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Leo Tolstoy : Childhood, Boyhood, Youth (Russian Edition) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Childhood, Boyhood, Youth (Russian Edition):

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Extremely interesting account of his early life which was similar ...By William G. YoungExtremely interesting account of his early life which was similar to Nabokov's wealthy parents.They both received unmatched education bytoday's standards . It produced two of theworlds geniuses0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. ... other Leo Tolstoy books War Peace is a great read. Although these books of his earlier writing ...By Robert EdwardsI tried other Leo Tolstoy books War Peace is a great read. Although these books of his earlier writing did not hit the mark for me.19 of 19 people found the following review helpful. A Hidden Gem for Lovers of Russian LiteratureBy FlippyMost people when they think of Tolstoy, comes to mind. Others, which is in large part due to Hollywood, the popular media and the numerous translations available over the years (Constance Garnet, Maud, etc..).When people think of Nineteenth Century Russian Literature as whole, names like Dostoevsky, Pushkin and Chekhov come to mind. "Crime and Punishment", "Eugene Onegin" and "The Cherry Orchard" are works we might randomly associate with the novel, the narrative- poem and the plays of the great Russian masters.Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth is that work which stands on the periphery, not only of Tolstoy's works but also of Russian literature in general. It feels Russian, the characters are Russians but the influences come from French literature (Rousseau) and Germany (Schiller, Goethe). There is a Bildungsroman element but I wouldn't want to label it a novel of development. There is also something more. Feeling, wonder, innocence, they too appear in the French and Germanic influences but there is also a great deal of sensation (a "novel of sensation"?). Reading this book, I could feel the narrator's home, I could feel his emotions. It is a work that explores the visceral aspects of being young, growing up and trying to find one's way in society.Tolstoy's work often carry a great philosophical and moral weight. He was heavily influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer and his theories about the "will-to-live" and the endless cravings of "desire". Not only that, he was reading up on the works of the Shakers, their celibacy stance. The Kreuzer Sonata and are essentially works in which Tolstoy is maddened with lust and morality.Here, you could say is the lighter Tolstoy, a Tolstoy of impressions, beauty, and tender emotions. There is no moralizing or foreboding, no fear of judgment, no murdering of wives. It is novel that looks forward to Proust in its dreamlike presentation of being young. While reading this book I felt like I disappeared into the child I once was and still am. A true hidden treasure and also the perfect example of how all Russian literature is not necessarily dark and murky. Childhood (Russian: ???????, Detstvo) is the first published novel by Leo Tolstoy, released under the initials L. N. in the November 1852 issue of the popular Russian literary journal The Contemporary.[1]It is the first in a series of three novels and is followed by Boyhood and Youth. Published when Tolstoy was just twenty-three years old, the book was an immediate success, earning notice from other Russian novelists including Ivan Turgenev, who heralded the young Tolstoy as a major up-and-coming figure in Russian literature.Childhood is an exploration of the inner life of a young boy, Nikolenka, and one of the books in Russian writing to explore an expressionistic style, mixing fact, fiction and emotions to render the moods and reactions of the narrator.Boyhood (Russian: ??????????, Otrochestvo) is the second novel in Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy, following Childhood and followed by Youth. The novel was first published in the Russian literary journal Sovremennik in 1854Youth (Russian: ?????? [Yunost']; 1856) is the third novel in Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy, following Childhood and Boyhood. It was first published in the popular Russian literary magazine Sovremennik.

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