A Waste Management Plan for the town of and surrounds


Minor-dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

MAGISTER SCIENTIAE in ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT in the Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg

Supervisor: Prof. J.T. Harmse

October 2007


Keywords: Waste management; development impact; waste management hierarchy: Roossenekal

Large development initiatives are currently being implemented in . Many small towns such as the town of Roossenekal are affected by large developments, especially in terms of their service delivery capacity and resources.

This study attempts to illustrate how effective waste management can be implemented in small rural towns such as Roossenekal by incorporating current legislation and development plans as a driving force. The waste stream generated in this town comprises large enough volumes of recyclable waste to attain the national waste-to-landfill reduction targets. Various measures such as at-source separation and the bulk storage of recyclables for collection by commercial recyclers, as well as domestic composting, are considered to be relevant.

This study shows that fairly simple interventions could have overridingly positive effects on the management of waste in the town of Roossenekal and that the vision of attaining national strategic goals and objectives could in fact be realised. Cognisance has been taken of the current policy governing waste management and it is evident that by applying the waste hierarchy approach, simple and custom-made solutions can be identified.

This study identifies development and national policy as key drivers in implementing effective waste management strategies. Large projects such as the construction of the De Hoop dam, as well as commercial ventures such as the mines and commercial recyclers that are currently operating in the town and its surrounds, are considered to be major role-players which could make a valuable contribution to waste management.


It is with much appreciation and gratitude that I wish to thank the following persons for their efforts and contributions to this study:

 Prof. J.T. Harmse, my supervisor, for the time and effort that he put into motivating me to undertake this study and into reviewing this dissertation;

 My family and friends for their love and support during my studies.

 My mother deserves a special mention for her motivation and support.



1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Motivation ...... 3 1.2 The construction of the De Hoop Dam and associated developments within the study area ...... 4 1.3 Problem statement...... 7 1.4 Main objective...... 7 1.5 Study methodology ...... 8 2 Applicable and usable Legislation, Policies and Guidelines...... 9 2.1 International agreements...... 9 2.2 The constitution of the Republic of South Africa...... 10 2.3 National Waste management strategy...... 10 2.4 National Environmental Management Act ...... 11 2.5 Environment Conservation Act...... 11 2.6 National Environmental Management: Waste Management Bill ...... 12 2.7 Minimum requirements for waste disposal by landfill...... 14 2.8 Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality: Integrated Waste Management Strategy Plan...... 16 2.9 The Municipal Structures Act ...... 16 2.10 Local Government Transition Act ...... 16 2.11 Local Government: Municipal Systems Bill...... 17 2.12 National Water Act ...... 17 2.13 Conclusion ...... 18 3 Baseline description of Study area ...... 19 3.1 Physical Environment...... 19 3.1.1 Climate...... 19 3.1.2 Geomorphology and Soils ...... 19 3.1.3 Topography...... 20 3.1.4 Geohydrology...... 20 3.2 Biophysical Environment...... 21 3.2.1 Fauna...... 21 3.2.2 Flora...... 21 3.2.3 Sensitive Features ...... 21 3.3 Socio - Economic Environment ...... 22

iii 3.3.1 Local and Regional Land-use...... 22 3.3.2 Economic landscape ...... 22 4 The waste management Hierarchy...... 23 4.1 Cleaner Production ...... 26 4.2 Recycling ...... 27 4.3 Treatment of general waste...... 28 4.4 Waste disposal by landfill...... 29 5 Waste Management situation, impacts, and solutions for Roossenekal...... 31 5.1 The current Waste management situation in Roossenekal...... 31 5.1.1 Waste profile and services ...... 31 5.1.2 Waste minimisation ...... 32 5.1.3 Recycling ...... 32 5.1.4 Waste treatment...... 33 5.1.5 Waste disposal by landfill and waste management facilities...... 33 5.2 Expected impact on waste management of large-scale development ...... 37 5.2.1 The impact of large-scale developments on local waste management ...... 37 5.2.2 Developmental and community contributions to effective waste management...39 5.2.3 The roles and responsibilities of stakeholders ...... 41 5.3 Expected waste production and the management of waste...... 42 5.3.1 Expected waste to be managed ...... 42 5.4 Waste management options and solutions...... 45 5.4.1 Waste minimisation ...... 45 5.4.2 Recycling ...... 46 5.4.3 Treatment...... 47 5.4.4 Domestic composting...... 48 5.4.5 Waste disposal by landfill and waste management facilities...... 48 5.4.6 Conclusion ...... 51 6 Conclusion ...... 53 6.1 Recommendations ...... 53 7 Reference list ...... 55

iv List of figures Figure 1 Map of study area and surrounds ...... 6 Figure 2 Traditional waste management approach ...... 23 Figure 3 The waste management hierarchy (adapted from IWMSA (2006))...... 25 Figure 4 District low-income waste profile (Adapted from BTWS, 2005) ...... 31 Figure 5 General view of borrow pit used as dumping site...... 33 Figure 6 General view of waste in borrow pit ...... 33 Figure 7 Area adjacent to dumping site ...... 34 Figure 8 Informal reclaiming of waste ...... 34 Figure 9 Machinery used for dumping and management ...... 34 Figure 10 Fenced section and windblown waste...... 34 Figure 11 Locality of existing and proposed Roossenekal landfill site...... 36 Figure 12 January 2007 South-Eastern view ...... 38 Figure 13 July 2007 South-Eastern view ...... 38 Figure 14 January 2007 Western view...... 38 Figure 15 July 2007 South Western view...... 38 Figure 16 Waste littered well beyond boundary of designated site...... 38 Figure 17 Waste outside landfill entrance...... 38 Figure 18 Waste stream composition: major classes...... 45 Figure 19 Borrow pits adjacent to existing landfill to be used for expansion...... 51 Figure 20 Degraded nature of additional landfill area which was investigated...... 51 Figure 21 Degraded nature of additional landfill area which was investigated...... 51 Figure 22 Erosion of bare soil, within additional area which was investigated...... 51

List of Tables Table 1 Landfill classification and requirements (DWAF, 1998)...... 15 Table 2 List of possible stakeholder groups...... 43 Table 3 Initial waste production for study area...... 44 Table 4 Waste stream analysis...... 44 Table 5 Waste types expected within the study area ...... 44 Table 6 Waste stream and recycling potential of the study area ...... 46 Table 7 Organisations to participate in recycling for the study area ...... 47 Table 8 Maximum Rate of Deposition for study area ...... 49


ECA Environmental Conservation Act

DEAT Department of Environmental Affairs and Forestry

DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

EMLM Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality

EMP Environmental Management Plan

GN Government Notice

GSDM Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality

NEMA National Environmental Management Act

NWA National Water Act

NWMS National Waste Management Strategy

SMMEs Small to Medium Enterprises

REG Regulation

RoD Record of Decision

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

WMB Waste Management Bill



The effective and sustainable management of waste is a major problem facing the world today. With an ever-powerful drive to boost local and ultimately global economies, most countries in the world today rely on maximising the rates of energy and matter flow which ultimately result in economic growth. The rapid conversion of raw materials into useable resources and the conversion of usable resources into trash, pollution and waste heat, ultimately translate into the degradation of the natural and socio-economic environment (Miller, 1988).

Waste management problems and the solutions to them are fundamentally related to the well-known Laws of Matter which essentially state that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but that it can only be changed from one form to another, through the application of energy (Miller, 1988).

That virgin resources are easily processed and still, relatively-speaking, easily accessible and exploitable with limited applications of energy, ultimately leads to the production of waste, the essence of waste management problems. Waste products are not processed (recycled) as easily as virgin material on account of the necessity of high energy inputs to convert the waste into a desired product (Cheremisinoff, 2003)

Given the above-mentioned facts, as well as the fact that raw mineral resources are not boundless, the current “end of pipe” approach has proved to be unsustainable. Thus in the future, raw mineral materials will become more difficult to obtain on account of the increasing costs involved in their exploitation and the environmental impacts that will result. To overcome the problem of what is referred to as “waste” material; the focus should thus shift from the extraction of raw minerals to the reuse and recycling of those minerals that have already been extracted. Although energy is necessary for recycling, energy-related technologies are expected to become more complex as virgin resource extraction becomes increasingly difficult and costly. It may thus be said that the global economy will eventually have to reform in order to adapt to the use of recycled materials and the minimisation of waste products.

The current global situation (especially in the developing countries but not excluding the developed countries) will eventually culminate in the human race burying itself in waste, with there being no prospect of extracting any raw materials on account of their finite nature. Various recycling operations do in fact exist. However, certain factors such as the bulk and

1 therefore inexpensive method of mining raw materials, as well as the current processes for refining raw materials, have caused the recycling industry to operate on a slim profit margin. The high energy inputs required in financially viable reclamation and production processes have proved to be problematical (Miller, 1988).

Waste management in developing countries is generally characterised by highly inefficient waste collection practices, poor and unreliable levels of service delivery on account of limited resources, inadequate environmental control systems, indiscriminate dumping, littering and scavenging and, most of all, poor environmental and waste awareness among the general public (Onu, 2000).

