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10-1973 Innovator, 1973-10 Student Services

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Admissions And Optional Grading System Proposed JAN STARKE If GSU starts a grading system, it will The subcommittee's investigation Records be optioul. 'lbe competency system will resulted in three recommendations. 'lbe also be retained. So uys Dr. James J. most controversial is the proposed G.llalber, cbalrman of the subcommittee optioul grading system. 'lbe grades Inundated of SCEPP. (Standing Committee on would be A, 8 and C. (No D or E). And Educatioul Policies and Procrams). the non-reporting of nonacbievement He and other memben have been would be continued But the competency By Paperwork evaluatine the competency system. They system will be retained, so the student have been reviewinl the sizable reseucll can choose which system be or she would By LLOYD DeGRANE done by the University of Wubineton rather have. 'lbe second recommendation University of Mlcbipn, and the~ is that GSU come out with a transcript I can't aet no satisf~etlon Aslociation of Colle,late Registrars and that bas a front paae summary listing Wben tbe repstnr tells me I can't Admillioos Offices. 1be three have modules taken and hours of credit, so this araduate and my erades ain't in on time stucled thousands of businesses, can be seen immediltely. 'lbe third I can't aet no, no, no, no, satisfaction covernment qencies and gradute proposal is a tutoring system. Because of admissioos committees, all of whom rely the liCk of arades, standardized test 1be preceding lines aren't quite what on transcripts for a bu1s of ~eceptint or scores are very important for a GSU the Rolling Stones bad written sevenl rejectinl an applicant. They have found student's entrance in to graduate school. yeus 110 but then G.S.U. wun't around that tbe non-graded competency So the subcommittee recommends that a either. 1be problems expressed by many tranJcripts are not catching on with these tutoring system be started to teach students here reflect the need for better groups. students bow to take these tests. 1ervice and expediency in response to student needs. What's toiDI wronl(l 'lbat's tbe question I put to Bob B.O.G. Decides On Beer And Wine Hauwiller, RetUtru Admillioos and The meeting of Student Repreeentativi!t. The Board of Governors has agreed to Records section. Mr. Hauwiller responded G.S.U. MAN DROWNS IN SEA OF to the Board of Governors was held on the seating of five exifiocito student prolifically; his explanation is u PAPERWORK, (that mi"'t be an September 21 at Northwestern University members at all BOG meetings and follows .... 8PPf'OPI'i•~ ~ion!) Registr•, Bob in Chicago. GSU was represented by executive sessions. The students will not During tbe put six months, the Hauwiller (above) warned us that student representative Leo Wagoner of have a vote on the board but will have the production of student records bas not Admissions 11nd Records is IWI!mped with CCS. At the meeting it was announced to advantage of giving imput to the board at met the reasonable expectations of trMICripts. students that the Illinois Senate has all meetings and knowing how each board students, staff and University passed a bill allowing "the consumption, member votes on student related issues. administration and is cettinc further sale, and delivery of beer and wine in any GSU will be represented on the board by behind At least three sicnificant causes the completion of units within • dormitory or student union building owned Shirlee Mullinix of HLD. reason~ble time. Two •dditional copies of can be cited: or controlled by any state university." The next meeting of Student the achievement form have been added to 1) 'lbe increased enrollment for the This bill will make it pc:By Shirlee Mullinix Representatives to the Board of Governors the three copies now used. These 1972-73 year. to purchase beer and wine in the commons will be held at Western Ill. University at additional copies can be used forward 2) 'lbe slow data entry system used to to at GSU in the ncar future. The Senate has Macomb on October 20. to the student mailboxes for distribution produce student records by way of the also passed a bill making it mandatory for Cooperative Computer Center which now and to faculty advisers, whether the every university under the supervision of r------­ students and advisers are in the college of SEEDS OF HOPE GROW provides service· to Governors State the Board of Governors to publish a course the coordinator or not. 'Ibis procedure University, u well as Qlicago State description book each quarter or session. T.MANDEL University and Northeastern IDinois State has been requested by student and Such a book would be designed to help faculty members. University. students evaluate courses available, at 'Ibis is the second in a series of articles 3) 'lbe. system of completing and Such action, however, does not keep registration time. It would include the the univerSity records system up-to-date. which will hopefully stay "right on" the reporting student achievements which course title of every course offered at the future move into the new building. Today includes a detailed recording of the When students request Governors State University, prerequisites needed, University transcripts to be sent to other we are going to deal with people. IChievements with no enforceable statement of objectives, content covered in The latest word as to "when" the new deadlines. institutions, and to include recently the course, a complete syllabus, the name earned credits, the Office of Admissions building will be open says that two moves 'lbe current status of the production of of the instructor teaching each course, and are planned. HLD and BPS are scheduled the records by the Office of Admissions and Records will send out the detailed exactly what work has to be done to get student record for all units already to move in December while CCS and EAS and Records is: credit for the class. • are scheduled to move in January. March-April '73 Session: 80% complete entered, plus an emercency transcript for units not recorded in the usual detailed Whether or not this actually happens with all academic records checked once. E.A.S. Students probably will end up being a joke. May-June '73 Session: 25% complete matter at tbe time of the request. 1be emeraency transcript will include learning What we should be concerned about is with 25% of the academic records Beware Of Policy the separate moves. Is it wise to move checked once. module title and units only, and an New Indication of a degree recently awarded, two colleges and then, later, move the July-August '73 Stssion: 5% complete 'lbe College of Environmental and other two? Will this kind of move with no organized effort to check if applicable. Applied Sciences has 1dopted a revised By this procedure we are now able to contribute to the atmosphere of academic records. Records have been registration procedure for the ND-73 confusion or will it contribute to an processed on an emergency individual process requests within 24 hours, as Session. Its primary features are that: 1) oppoaed to sevenl days or weeks which atmosphere of orderliness and harmony? basis only. the student will provide a list of desired • 'Ibis question is being raised now so As this year progresses, the production was the situation when waiting for a Modules plus alternate choices; 2) a computer-generated record. that "power" might consider the of student records will continue to not priority assicnment for students within advantages of a "one shot" move. meet student and staff needs because of At this time the Office of Admissions two Sessions of eraduation will be and Records is only processing student The student body is fragmented as it is. the increased volume of records for this available; and 3) a DEADLINE DATE of Separate moves would only emphasize year, and slowness in improving records requested by phone Inquiry, Monday, October 8, 1973, for receipt of needed in emergency situations, and for this fragmentation. We might do well to mechanization. Corrective action is being registration forms will allow sufficient consider the gains to be had by a taken by the Office of Manacement recent graduates. Even with this priority time prior to the beeinning of the Session production, there is a considerable simultaneous move in conjunction with a Information Systems to support increased for finalization of registration. university-wide "building orientation and more rapid production of student backlog. ' All Student Schedule Request Forms party." You know - a grand opening records. The effects of such corrective Students and faculty are beinl( asked to approved by the adviser and received by thing .. action may not be noticeable this year. "bear with us", as efforts are being made the deadline date will be processed and Something like that would be a great Some action has been taken to provide to Improve our capability. However, students will receive notification of their opportunity to experience "working . the colleges with the capability of because of the backlog the results will continue to be slow. registration status on October 10. together" as well as "being together." informing students and their advisers of Of course, we could wait 'til we have a Complete re,;stration materials "grand closing" to get together. including a letter fully describing the new ----Check It Out---- procedure, a schedule and description of -., Learning Modules, a blank SSR Form, a sample completed· SSR Form, and a list FOCO (PAGE 2) of expanded adviser office hours will be available to students via their student HANDS OFF (PAGE 2) mailbox in EAS after September 24. It is telieved th t this ne system will retain the d sirable features of the S.S.A.C. MEMBERS OUS'rED (PAGE 3) current system while solving the problems that occur due to Module closings, cancellations, and the like. Students are WHO'S WHO (PAGE 4 ) urged to consult with their advisers to complete this re"stration properly and President Engbretson has returned from a on time. long sick-leave. WELCOME BACK. OCTOBER, 1973 · THE INNOVATOR Page2

