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INTRODUCTION Quantum Wonderland LIKE ALICE AND HER WONDERLAND, PHYSICISTS ALSO HAVE ACCESS TO TWO worlds: the classical and the quantum. Although both worlds are inhabited by the same two species, and , their behavior in either world can be remarkably different. The macroscopic or classical world is filled with the familiar and modeled with classical laws. Lowering the temperature sufficiently to enter the quantum world reveals that these species can interact in cooperative ways, giving Quantum rise to exotic phases of —quantum matter—not seen in the classical world. Here, things get interesting (and weird); solids, liquids, and can flow Matter without dissipation; exotic phases can emerge; fluctuations can be critical; and objects can be entangled and be in multiple places at once. Many experimentalists and theorists have been exploring this quantum regime CONTENTS on November 11, 2008 for some time now, studying how individual and ensembles of particles behave, in attempts to unravel the underlying physics producing these exotic prop- Perspectives erties and phases. Some others are heading straight to applications. The six Per- 1202 Quantum Gases spectives in this special section provide a taste of some of the topics that occupy the I. Bloch world of quantum matter. 1203 Quantum Liquids With trapped in a lattice of optical microtraps, Bloch (p. 1202) discusses A. J. Leggett how the ability to manipulate the magnitude and sign of the interaction between the 1205 Quantum Critical Systems:

atoms can provide a model system in which to explore the formation of the exotic The Uncharted Sign Worlds www.sciencemag.org phases seen in quantum gases, liquids, solids, and electronic and magnetic systems. J. Zaanen Leggett (p. 1203) sets out the theoretical basics of such quantum systems, explain- 1207 Supersolidity ing how their behavior depends on which family of statistics (Bose-Einstein or M. H. W. Chan Fermi-Dirac) the atoms belong to. Choosing the example of quantum criticality in 1209 Quantum Information fermionic systems, Zaanen (p. 1205) points out that the fermions and their statisti- S. Lloyd cal family are troublemakers. Trying to explain the complexity emerging from what 1211 Looking to the Future of are simple constituents, he tells us that our present mathematical toolbox is inca- Quantum Optics pable of describing how these exotic electronic phases emerge and that new math- I. A. Walmsley Downloaded from ematical tools need to be developed. Another recent example of an observation in See also related News story page 1180 need of an explanation is the supersolid effect found in helium-4, where a solid crystal seems to move like a superfluid. Chan (p. 1207) presents the latest on this new phase and argues that imperfections in the crystal appear to be necessary for the effect to be seen. Communication is a vital technology in the classical world, and Walmsley (p. 1211) describes how developments made in the quantum world are carrying over to applications through the use of quantum optics in areas such as secure communication and cryptography. Lloyd (p. 1209) expands on the topic of communication and information, describing how quantum information can be con- sidered as matter, as concrete as any of the matter we are familiar with in our clas- sical world, and how theoretical ideas in quantum error correction will lend them- selves to the realization of an operational quantum computer. Outside the special section, Adrian Cho's story in News Focus (p. 1180) describes research in Fermi condensates, gases composed of fermionic atoms, which may help researchers model materials as diverse as high-temperature superconductors and the interiors of stars. So, armed with an Alice-like curiosity, let’s take a short walk in this quantum landscape.


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observe exotic forms of superconductivity such PERSPECTIVE as the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov super- conducting phase (13, 14), where particles con- Quantum Gases dense into pairs with nonzero momentum. Early experiments have produced degenerate mix- tures of two fermionic atomic species (15)and Immanuel Bloch two fermionic species with an additional third bosonic component (16), and both are progress- Ultracold quantum gases are proving to be a powerful model system for strongly interacting ing quickly toward exploiting Feshbach reso- electronic many-body systems. This Perspective explores how such atomic ensembles can help to nances to control the interactions between the unravel some of the outstanding open questions in the field. fermionic atoms. For lattice-based systems, efforts are under hen matter is cooled down close to Feshbach resonances. Such bosonic composites way to explore the feasibility of using ultracold zero temperature, particles can in- can themselves undergo Bose-Einstein conden- atoms as quantum simulators for strongly inter- Wteract in a cooperative way and form sation, thus fundamentally altering the properties acting many-body systems. For example, in the novel states of matter with striking properties— of the many-body system. When a true two- famous class of high-Tc superconductors, such superconductors, superfluids, or fractional quan- body exists between the particles, as the CuO compounds, one observes that these tum Hall liquids. Similar phenomena can now the composite bosonic is simply a mol- form antiferromagnetically ordered ground states be observed in a dilute gas of atoms, five to six ecule, albeit very large, whereas in the case of when undoped. Upon doping, and thereby orders of magnitude less dense than the air attractive interactions without a two-body bound changing the effective filling in the system, surrounding us. Here, degenerate bosonic and state the composite pair can be seen to be re- the antiferromagnetic order is destroyed and a fermionic quantum gases trapped in magnetic or lated to a BCS-type Cooper pair, which can superconducting phase with d-wave symmetry optical traps are generated at temperatures in the then undergo condensation. It is the possibility of the order parameter emerges (17) (Fig. 2). nanokelvin regime (1). Whereas initial research of changing almost all the underlying param- What exactly happens during the transition concentrated on weakly interacting quantum and how it can be described on November 11, 2008 states [for example, on elucidating the coherent AB theoretically is currently a matter wave features of Bose-Einstein conden- subject of heated debates sates (BECs) and their superfluid properties], and one of the fundamental research has now turned toward strongly inter- unsolved problems in the acting bosonic and fermionic systems (2, 3). In field of condensed-matter these systems, the interactions between the physics. Cold- researchers particles dominate over their kinetic energy, are currently trying to deter- making them difficult to tackle theoretically mine whether they can help but also opening the path to novel ground states toresolvesomeoftheseis- with collective properties of the many-body sues (18). As a starting point, www.sciencemag.org system. This has given rise to the hope of using several groups are preparing the highly controllable quantum gases as model Fig. 1. Three-species fermionic atoms (red, green, and blue spheres) to observe antiferromagnet- systems for condensed-matter physics, along in an optical lattice can form two distinct phases when the interactions ically ordered states in two- the lines of a quantum simulator, as originally between the atoms are tuned. In the first case of strong attractive component Fermi mixtures in suggested by Feynman (4). interactions between the atoms, they join as “trions” (A), whereas in an optical lattice. To achieve Two prominent examples have dominated the the second case of weaker interactions, a color superfluid is formed this, however, one needs to research in this respect: (i) the transition from a (B), in which atoms pair up between only two species. The two phases cool the many-body system superfluid to a Mott insulator of bosonic atoms have strong analogies to the baryonic phase (A) and the color to challenging temperatures Downloaded from 12 trapped in an optical lattice potential (5–7)and superfluid phase (B) in quantum chromodynamics [see ( )]. T below the superexchange (ii) the BEC–Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) interaction energy Jex,which crossover of a two-component Fermi gas across eters dynamically and the ability to model the characterizes the coupling strength between a Feshbach resonance through which the mag- complex many-body quantum systems by first the spins of atoms on neighboring lattice sites. nitude and sign of the interactions between principles that have led to a surge in experi- If the temperature is not low enough, thermal pairs of atoms can be tuned (8–11). In the first, mental and theoretical research. fluctuations would simply destroy the fragile a weakly interacting and superfluid gas of quan- What is next on the agenda? For fermionic magnetic order present in the ground state. tum degenerate bosons can be turned into an systems with and without a lattice, researchers Superexchange interactions form the basis of incompressible and insulating gas in a three- are trying to see whether they can pair up par- quantum magnetism in strongly correlated elec- dimensional lattice of optical microtraps. The ticles with very different mass ratios, such as lith- tronic media and can be described as an effective Mott insulator can be visualized as a many-body ium and potassium, or possibly even three -spin interaction between the neighboring system in which strong repulsive interactions different fermionic atomic species. This line of particles on a lattice (19). They are a result of between the particles sort them into a perfectly work is fueled by a theoretical prediction that such virtual “hopping” events of particles to neigh- ordered array and each lattice site is occupied by fermionic mixtures could show phases in which boring lattice sites, in which a particle tunnels a single atom. In the second example, pairs of three fermions join to form a “trion” analogous to to an adjacent site and then the same particle— fermionic atoms can form bosonic composite forming baryonic matter or, alternatively, or its neighbor—returns to the original lattice particles when their interactions are tuned by only two of the fermionic components pair to form position. For two spin-polarized fermions, such a “color” superfluid (12) as in quantum chromo- hopping is suppressed by the Pauli principle, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, 55118 Mainz, Germany. dynamics (Fig. 1). For the case of two particles whereas for two fermions with opposing spin E-mail: [email protected] with highly different mass ratios, one hopes to directions, the hopping is allowed and leads to

