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• • 1, TUESDAY, NO’^ M B ira 25, 1952 / Tfca WaRtkar Averaga Dafly Nat Praaa. Rur Fasaanat at D. 8. WsrcImv earsa rAGft BIfiBTEfiN Far tha Weak Endsd iKattrhfslfT lEctnlns Utroll: Nuv. as. IMS fihiwara, isliidy taalgM^ t t o » day. Mtotamm tonight CK /'DllWorth-OomeU-Quey Poat, 1 4 ^Positive’ 10,793 Thuraday attotuoau, partly elandy. American Laglbn, wiU Iwld a regu­ Four IsenerationB o f Johnsons Mesnber of the Audit < About T o w i lar !ne*U«g tonight at S;15 at tha Bb tsm of arentottowt/ Manchester— A City i>/ Village Charm Legion Home on Leonand street Tests Lpcally HaiBlMra or th« XadiM Aid of Plans will he completed for the PRICE FIVE CENIS ttM Smahuol tMthenui Church are posrs Chrlatmas pirty, Nw (SIXTEEN PAGES) N (Ctoaailled Advarttotog oa Faga M) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1952 ukod to brine aprona dhd other Year's Eve '^lebration r. Howard Lockward announce*? AH bay Wednesday ahould be at the church Friday rery thli morning at St. Francis today that out of 730 urin* apecl- Bight at 7 o’clock. Hospital, wlli be glad to hear from P r o v o o on her friends later in the week. men teats made last week durinf M o re Jobs th e annual tha5tegtvipg,aer\ice the Diabetes Datectlon 'drive, V VA Branches Ban in St. John'B Church on Golway A son |Wss bom at the Hartford positive" reactloBs were (letected atroet wiU be held Thuraday morn­ Hospital 'on Nov. J1 to Mr. and Teat* were made at Manchestei T o W om en G I Slayin g ing at • o'clock. Mr*. Richard C. Nielson of. 18 Memorial Hospital. Th^e were 20T GORGEOUS [MPORTED Wedgewood drive, and a daughter thmple Chapter, Vo. 53, OE», teste made in Rockville also and New York, Nov. 26—(A')— vcaa bom the same day to Mr. and the number of ’’pj^itlve’’ reactions York, Nov. 26— —The Veterans Administrg dollar* a year, will matt at the Masonic Temple Mrs., Valera MaInvUle, 64 Bolton lOQ/o VIRGIN WOOL tion today took the wraps oft ! Q j,y udded, that hs bsiieved the A letter written two -years tom om w Bi^t for a brief buaines* will he known when teMs are com­ William P. Rogers of Bethes- street. a long-secret private study of entire operational savings envl- ago by a Japanese War crimi­ BWOUng. Plana for the annual pleted. da, Moy, will be deputy to At­ baaaar at the- Temple on Thurs­ The number of persona taking its operations and promptly nal, absolving former Sgt. day. Dec. 4, wUl ba dlacuased. Ilrketa for the ham dinner to he advantage of this free specimer torney \ General Herbert ^served in connection with the It would IP>0« one T " David Provoo of responsibili­ test was about 100 more than las* HOLLAND HEALTH Brownell\n the next admmi- ty in the execution of an Inataad of lU reguUr meeting Christmaa fair at the North year. Dr. Lockward said. Of th* If of the report S piain Tecom-. Before the report was made pub- Methodist Church on Wednesday, atration, Gen. 'Dwight D. American Army -captain on Turkey Trot e-De9p<;rRllon Tem po tomorrow night, Unne lodge No. ‘‘pbaltlv*’’ reactions, aome werr Eisenhower’k press secretary mendations— that most of the eome of Oray’a aide* has said New es TS, Knlghta o f Pythias, will hold Dtc. 8. may he obtained from any known to be diabetica before suh- regional offices be shut down it was impossible to make any Corregidor, was. read today at Ita annualThanksgiying Eve so- member of th* W8C8, or by tele­ mitting the specimens. Only those announced tpdgy. Rogers was Veterans Adminlatrator Carl R. major cutfi In coat# of the Veteran* Provoo’s treason trial. - • dous assistance" in arriv­ was onl.v to "Prevent other* frqm FUNERAL HOME Bruce Howard J<4inson. . trustee and deacon tor many years for testing' at th* hospital. Mrs. by Van Wijk. tion. he announced yesterday LT merely, authorieed the Trea#- portinf ..the Indian plan, but Advertlaeihept- of their daughter, Beverly, to He la now an honorary member of Lockward' was in charge of this h* win propose the names of two ing at hi* reorganisation plans, ury to disburse the money tn beinv involved" in Thomaon'a re an American spokesman, said, Walter N. Leonard Ze.idenberg of Now Haven A resident of /Manchester for fusal to provide napklna and table nearly 60 yeaja and employed at the Board of Administration. group. Boy Scouts aasiatsd also, ^ OTHER PEPPERELL, KENWOODS women—Mr*. OveU Culp Hobby, but that ^ e change* he I* mak-: awards set up under direction* Ui^are., Princeas Restaurant, Mai^ street and Manchester, son of Mr. and Dr. Lockward said, in that they of Houaton. Tex., and Mra. Ivy ing were n « baaed on it alone but clotha to the Japanese from the if it failed, any furthex* peace Diractor at Pearl street, open /a ll day from Congress. Mrs. Samuel Zeldenberg of New distributed leafleta from door-to- AND CHATHAM BLANKETS Baker Friest, of Bountiful, Utah— extensive studies and numetoug ■ 15.2 per cent was used to finance American prisone'n, compound. tries would be up to Iresi' Thanksrivlng Day aarvl^ a full of Springfield since his. marriage, door notifying the Mancheeter utb- for admtoiatmtive office# in the recommendatims dealing with the caervicea for veteran* such as ho— Acted to Orders dent-elect Eisenhower. course ^ r k e y dinner /torn noon Haven. Logans Honored and for 27 years has been with the lie of the drive and urging them government lie is forming. , organisation and operation of the pltal care, education and training, Fujita wa*'convicted aa a war Whtte Vlahhiaky w m teUing th* FUNERAL Mist Newnfan Is a graduate of Aetna Life Insurance Company's Syracuse University and is em- | to take advantage of the free Mr*. Hobby waa named to head VA. ” \ and the like, *a directed by C5on- criminal for participating M the political committM of Rad-Chinx’a- Springfield oflice, . teste. And, under qtieqHpnlng, he said grcM, with medical administrative execution of ‘Thomaon. Hia 'defense attitude, an American spokaaman SERVICE ployed in an advertising agency In On 25lh Wedding The couple were. Invited to have the Faderal Security agency. andJ New York City.- Mr. Sleldcnberg Mrs. W est as treaaurer of the the raovea, to flv# tn* medical and expenses Included. wqs that he acted on orders o f a outside th* room told newsman supper at Mrs. Newman’s and $ TO $ 1 6 - 5 0 Insurance department autonomy superior officer. a ? toat th* .Truman admlniatrxtlon T attended the University of Con­ when they arrived were surprised 7 . 5 0 United SUtea. 1.7 per cent waa spent on main­ Call 2-5869 . Mr*. P su l'^ . Newman of 182 These, he aaid in a formal an­ had been instituted by the VA It tenance, qddltlona and Improve­ ■To a charge that Provoo offertd had givan no thought to turthor necticut and graduated from to find their children and other self before the management atudy information to Japaneae troopa. ate|M in KorM. UCLA. He I* employed on the Hilliard street and Mrs. Frank relative* and friend* had preceded nouncement, are "the flrat of other ment* of existing plant*. appointments of women in the was completed. \ FUJita said in his letter that the Th* present government fait, he editorial stall of The Herald as a Cashman of .West Hartford enter­ them. They received appropriate Layal Bavaragat - 4.4' per cent waa .devoted to VA San Francisco-bom defendant waa coming administration.” Gray said the Boos, Allen and aa|d- toat new mbvM must wait IS YOUR WATCH reporter. tained a group of relatives and gifts In remembrance of the occa- AT LOYF FKIOES Hamilton report figured ^that general administrative cort*. forced by the Japanese- to provide on Eiaenhowar's trip to Koran and A January w.edding la planned.. friends Saturday evening at Mra. alon and a smorgaabord supper Green Stamps Given With Sales . n i* designation for the cabinet if all recornmexdatlona c o n c ^ - On the basis of the current ap­ the Information. an appralMl of to* altuntion liy LOSINO TIME? Newman'a home. In recognition of was served in the dining room. •Arthar Drag SthratJ w as' Arthur B. Summerfleld. of ing operational activities were put propriation of $3,830,000,000 to the "Your honor and members of hia top advisors, including S*cra- the 2Mh wedding anniversary of The centerpiece of red aiid white Flint, Mich., for Postmaster Gener­ VA for 1952,53. aomethlng like the court,” he wrote, "when any Ury of BtatC'^aaignate John Fo*- ■ You have nothing to loee by ' i^ m iis H* haa an appointment today •tMtohnd X axd vaixiv ftafterlxg wings are mule teutlmony M wkxt Ue* to store tor mo fleetog 3 1 i C i N T t R $ T TRUSS FiniNR with Odv. Theodore R. McKeldIn, Fujita, during two days on the 0 0 hay* adjourned—at least aiyar Lawrence O'Toole’s CHiurch, Hert­ witness stand, aaid Provoo asked bM . Itox. Hke M* eeuxter-pxrte toMagkoxt the xattex, wMI grxee x fxmll)\ taMa taxaarrxw aa the Chriatmaa. ford. of Maryland, one of hia early back­ Bureau Draws Fire By AKRON Oradoated Experta ers in tha fight-for th* presidency, him to tell his auperiors > that eeuntry ebaervee aaotbev Tkankagivtxg Pay. The present government doxa They have a daughter and two Thomson was "very anti-Japanese' sons. Marilyn was graduated from Also Abdemlnal Sapports, Elaa- and UMi man' who nominated him not fMl It can commit to* Elaah- and had a "rebelltoui attitude." howar admlntotrstlon ao clOM to Our Lady of the Elms, Chicopee, tie Hosiery, and nil types of for the office at tha GOP conven­ ^^MhinetoK N ov. 26—(/IV-Hou«e'lilitwtl|^dra cMne out Fujita aaid he made the report HALE'S In 1949, and taught school for tion In July. Sanaguratlon day, altbaagh tha GOAL eurglcal appUaneea. Private Fit­ today with whit they called a “ shwkinf example of poor and Thomson waa ordered excK qNtoxaman pointed fSit It haa tha 809 MAII^ ST. threeiii-i eg year* at the White Street There has baail speculation teat cuted. Sabre Data , .ool. Springfield. Shei entered ting Room. ftdministrotivc work within tho Justic® depnrtmGHt, nna 8uk- \nqum togal right to do a6 up until Jax. Headquarters scho McKaidin may get one of the two vested more "vigorous top direction” to prevent future re- However, defense lawyer Mur­ 20. /mmi**loa (SECi Griffith. He sttU to its presldiat. Jax. 15. WoedwxaA PHONE 4140 throughout today. j of 170,000, was auspandad tai^‘ area kit kxM by *gns’ plH^. war The prospectus M ya'ha formedy State depxrtxMXt p foteeelcW .. bo aun m * i* Mrrri It's quiet— York phyalclan toat night fphoned 'that within a Mven-month pe rlod to Australia initructlon* for a A six tfi nine inch btonkat of .filghli. Schools were cloaed until and suffer either change of ownera ioUa'ee waa in the oil brokerage buainoM to widely kxSwa to «plaxMlto DRESSES ae rear! 3 filters sanitise the ait) ► Monday. Electric service waa In- be mad* almoet .* million do| nesf traatment to help Slater Elis­ snow covered x aecUon' 160 to 2W or faqur* to renSw Ucensaa. on a Ihouaand dollar investment— to Mt. Vernon, U ., and that to 1600 rticiM xreuxd the woriA Super-claaBs rugs, swacp* flaon, OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 F. M. abeth ICanny who is aarioualy ill mUM wld* from aoutheastam Mln- ^emipted. and that he has pjcoapect# .of mak­ he opened * aUnilar bualnoM to Tha atorm plied almbst a foot ot West HarUord student gives re­ dusts, brigkteas' drapas, sprays, ► a th e rlh * .* there after aufferifig xaaote aautliwastwart Into north'- No Herald peat performanc* as ptriica charge ing plenty more. Denver. PSAVOA HITS -waaas. de-fflothsl So light, easy am Texas. A four-taeh carpet of know on western and central Kxn- n * story cam* out In a pro*; At' the tim* th* company waa Moaeow, Nov. 66— $0.00 a atroke. . ' aas. In McPherson, hotels wer* him with stealing reearder to oaa! Come ia now! See why Dr. Irving Ihnerfleld a leader in white covered most of Kansas and Tom orrow pactua fliad with th* commiaaion loudded, th* comaatoaton was teld, da today streagty x l t o ^ BliEI Nabraaka and nectowestwart into packed and stranded trmvelers from asm* church wfaar* k* stifi* Ixad for perad tttog ^ Lewyt ia "Amirica’t meat wanted the development o f trypain traat­ Idanticd inatruniapt laat Fabnikry yesterday by Caaadian ProapacU, it had 1,000 ahffrM. ’ndusd at 61 BUILDiNG MATERIALS Wyoming and CieHtfal Montana. virer* «v*n sheltered in the ..qity aach. Griffith and his stoUr, MU- •eerOtoiy of the Baj**! vacuum chanter* ment. Mid her phyalciaiB h ^ The iManchester Evanlng ..MaM avietiona underway at Ltd., of Calgary. Alberta, -which Winds of 60-36 mil** an hour auditorium. ] wanU to sell 30S.SW common dred, oemed 066 of them. crane party. Vxtoo ^ CLOSED ALL DAY phoned him to a deapetate a ffo " Near Liberal, a bus load of Kxn- will not ha^lish teaiorrow, town -near Nairobi, Kenya, In Brit­ LUMBER FULL to akva tha Uf# of The 66-ytar-old with gueate of 46 t<> 90 mph cre­ ish Bart Africa, 'as officials clos* aharM in this country. Ifbe company apectoltoed In buy­ Jrtx the exbtoet, Tho nnrae, faniad for her treatment of ated bUxsart-Ukt-N. conditions in a*s Univerally bend musicians waa Thanksgiving Day. The ‘The aharM ar* specuUUve. ae* ing and selling oil lexMS. and ap­ party ABC SSKHMAM ST. MANCHLSTER TEL. 414-6 reported marooned in a anow drift- in oh aem* 2,M0 Kikuyu tribes­ ildhaMux' infantile paralyses. soma arsM. Highway travel was Herald wiahea ita readers man, mambors of draadad Mau curttlM," th* prospectus Mya..It parently bustoeax waa good. TOWN aiA GODNTRY OUTLET THANKSGIVING DAY Th# treatment employq th* en virtuaHy haltad to adme ptocM. Hundnada^ ot perapna also ware a plMsaht holiday. than UUa. why, in JO flgure-lUlsd _ Gpen Daily 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. iBcludiBg Wedaeaday TUmparatares wars below aero Mau secret aortaty- ^adgad to Am.lANGE GO. pag4ff. MIlllstRECT GLASTONKURY 21 Maple Street . Attftraooiis aRd Saturday *TiI NooB ‘ •n Png* ■) aarly today la thh nortliani (OMMnntol ax Fag* Tel. 2-1575 y ■ V .1 ;%%• X- 1: r T -•.■/ y.- S' \. ' xiy I:: ■K / MAKCUESTER e v e n i n g HERAU>; MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEhfBEB 26. 1952 fiVUININC HERAII), MANCHESTER^ OONNy WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER gg, 1988 -rr-W i m a H c t f!A O !liM tha clot. A ahlpmant of trypata waa at har ToenroondM.. quarters reported only milall aktrr north'and south, and a.recession ators beliav* Cascio changedns on 'tba battleitae and / FULL COUB8B Repiearatatlves to the Korean, 'ilie Kprean Was not ./■ ^^6^ w ^ts Land oil Identified. . v >Dr, Innarflald Saids ha would fly The doctora aald tha i^omorrow Communist troop and supply areas Tdilks I^o tv in Second Day The decrease in wages in these BaaeOa*) to Australia if Slatar |Canay ra- of trypata balng flown from~II6w Uevel Giant deep in North Korea in pre-dawn plants led to Cheney Brothers’ re­ Side Foiled, (04«8 ‘.f' .-i' The phaafiaht la native to the aponded, but. h* added that har York would teach Toowoomhd, M The Manchester .ETening raids. quest to it* employes to give up ayma trypsin to digest the fibrin chancaa appaarad ramota. nv«n from Brtabana. naxt aatttP* /Ready for Court Action to Get If B-a* hombers reported destruc­ Arbltratioa henringa on C8ieneyaaald yqatertay that a declaion the cents' an hour raises they araa' from the (Xsplaji Seal through wiD not pablish tomorrow, Southaastarti Ihirop*. ^ , A bl4)od clot and thug, djuaplva * Doctcra attending Statar jtonny tion Of 155 trucks last night and Brothers’ proposal to cut wages at would be forthcoming in a month had received in 1851. U. S. Claims ______'■ ■ Huub^ving Day. The Red Center early to Oae) mately 1,400 Red truclm. entered their aeconilv day this tlAt the public meeting ta the Communist warplane Satutday ' the 'company and labor met at 8 be .extended another month. , He charge of . manufacturing, and of Speefal Investigation (OAU haaitae w m which got under way town might end up paying more If aaid the one-month and two-month Richard B. Wright, industrial rela­ arrested Cascio two months Agn dcnmation Proceed- and became Amertca’a 24th aoa of Eajoy a apedal heSday dtaaer ta the gracloua ateieap^to o'clock. . s at about ^3 0 . the Arectota, Qen- the matter went to the -courts. the Korean war. Fostor*a claim , The hearings are being held in deadllnea are aet by the American tion* manamr, and their counsel, after a sik weeks investigation. eral Manuhr. Richard Martin and Befora the vote, Turklngton of our 4llnteg room. DeBcloua food . . . ,eeurte4»os eervlos, the directors' room of the plartt’s Arbitration AaaoclaUon under Attorneys Egwart B. Hanify and Ha I* accused of trying to sell . •i’T lag If h’te NeceaMur WM eonSrmed after a, study of infortnatlon on the F-86B Sabre Town Cbunaet'John D. IrnBeDe mat questioned the necaeaity of au- Hospital Notes gun camera film. alwaorai main office building on Hartford whom he works, Francis J.'vass of the Boston firm thorlatag condemnation. He aald of Gray, Best, Coolidge and Jet' in Martina flffh^. Tha Air Force also conOrmed STfiftpTIi nad. The dispute waa submitted to AUatMT 0**»r« "«r o* Offers MoUea „ the corpotatlon might reconalder. BushatL. said the file of a pre-1 that MaJ. Vernon J. Lyle, Alex- According to Lhe pro­ the association after the union re­ Rugg. th* 8h*rW«n Corpormtloii h u un- Aa the pubUc meeting began. Di­ •T don’t thlpk thej^ will," Bowers Pntlentt Today: • • • jected the company’s wage-cut BeaideB ReUly. the employes are limlnary Iftveatigation was five or tu • «: m- toBMrtTow to accept a ADMITTED YESTBRDAT: annd: Uukitlne VtoleM Battle in <»mpetiUon with mills the com "short, dark-haired man with] *15,000 good for 48 houra and then favor. Mrs. Fitapatrick abatalned. The Rada were driven off afi^r CMON MANCHESTER t complete its arguments today, invol.ved in the pleas of New Bed- pleaaant features. He's about 5 baa bean done since Frtday. Wcgrxyn, 53 North street. there will be no further hearings. fbrd-Fall River, Mass., mills, to pany haa cited aa paying lower At the meeUng Friday. Leaaner a d m it t e d TODAY;/ Rirtiard a vclous hand grenade and small feet 3 or 4, an American of Italian | auMMriatag the «***"•*’ « He said he had conferred with CilBASIE Frank Reilly, president of the have Wages reduced. Arbitration wages and haa Indicated his belief start condemnaUon proceedlnga If made it clear he had not aoUcited Shea, 815 Main atreet; Mrs. Kath­ arms hatUa. That waa the only ac­ k PIANQ-'J FAMOUS BAND descent.” 'ISifinksgivitig, American stylegNyith thanks to God a realtor and found that_there an offer of purchase from the local, is handling the rporaijloai, rejMta would be difficulty renting a atore leen McBurney. 10« CampfloVd tion of, any atae along the bleak the eompttiy by atream-llning its Bushell said Cascio “ was quite the offer. The actlona came at a town and that the toam, not he, l5fi-miM Korean battlaline. union. ; ‘ rollback. j shocked when thia came over the and h feast begon with the Pilgnms in Plymouth^ tJ feet wide. If the propoeed road; Mrs. Mairgafet Seaburg, 84 Decision in-M'onth Both these mills and C8ieney management. special maetlhg In the bad aat tha price. ^ Walker street. _____ ' ^ Eiaewhere Eighth Army hfsd; «nrf Gelebrate • radio. He had thought tha Air | building were reduced ta width J»y Brothers had grantfMl wage in' 1-S 7- 0t- the Municipal Buildtag. In bringing up the matter, which , — ^ Professor John A. Hogan of the Force would keep it quiet.” ^eet, one wide atore rather BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A University of New Hampshire, who creases early In 1851, hUt a con The pipe for tobacco smoking Colony. In 1621 Governor Brddford Aft opart p^^y aevenfi waa not on the agenda for that daughter to^Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ah A if Force officer said investl-1 hhien toM hy a reporter ^ than two nariuwer <»ea would meeting, - Boweta pointed out that Is the • arbitratol" in the dispute. tinuing. wage dlfferehtial between originatted in the Americas. nMWipr that the hoard had decided have to^hf built. the land lay Idle for M years dur­ Hanson, 188 Union . atreet; k, SPECIAL THANKSGIVING thonkt to ^ observed by oil. - \ . to conJemn If neceaaary, Lcaaner hlao aald be had confer­ ing which no. one had done' any­ daughter to Mr. and Mre, B4lward said ha had “no oommant." He red wlth-Wettaergren and Anaaldi. thing about the poealbaity that Paatula, South Windsor. I’S FOR BEST -BIRTHS TODAY: Twins, a wn ■JiS. did not i^ e out the poeetWllty of •conitPucton t o t .tJh% btiUding* wid aometaie woul4 bidid on It. HOLIDAY SHOW ^ .nH"''- . \ ■ accenting the offer, however. the town’a Indeciitao la “ralalng At tho insUtancC of Mra. FiU- and daughter to Mr.- and Mrs. CIRCUS CIRCUS CIRCUS AT THE Laaaner left before the dwlalon hhpvoc with them.” . Patrick, pml of the minutes of a Paul Oarlaon, 41 Gartner atreet. / 1 he first presidential proclomotion of p day of OB eeedemnaUoii night T iiitinDr lAftdc o fft f Z o i ^ Board of Appaala hearing DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: wrong bud... Work on the budding at the lo- caUtd for payment of were read Into the records laat Wirth Velte, 380 Porter etreet; Al­ thanks was issued by Abrdliom Lincoln in 1B63 on eaUaa, begun Nov. IJ, waa con- pluli all expaniM. ond an agraa- n^ht. The Aug. 18 meeting waa bert Bogli, 34 Rlveralde drive; ladoor ttautag thia morning. ment that the corporaUoo wooM one of two whirti pfecadod tha Is- James Kilpatrick,. 11 Lakewood the urging of Mis^ Sarah/J. Hole, editor of Gt^ey't The dmce of the Secretary of not' he aiaaaaed.for new atdawalha aul^ ot a permit for the building circle; Mra. Helen Roberta, g Lin­ doesn't your marha have State Hate Leeaner aa p rm ltot If the atreet were widened. lM|w ttadar eonatructlon. coln street; Mre. Mabel Arendt ■■e iieaBiimr of tho firm. Bather Di^tag the hearing Laaanar said and 4laughter, 85 Birch atreet; Kiddies' Cireus A BURTON'S CHARGE ACCOUNT? Lady's Book^ ^he very popular womon's mogozinp of M. leamier aa vlca,prealdent, and Leaanw'eaUtaated expenaea laat ha.'iim wuilng to a «l the land for ihsah Rooney, 73 Lockwood Katana Kuta aa aecreUry. tha widening of Ponrl street street; Mrs. Natalie Zatxkis. At itM StotB Armory. Main S trB w l^ Kg Shmiw ■ . ■ ■ the day. XJU/t Briday the board defeated Friday at *S.(iOO and offered to pay don’flook so sad . . .' mam* can half o t them.. He aald laat night Tranecrlpt Storrs; Mrs. Noreen Phelps and FRIDAY NOV. 28 «m1 SATURDAY. NOV. 29 a metiea to pay a total of 110.800. A trahaoi^ ot tliat portion of aon, 388 Oakland street; Timothy SYUm m T0M8HT Thta ERUMY shop now and pay next year! .J;, NBetoiw the moUona were paaaed the eapenata had lncreaa(ta aince tllMl. the hear^.foihnra: Small. 65 North a t ^ t ; Mrs. Mar­ M ATINilS — 2 F. M. — IVENINGS 7:30 P. M. ^ ------The expenaie include thoee for "Mr. MartOiw: >Georga Marlow, garet Gilbert, 368 Woodbrldge OOimilUOVS SHOWS thmksoiviim Burton's charge accounts are so board mamber'r “ Hals, anyone over cooatructton and .dor archltect’a street; Mra. Grace Hopper. 17 easy to have . . so easy:, to open ^ .. lot until 1941 thot on Act of Congress offi- approached the tOierldan Corpora­ H lU cr^ road. SHERIFF faas. tion on the poaslbUity of widening . . stop in today msma . . it only LtfONIBROS. When the *18.000 offer e DISCHARGED TODAY: Jad; Karen Burke, Vernon; War­ with a pistol. Watch his hare a happy holiday ren Markham, 85 Walker street; TOOK 7 YEARS TO Mahoney, and Matthew Paton to Spruce atreet. .... If you have trick shooting. Listen to REACH ITS CLIMAX I S^^eat Shaw hi the Baal Valeria Payne, 148 Lenox street; 841 MAIN voted agalnat It. RdppUlcan Jacob any Ideas as to tha town widening his singing impersona-* | A Warner'Bro*. Picture Elaine McMahon, 77 Hawthorne - W Q^H; Peart street I wish someone would tions. photo by Naylor speak up in a hurry. I would be street; Holly Hooker, *68 Oak smiling strvice 'X •I receptive to that kind of a pro- street. poaition. It would save mo an y- e r' X?** V fwful lot of headaches.' ” MANCHESTER COMPLETE Personal N otiegs^^j Lmighs gel#re wNm /■ • ft- ' tMs BdMcatBd bcor T R U S T C O . In Memoriam Look ahead wijth Manchester Trust EASTWOOD In'lorlna memory of our wife ar THANKSGIVING W' mother. Leoeardle OriovOL w» X pftAMd AWiy. Novfmbtr 36, lf4r. A GALA C^LQB SHOW! 9 2 3 Main Straat • Phona 4171 • Norl^h Srgdcliw.i5 Narth Main Straaf DINNER.^ Tour memory le a* dear today J] FOr Tear HoUdny Ptenaure Ae Iti the hour^-ou passed away. BACK TOWN B fllr ------Gsas TiPvary Husband and aon. AT THE ARMORY naleh M—k»r r,.BLU8 A

