
neVolume Fifty-eight ARNPRIOR, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER7,1987 Number Forty-one

-_Arnprior-High SchoolWinners Thos. P. Murray, M.P. OfoeInterscholasticTitle For South Renfrew

cay SY Bernard-Valin of Arnprior Outstanding Athletic ‘Won Senior The riding of SouthRenfrew remains in the Liberal column . Boys”Championship—While Joe Baker Wins Intermediate and, with only a few outlying polls to hear from, it looks as if Arnprior District ThomasP. Murray, who has representedthis constituency during - Bors’Pembroke Collegiate Won Se cond—Renfrew Third the past eight years, will have a majority over John H. Findlay of about 350. errrHighSchool track team Hurdles—Allan, Pembroke: Bui-|ToShip Produce won the Renfrew. county title at tle (Renfrew: McKinstry, Arnprior. Whenhis election had been assured, the Liberal candidate came to Renfrew from his home in Barry’s Bay and addressed a the annual inter-scho.astic track Senior Girls: A cooperative meeting of citizens ‘Throwing softball—E. Hamilton, of all denominations of Arnprior, monster crowd who cheered his every utterance. He thanked all andfield meet in Pembroke onSat- Fitaroy, Pakenham and McNab.was who supported him and held no feeling of resentment toward _ utday with: teams from Arnprior, Renfrew; I. Acton, Renfrew; Te: Wilson, Pembroke. ~ heldin. the town hall, Arnprior those who opposed him. : ‘Renfrew and Pembroke competing. Broad jump—F. McGregor, Ren- last Thursday evening for the pur- A complete list of the polls will be published next week. - ‘Phe winnershad a grand total of frew; B. Patterson, Araprior; AL! pose of discussing the matter icon- Results in a numberof polls were as follows: “Watchorn Pembroke. “| earning the appeal for carloads ‘of 121, poinits, while ‘Pembroke Colle- Findlay McCann Murray giate was in second place with 107 High jump—F. McGregor, Ren- fruit andvegetables for Western |

AYNPYHOF i ccccectcsese sssecssssscsernese amd Renfrew Collegiate third with frew; A .Watchorn, Pembroke; . Be Canada. ‘Rev. Thomas McdAifee 1044 144 667 Billaire Renfrew. was elected chairman angi Rev..A. PREMINR M. F. HEPBURN SPTINGTOWN occceccssennneen 30 5 23 75 yards—F. McGregor (Renfrew: EK. Jaster. as .secretary-treasurer. spruce Hedge ooce 13 1 30 Wh Bernie Valin, Arnprior, won the T. Stringer, Renfrew; A. Watchorn, After a short general discussion of ose Government Returns io Batrys Bay...... soseeee suttasasesecieussnnansseeee 161 223 368 Pow - senniior boys’ championship, wihile Pembroke, ~~ this very important matterit was er With a Decisive Victory. Heganvilbe oo ccsssnsessnenere 69 130 86 9 100 yards—F. MeCregor Renfrew: unanimously agreed to load: a car Frances McGregor, Renfrew, won Glasgow Station 0 79. 5 103 T, Stringer, Renfrew; A. Watchorn, at the IC.N.R. station Arnprior on Sand Point ooeee 104 2 67 the senior girls’ tithe, and. other in- October 19th and 20th. Pemibroke. Y.P Pine oo coecceeccccsssecnsssnetenseeee Cedividual championships ‘were won - 440 relay_—Renfrew, Pembroke, The following members were ap- .S. RALLY HELD 90 3 53 Mansfield i ocicccsccccsssssssesssentece 112 15 183 ‘as follows: intermediate boys, Joe Intermediate Girls ~_ pointed as committees to pork in AT CARLETO STtOWALTONce ccescssesessesteneneecee 64 4 38 oe Baker, Arnprior; junior boys, Jim ‘Throwing softball—F. Amderson, the following communities: Fitzroy, N PLACE oe Fraser,. Renfrew; juvenile boys, Renfrew; M. Wright, Arnprior; E. Woodlawn and. Kinburn, J: |W: Renfrew 952 101 1367 Smith, W. MacBride, Rev. W. | The a Clay Bark oiccccessessssecssnnsseeen 44. 3 4} Harolg Buttle, Renfrew; _intermed-|.Stewart Pembroke. | nnual rally of the Presby- Lougheed, Rev. Fr. Bamibrick and ate girls, Elizabeth Edwards, Pem- Broad: jump—e. Edwards, Pem- terian Young People’s Society in White Lake uu... cece seseeesesee“esse 83 4 88. broke; L. Berlanquet, Renfrew; PE Rev. C. Caiger-Watson; Pakenham BurnstOwnd oie cccccsesssessssnsemenseenee »|Lanark and Renfrew was held in 66 3 75 broke; junior girls, Margaret Chis- Simpson, Pembroke. Rev. F. IR. Wimberley, Rev. Fir. A. Wilno the Presbyterian church 43° 171 102 . holm, Pembroke. High jump. Edwards, Pem- J. Gorman, Rev. H. A. Turner and in Carle- Mr. W. E. Ritchie; White Lake, ton Place on Friday last. ~ Arniprior were well ahead in the broke; A. Zadow, “Pembroke; K. with an Following is the vote by dis- Walter Hanson, John Scott, Rev. C. attendance of some . boys’ events with106 points against Daw, Renfrew. 200. ‘Repre- A. H. Acres Elected In triets, in Carleton county: Armstrong Sales; Glasgow Station, Sentatives iwere 75 yards—L. Berlanquet, Ren- present from Acres Aselstyne Davis _. 74for Pembroke and 47 for Ren- frew; L. Jones, Arnprior; J. Simmp- Lochwinnoch and Braeside, N. S. Smiths Falls, Perth, (Carleton Place, Carleton County Nepean...... beceneeed2,00 1,941 454 -. frew, while inthe girls’ events Ren- son, Pembroke. Robertson, A. S. Murphy, S. T. Almonte, Arnprior, Dewar’s and Elimsdalemnard.. O87 419 .. 174 _frew captured the honors with 40} 100 yards—E. Edwards, Pem- Hutton, Rev. James Taylor, Rev. H. Pemibroke and visitors drom the Piling up a majority over his Todd; ‘Clay Bank, Alexander MHol- Victoria ward .... 866 2313: 102 ms “points, Pembroke scoring 33° and broke; L. Berlanguet, Renfrew; L.: ‘Ottawa Presbytery. Mr. George two Liberal opponents of 2,094. A. bein, Wim. Young, A. W. Stewart, Fiteroy 548 2A4. 108 “Arnprior 15. Jones, Arniprior. Lowery vice-president of the (P.Y.- H. Acres, the Carleton county Con- Goulbourn 04... 72Bi 121 115 _ 440 "relay—Pembroke, Renfrew. For. the town of Arnprior it owas PJS., had charge of the meeting. ‘The results: servative candidate, retained the Humtley oo...... 34 205: 42 8: oS! Junior Girls. decided that the clergymen of the Special music was a solo by Mr. traditionally Conservative seat for Senior Boys different churches be organized as Maren oo. 205 BO: 3 Broaqg jump—Z. Houston, Arn- Sherwood Kennett of Ottawa his party in yesterday’s election.| Ma a central comimittee and Rev. N. E. riborowghl ...... 271 110 61 a Broad jump—B. Valin, Arnprior; orior; MM. Chisholm, Pembroke; D, P.YuPS. Mr. Acres polled 9,971 votes, which Dahmswas appointed as chairman Richmond 4.0.00... 151 12 50 , - AL Campbell,. Amprior; .O’Dacre, Murraty Arnprior. . Rev. Mr. Hutton of Dewar’s and gave him a plurality of 3,362 over Torbolttom 00... 1196 Si 33 - Pemlbroke. of this committee. In all of these High jump—P. Davieau, Art- Lochwinnoch condiueted' theinstal- Roy K. Aselstyne, the official Lib- communities other members may North Gower ... 705 193) 24. Mile race—O'Dacre, Pembroke; prior: E. Edwards Pembroke; M. lation service and the following eral in the county. Leonard. A. be added! to the committees to can- MicInnes, -Renfrew; Iveson, Arn- Chisholm, Pembroke. were elected for the next term: Davis, who also ran on the Liberal Totalg ooo.6,971 3,609 1,263 vass the -districts for this carload prior. 75 yards—M. Chisholm, Pem- President, George Lowery, Al- tiaket polled 1,268 votes. Majority dor Acres, 2,094 of fruit and vegetables for Western Shot put—Valin, Amnprior; Mor- broke; K. Easton, Renfrew; Z. monte; vice-president, Vera Dewar, Mr. Acres led in. every division Relief, Plurality for Acres, 3,362. —rison, Pembroke; A. ‘Campbell, Houston, Arnprior. Dewars; secretary, Jessie Bath- of the riding and in only two sec- The things that are requested are Arnprior. gate, Pembroke; treasurer, Eileen tions, March and ‘Richmond, did iMr. The Canadian Press reports the B80 yards—C. Campbell, Renfrew; as follows: Potatoes, carrots, beets, Ferrier; Perth; press reporter, Mary Davis, the independent Liberal, re- turnips, parsips cabbage and- pre- final party standing in the Ontario - Tripp, Amnprior; Brennan,Arnprior. Graham, Arnprior. ceive more votes than did Mr. As- served -fruits and canned goods |~ election: Liberal 68, Conservative ‘High jump—Valin, Arnprior; A. Kingdon Mines To - Duringthis service, special muus- elstyne, who ‘had been endorsedas 28, Lib.Prog. 2, Ind.Lib. 1, U/F.O. 1 - Camipbell, Arnprior; Kumi, Ren- from the stores. And also {beans ie was rendered by the Carleton the official candidate ‘by Premier and peas for cooking are wanted.. ~ frew,: Place quartet. The guest speaker Hepburn. Hon, Pater Heenan, minister of : Diseus—Valin, . Arnprior; Rahn, Open At Once AW the garden vegetables should of the evening was Rev. Preston be packed in bags when delivered lands and! forests in ‘the Hepburn "Pembroke; C. Campbell, Renfrew of Vankleek Hill and his sulbject Hon. Earl Rowe went down to de- to be loaded in the car. government, was returned in Ken- 100: yands—A. (Campbell, Arn- ‘Last week The Chronicle gave was “This (Religion of Ours,” in feat with the Conservative party |o Any ‘person or persons desiring to ora where his only opponent wasJ. ‘prior; ‘Valin, Arnprior; O’Dacre, out the interesting newsthat King- which he urged the youth of today generally in yesterday's election. make a donation in cash are wery J. Fee, Conservative. Pemibroke. | don Lead Mines, Galetta, would re- to live up to their religion. A He failed to wrest the constitwency welcome to do so. The executive Pole -~ -vauli—Valin, Arnprior; open shortly. ~.No doubt many of tableau “‘Albide with Me” was pre- of Simicoe Centre from Hon. L. J. of the general committee will use M. M. (MacBride was ‘the first - ~ Scheuneman, Pembroke; Aftlan, our readers took the matter tobe sented by the (Carleton Place Y.P.S. Simpson, Minister of Education. whatever money there will be given candidate whose election was con- S -Pembroke. perhaps an election racket or just Refreshments were then served! in The Conservative leader led in to buy fruit and vegetables and cerer. He ran in Brantford ity ‘440 yards—Valin, _Arnprior; A. a rumor. the Sunday school room ater early returns, but slipped backfin- load it in the car. as an: independent (Liberal although >Campbell, Arnptior; ‘O"Dacre, Pem- This week definite news comes which the various societies present- ally to concede the victory to his No doubt every citizen of the he was elected in 1934 as a straight >)broke. from. Mr. A. G.. Muinich,-: general] ed their report of the year’s work. cpponent. abowe mentioned districts will do Independent. cree Bid yards—Valin, Arnprior:. Cc. manager of Kingdon Mining and es -Camipbell, (René: enw; (O"Daere, Pem- Smelting iCo. Limited of Montreal, his best for ourfellow citizens in broke. that workmen will commence at ‘dried out areas in Western ‘Canada. Numerous I Mile relay—Arnprior, Renfrew. onee. Theshafts are full f£ water, nteresting Fall /eddings Intermediate Boys and at present time pumps will be FORTY HOURS DEVOTION CARTER—McNAB Carer and Miss Jizan, Montreal: : 440° yards—Choppin, Pembroke; placed in operation and the mine and (Mir. (Clarence Teevans. dewatered. This operation may AT ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stevenson, Craig, Arnprior; Baker, Arnprior.- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Archi- The loride, who. was unattended, take about six monthstime. Gananogue; Mrs. Garnet McCann, Broad jump-—-Rodgers, Renfrew; bald McNab, Arnprior, was attrac- was given in marriage by her fiath- Kobus, Ren- Mr. Mitnich was at the plant at Rev. 0. J. McDonald, PP. of tively decorated with chrysanthe- Omemee; (Mr. and Mrs. Stanley er, “Wiitmesses were Mir. Bernard He - Choppin, Pembroke; Wilson and Miss Marjorie, King- . frew: Galetta on Tuesday’ looking over Qiuyon, assisted by Rev. J. T. War- mums, asters, and other flowers of MeHale, Fitzroy Harbor, and Mr. nock, P.P. and Riev. J. E. Austin, ston: Shot:“put—Carmichael, Arnprior; the equipment, and definitely con- autumn shades for the wedding Joseph ‘Chantigny of Timmins. The was the celebrant at the opening Baker, Arnprior; Ediwards, Pem- finmed the news that the mine pvill ceremenyat noon on Saturday, of ushers were Messrs. Thomas and open’ at once. . mass ofthe Forty Hours Devotion - a3 broke. their elder daughter, -Mangaret BAKER—SMITH Gervase McHale, brothers of the (During the World War and umtil in St. John Chrysostom’s church on B80 yards—Choppin, » Pembroke; Christina, and Mr. Colin Carter, bride. ety Baker.Arnprior; Clark, Renfrew. 1933, Kingdion lead mine was one of Friday last, The three days of son of the late Mir. and Mrs. W. J. Grace-St. Andrews United church A bouffant of white ‘Chan- ‘High jump—Galt, Arnprior; Balk- Canada’s large producers of an ore special devotions were marked by Carter, Picton. Rev. J. M. Mac- manse, Arnprior, was the scene of tilly lace and tulle was worn by the er, Ammprior; Kobus, Renfrew. that was remarkably free of extra- a large attendance of people from Donald, B.A., BID., pastor of Grace- a pretty autumn wedding on Sat- bride. The bodice was fashioned the parish. Rev. A. J. Gorman, ‘Pembroke; neous substances. Such was the de- St. Andrew's United church officiat- urday, at 1:30 pim., when Rev. of lace, the sleeves puffed at tha “Discus—Ediwards, P.P. of Pakenham celebrated the Rodgers, Renfrew; Baler, Arn- mand, for the commodity that the ed. Mrs. Harry Tobey of Picton J. M. MacDonald, B.A., B.D., Shoulder were long and close fitting villages of Kingdon Mine. amd Gal- Hish Mass on Wednesday; and at rendered the wedding music mos: Rev. J. M. ‘MacDonald, B.A., B.D,, a* the wrists, the frilled tule “prior. - the qlosing Mass on Thursday, Rev. 100. yardis—Seeley, Peniroke; etta became two of the most popu- effectively, while Mr. Victor Dow united in marriage Evelyn Ruth, was floor length and a white taffeta lar settlements in Carleton coun- E. Bambrick, P.P., of Fitzroy Har- daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ezra the ends falling to the bottom = o Pfeiffer, Pembroke; Craig, Arnprior sang “Because,” in splendid voice. ty, a ready market for vaststores of bor -was assisted’ iby Rev. F. Ren- Smith, and John James Baker, son Pole vanlt—Poole, Arnprior: Rod- The bride was given in marriage of the gown, encircled the . supplies, and an employment center nick of Chapeau and Rev. J. E. oy her father and was attended by of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baker, all of A quaint corsage of crimson rose- gers, Renfrew; Smith, Pembroke. Austin. Other visiting priests were os B20 yards—Seeley, Pembroke; when cover. 175 men worked three her sister, Miss Helen McNab of Aonprior. buds was fucked in the bodice. The shifts. throughout the 24 hours Rev. J. M. Schruder, P/P., of Mack- The bride was becomingly attir- bride wrore a taffeta and lace tur- Peiffer, Pembroke; Craig, Arn- Montreal. Mr. Douglas Carter, every day. - ie Station and Rev. T. Winjgle and brother of the groomacted as best ed in a complete ensemble of brown ban and silver and carried a prion.” Revd. ‘Lynch, both. of 800 yelay—Pembroke, Arnprior. iin. 1933. the mine was elosed, not Rentrew. man. =. with touches of gold, corsage of an ivory prayer ibook. because of a lack of ore, but prices Talisman roses. The ibridesmaid, Mrs, McHale wore a wonn of blue Hurdles—Smith, Pembroke; Me- The bride more a floor length had declined to such an ‘extent that Mrs. Wim. Baker, wies wowned in a erepe fashioned on princess lines oe Laren, Renfrew; Baker, Arnprior. gown. of caribbean blue velvet die- the mine could mot Oe" profitably This Week’s Fact signed on Emipire lines with short smart brown with acgdce: with a model (olew and! corsags Junior Boys operated. tain. Her bandeau and shoas sories of green. groom was o* Johanna iHill roses. ‘Broad| jump—Kenning, Pem- A force of workmen is already|. About The V.OLN. were of contrasting silver . Shs Bssisted by his Br other, Mr. Win. Mrs.’ Vanasse, mother cif tha bt oke; Roy,Amprior; ‘Steele, Arn- being engaged to dewater the com- carried an arny bouquet of Amieri- Baker bridegroom, chose a gown of black ‘prior. pany’s extensive underground siys- Following the ceremony a lumch- erepe with silver metallic trim- Diphtheria is a scourge, a men- cam Beatty roses, lily-of-the-valley, Shot put—Fraser, Renfrew; tem and when this has been accom- eon was served at the pride’8 home, mings and small black hat «with ace to the health, happiness and and spYigs of heather. Steele, Armprior; Bedore, Arnprior. plished, modern machinery will be The bridesmaid was gowned in a to immediate relatives. The house feather mount. Her shoulder knot High jump—Steele, iArnprior; installed and the mine, mill and well4being of individuals and en- decorations ‘being autumn flowers. was of red rosebuds. tire comimumties. Last winter Arn- princess monel of American beauty “Roy, Arnprior; Stone, Renfrew. smelter brought up to its former velvet, and bandeau in Assisting ait the luncheon. were Mrs. R. Casey, grandmother of prior did not have one case of this 100 yards—Fraser, Renfrew; Bed- capacity. — matchings shade. Her flowers were Mrs. Wm. Mee and Miss Mary the lbride, wore a ‘black crepe and dread disease, due in-measure to - ore, Arnprior; Roy, Arniprior, Mr. Munich will continue as man- Byrne * lace gown, folack hat and sable furs the inoculation clinic condiscted last Johanna Hill roses. ‘Discus—Melcher, - Pemlbroke; ager; and it is his intention to es- Mrs. MdNalo, mother. of the brids, Mr. and Mirs. Baker lief on a with corsage of violets. fall by local physicians and the Morris, Pembroke; Robertson, Arne executivestaff wore a. gown of black brocaded shorh honeymoon trip through Mrs. John (Doyle, sister of the tablish a permanent VION. A similar toxoid clinic is - prior. : crepe with corsage of mauve and Rastern Omtactio, the bride travell- foride, was smartly gowned in navy right on the property. again ‘bein? conducted: here and Pole vault_Barrett,” Pembroke: purple pansies, img in a costume of ‘brown. On blue satin and small navyblue vel- parents are especially urged to . Cohen, Pembroke; Millar, ‘Arnprior. Miss iCarter, aunt of the groom, their return they will reside in oug hat and wore a shoulder jbou- 2010 “yards_Bedore, Arnprior; ‘oring thei ichildren to the town Amniprior. quet of pink roses. PETER TAYLOR RECEIVES hall.on Friday afternoon of this wore black velvet with corsage of Fraser, Renfrew: ‘Keening, -Pem- violas. Miss (Celestine McHale, sister of .. broke.” | CORONATION MEDAL week, (October 8, after four o’clock. the bride was wearing a lovely There isn’t any charge, in fact Following the ceremony, a buffet VANASSE—McHALE 440 relay—Renfrew, Amprior. luncheon was served. Later Mr. black velvet frock and large velvet Samuel Taylor, Landrigan there isn’t any obligation of any hat. Her corsage bouquet was of > Juvenile .Jumip- “Mr. kind. Just bring the children’ and and Mrs. ‘Carter left on a ‘motor (Crimson gladioli combined with = ‘Broad: jump—Ruinitz, ‘Amprior: street,Arnprior has received word trip through the New England palms and ferns made an effective Prenet roses. that his brother, Mr. (Peter Taylor the Medical: Health Officer and the Following the ceremony, a re- a ‘Wagenblass, Arnprior; ‘Campbell, V/O.N. nutse will do. the rest. States. For travelling the (bride setting for the first marriage to be _ Renfrew. | of ‘the Department of Health, Scot- wore a crepe frock of creole rust performed in the renovated church ception and wedding breakfast was land, was amongst the recipienits of Rememiber, you can’t take chances helg at the home “of the ‘bride’s Shot put—Hart, Arnprior: Luker, with diphtheria. and tweed of mptching shade of St, Michael’s, Fitzroy Harbor, ‘Renfrew; Hoare, Pembroke. Coronation honors. Mr. Taylor with fox ‘collar, her hat and ac- when Miss Mary MoHale, daughter grandmother, Mrs. R. Casey. ‘Rich — High ‘jump—Buttle, Renfrew; was given an. O.B.E. and with cessories weTe brown. . of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, McHale, be- hued Autumn flowers and ferns ws -Remtz, Arnprior; Chambers, Pem- others was decorated with the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yahn are ‘Qut-of-town guests were Mr. came the bride of: Mr. Michael J. were used to adorn the rooms. For- es‘broke. Be : Coronation, medal ‘by His Majesty bereavedbythe death of their in- and Mrs. J. S. Box and Miss Edna Vanasse, son cf Mr.jand Mrs. D. ty guests were present. eee ‘yards—Buttle,‘Renfrew: “Allan King.George in a.ceremony that fant son, Phillip, aged two months, Box, Calabogie: Mrs. J. B. Kerr Vanasse, of Cttawp, on Monday Later, Mr. and (Mrs. Vanasse loeft oePambroke; ‘Chabot, Arnprior. | took place in Buckingham: Palace, ‘who diedon Wednesday. Thefun- and Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie Cum- Rev. E. F. Bambrjck officiated. on a motor trip to Quebec City. Foz & Pole. yault—Chambers, (Pem-1London. Several relatives of Mr.. eral will takeplace on Friday at ming, Oittawa; Miss Jessie Carte-, Mrs. D. J. Teevans presided. at travelling, the bride wore a. cos- ck‘broke and - Bresnahan,. Pembroke ‘Taylor reside in, Omtario and also 2.30 pam. for interment in the Arm- Mrs, H. Tobey, Mr. and Mrs. Victor the ongan and dur: ng mass solos tume of pool suede in Humter’s Hed;Rammell, Renfrew. fin‘Western Canada, Spe, were rendered by \iss Irene Kelly (Continued on page four) prior cemetery. — Dow, Picton; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas DaMk i


