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Eongstreet Library PeddU

^01. LtXPf. No. 51. I I J I Per Year. HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1923. Price 4 Cents. Whole No. 3,863

Annual Rtpprt Peddle Thespians’ School Teachers Bids Received Octagon Reception PEDDIE COMMENCEMENT Schii^r District Annual Production PROGRAM Elected— Reject For the Sewer Last Night to Honor

Medical Inspector Saturday Evening Saturday, June 9, 3:(i0 p. m.— ^ Building Bids Disposal Plant Mr. and Mrs. Rivenbur^ Dt W. L. Wilbur Submitted Final Athletic Field, Peddie vs. Report. Generally SpeaklnR, “Believe Me, Xantippe’’ Said To Blair (baseballj. Owing to the Fact that Total of P. A. Hennessy and W. L. Sowell Delightful Social Evening Enjoyed . the Health of School Children Be a Fast-Moving’ Four-Act Bue Bid! Exceed Approprih- Low Bidders a t $51,546. Four By Large Number of Friend* 3:00 p. m. -Athletic Field, Ped­ Haa Been Excellent. Comedy. Excellent Cast Will tion, all Bids Rejected. Award High Bids Rejected. Three Low and Acquaintances of Peddle’a dle vs. Trenton High (Track Make Annual Appearance in Contract for Coal. Bids Taken Under Considera- Retiring AMistant Headmaster. Generally spealciiig, the health of Greek Theatre Under Direction meet). tlon. Music by the Hagedorn Orchea* the pupils in all the grades as well as V, of I. Walter Reeves. Saturday, Juno 9, 8:30 p. m. Schixil (eaehers for the 1923-2‘i . tra, of Trenton. the High School has been excellent Greek Theatre, "Believe Me. wore elected at the June meeting Bids and proposals for the < n- during most of the year. The paual The Peddie Dramatic Club's pre­ Xantippe.” of the Board of Education on Mon­ largcment and rwonsiruction of the llcadnia.stiT and Mrs. It. W. Sw'W- number of infections, such as mild sentation of “ Believe Me, Xan­ day night. The teachers elected sewer disposal plant, were rccelvod land held a rocep.|,iou in the (jetaflMn Sunday June 10, lT~a. m. - inlluehsa, whooping cough, measles, tippe,’’ which will take place Satur­ were: by Borough Council on Tuesday last evening in honor tif Assistant etc., have been present from time day evening in the Greek Theatre, Baptist Church, anniversary For high school -A. 11. Albert, night. Steven bids were presented, lloadmastcr and Mrs. K. H. Riven- ■ sermon before the class of to time, causing some falling off of will constitute one of the most in­ Wi)Hhm Patz, E. Harrison Wemett, as follows: burg who will leave Hightstown next 1023, by Rev. E. lieroy attendance in some of the rooms, teresting theatrical efforts ever made Carolus Clark, Miss Bertha S.Gramm, P. A. Hennessy of Collingswood fall to take up their residence in and scarlet fever, which became by the organization, according to J. Dakin, D. D. Miss Mildred 8, Daveniiorl, Miss and W. L. Sowell of Midliea Hill la^wisburg, I’a., wher<> Mr. Kiven- mildly epidemic in the town the Walter Reeves, director and coach Sunday, June 10, 8 p. m. -Bap­ Anni E. Haldeman. Miss Eugenia $61,540. burg wiil oiM'upy the |X>Shioii of latter part of the year, caused the of the play. It is expected that a tist Church, sermon before Norris. Suburban Engineering Company Dean of Buckncll University. closing of the schools for a short large audience of local theatre-goers the Young Men's Christian Manual training Miss Pauline L. of Now York $.55,’292. Music for the occasion was fur­ period and threatened to sorioasly will attend, and no pains are being .Association by Rev. Rufus M. Edsqn. Ambrose Mmidy of Woodbridge nished by the Hagedorn Orchestra, interfere with the work of the year. spared to make the play a success. Traver, D. D. Grammar and primary grades $58,450. of Trenton, under the personal di­ Very careful daily inspections of the “Believe Me, Xantippe” is a Miss Laura Camp, Miss FranChs L. Grant & Driver of Trenton $t’>0.- rection of Mr. Hngedorn, of thw Monday,'June 11, 10 a. m.-- pupils and frequent disinfection of Murphy, Miss Beatrice Irins, Mi.ss OOO. Trenton Conservatory of Music. A comedy in four acts by Frederick Ixingstreel Library, meeting suspected rooms, however, prevented Luetia B. Dey, Miss Catherine A. N, Y. Sewage Disposal Company delightful social evening wa.s en­ Ballard. It was originally produced of Board of Corporators. more. protracted and serious result. at the Thirty-Ninth Street Theatre, Updike, Miss Edna M. Conover, of New York $61,727. joyed by the large number of guests Many of the schools in neighboring New York City, with John Barry­ Monday, June II, 11 a. m.-— Miss Myrta E Buckalew, Mrs. Sara Pinto, DiAnlonio & Kiliee of Tren­ present. The catering was in ehargw towns were closed for much longer more and Mary Young in the stellar Campus, class day exercises. P. Botzong, Miss Nettie M- Don­ ton $06,.521. of Hildt'breelit, of Trenton. Among periods of time nell, Miss Grace F. Norton, Mias Sloan & Dickinson of New York (roles. The action of the piece takes Monday, June 11, 12:20 p. m. - those present were: The work of making medical ex-Colorado, Huldab Ely, Miss Edith Stackhouse. $69,347 Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Messier, Mr. __# ^11 ■' ... . , Dining hall Alumni dinner. amination of all the pupils of the the scenes being as follows; Act 1, Among the teachers who will not Mr. Farquliiir of the linn of War­ and Mrs, F. L. Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. Mqrday, June 11, 12:20 p. m.— schools was completed some time MaoFarland’s apartments in New return next year are; Mrs. H. B. ing, Chapman & Farqidiar of New Starr 0 . Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Dining hall Alumni dinner. ago. A comparatively small num­ York; Act II, a hunting: shack in- Horidierger, M rs,\ Roy J, Waite, York, consulting engineers, was pres­ Clinton E. Ilislcy, Mr, and Mrs. ber of serious defects were found, southwestern Colorado; Acts III and Monday, June 11, 1:30 p. m. • Mist Helen Applegate and D. A, ent. Gustav W. Komweber, Mr. and Mrs. such as tubereulosis, heart disease, IV, the County Jail at Delta, Colo­ Chapel, annual meeting of Newcomb. Miss Eugenia Norris Tbe elcrk was instructed to return Oliver W. Eldbroo. Mrs. Bstella P . the certified cheeks. $1,000 each, to etc., but a very large proportion of rado. Alumni Association will succeed Mr. Newcomb as math­ Clum, Mrs. Anna K. Guilbert, Mrw defects which could and should be The action deals with the attempt ematics instructor in the high school. the four highest bidders, whose bids Edith Bav'li, Mrs. Ruth K. Davis,. Monday, June 11, 2:30 p. m.— remedied were discovered. Out of Coni Contrnct were rejected. The three lowest bids Mrs, Hannah 1). Hutchinson. Mr. of a wealthy New York bachelw to Baptist Church, commence­ about 775 pupils examined, 200 were Updike and Mason were awarded were referred to Council men Dcy and Mrs. E. Arthur Rogers, Mra. win a wager that he ean evade the ment exercises, address by feuhd to have defective throats, 87 the contract for furnishing the coal and West and the Clerk with rcque.st Maude Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur arm of the law for a year. He com­ Rev. A. Ray Petty, D D. of whom were in a condition re­ mits forgery in order to set the for the school bouses. The coal will be that they make report to Council J. Frey, Miss Edna Homweber, Mian' quiring active threatment or removal official machinery going, and be Monday, June 11, 4:00 p. m.— furnished on tbe cost plus basis. next Tuesday evening. Julia Groxer, Miss Adelaide Dick­ of tonsils. About the same number successfully accomplishes his evasive Octagon, reception by Head­ Updike and Mmod bid a t one dollar The amount of money appropria^ inson, Miss Grace Huul. Miss Annn were found with defective teeth, and purpose until he meets' Dolly Kam- master and Mrs. R. W. for 4.he stove coal and 70 cent sfor ted for this work is $50,000. If the Robbins, Miss Mabel F. McCarnos, 25 with defective eyesight. These man, daughter of a Colorado sheriff. Swetland. tbe pea coal. Grover Bros bid at Council decides to accept one of the Miss Vera K Danser, Miss Gladys figures speidc for themselves and show The ehique Western girl is too adroit $1 on the stove and 90 cents on the lowest bids it will be necessary to Applegate, Mi.ss Erma C. Ree.se, a condition of affairs somewhat start­ for and he soon pea coal appropriate additional mom^ys. Miss Etta Whitlock, Carl E. Geiger. ling. In all cases where defects of finds himself incarcerated in the Rejnct BiuUding Blda Owing to the fact that the Stale Paul M. Chalmers, Henry G, Bow­ any kind were found, notices were county jail, where many amusing Peddie-Diair Game On motion all bids for the con- Health Department has been in­ man, G. W. Marque Maier, Watson mailed to parents requesting them situations are created before the slruction of the proposed high school sisting for two years that the borough K. Frederick, VV, Avery Barras, Miss to refer the children to their family denouement takes place, Expected to Decide building were rejected and the sec­ enlarge the disposal plant, it will be Louise Front/,, Miss Eva Townsend, physician for further advice and E. J. Forkin plays the part of retary was instructed to return the necessary for Council to proceed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ralph, Mr- • treatment. MacFarland very effectively, while State Championship certified checks to the bidders The with the work. and Mrs. William Pal/,, DouglaK A. In many eases, the .presenee of in. the leading feminine r^ e is well taken amount of money available $loO,OOD David Kxetd, who is building a Newctmib, E, 11. Wemetl, Misj' ilwuse on Clinton street, reqiiesteil fection of the tonsiis was so manifest oils'll of by B. E, VanWickle. 1. S. Saturday's Clash Will Be Second and, the bids amounted to about Anna Haldeman, Miss Mildred Dav­ and'the pbisibUity of the'fiafentt’ prte- Oohibaum as “Buck” Kamman, W. Meeting of Teams this Season. lUh7,ooo, thi»t sewe'r main he laid on Clinton enport, Mr, and Mrs. A. H Albert,. curing adequate surgical treatment F. Noonan as “Simp” Calloway, and Gold and Blue Nine Undefeated The school year closes on .liinc 30th. street, lleferrcd to sewer committee. Mrs. .Sara Botzong, Miss Grace N or­ away from home being small, E. W. Hendrickson as Violet in­ In the Preparatory School Class. A meeting of tbe Board of Educa­ ,S. H, Rothschild requested that ton. Miss Myrta nm'kalew, Misa clinic has been arranged to. take terpret their roles in convincing Ward Will Hurl for Local Nine. tion will be held previous to that drain pipe be laid on Franklin street. Huldah Ely. .Miss Nettie Donnell, Referred to street eimimilloe. place, probably during the firist week manner, while J. H. Penfleld as date in order to” pay final bills for Miss Luella Dey, Miss Edith Stack- )D July, at which all who so desire Wrenn” Rigley and H. E. Muecke The basebkl championship of the the year. Water Cominissiom r Ely reported house. Miss Edna. Conover, Mris may consult a hose and throat as William provide many a hearty preparatory schools of the .State water rents eolleeled in May. Sl,- Catherine Updike, Miss Mabel Smith, will be settled here Saturday after­ 806.37. spem>! jibuBg man was banting eggs in Um Bpeeial: Fine quality, toilet pnper, Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. John W. hnm when one ^ their horiea kleked 2,000 sbeeta, 23e. Bnreh't Phar- Wci eaH for and. deliver.