i- -! r- .A. V r f ■ f

• 7

^ ' ■ I ' >1 PAQX m a k c ?TTF.RTFH E V E N I N Q ^ ^ ^ J ) . M A W C H E STE R . c 6 n N » W E D I^ E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 26, 1952 NOVEMBER M, 1962 H A N ^ E S TE R e v e n in g HER iW MANCHESTEB. GONN^ WEDl some of the mam streets for hours western tip of the state. Icy: con­ as be hopped aboard hla movihg jor road traffic In western and locomotive and felt under wheels. Big Snowstorm northern sections of the state. last night. At one lime 500 motor­ ditions, however, slowed city traf­ thia praHminary_maatlaijg indudad ists were stranded at a highway fic and restricted highway travel OOSKTIOt Idle Qaiiiis Here PrayerSf Sports^ Rewunops AI. Council Bluffs In southWMt- In aorth-west Missburi. r W E CAERE Await PUC Okay Ray and Roy W am ik Johii Oar- em Iowa. Oiover Hurley, 67, 'WMt- junction near Omaha. ’They took DINNEM FOR flow .. vini, Francia Oolaaaai>K R o d ^ Biiries MWwest boro, Mo., waa killed during a refuse in a restaurant and a Yarm The Texas Panhandle and north­ Tokyo, Nov. 26-UB— The U. 8. LBADDfO OO WUcoxeTjudwig Kanaan, Katbaitea Show S li^t Rise snowstorm. The car In which he housev west Oklahoma dug out of traffic- Army—wiih its wholckkle connec­ On Tobacco Bus OibliA and Kmma SliMdiland On Menu for Thanksgiving Buiii and airline activity was at a blocking Mrifts. The snow moved tions—will give' American troopa in '\((Dantinna8 ftam riign O m ) waa riding and a train eollide'd at out of 'Texas yesterday. Some lirliNir Irig Swatumn. "■ a city croaalng.i, standstill. Trains were running Japan and Ko>ea a Thankaglvlfig DnamployaMnt' flguraa la tba S ' - schools and airports remained day turkey dinner at a coat of tl-80 •Hm Public TTtiUUaa Oomniaaibn A mailing liat to toclu^ every stranded In the Hutchinson area. Four deatha were attributed to lafe. . member of tha claaFWbp'Xaa poa- Mancheater area edged upwarda SorrM^es, Trci* j will ba out to extend a five game closed. each. Mai. Leland Eckton of Fair indtciOfd lU Approval yaaterbay of Church the ktorm ta 'Nebraaka; At Omaha, Conditions were less severe In ■ibly be located ia b^>k mada up alightly during tha waMt aaMiag iiflnning atreak that la marred only I ^ Iowa the storm caused can- At Amarillo, a railroad fireman Oaks. Calif., said tho same turkey Read Herald Adfffc iwaz Sflvar Lana Bua tina’a appUca* Not, 22 aa tiHtlla and tnaaporta- by a Ue with the Hartford Ara- where a Mvap-Uich fall was raC' Missouri. 'The snow was compars- . r U r . and any mambara of^OM claaa who didonal Turkey Dayi calmioh of many community tlvely light except for the north­ ' was killed when he slipped on Ice dinner in the U. 8. would cost |5. n Rich. for a parttiit to oparate a bua livba out of town add who ia home tion aonlpmanf Brma In town aach gon’a laat Bundhy. iwntk; Blowing snow, slowed ma- orded, a hugsH^flC Jam blocked Joaniay. for ThankMriviijg U urged to. con- Ihid off 10 anployea, tba State Race to Be H^fh^hu This will ba a day for family re­ ______iur IM t n y , for'tba' tranapartation of tobacco Labor Department reported today. unions. Many former raali WHAT—tUIUn, Pftirani. of tha Wetatone Tobacco Uct Mra, Bradley or any of tha HiU-WTHT—W th« Wonta.. above. Alao, if frianda or relaUval The layofff oontilbuted to bring­ Church aervicea, holiday aport- will pfbbably visit' with rcla^Ves -'U' ing the number of claima In the and friahda'during the d a y ^ d re­ U no oppoUtlon to tba know the wharaabouta '« f aoma ing evanta and traditional family member of the claaa they t i* area up to 211, l i d per cent aaore * reimlona will mark Thankagivtng new acquaintancea Th^hlgh w^ b a y . ^ipUcaUoB X tba PUCa baadne than the number S M laat waiA. Day hara tomorrow. Tha lagal holi­ achool basketball g a i^ a t nii^t yaatardayt anwnlBcara of tha com­ urged to forward thia information to aoma mambat of tha group. acoofdlng to the local tta th o fm m t day will find all municipal govem- - provides an opportunity for claM- pany aatd tbay aapact official not- ment, main buaineM dla dtatrict, matea to convana apd talk over old 1 ^ of I tha commftBon*a approval The next meeting wUl be held OI« *4eora «b «» w kAB—nolle tram Wit at th« WaiL on Dec. 3 at the home of Ludwig Hiroughout tht cl . aehoola, factorlei'and banka cloaad ll:U —WDRC—Huite from oot et Um today. Hanaen, 92 Waranoka road. Any levelled off, with 8JOS claUna being 'X‘‘ . Schools will jvmatn closed Fri­ Wert. _ _ tor tha day. I \, w n c —Dow Gortawajr. . Tha company had 'RppUed for other membera Of the 1928. clafa filed. Tbla comparaa with the S JN Thanksgiving Mrvicea in the day and are a^eduled to reopen at WHAT—Rostos' yro*mo. ' permlaaion to operate ay29-paa- filed during tha preoadlng ww i the uaiial hour Monday morning r iC ^ ^ ro B t A « iwrin. intereated in helping with plana churchea begin tonight at Emanuel i aenger bua between varloim.potnta for tn* reunion are welcome and In Manchaater. 152 of Um M----- Lutheran Church at .7:30, Ooven-j Moat factories will reopen Friday i§:S2«!ira-u.r. U;«A—WCUl>-Aiuneicoa Hoilea]^ In town and tha Wetatona are naked to contact Mra. Bradley ware Sled t e woaaan,' and 90 o f ant Congregational Chui'ch. 7:30, morning as will stores, municipal wnC-N««*: Wwuw houaa at S74 Broad atreef durVn; depaitoents and banking, faclll- X if they wlah to help. tha claima erara initial. and the Church of the Nasarene, tha tobacoo aeaaon of 1M2-53. Tint 7:30. The Taleoltyllla Congrega­ tti bua will atari from Depot Bquara, tional Churoh will unite in a serv­ ~;o. down Main atraet to Foraat, toCM M « ' -8wond B n . Rarton Miner, co-chairman and treaaurer It will be greatly appreciated if kind. And Rh W fy WCCC-HaBc. taating. Buy Uw M fe who retires at the end of this year WED HlAd* AVEilAbl® tO Ih^ SchOOl M>d Mra. Doria McCallum Sinna- early retuma are made to Mra. TICKRTS ARI UMITiD SO Building committee until such WOHB-CoanicUeut Ralllaoat_, Corrine Pockett, 61 Waddell road. alia end aeea money. after more than 40 years Mrvlce, SERVKE STATION HOT-ROD CAR WTHT—Niwi: Top Hit Tlmii mon, aacretary. Othera attending will accompany tha , combined time as costa 'of the proposed BOXING BAG AND AUTOTIUHSFORT ■®o"» _ • ^ OET YOURS RIGHT AWAYl tiM Au snii TTMA VltIHI HR- 'i Mia'a Oor> W XNB-H iwi. CiraTao qt Hoita. cholra on the organ. Mrs. Aida school is determined and financed. coM titm v PUTPORM 9 1 9 fN » mTONt, HIC- | Z 5 TT1I_ nAOMl 1. V 1 « IQUIPKD TION OllVt I WAIUk 4 i_CAM \ W n c —Tho Doetor'a WUi. . Adams will aailst on the violin. Because of the Increased enroll­ ELECTRIC TRAINS I” Conpl9t9 ■goijMNin----- ment, the proposed school was ap­ t m - r Bporting Events POPULAR REpUESf REPEAT PERFORMANCE Two annual sporting events will p rove aeveral months ago. Since .poatmarkid TT.RA. . be staged. ’The five mile road that time a tlbw development haa EVERY IMAGINABLE KIND kia Onard lhaw. 8;m-WCOO-Hawa; Maala ' UIY-EWAY FOR CHMCTMilS race,' sanctioned by the Amateur been started a short distance from - ^ S a i lo r of tho H o w ------WTHT 1—It -• ------a Svary Day; / ^ N D A Y .'n OV. 30. 7:30 P.M. the proposed site and approxi­ w .. ChriaUan. Seorea. __ Athletic Union, will attract about s n s OHBt OildanlMve. WOHB—Btnlo______Itaainow. 60 runners. Sponsored by Nut' mately 40 new homes wlU be aT—Bob Crooby Show. 2 :0 —WORO-BrtaMar Day. MENDELSSOHN'S MD 80 TO THE UROUS FREE meg Forest 116, Tail Cadara of erected soon. .“ Lioner PROM -Tatentiao. Lebanon, all proceeds from the , The town Is alao making prelim­ tC—Ton Rot Taer Liti. inary plana for a new high school nw i Jmqp* T...W—HM-AtUrnoouon Haws;— .. la- race are - U M d in tha Cedars na­ taiMi yemlly Tbaalor. iiaa Ntwa tnir Hollywood. tional objective, muscular dystro­ w h i^ will be necessary within a AMEMOAN ■ FLYER ^ naMam R o u n ^ . t:0O-WDRO-HlUtep B oom. , phy. Johnny Kelley of New lym- year or two. .. V . ^ fowa: N la h tW a t^ - T T B a ^ N o w l; Baeuoit Matlaoo. TitleHT rXAIN WITH laACK 4 TfAHJ- 1 0 9 5 don and Boston University, last Slate' December Meeting tOIMn , LOCOMOTIVf . WITH IMOKi i W F e P LINCOLN LOGS SECTOR SETS \ TOQLHIS WON8--i8enga_ot Our Tima - ®®®jfi3fboweay*a Hutio nop. OPEE EVERY NIGHT UNTIL I year’s winner and holder of the The Friendship class will hold AND "CMOO-CHOO" aw (unAHobttrSets THI IDIAl WORip FAMOUS eOMFlITt WTH*'--‘CroS!SflrSo r-4taih: Toe rat TImo. new course record, will defend his Its December meeting Monday at URM V: UNTIL CHRISTMAS ClXCEPt SUMPAYSI INO TOY. „ ^ 1 9 SIsile CONSTRUCTION n i c » r title in the 14th annual running of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley 14-PC. TRAIN SIT SIZn. TtlOlO Frem TOY. AU SlUS W V * FROM 98* ter 3 » FRIC40 MOM 1 « . ■ . ^■/7 the race. Starting and finishing Schlude oii Maple street. Thia will WITH ACCISSORMS ^ CHANCEL CHOIR line will be in front of the Mary be a Christmas party and each MARX TTxiu—Jstftw unI T1)t Ooldtn llttes l:l6^Wo5^H5'4t; H ^ WTHT—Score.; Top Hit Tim Chancy Library on Main MreeL member K aaked to bring a 25 cent FRilGHT TRAIN WITH TRACR » ■ A w n ^ P e ^ ^______^ Tounaain FaFamr w i t h PAUL TTBBETTS, BASS, AS ELUAH loot MiUN ST.^ The racers will take off at 10:30 FDRMIR automatic tIMAFMORi/ R4. gift for exchange. Officers for the iTATION. II-FC. SIT OF ACC4ttORIit. WHA. ..— aT Jamooroa. and the winner should ' cross the ensuing year will be elected at this / ■ M ^^^nPRS3>ai^°*oioboatraa I:l»-WVCCO—Jw ior Dlao Joeaoy. f SUNK GAAL, FEAN KRAFT, HAROlLD BAOLIN line about U o’clock. FriM# will be W fii^-atoek car Baeing; Dangtr- WDRfrrt/itO--Cari fimlth; Aunt Jtmlraa. meeting. The nominating commit­ w n c —Tba Btabt To Baqplnooa. ^OPP. H M SCMOOL awarded to individuals and teams LOW •QD ADSISBMISSL 4;OIV-WDBO—I^ ^ W P an a Xroryday tee conslata of Miss Hattie Berr, PRICID TRAIN ACCESSORIES South MoHiodist Clwreli MoMand Hartford Rood competing. The ’Tall C«dars will Mrs. Ruby Eggleston and Mrs. play h IT COL WAILT' m committee.. Ltnis 4 FROS. | 9S IMIS 4 FROS. “ wfew^^MPI. ______Coach Wilfred aarka Begins his PJUCIO FROM 1 9*» FUTMtM 82iid year as mentor. 'Thf main Personal Mention FRICIO FROM « a*6-W Tic-S2K AhmS, Igt. Floyd KIbbe. son of Mr. and W P B O -yen n Proeraai. . V event commence about 8:80 ilia —WDRC—Hynui preceded by a preliminary between Mrs. George Kibbe of Oadd’s Mills freshmen and sophomore candi­ is expects home soon,^ He left ^ £ l w w S r f w ^ M M M Show. dates at 7:15. Italy Npv. 8 and has h6 MW -aSWDRO-NowftinM m^hlcal battle for the state senfl- 2 2 F =-WHAT—Allan Browa Show. Maaebeeter Evening Herald El TRUCK 'WOeb—Oood Mombia. Oood Hnale. pro'title. The Aces tripped their WKNB-PolonIn opponents 7-6 earlier In the season Hngton correapandent, Mrs. O. F:' WONB— Weather; Newi; BUI Jon- In a night game at,Mt. Nebo and Berr, telephene Rockville l-$SiS. klDS. T ;U - w n c - ‘-Bab Otaalo.

law-W DRC— Old Muale Box; Nowl. WCOO—Nowa; Oood Homlnc Hiulc. CHRISTMAS TRICYCLES WON8—BUI J.nldno Show. dPSVfRT OfSCRIPTfON WICNR—N o w i; Phil Hal. Show. HAVE YOUR Ironing Board TEASH w n c —Bob StMifc TIlT A DANDY UtTlI 1 tia-WHAT-Nowa. 'TNf.WNfSr AISORTMINT WI HAVi |V|R HAD, VIIY TI4A WITH 4 ADJUST-adjust- DO U CHAIR HrcMrc CHILD'S PICTURE TAKEN mints IhT IN. FHFiCT FHFICT TIA SIT NOT tXACTlY. 1 taa—WTHT—Woatbar. lo w FtICtS. IH OUR .IAR6I DISFLAY FRICiD FROM AS lUUSTIATID. MANY Tiu AU miL_wmi PiiFieT TALKRK PHONE WDRC—New*. FOR RUItH TIF UWt. FOR »WITH DIAL 8 DOU8U woNS^Woathar. _ ■tt y • DOU OTHilS to U l« i IN* & , t v . 2 * t ;aa—WDBO—World Nobt Roundup. WITH SANTA CLAUS...By CIOTHIS. OHOOSi SlU 11 PDTHIfHiS' . W m ■ Rmo WTHT—Newa. 1” MOM TAU ; w n c —Nowa. NOT IXACTLT. OlUlU SOMETHINO W C C C -^ td la Oomtr. ir i r 1 0 * u l 3 H AS'lUUSTRATID. MOtIL WHAT—Cup of CoOta dub. PIFHRINT WKNB—Nowa. WONS-NtWf. ALDAN 8:U—WDRC—Sboppcra SpMl.l. o » w n c —World Now. Roundup. EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT ami SATURpAY MANY OTHIR .WTHT—Xartin Aoronaky. WHIIL TOYS WON8—BUI J.nkina WHAT—JOrttno with Wunp. IN MARLOW'S TOY TOWN TO CHOOSI W H N B -P h ll■■ Hal. Show. S:ie-WCCO-Now.; Broakfut Ntwa- 4’’ J W n C -lU a io Baaoar. tVrTHT—Bob Lloyd. • k ^ .W T H T —John Conte. ^ O N S —Gobrt.l Beatter. BICYCLES •M-WDRC-Newa "■ ^ O C C —IJ Huodreo and »0 Hlta. DILUXI lUiLT AT FOFULAR FRICIS Di .WKNB—Mew.; The Little Show. FINDAIll COASTIR IRAKI, SHIN* SAD- CWHAT—Italian Prqcram. "W o fhonlc Thoo for this ploeo In-whieh wo dwoil, for tho lovo DU suit OOUlU 4AR 'RRAMI. KICK WTHT-Breaklaat Club. (w nc—Tbeatar of Helody. thot unitoi^ us, fo^ tho pooco Occordod us this doy, for tho Jiopo STAND. CHAIN «UAKD. ANO A HOST OF OTHIR FIATURIS FOUND IN HI6HII 8 ;li - ^ T O H (? ^ U la, HarHord. with which w o oxpoet tho morrow, for tho hooHh, tho worh, tho, FRICiD IIKIS, WONS—Jack Dowiiay’a Waxworka. 1/ W K NB—Ed Swatt Show. food ond tho bright shios thdt moko our Kfo-dolightful; for our tiW —WCCC—New.; U BunOr. dacd •0 Hits. frionds in Oil ports of tho world. , .Sporo to us our frioiids. . . 20” Jovtoilo ...... 34.S0 HHa .WKMB—Italian Hour. NIoss us, if it m oy bo, in oil our . |nhoeont ondoovors.' If it m ay not. EASY o v m o FOLDING Do l l CARRIAGE WHAT—Italian Profmm. 24” J II k . 38.78 w n c —Nawa; Tour OardtA givo us strongthto oneountor thot which is to eemo . . .ond in •:4t—W DRC-dUg Ooaby. is more than Tradition 24” h l l Sit* ...... 34.78 WHAT-Fanaoua T r l^ oH chongos of fortuno . . . dowff to tho gotos . . . leyol ond loving. TERMS DOLL HEAVEN w n c - ^ 3 ^ , WKNB—QidiGUL ono dnothor." Md^^TOHC-BuXlna. - ^ , WKNB—Nawa; Through-Tba Tears. EVERY IMACnUBlE KiNB O F D O U W n iT—My Trut Story, Freedom of worship, educatioh for our chil* ' ' ■ rfS » - • _ w n c —Wrtcome TraTelera. AT-Italian Life. r : REINDEER RACER SLEDS OOUS WITH HAIR THAT CAN II WASHiO . . eURUO . . ANO FUMA- .^Sck^arthnr Oodfray. oral SATURDAY MORNINGS UNTIL NOON 'WTHT—F^laparlng atraota., drehv Jhe right to choose where we live and NINT-WAVID. OOUS THAT CRY ■WBBO ditliitr OocXray. K S4 IN. 198 TIARS. DOLU THAT WAU. NIW- -Doubla or Nothing, 8iod THURSDAY EViNINGS ft:30 I f 1:30 lORN DOLIS. HlOi OOtU. IRIOiS- ^ r —lUUaa PMgraa;- ^VB—Voice of Hancheoter. work,.. these blessings are more pr^ious atid 29 IN. 3.89 MAID OOUS. "TONI DOUS". "ION- W eoc—Nowa: Moatc. ^CLOSED VVIDNRSDAYS AT NOONl ^ MU IRAIDS" DOLU SAUCY" WAU- DOLU. IN FACT ANYTHIN* YOU 41 IN. 4.78 iVIR HOFIO TO FIND IN A DOU IS meaningful than tsver before. I H ill AND AT A SiNSIIll PRICI. Television bUMaa liuaa r .M . iM Iy 41 IN. 8.88 ak rraaa tW fnak P. M. 'w ■ Only if we protect these freedoms will there I wexxj, 1280 oa yaw eULT 4:0»-i^Kata Bmkh. >. lUILT IIKI THI MOST UFINSIVI SlIDS. TIT YOU IS IN. 4.28 8 9 * h *13« LA lO f g;0l>-nort Short Drama. SAVt DOlUlt WITHOUT lACIIFICIN* OUAllTT. (:U-Maat Tba 8tm $08 t:K —Howdy 0 » ^ . , ^ SFHDT STRON*. USY STIHIN*. HUNDMDS OPSTUPPID ddd—Momoeta of Comfort be future days of Thanksgiving. t :U —Variety dub. ANIMALS. TOOl ■ ^ , Si&^SSiS^'T^o.ac.atA k ilM d ;^ W o r td Now* Toeny. BEAUTIFUL SEAT COVERS f :0b-^0a»atcado of America. Soo dio naoT. K a il " T i s U W id " T;ab—CoeseeUcut Spotlight. SCHAINS T ;ll I Cliipel Nowo Cbravar Hnndredo * t S :» £ ir S a r Godfrey. CAU NARDINID. a,0S-fii1ko It Rkb. to chooo^ from tor LINKS, 4FOT an can- TaPMMEtr4li TRIPlEMSrORfS 888.U 8T8.1I r u s n e r w A IL m A N t 1to7| 681 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER , ..'.n. . ■ ■■ - COACMI8 f i S l T M t W u r a and Kaols. y _9:44—Momtog Nowa. I A l s o A t 315 Trumbull Sto, Harfford J SARAH fUSne r - AUOrTNlt lagMac X>v Petadl. 1 I >ff A W C H B 0 H E C T E C U f~*^ 8 i m AT INaUojB l aiaioeA ‘ I USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS IT' r>- /f ■X r ' r- T

tV • .1 ' , '' I -V- ' V''j..'" . .» -U' t ■ .' . . - 'j " ' ■ ■ T:

PAGE S E V ^I > MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1962 A i IIANCHEBTER k V E ^ iW HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1952 Prague trial to the Moacow treason nmaimih now holds leases on almost five trials tn 1938. Yule Lighting million acres orland sc^tered (Tom Local Girl, Coventry'Man' 14 Czech Reds ‘The Ilkeneae between the dan­ w «it into It, wa knew we had to Several Showers North and"*" South DakoU on gerous Slanaky gang and the ■X.’ through Western CAnada. Trotakylte group in the Soviet Jtettrt^estpr make It a United Natlona war If It More Heavenly Than F or Miss The Prospectus, which candidly W in Top Honors at UConn Await Prague Union, becomes more and more were to be -conducted without r a n g e and f u e l o i l Ready to Go, Admits It’s all speculative, le'can- evident,” the newepaper said. Coratno 1|wal5 turning itaelf Immediately Into dld about' the oil leases, too. -Tkaraday Miss Edith Lojeskl of 278 Oak ".S " ----- ■ Mies Grace It. Benton, daugh-v merits may be removed for the un­ Court Sentence World War m . W eV « lmp«U*n‘ Rev. Winigm ’Thistle, pastor of / Shopping District's Can- They're all on unproven land, it DEATHS LAST NIGHT M y Blue Heaven! with the amount of help dur Unit­ Midnight-2 a. m...... Volunteers needed. street, who will be marrted to Ray­ 2 4 Hour Polivory Soryieo^ ^ says. . ter of Mr. and Mrs, John B. Ben­ dergraduate scholars, permitting By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the ^ngregational Church In ...... rioyd Chapman. -< • son -of 19. Newman street, a third them to pursue whatever pro­ (OMtiawed from Pag* Ooe) ^ r ed Nationa allies have gl\*«ii ua In Stafford Springs and' a Rotarian, 2 a. m.-4 a. m. ... mond Wasowlex of Middletown to­ opj^of Color Will Be The SEC has three weeks in Cambridge, Ms^ea. — Bktward m 4 a. ih.-6 a. m...... Earl* Btdwell, Sri year student in arts and -scienoes grams are deemed beat to meet Vermllye' Huntington, 78. emerl- the n-ar. Tet we know, alsd, that gave the iktmual Thanksgiving ad­ ...... Thomas Maxwell. morrow morning at 10 ^clock at which td decide whether or not to their Individual needs. The Schol­ an effort to increase production dress to the, local Rotaty Club at 6 A m.-6 a. m. . / ' Tiimed on Saturday permK Cansdlan Prospects, lAd., at the Unlveralty of Connecticut, tuB-prbfesaor of mechanics at Har­ their diplomatic and political 0 a. m.-no6n - r.. . . . , . . . .. Sam Clemens, Mervin McL«an. St. James' Church, has been hon­ and Charles H. Knapp; sbn of Mr. ars, numbering no more than lO that recently haa been lagging. roaa4*d •r 1. its meeting last.liight at the Couij- MORIARty BROTHERS to' peddle ita stock. each year, are selected from vard UnivAralty, mathemaUca coming sooHii Except unity with us is'more important tn Noon-2 p. m. .. . Kenneth Hammond. ored with four pre-nuptlal showers / . The town’s Christmas decora- and Mrs. Charles J. Knapp of Newspapers spared no invective authority and a past president of ,try CHub. ’ 2 p. m.-4 p. m...... Francis Hill. recently at which she received nu- Shore drive, South Coventry, va' among upperclaasmen by the Com­ in their denunciation of the group. 5l^*S:& r.t ti. us, and to the world, than many SIS CENTEX 's t r e e t ^ TEL. 5 1 « % tlone, the green wteatba/mnd col mittee bn Sfchola.f smnging the de-' Spurs Wajtttoul five other top-ran&lng stu­ MenUi ...... J R portance of Rotary International ...... i ' . - ' ...... U. W. Alcox. On Oct. 27 another' mlecellane- dents have been singled out under of study for the scholar and super­ them the plague, typhoid and chol­ Pittaburgh. Bom tn Haskell. lontt ,,••••••••••••••••■••■• *—j bgen a piece of wistful play-acting, as a power for,'good, especially in 2 A. m.-4 a. m. 4x>ratlans across Main street, from vise his program until the degree Orangeburg, 8. C. — Arnold 4 a, m.-6 a. m ,5onald Anderson William Bayrer. oua, shower was given by Miss School street nmto to the Geptei*, a plan Inaugurated last yfear to era.” This waa a reference to germ Cow ...... ” in which President-elect Etsen- Inter-nation relitlpnahlpa and un­ 6 a. m.-O a. m...... Myra Fitzgerald. Agnes Moteunas' and Mrs. Louis On N. Y. Docks recognize gnd help outstanding Is granted. The program may, of warfare propaganda ground out Murray, 106, the last mirvlvlng derstanding. WE WILL IE M-OSEDALL DAY and on Oenter/street, from- the course. Include any or all of the confederate vete'ran in the Oaro- how^r xhaa gone on a 45 minute V 0 A. m.-noon ...... Ralph McCoHum.’ Orlowskl at the home of the lat­ Municipal Bmlding east -to the students. by the Communists. ^ Holden’s Flowers TO* amIo( 5 ctd*^PRCM Prior to Mr. ThistlKs talk, Mark Noon-3 p. m. . .v- .. .Mre. Lucy Burke. ter. Thirty friends were 'j>irMent. (CeaMBiied frens Page One) Under the plan, ordfnary scho­ ordinary undergraduate reouiro- Rude.. Pravo compared the Unaa, Died yesterday. V'-.. visit to the United NaUons head­ Holmes, past prfc.sldent'of the club. First Natlonu Store building on mehts. 3 p. m.-6 p. m. ... Mrs. . Elthelum Lewis, WilllAm A third mlscAllaneoils shower, Eaat Center street, waa started lastic and currlcylum require- in iHtnatfhn cfcdUcd to He or quarters inXew Tork, thus giving Inducted tw'o new members, l^o- Handler. ‘ - given by Mrs. Wasowiea And Mrs. Former Supreme Court Justice Quality At Lowest Prices Kla symbolic rtcognitlon of, the nArd R. Bull of 33 Cobum r^ d and Thursday, Nov: 27 (ThaHkig|viR|) and complMed today. 6 p. ro^6 p. m. fft .. . Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wllllama Novak at the home of the latter Joseph M. Proekauer, commission- Miller hired A "whole crew of at- tba leeal now* publUhoC fact that.,. It doe^xiat. This was Joaeph T. Bell of 61 Crastw»wi .. . OUve JRay, Bob Lanning. in Middletown, was attended by 40 The Jarvis block, on Center i 8 p . m.-lO p. m. .. chairman. has announced that pub­ Justice Bureaii fome.va" and "ruthlessly ex­ bS| ot itHiWInn**®"iSk alM r»iOt»«d, PLJR ** timed to 'uke pla>g before his drive. The club’s total memberttilp 10 p, m.-midnight >,';Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Benson. John friepds and relatives. A luncheon * street n|M Adams will also be ploited” the courts apd the gov FLORAL DESjONS CORSAGES is now 63. Moore, BIU' 1-annliig. Alternating was served by the hoetesaee. Opoo Friddy As Usual ■ festoonM with seasonal decora­ lic hearings - into waterfront con­ ernments to win delay after delay CALLING DLL TALL CEDARS nm ■arriea‘1 N. *. A. *atr- Korean visit in order to, give the Mr. Bull waa also presented with Weeks. 1.^ On Nov. IS associates of the tions u is ' year aa it baa in the Work Assailed United Nationa half an Iniprearton past-'-/ ditions will start next Wednesday. ttpUI hia caae eventually, "ex­ up inUltm: Tbt the Rdtary badge formerly worn bride-elec,t In the Export Division Ryan, reached Ly telephone, aatd pired of old aKC.’i CHRYSANTHEMUtI BOUQUETS II J l Aftney — Haw that It had somehow been cbhsplt- by his father-in-law, the late Er­ of the United Aircraft '.Corpora­ MtA- Martha Stevenson, execu­ and jferton-^y the KIddlea’ Circus to be bald, a' ■arcus for the benefit of Its wel- DAIRY QUEEN tive/ secretary of the Manchester he was going to the docks to make (Owattaced from P « ^ Owe) The' .^criminal charge agaln.st TO THE TEMPU 8T 9 A. M, T0M0BR0W ed with regard to the Korean ttlp. nest Roy,’ who was prominent in ,\re fund. Clowns, acrobats, tumb- tion presented her with pieces of a personal investigation. Miller, Involving $14,000, w as' ’ 87 .Rotarv activities for manv years. the State Arntory on Main itree' sterling silver at a. dinner at the 100 HARTFORD ROAD Chamber of Commerce, said the Oakland Street cJffinff'ntiiO- \ It was Intended to be a symbolic Friday and Saturday. -rs. aeriallsts, trained ponlee and lignta in the eehter of town would: Police headquarters repoHed to handle a piece of criminal and dropped In October. 1950, and the! Uador Your PyramM pnd Dahind tt SmNa ^ AnthoBv Ben Of East Hartford, ■)ge vMll entertain at four perfor- Old Colony Restaurant in Eaat that another ILA Local, No. ,795, civil action, ihvolving $38,800,^ in I Tk* visit, a charade, in which his ac­ brother of the Initiate, was the The Exchange Club of Mar Hartford. , turned on Saturday. The ebam- civil litigation on behalf of a gov- TELEPHONE 3743 f S i X__ S__ l raaponilblllty for cheaUr la ajponsorlag the Kiddle laneea during the two day cirtmi. er arranged for the Christmas aim waa Invoh’ed in the work stop­ January, 1951. I A Short Rut Vary Importcmt Duty to Your Forost tions were supposed to suggest guesrof the club for his brother’s emifient of the people." The House Investigetora said o f; something he cofild not wiy openly. InducUon,^ . IlghUng for .Main street buaiiieaa page. Ita members had not ahsp^ ' WILLIAM FORBES, GRAND TALL CEDAE, OPPOSITE STUDEiAKER GARAGE y and pr«em)fiDm men who con­ up at 9:15 a. m. (e.a.t.)._ Normal Miller WAS tccueed of falsifying the three chief witriewa, , one \ We should 'have preferred— 'Shape.up time la 7:55 a/Ai. ' employe recosda and allegedly died, one wga confined briefly In a NUThfEG FOREST NO. HE T. C). L. DinrUr adaartlntnt^Ipyl^d bottin: tributed the |3j)Q0 - the- project potketing "probably hundreds of ALWAYS OPEN 3 and It would have been greater coat - , " . 'X ^ There were no demonstrations mental institution and one'en- ^Statesmanship on his part—to hAve Animal Trainer, 7? Tha lights will e ti^ o n thi;ough and no picket linea had been eetab- thousands of doUars” from war snarled ln,A bl-^amy charge. New Year’s. ''' ~ ' X . liahed. contractors having cost-plus con­ had President-elect Elsenhower ^ / tracts. . X ■ Tkamdar. CircusiFeature J Ip tixiplc regiohs pine trees are meet the problem Involved more ■ /■■ 'The subcommittee asserted that found chiefly in tnb^mbuntaina. dySrriW'______m. OAOi frankly and more conrtnclngly. ’ i ^ 'a f *akl1 aneapt •aturday- We would have ^teferred that he Seven-year-old Vickie Oangler, Oil Man Made The Poet’s Column go formally to the United Nations, reputedly tha youngest ahinuU WddnMday, November 26 present his project for an Inspec­ trainer In the country and a f» - / Million in tieal Our Pilgrim FAthere quent televielon performer, will Great faith had they to come tp an Not To Ooroolveo Alone tion rtsit.to Korea, and *sk the appear with her trained dogs in unknown land. United Nations to appoint a' com­ * (OoetlaDed Freni Page One) This earnest God-fearing Pilgrim Tho Poritan bird wan a Bcnggiy 17-jAwel,' 17-JeweI. VIC’S SODA SHOP SOLD TO THE mittee to accompany him, see the It-Jewel, band; l9-)ewel, iwAI, •Jewel, 14K t gold-filled On Jan. 31, 1951, the company compared to the' plump things he sees, hear the things he- IT^Jewel, dla^ gold-filled cage, with 8 gold-filled 14K fkld To Come to a'country bleak and 'ermaUoM we can breed today, moAd au^ 14K,gold gold case...... 87IJ8 c a ^ .. case...... 808.00 came up with-315,000 shares, at no cold,^ 153 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST hears, and meet with him in a platinum .. .8860 caa#...... 018# eiiJio cash . 871 JO dIAmonda . .flS# pap value. Gfiffith aold 95.000 of le Puritan bird W’aa ahot on the In November when trees shed, Joint evaluation of it fll. wllH a Chewing Wrigle/s these to Ne'w Ydrk underwriters ah their leaves of gold. Our bird probably couldn’t report back to the Unlifed Nationa 810 a share, or for'8850,000. No safe dwelling. place to shel-. ly. It waddlea. itaelf for its own future course in Shortly afterwards, the stock ter them from cold. Fxiends waa split three .ways. But stUI.- the ■nie Puritan heart waa. our Korea. Spearmint Gum Our forefathers had hearts proapcctus said, "common-^ shares staunch and bold. iiflnatlon tells us, a full heart, One of the great hopes for the // have been traded at a range of 6 for little in the midst of We owe much to them for courage Thanksgiving Groetings Eisfnhower administration Is Uiat lotg and 7% high.” high. ty. And our heart, so they Good for Teeth Aa near as can be told' from In freedom of worship,, to do or It will accord the United Nationa •\ us, la a little lean, ungracioua the respect and service which la Thousands of the prospectus, Griffith stfU has' r die. the midst of plenty so profuse New England around a half million shares in Great faith had they to seek out T6AII due the only agency which can thia company that started otit as Wypiouth’s drear shore. .t plenty |a no lohfer appredat- lead the world toward a saner era. people chew deli­ \ cious Wrigley's a thousand dollar investment. It ■Amid the savage Indians’ roar; / That can still happen. So far, Spearmint Gum that’s true, and the stock is selling I thank Thee, Lord, for our Pil­ And It IS true that the knack for 88, he has around three million grim band. ^ unfortunately, Slaenhower has be­ daily to help keep 17-Jewe1, Automatic Ml- CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING DAY ' fratltude is more easily present' gun by’followlng the precedent of the(r teeth bright 17-Jewel, 17-Jewel, aelf- 17-Jewel IT-Jewel, gold dollars of stock left.. ^ Braving the ocean to bless our 17-Jewel. 17-Jewel self- 14K gold filled, water­ 14K gold endar,^ water And what are the assets ? dear native land. lien the blesSlncs are fewer and the Truman administration, which and attractive. 14K gold winder, gold- , 14K gold wlnder, 14K St They know that case ...,. .8215 gold case .. 8200 case . . . , . 11.50 -proof . . . . 802JO case ...... 8118 The prospectus aayi the comptiny Florence Burdick Gibson to come by. It is the hun* has been to ignore the UN ex­ chewing is the natural, time-pcoven caae , . . . .871.50 filled ../..81I-80 /'m an who la'most thankful for cept when we ouraelvea feel we way„to exercise teeth and gums—helps lo ^ i the poor man most thankful need Its support on something, cleanr-e the teeth and keep them look­ ing their best at very little cost. for comfort, the lonely community and to forget 'Ita exiatenc;, and HERE IS A PARTIAL LIST OF WHAT YOU WIU BE ABLE TO BUY AT YOUR hleh is most thankful for the hu> Beaklfg the pleasant, helpful chew­ our supposed obligation to it, un­ ing. folks get satisfaction from the re­ eempanionship It does have, til somebody suddenly says; freshing flavor of Wrigley’s Spearmint, PRICE WE GANT MENTION ALL THE ITCMS. et us alone In a wilderness, with "Don’t forget the UN.” Xoo. It's a real, fresh. long-UsUng jprer- and comfort hard to get, and mint flavor—a favorite in New ^ la n d N E E D A N E W It was in an attemptcfl rescue for generations. T o j^ the o r i ^ l and human companionship precious be- of a bad situation tbst/Prrsldent- genuine W r^y'a Spearmint Chewing ause theip were only a limited elect Eisenhower paid his little Gum, look for the spear on the 61 ELECTRIO REFRIBERATORS 373 AUTOMATIC POF-OF TOASTERS hiimber of fellow human bein'^ to visit, the other day. But the day package. Offer it, and we would again should come when we go to the 33 HAMPERS 131 SETS OF DINNERWARt^ neat, at Thanksglrtng time. In a UNi on matters which concern the 1 of heroic humility and pq^e- UN, Jlrst, not as an afterthought. 374 StltetKNIVES,FORKSM4SPOOIIS oommon sentiment, ’ 71 TELEVblON SETS < We liave to find opr own thank- Controls A Liability 390 OANISTERSETS, BREAD BOXES, ETC. iilneaa In a different kind of M ALONEY’S 31, GAS RANlES ^ orld. In quitting his post as director 119 aEGTRIO SHAVERS No material leanness sUmu- of the Office of' Price Stabiliza­ 33 ELECTRIC RADUES \ ates our appetites. Not very much tion, Tighe Woods confessed that CAN NOW DEUVER 193 aEOTRIC COFFEE POTS |trug(Ie goes into our procum- '‘It seems all. I have done la sign 74 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BLANKETS nent of the fullest Imaginable orders Increasing prices. r FILMS-OAMERAS i ■x 94 aECTRlO WAFRE IRONS omforts of life. There are so many He, of course, -^lieves in price k FLASH BUMM, OASES, 4 T H E m W ople, and so many relationships, controls a t the present atage of ^ MOVIES,'PAKT8 ^ 3M GAKE MIXERS opt ut that we do rather well at our economy, and hia criticism Is 37 TABLE MOOR RADIOS ndlng that that oiir own need of Congre.ss for giving him a law D Arthur DruR Storts j w sales­ # Sylvonia is equipped to receive oil 54 OARFETS, ALL 9x13 / " IS UNOLEUM RUGS & th ax if it were alone in a lower than they are if the room. We are no longer do­ VHF and UHF channels when they go jl^ldernesa, uith the>human beings existence of official price ceilings | ing any business at ^ 11 ELECTRIC DISH WASHERS V 431 CARONS INSIDE, OUTSIDE PA M did not lend an official bieaslng to i ^ ‘here ’ ' f si-.we may in a wa.v to make the incoming case...... 871-80 case - ... .811-80 case'...... 8128 and asrprosperous S t, to locric to one another and Eiaenhowen administration afraid # Cenne ip ond you will be surprised • Yao, it'i oN bitHid new maixhandlsa right out of factory carteno. (Mongral brands? No.J |u ild a community of huma,n feel- to accept responslbfllty for the is a pditiai list of tha tiraud aomas; SwiHh-Coroiio, RoyoL Wastfaghou*#, Alaxcuidar Smith, An»» and to knoA', above all, that dl.-fcontinuance of .controls, the how many $$$ Mdloney's will o m r you strcNig, G . E.rNorga, Dormayar, Swtbaam, Sidit^, Phieer, Evarsliarp, Pyrax, Ravaiw, Cow>ar, new administration should. In our U, In whateve'r good iorlune,- EagUchtown, Rogars, Emanaa, Admlval. Eo^, Yoaagstowa, Euraho, Unlvar*#, ^Mlrra, Arvla. Ram- aver owe it all to himself opinion, haye no' hesitancy about for your old set toward o new 1453 letting all controls expire next higtaa Road aOid maiiy mara too numaroois to mawtlaa. L . April 30. Price controls are like Sylvdnia. • ' ^ A SynboUc Visit crutches;.. you“heed them terribly when you are lame; but they \// 2 to 5 F .IL ' Somebody.___ _ Jz idwnys bringing .iperel v, irnpede. yqur progress when EGG NOG UN, JuA wheni it had been I to II 25% D O W N you are well. The Eiaenhower ad­ kas SMivsrtsrt wkisk wilieeR- Up to 24 moathf to poy B-lliNF.IIL otten.’ ministration should have no DeHrieus. fsnn-freiih. aon-alco- Thnt waa what happened, of hollfl Egg Nofl—trmUtlosal 17-Jewel , 17 J, water .resist- Self winder, 17-jeweI, 17-]ei)«r; bcdoaca ea oN solas evar hesitancy in throwing the crutches 17-jewel, 17-jewel. i • ' 17-Jewel, 14K, 14 14K, aar NQV. 21 Bftdr' General Elsenhower holldsy drink. Tee It aa le— 14K. 8 14Kgold ' . gold-flUed ' ItoW-fllled ' ant, sweep sec­ goId-fUlad yser prsseet set fifs^ltss sf yssr $100.00 V - NOV. 29 away until they are really needed. or as a base for your owa la- 871-80 case • •, • • .871-80 ond hand 871A0 caae .,.,,,8 7 1 J0 . diamonda winder -8U I Sytvaaia's most powerful chaaals In an outstaiid- hlz campalgn pledge thqt, if dUidual egg aog recipe, it's * diamonds ..8188 case ..,•••.8138 CDUI9 e e o 0 a ' lag mahogany veneer cabinet.' Exclusive HALO- weiy elected President of the RICH aad CREAMY GOOD! I '" . LIGHT plus nmaslag stratopower “ 505” ehaeatal sr Make ta saa UHF. Flaea yaar ardar NOW “You raa TASTE the quality." ■r ited BtAtes, he >(ould make an evOCi iOW DOWN PAYMENT—EASY TEEMS -■ Its Journey to the war in kumrioN Somebody brought up Uie coHoetion of wafeKoi fpr ChrisfmdiS^ flMng io Wio Isrgott you’ll I that Oie war in Korea was; Ippoaed to be a United Nations' find o'nywhofo! And whof't iw'oro, it fhcludod fho vory finost wafehos TO BE ’.tjuid that, therefore, perhaps | / f produced by Anjoricon and Swi$$ craftsmon! When you buy a watih ;~ .United Nations ought to he. af MiehaoU, you know yoif ara buying oxcollont porforrrtanco. Asd you HELD AT fled and consulted, if *h Amer-; WEST MAIN STREET, WILUMANTIC. CONN. President was going to go knpw, too, that your purahaio wHI bo followi^ ^ propatt and , with the Obvious purpose of eempatont soi^ieing. W a'iiug^ t you ^lopsa aarlyl Your lalaction . . to find some new ordehs to By Browii's Of Willimantic, Conn, with regard to military and w ill b# hold until Christmas if you wish! (Prieas ineluda Fadaral ta*) MALONEY’S Ronte^44^sjanchMtcr • OPEN WEEK DAYS TIL^t P. M. ^ SATUiDAY IIL S P. M. ikmiaUe strategy. The cmiMif- embar- - t v OAN JOSiEPHS, AUCnO N UR questkm was galisc4; is Open Thankagiviac Day HERE IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY American war, orr ii it a Exc«rpt Between The 440 CENTER STREn-TEL.^-1044 ' 2fft MIDDU TURNPIKE WEST— TEL 2-1S21 TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING OF ATLANTIC C in . N. NaUobs war 7 Hours Of 2 to 5 P. ML EASY PAYMENTS: In odditton to th# euitomary 30-day charga account, Mi'chaals Invitas dtvidaJ paymants In small waoUy pr monthly IV fdel atout it as is it were am o u n ts to suit your n io d y Miehatls makai avallabla.|jt na addad? cost, tha lowast. tantj| offarad by flna jow aifn anyw haa. : II f T i I I III- ' ' r. Tat, wfiM we 1

