Local authority Landeshauptstadt

Country Germany


Street / Post box Dr.-Kuelz-Ring 19

Postal Code, City 01067 Dresden

Contact person:

Name Joern TIMM

Telephone 0049/351/488-2130

Fax 0049/351/488-2146

Email [email protected]


Size of City/Town: Please tick / insert an “x”.

up to 50,000 inhabitants

50,000 to 150,000 inhabitants

X 150,000 to 500,000 inhabitants

more than 500,000 inhabitants

In your opinion, which ambitious measure(s) did your city successfully implement in the field of Sustainable Urban Transport?

Dresden – regarding itself a center of excellence in the field of transport – has been engaged in an ambitious policy-making regarding the development of a sustainable local and regional transport over an extended period of time. This policy-making integrates all important modes of transport with the exception of underground railway (metro). The most outstanding milestones and measures implemented can be found in the annex to this application form.

How political leadership and support, and technical competence added up to the success of your measures?

Innovation in local and regional transport belongs to the foremost policy priorities in Dresden, based on a clear political strategy – the so-called “Verkehrskonzept” – and supported by a “network of excellence” including partners such as the City of Dresden, the local public transport company Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe (DVB), the regional public transport association Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO), the Faculty of Transportation Sciences “Friedrich List” at the University of Dresden and the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrasstructure Systems IVI. Dresden is an active partner of UITP. In January 2004 the city has joined POLIS. The Lord Mayor, who himself has studied transportation sciences in Dresden is an elected member of the Political Board and speaker of the working group “mobility and traffic efficiency”. This involvement is fully supported by the City Council. The heads of the two largest political fractions within the City Council have been elected as representatives in case the Lord Mayor should be unable to attend certain meetings.

How did you take local cultural circumstances into account in the development and implementation of your urban transport measures?

The Dresden region is characterized by a high degree of urbanization along the river , which has to be taken account of in the organization of local and regional transport. The urbanized area within the Elbe valley ranges from in the west via Dresden to in the east. Some of the measures aiming at integrating this region in the field of public transport are being described in the annex. The improvement of cross-border public transport through the exchange of information, the co-ordination of timetables etc. is another important factor in regional transport policy.

How did your city improve urban transport measures through qualitative and quantitative monitoring? Continuing qualitative and quantitaive monitoring is being ensured via the “network of excellence” mentioned above and the individual partners themselves. The integrated city development plan contains also indicators concerning mobility development. Continuing travel behaviour and household surveys are being carried out since 1972.

How did your city seek to exchange information with other cities engaged in related fields of action?

Dresden is an active partner in the “Deutscher Städtetag”. In January 2004 the City of Dresden joined the European local authority networks EUROCITIES and CEMR (German Section) as well as POLIS and the CIVITAS-Initiative. The membership in POLIS and the CIVITAS-Initiative is being supported by the “network of excellence” mentioned above. Dresden is an active partner of UITP. The City is participating in projects such as the Interreg III C-project UrBike. Dresden is active in several regional cross-border initiatives aiming at improving cross-border public transport (e.g. in the frame of the EU-projects KAGIV [co- operative approaches for integrated cross-border transportation planning at the regional level] and GRENAH [development of planning tools for public transportation]) .



28.01.1994 First transport strategy of the City of Dresden since 1995 DVB introduces grass rail tracks 1992 - 1996 DVB Tatra-modernization 17.01.1994 Founding of the regional network „Verkehrsverbundes Oberelbe“ (VVO) 15.12.1995 Start of the purchasing of light rail vehicles by the DVB 24.05.1998 Introduction of the integrated fare tariff „Oberelbetarif“ 1998 Founding of „stadtmobil Sachsen CarSharing“ as an association, later as a daughter of the DVB and a Car sharing company from Dortmund 1.03.2001 Start of the freight tram “CarGoTram” 20.03.2003 The DVB is amongst the top 10 of the ECMT-EDF Access and Inclusion Award 7.05.2003 The DVB becomes one of the first signatories of the charta for a sustainable development of UITP 27.11.2004 The DVB starts ist first earth heated tram switch and stop 30.11.2004 New regional transport plan gets into force 2004 The intermodal connection management and passenger information is implemented at four transfer points 07.03.2005 Start of the test of the „be-in/be-out” electronic ticketing ALLFA-ticket

