(Communicated to the Council.) C.363.1935,

Geneva, September 22nd 1935,



No.9 (-16,1955). -

Part I

Official number S U B J E C T

C.253.M.125.1935,XI,Errata, Report to the Council of the. Advisory Committee Qxi Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs (20th Session,' Ma;y-June 1955)- Errata.

C* 265TM.135,1935,XI Illicit transactions and seizures of drugs • ■ • . 'reported to the Secretariat between April 1st • and June 50th.I935,- Summary by the Secreta­ riat,

0.289(1),M.153(1).1935. and Addendum , :.. Council, League (Q8th Session., September 1 6 , 1 9 5 5 ) Revised provisional agenda (August 31st,1935) and Addendum (September 7th,1935).

C% 290,M,154.1935.XII international Committee on intellectual Co- . operation (17th Session, July 1955),- Report, C, 31 0 ( a ) 1 6 3 ( a ) .1935.V , Nationality of women.- Addendum to the 2nd report of the Secretary-General. C, 321,M.165,1935,II,B Application of Articles 10 and 11 of the Inter- ■ n a t ^ a L ^ o n v e n t ion of November rsrrt . ---- relating- to-simplification of customs formal 1- Series) or authorities competent to issue identity cards and ofOrea- nieations competent te deliver c e r t m eftes^oi - 2 -

G.324.M,1 6 7 . 1 9 3 ical -| iqt of documents dlstrlJbjrbedMjo the Msmbers of the League.- No.8 (August 1835)

C.331.M.168.1935*V and Annex @ Permanent Court of International Justice ■* Note by”the Secretary-General and 11th Annual report of the Court. (.Juno 15th, 1934- June 15th 1935).

C.332.M.169.1935.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.-* Communi­ cations from the Ethiopian and the Italian Governments (Septanbsr 4th,1935) and deci­ sion of the Italo-Ethiopian Arbitration Commission (September 3rd,1935).

Ç»338170.1935,VII . Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Letter from the Italian Government (September 5th, 1935) and list of books, reviews, etc. con­ cerning Ethiopia. ■ ■ ; -

C.340,M.171,1935.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Memo­ randum by the Italian Government. -().

C.341,M.172.1935,II.A Financial Committee (59th Session, August- September 1935).- Report.

C,343,M,173.1935.II, B Economic Committee (43rd Session, September 1935) Report.

C.344,M,174.1935.II.B. Present phase of international oconomic rela­ tions,- Report by the Economic Committee.

C,346.M.175.1935.XII Activities of the Executive Committee of the International Relief Union from July 12th .1953 to December 31st,1934.- Report by the Execu­ tive Committee.

C.347.M.176.1935 Appointments, Promotions and Resignations of the Higher Officials of the Secretariat since the 15th Session of the Assembly.- Supplementary list by the Secretary-General.

C.P.J.I.,Series E, No.11 ' ^Confidential document, one copy only distributed to each Member of the League. - 3 -

C, 350. M« 178» 1935. VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Communi­ cation from the Ethiopian Government (September 10th,1935).

C,352*M,179.1935*VII Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq,- Report by the Committee of- the Council^ and annexes.

C, 353,M.180,1935,VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy,- Communi­ cation from the Ethiopian Government ^September 12th,1935) and protest of M» van Molle,

C.356,M,181.1935.VII Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq.- Letter from the. President of the Committee of Council (July 13th,1935) to the United Kingdom Govern­ ment and reply (September 12th,1935),

C.357*M*182,1935,VII ■ Dispute between.Ethiopia and Italy,- Letter from the Ethiopian Government' (Sept"emberl4th, 1935) and scientific report by M, Marcel Griaule.

C* 358,M. 183.1935* VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy,- Prelimi­ nary observations of the Ethiopian Government on the Italian memorandum of September 1935,

A,3(a),1935.X Accounts for 1934.of the Nansen International Office for refugees,'- Report to the Governing Body and text *

A, 6/1935 and Erratum, Vork of the League since the 15th Session of the Assembly.™ Repoft (Part, II). (September 4th ,19357.

A«6(a) .1935,V, Annex. Ratification of agreements and conventions con­ cluded under the auspices of the League,-- 16th List, {August 28,*1935)*

A,12,1935,IV Position of women of Russian origin in the Ear East«- Memorandum by the Secretariat. .

