Durham. Sunderland'
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• DIRECTORY.] DURHAM. SUNDERLAND'. S27 Conception: the North or' St. Joseph's chapel is partly nearly £2,0oo, is a large edifice of brick, and will seat about appropriated to the Sisters of Mercy: the ceiling of the nave I ,ooo persons. • is richly painted with sacred monograms : the high altar Sans Street chapel, in High street west, erected in 1793, and the reredos are adorned with statuary, beautifully and several times enlarged, has nearly 1,200 sittings. · carved 1 the stained east window, erected by the congrega• There are other chapels inCrescent row,Dove street,Pallion, tion, is a memorial to the Rev. Philip Kearney, a formet' Durham road, Burn park, Hallgarth square, Milium ~er priest, and there are two other large stained windows in the race, Suffolk street south and Trimdon street, besides seven chancel: the font is of Caen stone: there are sittings for Mission rooms. nearly 2,ooo persons. The Rev. Charles D. Turnerelli is 'fhe Catholic Apostolic church (Irvingite) is in Hudson priest; the Revs. L. Ormoud and William Berkley, assistant road; the Christian Lay church in Borough road, ' priests. The Friends' meeting house, in Nile street, erected in St. Patrick's, in Church 11treet, erected in 1861, at a cost 1822, at a cost of nearly £3,ooo, is a plain building of brick~ of £3,000, is a plain edifice o( stone, and will seat 2,00Q the burial ground attached is now disused, a new burial persons. ground having been purchased in Bishopwearmouth. ' St. Joseph's is situated in King's Cross. The German Evangelical church, Hudson road (B), is an The Catholic church of St. Benet, situated in the Cause edifice of brick with stone dressings in the Gothic style. way, Monkwearmouth, in beautiful and spacious grounds, The Jews' Synagogue is in Moor street; the chapel ol the will seat 900 persons. Plymouth Brethen in Gin Bridge road ; there are Salvation The PRESBYTERIAN body have several places of worship. Army barracks in Roker avenue, Spring Garden lane, and St. George's chapel, in Villiers street, erected in 1825. at at the Wear music:; hall, Drury lane ; and a Seamen's Bethel a cost 6f about £4,000, is an edifice of stone of the in Zion street, · Doric order. St. Stephen's, situated at the north end of Sunderland CEMETERIES.-The Sunderland Cemetery, situated on the Bridge, is an edifice of red brick, with black brick bands and Ryhope road, about 2 miles south of Sunderland, was opened stone dressings, erected at a total cost of about £3,000, from June I, 1858, and covers an area of 28 acres, the whole designs by Messrs. Joseph Potts and Son, architects : being well laid out and neatly kept. There are two m or minister, Rev. W. Dryburgh M.A., :S.D. tuary chapels with lofty spires, and in the cemetery is a The others are :-Trinity, in Toward rbad; Smyrna, in drinking fountain 16 feet in height. It is under the control of a Burial Board of 9 members. Borough road; North Hridge street; St. George's, in Villiers • street ; Peter Turnbull ~emorial Hall, St. Mark's road ; The Bishopwearmouth Cemetery, situated between tQ.e and one now ( 1889) being built in Belvedere road. There Hylt.on and Chester roads, about x mile west from Sundel' is a Mission room in Norman street, Hendon. land, was formed in 1856, and then covered an area of 34 The BAPTIST chapels include one in Barclay street, erected acres, formerly part of the glebe, but was enlarged in 1889 in 1834, a small building of brick, seating soo persons. by an additional 17 acres: there are two mortuary chapels There are others in Lindsey road and Nob le's Bank road, in the Elizabethan style, designed by Mr. Thomas Moore, and a Mission room in Hudleston street, and the Tatham architect. Here are buried the larger number of the uufor'" Street (Bethesda) chapel, built in 1844 by the late Rev. A. A. tunate children killed at the Victoria Hall on the 16th JumY, Rees, will seat over 1, 200 persons. l883. The cemetery is undei' the control of a Burial Board ·The CONGREGATIONAL body have Grange chapel, Stockton of 9 members, constituted 25th of July, 1854· The officeS road, built in 1883, from the designs of Mr. J. P. Pritchett, are at 32 John street. architect, of Darlington, at a cost of £x,4oo, a building in Th~ Monkwearmoutlt Cemetery, situated in the township t.he Early Decorated style, consisting of nave, aisles, transept of Fulwell, between Roker and Whitburn, has an area of and a tower containing a clock: there are sittings for 1,200 about 32 acres, and was consecrated by the late Bishop of persons: Sunday schools of apsidal form, attached to the Manchester, June 271 1856; there are two mortuary chapels. east end of this chapel, and opening from the gallery, were The grounds are tastefully 1aid out in well-arranged walks, erected in 1882, at a cost of £2,500, and will hold between John George Taylor, superintendent. It is under the con Soo and 900 children. trol of a Burial Board of 18 members. The Union chapel, Chester road, erected in x889. at a ' cost of £s,ooo, is a building of stone, and will seat 850 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES AND ESTAHLISHMENTS.