren K. Real Estate, and successful businessman. While helping LLC, Darren K. Real Estate, LLC Maintenance HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL his wife raise their son and three daughters Division, Howard Avenue Development, L.P., OF remained an important mission in his life, Rob- and Darren K. Real Estate Management Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ert was also committed to the improvement of pany. A part of Darren K. Real Estate, LLC his community. He chaired the Local Develop- activities involves the acquisition, rehabilitation Thursday, June 9, 2005 ment Corporation del Barrio for 10 years and and development of quality housing of pre- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to helped to develop the economic and political viously owned city multi-dwelling buildings for bring to the attention of the 109th Congress capital of the community. Robert has been an low, moderate and middle-income families. the hard work of Mr. Nick Lugo, Mr. David active contributor to local organizations and Before becoming involved in real estate, Mr. Acosta, Mr. Robert Acosta, and Mr. Peter events and an important voice on the future of Pearson worked as an account executive for Spinella in planning the 116th Street Festival the community. Amergold Corporation. He also worked for in East Harlem, El Barrio community. Like his brother Robert, David Acosta was Vanguard Oil Corporation as a fuel sales- The 116th Street Festival is designed to raised in East Harlem and has become a person in the commercial and barge depart- highlight, embrace, and celebrate the cultural major community leader and one of its strong- ments, where his duties included fuel sales to experiences of Hispanic families in the United est advocates. Starting with El Barrio Hard- Con Edison, PSE & G, LILCO and Govern- States, the Caribbean, and beyond. This is the ware in 1970, Robert and David, along with ment contracts. Within one year, he was pro- largest Latin Street Festival in North America their brother Frank, became promising entre- moted to Director of Public Relations for Van- and is nationally acclaimed as one of the three preneurs in the community. They were part of guard and headed the ‘‘Robert F. Kennedy major Hispanic events in the . It the influential reactivation of the Third Avenue Memorial’’ Home Oil Transfer Program, a pro- draws our collective consciousness to the Merchants Association and helped to revitalize gram that allowed Mr. Pearson to provide fuel beauty, love, and familial bonds of Hispanic the struggling business community in the area. oil to needy families and non-profit organiza- culture as well as the rich historical back- When David became the president of the As- tions at discount prices or even at no cost. grounds of Hispanic people. sociation, it accomplished its goals and pro- Due to his success, he was promoted to Vice The 20th annual Festival will be held this vided opportunities for local merchants to ad- President of Procurement and Industrial Sales Saturday, June 11, 2005. It will span 20 city vance political agendas and decisions in the for Vanco Oil Co., a subsidiary of Vanguard blocks in the heart of El Barrio, have three en- interest of the community. David would further Oil Corp. tertainment stages and hundreds of venders apply his entrepreneurial skills to the creation After leaving Vanguard, Mr. Pearson worked and corporate attractions, and draw crowds of of the Local Development Corporation del as the Real Estate Sales Manager for Charles hundreds of thousands of people from around Barrio and secured grants to enhance the E. Simpson Real Estate Company and ob- the world. It is one of New York City’s largest image and economic base of the Third Ave- tained his broker’s license after one year. After and most popular celebrations and has pro- nue. He has and continues to be an active that he started his four companies. vided over 40 scholarships to local high school and influential member of the community. Mr. Pearson is active in both the Brooklyn students in East Harlem. Peter Spinella served this country as a and communities, as Chairman of The celebration promises to be a remark- member of the military police corps of the the Men’s Caucus for Congressman TOWNS, able experience and enlightening exposure to United States Army. He holds a bachelor’s de- member of 100 Black Men, Inc. and Senator the culture of an often-unappreciated but im- gree of science in marketing from New York David Patterson’s Progressive Network. Mr. Pearson is a devoted husband to his portant group of Americans. Major corpora- Institute of Technology and is an Executive wife Lydia and a loving son to his mother tions such as Disney, Home Depot, and Fisher Vice President of the Hispanic Marketing & Willie Mae. Mr. Speaker, Darren K. Pearson Price now join long-time sponsors Telemundo Advertising Group, Inc. He has honorably has continued to demonstrate through his ef- 47, Coca-Cola, and SBS Communications in served on the boards of several organizations forts to improve the quality of life in his com- supporting the success and goals of this Fes- including the National Puerto Rican Forum munity that he is more than worthy of our rec- tival. and the Korean American Grocers Associa- ognition here today. The success of the Festival is largely thanks tion. A member of the board of the New Bronx to the work of Nick Lugo, David Acosta, Rob- Chamber of Commerce, Peter brings a cultural f ert Acosta, and Peter Spinella of Abrazo Fra- awareness and sensitivity to economic devel- IN MEMORY OF DARRYEL NACUA ternal organization. They brought the event to opment projects. He is also the CEO of ‘‘A the East Harlem community in the 1980s and Taste of East Harlem, Inc.’’ which produces a have tirelessly worked to make it a premier HON. SAM FARR magazine, a Web site, and a restaurant/tour- OF CALIFORNIA event for hundreds of thousands of Hispanic ism campaign. Peter brings a talented mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES families and top entertainers. keting portfolio to East Harlem and has Thursday, June 9, 2005 Nick Lugo is a prominent community and worked to build an active and involved com- business leader within the New York City His- munity. Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to panic community. His career spans over three I would like to thank Nick, David, Robert, honor the memory of Darryel Nacua, a true decades and includes pioneering numerous and Peter for their hard work in putting to- hero who passed away tragically and unex- events and activities that have enhanced the gether these important community-building pectedly on May 30, 2004 at the age of 48. lives of Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics events surrounding the 116th Street Festival. I Most of Darryel’s 23-year law career was within the city. He was born in New York and join their families, friends, and community in spent with California Rural Legal Assistance, is a graduate of Inter-American University of being proud of their accomplishments and where he dedicated his life to giving legal help San German, PR. With his wife and their success. to the farm workers of Central California, the daughter at his side, Nick has published La f community of his own roots. Voz Hispana, a weekly newspaper, and Darryel’s assignments with California Rural Canales Magazine, a monthly publication dedi- A TRIBUTE TO DARREN K. Legal Assistance took him to Santa Maria, cated to the Latino arts and entertainment in- PEARSON Gliroy, Salinas and finally to the Watsonville/ dustry. He is also the president of National Santa Cruz office, where he acted as Directing Hispanic Expositions, Inc, Nick Lugo Travel, HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Attorney. He fought hard against poverty, in- and Hispanic Impact Marketing, Inc. He has OF NEW YORK justice, and substandard housing, and he was been a dedicated and inspiring role model for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES equally tenacious in his battles for education the Hispanic community in particular and this and employment. Darryel was fearless in tak- country in general. Thursday, June 9, 2005 ing on all entities in his pursuit of social jus- Immediately after graduation, Robert Acosta Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to acknowl- tice. Darryel also served the greater Santa enlisted in the United States Air Force and edge Darren K. Pearson, an established entre- Cruz area as a member of the Lawyer Refer- served there for the next 4 years. He was preneur who has developed four running busi- ral Service Governing Committee and the trained as a jet aircraft fighter mechanic and nesses in the Real Estate marketplace in Human Care Alliance Advocacy.

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