terson, Carp: Mrs. J. G. Baird, Kin- ‘HE WAS. ALWAYS | burn, Prize|WinesAtCaryFa Personal wear: Mrs. W. G. - TIRED AND ILE Eo- ‘Fr bertson, Carp; Mrs. John Eamer, o Osgoode Station; mThis Mirs. J. G. Baird, D Gave | Kinburn; istr Three Complaints Mrs, Ed. Armstrong, Kin- i burn; Mrs. c C. H. Armstrong. t e — Kin- Film a Miserable Tim burn; Georgina Kull, City ‘View: ‘complaints Mrs. "A. E. Cavanagh, Carp: Mrs “The!Stharaiualexhibitionofthe|fe She ep ‘Suffering from‘three and ys, sciatica, John Bidgood, Kiniburn. : (Carp. Agricultural |Saciery opened “GhropshiresJ *. Buchenan, —disordered kidne his man be Children’s wear: Mrs. C, Manouck; 1D. MM. Stewart, Osgocde. rheumatism, how could H. Arm- “with everr;y class wellfilled, tired and sifong, Kinburn; Mrs, W. “\Oxforde_D. M. Stewart, Osgacde anything else but’ always G. Ro- o. AResults of thefirst dey ,jude rites:— bertson, Carp; Mrs, John Bidgood, Southdowns—Andrew Blows i? Thisis what he. w . ago,I-had Kinburn: Myrtle Armstrong : follow:. mes coe My Almonte: Cecil Acres, Osgoode; Ex- “Up toa month or so Kin- rom. kidney burn; Mrs, J. G. Baird, Kinburn; skine Johnston,(Carp; J. BE, ‘Bueh- suffered continually f : “Horses|L: ne umatism, and Mrs, ‘John Hamer, Osgoode Station. anan, Manoticik. disorder, sciatica, rhe 1 aes Men’s. wear: Mrs. John - ‘Clydesdalees—Clarence| “Wilson, Grade sheep—J. EF. “Buchanan, generally felt off. colour. Eamrer, ‘Stittsville: Bower Henry, Brittan- under medica Osgoode Station; Georgina Kill, Manitick; Andrew Stewart, Al- constantly tired, and BoeniaBay; Jobr: W. Wilson, Carp. many rem- City . View; Mrs. Ed. Armstrong, upervision. Ty tried ‘ monte, a! | S ct i Kinburn; Mrs, George Carry, - Draft—Mrs,.George H. Caldwell, edies, out without efte Carp. Rev. Thomas L. Aborn Koinburn Defeats . SpecialsAndrew Stewart, Al- Quilts, rugs, ete..Mrs. z Canp; ‘Basil Muldoon, Dumrobin; 12 tts a C. H. Arm- monte. . : ave, t strong, Kinburn: Bower Henry,Britannia Bay; Stew- mauslchen “has! brough Mrs. J. C. Flann, Passes At Ottawa Fitzroy Harbor ccc Swine fFour wSeekrs, Ki Osgoode transformation. I Station: Mrs.- Thomas cart Whyte, Ramsayville. Berkshires—Hiram. MoMillan, about a complete tite and once Lytle Carp; rs. John - Bidgood, . ‘Commercial—Clark Dairy, Ot Kinburn. have a healthy appe be Parishioners in this district will to Kinburn; Mrs. ‘John Eamer, Osgoode Students from Kinburn Continua- tama, oon Yorkshires—A. J. Halpenny, Gail- more feel that it is. good Station; Mrs. J, Bommpas, Bells learn with regret of the death of tion School defeated the | Fitzroy AgricultureHarold Nesbiit, etia; Mrs. James McHardy, Galet- "SVN. of the Corners; Alfred Reid, Carp. Rev. T. L. Aborn, former rector of Continuation School students in a ta; D. M. Stewart, Osgoode; Donald arThe cheysare the filters wos Richmond; BowerHenry, Britannia ome Specials: Mrs. C. H. Armstrong, Holy Trinity church, Pembroke, C. ‘Richardson, Stitsville. human machine. ‘If they bec softball tournament. In the girls‘ -. Bay:John:W. Wilson, Carp; Hirarn d: their way Kinburn; M. Rump, Westboro; Mzs. which occurred Monday morning in Grade’ bacon hogs—A. J. Hal- sluggish, impurities| fin match, Kinburn triumphed, 26-7, oo . MigMillan, ‘Kinlourn; - Arthur Ro- the See Johm Bidgood, Kinburn; Eric ‘Plun Ottawa, where he had lived since penny and son, Galetta; Carroll into. the blood-stream,cand, - while ‘the home boysposted an 11-3 = _ bertson, Almonte. ailments is keti, Carp. . his retirement in 1927. Brothers, Dumrobin; Wilbert Baird, of half-a-dozen common decision. 7 “General_purpose—Mrs. Clifford Arts Kiniburn. ; Rev. Mr, Alborn, who wasin his Girls Teams ee: Cox,‘Carp; Basil Muldoon; Dumre- ombination ' of Oils—Ainne Gourlay, Carp; Mrs. 83rd year, has been in poor health Specials—Ross “Algnire, North- so scientific c Kinburn—E. Smyth, 3b; L. Mil- bing.Wilbert Baird, Kinburn; Maur- y coaxes C. H. Armstrong, Kinburn. seld Station. salts in Kruschen quickl for some time, and his death iwas ford 2b, T. Findlay ss, M. Gordon odoe ‘Suiith, Woodlawn, Water colors—Mrs. John Eam the kidneys back to. healthy, nor- er, not unexpected. The ibody was cf E. Davis p,G. Hemphill «, J, “Open: to grade Pouliry ailments Osgoode Station: Mrs. E. G. Car- taken to Pembroke and will lie in or purebred mal action. Soon. your Baird lf; M. Grierson lb, E. Laugh- - "lene.Dairy, Ottawa Bred to lay, Piymouth Rock, oy ruthers, Cary; Mrs. W. G. Robert- state in Hioly Trinity church until ; John W. Wil- are relieved and life becames a j lin rif. barred, Luther Crowder, Winches- son, Carp; Anme Gourlay, Carp. Thursday morning, when the fun- 8 son, Carp. | a, again. oy eee Fitzroy Harbor—L. Farrell p, F. ter; K. Nothnagel, Ottawa; white: Miscellaneous Mrs. E. G. Car- Specials—Carro} Brothers, ‘Dun- aanel : eral will take place at 10.30, with Gerric c, J. Baird lb, E. Poole 2b, H. .Melntyre, Anniprior: Horace ruthers, Carp; Amne Gouray, Carp; His Grace Archbishop J. C. Roper ‘gobin; Basil Muldoon, Dunrobin; Whyite, L. Stanton 3b, M. Findlay ss, S. Armstrong, ‘Carp; K. Nothnagel, Ot- Craig, Westboro; Elwood G. T. Brown. Russell; Mrs. John G. of Ottawa officiating, assisted by cee Gerald Hiclas, Kinburn; John W, wa; Mrs. Coe ef, E. Walker rf, M. Smith cf. tawa. Carp; K. Nothmnagel, Otta Baird, Kimburn; Mrs. John Eamer, cther members of the clergy. oe ‘Wilson, Carp; Arthur “Robertson, Mrs. J. Umpires—W. W. Powell, E. Col- |Wyandottes—H. Micintyre, Arn- Allan Johnston, Almonte; Osgoode Station. Born in England on November Almonte; Mrs.: George H. Caldwell, Lawrence ton and IR. S. Derby. prior; D. Cummings, Russell; Ivan T. Marshall, City View; China: Mrs. W. G. Robertson, 22, 11854, Thomas Lintell Aborn -@arp; Wilbert Baird, Kinburn. aren, Boys Teams Moore, Athens; Stafford ‘Reid, Allisom, Riussell; Dan MolL Carp. graduated from London University m Cox, Carp; Kinburn—B,. Ferguson p, B. An- ‘Smiths Falls. Metcalfe; Mrs. Willia ‘Specials: Mrs. G. J. Baird, Kin- with the degrees of Bachelor of ee Beef Cattle hn G. derson. ss, H. Schlievert rf, T. ‘(Rhode Island Red— Ivan Moore, Georgina Kill, City View; Jo burn; Mrs. George H. Caldwell, Arts and Bachelor of Science, and Shorthorns—HuntleyM. Sinclair, u- Vance 2b, J. McVicar c, A. Davis Athens; Stafford Reid, Smiths Falls Marshall, Carp; George H. Ferg Carp; Mrs. John Bidgood, Kinburn; was a school master in England for = _Dumrobin, John Hodgins, Carp. ef, H. Woods 3b. Luther Crowder, Winechester. on, Perth. Myrtle Armstrong, Kintburn; Har- some years before deciding to enter “Hereforas—Jjohn M. Story, South Fitzroy Harbor—R. Maurice, J. Hechorn: Lather Crowder, “Win- iry and Apiary Products old Caldwell, Carp; Mrs. . J. Reid, the ministry. ‘Coming to Canada, . | Maren. Da Mercie, S. Findlay, V. Lougheed, D. enester; [Ross Alguire, Northfield Mrs, Allan Johnston, Almionte; Carp. he took his divinity course at Trin- oo Market. iclass—John W. Wilson, Clark, L. Costello, D. Larkin, C. Station; H: McIntyre, Arnprior; K. ington; Mirs. Jas. _ Handicrafts ty College, Toronto, and was or- Carp: Desmond: Carroll, Dunrobin; W. F. Eamer, New Baldwin and J. Lougheed. Nothnagel, ‘Ottawa. McHardy, Galetta; J. M. Senior, Mrs. C. H. Armstrong, Kinburn: dained by the late Archbishop ooarrelkBrothers, Dunrobin; John Umpires—W. W. Powell, E. Col- sussex: Luther Crowder, Win- uen; Harvey Lavere, Carp; F. Mrs, A. E. Cavanagh, Carp. Hamilton of Niagara, in 1891. _. Hodgins,Carp... ne Kinb ton and R. S. Derby. chester; D. Cummings, Russell. , Carp; Gordon.Hodgins, (Rev. Mr. Ailborn served the par- “Beef breeding class—Erskine |. S. Caldw ell Women's Imstitute Plymouth Rock, parred: Lather ; rs. Alex. MicQuoatt, Wood- ish of Norval for two years and my Johnston, Carp; Weldon Johnsiton, Carp M Galetta W. I.; Antrim W.1; Cazp Crowder, D. Cummings, Stafford wn. then wasin charge of the Toronto Carps. Carroll. Brothers, ‘Dunrobin; la W.L.; Kinburn: Wi. COUNTY ADVERTISING white: K. Nothnagel A.O.V., D. rs. Allan ohnstion, ‘Al- church school for boys for six John,WW. Wilson, Car'p. | Special_—M Domestic Sicience Cummings, Luther ' Crowder, K. monte: Mrs. James McHardy, Gal- years, after whichhe transferred to PASSED AROUND ._ Svecial—John- Hodgins, Carp; Er- Nothnagel, H. Miiintyre. Home baking: Daisy Craig, Kin- etta; Mrs. William Cox, Carp: E. burn; Mrs. C. H. Armstrong, Kin- Ottawa diocese and was located - - siine Johnstton, ‘Carpe Wyandottes—D. Cummings, H. successively at Raryssell, Lanark and In Lanark county the’ county mee sens G. Snelgrove, Carp. burn; Claude Armstrong, Carp; Mefiatyre, Tuther Crowder; AJO.V.; Pembroke. He was installed as council have changed the old order Deiry:Cattle Flowers Mrs. C. J. Flann, Osgoode; M. Rump D. Cummings. Tector of Holy Trinity church in of doing thinigs. For years and Chat. flowers: Dan McLaren, Met- Westboro; Myrtle Armstrong, Kin- o Fholsteins_F. H.. Caldwell, Carp; Grains and Seeds years the [Perth papers, because ealfe; Martha Hanna, ‘Kinburn; burn; Miss L. E. Tait, Galetta; Er- Pembroke on May 29, 1914, and RugRivington, Carp; (Rennie Broth- WF. Eamer, Newington; Gordon served the parish umtil his retire- they were in the county town, George H. Ferguson, Perth; D. B. skine Johnston Carp; Mrs. Thomas wereigiven the advertising of the ers, Kemptyalle; YH. * d. » Caldwell, Hodgins, Carp; H. -K. Hodgins, Craig, Westboro; Georgina Kill, ment from the aictive ministry in Carp; Claude Armstrong, Carp; Lytle, Carp; Mrs. James MicHardy, Tax Sale of properues for arrears City View; H. E. Miller and Son, Galetta; Mrs. George H. Caldwell, May, 1927. an “Ayrshires—Jobn Bompas, " ‘Bell's Mrs. Thomas Lytle, Carp; Mrs. Al- of taxes. Cmnly those who took Arnprior; Mrs. George H. Caldwell, Carp; ‘Rev. R. C, Eakin Carp. During his term in Pembroke, : Corners; Alberet, ‘Nesmith: andi Sor, Jan. Johnston, Almonte; S. J. Scis- the present fine church on Renfrew the Perth paper read the adiver- Carp; Hber Cadwell, Carp. Bottled goods: Stafford Reid, tising. There are other papers in Almonte. - 0» sons, South March: street was erected, and he ‘was | House plants, flowering, amateur: Smith's Falls; (Mrs. J. C. Flann, Os- Lanark county, who share in the aerseys—_A. C. ‘Gamble, Richmond Potatoes and roots: Lawrence Al- Martha Hanna, Kinlburn; Elwood particularly active in work among - Bower Henry, Brittannia Bay; Dr. lison, Russell; GeorgeH. “Ferguson, goode; Mrs. 5. J. Reid, Carp; W. R. upkeep of the county. This year Whyte Carp; Dan McLaren, Met- Serson, Kinburn;: Mrs. Thomas the boys of the parish. Modest > WA. Armstrong; Ottawa;Rennie Perth; Claude Armstrong, Carp: D. and unassuming and of a gentle the council decided to pass this ad- -ealfe; Horace Armstrong, Carp. Lytle, Carp; Mrs. Allan Johnston, Brothers; LymanBoyd, Stittsviile. B. Craig, Westboro;, Norman Wil- disposition, he was ‘greatly beloved vertising around to other papers in House plants, foliage, amateur: Almonte; Mrs. Ed. Armstrong, Kin- rotation, which is only fair. - Grade. dairy cattleRennie son, ‘Carp; Mrs. George H. Cald- W FR. Serson, Kinburn; Martha loy his people in Pembroke. : . Brothers, Kemptville; EF. OS: Cald- well, Camp; W. F. Eamer, Newing- burn; George H. Ferguson, Perth; In Renfrew county, this adiventis- Hanna, Kinlburn; Mrs. George Mrs. George H. Caldwell, Carp; Rev. Mr, Alborn was unmarried well, Carp: George “Simmons - and. ten; W.-W. Davis, Carp. and is survived by two brothers, ing. is given to’ a Pembroke paper, Carry, Carp; Lawrence Allison, ‘Mrs. C. H. Amnmstrong, Kinburn; and mo one outside of the Pem- ‘Sons, Aylmer Easii. Garden Produce one. in England and one in the Russell. - , Mrs. James MicdHardy, Galetta: W. broke district sees ‘the advertising. Sipecials—ohn _ Bompas, Bells W. BF, Eamer, Newington; Mrs. mpecials: D, ‘B. Craig, Westbora: United Staites. - Cormers, E. Eamer, Newington; Miss L. EF. There are four other papers) in George Carry, Kinburn; D. B. Martha Hanna, Kinibucn. Tait, Galetta; Elwood Whyte, Canp. It is expected that practically all the clergy of the deanery and Renfrew county in Eganville, ‘Cob- Calf Club Specials: Mrs. Ed. Armstrong, den, Renfrew and Arniprior, who ‘For the most sensibly developed Kinburn; Myrtle Armstrong, Kin- several from Ottawa will be in Pembroke for the funeral Thursday have just as much right to their and properly exhibited hei- burn; Erskine Johnston, Carp: Mrs. tun in publishing county adivertis- fer calf-Sterling Reid, Carp; Ly- George Carry, Carp W.1.; Mrs. Wil- morning, and the pall-ibearers will] be members of the clergy. ing as the Pembroke paper. We man Boyd, Stittsville; Douglas liam: Cox, Carp; W. W. Davis, Carp do mot iblame the Pembroke paper Hanna, Kiniburin. Mrs. J. C. Flann, Carp: Mrs. John for getting the business, but we do Awards on calf club calves, dairy Bidgood, Kiniburn. Don't admit persions who repre- think it is only a matter for the section—Glen Rivington, Carp; Gil- sent themselves as agents, gasin- printing committee of Renfrew lies Smith, Kinburn; Gordon Cald- . Don’t place momey or other valu- spectcrscanvassers, etic., into your county coumecil to think over. This well, Carp; Kenneth Mett, Carp: ables under rugs) or behind pic- home or apartment unless they dis- business should go out to each Stirling Reid, Carp; Lyman Boyd, tures or in the crockery or other play their credentials. Tf doulbtiful, county paper in rotation each year. Stittsville; Douglas Hanna Kin- pric-a-bac or in mattresses, as telephons their ‘employer before For two bucks you can drive a burn; Don Richardsion, Stittsville; these are the first places a thief adimittine them or transact wour fliver over the highways of this William Richardson, Stittsville; Ne- will search and examine wupon business with them in the vestibule country. Who would be without a ville Rivington, Carp. .— gaining entrance . iReef sec! ionWeldon Jchnston, Carp; Desmond Carroll, Dunrcbin: Bruce Sersen, Kinburn: Stirling James Stittsville; Willie Hodgins, Carp; Walter Armstrong, Carp. Showmanship—Lyman Bovd, Stittsville: Weldon Johmston, Carp; Glen'Rivi ngton, Carp, Gillies Smith | Kinburn; Willie Hodgins, Carp: 1937 Gordon Caldwell, Carp; Don Rich- ardsion, Stitisville; Stirling James, | Stitteville; Kenneth Lett, Carp; Douglas Hanna Kiniburn, Boys’ Calf Club yearlings, dairy