1202 29 FEBRUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION

in order for them to possess References a strong electric dipole mo- 1. L. Pitaevskii, S. Stringari, Bose-Einstein Condensation (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2003). ment, the that are 2. D. Jaksch, P. Zoller, Ann. Phys. 315, 52 (2005). up to now created in highly 3. I. Bloch, J. Dalibard, W. Zwerger, http://arXiv.org/pdf/ excited vibrational states will 0704.3011. have to be brought to the 4. R. P. Feynman, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 467 (1982). ground state in a controlled 5. M. P. A. Fisher, P. B. Weichman, G. Grinstein, D. S. Fisher, Phys.Rev.B40, 546 (1989). way. Laser spectroscopy in 6. D. Jaksch, C. Bruder, J. I. Cirac, C. W. Gardiner, P. Zoller, molecules could do exactly Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3108 (1998). this: by using a single pulse 7. M. Greiner, O. Mandel, T. Esslinger, T. W. Hänsch, I. Bloch, or a sequence of two- Nature 415, 39 (2002). 8. C. A. Regal, M. Greiner, D. S. Jin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, Raman transitions, the high 040403 (2004). excitation energy could be 9. M. W. Zwierlein et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 120403 (2004). removed and the molecules 10. M. Bartenstein et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.92, 120401 (2004). Fig. 2. For two-component Fermi gases (blue and green spheres) in could be brought to the ground 11. T. Bourdel et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 050401 (2004). an optical lattice, an antiferromagnetic ground state is expected at 12. A. Rapp, G. Zarand, C. Honerkamp, W. Hofstetter, state. If all this can still be Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 160405 (2007). half-filling (A). Upon doping (red spheres), such an antiferromagnetic done in such a gentle fashion 13. P. Fulde, R. A. Ferrell, Phys. Rev. 135, A550 (1964). order is expected to be destroyed and, in some theories, a spin-liquid that does not heat the atoms 14. A. I. Larkin, Y. N. Ovchinnikov, Sov. Phys. JETP 20, 762 state emerges (B), which can form the basis for a high-Tc super- and molecules too much, and (1965). 17 29 15. E. Wille et al., http://arXiv.org/pdf/0711.2916. conducting phase [see ( , )]. Researchers with ultracold atoms are whether one will be able to currently trying to establish both phases in the experiment. 16. M. Taglieber, A.-C. Voigt, T. Aoki, T. W. Hänsch, ultimately obtain a degener- K. Dieckmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 010401 (2008). ate gas of heteronuclear mol- 17. P. A. Lee, N. Nagaosa, X.-G. Wen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 78,17 a decrease of the total energy of the particles. For ecules stable enough to carry out experiments, (2006). fermionic atoms, an antiferromagnetic orienta- remain to be seen. 18. W. Hofstetter, J. I. Cirac, P. Zoller, E. Demler, M. D. Lukin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 220407 (2002). tion of the atoms with alternating spins is thus Finally, several research teams are currently 19. A. Auerbach, Interacting Electrons and Quantum favorable over a ferromagnetic one. Exchange trying to find ways to address and observe single Magnetism (Springer, Berlin, 2006). on November 11, 2008 and superexchange interactions between ultra- atoms on single lattice sites (28). In the optical 20. M. Anderlini et al., Nature 448, 452 (2007). cold atoms have been observed, showing that regime, this requires a demanding optical micro- 21. S. Trotzky et al., Science 319, 295 (2008). 22. F. Werner, O. Parcollet, A. Georges, S. R. Hassan, Phys. they can be controlled to a high degree and that scope, as the atoms in the lattice are only spaced Rev. Lett. 95, 056401 (2005). their coupling strengths can be in the kHz by half a micrometer or less. However, if success- 23. A. Greissner, A. J. Daley, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch, P. Zoller, range (20, 21). The temperatures of the Fermi ful, one not only would be able to observe but also Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 220403 (2006). gases produced in the experiments so far also could control a spin system in two dimensions 24. M. Lewenstein et al., Adv. Phys. 56, 243 (2007). 25. L.-M. Duan, E. Demler, M. D. Lukin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, seem to be initially low enough to enter an with 10,000 particles simultaneously in view, all 090402 (2003). antiferromagnetically ordered phase, such that with single-site and single-atom resolution. 26. A. B. Kuklov, B. V. Svistunov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 100401 one can expect to observe these phases in up- Observing dynamical evolutions in these systems, (2003). www.sciencemag.org coming experiments (22). Whether the tem- probing their spatial correlations, and finally im- 27. A. Micheli, G. K. Brennen, P. Zoller, Nat. Phys. 2, 341 (2006). 28. K. D. Nelson, X. Li, D. S. Weiss, Nat. Phys. 3, 556 (2007). peratures one needs are, however, already also plementing quantum information processing in 29. P. W. Anderson, Science 235, 1196 (1987). low enough to observe a d-wave superconduct- such a truly large-scale system would offer ex- ing phase is unclear, especially as current theories citing prospects for future research. 10.1126/science.1152501 do not permit a precise estimate of the critical temperature for entering the superconducting phase. By comparing to critical temperatures observed with typical high-Tc superconduc- PERSPECTIVE Downloaded from tors, one can estimate the required temperatures to be a fraction of the superexchange coupling. Quantum Liquids Progress in this direction might therefore be crucially linked to novel approaches for cooling the quantum gases to even lower temperatures A. J. Leggett in the lattice (23). Control over the effective spin-spin inter- Quantum liquids are systems in which not only the effects of quantum mechanics but also those actions between neighboring atoms could also of the characteristic indistinguishability of elementary particles are important. The most open up a new avenue for the simulation of spectacular of these are the systems of bosons (liquid 4He, the Bose alkali gases), which undergo quantum magnetism with cold atoms or mole- the phenomenon of Bose condensation, and the systems (liquid 3He, the electrons in cules. Both atoms and molecules offer the abil- some metals), which display the related phenomenon of Cooper pairing. I discuss these phenomena ity to implement arbitrary spin Hamiltonians on and the relation between them. alattice(24). For atoms, the spin-spin interac- tions are generated by superexchange couplings quantum liquid may be defined as a any “elementary” particle, or any compound sys- (25, 26), whereas for ultracold molecules the many-particle system that shows not temsuchasanatommadeupofelementary electric dipole-dipole interaction can mediate Aonly the effects of quantum mechanics particles, to nħ/ 2wheren is an integer (includ- even stronger spin coupling between individu- but also those of quantum statistics. As is well ing zero). If n is even, the particle or system in al molecules on neighboring sites (27). Hetero- known, general considerations concerning the nuclear Feshbach molecules have recently rotation group limit the possible values of total Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana- already been formed in optical lattices; however, angular momentum that can be possessed by Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.