Only in recent times has the need for the effective management of waste received any attention in South Africa, which is classified as a developing country. This country, with her growing economy being driven mainly by the minerals and energy sector, has one of the fastest growing economies among her developing peers (Mckenzie, 2003). Yet South Africa’s widening income gap, her shortage of skills and political factors have all contributed to a poor state of waste management in South Africa. Waste management in terms of disposal-by- landfill can hardly be regarded as a form of sustainable development, the catch phrase used to describe any recent developments in South Africa (Haase, 2002).

Only recently has the South African government come up to the challenge of addressing the waste crisis in this country with initiatives such as the National Waste Management Strategy, the New National Environmental Management Bill; the Waste Management Bill and other legislation and policies - considered to be some of the best in the world. However, the voluminous plans, policies and legislation have done very little to address the actual issue of waste management so that their practical implementation on a local level is currently not keeping pace. Many factors, including skills shortages, politics, static financial resources, diminishing income, and an impractical follow-through are the reasons for the shortfall (Haase, 2002).

Recycling waste could become a valuable source of income for the poor, and could also create opportunities for SMMEs. Nevertheless, as explained previously, the challenge to develop viable markets for recycled products still remains to be met. The success of national waste goals will depend to a large extent on finding solutions that will support recycling and ameliorate the problems (e.g. fluctuating prices and availability of materials) encountered by companies and entrepreneurs (Hill, 2007). The youth and the women of South Africa, who together constitute the greater part of the unemployed in this country, should grab the

2 opportunities created by the emerging waste management industry. This would be the way to curb unemployment and improve on the management of waste (Hill, 2006).

The solution to South Africa’s waste problem does not lie only in the drafting of good legislation and policies. Of great importance is the buy-in and consequent mindset change of all South Africans into the National Waste Management goals (Hill, 2007). Communities must be drawn into the new paradigm, as set out in the National Waste Management Strategy.

Capacity and funding of local and district municipalities are key concerns for reaching National Waste Management goals (Hill, 2007). Local authorities still view the management of waste as a burden thrust upon them, and for which they are solely responsible. However, this is not the case, as waste management should be the responsibility of all South Africans, including local communities, major developers and local industry.

The above-mentioned issues and problems should not stand in the way of effective waste management. The best practicable environmental option should be analysed, implemented and updated as technology evolves, whilst funding, knowledge and responsibility should be shared by all parties.

1.1 MOTIVATION The state of waste management in South Africa is far from satisfactory. Local authorities face various obstacles in implementing and maintaining effective waste management programmes within their physical boundaries, which eventually leads to regional and national problems.

Major construction and large development projects are currently being planned for various parts of South Africa. These projects affect the management of waste in various ways. Firstly, they have dramatic effects on waste streams, especially in the short to medium term when the amount of waste generated in a particular area could increase dramatically. Secondly, these projects tend to alter the waste profile of a particular area in a short period of time and usually result in an increase in the volume of hazardous and construction waste produced in a specific area (Wilken, 2004). In the United Kingdom, about 50 percent of waste disposed by landfill results from construction activities. This fact should surely raise concern for South Africa, a developing country with a booming construction industry (Furguson et al. 1995). The increasing awareness of waste management concerns in respect of construction projects has led to the development of waste management as an important function of any construction project (Tam, 2007).


It is anticipated that the town of Roossenekal will suffer the impacts brought about by large- scale development, both in the short and medium term, mainly through the construction of the De Hoop dam, approximately 30 km to the north of the town. Local authorities at Roossenekal have not been able to implement effective waste management measures for various reasons. The developing agent, DWAF (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry), and others have agreed to support the municipality in various service delivery challenges such as those relating to the provision of effective waste management.

There is thus an opportunity to prove that development could in fact have positive impacts on rural towns, especially in the field of waste management.

1.2 THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DE HOOP DAM AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE STUDY AREA The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) has started with its planning and coordination operations for the construction of the De Hoop dam, in the River, between the towns of Roossenekal and Steelpoort in Province. The need for this project arose on account of the water shortages suffered by the local communities and industry. The proposed dam is to be located in an area in which there are a number of endemic plant species and which are therefore considered to be environmentally sensitive. The construction of the dam and its related operations will have considerably negative environmental effects both locally and nationally, as various downstream impacts are also expected (DWAF, 2005). A major part of the dam construction project will be to mitigate these impacts and concomitantly to improve on other environmental aspects. A Record of Decision (RoD) have been Obtained in terms of ECA and prescribes various Environmental Management Plans to be applied for different activities and also prescribes the use of permitted landfill sites for any waste produced as a result of this project.

This project is set in the midst of a majority of low income earners, with 80 to 90 percent of the population group earning less than R25 000 a year. This can be explained in terms of the fact that the majority of the population is illiterate, with a mere 5 percent of the population having post-matric qualifications Besides the poverty and the lack of skills, the community is also in desperate need of basic services such as water, sanitation, electricity and waste management. Generally, the area relies mainly on mining, agriculture, trade and government services for income generation. (BTWS, 2005).

4 The construction of the dam wall will require about 400 workers over a period of four to five years. Thus the construction phase will also include various ancillary aspects such as providing temporary and permanent housing for construction workers, as well as associated services such as roads, electricity, water, sanitation, and refuse removal.

The study area is shown in Figure 1. Major points of attention are shown on this map, as well as the current and anticipated waste management facilities.

Waste management in South Africa has been driven by various issues, but mainly by public health. In recent years, water conservation featured as a major driver for waste management in South Africa on account of the limited water resources (Wilson, 2007)


Figure 1 Map of Study area and surrounds

6 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT The main problem regarding the effective management of waste has arisen as a result of local authorities not having the required resources and skills base to implement the required measures. This problem is further aggravated by a lack of communication between local government and the private sector, the latter having many of the skills and resources that local authorities are in need of. As a result skills and resources physically available are not used optimally. Although the responsibility of waste management remains in the hands of local government, private sector initiatives to support functions such as waste management would be to the advantage of all.

This study aspires to show that with proper coordination with industry, and employing major development as a catalyst, effective waste management can be achieved for Roossenekal. This study will focus specifically on the development of the De Hoop Dam and downstream developments and its effects on waste management within Roossenekal and surrounds. Ultimately positive and negative impacts on waste management can be identified and optimised and mitigated respectively.

The problem will be considered solved when it is shown that the effective management of waste can be achieved with a limited contribution from all stakeholders, as long as these stakeholders are effectively coordinated and the current policies, legislation, knowledge and local skills that are available are applied correctly.

As previously mentioned, water conservation and public health are the major drivers for waste management in South Africa. It is envisaged that development and resource conservation will eventually also become major drivers in waste management programmes. It is therefore important to explore this possibility at an early stage, considering especially the rate of development in South Africa (Wilson, 2007).

The construction of the De Hoop dam should contribute positively to waste management in the region, as this development will have definite impacts on waste production and the current waste management practices.

1.4 MAIN OBJECTIVE The main objective of this study is to accomplish effective and realistic management measures for waste management in the town of Roossenekal and its surrounds. These measures should be in line with South African policies and legislation concerning waste

7 management and should involve a simple waste management plan, with due consideration to local conditions and waste (generated and anticipated). .

A second objective is to show that when the responsibilities required for the effective management of waste are shared between stakeholders, a much enhanced level of waste management can be achieved. Such a communal enterprise would have fewer negative impacts on the social, economic and environmental spheres and would enhance the positive impacts.

The overall objective of this study is to outline the legislative and economic tools that are available to local authorities for the management of waste, and to show how developers and local industry can support and sustain the function of waste management together with the local authorities acting as the primary responsible party.

1.5 STUDY METHODOLOGY This study will be phased as follows to achieve the above objectives:

• A thorough review of applicable legislation, policies and guidelines governing the management of waste, as well as local municipal functions and responsibilities;

• An illustration and discussion of the waste management hierarchy;

• Establishing and describing the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the waste spectrum;

• Describing and discussing the status quo waste management situation in terms of the project;

• Explaining major development and how it relates to the management of waste;

• Illustrating how the waste management hierarchy can be applied to the management of waste within the project framework; and

• Providing a way forward for waste management in the study area and showing how implementation should take place.


Legislation governing the management of waste is commonly associated with environmental law. Environmental law is a broad and interdisciplinary branch of law within the South African legislative system, which can often not be viewed in isolation, as various other laws within South Africa are often inter-related, and dependent on one another. Policies and guidelines are often set up in reaction to legislation, or to guide and facilitate the promulgation of future legislation, often in reaction to constitutional requirements or international agreements.

This chapter will deal mainly with legislation, policies and guidelines impacting on waste management at a local authority level, and as applicable to the afore-mentioned objectives of this study. Legislation, policies and guidelines governing administrative issues may also be applicable, as this guides and impacts on the facilitation of waste management, especially within a local authority framework.

2.1 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS South Africa has signed and ratified various multi-lateral environmental agreements at various levels. The agreements outlined below may have impacts directly related to the management of waste.

Basel Convention The Basle convention regulates the international transport and disposal of hazardous and toxic waste. Although this agreement may not apply to the objectives of this study, it is still important to take cognisance of, as this convention impacts on the legislation typically governing waste in South Africa, including, but not limited to; the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998); the National Water Act (Act 36 OF 1998); the Health and Safety Act (Act 63 of 1997); and the Hazardous Substances Act (Act 15 of 1973).

