
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Issue No 342 Complimentary


Public Holiday and updated list East End United triumph in Encouraging engineering CURACAO ON VENEZUELA’S of Public Holidays for 2019 district battle students of the future FRONTLINE East End’s sweet potato king By Christopher Tobutt

Franklin Smith farms a total of around 80 acres in East End. He has cultivated, fed, and nurtured the soil, year after year. “I am not ashamed of farming. I originally trained as a chef. But I gave up cooking for farming, because it is some- thing I grew up with. My Grandfather and father farmed and I am walking in their footsteps,” he said. Mr. Smith is particularly proud of his massive crop of sweet potatoes: “By March 15 we’ll have ten thousand holes of sweet potato planted. Yes sir, ten thousand. There is no other person who has ever planted that amount I’m ex- pecting a return of ten pounds of sweet potato. In April, I am expecting 100,000 pounds of sweet potato,” he said. Mr. Smith sells to the local supermar- kets, competing with sweet potatoes brought in from overseas, which aren’t so fresh, he says. He has a pump that pumps water from an underground lens and from there over many miles of black pipes laid in long, parallel lines, bring- ing water right to the root of each plant. “In 1983 when I started this farm, this system was developed in Israel it’s the

... Continued story on page 6  Mr. Smith shows the irrigation system WORC Announces Branson New Department Head worried by Leaders with Workforce Opportunities and Res- Gray High School, where she later became the Dep- idency Cayman (WORC) are proud to announce uty Head of the English Department. In addition, the appointment of Ms. Katherine Whittaker as its plastic waste new Head of Labour Demands, Development and Education Standards and supported the inspection Training. ofshe schools. was an Associate Inspector with the Of�ice of Ms. Whittaker has been a civil servant for 28 In 2017, Ms. Whittaker completed a secondment years and during this time served as the Director of with the Portfolio of the Civil Service (POCS) where the Youth Services Unit from 2007 to 2018, and the she was a Manager in Leadership & Learning, Deputy Director of the Department of Youth and among other duties. During her 14-month post she Sports from 2003 to 2007. managed the Institute of Leadership Management Ms. Whittaker has also served in the education

Cayman Islands Middle School, as well as at John (ILM) Level 3 Certi�icate... Continued course, and story assisted on page other 3 �ield for many years as a teacher with the former

 Even Cayman Brac has beach pollution

The Cayman Islands is doing its bit to reduce the plastic waste gathering in its oceans as eco-aware governments, organisations and individuals try to raise the alarm and reduce the global effects of this disturbing phenomenon. The consequences are dire, especially as there is no doubt ocean pollution has for years entered our food chain. Marvin Gaye sang about the “Oil wasted on the oceans

‘Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)’, released in 1968, over 50 yearsand upon ago. ourGaye’s seas, prescience �ish full of was mercury” disturbingly in his accurate.classic song

 Ms. Katherine Whittaker announced as new Head of Labour Demands, Development and Training ... Continued story on page 7


FRONT PAGE BANNERS NOW AVAILABLE Contact 916 2000 for rate and to book this space EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE 2 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 C�������� T����

EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICES Protect Our Oceans Public Holiday for Royal Visit The Premier, Hon. Alden McLaugh- For anyone living in the Cayman Is- lin, MBE, has announced Thursday, 28 lands, you will notice the crystal-clear March 2019 to be an additional public waters surrounding this island par- holiday this year to commemorate the adise. You will also hear the gasps Royal Visit by TRHs Charles, Prince of from our visitors as they stare at this Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, amazing spectacle that surrounds our to the Cayman Islands. home. The Royal Couple will participate in When our editorial team decided to a number of activities over their two- adopt a cause for this publication, we day visit and the additional holiday will immediately thought of this spectacle low) our purpose was clear and so we enable members of the public to better and wondered what it would be like to decided to include a weekly segment participate. lose our white sandy beaches and clear on Saving Our Planet with the empha- The updated list of Public Holidays water. sis on our oceans. for 2019 is as follows: After reading the Hon Minister for We hope you will read, enjoy and • New Year’s Day: Tuesday, 1 Janu- Health’s message on June 8, 2018 (be- take action.  ary; • National Heroes Day: Monday, 28 January; • Ash Wednesday: Wednesday, 6 Message by Minister of Health March;  Their Royal Highnesses Prince Charles • For Royal Visit: Thursday, 28 and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall March Hon. Dwayne Seymour to • Good Friday: Friday, 19 April; • Remembrance Day: Monday, 11 • Easter Monday: Monday, 22 April; November; mark World Oceans Day • Discovery Day: Monday, 20 May; • Christmas: Wednesday, 25 Decem- • Queen’s Birthday: Monday, 10 June ber; and Our Islands are known (con�irmed); • Boxing Day: Thursday, 26 Decem- for many things, one of • Constitution Day: Monday, 1 July; ber.  the most important of them being our beauti- ful sea. Seeing that the Caribbean Sea and wider oceans are such a vital Take Derelict Vehicles part of the history and identity of the Cayman Islands, we want to do & Metal Waste to all we can to protect and conserve it, which is why Cayman Brac Landfi ll the Cayman Islands is cel- ebrating World Oceans The Department of Environmental Patience Eke, Environmental Health Day on 8 June, 2018. Health (DEH) urges residents of Cayman Officer assigned to the Sister Islands Since 2009, the United Brac to make arrangements for the trans- urges residents to make every ef- portation of their derelict vehicles and fort to get derelict vehicles and oth- recognised World Oceans other metal waste to the Cayman Brac er metal items to the landfill. “Those Day,Nationals a project has initially of�icially co- who are genuinely unable to afford to ordinated by The Ocean The DEH will include all the derelict have derelict vehicles removed may Project in 2002. The or- vehiclesLand�ill by and Tuesday, metal items 26 February that it receives 2019. contact me directly to make arrange- ganisers note that “every in the ongoing metal baling activity at ments for their removal”, commented year on June 8, World Mrs Eke. Oceans Day is celebrated The metal baling operation, which Residents may contact Mrs Eke by across the world by re- commencedthe Cayman Bracon Monday,Land�ill. 11 February telephone on 916-4201. ducing plastic pollution The DEH has baled 75 vehicles and and creating solutions this year and will facilitate the creation created 150 full metal bales since the for a more sustainable 2019 will be the �inal such activity for baling activity began last week.  society.” The Cayman Islands  Minister of Health Hon. Dwayne Seymour of additional space within the land�ill. takes pride in the effort and strides made to facilitate the re- Conservation Cayman, Cayman Eco Di- habilitation and sustainability of our vers, Save Cayman, Guy Harvey Track- natural environment and natural re- ing Institute to name a few. sources, much of which focuses on the With millions of people across the sea and its life forms. world taking part in World Oceans Departments like the Department Day, we too want to take action for of Environment (DoE) should be rec- a better future. The celebration of ognised for their work protecting our our oceans brings together students, oceans, coral reefs, and other marine professionals, businesses and organ- life. In addition to helping to imple- isations all alike. We want to spe- ment the National Conservation Law with the National Conservation Coun- take an interest in saving our oceans cil, whose aim is to “promote and se- andci�ically helping encourage the environment, young people as we to cure biological diversity and the sus- believe they are the key to success. tainable use of natural resources in As the leaders of tomorrow, they Cayman”, the DoE also has research have the most to lose, which is why and monitoring projects and pro- we want them to be inspired to take grammes which enable the protection of important marine species and hab- oceans. itats. actionWe can and make �ight a for difference the rights everyday of our Another organisation vital to the by stopping, or at minimum reducing conservation of our oceans is the the use of plastic straws, plastic bags Central Caribbean Marine Institute and plastic bottles, which are the three (CCMI) in our very own Little Cay- most problematic polluters of our man, where oceanographic and eco- ocean (World Oceans Day, 2018). We logical research, conservation, and must also acknowledge that threats education takes place (CCMI, 2017). Having dialogue with the National velopment, and mangrove removal Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- aresuch all as problems over�ishing, that contribute coastal over-de- to the tration (NOAA), projects target the destruction of the ecosystem (Jukam, maintenance of coral reefs, which is 2016). World Oceans Day reminds us of vital to the ecosystem as well as our our hopes to maintain vibrant oceans tourism industry. With tourism being and the healthy life within them; how- one of Caymans predominant indus- ever, this can only be achieved through tries, it is also important to realize the effort of our government, NGOs, that not only is saving the oceans es- and, most importantly, the citizens of sential for our environment but also our island. for our economy. For more information on how you Non-governmental organisations, can help please visit the following businesses and individuals are also to websites: World Oceans Day at www. be commended for their efforts. These and the Cayman include Eco Chic Cayman, Plastic Free Islands Department of Environment Cayman, Sustainable Cayman, Shark 

