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[email protected]; Released for free complete or partial reproduction A joint platform for the following Bonn organi- BQ 238 – No. 02/2013 zations on the basis of the Evangelical Alliance: Commission for Religious WEA spokeswoman on Islam to teach at Freedom of the German and the Austrian Evangelical Bonn State University Alliance (Bonn, 08.01.2013) The World Evangelical Alliance congratulates Dr. Christine Schirrmacher on completion of her professoral thesis on ‘Apostasy in Muslim Culture and Science Publ. Theology’ and the beginning of her teaching career at the Islam department of the Friedrich Wilhelms State Giving Hands – University in Bonn, one of International Charity the leading universities in Germany. Help Worldwide – Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Charity Secretary General of the WEA, said: “This is a very Institute for Emergency significant appointment at Counselling, Terminal Care a prestigious institution. It and Grief Counselling is a recognition of Dr. Schirrmacher’s academic Institute for Prolife and Family credentials in the public Studies square. We are very grateful for her witness in International Institute for the marketplace of ideas.” Islamic Studies of the World Dr. Schirrmacher is Evangelical Alliance spokeswoman on Islam of Christine Schirrmacher during her inaugural lecture at the University WEA and Executive of Bonn (© IIRF) International Institute for Director of WEA’s Religious Freedom of the International Institute of Islamic Studies, a global network of professors of Islamic World Evangelical Alliance studies, that focuses on presenting researched and reliable information to governments, universities, media and churches.