REPRESENTATION AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Members of Parliament: EAST .-G. Darby, Esq., 21, Duke Street, Westminster, and Markley Warbleton, near Uckfield; A. E. Fuller, Esq., 16, Clif­ ford Street, and Rosehill, Robertsbridge, and Ashdown House, near East Grinstead, Sussex. .-Earl of March, 51, Portland Place, and Melcombe Cottage, ; Col. C. 'Vyndham, Rogate Lodge, Peters­ field. ARUNDEL.-Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 15, Chesham Place, Bel. grave Square. BRIGHToN.-Capt. G. R. Pechell, R.N., 4, Spring Gardens, and Castle Goring, j Lord Alfred Harvey, 6, St. J ames' 5 Square, Ickworth Park, Bury S1. Edmund's, and Kemp Town, Brighton. CHICIlESTER.-J. A. Smith, Esq., 47, Belgrave Square, and Dale Park, Arulldel j Lord A. Lellnox, 10, Chesham Place, Belgrave Square. HASTINGS.-R1. Hon. J. Planta, G.C.H., 1, Albemarle Street, Rnd Fairlight Place, Hastings; Robert Holland, Esq., 63, Portland Place, and the Al1egria, near St. Leonard's-at-sea, Sussex. .-Ron. R. C. Scarlett, 16, Eaton Square, and Abinger Hall, Surrey. LEWES.-H. Elphinstone, D.C.L., 7, College, Doctor's Commons, and 19, Eaton Place, and Ride Cottage, Hastings j Hon. H. Fitz­ roy, 43, Berkeley Square. M:IDHuRsT.-Sir H. B. Seymour, 28, St. J ames's Place, and Stoke House, Chichester. !tYE.-H. B. Curteis, Esq., 19, Bridge Street, 'Vestminster, and Windmill Hill, near Battle, Sussex. NEW SHOREHAM.-Sir C. :M. Burrell, Bart., 5, Richmond Terrace, 'Vhitehall, and Knapp Castle, near Horsham, Sussex j C. Goring, Esq., 26, Pall Mall, and Wiston, near Steyning. County Officers: Lord Lieutenant-Duke of Richmond, 51, Portlanl1 Place, and Goodwood, Sussex. High Sheriff-Edward Russey, Esq., Scotney Castle, Sussex. Under Sheriff-William Hussey, Esq., Clifton, near Bristol. Agents to ditto-Messrs. Palmer, France, and Palmer, 24, Bedford Row, Holborn. Clerk of the Peace-William Vidler Langridge, Esq., Solicitor, Lewes. Clerk of Lieutenancy-William Vidler Lang-ridge, Esq., Lewes. Clerks to County Courts-Francis Harding Yell, Esq., Leweli; Robert Roper, Esq., Chichester. Assistant Poor Law Commissioner'- - Parker, Esq. Coroners-John Luttman Ellis, Esq.• Petworth; Francis Rarding Yell, Esq., Lewes. GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS -Eastern Division, Lewes, Jan. J, April 1, July J, Oct. H.-Western Division, Petworth, Jan. 4, April 4; Horsham, July 24 j Chichester, Oct. 17.