4 ^ ' I’f '/ .. ■- • f .' /;/v- f ■ r \

' A- ■


■X Ma n CHESTER^VENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^xyEDNESDAY, NOVEM^R 26. 1952 PAGE SJSVil^ lIANCHEbl'ER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 19S2. /Jki- PAGE SIX now Holds IcaM on almost live Prague trial to Uie Moscow treeaon million acres oTIand scattered tram 14 Cze^h \Reds trialk in 1936. Several Showers Yule Lighting Local Gin, Coventry Man 'The Itkeneas between, the dan- went Into it, we knew w# had to Rotary Club Hears North and South Dakota on ero.ua Slansky gang , and the r iUmtliPBtpr make it a United Nasons war if it through western Canada. rotakyifa grdup In the Soviet S k y w a t c h For Miss Lojeski The Prospectus, ■which candidly Await ^ Pr^ue f More Heavenly Than ' . were to be conducted without N ^eiady to Go Win Tap Honors at UConn Union, becomes more and more Thanksgiving Talk ' - . . ------^ ■ ■ .1 , 9 range and FUEL OIL admits It's all apeculativc, la can­ evident,” the newspaper said. e • iontiti9 Ijp r ^ tuminjf Itself, Immediately Into did about thh oil leaae■^ too. ' .T •, Tharsday / Mias Edith Lojeski of 273 Oak Court* Sentena ■,>v . '*■ ’ ^ - Ttsa ate. World War III. We are impatient Rev.' William ThlsUe, pastor of They'i*e .an.,on unproven land, it Mias' Oraod M. 'Benson, daugh- *. ment's m fy he removed for the un-. with the amount of hel^ our Unit­ Mldnight-2 a. m. .. Volunteers needed/ street^ who will be married to Ray- 24 Hour Dolivory Soiylco Slw ppit^ DistrieVt Can­ DEATHS LAST NrGRT u «IM«U 8tr««t - the Congregational Church In ...... Floyd C3iapman. .> •ay*. te r of Mr,-and Mra. John B. Ben­ dergraduate scholars, permitting My Blue Heaven! MiiflmttT Conn. ed NaUons allies have given ua in Stafford Springs and a Rotarlan, 2 a. m.-4 a. m. . . . . mdhdid Waaowics of Miiddletown to- son. of .19 ;Newman street, a third them' to purspe whatever prd; (OeaUaMd from FBge Oae) t h e ASSOCIATED PRESS ' ‘a ■ ' . 4 a. m.-6 a. m...... Earle Bldwell, Br. opy of Colcf WUl Be The SEC baa three weeks in bridge, Maae. — Edward fc Vbkguton. the war. Tet we know, also, thst ave the annual Thanksgiving ad- ■morrilorrow morning a t-10 o'clock at which to decide whether or not to year student in arts and aciences grams are deemed best. to meet 6 a. m.-9 a. m...... Thoroaa Maxwell. their Individual needs. The Schol- 'VermHya Huntington, 78, emeri- ■ . ' V ' ' reas to the local Rotary Club at St. .Jamea' Church, has been hon­ ‘ 'Turned on Salurday 0 at the University of Connecticut, an effort to Increaae production '\x- - ' ‘ . rR yaUBdJlOc^r' >■ their diplomatic and political 9 a. m .-noon...... Sam Clemens. Mervln MclAsn. / permit Canadian Prospects, Ltd., arai'ihumbering no more than 10 tus-profMapr of mechanics at Bar- Its meeting last night at the Coun­ ...... Kenneth Hammond. MORIARTY BROTHERS to peddle Its stock. and Charles H.' Knapp, son of Mr; that recently hah bee.n lagging. ■nwpt unity with us is more important to Noon-2 p. m...... ored with four pre-nuptial 'showers and Mra. Charles J. Knapp of each year, are selected from vard 'UiUversIty, . mathematlca XX . commg sotee^ , PabltofcKl^ tf4ry tmint try Club...... Francis Hill. / The town's Christmas decora- ■ Newspapers apared.no invective autbority iM a pSat prealdhnt of Holiday*. CnUriM at tb* us, and to the world, than ..many ■ p. n».-4 p. m. .. recently at which ohe received nu­ s is CENTER's t r e e t TEL. 51U Shore drive. South Coventry, a among upperclassmen by the Com­ in their denunciation of the group. Conn.: n „ > Mr. Thistle, who was introduced p. m’.-6 p. m. . . . , ...... Thomas Maxwell. // merous .gtfte., , . Uons, the gri^en wreaths and col­ mittee on Scholastic Standards the Mathematical Association ot dis-iaions. by Rev. Alfred U. Williams, was ...... M r , and Mrs. Jasso David: -f senior in the School of Ehigineer- Said Rude Pravo: "TTie accused are iS S S fe r 6 p. m.-8 m. . . . - /'Friends and ralatiVes from An- ored Ugh^, wars inatalled today in Ing, have been named as Univer­ ^ould the scholar choose to creatures who long ago lost the America. Biocn\ln Clinton,^ N. Y. the proposed Eisenhower bom in Newfoundland and served 8 p. m.-lO p. m...... Celeate King. ^ / ■ aonia, R* It was intended to be a/SymboUc Rptarv activities for manv years. •ra, aerialtsts. tralnad, ponies and sferithg silver at a; dinner at the , BOO HARTWOXD ROAD Chamber of Commerce, said the Miller, Involving $14,0d0, was 81 Oakland Street Anthony Ben of East Hartford, Friday and. Saturday. , Old Colony Res'Uurant In East lights In tha canter of town would Police headquarters repohed to handle a piece ef criminal and dropptol in October. I95tl, and the M>M*r Your ^Pyramid ood lohbid o SmNo visit, m charade, in which his ac­ The Exchange . Club of Mar iga *111 entertain at four perfor- jthat another ILA • Local, No.'* 795, brother of the Initiate, wss the lancat during the two day circus; Hartfdtd. - > X be turned on Saturday. The cham­ civil litigation on behalf ot a gov­ civil action, involving $36,800, in tions were suppewpd to suggest chestdr is sponsoring tha Kiddle al?x) was involved in the work stop­ 1 A Short lut Vory Importoiit Doty to Your Forost -TELEPHONE 3743 guest of,the club for his brother's ber arranged for the Christmas ernment of the people." January, 1951. ’ • ’ something he could not say openly. Induction. lighting for Main street business page. Ita members had not shap^ The Houaevinvestigatora said of In t S Haneb—lar Rrtnltd Haralt., WILLIAM FORBES, GRAND TALL CEDA We should, have preferrrt— and profeHtonal man who con­ up at 9:15 a, m. (e.s.t.). Normal Miller, wda tccused of falsifying the three cHi^f wlthessea, one OPPOSITE STUDEBAKER GARAGE ‘shape iip time ia 7:55 a. Si. [ employe records and allegedly ^Ipbixf bo«»: and It would have been greater tributed the -93,000 the project di^, one was confined briefly in a NUTMEG- FOREST NO. H E T. coat ■ ■■ \ Tliere v.*ere no demonstrations pocketing "probably - hundreds of mental institution and one en- ALWAYS OPEN statesmanship on his part—to hdve Animal Trainer, 1, thousands of dollars" from 'war ^yjnaadar ^ ^ hl t oVaday. The lights will stay on thi^oagb and no picket lines had been eatabr anarled In a bigamy charge. — - m. Wadnaaday. had President-elect Eisenhower New Year's. liitoed. contractors having cost-plus con­ meet the problem involved more Circus Feature tracts.' - ! In tKH()lc regions pine trto»e are frankly and more conxincingly. The subcommittee aaaerted that found chiefly in the mduntSlns. pablleattoii tsetpt fttwrUy— 8even-yesr-old Vickie Gtngler, iX m ______We would have preferred that he Oil Man Made The Poet’s Column go formally to the Nations, reputedly the ingest animal November 26 trainer In the country and a fre­ present hie project for an Inspec­ quent television ' performer, will Million in Deal Our Pilgrim Fathers Not To Onroelpe* Alone tion -iisit to Korea, and esk the appear aith her trained dogs in Great faith had they to come to an ,» ■ ' • unknown land. United Nations to appoint a'com­ . (CoatiBned From Page One) •m* PurltAH bird WM a dcrnggly 17-jewel, This earnest God-fearing Pilgrim mittee to accompany him, see the l7-)ewet. 14K 19-jewel, 17-Jewal, VIC’S SODA SHOP compared to ,the . plump 17-jewel, dia­ 19-wweI, 17-jewd, 17-jewel, geld-flllsd band: . . ■ SOLD TO THE things he sees, hear the things he- gold-filled case, with 6 gold-fUIcd 14K geld On Jan. 31, 1951, the -company To Come to a country bleak and latlons w« can breed today mond and 14K.gold 14K gold case . . . . . I1I.M cat4 . . . . . ,f7lAS c a a e ...... gSASS c.ame up with 315,000 shares, a t no hears, and meet with him in a platinum .. .fSM ease ..vise case ...... l7IJiS case ------.g7UH> diamonds ..$Uo cold,* . • 153 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST a Puritan bird eraa ahot pn^ tbe ■joint evaluation of it all. with a par value. .Griffith sold 95,000 of In November when trees shed Our bird prabably couldn't ChewingWri^s theaa to New'York underwriters ai their leaves of gold. report hsick to the United Nations 910 a altare, or for '9950,000. lb waddlea. No safe dwelling place to ahel-. itself for Its own future course In Shortly afterwards, the Stock ter them from cold, Extends Purttan heart wa*. our Korea. Speamiiiit Gum was spilt three ways. But still, the Our forefathers had heart! ■tlon tellB US, a full heart, One of the great h ^ ^ s for the prospectus said, "common^ shares staunch and bold. for little In the midst of have been trad^ at a range of 6 We owe much to them for courage Eisenhower adminlatfation Is thst T Thanksgiying Greetings ty^^^d our heart, ao they GoodFor Teeth loqr and 7% high." high. it will accord th^'Unlted Nations As near Ss can be told from ■11 ua, li a little lean, ungradous In freedom of worship, to do or the 're d a c t anrf aervice which is Thousands of the proipectius, Griffith atlll has!' die. the midst pf plenty so profuse due- the only agency which can New England around a itolf million shares in Great faith had they to seek out To A ll it plenty U lia longer appredat lead the wdrld toward a saner era. people chew deli­ / ■this company that ataited otit at Pl^outh's drear shore, • cious Wrigley’t a thoDsand dollar Investment. It Tha^^can atlll happen. iSk> far, ■Amid the savage Indiana' roar; And it if tnw^that the knack Spearmint Gum that's true, and the stock is selling I thank Thee, Lord, fori our Pil­ unforumately, Eisenhower has be­ daily to help keep ■ for 96, he has around three million grim band, . ^ gratltude4s more eapdy present 17-jewel 17-jewel, gold 17-jawel, Automatic cal­ gun by'^followlng .the precedent of their teeth mght 17-Jewel, • 17-jewel self- 17-Jewel, 17-jewel, self- endar, water dollars of stock left. ' Braving the oegan to bless our CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING DAY^. en the bleistnge are^w er and and attractive.* winder. I4K 14K gold filled, water­ 14K gold And what are the assets? the Tniman adipinistration, which 14K gold winder, gold- . 14K gold proof ....909-50 caae -••• .9119 rsslatant ...-90 dear native land. arder to, come,hy. It la the hun- They know that .« 7 5 . gold case ..9200 case .. t .. ?7' 50 Thq^prospectus says the company Florence Burdick Gibson hys been to ignore the UN ex­ chewing ia the natural, time-proVen case . . .S7I.5S filled .....9 7 1 AS case . . . . 'man who is moat thankf^for cept when we ourselves feel we way to exerciae teeth and gums—help* 'ood, the poor man most thankful need its .support on something, cleanrA the teeth and keep them look- 'ing their best at .very little cost. or comfort; the lonely ctfinmunlty sSnd to forget its existenc;, and ilch Is moat thankful for the hu- Betides the pleasant, helpful chew­ HERE IS A PARTIAL UST OF WHAT YOU W IU BE ABLE TO BUY AT YOUR ^ supposed obligation to it, un­ ing. Wks get satisfaction from the re­ companionship it floes til \somebody suddenly says: freshing flavor of Wrigley's Spearminti us alone In a wilderness, witlj •‘Don\^orget the UN." ioo. It's a real, fresh, long-lastingsp»«r- PRICE. WE BANT MENTION ALL 'h lE ITEMS. lood and comfort hard to Rbt. an'd - It was in an attempted rescue wmi flavor—a faw ite in New England NEED A NEW iuman companionship precious be­ [et. the original and of a had ^uation lhst> President­ ipearmint Chewing muse therp were only a limited elect Eisenilqwer paid his little 1 spear on the umber of fellow human beinRS to, visit; the oth^day. But the day package. 6S ELEm iO REFRIOERATORS 373 AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTERS ffer it, and we would sRain should edn^ whVQ we go to tlie TELEVISION SET ? eat, at Thanksgidntr time, in a UN. on p a tte rs wm<;h concern the 33 HAMAS' r 131 SETS OF niNNERWARE ^ lOod of heroic humility and pre- UN, first, not as an Afterthought. common aentiment. 71 TELEVI^ SETS X 274 Sab af KNIYES, FORKS m l SPOONS We have to find' our own thank- Con(rol.s A lineal in a different kind of MALONEY’S 34 BAS RANBe! 290 CANISnRSETS, OREAO OOXES, ETC. rid. In quitting his post aVdIrAclor ar-tit No material leanness stimu- of the. Office of-Price BtAhlllea- 119 aECTRIG SHAYERS .tes our appetites. Not very much tlon, Tlglie Woods confessed thaL CAN NOW DELIVER 33 ELEBTRie RANBB iggle goes into our procure- ‘'it seems all I have done is sign 1SI ELEGTRIO COFFEE POTS lent of the fullest Imaginable orders increasing prices." 74 AUTOMATIC ELEIBRIC BLANKETS mforta of life. There are so many He, of course, believes in price ► THE NEW 94 aEOTRIG WAFaE IRONS i ipla, and ao many relationships, controls at the present aiage of' ► ipOVICSe 344 BAKE MIXERS it ua that we do rather well at our economy, and his criticism Is S7 TABLE MOOa RADIOS ding that that our own need of Congress for giving him a law ¥ Art|iwY\DniR itorM i 433 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRONS ir them is' casual and our appi-e- which is full of loopholes through . 17-jeweI, I't-je'wel, goid- 17-jewa1. 14K 399 PIEOES OF FURNITURE raiKiaf fram atlon of them a matter of ta.ste which prices can easily score sd- 17-jewel. 17-jewel, gold- 17-jewel, l7-jewel, gold-' 17-jewel, self­ flUed / . 14K gold fUled gqtd, with 14 ther Oian a matter of necyisi*y. vances, In spite, of the law's pro­ winder, gold- 14IC gold filled fiUed dtomonds . . i 203 AUTOMATIC STEAM IRONS case ...... $52.50 case . . . . case 9 « .50 ■case ...... 971.50 case • • .. • ,907-50 alalrt, teUas, Imlraoam IM it raam imstance does not,.drive us fessed purpose, to i-onlrol prices. filled ...... 971.50 case .971.50 ether. To the contrary, it But. wherever Woods directs 1,139 PIECES OIFTWARE aaA Miehta tab :es it more convenient for peo- the . blame, for the purposes of j ED’S SIGH CO. ile to be Strangers to one another. making his own argument, his 1 is .Commercial Letterjeg 291 TABLE ANB aOOR'UMPS 71 aEOTRIG IRONERS \ In spite of all this, something description of the function of a e Silk /Itanme Process Prlntll ppens to us. In our fancy, the price control law at this time is' WITH 143 POWER MOWERS IS aEGTRIC REOORB PLAYERS 'VI lird slims Itself do^\’n, uijttil it is acchrste, and would be accurate 1 e N e ^ Service ^pable of leading us a chase even if the law itself were a atiffer ; l^roaa brown fields. In our fancy, law. This is an era in yfhlch the! Ed Tomezuk, hlaoirhester 82Ut 79 SAS FIRE LOOS 149 PIECES OF POTS aaO PANS • Jire develop Puritan appetites, as existence of governriiental control.. | Or Hartford 2-8495 itf this might be the last time we doc.s more to keep prices up than/. 34LE0TRI0 OARBAOE DISPOSALS 112 aEGTRIGFRENGH FRIERS It does to keep them down. This | IN UHF pte »'ell before next Thanksgtv- Wg. And, in more than our fancy, an era in which what are auppoSed j 177 ROASTINC PANS 95 a E n illG YACUOM aEAN ERS 2ur Thanksgiving gatherings weld fo be .ceilings really convert them -. NOTICE l^emaelves into close, small com- solve., into floors. This ia an era 49 AUTOMATIC aEGTRIC ROASTErV 395 s c a t t e r RUGS , ‘^^unlUaa, each as intimate and in which the natural laws of slip- j We have combined all nup Rosy Inside ita own circle of ply and demand A-ould have prices i jiperatinns at our new sates* # SylVania it equipped to receive tell 54 OARPETS, A U 9x12 39 LfNOLEUH RUOS fra m th as if it were alone ajlu^rr than they are if the; room. We are no longer do­ j^ldemeaa, with the ‘human beings 1 existence of official price ceilings | ing any business at - VHF end UMF channels when they go 421 OAUONS INSIDE, OUTSIDE PUNT Mthered there representing reali-j lend’ m official blessing to ’-■■Vf- 11 aECTRiCiHSH WASHERS 'ifcr and security, and everj-thing i kich prices.*' - ^ 481 Middle Turnpike East on the o^r. You have nothing, extra'to 51 OH. HEATERS X ^taide the door strange and cold; '‘’uc o|ir, economy con- 14 toriahl* ami OHIn TYPEWRITCRS ..Aad perilous. Only if some tall, j "" its pr.^nt course, in s t a n e k ■'buy... aunt feUow in a tall-crowned ha*' which It is indeed producing both , Elect rdhic I.mhoratories S ELEGTRIO SINKS 2» MEOES DRYGOODS. fliould knock and ask warmth 1 C*'us and hiiucr, cffojt* at gov- Itrith thee would the outside price control do more 277 BROAD ST. # Only Sylvonio htes the famous Halo- 139 CARTmC SETS X Ill IRESSER SETS rSDgeneaa dissolve' momentarily, j barm than good. And. although 17-jewel 31-Jewel,. jewel, f I another place was hurrie«llyAet. i *be outgoing administration la ob- 17-jewel Curvex, IT-lewd. 17-jewd. 17-jewel, 17-jewei, 91 ELEOTRIC WASHERS ’ X So It ia good to be! 1;ogethcr, as \'ously trying to stir up the issue. 14K gold ^14K.gold with 4 gotd-flUed 14K gold gold-fUled bracelet 531 FOUNTAIN PENS \ gold-filled .907'A|I 940A0 case , . . , . ;971-SO c a se ...... 949A0 band . ell.and as prosperous as we may in a way to piake the incoming c a se ...... 971.50 . .All AO caae' ;..9125 diamonds caae •. • • - !. to took to one another and Eisenhower administration afraid t to accept responsibility for the # Come In and you will be surprised Y«9, it'o cG brand new murehondiM right M t of factory cortoiis. (Mongrel brondt? No.} Hero ljuild a community ot human'fcel- • • • • /|kkE', And to -knqw% above all, that di.srontinuance of controls, the I^W many Moloney's will offer you is o portiol list of the brand nomos: Smltb^CerenOb loyal, Westinghoose, Alexonder Smith, Amo- I man, In whatever good fortune, new administrstion should, in oup f ' '1 9treiig. G. E., Norge, Dermeyer, Sowbeom, Schick,^ Phicer, Evenhorp, Pyrex, Revere, Copper, lid ever owe it all to" himself opinion, hsve jno hesitancy about ^fbr your old: set toword o new 1953 EngHohtbwn, Rogers. Emersoo, Admlroli Eoty, > Yoooigttown. EHreho, U nivei^, Mirro, Arvin, Rein- letting all controls expire '•ne« loglm Rond and nmnw more too nomeroot to montlon. f April ■ 30. Price controls aree like SylvOnio. ; i v \ ______^ ---V- - • • 4' ’ 1 _____^ A Symbolic Visit ^criitches; you need them terribly when you are lame; but they Somebody la always bringing merely impede your progre.ss when EGGNOG ^ 2 k 5 F.M. the UN, Just when it had been you are well; The Eisenhower, ad- llaleMy’s has ssavsiisrs whish will ess-' S I»1M .N.I 25% DOWN otten. mini.otration should have no DeHHeust fann-freah. ■oo-alco- Up to 24 months to pay l7-jewel. i-KhSOf.M. That traa what happened, of hesitancy in throwing the crutches hollc Egg Nog—tradltlosal T7-jewel, 17-jeweI, , i7-j«wel, * ’■ 17-Jewel 17J, vaster resist­ Self wtadar, 17-je*M; holiday drink. Fae it aa la— gold-filled ant, sweep sec­ gold-fllled I4|e. 14 14K, Bdf- NOT. 29 bolonce on ol < soles over Sftqt General Eisenhower I ,away until the>" are really needed. 14Kr9 14K gold ■ gold-fllled vtii yew prssMt ssl rsyateiliss ol ysar le ^ campaign, pledge that, if or as a base for your eiwa ia- '’diamonds ..9195 caae 9195 case , • • •. • 921-50 caae...... 971-50 ond hand 971.50 case •,»• • '.9 7 1 AO diamonda winder . . . -9UC Sytvaaln’s meet powerful rhaaela In an eutstundi. $100.00 f NOV. 29 diridual egg aog recipe. . It’s Ing mabogaay veneer rabinet. Excluaive HAIXK wore elected Preoident of the RICH aad CREAMY GOOD! LIGHT plue ameriug etratepower "508" rhaaEa- •r make to saa U H F. Flaca yoar aniar NOW States, he ■>|i^ould make an “You caa TASTE tbe quality." edlate journey to the War ^r^ ' ■ ,r- - f - i- ‘‘ ' " LOW DOWN PAYflIENt—EASY TEE5M AUCTION Somebody brought up the | coHoetien of watehoi for. Chri«tmo9 giving io tho Urgoot you'll '.hr r” Uiat the war in Korep wns.j ’ - ! ■- v 'l-: • ■ .' ’■ K‘ ippoaed to be a Unitec^ Nations find onywhoro! And whot’» mdroi; if includod tho vory fihilt watchoo TO BE ,vand that, therafore, perhaps / / producad by Amarican and Swiss craftiman!|Whan you buy a watch United Nations ought to be ified and consulted. If Bn Amer- at Michaels, you know yoi) ara buying axcallant parforntancai Aad you HELD AT home comfort know, too, that your .pu rest wNI ba followad by propar and WEST MAIN STREET, WILUMANTIC, CONN* President was going to go * ■ ■ . A j er.'With the obvious purpose of compatant sarviclng. Wa. suggest you c^hoosa aarlyl Your salactjeti mg to find some new orders to MORIARTY Bros ‘will ba hald until Christmas if,you wish! (Pricos includo Podoral tax) By Brown's Of-Willimaidic, Conn, with regard to military and 3 1 S C E N T t R ST Route 44-^MandMstcr ilomatie strategy. .The OPEN WEEK DAYS TIL f P. M. — SATURDAY TIL 5 P. M. question was raised T E I S 1 .1 S Open Thanksgiviag Day V” ’4- HERE IS A WONDERTOL OPPORTUNITY DAN JOSEPHS, AUenONm American war, or ..Except Between The ■ m CENTEa .STRECT — TEL>104A 2ff MIDDLE TUONPIKE WEST-^TEL 2^1021 > TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOfPING OP ATLANTIC CITY. N^ NatJeas war?. Hourp Of 2 to 5 P. M. lA S Y PAYMBNTS: In addition to tha customary 30-day chargooecount. Michaals invitas dividad paymanfs |n small wMkIy or monthly 'a faal about it as is it were FU R OH. -war. Tet, when we' amounts to suit your niadi. Michabis makas avallabla.jt no addad cost, tha lowast tom^| •fforod by fiito {awalan onywharo. tea - . • • . ■* i>;i ../! .r. . ■ / ’ 'I ■ t.* ' 4 r ' J.. i '■ ■/'i' 1 V ,1 •■',

■'\ . » \ • '. J~** ■'.' - r- / ’ ■ f. 1 J . n ' •■ -■;. !J / ; ■■ -^* '. A, 4 -I i y . •\ ,