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question is called a ; if odd, a fermion. A important way may be obtained by imagining or of the order of the Td defined by Eq. 2 and famous theorem of quantum field theory, the each particle of mass m to move in a cage of side (ii) the particles can change places relatively spin-statistics theorem (1), then states that the a ~ n−1/3 (n = particle density) formed by its easily. As so defined, the category of quantum total wave function of any many-particle system neighbors; because the typical single-particle liquids includes the ultracold dilute atomic gases must be even under the interchange of all the excitation energy is then of order ħ2/ma2,the as a special case; however, because they are the coordinates of any two bosons of identical type, criterion is subject of another essay in this issue (3), I will and odd under interchange of those of any two confine myself here to systems occurring at typ- i j ħ2n2=3 identical fermions. Formally, if and label two T ∼ ð Þ ical liquid or solid densities. The category then r s d 3 particles of the same species, and i i, etc., their mkB includes the electrons in metals, the two stable space and spin (or other internal) coordinates, isotopes of helium (the only element that re- then we must have This criterion is approximately correct for liquids mains liquid under its own vapor pressure in the and gases (in the latter case, the temperature Td, limit T → 0), and if we are willing to leave the which can be estimated more rigorously from an terrestrial sphere, the in neutron stars Y(r1s1, r2s2..., risi..., rjsj ...rNsN)= analysis of Eq. 2, is often called the degeneracy and possibly more exotic forms of matter such ±Y(r1s1, r2s2...rjsj ...risi...rNsN) (1) temperature); it underestimates Td somewhat for as stars. solids because there the effective size of the Rather generally, the properties of any quan- with the ± sign applying to bosons (fermions). “cage” tends to be substantially less than the tum liquid are likely to be quantitatively and In the special case of free particles that can oc- interatomic spacing. In any case, on putting in even qualitatively different from those of the cor- cupy plane wave states with momentum k,spin the values of n and m, it is clear that the responding classical system; this has long been projection s, and energy eks, the condition (Eq. condition T ≲ Td is satisfied for electrons in any known in, for example, the case of the elec- 1) leads, for a collection of identical particles liquid or solid below the vaporization tem- trons in metals at temperatures of the order of of a single species in thermal equilibrium at perature and for atoms in any liquid or solid at room temperature (T << Td), which are ac- temperature T ≡ 1/kBb (where kB is Boltzmann’s cryogenic, but nowadays relatively easily attain- tually often described surprisingly well by the constant), to a single-particle distribution nks of able, temperatures; it can also be satisfied for simple (Sommerfeld) model of noninteracting the form ultracold atomic gases, as in these systems, al- fermions, which leads to Eq. 2. However, the though the density is many orders of magnitude most spectacular manifestations of the effects of on November 11, 2008 nks(T, m)=[expb(eks − m) ∓ 1] −1(2) smaller than that in a typical solid or liquid, the quantum statistics are associated with the phe- temperature is also much less. nomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) where m is the chemical potential and the ∓ sign However, although the criterion T ≲ Td is cer- and the related phenomenon of Cooper pairing now refers to bosons (fermions). The distribu- tainly a necessary condition to see the effects of occurring in Fermi systems. For a noninteract- tion (Eq. 2) with the minus sign is known as quantum statistics (i.e., the constraint Eq. 1), it is ing gas of bosons described by the distribution the Bose-Einstein distribution and that with the by no means sufficient. In fact, if we compare of Eq. 2, a straightforward analysis originally plus sign as the Fermi-Dirac distribution; hence, the behavior of a carbon crystal made of the carried out by Einstein (4) shows that below a 12 bosons (fermions) are often said to satisfy Bose “common” isotope C (a boson) with that of temperature T0 of the order of Td a nonzero frac- (Fermi) statistics. However, it needs to be em- one composed of the rare isotope 13C(afermion), tion of all the N particles, that is, a macroscopic www.sciencemag.org phasized that the “statistics” of Eq. 2 apply only the only difference is a trivial one associated number N0(T )~N, occupies the lowest single- to a very special case, whereas the requirement with the slightly different masses. In order for particle state (in free space, this is the zero- of Eq. 1 of symmetry or antisymmetry of the the statistics to have an effect, it is essential that momentum state). It has long been believed many-particle wave function is much more identical particles are able to change places. A that a similar phenomenon occurs, in thermal general. I will follow the inaccurate but conven- nice example of this principle (2) is seen in the equilibrium, in a system of interacting bosons, tional practice of referring to the consequences structure of the vibrational and rotational levels provided that the interaction is overall positive of Eq. 1 as those of (quantum) statistics. of diatomic molecules composed of chemically (repulsive) and that it is just this that is hap- Downloaded from A necessary condition to see nontrivial ef- identical atoms, such as C2: if we consider a pening in the “superfluid” (He-II) phase of the fects of Eq. 1 is that the system should show heteronuclear such as 12C−13C, then, bosonic liquid 4He. In recent years, direct appreciable effects of quantum mechanics in the because there is no question of exchange of evidence for BEC has been obtained in dilute first place, i.e., should deviate appreciably from “identical” particles, the constraint (Eq. 1) has ultracold atomic gases such as 87Rb and 23Na; the behavior predicted by a purely classical de- no effect and all levels are allowed. If now we these gases are actually confined in a harmonic scription. Crudely speaking, this is likely to hap- replace (for example) the 13C atom by a sec- trap, and in the absence of interactions BEC 12 pen when the thermal energy kBT falls below a ond C, we find that the vibrational levels are would show up as a much-enhanced (N0 ~ N) typical single-particle excitation energy. For unaffected (except trivially, via the difference population of the harmonic ground state, leading example, if we describe an insulating crystalline in reduced mass) but that the odd-angular- to a sharp spike in the density distribution around solid by the Einstein model, in which each atom momentum rotational levels are missing! This the origin. In real life, this spike is somewhat vibrates in the potential field of its neighbors underlines spectacularly the difference between broadened by the repulsive interatomic interac- with a frequency wo, then the condition is about a process such as rotation, in which the iden- tions, but it can still be clearly seen in the ex- kBT ≲ ħwo; a more sophisticated (Debye) model tical atoms physically change places, and one periments (5). An interesting feature of BEC in confirms this result, in the sense that (for ex- such as vibration where they do not. Note that the atomic gases is that theory suggests, and ex- ample) the specific heat of a crystalline solid for the “statistics” to have an effect it is not periment confirms, that it can occur even when falls below the classical “equipartition” value necessary that the two identical atoms ever oc- the system is far out of thermal equilibrium and of 3kb per atom when kBT ≲ ħwD,wherethe cupy the same position at the same time. [For a the macroscopically occupied state is thus strongly Debye frequency, wD, is of the same order as wo. more detailed discussion, see for example (2), time-dependent. More generally, a very rough order of magnitude section 1.1.] In qualitative terms, the BEC state is charac- for the temperature Td at which quantum- Thus, a quantum liquid is a many-particle terized by the fact that a macroscopic number N0 mechanical effects begin to show up in an system in which (i) the temperature is less than of particles are forced to occupy the same single-

1204 29 FEBRUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION particle state and thus to behave in exactly the atomic (or more accurately dielectronic, because little doubt that its fundamental origin lies in the same way [compare with (6)]. This property leads BCS were dealing explicitly with the electrons phenomenon of Cooper pairing. to a variety of spectacular effects, including the in a metal), spin-0 molecules, and the latter will As explained above, it is somewhat natural complex of phenomena known as superfluidity, then in effect automatically undergo the phe- to think of the phenomenon of Cooper pairing whichisobservedtooccurintheHe-IIphaseof nomenon of BEC. In contrast to the case of in a system of fermions with weak attraction on 4 liquid He, and a variety of interference phenome- (hypothetical) liquid D2, however, the size of the the one hand and BEC in the system of diatomic na, which it has become possible to observe in “molecules” is now large compared with their molecules formed from them on the other as op- the ultracold atomic gases [(2), section 2.5]. average separation, so that the theory of Cooper posite ends of the same spectrum, and it has long Turning now to Fermi systems, we see from pairing is quantitatively and even qualitatively been speculated that by “tuning” the strength of Eq. 2 that in this case the value of 〈nks〉 can quite different from that of BEC of tightly bound the attraction one might be able to realize a con- never exceed 1 (the Pauli principle), so that the diatomic molecules. tinuous transition between the two situations; this direct analog of BEC certainly cannot occur. When Cooper pairing occurs in an electri- is known as the “BEC-BCS crossover.” In the past However, there is no reason why a complex cally neutral system of fermions such as liquid 4 years, by using the phenomenon of Feshbach made up of an even number of fermions (a 3He, the consequences are qualitatively similar resonance, it has become possible to study the boson) cannot undergo BEC (indeed, this is to those of BEC in a bosonic system such as BEC-BCS crossover experimentally in ultracold exactly what is happening in, for example, 87Rb 4He. Indeed, it is almost universally believed atomic gases, and it indeed appears to be con- at ultralow temperatures), and in particular there that the anomalous phases of liquid 3He that oc- tinuous as tentatively predicted by theory: See is every reason to believe (compare below) that cur below 3 mK (note this is <

PERSPECTIVE this apparently includes the generation of scale invariance: Quantum critical states where quantum fluctuations drive a phase transition at zero temper- Quantum Critical Electron Systems: ature are now routinely observed (2–6). However, dealing with emergence in quantum physics re- The Uncharted Sign Worlds quires one to consider the organizational principles Downloaded from of quantum statistics, as discussed by Leggett (7), J. Zaanen whereby quantum particles are either bosons or fermions. Despite its underlying quantum proper- Phases of classical matter, such as solids and liquids, are ruled by emergence principles that are ties, bosonic matter is ruled by the same emer- well understood. Although the same principles govern forms of quantum matter that have no gence principles as classical matter (2). In stark secrets for physicists, such as the superfluids, having to deal with fermions and the associated contrast, Fermi statistics wreck this analogy, and the Fermi sign problem shatters this analogy. This Perspective addresses the Fermion sign problem and emergence principles governing fermionic matter describes experiments on metals undergoing quantum phase transitions exhibiting scale-invariant are among the great mysteries of modern physics. electronic behavior, a description of which is at odds with established quantum theory. Fortunately, experimentation can help: Electrons in solids are relatively easy to probe, and they form ce is different from water, and water is differ- when the transition between such phases is con- systems of countless numbers of strongly interact- ent from steam, although these phases of mat- tinuous and the system no longer has any sense of ing fermions. The recently observed quantum phase Iter are all made from the same water molecules. preference for one or the other phase. This lack of transitions in a variety of metals (3–6) reveal that Countless numbers of molecules are required to “executive power” has the consequence that the fermionic quantum matter can exhibit unexpected make this work, and the various phases of matter system spontaneously adopts the powerful sym- behavior: Particles tend to acquire an infinite mass, are said to “emerge.” Emergence is at its best metry of scale invariance. In this “critical state” the and the scale-invariant fermionic phases that take system looks on average the same, regardless of over appear to be the birthplace of new forms of 1 Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, the amplification factor that is used to observe it ( ). stable quantum matter. Leiden 2333 CA, Netherlands. E-mail: jan@lorentz. The concept of emergence is so powerful that Regular matter is formed from a large num- leidenuniv.nl it transcends the classical-quantum divide, and ber of quantum particles, electrons, quarks, and