section—William Richardson; Ken- Not a bad picture,


Thursday,October7,1987_ THE ARNPRIOR CHRONICLE. Page Three f So VATEEES EVENINGS ~Monday,Wednesday =- 410 p.m. Giggity, FirstShow. ~~ TAS pm [WEDDED | Tea for every Taste ~ "Children = = = = =10 Res “Children 2 = Oe ooAdults oe oe ee BBee "Adults 9 - = ee B2c FORAN—McDONALD

The marriage took place in Van- “FRI -SAT. OCT. 8-9 MON.- TUES.OCT, 11 - 12 WED.- THURS., OCT. 13- 14 co uwver, of Hileen Margaret Mary eldest dau ghiter of Mr. and Mirs W. "TENSE MELODRAMA PEPPY MUSICAL. B. Me COMEDY,MELODRAMA Donald of Vancouver and Mr. PAT O' John Francis BRIEN _ JACK OARIE JOE PENNER Foran, only son of oe Mr. and Mrs. . MARGARET LINDSAY _. ANN SOTHERN John ©. Foran of Dul- HE | _ MILTON BERLE uth: and Lo NRY s Angeles, which was FONDA] _ PARKYAKARKUS _ cnomnized at ten o’clock in the Help |. HARRIET HILLIARD ef Our Lady of Perpetual —IN— ain Jb Su ride is well known in this p istri e ct, r be Sl ing a e gra u ndd t auc h hte r ‘of the late Mr . and Mrs, James Me- Late Robert McKelvy Goodyear Earnings SHORTSUBJECTS yonald of Arnprior, andthe late _ Paramount News ene MrsW. J. Lunney of Pak- Formerly Of Arnprior ExceedDividends. _ SHORT SUBJECTS | Given O in marriage by her fath Another beloved and respected In a letter ‘to shareholders of the Plenty of Moneyand You F 1937 er the bride Special. joined the groom at the resident of the Katrime and Mar- Goodyear Tire & Rubber (po. of ‘Rimae’s Orchestra ~ foot of the SHORT SUBJECTS altar rail and proceeded Gregor districts of Manitoba in the Camada, Limited, accompanying IN into the sanctuar DAR t y, decorated with person of Mr. Robert McKeliy, dividend cheques for the third KEST AF Louis-Farr Figh blending Shades RICA : : | ve Everyb Sings of autumn flow- passed peacefully away in the Por- quarter of 1937, the Prasident, A. G. PICTURES ody wes where the m “(Serial—Chapter 2) arriage ceremony tage la Prarie hospital on Sunday, Partridge, says:— Bneiper ormed by Re verend Father September 12th, at the age of 82 “At the end of the third quarter years. In the passing of Mr. Ma- of tthe year, the sales and earnings A hand-knitted honev- ige Kelvy, Katrime district has lost o£ your Campany have continued to ore tail- d frock, an offathocfuce show a satisfactory imcrease, with Braeside Council felt nat next to the last of its grand old in Erin wree n, the color note of her pioneers. Born at Arnprior, an earnings exceeding drvidend re-~ tucked in ascot scart quirements on hoth Preferred and gular meeting of the Brae- and other ac- June 24th, 1854, of Irish parentage, The re cessories was worn es On Monday by the bride for Rebert McKelvy took upthe tin- Common stocks. | Time March side council was held the ear ly ceremony. She chose a smithing trade at the age of 19 Small increases in prices have evening with the dollowing mem- corsage s Gone By | . of autumm,toned gladioli years, and in 1877 came to. Winni- been made during the past quarter, oo . Echoes From the Files of The Chronicle of Year bers present: R. iL. Thomilison, C. D. Atte nding her sister, Miss Gene- peg where he worked for a short to meet increased! costs of raw ma- Young andReeve (D. OD. Phillips vieve McDona presiding. The minutes of the ld chose 4 smartly time with the late J. H. Ashdown. terials so that prospects look favor- t and store in tailored frock in’ m ‘This Week: Fifteen Years Ago ducted a boo ‘were rust contrasted He then made a trip around the alble for the balance of the year. i st miecting held Sept. 6th wi Acnprior for a number of years, la th a brown hat and a world, visiting the States, Australia, You will be interested to ‘know read nd pproved. ccessories -' (Mas. W. A. Olmstead: of Kinburn ted a position in Ottawa with a a and a corsage of au the Britishisles, and other countries thet work has been commenced! on accep owing accounts were pre- tumn-toned has removed ito Carp, where she the National Life Insurance Co. and | The foll gladioli. during his four years of travel. In additional buildings at the Boarv-~ sented: M. Stewart, supplies, $4.09; purchased a comifortable dwelling. disposed of his stock to Mr. G. H. Mr. Frank Foran supported the 1881 he took wp a homestead in the mianville plant which will provide ¥.. Merrifield, work on streets $22; groom Devine. : and Mile. Marie Bidel sane Wellington district, which is now manufacturing and storage space to ' Mrs. W. E. McBride, formerly nty-two loads of gravel, $6.30 Ave twe Maria” asthe nuptial solo, — named Katrime. On May 265th, take care of the Company’s grow- Miss Lizzie Fulford, died at her Gillies Bros. Ltd. telephone ac- ; The bridal party attended a wed- 1882, he married Sarah Jane Mec- ing volume of production in mech- home in Kinburn after a brief ill- This Week Thirty Years Ago count $1.11;. J: He MicKerrache, ding breakfast ata downtown. clith Rae, of Gladstone, who predeceased anical and miscellaneous rubber Tess. Tt cement $19.50, nails 80c; ‘Theo. while in the ' (Mr: Robert S. Watson Ras open- * evening, a large receop-. him in 1910. Of the union there paris. salary for Sept. $15; ption was held 2 Pp Mr. and Mrs. P. Cunningham Charbonneau, on w at the home were three children, viz., Mrs. H. E. We are also installing additional ed a grocery store in Harvey’s for affidavit in con- of the “were bereaved iby the d4 eath of A. A. Miclean Williams, of Los Angeels, Cal.; Mrs. textile machinery in the Cotton block, Elgin street. nection with Provincial subsidy, Street, ‘their six year old son, William. - deerree, caemitd tasllealistnasnwdaoordds D. C. Steawrt, (deceased) and Rom- plant at St. Hyacinthe. - of ble . Raymond, os Messrs. Stafford and Son sold nding gladioli and autumn land McKelvy of MacGregor. These additions to plant and 5. (On motion of (C.D. Young: andR. leav their gurniture business. to Mr. es the bride received wearing Mr, McKelvy was a citizen of the equipment will be comipleted ~) (Mr. and Mis. Geo. E. Wood were L. Thomlison the (following ac- whit R. Rudd. : e chiffon over-satin and flower highest type and a man who was shortly after the first of the year - bereaved by the death of their counts were passed for paynsent: e mibroidered silk met redingote greatly esteemed by all who knew and. should put your Comapnry’s eldest child Millicent Cavell. Death Mrs. Sarah Ray passed away at Gillies Bros. Lid. $1.11, T. Chiar- M inute puffed sleeves are edged in him. He wasa kind and devoted plants in excellent condition to occurred in a Renfrew hospital, due her home on Claude street, in her bonmeau’ $15.00, F. Merrifield $28.30, sc alloping as is the ne line clos- father, a good neighbor, and one take care of 1988 business.” _ -- to; prieumonia. S8th year, following a lengthy ill- J. Ho MeKerracher $19.80, A. A. im g and the hem of the bouffant who was always willing and anx- ness, ae ; oo Mei.ean 25c—Carried. ski -\ (Mr. W. P. Dillon of McNab suf- rt. A coronet of white Steph- ious to help his community or give On ‘miotion of R. iL. Thomlisonang assistance to anyone in need. He grandchildren; Tom, Mary and - fered a heavy loss, when most of Miss Elva Elliott and Mr. John anotis framed her titian hair and C.D. Young, the following account bl had. ‘been a very successful farmer dohnnie; George and Ida, Katrins his outbuildings, all of the season’s Shannon, both of Fitzroy, were ended with the cascade bouquet was passed for payment: County of and his home was always open to Community (Chub; Helen, Alf and crop and some stock and imple- married at the home of the. bride’s of butterfly roses and swansonia Renfrew iaccount of J. Poirier, Im- s his many friends. Jadk; Willie and Maggie; (Mami, mients weredestroyedby fire. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson he carried. : digent, $105.00.—Carried. — The funeral was held on Tuesday Conne, Jack and Bob; Mr. and Mrs. - i The bridesmaid chose Gaugvin Elliott, There ‘being no further business aftermcon from the Katrime Com- A. Stapleton; Fred and Myrtle; Mr. (B.D. McDonald, who. con- pink net over rustling: taffeta for the meeting adjourned to meet munity Hall to the Katrime ceme:- George and Cory Porteous and Mr. S. Waugh of Carleton Place the evening. Frillings of the net again when advised. tery. The service was conducted by and family; -Thomas and ‘Grove ‘has. severed his. connection with! entirely covered the elbow-lens th Mr. F. W. Samis, of the Austin families; Ida, Joe and Jim; (Mrs. Findlay Bros., owing to ill health, puffed sleeves andthe skirt where prior to. enter an United (Church, in the presence of a Barber, John and Clyde; Margaret and moves to Arn _KINBURN W.L it flared in fullness fromthe knees outdoor occupation, in the hope o very large gathering of old-timers, Clayton; Jane Smith. The pall to the hem, while complem reoreating his vitality. : enting neighbors and sympathizing friends bearers were: John Barber, Henry ‘Kinburn Women’s Institute held the ensemble was a sheaf boarquet The casket mas covered with a pro- Taylor, Rowland Thomas, Norman o M l Me. Frederick John Gutaman of the September meeting at the home f exican ilies. fusion of beautiful floral tribistes, Thompson, Freg Hodgins’ and John McNab died at the home of his of Miss Lila Kilgore,. The presi- Assisting the bride and groomi in from Rollie, ‘Cress, Harry and Stinson. S RReTeeore et father in his 16th year. His death dent, Mrs. Hiram Findley, presided receiving were the bride’s mother,

was the result of am accident, while and in the absence of the secretary, who wore raisin colored crepe with driv'ing a team’ of horses and he Wirs. C. I. Johnston, acted ais. secre- epaulet sleeves in effect feeend eeeeee0ee 0eee ee ms an ee NOTICE TO CREDITORS kell beneath the wagon and the tary. The motto, prepared by Miss sprinkled withrhinestones. Gladioli Wwiheels.of “he heavy vehicle passed Daisy (Craig, was given by Mrs. Ira shading frompink to purple was in.

In the matter of the. estate of ‘over him, ausing injuries so seri- Cavanagh. Mrs. H. Findlay, the the corsage, while lavender glad- ous to cause death in a few hours. president, and Mrs. Henry (Carry ioli, formed the corsage of the eee bald Jamieson, deceased, late e -- Archi groom's mother, Mrs. John Foran. of the Town of Arnprior in. the were appointed to attend the tea to Mr, John Moors, millwright for be given at Government House on wihose wown of matching georgette m County of Remiffirew, and Province of ‘McLachlin Bros., in Nio. 3 mill, met October 8... Mrs. Ira Cavanaghand over satin was trimmed with lace a Onitario, medical doctor, deceased. with a serious accident. Mir. Moors the president were appointed dele- in the same hare. Notice is hereby given in pursu- had oecasion to change a large

gates to the W.I. conventionin the Iiuminated only ‘by the ght of a -ranee of Section 51 of the Trustees withoub stopping the machinery, Chateau Laurier on Oct. 12, 13 and bronze tapers in the dining room, .O. 1937, dhapter - 150. that Act RIS witha stout stick. The stick was 14, - the bridal table, covered with a wall ereditors and. others having g knocked: from his grasp and in try- A ecmimittee to look after the ex- lace cloth, was centred by a dong r f Archi- B claims against the estate o ing to regain’ it his arms «were marrow plaque of gladioli and zin- ald Jamieson, late ofthe Tiown of hibits at (Carp fair was named: to -- b caught between the belt and pulley include Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, nias shading fromyellow to bronge ceased, e _Arnprior, medical doctor, de one shoulder and break- the mine- dishocating Mrs. C. I. Johmston, Mrs. H. W. In simiar effect was four tapers in - avho died on or about ‘ing both ‘arms, then droppingsix What you want, when a August 1937, are re- Mayhew and Misses Martha Hanna silver candlesticks which iframed the teenth: diay of feet, sustaining other injuries. He bouquet and surrounded the three- ‘quired to send by postage prepiaid and Myrtle Armstrong. Thepresi- was expected to recover. dent gave a report on her trip to tier foridal tcake on an adjoinin, “or delivered to the undersigned sol- oo the officers’ rally in Ottawa. Cur- buffet. Presiding at the urns were you wani tt p or, herein for Eric Jamieson and |. deit ‘This Week Forty Years Ago _ Mrs. Frank Foran, Mrs. Percy cLean at Arnprior, Ont- | vrent events were given by Mrs. Ira Allan A. M White, Mrs. Jack Riley and Mrs. “tario, on or before ithe Thirteenth - Rev. Mr. Mercer, fonmer pastor Cavanagh. A pickle contest judg-

ed by Mis. Powell.and Mrs. Caw- Roy Davis. ; ee day of October, 1937, their Christ- of - Kimmanuel church died at — anagh, was won iby Mrs. R. Y. Following: the reception the bride jam names and surniames, iadidiresses Guelph. a riptions and full particul- Buckham. Something beautiful and groom left dor Harrson Hot and desc Springs, the latter donning for ansof their claimand-the nature of | (Miss BerthaJuby and Mr. Jobn was shownby Mrs. H. Findley. in the IR.C. A demonstration in making and travel the ensemble which she had ee their security if any, held by them, Kirkbride were married QU e baking potato cakes was given by worn for the morming reremony. AL B duly. verified by Statutory Declara- presoytery. IT Mrs. J. ‘2. Cavamagh. Atalk on Later theywill proceed to Los Y -. tion and that after the said twen-|_ Mr, Robert Phillips, a much re- kindness. ang courtesy in our com- Amgeles where they will meke tieth diay of October 1937 the said spected resident of McNab, died munity was given by Mr. Duncan. their home. executions will proceed todistribute E of 53 years. Sa his home at the age “the assets of the said deceased There was an -attendamee of 16 members and 9 visitors. Hostesses ee ‘amongthe persons entited thereto, ' (Mir. and Mrs. Martin Smith of were Mrs. Jos..Findlayson and Mrs. THEATRE NEWS| E

Lesange of e - Mir, James Edward of the local police force and his Booklets

_ a September, A-D. 1987. ro. day-of as sever ly |ingured at studio’s attempt! to apipease ithe b . A. McLean, B.A. Barrister, Ete. Pakenhamw