Kyoto Protocol This protocol specifies principles for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. It is enabled specifically by the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004) and may typically impact upon aspects of burning waste and the decomposition of waste.

9 2.2 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Section 24 of the constitution (Act 108 of 1996) relating to the environment states that: “(1) Everyone has the right: to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that: (i) prevent pollution and ecological degradation; (ii) promote conservation; and (iii) secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social development.” Section 24 of the constitution thoroughly entrenches the need for effective waste management, and serves as the overarching framework beneath which specific legislation, policies and guidelines relating to waste management will be developed.

2.3 NATIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) has long and short-term objectives, namely waste prevention and minimisation, and waste collection and treatment respectively. The NWMS will initiate action, both by government and civil society, to achieve the implementation of an integrated waste management system for South Africa (DEAT, 1999a).

The overall objective of this strategy is to reduce the generation of waste, and to minimise waste to landfill, thereby improving public health and protecting environmental resources. The NWMS is a strategy formalised from government’s policy on integrated waste management as set out in the Draft White Paper on Integrated Pollution and Waste Management for South Africa (DEAT, 1999a).

The main aim of the NWMS is to implement a co-ordinated integrated waste management system to ensure “cradle-to-the-grave” waste management. This strategy is key to this study as it discusses two major issues that have to be addressed during this study, namely the use of Economic Instruments and the relatively new concept of waste minimisation and the implementation thereof (DEAT, 1999b).

The NWMS pertinently discusses the Waste Management Hierarchy which will be discussed in more detail in later chapters. This study will use the Waste Management Hierarchy to achieve the successful management of waste as far as is practically possible (DEAT, 1999b).


2.4 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACT The National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) provides for various functions regarding the management of the environment in South Africa. The National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) provides for a set of principles for decision-making on matters regarding the environment, and provides for procedures, plans, bodies and integration on environmental matters (NEMA, 1998).

Specifically Section 24 of NEMA is important to this study, as the provisions within this Section of the Act can be used as a vehicle for the effective management of waste. In terms of Section 24 of NEMA, Regulations (GNR 386 & GNR 387) have been promulgated listing activities which require environmental authorisation.

Regulations regarding the process of obtaining environmental authorisation are stipulated in GNR 385 in terms of the National Environmental Management Act. Environmental authorisation is granted after the stipulated processes have been followed and states whether an activity may continue or not and what the conditions and reasons for the decision are (NEMA, 1998).

Measures for Compliance and Enforcement have been laid down. As such, criminal procedures may result from non-compliance to the above-mentioned Act and Regulations.

2.5 ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION ACT The Environment Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) has largely been repealed by NEMA, although various aspects, and specifically waste management, are still governed by the Environment Conservation Act (ECA).

Within Section 19 of the ECA, the prohibition of littering and the removal of litter are addressed. Section 19 provides for the appropriate temporary disposal of waste, as well as the removal thereof, and provides for inspectors to ensure compliance with the Act (ECA, 1989).

Section 20 addresses the issue of Waste Management, including the establishment and operation of waste disposal sites. This section states that sites may only operate if permitted to do so. Although this section states that a permit must be obtained from the Department of

11 Water Affairs and Forestry, this arrangement has recently changed. The provincial authority that is concerned with environmental affairs is the competent authority (ECA, 1989).

ECA gives a clear definition of what is considered to be waste. However, this definition is not in line with the latest integrated approach to waste management. This issue will be addressed in the latest bill concerning the management of waste which will be discussed in a later chapter (ECA, 1989).

Regulation R1196, stipulates the requirements for waste management and approval for waste management facilities. The DWAF has published guidelines which set out procedures and the information required in order to obtain a permit. These guidelines are made up of three volumes, referred to as; • The minimum requirements for waste disposal by landfill;

• The minimum requirements for the handling and disposal of hazardous waste; and

• The minimum requirements for the monitoring of waste management facilities (ECA, 1989).

Whilst the minimum requirements are not legally binding, the provisions set out in these documents form the basis of the Section 20 permitting process and may be included as permitting conditions, thereby becoming legally binding on the permit holder. The minimum requirements for waste disposal by landfill are applicable to this study and will be discussed in a later chapter (ECA, 1989).

2.6 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: WASTE MANAGEMENT BILL The Environmental Management: Waste Management Bill (WMB), has not yet been enacted by Parliament, and is thus not directly applicable to this study at present. However, the WMB will introduce new concepts in waste management that will have to be considered (DEAT, 2006b).

The WMB recognises the constitution, and that current waste management practices are not conducive to these rights. The WMB will formalise the concept of waste avoidance,

12 minimisation, recycling, and, as a last resort, disposal. The WMB also recognises waste as a resource that may offer economic opportunities (DEAT, 2006b).

The purpose of the Act is to provide reasonable measures for: • Waste minimisation;

• The avoidance and minimisation of the generation of waste;

• The recovery, re-use and recycling of waste;

• The treatment and safe disposal of waste as a last resort;

• The prevention of pollution and ecological degradation;

• Sustainable waste management on an economic, social and ecological level ;

• The effective delivery of waste services;

• Awareness in respect of the impacts of waste on health and the environment;

• Compliance with objectives of the Act as mentioned above; and

• Generally giving effect to Section 24 of the Constitution (DEAT, 2006).

In order to support the objectives of this Bill, the WMB requires that the National Waste Management Strategy be established and endorsed. Also required is that the national and provincial departments include the Integrated Waste Management Plans in their Environmental Management Plans. Furthermore, a specific requirement of the Act is that municipalities should compile an integrated waste management plan, and provide for other measures such as the designation of a waste management officer (DEAT, 2006).

Section 22 of the WMB states that “any holder of waste must take all reasonable measures to- • Avoid the generation of waste and where such generation cannot be avoided, to minimise the toxicity and amounts of waste that are generated;


• Re-use, recycle or recover waste;

• Ensure that waste which must be disposed of is treated and disposed of in an environmentally-sound manner;

• Manage waste in such a manner that it does not endanger health or the environment or cause a nuisance through noise, odour or visual impacts;

• Prevent any other person (and within that person’s power), from contravening a provision of this Act in respect of the waste; and

• Take responsible measures to prevent the waste from being used for an unauthorised purpose.” (DEAT, 2006).

With the enactment of the WMB, sections providing for waste management will be repealed, (They include the relevant sections of the ECA and NEMA.)

2.7 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL BY LANDFILL The Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill forms part of the DWAF Waste Management Series, and serves as a reference framework for the standardisation of waste management in South Africa. The Minimum Requirements reference also facilitates the enforcement of the landfill permit system provided for in the ECA (DWAF, 1998).

The Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill outlines the procedures, actions and information which may be required from an applicant in order to grant permission for a landfill.

The objectives of The Minimum Requirements for Waste Management by Landfill are to: • Act in pro-active ways to prevent water quality and environmental degradation;

• To ensure affordable and practicable environmental protection; and

14 • To ensure that graded requirements are applied to different classes of landfill which are determined by waste type, operation size and the potential for the generation of leachate (DWAF, 1998).

The Minimum Requirements reference provides for the appropriate classification of landfill sites as shown in Table 1. Various levels of investigation and information requirements are then applied to the different classes, depending on their potential for impacting on the environment (DWAF, 1998).

Table 1 Landfill classification and requirements (DWAF, 1998).

Once a landfill site has been appropriately classified, various procedures are followed, including the following; • Selecting a landfill site, and requirements for existing sites;

• Designing a landfill site;

• Operating a landfill site;

15 • Closing a landfill site; and

• Monitoring a landfill site (DWAF, 1998).

These procedures should be meticulously followed in any waste management initiative. Opportunities for improvement should be integrated into such a plan, while cognisance should also be taken as far as possible of all legal and policy requirements.

2.8 GREATER SEKHUKHUNE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY PLAN The study area falls within the Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality (GSDM). The GSDM has adopted an Integrated Waste Management Strategy Plan for the development of an Integrated Waste Management System. The object is to implement and optimise effective waste management services to all the households and businesses falling within its jurisdiction (BTWS, 2005).

The GSDM’s Integrated Waste Management Strategy Plan aims at attaining the objectives set out in the National policy. By providing useful figures and information on a broader scale, it attempts to provide the necessary detail essential for a study of this nature. In order to achieve uniformity and maximise its results (BTWS, 2005), this study is also aligned with the GSDM Integrated Waste Management Strategy Plan

2.9 THE MUNICIPAL STRUCTURES ACT The Municipal Structures Act (Act 32 of 2000) puts the onus of refuse removal and disposal on local government. Thus the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality is the responsible authority. The Act further states that the District Municipality is responsible for waste disposal sites, including operation, control and ancillary functions (BTWS, 2005). The responsibilities may however be delegated to district municipalities.

2.10 LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANSITION ACT The Local Government Transition Act (Act 209 of 1993) provides for interim measures with a view to restructuring local government. The Act relates to waste disposal directly in that it delegates the responsibility of waste management to local government specifically for:

16 • Aspects concerning waste disposal facilities;

• The determination of a waste disposal strategy;

• The identification of sites for the location of waste disposal facilities and their erection;

• The operation and control of waste disposal sites;

• Bulk waste transfer facilities; and

• Waste disposal facilities for more than one metropolitan council.