—Hights­ West, Mr. and Mrs. George Fonnan, mmdty. town deabers A Dyers, Phone 61-A. Mrs. John Ervin spent Thursday him. breakiag hia iH aad fraoturiiM maey.—advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Forman, Mr. I deakra to/asgNfpvny cnat at Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- • V ' — — ’ —advertisejncbt. pneiatioa of tilib ImM natlHaff Idi skntt.' -Dr. B. S. VanDyke was and Mrs. J. B. Davison. AduMwIn^foMMit ^nr Brrin.; adto^oTth* fominnaitx aima, Mlia and the lad was sent to a TIte Amerii^B tegkm , Attxiha^^ For best results, use Kastman BIsm . and Kodaks; then let ds do yonr de- Mrs. J. t.. Thomas spent ‘.M wirtMe to thank every organiaation Mrs. L Sobmidt d* York and indiridul who helped in any vsloplng and printiag./Bttiwh’s Fbar-‘MnhfNisI Day at“Kngtisbtoiva with spent the past week with be^ sister, way to m tk* 0 JPepPY * • « - mafiy prt'irsrtiMtmtnl; :MF< and Mrs. ■ BiMujamin Hoffman Mrt. w. A. RftbhlM or SouA stmaw ' Bnieh’s Pharmnsy. and fan^y CooHof uB rrffrthiag rtter th»v- m fignfaal weffiM M tha —advfrtiaaattat. Beautiful, luxwiotts hair—pee Pains For fart eomfort «m A.D.8i foot iag: Runih WHeli H uH , Birthinc Complete line of bathing caps and Boroh’i Pkaroumy.—advmv Atoohol. Bnt«b’i Phwm«7.-HMlv«r- •Upfatrs. Bareb's Pharmacy.—ad- (Hive Shaiipoo. BuRdt'a Pharmwy- wIm earn, “n*^‘'ilatafc-T- -Hkdvsrtiesmeat. ’s PhMrntaey.-adwwrit n i i at tiWBHkt. vertiaement. r

TRAIN HITS TRUCK TIMELY TIPS TO GARDENERS For GruatMt Suoomo. KMp Cnlti- BatineM Houra—Opch »t 8 ;^ , Cloee t t 6;00 Ever; Day—Saturday* A. L. P r e n t^ of Yardville Height*, vat^ Inrluded. who wa* badly injured on Saturday Thorough cultivation is one of the when a freight train on the Union secrets of successful gardening. On a ►++o+++.^ small scale this is best accomwhed Tranqmrtatios line struck a truck at use of rake or hoe, whoys Reliable cause into every 4 gallons of the Semi-Paste methods of selling. Production costs, Paint, 3 additional gallons of Linseed Oil are The will (tf'the Ia.te.Mr. Sohmek, co v er^ all the expeim cd briiyigg tlK whieh Surrogate Madden has ad­ berrim to the harveating stage, varv so mixed, to make a total of 7 gallons of the Best mitted to probate, i* aoeompanied tnuehit• — officials • ■ say, that no estimaO imau.is Pure Paint when ready to use. by an inventory showing personal ditiiiactiiry. Jersey strawberries have loi^ been’ Trenton Headquarters for L. & M.SEMI-PASTE PAINT always best and property worth $15,000 and real es­ famous tor their rich fiagiMice and tate valued at $2,0(K). The Higbta- Icsist Cost. luackmsBM*. Many varieties are jiro- town Trust Company is named as duced, but commotjal groweii hamlle L0N6MAN & MARTiNEZ, Paiat Makars fir 58 yaart executor. mainly Cemphell’s Earh(. a variety now PALM in market; fit a iy Prise as a 'inraum seeeoO, m h CbespesIlKua htccrope. > For Sale By ' ' ' M n. Cornelia Dey died on Sanday, June 3, 1938, in WMIEN CRN CAN fBIS; Chamberlin & Field, Hightttown : GROP WITHOUT SUGAR BEACH the 9dth year at her agci a t the home of her. grand^huiEhter. Mrs. Thqoitods.M New J a m houeewiva Howard O. Piokering, FranUia etreot' who have joiHtt tie aation-widi ‘'wnar Walter Huat Tte tunoral h« held. ThFiaday ’hoyeMf* Sr IhriaE np eeUnlr anoial SOTS Weller Brotliers aftomoon from 'Some. Service* will be eondveted v Aev. FORltplAiRriaYS JdMWk B. C ony. iRMcgmnitjl, u d f ^ , Cigairdtorc the diMetioa of A. 8. flo| |i Coi., wi b« id BMilffd jJW Fin, Ufe,’AitolMWWi likbffily, bury. The aoh) eondTor iff .Mha Afleidtat. aad aQ Uwli 'a t ia- Day ia hie nwddaoehtei, Mn. “SMOKESHOP" iPMsHdac,;. Idia 'hn mmj Tmu Extra game between the Rider alumni and the ’varsity team. Pennsylvania Railroad System || The day’s actR'ilie.s will be brought THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD to a close with a big reception and dance in the college auditorium in the evening. All present and former sludeiiU are invited to attend.

RAILROAD TAXES Completed assessments against the railroads or 'New -Jersey, aggregating" $4J8,840,,A84 for 1923, were filed witii. tlie HtaUi Comptroller on Saturday. I FOR THE JONE BRIDE The State Board of Taxes and Assess­ ment annoimCed the figures, repre­ I SMITH BROS. fc senting an increase of $4,(HU,094 X over 1922. X The total tax to be paid by the i HOME OUTFITS X railroads will amount to .$1.5,229,.'),So, an increase of $521,538 over 1922. Wide Choice of Selections Economically The tax to bo paid by the railroads this year is the largest in the history P riced of the state. Of th^ total tax, $9,l,5:i,ltU will go Easy Terms on All Purchases tor state purposes, while $ti,()7(),424 will be paid to the. local taxing dis- BETTER ECONOMY DE LUXE triota tor local, budgets. HOMES The largest assessment against any 3 -R o o m 4-Room one railroad system is the Pennsyl­ 4-Room vania, which will have to [(ay a Outfit Outfit total tax of $4,326,910 oh a total Outfit valuation of $120,606,245. The sec­ $395 $169 ond largest is against the Central Railroad of Now Jersey, with a total of $89,846,880, upon which a total tax of $3,236,188 will be [(aid. Smith Bros. Co. lERSEYSEINACH Public recognition of the food valuc.s FRANK MULLINS, Pres. of spinach; tlie State Bureau of Markets finds, is reflected this year in the greatest demand ever liiade upon New Jersey 144-146 North Broad St. teucU..farjns-Jor.-thia.jipcing.-i;rop... . Uood- o.''; jili.v ex()crts, dieticians and physicians diying ...... TRENTON..:...... recent years have been: advocating • the O' eating of 'more spinach, .which is high in iron content and other tonics as wclL.as calories, and from an insignificant grop, OFFER to ihtfdduce TUFCOTE, a few years ago, it has now become'One of the most important products of the vegetable growers. The crop in the the handy household varnish stain state this year is said to be the biggest ever grown and right noW is at its height of quality for eating and canning. h e coupon below is worth 15 and other furniture—floors too. Tcents qp one pint of Tufeote, Eaigr toai^ly—stains and varnishes ALL WRONG SPECIAL the duPoathdurehold varnish stain, in one opd-ation, dries quickly with The Mistake Is Made by Many Tofcdtewill save ypuarlot of money, a beautiful gloss. And the finish Hifihtstown Citizens. ATHLETIC UNION SUITS It will renew shabby chairs, tables lasts. Just try it and see. Look for the cause of backache. $1.65 To be cured you must know the Finely tailored of highly mercerized material. cause. A full line of either one or two piece all wcx)l bathing suili. If it’s weak kidneys you must set the kidneys working right. R. A. DONNELLY, J. E L Y D E Y A Hightstown resident tells you how. Habwdaaher, Henry Rogers, retired railroad con­ '!«)■' 9i; State Street, East of Broad. Trenton, N. J. ductor, 152 Second Ave., says; “Thir­ Higbtstown, N. J. ty years of service on the railrosd esused my kidneys to weaken. Con­ stant jolting and jarring of the train made me. miltorabls at times with backaches and the action of my kid­ neys wss irregular. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills tbasa sttseks snd they erere just what I needed tor they gave me quick relief and fixed up my Iridneya in good shape.” it . Price fiOo, at all derim Don’t Try the Cent-a-Word'Col­ rimply' aek tor a kidney remedy—get D oU ’s Kldiwyp'Pttls—the same that |I r . Rogers bsd. Foiter-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, 'N. T.—*adrertisemeat. umn in the Gazette. with this Bbstraet in The Wwhinfton liEllWinTlllSUETTE Pont: “ A Diatrict Police Court it reported to have ruled that a dog The ThurKUy, June 7, 1923 can bark, bowl and whine to a rea­ sonable extent without being rated a nuisance." i 11 a g e DUNHAM & GEORGE P. DENNIS It was time that the rule of reason- Editor and Proprietor. should he applied to the speech, TRENTON, N. J. music, monologues, dialogues and FREDERICK 1 . FERRIS debates of dogs. If some of them Square ContributlnC Editor talk loo much, that objection can’t be urgud in Washington with any Store Henn 8i30 to 5:30 EmKf Jk$ • • M m ) at the Hifhtftowa. N. J., Poat Oftca sonse of justice. Canine loquacious­ I A Ctiumn of Optmen ar Cmnaportation t^ u |h the raaili as aecoad ness and vociferation worry some «M a Mtter. I I I I I I > >1 M I » !■ I » i l"t a sensitive rerves. The late Abram NEW PERFECTION TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION S. Hewitt was physically unal>ie to A|>oiogieH are now in order from gOiYcw'...... »I.M endure th,em. Since in Washing­ 0a<300KjST0VES npha Mootha...... II those people (including ourselves) who I s Mmtlia...... M ton, tbougli not at present, sit two M u Mootha...... M The stoves have blue houses of the longest winded sput- crabbed about the cold Spring we ex­ enameled chimney burn­ Fatajfo AJaatllaiac RapsasaoMiTa tcrers, growlers, howlers, shriekers^ perienced this year. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION wallers, gentimenlal screamers, in­ ers. veterate. unwearied, continuous, mis­ 2- burner, $16,00; with cellaneous tongue-givers that over You canT keep a good team down, PUT ON THE BRAKES Our Sale of White canopy, $21.25. made thc! seas of soiihd vibrate and Th -hack W manded for Sunday law OTiforeemeiit ing thill a moist era is at hand. .And Most students act a.s though the quality nainook as you’d wish for, no matter tufted pillows. Sizes; w it will he piiHlie inoney well spent in letimes, there is must ado about word "commencement" means the though you are very particular; trimmed with 36x72 and 40x84 inches. % the public interest. The brakes nolliiiig in I lie arena of "wet. ami begitiiiing of the Summer vacation,-- should he put on llie reckless itmlor- ry." foi- which they can hardly be blamed, scalloped edges and beading, $2.00. Hammock Stands or 1 isl ladore his inhumanity exacts a after all. Hangers, the movable 2 loll wliii’h caunol he avoided 'liy DR. FOSDICK VS. MR. BRYAN kinds, can move them S horough, aclimi,...... One of the most potent r.-asons why Novelty silk crepe night gowns, want something young men do not enter the ministry about wherever >011 * COM MENCEMENT DA VS nowadays, aeconling to Dr. Kosdick. Bill Bryan on evolution is a lot that you will l)e pleased with for very best wear? please, you know; ft like Henry Knrit nn international 'I'ruly .lune is the Hlunt.o the vast world of aft'air.s. Step­ lie dwT dd file cross of Sold he advo­ springs; 24 inches witle, ping stones, indeed, and beginnings. cates laws to prevent the teaching of Nainsook envelope chemise, of an extra fine quality 6 feet long; have back — It.is.. f-rur)ui',ntly.ahser,v.i!tl.. liy.,i‘.om.