A ) l, when ‘he fell down awa wrath of the enraged commission- Tickets Arnprior, Ontario schoo e his jaw- ‘lights: of stairs and breok er, He and his ‘men are invited! to aa ae Wee Solicitors for the Exeoutors of act in a picture and in the making Posters + the Amchibald Jamieson Estate. bone. | LL of same a bullet fired from. coniceal-

ment kills one of the actors. Sim- ' Sale Bills aaa tvtoddrantetnininerdededripdotpdelpQPLOLLLLLLLLLLLE ultaneously the shar receives a Oe Seo a : Programs ; a % series of threatening letters. Only : os 2 g iz oe the audience knowsthese are being Envelopes i ‘ es written by a demented criminolo-|'! se - cine : ” . oes : =. : : ee : * gist whotakes occasional pot shots s Sign Cards E a we UE Cn Ese Bye 2s , RA at the thero, whose pictures he e

doesm’t like anyway. Alfter a lot of a strictly comic confusion the maniac Shipping Tags 5 yi . . & ee : , ie ? takes the siiar to his trick door Ae . : me, PnPge ea ey ae 4 + 7 museum, the girl follows, and a Wedding Cabinets - By age we es BSee : et te me . Pe PS oe 4 fe a _ . = heppy ending is worked out in a 7 oe GENERALINSURANCE ; mad succession of terrifying incid- ae: . a Pee, . ee and anything else that’s printed ¢ ‘ae : , . a (OTE Be a4 ents reminiscent of “Over the Riv- i For quick turnover we have been instructed Z| er, ‘Charlie,” “The Bat’ and the S o acrifice he ollowing roperties: . S Marx brothers. If it is Quality Printing you want, at a cost no o t s t f p The temjpo is brisk, the staging he , — a . eg a ee - poe oe ale Bes “ greater than you might pay for inferior work, . p ate usiness lock, entrally {more tham adequate, and no loose opportunity of making U to d B B c z EK. F. lL, Sturdee, general pas- Oakie and Kennedy have the sort then you will give us the ote - Jocated,in splendid repair ..0...... $5000 * senger agent, Canadian Pacific Oakie and Kennedy have tre sort estimates on your next order for Printed Matter. E xs nO rae) woos : SE) aed cree UE Se mess : & Bes Se pp 2 gas ga ¢ Railway, Vancouver, will be pro- of assignments they are expected to No Job too large or too small. L

ge _ Excellent Dwelling and Business Op- " moted to. Montreal; headquarters have and give them all they’:vegot. S rtunity, gin reet... ns 00 . of the Company. on October 1. as Incidental action reveals details of - & - po El St se 25 * aa assistant’ passenger traffic man- studio procedure possibly imterest- B r : ae Cee, - Pee ee een : . an - Bes ~ (oe $ 9. Dwelling—Albert Street oi cemm innninpQOO, ¢ ager, according to announcement ‘|ing in themselves to mamy. . The Arnprior Chronicle by -R. G.. MeNeillie, -passenger CastBill Martin, Jack Oaktie:

oa eeee ee ree eR ee ee ee 2 -. traffic -manager. ‘Since. joining r

Mary Strand, Ann Sothern; Profes- ee

the Canadian Pacific at Saint e “s : % Ciannelli;; sor Horman, Eduardo The Home of Good Printing s odes : &“ - John, N.B.,-in 1893, he has served ~ the Company at Toronto, Mont- Larry Frank, Alan Bruce; Lt. Gar- i ° i s bf ee oy ‘ ee ) veal, Boston, Seattle, Wash., Hong eeeeeeeeeeee Team’ EdgarKennedy; Doris Dunne eeeeeeee ee ,

, s peg eS Chet we eg wie deg a RA e B SB s ea gg Paes 2 ee L > ‘Kong, and Vancouver. ue © EBeoadeatoSeatoatectnSnaiteatoeleaelateeaeealcheatedonlonolenaleeonienesoSeanceesoer


te - : 2 ge oerferro 1 et Page3Four THE ARNPRIORCHRONICLE Thursday, October 7, 1937.

~ haat e ; Miany.Interesting FallWeddings Presentation To Rev. s\ Arnprior| High School Fountain Pens - Continued from: pageone 7 ored coat!of: black wool witha col- T. J. H. and Mrs. Rich an green, shade with matching. ae arof silver fox and her smallthat We carry a large and complete as- Agcessories were in brown suede. “was: of black felt,’ A farewell and presentation by sortment of the following: _. Theywill reside in Ottawa. On their return to Ottawa, ‘Mr. tic _Activities the Baptists and friends of ‘White Sheaffer Pens $3.25 and $4.00 _ Out-of-town guests were Mr. and. and Mrs. Stapledon will take up.re- Athle Lake was tendered to Rev. and Mrs. Pencils to match $2.00 Mos. B.° E. Bambrick, “Kingston; ‘sidence ‘at 648 _ Wellington street, T. J. H. Rich and family on Satur- Waterman Pens $2.50 to $7.00 day evening, Sept.. 25th, at the . ‘Mrs. Joseph ‘Stanton, Miss Clare Ottawa. -- ‘Our track and: field veam: really we hhave only 4 days in phich Pencils to match $1.00 to $2.00. to heme of ‘Mr. Archie Bennett in Stamton, Miss Helen Sheedy,Arn- ‘Out-of-towmn | guests: present in- did themselves proud as the saying prepare dor this game, the experi- Arnprior, prior to their depart- Skywriter Pens made by + prior; Mer, and (Mis. T. iL. Casey, cluded Dr. and!-Mrs. Edward Bourke oes, at the annual Renfrew county g ence. gained “under fire’ should ure for Kincardine whereRev. Rich Waterman $1.25 Pencils 75c Miss Eileen Casey,Ashton; ‘Mr. and of Montreal; (Mr. and Mrs. C.F. last Saturday at Pem- meet, held prove invaluable Set complete $1.95. Mrs, D. Vanasse, Miss. Marguerite -Lord and Miss Marion Lord of To- . Although a list of . their wien the league has accepted a call to the ministry. broke proper opens, a week fro During the evening favorite Parker Pens $2.75 to $5.00 Rianton, Ottawa; MissNoella Chan- ronto; Mrs. G. Toshack of Prescott; achievements may be old news it m Friday. Although we h hymns were sung by all, A solo Eclipse Pens 78values to $1.50. tigny, Mr. Joseph. \Chantigny, — Mr. -Mrs. J. HH. Staye, Mr. and Mrs. will bear repeating... The. cup for ave found. it in- advisable to e by Mrs. A. Bennett and a_ short Romeo Bussiere, Timmins. anes | Alex Staye, the.Messrs. Frank and aggregate number of nter cur whole team Water Pens—PFills with. water, the greatest at the E.O.Si8.A. humorous recitation by Mrs. Ro- Alex. Staye, Mr..and Mrs. Franik ) returns to our school. track and field writes ink $1.50 points (boys meet in Cornwall bert J. Barry of Clay Bank was - STAPLEDON_STAYE staye, Mr. Prescott Staye, Mrs. W. This cupwas first put.up for com- next: Saturday, See these pens on display in our L. Anderson andMiss Erma: Major, because of the ever prese very much enjoyed, (AL very. pretty, wedding took petition in 1930, and, incidently, we nt prob- window: . all of Arnprior. lemof transportation and: Anaddress was read to Mr. and at four o'clock on Saturday have won it each year since 1932, the pre~ | place valence of poliomyHtisi Mrs. Rich by Miss Jean Levi and on SODA FOUNTAIN NEWS in Parkdale . United In addition the ‘boys made such a n the south - afternoon ern part of the province, behalf of the people a purse was We are now serving lunches and church, ‘Ottawa, when Miss Ruby CLAYTON-ZFERGUSON clean sweepof their events (that 6 red shirted athletes will endeavor to presented to them by Mr. James afterneon tea Bilen: Sttaye, daughter of Mrs. J. H. A charming autumn wedding was when'the points made by our girls adto our collection of s Fraser to which each very feeling- Delicious hot drinks, sandwiches - Staye and the late Mr. Staye of sclemmized in. Castleford United were added in were the proud pos- ilverware. We ask you to read the res ly replied. ~ and home baking married to Mr. Char- church on Tuesday of, last week at essors of the grand~aggregate ults of Armnprior, was s the meet in Refreshments were served by the les FrederickStapledon, only son 3.30 pam., when Florence Marion point championship symbolized by papers; cam yousee B. Bedore mentioned in the ladies, after which all joined in of (Mr.and(Mrs.-C. HH. Stapledon. (Flossie) Ferguson, only daughter the Rotary Cup. This cup has been junior 100 WELDON’S or 220 yard dash? Galt o singing “God ‘be with you till we at of Mr. Donald Hubert Ferguson of by our school since 1923 r Bakerin Rev, Norman Coll officiated wormtwice the junior meet again.” ‘Castleford, became the bride of Mr. first presented. A’ high jumip or Galt in the DRUG STORE the service and the wedding: music when it was junior ‘hurdles? Frank Herbert Clayton, youngest glance at the records shows that the Campbell in the Phone 159 We Deliver was played foy Mr. T.'R. Griffin. senior 1 00; Valin in the senio Phe foride was given in marriage son of Mr. and Mirs. Samuel Clay- ’s victory was quite decisive, r 440 Mz. and Mrs. Stanley Slater of boy well at least youll see ton of Toronto. 106 points while B. Valin in Armprior were guests at the wed- Fresh ripe raspberries picked byber brother, Mr. Frank Staye of they’ competed the senior shot put! ~~ Avmprior, and was attendedby Miss Given in marriage by her farher Pembroke CI garnered. 77. and Ren- ding in Stewarton United church, near the C.P.R. bridge were handed Our trophies will shortly be Patricia Stapledon, sister of . the the bride wore a gown of ‘white frew iCI 43. The grand aggregate on Ottawa, on Saturday of Miss Isabel in to The Chronicle office by Dave exhibition in a local store window. 21 groom, as bridesmaid... Mr. Pres- slippersatin, made on simple prin- championship was won with 1 Dick to ‘Mr. (Roger MidIntosh. McLaren, nd Renifrew cob: Staye of Arnprior, another cess lines; and an: off-the-face hat points, Pembroke. a oe forcther of the bride, attended the ofthe same material A farm tallying 107 and 87 respec’ively. ‘groomas ‘best mian. shaped beuquet of Briarcliff roses A few of the highlights of thie g | "GAquaint gownof novelty Huro- completed her costume. meet from our point of view—Bern. a- ptan net, embroidered: in blue The ‘bridesmaid, Miss Iva Mac- Valin’s magnificent perfonmantce in “Do You Sew events to|f a Fine ‘chenille and worn over a full taf- -kenzie of Renfrew, was gowned in winning 7 firsts in eleven Seam?” eta costume sip in twilight blue shell pink Point de (Sprit, with an retain his county. championship |§ ‘Shade, was worn loy the bride. De- off-the-face hat in the same shade, win last year; Joe Baker‘s triumph|§ ... then youll certainly c signed on Vietorian lines, the bodice andshe carried an arny bouquet of in the intesmediate class; Ray|¥ ut a ‘Fin©e Figure” ‘front was softly shirred, forming a’ Johanna Hill roses. “Mr. Dan Fer- Poole, “the dark horse” coming|§ ‘lowsweetheart neckline. A double guson, brother of the bride, was thr:oulgh: to take first place in the/— this Fall in made decid of net outlined the casual groomsman. Intermediate pole vault; Bernie of. 6 ¢€ © G@ @. ‘Standing collar and tiny taffeta and The wedding ceremony was per- Bedore’s brilliantfinish in the jumn- 3 - pet covered. ‘buttons centered: the formed. by. the ‘Rev. Mr. Campbell, ior 440 relay; taking the baton in HY bodice back. ‘A girdle of silver pastor of te church. Mirs. J. Shaw last 110 yards, he made up a 30(F 2 metallic leaves encircled the waist- presided at theorgan. {yard handicap to win wethought by Hine and the full swing skirt feil in -—Duting the signing of the regis- inches, officially. awarded second ‘deep folds to the floor. A pictur- ter, Miss Rulby.Lester of Renfrew place; TomGalt. winning the imter- “esque head- with =a twilight sang “I Love You Truly.” Miss mediate high jump in very easy |— blue net shoulder . was worn Bertha, (Lester -was accompanist. , and: then showing true ang her corsage ‘bouquet was of Aifter.the ceremony, the guests sportsmanship in allowing Baker . Sweetheart roses and bouvardia. went to the home of Mrs. Jack Hen- to replace himin the short hurdle -. The ibridesmaid’’s gown. was. of derson of Admaston, aunt of the race when it was seen that speed, silver andblack threaded net with bride, where a dinner was served not style would mean victory; ‘a (wide chiffon velvet border lined The bride and groomleft on their Rumtz and Wagenblass jumping 1 “with eerise taffeta... The dress was. wedding trip to New York city, the and 2 in the juvenile broad jump|p Styled after ithe Aoleian peasant bride travelling in a smart black and Steele and. Roy fighting it outle limes. She wore a black velvet halo costume ‘with majiching accessories, for first honors in the junior high : ‘hat and a corsage of Premier roses. over which she wore a suede cloth after all other competitors had "Mrs, Staye, mother of the bride coat in Dubonnet red shade. Her been eliminated. The other com- _ wore a mnavy blue triple. sheer corsage was of orchids andlily of petitors had been eliminated. The gown, a navy blue felt hat and: a the valley. Mr..and Mrs, Clayton exclamaitions of the spectators as |B “gorsage bouquet of Briarcliffe roses. will make their homein Toronto. Valin pulled away from thefield in Mirs. Stapledon, mother of the the first 440 leg of the senior mile proom, also ‘wore a'inavy blue sheer RUSSETT—ENGLISH relay to give ‘Smith a 100 yard lead, “dress, a navy bluevelvet hat and a Palms, ferns and gladioli inter- and Camplbell finishing the same corsage bouquetof IRiapture roses. event pulled up to win by 150: yards |& spersedwith shaded! garden: flowers g™ the fine weather, the sporitsmanship 1 # Following the ceremony. a re- adorned. St. Francis” Xawvier’s jRo- eo? of the contestants; the enthusiasm _ception was held and iMr.-and Mrs. ‘manCatholic church, Renfrew for of the Arnprior supporters; Stapleton left on a motor trip to] the pretty autumn owedding on the jf Detroit, the bride travelling in a school ‘yells’, thefine performances| Wednesday, September 29th at of all the miembers.of our team, in dress of heavy ‘black satin with a nine o'clock of Miss Gertrude M. shoulder yoke. and trimmings on all, it was ia day long to be remem- English, youngest daughter of Mr. bered in our school. ‘the sleeves of turquois blue satin. James English and the late Mrs. Overthis she wore a smartly tail- The tennis tournament hit a snag E English of Douglas, Ont., to Harvey as it were, when with only 419

W. Russett, son of Mr. and Mrs. matches left uo play, the club 6 | Ben iRussett of Arnprior. Rev. A. 8. courts were ‘closed for the season. rized Rice of (Cobden performed the However the tournament will be ; utho ceremony and-also celebrated the completed on other courts this /8 A nuptial mass. .The fbride given in week if the weather favors us. marriage by her father, entered: the Again jwe thank the Tenis Club |— church to the strains of Lohengrin’s for the privileges extended to us. wedding march... The Awe ‘Maria The standing in the touch rugby & and other hymms suitable to the ealer league, junior section, reveals IIB |& D odeasion, were rendered beautifully leading the group with two vic- by the choir, andduringthe signing tories in as many starts, in the |§ of the register. “Ol Perfect Love” senior section as each team has | Findlay Stovesand Ranges, and was sung iy Sister Mary. The bride GenuineRepairs. in_ Stock only playeg one © game it is too looked charming in a model gown early to forecast the ultimate win- if of Royal blue chiffon velvet with | Our RebuiltStovesareGood ner but the IV Comimercials took |§ silver trimmings ang designed on like the team: to beat, - | primicess. lines. Her. veited The schedule for the Interschol- |§ 1 Findlay.Universal | SES-| was of a matching shade and she astic Rugby Football League has |B earried.anarm ‘bouquet of Briar- 1 FindlayOval, 99- 18squarae jeen released, and we find our cliffe roses and maidenhair fern. seniors play their first game in 1 FindlayOval, 99-20, reservoir Silver slippers: com(oleted her cos- Pemlbroke on Friday, October 15. tume, The bride was attended by 4. Renfrew.Cook-rite, with re- The ‘boys are in good condition as : her cousin, Miss Mary Ellen Eng- most of them performed on the |& , reservoir - : lish of Mt. St. Patrick .as ‘brides- track amd field team; heavy prac- |B maid, who wore.a grape tone wine .vvrect Falvies for- the Fall Sease9 1 RenfrewAcornwith reservoir tises will be the order ail this |B Here are © velvet gown fashioned on longlines week, and timing of plays will be|— ee these materi.‘ i with veiledblack turban and black WV e cordially ivciie you te Visit our Store and s the main objective. A game has /é@ We.wiiH allow you. ‘more for suede shoes and she carried! a bou- been arranged with Perth Collegs | CELANESE CREPE, SATIN, TAFFETA—Select the color youfavor in ourrat,ve, Queit!: of Johanna Hill roses and iate in Perth on the afternoon cof . your old‘stovea LE ial for economical slips, etc, bouvandia, the Thanksgiving holiday; although ; RAYON ANGELSKIN—The favorite mater ‘Mr. Stan. W. Englishcof Douglas, Weite or call andssee us |brother of the bride was best man. TRAVEL TWEEDS—Will put a new swing im yourstep. Mrs. Tom O*Nanskie sister of the bride’s sister,Mrs. Tom O'Nanskie, | ALL WOOL PLAIDS—Nosports outfit complete this Fall without Plaids. bride wore a twinecrepe gown in 72 (Bank street, heniffrew, where a itunic effect. Mirs. Harvey Moriar- sumptuous wedding dinner was |B BOTANY SERGE—Along-wearing, medium weight, ideal for pleating. “FigA ity of Pembroke, another sister, served to the immediate relatives. ENGLISH FLANNEL—In colors that will delight your eye. : wore a becoming model of blue; The roomswere tastefully diecor- ‘ mr SET _Metealfe crepe with aicorsage of butiterfiy aaotsed in pink and: white. The table § rosies, 7. being centered with a three storey|| - Phone 205. -Arnprior Aifter. the ceremony. the bridal wedding cake and tall pink tapers. J. Bolger, uncle of the s It’s Easy to Sew the party motored to the home of the Mr. James

‘bride proposed the toast to which |B the groom fittingly replied. Inthe § evening a reception was held in Simple Styles Your 2! Renfrew when over wo hundred |§ @ invited guests attended. The happy | Daughter Likes and | |) couple received many useful and | beautiful gifts including cheques S ‘| whichtestify to the high esteem in |% Looks Best in.... which ‘theyare held. Mr. and Mrs. |Heavyweight Be Riussett will reside in Renfrew |§ ‘and here are dependable materials E where the groom is employed. | ‘FightPictures well worth spending yourtime on... ST. ANDREW'S W.MLS.| Every Miss has her eye on — SCOTTISH TARTANS The ‘September meeting of “the For strenuous work and play — SCHOOL SERGE : WLULS. of St. Andrew's Presbyter- OiRounds “AUTinportant‘Shots i rious colors and long wear in our—ALL WOOL CREPE ian ichurich was held at the manse Glo CAE in2 SlowMotion N E on Tuesday afternoon of last week See our outstanding value — IMPORTED VELVETEE m|with a good attendanes. Theus-

