2001 Cardozo Life (Summer)

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2001 Cardozo Life (Summer) Yeshiva University, Cardozo School of Law LARC @ Cardozo Law Cardozo Life Publications Summer 2001 2001 Cardozo Life (Summer) Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Follow this and additional works at: https://larc.cardozo.yu.edu/cardozo-life Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, "2001 Cardozo Life (Summer)" (2001). Cardozo Life. 10. https://larc.cardozo.yu.edu/cardozo-life/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at LARC @ Cardozo Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cardozo Life by an authorized administrator of LARC @ Cardozo Law. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. SUMMER 2001 Cardom Features Nietzsche Comes of Age in America 18 Legal scholars are finding the work of Nietzsche and the questions that he posed to be relevant and perhaps an inspiration for people to rewrite the law 100 years after the great philosopher's death. BY PETER GOODRICH PROFESSOR OF LAW Cardozo; Enjoying a Transformation 20 Departments The Law School is undergoing an extraordinary expansion and renovation. Upon completion Cardozo will boast a new facade and entrances, modem and technologically Around Campus 3 enhanced classrooms, and a larger and more commodious Clinton Receives Advocate for Peace library, Jacob Bums Moot Court Room, and lobby. Award • Cardozo Announces Capital Campaign • Students Raise $40,000 Enjoying the Jobs of Their Lives: • Cardozo Publications Win Honors • Tteleconferencing Facility Opens • Alumni on the Bench 25 Schuck Examines Diversity • Scholars In speaking to several alumni who now sit as judges, Discuss IP • Baseball and the Law • Jeff Storey found that the day-to-day tasks and the ways Moot Court and Ttial Tfeams Win • these grads came to their jobs often are quite different. Ethics Center Fosters Dialogue • Boies However, they did have one thing in common: They all Gives Insider View • Langfan Family agree they are in the job of their lives. Funds Contest • Negotiation Tfeams BY JEFF STOREY '01 Win • Squadron Program Receives Grants • Divorce, Victorian-Style Faculty Briefs 13 Thirteen Professors lb Visit • Rosenfeld: Sleepless on Sabbatical Alumni News & Notes. 32 Commencement • Reunions • Alumni Featured in the News • Cardozo Becomes CLE Provider • Alumni in D.C. • 3L Challenge Launched • New Giving Circles Support Capital Campaign COVER ILLUSTRATION; MARIO STASSOLA «i^- !»««= • Cardozdht: From the Editor Susan L. Davis EDITOR Paulette Crowther ASSOCIATE EDITOR A Special Anniversary Judy TUcker ART DIRECTOR Cardozo enjoyed an auspicious beginning 25 years ago. With a mandate CONTRIBUTORS from Yeshiva University, founding dean Monrad Paulson hired a faculty for Barbara Alper, Norman Goldbei^ a new law school that would offer humanistic studies and practical oppor­ Susan Lemer, Peter Robertson Debra L. Rothenberg tunities. That balance has been achieved beyond all expectation. Tbday the Jeff Storey '01, Dennis Wile Law School boasts nearly 7,000 graduates who are achieving at the highest levels of the legal and business worlds as well as in the public sector. Therefore, it seems appropriate to feature some of our alumni judges and to record the reunions and commencement of last June. Cardozo Life is published twice each year by This anniversary year will be special in many ways. Thirteen professors the Department of Communications and Public Affairs from around the world will visit. A two-day symposium on Nietzsche orga­ Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Jacob Burns Institute for Advanced Legal Studies nized by Prof. Peter Goodrich will bring to campus some of the leading Yeshiva University philosophers of our day. lb meet the increasing needs of students and fac­ Brookdale Center, 55 Fifth Avenue ulty, the University has embarked upon a multifaceted building improve­ New York, New York 10003 ment plan, which calls for the renovation and redecoration of the entire Phone (212) 790-0237 Cardozo facility. Highlights, which are outlined in a photo essay inside, FAX (212) 790-0322 include the expansion and renovation of the lobby level of the Law School, the building of a new Jacob Bums Moot Court Room, and the reconfigura­ tion of the building's facade and entrances. Editorial contributions and submissions We have much to celebrate as we mark a quarter-century and hope that are welcome. This publication accepts as you read Cardozo Life you will feel some of the excitement being gener­ no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts ated on campus, or photographs. All submissions are —Susan L. Davis subject to editing and are used at the editor's discretion. YESHIVA UNIVERSITY Robert M. Beren CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF TRUSTEES Norman Lamm, Ph.D. PRESIDENT CARDOZO LIE aroun£AMPUS Clinton Receives tions for his Mr. Clinton with Melissa Advocate for Peace efforts to promote Stewart '01 and Peggy Award peace in Ireland, Sweeney '01 (right) Bosnia, Korea, and the Middle lb a standing-room-only East. COJCR and audience of more crowd of students and ILSA created the than 300. Dean faculty who roared their award in 1999 to Verkuil closed the enthusiastic greetings, for­ provide recogni­ proceedings by mer president William tion and encour­ thanking Mr. Jefferson Clinton strode agement for the Clinton for "a spell­ onto the stage in the third efforts of those in binding address ... floor lounge, where he was the international what we will to receive the second alternative dispute resolu­ Holbrooke, who also attend­ remember from this after­ annual Advocate for Peace tion community. And as ed this year's event with noon's talk is not your Award given by the Cardozo explained by the students his son. grasp of the facts, as daz­ Online Journal of Conflict during the ceremony, the In bestowing the en­ zling as that is, hut your Resolution (COJCR) and the award is for those who "by graved crystal plate to Mr. humanity, your sense of International Law Students their deeds and efforts Clinton, Melissa Stewart, purpose, your understand­ Association (ILSA). Mr. sought peace." The inaugur­ president of ILSA, and ing that redemption on Clinton was selected by the al recipient was former Peggy Sweeney, editor of earth is possible." students in these organiza­ ambassador Richard COJCR, quoted Abraham Mr. Clinton started by Lincoln, who once said, quoting Justice Cardozo, "The best way to destroy an who "once wrote that pros­ CARDOZO ANNOUNCES $25 MILLION enemy is to make him a perity is in union, not divi­ CAPITAL CAMPAIGN friend." They continued, sion." He tied that theme "We believe this describes together with several oth­ Cardozo launched its first capital campaign with a phase Mr. Clinton's approach to ers: the idea that we are all one goal of $25 million. This is a small but significant conflict resolution within created equal and that no part of Yeshiva University's overall campaign, which has the international arena. He one has a monopoly on a $400 million goal. At the time of the announcement in brings people together. He truth, emphasizing that June, 10 donors had committed gifts of $10 million or puts people first." peace requires letting go of more, propelling the University's campaign well over the In his remarks. Dean old hatreds and requires the halfway mark. As of the same date, Cardozo had Verkuil noted that the ability to visualize a future received gifts and pledges totaling about $13 million- event drew criticism and different from the past. just a little more than half of the Law 5chool's goal. The protests as well as praise for He told personal stories of monies are earmarked for scholarships, faculty support, the former president. How­ people from whom he and the renovation and expansion of the facility, includ­ ever, he said, a law school learned important lessons ing a new Jacob Burns Moot Court Room, expanded "thrives on activism, contro­ in negotiating peace, lobby and library, and renovated classrooms. versy and scholarship ... it including Nelson Mandela, (5ee pp 20 to 24.) makes better lawyers." King Hussein of Jordan, Mr. Clinton's speech was and Yitzak Rabin of Israel. very well received by the In discussing the Middle CARDOZO BEGINS 25TH ANNIVERSARY East conflict, he noted espe­ and work together and live CELEBRATION cially that he was "deeply together. And the Tbrah Twenty-five years ago this September, Cardozo welcomed its disappointed" that he was says that he who turns first students. To begin the yearlong celebration of the 25th unable in the end to con­ aside from a stranger might anniversary, a kickoff party for the entire Cardozo community vince the Palestinians and as well turn aside from is scheduled for September 6. The anniversary theme is taken Israelis to make peace. Tb God. In the name of these from Justice Cardozo's famous quote, "The cause of law is the close his remarks, Mr. faiths, people have fought welfare of society," emblazoned on the wall sculpture that Clinton drew on the teach­ each other over that tiny, graces the school's lobby. A series of conferences, galas, ings of the three monothe­ sanctified, and sullied piece dinners, and other events, including the conferring of the istic religions that were of land." However, he con­ Democracy Award, is planned to commemorate the Law horn in the Middle East, tinued, if you believe that School's founding and achievements. All members of the saying, "When Christ was "we are all children of God, Cardozo community are invited to participate and share in the asked what is the greatest created equal... then celebration and special activities. commandment, he said to everyone has a role to play love God with all your [working for peace] and we heart, and the second is wUl all be better when we wisdom, to let go? Tb real­ Office of Communications like it, to love your neigh­ help each other." ize that you are never going and Public Affairs and used bor as yourself.
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