Caymanian Caymanian Times Issue # 342

Publisher: Ralph Lewis Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd #19 Walkers Road (next to Tomlinson Furniture) Telephone: 345 916 2000 Email: [email protected], or [email protected] Website: LOCAL NEWS | LOCAL SPORTS C�������� T���� Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 PAGE 3 WORC Announces New Department Head ... Continued story from page 1 and the recruitment process for various which is to lead the pursuit of full Cay- those markets through various profes- Government entities. manian employment and economic pros- sional development and training oppor- Government agencies with its testing/ WORC Director, Sharon Roulstone, perity for all through service excellence.” tunities. examination tools. said: “As the agency formally known as Ms. Whittaker’s main responsibilities Ms. Roulstone added: “We are de- National Workforce Development Agen- will include the collection of data by lighted to welcome Ms. Whittaker to the POCS’s Corporate and Strategic Human cy (NWDA) continues to transition to analysing the present and future labour WORC family and look forward to sup- ResourceMs. Whittaker Unit where was also she an helped of�icer facil-with WORC, Ms. Whittaker will play a crucial force demands, in order to better pre- porting her efforts in leading the new itate the evaluation of job descriptions role in executing the vision of WORC, pare Caymanians to participate fully in vision and goals for WORC.”  MS Foundation to Host International Guest Speaker at Upcoming Fundraiser The MS Foundation of the Cayman Is- man and knew something needed to be lands is pleased to announce the date for done. their 3rd Annual “Pretty on the Outside” fundraiser. The cocktail gala style event and emotionally, to not only MS patients will be held on Saturday 16th March, at but“Support to their families is crucial, as bothwell.” �inanciallyMs. Chris- the National Gallery, from 6pm onwards. tian said. The MS Foundation of the Cayman Is- “The MS Foundation is committed to lands was founded by Alyssa Christian not only providing the support needed in 2016, after being diagnosed with to patients, but to spreading awareness Multiple Sclerosis (MS) herself the pre- about the disease. Currently, there is no vious year. Alyssa became aware of the cure for MS. It is a lifelong disease. We large community of MS patients in Cay- hope one day for a cure, but until then, we will remain MS strong and continue to support our local community of patients and their fami- lies.” Speaking at the event  Alyssa Christian, MS Foundation founder will be International blog- ger, Ardra Shephard. Ar- ous illness, to have disability positively inside of their body is a disaster and can

nadian blogger behind the to empower those with chronic illness All proceeds from the event, and asso- award-winningdra is the in�luential “Tripping Ca- tore�lected stake their as part place of a in diverse the world. society, and feel like a battle�ield.” on Air”, an irreverent in- The event will also feature the pre- Foundation of the Cayman Islands and sider scoop about her life supportciated 50/50 their raf�le,mission will to bene�it help local the pa-MS with Multiple Sclerosis. produced by the MS Foundation in part- tients gain access to vital medical care Ardra was named one nershipmiere of with a short local �ilm videographer titled “Invisible”, Jason and wellness support. of the Top MS bloggers “in Kennedy, in honour of MS Awareness Event tickets are available to purchase the universe” by feedspot. for CI$100 per person at www.event- com and one of Health- to raise awareness of the fact that while and include a welcome cocktail, Line’s top MS bloggers of theMonth symptoms this March. of Thethis goal chronic of the illness�ilm is campaign t-shirt and a selection of bites 2019. With an interna- may be invisible, MS patients most cer- from local restaurant vendors. Tickets tional reach and reputa- tainly are not. tion, Ardra is a leader in “Most of the time you would not know Foundation can also be purchased on- the MS community; she that a person has MS just by looking at linefor theat Event 50/50 Pro. raf�le For more in aid information of the MS is on a mission to change them,” Ms. Christian said. “MS is known on the MS Foundation of the Cayman minds about what it as an invisible disease. Although many Islands, visit  Pretty on the Outside” cocktail gala style event means to live with a seri- patients look ‘good’ on the outside, the or contact [email protected].  East End United triumph in district battle The Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) tory over Sunset SC thanks to a Toby Johns strike and With the mid-term break for schools beginning this youth leagues continued this past Saturday, February George Town SC defeated 345 FC II 1-0 with Joshua Friday, March 1, a number of youth leagues will not be 23 highlighted by action in the Boys Under 11 and Girls Haden scoring from the penalty spot for the boys from in action over the next few Saturdays. All leagues will Under 13 games at the Annex Field. the capital. return to action on Saturday, March 16.  In Group B of the Boys Under 11 league, East End United FC triumphed in the ‘district battle’ as they swept aside George Town SC I by the score of 3-0. Jayden Golaub blasted his team in front and Gary Shep- herd and Kymari Parsons added a goal each to seal the three points and make the drive home to East End that much sweeter for coaches, players and parents alike. In other Group B action, Sunset SC Warriors’ Jax- on Cover just can’t miss the goal at the moment as he notched yet another hat trick as his Warriors defeated Academy SC Saints 5-0. His strike partners Matthew Rees and Phin Ellison scored the other two goals. 345 FC III secured another victory as they beat Scholars ISC 4-1 thanks to goals from Omari Douglas, Jayden Russell, Evan Barry and Levi Jack. Elijah Mem- brano replied for the youngsters from West Bay. In Group A, George Town SC I and Academy SC Wan- derers battled to 1-1 draw in a very entertaining en- counter. George Town’s Mahela Morgan capitalised on a goal keeping error to put his side in front midway

Whiteside scored from the penalty spot to secure an all importantthrough the point. �irst half, but with time ticking away, Liam In the only other Group A game, 345 FC I defeated Latinos FC 5-0 (respect rule enforced) as Emre Cue- vas-Ebanks and Danny Lyne grabbed two goals each while Christo Durrant also got his name on the score sheet. In the Girls Under 13 league, Elite SC found the go- ing tough against the young ladies from Roma Fusion FC. Frustration mounted as the game went on before Elite’s defender Isabella Romero broke the deadlock with a well-taken free kick to secure the 1-0 victory. Sunset SC Fuego downed Academy SC Dolphins 3-1 as Ashlyn Evans continued banging in the goals for her club with another three on Saturday. Academy’s Tae- gen Williams grabbed her team’s only goal. In the Boys Under 13 league, 345 FC I secured a narrow 1-0 vic-

