Moofushi House & Moofushi is an absolutely beginner and intermediate snorkeling paradise. Moofushi is one of the very few resorts in the to have 3 large lagoons and is surrounded by a fantastic house reef that makes it extra special. In terms of visibility on most days it is between 20 to 25 meters and the is slow to moderate depends on the weather conditions. Marine life is very diverse in term of fish and corals. You can see different types of coral and multitude of reef fish mostly sting rays, sea cucumbers, lion fish, snappers and eels. The best site for snorkeling lies on the eastern side of the island, the Main Reef. The Main Reef is just a few meters away from the beach and facing the channel where the fish and animals including migratory species like Manta’s, Whale Sharks, Dolphins and Sea eagles which can pass right by. There are table corals as large as 3 feet in diameter that are easily visible with hundreds of fish surrounding them. Many other beautiful coral types and beautifully colourful fish just rest along the sea bed.

There are 3 different points of entry for Snorkeling which offer different Snorkeling Experiences. From the Totem Bar to the Main Jetty: • A sandy opening leads directly to the reef cliff. • The shallow waters having the coral underneath are of comfort for all beginners. • On this side of the island the channel running very close to the shore line has a wide range of fish and corals. From Main Jetty to Water Villa Jetty: • The perfect combination of beautiful corals and colorful fish • A Dhoni wreck is also visible just off shore from the arrival Jetty Back Jetty area: • Offers a beautiful coral botanical garden. • Guests might often encounter strong current.

Snorkeling Equipment It is our pleasure that we offer you the following equipment on a complimentary basis during your stay: • Mask • • Fins You can get these from the Water Sports Centre situated behind the Pool. Just sign out giving details of your name, Villa number and Departure date. You will be asked to sign a small form agreeing to pay for any equipment damaged whilst in your possession. For the enjoyment of other guests, we politely ask that all equipment is returned. If you would like to purchase snorkeling equip- ment, we are very pleased to offer a wide range of high quality equipment at the Blue Tribe Dive Centre. Scuba Diving Blue Tribe diving company has been based on Moofushi for many years and are experts in everything to do with both Snorkeling around the Island and also Scuba Diving. Scuba Diving in the Maldives is renowned to be some of the best in the world. Within the Maldives itself, Ari has the repu- tation for the most diverse and beautiful dive spots. Within Ari Atoll’s southern area, where Moofushi is situated, it is famous both for the amount of great dives and also the amaz- ing variety of Sea life. From Giant Mantas, Whale Sharks, Turtles to fantastically diverse Coral reefs, there are dives suitable for both Open Water and Advanced Divers. There are 32 major dive sites close to Moofushi which give you the widest range of diving experience and biodiversity. Some to name are the world renowned dive sites of Maaya Thila, famous with grey reef sharks, Rasdhoo Madivaru Kandu has most spectacular reef formations and Fish Head the most famous in the whole Maldives with caves and a huge variety of marine life which is perfect for all kind of divers from beginners to expert. Please note that whenever snorkeling or diving, we politely request that you do not touch any sea life. Not only is there potential danger to yourselves, there is also a major environmental impact. Typical Sea life around Moofushi Island

Pijama Fish Turtle Sting Ray

Lion Fish Surgeon Fish Sea Cucumbers

Box Fish Cushion Starfish Moray Eel

Triggerfish Puffer Fish Clown Fish

Eagle Ray Lobster Giant Clam Hydro polyps Manta Rey Porcupinefish

Octopus Napoleon Fish