Challenging The Old Edit 0 ria Is _Ex_plorin_gTh_e New_ The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the University. Black & White Foco Are Opposite Colors PEOPLES Michele Crowe By Tom Mandel PODIUM It's only recently that I've taken more For centuries white has been ~ time for myself and less time for customed to looking on black as being no Peoples Podium ... Governor State. With this new found time more than property, a "thing" which is To date this reporter has sat in on two I eagerly contemplated possible projects purchased, resold and ultimately discarded Student Services Advisory Committee to occupy my intellect and energy. Alas, when its usefullness is gone. meetings and each time I have come away each project was disregarded and one rose Much of this attitude has dissipated. with intense feelings of anger and triumphant. Television viewing. White seemingly admits that black are frustration. In my years at Governors State I've people. Right now the question is; when Let me try to qualify these feelings to learned the art of inquiry. Deeply I've will white admit black is equal? the best of my ability. To beein with, looked into myself, discovering facts I I suspect that, one day, white will be SSAC represents the student body. The like and dislike, I was proud of and I was conceding to the superiority of black. A members were voted Into office by the ashamed of. One fact that I recently came superiority owing to, as Mr. Blue once members of each college. They are upon much to my surprise was; I'm a editorialized, the lack of "inner-outer responsible for allocating the student Boob tube watcher. Not a passive watcher contradiction." A contradiction white is activity fees paid for by EACH student I am 34 years of age and that the average that could take It or leave it. But an quite famaliar with. "Some" whites live in which currently amounts to around age of the student body is 25.6 years of addict, who undertook the occupation contradiction of themselves - they think $74,000.00. This sounds great so far, but age. This should mean that we (the with furor and dedication. I secured the one way and act another. here is where the catch comes in. All student body or SSAC delegates) are old weekly bible of T.V. listings, therefore So what's new? Nothing really. transactions have to be made under the enough and capable enough to run our enabling myself to make educated IDtimately speaking it will all work out but supei'VISlon (If you will) of an own student orpnizations Intelligently choices. It was then that I made the let's talk about what is happening Now administrative official. This official sits at without the overriding decisions of disoovery. I passively watched the anyway. the table among the SSM:: delegates and administrative officials. I would like to programs, but I became active when the Much of black "progress" is due to appears to interject his opinions at will receive some feedback from you, the commercials came on. I attentively and "black pride." But black pride is more than upon SSAC members. His inOuence student body. Please direct your letters to dedicatedly viewed the bombardment of water to a germinating seed, b~ pride permeates the air. People's Podlum, the Innovator. Thanks. advertising. will also be sunlight to a sprouting What really bothers me is the fact that Janet I learned such catchy tunes as "Bob seedling. Evans, Down On The Farm", and "The Black pride has done well to lift thoee appeal, as well as informative and timely. forms of llleettimate censorship, we CAll Muffin Man". I cried at the consumption who needed "pride" out of the rat infested We do this not only because we care no longer claim the rights and of Hershey Bars, (there's nothin' like a gutt<>.r onto their own two feet, so to speak. about what we report, but also because a responsibilities which are embodied in the kid eatin' a Hershey Bar, - what's This pride will ultimately teach black to "eood" newspaper should be the affore tlrst amendment to the constit\ltion. mentioned things plus a forum from adulthood, nothing but big kids - fly. tT. right!?). Debated over Cola vrs. Uncola But, here on the ground, the human which the entire G.S.U. community (just where did my loyalty lie?). I lelmed condition is such that we also possess should .and can X-press and address itself.. how to get my clothes white (Biz Bag or "self· pride". Black and white are subject to The staff of the Innovator feels that it bleach?). I learned how to control my the contradictions of the Ego-trip. The is time to clear the air on a certain issue weight (only one calorie per serving, contradiction between inside and outside. affecting all G.S. U. students, which is the don't count up, count down, 5, 4, 3, 2, So if pride, black or white, is allowed to $7.50 each of us pay for "activities" fees. 1,). And the best part, I became become "inner-directed" (I) instead of We all should want to get the most for Urge Awcnness Of Intimately acquainted with Morris (I'm "outer-directed" (Us), that pride will our money, be it spent for clothes, not finicky either, and besides I could become like a "millstone about the neck" homes, paper or entertainment. However, Black Mental Health always use another friend). instead of "wings." when those whom we entrust the power BY JONATHAN WOODS I started taking my meals in front of Black and white are colors. Behind these and responsibility to clstribute our the set, loading up on Spa&hetti·O's (lOc colors are people-different people. This money are not carefully watched and Accordine to famed clinical a serving and two servings in every can). I difference is considerably greater than directed, the tendency to misappropriate psychololist Dr. Norman G. 'Kerr, there is started to wonder about myself. Did I mere "color". fees paid sets in like a creeping cancer. an acute shortaee of black clinicians in work my way through college only to fall Man is what he thinks synthesized with The results then heine while some student the field of mental health. Paradoxically, prey to the electric screen? Obviously what he does. When these two are "as if groups are forced to settle for less and he feels that blacks have a more uqent advertising has a powerful inOuence over one" the man is a whole individual. Whole less, others breeze by with too much of need for mental health services than other my life. I buy products not out of need, individuals are men of action, men of the collective pie. ethnic groups. He states that the sickness action who deal with people not color. but because I was told to do so. As a Recently there have been certain of racism thru out the U.S. and other The differences among people, people of matter of fact need never enters my pressures exerted upon the staff by some countries, makes surviving-not to mention the non-contradictory nature, are as vast mind, for If it did I would have stopped members of the Student Services thrivine-a constant source of frustration. as there are people. Each person is a buying some five years ago, and still Advisory Committee, calline for more Blacks must tzy twice as hard as whites to universe onto himself. A whole, different would be in abundantly good shape "accountability" of funds allocated to remain twice as far behind whites. And universe. My I the Innovator. that this eeneral situation is enough to today. condition is so advanced that We should concern ourselves with don't even wait for the completion of the The grounds for this pressure being eenerate and further contribute to mental looking beyond the "facades" that some of commerical, I'm In the car, desiring to get that a newspaper is ,,ike" any other club, disorders in Blacks. Repression in biacks us conjure up in our minds so that we group or organization and therefore does is acute because most Blacks are aware of the product into my hot little clutches. might "peg-hole" others. Facades which Once I buy the product I use It once, if not enjoy special considerations, i.e., the racism perpetuated apinst them. we create so that some of us can be the that many times, before safely placing it definite and lone term adequate funding Nevertheless, Blacks must stiOe and bold same as others. A kind of Charlie Brown into a drawer. Often I get duplicates and for the payment of staff and production back sensible and normal re~:etions to blanket. triplicates of a product that way. to the Innovator. Nothing said or thought racism in order to work and function In Like snowflakes, everyone is different. I came to the conclusion that I was an could be further from the truth. The society. Everyone is truly an individual. This is easy mark. Something had to be done. I Innovator nor any other publication When Blacks are physically as well as where true equality lies - no one can be unplugged the television, turned the should not be forced to publish or report mentally compelled to visit or be brought more different than any one else. screen to the wall and put a cover on it. materials dictated to It by organizations, into medical offices and clinics, they are I'm safe. Breathing a sigh of relief, individuals or committees, either private handled by other ethnic groups who have reached over and Oicl;ed on the radio, a or government. Nor should the no knowledge of Black life or of the more familiar tune caught my ear, "Bob Evans, Hands off production of the Innovator be basic factors for distu bances in Blacks. Down on the Farm, do..da-do·do·dum." By ROBERT A. BLUE threatened by lack of funding because it's The result is that Blacks are not too much usefulness is/cannot be perceived by better off after treatment than before The Innovator staff consists of a body those who hold the means of it's survival. treatment. ADVERTISING PAYS of hard working student journalists and In striving to meet our objectives the The good doctor would like more reporters who really try to produce a staff feels compelled to put on record our Black students to enter this field, which advertise in the innovator newspaper that is professional in visual dedication to the principles of honesty, has great promise. However, students truth and thoroughness in all our writings should be advised that upon enterine the and reports of events affecting the entire field, to first come to rmn grips with Governors State community. We feel we differences and points of uniqueness of should not be forced to follow the Black life styles. To work toward the dictates of any one member of the establishment of more community-based S.S.A.C.!!! centers or other innovative facilities to If we do buckle or succumb to such carry out these tasks.