A*l4(l) »1935*V Election of a successor to the late M. Adatci, judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice.,- List of candidates nominated by Na­ tional Groups, Statement of careers of candi­ dates and communications fron two candidates. A.14(1),(a)*1935*V Election 2>f a. successor to the , late M» Adatci. iudse~~of the Permanent Court of International Justice.- Note by the Secretary-General.

A.19,1935.V Nationality and status of women.- Statements presented hy International Women’s organ!sat ions,

A,19(a).1935.V . Further statements presented by International Women’s Organisations»

A.19(b).1935.V 3 v Further statements presented by International Women's Organisations. _ .

A.20,1935.VIII . ' „ . . .. Pollution of the sea by oil.- Memorandum by the Se'cre'-esrTaT , Questionnaire ( January 23rd, ' 1935) and summary of the replies received from the Governments,

A. 21,1935.1V Penal and penitentiary qu e s t i o n s Report by the Secretary-tGeneral and summary of the infor­ mation received from Governments.

A.22.1935.XII Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaiaean, Saar and Turkish refugees.- Annual report by the Governing Body of the Nansen Interna­ tional Office for refugees (July 1st,1934- June 30,1935).

A.23.1935.XII International assistance, to refugees.- Letter from the Norwegian Government (August 31st, 1935) and memorandum by the High Commissioner for refugees (Jewish and other) coming from Germany () .

A.24.1935.XII Relations between the League of Nations and • the Pan-American Union Letter and DrafJ; resolution from the Colombian Delegation to the President of the Assembly (September 1935)

A. 25.1935.X Financial situation of the League on August 31st,1955a- Memorandum by the Secretary-Gene­ ral . -

A.26.1935.X New work involving new expenditure on the part of the League»- Reports by the Secretary-Gene­ ral and by the Director of the International Labour Office, - 5 -

A..27.1935 ,X Transfers in the budget approved since the I5th Session of the Assembly.-- Reports by the Secretary-General and by the Director of the International Labour Office.

A» 28.1935.XIX Work of the. International Institute at Rome for the" unification of private law.- Commu­ nication from the Italian Delegation,

A. 29.1935.X Allocation of expenses.- Memorandum by the Secretary-General.

A. 30.1935,XII Election of non permanent Members of the Coun­ cil. - Letter from the Polish Delegation (September 9th,1935), .

A,31.1935,III Problem of nutrition.- Communication from the Delegations of Argentine, the United Kingdom, Chile, New Zealand, Austria, Sweden, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Poland, Italy and France, ( 35).

A, 32,19 35, VI MvAndates.- Draft resolution by the Norwegian Delegation.

A,33.1935,V Entry into force of the amendments to the - Statute of the P ermanent Court of Interna­ tional Justice.- Draft resolution by the Swiss Delegation.

A,34.1935.V Election of a successor, to the late M. Adatci, judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice.- Report of the General Committee.

A.35.1935.VI Slavery.- Proposal by the Delegation of the United Kingdom..

A, 36.1935,XII International Assistance to refugees,- Letter from the Norwegian Government (Septem­ ber 11th,1935) and petition from a number of international associations (August 17th, 1935). A.37.1935,XII International Relief Union.- Proposal by the Delegation of Venezuela.

A.38.1935.V Amendmen t of the Covenant to bring it into ' harmony with the Pact of Paris.- C omiun i c a - tion from tho Delegation of Argentine.

A,39.1935. Requirements for voting a resolution request­ ing an advisory opinion of the Permanent Court of international Justice.- Draft resolution by the Delegations of Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.

A,40.1935. Election of the Non Permanent Members of the Council.- Letter from the Roumanian Govern­ ment Tsëptember 12th,1935).

A.41.1935, Election of the Non Permanent Members of the Council.- letter from various Delegations of Latin America. -

•A. 42.1935. Election of the Non Permanent Members of the C o u n c i l Letter from the Government of Ecuador, (September 14th,1935).

A. 43.1935 Election of the Non Permanent M embers of the Council.- Note by the Secretary-General.

C.L,137.1935,XII Convention for facilitating the international circulation of films of an educational cha­ racter ().- Ratification by Austria.

C.L.138.1935.VIII Convention and Statute on the International regime of railways and Protocol of signature (December 1923).-- Ratification by France.