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so forth. To answer the question via the Pauli exclusion principle. This pushes of where classical integrity comes them into states of high quantum zero-point from, we look to Feynman’spath energy (7), and their average “Fermi energy” is integral formalism (2), a rather typically on the order of 10,000 K in standard

pictorial view of the quantum °F metals. This Fermi liquid is in fact a purely world but one that does re- empirical construction. Although it is observed in produce accurately all the known experiments, theoretical physics has failed to facts about quantum systems in explain its existence in general terms, despite

equilibrium. Within this formal- B countless attempts. ism, quantum systems resemble But electrons are also known to form “non– classical matter living in a higher- Imaginary time Fermi liquid” states, as can be found in metals dimensional “Euclidean space- containing rare earth, actinide, and transition metal time” (Fig. 1) having an extra ions (3–6). At ambient conditions, these show a axis, “imaginary time” (our time phase transition to some magnetic state at a low times the square root of –1). The temperature, and by applying pressure or magnetic maximal duration of this imagi- fields, this transition can be driven to zero tem- nary time is the ratio of Planck’s perature. For example, in the diagram of pressure/ Space constant divided by temperature: magnetic field versus temperature (Fig. 2), one When temperature is lowered, Fig. 1. Illustrating the Feynman path integral, the mathematical tool finds a V-shaped region anchored where the mag- “more time is available” to see of choice to address emergence phenomena in many-particle quantum netic transition approaches zero temperature, and quantum behavior. The strength systems (2). Near a quantum phase transition, the world inside space- the regime inside the V shows the telltale signs of of the quantum fluctuations is time turns scale-variant at shorter scales, like the Julia set of this the quantum critical fluid. Actually, this fanning analogous to temperature in clas- cartoon, whereas at larger scales a stable form of quantum matter out of the quantum critical region for increasing sical physics, having the effect takes over. Dealing with fermions, the devilish minus signs obscure, temperature is just mapping out the “scale in- of “heating up” the “stuff ” however, any detailed understanding of these space-time worlds. The variance geography” in space-time. When the

ℏ ’ on November 11, 2008 inside space-time. When tem- duration of imaginary time is determined by (Planck sconstant system is close but not at the phase transition, it p ’ k perature is lowered and the divided by 2 )andtheproductofBoltzmannsconstant B and will show the physics of the stable phase at large T quantum fluctuations are suf- absolute temperature . scales (Fig. 1). However, upon zooming in, the ficiently vigorous, this frozen quantum matter matically unsolvable. The only fermionic substance system will forget its preferred state, and at a might melt. The resulting space-time liquid will that we can handle mathematically is the Fermi characteristic scale the system will reenter the appear to our eyes as, for instance, a supercon- liquid, the state of electrons in normal metals. scale-invariant regime. The increase of tempera- ductor. When this melting transition taking place Although different from any form of classical ture is like the magnification factor of a micro- in space-time at zero temperature generates matter, this state is at first sight deceptively simple: scope, and the V reveals that the scale where the scale invariance, the quantum critical state is The electrons turn cooperatively into noninter- system takes the decision to become a stable realized. acting “quasi-electrons” that only communicate phase shifts to shorter times when one moves www.sciencemag.org These quantum critical states have away from the quantum critical point. in fact become quite ubiquitous in But now the fermion signs hit hard: The ex- Quantum critical the laboratory. One variety is formed periments give away the workings of quantum by the “designer quantum critical scale invariance in space-time, but we have no states,” where the theorists have so clue whatever about the nature of the stuff much understanding that they can creating the scale invariance! The stable states now guide the experimentalists to that are found outside the V in the proximity of where to look. Prominent examples the quantum phase transition are Fermi liquids, Downloaded from are the cold atoms and the spin and because we have a phenomenological under- systems, as highlighted by Bloch (8) standing of these states, they tell us something. and Lloyd (9). For bosons and some When interactions are weak, one can do controlled

Temperature Fermi spin systems, the stuff filling up the mass Effective calculations, and these reveal a peculiar Fermi Fermi liquid 2 space-time of the path integral is liquid 1 liquid rule: The interactions between real elec- similar to classical matter, but this is trons have the effect of increasing the mass of the not at all the case for fermions. The quasi-electrons. This mass enhancement effect is culprit for this deviation is the in- Pressure / magnetic field quite modest when the calculations can be trusted, famous “fermion sign problem.” When but in the approach to the metallic quantum phase Fig. 2. Typical phase diagram observed in the heavy-fermion transition, one finds that the effective mass of fermions come into play, it turns out metals in the proximity of a quantum phase transition (3–6). that in the statistics underlying the Thethermalphasetransitiontoamagneticstateisdrivento these quasi-electrons easily exceeds 1000 times description of matter, one must deal zero temperature by varying a magnetic field or pressure, and the electron mass, to increase indefinitely upon “ ” with negative probabilities, and this this is the anchor point of a regime of finite-temperature getting closer and closer to the quantum critical detaches the many-fermion problem quantum critical fluid behavior fanning out for increasing point (3, 4). Again the only hold we have is from any classical analog. We have temperature. The fermionic weirdness manifests itself through quantum scale invariance: The Fermi energy is a in fact no understanding at all of what the effective mass of the quasi-electrons in the Fermi liquids scale, but because the quantum critical state forbids is going on in space-time, because we on both sides, which increases without bound approaching the any scale, it has to disappear. The Fermi energy is need mathematics to look around and quantum phase transition. Invariably one finds that at a low the average zero-point motion energy, and the only the sign problem is “NP hard” (10), temperature, an exotic superconductor (or even a quantum way to remove it is by making the mass of the meaning that the problem is mathe- liquid crystal state) takes over at the last minute. quasi-electrons infinite!

1206 29 FEBRUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION

Somehow there is something badly wrong here is quite instrumental in forcing us to face the and there is plenty of room for big surprises caused with these infinitely heavy quasi-electrons. Nature fact that there is still a vast quantum territory lying by the fermion signs at the very bottom. seems to share this concern: Without exception, behind our intellectual horizon that awaits further one observes that eventually some other stable exploration. The 20-year-long struggle of the References and Notes quantum matter state takes over (Fig. 2). These physics community with superconductivity at high 1. J. Cardy, Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical phenomena are currently under intense investiga- temperatures, as found in copper oxides, might well Physics (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1996). 2. S. Sachdev, Quantum Phase Transitions (Cambridge Univ. tion, and it is clear that they can be quite strange. be rooted in the sign problem: Although the Press, New York, 1999). Recently a quantum version of a liquid crystal was empirical situation is less clear, there are indications 3. P. Coleman, A. J. Schofield, Nature 433, 226 (2005). discovered (5) but generically strange forms of that this high-Tc superconductivity is born from a 4. H. von Löhneisen, A. Rosch, M. Vojta, P. Wölfle, Rev. superconductivity were found (3, 4), including a quantum critical state (11). But the fermion signs Mod. Phys. 79, 1015 (2007). 5. R. A. Borzi et al., Science 315, 214 (2007); published superconductor that appears to be indestructible by infest all of physics. In high-energy physics this is online 22 November 2006 (10.1126/science.1134796). magnetic fields (6). well recognized in the context of quark matter, but it 6. F. Levy, I. Sheikin, A. Huxley, Nature Phys. 3, 460 These observations beg for an explanation in might even be consequential in the most fundamen- (2007). terms of a triumphant mathematical theory, but the tal realms (12). The modern way of thinking about 7. A. J. Leggett, Science 319, 1203 (2008) 319 efforts of the theorists have gotten stuck in running the ultimate origin of space-time (and everything 8. I. Bloch, Science , 1202 (2008). 9. S. Lloyd, Science 319, 1209 (2008). variations on the established themes of bosonic else) has quantum emergence as a common denom- 10.M.Troyer,U.J.Wiese,Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 170201 (2005). matter and the Fermi liquid (4): One finds the inator, but even string theory rests in this regard on 11. J. Zaanen, Nature 430, 513 (2004) and references therein. fermion signs, in one or the other disguise, as the intuitions originating in the earthly realms. There are 12. H. Georgi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 221601 (2007). proverbial brick wall blocking any progress. The plenty of fermions in such theories, but they are 13. I thank F. Krueger for his work on the figures. “heavy fermion” quantum criticality highlighted instinctively taken to be of the Fermi-liquid kind, 10.1126/science.1152443