Specific to this study, section 10C(7) is also of importance as it states that local metropolitan councils may enter into agreements with each other or any other person, body or institution, in terms of which one party undertakes on behalf of the other to exercise or perform, subject to such conditions as may be agreed upon.

2.11 LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS BILL As yet, this Bill does not constitute law in South Africa. However, it is important to study the principles of this bill as they relate directly to waste management in the near future.

Section 4 in particular is relevant to this study in that it sets out the duties and rights of governing structures. This section states that the council of the municipality and, to the extent of their delegated authority, its committees and functionaries must within the municipality’s financial and administrative capacity and with due regard to practical considerations, ensure the delivery of services to all residents and communities in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner, and should also promote a safe and healthy environment within the confines of the municipal authority’s jurisdiction (DPLG, 2000).

2.12 NATIONAL WATER ACT The National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) contains various provisions impacting on the management of waste. Section 21 of the National Water Act (NWA) recognises the following aspects that may impact on a water resource:

17 • Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit;

• Disposing of waste in a manner which detrimentally impacts on a water resource; and

• Disposing in any manner of water which contains waste from, or which has been heated in, any industrial or power generation process (NWA, 1998).

Regulation 1191, promulgated in terms of Section 29 of the NWA, stipulates the conditions for the issue of authorisations and licenses.

Section 26 of the Act provides for a general authorisation and that waste discharged or deposited into or allowed to enter a water resource be monitored and analysed. It also prescribes methods for such monitoring and analyses. The minister may promulgate further regulations where deemed appropriate (NWA, 1998).

2.13 CONCLUSION Although the various Acts, Policies and Guidelines have not been discussed in detail in previous sections, the major principles or aspects affecting this study have been outlined in order for this study to remain within its stipulated parameters. There are numerous other Acts, Policies and Guidelines that have a direct or indirect influence on the management of waste, but their inclusion in this study at this stage is not warranted on the grounds of logic.


The following section provides a brief description of the baseline or status quo environment, as well as the social-economic parameters characterising the region and the study area since these aspects may impact on the generation and management of waste.


3.1.1 Climate The study area falls within the summer rainfall region of South Africa which experiences hot wet summers and cool dry winters. Rain falls predominantly in the summer months between October and March, with the month of January generally experiencing the heaviest rainfall. The average rainfall for the area ranges from 600mm to 1 000mm annually (Stimie, et al., 2001).

Mean daily temperatures range from 33ºC in summer (December/January) to 21ºC in winter (June/July), with average daily ranges between maximums and minimums of 33ºC and 2ºC respectively. Extreme temperatures of 40 ºC and -8 ºC have been recorded in summer and winter respectively (Heinsohn et al., 2005).

The prevailing wind direction is from the northern and north-western sectors, with winds gusting to between 5 and 10 m.s-1. The windiest season is generally in the winter months, between July and August, when dust entrainment is usually at its most intense (AEI, 2007b).

Regional climatic conditions may exacerbate some of the impacts generally associated with waste disposal. This is particularly true in the case of pollution from storm water runoff and groundwater aquifers during high rainfall events and from air quality impacts to the south and west of the landfill site (AEI, 2007b).

3.1.2 Geomorphology and Soils The soils in this area are mostly coarse, sandy and shallow, with underlying granite, quartzite, sandstone or shale. The quarry next to the current landfill site is underlain by Gabbro belonging to the Bushveld Igneous Complex, with intercalated weathered magnetite layers (AEI, 2007a).

19 3.1.3 Topography The study area is situated on a hillside with a slope of seven percent; whilst drainage is mainly in a south-easterly direction towards the Hoopstadsloop located approximately 800m away (AEI 2007a). The natural topography of the area has been highly disturbed by mining activities. Although slope rehabilitation has been conducted, local areas remain highly disturbed and flattened.

3.1.4 Geohydrology A status quo groundwater investigation was conducted by Africon Engineering International at the existing landfill site at Roossenekal. Its purpose was to determine the current quality and volume of the groundwater to be used as a baseline against which future-monitoring programmes could be compared. According to the Geohydrological investigation, the groundwater occurs in secondary aquifers within the weathered and underlying fractured Gabbro. Both the porosity and the hydraulic permeability of these rocks are known to be low, with the groundwater tending to flow along secondary joints and on secondary intrusions (AEI, 2007a)

It is said that the static groundwater table in the area varies between 10 and 20 metres below the surface, depending on the topographical elevation. According to the 1:50 000 Geohydrological Map, the median borehole yield in the area varies between 0.5-2 l/s (AEI, 2007 b).

During the Geohydrological investigation, boreholes downstream and upstream of the existing landfill site were investigated and monitored and were found to be used mainly for irrigation purposes. The results showed that of the total of eight boreholes investigated, only one borehole showed high nitrate levels. This borehole is located downstream of the proposed landfill facility. According to the DWAF guidelines for water quality, the nitrate level from the afore-mentioned borehole is permissible but only for limited short-term or emergency use, as there is the possibility of health effects for long-term users. The laboratory results from an independent analytical laboratory also indicated elevated concentrations of sulphate, calcium, magnesium and manganese. As such, the borehole can be regarded as polluted (AEI, 2007a).


3.2.1 Fauna Most of the larger mammal species are well represented in the Limpopo Province. Some habitat-specific species are more vulnerable and are restricted to small distribution ranges. The bird, reptilian and amphibian species are well represented in Limpopo. The large number of reptilian species is indicative of a wide diversity. Ten species occur in Limpopo, some of which are restricted to the centres of endemism (Heinsohn et al., 2005).

Owing to the historical modification and disturbance of the study area, it was to be expected that there would be very few rare or endangered species on site. This served as further justification for utilising the site for the proposed development since its impact on the faunal biodiversity would hardly be significant.

3.2.2 Flora The Limpopo Province falls within the greater savannah biome, commonly referred to as the bushveld. Also included in the province is a small representation of grassland and forest biomes. Limpopo has a very rich biodiversity on account of its bio-geographical location and diverse topography. According to Acocks (1974), there are 15 different veld types in the province.

The study area borders on a centre of floral endemism to the north-east. The type of vegetation here does not occur in high-volume waste disposal areas or within the borders of a built-up area (town). The impacts of fire and over-grazing have determined the structure of the vegetation type. Cattle and game farming, cultivated crops and ecotourism are the main economic functions to which the flora of this region can be put.

3.2.3 Sensitive Features On account of its topographical position and past and current impacts, mainly from mining activities, on the study area, no sensitive landscapes were identified in the study area or its immediate surroundings. However, the existing waste disposal facility might have a negative impact on the groundwater quality of boreholes downstream from it.


3.3.1 Local and Regional Land-use The proposed waste development site occurs within the existing landfill site which is adjacent to the old quarry to the south (See figure 11). The land to the eastern side of the landfill site is used as a cemetery, while most of the land surrounding Roossenekal is used for mining operations, game and cattle farming. Most of the study area is occupied by urban dwellings.

3.3.2 Economic landscape According to the 2001 Census, only 30.9 percent of the total population of Sekhukhune is employed. Between 80 and 90 percent of the population in and the surrounding area are in the very low to low income group, which means that they earn less than R 25 000 a year (STATSSA, 2003).

Mining, agriculture, and government services are the sectors providing the most employment with mining dominating as the main economic contributor in the Sekhukhune District and Roossenekal.

22 4 THE WASTE MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY Waste management in South Africa has always followed an “end of pipe” approach where the respective role-players are merely expected to play a specific part in the waste management process, or rather in the production and burial of waste. The result was an un- integrated, ineffective process where the waste generated in massive volumes by one party, would simply be buried by another. This process can at best be described as unsustainable (Manyathi, 2004). Figure 2 shows a simplified model of the traditional approach that was followed in South Africa. It provides an outline of the problem of waste management, with waste being produced by various parties, but with only one party being held responsible for the removal of the waste, which is then ultimately disposed of by landfill.


Mineral processing

Rates and taxes paid to Waste collection and OPERATE AND MAINTAIN Government Authorities disposal by Landfill & Municipalities Business and Industry

Consumers (Public)

Figure 2 Traditional waste management approach (Adapted from Miller, 1998)

With reference to the mineral extraction point, it is a well-known fact that our mineral resources are finite and that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find alternative resources. Figure 2 shows the downward course of waste through the various stages of mineral extraction, to processing, to business and industry, to the consumer or the general public. During this process, waste progresses from being a basic raw material (a mineral),to being a

23 constituent or an ingredient of a complex, combined product, which is ultimately simply buried or disposed of in a landfill site. The course of events or changes that such a product undergoes could be described as a waste vector. A vector is described by the Oxford Dictionary as “a quantity having direction as well as magnitude”. Thus the concept of a waste vector can be used to describe the traditional approach, where waste: • Moves only in one direction;

• Is increasing in quantity everyday whilst decreasing in usefulness (quality); and

• Is produced faster everyday as a result of improving processing technologies.

The outlining of legislative and policy aspects in the previous chapter emphasised the need for a revised approach to waste management and its relevant processes. These processes are generally recognised as the waste management hierarchy. The waste management hierarchy concept forms an integral part of all of the latest legislative and policy documents in South Africa. It is thus essential that this concept be applied throughout this study to achieve the goal of optimal waste management. Waste management can be regarded as a cycle, where raw materials are used effectively and economically, with the rest of the materials used being recycled as far as is possible back into the system, so that the material destined for landfill is kept to a minimum.