Gi ual routinewas carried. out, Mrs. Walter Lyons giving the scripture Onyour next visit foour store. -may we have the privilege of / oarsa Ann Sothern £ reading. The Glad Tidings prayer showitic which way the “Fabric” Fashion-wind blowsforFall in was read by Mrs. Storie. Reports miwere given by the secretary and Wa ‘| treasurer, it was decided to send lke ‘Bia fancy basket of fruit to iMers. r- S |SuperSleuth ||Lynch, a shut in member. Mrs. to res Walter Murdoch gave. a reading Lt d fromthestudy book. Plans were . a HAdRNPRIOR| B| made for a booth for the church ’ |Monday,Tuesday,Oct.TL2 : ‘bazaar which will be held: in ‘Oct- “YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE PAY CASHANDBUY FOR LESS

a a|| ober. The meeting -was foroughit poa. clo s e with peay er by Irs, Simipsoa,

| =‘huss,October7, 1987 _THE ARNPRIOR CHRONICLE Page ‘Five

“LOCALNEWS| We feel justly proud of

od y ™. Neilson, taxi, new ‘addereassveMsr.;Tt'P, WO’Toole of fucbury at 56 Daniel. street, phone 299, 20-4 Jurr spent a few daysin tonm this week New Eall and Winter C Mes, Sullivan of (Chapleau, Ont., with: his mother, oats » ig visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas We ere proud to be able to offer such a collect Miss Edythe Mumre spent ion of es we are doing ‘this season—pro ‘Daniel street, of the quality of the Furs ud week-end wtih Mir. and Mrs. and Fabrics and the unusually smart siyling in every “(Mirs, A. Riddell and Miss Leila You cheose your new coai coat. If vey Baind of CarletonPlace. now you get the benefit of larger and ra wee “Wilgon, V.O.N.. were guests ‘with ore complete selections Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Guest, Hunt- Miss Lois:Slater left for Kirkland Lake on Sunday where MODERATELY ~. ingdion,Que., over the:week-end. — she will . PRICED FROM SIS-O@ t ‘visit Mr.-and Mrs, Mel Slater. o 45.08 Miss:M. MelLachiin. returned Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Tait of War- ‘days from Ottawa where she had

ren, Manitobacalled at the home of| been visiting her brother and sister- ‘Mirs, Charles Mackey on Saturday See our special offering of stunning in-law, Mr. ang Mrs. Russell Mec- WOMEN’S FLANNELETTE ie Lachlin, for the past. three weeks. Jast, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Gary. Stanton, Kin- | “Miss ML Norah O'Neill ‘left over FALL DRESSES NIGHTG the week-end for Toronto to con- OWNS burn were among the guests in at- with s Sizes 14 to 46 hort sleeves, gocd tendance at the marriage .of Miss tinue her studies at Loretto Abbey heavy quality and College.- Showing the season's smartest styles and daintily trimmed, sizes small, medium and Catherine Mulroney to Mr. Milton large. Price, in St. Brigid's church, Ot- Mr. Jim Pope amd Mir. Earnest fabrics... Plenty of Black as well as Wine, Special .60 tawe on (Monday. Gould from Queen’s line visited the Green, Rust, Brown and Navy. Specially BSC each 2 for $1 Messrs. Merville Aide, Dougall home of Mrs. Arthur Scobie - and priced at Fraser, Andrew Fraser, Earle Box, family on Sunday. GEORGE DOUCETT, MP. WOMEN’S FLANNELETTE - and Steve Boykott of “WhiteL‘aLake Mr. John James Laderoute left Wins Lanark County, defeated D. $3.95, $5.95, $6.95 up have gone to, Brent to workin the C. Smi for Dupuy, Que., where he has se- th, Liberal, with a majority _Juimiber camips where they are em- cured, employment ‘with the Cald- as‘over 1,500. NEW FALL ployed by Gillies Bros. » well Constnuction ‘Co. “f with long sleeves. Sizes S ~ mall, Medium. Mr. Harry Zweifel is a patient in Laange and OQ. Se Renfrew hospital, having gone to -MILLINERY Special O8e each lt that institution to receive +treat- eSa Featuring the newest Grap Styles and colors. ment for a sore back. Mr. Warren Rathwell Wi1eP saline effervescent re- cf Corn- In Felis,Silk Velvets and Velvet and Satin WOMEN’S TWO PIECE FLANNELETTE ‘School teachers of Carleton coun- wall spent the week-end in liewes rheumatism and stimulates town. Combinations. Specially priced at ty 180: in number, will make a tour MissRuth Frieday spen oe the. liver. t Sunday of Gillies Brothers Qamber Mills, at the home of hex parenws 7 in § ozs bottle 50 13 oz. $1.00 PYJAMAS Braeside on Friday morning. Buckingham. $L95 “NP $2.95 "oN. FAMILY REMEDIES— Mr. and Mrs. GO. Kumm, Miss Sizes Small, Medi um and Larg Miss Margaret Buckley of Bran- e Creophos, for deepseatedcoughs $1 Mildred Kutmim and Mr. Alton don, Man., is visiting at the home Lovely New Two and Three Piec $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 Nutritive Hypophosphites, 16 oz $1 Kuimmsipent Sunday at the home e of Mr. M. C. Buckley. Huskeys, forthat tickling of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolff in Mr. and Mis. Wim. Douglas of)|— Specials in our | throat Galnevsh vedas de’ eereswansecvenrene ne1c, 25c Buckingham. KNITTED Froude are visiting at the home of STAPEL PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT Rectone, pile remedy sseasneesensrnaceass500 Mrs, A. E. McMichael of Moose Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. by Regent and Monarch Zi" White Flanneletie—ISe yd. —iLes Fleurs De Cheramy— Jan, Sask., who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke nnedy cf Showing the Newest style and shades 86° White Flanneleitc-—i€c yd. py Concentrated. perfumes by Cher- at the home of Mir. and Mrs. W. A. Brockvile were week- amy in Gardenia, end’ guestsat 36” Stripped Flanneletie—i8c yd. Rose, Muguet, and Young,-and Mir. and) Mrs. R. M. Ro- the home of -Mr. M. C. Buckley. bertson, left Tiesday for her home, FROM $695 UP eo Yama Cloth—2c yd. Violette, each.cts 25¢ Misses’ Irene Anniss and Rath

Neileon’s (Chocolates in the west. Pritcahard of town have gone to Forty years ago in the Winnipeg ' Kodaks, Films Kingston as students of Queen’s ailabermian’s Fountain Pens and Free Press appeared the following University. with reference fo an Armprior resi- Mrs. Percy Empy and Mr. Mort dent: Rev. Prof..A. B. Baird, vice- Kennedy of Brockville were week-|@ | principal, presided at the closing of end guests at the home of Mr. and -McCORD'S the Mantioba college theological Mrs..*. P. Murphy. — classes; among: the scholarshp' win- DRUG STORE Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Chamberlain ners were Peter Strang, F. H. Hart- and family of Ottawa were visitors Phone 66 Free Delivery ley, B.A.; Hector 'N. McLean, R. M. over the week-end with Mr. and )\Areaar eSS reeeea nae, Prescriptions and Sick Room Dickey, H. J. Sterling and Thos. Mrs. Hugh Metiallfe, Hugh Street COMING EVENTS ele Supplies MiciAifee, North. LACO MAZDA LAMPS: Sa i ‘Mrs. Wm. Walker, nee Katie Chicken Supper in the basement of \\ the lamp of consistent Quality 126 Vclts Dewar’s Presbyterian church will Storie, of Rocanwille, Sask., is visit- 15, 25, 40, 60 Watt CBCieeee cece20 “My bed gives me the Jitters ing with her nephews, Mr. A. M. ibe held on Wednesday, October 100° Watt occ30ic Store and Mr. John Storie. It is 20th. 41 -2¢ 200 Watt oo... be ceteeeteceetetesceee weeeneees oe csevteteveteveteceees 75¢ Asit squeaks the whole night through” 34 years since Mrs. Walker visited Rummage Sale in Gardner’s vacant’ Protect their eyes with these high Quality Lamps andi get the _ “Mine breaks mysleep repeatedly her home community. ! store, under auspices of the Wo~ most light for power consumed At a recent executive meeting of . men’s Auxiliary of Emmanuel

' The cud of wrath I chew!” the Lorne Suherland W.I, Mrs. A, church, on Saturday, October 9th Phillips was appoined president for} ~ at 2 o’clock. “Forget your jitters and your wrath ‘the current year, owing to the de- Euchre in aid of St. Michael's DOMINION SHOT SHELLS parture of Mrs... Code. Mrs. W. church, Fitzroy Harbor, on ‘Mon- They shoot better, with Power Pattern. We have Canuck Give both these ills the ‘bird’ Maxium Leslie was appointed’ delegate to day, Oc‘ober 11th at 8.30 p.m, , Imperial Long Range in 10, 12, 16, 20, 28 410 Gauge. - For SIMMONS METAL BEDS the Ottawa convention. Admission 25c. Refreshments and 22. in Super Clean Whizz Bang Centril V, Bisley good prizes. TL only 12 Gauge Shot Gun ioccssnmsnnnmnnnnnnnn . _ Mean Sleep » W.C.T.U.—The regular monthly e$8.75 l only 22 Savage Peep Sight oc$9.50 They’re seen butnever heard!” “OBITUARY . meeting of the W-C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. N. S. I only 22 Covey Peep Sights ...... ceesssneseiestsestatettarsartannessee ooBTBS ‘

» Robertson on Thursday, MRS. WILLIAM DONNELLY| October Flashlights, Lanterns, Batteries, Axes, Gun Oil, Poreket Knives 14th at 3 o'clock. Have your glazing and newGllass nut in while the ‘Mrs. Wiliam Donnelly, a resident Bipige and euchre under auspices weather is fine - Mathewson’s of Arnprior all her lite, passed of C.W.L. on Wednesday evening, McClar away suddenly on Sunday evening. Oct. 13th in their club rooms on y Stoves and Hanges, Pipes, Elbows, Wire, Boards

While ona visit to her sister, Mrs. John street. Good prizes, re- FurnitureStore Hunt, Renfrew, she left for her freshments. Aidimission 25¢. it daughiter’s home and became ill on Rainbow Bazepae under the auspices | the way, passing away at a nearby ‘of the Ladies’ Aid of St. An- house before medical aid could be}. drew’s [Presbyterian church, will

summoned. .fbe held in the Sunday School Born in Arniprior 52 years ago, a room on Thursday, October 2st. inane Bae DL daughter of Mrs. Anmidose Des- There will be tables for fancy armia andthe late Mr. Desarmia. | work, farm produce, preserves; She was twice married, her first plants, candy. Fish pond and husbandbeing: Lemuel Sheffield, home baking, also a rummage UISTeeae who predeceased her a mumber of sale Afternoon tea will be NToe)ee htepeers BEAUTYREST- gar years ago. - Later she married served. 41-2 The World’s Most Wilham: Donnelly, who survives Anniversary Services in Pakenham Luxurious Mattress with three dauighters ang two sons United church, on Sunday, Oct. John, Tashoda, Ont.; Henry, Arn- 17th, 11 am. and 7.30: p.m. Guest $39.50 prior; Inez, Mrs. Jos. Carriere, preacher, Rev. Donald Munro, Renfrew; Francis, ‘Mrs. W. J. Hen- B.A., Carleton Place. Chicken derson and Gloria of Arnprior; and ham supper on Monday, Oct. seven brothers, Armidiose and Wil- 18th, from 6.30 pm. to 8 p-m, liam, Toronto; Louis ang Gilbert, Program of elocution, vocal and Nellie Lake, Ont.; Thomas, Charles orchestral numbers. Tickets 35. and Henry Desarmia, Arnprior; six sisters Mirs| ‘P. J. Donnelly and: Mrs. tre home of her sister, Mrs. R. J. B. Baker, Ottawa; Mrs. Stanley Knox, 20 William street, to West- Hunt, Renfrew; Mirs. Thos. Bullard, boro United church, where Rev. A. Mrs, Wilfred Chabot and Mrs. Nel- Clark's Soupsare just ihe2 thing.for Lunch P. Menzies, pastor, condiucted) the ~ We're both of that opinion lie Graham, Arnprior. service at 2.30 o'clock. He was . Let’s go and telephone at once The funeral took place this assited Iby Rev. A. W. Lougheedof ‘Theyre Special!at Dominion.3 | Thursday morning from her late Kinburn, and interment was in ‘residence, Vancourtland street, to, Huntley United cemetery. WH Hand st. John Chrysostom’s church, and ‘Chief mourners were her mother I Picked Lbs. TE interment in_the RC. cemetery. ‘|and four sisters, Mrs. Frank Riley, B EAN Kinburn; Mrs. Victor Emmerson, SCrown Brand 2 Lb. MRS. HUGH GLENN Kimburn; Mrs. iR. J. Knox, Weat- | CORN SYRUP or Beehive : Tin - The funeral was helg on Sunday boro, and Mrs. Irwin Doig, ‘City of Mirs.’ Hugh Glenn, who died at View. Crown Brand bb. € her home in Bristol Towmship, with Among the many floral offerinigs | CORNSYRUP _ or Beehive = =" Fin . interment.in Norway Bay ceme-’ received hy the bereaved. family tery. Rev. Gordon Newman, of were tributes fromthe Ladies’ ‘As- sociation of Westboro Unted church Boyce Furniture Score “1 Lb.- Gavin United church, conducted the H — ae 105] service, assisted by Rev. B. Wilson. girls of the Canadiam Bank Note N STARC JOHN STREET, AHNPRIOR |COR Company; superintendent, clerks of Bristol Pentecostal mission. Mrs. Glenn, whose maiden namie avas and staff, Westboro Dominion - * 20OZ. . : . Margaret Simtth, was born 85 years Stores, G3ams 2 | Ge fago, andi had been. a life-long resi- peersLet feetsenseasaeeatlceloecedentateceletesStefeelfaelaalealeetectedtectedied ehengeeaoeiecleslonketestes y dent of the township. Left ‘to RLEY:CO. Imperial mourn her loss are three sions, ©THEEPE +© TheThreer'es's all the diference in the world Shredded » E7e} James T., of Flaxcomibe, Sask.: the difference in the world = COCOANUT 063 2 Montreal's leading furrier’s ye Manley, of Ottawa ‘andiLouis, at & in the comfort and fuel saved when a house is dens over é New home, and three sisters, Mrs. Geo. es Season's ath. a dh : display of 4. with Insulated Siding $“e ‘Hogan of Braeside;. Mrs. T.. J. +0 SLASSco'sJAM Raspberry ~*~ ‘a it > Brown of Ottawa and. Mrs. J. & de ae eo -4 Hulghe at home. There were also & FRESH FRUIT. | ¥ two sisters, Mrs. E. Smiley, Mrs. Quality Furs ae od and VEGETABLES a a W. Sambeau, and one brother, John cy de _Oranges Doz... 3c, 99, Smith, all of Mattawa, ‘Ont., and 34 3 + grandchildren and a number of at a | éticon,ee, is 19° :Lemons, FOZ. nnn39c great-grandchildren. Mrs. Glenn. $ z oe y Grapefruit sescvttic 4 for 25¢ was a life long member of the & | SPAGHETTI “11° de Bristol United church and a leader e Bananas, Doz. Lieeeetenspe 28c MILLER’S ¥ for years in its activities. & % & | SPAGHETTI= 17° Apples, Bu. sortase LeBO é MESS EUNICE ARMSTRONG & Attractive « . .. . . J Celery...2 bunches 28c Economy,Store colors in Brick and Shingle designs. oa fh Baking.Powder Magic 16 on28 The keen regret of a wide circle ‘Se You can ce i. t wi*th aHeme Improvement Loan atlow &Re L TomateJuice Clark's 9 21.02 Carrots, 3° bunchesae 16e of friends. over the ‘passing on . . “Oe Tins: 25c Arnpricr, Ont & interest. . & | Mondiay of Miss E oe -{) SultancResins.(2 a. 25¢ Parsnips, 3 bunches. 10c unice Arm‘strong, ’ . . . se daughter of Mrs.Anna Mary Arm- : May we give you an estimate andall particulars? & H ‘Walnut Pieces Bulk |“Wy Lb: 18c. Onions,10 Tb.Bagae i =o strong and resident of Westiporo One.Day Only & & on Ne.1 Mild Cheese ow.Be *‘TableTurnips oo & SE ok 1 for most of her life, was manifested ‘ ce On £é by the large attendanice at the dun-| & Ho a "PRICESIN EFFECT‘UNTIL ‘SATURDAY,OCTOBER OTR, ¢ :-etal on Wednesday aifternoon. a ‘Pinne 43 ° : <

Friday, Oct. 8th the mourners:-Proceeiled: from SribveteeedeeiededeetesaesleSeeloniedoedegeleesBeSeshesGiTonledceaeeteeboegeeergeetehecealealenteofeneeetecteetrateaterteoter? 4 v (