PERSPECTIVE A phenomenological model that captures a great deal of the experimental findings is the vortex liquid model proposed by Anderson 14 f on November 11, 2008 Supersolidity ( ). The attenuation of s with oscillation speed is attributed to the nonlinear susceptibility M. H. W. Chan of the entangled collection of many thermally activated vortices. The ability of the vortices to The observation of nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI) by the torsional oscillator in 2004 gave move counter to the time-dependent superflow rise to a renaissance in the study of solid helium-4. Recent theoretical and experimental studies (relative to the cell’s oscillation) results in the found evidence that disorder in the solid plays a key role in enabling superfluidity. A recent screening of the supercurrents. As the temper- experiment found a marked increase in the shear modulus that shares the same temperature and ature is lowered, the motion and number of helium-3 impurity concentration dependence as that of NCRI. This correlation indicates that the vortices are reduced so that fs becomes finite. onset of superfluidity requires the pinning and stiffening of the dislocation network by helium-3. One prediction of the model is an increase in www.sciencemag.org T0 with increasing measurement frequency, hortly after the discovery of superfluidity drops rather abruptly. A number of control exper- and it was confirmed for the same sample (x3 = 4 in liquid He (1, 2), the possibility of the iments led us to conclude that the period drop 0.3 ppm) that T0 ~ 160 mK at 496 Hz and T0 ~ Ssame phenomenon occurring in solid helium was due to the solid 4He confined inside the tor- 240 mK at 1173 Hz (15). wasraisedbyWolfke(3). Careful theoretical con- sion bob oscillating with an effective moment of The observation of NCRI has now been rep- sideration of the problem (4–7) suggested that the inertia I that is smaller than the high-temperature, licated in at least three other laboratories (16–19). possible presence of quantum mechanically in- classical value. This is known as nonclassical Although the temperature dependence of fs(T ) Downloaded from duced or zero-point lattice vacancies could facilitate rotational inertia (NCRI), where I(T)=Iclassical[1 − is entirely reproducible, its magnitude varies sub- such a “supersolid.” In this scenario the superfluid fs(T )] and fs(T ) is the superfluid fraction (7). stantially. The low-temperature supersolid frac- fraction, which reaches 100% in liquid helium, fs becomes distinguishable from noise at an onset tion ranges from as little as 0.015% to as much may be immeasurably small. Nevertheless, the sug- temperature, T0 ~ 200 mK, and grows at first as 20%, the latter of which was reported by gestion spurred considerable experimental effort gradually and then more rapidly with decreasing Rittner and Reppy in their studies of extremely in search of evidence for the supersolid phase. temperature before saturating below ~50 mK narrow annuli (0.15 mm width) of solid helium Other than some interesting anomalies in the (Fig. 1). We found fs ~ 1% in the low-temperature (17). They also found fs to be substantially re- ultrasound experiments (8), these efforts were limit for solid samples grown inside an annulus duced by thermally annealing the sample (16). unsuccessful (9). The situation changed in 2004 of 1 mm in width, as well as for those confined The large variation in fs, the effects of annealing, when we reported (10, 11) superfluid-like be- within porous structures having characteristic and the lack of evidence for zero-point vacancies havior of solid helium samples housed within a lengths from nanometers (10)tohalfamicrometer (20)intheT = 0 limit support the theoretical torsional oscillator (TO). (12). The measured value of fs is attenuated when consensus that superfluidity does not exist in a In an ideal TO the resonant period is given by the oscillation speed exceeds a value correspond- perfect crystal (20, 21). 2p(I/G)1/2,whereG is the torsional spring con- ing to several quanta of circulation, suggesting that Three types of disorder have been con- stant of the torsion rod and I the rotational iner- the important excitations in the system are vortices. sidered to be responsible for the phenomenon: tia of the torsion bob. We observed that below The phenomenon is immensely sensitive to 3He glassy regions, grain boundaries, and dislocation 200 mK, the resonant period of such an oscillator impurities, even down to a concentration of x3 in lines. Glassy regions have been proposed pri- the 1 part per billion (ppb) level. The temperature marily because they lack crystalline order, thus at which fs reaches half its saturated value, T1/2, making them more amenable for superfluidity. Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, x 22 University Park, PA 16802, USA. E-mail: chan@phys. increases smoothly from 30 mK at 3 =1ppbto Indeed, a quantum Monte Carlo simulation ( ) psu.edu 500 mK at x3 = 85 parts per million (ppm) (10, 13). found that when disorder is quenched into the

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 319 29 FEBRUARY 2008 1207 Quantum Matter

A 10 1.2 contrast, solid helium confined temperature when impurity pinning dominates in porous Vycor glass (having a (13), implying that the appearance of NCRI is typical pore size of 7 nm) has a related to the stiffening of the dislocation net- 0 surface area per unit volume that work. A direct measurement of the shear modu- 1.1 is roughly 104 times as large, lus has recently confirmed this interpretation. f 31 -10 and yet s isonthesameorder DayandBeamish( ) found a marked increase (~1%) as that of many bulk solid (between 5 and 20%) of the shear modulus, m,of 1.0 samples. solid helium (with x3 = 0.3 ppm) below 250 mK. 4 -20 Dislocation lines in solid He The temperature dependence of m resembles that form a three-dimensional net- of fs found in TO measurements. When the work consisting of a vast num- measurements were repeated with just 1 ppb of -30 Empty cell 0.9 ber of dislocation segments and 3He impurities, the increase in m shifted to a lower 420 µm/s Amp. 117 µm/s ( ) nodes, the latter of which are temperature, consistent with the TO results (Fig. 2). (ns) 33 µm/s ( ) * essentially immobile. Ultrasound The stiffening of the dislocation network and τ -40 14 µm/s – measurements indicated that the onset of NCRI are clearly related. However,

τ 6 µm/s 0.8 4 µm/s ( ) when an oscillating stress field there is as yet no understanding of how these Relative amplitude -50 is imposed, the dislocation seg- phenomena are correlated. It has been suggested B 20 1.1 ments vibrate with little or no that the long-range phase coherence inherent in damping below 1 K (28). The supersolidity requires a rigid dislocation net- network is characterized by the work that is pinned by 3He impurities (13, 31). 10 total dislocation line length per It has also been suggested that superflow takes 0.9 unit volume, l, and network place along the dislocation lines (32, 33)and loop length, LN, between nodes. that supersolidity appears when these dislocation 0 Amp. (3 µm/s) In single crystals it was found lines are cross-linked into a three-dimensional 2 Empty cell that 0.1 < l*LN <0.3,where network. The problem with this latest idea is 3 µm/s 0.7 l 6 −2 L m on November 11, 2008 -10 ~1×10 cm and ~5 m. that typical densities of dislocations are three 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.4 1 The dislocation lines can also orders of magnitude too low to support fs ~1%, Temperature (K) be pinned by 3He impurities let alone 20%. Fig. 1. (A) The period shift (left scale, filled symbols) and the that condense onto them (29). There is also the possibility of a more mun- L relative oscillation amplitude (right scale, open symbols) of the TO The average distance, 3,be- dane connection between the two phenomena for different maximum oscillation speeds as measured by Kim and tween the 3He atoms on a dis- without invoking supersolidity. In a real TO, the Chan (11). The introduction of solid 4He into the annular open location line is determined by resonant period depends on the exact dimensions, space in the torsion cell increased the resonant period by 3012 ns. the binding energy, Eb/kB ~0.5K densities, and elastic moduli of all its constituent (B) The period shift was greatly reduced when measurements were (13, 29, 30), and the temper- parts (34). The stiffening of solid helium inside www.sciencemag.org carried out in a cell with a barrier inserted in the annulus. [Figure ature. At a fixed x3,thereisa the torsion cell will lead to an enhancement of reproduced from (11)] specific crossover from network the overall rigidity of the system and therefore pinning to impurity pinning when lower the resonant period, mimicking mass de- 4 solid phase of He it exhibits superfluid charac- L3 becomes shorter than LN. The characteristic coupling. A careful simulation study by means teristics, indicating that NCRI may be the con- temperatures, such as T0 and T1/2, of samples of of the finite element method of the annular TO sequence of percolating “superglass” regions. different x3 are found to track the crossover used by us (11) indicates that the reduction in The major difficulty with this idea is that such a glass phase has never been detected in x-ray or Downloaded from other diffraction studies, past or present. Results 1.0 from a recent high-precision specific-heat study 2000 Hz are also inconsistent with glassy behavior (23). Instead of the expected linear dependence on T 0.8 for glasses, a peak with a maximum height of − 3 ~20 mJ/mol-K (2.5 × 10 6 k per 4He atom, 0.6 300 ppb He B (0.3 ppm) where kB is Boltzmann’s constant) is found. The (18 mK)

T ∆µ peak is centered near 75 mK ( 0 of NCRI in / 0.4 4 85ppm

1 ppb He) in all solid samples studied. This ∆µ peak suggests that there is indeed a genuine 0.2 thermodynamic phase transition separating the 1 ppb normal and the supersolid phases. In the grain boundary model, it is proposed 0.0 that liquid superfluid films flow along the inter- faces of small crystalline grains and give rise to 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.20 0.30 0.40 Temperature (K) NCRI (24–26). This indicates that fs scales with the total area of the grain boundaries. It is known that samples grown by the blocked capillary meth- Fig. 2. Shear modulus anomaly in solid 4He with 1 ppb, 0.3 ppm, and 85 ppm of 3He impurities as od, the method used in all but one TO experiment measured by Day and Beamish (31). Changes in shear modulus, Dm, have been scaled by the values to date, commonly result in crystal grains with at 18 mK in order to compare temperature dependence. Open circles with lines are similarly scaled linear dimensions larger than 0.1 mm (27). In NCRI data from TO measurements on 1 ppb (27) and 0.3 ppm (11) samples.