Herbert Williams .•.••.•...•...... •...•...... •..•..... Co· Editor Uoyd Degrane ..•...... •...•••....••••••....•..••...... Co-Editor Robert Blue . . . • • . . . • ...... • . . • . . . • . . • • . . . . • . . • . . . . • . • ws Editor Shirley Mullinix •..••...•••...•...... •....•...... Reporter . Richard Darnell •..•....••...•..••..••.•••..•....•...•.. Photogr her Anna Harris ...... •..••....•.••...•..••..•...•• Columnist & Reporter Howard White ...... ••...... ••...•...••..•..••... Reporter ! Cassandra Wibolt .....•••...... •...... Reporter Janet Gordley .•••••..•••...•...•.....••...... •...... •... Reporter Jonath n Woods ...... •...... •••..•...•..••..••.•••....Reporter Cathy Czyz . . • • ...... • . . . . • • . . . . • • . . . • ...... • . . • • . . . Secretary Co leen Green •..•...•.....•..••...... •...... •.•..••.•.•... Secretary John Heinz •••..•...••...••...•.•••..•...•....•...•...•.. Advertising Gene Bilotto .•.••••.•...•••..••.••.••.•.•...••..••..••..• Advertising Cannabis Sativa L, USE Yes, No, Maybe FOR HODS Due to the housing shortage in the By Robert A Blue Immediate G.S.U. community area, we at the Innovator are attempting to establish In this first of a series of articles: we will an information exchange service for be looking at some of the reasons for, the STUDENTS IN NEED OF HOUSING. investigative methods used by and sub­ The Housing Information Exchange is sequent findings and policy recom· available to both people who need mendations of the National Commission on housing and to those who are able to Marihuana and DrUg abuse. In the words provide housing. Your input (as usual) is of the commission's chainnan and direct..or required for the promotion of this Raymond P. Shafer: "this report is an all· service. Three S.S.A.C. Members Ousted inclusive effort to present the facts as they U!tter from WARDELL HARGROVE, 1973; August 2, 1973; August 16, 1973; are known today, to demythologize the Chairman, Student Service Advisory September 20, 1973. controversy surrounding marijuana and to Point * * Game Committee Linda Miller: July 19, 1973; August 2, place in proper perspective one of the most by 1973; August ' 7, 1973; September 13, emotional and explosive issues of our Charlie Cooper, BPS As you know, this committee has been 1973; September 20, 1973. time." plagued with some very serious problems Walter Calgaro: June 7, 1973; June 14, What if you ask and you should are some Ping pong, ladies, is next in fashion and concerns both internal and external 1973; August 2,'•1973; August 7, 1973; of the myths as well as scientific facts At GSU pursued with passion - and while this committee has been in the August 16, 1973. concerning this little green product of Please note, that these dates do not Occidental, Oriental, CCS, HLD, EAS, process of resolving some of the problems nature? And why is it causing &l much and concerns - many of the same are include those meetings that had to be concern in the United States today? Part of BPS somewhat beyond our control because of completely cancelled because of the answer can be seen in this continuing All come together for the moveable their very nature. non-attendance or non-sufficient statement by the commissions director: feast of the table of tennis. This committee has on prior occassions members to constitute a quorum as "marijuana usage in the United States has attempted to solicit your support and/or established by this group, nor do these been with us for a very long time dating Ping your way to friends assistance on issues that might well have dates include the emergency meetings back to the beginning of the century." If Pong the slam of wins been resolved had we the opportunity of that had to be called because of lack of this is true, why then is there a need for a Point - game is yours meeting with you. While we are still attendance at regularly scheduled very lengthy and no doubt costly study of On October 9th -10 to 3 awaiting an audience with you to discuss meetings. something that is apparently agreeable to Sign up with me ... those same issues it is not the issue that While it was unfortunate for all an estimated 24 million Americans? we want to address ourselves to at this concerned, that such a drastic measure Further clues can be seen as the report Ruth Petta particular time. became necessary, it was nevertheless the continues: "for decades marijuana use was Charli Cooper In reference to the particular issue that only recourse under the circumstances. confined to certain underprivileged socio­ we are addressing -. last Thursday This committee maintains that we are economic groups in our cities, and to (September 20, 1973), this committee about the business of being viable, certain insulated !K>Cial groups, such as G.S.U. TRAVELS had to perform the necessary task of productive and beneficial to what this jazz musicians and artists. As long as use removing three of our members from the kind of committee is supposed to be remained confined to these groups and had TO STARVED ROCK committee. The persons to be removed about and to what we intend to be for a negligible impact on the dominant social were as follows: the welfare of the entire student order, the vast majority of Americans By JANET HODES GORDLEY Linda Miller constituency. So that, if we intend to be remained unconcerned. However the Walter Calgaro all of what has just been stated then we commission continues, all this changed Last Saturday some of the staunchest, John Heinz have to effectively deal with our internal markedly in the mid-1960's. For various solidest picnicers of all time got together problems as well as do we intend to deal reasons the useage of marijuana became a for an outing at beautiful Starved Rock. 'lbe justification for their removal was with our external problems. common form of recreation for man)"' white This breathtaking country side is situated based on the following: Wi~hin these next two weeks, this middle and upper class college youth. The along the :!'"'liS River near ottawa, m. 1. More than three continuous committee working with the Acting trend spread across the country, into the These sturdy citizens of GSU managed unexcused absences from regularly Director of Student Services will be colleges and high schools and white af· to surmount all of the impending dangers scheduled meetings. conducting elections in the colleges of fluent suburbs as well. that mother nature could hurl at them 2. Making no real effort to show cause HLD, CCS, and EAS for the purpose of and rise to the occasion, so finn were as to why they have been continually replacing those vacancies of the former In recent years use of " grass" has their convictions. absent or as to why they should not be members. spanned every social class and geographic We boarded the bus promptly at 10 am removed. In the interim of the election of the region." Since Black and Spanish people and we were off. By the time we reached 3. Not being truly representative to the new representatives there will be students make up the bulk :>f those who the com­ our destination the sky had cleared and student body in their respective college or appointed to the SSAC by the Acting mission calls "underprivileged," it is the sun• was beginning to shine. So bere to the student body in its entirety. Director of Student Services. reasonable to infer that the white we were. We tired up the grill, cooked As recorded in SSAC • Minutes- these It is hopeful that this will be done with American consciousness was awaken when some food and took off on various trails. persons were absent on the followin& dispatch and with fuJI participation and the underprivileged pot problem struck A few of us boarded a Oat bottomed boat dates: support of all concerned. home. and headed down the Dlinois River. We John Heinz: May 30, 1973; July 19, VENCEREMOS I I I The commission sponsored national got a first hand view of the dam that survey shows that at least 24 million controls the water level in the area to On September 5, 1973, 500 Farm Americans have smoked a joint at one time prevent Oooding. We also viewed Starved Workers with their families arrived in or another and that out of that number 8.3 Rock and other historic points of interest Chicago. Eighty of these Farm Workers million are current users. along the river. have remained here, and others continued The national survey also indicates that The most impressive moment of the their journey to other cities. 