 East End United Football Club (yellow) defeated George Town Sports Club 3-0 in the CIFA Boys Under 11 league LOCAL NEWS PAGE 4 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 C�������� T����

 Ray Brown, Engineering and Business Development Manager with CUC and Paul Henry,  Students at St Ignatius attended the engineering event Dart's Innovation Manager Encouraging engineering students of the future By Lindsey Turnbull The event was held in celebration of Engineering Week, which came to School students received a a close last Friday. Acknowledging the thought-provoking insight into what it’s promising number of girls in the au- like to be an engineer last Friday when dience, organiser of the event, Glenda Dart and CUC teamed up to present a McTaggart, Dart’s Manager of Educa- special screening at Camana Bay of a tion Programmes, said that girls were not encouraged to go into engineering Engineering Our World. The movie was when she was at school and that she was producedpublic service by the �ilm American called Engineering Dream Big: pleased that today this was not the case. Association and a good many students The audience learned that engineering who had shown an interest in the profes- was used to enhance the human experi- sion were invited to attend from public ence and build civilisations and that en- and private schools across the board in gineers would be needed to solve some Cayman. Engineers from both CUC and of the huge issues that face mankind as Dart then spoke to the students about the global population nears 9 billion by  Minds Inspired's Glenda McTaggart speaks to the crowd 2045. The movie focused on a number give the students a broader understand- of individual female engineers who had A love for biology drove Stacie Sy- project was a “huge honour”, Ms Abra- ingtheir of speci�icthis hugely sector varied of profession. engineering to bersma into engineering and she is now man life throughout their careers, such CUC’s Environmental Manager, with re- was small enough that she felt able to asmade building signi�icant bridges improvements for school children to hu- sponsibility for air, ground water and soil makeham con�irmed.a positive Sheimpact said with that the Cayman work to safely attend school in Haiti and build quality. She said the role was demanding she was undertaking. She also praised safer, disaster-proof homes in earth- because she needed to be a ‘jack of all her company for being so accepting of quake-prone areas such as Nepal, as well trades’ in order to be able to solve prob- female engineers. as innovative school robotics groups who Another one of Cayman’s top engi- had beaten America’s top universities Andrew Small, Senior Manager with neers is Christian Blais, Senior Vice Pres- with their ideas for underwater robotics. Dartlems andin all a �ieldschemical of her engineer position. by profes- ident of IT at Dart. Mr Blais’ education The Dart and CUC engineers on hand sion had been working on a project to was undertaken at some of the world’s to speak directly to the students had also make the outside climate more comfort- top engineering schools, Stanford, MIT undertaken equally exciting, innovative able for people at Camana Bay, especial- and Harvard and his profession has tak- and life-changing engineering projects ly during the hot summer months. He en him all over the world. during their careers. Paul Henry, Dart’s said he had been looking at ways to mit- “One thing that’s great about engi- Innovation Manager admitted that he neering is that it takes you anywhere in had the “coolest job at Dart”, a civil en- so on, using concepts like cool pools and the world, as engineers all tend to speak gineer from the UK with a master’s from dryigate mist. radiant He heatwas fromcurrently walls, working �loors and on the same language,” he said. CambridgeEDITORIAL University who| COMMUNITY got to test the extremely NOTICES important task of leading Mr Blais worked on the Smart Grid new and experimental ideas, test their the team on the Integrated Solid Waste in the United States, an innovative elec- competence and then bring those ideas Management System for Grand Cayman. tricity supply grid that uses digital tech- toPAGE life. He2 had workedWednesday, on London’s October15 CUC’s 18, Engineering 2017 | and Issue Business No De- 132nology to detect and deal with issues as Caymanian Times billion-pound Crossrail project, helping velopment Manager Ray Brown had had they occur. He advised the young audi-  Diandra Whittaker decided on a career in to construct a new underground train an illustrious career working all over the engineering line for England’s capital. world and he gave some excellent words of engineering is so broad that I would ofN adviceotic to the youngE people:s that they suggestence to you �ind keep their your passion: studies “The broad world at Editorial should analyse what drove them. “The salary can be good as an engi- then dive in deep.” neer, butCustoms for me it’s all about theRegistration chal- �irstMartin and �indEdelenbos, what rings Dart’sof your ImportersEngineer- bell, and begins lenge.To helpI want importers to be startchallenged using a systemevery foring entry Coordinator declaration, – Waste the Department Management, will daystart and registering I want to importersknow that starting I make theMonday, is also16 October working 2017. on the Integrated Solid world a better place,” he said, adding Waste Management System and he also The registration is required by the implementation of a new online electronic that renewable energy was currently his encouraged the students to keep their passion.system for entry declaration. Effective 1options November open. 2017, the Cayman Islands EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES CustomsNamitha Department Abraham is willCUC’s implement Transmis- the newCory system. Miller, This CUC’s will requireProduction importers Man- sionto complete and Distribution and submit Engineer entries and electronically hails ager tosaid Customs that engineering using the new was gateway tough PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132 fromportal Dubai. COLS CaymanianBefore (Customs moving Online to Times System).Cayman Importersto get into will andbe able a tough to access profession the portal to twothrough years the ago, website Ms worked work in, so he encouraged the students Tips of the Week on Forthe individualsfamous Burj who Khalifa have notskyscraper yet received to trainingmake sure in the they use really of the enjoyed system, maths Customs will provide in-house training. in Dubai, at 2,722- foot tall the highest and science before embarking on their Motivational Tip However, before they can use COLS, importers will have to be formally registered and recognised as an importer by Customs.  CUC's Production Manager Cory Miller with Dart's Innovation Manager Paul Henry structure in the world. Working on this tertiary education.  NoticEs The Power of Music This will require each individual to come in and provide Customs with relevant information including a government-issued Editorial Do not underestimate the power of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. Customs Registrationmend the broken heart, of relieve Importers stress identification,As a result, Customsbegins e.g., driver’s will begin licence the or registration passport. Additionally,process starting it will Monday, be necessary 16 October for through companies 27 October and businesses 2017, from to provide8:30am CaymanTo help importers start using a system Islands for entryand even declaration, help you the to liveDepartment longer. Forensics Just will Laboratory start registering importers starting Monday,ask 16 Octobersome of 2017.our seniors who are still Roberts Drive (locally known as Airport Road). playing music and dancing. They will The registration is required by the implementation of a new online electronic to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Registration will take place on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters, located at #42 Owens agree that music has added value to However, if they miss this period to be registered, Customs will continue to register importers during normal business system for entry declaration. Effectiveachieves 1 Novembertheir life and 2017, also the a few Cayman morereaccreditation Islandsyears. hours. Although most importers were previously registered in the old system, it is necessary for all importers to be registered Customs Department will implement the newAfter system. a long This stressful will require day, close importers your in the new system. Once registered with Customs, importers can then submit entries electronically and do business with toFollowing complete a andsuccessful submit audit entries by theelectronically American Associ- to Customstechnical using the competence new gateway and management system that ation for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), theeyes Cayman turn onare your necessary iPod or CDfor playerit to deliver Customs, technically without sound having and to attend in person. portal COLS (Customs