1208 29 FEBRUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION the resonant period (~106 ns) due to a 10% in- given the history of the last 3.5 years, there may 21. See, for example, the review in (37). crease in m of solid helium is less than 0.5 ppm well be other unforeseen surprises. 22. M. Boninsegni, N. V. Prokof’ev, B. V. Svistunov, Phys. 35 Rev. Lett. 96, 105301 (2006). or 0.5 ns ( ). This decrease is a factor of 100 23. X. Lin, A. C. Clark, M. H. W. Chan, Nature 449, 1025 (2007). less than the period drop observed experimen- References and Notes 24. E. Burovski, E. Kozik, A. Kuklov, N. V. Prokof’ev, tally (Fig. 1). In addition, it is difficult to correlate 1. P. Kapitza, Nature 141, 74 (1938). B. V. Svistunov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 165301 (2005). 2. J. F. Allen, A. D. Misener, Nature 141, 75 (1938). 25. S. Sasaki, R. Ishiguro, F. Caupin, H. J. Maris, S. Balibar, dislocation stiffening to NCRI for solid helium 6 12 3. M. Wolfke, Ann. Acad. Sci. Techn. Varsovie , 14 (1939). Science 313, 1098 (2006). confined in porous gold ( ) and particularly in 4. L. Reatto, Phys. Rev. 183, 334 (1969). 26. L. Pollet et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 135301 (2007). Vycor glass (10), because the dimensions of solid 5. A. F. Andreev, I. M. Liftshitz, Sov. Phys. JETP 29, 1107 (1969). 27. A. C. Clark, J. T. West, M. H. W. Chan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, helium are much smaller than the micrometer- 6. G. V. Chester, Phys. Rev. A 2, 256 (1970). 135302 (2007). 25 sized dislocation segments. 7. A. J. Leggett, Phys. Rev. Lett. , 1543 (1970). 28. R. Wanner, I. Iwasa, S. Wales, Solid State Commun. 18, 8. J. M. Goodkind, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 095301 (2002). An important test that should clarify the 853 (1976). 9. M. W. Meisel, Physica B (Amsterdam) 178, 121 (1992). 29. I. Iwasa, K. Araki, J. Suzuki, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 46, 1119 (1979). relation and the possible causality of the two 10. E. Kim, M. H. W. Chan, Nature 427, 225 (2004). 30. M. A. Paalanen, D. J. Bishop, H. W. Dail. Phys. Rev. Lett. phenomena would be repeating both the shear 11. E. Kim, M. H. W. Chan, Science 305, 1941 (2004). 46, 664 (1981). modulus and TO experiments with the same 12. E. Kim, M. H. W. Chan, J. Low Temp. Phys. 138, 859 (2005). 31. J. Day, J. R. Beamish, Nature 450, 853 (2007). 13. E. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 065301 (2008). 13 sample of ultrahigh-purity 3He. Ultrasound mea- 32. S. I. Shevchenko, Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. , 61 (1987). 14. P. W. Anderson, Nature Phys. 3, 160 (2007). 33. M. Boninsegni et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 035301 (2007). surements indicate that the dislocation network 15. Y. Aoki, J. C. Graves, H. Kojima, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 34. Z. Nussinov, A. V. Balatsky, M. J. Graf, S. A. Trugman, 3 in ultrahigh-purity He, particularly in the high- 015301 (2007). Phys. Rev. B 76, 014530 (2007). pressure, hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) phase 16. A. S. C. Rittner, J. D. Reppy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 165301 35. A. C. Clark, J. D. Maynard, M. H. W. Chan, http://arxiv. P 7 (2006). org/abs/0711.3619v2 (2008). ( >10 Pa), responds to isotopic impurities in 17. A. S. C. Rittner, J. D. Reppy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 175302 28 4 36 36. J. R. Beamish, J. P. Franck, Phys. Rev. B , 1419 (1983). much the same way as does hcp He ( ), the (2007). 37. N. V. Prokof’ev, Adv. Phys. 56, 381 (2007). solid helium phase of current interest. A likely 18. A. Penzev, Y. Yasuta, M. Kubota, J. Low Temp. Phys. 148, 38. I acknowledge the NSF for support and J. R. Beamish, outcome would be the appearance of a similar 677 (2007). J. D. Maynard, J. D. Reppy, E. Kim, A. C. Clark, X. Lin, increase in the shear modulus without any (or a 19. M. Kondo, S. Takada, Y. Shibayama, K. Shirahama, J. Low and J. T. West for informative discussions. I thank Temp. Phys. 148, 695 (2007). J. R. Beamish for providing Fig. 2. greatly reduced) concomitant drop in the period 20. B. K. Clark, D. M. Ceperley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 105302 3 of the TO because He is a fermion. However, (2006). 10.1126/science.1155302 on November 11, 2008

PERSPECTIVE Quantum information theory studies the con- sequences of the digital nature of the universe. Quantum computers are devices that store infor- Quantum Information Matters mation at the level of individual quanta (, electrons, atoms, etc.) and process that informa- Seth Lloyd tion in a way that preserves quantum coherence (2). Quantum communication systems transmit This Perspective discusses the role that quantum information plays in determining the quantum- information at the ultimate rates allowed by the www.sciencemag.org mechanical aspects of matter. Beginning with the entwined concepts of information and entropy, laws of quantum mechanics. Although, as noted the article discusses how quantum information theory can supply us with novel concepts and above, information has played an important role techniques for understanding how matter behaves at the most microscopic of levels. in quantum mechanics since the very beginning, quantum information theory as a distinct disci- t first glance, the relationship between In fact, when it comes to matter, quantum in- pline is a young field. Before Shor’s 1994 dis- quantum information and quantum mat- formation matters a lot. First of all, information is covery that quantum computers could in principle ter seems tenuous. Information is not very not as immaterial as it might seem. By the end of factor large numbers and so break commonly used A Downloaded from material: It is more concept than thing. Quantum the 19th century, the great statistical mecha- codes (2), quantum information mattered to only information is even more ethereal than classical nicians Maxwell, Boltzmann, and Gibbs had a handful of scientists. information. Matter, by contrast, is solid stuff, firmly established that the physical quantity called During the 1960s and 1970s, Richard Feynman reliable and down to earth. The word for matter entropy, which limits the efficiency of heat engines, was involved in attempts to use classical digital comes from the Latin materia: “wood for building, was in fact a form of information—information computers to evaluate the consequences of quan- construction materials.” Quantum matter is par- about the microscopic motions of atoms and mol- tum field theory. He observed that quantum me- ticularly solid: Quantum mechanics guarantees the ecules. The very first paper about quantum matter, chanics was hard to program on a classical digital stability of the elementary particles and atoms that Planck’s 1901 paper on black-body radiation, was computer. The reason for this difficulty was make up the building blocks of nature. (A hydrogen also fundamentally about information and quantum straightforward: Quantum mechanics possesses atom constructed according to the laws of classical mechanics (1). In that paper, Planck not only in- a variety of strange and counterintuitive features, electromagnetism would explode in a burst of troduced his famous constant to establish the rela- and features that are hard for human beings to radiation in less than a trillionth of a second. A tionship between energy and frequency (E = hn), he comprehend are also hard for classical computers to hydrogen atom constructed according to the laws also established the constant of proportionality represent at the level of individual classical bits. of quantum mechanics can last the age of the between information (defined statistically) and en- Consider that a relatively small quantum system universe.) Matter seems to be about energy and tropy. This constant, now called Boltzmann's con- consisting of a collection of 300 electron spins −23 300 90 stability; when it comes to discussing its proper- stant, kB = 1.3806503 ×10 J/K, can be thought of “lives” in 2 ≈ 10 dimensional space. As a ties, why should quantum information matter? as establishing the relationship between informa- result, merely writing down the quantum state of tion and entropy: One bit corresponds to an amount the spins in a classical form as a sequence of bits k Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts In- of entropy equal to B times the logarithm of 2. would require a computer the size of the universe, stitute of Technology, MIT 3-160, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Planck’s paper established that the universe was, and to compute the evolution of that state in time E-mail: [email protected] at bottom, digital. would require a computer much larger than that.

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 319 29 FEBRUARY 2008 1209 Quantum Matter