Figure 3 shows the waste management hierarchy, with the relevant sub-components. Although there are various approaches to the waste management hierarchy, Figure 3 outlines the major elements that should generally be investigated and applied.

24 Prevention CLEANER PRODUCTION Minimisation








Figure 3 The waste management hierarchy (adapted from IWMSA (2006))

The author will now define items listed in the waste management hierarchy and discuss each level of the hierarchy in order of importance.

The waste hierarchy concept has been criticised mainly by waste management professionals in the developed world, and more particularly by economists. Economists claim that the waste hierarchy is proving to be unsustainable on financial balance sheets, especially when it comes to treatment technologies that do not heel any form of energy as a product. Recycled products that have to compete with market forces which is mainly driven by products derived from raw minerals is also a stumbling block in the way of sustainable resource development and the handling of waste. Financial incentives in some or other form (e.g. subsidies for recycled products) will in fact be necessary for recycled products. Thus high-level resource conservation should be the aim instead of prevention of financial loses in the short term as

25 the conservation of resources will ultimately determine and affect market forces in the long term (Tjell, 2005).


Cleaner production consists of two sub-categories, namely waste prevention and waste minimisation. Cleaner production requires long-term strategic initiatives and cannot always be effectively and economically applied in the short term.

Waste minimisation can be defined as a systematic approach to reducing the generation of waste at source or simply preventing waste from occurring in the first place (DEAT, 1999b). Waste minimisation is an approach that can be applied to all inputs into a process, as well as to all outputs from a process. Waste minimisation could be achieved, for example, by minimising inputs into processes which would then lead to less waste being generated.

Thus the object of cleaner production is to prevent the formation of waste, or to reduce the amount of waste generated, or to minimise the environmental impact of the waste that has been generated. These aspects are largely applicable to a generator of waste, and how this entity can reduce the amount of waste being produced at the source (DEAT, 1999a).

The private sector is generally regarded as the principal generator of waste and therefore as the primary agent in many waste minimisation initiatives. However it is the responsibility of the public sector to take a leading role in providing the correct structure, incentives and information to facilitate the achievement of goals relating to waste minimisation (DEAT, 1999a).

A central element for the effective minimisation of waste is recognised in the NWMS as the identification and development of a list of priority pollutants and waste streams. Through this system, certain types of waste can gradually be phased out and ultimately banned, thus providing clear targets for waste minimisation - the key to success in this regard (DEAT, 1999a).

Plans are afoot in South Africa to develop a National Programme for Waste Minimisation, and also to use legal and economic instruments in effective waste minimisation programmes. Cleaner production and waste minimisation can be viewed as a fundamental step in moving

26 towards effective waste management. The best way to deal with waste is not to produce so much waste.

In conclusion, waste minimisation can be summarised as a means to (DEAT 1999b): • Prevent, reduce and manage the pollution of any part of the environment caused by all forms of human activity and in particular, radio-active, toxic and other hazardous substances;

• Set targets to minimise waste generation and pollution at the source and to promote a hierarchy of waste management practices, namely the reduction of waste at the source, re-use, recycling and, as a last resort, the safe disposal of waste;

• Regulate and monitor waste production, to enforce waste-control measures, and to co-ordinate the administration of integrated pollution and waste management through a single government department; and

• Promote cleaner production and to establish legislative and economic mechanisms to ensure the continuous improvement in all spheres of environmental management.


Recycling is the process whereby discarded items are reclaimed, recovered, refined, and reprocessed into new or different products, or secondary raw materials. Recycling can also include the re-use and repair of items that were discarded or items that were going to be discarded.

Another way to reduce the volume of waste is to exploit the rapidly biodegradable component of the waste stream to form compost that can be used as an organic fertiliser to enrich garden soils. This is a natural process of waste management that uses natural processes to convert organic materials to humus through the actions of micro-organisms. Compost can be used again in vegetable or market gardens for food production and also in aesthetic gardens. As such, it is a natural form of recycling (DEAT, 2005).

Recycling is an essential aspect of the waste management hierarchy, and also provides for various opportunities such as job creation and the sustainable use of natural resources. The

27 difficulty in recycling lies in the diversity and the complex nature of the waste products that are produced. Recycling in itself is a relatively easy process. However, the fact that the world is developed enough to manufacture complex products which cannot easily be broken down again without extremely high energy inputs is what complicates recycling operations. To date, the human population has already achieved substantial success by recycling what it can. Research into recycling should be more widely encouraged and conducted so that more waste products can be recycled (Earth, 911, 2007).

In South Africa, we should aim to: • Provide an economic environment which favours the utilisation of recycled materials;

• Subsidise certain recycling campaigns to make them economically viable;

• Promote the separation and recovery of resources as early as possible in the waste- generating processes at all levels of society;

• Promote resource recovery at waste transfer stations, treatment facilities and disposal sites; and

• Ensure organised and controlled waste reclamation, as opposed to the uncontrolled scavenging at disposal facilities (DEAT, 1999b).

Recycling in South Africa involves mainly cans, plastic, paper, and used oil. Private industry is the major facilitator in the recycling of these items.

4.3 TREATMENT OF GENERAL WASTE The only waste treatment technology widely used in South Africa is that of incineration. Incineration of combustible waste reduces waste volumes and produces a residue essentially free from putrescible organic material. The benefits derived from this method include mainly a reduction in the volume of solid waste; a reduction in the potential for groundwater pollution from organic constituents; energy generation from combustion; and lastly, the possible extraction and re-use of the mineral constituents found in the residue (Corbit, 1989).

Negative impacts associated with the incineration of waste include air-quality issues and the initial capital outlay cost required. It should also be noted that a small plant would require

28 about 100 tons per day of combustible waste. Therefore, this technology can be applied only where major sources of waste are present (Corbit, 1998).

There are various technologies for the optimisation of benefits associated with the incineration of solid waste. They are mainly for energy optimisation and the usage of the residues thus produced. Owing to economic and air quality considerations, these technologies have not been widely implemented in South Africa (Gunjima, 2006). Most other technologies that can be considered under the heading of waste treatment, are associated either with incineration or waste screening and sorting after disposal.

The screening and sorting of waste after disposal can be effectively applied in large waste management operations. When one considers the economics of this process, at-source- separation is much more effective and a more economically viable way of sorting waste for recycling than is the case with at-disposal-site sorting and separation.

No evidence of effective and viable small-scale waste treatment technologies for general waste could be found in South Africa.

4.4 WASTE DISPOSAL BY LANDFILL Waste disposal by landfill is still the most widely used method for waste management in South Africa. Waste disposal by landfill should, however, only be considered as a last resort, as this method is not sustainable. Waste disposal by landfill is widely considered as the traditional end-of-pipe solution to the management of waste, and as a waste of potential resources (DEAT, 1999a).

Waste disposal by landfill basically involves the spreading and compaction of waste. The first step is to cover the waste with a layer of soil which is then compacted. A landfill site should be designed to minimise the possibility of pollution, especially the pollution of water resources. Various factors should be investigated for the location of a landfill site. Typical considerations in respect of the landfill site include amongst other things, the following (DWAF, 1998):

• Topography and surface drainage;

• Infrastructure and man-made features;


• Possible environmental impacts;

• Climate;

• Vegetation;

• Soils;

• Geology; and

• Geohydrology

The costs associated with a landfill site should be carefully analysed, with due consideration to the capital costs and the operational and maintenance costs. Logistics of how waste will be collected and transported is of great importance for a cost-effective, sustainable and practical waste management solution (DWAF, 1998).


5.1 THE CURRENT WASTE MANAGEMENT SITUATION IN ROOSSENEKAL Waste management within the study area is far from satisfactory. This should become clear in the following section. The current condition can be attributed to a variety of factors, although the major constraints appear to be a lack of funds, as well as a lack of skills.

Since Roossenekal is a town with a promising potential for tourism, it is essential that effective waste management be practised. Tourists and residents alike expect clean and neat urban surroundings, which is not, unfortunately, reflected in the current situation in Roossenekal (Lorber, 2005)

5.1.1 Waste profile and services A waste-type analysis has been conducted, and represents a general waste profile for the Greater Sekhukhune district within which the study area falls. The results of this study are shown in Figure 4, which shows that almost 50 percent of the waste generated here is of an organic nature (BTWS, 2005).

Figure 4 District low-income waste profile (Adapted from BTWS, 2005)

31 The samples used for Figure 4 produced 0.34 kg of waste per person per day. It should, however, be noted that the sample was taken from a low-income group with an average income per household of only R 530 per month. About 45 percent of the waste stream could be used for composting, while 30 percent of the total waste stream could be recycled. Currently, an estimated 4.4 percent of the waste stream within the district is being recycled (BTWS, 2005).

Areas with a lower population density and a higher income tend to generate a different waste profile from that which is shown in Figure 4. Typically, this sector of the community would produce more paper and cardboard, plastics, metals, and glass, and less organic waste, ash and rubble. The communities within the study area are made up mostly of middle income groups at a medium density, as well as low income groups at a high density.

In South Africa, between 0.5kg and 2kg of waste is produced per person per day, ranging from low income to high income groups respectively (DEAT, 2005). The current rate of waste disposal for the study area is approximately 3.4 tons per day, with potentially recyclable waste constituting approximately 40 percent of the total waste stream (BTWS, 2005).