...... ' ■* ' p Ag b . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAKCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1952 / MANCHESTBB ev e n in g h er a l d . MANCHESTER. CONK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEBIBEB 2?. >fl51 All Our God,” Grnde 4; "Come, Yp nouncer. Slngtng^aa led by MIm iiBihl*' ■NDB6SmSi|BaNe#nlSad|j|h< f J o i X I G B T teugbter MK and Mhr. COarles there was a program of singing Thankful People, Come,” Grade 5; Martha White and Mrs. Det­ tually the bog. was broken'open strain ha^A*d ODdared. JsnnlngC and their four ebUdren, kilight kepresents tori, Sponporing teachers ^w w HU Oapt, Uoyd B. Gray, approprUte asaabnai hymns. The Coveni “Oh, God. Beneath Thy Guiding • \ ' TolUuid Coverage 0 e b ro n by the waves and one after en- of Northford. Hand.” Grate 6, and “Prayer of Mrs. Grate BttUa and Mrs. Msllle otber he saw t ^ deCqys . floating sUtldhed at San AAtmilo, Texas, progrirai was aupervUed by the Mr. and Mrs. J. Gtordon HamU-> Farr assisted by all the other \ toed Parent-Teacher aaeodatlen. UConn at DePauw Thanksgiving.'' assembly. away. About to give up In despair, aim ed on- emergency leave. HU m ton «f COrricath, North Covenuy. Maureen Connor served as an­ teachers at the achool. ' -. ResldehU and organlgaUons he saw the three other men come daughter.i MUs Mary Gray, U /| tlesciiet Hunter 4 8 Gifts Be Supplied wUl have as Thanksgiving holiday Jamas A. Knight of Indtanspolis, iii Tolland are invited to use to hla raacuai. - ' home for a short time from her There will be a Thankaglvlng jE ii^ Y tiPAms vialtora tiieir daughter, Mias Rita h the facUlUea of The Herald duties at the Hartford Steam ind., formerly of Manchester, re­ furkey Set to . Rule Roost Went for Boat atrviro at 10 a. m- tomorrow at WATCH RErAmS HamUtoa, a student-at Colby col­ presented the Unlveryity of Oon- RockvlUa news bureau for oov: In Icy Waters They had been taken cafe of BoUers Cfompany. 8L Peter'e Episcopal (auirch. Rev, Veterans o y A L A uxiliary lage, 'watervUle, Maine; and Mr. erage in their area. During Ahy s ^ jewelry aM , W necticut at the recent inauguration by a retired sea cM>taln. borrowed Eat Maltday DIaaav . . H. Ik. Keen dflcutiiig. So far ae ahA-Mra. Fdward GUbert of Tarry- of Dr. Russell J. Humbert aa ISth the winter months all Tolland _ z r , . , laa boat, came back to the scene.scene aiake watch assy ha ahMIH y ' In City- Wide Obsermnces Items will originate from ^ About 278 school ddldren and known thU wlU be the Only ^ to ^ . N. Y. prosident of DePauw University, It F o u r M e n C a s t A d r i f i ) worried whether Gray would rtUl ligloua service ih the town that repataad at OAUd ETS. Coventry, •Nov. 26—(Specisl)—adied irday at Hartford Hoa- Slate OoBMiiinea Mectlag ••• Herald office on Market atraft, guests were served a traditioiUl - The nuxUiary to Green-Chobot ilUI. she. had been in 111 health- was fllsctosed bare today, MM 1 . 1 be above water, they found him Tliaidcsglvlng dinner^, yesterday day, ____ _ Tha 4-H Town committee wUl £ 4 ^' theolofy. He U the treaaurer of triephone RockvUle 5-SUS. AU repairs mate ob ear earn Poet, AL, wUl supply 48 gifts by for some ume. / t Mr. Knight, aon of Mr. and Mrs. TURNPIKE W h e n D O Bt I n p f liz e f l, I Marly unctmsclous but clinging ta noon la *the achool auditorium. Born, in BpHngfleld, M M .Jk U y meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the Burt Knight, received bis bischelor of >ustne8B,\|>»hk*i wid the board of conference clalmanta, Dec. 1 for the vetersna at the hos­ home of Mr. and... Mrs. Jbaeph i 1 and ta a member of the conference Stniggle AgaiMt T rf, “• ■‘ - '’ S . S P & S U Rev. H. R. Keen, a'gueat, pro­ ______j MccaM He- pital In Newfogton, the Rocky Hill 27, 1924, she h i^ v e d In tlwHart- of science degree In 1949 from the cBiHependfort. Mlae Soaea Motycka. ' p ^ c Mbiwty be boarda of education and mlnlater- celebrate the btrthday of Christ in ------I I He was cared for at hla home nounced the bleasinga. Teachers . Veterans' Hofne and Hospital, and ford area about wKytari^And was University of Omnqctlcut School ipd tomorrow in oboeni^ce of ial training of the New England church and home. Bhreryone is wel-^ Hebron. Nov. 26—(Special)--AI on Hebron Green until Monday, and volunteer halpers served the Pendlitii. talapliana WUBaeaatto about eight other inatltutione In at one time employ^ln thq busi­ of Business Administration. A m a r k et Southern Conference. dinner, before and during which 1804-J-8. ness department of the. .^Hartford Bteateeator Eveplag Haralfl former raetdent of 148 Pine street, ^fcawinywlng holiday ahd^the come and there la no entrarce ftei. local duck hunter, who battled the I when hla heart gave out with the the state where veterans .are hoa- Coventry oorrespeateat Mra. Mra. Burton la a native of Provi­ RtuiiauiC6 8Ale pltalUed. Times. he graduated from Manebepter . I SI MIDDU TURNPIKE W BT wrfekTlIle Poet Office wUl alao ob- Icy waters of li|imburf Cove while' She ia survived by her husband, Gharlea L;:U ttle, tetopkoaa Cov- H i^ Sc)M>ol in 1941 and is an Air >22STb5lday houra. Famil^y par^ dence. and la a graduate of Pem­ The Youth Fellowship of Rcwk- So far, 22 such gifts have been V broke. When ahe and her huabMd vlUe Methodlat church wiU sponaor hla companions for a boat! donated by uiUt members. These a aon, a dduglri^, two alaten and eatry T-S8$l. Force veteran. ' / S S w fli be tlw order of the day. a brother, jienry G. Sherman of He waa among the representa­ ^ t a ty Hoopltal, turkey flnnero „j-v,d the Oanielaorr Methodlat a rummage sale In Wealetran Hall to rescue him, w u reported in fair 1 Include presents for women, men, ha Mrved and there wlU be Church, ahe waa preeidrot of the Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. and $ to 9 condition today at Windham Com-1 >boya and girls between the ages Coventry. tives and^collsgss at the ceremony OPEN EVERY DAY im LODHN SUNDAY I ______Norwich DUtrict Womatfa Society of 6 and 12 yean, valued at from Funeral eervlcea will be held in GreeneasUe, Ind. fnvota made by membera p, m. Contributions -will bo ap- munlty Memorial Hospital. Harold j tOf MAIN STg Friday at 2 p.m. from the DiUon PsalniB and Songs iSSSui^UHdllary. DUmere- of Chrtatan Service. predated. ; 61 to $3. . f , L. Gray was taken there Monday] ■/ / Funeral Home In Hertford with IA .Ii tp$P.N. , v.."' Perooaal Meattea when the excitement and strain of Are Without Charge torial in Northwood Ometery. t tte dty’d convalea- aermon at Cryatal lA k ^ ,^ . w. These gifts .are given without At Green? Bowers Nathan Hale Pupils kA^M~and the town farm. The eervlcea Dec. 7 will be lon- Mrs. James Shaeban U spending the near tragedy aggravated a I XrtMds may call a t the home h i ____ U _ _ e«i«a ducted by the dlatitct auperln- the Thanksgiving holidays with heart tehdltton. charge to uetenns td 'choose for today and. tomorrow from. 3 to 8 OPEN ALL DAY THANKSOIViNO DAYl her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Red- memben of their famUlesr They p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m; Thankegiving' programs were Ii| Holiday Plays \ .riS ^ mta for’ trial vrtUSfiil U be tendent at Cryatal Lake at 9 a. m. Or*y with three other^ jnen, | preaentod thite morning at the at Stafford Sprlnga rt 11 A m gate and D. E. Brennan, Jr., and Ctoorge Pugatcb of Amston -Lake, I XiiB Employmeikt Office are gift Wrapped after being select­ Personal MeaUon s i t e ^ the I ’amily of Bridgeport. ed at the Institutions by members Sherry Lee, daughter of Mr. and Green and Bowers Schools under Oharoh Servicee Mike Ptoean *of Colchester and' ''k , w ^ p e r io r 0««Jt Oerk Jolm H. Frank A. Denette feU last Sat­ /. of Americim Legipn uniu through­ M». Arden E. Hartman; Elma the dlrecUon of MIm Martha Pupils of ths Nathan Hale The union Thahkagivlng aervlce George/Jamea of Hartford, hka School observed Thanksgiving yea- ^igunsns Nov, 2S urday severely Injuring both wrists startte out on a duck hunting trip • • a # out the state and addressed' and May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. White, musle supervisor. Bach N. V. DRESSiD Y w vU U l Urt—Eotoort SUlmiKs of the Vernon Center .congrega­ and hU back. Due to hla injuries he mailed If necessary. grade sang a Thankaglvlng song tsrday morning at a special aaaem- ' R H ood and spna. T^.; tional. Talcotville Congregatiq^. I in■ heavy " ‘ rain whan^thelr light boat will be closed Thomas S. Haley; and Mark Alan, bly, at yrhtch the following pro­ qrin be unable to continiie hla busl- capiflsad. Local residents wishing to con­ son of Mr. and Mrs, John Brink, to the asCembled pupUa , vg, Tbrrido A. and Vernon Methodlat churchea neaa until further notice. \ X tribute toward the project are At the -'Ortin School Charlea gram vTaa presented: “America” “wward BS. W “te va. A ^ r win be held thU evening at i Foar In Cove Watera \ Jr., wire baptized Sunday after- and Pledge of Alloglance, the as­ aem ent WUkinaon of MUe Hill ./ requested to call Mn. Richard C. n<^ at the- home of Mri. and Mrs. Ryv: of Grade 6 presided a* chaio John J. Jelfera vfc Jo^ h o'clock at the Methodlat Church rdad, la a paUeat at the U. 8. Vet- L All four ytore thrown overboard I Snow, of South Coventry, unit re­ sembly; reading of Psalm 100, Su­ “Of coarse," asid the milk, "You’re the big bird The apeaker will be Rev. Fred Ed­ John Brink, Sr., at Waterfront man, introducing the speakera, and X.sayica: Dennle erau Hospital in Newington. rbut Gray’rimmpaniona managed to I habilitation committee chairman. announcing ths 'songs. Theodore san Macauley; prayer. Miss Hul- LThenksgiving, bat give ue dairy products room, y ^ .r rt F. lAng: Stew^ *• gar of Mancheater, who ..will have swim ashore. Gray, who was on ] Pl^k, south' Coventry, by Rev. dah Butler; response to prayer, TkankeglVlng Wedding Gifts must be in her hands before .Truman O. Ireland, minister of Um Gannufo read Psalm 100 and a Right you arc, Mr. Milk! Dairies are eeeential fe^ man va. Madlyn A. Heller, P*t*i®* for hla aubject, "Thankful HearU.” 'Mias d are Girardlnl of 28 EUta [-the wrong aide of the boat to| Dec. 1. Mrs.'-'ShOW wlU attend the Giade 6 choir; “Doxoloia^.'' aaaem- j!$klnrray ea. Bvelyn C. There will be a Thankaglvlng First Congregational CSiurch ^ prayer poem written by COarlea bly; turkey and Indian songs. Miss I aaoccs and cakaa, for eofft and for haalthy bothDOUl street«irO€l andmna Edwinuw in E.is#, Schulerovtiwvi 1 liktttoumveiw ■Mvve.—aucceaafully -..J with the cur- .A. flrst gift shop opening on that day Ryan. Lorraine Ctormler and Mar­ SfPdrad is o im va. Stewart ^ Eve aervlce today atj7:30 p. m. at of IdOnc Hlli WiU bo marriod to- rent, waa unable to do anythinf MINCEMEAT South Coventry. Taylor's Grade 1: “Over the River ;milk. Stock w "Ow for Thanksgiving. ne X. Wanat va. William a Rocky HIU. She will also ariect Capt. and Mrs. Walter 8. Keller garet Boland, gave a brief history nan; Eugene the Flrat twtheran Ojurch. morrow at 10 a.m. at St. Bernard's] but krop D.* J??! gifts for the 22 veterans at the ^ d Through the Woods," Grade J.T koiwIw I; Carl Petaraon va. At 8 o'clock thla/bvenlng there church In RockvUle. Mias Girardlnl] heavll^ weighted ^ t h huntog ICECREAM and Min Hilda M Keller will at­ of Thanksgivina bay.' AU three 2;' Thknkaglving song, G r a d a 3) win be a JehovaTa wttnw coin- Cedar Crest Sanitorium A t that tend the Ariny-Nai^ football game arc sixth gnden. . “How Thanksgiving Started,'' has been the guest at a aeriea of clothaa. It U reported that m man- An the spley flavor of gnafl- time. At Bowsra Scirool Janet Jariis 59c »<***£S:n —— pany atudy a t ^ l Orchard gtraet, shOwera during the P*«t to clutch a ^ of d HeSday OurtaQiaeBto Saturday In Phlladelpbla. Mld- Marion Creamer. Noreen Cowles, of the Barber Slurp Rockville: iM ^ m a r y place, and weeks. I ducks and by holding on fo thU C O M ! IN ma*e w aee Pin. Try this: Heap shlpsaan Robert M. Keller wlU at­ of Grade 6 was the announcer. GeorgOanne Mc<^ughey and Janet EVISCERAUD ORDER DARTS E6Crlio6 eteiue wlU meet for a ateekd to^ 287 O id d ^ atreet. Mancheater. Mrs. Erhaie BcMItor kapt afloat. Ha aaya that t ^ mlBce Bseat lea eream Into Tha Booth - Dlmock Memorial tend the game WUi bis parihu. Karen Romaniw read Ppalm 100 Clanfaglioi(p; ‘‘Why We Should at 7:S0 pjn. at the Elka bahed pie sheU; top It with Library will not be open tomor­ Ha will motor up from the Naval and a prayer poem written by AU Be Thankful," James Col* an^ TURKEVS 49c LB. toly Funeral aervlcaa wlB be held all that saved him from ImmedUte j whipped 'eieaaa Maam; What a HOLIDAYS Coffiage Hooae. Thafe wm be Thanksgiving Day Friday at 1:80 p. m. from the j drowning. ^ . j row Instead Mn. sKenneth A. Academy In Annapolis, of which Thomas Thayer. Thomas and Pas Joseph TWarnlU; song-prayer. r^atilbvllene tatedated Hol^ communion toraoROW.at 10 Ahern Funeral Home In Hartford. For more than an hour ha I Friday 9 A. M. to 5 r30 P. M. troat! Downing WiU ba hersA^day be­ captain Keller is an alumnvs. cal Poe, told the stoi^ of the flrst Grade 6 choir; “Now Thank We Nat N. Scheeedel. truatee of the ja:^m. at St. John's Episcopal for Mra. Abble T . Schlffer, 88 srtuggtod In the water but eveii- tween the houn of 12:30 tq 6 n. m. Young Keller Is s msmber of the Thanlutglving. Tba lou l post offioa adu be HEAVY STEER BEEF vttkv^j^ fpsok EBRdp Cffiurch. Clark atreet, that city, who dlad ______. academy choir. Mra. Harold Archer, tocal Junior Legioa Auxiliary or Sofurdoy 8 A. M* 12 Noon open Thanksgiving I ^ from 7 to Red CYosa chairman, presented at her home yeatorday foUowing a l0.a. m. only. There will be no~rursl 'llie next meeting ot the Herb Dobeaa-Ertel-Laboc-Hanscn Unit lengthy Ulneae.' C9ub will be Dec. 4 at the COpri- pins to ths sponsors at both No. 14 of the American Legion Survivora include her husband; NEW CROP OF YOUNO teUvertea that day; Isnds Herb Farm, Sliver atreet. schooU. Mrs. Madeline Mitchell at SERyiCES ftotn'the' Americfit Legion Auxiliary will meet today at 8 _ daughter, Mri. Ralph Fahr oil Mrs. EaaaeU T. Gngaa the Green and Edgar Noel qt r ? latter from the Aim The aiater of a Coventry resi­ Mr. and Mrs. COarles Wahlgren jBudllary, ICra.„ Bhlrl' ilrl^ p. m. at the OAR hall. Plana will Hartford; a aietar, Mrs. Ida Hil­ CHICKENS wUI have as Thanksgiving holid^ Bowers, In recognition of their H ist Interpret The Wiehei .^ g tary ,’ together e w enclouaure le made for Chrlstmaa activities ler of RockvUleT' three brothers, dent. Mfo,' PhyUls 8. Grogan, 27 Work for the Junior^Red Cross.. East Burnham streat, Hartford, visitors their son-in-law and. Of The Fssiily •( a $80 Check: / and a report will be presented of E ^ a r Davies of RockvUle and| |M pTnS...Lb.««e{ .lOooimanlty/aervlce haa long the child welfare and rehabilita­ Joaeph and Bert Davis of Hart­ Pratt & Whitney Aireraft - hten one of J» e moat importMt of tion conference held in West Haven ford. , RSADY-TO-EAT HAMS, c h i c k e n s , 'S DAIRY! the nrosrnma undertaken by tte Saturday, attended by Mrs. Anna Burial srin be la Northwood Oem- C A P O N S ..... L b. 6 8 c I JOHN A BURKE P H O N I 4 4 3 B m Laglon AuxUlary. We KwteiakI and Mra. Norine O'i^rien. etery, Hartford. Frlente may caU Special 'Prices For Freeieia DIVISION OP UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Itoate 44—^Maiiehcetcr HAMBURG, SAUSAGE MiAT. SALT PORK Plan Workshop at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p. Delivery la Manchester atrlve to help In the bet- NNiSAl HOMI e *n t o< the community in whlM A Cairiatmas workshop for par- m.' today and from 2 to S p. m. Friday Evenlags EAST HARTFORD t. CONN. Open ThtnlifliBiTtBr CRANBERRIES. NUT|/MUIT. ICE CREAM Mita and teachers of churchea In and 7 to 9 p. m. tomorrow. M live. Therefore, we are Indeed Except Between The W Baat OeoBteSt TeL 6868 >< / S a t i ^ for the oppoi^uffity p ^ RockvUle and neighboring a i„ will be held at the Union Congre­ The Rodtvllle bureau of the I H. A. FRINK Honrs Of 2 to 5 P. M. ^ The AMBULANCE SEBVICB Advertise in Hicf Hendd-x^It Psys aanted by you to contribute to ^ gational Church here Monday at Maachester Evening Herald ie to- T e l Manchester 7188 Mnderful awlmmlng pool jw jert :S0 p. m. In this workshop specific caled at One Market Street. Tele­ Bollivaa Ave,—.Wapping wgu are aponaorlng In the dty of phone Rockvnie 8-8UM. {(oekvllle. Pleaee accept the. eh-, help wiU be offered on bow to istmos Cliib. Checks check In the name ct Soboea. Ertel. Lahoc, Hanem Uhtt No. U of ,the American legion O f The TEL. 8181 824-128 ObManaleatteae TEL. $161 824-888 MAIN IBT. Sdiwedel reporta a communlM- MANCBESTEE ♦ui« from Bamuel'Oann of the 0»> MAIN ST. Savings Bonk Of Msnchestei' operative Bnildera, Iiic. together check for $100 In which te atatee “You may call upon Oo- 824-828 TEL. 8161 Will Be Mailed Out nperatlTB BuUdera, Inc. at any time MANCHESTEB fte any help that It may give to MAIN ST. further your work.” Encloeed alao were cootrlbuUona of $ 1 each from - Monday, Dec. 1st , mchard Gaan. 6 and Andraw ■.it' «7eiin, age 4, “who are alao aathuaed becauae they nmy eome day have the pleaaure of ualng your awinnnlng pool.” - Thoaa In chuge of the ^ g ra m 6,265 MembersWillReceivit '.N; ‘ ^ t. ^ f ' 'jit X' hope the people of uie oom- A siimity win make uae of the clrcu- la n which were eent to them and Approximately $475,000 1 , 1 1 in their contrlbutlona prompt­ ly, aa the program muat be plan­ S' ? ' 4 a r in advance If there la to be a r awlnuning pool In RockvUle thla fanning aummer. The funda will be l» e aeeeaaary before digging can be­ gin, ■> commltmenta muat be made 0 long In advance. Letter from Bev. Mahoney TH E O N L Y m u t u a l SAVINGS BANK ' Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, paator of St. Bernard'a church ha» writ­ ten the William HorowlU Foun­ dation. Hla letter aaya In part. "1 am greatly pieaaed to leani that Rockville la soon to have all the advantages that- are found in modem city parka. The health, bapplncaa and comfort that a well equipp^, well supervised and con­ veniently located public park pro- vida cannot be told In a lew 'words. “Public officials and religious leaders know that, a community's moral tone Improvea when suffi­ cient provlelon la made lor the ex­ 0 penditure of exceae youthful 'S energy. Now Appointment V I 133 SPRUCE STREET • Rev. Nathan B. Burton has been >pofoted to the pkstorate of the 3ethodlst churches at Stafford Bprlnga and Cryatal Lake, accord­ ing to an enirouncement made to­ THANKS(3VING SPECIALS day by Rev. Charles K. Hutchin­ •X son. J r - dlatrtet auterlnUndent The Burton family will move to 10 Cbmbinaiion Borden'e CSiurch atreeL Stafford Springs oq Borden't or sd)out Dec. 10. Rev. Burton ia now paator Of FANCY 1 Lb. KemR’s "Step-A-Hesd" IDE DREAM Methodist churchea at Hope and Phanlx. R. I. He took hla under, 0 0 ^FORMS MIXED NUTS ROLL graduate work at Brownell Col­ . I lege and theological training in ' i the Boeton University school of t u r k e y s a n d Serves 8 to 10 •i PUMPKINS I^ O E DREAM ROLL Gift Funiiture - Cut Priced

f o r thanksgiving CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE-SAVE 10% to 23% NOW Value 12.69 REG. S1.9S KNBEHOU DESK ■ Large , . ■, ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ’ i REGULAR 89.96 CEDAR CHEST O N LY ...... 0 Walnut nr etohogony veneer, hand- Shed Bbaqaete I Prices QitarielAiadei.Wyleo . fM qesihrf Mbfaddoaed. Dork or blue. Hand watATaflt e l diae. AAen'e I COOPEB ier nylon tricot. BeoutiM tikes ^ nylon REG, 7.49 PLASTIC HASSOCK REG. 10:86 COCKTAIL C H A » Oafaiypaela/i 8.98 loo^ net, eiBhroldury. Whbe. 32-4Q. trkBb 'H m m lt, anal, wedfcm. tafoe; rcfuior aaone. foN ceton. tVi-11. ■. „ . 'f v.-a E66N06 .^Oe KEM P N U TS 0 Lightweight hassock in a dwiea of 0 VenolUn Choir for yranni. ' ^ ' '■'10 wO be d oted ' Mtfl fevw eolen. Heavy-gouga ^ s t k b cosy to In your hetee. N e j o g spring teat, p | p » inis is the Dross for gala holiday fastivMias. PosMonad of M PAPER CARTONS MIXED, C i^ E W S. VMGtoHAS Hm t eetice becosto ef EBIB^IDERED 8UPPESS ^ lin rs PU88E PAtslIAS lUMMSUBnE PAlUiBS wipe dean. Sturdy rakifereed bcMom. riddy taxiwrod ocatalo aoMn brocodo. It's wfl and 'Sonorr IhMoo ceetod by oed- Ing os candMghk YotdhfuUy stylad wMb o rlppUng hil is, 2 .7 4 2 .9 7 2 7 7 stdrt, encirdad at Sw woM wkh a. .wida block. eoHaa yoi- f-s - ■ vj BUY O N tA Y -A W A Y -O N lY $1 HOLDS ANY ITEM UNDER $ 2 0 vplppn bait No ana would aver gmm tU BtNa 0.90 prica . 0 Regular 3.29 D'Orsoys new rfwrpiy 0 Rsgukir 3A9. Easy-t e eauk aee6 0 tiQider 3.59. Coral Irani cMaic ki ’ 3 paka 1,17. Pup set ihyoffi \/^A_ . lag. See N et Wards in soft bkw, |*d^ eroemy helgeiy roducod. Of quDted ]et blodc or layol SMgad or .fancy | R N I^N I IK NNIIW ^PSI NNNIo B0RII blDEl EOS! ^ TELENIDIIE M l Herald Advs; fi- - - ■ blue foyen 98801 nlatfena iotet. 4-9. AdiwisHi WOM r " y r "1 1 r~ Jbgi^srdsAlmSh My' - ‘ A ■' " ' ' ^ ^ i ' .r^ V ^ ^ .-C 'i' ^ ■■ -7 ‘ t \ \

. < .-\ .' ■ ' K. - ; 5 > \ > . . v m -:- ■ A' / l > ' . ^ ' ■ M kGE ELBVHH KAKCBICSTER EVENTNO h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, OONK» WEPNESDAy* KOVEMRER SI, l i l t ' i ' ’ M ANGHESTER EVEW iro HEBAIJ). M ANCHESTER, CONN^ W EDNESDAY. NO VEM BER *26. 1952 the final a ^ hi Four aham peo Th* W iim iB f' T m w I.TSN m J: CARNIVAL HY DICK TURT^il ^*^A M Ua h air cream nibbad on the FOR FIINNY W iN EfW IRGBR palm of your hand'can he trans­ W I L K S X b y FONTAINE P6 X ' m i ferred to ydur hair brush-'by Sense and Nonsense aw eopUta the hrietleia acroea your i ------’TUB goClCTV ok^ IR P pfthn. ’Then bruah yo ur h air. 1T*« ow n TOM O RI DUE TO ,^ ..Jf»LV COM B» IT^ OWN Ta A vouna m an w hose father had , oouatry m tnUter w as driving been hangod w aa faced w U h a l i f e etoqa BtcM ag H it a splritad horsa through a vlU aga A new crafts a#t, the E T G H A L L lnaurancO ropo»»> CdLIS I w han ha ovartook tha local doctor S m U ijlieBtlona Inquiring about O LA M ETCHING K R . wUI pro­ t 1 and offarad h im a lU t. herediury ^^er* was oM duce com e-lovely thln^ for the T en m inutes later tha horaa bolt s.b iiig fo r the cause of death of Hom e and provide a w orthw hile! I ad. upaat tha carriag e, and tplU ad hobby for young people or adulta. I both m en. The doctor rose to hW "M other died of pne^ H m k it cem talns a tu M of etching j johhs I feat and tu rn ed an g rily tow ard the cream , knife, atenclli, alum inum FATHER joonla. Fath er w as yt’aUpaper FasdiiaUon Cater Serrlca Center . New BteMIten W’atelM* I clergym an. ' a public function, w hen the plat­ _ _ ends and In the evenings. The w ife A Child*! A'B-C Book A HAM ILTON W ATCH in the ateneil M L and a book of Inatruc- M e D IC I N f Doctor— W hat do you m ean by FA B CIN A TIN Q W AU .PAPBB81 w'ho ia alw ays after her huaband Hava you availed yoUrsaU of tlona that includaa m any lovely! form gave way.” ’ new styles for ladlaa or gthU em en H A'^ A >m.' I M J ‘ I in vitin g m a to ride behind auch an o r A l l TY PIC S aa ahow n In the, to hang th# curtalna^ fix the baaln the free eolor services offered by pattern# , from Inltlala to ftew tra: THE SRERW IN . • W ILUULMS shown at the DBW ’B V-KICH M AN O N ( H I IHKOAf a n i m a l ? . new lines for 1958 at the M CG IU L^ '. or clean th# stove, m ay find that ang at^tsed deeigna. The kit la 1 Are You Ootag Eaatf , COM PANY? (11 ,4m fLB GBIDB COM PANY, 707 Main atreet. M intatar— W ell, It w aa luck that IN V E R S E O O aiPAN Y, 045 M ain, hai forced him to a point of m akes a fascinating Christm as 91.00 at tha JOH NSON PAIN T Ithia tlm a thera w ere no bonea If you are going to Chicago o r StreeL tem pt one to', re-do every. com plete exhauation. — full color pictures of decerator- C O M PA N Y , 099 M ain atraet, and M Uw aukee. 1 can save you one- appitivcd color schem es in actual gift. Livin g u p to th eir slogan that' th ay hava aeparate tube* o f eraam , broken, but I alw ays Uke to have room In the house. The fabric-like i jm ,* every effort to elim inate "The beat buy ia H am ilton,*’ these third your face. A ct quick. Phone riSm a, « ♦ STYLE GUIDE COM ­ M l, and pattarna. TM a ia k w orth- 1 a doctor w ith m e w han I drive th at textures have been developed In jhe poastbilitv of your being IFft PANION w hundreda of cMor w atches are aa beautiful In de- ?4 HoiJf h o r a a . m any different w aya— new uses o f, ^ w idow In your later years. W ith frb ila C h rigtinaa g ift! -^ Classified A d In the Pueblo harm onies aU w oHied out by ex­ s i g e — S lid In m ultiple styles -— color In the tw eed-Ilke texture, the care and understanding on your as they - are reliable In perforns- Chieftain. * perts. (31 J-UOLOR BTVUN G Clerk— Yea. m a’am this new ho- actnal feeling of cuiw elvet in pgrt, you' and your huaband w ill YOUR .. complete pro­ anee. ^ ra s start at 057.78. H ouaeholil gloves, ao .necessary AmbulaiH* / rlnse cleanaer w ill cu t your house som e elegantly form al papers, and have a better chance of celebrat- gram exp lo m g w orld of color, pre­ If the w om en are to keep their A vacaU on U a period In w hich S n r v K c I w ork In half. a very Interesting quilted appear -1 m g your golden w edding annlver- pared V nenrin-W U liam B Decora­ Mildew staina can be removed haiida sm ooth and still gat their, Houaewifa—^Iva ma two of a person goes out determ ined to ance on a gaily flow ered paper. { ggry together. tive Stiiidm especially for presen- ehoraa done, have aom etim ea given have a good tim e If It kills, h im — from upholstery. First, rub 'with a | srom bn (huay for roihplaint be- I t h e m . One book ehow e auggestlons for| ------tatioa- to w om en’s clubs, at no cloth that has been soaked In | and so often it alm ost does.— o n t. different types of hom es, another gm arTntj'ies In Cotton chaige or obligation. D rop In at eauaa they a ft clum sy and uncons- warm soapsuds, and follow with a i ftorUM a to w aar. A ntw type on X t. KlOHT. SCHOOL TO HEAR la all C olon ial designs (and not all Very pretty and becoming 719 M AIN STR EET and pick up X Barber— Haven’t I shaved you cloth that has, been dipped In cold J the M arket ahould beat Uiia prob­ I PEST T A LK am all-flgure, by any m eans), still styles are evident. In the T A IIX M t- your free copy of our new 1953 water. Second, if the material l a edlGon of "HO M E DECORATOR l e m . — O kland (O al.) Tribune b e f o r e ? _ another la a "burlap’' book. If E D O O r r O M d r e s s e s , p r i c e d a t Custom er— N o, I got that scar washable, bleach with chlorine ‘n ie apocially proeeaaed cotton you’re planning any w allpapering, a very pleasant .$4.fi0 to 58.98, at A N D H O W TO PAINT BOOK” h l i i l water, and If not. use potaaaium In the w ar. do.aee these styles. j u s t o u t ! H nlag In thaoe giovea glvea a soft j t i M u i M S n c I The only tim e w e aee aom e peo- the M Q OTGOM ERY W ARD .•,» A A I Intereating design. E a r rings and trasting trim m ings. S lM s are bqth - -ielf-tuning r-'-ean aetiiallv be* and aklrt p a ir to « a k a Hi briglitly l E i G i n i Q C i There’s a conveniently com pact hued fabrlea that asatch ar ean- a H D 4« OO SCPANT. at 721 M a i n A PCYlMS tR '« ^ A l ^ R A l O / , 0 5 O PP ‘VOHEM « ^ ***>»■«* * Coltndor m anaacilaaH anc] bracelets m ay m atch necklaces, or regular and^ hhlfrinas. up to 24 p l a y e d b y a n y o n e beeauae the D t K T V T H A T y f c M T yO O'LL BUST M AN ICU RE KIT— just right for; trM t. Thia eom btaatlaii It a w M - atfM t, kaa g rew n on dom enatrated jo sT .CANte t o . * i c u M i W il Jurt h»v« to •Ihninstg th tt yJolfiijtly, rtiio - □ H u a n a ■ aautD ciy carry' their glam or alone. Flash­ carrying in e handbag or travel- - Arthur Godfrey "Uke Placer” aw n ta inatalltag tbair D U A L IT Y S iM E OS HO \ IN 6 0 W E CAM “ “ “ ■■laciaw w aua W hich com ae w ith it h as tunes w ith n ar evary tltia. VilARM VO U — -A tionri pfisfitgo In tho M cond w ow w n tl ing big pins are designed for at­ H am burgers, served w ith Ing caae^ that w ould m ake an un- U M O LBini,. AN D ASPHALT U N E OP UP-.. MCXiB P A t r O rtAM E A FE'M HORIZONTAL 60 Female saints ■ M M P4t3l3LltJC3n tention-getting on lapel, ahoulder, u su ally n ice C h ristm aa gift tor only I notes num bered to rorrea|k>nd to Pattern N o. 9974 le a aaw -rlta T lU b R vary Inaunatien la tupar- 6 0 E S T S . I M ■ < s b . ) aracsacasoaanniraua rolls and barbecuY’-aauce,* m lk s num bered string#. *111# p r i c e l a perfaratad pattam Ht aiaaS ll. ll. APRON U P T e R 6 I S 1 S e v e n t h o r pocket. These offer nice C hrlet- good eating for the football crow d. (3.00. A leather ’’purse" in red ,' viaad sy lianagar Gayar. w hoM ' ‘M SSIhi'A . F O R . T H E 01 B ack of neck □num niB ieiacii3B iao m a s i d e a s . green, -or black contains sm all 84.98. There’S A "cap" repM tlng. ll. 1 4.19. li. 90. M m 19, 914 y n rd i ’’loM iw -bew " la eam ptata. R H i ab il­ ' f i BYGALBRAtra m o n t h c3L]ciaa(s*> 94cai^ ^ ^ ^ To m ake the barbecue a*uce easi­ riffle w ith m etal m ountUg In a ! l L L I A R D / y e y c i T E - ^ I D 6 G L A N C E d S M o n t h o f VEBTICAL ly, put a cup of chili sauce, a ,U - sciaaora, file an d three other uten- a f 19-H ieh. ity to p laaM hla cuatom ara la fur- M E ^ V T / nn nSaaaiaciaaa acabbard at $0.89. Your "Spaoe 1 Pattem No. 9179 It a atw -riU BBS* w e d d i n g s 1 P o k e s ■I 1^ a tia ta n a a W hen you ar# boiling - fresh Uespqoh of brow n augar, tw o or alla ready for use w hen the three- tbar avtiO nt In |ha w lda M tactlon three'tablespoons of elder vinegar, sided ripp er ta opened. Y o u 'll find C adet" w 'lll adore a helm et through W fo ra te O patttfh In alaea ll. ll. a f floo r eovortaga tt U it ahop, Th a .9 Fifth m onth 2 Soviet rive r aar3« M i» tK3a«";an° w hole beeta, leave an Inch or tw o w hich he can - see w ithout being n am aaa ■ a g “ “ Qi i of their tope and roots on tha antf som e thin- onion rings in « It at tha W ELDON DRUG COM 2003 I S , 1 8 . 18. 10. 99. M m It. 4 yafda varlaty af atylaa ta all aoi^ of o f the year 3 U naspirated s e e n , a t . . Turn the handle of g g ia u a ri | n g g a a g heats to pravent '‘bleed ing’’ du rin g saiKepan. Olm m et the , sauce PANY. 81 80 o f 19-lnch.’ cetera and cater eom binatlona haa 1 2 R e g i o n 4 F o r m e r an organ grinder^ organ and a g a c i n i m b c i a g a r i the cooking. about five m inutes and w hen you Stim ulate your chfldren’a inter­ P or thaae pattam t, aand 99c for atvH ng for any typa of daeoratw a 1 3 S o o n I l l i n o i s up. jum ps a m opkev — ^ all for poiir it over the ham burgers see It la niuch m ore efficient to run est In learning by (hla pute A -B -C Each. Hi <3olna. your naM a, ad- tcham e, W htthar «ne faaturM an- l \ 14 D ecem ber 34, g o v e r n o r 22 Strongholds 40 Hebrew (1.98. Thee# a r t ' onlv a Yew of •Top D eska Fo r Children that theris aa onion ring on dakh. yo u r.. I w ashing m achine several hook em broidered w ith fam iliar draM , aiaaa oaalrad. and tba Pnt- tlqua fu riiltu ra, the lateat m odem C h r i s t m a s S J o U 2 4 R u s s i a n h s M t i e tiroes a w eek than.to a tttm p t'to do illuatrations. Start to m ake a leaf m an y excltflm ent-'bringera. ideaa. or a genreal hem ay back­ 43 Ei^ankmknts youngster and a tam Niim bar, to tm i R C R N im . 0 J o i n e d m o u n t a i n s three or fo u r loads iq one day, end a day ar.i! % ve them ready for THE M ANCRHM BB HVHNIHO ground. A Fttdgat P la n ta a t oda'a 1 5 J e s t i n g to the fu rn itu re "Im portant G ifts Low Prieed” PUMPKIH \ I • 7 N o t a n y ‘ 25 Time measure 45 Unadbraed It ttieans you w Ul need to buy (ThrU tm as glf(-glvlng . ’Take y^ ir draam a aeribualy. BaHAUK llM AYK AM M IOA*. ’ 17 Sum m er 48 AdhesiVatrip I’e room w ould be Y ou ’ll find aoifte of those ’Im ­ ' 9 G erm an. 20 P ill coverin g portant" gifts at rsaU y low prices few er clothes for your children. ' Pattern N o. 2003 contains hot- D on’t be aelf-conacloualy afraid NCW TOtUt 90. N. T. . d a y s • u u . v . 28 Num ber of 47 Poem s a Rr a rw ivel YO R K 80, N. Y. 3 3 N h i s i e r iT ” IS gay JEW ELR Y SETS of 28k gold cigarette urns and ash .trays in . R N im N O W CM M TED right now (% rlatM M aii M A TM m *S A T T m ' chalr' to m atrii. P rices'start at Prcaentlng the N ew Ann# (Tabot 34 M ore level 1 plate', set w ith stones, corns in a either Sterling .sirver or high N eedlew ork Album . D lrecliona for ta the Yant Departm ent of the O H N T H R . R i n g s for cMUIrdn, ! f ; f t ' t • \ > l J^>Nn4.>«»M s, 30 E ig hth , m onth r " ■ / . a n 128.80. ^ B etter not delay-, seeing plastic jew si case w ith self-lift­ grade Silver plate. J>:W . H ALE COM PANY. ThU from babloa up. ara charm ing in / / / • a * NOT A gP^ iP ? tham — they're sure to be knapped ing Uq> tray at (7.95 for necklace puppet m ittens, basic em broidery For a PRBTTY *S m n » ' p O H A /•W THEflAO* « .-"* * • * '* ' - 3 7 R o m a n stHches and grand designs i lovely im ported yam la reduced C H R ISTM A S O OPT, w d anggciai a K id or sat w ith a sm all atOna. e m p e r o r *” it " f t u p . ' \ . and ear rings, and (8.98 for neck­ G reasy' oven# that have been from the regular 9.46 an ounce to ow t^ paaria, a aparkllng aoli- lace, ear rings and bracelet. O ther scorched black can be cleaned. Set prtnte'j In th is Issue. 25,cen U . trip In tha near futura to tha B Y V. T. H AM LIN 3 0 P e r s U i 8.39. A b excellent qualttyu fo r the M ONTGOiM RaT WARD C O M ­ tatia, or a du atar af StonM in her R ight You.A ye f t " ' T ry not to plan'^ your husband’s nice aeU. not In the jew el box, a dish ..of-sihm onia in closed oven a l l e y o o p s 39TcUereltHe s new yaeb-K> n-nuck-tow ellng bagA P A N Y . m ght now thorate a baau- fa v o riu color era aat ta va ry lovely ■ 7 hours w hile he\is hoqie on w eek a ta ri at (4.58. overn ig h t end scour next day w ith r e t u r n t h e clean dry clothes to for m tttena,, for aocka, and for d a H M for oM ar gtria and ladlea. f u t u r e 3« 31 fine steel w ool or fine scouring ttfttlly w lda choice in a variety at ^ w StTifPOBW T 4 1 0 b e e r v c R" IT f T • i l l _____ l x . s t o r a g e . m any other uaea, there’s a nlca charm ing eidora— quiltad bam barg M aO tlva^ inaacuHna rin gs ara daco- p o w d e r . * ■ UXMUKEWEU. 4 3 8 o m e F variety of desk and bright colora, o r aatln, qu B tad catton , O r chenllte, ratad w ith onyx, a ruby or a aap- COAHrTlME- 1. r- i l t e i i ph liw -and altharY a gold or w ith Roots 44->ManchssisP c a l e n d a r s f f " i W ine stains, should be sponged as w ril as the sm art om bra tw lat. Langtha ara Im g ar "duatar”, aad MNCHINEVUORK. If you’ra Intereited, you’d bettar a staaa m ay earry a lodge «m - m ark. hoUdayi W arm Foot-Protectloa from table linens w ith w arm .soap­ ^ rlcaa are $4-M ta $10.09. » •SONGHT/ ' 1* h KIMP'S RECdflD dIPAIlTMiNT SII AESTS n o t postpone getting your ehare. M em . There are attracUve M rth- OpsR ’ThankSKiThw^Dsy i l n ----- 6 ’T h e n ’s cosy protection against suds right after the table la J rsin and snow In the sm art new etaae Zlata foe an. Exesfit Bstw ssn'^s. 4 4 C U p i cleared, to save later bleaching K 40 HI STORM ROOTS FOR W OMEN Y ou r television M t e a n b e c o m e A '''ram ady, sp irit you m lgtit floors Of 2~to S F-'M. 4 8 A l a r m s m NEW LONG FLAYING RECORDS AND CHILDREN sho-t» " dangam usty ovarhsalad If you a)- kaap «p an sfW tar. teng y4*r 49 R un aw ay to u Ties For Clirlatmaa n P m odest prices- at the 'BO O N TO O M - From the oolorfiri array of- the taw the vantaatKm belaa provided h a ir ia kncHHad td yaa r-’round dry- j I , The&qilirer m a r i Y . "SERENADE TO A U o r* • e • • • 'f W o t y M K l o f ER V W AR D OOM PAN.^. . » . s.: by tha m am ifaeturar to be eovarad naaa, la tha o M O f d braam rld M $0 4% W 51 52^ CHENEY-FABRIC NECKTIES, S 3 S t i r K boota have a w arm fkbric lintne one can choose satisfaction-bring­ 94M cm entoe. 'TAN G O TIME' P h H i p G i w m S lid som e have fur “conars,” as » in g CThrlstm aa g ifts fo r all the m en 50 Vegetable a h w ell. S tyles include the gusset side on one’s list. B eau tifu l qu alities O f S7 B rin g s forth \ SI n k n I i I ^ i j>8 "I HEAR MUSIC" ..... or the long- ripper. G ay in bright nure silk or rayon — so aatiafac- “8ino9 lh#y got thtt new car they’vo beon out here for y o u n g brow n or red. the boota are priced torliv "tie-able" — are presented S O A n g e r s K "iYE BYE SLUES" ..... Lck^ool m R Mi^ Pord from 13.39 to 84.98, and sises go In styles an d colora fo r t\-ery taste. s r dinner every ^nday—guess thtiyll' have-. It paid for 59 Su p erlative n from an infant 6 to adult 9. Som e *1716 new pattern s t|iat repeat one - pretty aoonP s u f l i x EL good choices for Christm aa here. tln v figu re or w hich give the pbp-*^ BY EDGAR M ARTIN ular stripe m otif a difference by P u r s u i t BY RUSS W INTERBOTTIAM gQQ,j.g ggn BUDDIES G ettin g D efin ite A laundry room on the second 'h avin g the stripe o f lea f design are CHRIS WELKIN, PUnetcef floor pf your house— equipped w ith ve.rv effective: P rices are m odest W om wN ttAoeaxCAi ( W . v N t y a v c ( o m o voivvoibcuw s w asher. Irqner knd hom e diyer— at the CH EN EY BROTHERS WHILE VDU'KE TAWM5J A VOM lM HKt IM tVtlW tlM ft D M ruM * ,’llM k 0041 KIOTHIR AMO WOOH ONy.WTMR-MlO VtOKM .yo u VtkO Vd I INC ro W ill save stair clim bing aa you REM NANT SALESROOM . IM e a w v m l e CARE OF THAT. r'U . ^ V.W tvT D\6>4 H90WLV HOUR W x, o«on u» Tw\6 OMOOV ARt TSRfRNSW AMVlOliJ OUHE FINO CHRI^— VITW 60 VLAC— • VALMAN ■ V I f f MMBB Y V P V , I------f — ------I M l M X M G t yOR 06 to tlU . tHU4 TAB ^ 7«3 M nln 'Strw t Green Stam ps Given TeL 5M 0 WE can 5TIUt CATCH M t t A X 1 I m WWI VM thriM O 'OV ZXAC't VJt! t V 6 0 A P 6 B O R l O O V l t 9 9 36 FURNITURE and M USIC HOM E OF FRIGID^IRE OVER I . VALMAN.,. I HOPF! OW% THERE ^ T E i a E D AKEAOF T H E A 1DM CITV E E 6 E A ^ H C E N T p e Why buy sMond-bsst, "just avorifo” shoes " \ - , , for your children? GetthiMn x O Praite the Lonl, for it U a good thing , .... B k AL VERM EER I Tall A nd H andaonael - / BY LAN K LEON ARD > ■ PR ISCILLA’S PO P A ' Cap^al D eductipB. v \ M ICKEY FIN N ''rrsAW ASw tt J ^ i - i n b u p ' NCfr 160 PO U UND. N D S, ^ EX ACTLV! AND N t W . - l Y l J U T » (r m -IW ^BP IM P MONK H R TTr . l o u e s s i N t , ANO TM ER • ‘1 E X T R A 3 0 PO* 0 8 6 9 89 M fET VOW NXM O \ 1D M e E T H ) to, ting prdh^ unto our God*’ P E T ! 1 WEIGH 1ANN«ITEASy$a« ( W UN O n A » . W M |fW L>90TIT amOaciip ,%PAT. MRS. BOTTS?^ W 1 c ! A N r r occnoN f t yus UUP j T n aT taw n ARII __fW P______fP Vi <17 . __HW I0A,I I MAM mCHRMNLy \ 1(Xi