than trying to reach the ground state of the system by cooling, one uses a purely quantum-mechanical tech- nique for finding the state (8). One starts the system with a Hamiltonian, or energy functional, whose ground state is simple to prepare (for example, “all spins are sideways”). Then one gradually deforms the Hamiltonian from the simple dynamics to the more complex dynamics, whose ground state encodes the answer to the prob- lem in question. If the deformation is Fig. 1. This figure shows, in an impressionistic fashion, the state of a spin system performing an adiabatic x sufficiently gradual, then the adiabatic quantum computation. The first panel shows the initial state of the spins. They are all aligned along the axis theorem of quantum mechanics guar- by a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field is gradually turned off, and, at the same time, a “problem” antees that the system remains in its Hamiltonian whose ground state encodes the answer to some hard problem is gradually turned on. In the center ground state throughout the defor- panel, both the magnetic field and the problem Hamiltonian are of equal strength, and the spins are in a fully entangled state. In the final panel, the magnetic field has gone to zero and the spins are in the ground state of mation process. When the adiabatic the problem Hamiltonian. The answer to the problem can now be obtained by reading off the states of the spins deformation is complete, then the with the convention that spin up = 0 and spin down = 1. state of the system can be measured to reveal the answer. In 1982, Feynman noted that if one has access lem. A common classical technique for solving Adiabatic quantum computation (also called to a quantum-mechanical device for representing such problems is simulated annealing: One simu- quantum annealing) represents a purely quantum the state of the spins and for transforming that lates the process of gradually cooling the system in way to find the answer to hard problems (Fig. 1). state, rather than a classical device, then the com- order to find its ground state (7). However, simu- How powerful is adiabatic quantum computation? putation of the time evolution of such a system lated annealing is bedeviled by the problem of The answer is nobody knows for sure. The key on November 11, 2008 can be much more economical (3). Consider a local minima, states of the system that are close to question is what is sufficently gradual deforma- collection of 300 two-level quantum systems, or the optimal states in terms of energy but very far tion? That is, how slow does the deformation qubits, one for each electron spin. Suppose that away in terms of the particular configuration of the have to be to guarantee that the transformation is one sets up or programs the interactions between degrees of freedom of the state. To avoid getting adiabatic? The answer to this question lies deep those qubits to mimic the dynamics of the stuck in such local minima, one must slow the in the heart of quantum matter. As one performs collection of spins. The resulting device, which cooling process to a glacial pace in order to ensure the transformation from simple to complex dynam- Feynman called a universal quantum simulator, that the true ground state is reached in the end. ics, the adiabatic quantum computer goes through will then behave as a quantum analog computer, Quantum computing provides a method for a quantum phase transition. The maximum speed whose dynamics form an analog of the spin getting around the problem of local minima. Rather at which the computation can be performed is gov- www.sciencemag.org dynamics. Since Feynman’s proposal, research- ers in quantum information have created detailed 8 protocols for programming quantum analog com- puters, including reproducing the behavior of fer- 7.5 mions (4, 5) and gauge fields. Large-scale quantum simulators have actually been constructed out of 7 crystals of calcium fluoride (6). Each crystal con- Downloaded from tains a billion billion spins, which can be pro- 6.5 grammed using techniques of nuclear magnetic resonance to simulate the behavior of a wide vari- 6 ety of solid-state systems. These solid-state quan- tum simulators have already revealed a variety of 5.5 Lowest eigenvalues Lowest previously unknown quantum phenomena, includ- ing spin transport rates that are startlingly higher 5 than the rates predicted by semiclassical theory. 4.5 The chameleon-like ability of quantum compu- 0.50.55 0.60.65 0.70.75 0.8 ters to change their behavior not only allows them s to simulate other quantum systems but also gives Fig. 2. The figure shows the 12 lowest energy levels of a 16-qubit quantum computer undergoing rise to novel methods for solving computational an adiabatic quantum computation. Over the course of the computation, the system’s Hamiltonian problems. Many classically hard problems take the goes from a simple form to a complex form whose ground state encodes an instance of a hard — form of optimization problems for example, the computational problem. The parameter s tells how simple or complex the Hamiltonian is. For s = traveling salesman problem, in which one aims to 0.05, the Hamiltonian is relatively simple. At the point s = 0.8, the Hamiltonian is complex and its find the shortest route connecting a set of cities. ground state encodes the answer to the problem. At the intermediate point s = 0.66, the Such optimization problems can be mapped onto a Hamiltonian undergoes a phase transition between its simple and complex forms. At this point, the physical system, in which the function to be opti- gap between the ground-state energy and the first excited-state energy reaches its minimum value mized is mapped onto the energy function of the and the state of the system is maximally entangled. The time it takes to perform the computation is system. The ground state of the physical system inversely proportional to the size of this gap. Just how the gap scales with the size of the system is then represents a solution to the optimization prob- an open question in both quantum computation and the theory of quantum phase transitions.

1210 29 FEBRUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION erned by the size of the minimum energy gap of correlation known as entanglement (2). Entan- continue to realize Feynman’s vision of quantum this quantum phase transition (Fig. 2). The smaller glement initially made its way into quantum simulation, we may someday be able to simulate the gap, the slower the computation must be. The mechanics as a particularly egregious example of the behavior not only of electrons and elementary scaling of gaps during phase transitions (gapology) a counterintuitive quantum phenomenon. (Einstein particles but of the universe itself (20). The fact is one of the key disciplines in the study of quan- referred to it as “spukhafte Fernwirkung,” or that simulating the entire universe requires a tum matter (9). Although scaling of the gap has “spooky action at a distance.”) Quantum infor- quantum computer as big as the universe should been calculated for many familiar quantum sys- mation theory has shown that, far from being not stand in our way! tems, such as Ising spin glasses, calculating the exotic, entanglement is ubiquitous. Entanglement gap for adiabatic quantum computers that are underlies the stability of the covalent bond; en- References solving hard optimization problems seems to be tanglement is a key feature of ground states of 1. M. Planck, Ann. Phys. 4, 553 (1901). just about as hard as solving the problem itself. solid-state systems (15); even the vacuum of 2. M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and 16 Quantum Information (Cambridge Univ. Press, Few quantum computer scientists believe space is entangled ( )! In fact, the Hawking Cambridge, 2000). that adiabatic quantum computation can solve radiation emerging from black holes can be thought 3. R. P. Feynman, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 467 (1982). the traveling salesman problem. Nonetheless, of as a particularly exotic form of vacuum entan- 4. S. Lloyd, Science 273, 1073 (1996). there is good reason to believe that adiabatic glement (17). 5. S. Bravyi, A. Kitaev, Ann. Phys. 298, 210 (2002). 6.C.Ramanathan,S.Sinha,J.Baugh,T.F.Havel,D.G.Cory, quantum computation can outperform simulated Over the past few decades, quantum infor- Phys. Rev. A 71, 020303(R) (2005). annealing on a wide variety of hard optimization mation theory has transcended its earlier role as 7. S. Kirkpatrick, C. D. Gelatt, M. P. Vecchi, Science 220, problems. an esoteric study of the foundations of quantum 671 (1983). How do you build an adiabatic quantum mechanics, to become an integral part of the sci- 8. E. Farhi, J. Goldstone, S. Gutmann, Science 292, 472 (2001). computer? You need a quantum system that can ence of quantum matter in all its forms. As its 9. S. Sachdev, Quantum Phase Transitions (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999). be programmed to enact different Hamiltonians relationship with the theory of quantum matter 10. C. H. van der Wal et al., Science 290, 773 (2000). whose ground states instantiate the solutions to becomes more elaborate and more intimate, 11. R. Friedman, V. Patel, W. Chen, S. K. Tolpygo, J. E. Lukens, hard problems. The dynamics of the system must quantum information theory has the potential to Nature 406, 43 (2000). be sufficiently flexible to be adiabatically deformed unravel some of the deep mysteries of physics. 12. W. M. Kaminsky, S. Lloyd, in Quantum Computing and Quantum Bits in Mesoscopic Systems, B. Ruggiero, from simple to complex Hamiltonians. Finally, For example, the connection of entanglement P. Silvestrini, A. Leggett, Eds. (Kluwer Academic, on November 11, 2008 you have to be able to measure the final state of with Hawking radiation suggests that quantum Netherlands, 2003), pp. 229–236. the system to read out the answer to the problem. information may have a key role to play in 13. P. Judge, “D-Wave's quantum computer ready for latest Quantum systems found in nature are typi- understanding quantum gravity. Meanwhile, quan- demo,” CNET News.com, 7 November 2007 (www.news. com/D-Waves-quantum-computer-ready-for-latest-demo/ cally too inflexible or too uncontrollable to meet tum information theory has suggested a wide 2100-1010_3-6217842.html). the requirements for adiabatic quantum compu- variety of fundamental experiments in quantum 14. S. K. Moore, “Prototype commercial quantum computer tation. Human-made quantum systems, in con- matter, such as the demonstration of macroscopic demo'ed,” IEEE Spectrum Online, 13 February 2007 trast, can be designed to meet those specifications. quantum coherence mentioned above (10, 11). (www.spectrum.ieee.org/feb07/comments/1710). 15. M. M. Wolf, G. Ortiz, F. Verstraete, J. I. Cirac, Phys. The solution arises from one of quantum infor- Unexpected connections have arisen between Rev. Lett. 97, 110403 (2006). mation processing’s most significant contributions transport theory in quantum matter and quantum 16. M. Cramer, J. Eisert, M. B. Plenio, J. Dreissig, Phys. Rev. A to the study of quantum matter: the demonstration information theory: Hopping electrons might be 73, 012309 (2006). www.sciencemag.org of macroscopic quantum coherence. Macroscopic able to discern winning strategies for chess or Go 17. S. W. Hawking, Nature 248, 30 (1974). quantum coherence arises when a relatively mac- more efficiently than classical chess or Go 18. E. Farhi, J. Goldstone, S. Gutmann, preprint available at 18 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/quant-ph/0702144. roscopic system, such as a supercurrent containing masters ( ), or the efficiency of photosynthesis 19. G. S. Engel et al., Nature 446, 782 (2007). billions of electrons, is able to exhibit collective might arise because moving through 20. S. Lloyd, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 237901 (2002). quantum behavior. In 2001, for example, two photocenters effectively implement a quantum groups were able to put superconducting loops in computer algorithm (19). Finally, if we can 10.1126/science.1154732 a macroscopic quantum superposition of super- current flowing clockwise and counterclockwise Downloaded from simultaneously (10, 11). (Don't try to visualize this phenomenon; it is one of those quantum PERSPECTIVE effects mentioned above that resist all intuitive explanation.) In 2003, my colleagues and I de- signed superconducting circuits that used macro- Looking to the Future of Quantum Optics scopic quantum coherence to implement adiabatic quantum computation (12). Although 16-qubit Ian A. Walmsley and 28-qubit devices based on this design have been constructed, claims that adiabatic quantum Light has provided both fundamental phenomenology and enabling technology for scientific computers can solve all sorts of hard problems in discovery for many years, and today it continues to play a central role in fundamental explorations a completely quantum-mechanical fashion have and innovative applications. The ability to manipulate light beams and pulses with the quantum yet to be borne out (13, 14). Even if adiabatic degrees of freedom of optical radiation will add to those advances. The future of quantum quantum computers fail to solve hard problems, optics, which encompasses both the generation and manipulation of nonclassical radiation, as well such devices still constitute artificial systems that, as its interaction with matter, lies in the rich variety of quantum states that is now becoming as Feynman envisaged, can simulate the behavior feasible to prepare, together with the numerous applications in sensing, imaging, metrology, of strange computational quantum matter. communications, and information processing that such states enable. Quantum information offers a wide variety of techniques for understanding quantum matter. he main attributes of quantum light that relations. These distinguishing features have been One of the primary contributions of the field is a distinguish it from classical light are the known for many years, and precise formulations detailed picture of the weird form of quantum Tnature of its fluctuations and of its cor- of what constitutes nonclassical light were devel-