Online System). Importersand just will enjoy be able the tomellowing access the sounds portal Islands Forensic Science Laboratory accreditation to valid test results consistently. Cayman Islands Customs Management thanks importers for their cooperation and understanding and looks forward to through the website of music. If you have energy left you international ISO 17025 standards for forensic testing “The road to accreditation continuedand reaccreditation partnership. in- may even dance a jig. Tips of the Week wasFor renewed individuals for another who have four not years. yet received training in thevolves use ofhard the work,system, consistency, Customs will and provide a dedicated in-house team. training. Motivational Tip “TheHowever, reaccreditation before they recognises can use COLS, the importerscontinuedLive willqual- longer. haveOur to Live be laboratory formallyhappier. Liveregistered continues life to and to succeedrecognised in the as an process importer of by Customs. The Power of Music ityThis work will that require we ateach the individual Cayman Islands to come Forensic in itsand fullest provide Sci- with continuousCustoms MUSIC. with assessment relevant information and improvement, including maintain- a government-issued Air-Conditioned Storage Do not underestimate the power ence Laboratory perform according to international ing its credibility and ability to compete and succeedSea Grape of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration includingon the stage,” said Deputy Medical Director of Units - Kingbird Drive mend the broken heart, relieve stress denceidentification, in their test e.g., results,” driver’s said licence Forensic or passport. Quality Man-Additionally,the Health it will Services be necessary Authority, for companies Dr. Courtney and Cummings. businesses to provide Available for Immediate agerstandards,As Angela a result, so Tanzillo-Swarts. the Customs people will in ourbegin islands the registration can have con�i- process startingThe Cayman Monday, Islands 16 October Forensic through Science 27 October Laboratory 2017, Secretarialis from 8:30am Services and even help you to live longer. Just Rental ask some of our seniors who are still The Cayman Islands Forensic Science Laboratory an established multifunctional, stateServices: of the art Work labora- Permits, Trade and Business Applications hasRoberts maintained Drive (locallyits accreditation known as since Airport 2009 Road). and it un- tory, operated by the Cayman Islands Health Services playing music and dancing. They will to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Registration will take place on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters,& Renewal located at #42Annual Owens Returns, General Letters Various Sizes from agree that music has added value to dergoesHowever, annual if they internal miss auditsthis period and biennialto be registered, external CustomsAuthority will in continue Grand Cayman. to register It offers importers expertise during in a num- normalPlease business call for other services their life and also a few more years. audits.hours. Although most importers were previously registeredber in of the areas, old includingsystem, it forensic is necessary biology for andall importers DNA testing,Contact: to be registered Susan 80 sq. ft to 190 sq. ft After a long stressful day, close your inThe the international new system. accreditationOnce registered process with Customs,focused on importers DNA databasing can then submit services, entries DNA paternityelectronically testing, and foren- doCellular: business with345 326-9953 Please call: 326-3800 eyes turn on your iPod or CD player Customs, without having to attend in person. Health Tipsic toxicology testing, forensic drug analysis, pathology,Address: Unit #2, Grand Plaza Drinkingand alcohol forensic and criminalistics Blood testing in selected areas.  Forensic(Opposite Chemistry Hi-Tech Analyst Electronics) Beverley Nunez (left) and Quali- and just enjoy the mellowing sounds Cayman Islands Customs Management thanks importers for their cooperation and understanding and looks forward to or of music. If you have energy left you areas such as maintenance of equipment, quali�ication PressureVisit or call (345) 949-8600 for more in-Email: ty [email protected] Angela Tanzillo-Swarts display the accreditation continued partnership. Business Hours: certificate9am – 5pm,presented Mon to the– Fri forensic laboratory by A2LA Email: [email protected] may even dance a jig. quirementsand competency means of the the laboratory scientists, possesses and veri�ication bothDrinking the of tooformation much andalcohol services can offered at the HSA.  methodologies. A laboratory’s ful�illment of the re- Live longer. Live happier. Live life to raise blood pressure to unhealthy its fullest with MUSIC. levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily increases Air-Conditioned Storage Sea Grapeyour blood pressure, but repeated Units - Kingbird Drive binge drinking can lead to long-term Secretarialincreases. Services Available for Immediate Advertise Heavy drinkers who cut back to Rental Services: Work Permits, Trade and Business Applications moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients Welcome l Full & Partial Dentures & Renewal Annual Returns,systolic General blood Letterspressure (the top Various Sizes from Please call for other services l Specializing in Cosmetic Dentures l Re-Lines/Soft Liners number in a blood pressure reading) 80 sq. ft to 190 sq. ft your Contact: Susan l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguards & night guards Cellular: 345 326-9953by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury Health Tip Address: Unit #2, Grand(mm Hg)Plaza and their diastolic blood Pleasel Over 30 call: Yrs Experience326-3800 l Denture Repairs while you wait! Drinking alcohol and Blood (Oppositepressure Hi-Tech Electronics)(the bottom number in a or Pressure Email: [email protected] pressure reading) by 1 to 2 Business Hours: 9am – 5pm,mm Mon Hg. Heavy– Fri drinkers who want to Email: [email protected] Drinking too much alcohol can lower blood pressure should slowly raise blood pressure to unhealthy reduce how much they drink over levels. Having more than three drinks one to two weeks. Heavy drinkers in one sitting temporarily increases who stop suddenly risk developing your blood pressure, but repeated severe high blood pressure for binge drinking can lead to long-term several days. increases. Advertise If you have high blood pressure, Heavy drinkers who cut back to avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients inWelcome moderation. l Full &Moderate Partial Dentures drinking is systolic blood pressure (the top l Specializing in Cosmetic Denturesgenerally l Re-Lines/Soft considered Liners to be: number in a blood pressure reading) your here by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguards- Two drinks & night aguards day for men younger than age 65 (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood l Over 30 Yrs Experience l Denture Repairs while you wait! pressure (the bottom number in a - One drink a day for men age 65 blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 and older Fast, mm Hg. Heavy drinkers who want to - One drink a day for women of GardenerDesigner lower blood pressure should slowly any age Cameraman reduce how much they drink over A drink is 12 ounces (355 one to two weeks. Heavy drinkers milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, who stop suddenly risk developing milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces severe high blood pressure for (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary several days. spirits. If you have high blood pressure, Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only calories and may contribute to in moderation. Moderate drinking is Issue # 132 Driver unwanted weight gain — a risk factor generally considered to be: for high blood pressure. Publisher: Ralph Lewis - Two drinks a day for men here Only 48 hours’ Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd younger than age 65 the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct - One drink a day for men age 65 side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director and older medications. GardenerFast, or [email protected] notice required - One drink a day for women of - By Sheldon Designer Website: G. Sheps, M.D. any age Cameraman Hairdresser A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary spirits. Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times Designer calories and may contribute to Issue # 132 Driver unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Publisher: Ralph Lewis Only 48 hours’ Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director medications. or [email protected] notice required - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Hairdresser Designer ADVERTISEMENT C�������� T���� Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 PAGE 5 BACKYARD GARDENS OF CAYMAN PAGE 6 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 C�������� T����

 Franklin Smith of East End  Good quality pumpkins  These young sweet potatoes are not ready for harvest yet

East End’s sweet potato king ... Continued story from page 1 said, adding that he would very much like the govern- ment to make the seaweed available to farmers, be- Israeli micro-jet System,” he said. “The pump is only cause it is so good for the soil. pumping ten gallons per minute so it doesn’t allow pull Mr. Smith likes to do what a lot of Caymanian farm- the well down, but you’ve got all the water you want, pumping 24 hours a day.” riety of things, some of which are just for his own use. One thing Mr. Smith would love to see is more use ers have learnt, to use the edges of �ields to grow a va- being made of the brown Sargasso seaweed that wash- there is a tall trellis made of sturdy posts and traversed es ashore, sometimes making piles many feet tall, and withAt the rows side ofof barbedhis �ield wire of sweet with apotatoes number and of differentcassava, can be used as fertilizer. He feels very strongly about young plants waiting to be trained to grow up it, in- the importance of using it, because he knows about the cluding some tomatoes, passion fruit, and a couple of small dragon fruit plants. There is another fruit-bear- ing plant in the cactus family which Mr. Smith is not sandybene�its soil, �irst-hand: and was “Ifull have of young put sixty healthy loads sweet in here potato over sure of the exact name of, but which can often be found the years,” he said, pointing to a �ieldplants, that hasand rich, cassava red growing over the highlands in East End. “I call it the around the out- vine pear. It looks like dragon fruit. Birds they eat it like side. “How else do crazy – it’s sweet like honey,” he said. you think I could Nearly four decades of commercial growing in the get this land so Cayman Islands means that Mr. Smith has learned a level and so good? few tips and tricks to make the most of Cayman’s cli- I put it below the mate and soil. He digs earth over the runners from his soil, and then put pumpkin: “The reason is that the roots will get down in the red soil here the moisture; they grow much bigger and much better. on top. The sand If the quality of your pumpkin is good, then you can  A Nam Doc mango, and a red and yellow passion fruit comes in with the take a piece of this off and put it somewhere else and as seaweed, and If long as you’ve got good water running to it, it will bear you notice the tex- real fast,” he said. ture its got sand “Mangoes are my biggest crop. In the whole Island and soil mixed to- gether, so the root island farmers and homeowners have gotten trees system is able to fromthere mehas sincegot to 1980,be, I’d whensay, �ifty I introduced or sixty percent top quality of the travel much faster mangos to this island. They are all over Grand Cayman  Franklin Smith at his farm in and grow larger I am happy to know that I have left my legacy in the East End fruit,” Mr. Smith Cayman Islands in Agriculture,” Mr. Smith said. 

 Cassava and sweet potato field

 Mr. Smith likes to mix crops at different growth stages

 Using a trellis to train climbing plants, such as drag- on-fruit

 Micro-jet irrigation system SAVE THE PLANET | HEALTHCARE C�������� T���� Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 PAGE 7