ThinkigWng, D^ So ^radalmaJ yaar by yaar in ordaF that weman.tkeuid Vavii tha aRMPtunity af d'^nfl thanico ,ta God far Hlo lovSng-kindndii taward'^man. Sa, farthaiHitth ouaaaosiva yaar, ufa tj* ( tar:— LET US USE THANKSGIVING DAY W R THE WRPOSE FOR WHICH IT IS PRO- "V M . r. RT O CRPR CUIMEDl - - BY LESLIE TLiR N ER FR ECK LES AN D H ’S E*'’'" ” Trouhle C nw ine U » CAPTAIN EASY Telltale Creak ■ i ; ut« m SH N E^ $HUULP BE , W A I T . L e t s , s e e D k a y , s e r i T 5TAT h e r e . WA&H, WMILE I TRV t h e m W B COM CtUPB ' t U s L E A K a T h o s e — N O W / S ^ . £C lt tcssvso V « m A . T « R U E i n e TW AT irw iu - Go to Chureh tomoppow. Go f# Chupch, whapfvar; jt may ba. Firit giva TO «NAKE l*H WAV KCKO^S’ ' p u r C L O C K S G O O FFinaatr CIBARINQ TO t h e BARN. BR iepcASes TO W S T ^ O L j 0 ^ ,*i 'ieM ioH jE / .. jnki to Almiahty■Mmigniy ,Gad..Gdid, tbaathan toka partMPt inIn ta raeas-racair tha.tba oamai. gamai, and that(»a dlnnar*dlnnori with t h e m s o u m p t O F MIS SPKCH a eiaoflP' eaniciahca;iniciancai "Ivapy gaod-fWfood* gift and ovary parfaat gift it from abova, andeomath — 1I’.30A-M./ I b M & i a e o w dawn fromtpam tha FatbopFatnap afat iignr,lig k ” U says y i St.01. uamasJamas* opiiTi*.l^otla. zwayMay waw* aiiail r*»w^

N eckw ear in stripeB, solids and sm all patterns. Fu ll ^ AaM iidafor **ITd odi dm 0x$oU fhmm. Thou thmdmr triumphant^ r. K. <■ a Ae,r» , length and bow tie*. R ayon and silk w ith w ool lin in f* . V iN . V l ■ ■'.r-- \ R esilien t con « truction. A sso rted shade*. And prmy that Thou $tiU our dmfmndmr * . BUGS BUNNY •fcM LM dlm ltei BY M ICHAEL O’M ALLEY * I VI i.IN T Placeg To Go ______i H i i 111118( 8*1 f a n Lot Thy eongrmgmttoA^oeempm humilimtUmt u6Av-)nM rrv s opTTN O TD O i— REM NANTS and IM PERFECTS C7aV>OU«'TiA«W S»BW ,AN»BXF^IW AA^^ ^ TH-7HKOW IT 1 I THINK ’THA5T STU FF** /tAliyTBBBN * ~ . JU9T A» I dAJtr pe«3«E<'4oe;, inS l < wxjoh FO«mB«*OWt. o v a g v o m e A BUNCH O' JUNK... V T H r a L u o c v • Bight mrf Wt • T h y Nmmm b o mmmr p raU u d t O L o r d , mtdtmuM fr ee t* * Hovveow e PLSSlTSAW VVOUW iAW Na^'X ‘ ■ ' K IWOflCTOn, IF I HAP KNOWN Ti:«V Viet j'BBBUTCP.X want to OBT left 6HOIXPER BUT HERB &OBB/ baM la aUmiaal • ■ . d WMS UBS0& MV COSTUAAE& TO.J CHAIMPiieMAOP UNiFOWAtHi h«8UT OFAs- KFT/, I..1TLU n-U R lN ® T b .-rt8 0 « '... ' , |N(kjAU.«P NOURANCCB ,Yoo can’t buy belter shoes mtywhpn at ^ prk»t •need are 4e best inveMmest you COB make (Other MTvieM in Mueh«tter rtport^d to ui are at Emanuel Luth^n ia tha future of your youafrtar’o few. C h e n e y B r o t h e r s T:M aod Thanktfivinf Day in CdBtar CongrttatiMial. S :80 A. M.; St. %Wgeti Itomn CattoUc, 7 :8Qand »;00 A.t;St. Jamat'faHttRCatlSifc and 10:00 A. M.; North M«tii^*t.^(» REMNANT SALESROOM .South Mothodift, l.-OO A.M., Zkm Lutharan. 10.*00!A. M. and Salvation Army, 9:00 A. M.), HARTFORD HOAD — MANCHES’TER ' r i i p r ' .jCLOSEO WEDNESDAYS

OPEN f to 5:30 — SATURDAY 9 to 4:45 705HA 1N 8TRBKT s % - . ■aa - ■ . ... - I k X f c . 2 ^ (

1 • “ S j. •r'r ■■ f r- i ; .

- ’ ■

• ■ / . ■ • P A d S MA^rmeffnctt KVEWNG HERALD^ MANpHBSTOL COMM, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2>, 1952 MANCHB»rEB gVEKIN0 HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26> 1^52 >S| ' d rv 1/ r r ^ I *» 8*4' ^iatiierii Cal’s Attack ' ’ i n LOCAL »—Mill! ~ -I ■ ' • . ‘ I -A J ..*3 Sport Chatter • ^ j .'' V to Impress Foe 4k. • f Road Race Course Kelley to Defend EARL W. TOOT Two Veterans to Start i laUrall^ to Scara, who dashed fiO to Prove First Victory > John K«w To*H—(H EA)-Uk« awr- Aces Oi Ike five ‘mile road race Tie jy wmjrfco4y •!»•, W itcoi^ w*" ^“chTtsIde o f the tw o p a y ^ ax- Thuraday nwmlng wUI Mart pediUons, the Tiojaiu dldn t even fM O f Um mUliote who watched from la front of the Mary Ote- at 10:30 gO B T BBRENdOUBT. out-SHUI recently. a A K rala waa high With tm liCLA. game or televiaJon were Was (o Fluke Against Merchants , aey Ubrary an Main etroot nt standing U alv^ty of OoanecU- fo r the loeiUa wrtth a 878 triple. V;*e o’clock. Um coarse wlU Stan miuw^ih fired a 388 and Max ^olaity untmpreaaed by siuthera slfplaae aAee tiU cut bMkflald 'fitar dnrlw the n ^ tdko the runners down Mala Sixteenth annual five mile road 2iar—. will appear witn Silk Oty SchiAert a 30A Bundl Tarea h ^ a a 1 7 -t___ . Chltfomla’a attacks ' erea wea» eat late la Mte^^W dtrbet to Charter Oak street, left race In Manchester. U scheduled vTbay Irtpt their eyea glued to State semi-pro f^ ball champ-1 Previous W ln iA -^ iomonrew agaUst the Bast Hart- 341 and Hank Hhefe 81A Ihe night in tha aerlod with a relaJarM ■heid»T . Charter Oak street to Ao take place tomorrow morning, locals are leading the league. '^est Side Junior O e -acrewi boeauae the BadgOTi team with any kind of an iomdiip wUI be at hUks Thursday street, leB en HlghT'|| ^ . iord llerchanU. The spaady. Uttla U o i^ h q u k ______lacklins Troy Ih their first trip suiting at 10:80 on Main street- New Bedford aco U a fine paaaer First baSkatbaU doublrtiaader* of Coach Win dtirtMv fo r ______offense might beat Southern CaU- morMpc in BasUHvlford when! Road Race Entries land Btfset down Porter street, from in front o f the Mary Clheney 1287 JeMi M cOM key League Rosters - tp. Qm Pasadena Rooe Bowl come fomia. The Trojans, unless tty enterliig^^ South side af East and runner. He. wUl alao be with FBO AJtMJt HACBMBY w lth- the aaaaon In the Rac B e i ^ yaar, wut ka at Mw halCforU B the bom MerthanU^step out! Library. A total of 00 entrufs have ■ 1228 Jim Owin Ucala Sunday i^t ML Nabo. (fiow from play U the third and tisagua is schqAdad toiiight at the F ran k ie's Aiee Red and Whlto qUMet, OameMfli taIdw r n Tear’s T e a rs Day Day. ___ __ . other side collapses, are not gtolng NAMB \ CLUB Center s ^ t to the Center. been received and several more 1222 Walt Beanett BA’s ^bediile Three rAuriHUD MABHnr The Trajan effenae was cat wid „uch. Wisconsin seems against the JBIIk City A. C. o fj w m i loimd of the Junue Boroe Eart Bide bullwig when the Na»> to SiSOi. John J. Kelley ...... B ostex Unhreroity A. A. Left at the Geuter to the tluish post-entries ere expected foe the ] 1212 Joe McCInakay Ooach: John Qraiaa: Lowd, Aled. Save , «o have the kind of defense which Uanehester on Alumni Field atj 1 ^ . In front dl the Hbmry. |. 8UMDAT Ara»N QON at ML Open OoU TVHirnament yeeterday sift Anns square ott against Wfth-t PIckraL Adams, McTaU, BanaatL A yaar aga thd I fliMa to Al Osmsichael eat on J® ^ uam Uke Dr. Charles A. BobMna. ,.. .New York 'Pioneer Club event which Is for the second time j 12t| Jop McCInskey ” , at Southern Ptoee. N. C jn ie sraflald at 7 o ’rtortc whUa the de- gather a raoerd af — ______10:80. Winnem of five straight, the' ....N ew York/Pleneer Chib . Vim coarse will . be marked this season being sponsored by the I 1282 Joe MeCIoakey , Nebo at 2 o’clock 81% aty^wiU OIMW, D. RaynoMa, MnnaaU, r u i- K iro'SS^. have t.f- Oordok McKeasie ...... taoet ' tho ThompaonviUo American )ro turned In cards of 77 and 74 fsndlag chsanplon FrahUa’a Drive* Practice alaa toaaaa, Ih a p hanawak had a Merchants Imps to atone for a } Earl Foster ...... New York Pioneer Club and cherkers will he spread out Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of j 1288 Jobs Nock In tangles with Poquonock (h the kawakL P S i. “ific defensive ends, the first requi- 1284 John ^rkey . fjig io a . Two weoha.agp the teams Mfore withdrawing. wtoudagynarmaavaapaanb...... Joeeph Boms ...... N ew Yerk Pioneer Chib along the route. Ilm race Lebanon. All proce^ from- the nlghtciq» at 8:80. HkMt •• WMicJ* Sm Ii IniEgto* 1 e powET iincI# wing. ,7-0 loaa ksAided them earlier In ... .New Yerk Pioneer Club should he eompleted ja W mte- volunUry collection which w^l be 1288*1044 No race beln. . p s ^ and the A««s won, 20 to 18, Thraa praettesj « : h a v a t MANOHBSTEB TBUSC THB M M U M D IA n r, ■UMd* « r *s « « ef a very *^^*D^{;^\nTwuhrmV Voi Austin. Seott ...... {n a thriller. BOAD RACE piadlctionkr 1 loom TBAin wOl. comprtss ulad for 7:14, w « pM tha JFs*- the Aim— y by the Aces under the John J. Shen ___ Bosteu AthleUe Aaeodatleii uteo with the whmer hrsaklng made along the race route will be 12U CharHe KabMas the cireulL Dgaln this seSsoii w.ui bean achedulad raaudndar Writers Annoiuice OMCh: caiartoa Fetter: Alkan, ■ „_,tW nr else is only ik sophomore, but played dm tape approximately 28 min- 1248 Charilo Bobbtafe Chains Robbins. 3. Johnny Kallay. LBrorgq. -R. Oyr, Mefforry,’ K. mrti agahtot tha aaphauaoraa. la lighta a t/i(t Nebo. Don M, Fay ...... i, , . . . . Beaten Athletle Aasodatten turned over to the Tall Cedars’ na­ (sm es, after tonlAt’8 twlnbUl, be­ of this weak Ooadi / frt*y V...Beaten Athletle Aaekeiatten utes aher the atarter’s gdn goes tional objective, the m uscular djm IMl Joe Meauoliey . I MURPH YB -BBEtAUBAMT 3. Tony Msdiros. Gold Key Winners ■Rapaolda. - R. Slmmona. OaiiMB, future ganMU' thsM fod a a a w fll ^ SitS; V". “i TUB ACBS, under, Coach Swede j Amos Kttjala ...... ing scheduled 00 Tuasdfiy and Fri­ Harttbaig as BrlUrti Aanart^ ba maWng np the Jartav vntUU. ..Beaten Athletle Aaaociatien off. tro p hr y drivd.------, ^ 12a Ted Vogel has over sponsorship of the Toomay. Bdararda, & Taylor. Solomodaon. own a record of 7-1-l.j Stephen (yFlanagnn. Jr. day nights during the balance of t cans prmkra „ tha AmaatoaB Bntiaaaa to the aitoarp wfll aa gkeh club is unbeaten In the laat Lralb) S. Pawaon ------.------.Red Dtansond. Athletta CM> A YE.\R. AGO on.a bright and 1242 Tommy Crane nUtheiM told entry In the R oc JB8T DUCK PIN bowling the season. OQiw league entries New IRwaa, Nav- 12M Fred Scboeffler Benlor BaakathaU League tor the s(»ras lart night-wsfa as foUows; LaaguaUfi-Uh« hare F r l^ rtghL nocSB ANDUAin I through tha laar.doar ai toa.haaa- ^ e gamea Included Is the tie Silk cool morniiig 50 thln-clad runners art Harm's Cameras, Cypress D ec. 8 agi tha always Mreng toed the starting line and 49 fin­ 1281 JolHuiy Kolloy {903^ season. Stan Pollnakl 154-410. Vie T a g | ^ Ctoach; Gaorga Enffltoh: Moaaar,|"^ "ig L * *• line- etty-wayed Sunday with the Hart­ Arms; Double Strikes and Newlng- Scranton TtorU barg 52 Rmreh.wh« aimer Wflllmlte. Domburg Dornhu Is U an excellent ished. First, man to cover the rag­ 1281 7 884, Walt Buchy 147-858, Jasa Ful­ drilled rork p rn to M Orady, flhannlag, S ftord . Bnjidli^ ford A rai^ 'a gu«5.«. JSoSSSg ler 841, Hank Wlttke 856 and Ar­ tOlla «pee«B WiMsea AEtaM CM fiefensive guard, Intercmrted a pass | bscliGf* \ 1 Jacoba has croaaed the Wllilam Napelltano ged five mile course was little - TBfWHT MIGHT at the Man- r’amlllar faces on dock tonight jking . aquad nkbr The one apparent waaknasa of Nassiff Arms Jdhnny Kelley of New London and nold 364. Mann’ s Tavern a n w Say awatfi dtoaaa next Jan. 28 and ran thSball back: M yarde to enetny goal no less than seven Ramon Lopim ...... New Yark Univarilty ,dM(rtar Gtountry Club wrUI ha held In thb |ld-imor of Dtreefor WaUy day night, ha taken hla poiwhua. Vi^toit- » lalavan mam'Jimaqr Rdarti and the Edgars seems to bs their eSc- ..New'Tork Usavoralty; Boston University. The Whal^ team Bingle mark last m p if i* the Foritn'D loop Inciude **ir<* M'” **’. a f New a* Waverty laa. O idMie. the eight. times this year and Is the number Ray-Tapntc 81-year~-old Amoa kujata a* the ‘ on Wadneafiay nIghL Dec. 10 at diargaa to . I MarMi Althan, liadica aC tha flwt- ondary. ..New York University City Irishman wms clocked/ In 4:80. Membera pUnning to attend West Side Rac Lsagua with a 468 Nona Burko, ‘Tommy Mason. Fred ______Wladi up Baras, the plfor o t The speed of Charley Ane, 250- U uiraat In the running depart- George G. K ing. . . . list Contests Boston A.A. York fey pound defensive tackle, 'ga he A good paaataig attack looeena lent for the Aces. Quarterback John . Miller ...... Beeton BngM High aro urged to mako reservaUoos .total. ■ ^ Borth, Waliy Parclak, a i oUt\iw.>.c, tha m ___ . serlmmagoa F ri- yaart Bhigaa, n W Yaak City 1 Comm: Don w S ^ . J.-Ibylor. them np. Mlaaaaota’e PanI QW .iB oejion BngMak High Only former wlnnero who sent y, Cap Parry and Tommy Conran, day nIghL taam to afotad to IN ot^ AttofBcar anw Hadlund.Schuto.AmaaRolto^w, JJ^ ^ S T w ^ p rS to^ w ip^ out three woifid-be tacklers, rOt TOlduc will probably make John M. Hnrtey ...... in', their entries were Kelley Md now. AU toumamant champions land the ^10-pound Willhoite deepr murdered them with the optU ^ ^oreniie of hla gifted right arm WIUIaM J. K in g ...... Bokton BngHsh High (iuilng tho past season are rd^esV* THBBB MOBS Ta Ml M taimU playar-coach. Also, nswcomor workout h . . . j r tha waakand. MM fenahaitSaSl kaHieey ‘ wahb, Wright, rarguaoa. Mathla. { nni4 Ptiii. VCCdA ts® .. .Bqoton IMgiiak High Play in East Hartford Race Veteran Robbins. The Utter won In 1945 players art needed to fill h ■** OtarUo Bunco, aU of Naaalfs. Man­ i M BN atm workttff la span. wad . Mm 1y Impressed the millions who sat as he tossed accurately to a^h Jaroea lY. King ...... and repeated In 1948. He was un- •d to be present. A program U o r THE w o - ______I rarrefl to aC55^ heM dewm a ifc on the telscast, including Wls- teuebdewn that put It ahead In tkn ...Coneeedeet Harrien -UOena. being plaanad by the tournament team taagua at the West Bids Rec. ager Gaoige Mltchall of the Arms out wKh club, Hartobaig h ii Bad BMlor toajgne nfc®iv€P® •• Hid Ptul Mangi®nC©f Chnriea Dynon ...... Thursday Night and able to compete last year. / ^ nours OAMBflA_ - ■Urtl.ar oeiialh people. fourth perlad an a pa^ / Chuck Plummer, Steve .Kosakw- Adolph Grimm ...... /.Cunnaatteut Harrlera -UOena. Com m ittee, A ny P li w p % % f*W d 'tojor fo o - has the “team to beat’’ in the pra- notified thalr aarvtoas wouM r at MW ton T ? the ■outhem Oallfomla's other, Wisconsia has The H o r a/s . , .Univeesl^ af Connecthwt At East Side Sunday Several of the out of state run­ teat i i ^ qnahiiw kk .tha Itea be- aaaaon forecast. hacauaa____j they y did------not (foneb:. Joa Schmidt: aki and backs Bay Zamanek, S ^ Thomaa W. Smith ... ners plan to arrive In towm tonight not bo teuchdown play waan’t conceive. Amechs and a vsraaUle at Flavell and Buck Bills. Jacobs - George T. Whitham . ...Coanecllant Harriem—UCana. , OOUM1BT CLUB bowling entry fori'DaC.'!. Many now playors wlU be with fR Into of attack. They KOhan. lohaatoa, •oUman. Ja^j Carmichael, about to be tackled to get iuBclent rest before the Wetherafleld thU season. Dick era John who parformod [loarakL .Darting, Quay, Sehal-1 y ” - , but Southern Oslifomla was «:;m g maus Willb. Bm ^kW Oieater Tomaelewicx ...Conneetlent Harsletn. UOoua, George Mitchell's Nassiff .^m s race. AH conteatanU vrill be the , ' fh the Hartford County League . pfter penetrating the secondary, out Bob Van Doren, lU other and Qene Bergen. Bob Johnson is Howard Jaeohoon .y .. ...United Staten Army g e o n i a 8 to 0 win over Indian _ priketica: MM- Watscin, Bob Grabak, Bud Becker bare the at the cam- |lac, Ortnuaan. basketball team will open Its in­ iesU o f the TaH CUdars at the Slid Stove Brtllnghiri will bo mak­ ago, Joa Burch frma Ing defensive tack le, slated to spell Bolduc occasionally. James McNeil ...Boston Bnglkdi Tmde Sasonic Temple at a full course L si^ at West Bide —*_^ UCLA, and he waan’t even . ..M nneheator High dependent season tomorrow eve­ _ 4 to 7, Dart’s Drtva4pk 3 ing thalr dahuts. Votarane include m ai ..As Shaldani unkaenra VBNDBBUXyS BBD OACIKO. Who likewise Is no William J. MacAidle . turkey dinner after the rmse. Carl Flamko, Roger Lynch and New York ’contsndar. .. .The club ■Phs Trojans intercepted to stranger to the end *ones. is the CMrence Mlkaleit, Jr. ,. .Maneboatcr High ning at St. Miuti’s Hall. In Bast to, 9 -First NsUensl Bank. Junior _JBV1CB JRATION AWABOINO ef prliM WlU ' John King. now of Jackto AUm , Kan BALCH Is Your es, something they've dotie top performer with the M erchant Peter dose/ ...... Manchester High. HaMord. They will meet the new­ place at the Temple. All runner — 7 to 8. Ifouoa and Hfila , OoaiBh: Bdmuad ■ » » » « : MOS^ALCABUB pUyar aarard OoodwiitrBoM^ Knight, Buddy iPcaraon. BUodaau. B. Donahue.| jW way along the route, featur He can run. !>•“ Frank Grlmason ...... M anebeeter Hlirti ly organised Clowns’, composed of win aled regisUr at ^ T ^ l - S E R V IC E - jmdYilancheater Trust. defenatve halfbacks, Jir ... New Leaden High -f* - winner last aaaaoo Lou Dead heada Acfcanniin of liu . giant Ray Falto Aostla. Janktoa, Brodsur, H a toor.irg J ^ ‘ nothing of his Jamea O. W att which win serve as race hr* FraaMa’a. Tba formar Bucknrtl ahd Undon Crowa Sears Bonnie Stephens has been If is best .. .New London Bigk * \ ex-East Hartford High, and Bura- \ v m N n : of UU,jBob McLanla a( Bely ■an. Brown. FoptlcaUL John J. Callahan quarters. K T INTBBMBDIATB BaamO|^ and Harvard ooUaga atar and later, Oeom, Uck SuihoCf, maparty M nation in running back receiver and they are one of the Frank BiSrnea .. .East Hartford High \ sida Eagles’ players. T.isagii2 will start Dec. 4. 'This \ ..>.F4Mt H artford High a pro in the Bartarh and Ameri the NdirY^ork Knlcka, Ray PWaon, I u o m b th^ first eibht games, brttsr pM® coroMfiEtlons lit tii® iMlan Du Freani four former Eastern LeaguS I is com posed o f high sehdrt can Laaguas, la tha big man In OOPim iT CLUE WOHBS bad a punting avaraa i of .East--Hartford High • I rni!' r I M 'irk Sports Mirror _ the Knteks:..aad the aU tt. Philip Jordan ... performers will be In-Coach Tom­ A four team la^ltue la p to- Frankia'a Unaup. Othar vata ra- prize rqoMa ' of tho year, _ TIMik l'^2( 4D « m aialWBUtleh far tSi aHwaMS- yards...... Kant Hartford High r u p y ■UveM ...... i f N ext pome game for bhe Aces Paul Dandley :. my Conran’s sUrtlng lineup. Big a \\ Ik • I MuMinii nl Ona mors team ta waatail hulling era BUI Wada, Ray and BaU, Jfo Kubaohka and Viee Haw OUkarteea ...... ; S 8 a BKwthalwmhaveOewgalBir Jess HUI has shar|^ operatives wUl be Sunday afternoon at Mt. Bernard Dandley .East Hartford High AnV team IntarMtad may Bin t o d a y a y e a r AtlO—niinoia Jaenap OMPt N. J, Al Surowlec; who hss impressed Ih Bania McKenna and Johnny Gor­ and Stanford ware salartad to play DsMertln ...... on the defense. Ntbo against ths ’ThompsonvlUe John Hamilton ...... Greenwich Harrier# practice sessions wlU start at cen­ * \\ n. . i r..i!,ir. Btaam at the T. man, nbw out of ratiramant. New BA*C awtounoad tha tickat Bellalepei' There are a let of elemanU to American L«|rton. Philip Carroll ...... Greenwich Harrien ter. He was with Manchester, and men Yrith the Ray Damato qion- ih tha Rose BowL plan for th* yoar laat foghL, la ^-I ^i £ J ! . I Meara back fNua tha T S S ld n fin L Southern Caltf omla’k old-f asWonod ...... raattached. s 'I unr up BETTER DEfiL the Acea handed the Cafpet City Frank Kyder ... Middletown in the EL. Tommy s p W b m P n v CLUB mapibors aorad entry include Kan Piniwy, fTVB YBABS AOO —A mtodl- placa al tha aaaaen thdiat, « Mock CbarleE, Bivins . 408 m 412 iitol JWOtoway.Mgh ll MUgtMritoNt form ula sMven a 20-12 loaa. 45. Hmndore Homer ...... Mason, Norm Burke, and Bob Ted- a Hr t ’ K ' wUl stockatock all aroaaaroi with birda BUI Wckay, - Jack Laalia, Joa cata haadad by former Postmaster plan fW flva gamaa will ha put oa Uteea Bar < » Playing Southern California is , ...... Uahtmeiied (Janeral Bob Hannegan bought tha I Jotaaon,...... IB the Nsvp. OUtoffi PONTIAC DEALER Rdwin Lcmn ford gained EL experience with ----- iiTAgiviiig morning for hunting Boras and Bud Babcock. sale.' J Tliaaa tiekata will autltla ^Tan^c Tonight OlMto ...... Ilka ramming yciur head into' a ftlOTBAIX BROADCASTS Ceryihm’E. Jordan, Sr. ....U natteA rt Manchester. Mason, along with s C.i \\ I'.lnni' aeeording to Prertdent Melt Quin- Bponaorad by the Harftord SL Louis. CMrdlnala from . Sam the hrtdar to the aama lauarvad illewortli ...... |8oe actMB aia BM brick wall for quits a spell, and Jninee W. Shehnerdlne, Jr. . Dual Miller, University of Florida Bporta Oentar, Poquonock, man­ Breadon for a raportod price of aaat .forough five gaoiaa uhd wtU RemUt4» iTe'7.x....V....;. U *> _tt ^j"A R w *toa*tS& glvtiif'haU lA then being eounterppnched. (Beotern Standard Ttme) Ridwrt A. MIlier ...... nub fame, will start in the frontcourt. aged and coached ly long Johnny 88,600,000. ba arid at a raduead prleo. Price , Chfeago, Nov. 28-(»>—Eqmrd Ghartaa, who saya h* has feraakan Fred Browa, Sr...... • ’ y.^r*** * while Burke and Tedford will be 8ATUROAT actlvitias at tho T 'Welch, nm again feature tha acor- TBN YBABB A « » —Twxaa cap­ acaJa WUl be tha same aa lari year. Thursday— . tv. Jack Rnrrv ...... Unlvciwltjr ,p f' Conoectlcnt the backcourt operatives. During the aaaaon, raa d slaito hto **11010 lord MAmUeroy* canduet latrfiight g l ^ Telsvlalon (Pro OhartU JtobktaM l a n d s u r v e y i n g TURNPIKE will gat underway this week, stari- Ihg twtna, Bob Mackey and Adam tured the Southwast Oraferanca 52.8 John Hlgtey ...... M an^i^ Harr^n : THE VETERAN Wally Parclak. thg at 4:80. Teama antarad In the Twarklna, plus-Dave Jonaa, Joa for aadi game______wUl__ go ... arte al la tba ring and now to w o a daad- sfisTi . ■„ .Iss&tsriaSRjr*'—I taritteMwalam mont 02 noon) Green Bay Pack­ an * Vaav MiVlelran ...... N orth M edford Cluh AUTO BODY WORKS football Utia by defoatUif Tanaa theuie ^riUirtifnuan American Club.uun. Oan.u w (and kid, wUl try to amaMi vataran t ^ k e ^ ....t :::::. g g r ers at Detroit Llona—announcer newcomer Charlie Bunce, (keep an 24:80, a new course record; Kelley Eihrard L DbvIi. J r. Junior League which -wlU play Sat- Kracunaa, BtU Chagnon, BiU AkM , 12-8, In thalr annual OaEXveia ...... 1= = is as Itr* l^rr ...... (Newport. R. I.) II.I, \\. I Ml.Ml. TlirP'.'il,. aral admtoaioo aaata wUl ba aold I jim m y Btvtna Into ohUvlCn tonight ] OB at tha atmotp Harry Wlamer. eye on this youngster), and Con- will be hack in the field on Turkey Regkrtared Lnai Bnrwa^ iftday moralnga Include Moriarty JanulL Dick RunnU and Joe To- Thanksgiving Day contasL ifatono ...... 7| « - g WL Mibi^kn ...... V- »• NkVkl StA. (Newpert.|R. 1 ) rsn. will be ready to spell the Day to defend his laurels. - Hkiglea, Mov M otors, Jarvis Black malonla from last year’s squad at tliia armory only the day of a I *t Oilcago Stadium. . M IT d U K K A w m i THESE ’SL ...... « . 8. NavM Sta. (Newport B. I.) tsf Bead I t w e n t y YBABS a g o —Notre Thalr schadutsd lO-roundar will 8 t8 iS ■ • • . . . starters. ' ’ . Strongest threats are expected 181 Phone 7043 Hawks and the 'Indiana. whlla new faces wUl ha Ed Gundar- ' . .J- I Atom —***-’--*- E^I^NBC 0:15) Sunday afternoon, the locals will to come from Dr. Charlie Robbins T«L 1414 aon, Howie Krough and Bob Bfirn- Dame amashad Army, 31-0, hafpra THE wa-rwk tickat add ba talavtoad Battonally (10 p.m. T tolu lS u S itito aehaduto wm to jgi Navy at , (alro TV). a aallout Crowd of 80,000 footbaU the ..'raaarvad aiaata fo r tha initial BSTl but about only 4,000 euatom- "*3 jd a B a B rrtda3r.l>aa.S. MBS 0;15) OeoTfia Tech vs. Georgia at Athena Ga. Al Helfsr meet the strong Springfield Pros of Philadelphia and the New York ham, rtl from laat season's fine p livar Signs 83-Year at the East Side Rec. For this con­ Poneer (^uh, Tony Medeiros of BloomflaM aquad. fan* at tha Yankee Stadiuzii. ancojuntar wm go on aalo beginning ws WtU he a riagalda to saa If and GenqKlrby. ^ Saturday. Art Pongfotn wffl ac­ Chartas, the ax-boavywalght rtmm- le B -1 CBS (2:30.) Southern Csllfornla test in addition to his present North Medford'and (Jordon Mc­ F B ID A T NIOMT Herm’s wiU L < «. B u u tA a m ^ cept raaervatkma now for tha bloek ptoo, haafa^hto ipwmtoa. vs. Notre Dame at South Bend, Contract at Yale eight-man’ squad, Mitchell will Kenzie and Howard Jacobson of meat (Jyprass In the first game at B .r « « 4 ( « I l l have the services of Bobby the New York Pioneer Club. - Uckat plan and asks that tost jraar Charios ixL one point hf-hto box >a aaoaa**aq Ind. Red Barber. 7 w ith the Double StrUcea and St O«ori« ...... ™ ,*7 aaaaon ticket hoktora who daaira Ing caraar was raeognlaadju quite • Aga* aasap. Knight. Chip PeriY. »"<* Freddy Teams have been entered from HUSBANDS! Nanington in tha second game. Sadroslnikl « .i...... JOB Jfo 100 oaonoooaon NBC (4:00) (oir after Army- Winter a ...... 101 106 — to kaSp thalr usual saato contort a ohUtoa, hOvtag aoorad.44' knock­ fiaaaaaoan B A N T L Y Navy) Tennessee vs. 'Vsnderbilt at New Haven, . Nov. . 3S—OPh— Booth. These four proven perform- the Pioneer Club, Boston A. A., AW' Athletic Director Robert Hall an­ ’ers are unable to play Thanksgiv­ Don’t have everyone In the Blsaonette ...... g IJ* him now and make rasarvatlons. outs. But than to dartdad a good ' VIm IIHR' ML - 10M®8®11 oaF#a«aaoaaaoaFpanaaoaa XK® . M.. SOT NaahvlUe. Bill 8U m and Joe New York University, 'Boston HontI ...... 188 I lf 07 . FoBowfog thalr opanor with dafanM to bottor than a good otr nounced today that Yale Univer­ ing night due to previous commit­ E n g lish ,. (Connecticut Harriers, family but mother enjoy Alabama’s Hobson siaiin.,J?Tadi 5} dB 8S v;:::;:::::' J 8 § ...... Hasel. , sity and football Coach Jordan ments. Oq»SScranton SUIUUnk hare,S8Wa W| thaww BA’aawwm m gosw tow Paw>» wuww ~ , MBWa • " ^ I cluded last week.) Back of the Week bac;TXmm. .dB<4, Fanto 'mMArtoanto angaga Ffttotba SDnflnf^Slaters laIR I pears'------Am to tom ha oMOaBamalmAr returning Fob to fill tha MOW IP I IPM ff aa 040a*aeae'ga ( TIL. 2HBf I— 2.45f 4 contract. Its terms were not dis­ underway at 8:80. TlcUeU may be Station. IBBMn'I Pgflttl® "a'enaaadfpaaAh Television — N B C -’TV (V.OO) closed. purchased at the Nassiff stork. Have Your Diancr A t ^ thalr horn* oponar, Pnartuckat baa type of fight‘ itar whb, Moato to 40^ Army vs. Navy at Philadelphia INDIVIDUKL and team prises '"'Now Low Prices Trtalo...... 7...... m 202 » i ua8 ||!5|to OHvar, w-ho piloted the Yale ...... jj» }}« }g named Its club after Saamial Slatar U nt tha fan V. A BaraL (4> AaAAa«fqn«a (Including pre-game ceromoniee). will be awarded for the first and New York. Nov. 24 — (P)—<3eU who founded the Scat eottoB mlU Tcanaa. oo-amaagar -ok ^fam this fall to Its most success- second place finishers, lliere will MILLER'S otRinnwNiKoumiES Hobson, quarterback of Alabama’s T opi Thai L"Ya4 ^ f # 4*•• • * • JJ Tataia •hseaptotea# 4M8417 Rang® ond Fuel Mel Allen, Russ Hodges and Bill Nil season since 1048. was serving In America:. Bmla Ortverly and Charlaa. aiyx hto Mger to “ a much •.•*.e.aas*»af...... g - « % also prizes for local and high RE.STAURANT . Oriuiga Boerl bound (Mmaon ’Ilda, Tome ...... 662 SM 661 law .'.taa.ea^OO f i £ B Henry. as a one-year replacement for Sport Schedule school runners. The race has been For Paiatii^ Cuveaten, Phonbera Bari Shannon, two former RbotU hotter Sgtoar aaw than whan ha ^ t • II .■ " i - • AT THE CENTER X. iraa named Associated Prads back foland State graatx and Kaataru “L Oil Distributors (^a6h Herman Hickman, who re­ sanctioned by the Amateur Ath of tha weak today. ledle’e won the ttua.” Hj^rSirtn'V (V,* 8 . 8 : : signed unexpectedly in August to Ko4diln ...... 104 .21 181 818 Lsaguars for two years with Mart- Jim Norris, lataraxtlooal Box, Wednesday, Nov. 28 letlc Union. And Let Her Enjoy It too! ' HChaon, nrho switched from left * - are co.<0ikohaa of tha Slaters, Tetalr 441 Last Night*8 Fights enter the t^evision field. Yale’s Basketball — Weth(ersfleld vs. Oldest man in the race wlH be half to signal calling Ikta In I960, Wlttke I g 118 117 ” ing (Tub praaidmL has premtoad 333 M «iii StTBBt Renionl . „ lOS 186 ivanr®n footluob ElmoraAounuOT MorgaathalarOTOT^Muwgvs 1wiBn®rthe wlanar m a ermworack »v at thauw ootebj heavy** victory over Harvard last Satur­ Nassiffs. 7—Rec. played a ^ rola In Alabama’s sur­ Peredleo''.... 101 lOa 104 '•.P-Aartfij#) • day gave It a 7-2 record for the Reudren . . . . m 28 108 will lead tha Serantoa eluh this |,Mightrtiamplaoalilp la Suns, thrto By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Poquonock vs. Frankie’* 8:30— prise 27-7 trouncing of Maryland ,ad«*ea’ftaaL«4,*Vt*7*’ ’ ^**'** •> a season. hist Saturday. yaar as ptoyar-coaah. Returning I three BMUtlu, after • tltto-holdar Tamps, FIs.—Cesar Brion, 202, Rec. Totele ...... 641 614 -8601046 with the Mlaara ora Bmy Ptooo, Roqky Marrtano and Waleott have weeaq** • wp-l a 2* Arsentlna, outpointed Big Boy Olivar, cut adrift by the aban­ Thursday, Nov. 27 Tha youngster from Tuscaloosa, Deri-lfeM (81- - ' HI-. a«e****h***q donment of football at Loyola of Annual Five Mile Road Race, OUR NEW LOCATION Alp., a pro-hasabaU prospect, Keerer ...... •• W , IS WaUy Shield and Hank M urar. % foaRstch. f (e*aa**«a •a*a' Wilson. 215. Augusta. Ga. 10. Jariu Ill 104 ’Mi Ed Kaaolar to rotumlng to tha rtub. i i GLASS Los Angelea where he coached in i0 :S (l—Main street. eroaaad up Maryland with, a fine , Blvlaa, a 7-6 undtMog, has bat- IS 410 aoiuoilR \ Miami Beach, Fla. — Topy Clm- Spencer ...... I ll 20 111 Naw facaa WlU lacluda Mrt Sea­ ttod alaa worid rtiamplona andhao TMali '<..... FOR EVERY PURPOSE 1051. had been hired by Yale to be FootbaU — Silk (3Uy vs. EssL running game. Hobson la batter A m rt ...... Ill 181 181 <41 mino, 148, Bayonne. N. J. Outpoint­ Hickman’s baekfleld coach. .1® MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST man, a hlghly-ragardad NYU par- 'haatan savan Of thorn In a 12-yaar ed Marcel ’’Rocky” Brisebqia Hsrtford. 10:30—East Hartford. ...JM BCnCl . known for his passing. PuKr ...... i f ! J ? J h g ^ HUIP DIIVI AilVO. MHUtOBS, WINDOW ^Basketball — Alumni vs. HUh ON THE RIGHT. OVER THE TBAOK8 FROM MAIM BTREBT, former, Itoy RuMa aad Frank oaraar. TWa year ha was whipped ______jTolaie 147t4, Mbntr*al. 10. y- . TRAINS YIBIBUC AT NIGHT ToteU ...... 6t8 662 6701121 FUaalmmoito. Doim y FIbd,' John th ra o haavywalght eontandara -jnton . Iw masli peKawmeA h PLATE, OBSCURE School. 8:30—Armory. DttoiiByKv •*••**«*•*...... =. vA | • • 72 I— 72 -T2I - emlMIe e . H-> M-. L Newark. N. J. — Phil Saxton. Friday, Nov. .28 ' \gzary and -Carl '‘Rair’ Ifalnhold, Aaron WUcon, CMm WaUaea and 173. Elixabeth, N. J. outpointed HOiCKEY A T A GLANCE currently touring with th* opposi- ...... -.W.. » _2; ^ ID. Oawlas' It. md ■wm-Vmnodehb PlioBB 3322 Cailcago—OP) — Trains of the Herm’s Studio vs. C ypress FLETCHER 6LASSC0. XJBAMBSTC Tnaadap'a Bcaults Waa Baaeom. Ha hoyood Jack La Board. 171. Newark. 8. Rock Uland Lines sre easier to see Ucm to tha Globa TMAtora, a n ax- aad Wallaco. 482 118 1 2 ll|■ aammmim -?2 3 ^ ...... * * 2 •• or • •• • • 0 WhlU Plains, N. T. — Jimmy Arras, 7—Rec. ------Of Ufil Bmnm Enatana Leagu* - O h behind the wbeel of s St night beesuse the ■ compsny Double Strikes vs. Newington, pact^ to'join the duo this ’T Uko to taka rhaitoao aad Flood. 164. New York, outpointed Manchester a y u m ? r s m Johnstown 10, T roy ( S . Y .) 6> ipuarti K out with -any guy w)io NBA A Y A CdLANCR - qaaa aeOAa* Dod|KO find diseoTor thd nsme has been outlined in lumlnus 8:80—Rec. Phone 3879 'EM-TRY 'EM-BUY/EM Wadneaday*a Schedule ' Ykaaday’ ii-Raonns WHITE Joe Tomasello, 158, Elisabeth, N. Friday. Dee. 8 Loo A^goloa —- S3mar Balts, 144, ■ wmmu trado>***•« hlowa with— m*-^’ — , ——said ■ dUki. Some 200 freight cars hsve Bnaten Langna .-ctiaetar ibC Balttmon 44. '4M. \ eiuM -h«ndlingtnKkonth» J. 8. ) been marked with the material ss BA’s vs. Wilkes-Barre, 8:80— ArHMr iniz ’.,00 Ahgalaa. outpointed , Oaear Btvlna. *1 hope Chartoa kaapa hto Springfield at- Wajahtogtofi ICUwaukaa 74, Indtony oU a 44. • « a > a a h * GLASS CO. Arm ory. • A good selection of modem and Venetian mirrors. How 'nO U BSt A. ML to II r. Rayas, 147, 4 ^ Angalaa, RL > word aad tries to slug wttb om.” ' HODGE mgrbot! You can turn • well ss passenger and freight 'Troy (N.Y.) at Naw:Haven sauw • ,L«na *0 2 t a a h a a tr Octopuses msy hsve an arm 24 Birfih SU Manchester High at Meriden. about a mirror for tkat frame in the attic. Estimates WIUMIBK *a****a*a a* S) I Dqdgeihdrpar. Yottouim d: spread of as much ss 28 feet. . diesel englnae. TAKE IS 24 MONTHS TO PAY gladly igiven on fireplace and door mirrors, glass fim i* X d M M ' « *■...... » 2* * ' a ..4a ...... 4M n a a n - ««2 «*ASanasAPnan ABB i^euvoir bettor, perk quicker. ture tops. ■ O M S S « a . You’ll like theae trucks for OPEN THURSDAY EVE. ALL DAY SATURDAYS IW PLYMOUTH SPfCIALD lLU Xi4^S»AN I T®t®l®. •4>.na*oo( easy steering, too—and for Ortar gram. BnOn and hentan Vary alaMk $ 1 1 9 5 , Stoaktoa, Odtt. ~ jaiwaF tefl- TRUCKS cab comfort, viA ilityt andi laih M i, outprtatad Cha Che Jlaa- I smooth radjnf. \ Tf4t CHm OUT PUnUNi AiWO-SIDM laei; 144, U aA agilii lA . i ( MoaA®® m®srt SOLIMENE> (HCORtokAITED e stock ifa. U -m Tly this ana ...... COVIRS CENTER STREET • TE L E ^Cl O N E i l O l that’s why Ballantine Beer is brewed for IfSI M adlRY CONDIWTIIU _ <34 Oofof Nonmait giny. Ihidlq, haatar. lew m M One' aWMV,-Stnrti Na, MT-284b ...... I W q n A A OTMR