-The persons. new municipal buildings, Fawcett street, now (1889) in There are others in Dnndas street, Newcastle road course of erection at an estimated cost of £42,ooo, are in {Emmanuel), Pemberton street, Sorley street and Willmore the French Renaissance style, from designs by Mr. Brightwen .street ; and a Mission room in Charles street. · Binyon A.R.I.B.A. of Ipswich: the fa<;ade towards l<'awcett street is 150 feet long, and that to Athenreum street, and The METHODIST NEW CONNEXION places of worship include adjoining the south entrance to the railway station, is 94 feet: Park Road chapel, erected in 1886, from designs of Mr. John the principal entrance is in Fawcett street, through a tower Eltringham, at a cost ol £6,ooo ; this is a building of stone, 20 feet square, surmounted by an octagonal copper cover£d in the Early :English style, consisting of chancel, nave, dome and cupola, the whole rising to a total height of 140 aisles, transept, organ chamber at the south end, north feet: the upper storey contains a clock with chimes, striking porch and a tower at the north-west angle : a gallerr runs on a bell four tons in weight, and has four dials : the ground round the whole extent of the building : there are sittings floor comprises various public offices : in the basement is a ior 750 persons. There are other chapels in Burdon road large muniment room, strong rooms, heating apparatus, and Westbury street. wages office and store rooms: on the first or principal floor, PRIMITIVE METHODIST.-Williamson Terrace chapel (M) approached by a fine staircase in the centre of the building, was erected in 1840 and rebuilt in I88o, and will seat about are the mayor's room, with an aute-room and council r,zoo persons. chamber, town clerk's offices, and two committee rooms ; 'fatham Street chapel, erected in 1875, at a cost of £6,soo, and at the north end of the building is a larger council is au edifice in the Gothic style, from designs by Messrs. J. chamber with a raised da'is at the west end : on the second .and 'f. Tilltnan, architects, and has Sso sittings. fioot• is a ~IUite of rooms for the use of the School of Art and Carol Street chapel, erected from designs by Messrs. J. for a Sanitary Museum ; there is also a caretaker's house .and 'f. Tillman, architects, Is capable of seating about 500 and a. good kitchen, &c. : the building is well provided with persons. lifts from the different departments : the internal corridors There are other chapels in Charles street, Chester road, are of fireproof construction, and are well lighted from two Emma street, Hylton road, Mainsforth terrace, Malins Rigg large areas. and Pilgrim street. 1 The municipal insignia consist of a mayor's chain and The UNITED METHODIST FREB CHURCH• in South Durham badge, and corporate and mayoral seals. The chain, of gold, street, erected in x868, is a structure of brick, with stone is formed by a number of reef-knots alternating with the dressings, relieved by marble and granite, in th11 Lombardo letter" S," the whole being united by small links; from the Italian style, and will sea~ about I,ooo persons. There are centre krtot, which interlaces art anchor, hangs the badge, an other chapels in Brougham s~reet, Crescent row, Dock ornamental pendant, displaying the arms of the town; the .street, Hylton road, Hood street, .Roker avenJ.le and West seal is simply an oval embossing stamp, bearing the same Moor road. arms, with a marginal legend : the mayor's seal is similar. WESLEYAN.-St. John's chapel in Ashbrooke road, erected No pfficial robes are worp. in 1888 from designs by Mr. Robert Curwen, architect, of London, at a cost of £14,500, is a building of stone in The Police and Fire Brigade stations are in East Cross t.he Geometrical Gothic style, and affords sittings for 920 street. persons. · The police force consists of one ehief constable, on~ Pawcett Street chapel, erected ih 1885, is a building of superintendent, three inspectors, one sub-inspector, flout stone, in the Lancet style : there is a stained window at the detective sergeants, one clerk, twelYe l!lergeants- and one west end, and sittings for 1,500 persons.