SAVE THE PLANET Branson worried by plastic waste ... Continued story from page 1 plastic pollution of the oceans is Sir Rich- ardOne Branson, high pro�ile the billionaire campaigner entrepre- against neur and a regular visitor to Cayman. To Branson’s dismay he has found plastic at the bottom of the world’s biggest ocean sinkhole, which is in this region. He has a soft spot for the Caribbean as he spends much of his year living on his island, Necker, part of the British Virgin Islands. Sir Richard dove into the abyss in Be- lize with Fabien Cousteau, the grandson of French explorer Jacques Cousteau, and National Geographic explorer Erika  This alarming pollution is on a beach in the Dominican Republic  Cayman has a problem with beach waste too Bergman at the end of last year. In a blog post about the trip, he said the discov- sad reality is that many are becoming ery of bottles at the bottom of the Great an eyesore and potential health hazard Blue Hole shows the great need to “get through its plastic ocean pollution. rid of single use plastic,” adding that it Picture the scene: you're lying on a has become the “scourge of the ocean.” Caribbean beach, the sun shines down on the sand, and waves of multi-colour- mersible dive to the depths of Belize's ed plastic garbage lap at the shore. 410-foot-deepIt was the �irstGreat ever Blue mannedHole, part sub- of That’s not exactly what you imagine a one of the world's largest coral reefs — tropical paradise should be but recent the Mesoamerican Reef. shocking footage from Santo Domingo What they found at the very bottom in the Dominican Republic shows just of the world's largest sinkhole was im- how much plastic pollution has ravaged mensely saddening. the environment. Branson and Cousteau along with Released by environmentalist group Bergman, their submersible pilot, found Parley, the horrifying video shows al- that even the deepest parts of one of the most unbelievable levels of plastic  Sir Richard Branson is campaigning for cleaner oceans most mysterious places on the planet can't avoid plastic pollution. Beach, with the water entirely invisible waste, and last year a shocking series of it's waves of plastic trash," Cyrill “Climate change – and plastic," Bran- underwaste �illingtonnes the of oceanbottles, at polystyrene, Montesinos photos showed the Caribbean seas cov- Gutsch, founder of Parley, said. "Un- son wrote in a journal of his dive. "Sadly, and other assorted garbage. Revolting ered in a layer of garbage. less we all act now, future generations we saw plastic bottles at the bottom of waves made entirely of trash slosh up "In the past we sent postcards with won't even believe the postcard scenes the hole, which is a real scourge of the on the shore. The Dominican Republic is magical beaches and palm trees. Now, ever existed."  ocean." the Caribbean’s most visited tourist spot The unfortunate reality that Branson's and this pollution is a sad indictment of expedition shows is that no place is safe what is happening not just in the region from plastic pollution — highlighted by but worldwide. the plastic bags scientists found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deep- ly shocking, but what’s worse is that est natural point in the world (over 87 this"Seeing is not news this �irst in Santo hand Domingo," is absolute- ex- times deeper than the Great Blue Hole plained Carmen Danae Chamorro for Parley. "This situation happens every Monday to Friday 9 am to 6 pm time it rains heavily, that’s why it’s im- Saturday 10 am to 5 pm twiceat 35,755 the sizefeet ofdeep), Texas or which the Great is so Paci�ic dense portant to shine a light on what has itGarbage broke thePatch, ocean-saving a �loating island device of meant trash been ignored." Baytown Plaza. West bay Road to clean it up. The group claims to have already Branson also made note of the vis- cleared 27 tonnes of plastic waste from Phone Repairs 943-2355 | Phone Retail 945-2355 ible changes in the rock that marked the ocean, working with local military Email - [email protected] where the once dry land caves were branches, government workers, and submerged and consumed by the ocean, over 500 public workers. Despite the calling it "one of the starkest reminders massive local effort, and support from of the danger of climate change" he had the city council and mayor of Santo ever seen. Domingo, the depressing reality is that Along with the discovery of the bot- much of the plastic waste collected will tles, the crew found crab, conches and not be recycled or reclaimed. "Machin- other creatures that had fallen to the ery and trucks have been drafted in to bottom of the sinkhole and died from deal with the massive tide of plastic, DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY lack of oxygen below a thick layer of Hy- much of which will have to be sent to drogen Sulphide. "Hopefully by this trip taking place we nated," the Parley statement noted. Come take advantage of Puritan Cleaners week have raised even more awareness of the land�illAlthough because this it isvideo mixed is andparticularly contami- need to protect the ocean and tackle cli- day specials on Wednesdays and Thursdays on mate change now – before it is too late," er of the effect man’s pollution is having selected pre-paid household items: wrote Branson. ongrim, the it isocean. far from Last the March, �irst stark footage remind- of a The Caribbean is world renowned for diver swimming in Bali went viral as it its glorious beaches and fauna, but the showed an ocean infested with plastic King Comforters and Spreads $21.85 (if laundered) King Comforters and Spreads $24.95 (if dry cleaned) Speakers Announced Queen Comforters and Spreads $18.00 (if laundered) for 2nd Annual Youth Queen Comforters and Spreads $22.85 (if dry cleaned) King Blankets $16.95 Mental Symposium Queen Blankets $15.95 An impressive line-up of speakers will mental health issues as part of a collab- take to the stage at the 2nd annual Youth oration between the foundation and the Drapery Cleaning : Drapes - Lined $2.19 per pleat Mental Health Symposium taking place National Drug Council on their 2018 bi- in the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Re- ennial survey. Drapes - Unlined $1.74 per pleat sort on Saturday February 23rd. The ‘Addressing our Past’ presenta- The speakers will come together to dis- Customer on site drapery cleaning can be done by cuss a shared vision for Cayman’s children resentative data on mental health is- and young adults dealing with mental suestion willexperienced share the by �irst children nationally and young rep- appointments health issues, under the theme ‘Address- adults here in Cayman. ing Our Past, Supporting Our Future.’ Speaking on the recent results, Dr Er- Dr Erica Lam, Clinical and Educa- ica Lam, said: This one month special will commence on tion committee lead at the Alex Panton ‘We need to look at the past and cur- Wednesday February 27, thru to Foundation, will be announcing results rent state of mental health issues in the from the 2018 ‘Cayman Islands Student Thursday March 28, 2019. Drug Use’ survey, which also focused on ... 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Elgin Avenue, Countryside Shopping Centre - Main Store – Eastern Avenue, George Town Savannah Drive Through (rain or shine) Tel # 345 949 2452 Tel # 345 946 1884 George Town Tel # 345 949 7104 You feel good when you look good!!!  Jane Panton Presents at the Alex Panton Foundation Youth Symposium INTERNATIONAL SPORTS | HEALTHCARE PAGE 8 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 C�������� T���� James worried Lakers lack ambition LeBron James is proud of his record of "How many know what's at stake if playing in the Finals the past eight sea- you've never been there?" James asked sons but on current form his team, the Saturday after LA went down by as Los Angeles Lakers, do not look capable many as 20 points to a Pelicans team of even making the playoffs. that was resting Davis and came into the A 128-115 loss to the New Orleans night eight games under .500. Pelicans missing Anthony Davis left "I'm playing devil's advocate, you James questioning whether his Lakers teammates have the experience and ur- line when you talk about that, because gency to grasp the challenge at hand and whenknow?” you've James never said. been “It's there kind ofor aknow �ine help the franchise qualify for the play- what it takes to actually shoot for some- thing like that, sometimes you're afraid to get uncomfortable. offs for the �irst time in six years. "So, you got to be com- fortable with being un- comfortable. I'm not say- ing that's what we are as a whole. It kind of looks that way at times, that some-  LeBron James wants more urgency from his teammates times we're afraid to be uncomfortable and kind of up tearing his Achilles in the waning Dwight Howard spent all of it sulking. As get out of our comfort zone days of the regular season. a result, Bryant had to burden most of and kind of, you know, have Could James be following a similarly the load and had to go full Mamba Mode that sense of urgency from alarming path? Well the star small for- over the last month of the season to get the jump, and not be afraid ward missed over a month with a groin Los Angeles into the postseason. to actually go out and fail The good news was that Bryant’s ef- to succeed. So I mean, we January. Since his return, James is logging forts did get the Lakers into the playoffs. have, what - 23 games left? 37.3injury minutes and �inally per returned game, which at the is end over of The bad news was that he couldn’t even We'll see what happens." two minutes above his season average of play in the playoffs because of the Achil- Now 34 and in his 17th 35.1. In addition, he is reportedly playing les injury. season in the NBA, specu- at around 280 pounds because the time Similarly, James has a high risk of lation is whether James can off meant an inevitable weight gain. re-injuring his groin, and even Lakers’ brass itself is rumoured to be concerned how LeBron generally plays at around about his health. themaintain fortunes his of �itness mediocre and 250,That’s so he a issigni�icant carrying anproblem, extra 30 seeing pounds as massive in�luence to turn of weight while playing heavy minutes. dealt with anything like this throughout is being compared to Kobe The signs are ominous. hisThis 16-year is the NBA �irst career. time James Other has than ever a Bryant’steams around. in 2013, His �itnesswhen The Bryant comparison is not too back issue that turned out to be nothing Bryant tried to take on the far off, either. That season, the Lakers early in the 2015-16 campaign, LeBron burden of leading the Lak- were a huge disappointment, as Steve has never really had any truly worri-  Kobe Bryant succumbed to injuries ers to success and ended Nash spent most of the year injured and some injuries.  