Deuispiu. M Gt 4R,1 , ' " IJU MMMMMyWT.-...,LI..IIIWlll- l 'WCWfJ "'"W '""" ngggJjW g fjri f.V3 ptfftita a J0'J&Sf lU t"I Jfm . HONOLULU, 12, vol. vi., ko isi HAWAII TBKIUTORY, l?..C'liMr.KK .J3...M'..MI WISEKI.Y. WIlgl.K NU.MHKR 3807 T -- o MBRE POWER Mayor Fern Leads With the Rebels in Turbulent Mexico. Dance, But Balks FRONTAGE TJX -i - . " 1 6 in Doing Tango IS GRftNTED Hizzoncr Happy as Ho Smilingly Gives His Ofllcial Approval to 1 TO HUFRTA What Proved to Be Most Sue-cessf- Event Under Municipal N Direction. 1 Chamber of Dcp,a cs of Mexico "You bet city dnnce Hue thing; Achi Heads Opposi-tio- n Votes to Qiva s;onal Prcs- - I FrvX Ink, everjbody happy; no pl'i to Improvement Measure did Mavor "' ident Full Authority in Admin- - kin." Thus Hizzoncr, J'ciru, ldbt night bestow- - las olll-ei- at Rousing and Enthusiastic ' istration of Department of War, blessing uponKVrhnt promises Dis-tri- Meeting Held in the Fifth ct be HonoliAu 's most, sue Department oFFinance and Da- - to one of amusement ; Pacheco Also Takc3 Hand partment cessful municipal fca of Interior. tures, the public dnuie. One thou in Opposing Tax Law. snnd men and women, ho,)s and girls, danced and looked on us the mayor graceful hud smiling, g ided tlirimfiV the opening waltr in the renovated pavilion in Knplolnui 1 ark. A seductive taligo was tho sec IS mid number on thu program mid thu major, it is said) was about to attempt the dame that, now agi- tating tho old world as well us (he Family of President, Thought to new, whin he thought of the dig nit y he owed his position and with In Unimpassioned Argument He Bo Fleeing Toward Manzanillof a polite bow led his prifttypartiior link t her seat and witli her Points Out the Advantages and Will Be Granted Refuge by watched while the happe throng Increase in1 'property Values glided through the enchanting inl- American Warship at That - '"poliov ine of Cnptalu Henri Merger's : That Will Opening, Port, Is Announcement Does band.
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