19S0 LINCOLN 4M O R SiDAN YflLMowlMflMrUOfl OaUrtrojaa gifiy. Bndla, haatar, hydra matin flaivorthat Slaak Na. U-ms, A rani Map a t ......

1949 MaCUMY CONVnmiLI OET-OMJNE (Mar aanfaan Bsdla, hantar, nvatirt^ MW p O th e r ■ ^ OTAR • Y o u ^ duHcatn kill Tomorrow In naaaBM* eandWIan Slaek Na. U-SSB . . . . . $1495J M a k es COVERS* S a v e * WHEEUOM 1940 CHtYSUR "W INDSOT’ 4-000* MM |12.5() $ 1 0 . 5 0 ( 2 . o r , B lw , lU S ® eiiO, Iwelier. S k t i l i n o d o w n to enjoy the great Stadl lf®h EJ*00i|i^ **.a..h.a#,ne4#4eee*»A»«»’***"* YOUR tomorrow ia mjglitjr Important eBTHRELRM ■ fl6 .9 5 ' S I 2 ,9 $ ( 4 ;o e ’ indfXHB? Then how about a nice cold to yon and to your family. 10:30 A ’M . 1911 PORO TUDO* ^ 1 1 8 .9 5 $ 1 4 .5 0 M - 4 6 , „ glaaa of Ballantine Beer? Which is why it wfll pay you to check . , . . . j-.' G ray, H eelar, I«k4H mUa ear. the job oppe^unities at Firmtt tk Whitney ^ 12 1 .9 5 $ 1 5 . 5 0 (8 .4 5 ! Here’s beer that keeps Its flee Stack Ifa, NT-824. . ; ...... Aircraft. As the jet age develops jwe 3 2 3 .9 5 (4 .9 5 flaver evee irheB ssnrsd Ice eeM. To ih t end tlwft the lives of thou­ 1901 M iaiicim ir SPORT siOAN constantly expanding. And aa Pratt.• $ 1 9 . 0 0 Ihsky Aircraft grows it can offer s ■alantiEe le e r ie rfeep-jkrewe® fer ttsverl Qraan. B afSa amd kantar. $32.0() $ 2 5 .0 0 ~ 1 (7 .0 0 sands of pur Ichildren may be saved | i Staak Na. NT-2SL ...... future to men who are. aqibitiouB; ing to wbr^ wiUii^ to grow with us. (3 9 .0 0 S r i . Q 0 _ ^ ( 7 . 0 0 F<» liihtnaaa, yea! For d r y iW «rf courael from the killing grasp of Muscular I | o»S T 4*^^ ORDAN You may find here tlie key to that far > rompirte set at three factory pricaa. But firit, last, and always, BallantiDa Inews for flavor. The fine, foil flaVor of Dystrophy, - ^ SSaak N(L H-774...... 44U 4 P 4404A 4 better future for you .• .. and for your wue ripej tawny fraLaa and hops is ihpewod and’ children. ao d ^ ep in this beer that dull can’t kill it! ^That’s more, im aM ^tc advantages. ar% THE 18th RUNNIIM OF THE JWtiUALI excellent. There’s tjie liberal wage scale . . . ' B a * # 4 a n ' Sarve Ballantine Boor off the ice. It INIA D^’M R ld aaaaaaoooanapaaa^ornaa^a Overtime premiums . . . PAID holidays . . . •S' W e M dw ThMn! just brima with flavor! MANCHESTER nVE MILE RUN Wia vi949R»ci^ « KB^ PAID vacations ) coet-of-liWng adjustments . . . an unusuidly dean plant... other advan- W e pit Them! ISTART AND FINISH AT TNE MARY M kW kl^lLSi2.rifcitotoaiB nt ...... tages too nummjoag to mention. lA kevu eta Yob Save! CHENEY MEMORIAL UBRARY, ON MAIN 1947W sM O iiiji"9r4.0d^ . Talk with a courteous, Pratt A Whitrtey Aircraft a f ’p - ^ .'Blaek. Badto and k a ^ . Hydrmamrie Drtvn. job counselor.-He may be able to place you in one STREET. fv) Near new Mrea, pmwton peeeltokee. 9 0 3 5 oT the ltOO immeiUate openings . ^ . help you mM* >—i» Na U-ito, A laal kpy at a doj^flon that may bg the most important of your life, To see s ^ of the Woosf loo« Ostoocp l -- (sSaaifiod p 4 e for a listing of ^ fow of ^ ihitcoMotry. hroctim^oa®lohelpsoppoit• moet , , auiSow caatiM W im nui^ tlHt Jobs n■* •— <«»w em w jM 8Pflr''.'' [PorostNo. 114.Tol^Son -"irnn::I . r. M

: cbnikLy in m y o u r a i t MAIN STREElj AT HAZEL — T& . 2-B40r i a i HB o S o w • , ■,:V .-44' NEXT TO nilST NATIONAL lANK P. Bellapti* * 80m , lAreeaik. N. A / ’ ‘ ■tf . « T' rI ; ^