Currently, 370 households and 30 institutional waste removal points are serviced within the study area. These figures are comparatively good considering that on average six to seven percent of households have access to refuse removal services in the greater district area. Waste removal services are currently not offered to the low-income areas, which usually make use of private pits where waste is burned and eventually buried. The burning of waste contributes significantly to various problems pertaining especially to health and environmental issues such as air pollution.

5.1.2 Waste minimisation The only waste minimisation initiative practised in the study area, was brought on by the plastic bag regulation which requires the private sector to impose charges on plastic bags. This initiative has generally been very effective in reducing the number of plastic bags that are disposed of as waste and has encouraged people to re-use plastic bags or to use permanent items for carrying goods (BTWS, 2005).

5.1.3 Recycling No government-initiated recycled initiatives are operative in the study area. There are, however, various recycling projects that have been initiated by the private sector in the

32 greater municipal area. Informal reclamation on the Roossenekal landfill site, currently serving the study area, was evident on a number of site visits However, it could not be determined what type of waste was being reclaimed and what the reclaimed waste was being used for. It did appear that the informal reclaimers were in search of directly re-useable items and that they did not form part of any formal recycling initiative. No waste separation or formal recycling initiatives are operative in the study area.

5.1.4 Waste treatment There are no general waste treatment initiatives within the study area. Evidence could be found that waste on the existing Roossenekal landfill site is often being burnt. However, it is uncertain who is promoting this practice. Burning of waste on the landfill site cannot be considered good waste management practice, and should cease immediately. This type of burning, which takes place at low temperatures, brings forth essentially negative impacts associated with, amongst others, mainly health and environmental issues (BTWS, 2005).

5.1.5 Waste disposal by landfill and waste management facilities As shown in Figures 5 and 6, an old borrow pit, is currently being used by the local authorities for the dumping of waste. The locality of this landfill site is shown in Figure 11, which also shows the location of the existing town and other natural features. Waste can be dumped at random at this pit as there is no access control and there are no limitations on the amount of waste dumped. This landfill site has not been issued with a formal permit and does not adhere to any of the requirements of The Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill (DWAF, 1998).

Figure 5 General view of borrow pit used as Figure 6 General view of waste in borrow pit dumping site


Figure 7 Area adjacent to dumping site Figure 8 Informal reclaiming of waste

Figure 9 Machinery used for dumping and Figure 10 Fenced section and windblown waste management

The landfill site is situated in an area upslope from the town of Roossenekal and its smallholdings (See Figure 1) and must be regarded as a potential source of groundwater pollution. The location of numerous boreholes downstream and in close proximity to the landfill site compounds the pollution potential of the area. The water table on site is situated at approximately 15m below the ground surface during the month of April. This level can rise considerably during heavy rainfall periods and increase the potential for groundwater pollution (AEI, 2007).

The landfill site is freely accessible, with no access control. Only a portion of the Eastern section is fenced (See Figure 10), causing informal reclaimers and the general public to have access the site (See Figure 8) at will. This, together with the lack of management, explains the highly visible and significant impacts that the windblown waste is having on the

34 surrounding environment. The area adjacent to the recognised dumping area also forms part of the original borrow-pit and is also littered with windblown waste.

The site is serviced by a tractor with a front-end loader (See Figure 9) used mainly to pile the waste and to limit concentrate volumes to certain parts of the site. Waste collection is done using a trailer which is towed by the same tractor. No compaction is practised, resulting in uncompacted voluminous heaps of waste which are unstable and easily disturbed. Because the waste is not effectively covered, and can be easily flooded with water, there is cause for concern for the impacts that the waste might have on water quality.

The locality of the existing landfill site is relatively appropriate, if consideration is given to other potential sites, especially in terms of the presence of water, environmental sensitivity and available land.


Figure 11 Locality of existing and proposed Roossenekal landfill site


The management of waste is normally planned with a long-term vision. Developments can in a relatively short space of time drastically change both the size and composition of local and regional waste streams.

Good waste management practices are rarely found in the rural areas of South Africa, and this is also true of the town of Roossenekal and its surrounds. This is due to a variety of factors including a lack of skills; a lack of financial resources and access to finance; and poor management by local government.

Local government officials often argue that it is not financially feasible to implement good management practices in rural towns such as Roossenekal. This is probably as a result of the current approach generally adopted towards the management of waste in South Africa, which entails the collection and dumping of waste in a landfill site. For this and other municipal services, residents and private institutions pay rates and taxes.

A situation different from the one above should be created where involvement in the waste management hierarchy is the responsibility of all waste producers and where partnerships with the municipality are formed for the effective management of waste (BTWS, 2005).

5.2.1 The impact of large-scale developments on local waste management It has previously been noted that existing waste management facilities are not in a satisfactory state. Development initiatives within the town of Roossenekal have already started up merely in anticipation of the development and construction of houses and facilities in support of the major construction activities such as those at the De Hoop dam and the associated infrastructure.

A visual assessment of the impact on waste management was conducted in order to determine whether there have as yet been any impacts on the waste stream. Figures 12 and 13 are similar angle views of the landfill site at Roossenekal in January 2007 and July 2007 respectively. It is evident that there has been a substantial increase in waste volumes, as the volumes of waste increased dramatically over this six-month period.


Figure 12 January 2007 South-Eastern view Figure 13 July 2007 South-Eastern view

Figure 14 January 2007 Western view Figure 15 July 2007 South Western view

Figure 16 Waste littered well beyond boundary of Figure 17 Waste outside landfill entrance designated site

38 Figures 14 and 15 also show similar angle views of the landfill site for January 2007 and July 2007 respectively, evidence of a drastic change in waste produced over this six-month period. Figures 16 and 17 show how waste lies strewn outside the designated dumping site. This is due on the one hand to wind, and on the other to the absence of fences, as well as to deliberate dumping outside the designated dumping site.

It has been estimated that developments such as the expansion of mining operations and the construction of the De Hoop Dam and the hydro-electric power station will increase the production of waste by between 40 and 45 percent. The waste profile will also change, with a decline in the volume of organic wastes being produced, and an associated increase in the volume of synthetic wastes as substitutes.

Construction has both positive and negative repercussions on the environment. One of the main negative impacts is the generation of waste. These wastes are problematical, not so much for their hazardous nature as for the sheer volume generated. However, between 50 and 80 percent of the construction waste is reusable or recyclable. For a Greenfield’s Development such as the De Hoop Dam, the waste generated will mostly be of an inert nature, and could be used for the backfilling of borrow-pits, road construction or the further reinforcement of structures. This negative impact could be mitigated through good planning and support for the management of general waste (Rodriguez et al., 2006).

The expected amount of waste and the waste profile to be managed will be explained in more detail in Chapter 12.

5.2.2 Developmental and community contributions to effective waste management When major developments take place, the existing waste stream of an area is drastically altered, with a less impressive increase in rates and taxes and developers arguing that it is the responsibility of local authorities to provide waste management services. However, this situation is changing on account of the National Waste Management Strategy and other policies and legislation previously discussed.

DWAF has obtained Environmental Authorisation in terms of ECA from the DEAT for the construction of the De Hoop Dam and all related infrastructural improvements. Certain conditions were set out for the construction of the dam in the Record of Decision (RoD) granted by DEAT.

39 Specific conditions in line with the National Waste Management Strategy were identified in both the RoD and the approved EMP and include the following:

• All waste produced as a result of the construction of the dam must be disposed of at a permitted landfill site (DEAT, 2006);

• Waste must, as far as is practically possible, be separated into different recyclable materials and recycled (DWAF, 2007).

No provision has been made for a landfill site or recycling facility close to the construction site of the De Hoop Dam. Instead, DWAF has agreed to provide funding for upgrading the Roossenekal landfill site for this purpose, and also for establishing additional waste management facilities such as transfer stations and an infrastructure for general waste management. The required EIA process in terms of NEMA is currently underway for the construction of a landfill site which will meet compliance criteria set out in legislation and policy. This decision is an economically sound one since the cost of hauling waste generated during the construction of the De Hoop Dam to a new landfill site would exceed by far the cost of using, upgrading and permitting the existing landfill site in Roossenekal for this purpose DWAF’s decision is also based on its social responsibility to uplift the town and to add value to the existing functions of the town.

Mapochs Mine has agreed to assist with any infrastructural requirements for waste management facilities. The mine is also obliged, through its approved Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR), to dispose of solid waste only at the permitted landfill sites and is currently using an expensive private contractor for this purpose. However, once the Roossenekal landfill site has been upgraded and permitted, Mapochs Mine will save substantially on the cost of waste-removal services. This fact, together with its social responsibility for the upliftment of surrounding communities, prompted the mine to provide financial support for any other aspects that may be required for waste management in the town of Roossenekal.

Various interviews have been conducted with members of the community of Roossenekal who expressed their dissatisfaction at the current state of waste management. Residents are excited and willing to commit to providing whatever support they can to promote effective waste management for the area. The Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality and the Sekhukhune District Municipality have both agreed to operate and maintain any waste

40 management initiatives and infrastructure provided for by stakeholders within the Minimum Requirements for Waste Management.

