Materialien fur¨ das Projekt: Syrische Anaphoren

Thomas Klampfl 6.12.2008

Brock, S.P., Syriac Studies. A Classified Bibliography (1996–2000), in: Parole de l’Orient 29 (2004) 263–410.


– Kitab al Quddas (Qurbono), Staten Island 199? (= St. Maron Publications). (Syriac and Arabic) – Ktobo d-teshmeshto d-qurobo, Kottayam 1998. – Messale della Divina Liturgia della Chiesa Siro-Ortodossa di Antiochia, Lo- carno 1999. (Italian tr. and Syriac text) – Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian : The for the use of the Faithful, San Jose, CA, 2001 (= Adiabene Publicati- ons). (Preface by Mar Bawai Soro; Syriac text, transcription (by A. Soro), English tr. (by M. Birnie), Modern Syriac tr. (by S. Dinkha)) Aranjaniyil, G., Mystery-sense in Syro-Malabar Qurbana and in Hindu wor- ship and prayers, in: Folly of the Cross, 301–312. Athapilly, S., The affective dimension of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: ChrOr 19 (1998) 138–146. Athapilly, S., The affective and affectionate dimension of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: Folly of the Cross, 48–63. Bazzi, M.J. (ed.), The according to the Eastern Chaldean Ca- tholic Rite, El Cajon, CA, 1988 (= St. Peter, Chaldean ). Blanchard, M., A brief comment on Dr. Macomber’s two articles on the Chaldaen , in: JAAS 12/1 (1998) 69. Brock, S.P., Towards a typology of the Epicleses in the West Syrian Anapho- ras, in: Crossroad of Cultures, 173–192. Brock, S.P., The background to some terms in the Syriac Eucharistic Epic- leses, in: Harp 13 (2000) 1–12. Codrington, H.G. / Raes, A., Syriacae III.1, Rome 1981. Cutrone, E.J., The liturgical setting of the Institution Narrative in the ear- ly Syrian tradition, in: J.N. Alexander (ed.), Time and Community: Studies in Liturgical History and Theology in Honour of T.J. Talley, Wa- shington, DC, 1990, 83–103. Feulner, H.-J., Zu den Editionen orientalischer Anaphoren, in: Crossroad of Cultures, 251–282. Gelston, A., The origin of the Anaphora of : Greek or Syriac, in: BJRL 78 (1996) 74–86. Gelston, A., The intercessions in the East Syrian anaphoras of Theodore and Nestorius, in: StPatr 30 (1997) 306–313. Heinz, A., Die Heilige Messe nach dem Ritus der Syrisch-maronitischen Kir- che, Trier 1996 (= Sophia 28). (Based on Syr./Arabic edition of 1992) Heinz, A., Die Maronitische Messe: Qurbono, Trier 1997. Heinz, A., Sonntagsfr¨ommigkeit in der heutigen Liturgie der Syrisch-Maroni- tischen Kirche, in: Crossroad of Cultures, 369–393.