39% of young adults 18 to 25 years of age day oceured when we came across a These Farm Workers, our brothers and have tried marijuana. There will be more narrow inlet where the "fiSh were sisters, have left the vineyards after next issue. Please feel free to respond to jumpin" right out of the water. And the having suffered much violence and the commissions survey. Address all size of them were unbelievable. Would bloodshed. They have come to our cities comment to JWbert A Blue co/ Innovator. you believe 2 feet long? Well, there they with a plea that we may share in their were! And traveling in schools so close to struggle for justice. the surface that we could reach down and These are the people who have fed our grab them. If we had only had the nation for so many years. Now they need Student foresight to bring a net! Well, next time. Open Letter our help to feed their families. The climax of the day (at least as far as Farm Workers make the following this reporter is concerned) came when we H.L.D. Students appeal to you: Our needs are critical. We were getting ready to take off. My hunger for justice as we struggle. We have Activities children were gone! They had gone on am concerned with the lack of the faith to know that justice will be ours safari with our capable student services Wednesday, Oct. 10, there will involvement by HLD students in the as we ask you to lighten our burdens in guide and her sturdy blood hound, Fifi . be a movie " Inside North Viet governance of the college. Although I the following ways: Well, me being a Jewish mother, I sure Nam" shown in the Commons. realize many students are employed full 1. BOYCOTT JEWEL STORES went thru some changes! But everything Monday, Oct. 15 to Friday, Oct. or part time, to shape their future and 2. BOYCOTT ALL NON U.F.W. worked out fine and before too long we 19, there will be a Videotape that of their college, they should take an GRAPES AND LETTUCE all boarded the bus as scheduled and " Reefer Madness" shown at 1 p.m. active part in doing so. Since my tenure 3. JOIN US ON THE PICKETT returned to our point of origin. here, I have been tremendously UNES. YOUR SUPPORT HERE IS in the Commons. Wednesday, Oct. 24, United A big thanks to GSU Student Services disappointed in the lack of participation VERY IMPORTANT for an unforgetable Saturday. in Forum meetings and standing 4. WE ARE IN NEED OF HOUSING Nations Day, there will be a committees. Unfortunately, those in FOR 80 PEOPLE Foreian Food Potluck meal at 12 attendance (usually faculty and 5. WE NEED FOOD DONATIONS noon in the Commons. administration) generally make the (SEE BELOW) For some real Halloween fun, decisions effecting student academic 6. WE NEED MONEY DONATIONS. join us on Monday, Oct. 29 to progress without adequate student input. WE NEED WINTER CLOTHING FOR watch the movie "Witchcraft This practice seems to me undesirable. I MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN Through the Ages" at 1 P.M. in the now challenge you to usume a more 7. WE NEED MEmNGS AT YOUR Commons. On Wednesday, Oct. 31, active, constructive posture in shaping the HOMES AND ORGANIZAtiONS TO there will be a Halloween Concert future of this college. We need your input INFORM PEOPLE OF THIS JUST with A.A.C.M. BAND at 7 P.M. in desparately. STRUGGLE. the Commons of G.S.U. 8. WE NEED THE MORAL SUPPORT I have been told that student GAINED BY YOUR TELLING abstention from collegial nteetings has to FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS OF THIS do with the technical language used by STRUGGLE. the faculty. I would caution you to 9. WE ACCEPT ANY AND ALL CLIFF &T OMMY'S understand that language is learned KINDS OF HELP AS WE ACCEPT YOU Finest Cantonese Food behavior and that faculty were, at a time, ·WITH LOVE Business Luncheon where you are now. Your intellectual and FOOD DONATIONS NEEDED: professional growth will be a function of FLOUR, RICE, PINTO BEANS, CARRY-OUTS COCKTAILS your ability and resolve, regardless of POTATOES, SHORTENING, SUGAR, your self-concept and verbal skills, to CARNI TION MILK. R•••rv~t IQns learn the academic vernacular. You can Statement by Marcos Munoz, new head 563·8330 do it! of the Chicago Office of the United Farm One mile 10 •• •1· of GSU Dean Roy Cogdell Workers AFL-CIO. JBER, 1973 THEINNO·V~A~T~O~R------•h•~-,4 . What To Do About Them Niggers I Who's Who At G.S.U. By Robert A. Blue I For once and for all ... Did the signing Hans Roman was born in Puerto Rico. free the of the emancipation proclamation He came to Chicago at the age of three and Black slaves??? There is three ways to look bas resided here siDce then. <~t this question. On the one hand if you say Hans received his Bachelor Degree from yes: you agree with the statement, you on H• ns R om• n, the University of Illinois, Circle Campus in the other hand infer that there was in fact student lldmissions Political Science and Spanish Literature. slavery. Another possibility or position is counselor. After graduation Hans attended I..w th t if you say no then you suggest not school at the Circle campus for a year and a only that the black's were laves but that half. He later decided to marry and left they nre still laves. The more antagonistic I..w school. Shortly after this Hans was of the three i the last which by the way is drafted into the Army. He served six th ubject of these pages. That being months in the arm forces and later recruiting processes. Hans planned to maybe i for oll practical purpo the e. returned to Chicago to work for Aspira, an this knowledge as an Admi ion Officer to nntionnl humiliation and unwarranted Organization designed to plnce Spanish continue helping with th placement of beatings and killing by hanging of bl ck Speaking students into colleges and Spanish Speaking tudents in Colleges and la · and th · off pring began a low Universiti . Universiti . gradual proces of disorganization. Y , it Han Roman camo Governors State in Hans is also now in the process of did. The proces which began n a result of to April of 1 gT2 an admi 'on Officer. He working on his masters in Business Ad- 'the conflict w the civil war (from th was recruited by Harvey Grimsley, ministration. He ho after receiving hi slaves point of vie~ was: Who will I now Coordinator of Admis ·ons and records as masters to work in some area of financing. work for?) colled industrialism. This is the an Employee and student as well. As an Hans enjoys his work in Admissions and genernl area within which I wish to address Admission Officer Hans job consist of Records, and looks more at it as a learning myself. answering inquiries Concerning admission experience than as a job. Hans enjoys the Proof. .Ha, I don't need any proof for I to Governors State, processing ap­ people h works with and considers them am of the oppf"E!Sscd. Yet I might feel plications, evaluating student credentials, bald working, dedicated, and enthusiastic compelled to quote many people who have recruiting, and interfacing between individuals. Hans also enjoys meeting the taken the time to teach and be taught so unique people he comes in contact with in land, along with the newly acquired colleges and admissions whenever that others may learn. admissions and feels that his job is freedoms simply because even though the problems arise. From my end of the color spectrum there Hans decided to work in Admissions and rewarding in that it gives him an op­ is no question of the assertion that the mechanical age was born with the steam Records in order to get a better un­ portunity to interact with people from all black man is still a slave, maybe not in the engine in mass use in the northern fac­ derstanding of University admission and walks of life. "Traditional" i.e. KILL A NIGGER tories, the need for cheap labor still ANYTIME sense, but in the spiritual prevailed, thus the slave could be moved sense i.e. No land from which he may from the fields to the factories with little or NEWS IN A NUTSHELL extract that which he must in order for him no affect on the profit margin of the in­ Sachio Yamashita, a Japanese artist the essential elements of poetry, to survive with honor and peace. Sure the dustrialists. will teach "Environmental Art for consideration of a representative body of blacks were the machines before the The little considered consequence of Everywhere" In CCS this Nov.