ft '. -■ . / ^ - ; V i ■■■ i -J-' ■ - - wV - .-v • { i' j


MANCHESTER EVENINO HEAALD, MANCHESTBS* (X)NW, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1962 Wanted to Rent 58 Hflusdi ' tor Sslli for aute 71 Twites, u 5 Girl, Pood for ThaalMgtTiBg Bwm to Csrteoa Couple New WiB Bo GtefB Noody Ike to Housaliold Gdods 51 R o o bu wHhout Bssrd 51 ,'FOUR a d u l t s desira 6 or d Three Bedroom Ranch Home with I HsBllBt—PhdnMBf It Help Waatod—Mala 88 Articles for Sals 45 raom reat Refeteaoee. Phone full cellar, dlaette. flreplaca, ttviagl ---- , Axtoarabtla for 4 Bariiiooo SdnrkM Offered IS LARGE ROOM suitable for two EIGHT ROOM HOME a s X \ ¥ T - X / “ Three complete dlnnen and BRAIDED RUG k’l" x S'?" re­ STOP AT ' .2-9888 after 6 p; m. a. kitchen. caiMBte tUe hath,| Twins, a boy and a girl, ware CONVERTIBLE f l o o r PROBUOIb^ aotvod wItK TOOLMAKERS and girls or couple. Complete light attached garaff*. sneieasd p6 Two years old. tour bed­ bocn at Msnfhsstsr Mamartal M ust W a it A osrtlflcsto of Incorporation piany canned goods and pre- Alore Jobs Unoloom. aaphatt tu « oountar. U C^OX l^maeea. and warm air versible. An new wool laced with housekeeping fsciUtlea, OUI 8500 .-u r g e n t l y Needed, unfunilshed panelsd poridi, VensUsB Minds, I sSrvea wlU bs dtetrlbutsd to aaslifiMl SPECIALS SKILLED LATHE nylOn. Call Rockvme 6-9180. CHAMBERS’ FURNITURE rooms apd all Um extras Hospital this nwralng to Mr. 'has been filed In the office o f the Ksport irorkmanalilp. . frt« eati* heatinC. Earl Van Camp. 3>8S44. after 4, p. m- // nisilm wt by three adults. Phoaa shiminum combination sefstns, I (from soiip to nuts). Lbest- aad Mrs. Paul Cartson o f 41 town clerk by thq Ward M*chlpe needy fsmillea for Thankegtv- matM. Op«a «v«nlac*. Jones Fur* 3-4990 after 5:80. storm vriiidows and . doors. 99’ [ Gardner strast Hds la ths first ing Day, Towm Welfare Direc­ Bay oat o f eeaeoiii iui(d ^i^ve! g u a r a n t e e d fast plAibing and OPERATORS CptOO ALL Aluminiim combtna- AT THE GREEN NEWLY DECORATED, bsauti- sd at ths Green. AsUng Company, a general maMiine Shop. To WdmRn nlture. Oak street Phone S*10tl. ■ / / irontsgs, amsaUa drive.'* 4 par I $2SJM6. % rat of twins born alnos Oct'17. Signers of ,th* nrtlclss of incor­ tor Albert B. Behrend aald to­ heating. Alterations and, new In fig, flxturs and Um windows No painting, no fuUy furnished rooms for two or cMt mOrtgags. Owner Issviag l day. Ihe tood has been con­ IMT FLYMOUtH * work. Time payments, arraagod. riiaaglag, bo storing. fVaa .estl- Previous to that data, two asts poration .are iAUan M. Ward and DOORS OPENED, kkys flttad, gage work, also, sxparimental Excensat gift sslacUoas, three. Oompltts Ught housskaep- WANTED—By yonag coupla, tbrss aUte. t u ,m . of twins wscs born Aug. 6. Marion ic. ward of 18 Ksansy tributed by various church or­ (C ______r x j d e b a k e r copied, vaimhm deanera, irons, Ekclley Bros. 2.1714. to given, BO obUgatioo. CaU Ing fscUlUss svsOablA Central. « IU#sOna) ganisations. parta. 88 hour we«k, Raid Insur­ Ttmsky. 2-9098. for ths horns. or four room rant CUU 2-4192. ’ T. j. CROCKETT ■ I street, and Theodora G. Mobsrg of IMS cBBVftourr ‘ guns, etc., rspalred. Shsars. ance, hoUdays and vacations. Ihc- Reasonably priced. Children ac. BROKER Behrend said he is now^ ^ •1 about Kprhs Mra. Aato COMPLETE OF TOYS WANTED— Uafurnlshad' 4 or 8 He esUsd for a a ^ M d la to •«*» . AH OonvatUilM. knlvesb mowers, etc. put into con* osUent working conditions. WALKER, in good condl- cepUble. Mrs. Dorasyi 14 Arch, Large Colonial cuatom-MiQt 1949, ceiviag donatiene for Christ­ ReaSafearg. ' t:li A P* M* dition for cbmlAC needs. BrdlUi- MUHnery PresinnsIrlMr room rant by middls agsd coupU. with center hallway, flrsplacq, lav-1 2M Main Street oompiste c a a s e -^ an the baala of The ' AU PilMd to 8*n. Phone 7429. 18 Hsael second floor. , the aimiaUce dtenta agraad uponiAl®®** ^ $60,000 divided into 600 mas (Unasrs for ths hsedy. He Mra. Rsasnksrg is aaslafauT sae- waite, SI Pearl street DRBlBSMAKlNG, all type klltara- CHAMBERS' FURNITURE Bsat refsrsness. Phone 2-9333. aiAry. Ceramic Ule laUh, - hot Phoa*-t Ofttes 5416 taa aimtauca sharaa with a par value of $100 urges that any orgaaisatjona COPT CtjOSlNG TlMB w iLC O r ATTBACnVBLY Furnished rooBis water oil heat garage. Aaiesite or RssMsacs 8751 Obituary at Panmi ratory st Defanaa to ohnBa s f BALCH-PONTIAC Inc. REFRIOERAHON service, com. tlons and hems. Call MaachMier AT Th e g r e e n tor fuU repatriation I that wish to oontrihou, eoa- fO S (XA8SIFIED ADVT. 2- 6866. ^ MACHINE TOOL' CO.. Ine. IS GAUGE Browning automatic, BuiUble for U$ht housekeeping. driveway, aluminum combination o f a tact him. Many Chriatmaa dia- amapoirsr. sad ahs has bssn la tbs 18B Omter ItrMt mercial and domestle. See our No obJeiUons to chUdren. In Hd f o r Sate 71 o f P , MW.1HRUPRL 80 drandvlew Street 870; 20 gauge Sve ahot, $20$ 16 Open 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. , •creens, storm windows and doers, | nsra ara dlatribotad bars each war asos wlthto the past two Your Better Deal dlspldy of guaranteed uadd rafrig* ICshcheater gange Fox double $88; slide trom- Rockville on bus line. Apply 24 awnings. ' LA]KB STREET Extanalon, Boltoa. Vijaya Lakahml; Pandit, Win View Slides year. wsska. Ihs want to Koran ssriy / 16:S0 A. M. ’Pontiac Dealer erators, George H. Williams As­ Movliig’—TnM kfaf-> Teleidione 2-1368 bOiie, trumpet ssxophond, at 14 Evenini^ 7:10 to 8:30 Grove street, HiUslde House, \. 5 room ranch, praetlcsUy new, D e a th s lisa delegate, listened In- tola nmnUi, spent nssrty a watec /8ATina)Af9A.M . sociates, 260 ToUand Turnpike, RockvlUe, Apartment 9. VACANT basement garage, large kltchaa. aa the Soviet Foreign S t o n g e Muriro atreet THREE PIECE Maple Uving room thsrs, sad toiksd wtth Lk. Osn. 1 / • . ItSO FORD Custom deluxe tudor. Manchester. Phone 2-8080, nights WANTED—Man to work in serv­ J rpon flrejplace, hot water beat Over «r told o f the Chinese Cbm- In 3 Dimensions Jaaaas Vaa FIsst, asara s f M Trucking sat, very good condition; Call WE HAVE vacancy In our six- Move right Ip. ^ Radio, heater. In excellent o6|mB. 7691. ALBAIR a n d Berry ice station part tiaw. HOura 4r p. CUlSlNG OUT Window units— four down two unfinished, flra- story, tils bath, firsplacs, hot H-«cire land. Immediate occupan' Bsrbsra Morrlaosy, lO-yssrH inuatet reJecUon ef the Indian Algoniquin Claims sihar UN cemmatelsta, aad tha Oo. Rubbish, ashes removed. m. to 9 p. m. Apply Van's Service Smx4;.8—8 over 8 assembled, com­ 3-2711 after 1 p. m. room fist for one gentleman. water pU heat, garage, screens, reaMution. Vlahinsky aald it was t MB JUM IUIIHn tlon. iBee thU one at only>|l,S9S. OOMPUCTB Repalre hy Stuart R. wiace, combination storm windows cy. TM. 2-0806. granddaughter sf Mr. soMUsrt to Um Unsa. Douglas Motors. SSI Mala M reet Dump truck svallabls for loam, Station, 427 Hartford Road. plete. clear stock, 814.75 Mch. Kitchen, living room and bath S ^ a e n s a s . 8lfl.I00. storm windows; fmmedUte oc­ WttUam MoMorrissey of this possible tlto Peiping reply aUU had I Mrs. J. Herbert Finlay, pnsi-i'Q . | «« '»• . Har aaass an Btesahowst's list W olcott on waahlag maohines, we ehere. H ave. own bedroom. MANCHESTER — New, custom not been transmitted to the In- dent of the combined groups of| l(lV a l ItB tC S H lfflaO P grav^ qtc. Phono 2-289L Can fill In odd sixes. CsU Coven­ G. E. A U rO ltA 'nC blanket. Phone cupancy. Plica 817A0O. ’ aad dan^tsrktor ofo f Mr.M aad Mr o f visiton gavs riso to ivoea^fiUon ■ H A L 5 1 2 1 i w i Ch e v r o l e t Bsi^Air heauf Vacuum cleaners, motors, am SINCERE MAN yrtio is raaUy in- Just ttvo feUowa Uving here, CsU buUt five room ranch. Just over ut iO mlUlon doUara aad saU Main street home, office or business. Nu cellars clsaaed.-1 Framing 3x4 to 3x10 (smaU truck finiahsd, two unfinished. FuU shad ea, fuU tUe bath, colored fixturaa, Wsthersfleld avenue, Hartford fol­ BUbsUtuts his own proposal tor an $8S,OOOJ)()a. Thay said tha hlghar MTAtlaMe FOOng ChOdCOR, Tiw pnetetkm I . , _ 8271. son’s Inc.,: I strsst. Inquire 66 Wells street or call dormer, firsplacs, hot water oil copper plumbing, epppfr gutters wlU bs followed by an intermis- InnMMd. Mrs. Dsla Tyhur, dbM>| igsd PI,T2lOUTH special deluxe load lota) per M. $99.50; d e a r Oak f u r n is h e d Room With kitchen ' AR’THUR A. KNOFLA lowed by a nqulsm' Maaa In ll-nsUon commission. w .n . I would ba rsflsetad to rataa.' Ths PtdaraLSsoarity agaasy dU ALL TYPES of carpentry work Flooring, per M, |330; Select A] 2-8631'. privUegee. CaU 2-1-9080 I oro 186 Bls- heat. Rough heat and plumMng to aad leaders, fuU basement ateel Corpus OtrlsU Church, Wsthsn- Propesss Own U st IAlgonquin W y aassitlng its eaa tor. Phono 8-876T. I aedan. RaAo, heater, new motor, PAPERHANGINO and Painting. rsett govsramrat asslal aad wsl- Including repairs. F. Sc^tlt TeL MASON’S HELPER Wi jMdachian Oak Flooring, par GOOD, USED gaa stove, excellent sell street. ■ I REALTOR second flpor. Amesite driveway. beam, city sewer, combination flsld. Burial wlU bs in Mt St Under the Indian proposal, toe first. It wm bs foUoa^ fars wsrk. Iltewhowsr dssctibsd I I — I black dnish. Only 8698. Try to CsU Walter B. Cookson, 2-2291. 11310.00. ()uaUty construcUon. 300 foot front­ storm vrindowa and sereens. WUl 2-4848. ply at 67 Oak strsst. oven. Price • reasonable. Call •TB Main St. Eat 1981 Benedict (Jsmstaiy. four mpmbors would bs fiwsdsn, j I eastern and totsrvanteg parttaA - It ad a *tenally age. Rural residence. Price $18,100. qualify for V. A. lean. Alao excel­ Friends may caU at the funeral fiwUsariW CrachoalovakU „d W. R. Iteor, AlgoaqiaBTaatlat. a.” In view of its LJNOLKVM P.emnante 50c equare Ths Original and Onl^! 2-0111. free instmetion hours. 1 Repairing IS WANTED Boarders Wsutod 59-A •Phons, Ofttes 6440 lent F.H A. mortgage avaUable. home after 4 o'clock this after­ Poland. Viahtoaky propoasd the “ • ?*“ ••• . v v ant manager to charge of eoastrue- hoaald. Mrs. Hobby WiB 1 yard. Asphalt tUe, waU covmrlng. Office In New Haven Priced reasonable. $18,500. Phone foUowtog msmbarablp:. ' Unltsd • -I The members, who have ths Hundreds o f satlsded studants.1 jg47 jgKRCRjRy Sedan. An excel- r TV SERVICE • a p e x wnEtlNGER washer used noon. prlvllsgs of tovlttog thslr hus­ tion, and Harry C Owen. Ite giw to sttand caMast iBssriaga al­ iappotataMnt tsL 8-8248. lent one owner car. Bank tasnc- Dona by reliable, well-trained MATntESS. Your old msttreaaes three years. Good condition, $25. Evenings 3-89U or 3-4878 BXPANDABUE CAPE COD, tour 6378. Brae-Burn. States, Britain, Francs, Russia, snglnssr. tssUflsd today tm ^ o - though ths post dsdaaotaowbara men. AU JOba guassnteed. HaU ■' MEN ROOM AND board for one or two. finished, two unfinished. Front Red China, India, Burma, Switsar- bands, an rsqusated to notify ing. See thU one todey et Center sterilised and remade like new. NATIONAL Phone 3-4069. Mra. MlidiasI Lynoh tlMlr group Isadora how many to possd tariffs aad Uao capacity. eaMast raak. HNIOT A drtvefh Uoenas. For ax- Linoleum Oo., 56 Cottage street Can Janes' Furnltturs and Floor W. H. PREUSS ' On bus Uns.\CaU 4648, ' vesUble, very large kitchen, alum­ IMMEDIATE Occupancy — andl land, Csechoalovakta, No^-Korea Both Mrs. Bobby aad Mni. Motor Selee. ______BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES inum combination serssns and South Windaori Novi 36 — Mrs. expect so that Mr. Esla may bring It was agraad today ths hsutag psct tastmctlon can ths Manchse-| Phone 8-4088, eveniago 6166 or Covering, 86 Oak. TsL 8-1041. AND SONS 430 Davenport Ave. FRANKS Antiques snd second MANCHESTER—4 bedroom horns your chance to have big, screened Annie M. Lynch, 74, wife of aad South Korea. would recess over the ThaakagtV' Prtaat art sr-ysara-sld. Mrs. Msh- tor Driving Academy. 8-4667. 1960 MERCURT 2-door eoden. 8109. .hand store, 56 Cooper street Buys storm windows, firsplacs. Not a roar porch! Dandy for chUdrsn— Boto Iraq and Peru propoasd enough pairs of ths glsssss nscss- Rockville 6-8067 or New Haven, Conn. ^ . Apsrtisents—Fistic— io r only $18,000. TOs bath, large Michkel Lynch pf 45 King strast. aary to view ths pictures. tog holidays, raauaslag aa*t Moa- dy has tw o sWIdww, Mra. M is t Groon. Radio, hesUr sad ow - and sella good used furniture and P- living room, dining room and good corner lot. Yard complstsly fenced. and Uiayu UkS the big^gdrd _ , ap- that India aervs as ‘a fifth mambsr tbras. ' , ■ RUBBISH AND Aaiies removed. Bfortgsges 81 Manchester ^2223 Telephone ST 7-8697. Immedlste occupancy. BnUt in South Windsor, died at her horns of the repatriation commtaalon. drive. Original mlloage 15,000. antiques. Phone 8966. Open 9 to Tenenests 58 old time kitchen with plenty of prpximatsly 70 x 200. B& finish' ycatsrdsy following a lenfhty lU- f o r E d s 4 Immodisto sAd efficient service. 1101. Price $12,600. ed'^rooms to attractive 4-yaar old They aald tlUa would do away i x • #x ^ i Most saeriflcs. Inquire 167 Pine FIRST AND Second mortgages 5:80. . FOUR ROOM furnished apart­ ' iroaes for sading. Two-car ga­ ness. She waa born In County UST V. S. OASUAL-nEB ym tn : X & ss"S /' tm - Contract or otherwise. CsU bought for our own aecom^t Fast Dbmonds—Wntchd rage. OU steam heat Ah sxcep- boBM neat as wax. High, dry loca­ with the problem of trotog to find | A iT c ra f t G ra n te d uistura M pWllAMiBttflSBs. m k BEFORE TOD Buy aium 4 4 " etrset Sltaattons Wanted-* WHITE Porcelain combination oil ment. Second floor,, a ll oonven- Waterford, Ireland, but had mads a neutral umpire as Inula had sug­ Waahlagtsa. Nov. see Oocmaa MMor Balsa. BuMkj 2-9278 or 2-9706. conSdsntlal' ssrvtce. Manchester Jewolry . tlonaUy cleah home throughout tion to Bowsra School sscUon, her home hers for the past 55 V. 8. kattte fiUsd VSl______1941 DODGE busmen coupe. Good Female and gaa range 4-4. Very good lencei. Frigidsire. ^ t sad cold MANCHESTER — near bus. Owner leaving town. gested. Balsa and Bervios, 88B Ma Investment Corp., 344' Main S t water, 9 Morrison HUl Exten­ Good' mortgage avaUable. For years. Fast Amortization raaah 126A8T tiirs oOsss SB tbs Houstew Ptst running condition. Cell 7580 after ANT PIANO tuned for |8. Bacon Phone 6416. LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ oondltlon. Includes stock, storage Cape Cod, fireplace, scre^ , etofm I $14,700. (Agents, avsnlngs; 8100 Hslvsrd Lange, foreign mlnistar and bscams Ita sdftar aad aub- a ttest Phone 8-4871. O ^ ev ditloned end mothproofed, $27.50. WOMAN DESIRES housekeeping sion. call RockvlUs 5-8450. Information caU Manchester windows, hateiiway, hot water oil j Survivors Include her husband; o f Norway, said It waa sassntlsl aaW tTK 5 p. m. for one or two adults. LIvs in. pairs, sojusu watches expertly tank and atand, $75. Inquire ,'257- and Frank' Ptonsy 8877). Walton three daughters, Mrs. Ellen John­ w Sifc*'! Usbsr last month. During WwM Kenneth Robinson. Tel. 7691. Reaaonsble prloea. Open dsUy. 2-8088. heat. Immedlata occupancy. that the nrtsonsra "not be held in -Rockville 5-2039. Spruce. sEVEN r o o m duplex; exesUsnt W. Grant, Realtor. 647 Mato son of Wspptog, Mrs. Leon Mul The Unltsd Aircraft Conoratlon I vwikly $ « w IS War n. aba was band of tbs I Opportanitic Thursday evsnlnga 139 Spruce ■ SIX-ROOM duplex houss. near bus. $12,300. street. Hartford 8-7564. custody for an todstsrmtoate has been granted a certificate of| Woman’s Army Oaeps with tbs four-door aedan. POWER BURNERS sad Rspge condlUon. Adults pwferrsd. CsU len o f Enfield, Mra. Thomas PreO' period tt they should refuse to 856 Burners axperty clesned and BABY SITTING deetred by mid atreet Phone 2-4367. school and stores. One side jx...»’o'^xx ii.inxl Uce of Hte'tford; four sons, John neceaaity for rapid amortisation parted. rank sf sbiwisl. Nles car throughout Trads now, I Rmho, hsater. Call 2-1610. COMHlNA'nON Service aUUon, TWIN BEDS, complete, $25. 2-5228. vacant 30 days from sale, make pss of thslr right to bs ra- In ths amount o f 88,900,006, serviced. Let us aervlee sad re­ grocery store and bakery for sale. die' aged woman. Call Manchester David o f South Windsor, trads right Trads- with ■ ■ D e o ^ 2-9387. Durant atraet. CaU after 6 p. g o ^ investment George'U Fish, MANCHESTER — 4-Room Home, with knotty ^ pans^, | ^ Hartford and patriated.’' , .Isaao from tha National Produc- pair your washing machine or re­ Write Box Z. Herald. Fuel and Fetd 4f-A exceUent condition, electric hot> flrdplacs, cal-tost kitchen, three Motons. 822 Main. 1941 PLYMOUTH special dotuxo frigerator. Metro. Servlee. 2-0888. WHITE COMBINATION Range, THREE ROOM, third floor tene­ 22 Brookfield street Tsl. Man- Francis ef Hartford; onp sister. Tha fight to give ths Indian pra-1 tlon Authority of the U. $. Depart- water heater, atovo, refrigerator, largtKM^P'**' pIpup windows poaal priority was brief aiid sndSd I ment of Commsros Indicates. ' two^uoor sedan. CsU 2-4191. *-4i9i. WOOD, Stove or Sreplsce lengths. oil snd gas. Pries $15 for quick ment no bath. CaU 2-5228. ' chaster 6894. * screens, storm 'wtndows, garage, Miss Mary EUsn Nicholson of 2848, 1960, 1961 AntomobUas, as STORM DOORS and wlndowa Help Wanted*—Female Dogs—^Birds—Pets Delivered $18 per cord. Phone and smens. bU )iot water heat W spptog; U grsndchUdrsn and la...... a vote of 49 to favor, five ■ (Soviet ■ vlst According to aircraft oflleials, Uttls as 18.90 wsSkty. Lowest sale. Can 2-8504. ; ^27 PORTER Street. Six room amealte driveway., Prlea $10,800. lUnsas ffiscssTal*. 810,800. Cart- ths sum was uasd for an addition! TSWk!T> A Good car for ths winter? "Paramount." ’iYiple track KELLY'S Aquarium—This wsek'i WUlimantlc 3-8317 anytime. two grw-grandchUdton. Moc) against aad one abstaining. Snaaes n tsa . Poealbla your ear BufllneoB LoeitioaB ^ colonial with garage. OU hast, ton W. Hut^Uns- 8-5182 or 6281 Services wUl| be held Friday at VIriilneky caUed. it a "gross viola­ to a wind tunnsl used for tssttogi iS il Jos O’Brien 2-8811. I have BlumlndnIm combination. Free apsclsl 81.30—Tatra’s now .81.00 sdvancsd typo sngtoss and for| down. Doud** Ifotois, 888 Mala. something you want from 810 ktes bn request. John 'WANTED— Machinery and Tools ^2 for Rest 54 sf sutomsUc hot water, garage. Im 8:15 a. m. from tbs SuUlvsn P^m- tion of democratic rights." He said estimatei a pair. Exotic birds snd animals homi» in all price f u l t o n s ^ t ■ ^ 6 ^ c a ^ seals modal plsnst. down to 8800.1 alao, wlU pay up Ssbllts: Phone 8-3027. Household Goods msdUte occupancy. Priced at Othor I sral Home in East Hartford. Ad- the action w u llUsgal and takoa 1980 gtUDEBAKER aMtmploi orders, taken. 39' Sunset street USED TRACTORS, farm equip TO RENT—Store at 21 Maple $18,750. T. J. Crockett. Broker, ranges. Call our office fori cods. 3 unfiaUhsd. Both to ditiOiisl rits» wUl be conducted at imdar the luderWiip o f tha United I Tha tunnsl is located st the rear | could' v e r y w e l l b e THE PERSON - dataxe oohvortible. Hoator, radta to 8800 in trade for your pre-war SPINNERS Open'til 9. AN HONEST PERSON ment, show plows, cement mlX' etreet Near Main street opporite 344-Main street Photie 5416 or exeSUent condition. Ariring $18,- of ^ > firm's alrport .to Bsat Hart- used opr. CaU me anytime. further details and pictursa. St. Francis of Assisi Cfiturch, South' States. .WE'RE LOOKING FOR. evordrlva. Ctean. wiorty oar. f i, HoosehoM Sorvfces WHO’ S GOmO HOUSEUCmCPIb era, garden tractors with equip First National. Phons 5117. Ed­ residence 875L 600 and 813,700 Wafrsn Howland Windsor, st 9 a. 'm. Burial wiU be ford. A special clossd-door meeting of According to the lltPA, .the nerr Ws hav« an opiniBg for a young wousa to wait 488. ca n am m gs trads nnd| 1946 CHlEVROLET sedsn delivery. THATS WHAT 1 WANT ment, buUdosers In stock at all ward J. HoU, 1009 Main street Realty. Phons 8600 aityttms. to St. Mary's Cemetery, East Hart­ 81 woatern powers dscidsd lut Offared IS^A Must be exp^enced in PUG PUPPIES. Call Glastonbury TO TAKE OVER n e w LISTINO—Very attractive can!tage of the coat of the sddllion oa trade aad to asatat to maktog floral, s r r a iy - tarma to su it 8-0980. Newly rebuilt motor. CsU Rock- times. Terms Dublin Tractor Co., ford. ; bmts \ 8-7186. UNPAID BALANCE 6 room rape Ood home only five HENRY ESGOTT AGENCY HEAR YE! HEAR YE! night to support ths priority I permlaalbis for rapid tak imbrUsa- ] manto. An totoraat to flowara aad dupftUra vlUe 5-4089 between 5 end 7 p, m. FLAT FINISH HoUSnd window • frame spinning. North Windham Road, WlUlmsn- CteUing hours at ths funeral and thslr action uaurad eommlttos For PK3C UPS: 1961 Ford.' 1986 Ford, MONTHLY PAY2IENTS STORE TO RENT. 85 Oak street, '* years old. Two baths, one with Henry A Tlielma Jeffries Bseott I Uon w u 80 per cent. talsBt would bs hrtpfuL hut not 19U Dofoa 8-6 ton, 1M9 Chev- shades mads to messnrs. AU I BEAUTIFUL Eight months old tlc 8-3217. home today and tomorrow ara action. _ , ____ to MUl- BTIY SELECT USED CARS msUl veaetisn bUnda at a new | $21.63 ca n 8465., sUU ehuwer. Hot water oU heat REAL ESTATE—XNSURANCB GOOD PEOPLE . — . from 8 to 8 p. m. .and 7 to 10 p. m. further lBfamattim.-^a^ i r . l « " rolot 1947 Dodge, I N t and ’41 Apply in person to - pedigreed Boxer pup. Tel. Coven­ NEW FURNITURE AND , Fireplace. Aluminum comblna- Di|ilomats vtswad ths priority kowakl. ths F lorist, Sflfl 1 ■t. JOhaaonBlodb OMC 1-tOn, 1949 Studebaker^ 1946 tow pries. Keys mads whUa you try 7-7648. MODERN THREE room offlct, 366 High St. W est (Oor. McKss) I OF t vote u a Up off that a majority BUY WISELY Vrslt Mstiow's. APPLIANCES Musical Instruments S3 ' tlon stora windows and screens. Chavrolst. 19U Ford 1% ton long which Is now In storage— dark room, laboratory. E ut Cen- Newly dscoristed. Lovely lot 76' TsL ManchMtsr 8668 h u been found to the comntlUee About Town -whealbnoe, 1948 OMC. 19U Inter- YOU'LL GET MORE CHENEY BROTHERS,, TRUMPETS, Clarinets, trombones, ■ ter street CsU 2-5820 or 6514. ’MANCHESTER . to back the U. 8. view that tha MATTRESSES MADE'to order, Poultry snd Supplies 43 origlnslly cold to a young couple X 188’ with trees galore. Close to F n n e r a k I960 Intarnattonal, _ ^ ^ re-made and atertlised like new. but unfortunately are not getting saxophones, guitars. Largest now school snd bus line. Elvs FASa.VATINO 5 room (Mps Ood Indian raaoluUon piust be clarifled Rudolifii B. CapoUo of l A Hli-1 dump, 1949 Ford panel, 194711961 Plymouth Club O o u ^ r ^ o 146 Hartford Road with attached gsrags. scrseiisd| to speU out the handling of prte- ilisrd s tru t h u siUistod In tte clean car. We call fbr and deliver anywhere. BROAD BREASTED broOM tur- married selection of Instruments In town. - 'lyier^ exclusive agent 2-4469. WE HAVE ^(teases H, Reteton Chevrolet sedan dSUvsry, Low I and heater. Vary Frank Falk, 17 Main street, Col- b e Ur o o m s u r r s AU accersories. Expert repairing. Houses for Rent 55 porch, nicely landscaped loL Good I oners of war more carafuUy. Thjiy Army and hu procS^ed to the kevs, fresh killed, fresh frosen, location, immaeulata i condition, I 4-6 ROOM CAPE CODS Funeral^M^csa for Jamas H. based their reasoning on the fhet Recruit RecepUon center at Fort | NOTICE priesa. Ghamp^n Rents 80, Rock- •L446. ' ^ . chseter. Conn. Phope Colchester ready an3rtlme, 8 to 25 pounds. urviNo ROOM sum s Ward Krause, 87 Walnut. 5336. FTVE r o o m home for rent on - EDGE OF Town—New four rOOm Rolstoo of 89 Hazel ztreet, who vms 8-9674. 1960 Dodgs Wayfarer, 2-Dr. Sedsn 5-PC. DINETTB SET ran(fli. Kitchen with dining nook, Truly a home to be proud of. I that ths U. S. had previously said Devens, Mass. _____ —11,448. 460.______j ______■ CASHIER Wanted—Apply mane- Schsub's Turkey Farm, 166 HlUs- Route No. 81, South <3oventry. HAVE died at the Manchester Memorial gar. Stats Theater, Manchester. •PHILCO” ELECTRIC REF. GUITAR, ALMOST new, vrith used •r Large rooms, double closets, fuU Warren Howland Realty. Phone | it would not \ots for priority un- 2947 OLX)BMOBlLB 76 sedan. H y-11980 Chevrolst 2-Dr. Sedsn — town Road. case, $10. Call 2-;9270 after 5 p $65 per month. Inquire Miss 8600 anj-tlme , )M RANCH Hospital Sundayv afternoon, wers leu .these auurancu were given. WEIAVINO o f burns, moth holes RENOAL" COMB. RANGE Swee*;-6147 between 9 and 4:80, cellar, oU heat, large lot, 810,700. 6-6 RC held this afternom at St Mary's dramatle.. In exesUsnt eandKlon l |i,308. and torn clothing, hosiery runs, SHIRT PRESS operator. Exper­ "NOROE" w a s h e r m. Carlton W. Hutchins. 3'4il88 or ?ES Viahtoaky' utoundad dsisgatoa throughout Priced wsl)r below 11980 Buick Ssdanstto—Radio slid Episcopal Church at 8 ' o'clock. handbags rspalrsd, slpper re­ ience not necessary. Apply in per­ Articles for Sale 45 "HOOVER" v a c u u m ,,6 8 81 . -X MANCHESTER — Fpur rooBM, I when he called ths Indian plan :S ibi * “ » « - l W ______- , - X x fc, ceUhig. Sea Bob OUver today. I hsatar—ll.Bto. ^ ^ STARR PARLOR grand piano for newly decorated. Large attic, I W E ^ V E Rev. Alfred L. WUUama, rector, device -of the “ North AUanUc bloc other rhssrsal will taka |fiscs Koa- ( 1) Amsad ARTICLE II.-SBCTI6N H. RB^ENCE BOMB AA, by placement, umbrellas repalrsA son. New Model Laundiy, 78 "EMERSON" TELEVISION WsatoA to Rent 58 offleated, asatsted by Rev. John J. o * u , men's shirt eollisrs rsvsrsed snd Summit'street ROYAL AND Smlth-COrons port- Scaly mattress and box spring, Very good condlUoni police game room cellar, laundry, oUl 6-7 ROOM ^ 1LONIALS. with vrhlch no coopsraUon is pos- day svsntog at the same place aad labla and standard t typswriUrs^ Mohawk rugs, inlaid, lamps, tables, 1250. T el 7196. WANTEn>—Garage between Pine heat, hot water, amesite drive, I Johnson, .curate. John Oockerham slbls." I Urns. ssrs 1982 laatC U R Y Monterey 4-dobr I from. Both blue, replacsd. Marlow's Little Msndiito You’U do BETTER presided st the organ. Burial was IV SECTION X, sxospt thoas eouduetod to a ehunb, a. mum Shop. j, SALESLADIES Wanted for work AU makes of adding machines dishes, pots and pana snd (tooper streets. CaU Gustaf­ outside grin, riiade> trees, rattl sedan, Mereomatle drive, tinted 11960 Studebaker four door Royal during Xmae season. Must be sold or rented Repdrs on aU PHOira ME IMMEDIATELY Wearing Apparel—Purs 57 son, 19 Division street. 4897 after fence,. Near new WaddeU School | in toe famUy plot to the B u t h iA ^ giaas, fog lights, grlU guard, I deluxe. Radio and heater, -AT E ft E AGENCY Cemetery. . , \ racmtlon or odpqatlmi whiob are parmtted ra any aona, able to work untU 9 p. m. Apply makes Marlow’s HARTFORD 6-0388 5:80. • Duplex 86,500. CsU 4816; radio, heater, back-up UghU andl Graj^ ^ „ BoildiBg—Contrsetiiig 14 In person. Tot's and Tesn's, 936 AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4690 PHOI Burera were Jamu H. Rogers, (8) A-end ARTICLE IV, OENEKAL. PBOVllIOW. by addliig tbs many other extras. Immaculate 11949 Chevrolst Qub Coupe. Radio MUSKRAT Fur coat, size li PBA’TT & WHITNEY Main sti'Vet. ^ 80% OFF on famous make Bat­ SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT MANCHESTER- New six-room I Sr., Albert Todd, Everett Brawar, [lowing ssctlMi tharsto aa ■iwi m sKCsUant condition. Pries I snd heater, tlSS, SPECIALIZING IN Custom bnUt teries. Written guarantees. 81,00 Worn only once. Phone 2-1801. MANCHESraR Albert Kissman, I s u c Cole and 1945 Plymouth Speclel Deltwe 2- If yon have no meane of transpor­ AIRCRAFT rsnen, srtlsticaUy psnslsd, tUe S l ^ O N X. NURSERY aCHOC^ .. 3800. OaU Msnehaator 6820. garages concrete Soors. Also sl- SEARS ROEBUCK A CO. down; $1.00 weekly. Cslso Serv- tation rn send my. auto for yon. li bsth,^ double clorats, firsplacs. | 2-1167 — 2^15 Harry Fowlar. LA s ^ to tbsas rsgulatloaa. ths Dr. sinUn—Radio and heater— tentlons, additions and dormer Icentor. TeL 4104, 4185, or 3-0980. EX-NAVY Veteran has blue.saUor Floral tributes wars numarous, ^948 PONTIAC streamliner ssd ^ No obUyatlon! uniforms to sell. One government School aad bus line. Osriton W. , Your Future have ths msaatog oonsawnte and uMilly gljjra to tto farm, Wd 1976. erection. Call Frank Contois, A —L - B —E—R ^ T —’—S Hutchins. 8-8188 or 6S8L and many friends called at ths . ette. Hydramatlc, lustrous green. 1946 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio MsttchasUr 8322, Hartford 8-7735. ^ GIRLWANTE^ VOAM, Dark rich cuIUvatod Grade Issue, dhe taUor made. Size 38” t; W6 MANY MEN: Lots for Sal 7!l Holmas FunsTs) Homs Monday and heater, gyrometlc drive— 43 AUyh St.. Hartford A beeutiful, one owner car. One No. 1, 88 cu. yard. Grads No. 8, Jumper, cize 82" pznts length, GOOD JOBS! MANCHESTER—4 Room duplex and Huesday evtntogs, showing Is ^cure you wonld be proud to own. For $966. FOR 83 cu. yard- DeUvered. In truck FREE —13 to 15 pound turkey 3?” panto width, 7 1-8 hait (blue). 1" MILLING MACHINE the esteem in which ths dsesued Floristo—Norsfries 15 o p e r a t o r s with vacancy. Otbsr^slde paying| q x KLAND Street lOO* the bast in values buy at Oentsr load lota Screened sand snd an with every Kelvinstor electric Phons Manckpater 7711.; $45 rent per month. Two-car ga-1 xU u t i l e s to. Phone w u held. Mqncheatsr Lodge No. 'I Motor Sales, 461 Main street 50LIMENE, Inc. CREDIT WORK. alass stone dellversd. Order now. range pur^aaed between now snd GOOD PBY! DRILL PRESS rags. A few steps off East Cknter 78, A.F. snd A. M., held a Masonic POMPONS, bouquets $1 each snd Thanlosgiving. Watkins Bros., A»B-L up, corsage 21. st McOonville Nuasdorf OoiurtructloB Oo. Phone OPERATORS strast near A. A P. stora. live Bsryice lu t evening, with Worship­ '““oO N o'S J ^ ifim ol shaU ba ooaduetod within 2060 fart af 1950 BUICK Special deluxe eedan- Dodge and Plymouth Dealer 8408. Inc., 938 Main strast Wanted—To Buy 53 ette. Heater, radio. Real clean! . 634 Center Street Greenhouses, 302. Wpodbridge prscticsUy rant free. Good mort­ Suburban tor ful M u ter Walter M, BroadweU to aaothar nuraery school. x- ^ — «— Pleasant working 111 GRINDING MACHINE gage avaUable For information charge. Daughtera of Llborty, (b) No adraHlsIng or signs shsU bs matotatosd me. 8 unfinished. In u - and Fox'Oub alao attended in^a rM f for e v rtfcwfl iod roeohra Mural Ru l l a r d PORTER STREET Section. Six .•xii—» condition. Good locstloo. | body to pay their respects. f?TNo pIsJiiJpundTinipi^ or otbn DECORMIER X . Auto Acccasories—Tires 6 ture Store. 86 Oak. Phone 8-lM l. •aildayae baoaifo la addWaa ta work* naetlon with ouch oOhool shall ba mstotatoad oa ^ froat yard aC Apply BOLTON — Bonding stone and SCRAP IRON,, metals, waste OPERATORS room home, fireplace, bay win­ Only |»,000; About $1,600 cash. . \ Roofinr-eSM lBg ’ 16 f psiper snd rags. No amount too MEMORIAL MASS log la a plaaf Hiot Itofl o l loadeni focB. tha pramiaaa whara such sdiool, to being c o t ^ ^ - __ MOTOR SALES INC., 'S i^ Y S l WINTER TIR5IS— Pennsylvania 511 MAIN ST. Sai^tona Bolton Notch Quarry. SALE O used appliances, gap, M oiw ftHdBCB M m i i r i r dow, copper plumbing, automatic Phons 8600 anytime. ,Cleat, Ooodyesr Suburbanite and Phone 8-0617. SUnlty Pstnoda electric snd pll-gss combination anfsU. OdI 2-4988. - e n g i n e LATHE' waataer, oU heat. fuUy tosulatad, A third anniversary M su wiUl 8. Itorssry schools are hereto ^**sfl* when as*- MANCHESTER — Rooiv s^ be said Friday morning at 8 o'clock Mas oadidofla omplayaa rdotlaaflli^. ducted In Buainssa Zonaa and to Industrial Zones. . 2 in 1 recaps. Auto Lite, Penn­ Siding Co. Also aU types of paint­ ranges, 815 to $150, electric and i f MaiBtMWK* M m ir OPERATORS screens and storm wtadowA BuUt, _ ^x mm \*Now is the Time to Buy] sylvania and Bowers bstteriss. FEMALE HELP WET-STRENGTH paper bags for gas refrigerators, -i $30 to $SQ, to 1941. Immediate occupancy. I WsUtOff— Real E gts t o 77 In St Bridget's Oiurch for the Deists ths woida, "to l*rt paragraph of," ftom AHlXCjj : ..One o f These Fine C a n " ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ potatoes, SO pound capacity. S72 Rooflu wlthoBt Board 59 repose of the soul of Mrs. Lwocsr-1 (S) Free road sefvice. Terms on sU teed work. Phone 3-8988 for free washing noachlnea $15 to $75. ■if i f MoinfoBMCB M m M ' MATERIAL HANDLERS ^ I t o n W. Hut^lftos. 2-$182 Wanted. Stogie', two- 1 SECTION V, BOARD OF APPEAlJrW>*Sraph B 0») SO It absU road products. Ths Budget Center, 91 Parker street Phone .7086. die Orlowski, who died Nbv. 26, j eetlaaatee.. WANTED WetkinSv Bros,, 935 Main street faaflly.- three-faaiUy, buatosaal Center street ROOM WITH double bed. Kitchen it CoastnictioB l^lsetrlelaaa I BENCH WORKERS 1949. Immediato oponingt^if you con **(bM for sslss, ssrvlca, raprtr and it o r y s <>^raotor vOd^ s •• NEW FOR DOLL CLOTHES, band made, de­ 9 FOOT General Electric refrigera­ MANCHESTER —Custom, garrt-] pr«9^y.vHave many cash buy- FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that Second Shift privUegea 168 Maple Street. W MiUwright Helpers Umitod to Item B o f A R T I& 8 XX, SECTION VII aad aa Umltod la IMMEMATB DEUVERY.)^ signed especiaUy'for your doll. tor (n very good condition. Inquire i JANITORS son colonial to exceUent condi? an. Mortgages arranged. Pleaae qualify for ono o f tho poBitiont AR’nCLB n. SBOTTON IX. | ^ LOOK! stay on In any kind of storm, snd -Phone Coventry 7-6945. it Pipe Fitter Helpera caU Oeorga L. Grasiadio, Real­ guttara, conductors and roof re- Full Insurance 69 White street. LARGE, PLEASANT room In pri­ Uon. Modern throughout, w«U tol Calls Meeting .it liPLUS Tool and Die Maker*, w^ esrpsUag, automatic tor. S-U rl 109 Henry strast 1 (4) Amend AR’HCLB V, 'SECTION V, P*«««Ph B to •Miag th i ONE AERO-WILLYS WING] pahra CaU Coughlin 7707. I Program 24 SLATE BIsekboards, 4 feet x vate hmne. Convenient to (Center WeMers littod bolqw-"* j , kALF PRICE TIRE SALE _ a, CHROME Kitchen set with 4 and Chsney*a Place to park car. i dishwasher, hot w a tu h u t, foUowtog tharsto as subpaiMryhs <•)• - - - 8 feet by 8-8 inch thick. Contact chairs and large table with extra uSheet Metal Meidianiia, I n ­ BUYERS W A m N O —Stogie and SUPER DELU^ WE SPECIALIZE in roofing and WjB have several openings for Phons 2-2044. MUAy GOOD JOBS aw a4«v cision Machinists, Spinning oil, garage. < large lot la For Friday Nighit| ALL SIZES John EUlaon. Tcl. Rockville leaf. Price $85. Very good condi- one o f Manchester Orsha’s t w o - f a i^ homaa. For eSldsnt • Fm lilM ttriiicfi • EigiN Lathti Biding.. Highest Quality a women in our expanding '5-9498. aay of Lathe Oporators and Scrap­ and oeufldsnttol servlcs eaU, (f) For group dwriluigs in accordsnea with ARTICffM IV, 8EC- FuUy equipped, TU-Tone . Blue. tsrlsla Workmanship gusran- Uon. OsU 2-8868. LARGE FRONT room vRth twin la in the deaa, bnght plant | hut ssetioni If you are looUlig Desni payment only t892.M. Bal­ Goodsresr, ^ reston e, U. S. erations. Factory experience Reals, 8-1919. Aa Important meeting of ths l tosd. A. A. non. Inc., 299 Autumn ' be<^ OcqitlBuous hot water. O f Pratt and Whltaey A lierafU ! ers. X ■ '' . , for quaUty this is It Shown ton ance 86 months. VERMONT MAPLE Syrup and SAVE’nME \ ^ CivU Defenra staff, diviskm .heeds • littnuil cr • Raiial Drill (g?^Pw^auipaiy sdmoto tai acbordanea with j2r t ICLE.IV, SEC- street-Phone 4660. helpful. Age 18 to ^ years. sugar eandlea, 100% purs. In Phone 5423. MANY EXTBA MOUBFITS! }- appointment only. Many oUisr OONfilDERINO SELUNG Fresh Stock — No Seconds GOOD P A Y ! and thslr deputies wUl ba held In .’n O N 'X ■ 'r — ■' _■ time for Christmas g t v ^ . CsU SAVE MONEY CLEAN, Comfortable, Urge Mat­ And remember yon get more listings. CkU Tbs Ellsworth Mlt-| YOUR PROPERTYT Exteraal DriaiafB Eraisis ONE NEW WOLY8 1968 1 TON GREAT. 2IASTERN BMfing and Apply in Person. than Jnsi good wagw at Pratt GOOD HOURS! ten Agency, Realton. 6930. CD hssdquertsrs to tha Municipal | I (5) TP chaaga to Raaldenca E ye B • firip of 1 y d n w UseablO Casing, PlOB Tax 7557. ed rooin. Quiet' > neighborhood. Wltbcint obligation to you, we Zona A, loeatad 188 fast Boutharty o f Bast Csriter 8 tea < bstwaw 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP. The Construction Co. A p^cators of aad RqUIaey A lren tt - . • you WiU a^pralM or make you a cash Buildtog Friday nigjit et 7:80, Di­ BOSS c< them aU pound fokl ■ V Bird and Fllutkota Guaranteed Private horns. Gentleman prefer­ '±> plus innumerable extra 'rw O -F A M ILT --l Up and 4 down. • Sarfaaa Iriaiars, ^ Mal-ti-Maties Foster Strast ^ Sprue* Strast, having a dspUi Of 28 fast. SPENCER ALMOST NEW i)|x foot Frigidsire Earn ,an International red. RefCrancee required. Phone gH vall Borts ef extra heaeflts offer for property. See ua be rector Edward Krisenlcs an­ p o u ^ roofs snd stdlng. Ufe-time alum­ meat case. Also Stlmpson electric that can meaa a aafer. bapP*^^. benefits! Suitable for doctor or lawyer, CALSO SERVICE CENTER 6183.. s Futost growtof part of town. 10' you otfL nounced today. • Taal aai Gattar 1 ^ Braatk Sattars (6) Tb chdngaito Bssldsncs Itons A sU or part ®f inum clapboard and: combination RUBBER PRODUCTS scale, American aUcing machine. Harvester Freeier tatkra for yea aad yaur fainUy.’ Krasenics* also announced that I twMn thsNorthsriy Itos of MkMls ’Itorntoka Wrat storm trindows and ^sersensL For [••Liberal Wage Scale Olcott etreet near Oentsr. Tel BRAE-BURN REALTY ONE NEW wIlLLYS 1968 4 WHEEL} 436 Center s i Phone 2-0980 Writ# Box Z, Herald. AT THE CENTER. Pleseaflt, clean it * * * it . • PhoM 6878 150 UttarS have been secured for I • DraathDriaiars Una o f HlDtord Street now »■ DRI^ JEEP. Ready to work free ssUmatsa caU 827i. Evenings \ COMPANY room. Twin beds. For gentlemen. Paid Holidays 3-0481 the program here. One hundred o f I ' Driaiaii ^ sertbod as follows: Northarty: By HUltord Streep U « BRAND NEW 17" Emerson tele­ A practical, economical I Harry r o i ^ i u * fob yon aU year and in any I 8308. Albert V. Lindsay, Owner. Alao single. 16 Wadsworth stoeet CASH BUYERSjeaittog for 4, l.| them WUl be placed at SMFDl bow o vision 8169. Tax and warranty and beautiful Christmas JtlST LOOK! . ; , t [{• Paiid Vacatidns RdCKVlLLE—tt mUe from psrk- • Fi^aa Walian ___ Bastarly: By tood ' f^raW X iTO F or toss; Souiha^:' wdathar. . ' Chapel Street 'i (•Overtime Pi^ium s way. Caps Ood, two years old, 6 aad aevaa room stogies headqHsrters on Spruce, strast 251 • VarUiai Tarrif Rtsldanca Zoos B, to part by ••rth 1075 fast, more - Traflera for Sale 6-A included. Can^arrange terms to gift for ths family. CaU at thaw imtrasi ^ . two-feaUly hfi<4aea to Maocheeter. at ths Manchester; Firs DaparU By Middle Turapika 'Wsat, 800 fast more or l^is; r and Wsstsrtyt Riwlteg 16-A suit. CaU 2-0980. );•Cost-of-Uying Adjustments four roomsflnlshsd, spaps for two] ^ Parts laspastars Yo u n g LADIt, recant graduate t Overttme PREMIUMS * sddtUonsl to heated aad laaulat- Bolton, Coventry aad Vctaca. ment bouse st Main snd HUUard I LattM t toad of Obnevteva .Dana. 375 feet, more or leac [I•Group Insuranee atrasts snd 25 at the American j Se £ e c TED useb Ci^S ITRAIUER With steel body. Phone ROOnNG—SpeclaUatng In npatr- preferred for sddressograph sad WICaOER STROLLER, baby bath WtPAlO Vacatioaa J sd atUc. Hot water best with Howard R. Baettoge, 8-1107. (7) To change to Buainasa Zone H all ot 2 w * to 3-8046. Ing roofs of all kinda. Alao new general office work, ^perienee REGAL POOD PLAN ||•FriendIy Worldfig Condi- huUIator, flreplaee. Ipsa etalr- Lsfton home. • Harixaatal Taint • Pnaass Eagiaaari Northarty side of West Center 8trert,_W*rt of M d ^ S t ^ inctte. Both good condition, |5 A PAID Holidays • New arm bands for CD workers AND TRUCKS rooM. Gutter woriL CWmnsya not neceeaary. Write Box Q, each. PhoiM 8-1837. . Mand^xNar 2-8735 WANTED ik Antamatte Oost-af-UvIag fv tions way, MU porch. eombtoaUoa Bualnees Zoos 1, hounded and d e a r t h " W ert clsansd, npairad. 86 years’ ex- Herald. Adjastaltats JCome in TODAY. A friandly aluminum wtodowa. In very good ^ 1 '••' ^ • I I firaare now how on on order order ana and v wUl be die-1 Lathas • Taal Dtsigaan point 111' Wsstsriy of ths totarosetim of M c^ S tr^ wlto TWO* I960 WILLYB STATION WAGON. M otofc)’i -Bicycles 11 irienea. Free astuaatas. OsB' FOUR 710-15 auto'Urea, very good - - -^rsl. Window! W w p V H Iv fl ■k Gtoup lasBiaaoe ,, I j counselor will be gli^ to tel condition. SO-dsy occupancy. Low C b LM cC orm ickte JTbi.ar'?.wardens O ^ r Strast; thanes Wsstsriy along Just Uks new throaghout. Sowlsy. Manchester 5861.. POSITION Open for rcglMerad oondltlon, reasoM ble.. One 80-06 T o w n W.A CLEAN Ptaut "> tax .rate Price $11,500. Phone | tt Matallarglirti Strast, 182 fast mors or lass; thenra Northsriy CHILD’S RED Tricycle. Call nurse or licensed trained attend­ Springfield rifle, model 1903, srlth it MOMEEN Eqxipaaaat {you how to buQd yopr future M an th ^er 6381. Hssfs, 128’ : thMcs Bsatorly to a line paraUel to Wrat Btrart ant For' further Information ammunition, excellent emidiUon. ^ OPa MPOfVfS I About r.^ ”^ ” and 028’ Northerly thefsof for a distance of 133 feet, more « iw . T 1161 WILLYS STATION WAGON. 2-2040 mornings or evenings. H esting—Phnubiag" 17 Advertisement it Coaveaieat Loeattoa [jin the irfufltry with the un- C n tie a l H Radio, beater, defroeter, over­ write Boa E, Hsrald. One 80-40 Kraig I Springfield rifie, it EASY Paring j - f - -.t ' ' ■ thenoeitoutherty skNig Easterly line of property 900. EXPriff^ENCED'Press o^rator for pet awaepek, two children's iron­ Secretary of Uw BoaM of Dirse- tihmmmt fMtad.APSmA -'giYlAfLS MMEY OUMCNTER win frasM I tlons. Prompt service. Youngs­ I ed epattlra 1 town kitchens sold and InsisUs*^. blanking and framing. Apply 884' ing boat^ Magic Maid mixac, tov> of the Town of Maariidb- / lAY I / Can 8-488L GL O. Lonntsen, Oodtractor. Hartford Road. - asanUs clodL Phoaa 8-1806. ter« OoBB.