-. ,i'j.’.Qlii.l.ii>n., .i-o, .syflooi" While others even deny this! pads, some with roll iBeneemenl speakers (though not by state funds. .Aniericah natnsQOk; 1ace and beading trimmed, edge mattresses ; fi ttf ‘ ».he .stude.nt orator.s tiieniselves) that Between Mr. Bryan's views and an individual is more sure of him­ Dr. K'osdic.k's every man is-ffee to More power to H. E K. $1.50. with two good strong self, more salwlled with hi.s mental choose, according to .whether he chains; and there are prowess, op the occasion of his grad­ wants things handed down to him .Amifrendh envelope chemise; i»eat medallions and fancy figured ham­ uation than at any other lime of life. ■ or would rather think them out for 'I'he world needs fewer fundamen­ mocks, too, at the No doubt this is true; and it is to himself. -New "Vork World. tals and more realities. beading trimmed; scalloped,, $1.69. .same, $14.50 to $25. be observed that this self-satisfuction results from the current false in'ter- EDITORIAL BRIEFS pretalion of commencement as an Th»- WashinKloa ponvemion of the stale championships in ba.iketball, ending, an iiilelloetual elima.x. Ear Anvient Arabic Ordpt- Noblss of lhc| baseball and track; an enviable ath­ better would it be for graduation to Mystic Shrine, now in session, is a letic record established this year by beemiie an occasion for a display of gala affair. I'pw-ard cd' 2(),n00 mem- Peddie leainH. downright humility, for il is no light ber.s of the order are in attendance, ■ S. P. DUNHAM & CO., thing to go on, and up, a.ssuming a fact whieh is no small index to the harder tasks and graver hurden.s with ■strength of shrinedom, Believe me, Xantippe, a little rain TRENTON, N. J. each forward and upward move. Hoadniusler K. W. Swelland's would Iw welcome! It is far from our purpose to throw iwent.y-fiflh ,vear at I’eddie will be a blanket of high-brow purilanism on brought to a close with the forth­ these delightful commencement days, coming pommenceraenl exercises. His 1924 Jo.vful eeleliralion of happenings -so long administration has re.siiHed in Quick Chang*. Waadan •arraelia ttatiRid. im portant as tbeae is heartily to tie th« establishment of Peddle in the Said William Bryan to Henry-'Pord, A Broadway tobaccMilot ha* bit Wooden bamiAt la all the fadanl The herM • **®*'*'^ ** "Just run for the job and trust in ■pon a scheme for nuking change camps and cantoamenta In tha coun* apekea, but fhe term I* » '»<** andorsed; but students and faculties fij-st ranks ot boys' preparatory wlfheat nay. dedalte alinlflcaBW alike can well afford to temper their schools. This noteworthy educa­ the Ixird." which ,^R n t Ibe doaMt-vparpoM of Uar are to ba a o rtp ^ M.qaan t | pqa- for Ilia darinTiMid pleasing -allla, wya' an aaaaiiluyaBit hf ,stU] Ol-liarae pewer that c*- da.ys of academie celebration with tional aecomplishinent will he her­ Asked Henry Ford of William Bryan, MtoMkimia a boiler depw* aomething more than pressing raeog- alded by a host of friends during flic "Is that how you did alt your the (fffgpiara.' WbeRiwIf a aian, mak­ War daiitrtineat A aariag ot $i0,- ing a’'iiM a ie attMntlav tiFa doUar dbtkOOO annually la anticipated. Troo|M »ary ireat extent on the e«|li>»; somelhing more than passing reeog- eommeneemenl iieriod. Irvin’?” or ladCitifa ffowB I N bllK kg reoeire* ot tha regular army will be quartarad la waad: to daralap the po**[c aulionof underlying signitieanee. After Shirt-sleeve diplomacy received fur­ whatarMs aHvar may ba eaialag to Mm IR pariuaneat poata. agatai how hard the boiler I*; all. one of the greatest human virlue.i ther definition in Ambassador Har­ to m«ka.|w a.Miar, teia t|^ with a The eeotaaBlal eomml**l«n •“ ia l^ttinility. vey's declaration that "we are damn fiife is just one darn thing after an­ BMUyiMided packat CRli^lBf four Whan tha Lama OiMk FHaa. aa.-tha daOBlUOR Of (wHga thft napreoaioa l» «*«*' well out of lbe la*ague of Nations." other for our poor,' dear soning or­ erlap toliilla, (niK trog£to bank, en- “la.our friend a Ikila d triir FREE SPEECH FOR DOGS Coming from the Court of St. James, dinance. e woood Daniel hM appeared. It is a ifi(, though it is not designed to llR. (ini * t o M —|R«— IHaada refer te Mai h f i ^ 1 # , , alNuiie to be deprived of his ipsiNsima many supporters-for the ambassador's To be zoned ir not to be'aoned — p p r " H Ml -rerba; yet w* must content ourselves cause. ' ^ that is the question. ^ BgidMUwb tlwdaod*’


■ ; r'iiih(NLD.mGiiT8T(mN- CLASS DAY S U M S TIME A very attractive wedding of the jjf* ’: ■ Class day exereises will be held late spring season took piaee at four 14, at WKKK DAYS J Ttm iiiV t |vo* ?> o*elodk Wednesday dilittohik, tirhen 2; Miss Esther BaH DpFt dui^ter Leave Trenton Leave Hightstown n> tor Hightstown. for Trenton' p| LMitM* O stirdiM A of Councilman and Mrs. Dnvid Baird TEN DAYS ONLY! 7:00 A. M. 8KW A. M. 2 p u n tm ■* Hickto- Dey, became the bride of Paul V. The program is as follows; Nau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nau. 9:15 A. M. lldW A. M. Salutatory—Anna Oroendyke, pres- The ceremony was splemiiized by 12:15 P. M. 1:15 P .M . id 3:45 P. M. 4:45 P. M. June 16th the Last Day to O ladri 'Bmm «M •<"»>( kgr ui Rev. Thomas Tyaok, pastor of the Class History, Nellie Titus, class 5:45 P. M. »atom ^ W WiHw jrtWlI Tul** First Presbyterian Churoh, of which 7J10P. M. hi 11:30 M, 4l»y nonM ir-nil i^tavd niur both the Mde and groom are mem­ f. Poem, Ethel Probasco, Redeem Medallion Cards bruiset oo tkt' ian I'l" bers. SATURDAY SPECIAL Presentations, William Sobanck. ^ver of tin OM, wWoh bore o The bride wore a beautiful gown Prophecy, Dorothy Burke. 9:30 P. M. 10:30 P. M. Morylud tif, took the firi of white brocade crepe-trimmed with Banner Oration, Mary Woolston. Ten days rtmaiii--ten shopping days, in aneielass laeb ui4 French pearls, Leave Hightstown Leave Freehold Acceptance, Lester Chamberlin, to the bftise of Dr. Oeorfe A. Bilrer , for fVeehold for Hightstown -j whirh to stTurc Columbia Medallions free. for medieol ottention. with which she wore a Veil of sUk net, caught with orange blossoms. 8:;00P. M. 9:30 A. M. Last Will and Testament, Wil- 4:45 P. M 6:15 P M. ,i, This offer has marked an eixrch in the his­ Mr. wxd Mm . Horvey Wyckoff She carried a shower bouquet of Leave Perrineville and Mr. »nd Mw Oeorge Forman white roses and liUies of the valley.. Leave Hightstown Planting of Class Tree, Dedica- for Hightstown ,- tory of our store. Thousands have taken are touring by automobile the New Miss Edith Dey, sister of the bride, for Perrineville 10:15 A. M. F.ngland states.* was maid of honor. She was gowned 8 « ) A. M. Class song. advantage of its great (X)ssibilities. We are 12K15 P. M. in orchid crepe de chine and carried 11:20 A. M. 3:15 P. M. Men's and Women’s Bathing Suits a bouquet of pink roses. 2:50 P. M. Mr and Mr.s H C Thorpe of proud of our aehievement and the fuel that 6:45 P, M. « and Caps, lit Keeler’s, Hightstown.— The two bridesmaids were Miss 4:45 P. M. week end advertisement. Louise V. Higgins of Philadelphia, SUNDAYS gi and Mrs .1 Walter we have |)lace(l ('olumbia MedallitfUs iii cousin of the bride, and Miss Lillian Leave Trenton Leave Hightstown ^ thousands of homes. Samuel K. McCue has announced C. Thomas. They wore gowns of for Hightstown for Trenton the sale of a building lot in the Job pale pink flat crepe and carried 8K» A. M. 9:30 A. M. The semi-annual dinner of the di- tract, Stockton street to Mrs. Mary bouquets of pink peonies. 12:310 P. M. 2:00 P, M. , officers and office force of € . Robbins and also a building lot George L. Nau, brother of the 6:00 P, M. 7:.30P. M. Columbia Medallions Are in the same tract to A. B. Ralph. groom, was best man, and the ushers 11:30 P. M. W Mr. Ralph will build a residence on were Edward Elbert of Brooklyn, Leave Hightstown Artistic, Imperishable his lot. and Allyne M. Freeman of Trenton. for Freehold for Hightstown Miss Carlotta L. Davison played 1:30 P. M. 6:00 P. M. The Board of Freeholders on Mon* the wedding march from Lohengrin, Leave Hightstown Leave Perrineville If you have not yet visited the Columbia day awarded contract to Harry Ric­ followed by Mendelssohn’s wedding for Perrineville for Hightstown WoodlawnPark: Medallion Im k iiIi do not nogleet, on your kard of Trenton at S1937.56 for the march. Preceding the marches Miss 1:30 P, M. 5:45’P. M. TRENTON, N. J. strengthening of the Peddie bridge. Ruth Reed sang in a pleasing man­ 5:00 P. M. 6:45 P M Swept By Ceoling Breezes next shoiiping irip, to look at Medallions The Central Engineering Co. bid ner “ The Sweetest Story Ever Told’’ 11954 11. and “ O PiOmise Me.” COTERIE BANQUET DANCING EVERY EVENING displayed. \'on vvill want al least one of Following the ceremony a recep­ MUSIC DELUXE “Gel the habit: go to Keeler’s, tion was held during which a boon them and havt- but ten days to work to- The Coterie Club closed its win­ EVERY KNOWN DEVICE TO Hightstown. advertisement. tiful collation was served by caterer AMUSE AND ENTERTAIN YOU Graham. ter’s program with a banquet at wartl obtaining il. Three tmishes are avail­ Mrs. Sarah Mount, of 140 Second The bride received many costly Schcible’s Hotel. Trenton muriciaiis ONE WEEK, b e g in . JUNE II avenue, announces the engagement of gifts including a string of pearls, provided the music tor the evening. EDNA JOYCE able-black ,md while, sepia and _water her daughter, Beatrice, to Charles silver, cut glass, a rug, checks, gold, The affair was entirely informal Song Bird of the Navy. and but few speeches were made, Aogie and Her Lions. color, , M Betts, of Princeton Junction, The linen, etc. Dare Devil Fasano wedding will take place in the near The couple left for a wedding among them one by Rev. Thomas Leaping the Double Gap. Tyack, who voiced the regret of the future. trip in a Buick roadster, a gift of the Uncle Sy and Lucinder {'olumbia Medallions given free with bride’s father, The bride wore a Coterie members over the loss to its “Fun on the Haywagoh” membership of R. II. Kivenburg, who $20 worlh at. Steinhachs, len days Charles Rigby has completed his suit of dark blue periot twill with Main entrance foot Farragut Av. new bungalow on one of the S. K. squirrel cboker and dark blue hat will take up his new duties next fall Auto entrance,. Greenwood Av. more. McCue lots on Stockton street. to match. In a few weeks they will as dean of Buckness University at be at home to tbeir friends in their !x;wisburg. Pa. John T: Randolph is erecting a new bungalow about a mile from Those present at the affair in bungalow on one of the lots on the town. eluded Dr. and Mr.s. K. W. Swet- Small Adv. Column Coming Events! S. K. McCuc tract on Mercer street. land, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Riven- burg, Rev. Thomas Tyack, Rev. HARTPENCE-ROWLAND and Mrs, Harry E. Owings, Mr. and No advertisement Imsert- Saturday, June Oth Store Wide sides with If you buy at Keeler’s, Hightstown, ed in this column for Mrs. William H. Franklin, 'Mr. and seasonable specials in almost all ol otir you're safe, advertisement. A quiet wedding was solemnized Rates:______less than 2.S cents. Add Mrs. Clifford L. Shangle. Mr. and one cent for each word or abbreviation 40 (lepai’tmeals. Tuesday afternoon in the First Pres­ above the 25. Large size heading 10 Mrs. Amanda Stulls, who .several Mrs. Ralph E Harmon. Mr and byterian Church of Princeton, when Mrs. George Forman, Mr. and Mrs. cents extra. Postage stainp.s are ac­ weeks ago suffered a fall in which Miss Cora Rowland became the ceptable. Ads inserted only on rfcei|il Dtillar Days Tuesday and Wednesday, June she fractured her hip, while visiting John W. West, Mr. and Mrs. J. of cash bride of County Clerk Harry C.. Walter Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Earl 12th and 1,0h. Fresh new merehandisr relatives in Collingswood, returned HTUSLHOl.f) goods for sale at pri Hartpence, C. MaoArlhur. Mr. and Mrs. William to her home on South Main street, vale sale: .1 piece paiiin snile. 