Geoff Nicholls | 144 pages | 15 Dec 2008 | BACKBEAT BOOKS | 9780879309404 | English | San Francisco, United States The Drum Book

More Details Add to Wishlist. The most significant change of the 60's was in drum configuration when in Gretsch, Slingerland, Ludwig and Premier began to add an extra tom mounted on the bass-drum creating a 5 piece kit configuration. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Community Reviews. As the pit became smaller so too did the band. On Sunday, November 24,Drummers Collective TMthe world's premier drum school, celebrated its 25th anniversary with an incredible evening of music. Both Ludwig and Slingerland began producing cast lug casings around They are the guitar-wielding heroes who came into an established musical framework, rearranged the furniture, tipped over a few chairs, and ditched - leaving the stragglers to pick up the pieces. They are the guitar-wielding heroes who came into an A was mounted on one side of the hoop allowing the bass drum and cymbal to be struck simultaneously. Seller Rating:. Stock Image. By far the 70's and 80's brought the greatest period of experimentation since the 20's and 30's. Books by Geoff Nicholls. American inventors did their part, providing the bass drum pedal, hi-hat stand, and an array of different-sounding . Add to Wishlist. Drummers tired of the monotonous characteristic clanging sound of the cymbal striker turned to the Snow Shoe Sock Pedal. During this time, we have made some of our learning resources freely accessible. The most popular sizes in the 50's included 14" x 5" with the Be-Bop drummer opting for new designs in 13" x 3", 13" x 4" and 14" x 4" snare . Search Search. New Products. The Evolution of the Modern Drum Kit The Evolution of the Modern Drum The Drum Book: A History of the Rock Drum Kit Story by Ray Deegan It's not easy to accept that while today's elite players demonstrate almost superhuman feats of technical prowess on countless configurations of drums and cymbals, in reality after nearly a century of evolution nothing is really new! During the 20's the snare drum grew from a crudely designed six lug drum with no throw off and gut snares to a magnificent double tension ten lug drum with parallel throw offs, engraved shells and gold plating. Thank you. Like the geniuses who manage to make limb independence look easy, Kick It consolidates the myriad threads that The Drum Book: A History of the Rock Drum Kit to the creation of the modern drumkit and makes it swing. Drummers discovered the benefits of a kit that combined all the technology available in aiding the creation and production process. While drummers were still adapting to this new invention it was thought that perhaps cymbals could be played in the same manner. University Press Scholarship Online. NOOK Book. Explore Now. Electronics in the 80's gave rise to a generation of new wave and new romantic bands backed by drummers using electronic pad kits. Seller Inventory A pair of cymbals attached to a medal stand that are crashed together with a foot pedal. Seeing Through Music Peter Franklin. Berklee Guide. Ryan Loberger rated it liked it Feb 02, The conventional hi-hat stand as we know it today did not become readily accepted when first released in the late 20's. Refresh and try again. Published by Outline Press Ltd Compare Now. Powered by: Safari Books The Drum Book: A History of the Rock Drum Kit. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The Conn company which had dominated drum ownership and manufacture sold the Ludwig name back to William F. Book Description Condition: New. The traps were soon popularized by inventive and virtuoso drummers. Companies looking to change the appearance of their drums, making them readily identifiable and commercially appealing, turned to cast lugs made uniquely for a given model. Aided by a spring loaded hinge the top and bottom cymbal would recoil and hit together as desired similar to the hi-hat action familiar to us all today. Oxford Scholarship Online This book is available as part of Oxford Scholarship Online - view abstracts and keywords at book and chapter level. Rating details. Buy New Learn more about this copy. Paperback The Drum Book: A History of the Rock Drum Kit, pages. Authors Affiliations are at time of print publication. Louise Sullivan marked it as to-read Jun 25, Juniper The Drum Book: A History of the Rock Drum Kit rated it liked it Apr 13, In Ludwig and most other drum manufacturers gave into the inevitable and adopted the swivel nut design and made it their own. Cocktail drum-kits became popular giving us smaller bass drums and more portable kits. Majestic Books London, United Kingdom. Audible States Nicholas Tochka. Consisting of a solid wood shell and wooden hoops the Duplex design became standard manufacture for Leedy, Ludwig and most major drum companies around Published by Backbeat Books. Early tuneable heads were made by tacking a vellum or calf head onto a wooden counter hoop which in turn was tensioned with T-rods and claws. Ludwig and his brother Theobald made history, revolutionizing drumming with the invention of the first spring driven pedal. Get A Copy. Nicholls, Jeff. Adnan Haris rated it it was amazing Nov 25, A design stemming from the consoles of the 20's and 30's.