. "smisinti eFe _TRiE ARNPRIO!R CHRONICLE Thursday, October 7, 1937

_ WHITE LAKE | Seems Foolish Business

NO COOKING fntended for Last Week» What we would like to know is]. Mrs, J. Fraser of Renfrewvisited just why the Ontario Department WITH KELLOGG'S recently, with her daughter, Mrs. N, of Highways invites, requests or afew dollars Cameron and Mr. Cameron. — urges motorists to purchase 1935 Mr. and Mrs. J..L. Fulford end motor vehicles now? fs the De- a month family of Westboro spent the week- partment hard up? Or is it. be- f7q| end with Mrs. Jas. Headrick. cause of the $5 reduction in fea, transforms “Mr.iM. Aide left on Monday last which may prove a “plum” for the 1 for Brent whens he has obtained Hepburn Government on October % your home employment for the winter months. 6th. Frankly we are not interested | Miss . Headrick returned to her in the issue froma political angle, nursing duties in New York last but it does seem silly to ask mator- “I’m glad my family likes week after spending the past ists to buy next year’s licenses, Kelloge’s Corn Flakes. They’re month with her parents, Mr. and when they have only used this so easy to serve. No cooking. Mrs. ‘R. Headrick here. year’s a little over eight and ona- - Visitors at the home of Miss M. half months. No pots and pans to waslie They give me more time for Prairie on Sunday were Mrs. J. H. The people who purchase and leisure.” Fraser and sen Sianley. of Ottawa, operate motor vehicles for the rst 4 Mite: W. Halpenay‘af Ottawa, Miss time—between now and Decem- Every one likes crisp, deli- M. Lyonsof Toronto. ber—iwill benefit a little from cious Kelloge’s Corn Flakes. the Serve them at any time of the : WOMEN’S INSTITUTE — pre-season sale of licenses. But the day. Nourishing and whole- - The September meeting of motorists who have been financing the _ some in milk or cream. Hasy the Highways Department will ra- White Lake W.I. was held in Waba to digest too. school on Thursday evening, witha ceive no benefit whatever—excapt very good attendance. The meet- the $5 reduction in fees, which is At all grocers, oven-fresh ing, presided over by Miss L. E. effective regardless of when licenszas in the patented Andison, opened with the repeating are purchased. The reduced fees WAXTITE Inner of the creedin unison, followed oy will be greatly appreciated by On- bag. Made by tario motorists—many had expected Kellogg in Lon- prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. a reduction in the gas tax also—but don, Ontario. Mrs. G. M. McLachlan was ap- December or January is quite early pointed delegate to alttend the W.L enough for motor licenses to go on convention in \Ottawa with Mrs. R. sale——Smiths Falls Record-News, : 3 eee (The cost of this series - MelloygSCORN FLAKES of advert isements spon- Barrie, aS alternate. It owas also Quer gece asin Q sored by the Nattond decided that ‘the president, Miss Made Better « Packed Betier 0 ‘ S mployment Canimts- Glasgow Station Taste Better R / APagseenes Pay m= sion, bas been de>. Andison, and some member accept Be ee ate. eute A frayed entirely by. the invitation to tea and a lecture public-spirited cone. ag ©, % oe wh at Government House, ‘Ottawa, Oct. : aget ot cerns and in- Intended for Last Week iO: ‘gi ‘ By ge a. dividuals, as ie 8th. ‘The roll call was answered Mrs. Jean McGregcr is spending a contribution. to- (Collect 5 EPP y eftOPTooth 0 wards that “Na. by “Hints from the fair.” Mrs. D. few days in (Renfrew. tion - wide. 60- | Fraser gave the study of the hand- Mr. Stewart Brown left on Fri- ‘ @ Set‘of glass operative ez fort’ envisaged book on “Good forms of proced- day for Achray to «vork on the --cereal bowls! One FREE by the Parlla- ure.” - with 3 packages of Kellogg’s ment of Cane: CNR. ada in the The guest speaker of the evening Mrs. Robert Lavallee returned Corn Flakes! National Birployment was Dr. J. H. Box of Arnprior, who last week from) Renfrew hospital . Commission gave a very fine and inspiring talk somewhat improved in health. CFof. on “Health and How to Maintain (Mrs. McInnes of Ottawa spent a MISS F. M. LUDOLPH B.N. Ontario Advisory Committee © Th Mrs. T. Logan gavea reading few days last week with Mrs, John 74 King St. Hast, Toronto on “The typewriter and the type- Hamilton ang other friends. Experience in Hospital and I, Markus, Secretary, writer.. Miss (M. Stewart gave a (Mr. ang Mrs. Andrew Brown and Home Nursing Local Advisory Commitee. reading on “Saying Please.” Miss Mrs. (R. B. Campbell of Smiths} 2) hour, 12 hour and Hourly Dr. MecKerracher, Chairman . Isobel McNabb a recitation, “iFor- Falls visited’ on Tuesday with Mr. Nursing ‘give.’ Mrs. H. Morphy conducted and Mrs. Robert Brown. W. #. McFarlane, Seecretary. 97 McLachlin S:., Arnprior a nursery rhyme contest. Mrs. (Peter McLaren and Miss

The Institute decided to take up ‘Amne Forest of Kenmore, and Mrs. the matter of an incentive for the Forest Stewart cf Renfrew visited R. H. McCREARY, B.A., M.D. Oddfellows Meet children in school to drink milk in on Tuesday wtih Mrs. John Forrest that period. Drinking straws were and Mrs. :‘Cil Hamilton. Postgraduate training in Civic Hospital and Isolation Hospital, in Pembroke supplied to Waba and White Lake Miss Dorothy Hamilton of Corn- Ottawa; Hospital for Sick Child- schools by the institute for this wall spent a few hours on Sunday ren, Toronto; and Children’s OdldfelLows of ithe Ottawa Valley purpose. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- At the close of the meeting dainty Memorial Hospital, Montreal. received an. oficial visit from the drew Hamilton, having motored wo refreshimentts were served by Miss with Miss Florence Normand and 3 Phone 104 108 Daniel St. grand master. of the order, A. C. Andison, assisted by several ladies friend.

‘Brunner, Ruthven, Ont., at a meet- of the community and a social hour ing’ in the Pembroke I.0.0.F. hall apent. H. K. Neilson, M.D. on Monday night, attended) by OBITUARY EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT about 150) members of the Pem- Home improvement SPECIALIST broke, Renfrew, Arnprior and Piaik- MRS. JOHN A, STYLES Medical Arts Building

Wecan provide the.necessary money under the” a enham: lodges. Following a lengthy illness, Mrs. 180 Metcalfe Street Addresses ware given in ‘he lodge Jin most families the matter of “Home Improvement Plan. “Consult our local John A. Styles, resident of Ottawa. OTTAWA - ONT. room (by the grand master and A. home decoration fs tha «vomen’s for ‘the past 15 years, died at .her Fhone, Queen 758 manager who will be glad to discuss your. im- M. Troke, Remifrew, district deputy prerogative but only a foolish wo- home, 40 (Gilmour street, on Thurs- ue provementplans wit grand master, after which the man plans a totally feminine house day evening last. She was in her members marched to Holy Trinity in which a man will eel out of 56thyeer. church, where a dinner was served place. If you plan to. improve Bora in Fitzroy townshin, (Mrs. in:the basement by members of your home, rememiber the mals Styles, was formerly Christina | Oiseau ‘Rebekah lodge, Pembroke, element! Ross, daughter of the late Mr. and and a short musical program owas A room filled with soft frilly Mrs. William ‘Ross. She married given under the direction of M. B. vuffles is dainty amd ladly-like, but in 1387 and came to Ottawa ‘to live Malcolm. itis hardly a room to make a man about YS years ago. She was a (During the evening the grand want to stay around and read. thie member of Stewarton United miaster ‘was presented with a gold- evening newspaper and spill ashes. church where her passing will oc- hieaded: cane suitably engraved on A roomthat is to be used jointly by casion the deep regret of many . behalf of Pembroke lodge. the entire family should be fur- friends and acquaintances. nished wth serviceable mnvaterials She is survived, in addition to}. A Super-Sensitive lic life in his early twenties. Mr. and furniture. her husband, by six daughters, Mrs. McCullagh, if he had! cooled down WEATHER CLEAR—TRACK FAST There is 710: need to sacrifice Pearl Bowden, Mrs. Hamilton Mun- Publisher and thought over the matter, would style and! color. Today this may roe, IMirs. Cecil ‘mith, Miss Edna have realized that in calling him a meventy-twio per cenit of all fatal- be found in the most practical Styles, Mrs. (Dominique Negra, “boy editor”Mr. Rlowe intended no ities in ‘Ontario, according to ‘the equipment, and Miss Helen Macfarlane, all of The young.president: of the Globe: insult. He could not have doneso Funds for redecorating and’ miod- Ottawa: and one brother, John and (Mail seemsto bea rather sup- Department of Highways, oaour without deridinghis past, and! he is wihem. ite weather is clear and the emnizing the home are now avail- Ross, Shawiville, Que. er-sensitive person. It: must be pardonably proud of the act that he alble under the Home Improvement The funeral service was held ait] accidents happen whe clear pretty, heard on his, staketo feel that wnen"FIRE CO wasa ‘boy legislator” af Queen's roads are dry; 70 per cent -of all Plan, her late residence, 40 Gilmour MES| he is: apt. to» go" up in’ the’ air and don’t depend on luck or a Park fourteen yaars ago. weather conditions prevail, ang 66 street, on Saturday at 3 pm. Rev. imagine “insults-whianever allusions = Mr. F. S. Milliken of Stewarton church wheelbarrow to saveloss on MeCullaghi might also have per icent when the roads are dry. — not purely reverentalare.ade to ST. GEORGE'S W.A. your possessions. vindicated youth mvithoizt printing The fact. that miost accidents. oc- will conduct the service. Initer- himself. A fortnight. or. ago, see about your unfriendly references to ment was in Beechwood cemetery. the “old cur in clear weather and on dry St. George’s Annual A.YUP.A,. FIRE INSURANGE, NOW. Hon. Earl Rowe, who knew“nothing P| gang,” meaning thereby men of roads may seem suprising at first meeting was held in the church and oftheyoung gentleman’s past’and fifty and upwards. glance. it will prove less baffling correctlyassumedthat herwas a He himself has the officers were re-elected for the Don‘t place a padlock outside your Bifather.up: in- London, if you rememberithat speed too The G. F. Macnab ‘person. of abstemious habits,askeda Ontario, to coming year. door, which indicates your absence whom ‘heis iknown. t fast for conditionsis the chief cause simple question|as tothe-Globe. o’ be devoted, Patron—Rev. W. Grant Jones. +from home. Agency andwhois a ‘popular manin tha of accidents. and Mail’s views on: theHepburn. t President—Bertha Craig. comimunity. Whenhethinksof his Most dirivers have lJearned that Viee President—Ruth Mackay. Government’'s: admin stratoin ofthe Doms become excited when a Cc. A. MULVIHILL, Manager father, hea. OnUst | realize | that. th they imijust slow down when weath- Secretary—Davig Wilson. liquor laws.To his astonishment, e burglary 15 attempted; don’t light “old. igang”: is not. devoid of: useful, er or roadconditions are bad. Whiat Treasurer—Marguerite Badham. McGonigal Block __Phone 2il Mr.McCullagh- immediately len the lights, but quietly telephone and -Ipoesilbiy -- eurative: _ Virtues. they have yet to learn is that a {Rovers—John Dolan, Bertha - off the.handle, revealingin part the)“Youth:1m oe little less speed under all conditions the police. sust have its fling‘andits Craig. storyofhispastlife, and‘proclaim.|..voice in. affairs, out men .of ripe is good driving practice. Program comimittee—Barbara Do- ing himself as a-fbrandsaved. from. r emperiences: are entitled to nasegiving intenpretedavery. their lan, Grace Wilson, Roy Weir. : the: burning.He place“in. the. sumalso. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS tensof After all, Missionary Committee—Fred Sad- questionin which . natural. : the:world wouldIbe in oa rather |]: ler, Oswald Craig. of voters.were interested thotands perilous condition if all the pulblic .AIN SCHEDULE Social committee—Hiriam Wilson, Day a personal insult. He even re- aS G. H. MOLES ms. mover fifty were suddenl y c Jean Delahunt. ment ut | qealed thefact thathis appoint off” Theelders have GENERAL Insurance agent, Suc- long been |. ist Visiting Committee—!Maudella LONG WEEK-HND “to the Boaard of Governors. of the]: eying hormmagi> Effective October cessor to R. G. Moles. Fire, Life to youth, which rAe- Tripp, Jack Sadler. University of Toronto. was. thein-. presents thei and Accident companics repre- FARES r. own past selves, But | : focal Council Representati 72S5— hint hit tthe ian Pacific sented are the best. Office in the cident. whieh: made: youth will be the gainer if | Canad Mervin Tripp, Jack Sadler. Between all points in Canada and penitent. it re. Town Hall. _ -Bawdust trail for. the pects the view s of . older men. MorningLocals to eertain dastinations in tha Incidentally, ‘this: confess- When _ peneh. Mr. McCullagh has held his United States a good deal. of amuse- {p Basthound \ieilbebesieclilesetere eas9.15 am. TAXES ! os gion caused ition for five years, he aill have C. A. MULVIHILL, E.C.,B.A. ‘con. that ment}among “colleagues: found! this out,. and! have gotten Westbound o.oo, 10.51a.m. FARE AND ONE-QUARTER poard, arho are notso-afraid:of the usedtothe slings Nowhe’s. a cOmmon, Common man, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, ‘and arrows. all ; Afternoon Locals FOR THE ROUND TRIP ‘congenial|cooktail. pulolishers must Tax him! Tax him all you can. Bonding and Brokers’ Agent, ete. occasionally dodgeS, he: president-of the ‘Globe —Carleton Fastbound wee VW encebeteleveeees 3.11 p.m. Tax his house and tax his bed, Money to loan. Office John street, t Place ‘Canadian. opposite Bell Telephone office. Tickets good going from Noon* hit the weiling: again.| .. Tax the bald spot on his head. ail has Westhoound... Cehttee setedpedeaeee’6.26 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, until 2 pm., Mon- S ‘Bon. “Earl Rowemadea harmleES 4. - Tax his bread, tax his meat, aay, Oct. 11, 1987 referenceto him: as “the * Sunday Locals Tax his shoes clear off his feet. A. A. McLEAN, B.A. and|genial. *Where no P.M. train service Ort, 8 boy editor.” - Mr. MoeCullagh re-|- | WestboundLee vee10.51 a.m. Tax his pipe and tax his smoke, (Successor to Late A. Burwash} tickets good on A.M. trains _gamchum at-the- corner Eastbound! les Cbetsvcuecvueeeseccececes 7.36 p.m. Teach him government is no joke. tired to. his “ BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Pub- Return Limit to leave of Bay 4adKing streets, looked .at Tax him Hepburn, and' tax his Bas, destination the historic stuffed) owl which «was : . Imperials Tax the road that he must pass lic. Office in Gardner "Block, not later than midnight, Tues., John street. Phone 67. ve‘one of the hereditaments of the old Rastbound bereeebascuavsleveeel eelebes 2.07 a.m. Tax the farmer, tax his fowl, Oct. 12, 1937 “Mail and Empire and made wp his - Hastbound, Saturday beets!6.09 p.m. Tax his plow andtax his clothes, MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE . Adult : mind.that,“he had fggen - insulttod oe Westbound vi secentevelastentertertaes 3.18 a.m. Tax the raigs that wipe his nose. ~ GEORGE M. BLEAKNEY s or Children oo. 250 pig and tax his squeal, oggains “Not only.thist,.toutall they. Tax his RARRISTER Solicitor and Notary Full information from any Agent io has bean insulted. ~ Dominion (fast trains) Tax his run down at heel, | S - youth:ofOnt: “he Public. Money to loan. He th:ought of“Napoleon, | EHastboumd i.Vee BB aam. Tax his cow and tax his calf, Suite 811 Ottawa Electric Bldg. thoughtof Gladstone,bothofwham|. Westbound wetee LLBE pm. Tax him iif he dares to laugh, 80 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. Canadian Pacific ‘won distinction in their:Apwrenties. | Tax his barns and taxhis lands, se Hisrsmbid mood was inbensifiedby | Tax the fblisters on his hands. oan ¢ £ Torywho. mecalled Alexand-| : Canadian National Tax the water and: tax the air, r theGreat, Michael Angelo, Keats|. Tax the sunlight, if you. dare, With A TRIED AND PROVEN GOOD e “PEP UP" TONIC, STOMACH, LIVER & BLOOD a pndShelley. Jf be had not been}. - os Morning Loeals Tax the living, tax the dead, preseoupied,Mr. MoCullagh would e A Quien,WELL conpuctED, ® Hastbound occ 9.43 a.m. Tax the unborn. before they’re fed. Tax themall and tax themwell, Me perhapshave: thought-of the youns- - CONVENIENT, MODERN 100.” ‘Westbound Dati,Coenen Ql!am, .9 And do your best to make life ‘h—l. ae- eriPibt, and=“Alexander. Hamilton ROOMHOTEL—85 With BATH andafew other.giftedyoungmen.|. : WRITE FOR FOLDER Afternoon Lo¢als Hon.! © Alnyway, he decidedto hurlat TAKE.a BE: LUXE TAXI. be Eastbound, except Sat...... 2.53 pam. , Don't leave notes in letter boxes | ~ HERBAL REMEDY. WE RECOMMEND THIS. ue” thathe| _ Westbound, except Sat.. 5.40 pum. doors, or milk bottles with mes- _)BarlRowethe “ba quog “FROM DEPOTr. OR.WHARF250, a himselfwas not So:old—only.forty-| - | Eastbound, Satusreattae,6.25 p.m. Sages ones whenyou will return

a| th ree—and) shalte hedbeenin: pub- ae Westbound, Sat. Leulysivbensan’6,49. p.m, For Sale at McCord’s Drug Store =~

oe THE A R N PRIO RB “Thursday, October7,1987 CHRONICLE Page Seven

COULDNT EAT HEALTH ILIVEINA SMALLTOWN COULDN'T SLEEP | By R. de‘Deachman, in ‘TheFinancial Post Now Free of Bad Liver and Kidney According to Dr. Neil McKinnon ‘Trouble and Feeling Fine | of the School of Hygiene, Toronto, aeBor years Ilived in cities—large, morning paper, time to think, al: tuberculosis is still-e problemin the medium and small -. NowPye in: quietplaceto sleep, and friends Here’s another woman province of Ontaric, While the mor- a towmandlike it, Thereare eaere; : who are capable of understanding. who felt terrible until sons why I should. ‘Trath to tsi] I These dearest whims are : always she found how ts get tality rate for 1935, namely 36 in never was enamoredof the bigcity. ancessible inthe town—not always back appetite, sleep every 100,000 population, was the soundly, and secure - with iis’ roeichanical forces ci. action in the city.» lowest ever recorded in Ontario, its imeacsed fuss, its. feeble accom- new health. Mrs. A. H., “Then I -like to live in a place "Montreal, writes,“Thad years of liver there weve 1308 deaths from tulber- os plishments. We should. mould ‘to “where the children knowme and our meécs the place we live—hbut complaint and dizzy. headaches — bowels culosis as compared‘with 4,214 from "AT EVERY MOVE MY BED PROTESTS tell me their troubles. Today one ‘irregular, crippled with kidney trouble too cancer and 7,053. from: heart disease, “this jean’t. ibe done in. the city—the —no appetite—no sleep, Many laxatives WITH SQUEAK OR MOAN of them wanedme to take a sliver and in the first. 50: years of life tub- OR RATTLE!" os city” cur dives to. its’ varv- out of his. finger and L did! it with gave me cramps. I tried Fruit-a-tives and 2 ing whims. But let us, together,go | 2 my health greatly improved.” These famous erculosis killed more persons than a defimess of surgical efficiency did either heart disease or cancer. - over afew of the advantagesofthe —-diffcult to ‘portray! What is the fruit Juice, herb, and tonic tablets cleanse ‘town in the hope that we may make and:strengthen the liver, help stemach, kid- iCf the 1,308 deaths, 60 per cent use of living in a city where the/ neys, intestines. Troubles go, Health must were contributed by the age group a tem:stendforth in ‘a clearer light. janitvor’s daughter in the apartment improve. 25c. and 50c. Ali druggists. 15 to 49, the majority of these by “One isithe cold logicalfact thatein blodk is the only child you really the age of groups 20. to 35. In the