-Dec. En~ish and American vetse, and the mechanical ones but· the before mentioned industrialism at the start was the session. Yamashita, who has transformed creative expression of one's own personal proclamation is said to have proclaimed displacement of the slave population and lower Wacker Dr. from bleak to bright understanding and intuition. the end to a system of thought and deed the sons of slaves. With time now not to has pined support from the director of CEAS has charted their faculty but did it really? think only in terms of how much cotton he the Museum of Contemporar,· Art for his advisor's office hours for reeiJtration md The move of sons and grandsons of slave was going to hoe and pick, the slave could proposals to brighten O'Hare with luis begun a new process for student plantations owners was to unite with the now tum to other thoughts. One of which large-scale murals, Oowers and grass schedule registration for next session. sons and grandsons of the elite northern · was what is he to do with this new gift deslens. . Dr. Ted F. Andrews, dean of CEAS, whites who were above chattel slavery but from the white slave masters? It must GSU Women art students wiD display and Dr. Peter Fenner, assistant dean of below full reparation for the sons and never be forgotten that the idea of freedom and aeU their work Saturday and Sunday, CEAS, will present "A Different Jand of grandsons of former slaves. was never erased from the minds and Oct. 6 and 7 at Part Forest Plaza. ltigher Education in Science: A CoUece The Civil War for once and for all ended bodies of the black captured peoples of. Admission Is tree. of Environmental and Applied Sciences" the debate between northern white • Africa. Even though the whiteman tried Elizabeth J. Browne will conduct a at Southern DUnois University in (Republican industrialists) and southern and will probably keep on trying until he is study of poetry in a module entitled Edwardsville. 'Ibis will be among 12 whites (Democratic farmers). Nothing shown by thought and action that it is "Poetry: 1be Art of Discovery I". 'lbe papers presented In the environmental would be done in terms of giving the slaves never going to happen. module aims at discussion and analysis of studies section. .. That's the trouble with these stupid kids you buy them books, Send them to school and· · ·what Do They Do~'? · "Eat The Books"·I ' ~t away from this commentary by living in your own place Come out to Steger and enjoy Nagless at EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS We feature


IDGIWOOD APARTMENTS 316 STIGIR RD. Sauk Troll ore located just o mile east of Western Ave. on Steger COMPAB OUR BNTI Rd. nu· CARPITID G.S.U. :;~ Steger Rd. OffiCI ancl MODIL APT. ONN STUDIO $125/mo. •135/mo. 10-7 Mon.-Fri. ~ ONE BEDROOM •155/mo. •115/mo. 1-6 Sat.-Sun OR CAll 'n>OBEDROOM •110/mo. $190/mo. 755-3740 THJU:EBEDROOM VAVRUS & ASSOCIAtES 1·~BATH $210/mo. $225/mo. . \ OCTOBER, 1973 THE INNOVATOR . Page 5 National Student Association News Digest RESEARCH Press For Role As Union November-December descriptions of Thousands of Topics learning modules have been distributed $2.75 per page for registration. CHLD has Included Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, Program/Career Competencies and mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 Specific Module Competencies with to cover postage (deli~ery time is additional Information In each moduie 1 to 2 daysl. description rather than the paragraph RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. form. Should this consideration for 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD .. SUITE #2 students be adopted by all 4 colleges, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 many registration errors may be (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Our research material Is sold for , eliminated research assistance only. Student Services Student Activities will hold a Women's PING-PONG tournament on Oct. 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All GSU women are encouraged to sign up in SS for this 'innov tivc' event. Maxwell Bennett, Student Dean CHLD and Herbert Williams, Co-Editor of the INNOVATOR represented GSU at Virginia State University attending a conference on careers and colleges. GSU is offering more multi-disciplinary International Students Association Kamel Jimoh. The minutes will be programs than any other state university meeting was held on Oct. 1, members pre•nted in the next issue of the in lliinois. present are as follows: From Right Innovator. Advise by President: The CCS has established "The Dean's (Foreground) President - Morrison President. Morrison Ninalowo, urges Award for Intellectual Excellence." Ninalowo, Adebayo Ajibola, Muyi foreign students to take an active interest. Re gistratlon for Sept.-Oct. shows BOG Rep leo Wagner Laguda, Amosat Ajose, Kameel Dada, 2,347 students at the beginning of GSU's third year of teaching. Some 700 students Miami Beach (CPSl - If the leaders at College in New York City, said he wanted attended GSU in it's initial year, 1971. the National Student Association have to prepare "model 'contracts' between Don Williams, graduate of CBPS has their way, college administrators will soon students and their schools" to help been accepted for a doctoral program at be bargaining not only with unions of students prepare to "cope with the realities Syracuse University pursuing a Ph.D in • janitors, secretaries, and professors but of faculty unions." · Sociology. also with unions of students. The students had at least two goals for For the third straight year, talk of creating a union: creating a national student union was a - Resuscitating the moribund national dominant theme at the association's an­ student movement. KNOW YOUR nual National Student Congress. - Meeting the challenge of faculty . , Delegates passed a resolution declaring collective bargaining, which student unionization of students to be a top leaders fear will leave them out in the cold. priority and establishing a tllrEl&member The students generally agreed that the STUDENT task force "to investigate and work national student movement that towards the unionization of all colleges and. dominated the 1960's was dead. "We are universities that express interest in here in Miami Beach for the funeral of the REP. unionization." student movement," said Ron Ehrenreich, the outgoing N.S.A vice-president. BPS : Gene Billotto The resolution also declared that N.S.A. Delegates felt that the creation of a would "be the national collective national student political organization bargaining agent on campuses subject to such as an individual-member national the approval of each individual campus." union of students which is what most As a first step, the association's new European countries have could turn some president, Larry Friedman of Queens student energy back to national issues.