Use of grass rail tracks

Dresden uses grass rail tracks since 15 years. The green corridors fit harmonic into the city and contribute to noise reduction. The grass rail tracks used in Dresden are economic because they help to reduce the maintainance requirements for the upper part of the tracks.

DVB Tatra-Modernization

In the years 1992 till 1996 in total 245 Tatra-trams were modernized. They were equiped with an energy-saving steering, an ergonomic and climatized drivers cabin and a friendly and comfortable passengers area. This lead to an increase in passengers, a reduction in maintainance and a reduction in energy consumption.

The modernization was possible with the financial assistance of the Federal State, the Free State of and the City of Dresden.

Purchasing of light rail vehicles by the DVB

On 15th December 1995 the first waggon of a 30 meter long modern light rail vehicle arrived in Dresden. Since then the elder vehicles are gradually being replaced. Today already 115 of the modern light rail vehicles with lengths of 30, 41 and 45 meters belong to the DVB. They are of great attractivity to the passengers, not only because of their comfortable interior but also because they allow in combination with raised plattforms at the stops a barrier free use by disabled people. They contributed to an increasing number of passengers in times of decreasing population. The purchasing of the vehicles was possible with the financial assistance of the Federal State, the Free State of Saxony and the City of Dresden.

The freight tram “CarGoTram”

To relieve the sensitive inner city area from traffic the DVB since 2001 is delivering supplies from the cargo transport center (Güterverkehrszentrum GVZ) Dresden- Friedrichstadt to the Volkswagen automobile factory at the Strassburger Platz with a freight tram. The 60-meter train is able to transport up to 60 tons, making it four times as heavy as a regular tram. The tram takes approximately 15 minutes to cover the five kilometers between the GVZ and the factory. The goods traffic – like all DVB vehicles - is controlled by the DVB´s operations control system and takes advantage of gaps in the regular schedule. One trip of the “CarGoTram“ eliminates three truck rides trough the city center. The project „CarGoTram“ is unique in Germany.

The DVB is amongst the top10 of the ECMT-EDF Access and Inclusion Award

The DVB achieved the 8th place with the ECMT-EDF Access and Inclusion Award for Transport Services and Infrastructure granted in 2003 by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (CEMT) and the European Disability Forum (EDF) from 56 candidates. Special attention was given to the gradual extension in Dresden of the network of barrier free stops, based on the decision taken by the city council to equip stops with the so-called “Dresden Combibord”. This special plattform kerbstone leaves only 5 cm between the low floor vehicles one third of the trams and all busses) and the stop plattform, considerably improving the situation for people with transport mobility handicaps.

Geothermic heated tram switch and stop

In the frame of the installation of a new combined tram and bus stop at the Riegelplatz a geothermic tram switch and plattform heating system was installed. This system was put into use on 27th November 2004. If this pilot project supported by the Free State of Saxony turns out to be successful the system can be installed at other stops in the city.

Intermodal connection management and passenger information

The ensurance of continuing journeys together with detailled passenger information is the key to an increased acceptance of public transport. Real-time data connections lead to the necessary connection of the individual transport companies.

In the frame of the research project „Intermobil“ supported by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and the Free State of Saxony a system of intermodal connection management and passenger information was developed and tested at four transfer points in Dresden und Freital.

Modernization of the “S-Bahn” suburban railway service

The attractivity of the „S-Bahn“ suburban railway service has to be improved in times of increasing suburbanization to permit them to act as pillars of the public transport system also in medium sized urban areas.