2 ma­ s|)et’iall\ pnrt'liased tor these sales. The ceremony, which was wit- H. Thompson, Miss Beatrice Tyack, Mrs. Stulls, who is eighty-five years hogany rockers, wahuit bedstead, s|iring Qe.sscd by the immediate familie.i of and maltress, ( all at 1 id South Si. of age, is rapidly rocovering from the Mrs. Irma hU Franklin. Mr. and the bride and bridegroom, was per- Mrs. Howard T , Davison, Mr. and WANTED: Girls to U-iirn tele­ ,‘\ $100,000 Salt— for three thiys, hegiiminy effects of the injury. formed by Rev. Sylvester Wood- Mrs. C. Herbert Davison, l)r. and phone opernling. Apply at the leli- lime 2 1 sl, atlverlisemems for merehan- bridge Beach of Ibinceton. Mr,-i. Mrs. G. H. Franklin, Dr. William Paul 11. Berrien of Philadelphia phone office, Ciiiminghani building, dise now a.ppe;iring in the big eity dailies Marcu-s 9. Farr of Princeton presided L Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. .losepli B. spent the week end with his parents, Farmers & Traders Telephone Co., so dial we inay olTer the besi values ol at the organ. The bride wa.». attired Davison. Mr, and {.*• Alberl. Mr. and Mrs^ F. (!. Ben'ifell. in a suit of gray poirei twill, vdtll ,llightBt((\yn ...... the ye;ir to inir paU'ons.. FOR SALK Ford louring car in hat to match. THIRTY-FIFTH WEDDING Miss Ida Croshaw, of the” Hotel A1 eonclilion. .Ap|dy to K. li. Bogar, Miss Rowland is the daughter of ANNIVERSARY Tvaymore, Atlantic City, is visiting Mrs. Emma F. and the late Richard 1111 Oiitcalt sired, Highlslowii, \ ■! her sister, Mrs. Mary Robbins. Also, a-sideboard. .31*2 Rowland of Princeton. For the past Mr. and Mrs, Charle.s W MIeward FARM WANTED. Wanted to fteinkch ^tnpanm several years she has been secretary entertained a number of rolalives Frank Morris, Jr., of Philadelphia hear from owner of farm or good land to County School Superintendent and friends on Sunday at their home spent the week-end with his parents, for .sale, for fall dt-livery, L. .lones, Joseph M. Arnold, Mr. Hartpence, on Maxwell avenue, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Morris. Box 112. OIney, 111, Asbury Park, N. J. prior to his selection as Mercer coun­ their thirty-fifth wedding anniver­ ty clerk, served for several years as sary, arid also in honor of Mr. and The Home Missionary Society of secretary nf the Mercer county board and Mrs. Harry F. Howard, who the Presbyterian Church met Mon­ of taxation. FOR SALK day afternoon at the home of Mrs. wore married the day pr^ivious. The TilKer Building at 207-200 .Mrrrer Immediately following the cere­ The guests were: Ro.se Wa.ssum, A. B. W,vckoff, .street. Lot, .50 foot frontage and 108 mony. the bride: and bridegroom left Mabel Hayward, Edna .Knowiton, foot depth. for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Mary Patton Flora Woolston. Mil­ Two and one-lulf story modern build­ Miss (/.ariotta Rogers of Cross- ing with all iniprovemenls. l-dee.tri.i Detroit and Lafkyetle, Ind., at which dred PiUinan, Hetia Sinclair, .Vlar- wicks was a week-end guest with Mr. lights, steam heating plant, all plumbing, place they will visit relatives. garct Oaskill. Thelma Gruudahl, Sue and Mrs. Henry D. Mojrnt. including three washlubs in cellar. Itnild- Mr. and Mrs. Hartpence will re­ Stash of Trenton ; Mr and Mrs. ing is 56x42. Two sloretTTin lir.si fl«)r BAKERY GOODS! turn home by way of Washington Charles J. Howard, Bernice M. How­ six-room aiiartment on second floor Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres and Apartment has large rooni.s and liath and ard, Wesley J Ho.ward, Edella How­ Mr. and Mrs, William B. Craig kitchenette. Large third fltxir or attic. m issio n a r y s o c ie t y ard and . Mr and VIrs Harry F Good cellar. Saturday : Specials spent the week-end in their eottago Double garage at. rear. Nice garden a t Seaside Heights. Howard Music and games were enjoyed, For detailed inforniation call at 207-200 The annual meeting of the Wo­ Mercer street. Hightstown. KuLsin Ruacuits Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and men’s Missionary Society of the Bap­ after which supper and refreshments were served Both couples received Raisin Bread daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday with tist Church was held Tuesday after­ heari.y congratulations from their relatives in AsBury P4rk. noon on the lawn at the home of GARAGE for rent Also large French Striczal Mrs. R. H. Rivenburg. Mrs. Riven- guests storage room. 118 Park .Avenue. Fancy Jelly Roll >' Miss Ethel Evoringham has been bufg tendered her resignhtidn as Phone ^-R. ____ im f M. E. C hurch visiting relativves in Wilmington, president of the society. Mr. and MULLER'S DFrLiCATF.SSTfN--'t^^^^ All Kinds of Pastries. Mrs. Rivenburg and family will soon Children's Day ewill b observed Del boiled ham, tomato or vegetable soup, movg .ta LewUbuig:, Pa. She luw in the M. E. Church on Sunday, at pswato saiad, baked beans and spaghetti served as president for the past II a. m. Came and bring your lit-tl* -fresh-daily. -Saturday sperialsi.ltuil amt City Bakery Miss C orp/ Wooley bos returned chiclieB salad-s, 118 Mercer street. 47 twenty years. ones. You will be sure to enjoy the home after spending the past week HU08BHDLD GOODs for sale The ;prograan was -jn charge of lervioe. It is truly a program for Successor to Turner’,s at Donaldson, Pa. dining r ^ ^ , living room Misses VLuella B, D ^ and Mary the children, of the children, and by the children. They speak pieces, and kitehen furnit^^rdishes, uten­ Davison Bldg. Hightstown Junior Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Sant F. Botzong, on sing songs, and ({ive' soihe mnsickr sils, FdRS, etc. C a lU ^ ^ l^ Mtaderay A. H, Albert, was the guesiof honor behalf of the members of the so­ rhythms that bubble over with the streetif^Hightstown:. .3 ^ 6 tf at a party given on Wednesday af­ ciety presented Mrs. Rivenburg with rollicking spirit of little folks. ternoon. The .affair was in honor a platinum pin set with pearls. The pastor will baptize all in­ of his fifth birthday anniverasry. Mrs. Rivenburg was elected hon­ FIRM LOIRS OR URITEO orary president of the society. 'Phe fants that are presented for that rite at the service at U o’clock. If it’s a matter of fit 0. G. WILSON GO. Charles B. Rockwood of Temple, elected dflicers are, as follows: Regular Bible school at 9:4,'» a. m. STITES601IERINEIIT PLII K. H„ father of Mrs. B. P. Judd, Mrs. Harry E. Owings was chosen It’s filling that yon League devotional service at 530 33 years to pay, no coiqmissions charged, aiVived Wednesday by auto, in com­ president: Mrs. Sarah P. Botzong, no renewals, no red tape, you do not buy should see these Hiilliing in the evening. Meat Market pany with his son and wife, Mr. and first vice president; Miss Luella stixk in the Bank, loans closed quickly. Suits. Dey, second vice president; Mrs. At 7:30 the League will have Apply direct to the Bank. Pav no com- Mrs. Arthur F. Rockwood, for several mtasions to anyone. For details write to Charles H. Pplhcmus, secretary, Mrs. charge of the evening service fpr the days’.' New York and New Jersey Joint Stock Long, short, thick, thin “The Little Store lames 1 fThtclinsdn. treasurer: Mrs. public installation of tbeir officers. land Bank, 31 Clinton St., Newark, Suits to fit (wery human The pastor will preach a special LOST—Flemish giant Belgian hare. T. L. Totten, pianist; Mrs.-P. H. N. J. 46 Around the Corner" sermon for Young People upon the variation of the roiir di­ 9 weeks hid. Finder please notify Hertzof, assistant pianist;-Mrs: R. W. theme; “ I Sat Where They Sat.” WAITRESS wanted. Apply at mensions. Miss at €U y Bakery^ .Higbts- Swetland, secretary of literature; Mrs. mt,W Theoharis' Restaurant. 45t-f PHONE ,13-M town. * Sarah P. Botzong and Miss Mary Bathing suits for Men Simpioa as study group leaders; Mr and Mrs. Guy Bolton, who BLEC'i’RIC wiring, fixtures and have ibeen residing on Academy and Women. Bathing Theodore Backes has been ap­ M ra Lizzie Ely and Mrs. Amy repairing. Hamilton Beach cleaners street for some time, left this week pointed shlioitor for tbe Citizens Stonaker as chairmen of While Crps- and small machine motors. Phone ea])s and shoes, also- for Joplin, Mo., where they will make The star Car Is Here! Building and Loan AsSoeiatlon’. viee work; Mrs. P H, Hertzog, Mrs. 0 . F. 130-H, J. H. Wetherill, 156 Broad Bathing cap for Ladies. their home. The trip will be made A, V. Dawes. Eldridge and Mrs. Roy J. Waite as street, Hightstown. 45tf For Detnoastrn loti World Wide Onll4 Council and Miss by automobile and they expect to HOU8EW ORKER- girl or womap GLT TllK. H.Mirr , be several weeks reaching their des­ and Particulars The case of Joseph J. Ely vs. the Grace Norton and Mrs. Grace Ash­ for general housework. Phone 39-M Borough of H^iblstown, et. atl., was ton as Crusaders leaders tination. or call Mrs. Geo. P.« Dennis, 248 GF.T IT .\T argued befm the. Jiejf ,Jersey. ^n- Stockton street, Hightstown. preme Court on Tuesday. ^^Decision Mr. and Mrs.* harry R. ’ Field, Dr, and Mw- G- H. Franklin and RUBBER ^ T A M r v ^ O ^ taken foi KEEI.ER’S, Rev. and M n. B. P. Judd were vis­ C. Roy Allen wilf be rendered at a lafer date. Mrs. Frank P. F>ld and Mif. and ^ kinds o( rubber ’ stamps. Gazette Mrs. Jamep 1. Hutehihson aref^nd- itors in Pennington Tuesday, where ol l ^ ______Mights tqwn. 317 Stockton St. WOMER—Usht mric (or women at home, l-'ot ing the week with the Shriiers at they attended the Commencement M r. and MtjA i- B. Selmnck are oirtictt^ call or phone ISO. HifhUtown \jkvn Phono ii-M WaakinfUin, D. Q. exercises at Pennington Seminary. \ltU, M em aifm. 44ti

"s.; •

1. L, ' ‘ i “ a ■g .cFj

FOOD Va l u e o f s o u p s w h i . v a r y WITH VARIOUS INGiffiDIENTS USED PEPPLER’S WEEKLY CHATS