Jamaica targets Hetmyer: Windies can reach sports tourism heights again The Jamaica government is moving to refurbish Rookie left-hander the island’s sporting facilities with the aim of at- Shimron Hetmyer be- was their highest ever tracting major international sports events. Like lieves West Indies' Test againstSigni�icantly, England theand totalwas many countries in the Caribbean, including the victory over world num- also a new high for the Cayman Islands, the potential for sports tourism ber one England is a sign Kensington Oval venue. is vast. the Caribbean side are England then pulled Prime Minister, Andrew Holness said Jamaica beginning to make posi- off the third highest suc- has in the past missed out on key sporting events tive strides. cessful run chase in his- but now he hopes the country could take full ad- The hosts produced tory to win by six wickets vantage of opportunities available. a sterling performance but Hetmyer believes the He said the government has already started the with the ball on Friday to way West Indies bounced process under the banner Jamaica 55 Legacy Pro- beat England by 26 runs back was key. jects to improve the National Stadium Complex, at Kensington Oval, Bar- “West Indies are on a the Trelawny Stadium, Chedwin Park Sporting bados in the second One- rise as it is right now but Complex in St. Catherine, Drax Hall in St. Ann and Day International and tie we just trying to take it the Herb McKenley Stadium in Clarendon. a game at a time and one He said all these sporting facilities will see sig- 1-1. step at a time and trying theIn �ive-matchtheir last ODI series out- at to put our best foot for- were key plans for the National Stadium and the ing against England in ward in every game and Trelawnyni�ication improvements.Multi-Purpose Stadium, Mr Holness which said would there 2017, West Indies were back up our bowlers make them critical to Jamaica’s sports tourism with runs on the board product. match away series. The use of Trelawny Multi-Purpose Stadium has thumped“That's 4-0a step in ain �ive-the  Shimron Hetmyer is a huge batting talent the 22-year-old Guya- come under the microscope since the construction right direction for us and neseand in said. the �ield as well,” for 2007 Cricket World Cup hosted in the Caribbe- it's just about us keeping ourselves more now in our abilities and exe- Hetmyer's hundred was the an. growing and working hard in each cuting on the day.” While the venue hosted the opening ceremony and every game,” said Hetmyer, who The victory came just three days career, with all coming within the and warm-up matches for the event, it has not seen hit a Man-of-the-Match unbeaten after West Indies posted their joint lastfourth 12 ofmonths. his �ledgling He said international he had been many sporting activities, with just a handful of 104. third-highest total in ODIs, piling disappointed not to score a hun- women’s matches and West Indies A series being up 360 for eight off 50 overs in dred when he was dismissed for 81 played there.  there but it's just about us believing Wednesday's opener. in the opening Test last month.  “There was always con�idence Ethiopia’s Tefera, 19, aims to be legend Ethiopian teenager Samuel Tefera is another out- ners much older and more experienced than me. It was standing African middle-distance runner who promises to prove a big turning point in my life. I loved running to become a household name. He broke Hicham El Guer- at school. I ran with friends and I was not only good at rouj's 22-year-old 1500m indoor world record with a the sport, but it was fun. stunning performance in Birmingham, UK last week. Many eyes were on Yomif Kejelcha, who just missed couragement I needed, and I progressed from a zonal the mile world record the previous week but Tefera, level“That to asecond regional place level, �inish where gave I wonme the the belief 1500m and title. en- By the time I was a grade ten student I had been picked ished in three minutes 31.04 seconds. up by a club and I started to train more seriously. 19,He overtook beat El Guerrouj'shis compatriot previous with mark200m of to 3:31.18, go and �in-set “I quickly became a real student of the sport. I am in Stuttgart in 1997. a huge admirer of Kenenisa Bekele (the three-time ning experiences came at school. I was a grade eight champion). I like the way he runs, and he inspires me. Tefera was born to run. He said: “My very �irst run- MyOlympic dream 10,000m is to be championlike him.” and �ive-time World track  Samuel Tefera is already a world record holder at 19 student at the time and I �inished second against run- Speakers Announced for 2nd Annual Youth Mental Symposium ... Continued story from page 7 member of the Alex Panton Founda- address ‘Childhood Trauma and Mental nity and we are delighted with the sup- tion, panellists include; Dr Gerardo Health’. port from everyone involved who have Cayman Islands in order to work togeth- Ocho, professor from St. Matthew’s Dr Marc Lockhart, Chairman of the helped make the symposium happen.” er to develop appropriate solutions for University, Paulinda Mendoza-Wil- Mental Commission will conclude the The symposium will take place on liams, Director of the Department of day with a presentation on ‘Child and February 23 at the Grand Cayman Mar- able to get a clear picture of what we are Children and Family Services, Shan- Adolescent Urgent Medical Health riott Beach Resort 9:00am – 3:00pm. facingthe future. and whatFor the we �irstneed time to do we to makewill be a non Seymour, Owner/Psychologist of Services’ and outline how the Mental For more details and to register for the Wellness Centre, Natalie Baldwin, Health Commission is supporting the the 2nd annual Youth Mental Health The survey results will also form im- LMSW, coordinator at the Taya Lounge youth of Cayman. Symposium head over to alexpanton- portantsigni�icant discussion difference’ points for the ‘Ad- and Terry Delaney, Private Practice Speaking on the symposium, Jane dressing our Future’ speaker panel Counsellor. Panton, Chairperson of the Alex Panton The symposium is made possible which will be joined by mental health Other speakers on the day include Foundation, said: thanks to speakers and volunteers as experts who will outline and discuss Kevin Ashworth, Police Inspector, of well as sponsors Ironshore Pharmaceu- services needed to support the future of RCIPS Family Support Unit who will be ence in our small community we need all ticals and Development; Cayman Prep mental health in Cayman. addressing ‘Delinquency and Mental stakeholders“In order to to make come a together. signi�icant The differ- sym- and High School; the Ministry of Com- Moderated by Lizzette Yearwood, Health’ and Dr Colleen Brown, psycholo- posium is a great opportunity to make a munity Affairs; Tower and Hurley’s Me- Clinical and Education committee gist from On Course Cayman, who will positive difference to the local commu- dia.  WORLD WATCH | REGIONAL C360 C�������� T���� Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 PAGE 9 CURACAO ON VENEZUELA’S FRONTLINE The Dutch Caribbean island Curacao has found itself not only having a front seat but increasingly on the actual front line of a Venezuela’s worsening internal and external political and economic crisis. Just a few days ago, a shipment of aid bound for Venezuela via Curacao, was blocked by the local government in Wil- lemstad, the island’s capital. the United States en route to Venezuela, coordinatedThe aid supplies by supporters were �lown of inself-de- from clared interim president Juan Guiado. The government in Curacao said it would not allow the shipment to leave There are also similar divisions in the ment with the Dutch government in the with internal clashes between pro-Guia- until they had guarantees of a ‘safe envi- Caribbean’s Caricom group of nations. Hague and the local government in Wil- do and pro-Maduro factions, raising the ronment’ in Venezuela. It’s in this cauldron that Curacao, one lemstad, the Curacao capital. But that seems very unlikely as the of the Dutch Caribbean ABC islands (the Based at Curacao’s Hato International President Maduro has accused the US situation in Venezuela continues to no- Airport, with a smaller location in Aru- ofrisk using of civil the con�lict. humanitarian aid issue as a itself in an uncomfortable centre stage… ba, it replaced the US Howard Military plot to overthrow his government. There have already been numerous orothers centre being cauldron. Bonaire and Aruba) �inds Base in Panama, it’s stated intention As tensions heighten, a US humanitar- demonstrationssedive into civil con�lict.and worsening ten- The Dutch ‘kingdom partner’ has had is counter-narcotics against for drugs ian aid shipment bound for Venezuela a sions between supporters of opposi- long-standing relations with Venezuela, coming out of the Central America re- few days ago was blocked by the local tion leader Juan Guiado, and incumbent especially for trade. gion. government in Curacao. president Nicolas Maduro. But with US President Donald Trump There have been demonstrations by The crisis in Venezuela has also caused vessels have docked in Curacao’s Cara- ramping up pressure on the incumbent trade unions on the island against what serious splits in the international com- casOver Bai the(Caracas years �lotillasBay - note of Venezuelan the name) Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, they fear is the Dutch Caribbean ‘king- munity with the United States, the UK, Curacao was selected as a jumping off dom partner’ being dragged into a mili- Holland and several other European Un- neighbouring country. point for US humanitarian