FIREPLACE BHE Rep. Fernando Chagoya CS: Walt Calgaro

TO TRASH COMPACTOR IEIIATEOCCifAII:Y ''LIVING'' MAN AND HIS visibility was one mile. single cause of tooth loss. ENVIRONMENT "There are now 55 species "Preventive dentistry" AT BEAUTIFUL In the midst of the of fish in the lower Thames means regular check- ups current environmental river where there were none and brushing with the right panic, one man does not feel 15 years ago ... equipment. The best brush'! the environment is in as bad "There have been no adult Many dentists now GOVERIIIRS IIIUSE condition as some would deaths from pesticides, but recommend the use of a have us believe. last year, in the same 12- straight handled, soft­ month period, 11 people textured toothbrush such as Said British Jcientist D.G. were gored to death by the new Dr. West's Anti­ 534-oon Hessayon in his 1972 bull11." Abrasive Toothbrush. Soft, Tennant Memorial Lecture polished, end- rounded at the University of PREVENTIVE nylon bristles provide the Strathclyde, "In , DENTISTRY "sweeping" action necessary smoke concentrations have Plaque, a microscopic to keep teeth healthy Take any highway or expressway to U.S. 30 (Lincoln Hwy.). Go fallen 80 per cent in the past film that forms on the teeth, without irritating the tooth 10 years. Sulphur dioxide is south on Western Av. to Exchange Av. Tum west to Burnham. is the prime enemy of tooth and gum surfaces. Fighting down 40 per cent. Now on an longevity because it can lead Tum south and go 1 block to GOVERNORS HOUSE. plaque with proper brushing average winter day in to periodontal (guml and regular dental checkups London, visibility is four disease. And gum disease­ is the key to healthy teeth miles. In 1958, the average not cavities- is the major and gums. OCTO ER, 1973 THE INNOVATOR Pa 6

Paintings done in work for a master's degree were in a solo canvas, acrylic and mixed media on linen, water color, and water showing at Governors State University. Maureen Cribbs, who color, ink, dye. Mrs. Cribbs, a student in the College of Cultural 'eaches at Park Forest Blackhawk junior high school, had 27 Studies, received her A.B. from DePauw University. (Photo - paintings in the university library through September 23. Richard Darnell). Included are acrylic on paper, acrylic wash, acrylic on paper and What Is I.C.C.? can use a of By JANET GORDLEY ICC EQUIPMENT LOAN POLICY portable equipment, some of which are listed below. There are no Perhaps some of you newer TYPE OF MAXIMUM restrictions at all on where the students and maybe even some old EQUIPMENT LOAN PERIOD equipment may be used .. the only timers are curious as to what requirement is that the student exactly ICC stanm for. ICC is the Cameras: knows bow to use the particular Instructional Communications 8mm 3 Days item. Don't panic, though; lessons Center and Ann Cole is the woman 35mm 2Days are available. There are student dealing with it. ICC houses portable Polaroid 3 Days technicians on hand to guide you. Projectors: These capable men are Richard Slide 3 Days Cunningham and Jerry Rich. 8mm 1 Day F11mloop 7 Days F11ms are available in the Filmstrip 1 Day Learning Resource Center Portable (otherwise known as the library or Overhead 7 Days LRC). Occasionally a film can be Portable rented with a professor's approval. P. A. System 1 Day However, if a film is on campus Record Players 1 Day currently there is no problem. Tape Recorder There is a variety of professional (Reel to Reel) 3 Days equipment that can be used in the Cassette Tape ICC area. Included in this group are Recorder (Sony) 7 Days photographic equipment, video Cassette Tape taping equipment and graphic Recorder (BASF) 1 Day equipment. Students are invited to Mercury Playback come over for instruction. Units 7 Days Viewers 35mm 3 Days Accessories for above is the same Dave Wight, Director of I.C.C. Viewers F1lmstrip 3 Days as maximum loan time for the Portable Video major piece of equipment loaned "takes five" in the preview-room. Equipment 1 Day such as: Headphones, Remo....; and professional communications Easels 7 Days Control Corm, Slide Trays, equipment. Any student at GSU Enlarger Kits 3 Days Microphones, Tripods, Screens, etc.

JILilCK ROOTS BY MORRISON NINALOWO dance in Africa is not a separate away all eveil, thus allowing the African dince is basic, vital! seed to germinate. Aside from the For me it is the source, the well art, but a part of the whole' complex of living. What I shall try, hypnotic beauty of these dances, from which I draw inspiration for there is a very interesting concept my culture. African dance is to do is to capture its essence by involved The prayer is offered complete. It ranges from the discussing briefly certain essential elements. not only for fertility of vegetable sublet and most lyric of and animal life but also for movements to the most dynamic, In African dance, people use their bodies as instruments fertility of thought. If a chief has from the most sophisticated to make a great decision for his presentations to the simplest. It through which every conceivable motion or event is projected. The tribe, the dancers are called forth can defy space in fantastic leaps to dance, so that his mind will into the air or butrow into the result is a strange but hypnotic marriage between life and dance. become fertile with strong That's what you pay every Parth. It does not limit itself to any thoughts. one part of the body, but employs The two are inseparable. When a child is born, when a man is Among people living along Its month for your checking the use of even the most minute banks, the river is a symbol of muscle. It varies from the slowest ,!Juried, there is the dance. People dance the sowing of the seed and fertility. It overflows onto the account if you keep a and stateliest of court dances to land, watering and fertilizing the those which move so rapidly the the harvest, puberty rites bunting, warfare. They dance to: soil. It rises sometimes from an 1100 minimum balance. eye cannot hope to register all unseen source and journeys, with' that is happening. It is bard for rain, sun, strong and numerous children, marriage and play. Love, its burden of life to the larger me to think of African dance waters. So, at a certain time without hearing apin the great hatred, fear, joy, sorrow, diseust, amazement, all these and all other during the year before the seed is drums. I must pause in the writing sown, the women come forth to quiet that part of me which emotions are expressed through ~ssed in the green of growing cries out "Dance!" rhythmic movement. There are many types of tbmgs. Like an endless river they To expect to do more than move, their bodies fitting one scratch the surface of an fertility dances, for no two tribes have identical folkways. But each behind the other-curve of introduction to dance in African abdomen into curve of back and in this five hundrem words essay fertility dance has the same Route M South of Route 10 purpose. Each one is a prayer each hand, each foot, each hand would be attempting the moving alike. These women, 747~ • ~M11 ridiculous. Even if I were to before the sowing that the seed may take strong root and grow themselves the bearers of seeds consider the dances of only one become the river flowing in th~ tribe, I would not be able to fit all well. In certain instances it is the materials into one article for believed that the dance will chase (Cont. on page 7) Page7 OCTOBER, 1973 THE INNOVATOR * Vet's Bulletin Board * • V.C. ADMINISTRATION • •REMINDER• The elected officials of the Vets Club If you have not received your 8-0 check (Frank Piontek, President; Lloyd Degrane, yet, but you have your benefits verification Vice President; Herb Williams, Treasurer) form from the V.A., then reread your may seem to have slipped into a slump of verification form. It might instruct you to inactivity. However, these officials have pick up your check from the Cashier's been doing much in the interests of the Office. If such is the case, make sure to see GSU Veteran. Some of their ac­ the Cashier as soon as possible because the complishments are listed below: School can only hold these checks for a Developed a Constitution and an certain length of time; after that they must operational structure, both acceptable to return the checks to the V.A. the GSU Administration. If you have not even received your Submitted a request to the State of verification form as yet, contact the Office Illinois to be chartered as a non-profit of Admissions and Records - your organization. No answer has been received registration may not have been properly as yet. completed. Acquired and set·up office space in the North Rotunda adjacent to the Innovator Office. • U.A. REPORT • Developed this newsletter as a com­ The University Assembly has passed a munication for the