HAV RACKS. HAY RACKS. HAY RACKS We can take a few more orders for Hay Racks. W’e will jiiake no more Racks than we get orders for. If you want one of our Racks, kindly give us your order NOW so you wdll have the Rack when you want it. We will accept no orders alter June 15th. Hay Fork Track, Fixtures, Carriers and Rope.—We sell the MYERS double rail steel track, regular carriers and extra large sheave cars with •jnti-frlrfirinanti-friction bearing.s. WeWf sell onlvonly the hivhesthighest grade long fibre pure nianila roiw, The best gr.ide pure inanila rope is the cheaper, as it givp much.longer wear, yet costs hut little more than inferior grades. VVe do not handle wlml is known as “Hardware (,rade;" this grade, though pure manilla, is made up of the short fibre and is stiff and weak; it wilt not wear with the long fibre tiuality. h'or best service we recommend 4 strand 13-16 Pure Manila Long Fibre Rojie. Planet Jr. and John Deere Kidinii Cultivators on hand, ready st up for work. Keep your soil mellow and lo<)se to help withstnd the dry weather, and insure a good crop. The RigAs Walking Cultivators are the very best corn and potato Milk Soupt Art Especially Qeod for Everybody. tenders ever made; do more and better work, cost only about one-half Why Women Choose this Coupe the price of a good riding cultivator, and will give three times as many There Is aoniething unusually ap­ Meat stock mgy be s blend by cook­ f\( anf’iafacl'rtrv (u^rvirp petizing about a good, steaming soup, ing several different kinds of miitt BnsUyhiuidihKlintiw mass of downtiam trnille.thia The Perfection Single and Double Action Sprayers.—Straight whether served as the first course of bones together In the soup pot. pipe, 6 rows, and 4-row drop pi|te, 3 nozzles to a row, are sure death to Bukk thrnr pnanmyrr four cyUnder coupe U ideal for I meal or as a whole meal in Itaelf. all insect life. Prevent blight. Soups From Lsflumss. B w dnl nftemMo call, e shopping trip or the various Insecticides of all kinds always on hand—at lowest market prices. The South has Its gumbos, and Maine Soups from dried legumes such as otiber uacathat avrofnan’Bintenatadamtodofhercar. Its chowders, fulfilling the same pur­ peas or beans contain a great deal pose. Ocean travelers expect pea of nourishing material and need but Thomas Peppier, Son & Company soup as a part of ship routine; they little additional meat to make them The intorior ia uphdbtemd with gny veioun, m off look for bariey broth In Scotland, the malh dish for a meal. Some of the with aritaetiva ftilhiSi- H k n drum HIGHTSTOWN NEW JERSEY pot-au-feu In FVaace. minneetrone Chinese and Italian soups which are type head and eoeri laaapa ilva a tcaudl of added senp In Italy, bean or lentil soup near meals In themselves are made anbetan- ■aartneto to ita outside appearance. tha Rhine. In every household ^ a tlal by cooalderable qnaoUtles of extra cooking and dishwashing In- noodles or macaroni In some form as volred In serving soup eourtw Is com­ Above all, the perfect dependability, characteristic well as ■ little finely Bhredded or of ell B u ^ can, makes this Coupe safe and certain NAME NOT HOUSEHOLD WORD pensated for by the enjoyment of tbo chopped meat and various jra^tables, family, the economy of using materials such as carrots, turnips, cuhbste. or, for wooien drivers. aften wasted, and the reduction poo- Whan Qevamor Parkar of Loulatana In the esse of Chinese cooking, yurions Mble In the emonnt of food served tor Raalixad How Unknown a PromL eastern Tegetablesi' Frunkftirters cut EbMrg ShsM other (krarses. nont Man Can Bo. up In pen eonp make s shfflclently saas ip*B«eswwiiin 4Pmw c«uh. Haas Value of Boupe Variet. suBstantial dish for a lunch, with ,*9 S|i|ii».TM«pa lias t.VM,T«attm IMS The food value of soups varies with We invite you to inspect our new Qof. John U. Parker of Loulatana r*’ crackers or bread. Fish cbowdtrs, isH sf^Toartaa |Paii.e«te iias Sporting Goods store, which has the Ingredients. The United Stat.es latea this Incident, In the New York clam or oyster stews, ts a rule, con­ litaui - - ■ lass ap isrs line of new goods of the best that the food value of a milk aoup Sometimes It Is a real good thing to constitute the main hearty dlSb for a known makes and qualities. la higher than that of a water or realise what an Inflnltoalmal molecula family meal. Vegetable and other ^POMMi rOf > clear soup. Milk soups are especially a man la. Occasionally this fact Is left-overs In too small quantities to Your needs forETennis, Fishing good for children at lunch time, for brought to the attenttou of the man In warm up separately may often be Picnics and Baseball are ready. business people, and others who wish public life. Combined to produce a good, "filling” something warm, nutritious, but qot “In 1912, shortly after ray friend the soup, with slight expenditure for new All volumes ot 1623 Blue Books too “hearty.” Soups made with the Throckmorton & Levy lamented Theodore Roosevelt was matf^ala Such substantial soup Is now on sale, water In which vegetables have boon shot, it was necessary for some of his not so suitable for the first course of cooked contain substances which are Hightstowo, N. J. an otherwise hearty dinner as s clear Also a most complete’ line of loyal friends to keep his engagements, too nutritious to be thrown sway, and It fell to my lot to speak In a one that proves chiefly an appetising Touring Maps, though the amount of them Is small. W han bettor attoomoUlBa ara biiiify Buidc w i|l build them number of western cities. Of course, flavor along with warmth and extrac­ Soups made from meat stock contain no mao could really tnke his place, tives to stimulate digestion tor what meat extractives which are boUovod to but the experiences of some of the stimulate digestion, but which do not la to follow. Introductions were real rich. wholly take the place of meat. Con­ The practice of keeping a soup pot "In one Instance the chairman, after centrated broths Jnade for Invalids on band to receive bones, and the wa­ Stoll’s a lengthy Introduction In which be from selected meat are more nutritious ter In which rice, potatoes, and other practically made a speech with the than ordinary stock, but not as a suitably flavored vegetables hsTS u.sual glowing close, ‘I now have the rule, economical to serve at the family been cooked, aids In making a little 20-22 East State Street honor of presenting that prominent table. The soups served at dinner go a long way. The soup pot should Southerner, excellent cltlxen, splendid should be made from a different kind be kept cold, however, except when American,’ hesitated a moment, turned of meat from that In the main course. actually cooking, and Its contents aside and In a stage whisper said, For example, chicken broth goes b et­ should be sterilized by boiling at least Trenton 'What Is your name, quick?” ' ter with beef than with chicken once a day. 'Whenever possible, and cooked in some other way hecanse especially In warm weather, It Is wlssr the latter combination would over­ to use up all the soup on hand tlian Fires Result of Carefetaneaa. to have some of It left over to spoil. Fire control on national forests be­ emphasize one flayor at a single meal. comes every year more effective on full time most companies wifi do tlirough various forms of co-operation, TELEPHONE SERVICE well to rent a separate room ir build­ says the Forest service, Dnlted States ing. A number of mutual companies Deparlruent of Agrlcnlture. Man- liave built their central exchgnge caused fires are still the great hazard WITHOUT MUCH COST hiUiif.inB*! large enough to Include liv­ and tlis greftt ptohism. The omy way, ing quarters for the operators. Thus he says, to reduce these fires Is to you can now keep Operation of Switchboard Is One instead of moving the board to the THE PLACE TO HAVE Impress the habit of care with fire on home of the operator, as Is necessary YOUR EYES EXAMINED the. minds of users and visitors on of Most Importance. wlien a change In operators Is made, your TABLECLOTHS CLEAN national forests. In 1921 the total they move the operator to the board. number of man-caused fires was 4,400.; Rent of living quarters Is considered yet there Is no more reason for the Where Regular Operator Is Required part of the operator’s pay, and so, /or the LONGEST TIME usual man-caused fire on the national on Full Time It Is WeJI to Rent a with little additional cost to the com­ forests than there Is for the usual pany over the rent of an office only, grade-crossing accident. Separate Room or Building ou can now avoid having to launder With Living Quarters, permanent headquarters are estab­ Y lished for telephone operations. All your table cloths and other fabrics so SUNOPTICALC? (Prepared by the United stntei liepanmem companies reporting this plan have often. You can add motithfl to the life of 3 o rc.LBAMnra.A>M *-•««( of Mrtculture.) found It satisfactory. One of the problems connected with 3 0 W est State St ,Trentom these fabrics. As you know, repeated wash* getting telephone service In rural coninnuiltles, where frequently a small DISH FOR LUNCH OR SUPPER ing and ironing cause more wear and tear miilttal company must be formed to than does actual use. have such service at all, is the matter Recipe QIvcn for Making Baked Vege­ EYE ST R A IN of switchboard service, There are sev­ table Omelet or Soutfle— Bacon Merely starch with Link, the remarkable Qlvee Flavor. eral ways of managing this necessary starch discovery. function without undue cost. If the Causes Headache Drain cooked vegetables — peas, line ts not adapted to automatic or Linit is made by a perfected process. It mechanical switching, In a new beans, cowpeas, carrots, spinach, or Farmers’ Bulletin, 1246, Telephone any preferred vegetables—to make one remains thin and free'running like water, CORRECT Companies, Just Issued by the United capful of thick vegetable pulp when mashed or put through a sieve. Make This enables it to penetrate the fabric, pro­ a thick sauce by blending quarter cup­ tecting it against dust and dirt, as well as in­ LENSES ful of fat with quarter cupful of flour and Sj^dlng one cupful of liquid, which creasing the strength of may be whole or skim milk, cream, the material. Prevent Eve Strain (neat stock, or the water In which veg­ etables have been c»oke FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE. - Frank Weller rytng oh regular houiswori. ta a m Before putting knlvM away rnb tbo of added m m ee irora your Madoi witk nintton fat or vaaelinn and old shoas will be reauaed I t an ssisfgsney s night enll will al­ Clgm »Tobicco whea Npairsd ^ our hig^ ways tse^TO sttaBthta; Wbsu tMb yuU th an In him n. iMiNr. Tbla «HI Do Not Wait lor the R | i | l | ‘keapIlHn Bqxn^riitiBE grade aistariala a»i inoilefu sfitehtaMfil is placed in t attao Sm aan I comforts metliods. stand ^ In a bonm, U costa b«t HD . 0. ,.•■ 0: . . . . 1 SMa»iita|oeah«Blarind fid, laadr ft.