C.L.139.1935.V Convention concerning the applic ation of the weekly rest in industrial und'ertakings (Novem­ ber 1921) , adopt ed by the International Labour Conference (3rd Session)- Ratification by Denmark, - 7 -

.140.1935.VIII Agreement between customs authorities in order to facilitate the procedure in case of undis­ charged or loslTtriptychs (March. 195l).- Signa- ture by the U„S,S„R»

Special Documents

C/88th Session/P,VB1(1) C/88t,h Session/P.V,2(1) C/88th Session/P.V,3(1) C/88th Session/P.Vt4(1)

Verbatim Records of the I6th Session of the Assembly*- 1st Plenary Meeting,

Official Journal, 16th Year, No,8 ()

World production and prices 1925-1934.-Corri- genda.

World Economic Survey.- 4th Year (1934-35)

Monthly list of Selected articles.- Nos,7-8 (June 16-August 15,1935),

Monthly Bulletin of statistics, Volume XVI, N o ,9 (September 1935)„ - 8 -

Part. II

C.311.1935.VII Petitions (1934-1935) from various sections of Danzig population concerning Danzig Cons­ titution.- Report by the Committee of Jurists,

0.313.1935.I Minorities in Roumanian Petition & by Count Bethlen (March 20th,1935) and relevant obser­ vations @ of the Roumanian Government (August 15th,1935).

C.322.1935.VII Dismissal of M. Luck and M. Schmode, employees of Danzig Municipality,.- Letter from the High Commissioner (August 13th,1935) Letters exchan­ ged between the High Commissioner anà the Dan­ zig Senate (February 28th,1935 - August 1st, 1935) and judgments of the "Landesarbeitsge- richt" (April 19th,1935 and June 18th,1935).

C.324.1935. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Council .- No,8 (August 1935).

C.325.1935.II,A, Fiscal Committee (5th Session, ).- Report by the Representative of Australia.

C.326.1935.II.A Committee of Statistical Experts (4th Session, June 1935).- Report by the Australian Repre­ sentative .

C.327.1935.XII International Committee on Intellectual co­ operation (17~t~h Session, July 19357.- Report by the French Representative.

C.328.1935,XI Advisory Committee on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs (20th Session, May-June 1935),- Report by the Portuguese Representa­ tive.

C.329,1935.X Expenses of the Nangen International Office in connection with Saar refugees and expenses of the Committee on measures to render the Covenant more effective in the organisation of collective security.- Report by the Turkish Representative,

@ Frcnch text 'only. - g -

G.330.1935.V Signature and ratification of agreements and Conventions concluded unier auspices of the League.~ Report by the Italian Representative,

G.353.1935.VII Gonstitutionalitv of the Decree _o_f___0ctoberi-10th, 1934 regard Ink the protection of good name of national associations in Danzig»- Letter from the~High Commissioner (August 27th,1935) Letter from the Danzig Senate to the High Commissioner (August 23,1935) and judgment of ■ the Danzig Supreme Court (July 30th,1935),

G,334,1935,VII Situation of jews in Danzig»- Letter from the Higfi’ Commissioner (August 27"th,1935) ,Second petition from the ,?Verein. Juedischer Akademiker” and the ,?Vere.inigung ■ sSlbstaendiger juedischer Danziger Ge ■verb e tr a lb ender und Handworker" (August 9th,1935) and relevant observations of the Danzig Senate (August 24th,1935)=

G,335.1935,1 Minorities in Albania.- Letter from the Al­ banian Government (August 30th,1935) and draft regulations on private schools for mino­ rities.

G.336.1935,1 Minorities in Ruumanla,.Observations @ of the Roumanian Government on the petitions of Oc­ tober 3rd,1932, September 28th and December 8th,1933 of Dr, Meer Wildermann „

C.337.1935,VII Re-organisation of the t;Einwohnerwehr,T and the Police forces In Danzig,-- Letter from the High Co raïssioner "{August 29th,1935), letters exchanged between the High Commissioner and the Danzig Senate (July loth- August 6th,1935) and local Ordinance (April 24,1935), 0,339.1935.XII Composition of the Rome Institute for the unification of. private law *— Report by the Italian Representative, C.342.1935.IX Medal to be struck and is sued to Members of the m ilitary contingents sent to the Saar during the , goLetter from the Netherlands Representative, (July 10th,1935).

French text ûnlyï