TED WRAGG MULTI-ACADEMY TRUST Private Limited Company Registered in England. Number: 8545109 Registered Address: Cranbrook Education Campus, Tillhouse Road, Cranbrook, , EX5 7EE

Register of Declaration of Business, Pecuniary and other Interests - Summer 2018

Name Trustee/Governor/ Trust/School/ Are you (or an immediate Are you (or an immediate family Are you (or an immediate Do you (or an immediate family Please tell us about any other Senior Employee Academy family member/interested member/interested other) an family member/interested member/interested other) have any interests which you consider other) an employee of the employee/governor/trustee/ other) a parent of any directorships, partnerships or significant – including you (or an Trust? volunteer at another children aged 18 years or employments with businesses that immediate family school/college/multi-academy trust / less educated in ? provide goods or services to the school member/interested other) being academy chain? or other local educational institutions – a member or officer of any local or potentially could in the future? community organisation, charity or other public body or holding shares in an interested business?

Philip Bostock Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No Yes (Governor of Exeter College until No No Yes (Deputy Lieutenant of Devon) October 2018) Rob Bosworth Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No Yes (Exeter College) Yes (St Peters and Yes (Exeter College) Yes (Board Director of Exeter City and Ted Wragg Alphington primary school) Football in the Community) Trust Rosie Denham Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No No No No Yes (Member of Exeter City Council; employee at McQueenie Mulholland) David Hall Trustee (from 4 July Ted Wragg MAT No No No No Yes (Member of the Board of the 2018) Standard Life Foundation) Elaine Hobson Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No No No No No

Richard Jacobs Trustee Ted Wragg MAT Yes (daughter employed at No Yes (2 grandchildren at No No and Ted Wragg West Exe school) ) Trust Moira Marder Trustee Ted Wragg MAT Yes (CEO of the Ted Wragg No Yes (daughter educated in No Yes (Director of the LSSW; MAT) Devon) Member of Uffculme Academy Trust) Rebecca Mitchell Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No No No No Yes (Trustee of Devon and Cornwall Police Federation Charitable Trust) Debra Myhill Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No No No No No and Ted Wragg Trust Saxon Spence Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No No No Exeter Food Action Yes (Governor at Newtown and Ted Wragg Primary School and Learn to Live Trust Federation) Alex Walmsley Trustee Ted Wragg MAT No Yes (Chair of First Federation MAT) Yes (1 grandchild at No Yes (Chair of DAG; Member of Exminster school) DEF) Alison Layton-Hill Senior Member of Ted Wragg MAT Yes (Company Secretary) No No No No Staff and Ted Wragg Trust Jonathan Lunn Senior Member of Ted Wrag MAT Yes (Director of Yes (wife is a teacher in the Kenn and No Yes (Education South West; Dartmoor No Staff Performance) Kenton Federation) MAT, DTSA, SWTSA) Josie Medforth Senior Member of Ted Wragg MAT Yes (Director of Operations) Yes (Trustee at Riviera Education Yes (2 children at Oldway Yes (Husband - ; Yes (Brother - Moores Staff Trust) primary school) Brother - Co Sec Dartington Hall trust; Mouldings) Sister in Law - teacher at Hayes School) Susan Pym Senior Member of Ted Wragg MAT Yes (Director of Finance) No Yes (1 child at Exmouth No No Staff Community College; 1 child at Withycombe Raleigh, moving to Exmouth Community College in September 2018