* o f a a EEiJ^aiOHOME. l ./J ^moker^s Articlei WE KNOW HOW. iia^ as somsoM has to bo on dnfy In IBoaUnr i tand shUnad • » . ■m atom all day, bat night cnUrcan-. fyofn let to-battita. nti m MAIN STREET i i neslira attAttoh «ea|w by akiw’ Mbd-wwf-#thnmaMM. --fUg The in i amngamant ta taMt taiBertont If tba ciethas am to Haertel & Huff Whan a mgntar operator ta raqntind taeli a i Doab an thdy did oatgtaaily. Hightstown, N. J. 113 Stockton St. H iS littio V > • ft * of .Boyvillle, and be had a right te PERCHES SAVE BIRDS' LIVES • fierk dej. When • sew boy, wbe look atreight ahead of him, as If he dlflq’t beioni to the eehool, eemo m •ImpI* IdM WhtehTti ’liiwiitiMl Vti did not hear the gncatlan, and aayt •t recess to'pley, Wti^'IBbfBed oernr the Rm«rvatl«n of TNeuMiMb *f “Lookie. here, Mealy, I wish you to him and asked fruffly: Migrating SongStsra. would go and tell Abe 1 want him to “What's your nam er hurry up, for I want to see him.” Bird lovcin in Great BrttMn idtl I BOYVILIE !l “Abe” was Piggy’a nearest friend. “Pttddln’ 'n' tame, sit me iftn u* I’ll tell yeu the wtd the soon I* watelilng for the retam of the Hla other name was Carpenter. Piggy eame,” new 'boy, then there fight. tint iDlgmnta ami thoae especially only wished to be rid of the fret’kle- end w u a It didn't soothe Piggy’s feelings one bit . who live near the sen will remeinlier faced boy. But the freckle-faced boy the klniilj thought of the Royal So­ was not used to royalty and Ita ways, that he whipped the new boy, for the new boy was smaller than Piggy- ciety for the Protection of Birds In Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiue so he pushed hls Inquiry. - CfyrigkS. ISZa. by Hw Mimlllw Co. ; And he dared not turn hla flushed face Its work of providing resting places "Say, Piggy, have you got your red loward’s hls Heart's Desire. It was and perches on the lighthouses, with­ oys who are bom In a sinnll- bill-panta In that bundled’ out which great nambeiif nutter round town are born free and equal. almost four o’clock when Piggy a Tltere was no reply. They liad gone nlngtott walked to the master’s and round the dazzling light until they B In the big city it may 1m‘ dif­ a block when the freckle-faced boy fall. to gel him to work out a problem, ferent; there are doubtless good little could stand It no longer and said; It was thought at one time that thv boys who (llsdiiin bad little boys, ami and as lie passed the desk ,of Heart's “Say, Piggy, you needn’t he so smart birds attracted by the light dnsheo poor little .boys who are never to be Desire he dropped a note In her lapi about your old bundle; now honest, against the glass, hut the Dutch nat­ noticed under any circumstances. But It rffld: 'J*-*!" Piggy, what have you got In that bun­ uralist, Mr. ThIJsse, discovered that In a entail town, every boy, g banker who owns a turning-iiole In go he contented himself with punch­ faeed about and drew up hla left cheek of perches above and below the light the back yard, docs homage fS the ing the boy ahead of him with a pin, •^ to be observed nationally to which they might cling and rest ■baker’s boy who can sit on the bar and lower eye lid pugnaciously. The and stepping on hls heels, when they before resuming their Journey h,v dii.v- and drop and catch by Ills l«>gs; while freckle-faced boy saw he would have were In the back part of the room, llght. The experiment was first Irleil the gopd little boy wjio is kept in wide to fight If he stayed, so he turned to where the teacher would not see him. and dedicated to the idea o f go, and said, as though nothing had at the great Terschelling light, where' collars and ciilTs by a mistaken mother, The King ot Boyvllle walked home the destruction was reduced from a gases through the white paling of his happened, “Wliere do you suppose old that evening. The courtiers saw plain­ Better Homes in America thousand In a night to a ht^ndred In a father’s fence at the troupe headed Abe Is, anyhow?” ly that hls majesty waa troubled. seaaon. for the swimming hole, and pays all Jfst before school was called Piggy After this feat the king was quiet The Bird Protection society has now the reverence which his dwarfed na­ Pennington was playing “sentb” with At dusk, when the evening choree all hls might, and a little girl—hls set up these perches on four English ture can muster to the sign of the two were done. Piggy Pennington walked Back of this week is the thought that the Heart’s Desire—was taking out of her lighthouses; The Caskets, St. Cath­ fingers. In the social order of boys past the home of hls Heart’s Desire desk a wreath of roses, tied to a shaky •homes of America can be made places of erine’s, Spurn Head lighthouse and who live In country town.s, a boy Is and howled out a doleful ballad which wire frame. There waa a crowd of the South Bishop lighthouse. Each hieasured by what he can do, and not began: real abode, rather tharr buildings to pro­ girls around her admiring It, and spec­ equipment costs £100 and £20 a year by what Ids father Is. And so, Win­ “Y'ou ask what makes Ihls darkey tect one from bad weather or as mere places upkeep. The society hopes, as. funds field Hancock reimlngton, whose boy ulating about the possible author of the gift; but to these she did not show wee-eep. to dine and sleep. allow, to extend the plan to other name was I’Iggy Pennington, was the Why he like others am not gay." lighthouses, where many thousands King of Buyvllle. For Piggy could the patent medicine card, on which But a man on the sidewalk passing, . To develop good taste in Americans, to of birds are still falling every migra- walk on his hands, curling one foot was scrawled, over the druggist’s ad­ said: "Well, son, that's pretty gooA . tlhn season,—Christian Science Mon­ gracefully over his back, and pointing vertisement : make the home pleasing to the eye, to make but wouldn't you Just as lief sing as itor. the other straight In the air; he could “Yours truly, W. H. P," to make that noise?" So the king it a place one would prefer Jo be—those hang hy his heels on a flying traiieze; Vhen the last bell rang. Piggy Pen­ went to tied with a heavy heart. are the things these annual Better Homes he could chin a pole so many times nington was the last boy In, and he ADDING TO WAR’S CASUALTIES He took that heart to school with that no one could count the number; did not look toward the desk where he Weeks are for. him the neXt morning, and dragged it* he could turn a somersault In the air had put the flowers, until after the over the school ground, playing crack Burled Shells Continue to Do Deadly from I ho level ground, both backwards singing. And we are anxious to have you make Work In France—Tragedy In the whip and "slink-base.’' But when and fonvards, he could “tread" water Then he stole a sidewise glance that he saw Heart's Desire wearing In her full use of Manning’s Service in fhis re­ Periaian Hotel. and “lay” his hair; he coiiUl hit any way, and hls Heart’s Desire was deep hair one of the white roses from hls spect. As Furniture, Interior Decorating marhle In any ring from "taws” and In her geography, It was an age be­ mother's garden—the Pennington's Shells burled in nortliem France "knucks down,"—and belter than allj fore she filed past him wtth the "B” and Floor Covering people for over three- had the only white roses In the little during the war continue to explode oc­ he could cut his Inilials In the Ice on cips in geography, and took a seat town—he knew It was from the wreath quarters of a century, such a service is casionally when struck by peasants’ skates, and whirl arpund and around directly In front of him, where he which he had given her, and so light worth your while. plows, adding to the war casualties so many limes that he looked like an could iook at her all the time, unob­ was hls boyish heart that It a’as wltk four yearig after the cessatibit of hos­ animated shadow, when he 'would dart served hy her. Once she squirmed In an effort that he kept it out of tils During this Better Homes Week, or any­ tilities. The question it often asked away up the stream, his red "com­ her place and looked toward him, but throat. There were smiles and snillea whether an, uneiploded shell ever be­ Piggy Pennington was head over heels time, let us help you. fort’’ flapping behind hill) like a I’angb that day. During the singing tluv comes harmless. Some experts say of defiance. In the story) books such In the "leer rolling rapidly." When began, and every time she came past never, uniMs eiposed to the air, while their eyes did at last meet, Just as a hoy would be the son 0^8 widowed him from a class, and every time he others contend that live shells become mother, and turn out very good or Piggy, leading the marching around "duds” after many years. couid pry hls eyes behind her geog- very bad, but Piggy- was not a story The theory of the latter group Is book boy, and his father kept a gro­ hardly borne out by an Incident which cery store, from which Piggy uked to A. V. Manning’s Sons recently occurred In a Paris hotel. A steal so many dates that the boys said projectile of the time of Napoleon ni his father must have cut up the alma-, had long been used by the hotel em­ 20-22 South Broad St., Trenton, N. J. nac to supply him. As he never gave ployees as a pestle, and bad several the goodies to the Other' boys, but times been fitted with new handles to kept them for his own use, his name replace, those pounded off, Recently Of "Piggy’’ was his by all the rights it was left in close proximity to the of Boyvllle. hotel furnace, with the result that There was one thing Piggy Penning­ the hotel engineer has gone Into the class of casualtlea of the war of 1870, ton could not do, and It was the one of all things which he most wished h* and the hotel la undergoing Important could do; he could not under any cir­ repairs. cumstances say three consecutive and coherent words to any girl under fif­ Quick Drug tervice...... teen and over nliie. Even after A Bayonne (N. J.) woman, suffering school Piggy could not Join the select fiom Influenza, recently, had her coterie of boys who followed the girls physician’s prescription filled within down through town to the postoffice. for 1923 ten minutes, becaose radio was at He could not tease the girls about ab­ hand. Her son has a transmission set sent boys at auch tiraea and make up and a druggist has one. It was easy rhymes llket United States Tires for the amateurs to communicate and "First the cat and then her tall; get the service desired. Jimmy Sears and Maggie Hale,” areGoodTires and then shout them out for the crowd Orange May Use WIreleta. to hear. Instead of Joining this court­ One state that has over 200 farm­ ly troupe Piggy Pennington went off h e U. S. Tire people ers’ grange halls contemplates Install- with the' boys who realliy didn’t car* took plenty of time in Inf radio In each hall for the purpose for such things, and fought, or played Tdeveloping the Royal of closer co-operation In matters of ‘‘tracks up,” or wrestled his way leis­ mutual Interest. Clincher Cord urely home In time to get In hli “night “He Walked on Hls Hands In Front of the Crowd for Nearly Half a Block.