r : , \j ^ V 'j- Vr - ‘ ^ ’■-"Is: ■ • . ■ ' . , ; ' 1- ',v ■■■ '■ '■ I 'i ■ ". ::-V V:. V - yy ■V > WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER M, 19Bj ! ■ -5; PAGE SIXTEEN ■L: A ^nrhfBtpr 1Etii?nino fiftallt Avemgt Daily Net Pran Run The Weptber - r w Um Week B a M Nav. SS, 1SS2 ^ raroeast at U. 0. Waathar Bartaa Disposal Area. ^ay Ahhhhhhhl Mrs. Lingard 10,793 . Fair, eoMer tonight, Battaiday. i^iout Town No Herald Law tonight near M. ^ s — Septic Tanks Cleaned Member of Uie Audit ''r. Burean of ClrqulatloBs ' jriiE Juvenile Grange will meet Report Dec. 5 Headfi UNAM 'MancheUer-f—A City of ViUage C h a rm \ Tomorrow r . ' ' Col Moiieli«f«r’» SRWRWigR $p«eldltfi ^ Friday ri^ht, at 6:30 in TfnKei’ , - i ^ HkO. It 4« urifed that all mertibera .The Manchester Evening \ atlw can do ao attend thla meeting will not puWiah tomorrow, Martin Tells Board Regr OfficTM Weeted Last VOL. LXXn, NO. 50 (OnasUM AdvortMag aa Faga SS) MANCHESTER, CONK FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1952 V i (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS V \ a t *ew offtpera e.1 H be elected. 'SAVE TWO WAYS: Thanksgiving Day. The ulations Should Be Set Night, to Be Installeil (11 LOW PRICE . . . the meat modem eqiriptiy t M d M - 1 Harine 'Sgt. Milton 1.. SUvnlt- Herald wishes its readers Then for Town Duiitt|» At January Meeting chlnery In Connectimt makes pqealble a BETTER JOB at a ' Bky, aon of Mra. Anna Z. Sta>'nlU a pleasant holiday. tky of 52 Garden ttreet. recently At a/’epeclal meeting last night, Mrs. Ronald Lingard waa elect-1 ‘^(tl^TOUB JOB IS ENGINEERiln . . . all leptlc toakA Drala- UN Nears reported to Camp l^Jeune. N. C.. axe and aewer lias* are laaUlled nader the watchful WHwr- \ the Board of Directors instructeil ed, president of UN AM for the i W duty with an infantry regiment 1953-54 year at the meeting of f^he : Genera] Manager Richard Martin' rislon of a Draiaage JariaMv^l^ of the 2nd Marine IMviaton. Prior The Zlpser Club announced a eet. Caaociation held laat night at th e ' to hi* preaent araignment. Sgt to take action on conditions st the Ceater Church. Other officer* Support of 36 on Air Transport • 'if back tournament for Saturday at Stavnlteky aerved tn Korea with 8 p. m. a t the clubhouae on town's disposal’ area on Olcott elected, and to be installed at the the lat Marine DIvlalon. Brainard place to which merhbera street and to make a progress re-> annual meeting In January, in­ and friends a e invited. Refreah- port Dec. 6. ' clude: Mr*. Paul Adama, vice Be Safe! X . Be^Sure! India Plan Carle's. Rohan of'Si.7 Hartford The board took the action .after- president; Mrs. Ruth. Hickox, re­ menta and a *oclal time will fol- Director Walter T.; Mahoney, at cording secretary; Mrs. Alexander read ha# been appointed to ^e- ft- lo'w the game*. ------.CAU ------nance committee of the Connecti­ whose request the item w-es in­ Wylie, corresponding secretary; cluded on the agenda, instated United Nations, N. Y„ Nov. cut Aaaociatioh of Inaurance Sunset Rebekah Lo^ge members .and Mark Kravltx, treasurer. 28-s- (i^ —V. K. Krishna Agent*, it ha* been announced by something be done to keep out-of- Mrs. Lingard, vice president un- ^ are requested to meet In front of towners from using the dump. der the present set-up. presided a t, THE McKINNEY BROS: Mellon.'deputy chairman of Prtaldent Edgar H. Oarke of thh the Quiah Funeral Home at 7:30 Martin told the board that a aet the business meeting at which a ^ \ New York, Nov.. 28—(/P)— the ’ Indian delegatioh. and town. tonight to pay a flnal tribute of of regulations being prepared by report was given by the chairman r SEWERAGE DISEOSU. COMPANY author of the Communist- respect to Mr*. Ine* Truax who hliti and Town Engineer James H. of the activities held during- UN'^ \ Walter White, executive sec- Seoul Mayor Tones ^own Welcome Herald Publiaher Thoma* F. waa a long-time member. Sheekey should be ready by Dec. Week, andj the commfttje* on DRAINAOE ORd SEWERAGE ENGINEERS \ retary of the National As- condemned compropiise plan Fergpiaon and Mr*. Ferguaon re­ 5. The regulations will govern the churchks, literature, the park dis­ 130-132 FmwI StTRWt. MoBchMfW^TRl. S308 \sociation for the^ Advance-1 to end the Korean War, noti­ Ike Carves the Turkey turned yeaterday from a 17-day u»e of the dump. play,- 'Mucatlonal materials.. Win­ ment. of Colored People, said i fied United Nations officials Craft Falls crutae to Central and South Amer­ Other of the Bitnatioh kT, S. Aiarine dow displays, speakers bureau, ica aboard the 8. 8. Talamanca Jewish Volunteers Korea—Open wide! ?^arii»e i’rivatc • i at Cla^s ./ilUam J»ahd- today President-elect Eisen-j he would ^ot be ready to discusRed briefly Included the pos­ foreign students and Hbrariea; make his c)osing statement of the United Fruit Great White sibility of fivlnjf’the custodian of berg, left, son of Mrs. Ethel Sandberg of '23 Drive E, Manchester. In connection with the work in hower pledged to do every- i Fleet. Sworn in CD Jobs the dump authority to make Conn., is treated for a sore throat in Korea by Navy ..oapital Corp..- the schools during tha( week, the thing in his power ”to abolish' on the plan before Monday. N ear W est arresU when he encounters viola­ man Third Class William J. Allrutr of Williamsport, Pa. Pfc. Sand­ Verplanck, Green, Nathatn Hale discrimination and segrega-,, UN sources said that in Condtilon of accident victim* berg ISv with the l|St iMarine Division. and Bowers schools were cMed as Twenty member* of ti^e Com­ tors. entering a contfacl for me \ • tion and injustice.” White deference to the Indian dele­ ' John Chanda of 44 Hay-ne* atreet Mlvage business at the dump, and having promoted the prgpam in [ gate it waa almost certain the and Herman T. Brown of CoUimbia munity Relation* Council of Tem­ hastening construction of a gate drh^r qf a poultry truck that Jum- an outstanding manner, nfid the' said afterward that Geit..; Coast Baste remain* unchanged at ,Manche*ter ple Beth Sholom were awom into at the approach. The rOntract for ed over on Camp Meeting .road high school for Its general display Eisenhower told the group' committee would postpone its Memorial-HoapiUI. Both are reat- the Ground Obaerver* Corps of the gate has been swarded, but the during the heavy rainstorm Ssitur- under Mrs. Evelyn Gersrd'ii aiiper- vote until Monday. Ing comfortable and improving. Court Cases “he would make known to the Taconia, Wash., Nov, 28— Civil Defense laat night by Direc- gate is not yet installed. ds7 morning, we* fined $9 on a vision, And -the srt work of Mis^; Senate that he wants filibus- (A>)—A four-engined military Chanda la atill on the critical Hat. ;or Edward Kraaenlc*. The cere- charge of violation of rule* of the Hope Henderson's students which’ Both were Involved in automobile ■nonies were performed in CD Edward J. Cameron, 29. of 235 on this level'was elfecUvely done. , tcrinlg stopped.” iJnited Nations, N. Y.^Nov. transport from Alaska aceldenU during the paat aeveral road.. headquarter* In the Municipal Tots to See Cireiis, Neipsic roadj Glastonbury, was Also disposed of this morning Highlights of the week were the 28—(A*)—The United Nations crashed in the fog a mile day*. Building. flned a total of 1250 In Town Couk , u„-ere the case* of Robert Flake. ! two speaiclng programs and the New York, Nov. 28—(/P)-^ pushed .toward a vote today short of its destination here These men volunteered to man 42, of.East Hartford, intoxication. I birthday party which cltn^xed the oin India’s €bminunist-con- Second Congregational Church the obaervation post at the Od,' this morning on charges .of evad- week's activities. | Officials of the CIO discussed shortly after midnight and pariahionera are invited to attend As Bank’s Gue§ts ing respons\btlity and tiriv',:’.:: v .30 day*, sentence suspended, and demned plan for ending the Fellows Building for a 24-hour one year probation; Leonard The by-laws of the new as^ia-i labor problems with Presi­ 36 of the 39 aboard (lied in the Thimkagiring aervlce at 8:30 period on Christmas Day ao that hia license vi-as under auspensjon. dent-elect Dwight D. Eisen­ Korean war. With U. S. sup the explosion and flames. A m. tomorrow at Center Church: The First National Bank of Man­ Deputy Judge Charles N. iShankman. 16, of 8 Cooper street, tion were presented and accepted. I the Christian members of the passing a signal light, $6. and Mrs. 'i^orence Conant. pubHc rela-' hower at his headquarters to­ port pledge, its adoption in The passenger Hat of servlea- or the aervlce at the .later hour of corp* ran be free for the day. chester will sponsor the physicMly Crockett fined Cameron ll.'M) on men and dapendents included V a. m. at the North Methodlet handicapped children of Manches­ the first charge and $100 on the liallurc to 'carry registration. $1; tinns chairman, gave a brief: day and said in a statement the face of bitter Soviet bloc Following the task of admitting .^gmuel J. Gordon. 28, of 85 S5iim- resume of plans for next'year's ■ seven women and nln* chUdren. O iurdi. the men to membership, Director ter who have been invited to at­ second in a rase that grew out of work, which will include' increased later the CIO “will react opposition was expected by an The only aurvlTora were two air­ Kraspnics turned the meeting over tend the two day circus at the a minor accident on Main street t street, violation of rules of thV road, $18; and Howard C. effort in the educational field, oh- vigorously to any effort to overwhelming majority. men and an elght-year-oM boy. to Thomai Maxwell, chief observer, State Armory on Main street Fri­ near Oak Thieaday. ser\’ance of Brotherhood Week. cut living stfiidards or to at­ Despite the rejection by Peiping. Two of the . women killed were in who instructed them on their day and Saturday. T. J. Crockett, Cameron, whTp'leaded guilty to ! HaWorsen. 41. of 61 Phelps toad Human Rights Week and'World A Kereaa trelley ear palle to etop la SeouL ehewlag a etroagly Moscow and Pyongyang, the In­ the military service. Several o t general chairman of the- Exchange both charges today, waa Involved sto(j sign violation, $18 tack labor.” worded greeUag to Preeldeat-eleet Dwight Eleeahower who le ex dian compromise prisoner of war duties. Health Day, and a trip - to the The official* saJd they did not t|)* chlldran were babiea. MACRI OIL CO. T aub Kiddies' Circus, made this In an 'accident with Mrs. Rae pected to violt front lines during Umakegivlag. Thle "Give The Com- resolution waa being shoved ' • 4 • anouncement today.' , BU8INES.S M E T IN G United Nations In New York, make' any auggeationa to Eiaen- Three M*jr Survive Snyder. 37. of 83 Middle Uirnoike munlete HeU, Ike," eign has been mittowed by SeouTs m ajor en two through by the mon-Gommuniat An Air Force information effl- Ron9« ond FimI OH ' Un^rpririleged and physicaijy west. He was not represented by King David la^dge Ng. 31, lOOF. howfer about a Secretary of La­ potmU: the familiar term *Tke,’’ and the eontroverelal term,yhclL” nations to place responalbllity for Ranrli Homes, handicapped chUdreA from Hart­ will •> lehort biisines • meeting bor. p4 r from McChord Air Fore* Baas, We avrd an attorney. (FfEA Telephoto). ' throwing down a Korean peace where tha big C-M waa preparing ColoBlkla______and Cape Coda ford, Warehouse point and Vernon In anoUrer c.a.se this morning. FridaV night in Odd Fellows Hall Their conference covered a squarely on the shoulders of the 24 HOUR SERVICE at fair pricea for our cash have also been invited to attend number of aubjecta, and the to land, said the hospltoia ex­ Leo J. Lol.selle, 25, of|Lowell, Maas., at 7;Sb. ■ ‘ HUSBANDS! Reds. pressed the beUef th* three sur­ castamera. Quick aervloe the circus. • Contributions for statement said the imion mem­ \ Menon Talk Set ^ METER TRUCKS —ao red tape. tickets from local business con bers will support Eisenhower in- vivors have a good chance to pull cems have made this poaalble. The Don’t have everyone In the India's V- K. Krishna Menon, through. i hia "constructive endeavors.’’' who drafted and introduced the N RURNER SERVICE Kiddies' Circus will bring to Man­ MEMIERS OF' family hut mother enjoy It waa issued by Henry C. ROKs Certain Ik& Preeldeat-elect Dwigkt D. Elaenkower can-ea the turkey for- the family’ Tfcaukagtviag dliaaier at Sgt. Raymond Smith, who was chester a" host of star performerg resolution, was to give tiis final the Etsenbower home on the Columhia VBlveralty eamput. INisitag with Dee aad hla wllp ate their reported to have been staUoned at MpYIS REALTY Thanksgiving. TIMES Have CbanseA Since Flaiaher, director of publicity for arguments—apparently in another TEL. MANCHESTER ’from teleyision, stage end the mov­ the CIO. daughter-ln-taw and their grandchildrea. Left tn right are: DVrtght DavM U, Mra. Maml^^MheahBWer, McChord base, died of head in­ ies. TiciwU for all four perform Have Your Dinnef At atten^pt to overcome the Commun­ Eisenhower, Susan Etaine, Mrs. John Eisenhower and Parhar^ Anne. Ige waiter la aet Bttfled. juries after being taken to a hoa- PHONE 4112 In the group were Walter Reu- ist objections—-before the General pltal. 4 5 2 3 sncea are on sale at the Kiddies The first Thankssivini! But ^ ther, president of the United TaDrive Out Reds Fair, Gaudet'i Jewelers, the Hob RED MEN’S CLUB • J Assembly's political committee At leaati two witnesses to th* Automobile Workers; James B. by Shop and the Crockett Ineur MILLER'S this afternoon. tragedy aaid the plane waa afire BE SURE TO Carey, secretary-treasurer of the Committee, chairman Joao Car­ aa It "Whooahed'' down to a tie*- anre Agency. RESTAURANT The Spirit Remaios the Same! CIO, and Allan 8. Haywood, ex­ Seoul, Nov. 28—(A*)—Millioms of South Koreans seem to AT THF. CrNTKR think U. S. President-elect Eisenhower is going to drive the los Muniz of 'Brazil told the dele­ Septuplets flanked fled about a mils from Its s IE AT THE ecutive vice president' of the gates yesterday .he waa eager to destination at McChord Air Forot Correction' CIO. Chinese Communists back into Manchuria. Clarence Ryee, have a vote on th# Indian resolu­ The photograph In yesterday's And Let Her Enjoy It Too! All Americans set aside a ^ay t4^* thank God* for an Baa*. CLUBROOMS earned abundance. It is appropriate, we at Bantly Oil The statement said: ofDcial igovemment spokesman, put it this way tion during today’* aeaaion as aoon CapL Jack Eaaley, pub)ie tnf<^ Hei'sUI of the four generstions of ‘ "We had a most pleasant con- as' Menon speaks. Birth Story the Johnson family wes mistaken­ Co. fee^to thank our customers for the faith they hare 'General Eisenhower repreeenta maUon oSloar a t McCbord, aslg FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE veraallon with. President-elect Els­ the tast great hope of our 22,000.' Secretary of State tJ^an Ache- President tha aarty rsporta ,k> tbs bans la-, t ■ i . ly credited to The Herald. The. TONIGHT FOR On had in our ability to serve them. enhower. 000 people. Ask any__m*« ^ to* son let it be known through a dlcatad th* ptaoe atroek A . trfia WE WILL SE photo waa taken by and: ahouM Pledge Support G1 Bags spokesman yeaterday tkki toe have been credited tn the Fallot street end-he will te|l you he be­ iridlb coming la toi^gbi-f" '* ' Though there is an ever present danger of fuel short- •The conversation coverod a lieves X^Mohower will drive toe . m a r -a U. S. delegation hka accepted, toe Gross H oax Studio, 70 East Center street. ANNUAL variety of aubjeota of mutual . Atlantic City, N. J„ Nov. 28—|L'.°" "We’re working that out,’* Reu- through a sawed window screen not too tart! pared a remarkably ccmvinelng last June 15 against a hill neat tails and mechanics wervikpected extra adlUona their readers tast night. diaaater etruck. Get reliable delivery service of hlgh- controlling inflation, repeal of the etory. HI gottammept ofB- toer said, and Haywood nodded in A rt Getchman,' 18, who was ANDERSON’S heal-conlent oil on demand or at irgn- greeting. I Karhyon which waa defended by With her customary craftiness, Company M. An exploding artil­ etata hurried the clinic where agreement. /Neither would com­ ahe left nothing to show Just how driving naarhy, and PhUlp Boldan. lar Intervals. Both services are available (Oontlnnrd on Page Nineteen) From toe SSth ]>arall*l to P\iaan, (Continued on Page Nlaeteea) ment further. this country btoaeoma arith signs lery round overturaed Cllne'a the mother auAd her. babiM sup- ■he circumvented the many pre­ a McChord taxi driver, who said to nt your need. All deliveries metered, posedyl had.^Msn takien. / . High CIO officials meet in ex­ tha plan* flew low over his horns, too, for your complete protection. and banners. weapon and buried the crew. cautions taken to keep her in. ICE CREAM BAR Hurriedly digging hi* way out Angry newamen who hhg spent ecutive aeaaion this afternoon to It was her second escape this war* th* witneaseo, who said the It gives one an odd feeling to toe otaht in front of the cHlHc said plane appeared to be afire. drive doOn narrow, wretched al­ and Cleaning his gun, Cline fired at year from the hoepital Where she ROUTE 6— lOLTON Ike May Blocls the ad-vancing Red Infantry until Air Unit Head they-tplimhed to protest to Chile's (Ooattaaed oa Page Nlaeteea) has been confined since 1838. In Getchman thought there was leys — festooning dirty, crowded neiv president, Gen. (tarlps Ibanez, fire in an engine on the IMt aid*. L. T. WOOD CO. hovels on both sides-but that's the he stopped their asaault. 1931 she killed two girl frienda and He turned back a second wave because Salamanca both released ■hipped their dismembered bodies PHONE 44T4 Taft ^on\ Parts way it is. This is anr all-out wel­ Hits Navy for the information aad later de­ (Conttaoed on Page NIiMteea) 51 BISSELL STREET . . . IS come. of attackersby destroying their to Lot Angeles as baggage. She Sfl nounced it, ^ was ’ sentenced to be hanged but /az/h 'Every city Is decorated," Rhee machine gun with direct fire, from T. Ha Wamock, Open at 5 p.m. PtO M OUR Of T-H Changes hia own. Publicity Stunt Salamanca said IRk authors of was found inaane JuSt 73 hours be­ assured. __ _ - Kills Howltakr the hoax had sought to gain pub­ fore she waa scheduled to go to (THURSDAY) Route 44—Manchester He added, aoberiy: "Our people Clina next wreckqq. la pack licity for a spring featival. 'They Dean of State the gallows. Washington, Nov. 28 — (J5 — are sick/and tired of waiting for Washington, NOv. 28—ing scribed as ‘'the first take-off of a Called. froRi AP Wires He had been In falling health for, ry Aggaals, ootstaodtag Baal eg many years. agreed. "She definitely had help Voivtraity athlete, aad Ouit the kMW •* AnwriMM work already has been done oil the guided missile in actual combat’’ I I I V ■ ' a he said. amendments. / the bombing of North Korean tar­ Wamock was a native of Meri­ ton, heavy hlttUg flrot hadsaiBa ' Mitchell led a band- of -officen would go south with the cloh i« ' Many of them will be sitaitar to British Nations Seeking get* by unmanned, electronically American mepiber gf interna­ den S l i d lived here all his life. He and hospital attendants oh'an un: the 28 changes which pfksed the controlled flghter-ptanea. tional Joint coimmiaaioh on St. became editor of toe Record with the spiiag. No tenne of the ceo-':"' productive search of the dark tract were dlscloaed beyoad iha ' Sehate in 1949 but ataUed In the Ralaed Falac Hopies Lawrence power project ii^Buffalo Ita first issue on Oct. 1,' 1892 with shrub-dotted asylum grounds. House. Taft aaya the 194i9 amend­ Kelly called thla a "cruel hoax tells how energy naers would pajr the late EMwin E. Smith as Ita This, Dr. Conway aaid, is how fact that the Sox explatnad Ag- -..L ment* died because/ the union* Means to Free Pound to play on the American family'' more than their share of. coats for publisher. Wamock remained in Winnie got out; gaals would aot play pew fUol- ‘ wanted repeal or nothing and felt and aaid it raised false hopes that construction . . . Robert L. Pear' his editorial post until hia death.' About 7 iso p. m., last night ahe NOTICE repeal had a chanc4 under a Dein- ...... the K* of pushbutton warfare Kdd soa, retired vice president jof toe Wamock started hia career aa a complained of a headache and said THANKS IVIN ? . ocratlc admlnlatrttlon. He i* London, NoV.. 28—— ■ -1, V ^froot, and by having faith in proyor, wo con . i ' Aaeembled in a renoyiit* Vfc f If Britain and.her rterllng n***i.tori*n conference room in .-White House of Commons in Lgndon that Ooe huadred tweoty-twe par- Ex^ueen Elena partners had enough spare for­ hall,' th* government quarter, the Italyfs, Orlando "there are tactical atomic, bomb 11 Former Czech Red Chiefs eoas lost their Uvea la troffle show our opprociotiou for what thoy art do* ;ius eign caah—either in gold or lit Just rime ministers and finance min- store* near American airflejd in aad adaeeUaaeoaa aectdeota ever. SadN^ Bahk Mdiiidio^ precious' dollars—^they could iters examined the future of their /On Death Bed southeast 'Englandisland . . . Johi ' L. Thaaksftvlag day. Aa aaotfMat"'-\ ' A* MUTUAL SAVlAGS BATIK Of Italy, 79, Dies quite easily move to free their gcurrency within the broader frame Leyris makes tast-mlaute plans to Facing Qallows as Traitors survey ahowed teday that 80. t ■ H own money from ita captivity. work of-their trade and financ* t leave New York for one-month perseaa were hUled ea atieeta I In ptoctical-terma to the ordi­ rctaUona arith the outside world. trip to South America. aad Ufhwaya aad 38 ia uOa* MontpaUief, Frano*. Nov. 2 ^ Rome,, Nov. 28—UP)—Vittorio eeftaaeeqs adahsoa het weiea • CLOSED Holp to hoop tho ^Lmoricaii woy of Ufo. "Nieo The 'Only One In Manchester . lip—Ex-Queen Elena of Italy died nary Briton it could mean buying Canada iloiM of th* nln* partlci' Emmanuel OrlSndo, architect of Sixteen horsemen take part in Vienna, Austria, Nov. 37—(F)—-aonts were given lift prison sen- i i ■ - - what he likes, where he likes, pating couptries uaea the dollar, resnined search of Lakeville area Eleven former-CzechosIovak Com- y««terday at toe cloae of * p. m. Wadli'eaday aad -Mat add* ■9 at her vUla her# today. She waa Italy's- Warld War I victory, lay ; tp com* homo to." , ~ 923 MAIN s t r e e t . traveling abroad aa much as he ^aimoniea of all the rest aip near death today, - for/ 10-yeir-old Connie Smith muiilst leedere-includlnr archl- t^M In Pr^fue- Bight. ' ' '.’fc ' Hkes, or sending pounds tp bis pegged to Britain’s pound sterling. missing since July 16 . . . In Mos­ muhlat leeders-includlng wchl-, ^ marked by virulent anti­ '^ ^ e widow J of King Vittorio Ddetors, maintaining a 24-hour tecta of the coup that swept their, gemitlam and an obvioua attempt taa GET B,^_PA T THURSDAY, NOV.' 27 Emanuel m and the mother o i for Cousin Sally Ann in Little Rock, Canada, South Africa and Aus- cow, Izvestla says Soviet govera- vnapoaits ma4e on or koforo lk« nnh of any month vigil at the bedside of the 92-year- meat anRera direct .loss of three titry into the Soviet orbit—to- to blame the group for C^sechb- Baataa, Nov. draw IntorMt from the ftrot of tfco ni^tlL m*r King Umberto n had been un^ which she could change into dol- trallk—all rich, expanding coun- old former premier who waljced coun' tarajj trias—were %ald to favor a sa-ift. billion rubles ($750 million) due day faced death on the gallows aa elovakls'e failure to fulfill Russian L. Alpert, regl der treatment by a French can. out on toe Varsailles peace treaty the Nattowa ■'ll. eer expert for Uitde years. And to the American businaaa- biA.ve dash for the freedom of the to spoilage of goods from coun­ confessed traitori.. requisitions for auppllea and erar ppund,'. They would stand to gain after th a t war, said only hi* strong tries under Red domination, Heading th* list of convicted materials. Beard, aaaanaced today a 18- DEPOSITS OVER The queen had been living in maa who has sunk money into heart waa keeping him alive. In Observance Of Tlianksgiving Dgy •xU* alBce the abdlcaUon of Vit some Comnfonwealto bustaeas It it bacauae they make or aell Chaage* la aatioa’s eleetlOB ringleaders in a "Ziontat-Trotaky- Three Merely ,Llaks yw M ld diapate hetweaa th r! $18,000,000 ’ - would mean he could .draw hla the sort of thing* that earn lots of Orlando, -the tast of the Varsail- taara to. be sought' in Washington Ita" plot to overtlfrow their pr^ The court explained Its leniency wlaeheeter_r Repeottog Aram: torio Emanuel in 1944. Vittorio Oampoay aad 188 toraMW ooml BUILDING M A T E R I A L S abdicated jn May of that yew and proOta In dollars much mor* fraaly pound*. It would suit them to b r -taa "Big Fowf,” suffered a cerebral next . week when congressional Moscow governmtot, are Rudolf In the case' of the three spared ^ NOT OPEN FRIDAY EVENING able fraaly to swap thoa* pounds hamorrhag* list Isight and then hearing* - are scheduled, to filanaky, former Secretary General from death by saying that one of ployaa hoa heaa aattM far 88*^ Servlag Manchester and vicinitir foTil briefparlod Umberto ll w m than he'can do now. LUMBER FUEL king. One June ■ 2 Italy, voted in U m Commonwaalth stataamaq for d(4lGra. . sank slowly into a coma, hia bpdy start . . . America's ferelgB eco­ of the Czech C: ) I — Paga Nbaetaiaj tur* of IL S-'World trad*. Three other Jewish co^lefend- « it -I . • 4 r.f|3 A : ■ V - ’ y ■■ 'A* • . i I' V"-