This attractivity was achieved by the following measures:

• Improvement of reliability and punctuality of the suburban railway service via a seperate management with regard to other rail traffic using own rail tracks; • Improvement of urban integration via new traffic stations with improved accessibility; • Increase of connections by introducing a new suburban railway line S2 Pirna – Dresden Hbf – ; • Improved integration with other public transport systems by reducing transfer barriers (tariff, crossing points, timetable co-ordination, passenger information).

The first extension Pirna – Dresden went into effect successfully as the development of passenger numbers shows.

Fahrgastentwicklung im SPNV im Nahverkehrsraum Oberelbe Fahrgäste pro Tag S-Bahnen S 1 und S 2 40.000

27.921 29.471 26.605 30.000 25.611 Mo-Fr 24.399 24.026 19.483 20.057 21.052 Sa 20.000 16.694 18.232 So 17.078 16.067 16.024 10.000 14.144

0 Zeitraum Jan-Mai 03 Juni-Dez 03 Jan-Mai 04 Juni-Dez 04 Jan-Mai 05

DORIS – Intermodal mobility information for traffic participants

The information system DORIS (Dresden & Oberelbe Reise Informations System) combines the different traffic data available and provides the results to the traffic participants.

With the web-based information plattform DORIS-WWW a multimodal city and traffic information system for the urban area Dresden/Oberes Elbtal was developed under the research project „Intermobil“ funded by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology and the Free State of Saxony (

Users of public transport and road traffic can inform themselves via Internet-PC from at home or their office or via touch-screen information terminals available in public areas. Real-time data concerning the search for parking places with regard to construction sites, road traffic routing or the analysis of situation at main traffic points via live cameras is being offered. Real-time traffic information is also being provides via SMS and WAP.

The user is being provided with a great variety of data concerning road traffic, public transport as well as leisure and tourism. The great popularity is being shown by the user statistics and is also a basis for the expansion of the contens into the entire region (DORIS regional).

The network tariff „one timetable – one ticket – one tariff“ A single network tariff for all means of public transport is one of the main pillars of the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe.

Tickets are available for one, two or three tariff zones or the entire area. They are available througout the area in more than 20 service centers and many other agencies, at ticket machines and with bus drivers and train conductors.

Single city and regional tariffs, tariff systems, transportation conditions and distribution systems make the use of public transport within the VVO area easier. The VVO continues to attract commuters by offering attractive tariffs compared to the costs of travelling by car as well as special tariffs for leisure and night traffic. Special combi and job ticket offers in the frame of business transport schemes have been developed.

ALLFA-Ticket – The convenient electronic ticket

A new generation of fare management systems has recently been tested in Dresden: the electronic ALLFA-ticket. It uses an innovative on-board passenger presence detection technology based on the Be-In/Be-Out (BIBO) principle: By carrying a specific smart card or mobile phone – the so-called ALLFA-ticket – each passenger’s presence within a moving public transport vehicle is being detected. All journeys are registered fully automatically. While no user-required action is needed from the technical point of view, the user is nevertheless able to inspect the correct registration while travelling and to select whether he is accompanied by additional persons, bikes, dogs etc. or has chosen the first or second service class.

A multi-storey car park in the city of Dresden is also one of the objects being tested. Car drivers can “hands-free” operate the entry and exit gates with their ALLFA ticket and let their parking fee be registered by the system. The transfer from car to public transport is thereby made easier.

The system has been developed within the framework of the key project “intermobil Region Dresden” (1999-2005), which received funding partly from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Saxony. It has been actively supported by the Dresden city administration.

Dresden obtained the IRU Coach Friendly City Trophy Award 2005 for its outstanding coach parking and guidance system.

Thank you for applying for the CIVITAS Award: Implementing Sustainable Transport Policies If your local authority is selected as winner by the Policy Advisory Committee, you will receive the CIVITAS Award: Implementing Sustainable Transport Policies – for a CIVITAS demonstration city, at the CIVITAS Forum Conference in Nantes.