* When it wasfinally placed wood.” But his heart was not In these BOROUGH OF HlGHTSTOWN pastimes; It was with a red sha'wl of ■the rooig, was at the door to go out niphy, or her graniinar, a flood of glad­ on sale there were no m is­ a peculiar shade, that was wending Us for receas, the thrill amounted to a ness swept over hls soul. That night takes in it. A supplement to an ordinance way to the poet office and back to a shock that sent him whirling In a pin Piggy Pennington followed the glrle East year we couldn’t entitled, “An Ordinance to Reg­ home In one of the few two-etory wheel of handsprings toward the ball from the schoolhouse to the post office, houses In the little town. Time and and In a burst of enlliuslasni he make Royal Clinchers fast ulate the Location, Size and Use ground, shouting "scrub—first bat, enough. again had Piggy tried to make aome first bat, first bat,” from sheer, bub­ walked on hls hands In front of the of Buildings, to Regulate and sign to let hls feelings be known, but crowd, for nearly a block. When hls Production for 1923 has bling Joy. Piggy made four tallies that Determine the use o^f Yards, every time he had failed. Lying In recess, and the other boys couldn’t Heart's Desire said: been more than doubled. C ourts and o th er Open Spaces-, wait for her at corners, and suddenly have put him out. If they had used a “Ah, ain't you afraid you’ll hurt But whenever and wher> and to Regulate and Restrict breaking upon her with a glory of band grenade or a fire extinguisher. yourself, doing that?” Piggy pretended ever you can get a Royal the Location of Trades, Indus­ backward and forward somersaults He received four distinct shots that not to hear her, and said to the boys: Clincher—take it.' tries, and Residences, in the did not convey the state of hls heart. day from the eyes of hls Heart’s Desire, "Aw, that ain’t nothin'; come down Borough of Hightstown, in the So only one heart beat with but and the last one sent him home on the to ray bam, an' I’ll do somepin that’ll Cgunty of Mercer and State of one single thought, and the oth­ run, tripping up every primary urchin, make yer head swim.” New . Jersey," Passed and Ap­ er , took- motto candy and valen- whom he found tagging along by, the He was too exuberant to conuia tlnea and red apples and picture proved November 8th, 1922., way, and whooping at the top of his himself, and when lie left the gtrie cards and other tokens of esteem from voice. he started to run after a stray chicken, Be it ordained by the Council of other boys, and beat on with any num­ The next morning. Piggy Pennington that happened along;, and ran till he the Borough of Hightstown: ber of thoughts, entirely Immaterial astonished hls friends by bringing a was out of breath. He did not mean i. ,JIo TiuTrarng 'e r structuTo, or to the HIM ef Ihls narrative. But big jten ^l of red and yellow and pink to run In the direction hls Heart's De­ part of such building or structure, Piggy Pennington did not taEe fd^h* and white rosei fo schddl. sire had taken, bet he turned a cor­ located within the residential or enchantment, of com sUk. cigarettes He had never done this before, and ner, and came up wdth her suddenly. and rattan and grapevine cigars; he commercial district as such district|^ when he bad run the gauntlet of tha Her eyes beamed upon Mm, sad be tried to ting, and wi^lled dlimal bal­ sea big boys, who were not afraid to steal could not run away, as hs wished. are designated and laid out on thOf! lads about the ”<

ft...,/ DUTCH NECK lard Beaulieu. Mr. and Mrs; 'Qeorge Porrine and Honor ftoll; Marion VoorhooH, Bpt Mr. and Mrs. Vineenl Perrine, family visited the former's pwetits, Local Ball Team , »tric<‘ Tindall, Raymond Bowors. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. W'etherill of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Perrine, Sunday. Howard Slell^,^ Willis VanM art or, Hightstown; Misses Ruth Pitlen- Mr. and Mrs. Wkltc-r Conover and Drops League Game Alice Wilson, Alice TindalV loseph ger and Mabel Carnall of Trenton children motored along the shore on To YardvHle Nine WriKlil, Adele AppIcKct. Knilin llu- visited Mr. and Mrs. Hiram A. Sunday'. liek,M illion Sallie, Margcrl ('linin- Cook on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Quick and Higtantown UnnMe to Ready for Business or PIaa«ire and hntlin, Klisabelh (iroendyke, Uutli Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Stelle and daughter of Trenton visited Mr. and Cope With the Pitching of Correct for Both, These Four RtillwiH, Antlron.v Si/,la, Julia Tin­ family and Mr and Mrs Perry Airs. George Robins Sunday. Welsh, Who Allows Only Four Piece Light Weight dall, DoiDlhy Bl.vinaii, Carolyn Kv- Stillwell and family yere entertained' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thatcher and Hits and Issues No Free Tickets ' niyttt. Ni'liic Sherman, Arthur Kv- recently ‘by Mr and Mrs, Harley children of Trenton were gueste of to 'First. Shafnacker Easy for erelJ, Ktelyn Hann, Kliiiore Jack- Johnson of Allenlown. Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. Tindall on Yardvilie. sop, Kdiih App'cgel, HusiJ Voorhecs. Miss Catherine (T)leman of Law- Sunday., Sport Norfolks Magee Slillwell. Jolin Tindall, Stevan renceville visited .Miss Dorothy Con­ Miss Elizabeth Stash spent Sun­ (iifeek lay Walloii Arthur Black- over last week. day with Miss Anna Conover. THREE-M LEAGUE You’ll find a smart Sport Norfolk just about the well, ami John Mathe.s. Edgar Cubberlny and daughter chummiest suit you ever owned. Nothing formal William W'oolsey and daughter I'lipils neither ah.Hent nor lardy Ruth reeent.ly visited Mr. and Mrs. Saturday's Results Mary of Pennington spent Sunday about it, fine and ea^y", comfortable—for the office during till) month of May: R ’Ception Wyndham Sinallbone. Bash's, 5; Cranbury, 3. with Misses Mary and Sara Post. slip on the long trousers, for golf and sports, a and 1 rsi grades: Ernest .Mien, Milton Mr. and Mrs. John ('arson and Yardvilie, 7; Hightatown, 2. Mrs. Lincoln D. Applegate, CliN, quick change to "knickers,” and you’re ready. No Hulick, Charles Tindall, Erederiek daughter Beatrice of Trenton were hVcehold, 4; Ijakewood, 0. ford and I/'ste.r Applegate, Air. and Tindiill, Prances Tindall, Anna Van recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, ('lark woncier men like them—you will, too! , Mrs. Lamonte Everett and children Standing of the Clubs M artir. Second and third grades: W. Hulchin.soii. In five minutes, up on the men’s clothing floor were entertained Sunday hy Mr. and W. L. P.C. Joseph Keller, Slcvan Eifcek, .Magee Ali.ss Irene ('onover of Me.reer- Mrs. laiwis C. Bowers. Bash’s ...... 2 1.000 we’ll show you a group of canny Norfolks, in models Still* ell. Harold Tindall, David Van ville and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe IIu- Y ardville...... 1 ,500 and fabrics that would delight a lad from Scotland— Marier, Dorothy Conover, Mildred liek and family were guests of Chester Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr. and Cranbui?...... 1 ,500 at prices that would delight him, too! Hann, Edna Tindall. P'ourth and Jubes of Bradley, Memorial Day. Mrs. William Johnson of Borden- Freehold...... 1 5QQ lifth: ,\rl hur Everett, Sylvamis Grov­ William ('rumlish spent a few tnwn efdled at the home of Mr. and Lakewood...... 1 500 Moderately Priced at $25, $36, $35, $40 er, Fonnan Hulick, Harry Prezeni- days last week with relatives at •Mrs, Hiram A. Cook on Sunday. Hightstown...... 0 .000 oienieeky, Haael Allen, Edith .Applo- Wilmington, Del. .Aliss Bessie Alclick spent the week­ get, Carolyn Everett, Evelyn Hann, Air. and Mrs. Waller Hixson and end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schedule for Saturday Elinor Jackson, Marie Cullen. Sixth Mr. and Mrs. Walter S, MohnI n|)ent A. W'. Aleliek of Clinton. Freehold at Yardvilie. and .si'venth and eighth: Ethel Allen, Memorial Day with their brother The public school will hold its Bash’s at Lakewood. niD'K W.MIIIEUU son Adele .\ppleget, Gertrude Pullen, Jacob Golden of Avon. annual picnic on June 19j.h at Kun- Hightstown and Cranbury (not Ruth Stillwell, Alice Tindall, Bo- Mias Loui.se Rossell of Cranford kel's Park, Pennington. 14>18 S. Broad St, Trenton, N. J. alriee 'I'indall. Julia Tindall, latster N. J : Krahk Donnelly of East Or­ scheduled). The eommencement exercises of ■ M n — MM i w MSS sees liiss HM Appleget, Emiin Hulick. William Hu- ange; Mr, and Mrs. Prank Huleb- the public school will be held in the The Hightstown ball tossers ran ■innnaniHwOBFvCRViQniM liek, Paul Presieinclenieeky. Howard inson. Smith Lamson, Mrs. Helen Presbyterian church Thursday even­ Stelle, Willis Va n Marier and Wil­ Massey and danghler. Alary, and into another snag at Yardvilie last ing, .June 21st. Saturday afternoon, dropping their Weuld Save FlemlngeM. liam laitysh. Airs. Mary Casper of Trenton were Bash Defeats Cranbury T. Ollbert Peareon, preeldent of the Clark Hill of Trenton Junelion Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hulick en­ sooond league start to “Cap” Cole’s Featured by good, clean hitting, vi.sitors Memorial Day of Air. and Natlehel Aaeoclaiion ef Auduhoa !Uh visited relatives here Tuesday. tertained recently Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ aggregation by a score of 7 to 2. Airs. George Oilhain. sharp fielding and smart base run­ detiaa, haa ilarted on a trip to the ford Tindall and children; Mr. and Manager Campbell’s nine seemed to Mr. and Mrs. William Hann and About !