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 319 29 FEBRUARY 2008 1211 Quantum Matter

oped in the 1960s. However, the past decade has detected photon has come (6–8). It will be pos- optical cavity and the microwave field inside seen marked advances in our ability to prepare sible to “daisy chain” this procedure: thus, to ar- the cavity may be used to implement a true specific quantum states of light that elucidate these range that large numbers of atoms, each of which quantum nondemolition detector for photons, distinctions and make use of them. Developing are remote from the others, eventually become one that does not absorb the photon in order to this ability further—to increase the distance over entangled, which leads to a highly nonclassical measure it (13). which quantum correlations (or entanglement) may state of many atoms that is mediated by photons. A different avenue is that of quantum opto- be distributed, to increase the number of light The integration of quantum optics with tech- mechanics. Recent work has shown that it is quanta (photons) that occupy these entangled nologies such as ion and atom traps, and indeed possible to cool mirrors in optical cavities with states, and to understand how to characterize, photonic microstructured cavities and waveguides, the light force associated with the beams con- store, and exploit those states—is the direction of provides a deterministic way to swap entangle- tained in the cavity; effectively, the momentum future research. ment between light and matter. One important fluctuations of the mirror are modified by its Classical light has a certain degree of random- avenue will be the implementation of quantum collisions with the photons (14, 15). In princi- ness to it, even though the intensity and phase of memories for photons, which can store informa- ple, it is possible to produce nonclassical states a classical light beam or pulse may both be very tion coded in these “flying qubits” in long-lived of the mirror motion in this way; perhaps this precisely defined. This is not so for a quantum matter states or “stationary qubits” (9–12). This is will eventually enable us to understand how to light beam, the photon number and phase of a key technology for quantum communications entangle a light beam with a truly macroscopic which cannot both be specified simultaneously. and computational networks (Fig. 2). Reading object. One consequence is that the number of photons out quantum correlations from matter provides a The second route to generating quantum light in a classical light pulse fluctuates, whereas, for a creative approach to sensing and measurement: is by means of nonlinear optics, such as para- quantum pulse, it may not. Similarly, the ampli- It may be used to probe the dynamics of com- metric downconversion (Fig. 1, C and D), in tudes of a quantum light beam may be less noisy plex entangled states of matter with minimal which a light beam at one frequency generates than those of its classical counterpart. back-action on the atoms. A recent example of two new light beams (the signal and idler), each Classical light is also restricted in the types of this shows how the extraordinarily strong cou- near half the frequency of the pump. The correlations that separate beams may have. For pling between individual atoms injected into an “splitting” of the pump photon into two siblings example, two light beams may be highly cor- related in their wavelength or direction, though on November 11, 2008 each beam individually may not have a well- AB defined wavelength or direction, respectively. Similarly, the beams may be correlated in the conjugate variables of time or position, or in two orthogonal polarizations. The difference for quan- tum light is that there may be strong correlations in both pairs of conjugate degrees of freedom at the same time. That is, two light beams in a pure quantum state may be highly correlated in both www.sciencemag.org their direction and their position or in both CD wavelength and time. This is an example of quan- tum entanglement. There are important consequences stemming from the fact that only the joint properties of the two (or more) beams can be said to have definite values. Awell-known example of this is in secure communications, for which entanglement is a Downloaded from key property that allows the presence of an eavesdropper to be detected (1, 2). Entanglement among many photons in many different modes is now becoming possible, and optics provides a means to explore the rich structure and dynamics Fig. 1. Approaches to the generation of quantum light. (A) A single atom (or single semiconductor of these complex quantum states. quantum dot or other quantum system containing a single electronic excitation), indicated by the Today, it is possible to create a broad range of sphere, is held in isolation. When it is excited by a laser (red arrow), it emits a single photon into quantum states of light that have no classical the whole of space. Infrequently, the photon is emitted in the direction of a small photodector (hemispherical bucket). (B) A refinement of this approach, which determines the direction of photon analog. There are two main routes to achieve this. emission, places the atom in an optical cavity, consisting of a pair of mirrors (discs). This approach to The first is to use single emitters, such as in- “shaping” the photons (so that they can be used with conventional optics and detectors) is called dividual atoms or excitons (an electron-hole pair), 3–5 cavity quantum electrodynamics and is currently one of the most promising avenues to building to emit single photons ( ) (Fig. 1, A and B). It multiatom and multiphoton nonclassical states. (C) The nonlinear optical process of parametric is possible to use this approach to entangle two downconversion, in which a blue photon is split into a pair of red photons in the nonlinear optical emitter atoms by detecting one or more photons microstructure (shaded cube). The signal and idler beams are quantum correlated (or entangled, as from each, provided the apparatus is arranged so indicated by the black lasso) in their in-phase and in-quadrature amplitudes, in their time of that it is impossible to tell from which atom the generation and frequency, and in their position and direction, providing for the preparation of nonclassical states based on the detection of photons from one of the beams, such as “heralding” a Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Clarendon single photon. (D) Conditional-state preparation may also increase the entanglement between signal Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK. E-mail: and idler, if (for example) photons are subtracted from one of the beams. This is a component of [email protected] entanglement distillation and enables Schrödinger cat–like states to be generated.

1212 29 FEBRUARY 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org SPECIALSECTION means that the signal and idler are highly en- demonstrate that the approach can be used to would enable the distribution of entanglement tangled in photon number, in their amplitudes, in combine a large number of weakly entangled over longer distances and address important time-energy, and in position-direction. This pro- beams into a smaller number of highly entan- questions regarding how entanglement scales vides several different capabilities. For example, gled beams, a process known as entanglement in the presence of decoherence. Is it possible to it is possible to prepare new kinds of nonclassical “distillation” (18). find states of many photons or large amplitudes states by means of conditional detection, such Conditional-state preparation based on de- that do not decohere rapidly or that can be pro- as one- and two-photon states (16), as well as tection, when combined with feedforward con- tected against noise by experimentally feasible “Schrödinger kitten” states—that is, states trol, also forms the basis of an optical quantum control schemes? whose amplitudes have two distinct values at computer (19). Here, future measurement se- In quantum optics, there is a symbiosis be- the same time—named for the famous “cat” that quences are determined by the outcomes of past tween innovative technology and science. Cur- is simultaneously dead and alive (17). In terms measurements, enabling information process- rent exciting developments in optical technologies of applications, fields that are specified by ing with the use of complex entangled states (such as materials, detectors, and lasers) and continuous variables such as amplitudes (as prepared beforehand (20) (Fig. 2). Indeed, structures (such as waveguides, fibers, and pho- opposed to discrete variables such as photon certain metrology can be brought to a precision tonic crystal microcavities) will play an increas- number) have a very large information capacity. of the tightest known quantum bound by this ingly important role in enabling the exploration Further, even simple optical elements such as a means (21). How far this can be pushed re- of fundamental quantum phenomena and their beamsplitter (for example, a half-silvered mirror mains an open question. applications in new technologies. The future of that combines two beams of light) can be used to A task for the immediate future is to make the field lies in the development of robust ap- entangle and disentangle the signal and idler quantum states robust against the loss of pho- proaches for creating clean, pure-state quantum beams, and photodetectors for amplitude may tons, which is inevitable in propagating light light beams and the precise control of their be very efficient. A goal for the near future is to over distance through optical systems (22). This interaction with matter, both at the level of in- dividual atoms and with macroscopic objects. Pushing this frontier will lead both to scientific discoveries, unraveling the enigmatic character of quantum correlations, and to innovative quan- tum technologies, many of which are yet to be on November 11, 2008 envisioned.

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