Veteran Student. motion especially in support of the The elected Secretary, Wayne Orr is not Veterans Association. The motion is the listed above because he has resigned his first political step attempting to obtain a position. James Quirk is acting as the full-time Vets Counselor here at. the Secretary until the elections of new officers campus. in October. The College of Cultural Studies Com­ munity Council has asked Tom Dascenzo to speak. Tom will provide the Council · • VETERANS CLUB ELECI'IONS Members with informaton on Veterans' SCHEDULED FOR OCI'OBER 8, 9, 10 • Activities. The Veterans Association at GSU will SSAC has allocated to the Veterans conduct elections for new officers in just a Association $1,000 for the 1973-74 year. few short weeks. The old Officers have served the Association since the beginning VETERANS BENIFITS of summer, now, according to the Veterans Representative William Ketchum has Constitution, it's time for a change. introduced a Bill for a 10% increase in It is important that YOU participate. benefits for Veterans. Also a House Bill We need volunteers to staff the election (9891 I is in Congress regarding paying booths on the 8th, 9th, and lOth of Oc­ tuition costs for Veterans. tober. The 'booths will be open from noon Representative Collins from Calumet until 8:00 p.m. on all three days. City is head of Representatives for Veterans in the State of Illinois. If you have any hassels on the State level, call • VETS COORDINAroR POSITION • 862·46IJ7. In a conference with Doug Davis of Student Services and Cora Burks of NEW V.A. LAW Financial Aids, the Officers of the Veterans Students studying under the GI Club established its participation in the Bill who have academic problems selection of the pennanent Official to be may now get V A-.financed the Veterans' Coordinator at GSU. Dr. tutoring more easily under Davis bas propoeed that the available legislation enacted in October. An ominous looking Becky Keller, peers muhi-media production held in the money ($8,000) be used in its entirety fot The new law removes the out from some extraterrestrial exhibits at commons. the salary of the Coordinator. The support requirement that a student must the recent "Earth, Air, Fire, Water" units, such as a secretary, should be ~ be falling a course before he tained from whatever source possible for becomes eli&ible for a VA-paid the time being. Also the new office should tutor. The law also provides Multi Media Production be established under the Office of Financial tutoring for wives, widows and Aids, but once it is functional, it should children studying under the become independent and be answerable agency's Dependents' Educational Based On I, Ching At G.S.U. only to the Vice President of Academic Assistance program. Affairs. ****** By Howard L. White Applications for the position will be taken at the Personnel Office. The ap­ telling of the who, what, when and why plicants will have to take a Civil Service Earth, Air, F\re and Water is a multi of a thing which sometimes escapes a test. Of those applying for the positon, the media production comin& from I.C.C. good many of us. Executive branch of the Veterans Club can based on the famous ancient work I, Sounds are an important part of the make three recommendations as to the Ching which is showing off the creative mood of the show. The exotic Oavor person they would like to see in the talents of Miss Beckey Keller. The book is len& its ear to the call of birds, as well as sai..d to have been a reference manual for music composed on a computer and a position. Confucius and was regarded as ancient handwritten score. even in those days. The volume shaped white tube where VETERANS CLUB The cut, a talented troupe coming the showing took place was made possible from C.C.S. consisting of Richard MEMBERS. - Keep watching by a mini grant sponsored by I.C.C. This the posters for the next Edwards, Lee Lin Dow, Kathy Sturges, enchanting arena adds the timeless view Susan Poole, Eunice Hill and Dale Wilson of life that the I, Chin& expresses many meeting everyone is are a team of graduates and times on many levels. invited. undergraduate theater students. 'lbe work of I, Chin& couldn't have The I, Ching (Book of Changes) has been more appropriate In choosin& a been a sort of mystery to readers old and presentation to show communications of BLACK ROOTS new. The production itself is a sheer various styles, and It promises to be a (Cont. from page 6) elevation of thought and brines together a dynamic display of creative input. If you wide range of communications' media, like depth, fantasy and iUusion with a intricate and windir.g pattern set which promises to explain the legend of touch of the mystics, you shouldn't have by tradition. the famous sticks. This will probably be missed this production based on the Among the most exciting visual as well as audio. In presenting the unknowns that have puzzled mankind for dances are those like the Attilogu production, the philsophy of I, €bing is ages, the I, Chine at G.S.U. of the Ibo people of Nigeria. given color and sound as well as drama in Every muscle shouts the joy of being alive. Most lovely are those which portray the beauty and Child Care January '74 (?) grace of the chief of the tribe. The Veronica Keethers, Task Force baby-sitting. royal dancers of the king of the I Chairwoman and member of the Nothing has been official (in giant Watusi dance his elegance, G.S.U. Child Care Board of writing), but a child care Center is his strength, his invincibility. Directors has stated that the definitely in the works. The final Finally, there are countless others, projected opening for the Center shape is yet to be determined. A but I can sum up by saying that ls January 1974. small group of dedicated, any occasion within the life of the A verbal agreement has been energetic people are working to tribe is one for the dance. The made from the university to lease make this Center a reality for the dance is strong magic. The dance the Vick farmhouse, just off of G.S.U. community. Funds for the is a spirit. It turns the body to Governors highway, behind the center are also in question. The liquid steel. It ma'kes it vibrate Cardox factory, rent free for the Student Services Advisory like a guitar. The body can fly Center. The university will also Committee will be a major without wings. It can sing without renovate the facilities needed to determinant in the financial voice. The dance is strong magic. operate this system. . phase. The dance is life! Members on the Board to Urban transportation and the Chicago The Board has planned a develop this center arc Paul Hill, Transit authority were discussed by the capacity of 20 children with '!n, Mary Endres, Tom Layzell, Bob ultimate capacity of 45 children. Krebs, Addison Woodward, Ellen Dial An Ad authority chairman Milton Pikanky, Sixty percent will be provided Mendelson, Lo-etta · Burgest, above, for students at Governors State with full time day-care and forty Marilyn Comer, and Bill University enrolled in a course on percent will be short term Wickersham. 563-8006 "Transportation Systems." (No. 092673). OCTOBER, 1973 Page 8 THE INNOVATOR

Fool On The Hill UNITED NEGRO Poetry Corner BITS: Here we go again. Students COLLEGE FUND commuting from Chicago via the I.C. MEMBER COLLEGES WHAT ISRAEL MEANS TO ME Oh Czechoslovakia, the beautiful land, trains are grumbling about transportation Oh Czechoslovakia, now Communist from the station to the campus: "We are ALABAMA By JANET HODES GORDLEY contraband! caught in a bind between late trains and Miles College (Birmingham); Oakwood Full of Russian soldiers spreading rifle College (Huntsville); Stillman College the drawing board anangement set up by Israel is the land of my grandfather's fears the student services Director, because (Tuscaloosa); Talladega College dreams, To hardened faces with long dried tears; never doth the twain meet ... The (Talladega); Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee 'lbe goal of all Semitic tribes, the Eyes once alive and shining free Institute). University car's run to the station is bullseye of their aims. Now revealing inner poverty hourly, on the hour. But somehow the ARKANSAS A land of bagels, borscht and lox And this is proletarian liberty? trains have no consideration for this Philander Smith College (Little Rock). Where all persecuted Jews can Oock. arranged schedule, and arrive whenever FLORIDA Awake Mankind - let all men see! they can - most times allowing for Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona It is a promise to keep, to cherish, to The horrors of the world of the unfree • singletracks, etc. All this means, simply, Beach); Florida Memorial College (Miami). hold. Where no light shines of future hope that far too often we are late for classes. It is