aid destined ion countries backing Mr Guiado. bringing �ish and fresh produce from the for Caracas. Curacao and the other ABC islands Russia and China lead a group includ- neighbours have become tense especial- President Trump has accused his Ven- tary con�lict with Venezuela. ing Turkey, Iran, Cuba, Bolivia and Nica- ly Butsince of�icial Curacao, relations which between has been the named two ezuelan counterpart of wrecking the ragua maintain their support for Presi- by the United States as a logistics hub country’s economy and holding onto to have also been faced with an in�lux of dent Maduro. for American humanitarian aid destined tensions.Venezuelan refugees �leeing their coun- In what’s seen as a direct message to for Venezuela. The US is among countries which have try’sThe �lat-lining embattled economy Venezuelan and President political the US, Russia has warned that it will Tensions were already building up recognisedpower via �lawed opposition elections. leader Juan Guia- Nicolas Maduro has closed the border come to Maduro’s aid in the event of any since the United States which backs the do as interim president pending fresh with the three Dutch ABC islands, the external military moves to unseat him. self-declared interim Venezuelan presi- elections. latest in a series of diplomatic moves Russia has stepped up its military dent, Juan Guiado, set up a military base But President Maduro is not budging which has already shut borders with presence in the region. in Curacao in 1999 through an arrange- and tensions are mounting in Venezuela Brazil and Colombia.  Cannabis to be Legalized for Medicinal Pilot Killed in Fiery and Scientifi c Purposes in St Kitts Crash in Guyana Government will move to make cannabis legal for unanimous recommendations from a commission set upmedicinal to consult and with scienti�ic the public purposes, on the after wide-ranging accepting 13is- sues surrounding marijuana use. And while there has been no agreement on the use of the substance for religious or recreational purposes, those caught with a small amount of it will no longer be jailed. Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris told the National Assembly that Cabinet accepted the suggestions put forward by the National Marijuana Commission after deliberating on its report and engaging with Commis- sioners earlier this week. The Commission recommended that the blanket changes in the law and continuing thereafter, inform- ed to the substance, under the Drugs Act, be amend- harm to young people regarding the use of cannabis. ed;criminalization and that the ofuse cannabis of cannabis and and the its de�initions derivatives relat- for ingPrime the public Minister of theHarris bene�its, also risksdisclosed and thethat potential Cabinet has determined that the use and possession of, and licence and a strict legislated regime. sale to persons under the age of 18 should be strictly medicinal“The regime and scienti�icfor the use purposes of cannabis be permitted for medicinal under prohibited.  Randy Liverpool’s body was said to have been burnt purposes should include the following: a. The estab- He said the acceptance of the recommendations put beyond recognition lishment of a medicinal licensing authority to regulate forward by the National Cannabis Commission means importation, local cultivation and production. b. A re- there will be some fundamental changes to existing A pilot died late yesterday when the small plane quirement that two tiers of practitioners must com- laws, “which the Cabinet will have to consider carefully plete a requisite amount of Continuous Medical Educa- and consult further on”. tion (CME) hours on cannabis (i) medical practitioners Harris noted that the Commission could not agree heDead was is �lying Randy crashed Liverpool, near the Guyana’s lone occupant border of with the for prescribable marijuana products; and (ii) herbal- that cannabis should be legalized for religious or rec- CessnaVenezuela 206 and aircraft burst that into belonged �lames. to Domestic Air- ists for nonprescribable marijuana products. c. A re- reational purposes. ways Inc. quirement that prescribable marijuana products must “The Cabinet considers, therefore, that a phased ap- The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority said in a brief meet international labeling standards. d. The inclusion proach is advisable, taking the unanimous recommen- statement that the plane went down as the pilot, at- of other components should be allowed only under ad- tached to Domestic Airways, was approaching the vice from experts in the industry,” it stated. considering the other areas on which unanimity could Eteringbang airstrip in Region 7 around 5:45 p.m. Another recommendation was that the penalty for notdations be achievedof the Commission would be as the �irst prudent steps and approach thereafter to “Persons rushed to the scene and the pilot was possession of less than 15 grammes of cannabis and take,” he said. “What this then means is that the Cabinet will con- The body which is burnt beyond recognition…,” the should be reduced to a ticketable offence without a sider and consult further on creating the framework Guyanafound engulfed Police Force in �lames said. in the wrecked aircraft. criminalthe growth record. of less than �ive plants per household for the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes and for The accident was the second plane crash in the Additionally, smoking and use of cannabis in public the development of the medical cannabis industry in St places should remain a criminal offence and attract sub- Kitts and Nevis.” a single-engine Cessna, did not result in any fatali- stantial penalties; offences of and penalties for driving In the meantime, he said, the Attorney General will this week, although the �irst one, involving take to Parliament legislation to give effect to a new pol- In the incident around 8 p.m. on Monday, pilot Li- the current regime for the rehabilitation of offenders icy framework that would allow persons found with less onel Gomez and Police Constable Mark Grimmond shouldunder the be amendedin�luence toof permitcannabis the should court tobe expungeintroduced; the were hurt when a Guyana Adventist Medical Avia- criminal records of persons convicted of possession of plants to be subject to tickets only, and for those jailed for tion Services medevac plane crash landed on the thosethan 15 small grammes amounts of tocannabis have their or growingsentences less reviewed. than �ive West Bank Demerara, while transporting the body and healthcare services for the treatment of substance However, the Prime Minister stressed, “the use of can- of an American missionary who died when he fell abusecannabis should in quantities be substantially below upgraded. the speci�ied amounts; nabis in public places will continue to be a serious of- off a mountain in Guyana’s interior. According to the Commission, a massive public fence and we will seek also to prohibit the sale or use of Gomez reportedly suffered a broken jaw while messaging programme should be created prior to any cannabis by persons under the age of 18 years old.”  Grimmond broke a leg.  Jamaica’s Tourism Minister Projects 41,000 New Jobs by 2022 Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett is does not include people like your bar “We have partnered with the projecting that the tourism sector will staff, pool and beach attendants and sev- Ministry of Education, Youth provide 41,000 new jobs by 2022. eral other categories of workers,” he said. and Information to have hos- In his speech delivered on his behalf And he said that come 2020 and be- pitality training in tertiary and by Regional Manager of the Jamaica yond, Jamaica will witness the largest high schools, and that’s why Tourist Board (JTB), Odette Dyer at the growth in hotel rooms ever with the we have the Jamaica Centre of Hyatt Hotels’ Eminence Staff Awards construction boom, pointing out that Tourism Innovation (JCTI) to this week, Bartlett said with the contin- the expansion of current hotels and the certify all categories of tour- ued unprecedented growth in the sec- construction of new ones will add an- ism workers. While we train tor, impending hotel construction and other 18,157 rooms. for employment, I want to see expansion of room stocks, thousands of “Using the average employee-to-room employment opportunities will be cre- ratio, that’s another 41,000 jobs,” the from tourism by taking control ated in the coming years. Minister contended. ofJamaicans the supply bene�iting side of the indus- more “During the course of 2019, an addi- In the meantime, Bartlett said, the try. Jamaicans must invest in tional 1,005 rooms are slated to come Government will continue its thrust to themselves by investing in the Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett on stream. When you consider the ratio train Jamaicans to be able to capitalize industry,” he emphasised. of 2.3 employees per room, that’s an ad- on imminent employment opportuni- The tourism industry directly em- generating indirect jobs for another ditional 2,300 workers, and this number ties. ploys over 117,000 Jamaicans, while 250,000 Jamaicans.  PUZZLES | COMICS PAGE 10 Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | Issue No 342 C�������� T����

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get special introductory Pricing!• Price discounts of fered if $5,000 of lots are paid for 1 ACRE lots starting at up front • Lots can be purchased via 20% down payment and 80% upon completion once $75,000 lot Numbers are issued by Planning Only 11 Lots available Department e Lots for agriculture farming and house use • Comprehensiv Development

Agreement in otect place to pr Lot Owners.

• Lots Owners can place a Caution on otect property to pr $ their financial interest until Lot Numbers are available and title can be transferred upon full payment. s will • Lot Owner for have the option lectricity standard e or solar for their stem. Located in East End, High Rock Drive irrigation sy FRANKLIN SMITH

For more information contact Franklin Smith at: Sale expires March 31, 2018 Ph. 926-4136 199

For more information Call 916 2000 or 926 1343 Email [email protected] Visit our new location at #19 Walkers Road