‘the town living costs less—in cther know. True—at times they are years of life from fifteen to 47, wordsone gets more for what one noisy and they shared with the. wayside or te crash. nead on into made up of adolescence, young “gives, In thecities we. pay much robins the loot of my cherry tree somelucky: shot which has gone adult life and early manhood and for little. “In the town we get a but they paid for it .one hundred efore. The men in “mixed doub- years, tuberculosis was resiponsible “run for cur money, A’ lot, one times over with their laughter and les” gain steadily in restraint. of for more deaths than any other hundred feeb wide ‘and: ‘two -huin- sometimes with their. tears. At la nguage. They carry, often with-~- disease and was second only to the "MINE'S THAT WAY TOO AND EVERY NIGHT. dreddeet deepseems like a farmin first I questioned their «wisdom in out expression, thought which, as group of external causes—aceidents, Oo acueity.. ~ fit pwould.- cost almost as sawing off the limbs in order to get LONG HOURS FOR SLEEP 1 BATTLE!" Wordsworth once remarked, do of- suicide, homicides etc, as chief © wnteh:: In the town: it costs rele- ‘the cherries. This seemed like tenlie too. deep for tears. cause of death. tively little end gives more joy and wanton waste of. next year’s fruit Now these things succeed inthe This being ‘so, it means that the a satisfaction, In is opento the air and then I remembereq that—gov- and the town because there are men of exe- rising generation, including medical Boe sun. Grass,¢ruit and ficw-|ernments do the same things—saw cutive capacity who direct and en- students, nurses in training, young . @ns.gion joetier. If you doubt my off, this year, the limibs which courage them? and do it not for adults and even schoo! children are statement come upand see. me! would bear fruit next year, and what they get but for the joy of more apt to die from tulberculesis, £emetime, when strawberries and| governments. are models which doing something worth while. All oefore they reach 50, than from any are ripe, or in October ~ raspberries people are expacted to follow, but other disease. Tuberculosis is, Whenthecornis ready for the pot. this is not a homily on economics, this serves to encourage a commun- tty spirit, a competitive enthusiasm therefore, .the greatest menace lout a Stray thought ortiwo. onlife Then: building, amidmaintensmee which survives without bitterness among all diseases that face adol- “cost legs in. the:wowa:than. in the in_bowm. or rancor. The human race may escence and young adult life. This / €ity. Taxes may be nominally Fhen T like the way things are live «without democracy—perhaps is especially true of young women. high, esmecialiy of late years, but|crganized in the smaller places. without government of any kind, Tuberculosis still accounts for 1 in valuationus ane lower and that ell They meet the needs of the people burt it is lost if it fails to hold its every 4 or 5- deaths of wermen in the important. idem of existence is not] who use them. Golf tees are less capacity to play. Victory is not age group of 20 te 26. This 3s in -. 80 gteat a burden in a town as it is! because management costs. little. everything—wneither. is) money—the spite of the fact that me general inthe city. © Transportation cost; The club house is not so elaborate. game is the major part of life. mortality rate is today only one- less. Street cars. and taxis are| No white-coated waiter serves you I love to hhear“the rain in town. third of what it was 30 vears aca. mever pressed into service. You| ardently with longing hopes for it falls like a benediction on lawns, But the mortality of tuberculosis is are closed to the sources andthere generous tips. The course is not so gardens and fields. You think, as not our only public health problem » gre avays of cutting costs of supply smooth but your chance is as good you hear it coming of the things it in relation to this malacy. “Hts pre- Gf the wmecessities of life, wihich es the other. fellow’s and the valence has to be considered. The cannot be dene in the large centres. will do for the counitry and of “sreens” are all that could be de- those who will rejoice at it. ‘Rain 3,433 fbeds in sanitoria in Ontarda, sired. os. Gn the city you are called apon ito in the city speaks of running water are always filled and there is con- ‘keep up with the Jones. family. Almostevery town has a bowling from: filthy eaves.. In the country stantly a long waiting list. Dr. Personally i don’t like them. They green. The fees are low so that MicKinnon insists that there are at it tells ‘the story of -refreshing think more ef their clothes than €very one may play.. The fun is lawnsandi fields, of robbins revelling the moment from 5000 to 10,000 they do of their thoughts—quite divided, equally into three parits:— in the glory of a new life, of gray eases of tuberculosis in the province. ‘Tuberculosis is a “catching” dis- frequently I wonder if they really the game itself the good nature of faced dust, dissolving fast, on field Think. The larger the city the the players and their ibantering and road, and richer, deeper color ease. It spreads from perscn to J. © LITTLE person in the househola. “Every “higher the standard of living. for language. Our little lady {bends on the *ace of the earth. othese who can afford it, but to the the bowls to her willby the mas- There is more gossip in the death, every case, uncontrolled”, says Dr. McKinnon, “indicates a HUNERAL DIRECTOR and man eho wamnts ia reasonable life, terly pervsuasiveness of her elio- smaller places, but it is rarely mal- possible focus of infection to yield in the higher the standard of living quence. If the bowls of her own icious. Everybody knows if you AMBULANCE SERVICE the lower thestandard. of comfort. side are going astray, she pleads have been to church or out of town, one, two, five oy twenty years’ time new cases and more deaths and In the city you pay for things you with themi like a Billy Sunday call- or under the weather. It all rises OFFICE 126 these in turn to yreld: others.” 142 John St. Telephones-- do mal get. ‘Thegreatest things in ing upon sinners to repent—if her from, a closer intimacy which NIGHT 328 ‘lite aredifficult to purchase with opponents are gaining ‘she coaxes brings a keener interest. The man “money. ‘The list would have to the bowls to go wrong to in town knows that ‘busniess is inchucie:—Ibreakfast alone with .a across the dead! line to dally by the IT’S NO RIDDLE better because John Smith’s crop s yield will be higher... Inthe city he measures(things by curves and It seems a riddle that most acci- graphs. In the towin the question demits occur when the driver is go- is —what of the growing -crops. ling straight ahead: It isn’t a rid- The railway man figures progress die ait all. Cam you solve it? Here’s by incafease of car loadings, but car a clue: That’s the only time when loadings are a dead material thing the driver can really “step on the CONVENIENTLY LOCATED 50 ROOMS—RATES 750 ROOM —and John Smith’s 400 bushel crop gas.” Last year, in 628 accidenis so ATES of wheat on ten acres is real, per- | in which people were ‘killed, 621 $1.50 to $2.50 $1.50 to $2.56 j sonal and vital, both to John and cars were “going. straight,’ and so SINGLE NO HIGHER were 8,092 of the cars involved in SINGLE NO HIGHER the man in town who knows about LASY PARKING FACILMES it. I was in a telephoneoffice a 10,488 non-fatal accidents. High- : iy FREE RADIO IN EACH ROOM. A mets Rorhesta: Bufiale and Evie . fewr days ago and the girl answer- way deaths cen be eliminated if LoPkrOTsSear ache ——— éd a e@all. “AM right, Jim,” she drivers will mix brains, as well ‘ei ‘said, “oo right ahead and cut the air, with their gasoline. hay—wait a minute and Tl give yeu thie weather report from the morning paper—no doutbt the hay was Cult. . “Silent Barriers” ~Thefarmer is close to the soil and the town is close to the farm- er, Mass impulses sway the city, but individual initiative begin fur- ther back among the trees. There is in Our cities an intensive localism which sees nothing save that which they deem to be their own immed- iate interests—it’s a choking in- fluence cn our national life. The city knowslittle of the country, and cares less. It cannot be inter- preted: to the country nor the coun- try to the city—one is too far from tthe other, but the towntkmow’sthe country and the country knows the

town because their interests are “The story ef cur times is being told for the next generation by amateur the same—they. dwell in umity to- - photograpsihers who take and preserve simple scenes of present-day life, gether—at least, in unity of such as this. thought, Yes, I am glad I live in ID. it ever occur“to youthat as of becoming a photographic histo- a town. I'wish the city people the owner of an amateur camera: rian for the benefit of your own who weave in and out the narrow you are blessed with the means of posterity? This,you can do effective- lanes of city life icould sense, for a ‘Waking a valuable and truly signifi- ly even on a small scale. It simply time at least. the beanulty and the cantrecord of the times in which means making a collection of pic- freedom of town and country. It tures, taken by yourself, best repre- would uplift their lives, improve ‘you live? Magazine, newspaper, senting the life, customs, dress and their thinking and (break the tang- nawe-reel and other professional| activities. of the present day and led weave. of iecbhwebs from \heir ~ -pheotce raphers are doing. just that placing them in a special alhumto minds. They would realize then every Cay and a vast store of picto- that the town! is a real part of the rial history is accumulating. keep and hand downas a family pos- ‘session.. Some-of these pictures will nation—in many ways the (better “Thanks to the progressand spread|‘seem commonplace now but as in- part. J am glad indeed that I ve * ot photcgraphyour descendants are -teresting and valuable forty or fifty in a towm—in a not-too big town at - ogceing to know much more aboutthe years hence as those of the “pgae that! _way welived andacted than we nineties” are to us. “. Imow ofthe way our great-grandfa- Select ‘subjects which in your thersdid,‘Through these millions of judgment.are most typical of the SHOWER FOR MISS MULDOON ‘phoicgraphs of life and action now current scene. Certainly you should being taken our descendants will not neglect to include your own In honorof Miss Miodesta Mul- possess vieual» evidence of the home life, street ‘scenes and other doon. whose marriage tookplace on ‘things we did, how we dressed, how views about your‘changing ‘elty, the Monday of last week, a miscellan- at the home dife went on in‘city and’ country. homes of the rich and the homes of eous shower was held the poor, life in ‘the country. and : of Mrs. W. E. Dean on Tuesday 2 £Contrast. the advantage they will were present types. of automobiles, air- last when about 22 friends. iient Barriers, the film epic have overthis generation which has and _» .to-rely upon the descriptionsof writ- planes, railroad trains and other. - present. Miss Audrey Dean of the construction of the €rs andthe work ofartists ‘for-its |. things in. general use which today - Master Billy Dean dressed as bride Canadian Pacific Railway, which into the rooma vl understending of life prior to thein- spell modern life and tomorrow will,ue and. groomcarried had its Empire premiere onder me troduction of photography. scarcely che obsolete. - = \layige basket} prettily decorated in the patronage of Her Majesty - Youshould notfail to include off-. white consisting of numerous par- Queen Mary, and Mrs. Staney .. more.than -twogenerations - ago. ng : Mul- However'aaceurate the workof writ- |euard snapshots of people doi cels and presented it to Miss Baldwin, in London recently, and — ers, and artists. may be, it cannot things illustrative of common life doon. Unwrapping of these disclosed }. its Canadian premiere in Mont- ae tt;nal the:reality and truthtulness:of what the artists call genre pictures. lovely and useful gifts and the real, and which depicts one of the ‘photegraphy. | Make‘your camera your companion guest of honor read the accompany- maost- important chapters in the especially in traveling and beready ing verses. ~, Miss Muldoon then history of the British Common- Se Wee amateur ‘photographers, new, wealth of Nations, will be shown osailjons strongin-every. country, are for these. For example, a shot out of thanked hey friends very fittingly. your car: window. of a scene on the Dainty refreshment swere then in theatres from coast to coast historical value, as well as being mert of the historic. scene when piso. makinga tremendous contribue during the current month. The first rate entertainment. The film, Sir John MacDonald pledged the platform- of a railroad station may |‘ served Iby thé hostess with Mrs. E. ¢ion-to-this.photogsraphic record af story, based on Alan Sullivan’s a Gaumont British production, support of his Goverlment to the seen ordinary.enough today but it Code and: Mrs. E. Millar pouring tea ~our time,Few Ofus; however, are book “The Great Divide,” brings was made at Revelstoke, B.C., and enterprise. Left. to right are . doing atby.‘design, Mostof: ug take is aseinple of. common life, Years and coffee. : back and viializes the. titanic in the surrounding mountain area, shown George Stephen, William - pictures for the present.amusement: hencethis picture will hea curiosity. struggle with nature waged by Jt includes such great stars as Van Horne, R. B, Angus, Sir John : ot outselves, familiesandfriends|The: modern. scene is. constantly. |. the giants of pioneer railroading ‘Richard Arlen, Barry MacKay, MacDonald, T. G. Shauganessy and ium eo with not s6muchthou ghtto: thelr. changing.‘There is noother’med _ ‘Don’t leave your home’ att night in this country, and particularly Antoinette Cellier, Lilli Palmer, Donald Smith. Picture No. 2 “valueandinterest:too i: children’8. than: photography. whichcan. show... unless: one, ight is: left -‘burning. Ay “in the seemingly impossible task and J. Farrell MacDonald. In tt shows one of the tense momenis children. Too few of us.take. pains so trulyafter a lapse of yearsa,what oe thief usually will avoid entering, a of thrusting the road through the: the men who would not acknowl- of the play and is a scene be- these.changes have’‘heen, o Rocky Mountain barrier. The edge defeat again playtheir paris. tween Richard Arlen and» Lill fepreservethe‘pictures wetake, -' home where there is a light burn- The lay-out shows & re-enact- Palmer, a gtory bas a tremendous Canadian opWweli, whatdo you say,totheiden.


- Page Bight THE ARNPRIOR CHRONICLE Thursday, October 7, 1937

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|g PAK NHAM | : : Mrs. Wm. Fowler and son Walter baby are visiting friends in Mer- Classified Ads ee . a : os