innovative life beginning to Where life is just a horrible joke. But worse, we are quite frequently late GEORGIA unfold. Is this really what mankind is searching for work, which means that Heads of our Atlanta University (Atlanta); Clark Israel is a loving mother with for department are getting a-bit tired of College (Atlanta); Interdenominational outstretched arms. As a solution to the economically poor? hearing the same excuse and simply cut Theological Center (Atlanta); Morehouse It Is the promised Iand ... the haven Economics alone can't be the solution us down wiht jaundice looks." Help! College (Atlanta); Morris Brown College from all stonns. What we need is a revolution! Help! Help! OR CAN YOU DIG IT... ? (Atlanta); Paine College (Augusta); Wait - don't run for guns and knives AND: Metro School gets nod from Spelman College (Atlanta); And what if Israel shall fall? Aren't we trying to save men's lives? North Central Committee. "It is a sound God help us Jews ••• God help us one A revolution of heart is in store MISSISSIPPI and all. The outcome is a world where all care tho provdcatlve e~catlonal project - a Rust College (Holly Springs); Tougaioo school without walls .... For there wiU be no relief from poeram more. College (Tougaloo). written St~ngth: 'lbe insightful leadership and strife. No law, no rule, no creed of the principal - it makes do with NORTH CAROLINA It will hound us throughout all of our Can ever force a hungry man to feed limited resources.... Barber-Scotia College (Concord); life. The mouth of a child who is more in CriticiSm: It is stiU a little too loose, Bennett College (Greensboro); Johnson C. For it's happened before and wiU need. and absenteeism among teachers at· the Smith University (Charlotte); Livingstone happen apln. school." College (Salisbury); Saint Augustine's And what makes us think It will ever The Cause is no love - no thought for Where: Metro School is headquartered College (Raleigh). end. the others at 537 S. Dearborn Street In Chicago, Its OHIO The Effect is this world - this killing of Principal: Nathan Blackman. Checkitout! Wiberforce University (Wdberforce). So, I euesa what I'm saying Ill in all brothers Is Israel means that at last I can stand Deal with the Cause - not the Effect PIECES: NEW I.Q. Test with a black SOUTH CAROLINA slant by Robert Williams who is professor tall. And finally this world will truly reflect Benedict College (Columbia); Claflin And not be afraid to BE... What all mankind has been searching for of psychology at Washington Univenity, College (Orangeburg); Voorhees College St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Williams calls the For Israel has made a human being of Through aching years of historical sores (Denmark). me! A world of goodness, peace and love to test, "BITCH," and says "it is either the TENNESSEE Black Intelligence Test for Homoeeniety be Fisk University (Nashville); KDoxville Free from economic and inner poverty. when being discussed with other College (Knoxville); Lane College psychologists or when talking to some (Jackson); LeMoyne-Owen College blacks, it is Black lnteUigence Test Oh Czechoslovakia, the beautiful land (Memphis). Oh Czechoslovakia, you must \1D" Counterbalanced for Hookeys." 'lbe Fool TEXAS can say, only, that here is an obvious case derstandl Bishop College (Dallas); Huston­ That today on this earth of "Language and Social Pressure"... the Tillotson College (Austin); Jarvis need or desire to strike back ... Oh, well. By VIRGINIA S. CRAM A new age is at hand! Christian College (Hawkins); Texas Margaret Hodes Dr. Williams is not running. It is simply College (Tyler); Wiley College (Marshall). the quivering earth moving his purple VIRGINIA A man of truth does not jeep ... his purple jeep ... purple Saint Paul's College (Lawrenceville); Have to tell himself BY VIRGINIA S. CRAM jeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Virginia Union University (Richmond). Not to lie He does not want to I go through periods when my mind constipates its poetry, A true pascifist does not wallows in misery The Black Panther Party/From Revolutioo To Reflrm Have to tell himself & untold changes, Not to commit violence BY JOHNATHAN WOODS process, a means of bringing the people in order to enable itself He does not want to to call aloud, closer to the transfonnation of society. Proud its name & purpose Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the By refusing to abandon the position of A true Muslim does not to world. Black Panther Party, bas written an destruction and despair, he Have to tell himself autobiography tiUed "Revolutionary underestimatett the enemy and took on Taking care of business Not to eat pork where the business belongs Suicide." In it he attempts to explain and the role of the reactionary suicide." He does not want to justify the transfonnation of the Black making descisions & creating new thoughts. Panther Party from a revolutionary party Newton quotes Camus in declaring A true revolutionary aoes not to a refonn party. A party with survival "real eenerosity toward the future lies in Have to tell himself programs. glvine all to the present. This erows out Not to compromise He states that it was because of the of an intense love of the earth, for our He does not want to .... An administration that can not or exile of Eldridge Cleaver that the party brothers, for justice." 'lbe Black Panther dare not define money, credit, debt, changed directions. "Eldridge Cleaver Party embraces this principle. By glvine And we all are property, capital, is unlikely to provide a identified with the negative aspects of the all to the present we reject fear, despair As our actions make us durable solution of national chaos or party. What appealed to him were force, and defeat. We work to repair the And not as our words evolve a durable system of national firepower and the intense moment when breeches of the past. We strive to carry Declare us to be. order.... combatants stood at the brink of death. out the revolutionary principle of Ezra Pound He would not support the survival transfonnation, and thru lone struggle, in programs, refusing to see that they were a Camus's words "to remake the soul of WANTED necessary part of the revolutionary our time." The Harder They Fall Salespeople. Full or Part-time. $100 to $125 per week. By Cassandra Wdson Just as any other film, this one has its Call 668-0125 or 944-6211. Ask for Scott Mesmer. drawbacks. During a Bonnie and Clyde The scene was brutal and unexpected. type chase scene, I van shoots the tires of a Repeated knife blows unmercifully slashed police car, and makes his fast getaway on a bicycle. From this point on, Ivan becomes the shocked, but helpless face of the man who dared challenge the angry and a super fugitive rather than the plausable vengeful Ivan. character we once knew. The theme song, "You can make it if you really try," The action centers around Ivan, a man quickly becomes distracting and gradually introduced from a secluded world of innocence to one of experience by monotonous, mainly because of its too a glacial society, it's police corruption, frequent use during the entire film. record racket, and drug scene. This victim By no means should one let the negative of naivete has visions of becoming the aspects discourage him from seeing this ultimate of his dreams, a pop recording film. Its strength. surpasses its weakness, star. Unfortunately, these dreams are soon and successfully demonstrates the talents shattered by his determined, but fruitless of its producer. efforts. PLAYED BY: a Jamaican born Black, ---CLASSIFIED ADS--- Jimmy Cliff, who finds himself in a rather common dilemma of "trying to buck the Representative needed! Earn $200.00 + I Establishment." When van gets "had" by each with only a few hours work at the his recording producer it's because he lies beginning of the semester. at the bottom of the economic totem pole. INTERNATIONAL In the proces of conveying a very MARKETING SERVICE powerful message, film·maker Harry 519 Glenrock Avenue Henzcll has captured some memorable 203 scenes of Jamaican life in this ambitious Suite Los Angeles, California 90024 film. Wh n we sec a mas of wondering people in a crowded market place, or the wid~eyed despair of a Black preacher who Part time janitorial work - Male or Is the media of any value When there isn't Croche in concert" which wa3n't much of has lost his pride. the onviewer undergoes Female - 5 nights a week - 3·4 hours anyone to watch it? Perhaps Student a success. Hope they think of some other a cosmos of vicarious sensations which nightly. Excellent pay. Contact: Services could answer that one, they form of student entertainment, soon? bring him that much closer to the realm of · BOB GRAY ...... 239·1418 Black experience. sponsored the video tape program .,Jim