LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Friday, January 12, 1990. The House met at 10 a.m. Mr. G. Les Balneaves, Private Citizen Mr. Te rry Tu rcan, Manitoba Government PRAYERS Employees' Association (MGEA) Mr. Dave Brown, Deputy Mayor, City of Winnipeg ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS Law Department Mayor Bill Norrie, City of Winnipeg PRESENTING REPORTS BY Mr. Bill Poole, Ducks Unlimited STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES Mr. Ta ras Lasko, Private Citizen Councillor Al Golden, Private Citizen Mr. Edward Helwer (Chairman of Committees): Mr. Mr. Don Mitchelson, Ward Councillor, City of Speaker, I beg to present the Second Report on the Winnipeg Committee of Municipal Affairs. Mr. Henry Wiebe, Mr. Donald Melnyk and Ms. Doreen Demare, Manitoba Association of Urban Some Honourable Members: Oh, oh! Municipalities Councillor Sieg Peters and Mr. Les Schroeder, Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Rural Municipality of Hanover Mayor Richard Borotzik and Mr. Robyn Singleton, Mr. Clerk (William Remnant): Yo ur Standing City of Brandon Committee on Municipal Affairs presents the following Ms. Brenda Leslie, Manitoba Association of as their Second Report. School Trustees Yo ur committee met on Tuesday, December 19, 1989, Mr. Brunel Jutras, Rural Municipality of Montcalm at 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.; Wednesday, December 20, 1989, Reeve Jake Schroeder, Rural Municipality of at 8 p.m.; Thursday, December 21, 1989, at 10 a.m. Rhineland and 8 p.m.; Wednesday, January 3, 1990, at 10 a.m.; Reeve John Giesbrecht, Rural Municipality of La Monday, January 8, 1990, at 3 p.m.; Tuesday, January Broquerie 9, 1990, at 10 a.m., in Room 255; Tuesday, January 9, Mr.
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