S : visited with Canp friends on Sat- rickville. urday. Miss Catharine Steen‘of Ottawa _ Miss Ethel Fisher recentlyacce_pMitz.,Cecil Bursess Was a visitor is spending a two weeks’ Mr. H, L. Blanchard and family vacation FOR SALE FOR. SALE ed a positionin Carp. - to’ Pambirroke on: Sunday last. - at her home here, onoved this week into: the home of Young Pigs for sale. Apply to One-year-old Yorkshire Boar for . Mrs, Cooper of ‘Renfrew: is this , Mr. cand Mrs. John Mulligan Mrs. S. G. Smith Spent a couple Thos. Costello, Fitzroy Harbor. Ic sale. Apply to Ferdinand Scheel, spent several days recantly visiting Me. R. HH. Mooney. of days, last week . weekthe guest of Mrs,Roy ‘Need- withfriends at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Armstrong Pine loth line -f£ McNab. 4)-3p : ham. i ‘in: Ottawa. Grove and Arnprior. TO LET Helen Hatton of Ottawa Messrs. Gordon ‘Dool and Robert : Mr. Comnor Siurtton Sipenb a vaca-~ and Miss Mrs. H. D. McCordand: Miss; sean HOUSE TO LET Fraser ‘were visitorsto. Esmond on fpent the week-end.with friends Wallace of Arnprior Fiowse to let with all econven- tion last week at her parental called on House to let at 81 John streat, Sundaylast. here. friends here on Tuesday evening. iences on (MeDonald St:, wired for home near Pamibroke.. electric stove. Furnace heated. Apply to Mrs. John L. Karr, Sand (Miss Kathleen ‘Gillan of Kempt- ‘Mr. James Pritchard of ‘Sudbury Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smythe, who Mirs. ‘Lumney and daughter, Miss Apply at Jack’s greenhouse, Arn- Point, 41-35 ville jwas a week-end. guestat her spent the week-end at his parental have spemt the past faw momtihs at ‘Fansie Lunmney, spent several days and Mrs. Robert Prich- Picton, Ontario, prior. parental home here. of last week in the capital. home, Mr. returned to Galet- TO LET cesses ard. ta _on Monday _ Miss Eva ‘Shaw. of Larder Lake Two Apartmentts to let. Rent Miss Elizabeth Lowry spent sev- Mr. and Mrs. F. DRESS MAKING was aweek-endpuest at the home Misss Hilda Wilson™of. Carlyle, E. Russell and 22 and $26 per month. Apply to 103 eral days of last weekthe guest of children of Arnprior Up-to-date dress making, suits, - of herparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Sask., is holidaying with her aunts, were guests Johnstreet, Armprior. 37-tf her mother, Mrs. Robert Lowry. on Sunday at the coats, fur remodelling, repairing, — Shaw. Mrs, Wim. Styles and Miss Lila Kil- home of Mr. and (Mir. A, LaPlante of Amos, Que- Mrs. Richard’ Bourke. was last ‘Mrs. A. S. Russell. relining. Reasonable prices. A FOR SALE © 7 bee, was a gueston Monday of this week the guest of her daughter,|°> '. Mr. Geo. Balentyme, Mrs. Sidney trial solicited. Apply to Miss 1 Blood filly colt, year and a half ting will be ~-weekat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Buttle of Snake Riv- |. The ‘Antrim WAL. mee Hutton and children of Ottawa Trowese, 219 Elgin care of Mrs. old, also young pigs. Apply to rday afternoon, Oct. George.Belford. er. . held on Satu were guests) of Miss Charlotte Yeomans. 4)-3p Dave McBride, Fitzroy Harbor. rs. Andrew Mrs, D. I, MacDonald and dauigh-| Mrs. -R. A, Sutcliffe returned 9th at the home of M Monteforte at MossgieD on Satur- FOR SALE - ter, Margaret Ellen of Ottawa were home on Tuesday of this week, af- Stewart. day afternioon. FOR SALE Cine 1931 Chev. Coach, small _ guests on Saturday last of Mr. and ter a month’s vacation in Toronto Ms, Wim. Baird “of Dumrobin is Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simpson and slx-year-old Bay Horse, Ten- their mileage, well tired and has qa 15 ee Mrs,Earl Steen. and Brighton. : this week a guest at the home of son, Mr. Graham Simipsonof year-old Horse, Tennayear-old Mare, plate battery, newly overhauled, Mr.W. J. Steen and granddaush- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman and his brother, Mr. John‘Baird and. Almonte were guests on Sunday of Year and a half old Colt, Six-year- Mrs. priced reasonable for quick sala, ter;: ‘Miss: Jeanne Blair were visit- baby of Paltimore, Quebec were Mrs. Baird. Simmpson’s-sisters, Mrs. J. F, old Mare and Foal, Fordson Tractor For particulars apply to Lorne ors in Arnprior on Monday and week-end visitors. of Mr. and Mrs. Learmonth and Mis Helen Lowe. and (Plow, Tiwo-furrowed Tractor Mr. and Mrs. Jamies:Ferguson and The Annual Plow, 2 Walking Plows. W. H. Pieres, 97 Victora St. Ip 2 ‘Tuesday of this week. Harvey Downey. Harvest Thanksgiv- wa were Sunday daughter of Otta ing service was held in St. Greene, International Dealer. 411le¢ Mrs. iR. Turley of Ottawa, accom- Miss Irene: Johnson, RN. -of Ot- sts guson’s nts, Auigus- FOR SALE |... gue of Mr. Fer pare paniedby her son, Rev. R. Turley, tine’s Amiglican church tawa.is spending a month with her Mr. and Mrs, F, Fenguson. on Sunday Registered Holstein Bull, nine “jr.ealled on afternoon. The church ELECTION OVER old friend's here on sister, Mrs. Albert Wilson, recuper- was pret- months old. Sire’s Damtested 4.2 Miss Aida Kilgore, Miss Dorothy tily decorated «vith Business as usual. Special drive mee Thursday. of last week, ating from a séfious illness. vegetables, per cent TB. tested. Cheap for Kilgore and Mr. RoyBlandifield of fruits and flowers, on WALLPAPRR 10% to 50% dis- (Dr. J. Geish, Mr. andi Mrs. Milton The rector, quick sale... Apply to W. A. Bries of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Groves and Ottawa were guestsat the home of Rev. P. Caiger-Watson conducted count, to clear all our 1937 stodk. Kirkland Lake and Mr. J.. Miss Margaret Tait attendied at Young, Armprior, R. R. 3. 4i1-2yy _Wriesof Kitchener visted las Miss L. Kilgore on Sunday. the service. Furniture, bargains galore. We are t weelk Perth last Sunday the funeral of oe atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. George Laughlin of Wawota, prepared to sacrifice our entire FOR SALE the late Mrs. Samuel Thornburgh. stock. Call and see us. Special New and used c oo Fisher. Sask., arrived home Monday even- ream separators, 7 Mr. amd Mrs. Earl ‘Steen and won Sunday morning next a Har- BRAESIDE NEW sale on for timber and lumber, new stoves, ranges, scales and washers. est. Thanksgiving Service and ing to spend sometime with her S and secong! hand. Stafford R. Rudd All kinds of live = family were the Sunday visitors of mother, Mrs. Robert Laughiin. stock, bought and Dr. and Mrs. J. E, Ritchie and communion service -will be observ- & ‘Co., Next Post Office. sold or taken in exchange, Apply Mr. J. H. Coburn spent Sunday to I ae Miss ‘L. Steen of Cobden -on ed in St. Anndrew’s United church Mrs. R. H. Laughlin is in Toron- ra J. Smith, Renfrew Dealer, Sun- at his home in Carlet day tdast. here. to this week andwill preside as on Place. Pakenham, Ont. 22-3p Misses Bessie ‘Campbell BIRTHS - and T. B. {Miss Mertie Badam of. Warren,| “Mr. andMrs. Ross Stanzel and master of ceremoniesat a |banquet Dean—At Galetta on Thursday, Moore spent Saturday in Ottawa. $25 REWARD -.JManitoba, called on nume three children,Shirley, Arnold and given in The ‘Tudor Room of the Sept. 80th, to ‘Mr. and Mrs. Clar- will be paid by rous old, Miss Inez (Burton is spending a friends here on Friday fast. It is‘Darlene of ‘Carleton Place were the Royal York: ence W. Dean, a daughter. the mfgs. of LLOYD'S few days mith friends in Renfrew. THYMOLATED > thirty years since Miss Badaim left, Sunday guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Al- Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Groves have: CORN SALVE for Mr. Lloyd McKinnon of Chicaigo any corn . this village, having resided herein,Jan McCann. returned home after spending. the or callous they cannot re- is Visiting at his. parental home CARD OF THANKS . move with th her:‘youth... | JAmeeting of the Horticultural past week mpwith their. daughter, is wonderful. new here. The ‘Arnprior Committe of the scientific preparation fo * Mrs. Wim. ‘Stevens of ‘Almo r Corns or nte!, Society will be held in the Council Mrs. Victor MeCord and Mr. Mc- Miss Marion Hogan of Ottawa “Spent Thursday of last week the Canadian National Institute for the Callouses. It de-sensitises and re- Chambers on Thursday evening, Cord at North Augusta. spent Sunday with her parents “guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Shaw, Blind wish to thank all those who lieves pain with first application, "Oct. 14th at 8 om.. Everyone is Mir. and -Mrs: Guy Styles -enter- here. =“ Yenewing old friendshins with Mrs.! helped with the tag day, and also For sale at McCord’s Drug Store. invited to. abtend. Mr. Jack 'Cart Jr., of Sudb gsWon. Douglas of Froud, Sasik., who, tainedseveral little girls of the vil- hy, ury all citizens who so generously con- ‘(Misses Gert Letang, Annie Shee- lage last Wedmessday afternooin in visited at his parental home here tributed:—Genevieve M. Dupuis. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC | han and Verna Landeau and Mr. honor of their littl daughter, Aud- last week. During the past number of years ames: McMahon of Renfrew were rey Marie’s sixth birthday. Mr. H. Bridge of Arnprior spent I have loaned several books to | Sunday visitors at the homeof Mr. Thursday with his daughiter, Mrs| ENGAGEMENT citizens of this locality, and they Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Youn “The regular monthly. meeting — of and Mrs. J. E. O'Neill, g and O. Payer. have not lbeen returned. T value children, Stuart and: Margaret and (Mr. and Mr. Ben Legris en- ee‘the Women’s Institute washeld in, ‘Mrs. Robert Campbell of Dods- Mrs. Bell of Winchester visited these books very much and would Miss Agnes Young visited’ Sunday nounce the engagement of their eeS the. Agricultural Hall here on. Fri-|| land, Sask., arrived at the homeof her daughter, Mrs. iR. A. Sereney on appreciate it if they would return with their aunt, Miss Mary Senior, daughter Dorothy Amelia to Joseph dayevening last, with the presi-j her sister, Mrs. Aubrey Hunt on Sunday. books to willies Bros. Ltd. office whois ill at her home in Paken Raoul Daze, son of Mrs. A. Malette dent, Mirs. ‘C. A. Campbell in the - iMr. Earl Brownlee of Masson, Braeside, or to The Chronicle iOf- Tuesday of this week to spend a ham. and the late John Daze, of ‘(Arn- S - chair, and was well attended. fice. A.B. Gillies, Braaside. {vacation in this vicinity. Que., spent the week-end at his prior. Marriage to take place the 41-2ip The. roll call: was responded to by Mr. W. S..Diunecan, minister of St home here. “Miss Joan Stanton of Ottawa . middle of October. FOR&SALE : : “Don’t for the Sick Room,” or an Adrew’s church, during the sum- Mr. and Mrs. P. McLean are visit- spent last week at the home of her l-h.p. Electric Motor, Fan Blow- “old fashionedremedy. Mrs. Camp- smuer months will preach his fare- ing thle latter’s sister, Miss Mary grandiparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Joe at, Quarter horse power blower, opel heartily. congratulated the so- well sermon on Sunday, Oct. 10th, Hudson of iCanp. IN MEMORIAM -- elety on thesuccess of the aifter- Stanton, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Trip Hammer, 2 Amvils, Tire Set- at 11 am. and leaves nex Flat Stanton coming for her on t week to Mrs. Dr. Mothersill and children ter, Vices, Drilling Machine, Simple so noon’s entertainment in honor: of finish his course at the Montreal of Ottawa spent the week-end Fieming—iIn loving memory of our Sunday.’ Exapress, Single Buggy, Thro and Lady. Tweedsmuir. College, with friends here. dear daughter, Barbara, who died The many friends. in this vicinty fourswheel Trailers, large stock of _ Arrangements were. made for Octelbber Oth, 1934. Mr. Geo. Farmer of Carleton of Miss Mary Senior are sorry to Mr. Wm. Armstrong, son of Mr. neckyokes, whiffletreas and sleigh cateriing toa-dimner for the Fox (Place spent a few days with her sheltered by the rock of ages, -Breeder's. association to ‘be given learn that she was afflicted with a and Mrs. Edmund Armstrong was runners and Trons of all kinds for daughter, Miss Pearl Farmer. Amchored on the golden shore; strokeon Tuesday of this week successful in obtaining his BA. de- farm use. Alex. Clarke, 25 Elgin here in the mearfuture. (Mrs. J. Messrs. R. Martin, J. Martin and. in the penfect love of Jesus and igs. now. a patient .o Almonte eTee from Que'en’s , Universit street, Amnprior. 4:1-2ip E. ‘O'Neill was appointed a dele- y, J. Phinkett of Aylmer, She is safe for evermore. spent gate to the annual Women’s Instit- IR.M. Hospital. All trust she twill Kingston and jeft last week ‘to at- Que., tend Sunday with Mr. and iMrs. A. N. Ever remembered by SALESMEN WANTED ~ ute convention held: in Ottawa on quickily recuperate. . 1university in Toronto. Con- . Mother and Brother, gratulations. - McKinnon. Men: If you possess initiative the 12th, 13th and 14th of October, Mrs. Janet Fishenden and ‘son, then you should sell our line of 200 with’ Mrs. T,. A, Ross as possible Mr. J. Fishenden, Mr. and Mirs. J. ‘Kinburn Continuation School Zuaranteed homie necessities in a ‘Supply... Poynter, accompanied iby Mr. girls’ and boys’ teams defeated WHITE LAKE reserved territory! Norisk! ‘Cash Whenthe business part of the Thomas Mitchell of Almonte were Fitzroy Harbor teams in twosoft- SANDP}OINT terms. Plenty of genuine chances >¥ meeting was completed, Mrs. D. Sunday visitors to Flinton at the ball games, played here last Wed- for success, independence and a This Week’s News’ Farquharson took. charge of the homes off the iatter’s dauighters, nesday afternoon. The score was Miss L. Betts of Pakenham is Sure living. Ambitious men only Miss L. Paris visited’ on Sunday - programme as convenor of‘Eealth Mrs. Fred Honeyiborne and Mrs. 46-7 for the girls and! 11-3 for the visiting with Mrs. Charles Burgess. need apply for AREE particulars, andChild Welfare. at the home of Mrs. A MicNee of Ted Foote. ‘boys. A return game will be play- Mr. John Towe of (Port“Arthur is Familex Co, 570 St. Clement St., Burnstown. After suitably introducing hez On Wednesday, October ath, ‘Miss ed at Fitzroy Harbor this week. holidaying at his parental home at Montreal. “subject,She called on Dr. W. W.: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hough and Mrs. Sarah MacBryde was married to Visitors. here with friends Castleford. Buttle for an adidress, and he chose Mr. Ernie Thomas of (Carlyle, Sask- on Houlgh, sr., spent Sunday with Al- Mr. J.C. Phillips has returned CARETAKER WANTED ‘Sunday who attended anniversary monte and Pakenhamfriends. as his subject, “Infantile Paraly- atchewan, ss \MacBryde livedin home to Chapleau after a month Tenders will be reecived until services were Mrs. Thos. Spratt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrie spent the sis’ and! his dieseription. of this the villaeg for a number of years spent at the Murray home. Oct. 23rd, for caretaker of Arnprior . (Miss Melba and Marion Spratt, Ot- week-end in Cornvall' 2uests at the dreaded disease and its reaction, ‘with: (Rev. and Mirs. H. H. Hilis and Mrs.K. A. Newman has returned skatinig rink for the coming season, tawa; Mr. and! Mrs. Percy Groves, home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Shiatts} were of great interest to alll. Miss the best wishes of this community home fromOttawa where she visit- commencing Nov. Ist, 1937, and Miss Harriet Lowe and Mrs. Robt. Mr. and Mrs. John Hough spent “Mary: Sneddenably delivered a ‘are extended tor her future> happl--|'s ed her sister, Miss Sarah Chatter- ending: April 30th, 1938. Adidress Snedden and Mrs. Robt. Gillan of Monday in Ottawa where they vis- Teading “The Dieap- Year Leap” i mess. your reply to secretary-treasurer Pakenham; Mr. and (Mrs. George ited Mr: BE. Lemieux, who is a pat- pon. her customary talented taenrior: : Mrs. Michael Miller was in Ren- Arnprior Winter Sports Ltd., Amn- Mr. and -Mrs. Tom Giles celsbiat- Bolger, Clayton. ien?t in the Ottawa Civic hospital. Mr, Armstrong, executive secretary frew attending the funeral of her prior, staung qualifications and of the Dominion Boardof the Boy ed their silver wedding, anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fraser and son Large congregations were pre- gousin, the ‘late . rs. J. B. Mac- salary expected. The lowest . or “Seouts, Ottawa, gave a splendid onFriday evening last when about sent at the. anniversary services Stanley of Ottawa spent Monday at any tender not necessarily accept- two’ hundred friends gathered to Laren, talk, urging the need and the icon- held in Antrim: United church on the home of Miss M. Barrie. They ed. 4-2¢ congratulate them. They. wece (irs. A. J. Miller and son Wilbert sequent results were accompanied by Mr. Wm. of stitch a society:in sunday when Rev. H. Todd of home to Castleford presented with a handsomie ninety-. Ritchie, who visited with Mr. and have returned FENDLAY STOVES and GENUINE this community, Mrs; T. A. Ross Braeside was the special preacher. after spending a few days at the read a very interesting paper on seven piece dinner set-andsilver- Mrs. S. Cunningham. REPATRS The choir, under the ‘leadership of Michael Miller home. . “Current Events?’ - ware. Miss Elizabeth Wood read Mrs. Roy Graham, organist, was the address. Mr. and Mrrs. Robert Donoghire0of Dr. R. ND McCreary of Arnprior|. assisted! by Miss Melba Spratt and Why wait, have your stove re- StAndrew’s Boys Club Cerleton Place were in fown this paired now. ‘then delivered (a splendid! - address | Miss Marion Spratt of (Ottasa, aying with the latter’s on "Miscellaneous Shower . wees st Used stoves taken in emchange.. “Child Welfare,* especially‘em- Miss Jane Boyle of Arnprior, and St. Andrew's Presbyterian chureh n. mother, (Mrs. D. Hudso Repairs for all makes of stoves _ phasizingthe ieare of the infant, Mrs, (Cecil Wood iwas the hostess Miss ‘Dorothy Dickson of Galetta, boys’ club met for re-organization nd Mrs. E. S. Mandeville, Mr. a and heaters. : andreceived ‘undivided attention at a deligutfully arranged miscel- Mr. Edwin Baird of Kiniburn, Mr. n to prepare for the coming season’s Mrs. J. S. Mandeville and son, Joh Stoves repaired and pipes cleaned “fromall: Miss Fonsie Lainey, die-. lan@ous shower at her home here Donald Snedden and Mr. ‘Stanley activities. Thirty-two boys wers y atthe of Smiths Falls spent Sunda Connor Washers, gas and electric. - Jighted all herhearers with two on. Tuesday evening of this wedk, Groves of Pakenham. present and responded to the roll former’s parental home. solos, “The Rios Viking CreamSeparators, Rub- e of ‘Tralee!’ and in honor of Miss Alies MiCann, one call. A neminating committee, com- Mrs. J. J. Chatterton ‘was in| “ a L o t Fi ber (Rings and Oil. Throw nother og n he re.” of this month'sibride-eleets, Miss posed of Joe Bartell, John Briscoe, Smiths Falls fast week visiting CommunitySinging interspersed. the Nu-Enamel Paint, just try some. McCann owas seated: in the chair of corated basket filled wiiith besutiful Bert Cartwright! and Max Bedore, with her sisters, Mrs. G. iB. Gilles- - programme a a6- Phone 205, Hugh Metcalfe. t various. intervals. ‘honor, above pwhich was suspended gifts and presented them to the ‘was appointed to select a slate of s. Johm Clyne. Mr : Refreshments w pie and ( ere served by ‘the a large wedding fbell and from: this bride-to-be. After displaying these officers for the season at next “Mir. and Mrs. A. W. Whittamore PROPERTY FOR SALE members of the society. Thenext bauble she wassprayed with con- and reading. the accompanying meeting. The club will be divided of Ottawa withthe latter’s parents, cameeting ‘will be- under the conven- fetti, Master ‘Dick Wood andlittle verses Miss McCann thanked her into semior and junior groups. spent a few days this week at i—Seven-roomed brick vensered orship ‘offMeFlora Sadier, [M iss Muriel Sadler carried in a-de- friends very appropriately, Those George [Ring was appointed to the their cottage in “The Pines.” Dwelling, corner of William and assisting, the hostess in servine oficial office of policeman till the (Mr. Daniel Hudson, nephew of Landrigan streets, all modern im- were: Mrs. T. Fulton, Miss Evelyn nS end of this year, and Earl Cart- Mrs. Michael Miller, who is a mem- provements. $800, cash handles, ee ytoe aa a Sar a ae eS | Bole and Mrs. Roy Needham. ‘rs. witient takes over the police duties. ber of the Ottawa city police force 2—Six roomed Brick-veneered James Wood poured the tea. Tiwen- of the cluf for the balanice of the met with a serious accident when dwelling, lot 46, Ida Street, all ty-five guests were entertained, and| s eason,. on duty one day last week, Mr. improvements. To settle an e¢s- a delightful evening was spent by L Hudson was knocked down by an tate, will be sold cheap. all. automobile and his injuries were Aso several good low priced dwellings in different parts of the i ck- Huntingoopened_Sept. 15th. “Shot. Gun Shells, THi CHURCHES so serious that he was removed to t Former Pakenham Resident one of the city hospitals. Latest town. Allsizes. Guns, Gun Licenses,ete: Forbes Dickson, a milk owner at report is that the patient is mak- For particulars and inspection ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH FINDLAY'S FAMOUS STOVES and. RANGES one time, a son of the late Mr. and ing good progress towards recov- See Jas. W. S. Wilson, Realtor. 10 am., Sunday schools; 11 am. Tel. 364 103 Daniel St. Get our Prices onall models. | Mrs. W. Dickson ‘of Pakenham and ery. of late a pioneer resident of Indian ‘Thanksgiving Sunday, ‘Tet us give Let ie quote on‘your New Findlay Furnace. Complete.- thantkss”’;> 7 pm., evening worship. Head, died at Weyburn, Sask on /apstallaiions by competent workmen Monday, Sept. 18th, aged 74 years. FITZROY UNITED. “USED RANGES. AND HEATERS. ‘The funeral was conducted by Rev. ‘Fitzroy Harbor at 11 .am., Ep- | dames Evans, assisted iby Rev. 8. A. worth at 3 pm.; Kinburn at 7.30 “These stoves have been thoroughly reconditioned and are Kennedy Fraamnecis, ‘p.m, ay goodshape to give you,yeatsof economical service. in _ Pallbearers were: ‘Messrs.. Jona- ‘FITZROY ANGLICAN - Pricedto sell, than Francis, Don Mackay, George | Twentieth Sunday after Trinity— AMBULANCE SERVICE. : Gs)lass,Putty, Window Ventilators, Weatherstripping and: - | Lang, Jim: Lang, Harty Henning Woodlawn at 1030 am.: Ninth ‘manyother cold weather needs at your. disposal ‘and (Dr. FW. Hart. Line at 3 p.m.; Fitzroy at 7.30. p.m. Mr. Dicksom. had “spent several ELGIN STREET BAPTIST A.BOYCE A vyestmiGHoUsE MARCONI years at Francis, Sask., and recent G. 10 a.m., Sunday. school; 11 am., _ RADIOS. [ months at Weyburn. In the early RADIOS and 7 pim., Rev. Norman MicCans- 4 days he had lived at Indian Head a Yoursfor Coitfort land of Vankleek Hill will preach. FUNERAL SERVICE with his mother, Mrs. A: Dickson,

of Regina, is a sister-in-law of the GRACE-ST. ANDREW'S UNITED JOHN STREET, ARNPRIOR | deceased. . 9.45 aim. Sunday school; 11 a.m., Messrs. ‘Lang mentioned: as pall- ‘What ig our religion doing for Phones:—Office 13; Night 2W and 2] ‘bearers were grandsons of the late: others?” 7 pum, “Prophecy andIn- George ihang of “Pakenham; and spiration.” Thethird and last in Residence at 66 Hugh Street North \| Jonathan. Francis was a son of late| series,. “Mechanical and Vital Re- - " Harvey. Francis. of Pakenham, - = /Tigion.,” oy i