In spite of the lengthy haul distances, a number of recycling companies have committed themselves to the removal of recyclables. Because the recyclables will not be sold to private recyclers, it will be possible for the recycling companies to recover their hauling costs.

It is relatively easy to implement an effective waste management programme when a positive attitude towards waste management is adopted by all the members of a community,. In this way, the responsibility for waste management need not make huge demands on any one party. Instead, the burden can be shared.

5.2.3 The roles and responsibilities of stakeholders It is clear from Figure 2 that there are various stakeholders involved in the waste production vector. The point that we should move away from the waste production vector to a more appropriate and sustainable waste management cycle was made previously.

This study envisages the cycle of sustainable waste management as a full cycle involving all affected stakeholders for the sake of the optimum management of waste. Where traditionally only governing authorities were responsible for the disposal of waste, the waste management hierarchy should include all stakeholders, especially the waste producers and other role- players on all levels of the waste management hierarchy.

It is evident from Table 2 that there are many parties who could and should provide inputs into the management of waste. These parties should be involved from the conception phase of waste management planning. Public participation meetings and questionnaires are just some of the ways in which valuable information can be obtained from these parties so that workable practical solutions to waste management can be identified and optimised.

According to Petts (2000:36) “The most effective management of MSW has to relate to local environmental, economic and social priorities” and must go beyond the traditional consultative approaches that require the “expert” to draft the solution in advance of public involvement to a much more effective approach by involving the public before key choices have been made”.



The waste management hierarchy can be applied only after the estimated figures of waste to be produced have been quantified as accurately as possible. The waste management hierarchy will be applied, keeping in mind the volumes to be managed, economics, the practicality of management measures and the socio-economic setting of the area.

This study will now investigate the possibility of diverting 30 percent of waste away from the Roossenekal landfill by 2012 by applying the waste management hierarchy. This figure is well in line with targets set in the National Waste Management Strategy.

Management and infrastructure needs for waste disposal by landfill will be discussed together with the possible contributions that various stakeholders could possibly make.

5.3.1 Expected waste to be managed

It is generally accepted that one cannot manage something if it cannot be measured. The collection of all the relevant data was conducted as accurately as possible. However, in cases where data gaps were encountered, it was necessary to use estimations and the interpolation of data.

Waste production will be quantified using the initiation of the construction phase of the De Hoop Dam as the starting point. This will set the baseline for applying population statistics to anticipate future needs and requirements.



Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Priority

Department of Water Affairs and Provide for initial capital funding & HIGH Forestry (DWAF) – National Water use landfill for general and Resource infrastructure department construction waste during construction of the De Hoop Dam Department of Water Affairs and Monitor and provide input regarding MEDIUM Forestry water quality and environmental issues Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality Responsible for waste collection as HIGH well as operation and maintenance of the landfill Sekhukhune District Municipality Provide support function to EMLM HIGH

Mapochs Mine Can provide ancillary infrastructure MEDIUM and support Roossenekal business Provide inputs in terms of waste LOW avoidance, minimisation and recycling Department of Environmental Affairs National Authority governing the MEDIUM and Tourism (DEAT) management of waste Limpopo Department of Economic Provincial authority governing waste HIGH Development, the Environment and management, will assess and Tourism (LEDET) approve EIA and permit application Recycling and waste management Provide for possible waste MEDIUM enterprises management infrastructure, as well as the collection of recyclables Local councillors Provide input concerning community LOW needs and wants General Public and waste producers Provide input in terms of recycling, HIGH waste collection and landfill site location. Will produce majority of waste.

Table 2 List of possible stakeholder groups


Table 3 shows the Initial Rate of Deposition (waste production) for the study area, calculated in terms of the Minimum Requirements (DWAF, 1998) at the initiation of the construction phase of the De Hoop Dam. An estimated 4.9 tons of waste will be produced daily.

Table 3 Initial waste production for study area

ROOSSENEKAL WASTE PRODUCTION - INITIAL DAILY RATE OF DEPOSITION (IRD) Area Housing units pp/Unit Population per capita waste (kg) TOTAL (Tons) Density factor T/m3 TOTAL (m3) Roossenekal 113 4 452 2 0.904 0.35 2.58285714 RDP houses 400 4 1600 1 1.6 0.35 4.57142857 Additional housing (Roossenekal) 155 3 465 2 0.93 0.35 2.65714286 De Hoop dam housing 155 3 465 2 0.93 0.35 2.65714286 Mapochs mine N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.2 0.6 0.33333333 Temporary - construction of de hoop dam N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.3 0.6 0.5

TOTAL 823 2982 Daily 4.864 Daily 13.3019048

Using national standards for waste streams and production, the estimated percentages of waste type production are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Waste stream analysis

Producer groups Estimated percentage of waste types produced Area Income group Population per capita wasteTOTAL (kg) (tons) Glass Metals (cans) Paper & cardboard Plastic Organic Other Roossenekal Middle 452 2 0.904 9.00% 11.00% 14.00% 12.00% 28.00% 26.00% RDP houses Low 1600 1 1.6 6.10% 3.50% 10.60% 10.40% 49.30% 20.10% Additional housing (Roossenekal) Middle 465 2 0.93 9.00% 11.00% 14.00% 12.00% 28.00% 26.00% De Hoop dam housing Middle 465 2 0.93 9.00% 11.00% 14.00% 12.00% 28.00% 26.00% Mapochs mine N/A N/A 0.2 6.00% 20.00% 30.00% 6.00% 6.00% 32.00% Temporary - construction of de hoop dam N/A N/A 0.3 5.00% 30.00% 10.00% 10.00% 25.00% 20.00% Using the percentages in Table 4 above, and the amount of waste to be produced, as shown in Table 3, it was possible to calculate and record the total percentage of waste and the percentages of the different types of waste produced daily in Table 5.

Table 5 Waste types expected within the study area

Estimated waste produced in Tons Area per capita wasteTOTAL (kg) (tons) Glass Metals (cans) Paper & cardboard Plastic Organic Other Roossenekal 2 0.904 0.081 0.09944 0.12656 0.10848 0.2531 0.235 RDP houses 1 1.6 0.098 0.056 0.1696 0.1664 0.7888 0.3216 Additional housing (Roossenekal) 2 0.93 0.084 0.1023 0.1302 0.1116 0.2604 0.2418 De Hoop dam housing 2 0.93 0.084 0.1023 0.1302 0.1116 0.2604 0.2418 Mapochs mine N/A 0.2 0.012 0.04 0.06 0.012 0.012 0.064 Temporary - construction of de hoop dam N/A 0.3 0.015 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.075 0.06 TOTAL WEIGHT 4.864 0.373 0.49004 0.64656 0.54008 1.6497 1.1642 TOTAL PERCENTAGE OF WASTE PRODUCED 7.68% 10.07% 13.29% 11.10% 33.92% 23.94%

Figure 18 shows the percentages of the total waste stream that can be composted, recycled and disposed of by landfill for the total waste stream. Figure 18 indicates that more than 75 percent of the waste can be diverted away from the landfill, mainly through recycling and composting.


Waste stream composition






Figure 18 Waste stream composition: major classes

It can be concluded from the above, that the set target of a 30 percent reduction of waste for disposal by landfill can be easily achieved in the medium term (2012) as long as the focus is on recycling and composting. However, it should be noted that this waste profile could change significantly in the long term as the study area experiences development and economic growth.


5.4.1 Waste minimisation Waste minimisation aspects for general waste management are difficult to implement on a local scale on account of the regional and national interactivity of production. Initiatives promoting waste minimisation are thus best implemented on a national level, which would ensure uniform implementation without prohibiting interactivity on the local, regional and national scale.

45 The local area could, however, contribute to waste minimisation by demanding that local developments and industry consistently incorporate waste minimisation initiatives in their production processes. Such initiatives could have positive local, regional and national impacts.

The municipal authority should implement by-laws and policy instruments to promote waste minimisation. During EIA processes for new developments and industry, the municipality should insist that a waste minimisation plan also be submitted for approval in terms of NEMA.

5.4.2 Recycling It is evident from the waste stream composition for the area that recycling and composting of waste should receive primary attention. This is due to various factors: • Recyclable and compostable waste forms the majority of the waste stream;

• Recycling and composting can be practically and easily introduced on a local level; and

• Recycling and composting can be largely self-sustainable, given community and industry participation.

Table 6 shows that substantial amounts of recyclables will be produced and can be recycled. This is especially important in order to justify haulage of recyclables by private companies. However, it should be noted that especially during the short to medium-term, not all recyclables will be recycled. This study aims at recycling at least 15 percent of the total waste stream, and composting 15 percent of the compostable waste to make up the 30 percent reduction in waste disposal by landfill.

Table 6 Waste stream and recycling potential of the study area

Waste stream factors in Tons Waste produced Percentage of waste stream Daily production Monthly production Glass 7.68% 0.37336 10.45408 Metals (cans) 10.07% 0.49004 13.72112 Paper & cardboard 13.29% 0.64656 18.10368 Plastic 11.10% 0.54008 15.12224 Organic 33.92% 1.64972 46.19216 Other 23.94% 1.16424 32.59872


Recycling of processed waste requires specialist organisations to collect the waste for recycling. These organisations have been contacted and will provide the required containers for the respective waste types on the landfill site and at the collection points. Details of the various organisations and their role in recycling are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 Organisations to participate in recycling for the study area

ORGANISATION ROLE COLLECT-A-CAN Will facilitate the collection of all beverage cans for recycling Glass Recycling Association Will facilitate the collection and recycling of glass from collection points and the landfill site NAMPAK Paper Recycling Will provide for appropriate bins and the collection of paper for recycling Rose Foundation Will collect and recycle waste oils

A plastics recycler willing to participate in the project could not be found during the study. This aspect will therefore require urgent attention from the local authorities.