1 Heinz, A., Die jungste¨ Reform der Messliturgie in der syrisch-maronitischen Kirche, in: Zu Geschichte, 351–364. Heinz, A., Die Eucharistiefeier in der Deutung syrischer Liturgieerkl¨arer. Die Liturgiekommentare von Georg dem Araberbischof († 724), Mose bar Ke- pha († 903), († 1171), Trier 2000. Jammo, S.Y.H., The Quddasia of the Apostles Addai and Mari, in: Syriac Dialogue 1, 167–181; French tr. in: Istina 40 (1995) 106–120; German tr. in: Heiliger Dienst 4 (1996) 204–218. Kochappilly, P.P., Celebrative Ethics: Ecological Issues in the Light of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, Bangalore 1999. Kochappilly, P.P., Trinitarian foundation of Christian Ethics and Syro-Ma- labar Qurbana, in: ChrOr 18 (1997) 132–155. Koodapuzha, X., Ecclesiological reflections on the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: ChrOr 18 (1997) 3–13. Macomber, W.F., A history of the Chaldean Mass, In: JAAS 11/2 (1997), 70–81. Macomber, W.F., Sources for the study of the Chaldean Mass, in: JAAS 12 (1998) 57–68. Madey, J., Der Diakon als Einheitsfaktor der eucharistischen Gemeinde im ostsyrischen Ritus, in: Hein, L. (ed.), Die Einheit der Kirche: Dimensionen ihrer Heiligkeit, Katholizit¨at und Apostolizit¨at. Festgabe fur¨ P. Meinhold, Wiesbaden 1977. Maniyattu, P., East Syrian theology of liturgical spacetime, in: ChrOr 17 (1996) 59–74. Maniyattu, P., The meaning of mission and proclamation in the East Syrian Qurbana: a liturgical theology of mission, in: ETJ 3 (1999) 45–58. Mannooramparampil, T., The structure of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: Vellilamthadam, V. u.a. (eds.), Ecclesiastical Identity of St. Thomas Christians, Kottayam 1985 (= OIRSI 87), 205–225. Mannooramparampil, T., Biblical allusions in the anaphoral and post-ana- phoral parts of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: ChrOr 18 (1997) 77–91. Mannooramparampil, T., The Anaphora of Addai and Mari, in: ChrOr 21 (2000) 54–70. Mannooramparampil, T., Ecclesiology of the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: ChrOr 21 (2000) 4–22. Matheus, R., The third East-Syrian Anaphora, in: ChrOr 21 (2000) 54–70. Matheus, R., The Order of the Third Santification, Kottayam 2000 (= OIRSI 240). Mathew, G., Eucharist (Qurbana). The Celebration of the Economy of Sal- vation, Kottayam 1999 (= OIRSI 222). (On Anaphora of St. James) Messner, R., Zur Eucharistie in den Thomasakten. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Fruhgeschichte¨ der eucharistischen Epiklese, in: Crossroad of Cultures, 493–513. Muksuris, S., A brief overview of the structure and theology of the Liturgy of the Apostles Addai and Mari, in: GOTS 43 (1998) 59–83. Pallath, P., La liturgia eucaristica della Chiesa siro-malabarese, Padua 2000 (= Quaderni di Rivista Liturgica 1). Pallikunnel, G., Integration and deification through holy Qurbana, in: ChrOr 18 (1997) 107–31. Panicker, G., The Liturgy of St. James and theology of the Trinity, in: Studia

2 Liturgica 30 (2000) 112–128. Pathikulangara, V., Qurbana: the Eucharistic Celebration of the Chaldo- Indian Church, Kottayam 1998. Peres, J.-N., L’Epˆıtre´ des Apˆotres et l’Anaphore des Apˆotres: quelques con- vergences, in: Apocrypha 8 (1997) 89–96. Poovannikunnel, J., The Role of the Priest in the Celebration of the Holy Qurbana, Kottayam 1996 (= OIRSI 187). Poovannikunnel, J., The ordering of the Holy Qurbana in the East Syrian tradition, in: A.G. Kollamparampil / J. Perumthottam (eds.), Bride at the Feet of the Bridegroom: Studies in the East Syrian Liturgical Law. A Tribute to Archbishop Mar Joseph Powathil, Changanacherry 1997, 297–315. Poovathanikunell, T., The sacramental Mysteries: a Syro-Malabar approach, in: Questions liturgiques 78 (1997) 34–49. Rabo, G., Das eucharistische Brot in der Syrisch-Orthodoxen Kirche, in: Qolo Suryoyo 117-118 (1997) 167–173. Rabo, G., Das eucharistische Brot tebca in der Syrisch-Orthodoxen Kirche, in: SympSyr VII, 139–147. Spinks, B.D., The Anaphora of Nestorius: Antiochene Lex Credendi through Constantinopolitan Lex Orandi, in: OCP 62 (1996) 273–294. Taft, R.F., The History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. V. The Pre- communion Rites, Rome 2000 (= OCA 261). Taft, R.F., The origins and develompment of the Byzantine Communion Psalm- ody, Part I, in: Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano 2/1 (1998) 108–134. Tarby, A., La pri`ere eucharistique de l’Eglise´ de J´erusalem, Paris 1972 (= Th´eologiehistorique 17). Tovey, P., The Liturgy of St. James as presently used, Cambridge 1998 (= Grove Books). (Parallel English translations of Greek, Syrian Orthodox and Mar Thoma texts) Valuparampil, K., Ecclesiological reflections on the Syro-Malankara Qurba- na, in: ChrOr 20 (1999) 40–63. Valuparampil, K., Communion of Churches: an ecclesiological experience of the Syro-Malankara Qurbana, in: ChrOr 20 (1999) 109–120. Varghese, B., Early history of the preparation rites in the Syrian Orthodox Anaphora, in: SympSyr VII, 127–138. Varghese, B., The Syriac Version of the Liturgy of St. James: A brief history for students, Cambridge 2001 (= Grove Books). Vazheeparampil, P., Covenant into Quddasa. The Anaphora of Addai and Mari: a re-reading, in: ChrOr 17 (1996) 93–114. Vazheeparampil, P., The anaphoral celebration in the Letter of Ishocyahb I, in: ChrOr 18 (1997) 51–61. Velamparampil, C., The Celebration of Liturgy of the Word in the Syro- Malabar Qurbana: a biblico-theological analysis, Kottayam 1997 (= OIRSI 194). Velamparampil, C., The ecclesial dimension of the Liturgy of the Word in the Syro-Malabar Qurbana, in: ChrOr 20 (1999) 121–133. Verhelst, S., La d´eposition des oblats sur l’autel en Syrie-Palestine. Contri- butions `al’histoire de la prothesis, in: OC 82 (1998) 184–203. Verhelst, S., L’introduction et la disparation du rite de Proth`ese dans la Li- turgie de J´erusalem, in: SOCC 31 (1998) 5–34. (29–31 on Jacob of )