{7o, was cleared at the ning by both clubs, Max K. Bash’s Bahamat la the hope of saving the lack alertness in the pinches, and (ihildreii recently visited Mr. and strawberry festival held ibe ‘Jfllb on Airs. Charles Cubberley and chil­ Beds, representing Tsenton in the Inat sorTlvcrs of the flsmo-colorid Mrs. I nter Hockenbury of Trenton. the chapel lawn. dren; Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ferry Fred Shafnacker was a poor second Three-M league, vanquished Cran­ ■anslngoee which, were once numerous Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Cottrell and Miss Katherine Cook spent the and daughter, and Miss Anna and to “ King" Welsh as far as pitching, bury, 5 to 3, Saturday afternoon at In the Baliamai and Florldt. Mr. and Mrs, John P; Oroendyke ■week end with Aliss Adele Appleget. Amzi Cubberley of Hamilton S<}iiare. was concerned. Shafnacker is a the American Bridge Field., Trenton The coloBlea in the Vnlietl Stetia and I'amily were recent guests of Mr. Missel/Alice Tindall and Dorothy Air. and Mrs. Jacob H. Walton willing youngster, but the Yard­ Approximately 2,000 cash customers have been completely wiped out, m 1 and Alt's. Prank Groendyko. Cook were week end guests of Misses and family spent Memorial Day at vilie game proved beyond reason­ filled the stands and overflowed into It la eetliaated that only 1,200 of tbeti Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oroendyke Beatrice and Julia Tindall. Jamesburg. able doubt that be is out of his class center field. Such baseball as was epleodld and atately. birdi remela hi the Bahamee. They ere all on tho and Mr. and Mrs. Eeon Hyland were Miss .Sara Stevens of Slaekwood Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Adams, in the Three-M league. displayed is sure to take with dia­ Mead ef Andros, the largeet end nioM Higbi..stown visitors Memorial Pay. was a visitor over the week end of Mrs. William Walton, Afr. and Mrs. Hightstown went out in order in mond patrons, and prospects are dOBMiy weeded troitp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chamlserlin Aliss Elir.abolh Oroendyke, William Alatthews and children mo­ the opening chapter, and though the now bright for the financial soecess Yardvilie batters got two men on ‘The flaKlafo k May to see, sssy te nicently entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Airs. David Bergen and tored to Tennent oand Freehold. of Bash’s efforts to provide a high- kill and Mfay to "eat. Hie ffainliifo base in their half of the inning, no Willia 111 Kater and children of Trenton Aliss Rebecca Bergen were enter­ Air. and Mrs. James Hyland, Mis* grade brand of the national pastime. topta* ef ih* most prised scores were forthcoming. “Shine’’ Mrs, Mary Pricketl spent Tuesday tained Friday by Mr. and Airs, Evelyn Hobbs and Lester Hyland doMeg^M at U ^;tt|ile la Romta tiiBN; in Trenton. .lacob Wyckoff of Lawranceville. motored to Asbury Park and I^ake- Hopkins cracked a nice single to left Freehold Won bat tha whnia Mid la tateemed la the Mr. and Mrs, George H. Mount Air. and Mrs. John R. Wyckoff and hursl on Memorial Day. field at the opening of the second At Lakewood the Freehold team BahtM ii an fOrpserly la FIm-ldi, sad and .son spent Memorial Day in son spent Memorial Day at Ashury The Parent-Teacher’ Association canto, and advanced to second on walloped the Lakewood boys by a aotbiag bat-ealrafiil proteetton on i Trenton. Park. met Thursday in the school building. Alack’s infield out, but Hutchinson score of 4 to 0. bird relaga «aa rave the few whiek i Mrs. Annie Dennison, Mr. and Mr. and Airs. ITeiik R. Adams The following officers were elected and Davenport obliged the large remela. Ifr. Faarion has aetehllshOd ssacta Mrs. Lewis 0. Bowers aiid family have purcha,scd a new Slltdehaker for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. crowd of Yardvilie partisans by WILL TOUR EUROPE And Mr. and Mrs, Charles L. Dey whiffing f(M' the second and third artes for ogrofa and a>*ny othw flea sedan. Waller F. Conover; vice-president, Amwiaaa birds end expects to hsvo and family motored to Lakehurst outs, leaving “Shine” stranded on .Air, and Airs, .lohn W. Wilson Miss Bessie Melick; secretary. Airs. Aliss Roberta Dey wiH leave Sat­ a# dlfllealty la obtalalai fands frow the middle cushion. Memorial Day. ■and daughter Alice spent Memorial l>amonte Everett; treasurer. Miss urday for a three months’ trip ^ rd lovore for the wpkoep of such | Frost’s two-bate wallop was fruiC Miss Jessie Johnson of Lawrenoe- Day with Mr. and Mrs, Ellsworth I>aura Wiltse. Mrs. George Gabel abroad, visiting the British Isles, refage on the Island of Andros. If tko ville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Cook and Broadhead; Jr., of I’ennington. was present and told of the work less in Yardville’s half of the second France, Switzerland and Italy. Upon local govorament will co-opsrsto li family visited Woodlawn Park on Miss Hai^el Allen and John R. the Penns Neck association is doing; frame, but in the third inning the her return she -will spend two weeks prolactlDg tho bird. Memorial Day. Oilbani of New York and Mr. and Miss Laura Wiltse recited and Mrs. home team got going with a ven­ with her sister. Miss Luella B. Dey. geance. Bell's free ticket (one of Miss Ida and Albert Weiset .of Airs. Harry ('ooiidge and son George John R, Wyckoff gang a. solo....Mrs. Miss Dey haafar. the. .pi«L4.S0- XBMl., Aged Auatrellsn. Pla.1nsboro have been vi.siting her of East Orange visib'd relatives here Howard N utt and Mrs. Gordon C. four passes which the Yardvilie lead- held a position with the Kelt R^ AaMrilli's i|e “1S^rdTi>Jilnio4^lf' une.le iind aunt, M r.‘and Mrs. Ade- on Sunday. Tindall were the hostesses. off man repoived during the matinee) search Laboratories, Cleveland, O. Thomn Thomion, who wss horn si was followed by Bookhdldt's single, She is a graduate of the local high Northinspton lOd’A yotrs ago, and la new living at Balleret. Ms has istusg Meycrt)' error on an easy grounder school and of Wellesley College. from Jones’ bat, and timely one-base a diallenga to the real of the cominoa- Before leatong this country, she waelth to produce an elder man. Ms hits by Tattler and Kolb. Togethen ^ 1 visit Niagara Falls, Thousand with Schaeffer's sacrifice fly, these Ig la good health, , and every SundiJr Islands, a.nd the St. fawrence River, siralka half a, mile to church. At i factors were enough to garner four sailing from Montreal for Liverpool. rocont mayoihUy reception he iJImlied runs for Manager Cole’s proteges. The return will be made via Cher­ tbe atalra a t wtll ta a man of seventy, In the meantime, "King” Welsh bourg to New York City. Miss Dey la ]$W he was preecnted to the prince was twirling the kind of hall which will be aeeumpanied by a number ef Walea, td whom he remarked; 'T is almost invincible. The sixth stanza of Cleveland friends. waa a lively yeang fellew of twenty- witnessed the scoring of a brace of three' when your greet-grandmother runs by Hightstown on Tatler's wai crowiicd 'qoeeB.” miscue, Monte Norcross’ single, a MEMBER COUNTY passed ball and Monte’s theft of ELECTION BOARD By Cemparteon. H-A-I-L Clilcago'i new railway station nW home. 'The latter play was one of Mrs. Stella S. Applegatg,^ secre­ ha 40 BtoridI high; aaga a report. This the high lights of the afternoon, will make aa upper berth teem like tary of the Mercer County Republi­ HIS is the time of year to insure “ I.,enny” Frost receiving the provorb- a lower. bial raspberry for hi.s failure to nail can Committee,, and prominent in your growing crops--to make Monte at the plate. women's clubs throughout the state, Yardvilie continued to find little has been named as a member of CREDITORS of W. Lyle Swell. I)e- the Mercer County Bleotion Board ceaaqd, are, ,by order of the Surrogate certain that a hail storm will difficulty solving Shafnacker’s of­ of MercerjP^nty, dated May 23rd, 1923, fering’s, additional runs being reg­ by Republican Stale Chairman E. C. upon application of the subscriber, notified not take your 1923 profits. istered in the fifth and eighth in­ Stokes. She will succeed Daniel F. to bring in' their debts, demands and nings just by way of giving the home Reardon whose term expires this claims' againit hit estate, under oath, It is also important to guard against year. The position pays $900 yearly. within six moatha from above date. fans a run for their money. The . GEORGE A-silv e r , loss by hairdamage to^our fruit* Hightstowp (cam, on the other hand, Mrs. Applegate holds the distinc­ Admlnislralor, nicked Welsh for but four hits dur­ tion of being one of the IWO Special Hi|htStown,,N. ,L ing the entire contest, and the vet­ Masters in Chancery in New Jersey Present.claims tp; « named by Chancellor Walker, al­ W. Holt Apear, Prortor, eran box artist never found himself First NatT Bank Bldg., in serious straits The box score: though not a lawyer. She is also Trenton, N. J. R-E-A-L : E^-T-A-T-E Secretary to Vice Chancellor Bu- May 3L 1923,9t. HIthtstewii cbahaii...... ™” AB R. H. 0. A. B. Among our large liiti Collcnder, If...... 4 1 0 1 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Field of CREDITORS of fiattha J. Stults, M.Norcross,3b.,., 4 1 2 0 - 1 0 East Orange were recent guests of, Deceased, are, by order of the Surrogate We have for sale a desirable property Moyers, ss...... 2 0 0 1 0 3 Thomas M. Field. of Mercer Co«nty, dated May l?th, 1923, upon applieatioa of the suhscriner, A.Hopkins, rf.ss , . 4 0 1 0 1 1 WhsYt a Cell, Anywayl notified to, bring in fSeir debts, deman^ds on South Main Street, one on Franklin Mack, e f...... , . 3 0 0 2 0 0 and claimb apuast her estate, under . PrAvtng the nff-reoeaten aaaertlaB Hutchinson, lb. .. 3 0 0 12 1 ] oath, wkhiB ah iaoptha from abow date. that a ilvvar will go regardlaaa at Street and one on Etra Road. We Davenport, c ... .. 3 0 0 6 0 0 ROBERT M. STULTS whather It hat an englna: A prMd HENRY WARREN STULTS, Hulse, 2 b ...... have houses for sale for prices ranging ,. 3 0 0 2 4 1 owner—for tha uioment chagrlMd— Executors. F. Norcross, rf,. .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 Hasped late e eerviee atatlen atA begged May 24--9t. Hightstown, N. I- from $1,800 to $20,000. Shafnacker, p ;. . . 3 0 1 0 5 0 repair remedy. He nglM led cem Fect-$l0.e8: ■-- —— -- - gad the men teeted all fear ef lhe«. Totals...... 31 2 4 24 12 6 Thea he eterted the aMter and It ran. CREDITORS of Helen A, Stulte, RICHLAND FARM TRACT — Be Yardvilie hat e hit aaevenly. Be laegeetei' Tlirt- Docoaoed, tro, by order of the 8u^ lad ientckM-kli'JM«d.>a AB. R. H. 0; A. E. am paim- MgMO of llaiwer County, d»t" perplealtr. A gria appeared aad-Hie sui^e to inquire about the special price Bell, e f...... 1 1 0 3 0 0 June lit, 1923, upon appKcatiori of repair laaa aaiblad aver te hla headi Paxson, If...... 5 1 1 2 .0 0 aad replaced the twe eetia he had lbr- Ilw ovlmoribor, aotifled to bring >« on these lots during May. Boqkboldt, lb.. .. 5 2 3 8 0 0 fettee. their debta, domaada and clanas Jonee, 3b...... 4 1 0 1 2 0 agaiut, bar ooUtMf Tatler, 2b...... 6 1 ' 2 0 0 1 iM nn Have tN Threa six moatlu from aMvo d*(e. SebMffer, ss ... .., 4 1 I 1 3 0 Om meralat oa aiy why te MhMi OBOKDAJk. flUyBR, Ktdb It...... 6 0 2 1 0 0 t ftepidd et'the poat a»m I tM g lte The Allen & Stults Fnwt, c ...... 4 0 2 11 2 1 the Will Aaaexed, peidailitfeii I waited te fit a meaep Welsh, p ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 e rd tr Mm |tt: m H d f»c. m M W H^.tatowB, N. j- — —— — —— Mt, aad waa m */ te III eat theeader June 7, 9 t Totals...... 3 7 7 Phone 110. 11 27 8 2 Wbdi'- I'.'rai dliH ei i . « d t ivdllT'M lI v*ad~Mk0|, / Soore by inninia: have the ttmareamta aam te plgr the m Hifbtotown. ..00000 200 0"«-2 fee- 1 waa laMa eaafaaad, aad tail Otaafiib Yardvilie...... 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 7 x->^7 bar I waaM k a la at map ta m pm ^cA»DI|QiMI. a t K. 0 ^ ( Two boee hiU: FYokt, Wt lavt BM a |aiilieii% INSURANCE iMk, H* I *iak abc iM # Om ^m -, ilkf . 9 0 a m , ; Totter. Three bate Ute, Sokaefir. . . .. ' ■ BaeriEee liita, Joaoe, fifkaefer. 8 ( ^ -ifeif-- baeet; CoUender, M. MoreroH* koldt.. Double play, Halae to •eatiment ta'PiMwiidla: A.^Nt^pf ipgtliaeBt la h ||h pinaai la Maaom. Stniek out: by Skalrniahmi-, r#4a^ b> awl m a ^ m w itk^aiif by W eM , 11. Baeee oii belle : iker, 4. Wild pitob, Nel* aud HflKLMiii 'WkMwbM* kom. Tiwo W flamo, 2 born. | HMt. *a tMtoTk