The cost and quality of a recycling initiative can be decreased and increased respectively by promoting as far as is practically possible the separation of recyclable waste at the source. . Such an arrangement would save not only on the initial capital cost of the machinery but also on the cost of the operation and transportation (DEAT, 2005). Waste must therefore be separated by individual waste producers.

Intensified or additional environmental impacts resulting from increased transportation are often cited as a common objection to recycling (Bjorkland et al, 1999). Bulk storage and transportation can cut costs significantly so that effective designs for waste management facilities should facilitate storage and the collection of recyclables in bulk. A small urban settlement such as Roossenekal could benefit from such innovations.

5.4.3 Treatment The waste stream generated in the area cannot justify any of the waste treatment technologies that are available today. However, it should be noted that many people regard composting as a waste treatment technology rather than a recycling technology (This aspect has been discussed above.)


5.4.4 Domestic composting Composting can be regarded as a combination of waste minimisation, recycling and treatment and can thus be discussed as a waste management process on its own. Millions of tons of compostable waste are dumped together with general household waste every year. The compostable portion of the waste stream is effectively lost in this way as the surrounding general waste pollutes this waste. Composting is Mother Nature’s own way of recycling. Compost matures into what soil scientists call active organic matter: a dark, crumbly soil usually forming part of the topsoil layer that is teeming with beneficial bacteria, fungi and earthworms, as well as the enzymes and acids that these life forms release as they procreate and become active (Pleasant, 2006).

There are large-scale compost plants in operation today and they are able to operate effectively. However, the costs associated with transporting compostable waste to a large- scale plant and ultimately back to the consumer are not energy-efficient and are therefore not economical. The most satisfactory method for dealing with compostable waste is to facilitate composting at the source.

At-source composting is a very simple process and can be done very effectively in an urban environment. A compost heap takes minimal effort and is easy to operate and maintain. The positive outcomes of at-source composting include a drastic reduction in transportation and energy costs for waste removal. As indicated previously, just under 34 percent of the waste stream of the study area is compostable. Thus a considerable saving can be made in terms of energy and transport costs if at-source composting is implemented. Fruit and vegetable scraps, crushed eggshells, tea bags, newspapers, flowers, leaves, grass clippings, old wool sweaters, and animal wastes can be composted (Snoonian, 2007).

A cleared space in a shady area is needed for a compost heap. Compostable waste should simply be piled in this area. Air-borne microbes will break down this waste into a nutrient-rich soil additive that can be used in the garden. Contrary to popular belief, a compost pile will not stink or attract animals (Snoonian, 2007).

5.4.5 Waste disposal by landfill and waste management facilities Figure 11 indicates the locality of the existing landfill site at Roossenekal, as well as the additional area to be investigated for the envisaged landfill site. Figures 19 to 22 shows that

48 the area is intensely degraded, the reason being that it was previously mined and used as a borrow-pit for construction activities.

The existing landfill site is well located considering the following factors:

• The area is already highly polluted and degraded;

• No other suitable land could be identified on government-owned property;

• The landfill is situated to the west of the town, whereas major development trends are towards the east of the town;

• No other area that poses less of a risk for water pollution could be found.

According to the Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill reference, the landfill site will be classified as a GCMˆ landfill site. This classification of landfill accepts only general waste and not any form of hazardous or medical waste.

The landfill site will be classified as a communal landfill site because the Maximum Rate of Deposition (MRD) is less than 25 tons per day (MRD is the Maximum daily average rate of deposition in the final years of the landfill site operation). Table 8 shows the various factors used for calculating MRD. The landfill site is planned to operate for 20 years at the national growth rate of two percent. The IRD below was calculated in and obtained from table 3.

Table 8 Maximum Rate of Deposition for study area

MAXIMUM RATE OF DEPOSITION (MRD) Growth rate (National average) 2% Initial Rate of Deposition (IRD) in tons per day 5.7804 Service requirement (years) 20 Maximum Rate of Deposition (MRD) in t/day 8.59 Maximum Rate of Deposition (MRD) in m3/day 24.54

The potential for significant leachate generation and the water balance of the area are the last aspects to be considered when it comes to the classification of landfill sites. This study area will have a positive water balance in summer and a negative water balance in winter on account of the high fluctuation of rainfall between the summer and winter months. Thus the landfill will be classified as having an overall positive water balance.

49 Various specific interventions for the landfill site that will be required for its efficient operation are listed as follows: • Total fencing of site with diamond mesh razor fencing;

• Leachate collection pond; and

• Impermeable lining layer

The fencing of the site will prevent windblown waste from leaving the site, which is currently proving to be a major problem.

The landfill site will be lined with a synthetic impermeable layer, and leachate will be collected in a leachate collection pond, mainly because of the proximate location of the municipal borehole extraction point.

A waste collection point will be constructed close to the on-site permanent housing area close to the construction site of the De Hoop dam. This collection point will facilitate the bulk removal of waste to the Roossenekal landfill site and thus reduce hauling costs. The facility will be located approximately 33 km from the existing landfill site, and will serve for the collection of approximately 1.3 tons of waste daily. For weekly removal, the collection point should facilitate the safe storage of 9.1 tons of uncompacted waste. Waste cannot be compacted on account of the cost implications of an appropriate compactor for these small amounts of waste. Regular waste skips will be used to store and transport the waste.

For the first six months, the landfill site will be operated by a private contractor, who will also provide training to the ELML in the management of the landfill site, where-after the ELML will operate the landfill site independently.

The landfill site and waste stream should be continuously monitored to measure the effectiveness of all of the waste management initiatives. Regular groundwater tests should also be conducted in order to identify possible water pollution caused by the landfill site.


Figure 19 Borrow pits adjacent to existing landfill to Figure 20 Degraded nature of additional landfill area be used for expansion which was investigated

Figure 21 Degraded nature of additional landfill area Figure 22 Erosion of bare soil, within additional area which was investigated which was investigated

5.4.6 Conclusion Waste management facilities are crucial for environmental management, sustainable development, and public health, especially in small urban areas where the surrounding environment can to a certain degree still be regarded as natural (Chang & Davilla, 2007).

The major challenge associated with the waste management hierarchy is that organisations are still attempting to find more effective waste treatment technologies, infrastructure systems, and ways of redistributing and organising the different waste streams for treatment, recycling, and disposing by landfill.

51 This remains a challenge in the urban areas but more so in medium-to-large towns and cities. Small towns can implement very simplistic methods of waste management, mainly because of the types of waste. They can also implement simple logistics whereby they make use of communal collection points and at-source waste minimisation and treatment technologies.


Effective waste management initiatives can be easily implemented as long as all the stakeholders are involved. Stakeholders and developers in the town of Roossenekal and surrounds have agreed to contribute significantly to the management of waste. Local authorities should use this study as an example to maximise development potential in favour of waste management. In its turn, waste management will lead to a variety of positive impacts such as job creation; a cleaner environment; and the protection and conservation of natural resources, to name but a few.

A waste management plan must be seen as a living document which can adapt easily to local conditions. It should be reviewed on a yearly basis in order to identify shortcomings and opportunities for improvement. Data capturing and continued community participation are essential for a successful waste management plan (Morrisey & Phillips, 2006).

The influx of skills and resources into a specific area during major developments should be fully exploited in order to improve aspects such as waste management within the area suffering the impacts. By applying the waste management hierarchy, national, regional, and local waste management goals can be easily achieved.

This study has shown that if all relevant role players, especially developers, contribute positively to waste management. National goals can be easily achieved, once composition of the waste stream and local conditions are measured through application of the waste management hierarchy.

6.1 RECOMMENDATIONS In conclusion, the following recommendations can be made from this study in order to promote good local waste management:

• The local governing authority for Roossenekal must continually monitor the management of waste, especially recycling initiatives;

• Realistic recycling targets must be set and continually improved on;

53 • Regular waste stream analysis must be done in order to provide correct guidance on waste management measures;

• At source waste separation and recycling must be promoted as far as possible, in order to cut transport costs;

• Backyard composting must be promoted and compostable waste to landfill should be avoided as far as possible;

• The location of future landfill sites must be planned for in advance on a strategic level;

• Waste compaction must take place on a landfill site, as this will save airspace and increase the lifespan of the landfill site drastically;

• Waste collection points must be provided within informal settlements;

• All residents should be provided with waste removal services;

• The continuous involvement of stakeholders and developers in waste management is necessary to ensure the long-term success of waste management;

• Waste treatment technologies appropriate to Roossenekal must be investigated and implemented when feasible;

• The local authority must make a conscious effort to permit waste disposal facilities and to operate these facilities accordingly to prevent environmental degradation and minimise health risks; and

• Commercial recyclers should be provided free access to separated recyclables in order to economically justify the long haul distances to the recycling plants

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