3 Wagner, G., Der Ursprung der Chrysostomosliturgie, Munster¨ 1973 (= LQF 59). Wilson, S.B., The Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari, in: P.F. Brads- haw (ed.), Essays on Eastern Eucharistic Prayers, Collegeville 1997, 19– 37. Winkler, G., Further observations in connection with the early form of the Epiklesis, in: Patrimoine Syriaque III, 66–80. Winkler, G., Weitere Beobachtungen zur fruhen¨ Epiklese (den Doxologien und dem Sanctus). Uber¨ die Bedeutung der Apokryphen fur¨ die Erfor- schung der Entwicklung der Riten, in: OC 80 (1996) 177–200. Winkler, G., Zur Erforschung orientalischer Anaphoren in liturgievergleichen- der Sicht I: Anmerkungen zur Oratio post Sanctus und bis Epiklese, in: OCP 63 (1997) 363–420. Yousif, P., La spiritualit`adella liturgia eucharistica nella tradizione chaldea, in: La Spiritualit`adelle Chiese cristiane orientale, Rome 1986, 77–89.

→ Manuscripts (367–369):

Brashear, W., Syriaca, in: Archiv fur¨ Papyrusforschung 44 (1998) 86–127. (Syriac papyrus P.Berlin 8285; letter, 6th/7th cent.) Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Manuscrits syriaques de la Bibliot`eque Nationale de France (no 356–435), Paris 1997. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Rˆolede la langue et de l’´ecriture syriaque dans l’affirmation de l’identit´echr´etienne au Proche Orient, in: Phoinikeia Gram- mat, Namur 1991, 257–74. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Cahiers et signatures dans les manuscrits syriaques: remarques sur les manuscrits de la Biblioth`equenationale de France, in: P. Hoffmann, (ed.), Recherches de codicologie compar´ee, Paris 1998, 153–169. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Le temps du copiste: notations chronologiques dans les colophons de manuscrits syriaques, in: F. Briquel-Chatonnet / H. Lozachmeur (eds.), Proche-Orient ancien: temps v´ecu temps pens´e,Paris 1998 (= Antiquit´ess´emitiques 3), 197–210. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Points for Codicology‘, in: Harp 13 (2000) 171– ’ 172. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., De l’´ecriture ´edess´enienne `al’estrangela et au serto, in: Semitica 50 (2000) 81–90. Briquel-Chatonnet, F. / Desreumaux, A. / Thekeparampil, J., Cata- logue des manuscrits syriaques de la collection du Saint Ephrem Ecume- nical Research Institute (Kottayam), in: LM 110 (1997) 383–446. Brock, S.P., Catalogue of Syriac Fragments (New Finds) in the Library of the Monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai, Athens 1995. Brock, S.P., A venerable manuscript collection, in: O. Baddeley / E. Brun- ner (eds.), The Monastery of Saint Catherine, London 1996 (= The Saint Catherine Foundation), 85–97. Brock, S.P., The scribe reaches harbour, in: Byzantinische Forschungen 21 (1995) 195–202. (On colophons with this motif) Brock, S.P., A Syriac letter on papyrus, in: Hugoye 2/2 (1999). (On text published by Brashear) Coakley, J.F. (ed.) An Ancient Colophon: A Memoir by William Cureton,

4 Oxford 1999 (= Jericho Press). (On British Library Add. 12150) Desreumaux, A., Textes nouveaux extraits de manuscrits syriaques du (partie 1), in: Khristiansikij Vostok N.S. 1(7) (1999) 26–37. Habbi, J., Manuscrits arabes chr´etiensen , in: PdO 22 (1997) 361–380. Hunt, L.-A., An exhibition of manuscripts from the A. Mingana collection, Birmingham, in: S.K. Samir / J.S. Nielsen (eds.), Christian Arabic Apologetics during the Abbasid Period, Leiden 1994, 238–244. Husmann, H., Die syrischen Handschriften des Sinai-Klosters, Herkunft und Schreiber, in: OKS 24 (1975) 281–308. Jones, F.S., Early Syriac pointing in and behind British Museum Additional Manuscript 12,150, in: SympSyr VII, 429–444. Merras, M., The date of the earliest Syriac lectionary Br.M.Add. 14528, in: SympSyr VII, 575–585. Metzger, B.M., Bible Hype: the saga of the Yonan codex, in: Bible Review 12/6 (Dec 1996) 27–30, 56. Orsatti, P., Il fondo Borgia della Biblioteca Vaticana e gli studi orientali a Roma tra sette e ottocento, Rome 1996 (= SeT 376). Sobczynski, E., A restoration project of the manuscripts in Deir al-Surian, in: Essays on Christian Art and Culture in the Middle East 2 (1999) 37–40. Strothmann, W., Codex Syriacus Secundus (Katalog Hiersemann 500/3), G¨ottingen 1977 (= GOFS 13).

BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester. ChrOr Christian Orient, Kottayam. Crossroad of Cultures H.-J. Feulner / E. Velskovska / R.F. Taft (eds.), Crossroad of Cultures: Studies in Liturgy in Honor of Gabriele Winkler, Rome 2000 (= OCA 260). ETJ Ephrem’s Theological Journa, Satna, . Folly of the Cross P.P. Kochappilly (ed.), The Folly of the Cross. Fest- schrift in honour of V. Pathikulangare, Bangalore 2000. GOFS G¨ottinger Orientforschungen, Reihe 1, Syriaca, G¨ottingen. JAAS Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society, Chicago. LM Le Mus´eon, Louvain la Neuve. OC Oriens Christianus, Wiesbaden. OKS Ostkirchliche Studien, Wurzburg.¨ Patrimoine Syriaque III Le de l’initiation: origines et prospecti- ve. Patrimoine Syriaque, Actes du Colloque III, 1996 (= Ant´elias: Centre d’Etudes´ et de Recherches Pastorales) StPatr Studia Patristica, Leuven. SympSyr VII R. Lavenant (ed.), Symposium Syriacum VII, Rome 1998 (= OCA 256). Syriac Dialogue Syriac Dialogue. Fourth Non–Official Consultation on Dia- logue within the Syriac Tradition, Vienna 2001 (= Pro Oriente). Zu Geschichte Tamcke, M. / Heinz, A. (eds.), Zu Geschichte, Theologie, Liturgie und Gegenwartslage der syrischen Kirchen, Munster¨ 2000 (= Stu- dien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 9).